Chapter 2 Excel Tool Kit







1. 排序工具:Excel的排序功能可以按照一列或多列的数值大小、字母顺序等对数据进行排序。


2. 筛选工具:Excel的筛选功能可以根据指定的条件筛选出符合要求的数据。


3. 数据透视表:数据透视表是Excel中最强大的数据分析工具之一,可以对大量数据进行汇总、分析和展示。


4. 条件格式:条件格式是Excel中用于根据特定条件自动设置单元格格式的功能,可以用于数据可视化和快速发现数据的规律。


5. 数据表:Excel的数据表功能可以将列表数据转化为一个带有数据筛选、排序、汇总等功能的表格。


6. 目标查找:Excel的目标查找工具可以根据已知的条件和结果,计算满足特定结果的输入值。












Chapter 1Introduction1. Define the following terms briefly.(1) linguistics: the scientific or systematic study of language.(2) language: a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.(3) arbitrariness: the absence of similarity between the form of a linguistic sign and what it relates to in reality, e.g. the word dog does not look like a dog.(4) duality: the way meaningless elements of language at one level (sounds and letters) combine to form meaningful units (words) at another level.(5) competence: knowledge of the grammar of a language as a formal abstraction and distinct from the behavior of actual language use, i.e. performance.(6) performance: Chomsky’s term for actual language behavior as distinct from the knowledge that underlies it, or competence.(7) stylistics: the study of how literary effects can be related to linguistic features.(8) phatic communion: Language is used to establish an atmosphere or maintain social contact between the speaker and the hearer.(9) functionalism: the study of the forms of language in reference to their social function in communication.(10) formalism: the study of the abstract forms of language and their internal relations.(11) synchronic linguistics: the study of language and speech as they are used ata given moment and not in terms of how they have evolved over time.(12) diachronic linguistics: the study of linguistic change over time in contrast to looking at language as it is used at a given moment.2. No, language is human-specific. Human language has seven design features, including arbitrariness, duality, productivity, interchangeability, displacement, specialization and cultural transmission. These features are found utterly lacking in dogs’ or pigs’ noises and thus set human language apart from animal cry systems.3. Arbitrariness refers to the fact that there is no logical or intrinsic connection between a particular sound and the meaning it is associated with. For example, for the same animal dog, in English we call it /d0g/, in Chinese as “gou”, but “yilu”in Japanese; it barks wow wow in English but wang wang in Chinese. Of course, onomatopoetic words such as “quack-quack” and “bang” are exceptions, but words like these are relatively few compared with the total number of words in a language.4. A human baby does not speak any language at birth. What language the baby is going to speak is determined by the culture he is born into. A Chinese baby born and brought up in London by an English family will speak English, while an English child brought up in Beijing by a Chinese aunt will speak Chinese. That is to say, language cannot be transmitted through heredity. It is culturally transmitted.5. Firstly, linguistics describes languages and does not lay down rules of correctness while traditional grammar emphasizes correctness. Secondly, linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, while traditional grammar emphasizes the priority of the written language. Thirdly, traditional grammar is based on Latin and it tries to impose the Latin categories and structures on other languages, while linguistics describes each language on its own merits.6. A descriptive approach attempts to tell what is in the language while the prescriptive approach tells people what should be in the language. Most modern linguistics is descriptive, whereas traditional grammars are prescriptive.7. Synchronic linguistics studies language at one particular time while diachronic linguistics studies language developments through time. Synchronic linguistics focuses on the state of language at any point in history while diachronic linguistics focuses on the differences in two or more than two states of language over decades or centuries.8. No, human language has the design feature of specialization. It refers to the fact that man does not have a total physical involvement in the act of communication. For example, a mother can tell a story to her child while slicing up a cake. However, wolves can only respond to a stimulus and is totally involved physically in the communication process. Thus, a wolf cannot have a language similar to man’s, even though it could express a thousand different emotions. Besides, the aspect of productivity also distinguishes human language from wolf ’s postures.Chapter 2The Sounds of Language1.Define each of the following terms briefly.(1) articulator: the tongue, lips, and velum, which change the shape of the vocal tract to produce different speech sounds.(2) assimilation: a phonological process whereby a sound becomes phonetically similar (or identical) to a neighboring sound, e.g. a vowel becomes [+nasal] when followed by a [+nasal] consonant.(3) consonant: a speech sound produced by partial or complete closure of partof the vocal tract, thus obstructing the airflow and creating audible friction. Consonants are described in terms of voicing, place of articulation, andmanner of articulation.(4) elision: the leaving out of a sound or sounds in speech.(5) intonation: the variation in pitch and stress which gives beat and rhythm to the tune the voice plays in ordinary speech.(6) phoneme: the abstract element of a sound, identified as being distinctive in a particular language.(7) phonetics: the study of linguistic speech sounds, how they are produced, how they are perceived, and their physical properties.(8) phonology: the study of the abstract systems underlying the sounds of language.(9) stress: the prominence given to certain sounds in speech.(10) voicing: the vibration in the larynx caused by air from the lungs passing through the vocal cords when they are partly closed; speech sounds are saidto be either voiced or voiceless.(11) voiceless: When the vocal cords are spread apart, the airstream from the lungs is not obstructed at the space between vocal cords and passes freely.The sounds produced in this way are described as voiceless sounds.(12) vowel: a speech sound produced without significant constriction of the air flowing through the oral cavity.2. Minimal pair test or substitution test.Minimal pair test or substitution test is to see whether substituting one sound for another results in a different word. If it does, the two sounds represent different phonemes. For example, as to the English word bear, if we substitute p for b, we get the word pear, the two are different words. Then /b/ and /p/ represent different phonemes. Other examples are chunk/junk, ban/bin, bet/beat, fine/vine, side/ site, etc.3. Take the word big for example, in the word big /big/, /b/ is the onset, /i/ is the nucleus and /g/ is the coda. The difference between open syllables and closed syllables is whether the words have codas. If there are codas, they are closed syllables,such as pig, hat and at; if not, they are open syllables, such as do, I, tea and key.4. (1) stop, consonant(2) back, rounded, vowel5. (1) voiceless / voiced(2) bilabial / labiodental(3) close / semi-open(4) stop / nasal(5) alveolar / palatal(6) alveolar / dental(1) kit/git, bucker/bugger, bag/back(2) mark/nark, smack/snack, sum/sun(3) best/vest, ober/over, lib/live(4) bore/more, abate/amate, mob/mom(5) pat/fat, apt/aft (AmE), harp (BrE)/half7. (1) The stresses are placed on the second syllable except for “promise”. We mayeasily conclude that the verbs usually are stressed on the second syllable. (2) Syllable representations of the words:collide [k2#laid] elect [i#lekt] consider [k2n#sid2]Chapter 3Morphology1. Define the following terms briefly.(1) morphology: the study of the structure of words.(2) morpheme: the smallest unit of language that carries meaning or serves a grammatical function.(3) free morpheme: a morpheme that can stand alone as a word.(4) bound morpheme: a morpheme that can not stand alone as a word, e.g.-ment (as in establishment), and -er (as in painter).(5) morph: the smallest meaningful phonetic segments of an utterance on thelevel of parole.(6) allomorph: a phonetic form in which a morpheme is realized, e.g. -s, -es, and -en are all allomorphs (in writing) of the plural morpheme.(7) derivation: the formation of new words by adding affixes to other words or morphemes in morphology and word formation.(8) clipping: the process by which parts of a word of more than one syllable have been cut off, and reduced to a shorter form.(9) acronym: words which are composed of the first letter of a series of words and are pronounced as single words. Examples: NATO, radar and yuppy.(10) initialism: Some new words are composed of the first letters of a series of words and pronounced by saying each letter in them. Such words are called initialism.(11) blending: A single new word can be formed by combining two separateforms. Typically, blending is finished by taking only the beginning of oneword and joining it to the end of another word. For example, brunch isformed by the shortened forms of breakfast and lunch.