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近读报纸,对国内名片和请柬的议论颇多, 于是想起客居巴黎时经常见到的法国人手中的名片和请柬,随笔记下来,似乎不无借鉴之处。

原文:It should have been easy. They were battle-tested veterans with long ties to Reagan and even longer ties to the Republican party, men who understood presidential politics as well as any in the country. The backdrop of the campaign was hospitable, with lots of good news to work with: America was at peace, and the nation’s economy, a key factor in any election, was rebounding vigorously after recession. Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for a top-flight staff, travel, and television commercials. And, most important, their candidate was Ronald Reagan, a president of tremendous personal popularity and dazzling communication skills. Reagan has succeed more than any president since John F. Kennedy in projecting a broad vision of America – a nation of renewed military strength, individual initiative, and smaller federal government.
In his eagerness to have his home sweet and attractive for Euphrasie's coming, Placide had gone less frequently than ever before up to Natchitoches. He worked and whistled and sang until the yearning for the girl's presence became a driving need; then he would put away his tools and mount his horse as the day was closing, and away he would go across bayous and hills and fields until he was with her again. She had never seemed to Placide so lovable as she was then. She had grown more womanly and thoughtful. Her cheek had lost much of its color, and the light in her eyes flashed less often. But her manner had gained a something of pathetic tenderness toward her lover that moved him with an intoxicating happiness. He could hardly wait with patience for that day in early April which would see the fulfillment of his lifelong hopes.



In terms of population, China is the largest country in the world; and in terms of territorial area, it is the third, ranking only after Russia and Canada.

2. 众所周知,中国的自然资源十分丰富,这使得中国具备良好的条件发展工农业。 
China is known to be very rich in natural resources, this puts her in a good position to develop hers industry and agriculture.

3. 历史记载表明,到16世纪时,中国人已经发明了纸,并且传入了欧洲,使欧洲人大感惊奇。 
Historical records indicate that by the 16th century the Chinese had already invented paper and had it brought to Europe, causing great amazement among the Europeans.

4. 中国的1,800公里长的大运河,建成于公元610年,流经17个城市,是世界上最古老,最长的人工水道。 
China’s 1.800-kilometer long Grand Canal, which was completed in 610 AD and flows through 17 cities, is the world’s oldest and longest man-made waterway.

5. 为了改善环境,中国最大的,人口最密的城市-上海,正在计划建造一座占地300多公顷的森林公园,称为“超级绿肺”。 
In order to better its environment, Shanghai, China’s largest and most populous city is planning to build a forest park spreading out over 300 hectares of land, to be known as the “Super Green Lung”.

6. “园中之园”的圆明园,其建设与修复延续了150年,经历清朝的五代皇帝。 1860年,在第二次鸦片战争期间,曾被英法军队烧成平地;而到1900年,则更进一步为八国联军所毁。 
The “Garden of Gardens”, Yuan Ming Yuan, which underwent 150 years of construction and renovation under five emperors in Qing dynasty, was burned down by the British and French troops in 1860 during the Second Opium War and then further destroyed by the allied army of eight powers in 1900.

7. 长江三角洲区域,占有全国人口的6%,提供全国国内生产总值的1/5以上,所以这一区域的发展,必然会对促进中国的经济建设起很大的作用。 
As the Yangtze River Delta area takes up 6% of China’s total population and contributes more than 1/5 of the country‘s GDP; its development will absolutely play a great role in speeding up China’s economic construction.

8. 亚马逊河流域具有世界上有名的复杂生态系统,中国的科学家在2004年7月首次来到该地区,进行科学考察研究。
The Amazon Basin boasts a world-famous, complex ecosy

stem; Chinese scientist, for the first time, came to this region in July, 2004, to make scientific
probes and studies.

9. 在华南,春天和初夏是多雨季节,有许多日子会见到倾盆大雨,或者是跟随着台风而来的暴雨。 
In south China, spring and early summer are wet seasons, with quite a number of days experiencing torrential downpours or rainstorm that accompany typhoons.

