见面打招呼的英语日常用语300句见面打招呼的英语日常用语300句如下:1、How are you getting on? 你近况如何?2、How’s everything? 一切都好么?3、What’s new? 有什么新鲜事?4、What’s happening? 近来如何?5、Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!6、Nice to see you again! 很高兴再见到你!7、How have you been? 你近况如何?8、I’ve been fine, thanks. 我一直很好,谢谢。
9、How’s your family? 你的家人怎么样?10、How’s work? 工作如何?11、Is everything under control? 一切都在掌握之中吗?12、You’re looking great! 你看起来很不错!13、It’s been a long day. 今天很漫长。
14、I’m exhausted! 我筋疲力尽了!15、Are you ready for the weekend? 你周末准备好了吗?16、Enjoy your day off! 祝你度过愉快的一天!17、Here’s to a successful day! 祝你度过成功的一天!18、Here’s to a productive day! 祝你度过有收获的一天!19、Here’s to a prosperous day! 祝你度过富裕的一天!20、Cheers! 干杯!21、Bottoms up! 干杯!22、Good night! 晚安!23、Sleep well! 睡个好觉!24、See you in the morning! 早上见!25、Hi, good morning! 你好,早上好!26、Hello, how are you? 你好,近况如何?27、Hi there, what’s new? 嘿,有什么新鲜事吗?28、How’s everything going? 一切还好吗?29、Hey, what’s up? 嘿,有什么新鲜事吗?30、You look great today! 你今天看起来很棒!31、Are you having fun? 你过得开心吗?32、It’s a pleasure to see you again! 很高兴再次见到你!33、Good morning, how are you? 早上好,你怎么样?34、Hi, nice to meet you! 嗨,很高兴认识你!35、Hello, how’s everything? 你好,一切都好吗?36、Hey there, what’s new? 嘿,有什么新鲜事吗?37、Good day, how’s life treating you? 美好的一天,你过得怎么样?38、What’s up, fellow? 怎么了,伙计?39、Howdy, friend! 你好啊,朋友!40、Hi there, pal! 嘿,伙计!41、Hey, you! Hello, you! 嘿,你!你好啊!42、Good afternoon, sunshine! 下午好,阳光明媚!43、Good evening, have a nice day! 晚上好,祝你有个美好的一天!44、Long time no see, where’d you disappear to? 好久不见,你去哪儿了?45、How’ve you been? 你过得怎么样?46、I’m doing well, how about you? 我过得很好,你呢?47、I’m good, thanks! 我很好,谢谢!48、I’m hanging in there. 我过得还可以。
Word 文档1 / 1 职场礼仪英语:欢迎、问候用语职场礼仪英语:欢迎、问候用语1、good morning 〔afternoon, evening 〕, sir 〔madam 〕 早上〔下午、晚上〕好,先生〔夫人〕。
2、how do you do?您好!〔初次见面〕glad to meet you.很高兴见到您。
3、how are you?您好吗?fine, thanks. and you?很好,感谢。
您好吗?4、welcome to our hotel 〔restaurant, shop 〕。
5、wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们宾馆过得快乐。
6、i hope you will enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得快乐。
〔客人刚入店时〕i hope you are enjoying your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得快乐。
〔客人在饭店逗留期间〕i hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得快乐。
〔客人离店时〕7、have a good time! 祝您过得快乐! 8、***hotel, front desk. can i help you? ***饭店,前厅。
您找谁? 9、sorry, ive dialed the wrong number. 对不起,我拨错号了。
10、may i speak to your general manager? 能和你们总经理说话吗? speaking. 我就是。
幼儿英语打招呼用语(集锦)1.常规打招呼Hi!(嗨!)Goodmorning!(早上好!)Goodafternoon!(下午好!)Goodevening!(晚上好!)2.亲切打招呼Hiya!(嗨呀!)Hey!(嘿!)Hi,what'sup?(嗨,最近怎么样?)3.带有动作的打招呼Wavehello!(挥手打招呼)Highfive!(击掌!)Fistbump!(击拳!)Shakinghands!(握手!)Hugging!(拥抱!)4.带有情感的打招呼I'msohappytoseeyou!(见到你真高兴!)Imissedyousomuch!(我好想你!)Iloveyou!(我爱你!)5.幽默打招呼What'scrackin'?(最近怎么样?)Sup?(最近怎么样?)Yo!(哟!)Howdy!(嗨!)How'sitgoin'?(最近怎么样?)6.互动打招呼How'syourdaybeen?(你今天过得怎么样?)Whatdidyoudotoday?(你今天做了什么?)Doyouwanttoplay?(你想玩吗?)Let'shavefuntogether!(我们一起玩吧!)CanIjoinin?(我可以加入吗?)7.特色打招呼Howdy,partner!(嗨,伙计!)Cheers!(干杯!)Ciao!(嗨!)8.节日打招呼MerryChristmas!(圣诞快乐!)HappyNewYear!(新年快乐!)HappyHalloween!(万圣节快乐!)HappyBirthday!(生日快乐!)HappyEaster!(复活节快乐!)9.