
雅思小作文万能句式、词汇总结一、陈述数据、情况:(show, reflect, provide, represent, convey, discern, denote, demonstrate) 1. It is clear from the line graph above that the price of steel per ton has plummeted(v.快速下落) somewhat over thelast ten to fifteen years and that the value of steel today has reached an all-time low. (开头描述总体趋势)2. The two bar graphs above reflect growth rates in urban populations from five major cities around the world in 1990and in 2004. It is evident when comparing these graphs that significant increases in urban population have indeedoccurred. (用于对同一事物描述的不同时间的两幅图题的总体说明)3. It is clearly evident from the pie charts above that firework accidents in Australia were recorded as having occurredin the same places both in 1995 and in 2000 at public display, family parties, pub celebrations, and in the case whereteenagers were playing with fire works unattended(交代具体分类)4. This line graph shows some very interesting trends related to(=regarding) changes in international student enrollmentin UK higher education. The three groups which are reflected in this graph are others EU students, non-EU students,and all oversea students. (说明三组数据形成的三条线所表示成分)5. Through the information that is provided in this table we can learn how different occupation rate in terms ofstress levels on a 0-10 measurement scale: 10 being the highest level of stress. (对数据的详细描述)6. By briefly glancing at this line graph, it is apparent that there were major shifts in employment patterns in SouthKorea between the years 1960 and 2000.7. The bar chart above shows the number of crown court cases held in the UK from 1996 to 2002. According to theinformation in the graph, crown court cases typically fall into the followingthree categories: committals for trail,committals for sentence and appeals from magistrates against conviction or sentence. (细述分类)8. According to(=in accordance with) the graphic data, we can discern that land used for industry sectors is quiteevenly spread in the…9. What is notable, however, is that the ratio of accidents occurring in the different places has shifted quite dramaticallyin some instances(n.实例,情况,场合)10. If we compare the ratios between the four industrial sectors, founded in the four pie charts presented here, theeastern and southern charts show the most significant differences. (结尾终结趋势)11. All other industry sectors presented in the graph rose in varying degrees within the designated time frame presentedHere12. If we look at the number of …, we can see a steady growth in numbers within the six-year phase from around10,000 to approximately 18,00013. Most notably, according to the information in the graph, the growth in… has all but doubled in number fromaround 19,000 to nearly 38,000 in the same time period.14. Consistent with the data in the first pie chart, the entire body of the world's water sources is predominantly madeup of fresh water with only a small quantity of salt water making up the remainder (用于第二段开头)15. The accompanying bar chart shows… (题中两幅图,用于引入对第二幅的描述)16. If we look closer at the bar graph we can discern that the biggest producers of steel are located(表达现象产生于……) in north east Asia, with china producing 218 million tons followed by japan's124 million tons (with 复合结构,非谓语同时传递两个信息)[用于第二段开头]17.We can be exposed to the idea that......二表示增加(rocket, shoot, rise, go up, climb, increase, surge, soar, double, gain, improve, recover, triple, growth, leap, upwardtrend, boom )1)动词型:1. have rocketed over the fifteen-year period2. rise dramatically from around 45% to approximately 65%3. shot (shoot) up to (高达) between four and five hundred dollars4. Students from 80,000 and goes all the way up to 280,0005. At this point, non-EU student numbers from Europe and all other overseas counties started to climb in numbersfrom 120000 to 190000 in 2002-2003 in the case of non-EU student and from 240000 to 280000 in 2002-2003 in thecase of all overseas students. (并列结构同时描述两个增加情况)6. The IT industry was slower to take off and made up only 15% of employment in 1980. However, there was no lookingback from 1980 onwards with dramatic increase in1990 at 40% and 60% in 2000. (一个很剧烈的变化)7. hovered(vi.翱翔,盘旋;徘徊) around the five million mark with the number of shanghai's inhabitants slightlysurpassing that of Beijing’s urban population standing at a st aggering twenty nine million almost ten million more peoplethan the number presently(ad.现在,目前) residing(与living 替换) in Shanghai.8. The most significant increases/marked increases reach a monumental high of 65% at the turn of the century.2)名词型:1. indeed, a staggering 65% increase in the total number of students enrolled in courses for higher learning has beenrecorded between the years 1990 and 20042. a slow and steady increase3. from that moment on, significant jumps averaged at 10% between the year 1996 to 1998 and to 2004 respectively4. a slight increase in student number from 65% to fewer than 70%5. steady gains6. The most staggering jump in Australia was with mobile between the years 2001 and 2003, which rose significantlyfrom 69 to 97%. (描述显著趋势)7. Their sales picked up suddenly between 2001 and 2003 from 28 to 42%8. China's two most prestigious(a.有名望的,有威信的) cities, Shanghai and Beijing(用插入语补充), have undergone(v.