10. 橡胶原来是南美巴西的产物,在十九世纪下半叶传到别的国家。现在,世界上大部分的橡胶,是生产在赤道南北各10°的中间地带上。 
Rubber, originally a product of Brazil in South America, spread to other countries in the latter half of the 19th century. Nowadays, the bulk of the world’s rubber in grown between 10°N and 10°S of the equator.

11. 令人意料不到的是,硅谷既不是一个富有硅的地方,也不是一个山谷。它之所以得名,仅仅是因为它是一个新兴的、以硅为基础的电子工业的中心。 
Unexpectedly, Silicon Valley is neither a place abundant in silicon nor a mountain valley. It has gained its name simply because it is a newly developed center of silicon-based electronics industry.

12. 亚洲是世界上最大的洲,在地理上变化最多,其地貌包括巨大的、由沙漠覆盖着的高原,也包括像喜马拉雅山这样的高山,而喜马拉雅山的珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山峰。 
Asia, the world’s largest continent, is the most geographically diverse, its landforms including giant desert-covered plateaus and such high mountains as the Himalayas, whose Mt. Everest is the tallest in the world.

13. 太平洋几乎和其他三个大洋加起来一样大,其最深部分达到海面下10,973米,这个深度甚至超过了喜马拉雅山世界最高峰的高度。 
The Pacific Ocean is nearly as large as the other three combined, its deepest part being 10,973 m below sea level, a distance even greater than the height of the Earth’s tallest peak in the Himalayas.

14. 所谓岛屿,就是一块四面环水的陆地,地球上有无数的岛屿,从最大的格陵兰到只有几米宽的小块陆地不等。中国的两个最大岛屿是台湾和海南。 
An island is land completely surrounded by water; earth has countless islands, ranging from Greenland, the biggest one, to tiny spots of land are only a few meters wide. The two biggest islands in China are Taiwan and Hainan.

15. 全球性的气候变迁,主要见于地球大气的逐渐变暖,现正受到全世界的注意,因为这种变迁会对世界人民的生活产生巨大的影响。 
Global climate changes, mainly seen in the gradual warming of the earth’s atmosphere, are attracting worldwide attention, for such changes could greatly impact the lives of world people.

16. 长江是中国最长的河流,长江上的三峡发电厂是一项正在

The Yangtze is the China’s longest river
. Its Three Gorges Power Station is a gigantic project under construction; the generators the station is to use will be the largest units in the world.

17. 北京人大约生活在公元前460,000年到230,000年之间,能够用火,并能制造石头工具,是早期旧石器时期人类的一个好实例。 
Peking man, who lived from about 460,000 BC to 230,000 BC and who was able to use fire and make stone tools, is a good example of early Old Stone Age men.

18. 中国的万里长城是在两千多年前建成的,是在把封建王公们为了防御野蛮民族入侵而建筑的城堡连接起来的基础上建成的。 
The China’s great wall was built more than 2,000 years ago on the basis of joining together the forts built by feudal lords to protect their land against invasions by barbarians.

19. 中国的大河流都是从西流向东,使得南北之间的交通相对来说比较困难,因此铁路和公路成为了国家经济上必不可少的设施。 
All China’s great rivers flow from west to east, making transportation between the south and the north relatively difficult, as a result, railroads and highways have become indispensable for national economy.

20. 在中世纪,有大量的丝绸从中国运到中东和欧洲,走的是古代的丝绸之路,到今天这条路还有痕迹可寻。 
During the Middle Ages, large amounts of silk were brought to the Middle East and Europe from China along the ancient Silk Road, which is still traceable nowadays.

21. 鸦片战争打开了中国长期封闭的门户,标志着帝国主义一系列侵略中国领土的开端。 
The Opium War broke open the China’s long-closed door, and marked the beginning of a succession of imperialist aggressions upon China’s territory.

