起动用铅酸蓄电池产品规格及基本参数表1 塑壳干荷电铅酸蓄电池6V/12V阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池产品介绍产品性能执行YD/T799-2002及GB /T3821-2000标准。
表 3 6V/12V阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池规格及参数电动车用铅酸蓄电池产品介绍公司研制生产的电动车用铅酸蓄电池有管式蓄电池和板式蓄电池两种,产品性能符合GB/T7403.1-1996标准。
使用说明多功能测试仪MODEL 6020/6030目录1. 安全警告2. 特点3. 规格4. 仪器布局5. 测试前准备工作6. 测量方法6.1 AC电压测量6.2 绝缘电阻测量6.3. 接地电阻测量6.4. 相位测量6.5. 照明6.6. 导线卷轴6.7. 自动关机6.8. 使用肩带7. 电池更换8.要求维修服务前的注意事项z设计符合安全规格IEC 1010,过电压 CAT II。
MODEL 6020/6030是一台全天候型多功能测试仪,可进行额定电压600V AC/DC的配电系统或电气设备的测量和维护。
D I NE N I S O9001:2000D I N EN I S O 14001Foreword / 前言To Our Valued Customers,Alcatel-Lucent Dunkermotoren is a world class leader in high quality motion control solutions to meet the ever increasing demands for cost effective and reliable drive solutions.Our comprehensive product range offers the flexibilityto provide customized solutions as well as standardized components.The catalog represents Dunkermotoren´s years of engineering excellence.The Dunkermotoren Team will continue to utilize our outstanding engineering and industrial capabilities to meet the requirements helping you to succeed.Wishing you great success in your business.Nikolaus GräfGeneral Manager 致我们尊敬的客户,阿尔卡特-朗讯旗下的德恩科电机是世界一流的运动控制领域的领先制造商,它提供的优质的传动控制解决方案,满足了客户对成本和可靠性日益增长的的需求。
1000 500
= Ta
C 5° 12
75°C 25°C
–3 C 0°
1000 500
° 30
100 50 30 0.02
100 50 30 –0.03 –0.05
IC (A)
0 0
25°C 75°C 25°C
IC (A)
IC (A)
hFE-IC Temperature Characteristics (Typical)
20000 10000 5000
20000 10000 5000
IC=–5A IC=–3A
0 0.2
0 –0.2
–0.5 –1
–5 –10
–50 –100
IB (mA)
500 1000
IB (mA)
PW (mS)
VCE(sat)-IC Temperature Characteristics (Typical)
1. 产品介绍BD62011是一款高性能的电子设备,采用先进的技术和设计。
2. 主要特性BD62011具有以下主要特性:- 高性能处理器:搭载了先进的处理器,能够快速处理大量数据和复杂计算。
- 多种接口:支持多种接口,包括USB、HDMI、以太网等,方便与其他设备进行连接和通信。
- 大容量存储:内置大容量存储器,能够存储大量数据和文件。
- 高清显示:支持高清显示,显示效果清晰、细腻。
- 多功能操作:支持多种操作模式,包括触摸屏、语音识别和手势控制等。
3. 规格参数- 处理器:采用X1处理器,主频2.4GHz,四核心。
- 存储器:内置8GB闪存和2GB内存。
- 显示屏:5.5英寸高清触摸屏,分辨率为1920x1080。
- 操作系统:基于Android 9.0开发的操作系统。
- 电池容量:3000mAh锂电池,可支持长时间使用。
- 尺寸和重量:151x75x8.1mm,重量约为180g。
4. 功能介绍- 多媒体功能:支持多种媒体格式的播放,包括音乐、视频和图片等。
- 网络通信:支持4G网络通信,能够快速上网和进行在线交流。
- 导航定位:内置GPS芯片,支持导航定位功能,能够准确导航。
- 传感器:内置多种传感器,包括重力感应器、陀螺仪和指纹识别等。
- 扩展接口:支持扩展接口,包括SD卡插槽和耳机接口等。
5. 应用场景BD62011适用于多种应用场景,包括:- 工业控制:可用于工业自动化控制系统,提供可靠的控制和监测功能。
- 通信设备:可用于通信基站、路由器等设备,提供稳定的通信连接和数据传输。
- 汽车电子:可用于汽车导航、娱乐系统等,提供高清显示和多媒体功能。
Philips Laser MFD 6020 激光多功能一体机说明书
LaserMFD 6020LFF6020简化您的日常工作全新飞利浦激光 MFD 6020 将多个办公室日常工作揽于一身 - 传真、打印、扫描和复印。
激光技术节省了多达 40% 碳粉,而环保模式可确保能源效率。
方便易用的复印机99 张多张复印缩放 25-400%彩色扫描仪光学分辨率 600 x 2400 dpi环保模式确保能源效率舒适的能源管理节省多达 40% 碳粉高效能激光打印机250 页大容量进纸托盘,避免供纸中断每分钟最多打印 20 页。
灵活的直插式 USB从 USB 记忆棒直接打印直接扫描到 USB 记忆棒带扫描和复印功能的激光打印机LFF6020/CNB规格产品亮点打印机打印分辨率: 600 x 600 dpi打印速度: 20 ppm手动双面打印进纸托盘: 多达 250 页扫描仪分辨率: 4800 x 4800光学分辨率: 600 x 2400 dpi复印机灰阶: 64缩放功能(放大/缩小)多张复印: 多达 99 页复制分辨率:: 600 x 600 dpi复制速度: 20 ppm身份证复制功能直插式 USB可移动存储器打印(U 盘)扫描到可移动存储器(U 盘)电脑连接电脑接口 USB 2.0WLAN-dongle: 可选附件飞利浦 PFA 820: 带 PLUG'N'PRINT 卡的墨盒插电使用待机: 13 瓦节能模式: 10 瓦工作: 340 瓦尺寸带包装(宽x高x厚): 450x487x524 毫米不带包装: 344x447x386 毫米重量带包装(含国家套件): 14.5 千克不带包装(不含附件): 11.6 千克温度范围工作: 10°C 至 32°C带包装存放: -20°C 至 40°C相对湿度工作: 20% 至 80%带包装存放: 20% 至 80%标准包装包括CD: 2(含手册)设备: 含电源线简易安装入门碳粉盒保修信息操作系统LinuxMac OS X: 10.3 至 10.5Vista x32Windows 2000 (>SP4)Windows XP (>SP1)x64 和 Windows Server 2003: 仅限于打印处理器对于 Windows 2000 系统: 800 MHz对于 Windows Vista 和 XP 系统: 1 GHzRAM对于 Windows 2000 系统: 128 MB对于 Windows Vista 系统: 1 GB对于 Windows XP: 192 MB功能打印方法: 激光多功能产品99 张多张复印99 张多张复印250 页大容量进纸托盘250 页大容量进纸托盘,避免供纸中断舒适的能源管理舒适的能源管理从 USB 记忆棒直接打印从 USB 记忆棒直接打印直接扫描到 USB 记忆棒直接扫描到 USB 记忆棒光学分辨率光学分辨率 600 x 2400 dpi每分钟最多打印 20 页。
DP6020低压差分探头 (20V 200MHz)
一、概述1DP6020探头是具有浮地测量功能的低压差分探头;2测量电压±20V(DC+Pk),其带宽最高达200MHz;3提供10:1的衰减设置,具有1MΩ的输入阻抗,以及 3.5pF的低输入电容,可以最大程度地降低电路负载;4具有过压报警功能,可以兼容任何具有50ΩBNC输入的示波器;5可以通过示波器或计算机上的USB端口供电。
3连接线:探头前端和后端连接线,长度70cm4电源接口:标准的USB B型接口,通过标配的USB适配器供电;也可以通过示波器供电,使用方便。
■附件说明鳄鱼夹(CK-261红黑1对)贯通式50Ω负载(CK-50)活塞探夹(CK-281红黑1对)测试勾(CK-284红黑一对)同轴电缆输出线(CK-310)USB线(CK-315AM-BM,1.5米)电源适配器(CK-605)USB5V/1A产品标配附件说明:鳄鱼夹(CK-261)CATIII1000V CATIV600V活塞探夹(CK-281)CATIII1000V测试勾(CK-284)CATII1000V贯通式50欧姆负载(CK-50)50Ω1W同轴电缆输出线(CK-310)双端BNC接口同轴线长度1mUSB线(CK-315)AM-BM,1.5米电源适配器(CK-605)USB5V/1A四、电气规格带宽(-3dB)200MHz(参考图1频率响应曲线)上升时间≤1.75ns精度(读数的%)±2%衰减比10:1最大差分测量电压(DC+Peak AC)±20V最大共模输入电压±60V最大额定输入电压(每一端对地)±60V输入阻抗单端对地500kΩ两输入端1MΩ输入电容单端对地<7pF 两输入端<3.5pF输出电压摆动±2V(驱动50Ω示波器输入)偏置(典型值)±2mV偏置调整范围(典型值)±95mVCMRR50Hz/60Hz>80dB10MHz>50dB 噪声(Vrms)6mV过载指示电压阀值≥20V延时时间探头主机11ns BNC线(1m)5ns过载指示灯过载时,指示灯红灯亮终端负载要求50Ω电源USB5V/1A适配器图1:频率响应曲线五、机械规格型号参数差分输入线15cmBNC输出线(CK-310)1m鳄鱼夹(CK-261)85*40*17mm活塞探夹(CK-281)152*50*13mm测试勾(CK-284)121*23*23mm探头尺寸前端116*22*15mm后端124*49*27mm 探头重量172g六、环境特性型号参数污染等级2工作温度0℃~50℃存储温度-30℃~70℃工作湿度≤85%RH存储湿度≤90%RH工作海拔高度3000m存储海拔高度12000m七、操作步骤✧测试前应估计被测电压幅值,若超过电压量程,可能会损坏探头,造成产品损坏。
