Leaching process of rare earths from weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore
不同孔隙结构下风化壳淋积型稀土的渗透特性尹升华;齐炎;谢芳芳;陈勋;王雷鸣【摘要】During the leaching of weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore, the grain grading is the key factor affecting the permeability of ore body and leaching results. In order to explore the feature rule of permeability of weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore under different grain grading conditions, six groups of rare earth of different grain grading were prepared. The indoor experiment was conducted on the self-made variable water head infiltration equipment to analyze the permeability of ore body and leaching results, which effectively simulate the ore body porous structure of the whole leaching process. The results show that the rare earth with different grain grading corresponds to different permeation effects results. Based on the experimental data, the relationship between porosity and permeability is summarized as "index relation", and the modified permeability coefficient model is obtained by referring to the fitting results, the revised model is promoted. The mechanism analysis shows that the bonded water film of rare earth ore particles occupies the effective pores when the pores are relatively small, and it imposes great viscosous effect on the flow of the solution. With the increase of porosity, the bonded water film effect is weakened and the effect of seepage is enhanced.%风化壳淋积型稀土开采过程中,颗粒级配一直是影响矿体渗透性和浸矿效果的关键因素.为探究不同颗粒级配条件下风化壳淋积型稀土渗透特性规律,选取6组不同配比的稀土矿样,通过自制的变水头渗透装置开展室内实验,有效模拟整个浸矿过程中矿体的孔隙结构,分析不同粒径配比下矿样的渗透特性与浸矿效果.结果表明:不同颗粒级配的稀土矿对应着不同的渗透效果,基于试验数据得到孔隙率与渗透系数呈"类指数"的变化,参照拟合结果得到修订的渗透系数模型,并将修订模型进行了推广.机制分析认为:孔隙比较小时稀土矿颗粒的结合水膜占据了有效孔隙,对溶浸液流动具有极大的黏滞性.随着孔隙比的增大,结合水膜效应逐渐弱化,渗流效果显著增强.【期刊名称】《中国有色金属学报》【年(卷),期】2018(028)005【总页数】7页(P1043-1049)【关键词】风化壳淋积型稀土;渗透系数模型;结合水膜效应;孔隙结构【作者】尹升华;齐炎;谢芳芳;陈勋;王雷鸣【作者单位】北京科技大学金属矿山高效开采与安全教育部重点实验室,北京100083;北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院,北京 100083;北京科技大学金属矿山高效开采与安全教育部重点实验室,北京 100083;北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院,北京 100083;北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院,北京 100083;北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院,北京 100083;北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院,北京100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TD865风化壳淋积型稀土矿是我国特有、世界罕见的中重稀土矿[1−2]。
1979年澳大利亚科学家Nesbitt H W 在英国自然(Nature )等杂志刊登学术论文阐明花岗岩在风化成黏土矿物时,花岗岩中稀土元素将发生分馏、迁移和富集,并暗示有可能富集成矿[1].而中国的江西早在1969年就首次发现风化富集的稀土可以工业回收,从而奠定风化富集形成稀土矿的基础,这种矿是一种外生稀土矿,被称作风化壳淋积型稀土矿.该矿具有分布广、矿点多规模小,原矿放射性低、文章编号:1674-9669(2012)04-0001-13收稿日期:2012-07-25基金项目:教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划项目(IRT0974);国家自然科学基金项目(50974098,51174102);科技支撑计划项目(2012BAC11B07)作者简介:池汝安(1959-),男,博士生导师,主要从事稀土矿物加工和稀土湿法冶金方面研究,E-mail :rac@.风化壳淋积型稀土矿的基础研究池汝安1,2,田君1,3,罗仙平1,徐志高2,何正艳2(1.江西理工大学资源与环境工程学院,江西赣州341000;2.武汉工程大学化工与制药学院,武汉430073;3.江西省科学院应用化学研究所,南昌330029)摘要:文章评述了40年来风化壳淋积型稀土矿的基础研究,包括矿床的成因及特征、稀土矿物的组成及性质,稀土与黏土矿物的关系、稀土在黏土矿物中的吸附及迁移理论,论述了风化壳淋积型稀土矿的稀土元素配分的特征及四大效应,并探讨了稀土浸出机理和风化壳淋积型稀土矿稀土浸取的三代工艺,提出了风化壳淋积型稀土矿基础研究和浸出工艺的发展方向及亟待解决的问题.关键词:风化壳淋积型稀土矿;矿床学;稀土配分;提取工艺中图分类号:O 614.3;TF845文献标志码:AThe basic research on the weatheredcrust elution-deposited rare earth oresCHI Ru-an 1,2,TIAN Jun 1,3,LUO Xian-ping 1,XU Zhi-gao 2,HE Zheng-yan 2(1.School of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Jiangxi University of Science and Technology,Ganzhou 341000,China;2.School of Chemical Engineering and Pharmacy,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430073,China;3.Institute of Applied Chemistry,Jiangxi Academy of Sciences,Nanchang 330029,China)Abstract:The basic research was reviewed about the weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore for over forty years ,including the causes and the characteristics of the deposit ,the compositions and properties of rare earth ore ,the relationship between rare earth ore and clay mineral as well as the theory of the adsorption and migration of rare earth in the clay mineral.Great attentions were also paid to the characteristics of the rare earth element partitioning and the four major effects in the weathered crust elution -deposited rare earth ore.The leaching mechanisms were investigated and the three generation leaching technologies of the weathered crust rare earth ore were also reviewed.The fundamental research ,the development of the leaching technology and the problems which should be resolved urgently in the weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore were pointed out.Key words:weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore ;deposit ;rare earth partitioning ;extraction process 有色金属科学与工程第3卷第4期2012年8月Vol.3,No.4Aug .2012Nonferrous Metals Science and EngineeringDOI:10.13264/ki.ysjskx.2012.04.010有色金属科学与工程2012年8月稀土配分齐全及富含中重稀土等特点[2],其中,中重稀土占世界储量的80%以上,是我国特有的稀土矿产资源,也是世界上稀缺的矿种,广泛分布于我国南方的江西、福建、湖南、广东、广西、云南和浙江等7省.它的发现不仅丰富了稀土元素化学、地球化学、无机化学和湿法冶金学等理论,而且也为我国稀土工业发展创造了得天独厚的资源条件.风化壳淋积型稀土矿自发现以来,国家投入了大量的人力和物力对其进行了基础研究和生产工艺的开发,一代一代的稀土人为此做出了重大贡献,特别是赣州有色冶金研究所等贡献最大.