! 未雨绸缪 " 碑帖 # 灯火阑珊" 妍媸毕露# 审时度势 $ % " & ' (& )& *& & 脱颖而出' 比喻人的才能全部显示出来# 此处用错对象$' & 大音希声# 大象无形' 语出老子 ( 道德经 ) # # & *! (& & 是老子对& 道' 的阐释# 解释为& 最美的声音就是听起来无声响# 最美的形象就是看不见行迹 ' # 它是音乐的最 高境界$此题错在望文生义$)& & 钟灵毓秀' 指聚集天地灵气的美好自然环境产生优秀的人物# 此处用错对 象$*& & 水乳交融' * 像水和乳汁融合在一起# 形容关系非常融洽或结合十分紧密# 符合语境$ % ! 成分残缺# & 系列活动' 前加& 的' " 搭配不当# 主宾不一致# 可以将& 生物入侵' 改为& 入侵生物' " 后句 + & ) (& ' & *& 是否' 两面对一面$ % 中& ! 先找出韵脚# 再找中间两个对偶句$ % % & ' & 遂' 在这里是动词# 解释为& 成全' $ % , & *! ! 都表被动$(& 介词# 从 + 介词# 对" 连词# 来 + 介词# 因为" 连词# 如果 + 连词# 表修饰$ % & ' )& *& . & ) ! 一开始' 不正确" 假托生病' 错误" 放弃自己建造小殿的打算 ' 错误# 文中只是说 & 辍其材为 / & ) ( 项& ' 项& * 项& 造' $ % ! % 你难道没有看见黄金! 金属% 在矿石中# 怎么值得重视呢, 0 & " ! 得分点* & 独' 译为& 难道' " & 何足' 译为& 怎么值得' " & 贵' 译为& 看重重视' $ % ! % 我正把自己比作金子# 把你当作好的工匠$ # ! 得分点* & 方' 译为& 正' " & 自比于' 译为& 把自己比作..' " & 以..为..' 译为& 把..当作..' $ % ! % 从这以后# 各自尽献你们的忠诚$如果! 我% 有不对! 错误% 的地方# 就直接说出来# 不要隐瞒$ + ! 得分点* & 已' 通& 以' " & 悉' 后应补充动词& 献' " & 乃' 译为& 你们的' " & 是非' 是偏义复词# 侧重于& 非' $ % ! % 早春时间 " $ & " ! % & 清欢' # 由乳白色的香茶一盏和翡翠般的春蔬一盘这两样有特色的事物来表现$ 以雪乳形容茶色之 # 白# 既是比喻# 又是夸张# 形象鲜明" 蔬菜种类多# 色泽鲜# 读者可以从中体味到词人品茗尝鲜时的喜悦和畅 适$! 手法情感各"分% & 人间有味是清欢' 用在词的结尾# 有照彻全篇之妙趣# 为全篇增添了欢乐情调和诗味理趣$! " 分 %寄寓着 作者清旷闲雅的审美趣味和生活态度# 给人以美的享受和无尽的遐思$ 清欢的意趣表现出对平静的疏淡 也是对宁静无忧的田园生活的向往$! 作者情感#分% 的简朴的生活的热爱# ! % 无边落木萧萧下不尽长江滚滚来! % 凝绝不通声暂歇别有幽愁暗恨生! % 驽马十驾功在不舍 " " & " # + 炎德英才大联考语文 长郡版 !"