22. 是埃及人首先采用一年365天的日历,这种日历经过某些改动,今天有许多国家都在使用。 
It was Egyptians who first used the 365-day calendar, which, with certain changes, it now in use in many countries.

23. 甚至在今天,也没有人能够明确知道古代埃及人是怎样建成金字塔的;有些人甚至认为,也许有某种地球以外的力量参与。 
Even today, no one knows with certainty how ancient Egyptians built the pyramids. Some people even go as far as to consider that certain forms of extraterrestrial might have been involved.

24. 希腊被说成是西方文明的发源地,因为古代希腊有过高度发达的文化;而且许多文明思想和新发现,都是由希腊传遍全欧洲的。 
Greece is said to be the cradle of Western civilization, for ancient Greece had a highly developed culture and it was from here that plenty of civilized ideas and new discoveries spread throughout Europe.


lumbus made a total of four voyages to America, once reached the north coast of South America, but he never realized he has discovered a new land, which he had always thought to be India.
What had he been afraid of, I asked myself? That, suddenly alone, he would discover that he bored himself, or that there was, quite simply, no self there to meet? But having taken the plunge, he is now on the brink of adventure; he is about to be launched into his own inner space to the astronaut. His every perception will come to him with a new freshness and, for a time, seem startlingly original.

“他一直在害怕什么呢?”,我问自已。 怕突然一个人呆着会发现自已厌烦自己,或者怕会失去自我?但是有了这次偿试,他便要开始探险了。他就要发射到自已内心的宇宙之中。他的所见所感对他来说将会是全新的,一度会新颖的让人惊奇。

The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life
The other day an acquaintance of mine, a gregarious and charming man, told me he had found himself unexpectedly alone in New York for an hour or two between appointments. He went to the Whitney and spent the "empty" time looking at things in solitary bliss. For him it proved to be a shock nearly as great as falling in love to discover that he could enjoy himself so much alone.

专八翻译-指纹检测Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists are using a new technique to see fingerprints on surfaces that typically make them invisible. The technology focuses a tight beam of X-rays on surfaces with fingerprints and creates a computer picture out of those scans.

The conventional methods are meant to bring out fingerprint patterns with regular light and they have to treat those with powder, which alters them. The new method uses a technology called mini-X-ray fluorescence to detect chemical elements in fingerprints without altering them. 

For big labs, the method could be a great way to bring out prints that can’t be seen any other way, said Vahid Majidi, a lab scientist.

"The technique fills a unique niche," Majidi said. "These are prints that would otherwise be useless. If you have prints on a dark surface, for example, they really don’t develop well using normal techniques. If you have prints from an adolescent or child, the chemicals in the fingertips are

different and don’t stick around long enough for traditional methods."

"This is a new approach to fingerprint visualization," Havrilla said. "We’re lifting prints, but instead of looking at the finger’s natural oils and organic residues we’re looking at e
lemental features left behind."

What’s new is the method the lab has created to see them which includes computer software and ways of manipulating the machinery, Worley said. But the technique isn’t for everyone.

"We’ve already had some negative comments on it," Havrilla said with a laugh. "One reviewer told us it’s just not practical. But the goal of our work was to demonstrate that it was feasible to see these things."


美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的科学家们采用了一种新技术,可以观察到原本很难在物体表面上看见的指纹。 这项技术将一束密集的X光对准留有指纹的物体表面,并根据扫描结果创建出计算机图像。