舒适、适合全家大小使用,最温和的体温测量工具;安全、全新设计柔软侦侧头,安全不伤耳道;快速测量体温,仅需一秒;准确经医院使用测试证明,测温准确.初生的宝宝发烧了,量体温是年轻父母最头疼的事,因为一般的体温计测量时间长,宝宝常常”不合作”. 现在好了,德国博朗”一秒耳温计”,只需往宝宝耳朵里一放,一秒钟不到,温度多少立刻精确显示,不论躺着还是坐着都可以用,孩子无痛苦!-一秒测温,耳套检测警示-Flexibletip柔软弹性探头-更小测量口径,测量更准确-耳套自动弹出装置-贴心凸纹按钮设计,测量不滑手有指示灯光和声音提示测得正确温度,提示是否没有正确放置-使用时间更长德国博朗IRT4520全新升级款IRT6020探头尺寸缩小【更适合宝宝】人体工程学外形【把握更舒适】【耳套更换按钮更轻松】显示屏变大【易读数】【更轻巧更精准】1.产品包装中都有哪些东西打开包装产品共有4样东西:一个探头保护套+送的21个耳套+耳温计一个以及说明书2.产品所用电池说明刚买的产品中含有电池,但是电量不是很足,可以用1-2个月,建议1-2月后换电池,电池是5号电池3.几个按键说明:按一下开关机键就是开机,长按就是关测量键:测量前按一下,灯会闪烁,表示进入测量的状态了。
NCE6020AK Pb 无铅产品说明书
NCE N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFETDescriptionThe NCE6020AK uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent R DS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications.General Features● V DS =60V,I D =20AR DS(ON) <35m Ω @ V GS =10V● High density cell design for ultra low Rdson ● Fully characterized avalanche voltage and current ● Good stability and uniformity with high E AS ● Excellent package for good heat dissipation ● Special process technology for high ESD capabilityApplication● Power switching application● Hard switched and high frequency circuits ● Uninterruptible power supply100% UIS TESTED!100% ∆Vds TESTED!Schematic diagramMarking and pin assignmentTO-252-2L top viewPackage Marking and Ordering InformationDevice MarkingDeviceDevice PackageReel SizeTape widthQuantityNCE6020AK NCE6020AK TO-252-2L---Absolute Maximum Ratings (T C =25℃unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Limit UnitDrain-Source Voltage V DS 60 V Gate-Source Voltage V GS±20 V Drain Current-ContinuousI D 20 ADrain Current-Continuous(T C =100℃) I D (100℃) 14 A Pulsed Drain Current I DM 60 A Maximum Power Dissipation P D45 W Derating factor0.3 W/℃Single pulse avalanche energy (Note 5)E AS 72 mJOperating Junction and Storage Temperature RangeT J ,T STG-55 To 175℃Thermal CharacteristicThermal Resistance,Junction-to-Case (Note 2)R θJC3.3/W ℃Electrical Characteristics (T C =25℃unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol ConditionMin Typ Max UnitOff CharacteristicsDrain-Source Breakdown Voltage BV DSS V GS =0V I D =250μA 60 - - V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current I DSS V DS =60V,V GS =0V -- 1 μA Gate-Body Leakage Current I GSS V GS =±20V,V DS =0V - - ±100 nA On Characteristics (Note 3) Gate Threshold VoltageV GS(th) V DS =V GS ,I D =250μA 1.2 1.6 2.5 V Drain-Source On-State Resistance R DS(ON) V GS =10V, I D =20A - 27 35 m ΩForward Transconductance g FSV DS =5V,I D =5A 11- - S Dynamic Characteristics (Note4) Input Capacitance C lss - 500 - PFOutput CapacitanceC oss - 60 - PFReverse Transfer Capacitance C rssV DS =30V,V GS =0V,F=1.0MHz- 25 - PF Switching Characteristics (Note 4) Turn-on Delay Time t d(on) - 5 - nSTurn-on Rise Time t r - 2.6 - nS Turn-Off Delay Time t d(off) - 16.1 - nSTurn-Off Fall Time t fV DD =30V,I D =2A,R L =6.7Ω V GS =10V,R G =3Ω - 2.3 -nSTotal Gate Charge Q g - 47 nCGate-Source Charge Q gs - 6 nCGate-Drain ChargeQ gd V DS =30V,I D =4.5A,V GS =10V- 14 nC Drain-Source Diode Characteristics Diode Forward Voltage (Note 3) V SDV GS =0V,I S =20A -1.2 V Diode Forward Current (Note 2)I S - - 20 A Reverse Recovery Time t rr - 35 - nS Reverse Recovery Charge Qrr TJ = 25°C, IF =20Adi/dt = 100A/μs (Note3)- 53 - nCForward Turn-On Timet onIntrinsic turn-on time is negligible (turn-on is dominated by LS+LD)Notes:1. Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature.2. Surface Mounted on FR4 Board, t ≤ 10 sec .3. Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300μs, Duty Cycle ≤ 2%.4. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production5. EAS condition:Tj=25,VDD=℃30V,VG=10V,L=0.5mH,Rg=25ΩTest Circuit1) E AS test Circuit2) Gate charge test Circuit3) Switch Time Test CircuitTypical Electrical and Thermal Characteristics (Curves)Vds Drain-Source Voltage (V)Figure 1 Output CharacteristicsVgs Gate-Source Voltage (V)Figure 2 Transfer CharacteristicsI D - Drain Current (A)Figure 3 Rdson- Drain CurrentT J -Junction Temperature(℃)Figure 4 Rdson-Junction TemperatureQg Gate Charge (nC)Figure 5 Gate ChargeVsd Source-Drain Voltage (V)Figure 6 Source- Drain Diode ForwardR d s o n O n -R e s i s t a n c e (m Ω)I D - D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )I D - D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )N o r m a l i z e d O n -R e s i s t a n c eV g s G a t e -S o u r c e V o l t a g e (V )I s - R e v e r s e D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )Vds Drain-Source Voltage (V)Figure 7 Capacitance vs VdsVds Drain-Source Voltage (V)Figure 8 Safe