天气相关打招呼It'sasunnyday!(今天阳光明媚!)It'srning!(今天下雨!)It'ssnowing!(今天下雪!)It'swindy!(今天风很大!)It'sabeautifulday!(今天天气真好!)10.搞怪打招呼Boop!(戳一下!)Peck!(啄一下!)Honk!(嘟嘟!)Sniff!(嗅一下!)Wiggle!(扭动一下!)Alright,let'sdiverightinandfleshthisoutabitmore.Youknowh owkidslovetoplayandmimic?Well,incorporatingthesephrasesinto gamesanddlyroutinescanmakeaworldofdifference.1.ImitatingCharactersImaginebeingDoryfrom"FindingNemo"andsaying,"Hi,mynameisD ory!"orchannelingOlaffrom"Frozen"withacheerful,"Hi,I'mOlaf, andIlikewarmhugs!"Kidslovetoimitatetheirfavoritecharacters, andit'safunwaytopracticegreetings.2.MorningRoutinesStartingthedaywithacheery"Goodmorning,sunshine!"or"Risea ndshine,let'sstartthedaywithabighello!"cansetapositivetonef ortheday.It'salsoagreatwaytoteachthemabouttheimportanceofagoodmorninggreeting.3.PlayfulVariationsYoucanswitchthingsupsaying,"Sup,littlebuddy?"or"Yo,what' sthescoop?"Theseplayfulvariationscanmaketheinteractionfeelm oredynamicandengagingforthelittleones.4.LearningThroughSongsSingingsongslike"Hello,Hello,Hello"or"IfYou'reHappyandYo uKnowIt"canmakelearningthesephrasesfeellesslikeachoreandmor elikefun.Plus,musichelpswithmemoryretention.5.InteractiveStorytimeDuringstorytime,incorporatethesegreetingsintothenarrativ e.Forinstance,"Andthenthebearsd,'Hellothere,littleduck!'"Th isnotonlymakesthestorymoreengagingbutalsoreinforcestheuseof greetingsincontext.ingPropsGrabatoyphoneandhaveapretendconversationwiththekids."Hel lo,isthisTom?Oh,hiSarah!How'syourdaygoing?"Thiscanbeahilari ousandeducationalactivitythatthekidswilllove.7.EmotionalIntelligenceTeachthemtoexpressempathywithphraseslike,"Ihopeyoufeelbe ttersoon"or"Areyouokay?CanIgiveyouahug?"Thesemomentshelpbui ldemotionalconnectionsandteachkidstobeconsiderateofothers'feelings.8.Role-PlayingSetupalittlepretendstoreorrestaurantandhavethekidspracti cetheirgreetingsascustomersorservers."MayItakeyourorder?"or "Weletoourshop,howcanIhelpyou?"arephrasesthatcaneinhandy.9.CelebratingMilestonesWhenachildlearnsanewgreeting,celebrateit!"Wow,youjustsd' Goodevening'allyourself!That'samazing!"Positivereinforcemen tgoesalongwayinencouragingthemtokeeplearning.10.CreatingScenariosThinkofscenarioswherethesegreetingswouldbeuseful,likemee tinganewfriendattheparkorsayinggoodetoarelative."Whenwesee 奶奶tomorrow,whatwillwesay?""Hello,奶奶!"istheexpectedresponse,andit'sagreatwaytopractice.11.IncorporatingBodyLanguageShowthemhowtowaveorgiveathumbs-upwhilesayinghello.Kidsar evisuallearners,andseeingthegesturescanhelpthemrememberthep hrasesbetter.12.MakingItPersonalEncouragethekidstoeupwiththeirownuniquegreetings.Maybeth eyhaveaspecialhandshakeorasecretword.It'sallaboutmakingitpe rsonalandfunforthem.Sothereyouhaveit,amorefleshed-outguidetomakingEnglishgre etingsablastforthelittleones.It'sallaboutkeepingitlight,pla yful,andengaging,andbeforeyouknowit,they'llbegreetingeveryo neinEnglishwithabigsmileontheirfaces.重点:使用亲切、幽默和互动的英语打招呼用语,以吸引幼儿的兴趣和参与。
英语常见打招呼用语1、只要是朋友都能用的:How's everything?一切都好?What's up?近况如何?What's new?有什么新鲜事?What's happening?在忙什么?2、任何时后都能够用,但比较见外:How are you?你好吗?3、合用于第一次见面:Nice to meet you. 很快乐见到你。