在此,本文将对风化壳淋积型稀土矿近40年来所进行的基础研究工作进行评述,并提出今后的研究方向.1风化壳淋积型稀土矿的矿床学1.1风化壳淋积型稀土矿的成矿原因风化壳淋积型稀土矿的形成条件十分复杂,主要有3个,缺一不可.第1,原岩中必须含稀土矿物,这是稀土来源的充分条件;第2,稀土必须是赋存在可风化的稀土矿物和副矿物上,这能满足稀土矿物风化后形成稀土离子的内在条件;第3,原岩必须处于温暖湿润的气候地区,受生物、物理和化学作用,这是符合原岩风化的外在条件.此外,其矿床成矿地质条件还受岩石条件、构造条件和表生条件等多种因素的控制[3-5].1.1.1岩石条件稀土在不同岩石中的丰度极不均匀,花岗岩和火山岩是构成该类工业矿床的主要含矿地质体.形成风化壳的岩浆岩从加里东期时代到海西-印支期时代再到燕山早期及晚期时代的花岗岩和火山岩都有,因此岩石稀土元素矿化所属时代很长.原岩的稀土品位(风化壳)随成岩时间由早到晚,逐渐提高.岩石化学成分控矿特征表现为矿化酸度差异、与碱金属结合差异和钙控矿差异3种,如钇族稀土元素矿化较铈族稀土元素矿化需要更大的酸度;前者与钠质成分关系较为密切,而后者与钾质成分更为相关;在熔浆演化晚期形成的钇族稀土元素矿化所要求的钙质含量比铈族更低.稀土元素矿化类型与岩体产状及规模、岩石中造岩矿物含量及特征、岩石中稀土元素矿物种类及含量存在着一定的关系,如具有多成因和多期状侵入活动特点的复式及含富硅、富碱、贫二价离子、Fe3+、Ti4+的岩石对稀土元素矿化均有利.1.1.2构造条件含矿岩体及单个矿床或矿体的产出往往受到构造条件的控制.区内构造控岩控矿的基本形式表现为东西向构造带主导控岩控矿,新华夏系构造带主导控岩控矿和东西向构造带与新华夏系构造带复合控岩控矿3个方面.1.1.3表生条件该类矿床的形成经历了内生作用和外生作用两个阶段,二者缺一不可.表生作用与地理气候、地势和地貌等条件有密切的关系.已知该类矿床分布于北纬22°~29°、东经106°30′~l10°40′区域内,尤以北纬24°~26°之间矿床最为密集.这一地理区域属热带、亚热带气候,湿热潮湿雨多,植被发育,有机酸来源丰富,有利于化学风化为主的表生作用,常形成厚度较大的面型风化壳.致使风化壳中稀土含量比基岩高出数倍,富矿地段可高出数10倍以上.该类矿床大多产于海拔高度小于550m、高差250~60m的丘陵地带,以平缓低山和水系发育为特征.在局部地貌上表现为微细地形起伏,对成矿有利.一般来说,山脊比山垇、山顶比山腰、山腰比山脚、缓坡比陡坡,宽阔山头比狭窄山头更有利于成矿.1.2风化壳淋积型稀土矿的矿床学分类矿床可分为内生矿床和外生矿床.外生矿床又可继续分为砂矿床、沉积型矿床和风化壳淋积型矿床.根据矿床学定义,风化壳淋积型稀土矿床属于外生矿床.据风化壳淋积型稀土矿与原生稀土矿床的关系及稀土元素配分特点,风化壳淋积型稀土还可以细分为不同的矿床类型,具体如表1所示.1.3风化壳淋积型稀土矿的矿床特征表生作用促使原岩分解和元素选择性迁移和富集,形成了不同成分的风化壳.根据含矿花岗岩、火山岩及混合岩风化壳的发育特征,认为风化壳矿体结构模式自上而下可分为腐植层、残坡积层、全风化层和半风化层4层.风化壳淋积型稀土矿矿床属于岩浆型原生稀土矿床,经风化淋积后所形成的风化壳构造带.由于原始岩浆矿物成分和含量的差异,岩石结晶根据不同条件因地而异[6].风化壳淋积型稀土矿,主要的地质赋存类型分全复式和裸脚式两大类,其中全复式完全型和2风化壳种类矿床类型含矿母岩岩石类型含矿母岩主要稀土矿物矿中离子相比率/%深成岩风化壳富钇重稀土型细粒白云母花岗岩氟碳钙钇矿88.32富钇重稀土型中细粒黑云母花岗岩氟碳钙钇矿80.73中钇重稀土型中细粒黑云母花岗岩氟碳钙钇矿78.48富铕中钇轻稀土型中细粒黑云母花岗岩氟碳铈矿85.25中钇低铕轻稀土型中细粒黑云母花岗岩氟碳铈矿81.38无选择性配分型中细粒二云母花岗岩氟碳钙钇矿90.43富铈轻稀土型细粒黑云母花岗岩氟碳铈矿83.03浅成岩风化壳富镧富铕轻稀土型花岗斑岩氟碳铈矿91.94无选择性配分型煌斑岩氟碳铈矿86.08喷出岩风化壳高镧富铕轻稀土型流纹斑岩氟碳铈矿91.98高镧富铕轻稀土型凝灰岩氟碳铈矿96.81表1风化壳淋积型稀土矿床分类表图1风化壳中稀土品位垂向分布形式示意图0510********深潜式浅伏式表露式深度/m池汝安,等:风化壳淋积型稀土矿的基础研究第3卷第4期全复式非完全型分别占35%和45%,裸脚式和特殊类型仅分别占15%和5%.风化壳淋积型稀土矿床品位普遍较低,通常稀土含量只有0.03%~0.15%,且绝大部分稀土富集在以黏土矿物为主的细粒级矿石中.1.4风化壳淋积型稀土矿的矿体特征原矿稀土品位随矿体深度的变化主要以深潜式、浅伏式和表露式3种形式存在,具有一定的规律,如图1所示.就大部分稀土矿而言,一般都是浅伏式,且离子相稀土主要赋存在全风化层,而半风化层和腐植层则次之,基岩主要有未风化的稀土矿物.2风化壳淋积型稀土矿的矿石学2.1矿石组成风化壳淋积型稀土矿矿石由原岩在地下水存在的开放体系中,经生物、化学和物理作用,花岗岩和火山岩的原岩解离风化形成高岭土、埃洛石和蒙脱石等黏土矿物.其中以黏土矿物为主,辅以石英砂和造岩矿物长石等组成.原矿中黏土矿物含量大小依次为埃洛石(25%~50%)、伊利石(5%~20%)、高岭石(5%~10%)及蒙脱石(<1%).由于原岩经受的风化程度不同,造成风化壳中各水平位置上矿物组成有所差别,在剖面上呈现一定的层状结构,通常可分为较明显的腐植层、全风化层、半风化层和基岩4层.腐植层和全风化层上部主要是高岭石和三水铝石.全风化层和半风化层上部主要是埃洛石和高岭石及伊利石,半风化层下部主要是伊利石和蒙脱石.风化壳矿石种类主要是受原岩控制,各风化壳矿体的原岩不同,风化的主要产物、黏土矿物组成也有所差别.因原岩化学成分的影响,不同矿区的风化壳矿石的化学成分不完全相同,但有许多共同点.矿石中主要的化学成分是SiO 2,其次为Al 2O 3,离子相稀土低于稀土总量,表明原岩在风化后仍有一部分稀土以矿物相形式赋存.2.2矿石的物理性质形成风化壳淋积型稀土矿的原岩颜色主要为灰白色、灰黄色,原岩成分及风化程度对矿石颜色有较大影响.矿石密度为1.3~1.8t/m 3,呈疏松状态的无规则颗粒.风化壳矿石的水溶性pH 值是影响其中稀土元素化学行为的主要因素之一.在酸性条件下,风化壳矿石中稀土元素呈活化行为.研究表明,原矿均偏酸性,且全风化层酸度略低于腐植层.矿石粒度变化较大,取决于原岩的风化程度,但因黏土矿物颗粒细小,实际上是取决于矿体中34000图2原矿的红外光谱wavelength /cm -132001200400透过率/%YX 矿YA 矿NH 矿有色金属科学与工程2012年8月未风化的残留矿物,如长石、石英及其它副矿物的粒度.一般来说,风化较彻底的矿石,粒度较细,稀土含量较高.对大多数风化壳淋积型稀土矿来说,矿石约60%的矿粒都小于7.75mm ,且比表面积为1.71×104~2.04×104cm 2/kg.矿石中黏土矿物含量多或大颗粒矿石残留少,矿石的黏结性就大,透水性能就差,从矿石中淋洗出离子相稀土所需时间就长.而矿石中的含水率取决于黏土矿物的含量,由于矿石主要以黏土矿物组成,吸水性很强.2.3矿石的谱学特征和表面性质目前,关于风化壳淋积型稀土矿的矿石波谱测试主要有:X 射线粉末衍射、红外光谱、差热和热重分析、透射电镜和光电子能谱等[7].从风化壳淋积型稀土矿矿石的X 射线粉末衍射图可以分析出原矿主要含有埃洛石、伊利石、高岭石、石英、微斜长石和极少量的蒙脱石.从矿石的红外光谱图(见图2)可以看出,存在有OH 振动,Si-O 振动及Al-O 振吸收峰.在3698cm -1,3652cm -1,3621cm -1,3434cm -1和3131cm -1有5个吸收峰,其中3652cm -1是肩峰,3698cm -1是个锐峰,而且分裂较深.这些峰可认为是埃洛石、高岭石、伊利石和蒙脱石的内羟基振动引起的.在1103cm -1,1035cm -1,1007cm -1有3个吸收峰,这些谱带可由埃洛石、高岭石、伊利石和蒙脱石及微斜长石的Si-O 伸缩振动产生.在913cm -1,469cm -1,777cm -1和588cm -1有4个吸收峰,其中913cm -1是埃洛石、高岭石、伊利石的OH 摆动.谱带上不存在790cm -1吸收峰,表明原矿中珍珠陶土和地开石含量很少.777cm -1和694cm -1是层状硅酸盐中的Si-O-Si 和Si-O-Al振动.在536cm -1,469cm -1和433cm -1有3个吸收峰,其中536cm -1和469cm -1分裂很深,谱带很尖锐是埃洛石、高岭石和伊利石Si-O 弯曲振动和Al-O 伸缩振动.对NH 矿的原矿和尾矿进行XPS 光电子能谱的测定,谱图见图3的(a )和(c ).由于氧的背景很高,其它谱峰受到抑制,故还附有400eV 以下的扩展谱,见图3的(b )和(d ).无论尾矿还是原矿,在光电子能谱峰上都未见到稀土电子跃迁能量峰,表明查不到稀土.这是因为黏土矿物属于铝硅酸盐类,硅和铝含量都很高,被吸附的稀土和铝离子是高电荷,半径小的阳离子,电势高,易与周围的水形成配位键,使得光电子打到稀土原子上产生的电子跃迁峰很弱,被氧覆盖了.可以推断吸附在黏土矿物表面上的稀土离子是由水合阳离子或部分羟基配位的水合阳离子,因而显示不出稀土电子跃迁峰.2.4矿石中稀土和铝赋存状态稀土在矿物中的赋存形式可分为4种[8]:①水溶相.以水合稀土离子或羟基水合稀土离子随淋滤水而迁移,但又还未被吸附的这部分游离态稀土;②离子相.以水合阳离子或羟基水合阳离子被吸附在黏土矿物上的稀土;③胶态沉积相.以不溶性的氧化物或氢氧化物胶体沉积在矿物上或与某种氧化物化合形成新的化合物;④矿物相.以离子化合物形式参与矿物晶格,构成矿物晶体不可缺少的部分,或者以类质同晶置换形式分散于造物矿物中的这部分稀土.风化壳淋积型稀土矿中影响稀土产品纯度的主要杂质是铝,了解不同赋存形态的铝,将对探索抑制铝浸出的途径具有一定的意义.铝的赋存形态可分为以下7种[9]:①水溶态铝.以铝离子或水合铝离子形态存在,用水便可淋浸出来;②交换态铝.以水合铝离子Al (H 2O )63+或羟基水合铝离子Al (OH )n (3-n )+靠静电引力吸附在黏土矿物固体表面,并且可被中性盐交换提取的铝离子;③吸附态无机羟基铝.以无机胶膜吸附于矿物表面和边缘的羟基铝的氢氧化铝,在稀土矿电解质浸取时不会被浸出;④氧化铁结合态铝.与氧化铁结合的游离铝,一般稀土矿铁含量越高,其含量也越高;⑤层间铝.一种非交换性聚合物羟基铝,位于2∶1型层状矿物的层间,不能被中性盐提取,可使稀土矿阳离子交换容量降低;⑥非晶态铝硅酸盐.以铝硅酸盐非晶态存在的这部分铝;⑦矿物态铝.以层状铝硅酸4图3光电子能谱图0.020040060080010000.000.781.562.343.123.90计数(s -1)×103Si 2P01SC 1S0A (KVV )NH -原矿0.00.000.941.862.823.764.70计数(s -1)×104NH -原矿扩展谱02SAl 2PAl 2SSi 2SSi 2PC 1SK 2P50100150200250300350400结合能/eV(a )结合能/eV(b )0.02004006008001000结合能/eV(c )0.000.320.640.961.281.60计数(s -1)×1030.050100150200250300350400结合能/eV(d )0.000.400.801.201.602.00计数(s -1)×104NH -2原矿Si 2PC 1S01S0A (KVV )NH -2原矿扩展谱02SAl 2PAl 2SSi 2P C 1SK 2P盐矿物存在,它不能为上述提取剂和选择性溶解所提取.