Operation AreaT J -Junction Temperature(℃)Figure 9 BV DSS vs Junction TemperatureT J -Junction Temperature(℃)Figure 10 V GS(th) vs Junction TemperatureI D - D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )C C a p a c i t a n c e (p F )Square Wave Pluse Duration (sec)Figure 11 Normalized Maximum Transient Thermal Impedancer (t ),N o r m a l i z e d E f f e c t i v e T r a n s i e n t T h e r m a l I m p e d a n c eTO-252 Package InformationDimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches SymbolMin.Max.Min.Max.A 2.200 2.400 0.087 0.094A1 0.000 0.127 0.000 0.005b 0.660 0.860 0.026 0.034c 0.460 0.580 0.018 0.023D 6.500 6.700 0.256 0.264D1 5.100 5.460 0.201 0.215 D2 0.483 TYP. 0.190 TYP.E 6.000 6.200 0.236 0.244e 2.186 2.386 0.086 0.0940.386 0.409L 9.80010.400L1 2.900 TYP. 0.114 TYP.L2 1.400 1.700 0.055 0.067 L3 1.600 TYP. 0.063 TYP.L4 0.600 1.000 0.024 0.039 Φ 1.100 1.300 0.043 0.051 θ0°8°0°8°h 0.000 0.300 0.000 0.012V 5.350 TYP. 0.211 TYP.Attention:■Any and all NCE power products described or contained herein do not have specifications that can handle applications that require extremely high levels of reliability, such as life-support systems, aircraft's control systems, or other applications whose failure can be reasonably expected to result in serious physical and/or material damage. Consult with your NCE power representative nearest you before using any NCE power products described or contained herein in such applications.■ NCE power assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all NCE power products described or contained herein.■Specifications of any and all NCE power products described or contained herein stipulate the performance, characteristics, and functions of the described products in the independent state, and are not guarantees of the performance, characteristics, and functions of the described products as mounted in the customer’s products or equipment. To verify symptoms and states that cannot be evaluated in an independent device, the customer should always evaluate and test devices mounted in the customer’s products or equipment.■ NCE power Semiconductor CO.,LTD. strives to supply high-quality high-reliability products. However, any and all semiconductor products fail with some probability. It is possible that these probabilistic failures could give rise to accidents or events that could endanger human lives, that could give rise to smoke or fire, or that could cause damage to other property. When designing equipment, adopt safety measures so that these kinds of accidents or events cannot occur. Such measures include but are not limited to protective circuits and error prevention circuits for safe design, redundant design, and structural design.■ In the event that any or all NCE power products(including technical data, services) described or contained herein are controlled under any of applicable local export control laws and regulations, such products must not be exported without obtaining the export license from the authorities concerned in accordance with the above law.■No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of NCE power Semiconductor CO.,LTD.■Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only ; it is not guaranteed for volume production. NCE power believes information herein is accurate and reliable, but no guarantees are made or implied regarding its use or any infringements of intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.■ Any and all information described or contained herein are subject to change without notice due to product/technology improvement, etc. When designing equipment, refer to the "Delivery Specification" for the NCE power product that you intend to use.■This catalog provides information as of Sep.2010. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.。
Samsung 6000 6020 Series Laundry Product Guide
Product Guide6000/6020 Series LaundryWF45T6000AW – WasherDVE45T6020W – Electric Long Vent DryerDVG45T6020W – Gas Long Vent DryerTable of ContentsProduct Overview Product Overview 4Carousel Image Order 5Product Messaging Features and Benefits 7Product Specs Related Products 13Spec Sheet14Energy Guide and User Manual 15Feature Icons17WF45T6000AW – Front Load WasherProduct OverviewProduct Overview 19Carousel Image Order 20Product MessagingFeatures and Benefits 22Product SpecsRelated Products 27Spec Sheet 28User Manual 29Feature Icons31DVE45T6020W - Front Load Electric Long Vent Dryer DVG45T6020W - Front Load Gas Long Vent DryerProduct OverviewWF45T6000AW – 4.5 cu. ft. Front Load Washerwith Vibration Reduction Technology+Product OverviewProduct Long Description (299 Characters)Samsung’s