4、合用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人:Nice to see you again. 很快乐再会到你。
5、合用于有一阵子没见面的朋友:How have you been?你过得怎么样?6、合用于很久没见的朋友:Long time no see. 很久不见。
Good morning! (早上好!)、Good afternoon! (下午好!)、Good evening! (晚上好!)也都是非经常见的寒暄语,但多用于工作环境中的问候。
How do you do?(你好!)此种方式用于初次见面时的问候,可用Nice /Good / Glad to see you.(见到你很快乐。
How are you? (你好吗?)是最惯用的问候方式。
另外尚有其它的问候方式,如:How’s it going? (你好吗?)、How’re you doing? (你好吗?)What’s up? (近况如何?)是比较流行的问候方式,多用于比较熟悉的亲朋之间。
How have you been? (你过得怎么样?)合用于有一阵子没见面的朋友。
Long time no see. (很久不见。
How are you! 你好!How do you do! 你好!(非常正式场合用)How are you today? 今天好吗?How is everything? 一切都好吗?How is it going? 近况如何?How is everything with you/going? 你一切都好吗?How are things with you/going? 一切都好吧?How is the world around you? 你周边的世界如何?What is happening? 在忙些什么?What’s new/up? 有什么新鲜事吗?How is life treating you? 你生活过得如何?How are you getting along? 近来如何?(涉及工作,健康等等……)How have you been? 你近来如何?(现在完毕时,用已有一段时间没有见面的朋友。
中国打招呼用语英文版跟人见面第一句肯定要打招呼,如果你还停留在"Hello?" "How are you?" "How do you do?"的层次上,那你可能要听不懂美国人说话了。
下面小编为你整理了中国打招呼用语英文版,希望对你有所帮助!中国打招呼用语英文版(精选篇)1. I’m Kathy King. 我是凯西•金。
2. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得•史密斯吗?3. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 是,我是。
/ 不,我不是。
4. How are you? 你好吗?5. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?6. I’m fine, too. 我也很好。
7. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗?8. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。
9. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。
10. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。
中国打招呼用语英文版(最新篇)1. See you later. 待会儿见。
2. I have to go now. 我必须走了。
3. May I come in? 我能进来吗?4. Come in, please. 请进。
5. Sit down, please. 请坐。
6. It’s time for class. 上课时间到了。
7. Open your books and turn to page 打开书,翻到第20页。
8. I’ll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。
9. Here! 到!10. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗?11. What’s this? 这是什么?12. It’s a pen. 是支笔。
下面我为你分享英语课堂打招呼的日常用语,希望对你有所帮助!英语课堂打招呼的日常用语11. Good morning / afternoon / evening!早晨(下午/晚上)好!2. I’m Kathy King.我是凯西金。
3. Are you Peter Smith?你是彼得史密斯吗?4. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.是,我是。
5. How are you?你好吗?6. Fine, thanks. And you?很好,谢谢,你呢?7. I’m fine, too.我也很好。
8. How is Amy / your wife / your husband?爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗?9. She is very well, thank you.她很好,谢谢。
10. Good night, Jane.晚安,简。
11. Good-bye, Mike.再见,迈克。
12. See you tomorrow.明天见。
13. See you later.待会儿见。
14. I have to go now.我必须走了。
15. May I come in?我能进来吗?16. Come in, please.请进。
17. Sit down, please.请坐。
18. It’s time for class.上课时间到了。
19. Open your books and turn to page打开书,翻到第20页。
20. I’ll call the roll before class.课前我要点名。
英语课堂打招呼的日常用语21. Yes, it’s mine.是的,是我的。
2. Where are my glasses?我的眼镜在哪儿?3. Do you know where I’ve put my glasses?你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗?4. Over there.在那边。
1.how are you doing?(你好吗?)2.im doing great.(我过得很好。
)3.whats up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?)4.nothing special.(没什么特殊的。
)5.hi.long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了。