经受) rapid growth surge(vi./ n.蜂拥而出;猛增)in population according to the graphs.三、表示减少:(slip to, decline, drop, decrease, fall, halve, plummet, plunge, tail off, fall off ,reduce, reduction,)1)动词型:1. with figures slipping dramatically in 1993 to 270 dollars per ton2)名词型:1. it has been a losing battle to maintain the price of steel2. A significant drop in figures was also recorded in 2000 for the number of fireworks accidents at pub celebrationscoming in at only 5%, which was a third of those reported in 1995.3. Notably a massive drop in the decade from 1990 to 2000四、表示转折、对比:1. Remarkably, however, the price shot (shoot) up to (高达) between four and five hundred dollars.2. China, on the other hand, far outweighs the other two countries in its use of water for industry with 85% being thefigure recorded. (with 的复合结构使用)3. Crops followed by farming occupy far more land for these two major industry areas4. notwithstanding(尽管……还是) this trend,(用于转折)5. Since than it has been a losing battle to maintain the price of steel with figures slipping dramatically in 1993 to 270dollars per ton, only to make regains(转折,与maintain 成分并列) in 1995 and in 2000.(对文中多个细节转折特征的概述)6. However, at around about the 1999-2000 mark things started to change somewhat. (说明此处为拐点)7. There was a steady increase in committal for trail cases reaching just over 120,000 in 2002 which was around 20,000up (be up on 结构) on 1998 figures and 40000 more than that was recorded in 1996. (同时与1998 和1996 的数据作比较)8. Conversely / vice versa(adv.反之亦然)五、其他句式:1. rang from5% to just over 10% / interestingly / follow closely behind(用于表示相近数据) / make somewhat lessercontributions in (e.g. Russia and Germany are making ~ in steel production at 72 million and 47 million tons respectively.表示占图中比重)/ the greatest proportion was recorded as happening at public displays in 1995,at 50%(at 对信息的附加说明) / remained relatively stable / as reflected in this graph / After the initial stage of …(与After…等价)2.Not surprisingly, British adolescents are rated(vt. 评估vi. 被评价) as the highest television viewers, spending 800hours per annum, which is by far the cheapest and most accessible means of entertainment listed in this table.3. Mumbai, one of India’s largest cities, was leading in the race for urbanpopulation in 1990 with almost ten millioninhabitants. However, it has fallen behind the current leader, Beijing, with a population of twenty four million beingrecorded in 2004. (描述了不同时期的两幅图中同一事物的变化)4. Less than half as many accidents involving fireworks, namely 20% (of accidents involving firework 被省略) resultedfrom family parties in 1990. (比较成分作状语)5. Furthermore, the remaining 30% of fireworks were split equally between…and… (描述剩下部分被平均分的情况)6. Somewhat surprisingly however, the job of the journalist, dentist and pilot are also on the high end of the stress scalealong with a prison officer.7. By far, the biggest source of energy used in New Zealand to generate power is hydro dams at 62%.8. However, they did not rate highly as popular consumer items in Australia until the late 1990s and with the turn of the21st century.9. The number of cases recorded for committal for trail in the UK in 1996, 1998, 2002 far surpassed the number of anyother cases六、词汇1)图中各个阶段的同义词:1. 迅速增加:a rapid leap, a sudden rise, a marked increase, a huge growth, a dramatic rise2. 迅速减少:a dramatic fall, a sharp drop, a rapid plunge, a steep decline3. 逐步减少:a steady drop, a slight fall, a gradual decline, a small decrease, a gradual drop, tailing off ,falling off4. 保持不变:no change , a flat trend, the number remained unchanged, remain stable, remain steady, maintainthe same level, stay constant5. 起伏不定:fluctuate around, peak at, plateau at, stay at, fluctuation2)在曲线图中表示变化程度的词(degree of change)1. 剧烈:dramatic--dramatically, sharp--sharply, huge--hugely, enormous--enormously, steep--steeply,substantial--substantially,considerable--considerably,significant--significantly, marked--markedly, staggering,2. 平稳,不强烈:moderate--moderately, slight--slightly, minimal--minimally, small, somewhat3. 约数:over, approximately, around, averaged at, relatively,3)在曲线图中表示变化程度的词(speed of change)rapid--rapidly, quick--quickly, swift--swiftly, sudden--suddenly, steady--steadily, gradual--gradually, slow--slowly4)流程图起承转合词to begin with, first of all, first, secondly, then, next, after that, finally,alternatively, otherwise, in additionfurthermore, meanwhile, at the same time, preliminary stage, after the initial stage, in the subsequent stage, thefinal stage。

雅思小作文采分必备Ⅰ. 词法采分汇总:1. 展示:show, represent, demonstrate, display, present, outline, illustrate,indicate, reveal, unravel2. 增加:increase, rise, climb up, grow猛增:leap, soar, shoot up, rocket3. 降低:drop, fall, decline, descend猛降:slump, plummet, dip, plunge4 大幅:dramatically, drastically, substantially, noticeably, sharply, rapidly, 四大ly(均为副词)5. 小幅:slight, minor,slow, gradual, negligible(均为形容词)6. 最高点:reach the highest point, peak, shoot up at(均为动词)7. 最低点:reach the lowest point, bottom out atⅡ. 句法采分汇总:1. ⁄增长降低:动词本身There is a …(名词—增加或降低)(时间,事物,地点)witness/see/experience a (名词—增加或降低)2. 反常规描述:with a (名词—增加或降低) in …(时间,地点,事物)but +(动词—增加或降低)except for (名词—增加或降低)except in the case of…/except that…(从句)3. 级的比较: 比较级同级比较:as …as/the same as倍数:…is twice that of…is twice as many times as…4. 引出数字:,数字——数字with ⁄数字with the number/figure/value reaching…at 数字Ⅲ常规路标语1. 时间:from…to, and then, after that, what happens next is that2. 逻辑:similarly, however, on the contrary, on the other hand, there isno surprising that, within expectationⅣ分组方式:共性分组属性分组一图一组话外音:小作文背功大过实力,所以切忌侥幸,踏踏实实。