ENERGY STAR ® Certified Front Load washer has 4.5 cu. ft. capacity to fit more in every load and cut down on laundry time. It is equipped with Vibration Reduction Technology+ to reduce noise for quiet washing and features Self Clean+ to eliminate 99% of bacteria that can form in the drum.11Based on testing by Intertek of the Self Clean+ cycle on the WF6000R.Product Short Description (127 Characters)Samsung’s Front Load washer offers Vibration Reduction Technology+ and Self Clean+ to eliminate 99% of bacteria from the drum.1Product Title4.5 cu. ft. Front Load Washer with Vibration Reduction Technology+Available ColorWhiteModel Number: WF45T6000AW UPC: 887276394794123461112891075: /mm/nicePath/easyads?nav=pr658559408 : /mm/nicePath/easyads?nav=pr658559385Product MessagingWF45T6000AW – 4.5 cu. ft. Front Load Washerwith Vibration Reduction Technology+N/AEasy Ads links: /mm/nicePath/easyads?nav=pr658559409 /mm/nicePath/easyads?nav=pr658559386Product SpecsWF45T6000AW – 4.5 cu. ft. Front Load Washer with Vibration Reduction Technology+Related ProductsSpec SheetEasy Ads link /mm/nicePath/easyads?nav=pr658559288Vibration Reduction Technology+Rating ENERGY STAR ®-rated CEE Tier 2IMEF = 2.95Features• 4.5 cu. ft. Capacity • V ibration Reduction Technology+• Self Clean+1• S mart Care • 10 Preset Washing Cycles • 6 Additional Washing Options • 5 Temperature Levels • L ED Display: Ice Blue Available Color White Self Clean+Washer Spec Sheet - front Washer Spec Sheet - backEnergy Guide and User ManualEasy Ads link/mm/nicePath/easyads?nav=pr658559288WasherU ser manualW F45T6000A*Energy Guide User ManualUntitled-7 14/2/2020 2:56:32 PMFeature IconsWF45T6000AW – 4.5 cu. ft. Front Load Washer with Vibration Reduction Technology+Feature IconsSmart Care Large 4.5 cu. ft.CapacityVibration ReductionTechnology+ENERGY STAR®CertifiedSelf Clean+Product OverviewDVE45T6020W & DVG45T6020W - 7.5 cu. ft. Front Load Long Vent Dryer with Sensor DryProduct OverviewProduct Long Description (278 Characters)Samsung’s newest long vent dryer, with up to 120-foot venting ability, features Sensor Dry, which optimizes cycle time and temperature to thoroughly and safely dry your clothes. And, with its 7.5 cu. ft. capacity and 10 preset drying cycles, you can do fewer loads in less time.Product Short Description (103 Characters)Samsung’s 7.5 cu. ft. capacity dryer’s long hose vents up to 120 feet, for more flexible installation.Product Title7.5 cu. ft. Electric (Gas) Long Vent Dryer with Sensor DryAvailable ColorWhite Model Number: DVE45T6020W UPC: 887276438153Model Number: DVG45T6020W UPC: 8872764381601234789101112: /mm/nicePath/easyads?nav=pr658559838 : /mm/nicePath/easyads?nav=pr658559804Product MessagingDVE45T6020W & DVG45T6020W - 7.5 cu. ft. Front LoadLong Vent Dryer with Sensor DryProduct SpecsDVE45T6020W & DVG45T6020W - 7.5 cu. ft. Front Load Long Vent Dryer with Sensor DryRelated ProductsSpec SheetsFeatures• Sensor Dry• 7.5 cu. ft. Large Capacity 7.5 cu. ft. Large CapacitySensor DryAvailable ColorWhiteElectrical Requirements:- 120V / 60Hz - 15 AmpsEasy Ads link/mm/nicePath/easyads?nav=pr658844097Gas Dryer Spec Sheet - front Gas Dryer Spec Sheet - backElectric Dryer Spec Sheet - front Electric Dryer Spec Sheet - back Features• Sensor Dry• 7.5 cu. ft. Large Capacity Rating:644 kWh/yr7.5 cu. ft. Large CapacitySensor DryAvailable ColorWhiteElectrical Requirements:Easy Ads link/mm/nicePath/easyads?nav=pr658844097User Manual Easy Ads linkDryerUser manualDVE(G)45T6005*/DVE(G)45T6000*Feature IconsDVE45T6020W & DVG45T6020W - 7.5 cu. ft. Front Load Long Vent Dryer with Sensor DryFeature IconsDryer:Icons Smart Care Sensor Dry Large 7.5 cu. ft. Capacity Lint Filter Indicator10 Preset Drying Cycles Interior Drum Light Long Vent Drying。
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DVT-6020EU DVT-6020 Cisco8488 TZ-SCH1001 DVT-5610 DVT-5600
序号品牌型号原装型号艾罗威容量原装电容量1诺基亚2600c BL-5BT 9008702诺基亚2680BL-4S8608603诺基亚3100BL-5C 11509704诺基亚N72BL-5C 11009705诺基亚3220BL-5B 9508206诺基亚N83BL-5B 9008207诺基亚5220BL-5CT 11508608诺基亚5310BL-4CT 9508609诺基亚5800BL-5J 1420132010诺基亚6100BL-4C 102090011诺基亚6131BL-4C 95090012诺基亚6111BL-4B 83070013诺基亚7390BP-5M 100090014诺基亚5700BP-5M 90090015诺基亚7710BP-5L 1700150016诺基亚7900BL-6P 89083017诺基亚6500c BL-6P 70083018诺基亚8800BL-5X/6X 70060019诺基亚8900BL-4U11201000诺基亚 N O K I A飞毛腿电子(深圳)有艾罗威型号表SCUD Electronic (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd飞毛腿电池型号表-2010.11 SCUD Battery3.Welcome to propose new products' demand or pro2、以上数据仅供参考,因设计改进或电芯品质提升,容量会有所调整,最终容量请以实物铭牌标称为准!3、欢迎提出新品需求或提供电池通用信息!Annotation:1. “★” stands for those new products that will soon come into market.2. Above data is only for your reference. Due to desig accordingly.The exact capacity is signed on the mark on the products.o n圳)有限公司型号表d FAX:0755-********/33810161 tery model form-September 2010终容量请以实物铭牌标称为准!s that will soon come into or core improving, the battery capacity might be adjusted mark on the products.r provide universal battery information.。
