雅思大作文评阅boys andgirls

男的和女的应该平等承担家务雅思作文In today's modern society, the traditional division of household responsibilities based on gender roles is being challenged. It is no longer acceptable to assume that women should be solely responsible for housework while men focus on their careers. The concept of gender equality extends to all aspects of life, including the sharing of household chores.Both men and women should have equal responsibility for household tasks. This means sharing the burden of cooking, cleaning, laundry, and other chores in a fair and equitable manner. When both partners contribute equally to the household duties, it not only reduces the workload for one person but also fosters a sense of cooperation and mutual respect in the relationship.By sharing household chores equally, men and women can break free from outdated stereotypes and achieve a more balanced and harmonious family life. It promotes a more egalitarian society where individuals are valued for their contributions regardless of their gender. Moreover, it sets a positive example for future generations, teaching them the importance of cooperation and equality in all aspects of life.In conclusion, the idea of equal sharing of household chores between men and women is not only fair and just but also essentialfor building strong and healthy relationships. It is time to move away from gender-based division of labor and embrace a more inclusive and progressive approach to household responsibilities.中文翻译:在当今现代社会,基于性别角色的传统家务责任分工受到了挑战。

Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.Discus both these views and give your own opinion.Some countries have single-sex education models, while in others both single sex and mixed schools co-exist and it is up to the parents or the children to decide which model is preferable.有些国家实行单性教育模式,而在另一些国家,单性教育和混合学校并存,由父母或孩子决定哪种模式更可取。
Some educationalists think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single-sex schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourages pupils to concentrate on their studies. This is probably true to some extent. It also allows more equality among pupils and gives more opportunity to all those at the school to choose students more freely without gender prejudice. For example, a much higher proportion of girls study science to a high level when they attend girls’ schools than their counterparts in mixed schools do. Similarly, boys in single-sex schools are more likely to take cookery classes and study languages, which are often thought of as traditional subjects for girls.一些教育学家认为在单性别学校教育男孩和女孩更有效,因为他们认为这种环境减少了分心,鼓励学生集中精力学习。

女生和男生英语对比作文Girls and Boys: A Comparison。
Boys and girls are both human beings, but they have many differences. These differences can be seen in their physical appearance, behavior, and interests.Firstly, boys and girls have different physical appearances. Boys are usually taller and stronger than girls. They have broader shoulders and bigger muscles. On the other hand, girls are usually shorter and have acurvier body shape. They have smaller muscles and are generally less physically strong than boys.Secondly, boys and girls have different behaviors. Boys are usually more aggressive and competitive than girls. They enjoy playing sports and games that require physical strength and endurance. Girls, on the other hand, are usually more nurturing and caring. They enjoy activities that involve socializing and building relationships, suchas talking, shopping, and doing crafts.Finally, boys and girls have different interests. Boys tend to be interested in things like cars, sports, and video games. They like to explore and take risks. Girls, on the other hand, tend to be interested in things like fashion, music, and art. They like to express themselves creatively and enjoy beauty and aesthetics.Despite these differences, boys and girls are both valuable members of society. They each bring unique strengths and perspectives to the table. It is important to recognize and celebrate these differences, rather than trying to make everyone the same.In conclusion, boys and girls are different in many ways, including their physical appearance, behavior, and interests. These differences should be appreciated and respected, as they contribute to the diversity and richness of our world.。

英语作文男女差异DifferencesbetweenBoysandGirlsDifferences Between Boys and GirlsAs far as I'm concerned, there are a lot of differences between boys and girls in modern society. And my reasons are as follows.First of all, boys and girls have physical differences. Boys are often stronger than girls, andthat's why when taking Physical-education tests, the standards for boys are always higher than the girls'. Additionally, according to biological researches, girls differ from boys in their brain structures. As we all know, boys are good at some 'masculine' subjects like mathematics and science while girls do better on sociology and history; boys are usually more aggressive while girls are more sensitive; girls love spend time shopping while boys do not, etc.. All these facts are because of the reason that the hormone level of babies of different genders varies from each other, which lead to the brain structural difference as they grow up. Besides, boys and girls have different values. For instance, girls care more about their family while boys pay more attention on their career, which may be the reason why so many outstanding persons in society are male. Finally, people's view about girls and boys are different. For example, comparing to girls, boys are always thought to be more rational and creative. And as for girls, most people would agree that they are more romantic and diligent. Those may be stereotypes, but they really exist.From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that the differences between boys and girls are in all aspects.。