雅思写作核心语料库Part 11 offer a sense of job satisfaction and security带来工作的满意感和安全感2lay a solid professional working experience 累积扎实的工作经验3 reduce/cut down expenditure 减少支出4increase/generate job opportunities创建就业时机6promote talent introduction and exchange促令人材的引进与沟通7keep skills fresh and up-to-date 保证技术的不落后9lay a solid foundation for 确立坚固的基础10 pave the way for the future/development 为将来摊平了道路11foster a sense of competition and cooperation培育合作感与竞争感 12cultivate the spirit of team working 培育团队合作精神13master interpersonal skills 掌握人及关系技巧 14widen one ’ s knowledge拓宽知识面15enrich one’ s social and life experience丰富社会与人生经历16enlarge one’ s view/broaden one’拓s宽horizon视线17realize the value of life 实现人生价值18surmount /overcome / win over /master difficulties 战胜困难19grasp good communication skills 掌握人际沟通技巧20remove misunderstanding and discrimination 除去误会与鄙视21keep balance between work and family 保持事业与家庭的均衡 22raise the standard of living提升生活水平25enrich people ’ s spiritual丰life富人们的精神生活26promote social skills and competence提升交际技巧与能力 27strengthen the family ties促使家庭团结28cultivate a strong sense of responsibility 培育激烈的责任感29bring joys and comforts to sb带来欢乐与舒坦30usher in a brand-new life-style引入崭新的生活方式31relieve the pressure of 缓解压力32maintain the community stability 保持社会的稳固33improve the utilization rate of energy resources提升能源的利用率34make full use of 充足利用35satisfy people ’ s needs/meet the demands of满people足人们的需求 36promote the development of relative industries促使有关家产的发展 37stimulate domestic needs刺激国内需求38 impel economic development促使经济的发展39generate jobs, income and tax revenues扩大就业时机,提升收入40enhance mutual understanding促使互相的理解41boost local development促使当地的发展42promote cultural exchange and cooperation促使文化的沟通与合作43enrich one’ s experience of丰life富人生经历44strengthen the ties with outside world增强与外面世界的联系 46foster a climate of peace and prosperity创建和平繁华的氛围 47stimulate our feelings of togetherness激发团结48maintain a natural balance 保持自然均衡 49reduce thelabor intensity 降低劳动强度50stimulate one’ s imagination and intereststh刺激人们的想象里与兴趣51accelerate the flow of information 加快信息的流动52prvide more business opportunities 供给商机53increase the productivity 提升生产力54create more opportunities for education创建受教育的时机55improve educational conditions 改良教育条件56release people from hard manual work令人们从沉重的体力劳动中解脱出来57speed up technical innovation 加快技术改革58better the development of human society完好人力资源的发展60bring immeasurable economic benefits 带来巨大的经济效益Part2 缺点1put sb or sth at risk 使---冒风险3be lack of a sense of job security 缺乏工作的安全感 4distract sb from doing sth 是某人从某事中分心5impose a heave strain on 来巨大的力 6beexaggerated and cheating夸张且欺的7be the invasion of privacy 入侵私8violate rights of free speech入侵言自由的利9endanger social stability and safety危害到社会的定与安全10restrain sb from doing 限制某人做某事14go astray 入歧路15undermine local culture 破当地文化16jeopardize the safety and stability of the society损坏社会的安全与定17set a bad example to立坏的榜18lead to the extinction of some species 致一些物种的 19resultin shortage of energy and natural resources致能源的欠缺21 to cause the estrangement/isolation/alienation between A and B 致了 A 与 B 之的疏22bring disgrace on sb ---来羞耻23suffer heavy losses 失沉重24easily cause stress-related illnesses简单致与力有关的疾病25lack basic infrastructures 缺乏基施26break the ecological balance破生均衡27lead to extravagant waste of public funds致公共金的极度浪28make⋯ in disorder 使杂乱30be harmful to our physical and mental and health害身心健康31lead to degradation of social atmosphere世日下32further widen the gaps between the rich and the poor 一步加大富之的差距 33be the drying up of our limited natural resources and the deterioration of the environment 有限的自然源的枯竭和境的化34contaminate environment 染境37 be a root of all evils 万恶之源38be easily taken in by 简单被欺诈39aggravate the traffic jams and worsen the crowdedness使交通拥塞和拥堵更加恶化40will pay a high price for this negative development of 为。

第一节小作文常用词汇句型•读数据•up to/as much as 多达...在1980年和1985年间房价跌了40%。
House price fell as much as 40% between 1980 and 1985.•only、no more than仅仅网站经济仅占国家GDP的1%。
The web economy represents a mere 1% of the country’s GDP.•top、exceed超过在2006年出口超过了100亿美元。
Exports topped /exceeded $10 billion in2006.•less than少于、more than多于超过1/3的英国人口经常难以入睡。
More than one third of the British population has trouble sleeping from time to time. •above、below鱼的消费量在50g以下。
The consumption of fish was below 50 grams.•remaining剩余的药品占了公司收入的30%,货物占了40%,车占了剩下的30%。
Medicine represented 30% of the company’s revenues,merchandise(货物产品)40% and vehicles the remaining 30%.•an all-time high/low历史最高/低值油价在2010年到达历史最高值。
The price of oil reached an all-time high in 2010.•ranging...from...在...范围内价格不稳定,在20美元到40美元之间。
The price was volatile,ranging from $20 to $40.•respectively分别地世界耕地退化是由放牧和滥砍滥伐所致,这两个因素分别占25%和40%.Animal grazing and deforestation constitute 25% and 40% of the world’s land degradation respectively.•peak at到达最高点英国的犯罪率在1999年是最高的,差不多是9%。

