学习歌曲《Do Re Mi》 听这首歌曲,请大家用笔把歌词中代表音符的英文单词圈出来。
五线谱: 五线谱的谱表是由五条平行线构成的,共有五线四间。这五条线由低向高顺序称为:第一、二、三、四、五线。同理,四间也是由低向高排列,将第一、二线之间的空间称为第一间,其余依次为第二、三、四间。如果五线四间不敷记载时,可以在第一线之下或者是第五线之上另加短线,称为加线,因加线而形成的空间成为加间。 。
导入: 文章是由一个个的汉字组成的,英文单词是由字母组成的,那么音乐是由什么组成的呢?高低长短不同的音符组成的。听听播放的歌曲中的歌词提到了那几个音符?
内容简介: 电影《音乐之声》通过描写一个生性活泼、不安心当修女的姑娘玛利亚,应聘到上校家里当家庭教师,教孩子们从学唱“Do Re Mi”开始,在游戏中学会了歌唱,懂得了七个音符能创造出美妙音乐的魔力。《Do Re Mi》是该剧中著名唱段之一。
Do Re Mi
- .
欣赏并学唱歌曲《Do Re Mi》,感受、体验歌曲的音乐情绪。 初识五线谱,认识高音谱号、高音谱表,并能在高音谱表上找到小字一组七个基本音级的位置。
教 学 重 点、难点
高音谱号是从第二线开始的,因此第二线便是七个基本音集中的G,在C调中唱作sol。 从sol向上向下学习七个基本音级在高音谱表中的“家”。 sol向上:la第二间、ti第三线 sol向下:fa第一间、mi第一线 五线谱上没有位置了怎么办——re和do住进地下室——下加一间、下加一线。
troduce Of A Film
The film is...
The director...
Robert Wise (English: Robert Wise, September 10, 1914 September 14th 罗伯特· 怀斯(英语:Robert Wise,1914年9月10日-2005年9月14 2005), American famous Hollywood director and producer. In 1914 America 日),美国好莱坞著名导演及制作人。 1914 年美国印第安纳州出生, Indiana was born, when young for depression and dropping out of school, after 年少时因抑郁症而辍学,后得兄弟帮助,在摄影棚找到一份工作, the brothers help, find a job in the studio, in 1933 joined the shadow ring when 1933 年加入影圈当剪辑,六年后晋升导演,曾拍摄三十九部电影,四 the clip, six years after the Promotion Director, had a thirty-nine film, won four 度获得奥斯卡金像奖。 2005 年 9月14 日因心脏衰竭与世长辞。) Oscar awards. In September 14, 2005 the heart failure due to depart from the world for ever.
Thank you~~ Thank You!
·奥斯卡奖-最佳女主角 朱丽·安德鲁斯 Julie Andrews ·奥斯卡奖-最佳女配角 佩吉·伍德 Peggy Wood ·奥斯卡奖-最佳摄影(彩色) 特德·麦科德 Ted D. McCord ·奥斯卡奖-最佳艺术指导(彩色) Boris Leven Walter Scott Ruby R. Levitt ·奥斯卡奖-最佳服装设计(彩色) Dorothy Jeakins
音乐之声The Sound of Music资料
音乐之声《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music),1964年出品,由20世纪福克斯电影公司制作,由罗伯特·怀斯执导,朱丽·安德鲁斯、克里斯托弗·普卢默、理查德·海顿主演,于1965年上映。
改编自玛利亚·冯·崔普(Maria von Trapp)的著作《崔普家庭演唱团》,最初以音乐剧的形式于百老汇上演。
修女院里的女院长(Mother Abbess)觉得她这样的活泼的性格不适合僧侣生活。
玛利亚到达冯·特拉普(Captain Georg Von Trapp)家,发现他是一个有七个孩子的鳏夫(这里指丧偶的男子),长期的海军生活和亡妻的悲伤使他对待孩子像管教士兵一样严格。
音乐之声The Sound of Music资料
音乐之声《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music),1964年出品,由20世纪福克斯电影公司制作,由罗伯特·怀斯执导,朱丽·安德鲁斯、克里斯托弗·普卢默、理查德·海顿主演,于1965年上映。
改编自玛利亚·冯·崔普(Maria von Trapp)的著作《崔普家庭演唱团》,最初以音乐剧的形式于百老汇上演。
修女院里的女院长(Mother Abbess)觉得她这样的活泼的性格不适合僧侣生活。
玛利亚到达冯·特拉普(Captain Georg Von Trapp)家,发现他是一个有七个孩子的鳏夫(这里指丧偶的男子),长期的海军生活和亡妻的悲伤使他对待孩子像管教士兵一样严格。
Bless my homeland forever
Love, derived he human’s most eternal pursuit.
