ptx 阅读笔记
ptx 阅读笔记PTX (Parallel Thread Execution) 是NVIDIA GPU 架构上的一种中间代码表示,用于CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) 编程模型。
PTX 代码在编译过程中由高级语言(如C/C++ 或CUDA C/C++)生成,并在GPU 上执行。
这种代码形式为程序员提供了一种灵活性,允许他们查看和理解GPU 如何执行他们的代码,同时也为优化提供了空间。
阅读笔记1. 线程层级:合作线程阵列(Cooperative Thread Array, CTA): CTA 是CUDA 中的一个基本执行单元,由一组线程组成,这些线程协同工作以执行一个特定的任务。
线程阵列网格(Thread Array Grid): 这是一个更大的结构,包含多个CTA。
网格用于组织和管理在GPU 上执行的多个任务。
2. 内存层级:GPU 的内存层级包括全局内存、常量内存、纹理内存、共享内存和私有内存。
了解这些内存类型的特性和使用方式对于优化GPU 代码至关重要。
3. PTX 机器模型:一组带有片上共享内存的SIMT (单指令多线程) 多处理器:这是GPU 的硬件结构,其中每个多处理器包含多个流处理器,每个流处理器可以独立执行一个线程。
4. 语法:PTX 代码由操作指令和操作数组成。
每个PTX 代码都以`.version` 开头,表示PTX 的版本。
PTX 代码对大小写敏感,并且`#` 符号用于预编译指令,这与C 语言相似。
总结:PTX 提供了GPU 编程的一个底层视角,允许程序员更深入地理解他们的代码如何在GPU 上执行。
通过理解线程层级、内存层级和PTX 语法,程序员可以更好地优化他们的GPU 代码,从而提高性能。
此外,PTX 也为GPU 架构的研究和开发提供了有价值的工具。
pointnet 详解
pointnet 详解英文回答:PointNet is a deep learning model that is specifically designed for processing point cloud data. Point cloud data is a set of 3D points that represent the surface of an object or a scene. PointNet is able to take in this unstructured and unordered data and extract meaningful features from it, making it suitable for a wide range of applications such as object recognition, segmentation, and classification.One of the key advantages of PointNet is its ability to handle point cloud data without the need for any pre-processing or hand-crafted features. Traditional methods often require converting point clouds into 2D images or voxel grids, which can result in loss of information and increased computational complexity. PointNet, on the other hand, directly operates on the raw point cloud data, preserving the spatial information and reducing thecomputational cost.PointNet achieves this by using a shared multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network to process each individual pointin the point cloud. The MLP network takes the coordinates of each point as input and outputs a high-dimensional feature vector that represents the characteristics of that point. These individual point features are then aggregated using a max pooling operation to obtain a global feature vector that captures the overall shape of the object or scene.The global feature vector can then be used for various downstream tasks such as classification or segmentation. For example, in object recognition, the global feature vector can be fed into a fully connected network to predict the class label of the object. In segmentation, the global feature vector can be used to generate per-point labels to identify different parts of the object.PointNet also incorporates a transformation networkthat can learn to align the point cloud data to a canonicalcoordinate system. This is particularly useful when dealing with point cloud data that has different orientations or translations. The transformation network can help improve the robustness and generalization of the model by normalizing the input data.中文回答:PointNet是一个专门用于处理点云数据的深度学习模型。
因此,为了满足用户需求,并提高用户的投资回报,Pionex派网自主研发了全新的Pionex 派网杠杆代币。
抽象层模块旨在学习局部特征,通过将点云转换到一系列新的局部坐标系(例如,local XYZ),并且采用二元表达式来计算点与点之间的联系。
为此,该模块使用了两种方法:1. 预先聚合(Pre-aggreate):将每个局部块与它们相邻的K个块的特征进行聚合(例如最大值、平均值、拼接等),从而将更多全局信息引入局部特征。
2. 上下文抽象化(Contextual abstraction):将预先聚合的特征馈送到下一个抽象层中,然后在所有局部块之间进行聚合,并生成全局特征向量。
.net 集成cap详解
在.NET 中,CAP 提供了一个名为DotNetCore.CAP 的库,用于简化分布式事务的管理。
以下是在.NET 中集成CAP 的一般步骤:步骤:安装CAP NuGet 包:在您的项目中安装CAP NuGet 包。
bashCopy codedotnet add package DotNetCore.CAP配置CAP:在Startup.cs 中进行CAP 的配置。
在ConfigureServices 方法中添加CAP 服务的配置。