从上面分析,根据现有的工艺条件,只要抑制了水溶态铝和交换态铝的浸出,就能有效降低浸出液的杂质含量,提高稀土矿产品的纯度.2.5矿石的物理化学性质风化壳淋积型稀土矿矿石的物理化学特性,可归纳为以下4点[10]:(1)矿石的多水性.风化壳淋积型稀土矿是以黏土矿物为主的疏松无规则固体,它带有多种类型的水,包括吸附水、层间水和结构水.(2)吸附稀土离子的稳定性.吸附在黏土矿物上的稀土离子遇水不溶解也不水解,具有一定的化学稳定性.(3)原矿的缓冲性.由于原矿结构上断裂键的特殊结构,使原矿遇到酸时就接受氢离子,遇到碱时释放出氢离子,在一定的pH 范围内具有缓冲能力,使得淋出的稀土母液pH 稳定在一定的范围内.(4)吸附离子的可交换性.当原矿中加入电解质溶液时,吸附在黏土矿物活性中心上的稀土离子和杂质离子,就会与电解质溶液中的阳离子发生交换反应而进入溶液,这就是风化壳淋积型稀土矿化学提取稀土的理论基础.3量子化学在风化壳淋积型稀土矿中的应用3.1风化壳淋积型稀土矿中黏土矿物对稀土的富集风化壳淋积型稀土矿中的黏土矿物(混合黏土矿)是花岗岩和火山岩经生物化学和物理风化而成.在此过程中,除生成黏土矿物外,一些易风化的矿物风化解离出阳离子,形成水合离子随水迁移.新生成的黏土矿物,具有吸附活性中心,在弱酸性介质中,可以吸附随水迁移的水合离子,即:池汝安,等:风化壳淋积型稀土矿的基础研究第3卷第4期5有色金属科学与工程2012年8月n(S-H)(S)+M n+(aq)S n-M(S)+n H n+(aq)其中:S代表黏土矿物吸附活性中心.由量子化学计算得出,吸附能力大的离子将优先被吸附,故吸附活性中心主要被Al3+和RE3+所占据,这样选择系数大的稀土离子会替换Al3+和其它离子,在黏土矿物上逐渐富集,而选择系数小的金属离子则随地下水迁移,使得稀土元素在黏土矿物上得到分馏富集.3.2稀土元素配分随黏土矿物深度的变化规律通常用铈和钇的配分分别代表轻稀土配分和重稀土配分.研究表明,轻稀土配分随矿体深度加深逐渐下降,而重稀土配分则随矿体深度加深而增大,即轻稀土随风化残余型黏土矿物矿体深度加深而变小,重稀土则反之.这可能是因为稀土离子与黏土矿物的作用能越大,该离子越易被吸附.尽管它们的作用能仅存在微小的变化,但在漫长的风化环境和弱酸性介质中,稀土之间将发生取代反应和迁移变异,导致吸附能力较差的重稀土下迁,相对富集在较深的风化残余型黏土矿物中,而轻稀土则在矿体上层的含量较大.3.3黏土矿物的吸附特点量子化学计算表明,黏土矿物含有取代结构吸附活性中心和断面余键吸附活性中心.在铝硅酸盐矿物中,硅是四配位形成硅氧四面体,铝是六配位形成铝氧八面体,其中硅和铝可被铝和镁类质同象取代,导致铝硅酸盐层状结构中正负电荷不平衡,出现过剩负电荷,便形成了取代结构吸附活性中心[11].而在黏土矿物晶体结构断裂面上,层状结构中硅氧和铝氧中的氧暴露在外面,带有剩余的成键能力,有表象多余的负电荷,具有吸附阳离子能力,形成了断面余键吸附活性中心.吸附稀土的黏土矿物主要是比表面积大的矿粒以及层状结构的硅酸盐矿物.由于蒙脱石、埃洛石和高岭石等3种黏土矿物的取代结构活性中心依次减少,它们对吸附阳离子的能力为:蒙脱石>埃洛石>高岭石,而它们对具体阳离子的吸附能力大小为:RE3+>A13+>Ca2+>Mg2+>K+>NH4+>Na+吸附能力越大,也就是吸附选择性越大.对于稀土离子,它们与黏土矿物的作用力为:Sc3+>La3+>Ce3+>Pr3+>Nd3+>Sm3+>Eu3+>Gd3+>Tb3+>Dy3+>Ho3+>Y3+>Er3+>Tm3+>Yb3+>Lu3+取代结构吸附活性中心对阳离子的吸附能力大于断面余键吸附活性中心.稀土在黏土矿物上的吸附受液相的pH值的控制,pH值升高,黏土矿物对稀土的吸附能力增加.然而在相同黏土矿物和弱酸性介质的地下水中,稀土离子迁移过程中不断吸附和脱附所产生的分馏效应完全取决于稀土离子的性质.4风化壳淋积型稀土矿的稀土元素配分特征4.1各稀土配分之间的关系在风化壳淋积型稀土矿中,稀土元素配分通常是指除钷和钪以外的15个稀土元素各自氧化物的百分含量.其中,原岩的稀土配分是花岗岩和火山岩或混合岩中稀土矿物全部稀土元素中各自稀土配分的平均值.这些稀土矿物包括独立稀土矿物(如独居石、磷钇矿、硅铍钇矿、钇易解石等)和类质同象分散在副矿物(如褐帘石、榍石等)及造岩矿物(如黑云母、白云母和斜长石等)[12].而风化壳稀土配分则是包括原岩中未风化的独立稀土矿物和其它赋存于载体矿物(如黏土矿物)上吸附的稀土离子中各自稀土配分的平均值.实际上,由于稀土元素之间的地球化学性质的微小差别和风化壳剖面矿物的不同,使得原岩风化后产生的稀土离子在向下迁移中必然产生一定程度上的分异现象,即分馏效应,使风化壳中稀土配分和原岩稀土配分有所差异.而如果风化解离的稀土离子全部被吸附且不产生分馏,那么风化壳稀土配分就有可能继承原岩的稀土配分.离子相稀土(又称可交换稀土)配分是利用目前离子交换浸出工艺可回收的那部分稀土元素的相对含量,即仍赋存在稀土矿物、副矿物和其它造岩矿物中的稀土元素,它不包括易变价的稀土元素形成不可交换的稀土化合物,诸如方铈矿.因此,离子相稀土配分和风化壳稀土配分差别较大.大量风化壳淋积型稀土矿的稀土配分统计分析得出:除铈配分发生严重亏损及重稀土配分在矿体的下部稍高于上部外,但总体来说其它稀土元素配分从原岩到风化壳矿石仍具有一定的继承性.4.2离子相稀土配分的四大效应4.2.1铈亏效应铈是地壳中丰度最高的稀土元素.在大部分岩石中,其铈元素也是丰度最高的稀土元素.铈元素由于有特殊的电子结构(4f15d1s2),其三价离子电子结构(4f1)不稳定,容易再失去一个f电子,形成稳定态四价铈(4f0).因此,在岩石的风化过程中,矿物的晶格中解离出来三价离子铈,容易发生氧6表215种稀土配分之间的Pearson 相关系数矩阵Er 0.6140.8560.5610.661Tm 1.0000.6510.6720.502Yb 1.0000.5690.645Lu 1.0000.493Y1.000池汝安,等:风化壳淋积型稀土矿的基础研究第3卷第4期化还原反应,形成四价铈[13],其反应式如下:4Ce 3++O 2+4H 2O +8H +=4Ce(OH)4↓Ce(OH)4=CeO 2↓(方铈矿)+2H 2O由此,在矿物相中Ce 4+一般以CeO 2或氟碳铈矿物相存在,胶态相中以难溶的Ce (OH )4存在,故在离子相中CeO 2含量偏低,导致稀土提取产品中铈严重偏低,形成了稀土配分的铈亏效应.这可能是因为原岩在风化体系中,来自原岩稀土矿物,诸如氟碳铈矿等风化解离的稀土,其中铈被氧化为四价铈Ce 4+,很容易与HCO 3-配合形成稳定的可溶性配合物,而其他的稀土元素则不易形成较稳定的可溶性配合物.当降雨时,大量地下渗水就会将这些存在于风化前缘处的较稳定的Ce-HCO 3-配合物带走,使得Ce 在风化前缘处(包括稀土富集层底部)与其他稀土再次产生分异和进一步亏损.因此,被地下水带走才是铈真正亏损的主要原因.4.2.2富铕效应从原岩到风化壳矿石,再从风化壳矿石到风化壳淋积型稀土矿的提取产品,它们的配分值呈现出铕的配分增加.在地质上将风化壳矿石和风化壳淋积型稀土矿的提取产品与陨石的稀土元素的配分值相比,铕的配分值明显增高,表明原岩在风化过程中铕能明显的富集,这就是富铕效应.在大多数沉积岩中,特别是太古宙以后的沉积岩中,也发现了富铕效应[14],主要是由于其继承了沉积岩源区的Eu 异常,且还能在风化作用过程中促进Eu 异常,出现铕的富集.4.2.3分馏效应原矿风化解离出的稀土离子形成水合或羟基水合的稀土离子,然后随地下水负载下在矿体中的黏土矿物吸附和脱附,不断地进行交换,导致了稀土在不同深度的矿层其稀土的提取配分存在差别,最后形成了风化壳矿体稀土配分随矿体深度加深而重稀土富集加大,即出现了上层轻稀土含量高,下层重稀土含量高的现象.这表明在矿石的风化发育形成风化壳矿时,风化解离出的稀土离子在随地下水迁移富集的过程中发生了分馏[15].4.2.4钆断效应考察稀土配分的相关矩阵表2,相关系数的数值的正负都出现在钆元素,存在明显的钆断效应.这与稀土离子的电子构型,光谱相及稀土离子颜色的变化是惊人的相似,说明当稀土元素分为轻重两组时应以钆为界,钆之前的元素La -Eu 为轻稀土组元素,钆之后含钆Gd -Lu 、Y 为重稀土组元素,且钆之前的轻稀土元素之间呈正相关,钆之后重稀土组元素之间呈正相关,而轻稀土元素与重稀土组元素之间呈负相关,这种稀土在地壳中的赋存丰度与稀土电子构型有关的现象被称作钆断效应.5风化壳淋积型稀土矿的稀土浸出理论基础由于风化壳淋积型稀土矿中稀土离子是以水合或羟基水合离子的形式吸附在黏土矿物上,采7。
保护自然资源的英语短文保护自然资源的英语短文Preserving Natural Resources(保护自然资源)在世界环保日来临前夕,联合国教科文组织就如何保护自然资源问题向全世界中学生征文。
请根据提示以“Preserving Natural Resource”(保护自然资源)为题,写一篇短文。
,不采取有效措施,子孙生存将受到威胁.Preserving Natural ResourcesThrdugh the changes'in the ways Of making a living in a family over several gen,erations, man has been warned against waste of natural resources and emphasizing the urgent need to preserve these resources.Ever since man appeared on the earth, man's survival has been heavily relied on nature. Almost everything we use in our everyday life comes fromm'notate, ranging from the food we eat, the water we drink, to the wood which is tm'ned into furniture.With the development of technology and population growth, the amount and range of materials used has increased at an alarming rate.However, natural resources are not inexhaustible. Some reserves are already on the brink of exhaustion and there is no hope of replacing them. The widespread water shortage is an example in point. If man continued to squander natural resources with no thought for the future, the later generations would be in danger. It is up to us to take effective measuresbefore the situation gets out of hand.保护自然资源经过几代人谋生方式的变化,人类已经得到警告,要反对浪费自然资源,急需保护这些资源。
1 微生物冶金技术概述1.1 微生物冶金技术特点微生物冶金技术通常是指用含有微生物的溶液将有价金属元素从矿石中溶解出来并加以回收利用的方法,其实质是加速将矿物自然转化成氧化物的湿法冶金过程,与传统方法相比,其具有回收率更高的优势,特别适合处理低品位、复杂、难处理的矿产资源。