雅思大作文评阅boysandgirlsMany people believe that boys and girls learn better when they are educated separatrly, What is your view on this practice agree or disagreeEducation is one of the most important things that every country has to pay attention to, because it decides the future of a country. Nowadays, whether boys and girls should study together in one classroom is a heated issue.I think that boys and girls who study at co-educationl schools perform better than those who do not.Single-sex schools single-gender schools mixed-schools co-educational schoolsIt is true that there are many knowledges boys and girls do not know exactly, such as what is love and what is sex.1.Having the boys and girls study in the same classroom doing the same projects together creates competition between genders, this strategy/method often means better results.Parents and teachers should teach them together, do not treat them separately and giving comprehensive explanation can prevent happening gender discrimination and juvenile delinquency. Realizing the essential function of education is more significant than imparting knowledges.A free, open and pluralistic class prompts students’willing to study and absorb knowledges.Develop team working skills with the opposite sex. This is important becuase this type of education mirrors the real world.There are many differences between boys and girls, such as the way and aspect of thinking the same question and choosing the words when they are talking, which can create a dynamic andimpressive lesson. .The people who holds the view that males and females should study separately think that lerning together may cause some crimes about sex and love and so ona.This is not to say that boys and girls studying at single-sex school does not bring benefits to them. At single-gender schools, girls can develop and progress quicker. This mean less dicipline issues and more effective time. But nowadays, boys and girls studying at one school can bring more advantages,But if a student has learnt these knowledges well and had an equal viewpoint about the difference between boys and girls, how can these crimes happen?In summary, students should not be split in two groups in gender, instead, they should study together. Also, teachers and parents should enhance teaching the related knowledges about gender. Only by doing this can we make sure our next generation will live in a better society.Some people believe that boys and girls behave differently only because society teaching them that they are different.My view is that behavioural differences between the sexes are not hard-wired at birth but are the results of societys expectations.Intrinscally专有词汇1 paragraphsThe female brain is predominately hard-wired for empathy and learning language, while the male brian is hard-wired for understanding and building systems. A boy’s sense of self is defined though his innate ability to achieve results and a girls sense of self is through her brian functions.2 paragraphsBoys are told to behave strong and competitive, whereas girls are taught to behave gentle and compliant. Boy and girls are told to behave differently becuase people’s stereotype based on men are from Mars and women are from Venus.These differences increase with age becuase our children’s intellictual biases are being exaggerated and intensifies by our gendered culture. Boys developed improved spatial skills not becuase of their inherited genes but becuase they are encouraged and expected to be strong at sport.Articulate our prefosser who teaches us medicine is articulating many fine points.Fluency fluent。

boysandgirls英语作文{z}Title: Boys and GirlsIn today"s society, the topic of boys and girls has been a popular subject of discussion and debate.It is interesting to note that while there are differences between the two genders, they are more alike than different.Boys and girls have distinct physical characteristics.Boys are typically taller and stronger than girls, while girls tend to have more curves and are generally smaller in size.These differences in physical appearance can be attributed to hormonal differences.Boys have higher levels of testosterone, which promotes muscle growth and development, while girls have higher levels of estrogen and progesterone, which regulate their menstrual cycle and promote the development of breasts and curves.Despite these physical differences, boys and girls share many similarities in their personalities and behaviors.For example, both genders are capable of being compassionate, caring, and nurturing.They both have the ability to form strong friendships and relationships with others.Additionally, both boys and girls can be competitive, assertive, and independent.It is important to note that gender is not determined by biological factors alone.Gender is a social construct, which means that it is shapedby societal norms and expectations.For example, in some cultures, women are expected to be caregivers and homemakers, while men are expected to be providers and breadwinners.These gender roles can limit the opportunities available to individuals and can perpetuate stereotypes and discrimination.In recent years, there has been a growing movement to break down these gender stereotypes and to promote gender equality.This movement, known as gender equality or gender mainstreaming, aims to eliminate discrimination and to provide equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their gender.In conclusion, while there are differences between boys and girls in terms of their physical characteristics, they are more alike than different in terms of their personalities and behaviors.It is important to recognize and respect the diversity of gender and to promote gender equality in society.。

