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Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target l anguage 目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
b reak into, fine, sentence, abolish, on principle, sentence sb. to death, consequently, due to, as a result of, in order to, moreover, furthermore
b. 重点句子
What is even more unbelievable is the fact that some murderers are let out of prison after three or four years.
I think we should bring back much harder sentences in this country…
I also believe we should bring the death penalty back to this country as in the S tates.
I am totally against harder sentences on principle and really feel the death penalty should be abolished.
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Learn to write a discursive essay.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Enable students to know how to write a discursive essay.
Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点
Enable students to know how to write a discursive essay.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Ask ing and answer ing; p air work.
Teaching aids 教具准备
A multi-computer.
Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程及方式
Step I Revision and l eading in
Check the homework to the vocabulary exercises.
T: The topic of this unit is “Society”. Who would like to say something about what we have learned in this unit up to now?
S: In the first period we have learned something about the soci al problems of England. From lesson 1, we learned about the consumer society. And we should remember that “being” and “doing” are much more important than “having”. From lesson 2, we learned about the western ideal society Utopia. From lesson 3, we learn about the culture of Beijing’s H utongs— its past and present. …
T: Good! To learn the language of English well, we should learn the soci al culture as well. Try to learn about the difference s between cultures.
Punishment: the death penalty, fine, prison sentence, soft/hard sentences, life sentence
Ss: (repeat)
T: Well, please work in pairs, discussing which of the crimes are a big problem in our own society? What punishments would you give for the crimes? You can check the meaning s of the key words in the vocabulary list before your discussion.
A sample:
S1: I think break in is the biggest problem now. I’ve heard of a few cases of break in recently. The criminals broken in and shot two office workers to death.
S2: Yes. It’s very horrid. I think the criminals should be given hard sentence.
Deal with Ex 2
Ask students to work individually first, then discuss with the whole class.
T: I’m glad you have had a heated discussion. Next, read the two letters to a newspaper on P age 40. From the title and the photo we can know the two letters are both about crime and punishment.B ut they hold different ideas. First read individually and decide which one you agree with most.
After six minutes
Let students talk about their opinions.
S3: I agree with the first letter. I think criminals should pay for what they have done.
And they shouldn’t be let off with fines. When a person has killed somebody, they don’t deserve to live.
S4: I agree with the second one. I think every person is good by nature. And the primary goal of punishment should be to reform the person who has committed the crime. We need to help and reform criminals in order to make them into useful members of the community.
S5: Yes. We should give opportunities to those who would like to repent. And the death penalty is a cruel form of punishment which is against human dignity.
S6: I agree with the first one. If a drug dealer or robber can be out on the streets only
a few weeks or months after committing their crimes, or even get let off with fines,
they would be dangerous and our community would be at risk then.
S7: Yes, as a result, many people will lose faith in justice.
Step III Practice
T: Well, from the two letters, we know something about the crime and punishment in Britain and the USA. Next, let’s do Ex 3 on P age 41. The sentences (1-8) are from a discursive essay, and they are not as personal as the opinions in the two letters. Now what you should do is to match the sentences with personal opinion in the two letters. You can work in pairs.
Check the answer by asking individual students to read out their answers.
S uggested answers:
1 I think we should bring back much harder sentences.
2 I totally agree with the American idea of “three strikes and out”.
3 They have become like luxury hotels with televisions and gyms.
4 I also believe we should restore capital punishment in this country.
5 We also need to think about the wishes of the families and friends.
6 I am totally against harder sentences on principle.
7 Capital punishment is judicial murder.
8 It is a savage form of punishment which is against human dignity. Deal with Ex 4.
T: Look at the linking words. Which introduce reason and which introduce result?
Ss: Consequently, so that, as a result of introduce result; while due to, just because, so much and in order to introduce reason.
T h en s tudents do the exercise individually. Then compare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class.
Check students’ answers by having individuals read out the ir answers.
Students will be asked to write an essay discussing th e statement: The only way to cut cr ime in our country is to make punishment more severe.
First teacher should explain the stages of writing a discursive essay. Students are given time to discuss. Students can work in pairs, listing the arguments for and against each statement and adding their own arguments and reasons.
T: We are going to write a discursive essay. Y ou may think it is easy to write it, but to write a good article is not such an easy task. S o let’s first learn the basic stages of writing such kind of composition. S how the following on the screen.
S tage 1 list arguments “for”and “against”the statement, add reasons
S tage 2 write a layout of your essay
S tage 3 write the essay (pay attention to style, useful vocabulary, linking)
S tage 4 check your essay
T: A re you clear?
Ss: Yes.
T: There is also something you should pay attention to. F irst, you should list enough information about your topic; don’t omit the necessary information points; all content is relevant to the topic. S econd, organize your ideas properly, ideas are clearly stated or supported; ideas should be to the point. A t last, try to make your writing move on naturally and coherent. T hese are the basic rules and keep them in mind when writing. I think you should prepare the passage well after class and finish writing the passage before the next period.
T: After class, please finish exercises in Focus on Writing on Pages 88 & 89 to consolidate what we’ve learned today. A fter you finish the writing, first work in pairs and read each other’s articles. T hen comment on and discuss the arguments in both essays to improve your essays. U nderstand?
Ss: Yes.
T: Right. Y ou are required to hand it in before the next period.
M any people feel that harder sentences should be brought back so that criminals are made to pay for what they have done. A nd the death penalty shouldn’t be abolished only this can our society be protected and young people be prevented from leading a life of crime. I n addition, some people
say that conditions in prisons are too soft and the wishes of victims’family and friends possibly need to be taken into account.
H owever, others don’t hold the same view. T here are arguments against harder sentences and the death penalty. They think the death penalty is murder and no better than any other murder. Furthermore, the death penalty is too cruel and against human dignity.
I n my opinion, the primary goal of punishment should be to reform the person who has committed the crime. W e need to help and reform criminals in order to make them into useful members of the community.。