炎德 .英才大联考 长郡中学2014届高考模拟卷(一)语文试题
& 请从动静的角度简要赏析本诗#% % * % 分& 答$
古诗文默写#% 每空$分& $ $ ( )分! % & 想当年! 辛弃疾, 永遇乐0京口北固亭怀古& $ ! #% % & 遥岑远目! 玉簪螺髻#% 辛弃疾, 水龙吟0登建康赏心亭& " ! % & 秦爱纷奢! 人亦念其家#! 杜牧, 阿房宫赋& * + % 四 现代文 论述类 实用类 阅读 每小题*分 简答题%分 $ #分其中选择题3分 阅读下面的文字! 完成$ " $ %题# 寄生 明代词曲研究的新视域 杜桂萍 中国古典小说中出现词曲作品虽不始于明代! 但却以明代最为盛行" 如 ( 水浒传) ( 西 游记) ( 金瓶梅) 等章回长篇! 以及( 国色天香) ( 燕居笔记) ( 万锦情林) 等选集中收入的传奇 中篇! 都融会了大量的词曲! 它们与一些诗歌作品一起! 融合于小说叙事的各个环节! 形成 明代小说散韵结合的流行模式" 古典小说文体的这种复杂形貌! 在使当下的研究产生一些困惑的同时! 也造就了诸多 蹊径独辟的视角" 寄生词曲作为一种文学的生成方式! 唐代就有" 不过! 与唐代小说不同! 明代小说中 的词曲不再是点缀! 而是成为小说文体结构的重要参与者" 这当然与明代特定的文化背 文化权力下移+ ! 实际上也促成了文体权力的拓展! 词曲当仁不让地充当 景有关"所谓的* 了这样的角色" 何谓* 寄生+ $ 依附而生也"小说是母体! 词曲附生其中! 为局部! 为客体! 为他者" 但 如果将重点立足于揭示明代词曲的另一种生态! 以及其别样的文学史结构" 那么! 小说则 是局部! 是客体! 是他者! 将其作为审视对象主要是为了彰显词曲的特征和魅力" 将* 小说+ 和* 词曲+ 处理为一种 * 他者 + 和* 在者 + 的关系! 在揭示明代词曲的寄生生态 时! 将作为其母体的小说处理为* 在者 + ! 使作为 * 他者 + 的寄生词曲拥有一个前提# 一种环 境# 一位血缘依存者! 为读者揭示其母体之所在# 生存境遇之所在# 营养汲取之所在% 而借 助于对寄生词曲的全方位审视! 小说其实又被赋予了 * 他者 + 的地位! 其文体建构# 题材表 达# 叙事方式等! 皆因为寄生词曲之存在而获得了重新审视的机缘" 对于寄生词曲而言! 因其* 寄生性+ 而不可避免出现与* 他者+ 共存的状况% 而由于* 他者+ 的存在! 其主体的意识 才得以确立! 权威才得以确立" 这在一定程度上规避了单纯以词曲为中心容易导致的审 视缺陷或评价弊端! 回应了有关文献梳理的必要性# 紧迫性! 也在一定程度上完成了对一 系列重要的文学史问题的回答" 如本已雅化的词曲缘何发生于小说这样的俗文学母体$ 寄生词曲所具有的纷繁驳杂的题材内容# 通俗自然的语言特征# 率意任真的表现方式! 与 明代文人雅士之创作缘何呈现如此不同的状貌$ 等等" 任何一个主体! 如果缺乏他者的比照! 都难以完全认识和确定自我! 小说作为 * 他者 + 为寄生词曲的自我认知提供了对比! 实际上较明代文人词曲多了一个特殊的审视维度" 语文试题% 长郡版&第 共 + 页& % 页%
炎德、英才大联考 长郡中学2014届高考模拟卷(一)语文答案
炎德 英才大联考长郡中学#$"%届高考模拟卷 一语文参考答案"&'!(&琉璃瓦")&氙气 "*&汲取 #温文尔雅$%#&)!)&&闪烁其词'形容说话吞吞吐吐#躲躲闪闪#稍微露出一点意思#又不肯说出真相和要害$用在此处符合语境$(&&实至名归'的意思是作出了实际的成就或成绩#就会得到应有的声誉$含褒义$现多指所获得的荣誉与其人实际取得的成就或成绩相符#并非浪得虚名$文中是指法规条例的规定能付诸实施#不至于沦为空谈$并且&连坐'不是什么荣誉和好事#在句中也不含褒义$*&&双刃剑'比喻一件事物的两面性#对于特定事物产生双方面的影响#既有利#也有弊$文章说的是岁月无情#只有一面#用&双刃剑'的比喻不当$'&&冠盖如云'(冠盖(古代官员)士绅的冠服和车盖#也用作官员)士绅的代称$如云(好像云雾集聚$旧时形容官员很多#也形容官员)士绅集会的盛况$类似的成语还有&冠盖相望'&冠盖相属'$选项把这个成语当成描写枝叶繁茂的树冠长得很茂盛)像天上的云团一样覆盖在上面#是望文生义了$%+&*!(&语序不当#&竹外桃花三两枝'与&黄四娘家花满蹊'对换$)&否定失当#改为&哪一个是等闲之辈'$'&成分赘余造成不合逻辑#去掉&日本'$%%&(!诗写故人在秋夜月满时#居然能偶集京城长安#感慨无限$因为相见非易#应作长夜之欢#故最怕晓钟#担心分手$首联写相聚时间)地点"颔联写相聚出其不意#实属难得"颈联以曹操的短歌行&月明星稀#乌鹊南飞#绕树三匝#何枝可依'的典故#暗寓乡思$尾联写羁旅之愁#应作长醉#款款写来#层次分明#写景有致#抒情深沉$可依律诗结构及诗作内容#按&起承转合'的格式作答$%,&(!俭(减损$%-&'!乃#前句表示对事物范围的一种限制#可译为&只)才)仅'"后句表示条件或前提#可译为&才'$(&可以#同今天的可以)能够$)&以#表动作)行为所用或所凭借的工具)方法及其他#可译为&用'$*&于#引进动作的处所#译为&在'$%.&)!(&&作者推崇的是人工的花卉#因为经过劳动#花会开得更美丽'不合文意"*&与最后一段&使'*如果#为作者的假设+后的文字意思不符"'&&菊花默默无闻#老圃辛勤耕耘'错误#作者的意图在修士之立身与儒者之治业$%/&'0&!"%!它们%在品种繁多这一点上相同#在花色齐全这一点上也相同#在花期持久这一点上#菊花还超过了牡丹和芍药$!衍(多出来的"过(超过"语句通顺及省略补充各"分%!#%既然是人的力量!使菊花娇美%#却要归功于自然#把菊花与牡丹)芍药这两种不用花费辛劳的花同样对待#这不是近乎是非不分)公私不明吗,!美(使--美好"齐观等视(同等对待"几(几乎)近乎"不--乎(反问句"语句通顺各"分% !+%如果他们都能像园丁种菊花那样勤勤恳恳#不图安闲#磨砺身心#哪有不成为圣贤的道理呢,!使(如果)假使"无逸(不图安闲"焉往(到哪里%"$&!"%野渡无人舟自横$!#%前两句是诗人叙述所见的景象(春云布满天空#灰蒙蒙地笼罩着淮河两岸的原野#原野上草色青青#与空中阴云上下相映$这样阴暗的天气)单调的景色#是会叫远行的旅人感到乏味$幸而#岸边不时有一树野花闪现出来#红的#黄的#白的#在眼前豁然一亮#!#分%成功地描画出了灿烂的春天$表达了作者的欣喜之情$!"分%!+%抒情主人公和景物之间有动静关系的变化(日间船行水上#人在动态之中#岸边的野草幽花是静止的"夜里船泊犊头#人是静止的了#风雨潮水却是动荡不息的$!#分%这种动中观静#静中观动的艺术构思#使诗人与外界景物始终保持相当的距离#从而显示了一种悠闲)从容)超然物外的心境和风度$!#分%""&!"%金戈铁马 气吞万里如虎!#%献愁供恨!+%奈何取之尽锱铢 用之如泥沙"#&)!(&范围失当#寄生词曲是明代小说文体结构的重要参与者"*&张冠李戴#在此种情况下#小说是作为&他者'而非&在者'"'&无中生有#原文说两种词曲有不同的状貌$%"+&)!