csharpCopy codepublic void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){// ... 其他服务配置services.AddCap(options =>{eMySql("Your_Connection_String"); // 指定数据库连接字符串eRabbitMQ("Your_RabbitMQ_Connection_String"); // 指定RabbitMQ 连接字符串eDashboard(); // 启用CAP Dashboard});// ... 其他服务配置}配置CAP 服务:在Configure 方法中配置CAP 服务。
csharpCopy codepublic void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env){// ... 其他配置eCap();// ... 其他配置}定义事件和事件处理程序:在您的应用程序中定义事件和相应的事件处理程序。
csharpCopy codepublic class YourEvent{public string Message { get; set; }}public class YourEventHandler : ICapSubscribe{[CapSubscribe("YourEvent")]public void Handle(YourEvent @event){// 处理事件的逻辑}}发布事件:在您的应用程序中,通过CAP 提供的服务发布事件。
一、CVC拼读规律1. Cat(猫)2. Dog(狗)3. Bed(床)4. Cup(杯子)5. Pig(猪)6. Sun(太阳)7. Bus(公交车)8. Bag(袋子)二、CV拼读规律9. Me(我)10. She(她)11. He(他)12. We(我们)13. Be(是)14. Do(做)15. Go(去)16. No(不)三、CVCe拼读规律17. Cake(蛋糕)18. Lake(湖泊)19. Bite(咬)20. Site(地点)21. Tune(曲调)22. Cute(可爱)23. Time(时间)24. Rule(规则)四、CCVC拼读规律25. Clip(夹子)26. Plum(李子)27. Snap(啪嗒声)28. Frog(青蛙)29. Stop(停止)30. Test(测试)31. Drop(掉下)32. Slip(滑倒)五、CVCC拼读规律33. Milk(牛奶)34. Silk(丝绸)35. Help(帮助)36. Lamp(灯)37. Jump(跳跃)38. Dump(倾倒)39. Hand(手)40. Land(土地)六、CVVC拼读规律41. Boat(船)42. Coat(外套)43. Read(读)44. Meat(肉)45. Keep(保持)46. Deep(深)47. Seed(种子)48. Feet(脚)七、VCC拼读规律49. List(名单)50. Fast(快速)51. Lost(丢失)52. Last(最后)53. Test(考试)54. Dust(灰尘)55. Must(必须)56. Just(刚刚)八、VC拼读规律57. In(在)58. Up(向上)59. On(在...上)60. It(它)61. Off(关闭)62. At(在...处)63. An(一个)64. Up(向上)九、CCV拼读规律65. Get(得到)66. Bet(打赌)67. Let(让)68. Net(网)69. Set(集合)70. Wet(湿的)71. Yet(还没有)十、CVV拼读规律73. Bee(蜜蜂)74. See(看见)75. Tee(高尔夫球)76. Fee(费用)77. Tree(树)78. Free(自由)79. Three(三)80. Meet(见面)十一、CVCVC拼读规律81. Car(汽车)82. Hat(帽子)83. Sit(坐)84. Not(不)85. Dot(点)86. Cut(切)88. Nut(坚果)十二、CCVCC拼读规律89. Spot(斑点)90. Trap(陷阱)91. Drop(掉下)92. Spin(旋转)93. Step(步骤)94. Stop(停止)95. Clap(拍手)96. Slip(滑倒)十三、CCVCe拼读规律97. Cape(披肩)98. Hope(希望)99. Rate(比率)100. Mule(骡子)101. Ripe(成熟的)102. Bane(祸根)103. Rule(规则)104. Dune(沙丘)十四、VCCV拼读规律105. Open(打开)106. Baby(婴儿)107. Even(甚至)108. Paper(纸)109. Lemon(柠檬)110. Music(音乐)111. Hotel(旅馆)112. Tiger(老虎)十五、VCCCVC拼读规律113. Splash(溅)114. Brush(刷子)115. Crunch(咬碎)116. Thrust(推力)117. Struck(击中)118. Trust(信任)119. Crust(外壳)120. Shrimp(虾)十六、CVCVV拼读规律121. Boat(船)122. Road(道路)123. Soap(肥皂)124. Toad(蟾蜍)125. Coach(教练)126. Toast(烤面包片)127. Float(漂浮)128. Roast(烤肉)十七、CVCVCC拼读规律129. Black(黑色)130. Neck(脖子)131. Kick(踢)132. Lock(锁)133. Truck(卡车)134. Clock(钟表)135. Rock(岩石)136. Sock(袜子)十八、CCVCCC拼读规律137. Splash(溅)138. Froth(泡沫)139. Scorch(烧焦)140. Strip(条)141. Frisk(搜查)142. Crisp(酥脆)143. Frizz(卷发)144. Trust(信任)十九、VCV拼读规律145. Ego(自我)146. Era(时代)147. Ufo(不明飞行物)148. Ice(冰)149. Ute(轻型卡车)150. Awe(敬畏)151. Eve(夜晚)152. Eye(眼睛)二十、VV拼读规律153. Bee(蜜蜂)154. See(看见)155. Zoo(动物园)156. Too(也)157. Moo(牛叫声)158. Boo(咯咯笑)159. Poo(便便)160. Chew(咀嚼)二十一、VCCCV拼读规律161. Scrap(废料)162. Crab(螃蟹)163. Strap(带子)164. Trap(陷阱)165. Spin(旋转)166. Slim(苗条)167. Plum(李子)168. Grin(咧嘴笑)二十二、VCCCCV拼读规律169. Scrap(废料)170. Blank(空白)171. Blink(眨眼)172. Clasp(扣子)以上是172个自然拼读的规律,通过对这些拼读规律的学习和应用,可以帮助学生更好地理解和掌握英语单词的发音和拼写。
OPNET⼊门学习教程⼆BasicProess第⼆课 Basic Processes在本课中,你学会做以下事情:创建进程和节点模型定义变量,宏(Macros)和过渡运⾏仿真分析仿真结果这个课程介绍如何建⽴⼀个模块,统计它接收的数据包数,然后把这个数字进⾏制图统计。
概念:⼀个进程模型是⼀个有限状态机(finite state machine ,FSM),它代表了⼀个模块的逻辑和⾏为。
OPNET 采⽤增强的C/C++修改FSM,称为Proto-C(原始C)。
使⽤Proto-C的三种场合:1.Enter Executive 进⼊执⾏2.Exit Executive 退出执⾏3.Transition Executive 转移执⾏模型设计:1. 打开OPNET,选择File>New...,然后通过下拉菜单选ProcessModel,单击“OK”。
2. 点击“Creat State”,在⼯作区放置3个状态。
其中第⼀个状态会⾃动设为initial state(带有箭头)。
3. 右击initial state,选择“Set name”,修改名称:init,确定。