小作文词汇大全数据显示了上升下降骤然下降保持… .到达顶峰到达谷底波动超过在…上面/下面相似的趋势到达多少数量占据A 比B 多排在第二…是…的倍数发生不值得,预测需要,包括至于… ., 变化很大分开程度显著的(形)显著地(副)明显的明显下降惊人的Humanthe figure shows /describesincrease (v,n)decrease (v,n),stay at (v)reach a peak of …reach the bottom atexceedmore/less thanreach…,at…percent of…more than… .was second whenit came to…three times as(much) as . .happen (v)…mentioned in thetable are verydifferent in termsof…divide (v)sharp (a),suddensharply (adv),clear (adj),fall sharplySuperman动词the graph given illustrates/indicates,it provides data on,the chart compares (thepercentage of 饼状图),rise (v,n),climb (v,n),grow(v)-growth (n),fall (v,n),drop (v,n),remain stable at(v)peak at 数据bottom out atovertakeover/under,below…followed a very similar trendarrive at ; amount to…, accounting for …percentof ……was second in terms of…threefold (adv),double,triple,Take place (v)It is also worth noting that…It is reasonable to surmisethat…involve (v)…mentioned vary greatly withregard to…separate (v)形容词、副词dramatic (a),dramatically (adv),obvious (adj), significant(adj),decrease dramaticallysurprising (adj)Animala glance at the graph provided/suppliedreveals,given are two figures providing acomparison of…,surge (v,n),jump (v,n),soar (v),rockettodecline (v,n),slip to (v,n),plummet tomaintain the same levelfluctuate betwee . . . and . . .surpass…were comparablemake up; constituteoutnumberSecond in terms of …was…occur (v)Also noteworthy is the fact that…,equally predictable is the fact that…,entail (v)With regard to … , … mentioned in the tablevary greatly .rapid(a),considerable(a),notable(a),marked (a),significant (a),rapidly(adv),considerably(adv),exponentially(adv), markedly (adv),significantly (adv),apparent (adj),evident (adj),slide away,plunge to a low of…(v),striking (adj)轻微地仅仅,逐渐的逐渐地持续的大约相当+比较级显然,许多种类的时间然后,在……之前在之后的时间里从…到… .十年前开始…(上升)语气根据数据显示,,,这两个数据是关于。

那么对于词汇量少,语法薄弱的新手烤鸭而言,这些好的句型从何来?这可不能单单靠自己凭空制造出来的,所以我们需要在日常学习中多多积累一些别人用过的好词好句,日后再灵活结合到自己的写作中!现在就总结一些常用句式分享给各位烤鸭,果断收藏哦!TASK1 图表写作套句精选the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。
the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了...the graph provides some interesting data regarding... 该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。
the diagram shows (that)... 该图向我们展示了...the pie graph depicts (that).... 该圆形图揭示了...this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... 这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。
the figures/statistics show (that)... 数据(字)表明...the tree diagram reveals how... 该树型图向我们揭示了如何...the data/statistics show (that)... 该数据(字)可以这样理解...the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示...according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字)...as is shown in the table... 如表格所示...as can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in... 从图中可以看出,... 发生了巨大变化。

ielts套句式写作大全第一部分:task1图表写作套句精选1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。
2.the bar chart illustrates that...该柱状图展示了...3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding...该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。
4.the diagram shows (that)...该图向我们展示了...5.the pie graph depicts (that)....该圆形图揭示了...6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of...这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。
7.the figures/statistics show (that)...数据(字)表明...8.the tree diagram reveals how...该树型图向我们揭示了如何...9.the data/statistics show (that)...该数据(字)可以这样理解...10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that...这些数据资料令我们得出结论...11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table...如图所示...12.according to the chart/figures...根据这些表(数字)...13.as is shown in the table...如表格所示...14.as can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in...从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。

雅思小作文常用句型词汇一、描述变化:表示增加、减少和波动的词汇和套句;如:increase/jump/rise/decrease/drop/fall/fluctuate等;副词: suddenly/rapidly/dramatically/significantly/sharply/steeply /steadily/gradually/slowly/slightly 等;形容词: sudden/rapid/dramatic/significant/sharp/steep/steady/gradual/slow/slight等;名词: increase/jump/rise/decrease/drop/fall/fluctuation等。
二、表示变化不大或没有变化的套句:the number of …remained steady/stable from …to …(数量保持稳定);there was little/hardly any/no change in the number of …between …and …(几乎没有变化)。
三、表示最大值和最小值的套句:最大值:the figures peaked at 20% in December(数字在12月达到峰值);1最小值:the figures bottomed out at 20% in December(数字在12月达到最低点)。
四、描述对比之表示“A和B有相同点或不同点”的常用套句;A had a quarter/half/twice/one third as many students as B.A有B四分之一/一半/两倍的学生.A had about the same number/proportion of students as B.A和B有相同数量/比例的学生.A had something in common with B.A和B有共同之处the difference between A and B lies in…A和B之间的区别在于….在雅思小作文中,还需注意一些写作技巧,如开头和结尾的呼应、按照一定的顺序有逻辑地进行叙述等。

目 录
• 描述图表类常用词汇 • 描述图表类常用句型 • 描述图表类常用高级词汇 • 描述图表类常用高级句型
increase, rise, climb, go up
decrease, fall, drop, go down
The percentage of X accounted for approximately Z percent of the total number/figure/rate/percentage in 2018.
There was a fluctuation in the number/figure/amount of ... with a peak at ... and a trough at ...
The trend of ... is upward/ascending.
representing a rise of Z percentage points.
The number/figure/rate/percentage fluctuated between X and Y over the
period from 2008 to 2018.
The number/figure/rate/percentage decreased from X in 2008 to Y in 2018, representing a fall of Z percentage points.