价值获得重视#得以呈现的是寄生的小说中的词曲#而非整个明代词曲$%"%& 开创性地提出了&寄生词曲'的概念#为明代词曲研究提供了一个崭新的视角"!"分% 捕捉到了明代小说的重要特征#使小说的文体建构)题材表达)叙事方式等获得了重新审视的机缘$!"分% 由于将小说作为词曲的参照物#使得词曲主体的意识得以确立#权威得以确立$寄生词曲之价值获得了重视#得以呈现$!#分%",&气愤 犹豫 感动 激动 惋惜!惭愧% 虔诚$!-分%"-&&满室芬芳'表面意思是满屋子飘满浓郁的焚香之味"深层意思是满屋都飘散着秋溪谷先生绘画的墨香$!意思对即可%!#分%其作用是承上启下#即内容上由接受鉴定画作转到欣赏推崇画作#情节上由故事发展转向故事高潮#感情上由对画作的接纳转到珍爱#由对画家的&相识'发展到敬重$!意思对即可%!#分%".&原因有三(一是被黄先生的真诚所感动"二是想到&父亲'的遗作终于能被绘画大师所认可并向外推介而高兴#三是为&父亲'过早去世#看不到他的画作在北京美术馆展出而遗憾$!+分%"/&意图( 歌颂主人公黄云山倾力向世人推举已故民间绘画大师及其艺术珍品的高风亮节" 对一些凭借环境优势而自傲自大)孤陋寡闻的艺术家进行善意的批评" 歌颂像在秋小峦身上所体现出来的中华民族的尽孝传统美德" 呼吁艺术家眼睛向下#向民间学习#发现并珍爱民间艺术家及其艺术珍品$!%分%学习( 助人为乐的精神" 虚怀若谷#眼睛向下的艺术品格" 不惜降低自己身价推介民间艺术家#珍藏民间艺术珍品的精神" 敢于批评绘画界不正之风的正直品格$!答出两点即可得满分#意思对即可%!%分%"0&!"%革命洪流的汹涌激荡促成了&白毛仙姑'传说向白毛女革命传奇的转化#并为后者的发育滋长提供了相当肥沃的土壤$ !#%答题提示(材料是作者为着某一写作目的#从生活中搜集)摄取以及写入文章之中的一系列事实现象或理论依据$在写作之前#它是作者形成思想的依据"在写作之时#它又是文学作品的&血肉'$!从如何为达成写作目的选取材料)运用材料能否为写作目的服务的角度答题即可%#$&!"%修身 齐家 治国 平天下!#%示例(中国古代#治理国家强调个人的榜样作用$.大学/里说(&一家仁#一国兴仁"一家让#一国兴让$'一个国家的兴衰寄望于一人一家#中国古代强调的是&人治'思想$当代中国强调法制#但法制并不健全#人治的现象仍然处处可见#这就决定了加强官员自身的道德修养仍具有很现实的意义$被民间称为&钱多房多女人多'的杭州市副市长许迈永#就是一个不加强自身修养的典型例子$这样的人一旦让他执掌一方权柄#就会危害一方#给国家带来无可挽回的经济损失#严重者甚至造成官民之间的对立#危及政权安全$因此政府在选拔官员时#不仅要看他的工作能力#更应看重他的道德修养#看他是否能把人民的利益和国家的利益置于个人的享受之上#从而成为民众的榜样$我们更期望国家能摆脱人治的局面#走向法制的轨道#做到真正把权力关进笼子里$#"&略附 参考译文菊花是秋天里的牡丹 芍药 它们在品种繁多这一点上相同 在花色齐全这一点上也相同 在花期持久这一点上 菊花还超过了牡丹和芍药 自古以来种植方面的书 讲述其他的花都很简略 唯独在讲述牡丹 芍药和菊这三种花时很详细 人们都说这三种花可以等量齐观 平起平坐 我偏偏认为它们截然不同 区别就在前两者是大自然造出来的 后一个是人工造出来的 为什么这样说呢 牡丹 芍药的美 全都依靠自然 而不是人创造的 种植这两种花 不过冬天施点肥 夏天浇点水 如此而已 再也不用费什么劲了 当其开花的时候 色彩烂漫 气味芬芳 绝不因为人对它投入的精力少而减弱它的娇美和色彩啊 菊花的美 却大部分依靠人力 较少依靠自然 种菊花的人 在它还没有种到土里之前 就要承担选种和碎石治土的工作 菊花种到土里 还有一些插标记 做记录的事情要做 花还没有发芽破土之前 就已经耗费了相当的人力 但是真正的辛苦劳累却在分秧栽种之后才开始 防旱啦 防涝啦 摘头啦 掐叶啦 去蕊啦 接枝啦 捉虫子 挖蚯蚓防止病虫害啦 这都是在花还没开的时候 费尽人力 期待老天爷让花开得尽如人意 到花有了骨朵而又没开之前 还要时刻惦记防止雨淋 霜打 勤勤恳恳地束枝系蕊给花造型 不嫌劳苦和麻烦不分昼夜地给花浇水 辛辛苦苦地一朵一朵地给花上色 这一切的辛苦劳累 都是为了用人力来弥补自然的不足为了菊花 种花的人 从春天到秋天 从早上到晚上 没有一刻能休息 一定要这样 菊花才能长得丰满 艳丽 堪称美观 不然的话 就和长相萎琐的野菊花没什么两样 只有装点篱笆的份儿 如此说来 菊花的美并不是大自然造就的 而是靠人雕琢出来的 既然是人的力量 却要归功于自然 把菊花与牡丹 芍药这两种不用花费辛劳的花同样对待 这不是是非不分 公私不明吗 我知道掌管花开花谢 暗中评判 从而决定哪种花好 哪种花坏的 一定是花神自从有菊花以来 高人雅士无不竭力赞美它 我却反其道而行 并不是我非要跟陶渊明作对 种菊花的人辛苦了一年才造就了菊花 不赞美他们巧夺天工的创造力 就是只知道花好 却不知花的创造者 饮水忘源 把取水的人丢在一边 能心安理得吗 以前题诗咏菊的人都是这么做的 我提出这个想法 是为了替菊花报恩 是出于对菊花的深爱 并不是想贬低它 我曾经细心观察不辞辛劳种养菊花的老园丁 感慨于那些修身治学的文人学者 如果他们都能像园丁种菊花那样勤勤恳恳 不图安闲 磨砺身心 哪有不成为圣贤的道理呢 如果用园丁那样的恒心和耐性攻读诗书 求取功名 还愁做不了高官吗 只是文人们爱学问爱功名的心情 终究不如老园丁爱菊深切 有什么办法呢。
【考点】物理学史2.如图在倾斜的滑杆上套一个质量为m的圆环,圆环通过轻绳拉着一个质量为M的物体,在圆环沿滑杆向下滑动的过程中,悬挂物体的轻绳始终处于竖直方向,则A.环只受三个力作用B.环一定受四个力作用C.物体做匀加速运动D.悬绳对物体的拉力小于物体的重力【答案】BABC 、以物体为研究对象,物体沿滑杆向下做直线运动,加速度为零,或加速度与速度在同一直线上,而物体受到竖直向下重力和绳子竖直向上的拉力,这两个力的合力必为零,说明物体做匀速直线运动,则环也做匀速直线运动,环受到重力、绳子竖直向下的拉力、滑杆的支持力和滑动摩擦力,共四个力作用,故AC 错误B 正确;D 、由平衡得到,悬绳对物体的拉力等于物体的重力,故D 错误。
故选B 。
【考点】牛顿第二定律;力的合成与分解3.细绳拴一个质量为m 的小球,小球用固定在墙上的水平弹簧支撑,小球与弹簧不粘连,平衡时细绳与竖直方向的夹角为53,如图所示.以下说法正确的是A .小球静止时弹簧的弹力大小为34mg B .小球静止时细绳的拉力大小为35mg C .细线烧断瞬间小球的加速度立即为53g D .细线烧断瞬间小球的加速度立即为g 【答案】CAB 、小球静止时,分析受力情况,如图,由平衡条件得: 弹簧的弹力大小为:4F mgtan53mg 3=︒=细绳的拉力大小为:mg 5T mg cos533==︒,故A 正确B 错误; CD 、细绳烧断瞬间弹簧的弹力不变,则小球所受的合力与烧断前细绳拉力的大小相等、方向相反,则此瞬间小球的加速度大小为:T 5a g m 3==,故CD 均错误。
炎德、英才大联考 长郡中学2014届高考模拟卷(一)英语答案
