keep your dream 坚持你的梦想

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opportunity comes, I should try to grasp
Dreams are golden. Time is the thief. Don't let the passage of time steal your dreams away from you. Keeping your dreams is part of your life mission.
2. From the story we can infer that the boy was actually ______. A. Monty himself C. Monty’s friend B. the author himself D. an unknown person
3. What is the writing style of this passage?
5. Discussion
His determination to keep and realize the dream. First of all, I’ll keep my dream no matter what difficulties I will meet. And then, I’ll work hard to improve myself in every aspect and make good preparations for achieving it.
Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.
因为一旦梦想覆灭, 生命将如一只折翼的飞鸟,
请紧握住梦想! 因为一旦梦想漂离,
5. Discussion

Paras. 4-5 The teacher failed him and required him to rewrite the paper.

Paras. 6-7 Monty kept his dream until he realized it.
Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what.
My dream
1. 请以“My dream”为题,写一篇不少于120
2. 内容需包括:梦想是什么?梦想的重要
Reference answer:
My Dream
Dreams are the wind for our sails on the ocean. Dreams kindle a flame to illuminate our dark roads. Dreams protect our hearts. Martin Luther King had a dream — it was to have justice for all people. Lincoln had a dream — it was to set the slaves free. They sought their dreams and finally made them come true. I have a dream, which is to help those people who need help. There are too many wars and disasters. About 16,000 people have died in the Iraq War and one child dies every eight seconds in Africa because of starvation. I have dreams, you have dreams and they have dreams too. We should help them. We should save their lives so they can pursue their own dreams. As the lyric of a song goes, “We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving.” Well, that’s my dream, a simple but meaningful dream.
2. Text: Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams
5. Why did the boy turn in the same paper without any change? A. Because he was angry about his teacher’s make up one’s words. mind on sth. /to do sth. : 下决心做某事 B. Because his father stopped him from rewriting it. C. Because he made up his mind to stick to his dream. D. Because he had put too much of his heart into it.
? ?
Introduction (Para.1)
Introduction to the hero of the story: Monty Roberts, who owns a horse ranch.
Body (Paras. 2-7) Monty had a dream of owning a horse ranch, even when he was a senior in high school. Paras. 2-3 Monty wrote a paper to express his dream.
assemble: collect in one place 6 . Why did Monty tell the story to the assembled group? Because he wanted to encourage the assembled group to keep and realize their dreams just as he had ever done. Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what.

Conclusion (Para. 8)
Different attitudes toward Monty Roberts' dream His teacher: unrealistic dream no money no resources regret I was something of a dream stealer; You have enough gumption not to give up on your dream. His father: You have to make up your own mind on this. I think it is a very important decision for you. Monty himself You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream.
(Reading for specific information)
Read the text quickly and answer the following questions.
牧场 1. What was Monty’s ranch: dream? e.g.a horse He ranch. is dreaming of Monty’s dream was to own owning a ranch in North America. Note that a large ranch offers horseback riding, rafting, fishing, and mountain bike tours; owning a ranch may be the life-long dream for many Americans.
(Reading for main ideas)
1. The author wrote this passage mainly to __________________________________. A. tell people how to describe their goals. B. warn people against dream stealers. C. encourage people to stick to their dreams. D. teach people how to write their papers.
2. What was the score Monty received for his paper?
Monty received an F on his paper.
3. Why did Monty get that score?
Because the teacher thought that his dream was unrealistic and there was no way for him to realize it.
A. Narrative - tells a story based on real or imaginary experiences B. Expository - explains or conveys information C. Persuasive - tries to convince the reader to agree with an opinion or to take action
Without dreams our lives would be...
Having a dream can… (1) help us set a goal. (2) give us a direction. (3) help us do better in school . (4) give us courage and confidence. (5) produce motivation in our life.
I want to be a teacher , I want to be a scientist , I want to be a doctor, I want to be a lawyer, …
with the time going by, these dreams may be fading in your heart, but the key problem is that do you still have a firm dream in your heart now !
4. What did the teacher ask Monty to do when Monty came to see him after class?
The teacher asked Monty to rewrite the paper with a more realistic goal, and said that he would reconsider Monty’s grade if he would do so.
We all had our dreams when we were young, but as we grow up, we may forget our former dreams slowly. Do you still remember your former dreams?
There are some dreams you might have when you were young:
What’s the most important reason that Monty Roberts succeeded in translating his dream into a reality? If you have a big dream,
what would you do to make it come true?
Read the poem aloud and try to translate it into Chinese.
Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken winged bird That cannot fly.