1、A meeting of head 1994年7月在巴黎召开的联合国环境保护组织领导人会议上,气候变暖是这次会议重点讨论的话题。
2、Sea rise as a consequence of 全球变暖导致海平面上升,这将迅速威胁全球位于海平面附近的把部分地区。
3、the harmful effects of localized当气候变暖的时候,局部城市的空气污染会更加严重。
4、to asses the scientific aspect 为了科学层面去评估全球变暖造成的后果,并针对镇邪影响制定相应的政策措施,联合国环境计划署正在开展大量研究和评估5、these actions mebtioned上述措施仅仅表明我们在解决世界上最大的,也是影响最为深远的环保问题过程中一个不成熟的初衷,当然,这个初衷还比较粗略,也仅仅是各开始,需要完善。
1、the costs of energy人类为利用能源所付出的代价却削弱了能源为其带来的利益,这种代价不但包括为获取和利用能源所投入的资金和其他资源,而且包含了能源开发和利用所产生的环境影响和社会政治影响。
2、inadequacy of energy resources 能源资源不足或者(更经常)开采、加工和分配这些资源所需要技术与机构的不足,会影响能源给人类带来利益,并以为着能源生产增长遭到干扰、损害或限制。
3、one key determinant of the answer 回答这个问题的一个关键因素是过去100年以来前所未有的人口增长所带来的对资源需求的激增以及相同规模的人均工业能源需求的增长。
4、but they all require elaborate and expensive 但这些资源转化为电力或液体燃料,以满足社会需求,均需经过技术复杂、成本昂贵的转化过程。
5、in the case of air pollution from fossil 以矿物燃料造成的空气污染为例,一般认为其对大众健康的主要危害是由排放的二氧化硫形成的微粒,但接触这种污染空气究竟会导致多少人死亡,却无法取得一致意见。
187影响离子型稀土矿浸矿效率的因素研究陶 伟(江西泰豪动漫职业学院 智能科学与技术系,江西 南昌 330200)摘 要:近几年随着我国科学技术水平的不断发展,很多行业都发生了极大变化,人们对生活质量的要求也在不断提高,这对我国矿产资源而言就面临极大挑战,要想获取更多的矿产资源就必须提升采矿效率,同时还要更低成本的对矿床进行开采。
关键词:离子型稀土矿;原地浸矿;硫酸铵;浸出率;稀土元素中图分类号:TF845 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-5065(2023)15-0187-3Study on the Factors Influencing the Leaching Efficiency of Ionic Rare Earth OresTAO Wei(Jiangxi Tellhow AniMation College,Nanchang 330200,China)Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous development of China's scientific and technological level, many industries have undergone significant changes, and people's requirements for quality of life are also constantly improving. This poses great challenges for China's mineral resources. To obtain more mineral resources, it is necessary to improve mining efficiency, while also mining mineral deposits at lower costs. Based on the current situation, China has developed many mining technologies, among which the use of ion type rare earth leaching technology can effectively mine ore bodies, fully utilizing chemical equilibrium reactions during the mining process to achieve mining objectives. However, during the leaching process, the concentration, flow rate, temperature, solid-liquid ratio, and pH value of the leaching agent are important factors that affect the leaching efficiency. According to experimental statistics, it has been found that the leaching effect of rare earths is relatively good when the solid-liquid ratio of the sulfuric acid solution concentration of the leaching agent is 1:1, the pH is 4.5, and the flow rate is three milliliters per minute, with a leaching rate of about 80%. The following is mainly studied through experiments.Keywords: ionic rare earth ore; In situ leaching of ore; Ammonium sulfate; Leaching rate; rare earth element收稿日期:2023-05基金来源:2022年江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目:不同浓度的交换液对离子型稀土一维入渗特性的影响试验研究,项目编号:GJJ2208516。
英语词汇学习:如何表达某人耗尽某物1. exhaustexhaust是一个正式的词汇,表示耗尽人力、物力、资源等,使资产、资源等枯竭,竭尽。
例如:We’ll have to stop production if the materials in stock are exhausted. 如果生产材料库存用尽,我们将不得不停产。
Traveling upriver exhausts them so much, they can not make the return journey. 逆流而上的旅程耗尽了它们的体力,因此它们无法再踏上归程。
This project may exhaust the allocation of resources needed for other services. 这个项目可能耗尽应该用于其他服务的资源。
Over-intensive farming had exhausted the supply of nutrients in the soil. 过度耕种已经耗尽了土壤中的养分。
The exhaust from the car is very harmful to the environment. 汽车的尾气对环境非常有害。
2. use upuse up是一个口语用语,表示用尽,耗尽,与exhaust可以替换,使用范围更广。
例如:The Earth's resources are being used up at an alarming rate. 地球的资源正以惊人的速度消耗。
Once this budget is used up, all research programs will have to be ceased. 一旦这个预算已经用完,所有的研究项目只好停下来。
If the demand for energy outstrips the supply, we use up the fat and become slimmer. 如果对能量的需求超过了供给,我们就会消耗掉脂肪,变得更瘦。
English Answer:The processing of rare earths typically involves several key steps:1.Mining: The initial stage involves the mining of ore deposits containing rare earth elements.This is usually done through open-pit mining or underground mining, depending on the deposit's location and characteristics.2.Crushing and Grinding: Once the ore is extracted, it is crushed and ground to break downthe larger rocks into smaller particles, making it easier to extract the rare earth elements. 3.Concentration: The next step is to concentrate the rare earth elements from the ore. This isusually done through physical separation methods like froth flotation or magnetic separation.4.Roasting and Leaching: The concentrated ore is then roasted to remove impurities and makethe rare earth elements more soluble. Leaching is then used to dissolve the elements in a chemical solution.5.Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange: The solution is then passed through a series of solventextraction and ion exchange columns to separate the individual rare earth elements.6.Precipitation and Calcination: The separated elements are then precipitated and calcined toform oxides or other compounds suitable for further processing or use.7.Final Processing: Depending on the desired application, the oxides or compounds mayundergo further processing steps, such as refining, purification, or conversion into different chemical forms.Chinese Answer:稀土的冶炼工艺流程主要包括以下步骤:1.采矿:首先,从含有稀土元素的矿藏中开采矿石。
