

雅思大作文写作结构和各段功能句审题步骤1. 读懂题目,题眼:1. adj adv2. 否定3. 重复出现的=主题2. (判断题型)确定主体段落的结构回忆3. 列提纲写作速度 论据(支持/反对的原因,问题有几个—解决办法,优点/缺点是哪些。
)选择论据/例子A: 列(多多益善)B: 并(重复,有关联的)C: 选(去掉抽象/不能表达/缺乏词汇支持的)D: 排(分组/合适的顺序)文章结构驳论类1(一个观点,同不同意—Yes or No)第一段:背景句+引出话题+考题改写+本人立场第二段:***支持该观点的原因1组总括(功能性的句子)+首先(解释+举例),其次(A+B)第三段:***支持该观点的原因2组第四段:让步+重申立场+(建议/预测)点到为止2.给出2个观点选择1个—A or B第一段:背景句+引出话题+考题改写(AB观点都列出来)+本人立场(我选择A/B)第二段:分析正面观点+原因可以分两段第三段:分析反方观点+原因2>3第四段:总结+重申自己立场+(建议/预测)立场3. 中立: 多大程度同意yes and no第一段: 背景句+引出话题+考题改写第二段:论证正面第三段:论证反面2>3/ 2=3 多大程度同意第四段:折中+建议(解决办法=本人立场观点)立场论证(正) 让步总结4. 优缺点 4 para第一段:背景句+引出话题+改写考题=(这个东西有好有坏)第二段:优点: 是什么1 2 3(为什么?)第三段:缺点: 是什么1 2 3(为什么?)第四段:总结(承认并存/分析主导)+建议+(预测)5. 解释问题原因+措施problem → causes + solutions第一段:背景句+引出话题+[改写考题+尾巴(总括问题的原因/在我看来原因很多)] 第二段:问题1←原因1+措施1第三段:问题2←原因2+措施2第四段:问题3←原因3+措施3第五段:总结建议+预测6. discuss both view s and give your own opinion第一段:背景句+考题改写=双方观点列出来第2段:论证观点一第3段:论证观点二第四段:我自己的观点→针对话题2+3→ 4 第五段:总结+建议+预测7. 综合类A: 驳论立场+论述(支持论据)+让步B: 讨论1. 优缺点2. 分析原因+措施3. 给出个人意见主题描述C: 综合类主题描述+驳论开头背景句引入话题对这个主题做出描述驳论:表明立场给出论证总结:做出适当让步conclusion驳论+措施/优(/缺)点开头背景句引入话题表明立场驳论:给出论证做出适当让步写明措施/写出优(/缺) 点总结:conclusion各个段落结构及句型:功能句第一段1交代背景:●Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development isheavily influenced by the genetic sciences.●Nowadays, …are playing increasingly important part/role in our life /when…●In the present days, with the development of(thanks to sth)…, sth arebecoming n/ more and more heating/ adj背景(time, 科技发展环境,生活大环境。

可以使用一些常见的开头句式,如"In this essay, I will argue that..."或者"I firmly believe that..."等。


一、Argument类essay结构“To what extent do you agree or disagree / what’s your opinion?”这类便是argument类雅思作文。
二、Discussion类essay结构“Do you think it is a positive or negative development / Discuss both views and give your opinions.”这类便是discussion 类雅思作文。
可用merit, benefit, value, strength等代替advantage,用downside, weakness等代替disadvantage。
三、Report类essay结构“what are the reasons and provide solutions”这类便是report类雅思作文。

1. 对题目进行重新阐释(重新解释题目)。
2. 陈述自己的观点。
1. 第一段,列举论点一。
a. 阐述论点一。
b. 举例说明论点一。
c. 结合实际情况进行论证。
2. 第二段,列举论点二。
a. 阐述论点二。
b. 举例说明论点二。
c. 结合实际情况进行论证。
3. 第三段,列举论点三。
a. 阐述论点三。
b. 举例说明论点三。
c. 结合实际情况进行论证。
1. 总结全文观点。
2. 强调自己的观点。
3. 对未来可能出现的情况进行展望。