(12) root: the morpheme that remains when all affixes are stripped from a complex word, e.g. system from un- + system + atic + ally.(13) stem: the base towhich one or more affixes are attached to create a morecomplex form that may be another stem or a word. For example, book is thestem of bookish.(14) prefix: Affixes can be joined to the beginning of the root or stem, in which case they are called prefixes.(15) suffix: Affixes can be joined to the end of the root or stem, in which case they are called suffixes.2. (3), (5), (7)3. (1) simple: fly tree suite(2) bound morpheme rootfly / fly reuse re-use spiteful -ful spitepreplan pre-plan desks -s desk triumphed -ed triumphsuite / suite optionality -ality option untie un-tiedelight de-light fastest -est fast prettier -ier prettytree / tree justly -ly just deform de-formmistreat mis-treat dislike dis-like payment -ment paydisobey dis-obey premature pre-mature4. (1) Column I: ablaut (vowel modification)Column II: suppletionColumn III: stress modification(2) The process in the Column I is finished by changing the vowel of each word, while in Column II, the process is finished by changing vowel and consonantof each word.(3) Column I: awake/awoke bear/bore arise/aroseblow/blew bite/bit hide/hidlie/lay know/knew foot/feetgoose/geese tooth/teeth louse/liceColumn II: bad/worse are/were many/moreColumn III: #combine/com#bine #compress/com#press#conduct/con#duct #insert/in#sert#insult/in#sult #intern/in#tern5. (1) Omitted.(2) Other examples:#rerun (n.) – re#run (v.) #contrast (n.) – con#trast (v.)#convert (n.) – con#vert (v.) #desert (n.) – de#sert (v.)#export (n.) – ex#port (v.) #increase (n.) – in#crease (v.)#conduct (n.) – con#duct (v.) #object (n.) – ob#ject (v.)#content (n.) – con#tent (v.) #protest (n.) – pro#test (v.)#insult (n.) – in#sult (v.) #produce (n.) – pro#duce (v.)When a word belongs to different word classes, the stress of the word will be sometimes placed on different syllables. When all the words above are stressed on the first syllables, they are nouns, but if they have the second syllables stressed, the words become verbs.6. (1) It means “the inhabitant of ”.(2) It means “the person who does”.(3) The morphological rule working here is “n. + -er –– n.”, and the last phoneme of the noun, which the suffix -er is added to, should be a consonant.(4) The rule in (3) doesn’t work in the word discoverer because the last phoneme of discoverer is a vowel /2/.7. (1) inflection (2) derivation (3) inflection (4) inflection (5) derivation Chapter 4Syntax1. Define the following terms briefly.(1) syntax: the term used to refer to the structure of sentences and to the study of sentence structure.(2) word class: a group of words which are similar in function; words which aregrouped into word classes according to how they combine with other words,how they change their forms, etc.(3) prescriptive approach: This view regards grammar as a set of rules for the “proper” use of a language, that’s to say, it tries to lay down rules to tell peoplehow to use a language.(4) descriptive approach: the approach of linguistic studies, with which linguists collect samples of the language they are interested in and attempt to describe the regular structures of the language as they are used, not according to some view of how they should be used.(5) IC analysis: the approach to divide the sentence up into its immediate constituents by using binary cutting until obtaining its ultimate constituents. For example, the immediate constituents of “The man bought a car” are theman and bought a car. The immediate constituents of the man are the andman, and so on until no further cuts can be made. The ultimate constituentsof “The man bought a car” at the word level are the, man, bought, a, and car.(6) structural analysis: a type of descriptive approach to study the distribution of linguistic forms in a language through such methods as the use of “test frames”.(7) immediate constituent: Linguistic units can be divided into small constituents, which can be further analyzed into smaller constituents. This processcontinues until no further divisions are possible. The first division or units are known as immediate constituents.(8) ultimate constituent: Linguistic units can be divided into small constituents, which can be further analyzed into smaller constituents. This process continues until no further divisions are possible. The final division or units areknown as ultimate constituents.(9) constituent structural grammar: It refers to a grammar which analyzes sentences using only the idea of constituency, which reveals a hierarchy of structural levels.(10) transformational grammar: a type of grammar which attempts to define and describe by a set of rules or principles all the grammatical sentences (without ungrammatical ones) of a language.(11) ideational function: the use of language as a means of giving structure to our experience of the real or imaginary world.(12) interpersonal function: the use of language for maintaining social roles and interacting with others.(13) textual function: to create written or spoken texts which cohere within themselvesand which fit the particular situation in which they are used.2. Yes. As we know, morphology is the study of the internal structure, forms and classes of words, while syntax focuses on the structure and ordering of components within a sentence. The major distinction between morphology and syntaxis that the former is concerned with the internal composition of a word, while the latter is concerned with the combination of words.3. (2) Instead of using the form “suggest somebody to do something”, we usually use “suggest + that-clause” or “suggest doing”, here we’d better substitute “advise” for “suggest”(4) The word “request” is a transitive verb which should take an object directly, so the word “for” should be omitted.(6) The word “donate” cannot be followed by double objects as “donate somebody something”. Instead we always use “donate something to somebody”.(10) The subject of the verb “write” is usually a human; an “article” cannot write itself. In this case the passive construction is normally used: The article was very well writen.(11) Usually we don’t use “be bored of something/somebody”, but “be bored with something/somebody” which means losing interest in somebody/something.(13) Here “myself ” is a reflexive pronoun, which can’t be used as subject, and it should be replaced by “I”.(14) The word “surprise” is usually used as a transitive verb, so the expression “…surprise for you” is ungrammatical, and it can be replaced by “surprise somebody (with something)” or “I was surprised by your getting married.”(15) The word “sleep” is usually used as an intransitive verb, which can’t take an object. The cases of “sleep” being used as a transitive verb are semantically limited, as in “to sleep a good sleep” or “the room can sleep 3 people”.4. It’s ungrammatical, because “us” is the objective case which can’t serve as the subject,while “she” is the subjective case which can’t serve as the object. The sentence should be “We visit her on Sundays”. The personal pronouns “you” and “it” have the same form whether used as the subject or object.5. (1) NP: A Guns “N” Roses concert, an arena, some 2500 fans, a full-fledged riot,A Guns “N” Roses concert at an arena , A Guns “N” Roses concert at an arena near ST. Louis ,The trouble, venue security, a camera, the front, the stage, the front of the stage. PP: at an arena, at an arena near ST. Louis, near ST. Louis, in disaster, near the front, of the stage, near the front of the stage. VP: stageda full-fledged riot, asked venue security, confiscate a camera.(2) N: Guns, Roses, concert, arena, ST. Louis, disaster, fans, riot, trouble, Axl Rose, venue, security, camera, front, stage. Prep: at, near, in, of. V: end, stage, start, ask, confiscate, see.6. (1) You mustn’t end a sentence with a preposition.You mustn’t split infinitives.7. (i)SNP VP AdvArt N V NP Prep NPArt N Art NThe dog bit the man in the car.(ii)S ,Art N ,Art N ,Prep NP ,NP VP, Art N V NP P. The dog bit the man in the car.8. (1)a. Terry loves his wife and I love his wife, too.b. I love my wife as well as Terry loves his wife.(2) a. It’s yesterday that they said she would go.b. She would go yesterday as they said.(3) a. The governor is a street fighter who is dirty.b. The governor is a fighter in a dirty street.(4) a. The design has squares and circles, both of which are big.b. The design has big squares, and it also has some circles. (The sizes of the circles are not mentioned.)Chapter 5Semantics1. Define the following terms briefly.(1) semantics: the study of linguistic meaning.(2) truth-conditional semantics: an approach that knowing the meaning of the sentence is the same as knowing the conditions under which the sentence istrue or false, and knowing the meaning of a word or expression is knowingthe part that it plays in the truth or falsehood of the sentence containing it.