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第一节:(共5小■『毎小■ L5分•■分7S分〉

祈下面S矗对话.每段对话后有一个小&•从■中所恰的A. B. C三个速頊中选出■隹选頊. 并标在tit卷的搐皮位JL折完毎段对话JB■你■有1•杪仿的itHMBS有关小■和««T 一小魁・每段对运仪读一澄•

l.Wliat doo Cbc maa waat fhxn tb« wooaa?

A. A paintbnuh.

B. A pktare. C A b・・s>er.

L Where do

A. San Fraocteca R Parte C Rome.


A. O B SepOinber 12.

B. O B ScpUabcr 2*. C O B September 2X

4. Whit can wc know from tbc coovcmtiM?

A. Tm、pamti luiv< left Loe A*gck«.

& The womaa caM M T^D*S pareats hM night.

Q Ttai's pamto ium(OM toLwAagctes.

5. H

A. Abo«t IS Biaatn.

B.AbMt M―尿 C Ab


斬下■ 5段对话如P・4&JM话"白JB有几个別从■中frMtt A.取C三个途項中途出并标在M的相应位覽.白th你斛HH■■读各个小■小JIStHh听丸凤各別M他出StHf的作答时间•铮段对话或壮白


听第6 81材料•尼答第6. 7fl.

6. Wbai win the plane take o

A. At 5^0.

B.At4:M. C At 5^0.

7. Whit1! tbe woman probably foing io do in Wasbinfto*?

A. Study tkere.

B. Werk there.

C. Vbk ber sbter.

听■ 7段材科.回答■■至10JH.

t. How inaay d(>rettM does the man smoke every day?

A.Abo«t IS.ILAboat 2& CAbowtM.

,・ Wbat will (ke ou. do tomorrow?

A< Bcgis to quit unokinf. B. See f doctor C. Taka «■ cum.

10. What caa we know abovt the nun froai tbe coavcrMtion?

A. He kts i bad toesdache.

B. He has quitted tmokiDg.

G He usaaDy works tate at aithL

听«S9材料0»» 11至

11. WitB aid me nao han an loot:

A.Ov tke wiy home.

B. On the way to bocpitsL C O B tbe way to school.

IL Wbat MMM to It BOW?

A. Safiunet

B. A QtaiaB. C Winter;

IX Whit CM・• tears abovt the ・an frwn tbe coevmatioa?

A. H« tooSgood at ray sporU.

B. Tbe doctor aiked bin to stay ・ hospital.

C He waited born after the aeddrat


14- Wkit*i thepoodMe retatkmship between tW speakers?

A. FrtMdt.

B. CMStaad ftMbtaat C Nrishbon.

ISu Whit to ti»WMM pteMtd to hear?

A. Tbt ■aa'B ap^ogy. & Tbt explaMtioe. C Tbe maah bvttattM.

14. What wtnthtmM ami bb Meade ab

A. Go ovt fortosMeoffte.

R Apologtst to tkHr sdgbbor.

C. Leave where they were.