炎德 英才大联考 长郡中学 " 一 # $Hale Waihona Puke % 届高考模拟卷 英语参考答案
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Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A(22.5 marks)Directions:In this section,you will hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation,there are several questions and each question is followed bv three choices marked A, B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11. How long will the woman be in the USA?A. Two weeks.B.Three weeks.C.Four weeks.2. How will the woman travel around the country?A. By car.B.By bus.C.On foot.Conversation 23. How much will the man pay for the package?A.$8.00B.$8.25.C.$2.50.4. When will the man's package get to China?A. In one month.B.In two weeks.C.ln one week.Conversation 35. What does the man next to the girl probably do?A.A computer engineer. B.An accountant. C.A secretary.6. What do we know about the office?A. It's next to a coffee bar.B. It'S very comfortable.C. It is verv small.Conversation 47. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. Traveling.B.Jobs.C.Hobbies.8. Where does the man want to go?A. The Far East and Australia. B.Europe and Africa.C.Asia and Europe.9. To whom does the steam engine belong?A. An American.B. Five people.C. The man.Conversation 510. How long will the man stay at the hotel?A. One night.B. Two nights.C. Three nights.11. Which telephone can the man use?A. The phone in the hall.B. The phone on the woman's desk.C. The phone at the business center.12. What do we know about the man?A. He will pay 60 dollars a night.B. He needs help with his luggage.C. He needs the service of a wake-up call.Conversation 613. What did the woman buy for her father last year?A. A phone.B. A tie.C. A computer.14. Why does the woman want to buy a new watch for her dad this year?A. Her dad has no watch.B. Her dad's watch walks fast.C. Her dad's watch has stopped.15. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Go to the mall with her.B. Buy a present online.C. Arrange a birthday party.Section B (7.5 marks)Directions : In this section , you will hear a short passage. Listen carejully and then fill in the, numbered blanks with the information you've got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS .You will hear the short passage TWICE .Part Ⅱ Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions : Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A , B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence .21. -How was your winter holidays, Li Mei?-Wonderful! That was the first time I______ to Harbin where the snow was very beautiful.A. traveledB. had traveledC. has been traveledD. had been traveled22. Sometimes a person may be in a position ________he has to reject other people's criticism and stick to his own ideas.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. when23. The man's working experience at the transnational trading company is much different from ______ of other job applicants.A. oneB. itC. thatD. this24.