Growing up in a small town nestled between lush green hills, I was always deeply connected to the natural world. The chirping of birds at dawn, the gentle rustle of leaves in the evening breeze, and the vibrant colors of wildflowers in the meadow were the soundtrack of my childhood. However, as I grew older and began to learn more about the global environmental issues, I realized that the idyllic landscape I cherished was under threat.The Earth, our only home, is facing numerous environmental challenges. Climate change, deforestation, pollution, and loss of biodiversity are just a few of the critical issues that demand our immediate attention. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC has reported that global temperatures have risen significantly over the past century, leading to more frequent and severe weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods. This not only affects human populations but also disrupts the delicate balance of ecosystems around the world.One of the most pressing concerns is deforestation. Forests are the lungs of our planet, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Yet, they are being cut down at an alarming rate, primarily for agricultural expansion and logging. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that we lose 18.7 million acres of forests every year, which is equivalent to 27 soccer fields per minute. This loss of forests not only contributes to climate change but also leads to the extinction of countless species that rely on these habitats for survival.Pollution, another significant environmental issue, is pervasive in bothdeveloped and developing countries. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil we grow our food in are all affected by pollutants. The World Health Organization states that around 9 out of 10 people breathe polluted air, leading to a range of health problems, including respiratory diseases and heart conditions. Water pollution, often caused by industrial waste and agricultural runoff, contaminates our rivers and oceans, affecting marine life and the quality of our drinking water.The loss of biodiversity is another grave concern. The extinction rate of species is currently 1,000 times higher than the natural rate, primarily due to human activities such as habitat destruction, overfishing, and climate change. The extinction of species not only leads to the loss of unique genetic information but also disrupts the balance of ecosystems, affecting the services they provide, such as pollination, pest control, and nutrient cycling.Despite these daunting challenges, there is hope. Many individuals, communities, and governments are taking steps to protect the environment. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are becoming more prevalent, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Reforestation efforts are underway to restore degraded lands and revive ecosystems. Moreover, international agreements like the Paris Agreement aim to limit global temperature rise and foster a global response to climate change.In my own community, I have witnessed the power of collective action. Local schools have initiated recycling programs, and community gardenshave sprung up, promoting sustainable agriculture and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. I have also participated in beach cleanup drives, where volunteers come together to remove trash from our coastlines, protecting marine life and preserving the beauty of our natural landscapes.As a high school student, I am committed to learning more about environmental issues and advocating for sustainable practices. I believe that education is key to fostering a sense of responsibility towards our planet. By understanding the consequences of our actions, we can make informed decisions and contribute to the preservation of our environment.In conclusion, the Earths environment is facing unprecedented challenges, but it is not too late to act. Each one of us has a role to play in protecting our planet. Whether it is through reducing our carbon footprint, supporting conservation efforts, or simply spreading awareness, every action counts. Let us join hands and work together to ensure a healthy and vibrant planet for generations to come.。
结果表明,这种类型的浸出剂对该稀土矿有较高的稀土浸出率,且能较好地抑制黏土矿物的膨胀,最优工艺条件为:NH4Cl和NH4NO3的质量比8∶2、浸出剂质量浓度10 g/L、浸出液pH=4.0、液固比2∶1、流速0.5 mL/min,在此条件下稀土浸出率为96.29%,黏土矿物的线膨胀率为2.738%。