)6.so far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好。
)7.things couldnt be better.(一切顺当。
)8.how about yourself?(你自己呢?)9.today is a great day.(今日是个好日子。
)10.are you making progress?(有进展吗?)11.may i have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?)12.ive heard so much about you.(久仰大名。
)13.i hope youre enjoying your staying here.(盼望你在这里过得开心。
)14.lets get together again.(改天再聚聚。
)15.thats a great idea!(好办法!)16.please say hello to your mother for me.(请代我向你母亲问好。
)17.im glad to have met you.(很兴奋遇到你。
)18.dont forget us.(别忘了我们。
)19.keep in touch.(保持联系。
)20.i had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘的时间。
)21.have a nice weekend.(周末开心。
)22.same to you.(彼此彼此。
前台英语培训第一章礼貌英语(一)欢迎问候语1、Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam) 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。
2、How do you do?您好!(初次见面)Glad to meet you.很高兴见到您。
3、How are you?您好吗?Fine, thanks. And you?很好,谢谢。
您好吗?4、Welcome to our hotel (restaurant, shop).欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。
5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。
6、Have a good time!祝您过得愉快!7、***hotel, front desk. Can I help you?***饭店,前厅。
有什么需要帮忙吗?8、Sorry, I’ve dialed the wrong number. 对不起,我拨错号了。
9、Would you like to leave a message?您要留口信吗?10、I beg your pardon.对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?(二)祝贺用语11、Congratulations!祝贺您!12、Happy birthday!生日快乐!13、Happy new year!新年快乐!14、Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!15、Have a nice holiday!假日快乐!16、Wish you every success!祝您成功!(三)答谢和答应语:17、Thank you (very much).谢谢您(非常感谢)。
18、Thank you for your advice (information, help) 感谢您的忠告(信息、帮助)。
19、It’s very kind of you.谢谢,您真客气。
20、You are welcome.不用谢。
下面小编为你整理了英语中的打招呼用语,希望对你有所帮助!英语中的打招呼用语(精选篇)1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!3. I’m Kathy King. 我是凯西•金。
4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得•史密斯吗?5. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 是,我是。
/ 不,我不是。
6. How are you? 你好吗?7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?8. I’m fine, too. 我也很好。
9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗?10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。
英语中的打招呼用语(最新篇)1. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。
2. See you tomorrow. 明天见。
3. See you later. 待会儿见。
4. I have to go now. 我必须走了。
5. May I come in? 我能进来吗?6. Come in, please. 请进。
7. Sit down, please. 请坐。
8. It’s time for class. 上课时间到了。
9. Open your books and turn to page 打开书,翻到第20页。
10. I’ll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。
11. Here! 到!12. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗?13. What’s this? 这是什么?14. It’s a pen. 是支笔。
英文打招呼常用语对话一、日常问候1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!2. Good morning! 早上好!3. Good afternoon! 下午好!4. Good evening! 晚上好!5. How are you?你好吗?/ 你好!/ 你怎么样?6. Fine, thank you! / I'm OK! 很好,谢谢!我很好!7. How's everything? 一切都好么?8. Great! / Terrific! 棒极了!/ 非常好!9. How's life? 生活怎么样?10. Pretty good. 非常好。
11. What's new? 有什么新鲜事么?12. Nothing much. 没什么。
/ 一切正常。
13. Not bad. 不坏。
/ 不错。
14. So-so. 马马虎虎。