-How long do you suppose it is ______he arrived here?At least three hours.A. sinceB. beforeC. afterD. when25. Since the accused man wants the case ________as soon as possible, his lawyer has to work all the time to prove his innocence of the crime.A. settlingB. to settleC. be settledD. to be settled26. By the side of the playground of our school________, which was built in 2011 with the support of a generous businessman.A. there standing the new libraryB. does the new library standC. the new library standsD. stands the new library27.-Why didn't you stop him from running the risk?-I _______that. but I didn't think he would listen to me.A. could doB. would doC. could have doneD. must have done28.The news made us very excited ______our product had achieved success in Europe,America, and some other developed countries.A. whatB. thatC. whetherD. when29. To reduce air pollution. I often go to work by bike,________do my colleagues living near to our company.A. asB. suchC. whoD. which30. _______quite a few small earthquakes in the past three months, people didn't take much notice of them.A. To experienceB. Having experiencedC. Experienced D . Being experienced31. When I try to understand ________that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.A. why it doesB. what is itC. what it isD. why it is32. The boss praised the young man for his hard work. though he_______ experience.A. is lacking inB. is lack ofC. lacks ofD. is lacking of33._______tired my mother is after work, she is always checking my homework.A. WhateverB. HoweverC. HowD. Although34.The two presidents agree with each other on the whole, but much remains _______at the next meeting.A. being discussedB. discussedC. to discussD. to be discussed35.In this experiment, they are woken up several times during the night, and asked to report what they_______.A. had just been dreamingB. are just dreamingC. had just dreamtD. have just been dreamingSection B (18 marks)Directions : For each blank in the following passage there are Jour words or phrases marked A , B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.I had a friend who visited me from out of town and I wanted to show him the Toronto CN Tower(电视塔) . It was the second tallest structure on earth .When we got there, we went around the 36 0f the tower and saw the hard wire(金属丝)fence 37 to the structure serving as a barrier. We went back inside to look for the glass floor that provided a direct view down. As soon as both of us 38 , we stopped before walking onto it. We found that our legs began to 39 .And then I had a thought in my mind, "It is far 40 compared to any other floor in this building. There is no real danger to me - it's 41 an illusion(幻觉). Look at all the people standing on it. and think about those who have stood on it before. " I began t0 42 the step onto the glass floor. But I didn't look down.I walked on the 43 and looked around and thought about how 44 the experience was. I even found myself jumping up and down.I considered how many things in our lives