The greatness of love, is that they don't fear any oppression, not afraid of any threat. Therefore, love will eventually defeat evil, also surpass ourselves to get new glory.
The Love from Maria and captain to their country
before leaving, he sang his favorite song “Edelweiss”, which express his love of country. All the audience sang the “Edelweiss" together, expressed the Austrian people's beliefs against aggression.
The Love from Maria to captain
Maria brings lots of changes to caption’s home, these changes arouse captain’s love of life and recall the past happiness, also reminded his love to Maria. Their love got the sublimation at the party. Finally, the captain rejected the baroness, and married Maria.
玛丽亚就像皎洁的月光、天上的云彩,任你有再大的本领, 你也无法把她捕捉到,她是不可捉摸的。
玛丽亚像田野里的小花,没有精心修饰,还带着田野里的 泥土气息,但她真实而美好。
玛丽亚像一条小溪,她欢快地在生活中流淌,带给世界 快乐和活力。
正面描写和侧面描写相结合,成功地塑造了 人物形象。
玛利亚在萨尔茨堡郊外纵情歌唱,快乐游玩→正 面描写。 修道院内,众人对玛利亚七嘴八舌地议论→侧面 描写。 玛利亚风风火火地闯进修道院→正面描写
音乐之声(节选) 勒曼 野外纵情歌唱(正面描写) 热爱 歌唱 玛利亚 心灵美好 活泼自由 修道院内的议论(侧面描写) 纯真快乐
在修女们的眼中,玛丽亚是怎样一个人呢? 请结合剧本的有关台词或唱词来解说一下。
率真活泼、喜欢唱歌、不受约束、总爱闯祸,既可 爱又让人头痛的姑娘。
锦湖中学 卢安娜
形象。 二、生动的画面感。
《音乐之声》是历史上一部经典的 ( 音乐故事片)。在本文中,塑造的主人公是 (玛利亚)。 课文栩栩如生地刻画了少女玛利亚 (热爱歌唱 )、( 心灵美好 )、(活泼自由 )、 (纯真快乐)地性格。 从玛利亚的歌声中,你听出了人物怎样的内心 世界?
音 乐 之 声
《The Sound of Music》
音乐之声英文简介(总2页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除22-year-old Maria is a sister in Salzburg convent,but she always gets into trouble because of her character that is lively and active. Dean mother thought she was not fit to be a sister,so she decided to send maria to Captain Von Trapp’s home and made her find the real goal of life.When maria arrived at captan’s home,she found captan Was strict with his seven children. And she also knew why all teachers leaved. Because children made fun of teachers in order to attract their father’s attention.However ,captan demanded maria like him to treat his children. But maria didn’t do as that,her gentle and kind-hearted won children’s friendly.Later,capten left home. During the time,maria played with children and taught them to sing. Children also became happy than before. When capten came back,he invited uncle mike and his girlfriend. Children played puppetry for them. Capten found music came back his home again and was infected by maria.Several days later,capten hold a ball.when capten and maria danced together,their love was obviously.baroness saw this and she said maria should go back to convent.so maria left.After maria left,all things changed. Children wanted maria can come back,so they went to convent to meet maria. But maria didn’t appear. Dean mother told maria she should be courageous and face her feel. when maria came back,she and capten expressed their love to the other. And they got married quickly. Unfortunately,when they finished their honeymoon to come back home,they found flags of nazi here and there. As soon as they arrived at home,capten recived a letter that said capten must register to nazi’s navy. Capten hated nazi’s behaviour,so he decided to leave Austria with his family. When they left home,nazi stopped them. So capten told them they were rushing to Salzburg Festival.with nazi company,they played Edelweiss and infected all people.After the show,they escaped when people awarded.under the help of convent,they escaped nazi. In the end,they turned Alpsand left Austria.。
The Love from Maria to Kids
Maria's love, understanding and tolerance for the kids performance in many details. For example when she first came to the captain’s house, captain educate his childrens with militarized management, he treat them as machines. What’s worse, the kids’ names are replaced by a sharp whistle. Candid Maria immediately retorted: Oh, I won't need to whistle for them, reverend Captain. I mean, I'll use their names. And such lovely names!" This is the respect for people! Althou.gh they are just childrens!