雅思小作文基础词汇句型Yicheng 必备同义词替换:展示,提供(首句谓语动词):show/ describe/ indicate/ illustrate/ provide占百分之多少:Account for/ make up/ provide/ represent/ occupy … with… 趋势:trend/ tendency数据:number/ data/ figure百分比,比例:percentage/ proportion类别:category / type/ kind/ group然后:thereafter(替换then), after thate.g. Thereafter, the number of cases dropped slowly to about 2800 in September.从前,过去:formerly (代替past)e.g. Many formerly inaccessible places are now reached by road and rail.段落中的连接词:同样的:likewise同时:meanwhile并且:moreover但是:however,whereas相反:conversely相比之下:by comparison, in contrast, compared with sth, comparatively四大趋势灵活表达总结:上升,下降,波动,不变Trend 上升下降最高/最低波动不变Nouns a risean increasea growth a decreasea declinea falla peaka bottomthe highest/a fluctuationa variationa period ofstability/steadinessa surge a drop lowest pointVerbs riseincreasegrowgo up decreasedeclinefalldroppeak fluctuatevarystabilizeplateau(plateaued) 到达高原(上升后的),达到稳定状态Phrases show anupward trend/tendency show adownwardtrend/tendencyreach the peakat…reach thebottom at…showsomefluctuation/variationremain stable/constant/steadyTask 1 的六大句型(一) 开头段The table / line graph / bar chart / pie chart / graph / chart shows / illustrates /describes /这个表格/ 曲线图/ 柱状图/ 饼图/ 图表/ 显示了……(二) 描述“上升、下降、不变、波动” (各个对象在一段时间内进行变化)1.There was / is / wil be a (+adj.) + n. in the number / percentage of A(数据+) 时间A是对象的名字(图表中肯定有,照着写)n. 是表示“上升、下降、不变、波动”的名词(1) 表示“增加(上升)”的名词increase / rise / growth / jump / surge / boom(2) 表示“减少(下降)”的名词decrease / decline / fall / reduction / drop / slump(3 )表示“波动”的名词fluctuation(4 )表示“不变”的名词no/little changeadj.是形容词(1 ) 表示“快速的,剧烈的,显著的”的形容词rapid/ sharp/ significant/ dramatic/ drastic(2 ) 表示“逐步的,适度的,稳定的,慢的,一点点的”的形容词Gradual / moderate / steady / slow/ slightThen there was a drastic drop in the number over the next two years.There is little change in the number from 12pm to 2pm.There was a slight increase in the percentage o f TV audiences from about 3% at 6:00 am to about 7% at 8:00 am.And then, for the rest o f the day, there was a gradual drop in the percentage, with a slight increase from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm and around 11:00 pm.2.The number / percentage of A + v. (+adv.) (数据+) (时间)A是对象的名字(图表中肯定有,照着写即可)v .是表示“上升、下降、不变、波动”的动词( 1) 表示“上升” 的动词(括号中是不规则动词的过去式)increase/ rise (rose)/go up (went up)/grow(grew)/jump/climb/surge/shoot up(shot up)/boomsurge / shoot up / boom 表示大量增加,显著上升( 2) 表示“减少(下降)” 的动词(括号中是不规则动词的过去式)decrease/decline/go down (went down)/fall (fell)/be reduced/drop/sink (sank)/dip/slump/plummet slump /plummet 表示剧烈下降,显著减少(3 )表示“波动”的动词fluctuate(4 )表示“不变”的动词remain stable at/remain the same/^at ) 000/do not change/stabilize at//remain constant at/ remain steady/stay constant at/maintain the same level/level o ff at/level out atadv.是副词(1 )表示“快速地,剧烈地,显著地”的副词rapidly/sharply/significantly/dramatically/drastically(2 )表示“逐步地,适度地,稳定地,慢地,一点点地”的副词gradually/moderately/ steadily/slowly/slightlyThen the number plummets from 2pm to 4pm.After 6pm, the number decreases again.From 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, it remained stable.3.时间段witness / see (saw) / experience a (+ adj.) + n. in the number / percentage of A (数据) , 其中A是对象的名字(图表中有,照写)n. 是表示“上升,下降,不变,波动”的名词(1 )表示“增加(上升)”的名词increase/rise/growth/jump/surge/boom(2 )表示“减少(下降)”的名词decrease/decline//fall/reduction/ drop/slump(3 )表示“波动”的名词fluctuation(4 )表示“不变”的名词no/little changeadj.是形容词(1)表示“快速的,剧烈的,显著的”rapid/sharp/significant/dramatic/drastic 的形容词(2 )表示“逐步的,适度的,稳定的,慢的,一点点的”的形容词gradual/moderate/steady/slow/slightThe period between 10am and 12pm witnesses a moderate growth in the number of people in the station, with the number reaching 280 at midday.The next two hours see a dramatic rise in the number again.However, the next 10 hours witnessed a dramatic fall in the percentage.(三) 描述最高点、最低点(一个对象在一段时间之中的最高点和最低点)图表中有不同的时间,即第一类典型题目和第三类典型题目,能使用这个句型。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版雅思小作文饼图常用词汇、万能句型、范文整理一、饼图常用词汇1.占比词汇-account for:占据-constitute:构成-make up:组成-represent:代表-comprise:包括-occupy:占有-consist of:由……组成2.描述数据词汇-significant:显著的-considerable:相当大的-minor:较小的-negligible:可以忽略的-substantial:大量的-slight:轻微的-moderate:适度的3.比较词汇1-similar:相似的-different:不同的-compare with:与……相比-in contrast to:与……形成对比-while:然而-whereas:然而-on the other hand:另一方面4.其他常用词汇-proportion:比例-segment:部分-percentage:百分比-distribution:分布-category:类别-sector:扇形二、饼图万能句型1.开头句型-The pie chart illustrates the proportion of categories in a specific field.-The pie chart provides information about the distribution of various segments.-The pie chart depicts the percentage of different categories in a given context.2.数据描述句型2-Category A accounts for a significant proportion of the total, reaching XX%.-XX%of the total is occupied by Category B.emiring it the largest segment.-Category C constitutes a considerable part, comprising XX%of the pie chart.-The proportion of Category D is relatively minor, only accounting for XX%.3.比较句型-In comparison with Category A, Category B has a higher percentage of XX%.-While Category A occupies XX%,Category B represents a larger proportion of XX%.-The distribution of Category C is similar to that of Category D, both comprising XX%.-In contrast to Category A, the percentage of Category B is significantly lower, at XX%.4.总结句型-Overall, the pie chart reveals a clear distribution of categories in the given field.-In summary, the majority of the pie chart is occupied by Category A, followed by Category B.-It can be concluded that Category C and Category D play minor roles in the overall distribution.3三、实战演练题目:The pie chart below shows the main reasons for traffic accidents in a particular area. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.答案:The pie chart illustrates the main reasons for traffic accidents in a specific area. Upon analysis, several key points can be identified.First and foremost, the largest proportion of traffic accidents is caused by driver error, accounting for 45%of the total. This is followed by poor weather conditions, which constitute 25%of the accidents. Vehicle defects and road conditions each occupy 10%of the pie chart, while the remaining 10%is attributed to other factors.In comparison, driver error is the most significant factor, nearly doubling the percentage of poor weather conditions. Meanwhile, vehicle defects and road conditions share the same proportion, both comprising a minor part of the total.Overall, the pie chart reveals that driver error is the primary cause of traffic accidents in the given area, with poor weather conditions being the second4most common factor. Other factors, such as vehicle defects and road conditions, play relatively minor roles in the overall distribution.5。

• 两倍:double, twice
– The total output is double that of last year. – The total output has doubled since last year. – The total output is twice as much as last year.