we 45 and exactly how most of them were actually illusions. I thought about all the things that I was 46 to do that appeared worrying. I was glad to discover that although fear isn't a stranger to me, my desire to live a life without 47 has a much stronger pull.36. A. center B. outside C. surface D. top37 . A. connected B. amounted C. belonged D. reacted38. A. began B. talked C. approached D. returned39. A. wave B. move C. dance D. shake40. A. harder B. dearer C. taller D. tighter41. A. greatly B. simply C. likely D. usually42. A. decide B. pick C. choose D. take43. A. fence B. end C. tower D. floor44. A. dangerous B. useful C. wonderful D. confusing45. A. feared B. handled C. ignored D. hid46 . A. curious B. excited C. hesitant D . interested47. A. cost B. regret C. doubt D. wasteSection C (12 marks)Directions : Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context .Traveling is absolutely fun! 48 , you may sometimes make a strong physical effort, and soon after, just have to stay at your comfortable hotel room. As a result the routine goes messy (混乱的) , and after the holiday - you end up looking tired. 49 you should know how to keep fit while traveling.Nowadays, most of the hotels offer facilities like 50 swimming pool or gymnasium and you can benefit from them. 51 there are no such facilities offered, you can run or jog, or exercise in the room.52 addition, always keep a bottle of water with you while traveling. Alternatively, you can consume healthy drinks 53 fruit juices. Traveling means you're at a new place. 54 also means there are delicious foods to try. If you aim at fitness, fattening food is a strict no-no. Traveling on vacation is meant for enjoyment. But fitness comes first, so make sure you follow a 55 routine. Part m Reading Comprehension (30 marks)Directions ; Read the following three passages . Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements . For each of then there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage .AA nickname(别名) is an informed and often humorous name for a person. A nickname can also be a descriptive name for a person, place or thing. Many American cities have nicknames. These can help spread pride among citizens. Nicknames can also be funny.Los Angeles has several nicknames. One is simply the city's initials, L.A. It is also called the City of Angels because Los Angeles means "the angels" in Spanish.Los Angeles often has warm, sunny weather. So another nickname is City of Flowers and Sunshine. New York is called The Big Apple. So Los Angeles is sometimes called The Big Orange because of the fruit that grows in that city's warm climate.The American movie and television industries are based in Los Angeles. So it is not surprising that it is called The Entertainment Capital of the World. Many films are made in the area of Los Angeles called Hollywood. Millions of people visit the area. No trip to Los Angeles is complete without seeing the word "Hollywood" spelled out in huge letters on a hillside. Many