The Love from Maria and captain to their country
before leaving, he sang his favorite song “Edelweiss”, which express his love of country. All the audience sang the “Edelweiss" together, expressed the Austrian people's beliefs against aggression.
电影《音乐之声》中的LOVE 英语课主题演讲 ppt课件
Group 7
About the Movie
The Sound of Music is the most widely spread music movie in the history. I believe that people who have seen it will not easily forget.
The Love from Maria to captain
Maria brings lots of changes to caption’s home, these changes arouse captain’s love of life and recall the past happiness, also reminded his love to Maria. Their love got the sublimation at the partyoness, and married Maria.
Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland forever
Love, derived from nature, comes from the heart, is the human’s most eternal pursuit.
The greatness of love, is that they don't fear any oppression, not afraid of any threat. Therefore, love will eventually defeat evil, also surpass ourselves to get new glory.
The Love from Maria and captain to their country
美国电影音乐之声the sound of music课件
◎ 上校要求玛丽亚也像他一样严格,但是玛丽亚没有听从, 而是用她天生的温柔和善良赢得了孩子们的友好。
趁上校不在的时候,她用窗帘给每个孩子缝制了游戏服装, 带领他们到市场游玩,在美丽的阿尔卑斯山上野餐,还教会了他 们唱歌。
孩子们原有的拘禁和忧郁渐渐地被音乐和笑声代替了。 本段插曲:Sixteen Going on Seventeen(丽莎和罗夫)
上映时间: 1965-03-02
主要奖项: 第38届奥斯卡金像奖
imdb编码: tt0059742
◎ 22岁的玛丽亚是一个萨尔茨堡修 道 音乐之声剧照 院里的志愿修女,但是,她活泼好动 和热爱自然的性格却总是让她在修道 院里惹麻烦。
修女院里的女院长(Mother Abbess)觉得她这样的活泼的性格不 适合僧侣生活。于是,当她接到 冯·特拉普上校家寻求家庭教师的请 求,她决定让玛丽亚去,也借此让她 探索出真正的生活目的。 (本段插曲:The Sound of Music (玛丽亚)
◎ 玛丽亚到达冯·特拉(Captain Georg Von Trapp)家,发现他是一个 有七个孩子的鳏夫,长期的海军生活 和亡妻的悲伤使他对待孩子像管教士 兵一样严格。
很快,玛丽亚就明白了以前那些 家庭教师离开的原因,原来是孩子们 得不到父亲的关爱,总是用捉弄教师 来吸引父亲的注意。
第38届奥斯卡的颁奖典礼举行,尤其是《音 乐之声》共拿到包括最佳影片奖等五个金像。
克里斯托弗·普卢默(Christopher Plummer),加拿大 演员,1929年12月13日生于加拿大多伦多。1965年凭借和朱莉·安德 鲁斯合作主演的电影《音乐之声》而成名。2012年克里斯托弗·普卢 默凭借电影《初学者》获得第69届美国电影电视金球奖、第18届美国 演员工会奖、第65届英国电影学院奖、第84届奥斯卡金像奖等多项国 际大奖的最佳男配角,并以82岁的高龄成为奥斯卡奖历史上获奖时年 龄最大的男演员。
《DO RE MI2》精品课件6
《音乐之声》是由美国音乐剧的泰斗理查德·罗杰斯和奥斯卡·哈默斯坦根据玛 丽亚·冯·特拉普的自传:《冯·特拉普家的歌手们》改写而成的。1965年电影版 《音乐之声》登上了世界舞台,受到全世界各个国家数百万观众的喜爱。它是人类记 忆中最值得珍惜和细细回味的艺术佳作,好莱坞音乐歌舞片中经典中的经典,电影史 上绝妙的神来之笔。 主要人物:冯·特拉普---海军上校 玛丽亚---家庭教师 七个孩子:丽莎 菲瑞克瑞 路易莎 库特 布姬塔 玛塔 葛特儿
该电影曾获得38届奥斯卡奖十项提名,并最终夺得最佳影 片、最佳导演、最佳音响、最佳剪辑与最佳作曲五项大奖。影 片中一些优美动人的歌曲如:《哆、来、咪》、《雪绒花》、 《孤独的牧羊人》、《再见》等,在我国广为流传。
我们认识这些单词么? 母鹿 光 自己 远方 缝纫 啦 茶