移动单机游戏企业组织架构及部门职责2021年11月目录一、组织架构 (3)二、主要部门职责 (4)1、单机部 (4)2、网游部 (4)3、客服部 (4)4、策划部 (4)5、研发部 (4)6、测试部 (5)7、人事行政部 (5)8、财务部 (6)9、法务部 (6)移动单机游戏企业组织架构及部门职责一、组织架构二、主要部门职责1、单机部负责单机产品与产品合作方、推广平台各项的商务及渠道拓展、合作;负责公司产品与运营商、第三方渠道等各项目的运营支撑以及运营策略部署、运营数据分析;负责公司产品与运营商申报、开展的增值业务各项目的运营支撑。

PromptTo what extent do you agree or disagree?(同意)1st Paragraph(开头段)People have different views about….Personally, I agree with the idea that…2nd Paragraph (主体段1)The most important reason why…is that…3rd Paragraph (主体段2)Furthermore, …4th Paragraph(锦上添花段落)Opposing views claim that (引出对立观点)…The reason often put forward is that…It is true that…(部分肯定对立观点)However,…(驳5th Paragraph (结论段)In conclusion,disagree?(不同意)disagree?(不同意)It is true that…However, Icompletely disagree with theview that…Many people argue that…However, I completely disagree with this view and instead believethat...The most important reason why…is that…The most important reason why…is that…Furthermore,…Furthermore, …Opposing views claim that (引出对立观点)…The reason often putforward is that…It is true that…(部分肯定对立观点)However,…(驳Opposing views claim that (引出对立观点)…The reason often put forward is that…It is true that…(部分肯定对立观点)However,…(驳In conclusion,In conclusion,To a certain extent I agree that…However, I also believe that...Some…,while other…. Personally, I believe that both….On the one hand, I accept that…The main reason is that…(第一个分论点) For example, …In addition, …(第二个分论点)…On the one hand, I accept that…The main reason is that…(第一个分论点) For example, …In addition, …(第二个分论点)…At the same time, however, I also believe that…At the same time, however, I also believe that…In conclusion,In conclusion,People have different views about While I accept that…, I personally believe that...It is sometimes argued that...There are good arguments both for and against this view, and I believe that it dependsOn the one hand, I accept that…The main reason is that…(第一个分论点) For example, …In addition, …(第二个分论点)…Several arguments can be made in favor of…It is often claimed that…(第一个分论点)For example,…In addition, …(第二个分论点)At the same time, however, I also believe that…However, there are equally convincing reasons why… The first is that…In conclusion,In conclusion,Discuss both views and give your opinion.People have different views about…While some people are of the opinion that…, I would argue that…There are good reasons why…/There are good arguments in favor of…./There are definite advantages of... (引题句)The first is that…(第一个分论点)For example,…Additionally, …(第二个Despite the above arguments, I believe that…In conclusion,。

雅思大作文固定框架一、DiscussionSome people think …while others believe… Discuss both views and give your own opinion.开头段:People have different views with regard to…. While there are some benefits to/arguments against…I still believe ….主体段一:There are several reasons why people might argue that…主体段二:In spite of the above arguments, I support the view that…结尾段:In conclusions, (paraphrase your standpoint).二、OpinionSome people believe… To what extent do you agree or disagree.开头段:It is sometimes argued that…①I completely agree that…would be a good idea.②In my opinion, it would be wrong to…③While I disagree/agree with the idea of …, I do believe that…④I partly agree with this assertion;while it may be true…, I believe that…主体段一:On the one hand,主体段二:On the other hand,结尾段:In conclusions, what really matters is…三、problem and solutionIt is true that…There are various reasons why…, but …could certainly take steps to address this issue.四、展开论证的连接词和句型(一)顺序连接词:first of all, secondly, finally(二)举例论证:①for example,②…is a good example of …, ③to give just one example,…④to take … as an example(三)表递进:①Furthermore,it has been shown that… ②Besides,(四)表假设:if this were the case, …(五)进一步解释:①Usually, this means that… ②In this way, … ③which means…(六)从不同的角度论述:①From an economic perspective,… ②From the financial point of view,… ③From a personal perspective, it can be argued that…. On the social level, by doing…。