4. 其余2个状态分别命名为idle(空闲)和arrival(到达)。
⾮强制状态(红⾊)是指状态执⾏完之后,将控制权返回给Simulation Kernel。
另外,init 状态必须转移到idle状态,因此它也应该是强制状态。
1.右击init 状态,选择Make State Forced。
[EPANET][翻译]使⽤EPANET开发包(1):开发库使⽤流程与导⼊⽂件格式介绍EPANET 开发包使⽤概述这份《程序员开发参考⼿册》是EPANET延期⽔⼒模拟包(这⾥指EPANET的DLL)的⼀个附加产品,旨在为使⽤EPANET的开发⼈员提供帮助。
在使⽤EPANET的开发包之前,我们建议您先熟悉EPANET软件的⼀些常见操作⽅法,⽐如如何利⽤EPANET软件进⾏供配⽔管⽹的设计,如何进⾏⽔⼒和⽔质模拟,具体的操作⽅法可以参见EPANET的⼀些在线帮助⽂档或者EPANET的⽤户指南(注:⽤户指南可以参见前⾯译⽂)对于如何开始使⽤EPANET的开发包,下⾯提供⼀种⽐较常见的使⽤⽅法:1. 使⽤ENopen()函数去打开⼀个符合EPANET格式的;2. 使⽤ENsetxxx系列函数去改变选择的系统特性;3. 使⽤ENsolveH函数去运⾏⼀个完整的⽔⼒模拟(计算结果会⾃动保存到⼀个⽔⼒⽂件中)或使⽤ENopenH - ENinitH - ENrunH -ENnextH - ENcloseH系列函数去计算⽔⼒模拟,模拟后的结果可以通过ENgetxxx系列函数进⾏获取;4. 略5. 返回步骤2进⾏其他的附加分析或者利⽤ENreport函数导出分析结果6. 调⽤Enclose函数去关闭所有⽂件流,释放内存。
附录:1. 导⼊⽂件(Input File)导⼊⽂件是⼀个标准的供EPANET计算引擎分析的导⼊数据⽂件,这个⽂件既能⽤基于开发库进⾏创建的具体应⽤程序创建,也可以⽤应⽤程序本⾝去创建,创建之后可以将该⽂件供ENopen函数使⽤,但是要注意在如果要使⽤开发库中其他函数,必须要先正确执⾏了ENopen函数,同时,在程序执⾏Enclose函数前,导⼊⽂件内的数据信息在程序范围内都是可以访问的。
1 CANopen简介1.1 CANopen由来1993年,Bosch公司领导的CAN-BUS协会开始研究CAN-BUS通讯、系统、管理方面的细则,以后逐步完善,由此发展成为CANopen协议,它是CAL(CAN Application Layer)协议基础上开发的,使用了CAL通信和服务协议子集,它在保证网络节点互用性的同时允许节点的功能随意扩展,定义了基于CAN的分布式工业自动化系统的应用标准以及CAN应用层通信标准。
CANopen在发布后不久就获得了广泛的承认,后来,有CiA(CAN in Automation)协会管理、维护、和发展。
1.2 CANopen协议剖析1.2.1 网络模型CANopen协议的物理层和数据链路层延用了CAL(CAN Application Layer)协议标准,一个网段上最多支持127个节点,采用CAN 收发器芯片,支持CAN2.0和CAN2.0B帧格式收发。
并在CiA DS303-1指出了电缆和接点标准,在CiA DS-304中指出了接点保护的规范,即总线要有安全开关、光电隔离、紧急开关、电源保护等。
图1 canopen COB-ID表1 CANopen标识符的分配表功能段地址段0000 NMT 系统管理0001 SYNC同步标记0011 PD0(tx)过程数据对象发送包0100 PD0(rx)过程数据对象接收包1011 SDO(tx)服务数据的发送包1100 SD0(rx)服务数据的接收包如果是29位的标识符机制,可以把现有的11标识符的定义映射到29位的COB-ID的高11位,使表中的C0B-ID的范围变的更大。
Phonics 总结
lip / sip / dip / hip / rip / tip / zip / yip
IM im
him / dim / Jim / Kim / rim / Tim
IN in
fin / ink / pin / bin / tin / win / inn
IX ix
ET et
pet / set / met / get / bet / wet / jet / let /yet /net /vet /
EG eg
EL el
CK ck
SP sp
SK sk
二、常见函数解析1. 请求处理函数:OpenCAPwap提供了多种请求处理函数,用于接收和处理来自客户端的请求。
2. 数据传输函数:OpenCAPwap提供了多种数据传输函数,用于在客户端和服务器之间传输数据。
3. 文件操作函数:OpenCAPwap提供了多种文件操作函数,用于在服务器上操作文件。
4. 模板引擎函数:OpenCAPwap还提供了与模板引擎相关的函数,用于在Web 应用程序中生成动态内容。
三、使用注意事项在使用OpenCAPwap函数时,开发者需要注意以下几点:1. 正确配置函数依赖项:在使用OpenCAPwap函数之前,需要正确配置相关依赖项,如数据库连接、文件系统路径等。
L2CAP协议数据分析L2CAP(Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol)是蓝牙协议的一部分,主要负责逻辑链路的控制和适配。
4. MTU管理:L2CAP协议通过MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit)管理数据包的最大长度。
5. QoS(Quality of Service)管理:L2CAP协议支持QoS管理,可以根据不同应用的需求,为其分配不同的传输质量。
在最后一步,PointPillars使用了一种固定卷积层(Fixed Conv),这将仅考虑新的附加特征矩阵与以前的每个点柱的特性。
这个词汇表是由一个国际知名英carriage collect count语专家俎成的项目俎研发的•这carry co11ection country些词汇从此成为初级基础英语材cart col lector courage料用词的主浪• 2285 case col lege coursecastle colony courtcat color cousin accord catch comb cover account catt1e combino cowaccuse cause come coward accustom caution comfort cowardice adopt cautious command crack adoption cave commerce crash agency cent commercial creamagent center committee creatura amount century common creep annoy ceremony companion crime annoyance certain companionship criminal anxiety certainty company cr itic anxious chain compare crop anyhow chair comparison crossapp1aud chairman compete crowd applause chalk competition crown appoint chance competitor cruel approve change comp lain crusharch character complaint cryargue charge comp 1 eta cultivate arise charm comp lotion cultivation arrow cheap comp 1icate cultivator attentive cheat comp 1ication cup avoidance check compose cupboard awake cheer compos i tion cureaway cheese concern curious awkward chest condi t i on curlaxe chieken confess current