这几个单词从意义上看好像没什么内在的联系,它们只 是日常生活中常见的事物,下面请同学们看老师做一个有趣 的试验,老师对某个单词作小小的改动后,再读遍看看你们 有没有什么新的发现?
这些单词读起来和七个音符的唱名(“do、re、mi、fa、 Sol、la、si”很相似。)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
母鹿 光 自己 远方 缝纫 啦 茶
同学们分成七组,每一组是一个音,合作唱打乱顺 序的音符,试试看~
仔细听一听 他们有变化么
七个组 每句话的第一个音都由一个组唱 比一比,哪一个组唱的又准又好
影片讲述的是1938年发生在奥地利萨尔茨堡的一个真实的故事。在那里一个古老的修道院中,有一位年轻的实 习修女叫玛丽亚,她性格开朗、热情奔放,喜欢唱歌跳舞,并且善于弹吉他。
答:留恋不止,舍不得离去。表现了主人 公对大自然的无比热爱。
3.玛利亚放声歌唱《音乐之声》表现了什么? 答:表现了她对音乐的热爱和天赋,展示了她 丰富的情感、美好的心灵,揭示了她自由活泼 的天性。
4.这个场景的最后一句“忽然…跑下山来”运用 了怎样的描写方法?表现了玛利亚怎样的性格?
• 第一写玛丽亚在萨尔茨堡的野外 的纵情歌唱,快乐游玩; • 第二写众嬷嬷在修道院内对玛丽 亚的议论。
阅读第一个场景的内容,回答下列问题 1.剧本开头是怎样描写阿尔卑斯山的风光的? 这样写起什么作用? 答:全方位由远而近,由高而低地描写。 这一环境描写富有诗情画意,与玛利亚的 歌唱相映衬,情景交融,烘托出玛利亚的 自由快乐。
奥斯卡(第38届) 得奖 最佳影片 最佳导演 最佳音效 最佳配乐 最佳剪辑 提名 最佳女主角 最佳女配角 最佳摄影 最佳艺术指导 最佳服装设计
金球奖 得奖 最佳影片(音乐或喜剧类) 最佳女主角-Julie Andrews 提名 最佳导演 最佳女配角
《The Sound of Music》
• 《音乐之声》是1965年20世纪福 克斯电影公司拍的电影,根据一 个真实的故事改编而成。 • 本片在奥地利的萨尔斯堡(莫扎 特的家乡)取景拍摄,优美的自 然风光与剧情完美结合,推出后 在全球造成轰动,成为史上最卖 座的歌舞片,受到全世界各个国 家观众的喜爱。是人类记忆中最 值得珍惜和细细回味的艺术佳作, 是歌舞片中的经典。 • 据《纽约时报》调查,洛杉矶的 一位老妇人一年中看过此片三百 多遍,几乎每天一次;俄勒岗州 一个青年甚至能把台词都默写出 来。 • 被节选入人教版九年级下册语文 书,其中的歌曲《Do、Re 、Mi》 被选人教版七年级下册音乐书。
Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself
Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd 【lei-ao-de lei-ao-de g way to run
Folks in a town that was quite remote heard 【lei-ao-de lei-ao-de lei-ai oo】
Lusty and clear from the goatherd‘s throat heard
Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow Sew
【lei-o-de lei-o-de l-oo】 ao hao lei-yao-de lei-o, ao hao lei-yao-de lei】
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings These are a few of my favorite things
Let's start at the very beginning
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Song from The Sound of Music Published 1959 Writer Oscar Hammerstein II Composer Richard Rodgers
major musical scale
to the Von Trapp
children who learn to sing for the first time, even though their
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• 试着用英语演唱歌曲《音乐之 声》。自己设计、创作道具, 并参与表演。
成功就是把复杂的问题简单化,然后狠狠去做。 如果可恨的挫折使你尝到苦果,朋友,奋起必将让你尝到人生的欢乐。 美好的生命应该充满期待、惊喜和感激。 在强者的眼中,没有最好,只有更好。 活在忙与闲的两种境界里,才能够俯仰自得,享受生活的乐趣,成就人生的意义。 我不去想是否能够成功,既然选了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。 在幸运时不与人同享的,在灾难中不会是忠实的友人。——伊索 漫无目的的生活就像出海航行而没有指南针。 人生,恰似一次永远不会停止的远足,重要的是:在痛苦中学会去微笑。
• 电影《音乐之声》通过描写一个生性活泼、不安心当修 女的姑娘玛利亚,应聘到上校家里当家庭教师,教孩子 们从学唱“Do Re Mi”开始,在游戏中学会了歌唱,懂 得了七个音符能创造出美妙音乐的魔力。