(3) naming theory: the view that the meaning of an expression is what it refers to, or names.(4) behaviorist theory: the view that the meaning of a linguistic form is defined as observable behaviors which is an approach drawing on psychology.(5) use theory: the semantic theory according to which the meaning of an expression is determined by its use in communication and more generally, insocial interaction.(6) sense: the inherent part of an expression’s meaning, together with the context, determines its referent. For example, knowing the sense of a nounphrase such as the president of the United States in 2004 allows one to determine that George W. Bush is the referent.(7) reference: (in semantics) the relationship between words and the things, actions, events and qualities they stand for. An example in English is the relationshipbetween the word tree and the object “tree” (referent) in the realworld.(8) conceptual meaning: It means the meaning of words may be discussed interms of what they denote or refer to, also called denotative or cognitive meaning. It is the essential and inextricable part of what language is and is widely regarded as the central factor in verbal communication. For instance, the conceptual meaning of “he” in English is any male person or male animal.(9) connotative meaning: It is the communicative meaning that a word or a combination of words has by virtue of what it refers to, over its purely conceptual meaning. For example, the connotative meaning of “woman” is emotional,frail, inconstant, irrational, etc.(10) semantic field: the organization of related words and expressions into asystem which shows their relationship to one another. For example, kinship terms such as father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt belong to a semantic field whose relevant features include generation, sex, membership of the father’s or mother’s side of family.(11) lexical gap: the absence of a word in a particular place in a semantic field of a language. For instance, in English we have brother versus sister, son versus daughter, but no separate lexemes for “male” and “female” cousin.(12) componential analysis: (in semantics) an approach to the study of meaning which analyzes a word into a set of meaning components or semantic features.For example, the meaning of the English word boy may be shown as[+human][+male][-adult].(13) semantic feature: the smallest units of meaning in a word. The meaningof word may be described as a combination of semantic components orfeatures. For example, the feature [+male] is part of the meaning of father,and so is the feature [+adult], but other features are needed to make up the whole meaning of father. Often, semantic features are established by contrast and can be stated in terms of [+] and [-], e.g. woman has the semantic features [+human], [-male] and [+adult].(14) synonym: the sense relations of equivalence of meaning between lexical items, e.g. small/little and dead/deceased.(15) antonym: the sense relation of various kinds of opposing meaning between lexical items, e.g. big/small, alive/dead and good/bad.(16) hyponymy: the sense relation between terms in a hierarchy, where a more particular term (the hyponym) is included in the more general one (the superordinate): X is a Y, e.g. a beech is a tree, a tree is a plant.(17) meronym: the sense relation between body and its parts which are not only sections of the body but defined in terms of specific functions. For example, the head is the part of the body which carries the most important sense organs,i.e. eyes, ears, nose and tongue.(18) semantic role: the way in which the referent of a noun phrase is involved in the situation described or represented by the clause, for example as agent, patient, or cause.(19) entailment: the relationship between two sentences where the truth of one (the second) is inferred from the truth of the other, e.g. Corday assassinated Marat and Marat is dead; if the first is true, the second must be true.(20) presupposition: implicit assumptions about the world required to make an utterance meaningful or appropriate, e.g. “some tea has already been taken”is a presupposition of “Take some more tea!”2. (1) He waited by the bank.a. He waited by the financial institution which people can keep their moneyin or borrow from.b. He waited by the bank of the river.(2) Is he really that kind?a. Is he really that type of person?b. Is he really that kind-hearted?(3) We bought her dog biscuits.a. We bought dog biscuits for her.b. We bought biscuits for her dog.(4) He saw that gasoline can explode.a. He saw that gasoline container explode.b. He saw that gasoline may explode.(5) Fifty soldiers shot three wild foxes.a. Fifty soldiers shot three wild foxes in total.b. Each of the fifty soldiers shot three wild foxes.(6) He saw her drawing pencils.a. He saw her pencils for drawing.b. He saw her drawing the picture of pencils.3. (2) (4) (5) (8) are antonyms; (1) (3) (6) (7) are synonyms.4. charity: kindness, sympathy, church, helpfuliron: strong, brave, hard, determinedmole: traitor, betrayal, spysnow: pure, virgin, cleanstreet: homeless, living hard, pitiable5. (1) a. hoard b. scribble c. barn, method d. olfactory(2) a. acquire b. tell c. way d. smell(3) a. buy, win, steal. b. talk, tell c. road, way, path d. smellThese words are less marked in their sets because they are more usual andtend to be used more frequently. They consist of only one morpheme andare easier to learn and remember than others. They are also often broader in meaning and cannot be described by using the name of another member ofthe same field.6. homophones: sea-see, break-brake; polysemies: sea, break, prayer, mature, trace, househomonyms: ear.7. In a semantic field, not all lexical items necessarily have the same status. The less marked members of the same semantic field (1) are usually easier to learn and remember than more marked members; (2) consist of only one morpheme incontrast to more marked members; (3) cannot be described by using the name of another member of the same field; (4) tend to be used more frequently than more marked terms; (5) broader in meaning than more marked members; (6) are notthe result of the metaphorical usage of the name of another object or concept, but more marked are.8. (1) a. bachelor, man, son, paperboy, pope, chiefb. bull, rooster, drake, ram.The (a) and (b) words are male.The (a) words are human.The (b) words are animals.(2) a. ask, tell, say, talk, converseb. shout, whisper, mutter, drawl, hollerThe (a) and (b) words are realized by sounds.The (a) words are normal voice quality.The (b) words are produced by modifying one’s normal voice quality.(3) a. walk, run, skip, jump, hop, swimb. fly, skate, ski, ride, cycle, canoe, hang-glideThe (a) and (b) words are sports (movement).The (a) words are sports without instruments.The (b) words are sports with instruments.Chapter 6Pragmatics1. Define the following terms briefly.(1) pragmatics: a branch of linguistics that studies language in use.(2) deixis: the marking of the orientation or position of entities and situations with respect to certain points of reference such as the place (here/there) and time (now/then) of utterance.(3) reference: (in semantics) the relationship between words and the things, actions, events, and qualities they stand for.(4) anaphora: a process where a word or phrase (anaphor) refers back to another word or phrase which was used earlier in a text or conversation.(5) presupposition: implicit assumptions about the world required to make an utterance meaningful or appropriate, e.g. “some tea has already been taken”is a presupposition of “Take some more tea!”(6) Speech Act Theory: The theory was proposed by J. L. Austin and has been developed by J. R. Searle. Basically, they believe that language is not only used to inform or to describe things, it is often used to “do things”, to perform acts. In saying “Sorry”, you are performing an act of apology.(7) indirect speech act: an utterance whose literal meaning (location) and intended meaning (illocution) are different. For example, Can you pass thesalt? is literally a yes/no question but is usually uttered as a request or polite directive for action.(8) the Cooperative Principle: a principle proposed by the philosopher Paul Grice whereby those involved in communication assume that both partieswill normally seek to cooperate with each other to establish agreed meaning.It is composed of 4 maxims: quality, quantity, relation and manner.(9) the Politeness Principle: politeness is regarded by most interlocutors as a means or strategy which is used by a speaker to achieve various purposes,such as saving face, establishing and maintaining harmonious social relationsin conversation. This principle requires speakers to “minimize the expression of impolite beliefs”. It is composed of 6 maxims: Maxims of Tact, Generosity, Approbation, Modesty, Agreement and Sympathy.(10) conversational implicature: the use of conversational maxims in the Cooperative Principle to produce extra meaning during conversation.。