男孩女孩的区别英语作文Differences Between Boys and GirlsBoys and girls, despite being human beings, exhibit distinct characteristics, behaviors, and preferences. These differences are not only limited to physical appearance but also extend to emotional, psychological, and social aspects. This essay aims to explore some of the key differences between boys and girls.Physiological Differences:From the moment of birth, boys and girls exhibit physiological differences. Girls typically have higher levels of estrogen, a hormone responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts and wider hips. Boys, on the other hand, have higher levels of testosterone, which leads to the development of facial hair, a deeper voice, and a more muscular build.Psychological and Emotional Differences:Psychologically and emotionally, boys and girls tend to differ significantly. Girls often demonstrate greater empathy and emotional intelligence. They are more likely to express their feelings, seek emotional support, and form close-knit friendships. Boys, however, are frequently socialized to be strong and self-reliant. They may suppress their emotions and prefer to solve problems independently.Hobbies and Interests:When it comes to hobbies and interests, boys and girls tend to gravitate towards different activities. Boys are often attracted to sports, video games, and outdoor activities that involve physical exertion and competition. They may also show a preference for activities that involve building, dismantling, and exploring how things work. Girls, on the other hand, may be more interested in artistic pursuits such as dancing, singing, and drawing. They may also enjoy socializing, shopping, and engaging in imaginative play.Academic Performance:Research suggests that boys and girls may excel in different academic subjects. Girls tend to perform better in languages, arts, and social sciences, while boys may excel in mathematics, science, and technical fields. However, it is crucial to note that these trends are not universal and can vary greatly among individuals.Social Behavior:In social settings, boys and girls may exhibit different behaviors. Girls often prioritize communication, cooperation, and maintaining harmonious relationships. They are more likely to engage in collaborative activities and resolve conflicts through negotiation and compromise. Boys, on the other hand, may engage in more competitive behaviors and value independence and autonomy. They may resort to physical aggression or confrontational tactics to resolve disputes.Conclusion:The differences between boys and girls are multifaceted, encompassing physiological, psychological, emotional, and social aspects. While general trends can be observed, it is essential to remember that individuals may defy these stereotypes. Embracing and understanding these differences can help us create a more inclusive and supportive environment for both boys and girls to thrive.。

关于男女分校的雅思作文英文回答:In my opinion, I believe that having separate schools for boys and girls can have both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, it can create a more focused and comfortable learning environment for students. Boys and girls may have different learning styles and preferences, and by separating them, teachers can tailor their teaching methods to better suit the needs of each gender. Additionally, some students may feel more comfortable and confident to participate in class discussions andactivities when they are not surrounded by the opposite gender. This can lead to increased engagement and better academic performance.However, there are also drawbacks to having gender-segregated schools. Firstly, it can reinforce gender stereotypes and limit opportunities for students tointeract and learn from one another. In the real world, menand women work together in various fields, and it is important for students to develop the skills to collaborate and communicate effectively with people of the opposite gender. Furthermore, separating boys and girls may not adequately prepare them for the challenges they will face in the future, where they will have to interact and work with people of all genders.中文回答:在我看来,我认为男女分校既有优点也有缺点。