Somepeoplethinkthatuniversitiesshouldprovidegraduateswiththeknowled geandskillsneededintheworkplaceratherthanpureknowledge.TowhateRte ntdoRouagreeordisagree.第1句:背景介绍NowadaRs,anincreasingnumberofpeopleareconcernedabout thepurpose ofuniversitReducation.现在,越来越多的人关心大学教育的目的。
ERplanation:●NowadaRs,anincreasingnumberofpeopleareconcernedaboutthephenomenonthat…●NowadaRs,anincreasingnumberofpeopleareconcernedabout thepurposesthatuniversitReducationserves.●NowadaRs,moreandmorestudentsareconcernedabout whattheRwilllearnintheuniversities.●Universities areoneofthemostimportant institutionsinmodernsocietR. 如果很难再短时间内想出第一句内容,就直接表达观点,两句话写完首段。
第2句:交代辩论话题A.“是否应该……”However,whether universitiesshouldmainlRprovidejob-relatedskillstograd uates isacontroversialissue.但是,大学是否应该主要提供给学生工作相关的技能是一个饱受争议的话题。

【模板1】观点型作文开头段:介绍话题背景、引出自己的观点主体段:分述各自的理由,论证自己的观点结尾段:总结观点,提出建议或预测未来趋势【模板2】利弊型作文开头段:介绍话题背景、引出讨论主体段1:阐述优点及原因主体段2:阐述缺点及原因结尾段:总结讨论,提出看法或建议【模板3】问题解决型作文开头段:介绍问题背景、引出讨论主体段1:列举问题及影响主体段2:提出解决方法1主体段3:提出解决方法2结尾段:总结方法有效性、展望未来【常用句型】1. 关于...我持有不同的想法。
As for ..., my opinion is different.2. 随着科技的发展,...With the development of technology, ...3. 考虑到某些因素,...Taking into account some factors, ...4. 有人认为...,然而我却持有相反的观点。
Some people believe that ..., but I hold the opposite view.5. 因此,我们需要采取措施来解决这个问题。
Therefore, we need to take measures to solve this problem.6. 此外,我们可以探索新的方法来...In addition, we could explore new approaches to ...7. 综上所述,在...方面还有很多可以改进的地方。
In conclusion, there is still much room for improvement in ...8. 据报道,...According to the report, ...9. 最近,人们越来越意识到...Recently, people have become increasingly aware of ...10. 每个人都应该意识到...Everyone should be aware of the fact that ...。

雅思大作文写作模板「汇总」1.直接表述观点Well, do you think people can tell you their real thoughts just through phone? Without persontoperson contact, it is unlikely for you todig deep into their minds and unlikely to get truth.大部分状况下,英文是首句中心句,段落其他部分是支持中心句的内容,所以听到首句就是主要意思,因此这种模式相对简洁,表示观点的词,比方赞成(support, be for ,go for be on the side of, quite agree with),中立( mutual, just so so, you can try it, not the best),反对( not good, be against, not recommend, better avoid ),喜爱(be favor of, like, prefer),一般看法(its ok, but),不喜爱(dislike),必需( must, it is necessary),依状况而定( it depends),没必要( not necessary),等等.2.直接观点表达Another hazard for your back are the shock waves which travel up your spine when you walk, known as heel strike. A real find for our patients has been the shockabsorbing shoe insert.A cheap but very effective solution.支持Finally, a word about the stateoftheart relief the TENS machinea small batterypowered gadget which delivers subliminal electrical pulses to the skin. Our experience indicates thatyour money is better spent on the more oldfashioned remedies.反对It can be useful to get special orthopaedic chairs, but remember the most important improvement should be in OUR posture.中立 Though absolutely flat shoes can be a solution for some, others find their posture suffers中立。

首先,学业负担尤其沉重。 (扩展主题句,延长因果链,假设论证, 举例论证)
Firstly, the burden with academic learning has become extremely heavy. It has become a trend for kids to take extra courses beyond their normal school curriculum, for parents believe that this can ensure their children a chance to a better university. And only a better university can ensure their kids a good job in the future. This would no doubt bring huge pressure to their children, affecting their health both physically and mentally.
Certainly, our diet cannot live without meat. There are living stocks, which can provide us with sufficient and nutritious produce. Therefore, we need not to resort to wild animals, especially the endangered ones. To protect animals is to protect our living environment. Every individual should join efforts to keep the diversity of animals.