movie stars live in Los Angeles. The city is sometimes called Tinseltown (浮华城). This nickname comes from the bright and often unreal nature of Hollywood and the movie industry.The city of Los Angeles is part of Los Angeles County(郡) . There are many smaller cities in the county. Beverly Hills, with its rich people, is one of them. So is Pasadena, with its Rose Parade each New Year's Day. So are the coastal cities of Santa Monica and Malibu, where people like to ride surfboards on the Pacific Ocean waves.A good place for watching unusual-looking people is Venice, an area on the west side of Los Angeles. A system of waterways designed after the Italian city of Venice has been built there. Many people love Los Angeles for its warm sunny weather, beautiful mountains and beaches. and movie stars, including Randy Newman, who sings about his hometown.56. According to the first paragraph, nicknames________.A. can describe anythingB. can make people feel satisfiedC. are the most popular in the USAD. are quite different from real names57. People call Los Angeles "City of Flowers and Sunshine" because it________.A. is very beautifulB. is famous for its fruitC. has comfortable weatherD. has many kinds of flowers58. The area of HollywoodA. has a big sign on a hillB. is also called TinseltownC. is a major production place of televisionsD. is the most popular place of the US for tourists59. Which one about cities in Los Angeles county is FALSE?A. Beverly Hills is a wealthy place.B. Malibu is a relatively big city.C. You can see the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica.D. Pasadena holds Rose Parade on New Year's Day.60. What can we infer from the passage?A. Randy Newman is an Italian.B. Los Angeles is rich in oranges.C. There are many Italians in the west of Los Angeles.D. You can view Italian design styles in Los Angeles.BI followed my husband to this small town and I felt like a fish out of water. I missed my work, my colleagues, my friends and even the overcrowded Mumbai locals. My job with a large financial company seemed like a distant dream. Back in the l990s, smaller Indian towns had barely any financial activity. For someone used to spending over twelve hours working, sitting home was punishment. I needed to work so I sent my resume to all suitable offices.But after almost a month of serious job-hunting I was still jobless. I felt worthless. My husband was busy with the demands of his new task and l felt well and truly alone.Then one day a neighbor dropped in. She happened to read through what l wrote about my trouble after tough days of job-bunting. "You write quite well, " she remarked casually. She left, but the thought remained. After months of being rejected, I began to consider what my neighbor said. I was good at something...or was she merely out of politeness?That evening over dinner I mentioned the incident to my husband. He suggested that should have an attempt at the local newspaper. I had never expected to work for the