关键词:风化壳淋积型稀土矿;浸出;混合铵盐;膨胀率中图分类号:TF845 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-7545(2014)08-0000-00Study of Leaching of Rare Earth from Weathered Crust Elution Deposited RareEarth Ores with Mixed Ammonium SaltZHANG Ting-ting, ZHANG Zhen-yue, XU Zhi-gao, LI Qiong, CHI Ru-an(Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Process of Ministry of Education, School of Chemical Engineering & Pharmacy,Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430073, China)Abstract: The effects of ratio and concentration of mixed ammonium salts (ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate), ratio of liquid to solid (L/S), pH, and flow rate on leaching rate of rare earth(RE) from weathered crust elution deposited rare earth ores were investigated by column leaching method. The results show that RE can be leached by mixed ammonium salts with higher RE leaching rate and preferably anti-swelling of clay minerals. Leaching rate of RE is 96.29% and linear expansivity of clay minerals is 2.738% under the optimum conditions including mass ratio of leaching agent of NH4Cl∶NH4NO3 of 8∶2, concentration of leaching agent of 10 g/L, pH value of 4.0, L/S=2∶1, and flow rate of 0.5 mL/min.Key words: weathered crust elution deposited rare earth ores; leaching; mixed ammonium salts; expansivity风化壳淋积型稀土矿(亦称离子吸附型稀土矿)广泛分布于我国的江西、福建、两广、两湖等地,其稀土和重稀土含量相对较高,具有巨大的商业价值[1-3]。
废催化裂化催化剂稀土元素回收方法综述叶阑珊;吕灵灵;杨驰;高玮【摘要】The consumption of catalytic cracking catalysts increases year by year with the development of the refining industry, which leads to the increasing of wasted catalytic cracking catalysts. There are rare earth elements contained in spent FCC catalysts. Due to the limited reserves of rare earth resources with high price, the growing applications in various fields of science, and more attention to the environmental protection in recent years, the ways about how to recycle rare earth resources economically and efficiently from wasted FCC catalysts are focused by more and more researchers. Several methods of recycling rare earth elements from spent FCC catalysts were summarized, such as acidic leaching-solvent extraction and acidic leaching-precipitation.%随着炼油工业的发展,催化裂化催化剂消耗量逐年增加,产生的废催化裂化催化剂也不断增多,其中含有部分稀土元素,由于稀土资源储量有限、价格昂贵,在各科学领域中的应用日益增加,且近年来对环境保护的要求越来越高,故如何经济、高效地从废催化裂化催化剂中回收利用稀土资源受到学者们的关注,本文总结了几种废催化裂化催化剂稀土元素回收的方法,如酸溶-萃取法、酸溶-沉淀法等,以供参考.【期刊名称】《广州化工》【年(卷),期】2018(046)010【总页数】3页(P15-17)【关键词】废催化裂化催化剂;稀土回收;资源化;萃取;沉淀【作者】叶阑珊;吕灵灵;杨驰;高玮【作者单位】青岛惠城环保科技股份有限公司,山东青岛 266500;青岛惠城环保科技股份有限公司,山东青岛 266500;青岛惠城环保科技股份有限公司,山东青岛266500;青岛惠城环保科技股份有限公司,山东青岛 266500【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF111催化裂化(FCC)是重质石油烃类在催化剂的作用下反应生产轻质油的主要过程,FCC催化剂在反应过程中,由于积碳、重金属污染等原因使催化剂活性下降,需要定期卸出一部分平衡剂以保证装置内催化剂的催化效果,这个过程产生了大量的FCC废催化剂。
结果表明:1、最佳浸出条件为:液/固=2.5;[H+]_0.3~0.5mo叭;2、采用P507萃取,25% HCl 洗涤及Imol/1NaOH反萃,实现了钪、钍、铀与稀土的分离;3、采用中性膦萃取剂P503可实现钪与钍、铀的高效分离,所得Sc203纯度达到91.3%,钪收率为86.8%。
关键词:钛白熔盐氯化法;废盐:钍;铀;稀土;萃取回收Waste Salt in the Molten Salt Recovery of Sc,Th,U a nd R E s from theChlorination Proc●r rocess for I or Titanium1itan amZh an g Z hifeng,Bi Ya nfen g,Wang Yanl iang,Liao Wuping半(State Key Lab orat ory ofRare E甜m Resource Utilization.ERCfor the Separation and Purification ofREs and Thorium,Cha ngchun Institute ofApplied C h e mi s t r y,C ha n g c h u n130022,China)Abstract:There ar e two kinds o f chlorination processes for the production of titanium dioxide,namely,boiling chlo r in at i on a nd molten salt chlorination,in which molten salt chlorination exhibits better ad a p ta b il i ty du e to its abi lit y to handle some r a w materials with higher percentage of calcium and magnesium.However,the recovery o f ot h er valuable elements is s ti ll a problem,especially for the radioactive elements.So the recovery and sepa ra ti on of scandium,thorium,uranium and otherrare earths from the radioactive wa s te molten salt in the chlorination process w a s studied.The optimum leaching c ond iti ons are"L/S=2.5/1;[H+】-0.3~0.5mol/1.P507is an excellent extractant for the recovery o f S c,T h,U and othe r rare e ar t h s.A f te r extraction,washing by25%HCl andNaOH,Sc,Th an d U can b e enri ched a nd s epa rat ed from othe r rare earths stripping with l mol/1which can b e pr e c ip i ta t ed b y adjusting pH to5-6.And the n S c can be s epa rat ed from Th an d U b y24全国稀有金属学术交流会论文集the extractant P503.Scandium oxide with a purity being of91.3%can be obtained with the yie l d o f 86.8%.Ke y words:molten salt c h lo r in a t io n pr oce ss for titanium diox id e;wa st e salt;thorium;uranium;rare earths;recovery钛白粉是一种重要的无机化工原料,无毒无1实验害,是目前性能最好的白色颜料,被广泛应用于涂料、橡胶、塑料、造纸、印刷油墨、日用化工1.1实验原料及仪器等领域,占全部白色颜料使用量的80%。
中考英语一轮复习 阅读理解第7集【任务型阅读理解专辑】
People feel the pressure from school or work .
A fast pace of life66to sleep problems as well.
Noise and light pollution also67sleep and cause poor quality sleep.
World Sleep Day
World Sleep Day was created to make people understand the
62of sleep.
A survey by
Of 35 000 people in 10 countries in the world, there were 24 percent of the people63they didn’t sleep well.
In some places the land remains green even though there is very little rainfall. This is because of the type of plants that grow in these area. In such places small green plants cover the ground, protecting it from the hot sun which can dry out the land very quickly. These plants also prevent the wind from blowing away the rich soils. As a result, when there is a period of rainfall the plants are able to hold the water.