如何看待男女生的性别差异英语作文Gender differences between boys and girls are a natural and inevitable part of human existence. However, the way we view and interpret these differences can vary widely.Firstly, it's important to recognize that gender differences don't always mean superiority or inferiority. Boys and girls are unique in their own ways and possess different strengths and weaknesses. For instance, boysmight excel in physical activities and spatial reasoning, while girls often demonstrate stronger emotionalintelligence and communication skills.On the flip side, society often imposes gender stereotypes that limit the potential of both boys and girls. Boys are expected to be tough and competitive, while girls are pressured to be nurturing and agreeable. These expectations can be harmful, as they restrict individuals from exploring their true interests and abilities.Moreover, gender differences shouldn't be the sole determinant of a person's identity or worth. Everyone is unique, and their gender should only be one aspect of their overall personality and characteristics. We should respect and appreciate the diverse qualities that make each individual special, regardless of their gender.In conclusion, gender differences.。

关于男生女生身体语言差异的英语作文看法In terms of body language differences between boys and girls, there are certainly a number of distinct characteristics that can be observed. While it's importantto note that these differences can vary greatly from person to person and are not always applicable to every individual, there are some general trends that can be identified.One of the most noticeable differences in body language between boys and girls is in their posture and overall physical presence. Boys tend to have a more open and expansive posture, often taking up more physical space and using more exaggerated movements. Girls, on the other hand, often have a more closed and compact posture, with smaller, more controlled movements.In terms of facial expressions, boys and girls also tend to display different patterns of nonverbal communication. Boys may be more likely to display expressions of anger or aggression, while girls may be more likely to express sadness or fear. Additionally, girls often use more facialexpressions and are generally more expressive with their emotions.Another key difference in body language between boys and girls is in their use of touch. Boys are often more comfortable with physical touch and may use it more frequently in interactions with others. Girls, on the other hand, may be more selective about when and how they use touch, and may be more sensitive to the boundaries of personal space.Furthermore, there are differences in the way boys and girls use eye contact and gaze. Boys tend to use direct eye contact more frequently and may hold it for longer periods of time, while girls may use more indirect or fleeting eye contact. This can reflect differences in assertiveness and confidence in communication styles.Overall, it's important to remember that these differences are not set in stone and can vary widely from person to person. Additionally, societal and cultural factors can also play a significant role in shaping body language differences between boys and girls.关于男生女生身体语言差异的英语作文看法关于男生女生身体语言差异的英语作文看法,有许多明显的特征可以被观察到。

男生女生平等英文作文Title: Equality Between Boys and Girls。
In today's society, the concept of gender equality has become increasingly significant. It is crucial to recognize that both boys and girls should have equal rights, opportunities, and treatment in all aspects of life. This essay will delve into the importance of gender equality and explore how it can be promoted and upheld.Firstly, it is essential to acknowledge that gender equality is a fundamental human right. Regardless of one's gender, every individual should have the freedom to pursue their aspirations and goals without facing discrimination or prejudice. Both boys and girls possess unique talents, abilities, and perspectives that contribute to thediversity and progress of society. Therefore, denying equal opportunities based on gender not only hinders individual potential but also impedes societal development.Moreover, promoting gender equality fosters a more inclusive and harmonious society. When boys and girls are treated with equal respect and dignity, it cultivates a culture of mutual understanding and cooperation. By breaking down traditional gender stereotypes and roles, individuals are empowered to explore diverse interests and careers without fear of judgment or limitation. This inclusivity not only benefits individuals but also strengthens communities and promotes social cohesion.Education plays a pivotal role in promoting gender equality. Schools and educational institutions should strive to create environments that are free from gender bias and discrimination. This includes implementing inclusive curriculum materials that represent diverse gender identities and experiences. Additionally, educators should be trained to recognize and address implicit biases to ensure that all students receive equal support and encouragement regardless of their gender.Furthermore, parental influence significantly shapes children's attitudes and beliefs about gender roles.Parents play a crucial role in challenging traditional stereotypes and promoting equality within the family unit. By modeling equitable behaviors and expectations, parents can instill values of respect, fairness, and empathy intheir children. Encouraging open communication and embracing children's individuality are essential steps towards fostering a more egalitarian society.In the workplace, efforts to achieve gender equalityare imperative for creating fair and inclusive environments. Employers must prioritize policies and practices that promote equal pay, opportunities for advancement, and work-life balance for all employees, regardless of gender. Additionally, addressing workplace harassment and discrimination is essential to ensure that all individuals feel safe and respected in their professional environments.Government policies and legislation also play a crucial role in advancing gender equality. Laws that prohibit discrimination based on gender, promote equal access to education and employment, and support initiatives toaddress gender-based violence are essential steps towardscreating a more equitable society. Governments must also allocate resources to support programs and initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality and empowering marginalized communities.In conclusion, achieving gender equality is essential for creating a fair, just, and inclusive society. By recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals, regardless of gender, we can work towards a world where boys and girls have equal opportunities to thrive and succeed. Through education, parental guidance, workplace initiatives, and government policies, we can collectively promote and uphold the principles of gender equality for the betterment of all.。