barrel chief confession cursebeak child confidence curtain berry chiIdhood confident curvebind chimney confidentia 1 cushion blade choice confuse custom block choose confusion customary bound chri stmas congratulato customer boundary church congratulation cutbow circle connect daily bravery circular connection damage bribe citizen conquer dampbribery city conqueror dancebrick civi1ize conquest danger brush claim conscience darebucket class conscious darkbunch classifiestion consider darken bundle classify contain datebury clay content daugh t”button clean continue dayclear control day 1ight cage clerk convenienco deadcake clever conven i ervt deafca1cu1 ate cliff conversation deafen calculation cl imb cook deal calculator clock cool dearcal 1 close copper deathcalm cloth copy debt camera clothe cork decaycamp cloud corn deceitcan club corner deceive canal coal correct decidecap coarse correction dec is ion cape coast cost docisive capital coat cottage declare captain coffee cotton decrease car coin cough deedcard cold could deepcare collar counci1 deependeer district encourage faint defeat disturb end fair defend ditch onemy faith defendant dive engine fall defense divide engineer fame degree division english fami1iar delay do enjoy family delicate doctor enough fande 1ight dog enter fancy deliver dollar orrt ertain far delivery donkey entire farm demand door entrance fashion department dot enve1 ope fast depend double envy fasten dependence doubt equal fat dependent down escape fatedepth dozen especially father descend drag essence fatten descendant draw essential fault descent drawer eve n favor describe dream evening favorite description dress eve nt fear desert drink ever feast deserve drive everlasting feather desire drop every feeddesk drown everybody feel despair drum everyday fellow destroy dry everyone fe11owship destruction duck everything fema1e destructive due everywhere fencedetai 1 dul 1 evil fever dotermine during exact fewdeve1 op dust examine fielddevi 1 duty examp 1e fierce diamond each exce11 once fight dictionary eager exce11 ent figuredie ear except fill difference early exception f i Im different earn excess find difficult earnest excessive fine difficulty earth exchange fingerdig ease excite finish dine east excuse fire dinner eastern exercise firmdip easy exist first direct eat existence fish direction edge oxpect fitdi rector educato expense fixdirt education expensive flag disagree educator experience flame disappear effect exper ime rrt flash disappearance effective explain flat disappoint efficiency exp 1 ode f1atten disapprove efficient explore flavor discipline effort explosion flesh discomfort egg exp 1 os i ve floatdi scontont either express flood discover elastic expression floor discovery elder extend flour discuss blsct extension flow discussion e1ection extensive flower disease electrie extent fly disgust electrician extra folddish e1ephant extraordinary follow dismiss else extreme fond disregard elsewhere eye food disrespect empire face fool dissatisfaction emp1oy fact foot dissatisfy emp1oyee factory for distance empty fade forbid distant enclose fail force distinguish enclosure failure foreignforest grand hindrance insideforget grass hire instant forgive grateful history insteadfork grave hit instrument form «ray hold insultformal grease hole insurance former great hoiiday insureforth greed hollow intend fortunate green holy intent i on fortune home interest forward grind homecoming interfore frame ground homemade