的衣给我吧。”门徒说:“我这平庸的人,又怎能慷慨地把衣给您这个杰出的人穿呢?” 戎夷听了,叹息说:“唉,我的主张看来不能实现了!”说完,便把身上的衣脱下来给门徒穿。到了半夜,自己冻死了,却救活了这个门徒。说戎夷能够把一个时代治理好,那还没有证明;
* 离开……到……leave…for…
*齐国: Qi; the State of Qi
*碰上:遇上 it happens that
*城门:city gate
*在……后才: did not …until after
*He did not arrive/make it until after the city gate of the State of Lu was tightly shut.
*The city gate of the State of Lu was already tightly shut before he arrived.
*When he arrived, the city gate of the State of Lu was already tightly shut.
*只好:have to, have no alternative but to
*门徒: disciple; follower; pupil, adherent
* 在露天过夜:stay for / spend the night in the open air
*Rong Yi left the State of Qi for the State of Lu. It happened to be a cold day, and he did not get there until the gate of the State of Lu was already tight-shut. He had to spend the night in the open air outside the city with one of his disciples/a disciple of his.
*One day Rong Yi and his disciple left Qi (a prince state) for Lu (another prince state). As the intense cold made the journey very difficult, they did not make it there until the gate of Lu was already tight-shut. They had to stay in the open air outside the city for the night.
*越来越: more and more; increasingly, grow
*(1) As the night advanced and as it turned colder and colder, Rong Yi said to his disciple,
*(2) As the cold grew more intense deep into the night, Rong Yi made a suggestion to his disciple.
* 汉语中经常省略连接词,英文不能省掉,译成英语时必须将汉语中省掉的连词 if 补上。
*“If you give your clothes to me, I will (be able to ) survive the cold, and vice versa.
*治理:govern;administer;manage; rule; bring under control; put in order
*国家:country, state, nation; state affairs
*人才:talent; a

talented person; people of talent, man of talent
*普天下:the whole country
*爱惜:treasure; cherish; love
*I’m bound to be a brilliant talent who can administer state affairs someday, and for the benefit of (for the sake of) the whole nation, I must treasure my life (I must not die).
*不必: need not;
do not have to; not necessarily, there is no need to
*吝惜: treasure; cherish
*I’m a man of brilliant talent who will attend state affairs in the future while you are a man of ordinary kind, so there is no need for you to treasure your life. Would you kindly give me your clothes, please?”

*平庸: mediocre; ordinary
*慷慨: generous
*“杰出”与上文的“平庸”对照, 意即“高贵”superior, noble
*(1) “Since I am a nobody,” replied his disciple, “how can I be so generous as to give my clothes to such a superior person as you?”
*(2) “How can such a nobody as me be so generous as to give my clothes to such a superior man as you?” replied his disciple.
*叹息: sigh, heave; heave a sigh
*唉: alas
*主张: advocate; maintain; hold; stand for; proposal; suggestion; view; stand; proposition; position; opinion
*看来: it seems that
*实现: realize; come true; don’t work; won’t do
*说完: with these words; with this; then
*“Alas!” Rong Yi uttered a deep sigh (said with a deep sigh). “It seems that my proposal is doomed (won’t come true)!”
*With this, he took off his clothes and handed them to his follower.
*自己: 这里要译成“戎夷”. 如果不是作为反身代词使用或强调, “自己”往往处理成具体的主语.
*……死: die of…; …to death
*救活:bring…back to life; save; rescue
*At midnight, Rong Yi died of cold, but he gave life to his disciple.
*Rong Yi gave / , giving life to his disciple, but he himself was frozen to death at midnight.
* 说…那还没有证明: “还没有证据说明”:
*there has been no proof that…;
*No evidence has proved that…;
*把……治理好: to run … well; administer, rule a country/ state
*时代: times; age; period; epoch;

*(1) No evidence has been found concerning/regarding the fact that Rong Yi had the capability of administering a historical age
*(2) History does not provide any evidence of Rong Yi’s ability to run well a whole historical period.
*有利于: benefit; be beneficial to; be good to
*算是: at last, finally. 也可以不译。
* 达到不能再高的程度: 达到最崇高的境界reach/attain the loftiest/ultimate realm/extent
*(1) However, his idea of benefiting the entire mankind has reached a height that can hardly be surpassed/an ultimate height.
*(2) Yet, no one has been more lofty as he was in terms of (the idea of ) benefiting humanity.