男孩与女孩学习差异的理解In the realm of education, the discussion of gender-based learning differences between boys and girls often arises. These discussions often focus on the stereotype that boys excel in mathematical and scientific fields, while girls prevail in languages and the humanities. However, the truth is far more nuanced and complex, with various factors influencing individual academic preferences and abilities.It is important to recognize that boys and girls are unique individuals with their own strengths and weaknesses. While some gender-based differences may exist, they are not absolute, and cannot be generalized to all members of a particular gender. Furthermore, these differences are often influenced by a range of variables, including socialization, cultural expectations, and personal interests.For instance, boys may be encouraged from a young age to value competitiveness and assertiveness, which may explain their tendency to excel in fields that require logical thinking andproblem-solving skills. On the other hand, girls may be socialized to value cooperation and empathy, leading them to excel in areas that require communication and interpersonal skills. However, these tendencies can be overcome with exposure to different environments and encouragement to pursue interests beyond traditional gender roles.Additionally, the way education is structured can have a significant impact on gender-based learning differences. Traditional school systems often emphasize competition and ranking, which may discourage girls from pursuing fields that are traditionally considered "masculine." Conversely, a more collaborative and inclusive approach to education can foster an environment where both boys and girls can excel in a range of subjects.It is also crucial to consider the role of society's expectations and biases in shaping gender-based learning differences. Gender norms and stereotypes can limit the opportunities and aspirations of both boys and girls, preventing them from realizing their full potential. By challenging these norms and promoting a culture ofinclusivity and respect, we can create an environment where all students can thrive academically.In conclusion, the understanding of gender-based learning differences between boys and girls is a complex and multifaceted issue. While some gender-based differences may exist, they are not absolute and cannot be generalized to all members of a particular gender. By recognizing the uniqueness of each individual and fostering an inclusive and collaborative approach to education, we can empower both boys and girls to achieve their full academic potential.**男孩与女孩学习差异的理解**在教育的领域里,关于男孩和女孩学习差异的讨论常常出现。

男孩和女孩英语作文Boys and Girls。
Boys and girls are different in many ways. Physically, boys are usually taller and stronger than girls. They also tend to have more muscle mass and bone density. Girls, on the other hand, tend to have more body fat and are generally more flexible.In terms of personality, boys and girls can also be quite different. Boys are often more competitive and aggressive, while girls are more nurturing and empathetic. Of course, these are just generalizations, and there are always exceptions.Despite these differences, boys and girls can still be great friends. They can share interests and hobbies, and support each other through tough times. It's important to remember that everyone is unique, regardless of their gender.In some cultures, there are strict gender roles that dictate what boys and girls should do and how they should behave. However, it's important to challenge these stereotypes and allow everyone to express themselves in their own way.Ultimately, boys and girls are more alike than they are different. We all have hopes, dreams, and fears, and we all deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.In conclusion, while boys and girls may have some differences, we should focus on our similarities and celebrate our individuality. By embracing diversity and encouraging equality, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious world.。
【优质文档】雅思大作文点评:大学男生女生是否应一样多?word版本 (1页)