常用纽扣电池型号对照表常用纽扣电池型号对照表CR纽扣电池,CR表示锂-二氧化锰,CR后面的4位数字,前两位是直径,后两位是高,例如:CR2032是指一种20mm直径,3.2mm 高。
除了单支干电池型号命名外,还有一些组合干电池型号的标识表示如下:1、9V电池:6F22是由6个扁平形电池叠层的碳性电池;6LR61则是由6个扁平形电池叠层的碱性电池;2、AG系列:是直径很小的CR电池,分为AG1到AG13计13种,属于碱性电池;3、23A和27A:是由八个同一规格的AG电池叠层的,也称12V 扣式电池,27A大于23A。
junction temperature
ambient temperature
storage temperature
Max Unit
+150 °C
+150 °C
[1] Device mounted on a ceramic PCB, Al2O3, standard footprint. [2] Tj = 25 °C prior to surge. [3] Reflow soldering is the only recommended soldering method. [4] Device mounted on an FR4 PCB, single-sided copper, tin-plated and standard footprint. [5] Device mounted on an FR4 PCB, single-sided copper, tin-plated, mounting pad for cathode 1 cm2.
2 A low VF MEGA Schottky barrier rectifier
Zth(j-a) (K/W)
duty cycle =
1 0.75 0.5
0.33 0.25
0.1 0.05
0.02 0.01 1
三、技术指标:型号 6050 6053 6051 6021 6020电源电压 220V/50HZ消耗功率<1400W <1400W <1400W <1000 W <1000 W温度范围50~250℃ 50~200℃ 50~250℃温度波动±1℃真空度<133Pa工作室尺寸 415*370*345 300*300*275工作室材料 1Cr18Ni9Ti 08F 1Cr18Ni9Ti四、结构真空干燥箱外形为卧式,工作室材料采用不锈钢板或优质钢板,形状为方形。
(2)将真空干燥箱侧面的导气管用真空橡胶管与真空泵连接,接通真空泵电源,开始抽气,当真空表指示值达到-0.1M Pa时,关闭真空泵和真空泵电源,此时箱内处于真空状态,如无加热要求,真空干燥箱调试结束。
2 Ω, CMOS, ±5 V/+5 VSPST SwitchesADG601/ADG602 Rev. CInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, noresponsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. T rademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2001–2007 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.FEATURESLow on resistance, 2.5 Ω maximum<0.65 Ω on-resistance flatnessDual ±2.7 V to ±5.5 V or single +2.7 V to +5.5 V suppliesRail-to-rail input signal rangeTiny, 6-lead SOT-23; 8-lead MSOP; and 820 μm × 2255 μm die Low power consumptionTTL-/CMOS-compatible inputsAPPLICATIONSAutomatic test equipmentPower routingCommunication systemsData acquisition systemsSample-and-hold systemsAvionicsRelay replacementBattery-powered systemsFUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMSNOTES1. SWITCHES SHOWN FOR A LOGIC 0 INPUT.02619-1Figure 1.Table 1. Truth TableADG601 IN ADG602 IN Switch Condition0 1 Off1 0 OnGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ADG601/ADG602 are monolithic, CMOS single-pole single-throw (SPST) switches with on resistance typically less than 2.5 Ω. The low on-resistance flatness makes theADG601/ADG602 ideally suited to many applications, particularly those requiring low distortion. These switches are ideal replacements for mechanical relays because they are more reliable, have lower power requirements, and are available in much smaller package sizes.The ADG601 is a normally open (NO) switch, and the ADG602 is a normally closed (NC) switch. Each switch conducts equally well in both directions when the device is on, with the input signal range extending to the supply rails.The switches are available in tiny, 6-lead SOT-23; 8-lead MSOP; and 820 μm × 2255 μm die.PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS1.Low on resistance (2 Ω typical)2.Dual ±2.7 V to ±5.5 V or single +2.7 V to +5.5 V supplies3.Tiny, 6-lead SOT-23; 8-lead MSOP; and 820 μm × 2255 μm die4.Rail-to-rail input signal rangeADG601/ADG602Rev. C | Page 2 of 12TABLE OF CONTENTSFeatures..............................................................................................1 Applications.......................................................................................1 Functional Block Diagrams.............................................................1 General Description.........................................................................1 Product Highlights...........................................................................1 Revision History...............................................................................2 Specifications.....................................................................................3 Dual Supply...................................................................................3 Single Supply.................................................................................4 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................5 ESD Caution...................................................................................5 Pin Configurations and Function Descriptions............................6 Typical Performance Characteristics..............................................7 