中间段:措施结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结开头段:Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more…..are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that……中间段:Firstly….Secondly…stly but in no means least……结尾段:To conclude,…..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them。
2、开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论中间段:转折(即列出两种不同人的观点)结尾段:直接进入总结(即你的观点)开头段:It is accepted that …. Plays a s ignificant part for both …, and what’s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of….. However, whether … deserves such an attention , people’s ideas vary。

①议论文模板:开头段:(本开头参考为主,下面有很多句式,可以自行选择套用)In recent years, along with the boom of the world’s economy,_____is becoming increasingly prevalent at amazing rate. Someone thinks that _____. But from my point of view, I can only disagree with the statement and the reasons are given below.中间段:(中间段/转折段/结尾段均可直接使用以下模板)The main reason that I oppose to the above view can be mainly attributed to _____.转折段:However, it is undeniable that _____ in a short term. But in a long run, _____.结尾段:For the reasons presented above, I personally believe that _____.雅思大作文主要类型主要有提供一种观点(To what extent do you agree or disagree/Do you agree or disagree?);提供两种观点(Discuss both sides);提供优缺点比较(advantages outweigh disadvantages?)。
一、提供一种观点的雅思大作文模版开头段:1. People still have mixed views on whether……(本文要讨论的话题)In this essay, I will examine the view that……(转述题目中提供的那种看法)2. The issue of whether……(辩论话题)has received much public attention. In this essay, I will explore the opinion that……(改写题目所给的观点)3. A criticism often heard these days is that……(辩论话题)They say that……(转述题目所给观点)I disagree/ agree with this point of view for……reasons.4. In these days, the issue of whether……(辩论话题)has aroused people’s discussion. Some people believe that……(改写题目所给观点)I disagree/ agree with this point of view and I will analyze the issue in the following passage.5. Recently, the issue of……(辩论话题)has been brought into public focus. People have different ideas about it. Some people believe that……(改写题目所给观点)Personally, I think this point of view is overly simplistic.6. The progression of……(背景)is inevitable and undeniable. What is under controversy is whether……(题目所给观点)To be frank, I am in high favor of……(自己观点)二、针对提供两种观点的雅思大作文模版开头段:1…….(背景)are playing significant roles in our lives. But in the meantime, whether……(辩论话题)sparks much debate. Some people assert that……, while many others argue that……Personally, I am in favor of the former/ the latter view.2.There has been much discussion on whether……(辩论话题)In this essay, I will compare and contrast two typical opinions regarding this issue.3.In recent years, there has been a heated debate about whether……(辩论话题)I will explore two main opinions often heard in this controversy.4. Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that……Some maintain that……whereas others are confident that……For my part, I share the latter/ former point of view.5. There is much discussion as to whether or not……People hold divergent views. Some people believe that……while others hold that……In the following, I would like to present my point of view.6. Recently, there arises a heated debate over whether it is wise to……People’ views, however, are divergent on the matter in question. Some people advocate that…….while others argue that…… Taking into consideration both sides of the issue, I tend to favour the latter/former view.三、针对讨论优缺点的雅思大作文模版开头段1…….(改写题目中要求比较其利弊的现象)This trend has attracted much public attention, I tend to believe that the benefits brought about by this trend override its drawbacks.2……(改写题目中要求比较其利弊的现象)Public concern has arisen about the potential disadvantages brought about by this phenomenon. I personally believe that its disadvantages exceed its advantages for the following reasons.3. As we know, ……bring many benefits and conveniences to people. However, as to whether it is blessing or curse, there arises a heateddebate among people. however, like anything else, ……has more than one face. As far as I’m concerned, its advantages outweigh its disadvantages./ But when we consider these two sides more carefully, we can see that the harm outweigh the merits。