Water is an essential element for life on Earth,and its journey is a fascinating cycle that begins with evaporation and ends with precipitation,only to start the process all over again.Lets explore this incredible journey in detail.The Beginning:EvaporationThe water cycle begins at the surface of the oceans,lakes,rivers,and even from the soil and plants.As the suns rays heat the Earth,the water molecules gain energy and transform from a liquid state to a gaseous state,a process known as evaporation.This is particularly prominent in the vast oceans,where the majority of Earths water is stored. The Rise:Transpiration and CondensationPlants also play a crucial role in the water cycle through a process called transpiration, where they release water vapor into the atmosphere through their leaves.Once the water vapor rises into the atmosphere,it cools and condenses to form tiny droplets.These droplets come together to create clouds,a process known as condensation.The Journey:TransportationThe clouds are then moved around the globe by the wind.As they travel,the water droplets within them may combine and grow larger.When these droplets become too heavy to remain suspended in the cloud,they begin to fall back to the Earth.The Descent:PrecipitationThis falling of water droplets is known as precipitation.It can occur in various forms, such as rain,snow,sleet,or hail,depending on the temperature and atmospheric conditions.Precipitation is vital for replenishing water sources on land,providing drinking water for humans and animals,and nourishing plant life.The Return:Infiltration,Runoff,and CollectionOnce precipitation reaches the ground,several things can happen.Some of the water infiltrates the soil,replenishing groundwater reserves.This process is known as infiltration.Other water flows over the surface of the land as runoff,eventually making its way into rivers,lakes,and eventually back to the oceans.This continuous movement of water is known as the hydrological cycle.The Cycle ContinuesThe water that returns to the oceans or other bodies of water is once again heated by the sun,causing it to evaporate and continue the cycle.This cycle is a delicate balance that ensures the availability of fresh water for all forms of life on Earth. Understanding the water cycle is not only important for appreciating the natural world but also for recognizing the impact human activities can have on this essential process. By conserving water and protecting our water sources,we can help maintain the balance of this vital cycle for future generations.。
摘 要: 针对某含氰含铜废液,采用二氧化氯氧化法脱除废液中氰,再用硫化法沉淀回收溶液中铜。 结果表明,二氧化氯氧化法除
氰合理工艺条件为:反应温度 25 ℃ 、溶液初始 pH = 9.5、反应时间 60 min、二氧化氯气体流速 60 mL / min,此时除氰率达到 96%以上;
硫化沉淀法回收除氰后液中的铜,合理工艺条件为:反应温度 25 ℃ 、反应时间 60 min、溶液初始 pH = 3、搅拌速度 300 r / min、硫化钠
图 6 硫化钠加入量对硫化沉铜效果的影响
钠用量增至理论用量的 3 倍以上时,铜沉淀率基本保
持不变。 选择硫化钠用量为理论用量的 3 倍,此时铜
沉淀率可达到 93%以上。
3.3 综合实验
at 300 r / min, and the consumption of sodium sulfide 3 times the theoretical amount, resulted in the copper precipitation
rate exceeding 93%.
Key words: copper⁃containing wastewater; cyanide⁃containing wastewater; chlorine dioxide; decyanation; sulfidation;
变成自由铜离子,有利于硫化沉铜。 为了提高硫化沉
铜效率,在 前 人 研 究 的 基 础 上, 研 究 了 溶 液 初 始 pH
托福阅读tpo71R-1Electrical Energy from the Ocean原文 (1)译文 (5)题目 (8)答案 (15)背景知识 (16)原文Electrical Energy from the Ocean①Solar energy reaching Earth is responsible for differential heating of the atmosphere and thus air circulation as wind. Some of the energy of wind is transferred to the oceans, where it causes waves and is partly responsible for oceanic currents, although Earth’s rotation also plays a role in currents. Gravitational attraction between Earth and the Sun and Moon generates tides and, along with Earth’s rotation, causes most coastal areas to experience a twice-daily rise and fall of sea level. In short, the oceans possess a tremendous reservoir of largely untapped energy.②If we could effectively harness the energy possessed by the oceans, an almost limitless, largely nonpolluting energy supply would be ensured. Unfortunately, ocean energy is diffuse, meaning that the amount of energy for a given volume of water is small and thus difficult to concentrate and use. Several ways of using ocean energy are being considered or are under development, and one is currently in use, although it accounts for only a tiny proportion of all energy production. Of the several sources of ocean energy ---temperature differences with depth; currents; waves; and tides ---only the last shows much promise for the near future.③Ocean water at depth might be as much as 25℃colder than surface water, a difference that allows for ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). OTEC exploits this temperature difference to run turbines and generate electricity. The amount of energy available is enormous, but a number of practical problems must be solved before it can be used. For one thing, any potential site must be close to land and also have a sufficiently rapid change with depth to result in the required temperature difference. Furthermore, enormous quantities of warm and cold seawater would have to circulate through an electrical-generating plant, thus requiring that large surface areas bedevoted to this purpose.④The concept of OTEC is more than a century old, but despite several decades of research, no commercial OTEC plants are operating or even under construction, although small experimental ones have been tested in Hawaii and Japan.⑤Wind-generated ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream, which flows along the east coast of North America, also posses energy that might be tapped to generate electricity. Unlike streams that can be dammed to impound a reservoir, any electrical-generating facility exploiting oceanic currents would have to concentrate currents’diffuse energy and contend with any unpredictable changes in direction. In addition, whereas hydroelectric generating plats on land depend on the rapid movement o water from the higher elevation to the turbines, the energy of ocean currents comes from their flow velocity, which is at most a few kilometers per hour.⑥The most obvious form of energy in the oceans lies in waves.Harnessing wave energy and converting it to electricity is not a new idea, and it has been used on an extremely limited scale. Unfortunately, the energy possessed by a wave is distributed along its crest and is difficult to concentrate. Furthermore, any facility would have to be designed to withstand the effects of storms and saltwater corrosion. The Japanese have developed wave-energy devices to power lighthouses and buoys, and a facility capable of providing power to about 300 homes began operating in Scotland during September 2000.⑦Perhaps tidal power is the most promising form of ocean energy. In fact, it has been used for centuries in some coastal areas to run mills, but its use at present for electrical generation is limited. Most coastal areas experience a twice-daily rise the fall of tides, but only a few areas are suitable for exploiting this energy source. One limitation is that the tidal range must be at least five meters, and there must also be a coastal region where water can be stored following high tide.⑧Suitable sites for using tidal power are limited not only by tidal range but also by location. Many areas along the U.S. Gulf Coast would certainly benefit from tidal power plants, but a tide range of generallyless than one meter precludes the possibility of development. Even areas with an appropriate tidal range such as the Arctic islands of Canada offer little potential because of their great distances from population centers.译文海洋电能①太阳能对地球的影响及海洋能量的潜力到达地球的太阳能是大气层差异加热的根源,进而导致空气循环,即我们所知的风。
How to explai n that I was not a proudownerseekin g admira tionfor his vehicl e, but a touris t who had broken down如何解释,我不是一个骄傲的主人寻求佩服他的汽车,但游客坏了吗Specia l equipm ent assure s that the comput ers will not be distur bed by powerinterr uptio ns that last less than two hours.特种设备确保计算机就不会被打断,力量持续不到两个小时。
It is actual ly very, very old and was not always as beauti ful as it is now. It is not certai n how the Earthbegan. Probab ly it beganas a huge globeof gas and dust. The globebecame smalle r and denser. Todaythe outerlayeror crustis cool and hard,它实际上是非常非常老的,并不总是像现在这样美丽。
今天的外层或地壳是凉爽且硬,It was not anger, nor surpri se, nor disapp roval, not horror, nor any of the otheremotio ns that she had been prepar ed for.那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是嫌恶,也不是她原先准备应付的任务一种感情。