interference framework group homework international free grow honest interrupt freedom groirth honesty interruption freeze guard honor into frequency guess hook introduce frequent guest hope introduction fresh guide horizon i rwentfriend guilt horizontal invent i on friendly gun horse inventor friendship habit hospitai invitefright hair host inward frighten half hot ironfrom hall hotel islandfront hawmer hour itfruit hand house jawfry handkerchief how jealousfull handle however jealousyfun handshake human jewelfuneral handwriting humble joinfunny hang hunger jointfur happen hunt jokefurnish happy hurrah journey furniture harbor hurry joyfurther hard hurt judgefuture harden husband juicegaiety hardly hut jumpgain harm 1 justgallon harvest ice justicegame haste idea keepgap hasten ideal keygarage hat idle kickgarden hate if killgas hatred ill kindgate have imaginary kinggather hay imaginative kingdomgay he imagine kissgeneral head imitate kitchen generous headache imitation kneegentle headdress immediate kneel gentleman heal immense knifeget health importance knockgift heap important knotgirl hoar impossible knowgive heart improve knowledge glad heat in lackglass heaven inch ladderglory heavenly inc1ude ladygo heavy inclusive lakegoa t hoight increase lampgod heighten indeed landgold hello indoor landlordgo 1 den help industry 1anguage good here inf1uence largegovern hesitate inf1uentia 1 lastgovernor hesitation i nform lategrace hide ink 1 ate 1y gradual high inn lattergrain highway inquire laugh grammar hill inquiry 1aughter grammatical hinder insect lawlawyer lay lazy lead leadership leaf lean learnleast leather leave left leg lend length lengthen less lessen lesson let letter level I iar Iiberty Iibrarian Iibrarylid I ie life lift light Iighten I ike likely I imb I imit I ine I ip I ipstick liquid I ist Iisten Iiterary I itorature littlelive load loaf loan local lock lodge log lonelylong look loose loosenlord lose loss lot loud love lovely low loyal loyalty luck lump lunch lung machine modern not machinery modest notemad mode$ty notebook madden moment nothingmai 1 momentary noticomain money nounmake monkey nowmale month nowadaysman moon nowhere manage moon 1ight nuisance manki nd moral number manner more numerous manufacture moreover nursemany morning nurserymap most nutmarch mother oarmark motherhood obedi ence market motherly obedient marriage motion obeymarry motor objectmass mountain objection master mouse observemat mouth occasion match move oceanmaterial much ofnwrt ter mud offmay mu 11 i p1i cat i on offendmaybe multiply offensemeal murder offermean music officemearrt ime musician officer meanwhi1e must official measure mystery oftenmeat nai 1 oi 1 mechanic name old mechanism narrow o1d-fashioned medica1 nation omission medicine native omitmeet nature onmelt near oncemember neat one membership necessary onlymemory necessity ontomend nock openmention need operate merchant need 1e operation mercy neglect operator mere neighbor opinionmerry neighborhood opportunity message neither oppose messenger nephew opposi te metal nest opposi t i on middle net ormight network orangemi Id never ordermi le new ordinarymi Ik news organmi 11 newspaper organizemind next originmine nice ornament mineral niece otherminister night otherwise minute no ought miserable noble ouncemisery nobody outmiss noise out 1ine mistake none outsidemix noon outward mixture nor overmodel north overcome moderate northern overflow moderation nose oweown plant profession redownership