15. No problem! / OK!没问题!好!16. I'm here to help if you need it.如果你需要的话,我会帮忙的。
二、久别重逢17. Long time no see! 好久不见!18. You've been away for ages! 你已经离开很久了!19. Where have you been? 你去了哪里?20. It's been a long time since we last met.我们上次见面已经很长时间了。
21. It seems like yesterday. 仿佛是昨天。
22. I can't believe how time flies. 真不敢相信时间过得这么快。
23. It's great to see you again! 再次见到你真是太好了!三、晚安/告别24. Good night! 晚安!25. Sleep well! 睡个好觉!26. See you in the morning! 早上见!27. I'll see you later! / Catch you later!过会见!/待会见!28. See you tomorrow! 明天见!29. I'll be back later! 我稍后回来!30. Have a great day! 祝你度过美好的一天!31. Take care of yourself and don't worry about me.照顾好自己,别为我担心。
外国打招呼的口语1. “Hey!” 就这么简单的一个词,比如在学校遇到同学,你就可以轻松地喊一句“Hey,bro!”,是不是很直接又亲切呀。
2. “Hi there!” 想象一下,你在街上碰到邻居,笑着说“Hi there”,立马就拉近了距离呢。
比如“Hi there,Mrs. Smith! How are you today?”。
3. “What's up?” 这可是年轻人常用的打招呼方式哟。
朋友见面,来一句“What's up”,然后开始愉快地聊天,像这样:“What's up, man? Lo ng time no see!”。
4. “Good to see you!” 当你见到许久未见的朋友,说“Good to see you”,那温暖的感觉一下就出来了,“Good to see you again, Jack!”。
5. “Howdy!” 这可是很有特色的一个打招呼用语呢。
就像牛仔们见面那样,“Howdy, partner!”,超酷的有没有。
6. “Yo!” 简单又有力,和好朋友之间用再合适不过啦。
“Yo, what are you doing?”。
7. “Morning!” 早上见面,一声“Morning”,开启美好的一天,“Morning, dear!”。
8. “Evening!” 傍晚遇到熟人,说一句“Evening”,多么自然呀,“Evening, Mr. Johnson.”。
9. “Hello!” 最常见的打招呼用语啦,万能的哟。
10. “G'day!” 这是澳大利亚很常用的打招呼方式呢。
“G'day, mate!”,感觉特别热情呀。
2023年英语问候语2023年英语问候语11、来是come ; 去是go ;come, come ;go, go.2、点头yes; 摇头no;yes,yes;no,no.3、见面问好说 Hello! Hello! Hello!4、客人来了快请坐 Sit down, please. Sit down, please.5、客人来了请喝茶Have some tea ,please. Have some tea,please.6、临睡之前道晚安 Good night .Good night .Good night.7、临走分手说Bye-bye! Bye-bye! Bye-bye!8、你好吗? How are you? How are you? How are you?9、熟人见面说声 Hi! Hi! Hi!10、晚上好 Good evening. Good evening. Good evening.11、我是I, 你是you,I,I;you,you.12、谢谢你 Thank you . Thank you.Thank you.13、早上好Good morning . Good morning. Good morning.2023年英语问候语2how are you?你好吗?nice to meet you(适用于第一次见面)很高兴见到你。
nice to see you again(适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的'人)很高兴再见到你。
how have you been?(适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友) 你过得怎么样?long time no see(适用于很久没见的朋友)好久不见how is it going?近况如何。
how’s everything with you?你的一切如何?hi! are you having fun?嗨,你过得愉快吗?how have you been (feeling)?你近来如何?so far so good到目前还好。
打招呼的英文短句1. Hello!2. Hi there!3. Good morning!4. Good afternoon!5. Good evening!6. How's it going?7. How are you?8. Hey, what's up?9. What's going on?10. Long time no see!11. It's nice to see you!12. Hey, how have you been?13. Good to see you again!14. How's everything?15. Morning, how are you?16. Hey, good to see you!17. Hello, long time no see!18. How's your day going?19. How's life treating you?20. What's been happening?21. Hey, how's life?22. What have you been up to?23. How are things going?24. Hey, good to see you again!25. It's been a while, hasn't it?26. How are things with you?27. Hey there, what's new?28. How's your day been so far?29. How are you doing today?30. Hey, how is everything?31. What's new with you?32. How have you been doing?33. How's life been treating you?34. What's new in your