– take an average
• average out at… • strike a balance
• 静值:at, of, with
– The number of population peaked at 2 million.
• 动值:to
– The number of population increased to 2 million.
• 中间位置:follow by, close behind, subsequently come
• 最后位置:eventually stand, the last place was distributed to
• expect, predict, project, forecast, estimate, think
• 份: part, share, segment, section, portion, • 率: rate
– at a higher/steady rate
• 20%: 20 percent • 1/2: 50%, half, • 1/3: one in three, one third • 1/4: one out of every four, a quarter, one

雅思⼩小作⽂文常⽤用语料料及句句型•a steady drop, a slight fall, a gradual decline, a small decrease•a rapid leap, a sudden rise, a marked increase, a huge growth, a dramatic rise •no change, a flat trend, the number remained unchanged;•a dramatic fall, a sharp drop, a rapid plunge, a steep decline⼀一、开头概述常⽤用套句句 The graph shows (reveals, illustrates, demonstrates, depicts, describes, indicates )…二、开头第二句描述趋势常用套句 1)It can be seen from the graph… 2) We can see from the graph… 3) As can be seen from the graph, … 4) According to the graph, … 5) As (is) shown in the graph, … 6) It is clear / apparent from the graph…三、描述趋势常用套句 1) The number increased / rose suddenly / dramatically / rapidly / substantially / considerably / sharply from…to... 2) During 1990-2000, there was a sudden/rapid/ dramatic/substantial/ sharp considerable rise/boom in the number of private cars from…to… 3) The ten years from 1990 to 2000 witnessed / saw a steady growth of private cars from…to… 4) The number of private cars increased/rose (fell/ dropped/declined/decreased) by 20% 5) The number of private cars in 2000 was 5 times more than that in 1990. 6) The number of private cars was roughly/about/ approximately doubled/ tripled between 1990 and 2000. 四、描述比例常用套句 occupy, constitute, contribute to, 1) …accounted for (/took up) 20% of all. 2) On the top of the list was…, which accounted for 70% (用于表格) 3) At the bottom of the list was…, which took up 20% only. (用于表格) 4) A was ranked first, followed by B at 20% and C at 15%五、结尾常用套句 1) we can conclude from the table that… 2) in short (=in brief),… 3) in conclusion,… 4) to conclude, it seems clear that… 5) from the table/diagram, we can see… 6) as can be seen fro the chart/table/diagram,六、完整的套句: • Body1. In general/overall, the number of working females rose stably over this five-year period and, in particular, there was a significance increase between 1999 and 2000.2. Canadian consumer ’ s expenditure fluctuated within a range of approximately 300, reaching a peak at 428 in 1980 and bottoming out at 125 in 1950.3.There was a dramatic decrease in the number of marriages in Scotland in the decade between 1960 and 1970.4. The number of marriages in Scotland witnessed a dramatic decrease in the decade between 1960 and 1970.5. The decade between 1960 and 1970 saw a dramatic decrease in the number of marriages in Scotland.6. The period between 1970 and 1985 witnessed a gentle decline within a range of approximately 100 couples.7. The number of married people in Scotland surged and subsided evenly between 1970 and 1995, averaging out at nearly 2,700.8. The number of married people in Scotland fell sharply between 1960 and 1970 and continued to decline to the lowest point of 2,500 until around 1985, though at a slower rate. There was a gradual increase in the number of marriage which leveled off at approximately 2,700 in 1995.9. The older age groups watch around 2 more hours’ weekday television than the younger groups.10. The older age groups watch around twice as much weekday television as the younger groups.11. The viewing hours for older age groups outnumber/exceed/ overtake/almost double those of the younger groups.12. Hamburgers are the most popular food of all because they account for the largest proportion of the pie chart.13. Pizza is the second most popular, and this makes up 26 percent of the total survey.14. The least popular fast food is sushi as only 3 percent of teenagers prefer this kind offood.15. Hamburgers dominate the total fast food expenditure of teenagers, at 33%.16. The spending on pizza ranked second, followed closely by that on French Fries and fried chicken, which accounted for 26%, 22% and 9% respectively.17. The remaining expenditure was channeled to tacos and sushi, with a total amount of 10%.18. While the figures for the Western countries grew to about 15% in around 1990, the figure for Japan dipped to only 2.5% for much of this period, before rising to almost5% again at the present time.19. From 1950 onwards, industrial use grew steadily to just over 1,000 km, while domestic use rose more slowly to only 300 km, both far below the levels of consumption by agriculture.20. A surged dramatically throughout the century, reaching a peak at ... in 1990 andbottoming out at ... in 1998. This is the similar case with the trend of total.21. Although A started higher than B, it lost that lead when both dipped in the middle of the period.22. In spite of performing better than A, B lost this advantage at the end of the decade.23. Both A and B dipped..., with A dropping to lower level than B.24. A fell from early high point to equal B, and both then remained level at the end of the period.25. While A gradually fell back, with a slight recovery in 1998, B generally maintained ahigher level than A.26. Although there was little movement in A as a whole, B followed an upward trend, peaking at the end of the year.地图题1. 时间空间常⽤套句1)A 在B 的东⽅/西⽅/南⽅/北⽅A is/lies/ is located/ is situated in/on / to the east/ west/south/north of B2)A 在B 内部的某个部位A is in the eastern/ southern/ western/ northern part ofB.3)A在B 西北部的120 千⽶处A lies 120 km to the northwest of B.4)A 在B…。