一、阅读理解1Some are concerned that AI tools are turning language learning into a weakening pursuit. More and more people are using simple, free tools, not only to decode text but also to speak. With these apps’ conversation mode, you talk into a phone and a spoken translation is heard moments later; the app can also listen for another language and produce a translation in yours.Others are less worried. Most people do not move abroad or have the kind of on-going contact with a foreign culture that requires them to put in the work to become fluent. Nor do most people learn languages for the purpose of humanising themselves or training their brains. On their holiday, they just want a beer and the spaghetti without incident.Douglas Hofstadter, an expert in many languages, has argued that something profound (深刻的) will disappear when people talk through machines. He describes giving a broken, difficult speech in Chinese, which required a lot of work but offered a sense of satisfaction at the end.As AI translation becomes an even more popular labor-saving tool, people can be divided into two groups. There will be those who want to stretch their minds, expose themselves to other cultures or force their thinking into new pathways. This group will still take on language study, often aided by technology. Others will look at learning a new language with a mix of admiration and puzzlement, as they might with extreme endurance (耐力) sports: “Good for you, if that’s your thing, but a bit painful for my taste.”But a focus on the learner alone misses the fundamentally social nature of language. It is a bit like analysing the benefits of close relationships to heart-health but overlooking the inherent (固有的) value of those bondsthemselves. When you try to ask directions in broken Japanese or ruin a joke in broken German, you are making direct contact with someone. And when you speak a language well enough to tell a story with perfect timing or put delicate differences on an argument, that connection is more profound still. The best relationships do not require a medium.1. What is the first two paragraphs mainly about?A. Communicating through apps is simple.B. Apps provide a one-way interactive process.C. Using apps becomes more and more popular.D. AI tools weaken the needs of language learning.2. What is Douglas’ attitude to language learning?A. Favorable.B. Objective.C. Doubtful.D. Unclear3. What do we know about the second group mentioned in paragraph 4?A. They are keen on foreign culture.B. They long to join in endurance sports.C. They find Al tools too complex to operate.D. They lack the motivation to learn language.4. How does the author highlight his argument in the last paragraph?A. By providing examples.B. By explaining concepts.C. By stating reasons.D. By offering advice.【答案】1. D 2. A 3. D 4. A【解析】这是一篇说明文。
2019高考英语 阅读理解(自然与环境)(含解析)
赶快行动起来保护他们吧!Pandas face bamboo shortage threat①Already threatened by a slow breeding rate and rapid habitat loss, China's endangered giant pandas now also risk losing their main food, bamboo, to climate change, claim scientists.A study in China's northwestern Qinling Mountains, home to around 270 pandas—about a fifth of the world's wild population—predicts a big bamboo decline this century as the globe warms."The pandas may face a shortage of food unless they can find alternative food resources; the giant panda is a picky eater."Ninety-nine per cent of its diet ②consists of bamboo—being destroyed ③up to 38 kilograms per day. Bamboo itself also has a slow reproductive rate, flowering only every 30 to 35 years, which means it would be slow to adapt to a change in local climate.Based on the data gathered for this study, researchers predict that three bamboo species which ④make up almost the entire diet of the Qinling pandas will all but disappear in a warmer climate."Results suggest that almost the entire panda habitat in the region may disappear because of climate change ⑤by the end of the 21st century," the study's authors write.Already, deforestation is threatening the survival of about half of all bamboo species worldwide.The researchers say bamboo distribution has historically changed ⑥in response to changes in the climate. In the modern era, though, even if other areas were to become climatically more suited for bamboo growth, these would be ⑦far away.The findings should be used for planning ahead to protect areas that have a better climatic chance of providing enough food sources or begin creating natural bridges to allow pandas an escape from bamboo famine.大熊猫面临着食物短缺的威胁科学家们声称,由于一直以来受到低繁殖率和栖息地快速流失的威胁,中国濒临灭绝的大熊猫如今又因气候变化而陷入失去它们的主食——竹子的危险之中。
专题08 环境保护-2024届高考英语时文阅读之语法填空专项训练(解析版)(1)
2024届高考英语时文阅读之语法填空专项训练专题08环境保护基础篇Solutions to Plastic Pollution塑料污染解决方案巩固篇Chile cracks down on Easter Island tourism toprotect environment智利打击复活节岛旅游以保护环境提高篇China establishes AI monitoring platform toprotect wildlife 中国建立人工智能监测平台保护野生动物专项微练单句语法填空情态动词专项训练真题精选高考模拟衔接名校真题演练【原创题】【基础篇】Proclaimed by the United Nations in 1972,World Environment Day is considered 1 (be)the biggest international day for the environment, andhas been observed 2 (annual) on June 5since 1973 in a bid to "highlight that the protectionand health of the environment is a major issue, 3 affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world," according to a UNESCO website.According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the day 4 (grow) to be the largest global platform for 5 (environment) outreach. And under the theme of "Solutions to Plastic Pollution," this year's edition calls for global solutions and actions to combat the increasing threat of plastic to the environment, 6 (invite) people from every corner of the earth to join the BeatPlasticPollution campaign.In China, great efforts have been made to fight plastic pollution over the past decades. 7 measuresalready in place – such as the restriction of the production, sale and use of certain plastics, the promotion of the development of degradable, recycle-friendly alternative products, and national-level environmental conservation awareness campaigns, 8 (individual)have also been responding to the call, trying to make 9 difference in this fight against plastic pollution. Among one of the latest moves, volunteers from Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, offered tourists biodegradable bags in exchange for their plastic bags, in the hope of reducing the use of plastic bags and protecting 10 (they) much-cherished local islands.【答案】1.to be2.annually3.which4.has grown5.environmental6.inviting7.With8.individuals9.a 10.their【巩固篇】Chile is cracking down on tourists and non-localresidents on its remote Easter Island, in a bid 1(protect) the famed destination’s environment and heritage,and tackle rising crime. New rules came 2 effecton Wednesday reducing the time that tourists – foreigners,but also Chileans not part of the Rapa Nui people – can stay on the island from 90 to 30 days. Those wishing to visit Easter Island must now fill out a special form, have a hotel reservation or present a letter of invitation from3 islander, along with showing round trip tickets. Those4 wish to live on the island are required to bea parent, partner or child of the Rapa Nui people. Others who will 5 (allow) to stay are public servants, employees of organizations that provide services to the government, and those who develop an independent economic activity alongside their families. The new rules will also establish a yet-to-be-decided maximum capacity. Despite its isolated location some 3,500 kilometers from the coast of mainland Chile, the island is a popular tourist destination, not least due to the around 900 giant human figures that line the island, 6 (stand) up to 10 meters tall.The Moai monumental statues were carved by the Rapa Nui people, believed to have arrived on the Pacific island around the 12th century. But tourists and mainland migrants have become a threat to the island's wellbeing. "It is a magical island, we all want to visit it, but it is also a 7 (sense) island and therefore we have to take care of it," Chile's President Sebastian Pinera said Wednesday, speaking on the country's 24-hour news channel.At the last census in 2017, there were 7,750 people living on Easter Island, almost double the population of a few decades ago, before the island 8 (hit) by a tourism boom and the real estate development that accompanied it. Mayor Pedro Edmunds told AFP news agency that tourists are "damaging the local idiosyncrasy" as "customs from the continent" are infiltrating the island. "The 1,000-year culture is changing and not for the good."Crime and domestic violence figures are also rising, and basic services such as waste management, 9 (strain) under the pressure. "Environmentally the island is very fragile," Ana Maria Gutierrez, the local government's environmental adviser told AFP. For Mayor Edmunds, the legislation is "a good start" but “not enough.” Like "many other Rapa Nui" he said he favors a "total" ban on the 10 (arrive) of new residents.【答案】1.to protect2.into3.an4.who5.be allowed6.standing7.sensitive8.was hit9.are straining 10.arrival【提高篇】An artificial intelligence (AI) monitoringplatform to protect China's wildlife has been 1(joint) established, local authorities said Tuesday. TheAI big data real-time monitoring platform,co-developed by Feline Research Center of NationalForestry and Grassland Administration, HarbinInstitute of Technology (HIT) and HIT Big Data Group, 2 (expect) to support research on ecological systems, animal population and individual animals through advanced technologies, 3 (include) AI, machine learning and neuro-linguistic processing. The Internet of Things, big data and intelligent machine vision will also enable the platform 4 (establish) individual recognition models with main recognition 5 (element), such as animals' posture, gait, color and fur pattern.Li Fuquan, 6 official with HIT Big Data Group, said the platform will be preliminarily applied to track and monitor endangered Siberian tigers, leopards and their prey. Forest zones 7 northeastern Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces and border areas between China and Russia are Siberian tigers 8 leopards' main habitat. The platform is expected to provide cross-border services for wildlife protection, according to Li. A database for Siberian tigers and leopards will be established to help study the relationship between thechanges of 9 (ecology) environment and the development of the species. "Data can help 10 (we) better understand wildlife, and more technologies are expected to be introduced to study and protect wild animals," Li added.【答案】1.jointly2.is expected3.including4.to establish5.elements6.an7.in8.and9.ecological 【专项微练:情态动词】1.We can’t________ (tolerant) people throwing garbage here and there, so we will launch a campaign to appeal to people to protect the environment. (所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】tolerate【详解】考查动词。