Terminology.......................................................................................9 Test Circuits.....................................................................................10 Outline Dimensions.......................................................................11 Ordering Guide.. (11)REVISION HISTORY3/07—Rev. B to Rev. CAdded Die Package.............................................................Universal Changes to Specifications.................................................................3 Added Figure 4 and Table 6..............................................................6 Changes to Ordering Guide..........................................................11 3/06—Rev. A to Rev. BUpdated Format..................................................................Universal Changes to 6-Lead SOT-23 (RJ-6) Pin Configuration.................6 Added Pin Function Descriptions Table........................................6 Changes to Figure 19.........................................................................9 Updated Outline Dimensions........................................................11 Changes to Ordering Guide...........................................................11 6/03—Rev. 0 to Rev. AChanges to Specifications.................................................................2 Changes to Ordering Guide.............................................................4 Updated Outline Dimensions. (8)ADG601/ADG602Rev. C | Page 3 of 12SPECIFICATIONSDUAL SUPPLYV DD = 5 V ± 10%, V SS = –5 V ± 10%, GND = 0 V , unless otherwise noted. Table 2.B Version 1 Parameter +25°C −40°C to +85°C Unit Test Conditions/Comments ANALOG SWITCH Analog Signal Range V SS to V DD V V DD = +4.5 V, V SS = –4.5 V On Resistance (R ON ) 2 Ω typ V S = ±4.5 V, I DS = −10 mA; see Figure 15 2.5 5.5 Ω max On-Resistance Flatness (R FLAT (ON)) 0.35 0.4 Ω typ V S = ±3.3 V, I DS = −10 mA 0.6 0.65 Ω max LEAKAGE CURRENTS V DD = +5.5 V, V SS = −5.5 V Source Off Leakage, I S (Off) ±0.01 nA typ V S = +4.5 V/−4.5 V, V D = −4.5 V/+4.5 V; see Figure 16 ±0.25 ±1 nA max Drain Off Leakage, I D (Off) ±0.01 nA typ V S = +4.5 V/−4.5 V, V D = −4.5 V/+4.5 V; see Figure 16 ±0.25 ±1 nA max Channel On Leakage, I D , I S (On) ±0.01 nA typ V S = V D = +4.5 V or −4.5 V; see Figure 17 ±0.25 ±1 nA max DIGITAL INPUTS Input High Voltage, V INH 2.4 V min Input Low Voltage, V INL 0.8 V max Input Current, I INL or I INH 0.005 μA typ V IN = V INL or V INH ±0.1 μA max Digital Input Capacitance, C IN 2 pF typ DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS 2 t ON 80 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF 120 155 ns max V S = 3.3 V; see Figure 18t OFF 45 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF 75 90 ns max V S = 3.3 V; see Figure 18Charge Injection 250 pC typ V S = 0 V, R S = 0 Ω, C L = 1 nF; see Figure 19Off Isolation −60 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF, f = 1 MHz; see Figure 20Bandwidth −3 dB 180 MHz typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF; see Figure 21C S (Off) 50 pF typ f = 1 MHz C D (Off) 50 pF typ f = 1 MHz C D , C S (On) 145 pF typ f = 1 MHz POWER REQUIREMENTS V DD = +5.5 V, V SS = −5.5 V I DD 0.001 μA typ Digital inputs = 0 V or 5.5 V 1.0 μA max I SS 0.001 μA typ Digital inputs = 0 V or 5.5 V 1.0 μA max1 Temperature range for B version is −40°C to +85°C. 2Guaranteed by design, not subject to production test.ADG601/ADG602Rev. C | Page 4 of 12SINGLE SUPPLYV DD = 5 V ± 10%, V SS = 0 V , GND = 0 V , unless otherwise noted. Table 3.B Version 1 Parameter +25°C −40°C to +85°C Unit Test Conditions/Comments ANALOG SWITCH Analog Signal Range 0 V to V DD V V DD = 4.5 V On Resistance (R ON ) 3.5 Ω typ V S = 0 V to 4.5 V, I DS = −10 mA; see Figure 15 5 8 Ω max On-Resistance Flatness (R FLAT (ON)) 0.2 0.2 Ω typ V S = 1.5 V to 3.3 V, I DS = –10 mA 0.6 Ω max LEAKAGE CURRENTS V DD = 5.5 V Source Off Leakage, I S (Off) ±0.01 nA typ V S = 4.5 V/1 V, V D = 1 V/4.5 V; see Figure 16 ±0.25 ±1 nA max Drain Off Leakage, I D (Off) ±0.01 nA typ V S = 4.5 V/1 V, V D = 1 V/4.5 V; see Figure 16 ±0.25 ±1 nA max Channel On Leakage, I D , I S (On) ±0.01 nA typ V S = V D = 4.5 V or 1 V; see Figure 17 ±0.25 ±1 nA max DIGITAL INPUTS Input High Voltage, V INH 2.4 V min Input Low Voltage, V INL 0.8 V max Input Current, I INL or I INH 0.005 μA typ V IN = V INL or V INH ±0.1 μA max Digital Input Capacitance, C IN 2 pF typDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS 2t ON 110 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF 220 280 ns max V S = 3.3 V; see Figure 18t OFF 50 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF 80 110 ns max V S = 3.3 V; see Figure 18Charge Injection 20 pC typ V S = 0 V, R S = 0 Ω, C L = 1 nF; see Figure 19Off Isolation −60 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF, f = 1 MHz; see Figure 20Bandwidth –3 dB 180 MHz typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF; see Figure 21C S (Off) 50 pF typ f = 1 MHz C D (Off) 50 pF typ f = 1 MHz C D , C S (On) 145 pF typ f = 1 MHz POWER REQUIREMENTS V DD = 5.5 V I DD 0.001 μA typ Digital inputs = 0 V or 5.5 V 1.0 μA max1 Temperature range for B version is −40°C to +85°C. 2Guaranteed by design, not subject to production test.ADG601/ADG602Rev. C | Page 5 of 12ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGST A = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. Table 4.Parameter RatingV DD to V SS 13 VV DD to GND −0.3 V to +6.5 VV SS to GND +0.3 V to –6.5 VAnalog Inputs 1V SS − 0.3 V to V DD + 0.3 VDigital Inputs 1−0.3 V to V DD + 0.3 V or30 mA (whicheveroccurs first)Continuous Current, S or D 100 mAPeak Current, S or D (Pulsed at 1 ms, 10% Duty Cycle Max) 200 mA Operating Temperature Range Industrial (B Version) −40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range −65°C to +150°C Junction Temperature 150°C Thermal ResistanceMSOP θJA 206°C/W θJC 44°C/W SOT-23θJA 229.6°C/W θJC 91.99°C/W Lead Temperature, Soldering (10 sec) 300°C IR Reflow, Peak Temperature 220°C1Overvoltages at IN, S, or D are clamped by internal diodes. Current should be limited to the maximum ratings given.Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Only one absolute maximum rating may be applied at a time. ESD CAUTIONADG601/ADG602Rev. C | Page 6 of 12PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONSV DDS V SS 02619-002DNC NC V DD SSNC =NO CONNECT02619-003Figure 2. 6-Lead SOT-23 (RJ-6) Figure 3. 8-Lead MSOP (RM-8) Figure 4. Die (820 μm × 2255 μm)Table 5. Pin Function DescriptionsPin No.6-Lead SOT-23 8-Lead MSOP Mnemonic Description1 4 V DD Most Positive Power Supply Potential.2 8 S Source Terminal. Can be an input or output.3 5 V SS Most Negative Power Supply Potential.4 7 GND Ground (0 V) Reference.5 1 D Drain Terminal. Can be an input or output.6 6 IN Logic Control Input. N/A 2, 3 NC No Connect.Table 6. Die Pad Coordinates 1Die Pad CoordinatesDie Pad No. X (μm) Y (μm) Mnemonic Description 1 −265 +754 NC No Connect. 2 −265 +525 D Drain Terminal. Can be an input or output.2 3 −265 +241 D Drain Terminal. Can be an input or output.2 4 −265 +141 D Drain Terminal. Can be an input or output.2 5 −265 −191 NC No Connect. 6 −265 −409 NC No Connect. 7 −265 −549 NC No Connect. 8 −265 −787 V DD Most Positive Power Supply Potential. 9 +265 −767 V SS Most Negative Power Supply Potential. 10 +265 −429 IN Logic Control Input. 11 +265 −289 GND Ground (0 V) Reference. 12 +265 +189 S Source Terminal. Can be an input or output.313 +265 +521 S Source Terminal. Can be an input or output.314 +265 +661 NC Source Terminal. Can be an input or output.1 Measured from the center of the die.2Bond the D pads together to a single point to preserve the on resistance and current handling capability. The common point acts as the drain pin of the switch. 3Bond the S pads together to a single point to preserve the on resistance and current handling capability. The common point acts as the source pin of the switch.ADG601/ADG602Rev. C | Page 7 of 12TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS540321V D ,V S (V)O N R E S I S T A N C E (Ω)–5–4–3–2–101234502619-004Figure 5. On Resistance vs. V D , V S (Dual Supply)108064239157V D ,V S (V) N R E S I S T A N C E (Ω)02619-005Figure 6. On Resistance vs. V D , V S (Single Supply) 540321V D ,V S (V)–5–4–3–2–1012345O N R E S I S T A N C E (Ω)02619-006Figure 7. On Resistance vs. V D, V S for Different Temperatures (Dual Supply)O N R E S I S T A N C E (Ω)54321V D ,V S (V)00.5 1.0 1.5 3.54.0 4.55.002619-007Figure 8. On Resistance vs. V D , V S for Different Temperatures (Single Supply)L E A K A G E C U R R E N T (n A )0.50.3–0.50.1–0.1–0.3–0.20.4–0.400.2TEMPERATURE (°C)010203040506070808502619-009Figure 9. Leakage Currents vs. Temperature (Dual Supply)L E A K A G E C U R R E N T (n A )0.50.3–0.50.10–0.1–0.3–0.20.4–0.40.2TEMPERATURE (°C)010203040506070808502619-008Figure 10. Leakage Currents vs. Temperature (Single Supply)ADG601/ADG602Rev. C | Page 8 of 12C H A R G E I N J E C T I O N (p C )50040030020010015045050250350V S (V)–5–4–3–2–101234502619-010Figure 11. Charge Injection vs. Source Voltage T I M E (n s )180160080604020140100120TEMPERATURE (°C)–40–202040608002619-011Figure 12. t ON /t OFF Times vs. Temperature FREQUENCY (MHz)0–10–80–20–30–70–40–50–60O F F I S O L A T I O N (d