plaster profit reddenpack plate program reduce package play progress reductionpad pleasant promise referpage please prompt referencepain pleasure pronounce reflectpaint p 1 arrty pronunciation reflectionpair plow proof refreshpale plural proper refusepan pocket property regardpaper poem proposal regretparcel poet propose regular pardon point protect rejoiceparent poison protection relatepark police proud relationpart polish prove relatiparticle polite provide relief particular political public relieve partner politician pul 1 religionparty politics pump remainpass pool punctual remark passage poor punish remedy passenger popular pupi 1 rememberpas t popu1 ation pure remindpaste position purple rentpastry possess purpose repai rpath possession push repeatpat i see possessor put repetition patient possible puzzle replacepatr i ot i c post qualification replypattern postpone qualify reportpause pot quality reprosentpaw pound quantity representative pay pour quarrel reproduce peace poverty quar t reproduct ion pear 1 powder quarter repub 1ic peculiar power queen reputationpen practical question requestpenci 1 practice quick rescuepenny praise quiet reservepeople pray quite resignper preach rabbit resistperfect precious race resistance perfection prefer radio respect perform preference rai 1 responsible performance prejudice raiIroad restperhaps prepare rain restaurant permanent presence raise result permission present rake retirepermit preserve rank returnperson president rapid revenge persuade press rare review persuasion pressure rate rewardpet pretend rather ribbon photograph pretense raw rice photography pretty ray richpick prevent razor ridpicture prevention reach ridepiece price read rightpig pride ready ringpigeon priest real ripepi le print realize ripenpin prison reason risepinch private reasonable riskpink prize receipt rivalpint probable receive rivalrypipe problem recent riverpity procession recognition roadplace produce recognize roarplain product recommend roastplan production record robrobbery secrecy simplicity spel 1 rock secret since spendrod secretary sincere spillrol 1 see sing spinroof seed single spirit room seem sink spitroot seize sir spiterope se1dom sister splendid rot self sit split rotten selfish situation spoi 1 rough sei 1 size spoon round send skill spor trow sense skin spotroyal sensitive skirt spread royalty sentence sky springrub separate slave square rubber separation slavery staff rubbish serious sleep stagerude servant slide stainrug serve s1ight stairruin service si ip stamprule set siippery standrun sott1e slope standard rush several slow starrust severe smal 1 start sacred sew smell state sacrifice shade smi le station sad shadow smoke stay sadden shake smooth steady saddle shal 1 snake steamsafe shallow snow steel safety shame so steepsai 1 shape soap steer sailor share socia 1 stemsake sharp society step salary sharpen sock sticksale shave soft stiff salesman she soften stiffen salt sheep soi 1 still same sheet soldier sting samp 1e shelf solemn stirsand shel 1 solid stocksat i sfaction shelter so 1ut i on stocking sart i sfactory shield solve stomach satisfy shilling some stone sauce shine somebody stop saucer ship somehow storesave shirt someone stormsaw shock something storysay shoe sometime stove scale shoot sometimes straight scarce shop somewhere straighten scattsr shore son strange scene short song strap scenery shorten soon straw scent shou1d sore stream schoo1 shou1der sorrow street science shout sorry