world?35. How's everything in your world?36. Hey, how are things going?37. How are you holding up?38. What have you been up to lately?39. Hey, how are things going for you?40. How's everything been with you?41. What's been going on with you lately?42. How has your day been so far?43. How's everything been with you lately?44. What have you been doing these days?45. How's everything going for you today?46. Hey, how is everything going for you?47. How's everything been in your world?48. How are you keeping these days?49. How's everything been with you lately?50. What's new in your life?51. What's happening?。
与人打招呼英语短语1. Hello!2. Hi there!3. Hey, how's it going?4. Good morning!5. Good afternoon!6. Good evening!7. Howdy!8. Greetings!9. Hey, what's up?10. Hello, how are you?11. Good to see you!12. Nice to meet you!13. How have you been?14. What's new?15. Long time no see!16. How's everything?17. Hey, how's your day going?18. Hey, how are you doing?19. What's going on?20. How are you today?21. It's great to see you!22. What's happening?23. How are things with you?24. What have you been up to?25. How are you feeling?26. It's nice to see you again!27. Hello, how's your day?28. How's life treating you?29. Hey, how have you been?30. What's the good word?31. How's your day been so far?32. Hey, how are things?33. How's everything been going?34. How's your week been?35. What's been happening?36. How's your day been?37. Hey, how's it going today?38. What's been going on?39. How's your day been going?40. How's your week been so far?41. How's your day been treating you?42. What's been going on with you?43. How's your day treating you?44. How's everything been with you?45. How have you been doing?46. How's it been going?47. What brings you here today?48. How's your day been so far?49. How's everything with you?50. What's new with you?51. How are you today?。
下面橙子为你分享小学英语课堂打招呼用语,希望对你有所帮助!小学英语课堂打招呼用语(20xx最新版) 1. Follow me. 跟我来。
2. Never mind.不要紧。
3. Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗?4. Help yourself. 别客气。
5. I'm on a diet. 我在节食。
6. Keep in Touch. 保持联络。
7. Time is money. 时间就是金钱。
8. Who's calling? 是哪一位?9. You did right. 你做得对。
10. You set me up! 你出卖我!小学英语课堂打招呼用语(经典版) 1. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!2. Excuse me,Sir. 先生,对不起。
3. Give me a hand! 帮帮我!4. How's it going? 怎么样?5. I have no idea. 我没有头绪。
6. I just made it! 我做到了!1 / 37. I'll see to it 我会留意的。
8. I'm in a hurry! 我在赶时间!9. It's her field. 这是她的本行。
10. It's up to you. 由你决定。
11. Just wonderful! 简直太棒了!12. What about you? 你呢?13. You owe me one.你欠我一个人情。
14. You're welcome. 不客气。
15. Any day will do. 哪一天都行夕16. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧!17. Congratulations! 祝贺你!18. T can't help it. 我情不自禁。
下边橙子为你整理了英文打招呼用语,希望对你有所帮助!英文打招呼用语(优选篇) 1.Holdon.等一会儿。
2.Howlongdoesit takefor aletter togettoAmericafromBeijing? 信从北京到美国要多久?3.Iamboredtodeath.我无聊死了。
6.Iwanttorentafurnished house.我想要有家具的房屋。
英文打招呼用语(最新篇) 1.Howmuchistherentfor amonth?每个月租金多少?1/5文章根源网络整理,仅供参照学习2.Ifeelathomelivinghere.Thelandladyisverykindtome.我感觉住在这里象在家里同样。
6.Ihaveadog,but it’sveryquiet.我有一只狗,可是它很寂静。