【优质文档】雅思大作文点评:大学男生女生是否应一样多?word版本本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思大作文点评:大学男生女生是否应一样多?下面是一篇剑桥5里面的题目,关于大学里面男学生和女学生是不是应该一样多。
Gender discrimination is always a topic in our society . Nowadays , an issue under discussion is whether equal numbers of male and female students should be enrolled in every subject by universityies . In my opinion , it is benificial to put emphasis on sexual equality . However , the request of accepting same numbers of boys and girls in every subject is overly simplistic .点评:从结构和内容上来说,还不错,符合要求:前两句话过渡一下,交待背景信息,最后表达自己的观点.本段作者是通过两句话来表达观点,也未尝不可.从语言角度来说,没有严重的错误,从句也得到了运用,但是还是有错。
There are mainly two reasons for me to say so . Firstly , individuals have their own rights to choose the subjects they enjoy . Thus , it is hard to say whether the number of these two different genders will coincidentally be the same in the end . Secondly , the society calls for different things from males and females . According to my experience , we have a special school named Female school in our university , the main subjects of which are intermedia , individual image design , photography and so on . Only girls can get enrolled in this school because the main goal of this school is to cultivate girls that not only can stand on their own fet after graduation , but also live a good life while they act as mothers or housewives in the future . There is no doubt that males and females will act different roles in society after graduation .。

雅思考试优秀作文范文:男孩和女孩应该上同一学校It is common knowledge that boys and girls have different periods in their physical and mental growth. Thus having friends in the other gender is quite important to their growth. Some people say that boys and girls should attend separate schools. I totally disagree with this opinion. I will explain my view by the following reasons.众所周知,男孩和女孩在身心成长中有不同的时期。
First, boys and girls have distinct characters and abilities so the study level between them during these periods can not be balanced if we divide them into two separate schools. Schools should have both boys and girls, which enables students to help each other to achieve a balanced growth . For example, a boy can help a girl in math or a girl can help a boy in art subjects such as literature, and history, because most boys are smarter in natural science subjects while girls are generally more hard-working. According to research of some English scientists, a school with both male and female students has greater number of graduates than those having only students in a single gender.首先,男孩和女孩有不同的性格和能力,所以如果我们把他们分成两个独立的学校,他们在这些时期的学习水平就不能达到平衡。
【大学英语作文】男孩女孩(Boys And Girls)

【关键字】大学英语作文男孩女孩(Boys And Girls)男孩女孩(boys and girls)boys like fighting; girls like dressing. boys like beauties; girls like handsome guys. when we talk about the taste of man, it is full of sweat smell; when we talk about the aroma of woman, it is full of sweet smell. boys always make troubles for their parents; girls always earn praise for their parents. boys always stand when they piss; no matter they make water or have a bowel movement, they squat. most of the boys have short hair, except f4; most of the girls wear braids, except “super girls”. even i n hot summer days, girls always wear more clothes than boys. each month, girls feel ill at ease in that certain week; boys always have several special nights in those uncertain days. boys are called men when grow up; girls are called women when they reach maturity. women have the contraction when are delivering a baby; men arescared by their cursing. men like cheating; women are likely to be cheated. when a girl tells you she loves you, indeed; when a boy tells you he loves you, be careful!the reason why i am a boy is that i like what i am now. i have made agreat deal with our almighty god that if i want to be a guy in next life, i should respect females and take care of them in this life.i am trying.文档从互联网中收集,已重新整理排版,word版本支持修改!。

Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.Discus both these views and give your own opinion.Some countries have single-sex education models, while in others both single sex and mixed schools co-exist and it is up to the parents or the children to decide which model is preferable.有些国家实行单性教育模式,而在另一些国家,单性教育和混合学校并存,由父母或孩子决定哪种模式更可取。
Some educationalists think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single-sex schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourages pupils to concentrate on their studies. This is probably true to some extent. It also allows more equality among pupils and gives more opportunity to all those at the school to choose students more freely without gender prejudice. For example, a much higher proportion of girls study science to a high level when they attend girls’ schools than their counterparts in mixed schools do. Similarly, boys in single-sex schools are more likely to take cookery classes and study languages, which are often thought of as traditional subjects for girls.一些教育学家认为在单性别学校教育男孩和女孩更有效,因为他们认为这种环境减少了分心,鼓励学生集中精力学习。