strength scientific show sort strengthen scientist shower soul stretch scissors shut sound strict scold sick soup strike scorn side sour string scrape sight south strip scratch sign sow stripe screen signa1 space stroke screw signature spade strongsea silence spare struggle search silent speak student season si Ik specia 1 studyseat si 1 ver speech stuff second simple speed stupidsubject there tremble war substance therefore trial warm succeed these tribe warmth success they trick warnsuch thick trip washsuck thicken trouble waste sudden thief trunk watch suffer thin trust water sugar thing truth wave suggest think try wax suggestion thirst tubs waysuit this tune we summer thorn turn weaksun thorough twist weaken supper those type wealth supply though ugly weapon support tbread umbrella wear suppose threat uncle weather sure threaten under weave surface throat underneath weed surprise through understand week surround throw union weekday suspect thumb unit weekend suspicion thunder unite weigh suspicious thus unity weight swa11ow ticket universal we 1 come swear tide universe well swea t tidy university west sweep tie unless western swee t tight unt i 1 wet sweeten t i ghten up whatswel 1 till upon whatever swim time upper wheat swing tin uppermost wheel sword tip upright when sympathetic tire upse t whenever sympathy title urge where system to urgent wherever table tobacco use whether tai 1 today usual which tailor toe vain whichever take together valley whiletalk tomorrow va1uab1e whiptai 1 ton valuetame tongue varietytap tonight varioustaste too voi 1tax tool verbtaxi tooth versetea top very whisper teach total vessel whistle tear touch victory whiteto 1 egraph tough view whiten telephone tour vi11 age whotell toward violence whoever temper towel violent whole temperature t ower virtue whom temp1e town visit whoset emp t toy visitor whytend track voice wicked tender trade vote widet ent train vowel widen term trans lato voyage widow terrible translrtion wage widowert est translator waist width than trap wait wife thank travel waiter wildthat tray wake wi 11the treasure walk win theater treasury wall wind theatrical treat wander window then t ree want wineng ntersdomsesh ththin thout t ness man nder od oden ol oolen ord ork or Id orm orry orse orshiporth ou Id ound rap rockriterong yard year yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young youth zero。
下面是文章1.1 概述部分的内容:概述随着自动驾驶和智能交通系统的不断发展,点云数据作为一种常见的感知数据类型,在道路目标分类中起着重要的作用。
本文将在深入探讨点云数据的特点和点云目标分类的挑战的基础上,详细介绍PointNet 模型的原理和应用。
文章结构部分主要描述了整篇文章的组织结构和各个章节的内容概要,以下是文章结构的内容:1.2 文章结构本文按照以下结构组织内容:引言部分主要对本文的主题进行概述,介绍了点云道路目标分类的背景和意义,以及本文的目的和重要性。
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Interface Specifications
Software Download
.NET Framework architecture
Language for „human users“
Basics for all languages
Interface Specifications
Software Download
The role of middleware in CAPE-OPEN
Why .NET, and what it is .NET/COM CAPE-OPEN Interoperability CO-LaN’s roadmap for .NET
90% of CAPE-OPEN applications have been using COM as middleware CORBA used in a few cases Both are considered to be highly successful But Now .NET is here and MS will phase out COM « Microsoft recommends that developers use the .NET Framework rather than COM for new development »
Interface Specifications
Software Download
CAPE-OPEN choice until now
Microsoft’s COM/DCOM OMG’s CORBA component model Sun’ Java-based J2EE (EJB) Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) FIPA’s multi-agent standards Microsoft .NET etc..