雅思小作文表格常用词汇、万能句型、范文整理一、表格常用词汇1.描述数据词汇-highest:最高的-lowest:最低的-increase:增加-decrease:减少-fluctuate:波动-stable:稳定的-peak:达到顶峰-trough:达到低谷2.时间词汇-year:年-month:月-quarter:季度-period:时期-over the years:多年来-during the same period:在同一时期3.比较词汇-compare with:与……相比-in contrast to:与……形成对比1-while:然而-wears:然而-similar:相似的-different:不同的4.其他常用词汇-data:数据-figure:数字-statistics:统计-category:类别-unit:单位-trend:趋势二、表格万能句型1.开头句型-The table provides information about the changes in data over a specific period.-The table illustrates the statistics of various categories during a given time frame.-The table depicts the figures for different items ina particular context.2.数据描述句型-The highest figure is recorded for Category A, reaching XX units.-Category B shows the lowest data, with only XX2units.-The data for Category C increases from XX to XX units over the years.-The statistics for Category D decrease steadily, from XX units to XX units.3.时间描述句型-In the year 20XX,Category A experienced a significant increase.-Over the years, the data for Category B fluctuates between XX and XX units.-During the same period, Category C remains relatively stable.4.比较句型-Compared with Category A, Category B has a much lower figure of XX units.-In contrast to Category A, the data for Category B shows a downward trend.-While Category C increases, Category D decreases over the years.5.总结句型-Overall, the table reveals a clear trend of increase/decrease in the data.-In summary, Category A has the highest figure,3while Category B has the lowest.-It can be concluded that the data for Category C and Category D show similar trends.三、范文题目:The table below shows the sales of Fairtrade-labelled coffee and tea in the UK from 1999 to 2004.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.答案:The table provides information about the sales of Fairtrade-labelled coffee and tea in the UK from 1999 to 2004.Upon analysis, several key points can be identified.For coffee, the sales figures show a steady increase over the years. In 1999,the sales were at 1 million units, rising to 2 million units in 2000.The sales continued to grow, reaching a peak of 4 million units in 2004.This indicates a significant trend of increasing popularity for Fairtrade-labelled coffee.In contrast, the sales of Fairtrade-labelled tea fluctuate over the same period. Starting from 2 million4units in 1999,the sales increased to 3 million units in 2000.However,the figures then decreased to 2 million units in 2002 before rising again to 3 million units in 2004.When comparing the sales of coffee and tea, it is evident that coffee has a higher figure throughout the period. While coffee sales show a consistent upward trend, tea sales fluctuate but still maintain a relatively stable level.In summary, the table reveals that Fairtrade-labelled coffee sales have increased significantly from 1999 to 2004,while tea sales have experienced fluctuations but remained at a similar level. This suggests that Fairtrade-labelled coffee has gained more popularity in the UK market compared to tea.5。

雅思小作文常用词汇和套句汇总Ⅰ、开头结尾段常用词汇句型一、开头段常用词汇:“显示”“表明”“说明”——show, give, reveal, present, describe, depict, demonstrate, illustrate, indicate, reflect。
领域 area/aspect/field/region/sphere二、开头常用句式1. 根据这幅图我们可以看出According to the chart, it is clear that…2. 这幅图描述了…在…(时间起始)的数量变化 the chart shows thechanges in the number of sth. over the period from …to …(between…and…)3. 从这幅图我们看到从..到..的数据变化 the chart shows the changes inthe number of sth. over the period from… to …三、结尾常用句式在研究了这幅图之后,我们了解到 when we study the chart, it is apparent that1) We can conclude from the table that...2) In short ( = In brief), ...3) In conclusion, ...4) To conclude, it seems clear that...5) From the table/diagram, we can see...6) As can be seen from the chart/table/diagram, ...7) It is clear/apparent from the chart/graph/table/diagram that...Ⅱ、各种图表常见词汇及句型一、饼状图(Pie chart)1. 常用词1)名词:◆percentage百分比◆proportion份额2)动词:占:Comprise ,make up, constitute, account for, take up,consume占(份额), occupy, composeis divided into…parts分为……部分consist of/ be comprised of 由…构成consume the larges/smallest portion占最大/小的份额与…相比较compare/comparison/by contrast/ in sharp contrast to比…多outnumber/exceed3)短语及副词与…相反on the contrary几分之几one half/ one third/ one fifth/ two thirds/ two fifths大约、大概about/around/almost/nearly/roughly/approximately分别/各自respectively与…相比:Compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to2. 常用套句1)The graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in…该图以饼图形式描述了……总的趋势。

雅思小作文词汇总结雅思写作Part 1词汇准备:①上升P2 ②急剧上升③下降④急剧下降⑤B由A组成V. ⑥波动⑦稳定在一个水平线上⑧达到最高点⑨达到最低点⑩达到特定数量 11表示占多少的动词(后面加%或数字)○12表示对将来数字的预测○ ①表示速度快②表示缓慢,逐渐或持续③表示大幅度 adj.④表示小幅度⑤表示大约的副词或词组⑥表示分别的副词⑦表示类比⑧表示对比注:●阴影部分的词汇既可以做动词,也可以做名词●括号中没有标注p2, p3的都为规则动词。