观点、讨论类-----两边倒讨论的话题……….has/have attracted much more attention than ever before. In the meantime, whether…改题加一句话…..has sparked much debate. Some people contend that……. , while I hold an opposing view and tend to believe that…..It is obviously reasonable for some people to argue that…支持的观点加一句话…To begin with , …………..What is more , …………….In addition to this,……….On the other hand, it is worth pointing out there are also arguments supporting the opinion that…反对的观点加一句话…It may be true that……Moreover , ………From what has been discussed above, we may draw a conclusion that 加一句话……Meanwhile, it seems highly advisable that 加一句话……….分析型In recent years, much more attention has been paid to…问题…than ever before. In this essay, I intend to analyze the possible reasons and propose some reasonable solutions.It is evident that the factors causing …问题……. are diverse. The first reason why ……句子…is that……句子…The second reason is that…句子…..The third reason that would lead to this problem is that…句子….Accordingly, some solutions can be found to tackle this issue. First ,……….Second,……….Third,…………..To conclude, several factors contribute to …问题…. I am convinced that we should take a wide range of measures, including …办法一…., …办法二…and …办法三…to address this problem.。

雅思_大作文框架对称式:1. 1:2(中间对方观点一段,自己的两段)共五段•第一段第一句:点题—定义题目中的关键词,要想让考官看不出模板的痕迹,这一点尤为重要,可以用:•赞扬的口吻例如:wearing uniforms has become an effective way to solve school problems可选用以下一些句式(完全可以用自己的):•Thanks to /At the mercy of the ever-accelerated updating ofscience and technology, there are rapid changes in all aspectsof our everyday lives.•With the (rapid, marked, amazing, eye-catching, remarkable,fantastic) development/ progress/ growth/ advance/improvement of economy/ society/ industry/ livingstandard, …•While the rhythm/ pace/ tempo of people’s living is speedingup, …•As living tempo/ pace quickens, …•Nowdays/in this day and age/, ____ play/fill avital/leading/educational/indispensable/supervisory +role/ part in …•Nowdays/in this day and age/, _____ produce/exert/positive/active/profound/far-reaching +effects/impacts/influences on ____•或者从所背的表‘正面“的词组中选择•批评的口吻例如: it is reported uniforms has made school life dull and monotonous可选用以下一些句式:•Nowdays/in this day and age/, _____ produce/exert/negative/adverse/baneful + effects/impacts/influences on____•或者从所背的表‘负面“的词组中选择•中立的口吻例如:it is common that student attend to school in uniforms可选用以下一些句式:•it is quite common/ it is not uncommon that•it is a striking fact that•there is growing tendency for sb to do sth•it is widely noted that•it is well aware that•it is a well-established fact that第二句:提出疑问:However/nevertheless/nonetheless/whereas 或者therefore/consequently/accordingly•如果题目中给出一方观点,用whether 引出,例如:whether smoking should be banned totally或者•如果题目中给出的事两方观点,用特殊疑问句的陈述语序完成,例如(which factor can determine a nation’s success)切记:要进行题目的改写(词汇或结构)•Has become a hot topic/has been drown to public’s attention/has become the focus of public concern/has become the limelight of ourday-to-day life第三句:自己观点•I still adhere to/stick to/cling to/nurture/commit to (坚持) the opinion/belief/notion(观点)_____•My firmly/staunchly(坚定) held the opinion/belief/notion(观点) is______•第二段:对方观点••Is has been said rightly(适度地)_____••It has been admitted(承认) to a certain extent(在一定程度上)_______•There, for certain, are some risks(风险)/benefits(好处) fromsth/doing sth•It is conceivable (可想而知)_______•It is quite easy to find the reason to attack…./ toexalt/glorify/praise that•Those who have already benefited from practicing___ sing highpraise of it•第三段:自己观点1However/nevertheless/nonetheless(但是)/notwithstanding 尽管如此/in spite of these•The research, relating to (和…相关= about,concerning) hashighlighted that ______(和…..相关的调查强调….)•It is hazardous(危险的)/ridiculous/ludicrous(可笑的) to lose sight of/be blind to (忽略)(如果忽略。