B )0.211010002619-012Figure 13. Off Isolation vs. FrequencyFREQUENCY (MHz)–2–12–4–6–10–8O N R E S P O N S E (d B )0.211010040002619-013Figure 14. On Response vs. FrequencyADG601/ADG602Rev. C | Page 9 of 12TERMINOLOGYV DDMost positive power supply potential. V SSMost negative power supply potential. I DDPositive supply current. I SSNegative supply current. GNDGround (0 V) reference.SSource terminal. Can be an input or an output. DDrain terminal. Can be an input or an output. INLogic control input.V D , V SAnalog voltage on Terminal D and Terminal S. R ONOhmic resistance between Terminal D and Terminal S. R FLAT (ON)Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum values of on resistance as measured over the specified analog signal range.I S (Off)Source leakage current with the switch off. I D (Off)Drain leakage current with the switch off. I D , I S (On)Channel leakage current with the switch on. V INLMaximum input voltage for Logic 0. V INHMinimum input voltage for Logic 1. I INL (I INH )Input current of the digital input.C S (Off)Off switch source capacitance. Measured with reference to ground. C D (Off)Off switch drain capacitance. Measured with reference to ground. C D , C S (On)On switch capacitance. Measured with reference to ground. C INDigital input capacitance.t ONDelay between applying the digital control input and the output switching on.t OFFDelay between applying the digital control input and the output switching off.Charge InjectionA measure of the glitch impulse transferred from the digital input to the analog output during switching.Off IsolationA measure of unwanted signal coupling through an off switch. On ResponseFrequency response of the on switch. Insertion LossLoss due to the on resistance of the switch.ADG601/ADG602Rev. C | Page 10 of 12TEST CIRCUITSV 02619-014Figure 15. On ResistanceV 02619-015Figure 16. Off Leakage02619-016Figure 17. On LeakageV V V V V V02619-017Figure 18. Switching TimesOUTV V V IN V IN V OUT02619-018Figure 19. Charge InjectionV V OFF ISOLATION =20 logV OUT V S02619-019Figure 20. Off Isolation V V INSERTION LOSS =20 logV OUT WITH SWITCH V S WITHOUT SWITCH02619-020Figure 21. BandwidthADG601/ADG602Rev. C | Page 11 of 12OUTLINE DIMENSIONSCOMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-187-AAPLANE0.10Figure 22. 8-Lead Mini Small Outline Package [MSOP](RM-8)Dimensions shown in millimetersCOMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-178-ABFigure 23. 6-Lead Small Outline Transistor Package [SOT-23](RJ-6)Dimensions shown in millimetersORDERING GUIDEModelTemperature Range Package Description Package Option Branding 1ADG601BRT-REEL −40°C to +85°C 6-Lead SOT-23 RJ-6 STB ADG601BRT-REEL7 −40°C to +85°C 6-Lead SOT-23 RJ-6 STB ADG601BRTZ-REEL 2−40°C to +85°C 6-Lead SOT-23 RJ-6 STB# ADG601BRTZ-REEL72−40°C to +85°C 6-Lead SOT-23 RJ-6 STB# ADG601BRM−40°C to +85°C 8-Lead MSOP RM-8 STB ADG601BRM-REEL−40°C to +85°C8-Lead MSOP RM-8STBADG601BRM-REEL7 −40°C to +85°C 8-Lead MSOP RM-8 STB ADG601BRMZ 2−40°C to +85°C 8-Lead MSOP RM-8 S1G ADG601BRMZ-REEL 2−40°C to +85°C 8-Lead MSOP RM-8 S1G ADG601BRMZ-REEL72−40°C to +85°C 8-Lead MSOPRM-8S1GADG601CSURF Die ADG602BRT-REEL −40°C to +85°C 6-Lead SOT-23 RJ-6 SUB ADG602BRT-REEL7 −40°C to +85°C 6-Lead SOT-23 RJ-6 SUB ADG602BRTZ-REEL 2 −40°C to +85°C 6-Lead SOT-23 RJ-6 S18 ADG602BRTZ-REEL72 −40°C to +85°C 6-Lead SOT-23 RJ-6 S18 ADG602BRM −40°C to +85°C 8-Lead MSOP RM-8 SUB ADG602BRM-REEL −40°C to +85°C 8-Lead MSOP RM-8 SUB ADG602BRM-REEL7 −40°C to +85°C 8-Lead MSOP RM-8 SUB ADG602BRMZ 2−40°C to +85°C 8-Lead MSOP RM-8 S18 ADG602BRMZ-REEL72−40°C to +85°C8-Lead MSOPRM-8S181 Branding on SOT-23 and MSOP is limited to three characters due to space constraints.2Z = RoHS Compliant Part, # denotes RoHS compliant product, may be top or bottom marked.ADG601/ADG602Rev. C | Page 12 of 12NOTES©2001–2007 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D02619-0-3/07(C)。
Ultra Fast Recovery Diodes
Fig. 1 Forward current versus voltage drop.
Fig. 2 Recovery charge versus -diF/dt.
Fig. 3 Peak reverse current versus -diF/dt.
Ultra Fast Recovery Diodes
Dimensions TO-220AC A C(TAB) A C C
Dim. A B C D E F G H J K L M N Q
A=Anode, C=Cathode, TAB=Cathode
VRSM V 1000
Fig. 4 Dynamic parameters versus junction temperature.
Fig. 5 Recovery time versus -diF/dt.
Fig. 6 Peak forward voltage versus diF/dt.
Fig. 7 Transient thermal impedance junction to case.
* High reliability circuit operation * Low voltage peaks for reduced protection circuits * Low noise switching * Low losses * Operating at lower temperature or space saving by reduced cooling
VRRM V 1000
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