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3. 数据验证数据验证是Excel中用于保证数据输入准确性的一种工具。





4. 目标搜索目标搜索是Excel中用于求解目标值的一种工具。












伊顿 EDNR 5265 技术数据表

伊顿 EDNR 5265 技术数据表

Series EDNRA 5265Dimensions: inchesDimensions:process A B C D E F G H J weight approx. volume tank connection SAE ANSI4“ 33.07 74.17 29.37 58.07 19.68 14.37 25.47 51.77 5.00 10.04 1409 lbs. 2x 38 gal. 5“ 34.25 74.17 59.37 58.07 19.68 15.55 25.47 51.77 5.31 10.86 1470 lbs. 2x 38 gal. 6“ 34.48 74.17 59.37 58.07 19.88 17.32 25.47 51.77 - 8.14 1724 lbs. 2x 38 gal.Type index:1.1 Complete filter: (ordering example)EDNRA. 5265. P. 1. 2. FS. C. VA. IS21. S1. AB. OE12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121 series:EDNRA = stainless steel duplex filter according to ASME-Code with standard-return-line filter elements 2nominal size: 52653 sealing material: P = Nitrile (NBR) V = Viton (FPM)4 filter element: 1 = filter element see pos. 1.25 filter element: 2 = filter element see pos. 1.36 process connection:FS = SAE-flange connection 3000 PSI(only with connection 4” and 5”)FA11 = flange ANSI CLASS 150 PSI,sealing surface rough grind 1600-3600 μinFA12 = flange ANSI CLASS 150 PSI,sealing surface rough grind < 640 μin7 process connection size: B = 4” C = 5” D = 6”8 filter housing specification: VA = stainless steel 9 pressure vessel specification: IS21 = ASME VIII Div.1 with U-stamp, see sheet-no. 43415 IS23 = ASME VIII Div.1 without U-stamp, see sheet-no. 55218 10 internal valve: S1 = with bypass valve ∆p 51 PSI 11 shut-off: - = without 1) AB = with shut-off block12 clogging indicator or clogging sensor: - = without AE = visual-electric, see sheet-no. 1609 OP = visual, see sheet-no. 1628 OE = visual-electric, see sheet-no. 1628 VS5 = electronic, see sheet-no. 1641 VS6 = electronic, see sheet-no. 16431) By execution without indicator shut-off, see indicator/sensor:sheet-no. 1614 (OP/OE) sheet-no. 1619 (VS5) sheet-no. 1642 (VS6).1.3 Filter element: (ordering example)01NR. 1000. 10API. 10. B. P. VA1 2 3 4 5 6 71 series:01NR = standard-return-line filter elementaccording to DIN 24550, T42nominal size: 10003 filter material and filter fineness:10API = 10 µm microglass according to API4 filter element collapse rating: 10 = ∆p 145 PSI5 filter element design:B = both sides open6 sealing material: P = Nitrile (NBR)7 filter element specification:VA = stainless steel Pressure filter, changeover Series EDNRA 5265 145 PSI Description: Stainless steel duplex filter series EDNRA 5265 have a working pressure up to 145 PSI. Pressure peaks can be absorbed with a sufficient safety margin.Change-over ball valve between the two filter housings makes it possible to switch from the dirty filter-side to the clean filter-side without interrupting operation. The filters can be installed as suction filter, pressure filter or return-line filter. The filter element consists of star-shaped, pleated filter material, which is supported on the inside by a perforated core tube and is bonded to the end caps with a high-quality adhesive. The flow direction is from outside to inside. Eaton filter elements are known for high intrinsic stability and an excellent filtration capability, a high dirt-retaining capacity and a long service life.Eaton filter are suitable for all petroleum based fluids, HW-emulsions, most synthetic hydraulic fluids and lubrication oils.Ship classifications available upon request. 1.2 Filter element: (ordering example)01NR. 630. 25G. 10. B. P. VA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 series:01NR = standard-return-line filter element according to DIN 24550, T4 2nominal size: 6303filter material and filter fineness: 25G = 25 µm stainless steel wire mesh 4 filter element collapse rating: 10 = ∆p 145 PSI 5 filter element design: B = both sides open 6 sealing material: P = Nitrile (NBR) 7 filter element specification:VA = stainless steelTechnical data:operating temperature: +14°F to +212°Foperating medium: mineral oil, other media on requestmax. operating pressure: 145 PSItest pressure acc. to ASME VIII Div. 1: 1,3 x operating pressure = 189 PSItest pressure acc. to API 614, Chapter 1: 1,5 x operating pressure = 218 barstandard process connection: SAE-flange 3000 PSI or ANSI-flange B16.5 CLASS 150/300 PSIhousing material: stainless steelsealing material: Nitrile (NBR) or Viton (FPM), other materials on requestinstallation position: verticalbleeder connections: NPT ½“drain connections: NPT ¾“measuring connections: BSPP ¼Classified under the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU for mineral oil (fluid group 2), Article 4, Para. 