Question FormatA & D (Agree or Disagree)D & G (Discuss Both Views & Give Your Opinion)What’s your opinion? / What are your opinions?Single Opinion + WYO = A & DDouble Opinions + WYO = D & GL & B (Discuss the Advantages & Disadvantages)C & S (Why is this trend? & What are the possible solutions?)R & A (Report and Argument)Structure of Introduction◆Lead—in sentence 引入句(引入现象/话题)◆Public opinions 过渡句(转述题目中观点)◆Thesis statement 个人立场(文章中心思想)Sentence Patterns●Lead-in Sentence▲The issue of ________ has triggered / aroused a new round of heated debate in recent years.▲There is a heated discussion nowadays over the issue of __________ 。
▲The discussion about _________ has aroused general concern in recent times。
▲The issue of _________ has been brought into focus recently.▲The issue of whether + 议题陈述 + is of great interest to the general public。

• To what extent do you agree or disagree? In present-day society,名词 has become one ofthe most heated concerns among modern people. Especially, the issue that 句子(题目改写)isunder discussion. Personally, / From my point of view, I would feel that 句子(客观表达个人观改写题目逻辑 rather than-instead of观点说明bo 用名词and 名词Admittedly, it is undeniable that 名 词 has made a子+若干句子(论证)[.For another, 句子+若干 句子(论证).Thus,名词is beneficial for 名词.雅思大作文模板 (1)significant influence on 名词.For one thing,句(论证推进模式)(because / since / asThat is to say, / Put another way, For example, / For instance, if/ when)However, it is inevitable that 名词∣has made great contributions to 名词∙More importantly, 句子+若干句子(论证)∣. In addition, 句子+ 若干句子(论证).Therefore,名词is conducive to 名词.(论证推进模式)(because / since / asThat is to say, / Put another way, For example, / For instance, if/ when)To sum up, / From what has been discussed above, we may confidently reach a conclusion that although 句子, 句子. It is reasonably suggested that a healthy balance should be established in 名词between 名词and 名词. Only in this way can 名词be optimized.雅思大作文模板(2)• D。
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Prompt To what extent do you agree or disagree?(同意)
1st Paragraph(开头段)People have different views about….Personally, I agree with the idea that…
2nd Paragraph(主体段1)
The most important reason why
… is that…
3rd Paragraph(主体段2)
Furthermore, …
4th Paragraph(锦上添花段落)Opposing views claim that (引出对立观点)…The reason often put forward is that…It is true that…(部分肯定对立观点)However,…(驳
5th Paragraph(结论段)In conclusion,
It is true that…However, I completely disagree with the view that…Many people argue that…However, I completely disagree with this view and instead believe that...
The most important reason why … is that…The most important reason why … is that…
Furthermore,…Furthermore, …
Opposing views claim that (引出对立观点)…The reason often put forward is that…It is true that…(部分肯定对立观点)However,…(驳Opposing views claim that (引出对立观点)…The reason often put forward is that…It is true that…(部分肯定对立观点)However,…(驳
In conclusion,In conclusion,
To a certain extent I agree that…However, I also believe that...Some…,while other…. Personally, I believe that both….
On the one hand, I accept that…The main reason is that…(第一个分论点) For example, …In addition, …(第二个分论点)…On the one hand, I accept that…The main reason is that…(第一个分论点) For example, …In addition, …(第二个分论点)…
At the same time, however, I also believe that…At the same time, however, I also believe that…
In conclusion,In conclusion,
People have different views about While I accept that…, I personally believe that...It is sometimes argued that...There are good arguments both for and against this view, and I believe that it depends
On the one hand, I accept that…The main reason is that…(第一个分论点) For example, …In addition, …(第二个分论点)…Several arguments can be made in favor of…It is often claimed that…(第一个分论点)For example,…In addition, …(第二个分论点)
At the same time, however, I also believe that…However, there are equally convincing reasons why… The first is that…
In conclusion,In conclusion,
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
People have different views about…While some people are of the opinion that…, I would argue that…
There are good reasons why…
/There are good arguments in favor of…./There are definite advantages of... (引题句)The first is that…(第一个分论点)For example,…Additionally, …(第二个Despite the above arguments, I believe that…
In conclusion,。