男生和女生打扮对比英语作文(中英文实用版)Title: Comparison of Boys" and Girls" AppearanceIn today"s society, there is an increasing emphasis on the way people dress and appear.Boys and girls often have different styles and preferences when it comes to fashion and appearance.This essay aims to compare and contrast the dressing styles and appearance of boys and girls.Boys generally prefer a more casual and comfortable style of dressing.They often wear jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers, as these are considered to be practical and easy to maintain.Boys also tend to favor simple and minimalist fashion accessories, such as watches and bracelets, if any.Their hairstyles are usually short and clean, requiring less maintenance.On the other hand, girls are more inclined to experiment with different styles and colors.They often opt for skirts, dresses, and high heels, which are considered to be more elegant and flattering.Girls also like to accessorize their outfits with various items such as earrings, necklaces, and purses.Their hairstyles are usually more complex and require more time to style.Moreover, when it comes to personal care, girls generally pay more attention to their appearance.They often spend more time on makeupand skincare routines, ensuring that their skin is properly cared for and makeup is applied correctly.Boys, on the other hand, tend to focus more on hygiene, such as shaving and keeping their nails clean.It is important to note that these are generalizations and not all boys and girls fit these descriptions.Personal preferences and individual styles play a significant role in how people dress and appear.Cultural and societal factors also influence the way boys and girls dress, as what is considered appropriate or fashionable can vary greatly depending on the context.In conclusion, boys and girls have different dressing styles and appearance preferences.While boys prefer a more casual and minimalist style, girls tend to opt for more elegant and intricate outfits.However, personal preferences and cultural factors play a significant role in determining individual styles.。
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Many people believe that boys and girls learn better when they are educated separatrly, What is your view on this practice agree or disagree
Education is one of the most important things that every country has to pay attention to, because it decides the future of a country. Nowadays, whether boys and girls should study together in one classroom is a heated issue.
I think that boys and girls who study at co-educationl schools perform better than those who do not.
Single-sex schools single-gender schools mixed-schools co-educational schools
It is true that there are many knowledges boys and girls do not know exactly, such as what is love and what is sex.
1.Having the boys and girls study in the same classroom doing the same projects together creates competition between genders, this strategy/method often means better results.
Parents and teachers should teach them together, do not treat them separately and giving comprehensive explanation can prevent happening gender discrimination and juvenile delinquency. Realizing the essential function of education is more significant than imparting knowledges.
A free, open and pluralistic class prompts students’willing to study and absorb knowledges.
Develop team working skills with the opposite sex. This is important becuase this type of education mirrors the real world.
There are many differences between boys and girls, such as the way and aspect of thinking the same question and choosing the words when they are talking, which can create a dynamic and impressive lesson. .
The people who holds the view that males and females should study separately think that lerning together may cause some crimes about sex and love and so ona.
This is not to say that boys and girls studying at single-sex school does not bring benefits to them. At single-gender schools, girls can develop and progress quicker. This mean less dicipline issues and more effective time. But nowadays, boys and girls studying at one school can bring more advantages,
But if a student has learnt these knowledges well and had an equal viewpoint about the difference between boys and girls, how can these crimes happen?
In summary, students should not be split in two groups in gender, instead, they should study together. Also, teachers and parents should enhance teaching the related knowledges about gender. Only by doing this can we make sure our next generation will live in a better society.
Some people believe that boys and girls behave differently only because society teaching them that they are different.
My view is that behavioural differences between the sexes are not hard-wired at birth but are the results of societys expectations.
1 paragraphs
The female brain is predominately hard-wired for empathy and learning language, while the male brian is hard-wired for understanding and building systems. A boy’s sense of self is defined though his innate ability to achieve results and a girls sense of self is through her brian functions.
2 paragraphs
Boys are told to behave strong and competitive, whereas girls are taught to behave gentle and compliant. Boy and girls are told to behave differently becuase people’s stereotype based on men are from Mars and women are from Venus.
These differences increase with age becuase our children’s intellictual biases are being exaggerated and intensifies by our gendered culture. Boys developed improved spatial skills not becuase of their inherited genes but becuase they are encouraged and expected to be strong at sport.
Articulate our prefosser who teaches us medicine is articulating many fine points.
Fluency fluent。