英语打招呼常用语问候语如何用英文打招呼?除了Hi、Hey、Hello、Good morning…… 还有哪些是你能脱口而出的?下面小编为你整理了英语打招呼常用语,希望对你有所帮助!英语打招呼常用语问候语(精选篇)1. Do you feel better now? 你现在觉得好点了吗?2. She sent me a Christmas card last year. 去年寄过一张圣诞卡。
3. With pleasure. 很高兴。
4. What were you doing when I called? 我打电话给你时你在干吗?5. I hope so. 希望如此。
6. I read a magazine in bed. 我躺在床上看杂志。
7. I didn’t sleep well. 我没睡好。
8. Yes, I’m watching Channel 是的,我在看5频道。
9. No, I’m listening to the radio. 没有,我在听收音机。
10. Where are you going? 你去哪儿?英语打招呼常用语问候语(最新篇)1. I’m going to work. 我去上班。
2. Who are you writing to? 你在给谁写信?3. I’m writing to an old friend. 给一个老朋友。
4. What will you do this weekend? 这周末你将干什么?5. I’ll go to a concert. 我要去听音乐会。
6. I’ll go on an outing with some friends. 我与朋友去郊游。
7. Do you like traveling? 你喜欢郊游吗?8. Yes, I like it a great deal/it very much. 是的,我很喜欢。
9. Your English is very good. 你的英语很好。
英语打招呼常用语问候语如何用英文打招呼?除了Hi、Hey、Hello、Good morning…… 还有哪些是你能脱口而出的?下面橙子为你整理了英语打招呼常用语问候语,希望对你有所帮助!英语打招呼常用语问候语(精选篇) 1. Do you feel better now? 你现在觉得好点了吗?2. She sent me a Christmas card last year. 去年寄过一张圣诞卡。
3. With pleasure. 很高兴。
4. What were you doing when I called? 我打电话给你时你在干吗?5. I hope so. 希望如此。
6. I read a magazine in bed. 我躺在床上看杂志。
7. I didn’t sleep well. 我没睡好。
8. Ye s, I’m watching Channel 是的,我在看5频道。
9. No, I’m listening to the radio. 没有,我在听收音机。
10. Where are you going? 你去哪儿?英语打招呼常用语问候语(最新篇) 1. I’m going to work. 我去上班。
2. Who are you writing to? 你在给谁写信?1 / 43. I’m writing to an old friend. 给一个老朋友。
4. What will you do this weekend? 这周末你将干什么?5. I’ll go to a concert. 我要去听音乐会。
6. I’ll go on an outing with some friends. 我与朋友去郊游。
7. Do you like traveling? 你喜欢郊游吗?8. Yes, I like it a great deal/it very much. 是的,我很喜欢。
9. Your English is very good. 你的英语很好。
英文首次打招呼常用语他人在跟你打招呼以后,除了Fine,thankyou,andyou,你还会其他吗?下边橙子为你整理了英文首次打招呼常用语,希望对你有所帮助!英文首次打招呼常用语(优选篇) 1.Wouldyoumindopeningthe window?你介怀开窗吗?2.Iputmyselfentirelyinyourhands.我按你说的办。
3.Thebiggest festival inmycountry istheSpringFestival.我国最大的节日是春节。
4.Geographically,China is located in the Northern Hemisphere.从地理地点上说,中国位于北半球。
10.InBrazil, manyancient forests areverywellpreserved.在巴西,古老的丛林保留十分完满。
英文首次打招呼常用语(最新篇)1.Thesceneryisvery beautifulinthesmallislandsinthePacificOceans.太平洋上一些小岛的风景十分优美。
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英语打招呼用语(精选篇) 1. My country is rich in natural resources. 我国自然资源丰富。
2. That nation is famous for its tourism. 那个国家以旅游业闻名。
3. The biggest festival in my country is the Spring Festival. 我国最大的节日是春节。
4. Geographically, China is located in the Northern Hemisphere. 从地理位置上说,中国位于北半球。
5. In this country, the weather is usually awful. 在这个国家,天气通常十分恶劣。
6. It is a very beautiful country with many mountains. 这是一个多山的美丽国度。
7. This country is famous for its beautiful lakes. 这个国家以其美丽的湖泊而闻名于世。
8. The land in this region is rather dry and parched. 这片土地十分干燥。
9. Along the northern coast of this continent, there are 1 / 5
many cliffs. 沿该大陆的北海岸线上有许多峭壁。
10. In Brazil, many ancient forests are very well preserved. 在巴西,古老的森林保存十分完好。
英语打招呼用语(最新篇) 1. Lumbering is very important in some underdeveloped countries. 在一些不发达的国家,伐木业十分重要。