3.Classified under ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU according to specific application (see questionnaire sheet-no. 34279-4).Pressure drop flow curves:Filter calculation/sizingThe pressure drop of the assembly at a given flow rate Q is the sum of the housing ∆p and the element ∆p and is calculated as follows: ∆p assembly= ∆p housing+ ∆p element∆p housing = (see ∆p= f (Q) - characteristics)For ease of calculation, our Filter Selection tool is available online at: /hydraulic-filter-evaluationMaterial gradient coefficients (MSK) for filter elementsThe material gradient coefficients in psi/gpm apply to mineral oil (HLP) with a density of 0.876 kg/dm³ and a kinematic viscosity of 139 SUS (30 mm²/s). The pressure drop changes proportionally to the change in kinematic viscosity and density.EDNRA APIAPI105265 0.0133∆p=f(Q) – characteristic according ISO 3968The pressure drop characteristics apply to mineral oil (HLP) with a density of 0.876 kg/dm³. The pressure drop changes proportionally to the density. The flow curves for 4” and 6” available on request.Symbols:without indicatorwithshut-off block andelectric indicatorAE30 / AE40withvisual-electricindicatorAE50 / AE62withvisual-electricindicatorAE70 / AE80 / AE90withvisualindicatorOPwithvisual-electricindicatorOEwithelectronicsensorVS5 / VS6Spare parts:item qty.designation dimension article-no.1 4 filterelement 01NR.630.25G.10.B.P.VA 3266722 8 filterelement 01NR.1000.10API.10.B.P.VA 3384093 1 gasket kit filter housing:3.1 2 O-ring 429 x 6 308659 (NBR) 310273 (FPM)3.2 4 gasket screw plug BSPP 1 A 33 x 39 3192763.3 2 gasket screw plug BSPP ½ A 22 x 27 3202434 1 gasket kit of switching over UKK100 consisting of: 4“ 355180 (NBR) 355181 (FPM)4.1 4 O-ring 158 x 44.2 4 O-ring 114 x 64.3 4 gasket 4“4.4 2 O-ring 45 x 34.5 2 support ring 50 x 45,4 x 55 2 O-ring (for execution with adapter) 110,72 x 3,53 316355 )(NBR) 316356 (FPM)4 1 gasket kit of switching over UKK125 consisting of: 5“ 355569 (NBR) 355570 (FPM)4.1 4 O-ring 190 x 54.2 4 O-ring 140 x 64.3 4 gasket 5“4.4 2 O-ring 45 x 34.5 2 support ring 50 x 45,4 x 55 2 O-ring (for execution with adapter) 136,12 x 3,53 320162 (NBR) 320163 (FPM)41gasket kit of switching over UKK150 consisting of: 6“355320(NBR)4.1 4 O-ring 234 x 5,334.2 4 O-ring 185 x 64.3 4 gasket 6“4.4 2 O-ring 55 x 3,54.5 2 support ring 61,5 x 56,2 x 55 2 O-ring (for execution with adapter) 160 x 5 308650 (NBR) 319931 (FPM) Test methods: Filter elements are tested according to the following ISO standards:ISO 2941 Verification of collapse/burst resistanceISO 2942 Verification of fabrication integrityISO 2943 Verification of material compatibility with fluidsISO 3723 Method for end load testISO 3724 Verification of flow fatigue characteristicsISO 3968 Evaluation of pressure drop versus flow characteristicsISO 16889 Multi-pass method for evaluating filtration performanceNorth America18684 Lake Drive East Chanhassen, MN 55317Toll Free: +1 800-656-3344 (North America only)Tel: +1 732-212-4700Europe/Africa/Middle EastAuf der Heide 253947 Nettersheim, Germany Tel: +49 2486 809-0Friedensstraße 4168804 Altlußheim, Germany Tel: +49 6205 2094-0An den Nahewiesen 2455450 Langenlonsheim, Germany Tel: +49 6704 204-0 Greater ChinaNo. 7, Lane 280,Linhong RoadChangning District, 200335Shanghai, P.R. ChinaTel: +86 21 2899-3687Asia-Pacific100G Pasir Panjang Road#07-08 Interlocal CentreSingapore 118523Tel: +65 6825-1620For more information, pleaseemail us at ********************or visit /filtration© 2024 Eaton. All rights reserved. All trademarks andregistered trademarks are the property of their respectiveowners. All information and recommendations appearing in thisbrochure concerning the use of products described herein arebased on tests believed to be reliable. However, it is the user’sresponsibility to determine the suitability for his own use of suchproducts. Since the actual use by others is beyond our control,no guarantee, expressed or implied, is made by Eaton as to theeffects of such use or the results to be obtained. Eatonassumes no liability arising out of the use by others of suchproducts. Nor is the information herein to be construed asabsolutely complete, since additional information may benecessary or desirable when particular or exceptionalconditions or circumstances exist or because of applicable lawsor government regulations.。















EXCEL集成工具箱怎么使用Excel集成工具箱是著名微软办公软件EXCEL(Microsoft Office for EXCEL)增强型插件。














(1-只保留数字. 2-只保留字母. 3-只保留中文. 4-只保留数字和小数点. 5-保留数字和运算符号并运算. 6-只保留字母和数字. 7-去掉数字.8-去除英文大小写字符. 9-去除中文. 10-去除所有空格符)。