● 为较好的表述,推荐多用。
●adj组括号中没有标明副词形式的,则副词形式直接加-ly 即可。
1V:①上升: 无宾语则无介词,若后面带表示数量的宾语,则用介词toa. go up (went up)b. rise (rose risen)c. grow (grew grown)d. increasee. ascend②急剧上升:V: 无宾语则无介词,若后面带表示数量的宾语,则用介词tof. jumpg. surgeh. shoot up (shot up) i. soar j. 上升V(见上①)+快速adv(sharply/rapidly/dramatically/drastically/precipitously/ steeply) f. rocket③下降:V: 无宾语则无介词,若后面带表示数量的宾语,则用介词tok. decline l. dip (dipped) m. fall (fell fallen)2n. decreaseo. drop (dropped dropped) p. descend q. sink (sank sunk) r. slump④ 急剧下降:无宾语则无介词,若后面带表示数量的宾语,则用介词to a. plummet:b. plungec.表示下降的动词(参看③)+快速 adv(sharply/rapidly/dramatically/drastically/precipitously/steeply)⑤B由A组成:用来概括组成部分:以下表述都不用于进行时态,请思考为什么。
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雅思小作文常用词汇和套句汇总Ⅰ、开头结尾段常用词汇句型一、开头段常用词汇:“显示”“表明”“说明”—— show, give, reveal, present, describe, depict, demonstrate, illustrate, indicate, reflect 。
领域area/aspect/field/region/sphere二、开头常用句式1.根据这幅图我们可以看出According to the chart, it is clear that2.这幅图描述了⋯在⋯(时间起始)的数量变化the chart shows the⋯changes in the number of sth. over the period from ⋯to ⋯(between ⋯and⋯)3.从这幅图我们看到从..到..的数据变化the number of sth.over the period from the⋯chart shows the changes into⋯三、结尾常用句式在研究了这幅图之后,我们了解到 when we study the chart, it is apparent that1)We can conclude from the table that...2)In short ( = In brief), ...3)In conclusion, ...4)To conclude, it seems clear that...5)From the table/diagram, we can see...6)As can be seen from the chart/table/diagram, ...7)It is clear/apparent from the chart/graph/table/diagram that...Ⅱ、各种图表常见词汇及句型一、饼状图( Pie chart )1.常用词1)名词:◆ percentage百分比◆ proportion份额2)动词:占: Comprise ,make up, constitute, account for, take up,consume占(份额 ), occupy, composeis divided into⋯分parts为⋯⋯部分consist of/ be comprised of由⋯构成consume the larges/smallest portion占最大 /小的份额与⋯相比较 compare/comparison/by contrast/ in sharp contrast to 比⋯多 outnumber/exceed3)短语及副词与⋯相反几分之几大约、大概分别 /各自on the contraryone half/ one third/ one fifth/ two thirds/ two fifths about/around/almost/nearly/roughly/approximately respectively与⋯相比: Compared with,compared to,in comparison with, in comparisonto, by comparison with,by comparison to2.常用套句1)The graph, presented in a pie chart,shows the general trend in ⋯该图以饼图形式描述了⋯⋯总的趋势。
2)The pie graph depicts(mat)⋯该饼图揭示了⋯⋯3)The biggest difference between the two groups(A+B)is in ,where A makes⋯ up5%while B constitutes 67%.两组之间最大的区别在于⋯⋯,其中A占5%,B占67%。
4)The highest percentage of is A, which was approximately 12%⋯A占最高比例,大约 12%⋯⋯5)The percentage of A in⋯is more than twice that.TheofB ratio is $%to $%.A在⋯⋯中的比例是B的两倍多,比率是$%to $%。
6)A greater percentage of A than B is found in ⋯is (the$%andformerthe latter is$%)在⋯⋯中 A所占比例比 B高(前者为 $%,后者为 $% )。
7)There are more A in,reaching⋯$%,compared with $%of B.与 B的 $%相比, A 所占比例较高,达 $%。
8)A, which used to be the ,has⋯ become less important, which declined(increased)sharply from $%in 1978 to only $%in 1998.A从前是⋯⋯,现在重要性减弱,所占比例从1978年的 $%急剧地降到1998年的$%。
9)The percentage of A is slightly larger/smaller than that of B.A的比例比 B的比例略高 (低 )。
10)the highest/greatest/lowest/smallest/ percentage/ proportion of ⋯is ⋯ ..二、柱形图 (bar chart)1、常用词1)动词 (要依据描述的情况决定)向上:climb ,go up,soar,jump,increase, rise.grow,rocket, boom向下:collapse,go down,fall , drop,slump.decline.decrease,plummet,plunge,slide.Shrink2)名词向上: an increase (a marked increase) , a rise ( a sudden/ dramatic rise), a growth,an improvement, an upturn, a surge, an upsurge, an upward trend向下 : a fall (a sight fall ), a decrease (a small decrease), a decline (a gradual/ steep decline) , a drop ( a steady/ gradual /sharp drop) , a downturn , a downturn trend3)形容词和副词“剧烈”“显著”“明显”:副词: dramatic(ally)(急剧 ),drastic(ally)( 急剧 ), sharp(ly)(急剧 ), significant(ly)( 显著), , marked(ly)(显著 ); considerably; abrupt(ly)(突 ); alarmingly ;短语: at an alarming rate, by a massive leap“匀速”“缓慢”“逐渐”—副词:平稳地 uniformly, gradually, steadily, slightly, gently, slowly, moderately,marginally, mildly, smoothly短语:by the least amount, in a moderate way2.常用套句1 ) There was _______ in the number of A from 1986 to 1990 ( over next...years),which was followed by _______ and then _______ until 1998when there was_______ for the next...years.从1986年至 1990年(今后⋯⋯年 )A的数目为 _______ ,后来为 _______ 和_______ ,直到 1998年,该数目为_______ ,以后⋯⋯年均为_______ 。
2) From 1990 onwards, there was _______ in the number of A which thenincreased/decreased _______ at $ % in 1994.自1990年起, A的数目为 _______ ,随后到 1994年增长 /减低 $%到 _______ 。
3)In 1990, the number reached(was)%,$ but 30 years later there was1990年,该数字达到 $%,但是 30年后变为_______ 。
4) The trend decrease steeply since 1998⋯;however, it increased rapidly since 2000 and reached the peak in ⋯ 2010从1998年开始开始陡然下降,然而,从2000年,又开始急剧增长,在2010年的时候达到了最高峰。
5)The number of A increased rapidly from 1918 to 1990 during the five-year period.或是 There was a rapid increase of A from 1988 to 1990 during the five-year period.A的数量在五年期间于 1988年到 1990年上升很快。
6)A has reached something of a plateau, X percent/an average of X percent in thepast few years.在过去几年 A的数目停滞不前,即 X% /平均 X %。
7)In the three years spanning from 1995 through 1998,the percentage of Awas slightly larger/smaller than that of B.在 1995年到 1998年三年期间, A 的百分比比 B大/小了一些。
8)The graphs show a threefold increase in the number of .A这些图表显示 A的数量增长了 3倍。