2. The scenery is very beautiful in the small islands in the Pacific Oceans. 太平洋上一些小岛的景色十分优美。
3. What kind of climate do you have in this country? 这个国家的气候如何?
4. In the west of America, there are many high peaks and deep canyons. 在美国西部有许多高峰和深谷。
5. Which one is the longest river in China? 中国哪条河流最长?
6. Do you get much rain in summer? 这里夏天雨水多吗?
7. Is the plain along the river good for farming? 河畔的平原易于发展农业吗?
8. It’s cold and foggy in London at this time of year. 在每年的这个时候,伦敦寒冷而多雾。
9. Every one must receive 9 years of compulsory education. 每人必须接受九年的义务教育。
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10. Children enter primary school at the age of 孩子们7岁进小学。
11. Some students quit school due to poverty. 一些学生因贫困而辍学。
12. There is fierce competition in the College Entrance Examination. 高考竞争激烈。
13. He majored in Computers. 他主修计算机。
14. She is working for her double major in English and Economics. 她正在修英语和经济双学位。
15. I graduated from Yale University 5 years ago. 五年前,我从耶鲁大学毕业。
16. Everybody hopes to apply to a good school. 申请好学校是令人向往的。
17. Mary is in her freshman year. 玛丽大学一年级。
18. Lily is a sophomore now. 莉莉现在大学二年级。
19. Mike is already a junior. 迈克已经大学三年级了。
20.As a senior, Peter is writing his thesis. 作为大学四年级学生,彼得正在写毕业论文。
英语打招呼用语(经典篇) 1. Mr. Green is a member of the faculty. 格林先生是大学教员。
2. In Britain, there are open universities. 在英国,有成
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3. There are many training classes and night classes. 有许多培训班与夜校。
4. What does your father do? 你父亲做什么工作?
5. He is a doctor. He has his own practice. 他是个医生,他自己开业。
6. Do you have any plans for your career? 你对未来有什么计划吗?
7. I want to be a pilot if possible. 如果可能的话,我想做个飞行员。
8. I hope that I can get a decent job with a good salary. 我希望有一份既体面,收入又高的工作。
9. I have an interview next week. 我下周要参加考试。
10. Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school. 当汤姆的同学还在学校苦读时,他已经开始了自己的事业。
11. I like writing, but I wouldn’t take it as my career. 我喜欢写作但不愿以此为职业。
12. I worked as an intern in that firm last summer. 去年夏天我在那家商行实习。
13. He’s a very efficient young man though a little proud.
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14. He made a successful career in business. 他的商务生涯十分成功。
15. My cousin has just been promoted to the rank of major. 我表兄刚被提升为上校。
16. He is a manager of a famous corporation. 他是一家著名公司的经理。
17. The statesman retired as the mayor of New York. 那位政治家退休时是纽约市市长。
18. He was appointed president of the committee recently. 他最近被任命为那个革命会的总裁。
19. This area is noted for its rich soil. 这个地区以土壤肥沃著称。
20. The place is too stony for farming. 这地方太多石块,不适合耕种。
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