Chapter 2 课后答案

Chapter 2 课后答案

Chapter 2 课后答案The Sounds of Language1.Define each of the following terms briefly.´(1)articulator: the tongue, lips, and velum, which change the shape of the vocal tract to produce different speech sounds.(2)assimilation: a phonological process whereby a sound becomes phonetically similar (or identical) to a neighboring sound, e.g. a vowel becomes [+nasal] when followed by a [+nasal] consonant.(3)consonant: a speech sound produced by partial or complete closure of partof the vocal tract, thus obstructing the airflow and creating audible friction. Consonants are described in terms of voicing, place of articulation, and manner of articulation.(4)elision: the leaving out of a sound or sounds in speech.(5)intonation: the variation in pitch and stress which gives beat and rhythm to the tune the voice plays in ordinary speech.(6)phoneme: the abstract element of a sound, identified as being distinctive in a particular language.(7)phonetics: the study of linguistic speech sounds, how they are produced,how they are perceived, and their physical properties.(8)phonology: the study of the abstract systems underlying the sounds of language.(9)stress: the prominence given to certain sounds in speech.(10) voicing: the vibration in the larynx caused by air from the lungs passing through the vocal cords when they are partly closed; speech sounds are saidto be either voiced or voiceless.(11) voiceless: When the vocal cords are spread apart, the airstream from the lungs is not obstructed at the space between vocal cords and passes freely.The sounds produced in this way are described as voiceless sounds.(12) vowel: a speech sound produced without significant constriction of the air flowing through the oral cavity.2.Minimal pair test or substitution test.Minimal pair test or substitution test is to see whether substituting one sound foranother results in a different word. If it does, the two sounds represent different phonemes. For example, as to the English word bear, if we substitute p for b, we get the word pear, the two are different words. Then /b/ and /p/ represent different phonemes. Other examples are chunk/junk, ban/bin, bet/beat, fine/vine, side/ site, etc.3. Take the word big for example, in the word big /big/, /b/ is the onset, /i/ is thenucleus and /g/ is the coda. The difference between open syllables and closed syllablesis whether the words have codas. If there are codas, they are closed syllables,such as pig, hat and at; if not, they are open syllables, such as do, I, tea and key.4. (1)stop, consonant(2)back, rounded, vowel5. (1)voiceless / voiced(2)bilabial / labiodental(3)close / semi-open(4)stop / nasal(5)alveolar / palatal(postalveolar)(6)alveolar / dental6. (1) kit/git, bucker/bugger, bag/back,coat/goat, ankle/angle, bug/buck, pig/pick,dug/duck,league/leak, tug/tuck,class/glass, kate/gate,pluck/plug(2)mark/nark, smack/snack, sum/sun,gum/gun, met/net, meat/neat, mail/nail,loom/loon, moon/noon, zoom/zoon,map/nap(3)best/vest, lib/live,bee/vee,berry/very, bet/vet,boat/voat,bow/vow,ban/van, bain/vain(4)bore/more, abate/amate, mob/mom,beat/meat, ban/man, bet/met, beer/mere, bike/mike,bill/mill,bake/make, bad/mad(5) pat/fat, apt/aft (AmE), harp (BrE)/half,put/foot, pass/fuss, pink/fink, pull/full, peel/feel,leap/leaf, pork/fork, pit/fit, pact/fact,past/fast,pace/face, pound/found, past/fast,punny/funny,four/pour, pair/fair7.(1) The stresses are placed on the second syllable except for“promise”. We mayeasily conclude that the verbs usually are stressed on the second syllable.(2)Syllable representations of the words:collide [k2#laid] elect [i#lekt] consider [k2n#sid2]。

02朗文国际英语教程 第1册备课课件_Chapter 2

02朗文国际英语教程 第1册备课课件_Chapter 2

We are from Canada.
They are good students.
You are my friends.
I love my motherland.
He is a French teacher.
He is interested in the film.
1、This story is very_i_n_te__re_s_t_in__g. 2、I'm _i_n_t_e_re_s__te_d_ in your story. 3、She isi_n_te_r_e_s_t_e_d_ in the i_n_te__re_s_t_i_n_g news. 4、Tom is _in_t_e_r_e_s_te__d in playing basketball. 5、David is i_n_te__re_s_t_e_d_in the _in_t_e_re__s_ti_n_gbook。
3. This book is useful , I want to buy it
4. This gift is for ______. (you)
5. My parents love ______.(I)
宾格在句子中作宾语 (宾语表示动作行为的对象)
Oral Practice
above, over, on 在……上 above 指在……上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对; over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的 空间,不直接接触。 on表示某物体上面并与之接触。与 beneath [bɪˈni:θ]相 对; The bird is flying above my head. There is a bridge over the river. He puts his watch on the desk.



Excel常用工具V2.2版使用说明适用版本: Microsoft Office 2000及以上授权方式: 免费功能概述:1、拆分总表:将一张工作表(总表)中的表拆分成若干张格式相同、数据不一的分表,分表可以与总表保存在同一张工作簿中,也可以以工作簿的形式保存在指定的目录下;2、分表合并:拆分总表功能的逆操作。





ETool Excel工具

ETool Excel工具

安装须知: 1.首先需将EXCEL的宏安全性设置为低,步骤:工具->宏->安全性->2.点击"安装工具",安装完成会自动退出.再次打开本表,点击"加载功能说明:该工具用OFFICE内置VBA语言编辑,小巧,绿色,安全,操作简单,代码完全开源.此VBA工程密功能名称功能描述集装箱号验证验证集装箱号正确性生成工作表目录生成当前工作簿的工作表目录并建立链接工作表定位及排序对工作表进行定位及排序操作按条件查找定位系统自带查找功能的补充版,可以实现对值的多条件查找.条件选项与自定义筛选一致.大小写转换将英文字母进行大小写转换合并文本将多单元格内容合并到剪贴板内,然后CTRL+V粘贴.向下填充1.数据间有空行,用上方非空行值填充或合并单元格2.多行数据值相同合并单元格强力解除工作表保护解除工作表保护及保护密码(不含打开权限密码及VBA工程密码)开启状态栏统计信息EXCEL左下角状态栏里实现多类型统计(求和\计数\平均等等),该统计默认为开启状态,但由于操作过程中可能会产生一些不可预知的错误,导致该统计不工作,可执行此操作.宏安全性设置为低,步骤:工具->宏->安全性->低(见图),然后关闭EXCEL程序,再打开此文件.安装完成会自动退出.再次打开本表,点击"加载工具"即可.色,安全,操作简单,代码完全开源.此VBA工程密码3.1415926.任何人可复制/传递并欢迎探讨.QQ13745897步骤选中集装箱号区域->点击ETOOL->集装箱验证;红色标注为错误箱号;同时提供验证函数ConCodeYN()见例:CBHU9013741CBHU9013740#NAME?=ConCodeYN(F21) 点击ETOOL->生成工作表目录->输入链接到目标工作表上的单元格("返回目录"项的单元格位置,注意不要占用存在数据的单元格)->选择目录索引的文本来源->确定正确箱号错误箱号点击ETOOL->工作表排序及定位.选择查找区域(1个单元格时默认为当前工作表)->点击ETOOL->按条件查找定位选择转换区域(1个单元格时默认为当前工作表)->点击ETOOL->大写转小写(小写转大写)选择合并区域->点击ETOOL->合并文本->输入\选择相关选项->合并->选择粘贴区域->粘贴(CTRL+V)选择填充区域->点击ETOOL->向下填充->选择填充及操作区域选项->执行点击ETOOL->强力解除工作表保护点击ETOOL->开启状态栏统计3745897 =ConCodeYN(F21)。