calcul compute
composant properties calcul calculation de propriétés component
∫ [θ (i ) dθ ]
résultats results
Interface Specifications
Interface Specifications
Software Download
Managed code
The major difference between .NET and previous object models is the use of managed code not executed by a processor in hardware, but by a virtual processor emulated by a virtual machine The code resides in so-called assemblies which resemble DLLs but are in addition equipped with metadata describing their identity, version number, content, and other things. The virtual machine provides a type system which permits data and classes to be shared across software written in a variety of several programming languages
Interface Specifications
Software Download
Models & Middleware for distributed components
Microsoft’s COM/DCOM OMG’s CORBA component model Sun’ Java-based J2EE (EJB) Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) FIPA’s multi-agent standards Microsoft .NET etc..
Interface Specifications
www.coቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Software Download
software components
graph drawing component
bar chart
X-Y graph
1 2 3 4
Interface Specifications
Interface Specifications
Software Download
Why .NET?
The Microsoft .NET framework was created around the late 1990s by Microsoft with several goals in mind: Unification of the various development technologies being used to date (such as COM, Active Server pages (ASP), etc.) Bringing an opponent to Sun’s Java technology Better coverage of mobile devices Simplified deployment of applications (fighting so called DLL hell) Better response to security issues
Interface Specifications
Software Download
What Is COM?
COM is a standard that provides for: Language independence. Location independence. COM Interfaces Objects implement multiple interfaces Clients can select a specific interface to use In addition It guarantees a common behaviour for all objects through the interface IUnknown. It handles the components management processes (instanciation, reference counting,… ) It provides standard error/exception handling.
Interface Specifications
Software Download
IDL definitions are stored in a Type Library
Interface Specifications
Software Download
Situation with COM
An Overview of the Interoperability Roadmap for COM/.NET-Based CAPE-OPEN
William M. Barrett(a), Barrett(a), Michel Pons(b), Pons(b), Lars von Wedel(c), Wedel(c), and Bertrand Braunschweig(d) Braunschweig(d) a) US Environmental Protection Agency, Agency, Cincinnati b) COCO-LaN, RueilRueil-Malmaison c) AixCAPE e.V. e.V. , AACHEN d) IFP, Rueil Malmaison
Software Download
CAPE-OPEN Components
Numerical Solver
Simulation Executive (PME)
Thermo & Phys Props
Phys Props Data Base
Interface Specifications
Software Download
The role of middleware in CAPE-OPEN
Why .NET, and what it is
.NET/COM CAPE-OPEN Interoperability CO-LaN’s roadmap for .NET
Interface Specifications
Software Download
The CAPE-OPEN standards were created to allow process modelling components (PMCs) to be used in any process modelling environment (PME) utilizing these standards. The CAPE-OPEN specifications were based upon both Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM) and the Object Management Group’s (OMG) Common Object Broker Architecture (CORBA). Since the inception of the CAPE-OPEN project, Microsoft updated COM to the .NET Framework. CO-LaN provides a roadmap for the evolution of CAPEOPEN into the .NET environment.