• 1.学唱歌曲《音乐之声》,体验音乐的美,加深对 音乐的兴趣,在伙伴间合作学习的过程中感受集体的友音准确演唱歌曲《音 乐之声》及曲调。
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The Love from Maria to captain
Maria brings lots of changes to caption’s home, these changes arouse captain’s love of life and recall the past happiness, also reminded his love to Maria. Their love got the sublimation at the party. Finally, the captain rejected the baroness, and married Maria.
Besides,it is also an family movie.
Our group think “love” is the most important theme of this movie. It is the pure love that deeply touched everyone's heart.
The Love from Maria to Kids
Maria's love, understanding and tolerance for the kids performance in many details. For example when she first came to the captain’s house, captain educate his childrens with militarized management, he treat them as machines. What’s worse, the kids’ names are replaced by a sharp whistle. Candid Maria immediately retorted: Oh, I won't need to whistle for them, reverend Captain. I mean, I'll use their names. And such lovely names!" This is the respect for people! Althou-gh they are just childrens!
Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland forever
Love, derived from nature, comes from the heart, is the human’s most eternal pursuit.
The greatness of love, is that they don't fear any oppression, not afraid of any threat. Therefore, love will rselves to get new glory.
The Love from Maria and captain to their country
before leaving, he sang his favorite song “Edelweiss”, which express his love of country. All the audience sang the “Edelweiss" together, expressed the Austrian people's beliefs against aggression.
Family life
About the Movie
The Sound of Music is the most widely spread music movie in the history. I believe that people who have seen it will not easily forget.
The Love from Maria and captain to their country
It was Hitler annexed Austria on the eve of the 1930. In Salzburg, Austria folk festival, the captain and Maria received a telephone from Berlin , commands captain to join the Nazi navy. captain refused to serve the nazis and never betrays his own country. He prepared to leave with family.
Interesting story and sweet songs are the most attractive places in the film. Its music and its theme are full of the b- eauty of art.
About the Movie