时间:2015-08-18⽬录1.软件界⾯2.⽂本处理1)提取和过滤2)⾼级⽂本处理3.数值录⼊1)四舍五⼊2)转为数值3)录⼊序列4)其他4.编辑1)复制粘贴2)新增插⼊3)批量删除4)合并转换5.数据分析1)重复值2)⾼级排序3)按颜⾊统计4)隔⾏设定颜⾊5)条件设定颜⾊6.汇总拆分1)汇总拆分2)⼯作表相关7.视图1)隐藏显⽰2)聚光灯3)指针⼯具4)关注相同值5)记忆8.帮助1)设置 - 只粘贴数值快捷键2)注册9.⾃定义⽂本和格式10.我的收藏夹11.收纳箱1)函数的增删改查2)⾃定义Excel界⾯12.公式向导13.创意实验室1)Lotex2)加密、解密选区3)发布求助14.结束⼀. 软件界⾯软件界⾯如下(2个选项卡):⼆. ⽂本处理1)提取和过滤勾选需要提取的类型,然后点击执⾏下拉菜单并选择:提取。

系统将弹出选择保存位置(GIF动画)(GIF动画)2)⾼级⽂本处理点击右下⾓的⼩图标,将显⽰⾼级⽂本处理界⾯:三. 数值录⼊这个选项卡集中了常⽤的单元格录⼊、单元格内容的简单处理。



(完整word)方方格子Excel工具箱-审计版 说明文档

(完整word)方方格子Excel工具箱-审计版 说明文档








2.清空0值说明:当表格中有很多0值的时候,无论其是公式的计算结果还是输入的数值,该功能均能将其消除,方便阅读和制作报告操作:选择要清除的区域,点击【清除0值】3.清除非数字说明:当我们制作的明细表中有些单元格包含了非数字,比如字母,汉子,符号等,这些妨碍我们对单元格进行计算比如:通用电气 A产品800989.09中国神化 24,542。

00元交通银行 56,465。


清除非数字】,结果如下:通用电气 800,989。

09中国神化 24,542。

00交通银行 56,465.00合计4.清除中文说明:有时候单元格中包含中文,我们只需要清除单元格中的中文文字。


office tool激活流程

office tool激活流程

office tool激活流程






















超级实用的Excel插件!帮你快速提升效率!这款插件为什么值得推荐?我觉得至少有三点:❶功能全面,可扩展性超强;❷简单实用,操作简便;❸兼容性好,支持Excel2007至2016各版本(据说很快连 WPS 都能兼容了)光说不练假把式,我们就挑其中几个功能,来秀一秀它的真实功力。

01 提取字符我们可能经常会碰到一些汉字、字母、数字混合的情况,需要提取出其中的某一类型的字符时,比如英文字母和数字,就可以这么简单:不用函数公式,不用 VBA 代码,这么点击几下,就妥妥搞定。

关于文本处理,里边还有很多高级的黑科技呢,几乎能满足所有的日常需求:02 录入序列在 Excel 里通过自动填充,可以自动批量生成下面这些序列:一、二、三、……1、2、3、4、……1月、2月、3月、……甲、乙、丙、丁……但是却没有办法输入 A、B、C……,有些人可能学过,用 Char 函数可以生成。

但是,如果你有了这款插件,工作可以变得更简单:03 汉字小写转数字前几天有位同学问到,怎么把汉字小写的数字批量转换成阿拉伯数字。

嗯,没错,用这个函数公式可以:=LOOKUP(1,0/(TEXT(ROW($1:$999),'[dbnum1]')=A2),ROW($1:$999))如果有插件在手,问题就简单得多啦~04 合并相同单元格有很多相同内容的单元格需要批量合并时,怎么办?常规做法,可能要经过很多个技巧组合,才能搞定。

但是用这款插件,只需要单击单击一下鼠标:05 二维表转一维表要充分发挥透视表统计分析的威力,我们经常需要将一些交叉统计的二维表格转换成清单式的一维表格。





Excel实用插件免费领,效率从此快到飞起!(附赠插件链接)诶嘿嘿~小编又来送福利啦!(~ ̄▽ ̄)~本期福利是什么呢?没错就是实用Excel插件啦~从此效率高到飞起。




















<單元一> Excel基本操作(一)單元進度﹕1.1Excel 2002視窗環境介紹1.2 開啟與關閉Excel檔案1.3 何謂工作表1.4 儲存格資料型態1.5 快速建立資料的技巧1.6 函數的總類1.7 使用函數精靈插入函數1.8 選擇資料範圍1.9 編輯工作表1.10調整欄列寬度或隱藏1.11簡易資料格式1.12工作表的管理1.13認識圖表物件1.14使用圖表精靈建立圖表第一次作業﹕1. 基本文字、數字輸入2. 工作表保模式設定3. 建立資料的技巧練習應用4. 建立圖表練習應用<單元二> Excel基本操作(二)單元進度﹕2.1 資料格式的進階設定2.2 樣式的應用2.3 圖表的修改2.4 圖表格式設定2.5 資料的排序2.6 運用小計功能2.7 資料的篩選2.8 工作表的版面設定2.9 排版列印的技巧第二次作業﹕1. 自訂篩選練習2. 小計練習<單元三> Excel基本操作(三)單元進度﹕3.1 建立資料庫注意事項3.2 編修資料庫3.3 資料的驗證3.4 資料的排序3.5 資料的篩選3.6 資料的進階篩選3.7 資料庫函數3.8 使用樞紐分析表第三次作業﹕1. 自定清單排序2. 樞紐分析表練習<單元四> Excel應用操作(一)單元進度﹕4.1 範例一:利用公式面板輸入函數4.2 範例二:參照公式應用4.3 範例三:引數指定函數4.4 範例四:數字格式及自訂數字格式使用4.5 範例五:儲存格命名及應用4.6 範例六:公式陣列應用4.7 範例七:工作表稽核4.8 範例八:日期函數now() today() dateif()4.9 範例九:and(), if()4.10範例十:使用不同工作表資料第四次作業﹕1. vlookup()練習2. 資料及格式的if()練習<單元五> Excel應用操作(二)單元進度﹕5.1 建立圖表5.2 圖表編輯與格式化5.3 範例一:利用FV函數計算本利和5.4 範例二:目標搜尋應用5.5 範例三:互助會會款計算5.6 範例四:計算每月應攤還的本息和5.7 範例五:分析藍本應用5.8 範例六:運算列表應用第五次作業﹕1. daverage()、dmax()及dcount()練習2. 計算學生成績練習<單元六> Excel應用操作(三)單元進度﹕6.1 範例一:使用Excel建立股票分析圖6.2 範例二:全班成績及個人成績製作6.3 範例三:個人收支核算6.4 活頁簿與工作表的管理6.5 列印設定第六次作業﹕1. 自建股票分析圖練習。



VBA]Excel工具栏代码1.定义一些全局变量Dim Obj_Toolbar As CommandBar’代表工具栏的变量Dim Obj_Menu As CommandBarPopup’代表菜单的变量Dim Obj_Toolbar_button As CommandBarButton’代表菜单项和按钮的变量2.编制生成工具栏和菜单的子程序Sub addbutton()’创建工具栏和菜单并设置属性的子程序_deletebutton’调用删除工具栏和菜单的子程序Set Obj_Toolbar = mandBars.Add("My_Custom_Bar")’新建工具栏,“My_Custom_Bar”代表工具栏的名称Set Obj_Menu = Obj_Toolbar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, ID:=1)’在工具栏上新建下拉菜单,“ID:=1”代表该工具栏的功能由用户自定义,下同With Obj_Menu’设置下拉菜单的属性.Caption = "风格切换"’设置标题.BeginGroup = True’设置分组End WithSet Obj_Toolbar_button = Obj_Menu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1)’新建菜单项,下同With Obj_Toolbar_button’设置菜单项的属性,下同.Caption = "标准风格".BeginGroup = True.OnAction = "Standard_Style"’设置单击菜单项执行的子程序名称End WithSet Obj_Toolbar_button = Obj_M enu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1)’新建其他的菜单项,并设置属性With Obj_Toolbar_button.Caption = "简单风格".BeginGroup = True.OnAction = "Simple_Style"End WithSet Obj_Toolbar_button = Obj_Menu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1) With Obj_Toolbar_button.Caption = "绘图和制表风格".BeginGroup = True.OnAction = "Draw_Table_Style"End WithSet Obj_Toolbar_button = Obj_Toolbar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1)’新建工具栏按钮With Obj_Toolbar_button’设置按钮的属性.Caption = "关于".Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption.FaceId = 984.OnAction = "Show_Msg"End WithWith Obj_Toolbar’设置工具栏的属性.Visible = True’工具栏可视.Enabled = True’工具栏可用.Position = msoBarTop’工具栏置顶End WithSet Obj_Menu = mandBars("MenuBar").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, ID:=1)’在Word XP的主菜单中新建菜单,“Menu Bar”代表Word XP主菜单的名称With Obj_Menu’设置新建菜单的属性.Caption = "风格切换"End WithSet Obj_Toolbar_button = Obj_Menu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1)’在新建菜单中添加菜单项,下同With Obj_Toolbar_button’设置新建菜单项的属性,下同.Caption = "标准风格".BeginGroup = True.OnAction = "Standard_Style"End WithSet Obj_Toolbar_button = Obj_Menu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1)’新建其他的菜单项,并设置属性With Obj_Toolbar_button.Caption = "简单风格".BeginGroup = True.OnAction = "Simple_Style"End WithSet Obj_Toolbar_button = Obj_Menu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1) With Obj_Toolbar_button.Caption = "绘图和制表风格".BeginGroup = True.OnAction = "Draw_Table_Style"End WithEnd Sub3.编制删除工具栏和菜单的子程序Sub _deletebutton()’删除工具栏和菜单的子程序Dim tempbar As CommandBar’定义临时工具栏变量On Error Resume Next’该语句用于忽略错误mandBars("Menu Bar").Reset’重新设置Word XP的主菜单,即删除新建的菜单For Each tempbar In mandBars’通过“For Each…Next”语句遍历Word XP 所有的工具栏If = "My_Custom_Bar" Then’如名称和新建的工具栏相同tempbar.Visible = False’设置为不可视tempbar._delete’删除该工具栏End IfNextEnd Sub。

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We can now use the above information to calculate three specific per-share data measures: earnings per share '(EPS), dividends per share (DPS), and book value per share (BVPS). Simply divide the totals by the appropriate number of shares outstanding. Note that BVPS is calculated by dividing total common equity (common stock plus retained earning) by shares outstanding. Per-share Data Earnings per share (EPS) $2.27 $2.36 Dividends per share (DPS) $1.15 $1.06 Book value per share (BVPS) $17.92 $16.80 Cash flow per share (CFPS) $4.27 $4.16 The per share data gives managers and investors a quick look at some items that affect the price of the stock. STATEMENT OF STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY (Section 2.4) The statement of stockholders' equity takes the previous year's balance of common stock, retained earnings, and stockholders' equity and then adds the current year's net income and subtracts dividends paid to common stockholders. The end result is the new balance of common stock, retained earnings, and stockholders' equity. Table 2-3 MicroDrive, Inc.: Statement of Stockholders' Equity Common Stock (Millions) Shares Amount 50 $130.0 Retained Earnings Total Equity $710.0 $840.0 $113.5 $113.5 (57.5) (57.5) $766.0 $896.0
Balances, Dec. 31, 2009 Net income Cash dividends Issuance of common stock Balances, Dec. 31, 2010 NET CASH FLOW (Section 2.5) Net income Depreciation Net cash flow STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (Section 2.6)
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
H 2010-4-11
Chapter 2. Tool Kit for Financial Statements, Cash Flows, and Taxes
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS (Section 2.1) The annual report contains a verbal section plus four key statements: the balance sheet, income statement, statement of retained earnings, and statement of cash flows. Spreadsheets can be used both to create and to analyze these statements, as we demonstrate in this model. In addition, note that in cells which summarize data in other cells, such as sums or differences, the spreadsheet uses formulas rather than fixed numbers. For example, the cell for Total assets contains the Sum formula rather than just $2,000. (The cell itself shows $2,000, but if you put the pointer on the cell, then the formula line will show that the cell actually contains a formula.) That way, if the data for any input (cash, for instance) changes, the spreadsheet will automatically recalculate and provide the correct net value for Total assets. As you will see as you go through our models, this automatic recalculation feature is one of the most useful and powerful aspects of Excel and other spreadsheets. Finally, note that there is a section for inputs immediately before we begin the analysis. In financial modeling, it is helpful to users when input data is grouped together, so you should follow this practice in your own models, too. THE BALANCE SHEET (Section 2.2)
A B C D INPUT DATA SECTION: Historical Data Used in the Analysis Year-end common stock price Year-end shares outstanding (in millions) Tax rate Weighted average cost of captal (WACC) Table 2-1 MicroDrive Inc. December 31 Balance Sheets (in millions of dollars)
F 2010 $23.00 50 40% 11.0%
G 2009 $26.00 50 40% 10.8%
2010 Assets Cash and equivalents Short-term investments Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Net plant and equipment Total assets Liabilities and equity Accounts payable Notes payable Accruals Total current liabilities Long-term bonds Total liabilities Preferred stock (400,000 shares) Common stock (50,000,000 shares) Retained earnings Total common equity Total liabilities and equity THE INCOME STATEMENT (Section 2.3) Table 2-2 MicroDrive Income Statements for Years Ending December 31 (in millions of dollars) 2010 INCOME STATEMENT Net sales Operating costs except depreciation Earnings before interest, taxes, deprn., and amortization (EBITDA)* Depreciation Amortization Depreciation and amortization Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) Less interest Earnings before taxes (EBT) Taxes Net Income before preferred dividends Preferred dividends Net Income available to common stockholders Common dividends Addition to retained earnings $3,000.0 $2,616.2 $383.8 $100.0 $0.0 $100.0 $283.8 $88.0 $195.8 $78.3 $117.5 $4.0 $113.5 $57.5 $56.0 $10 $0 $375 $615 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000