newspaper. I had nothing to recommend myself - no qualifications, no background, and no experience. However. the next morning, armed with the shreds(醉片) of my confidence and my resume, went to the newspaper office. The interviewer silently handed me a copy and said, "Edit it. " When I finished, I handed it back to him. I waited breathlessly for the words "Your experience doesn't fit you to do this job. " "This is not bad," he said, "but you'll be starting at the bottom of the ladder. " I was being offered a job!That was not the end of my story, though. Each day was a challenge but I learnt. Ironically (讽刺地) enough , a year later I was approached by the financial corporation I had been working for in Mumbai. They were setting up offices in our city and wanted me to head the operations. And guess what! It was my turn to say "No, thank you. "61. Why did the author give up her job with a financial company?A. Because she lost interest in it.B. Because the company closed down.C. Because she moved to a new place.D. Because the company failed to meet her demands.62. Failing to find a new job made the author feel thatA. she could do nothing wellB. her husband cared little about herC. it was hard for a woman to find a jobD. the small town was not for talents63. Who first found the author's writing ability?A. Her husband.B. Her neighbor.C. The interviewer.D. The author herself .64. From the text we can infer that the newspaper paid more attention to its interviewee' sA. experienceB. backgroundC. qualifications D . ability65. Which of the following is TRUE about the author's new job?A. It was not a simple job for her.B. She didn't enjoy it at all.C. She was familiar with her new job.D. She had no difficulty dealing with it.CThe North Alabama Birding Trail (路径) (NABT) is a series of fifty sites across eleven counties in the northern part of the state. Although some sites do contain walking trails, the North Alabama Birding Trail is not an actual trail. Some of the sites are roadside stops and others are located in parks , preserves , or wildlife(避难所) . A few sites can be explored by canoe or boat. All of the sites were selected because they provide excellent opportunities for bird watching.A committee made up of conservation groups, wildlife experts, and birding enthusiasts (狂热者) selected the sites for the trail. The sites can be visited all the year round. although some offer greater diversity at certain seasons. Habitats along the NABT include forests, rivers, wetlands. and grasslands. A variety of birds may be seen at some of the stops along the trail. Some sites have large concentrations of migratory birds, which have regular seasonal journeys. Other stops allow a glimpse of rare or endangered birds. Types of birds that may be seen along the trail include water birds, shore birds, songbirds, and raptors(猛禽) .Telescopes are handy when you are visiting the birding sites. The NABT is divided into three geographical sections: the Northeast Loop, the Central Loop ,and the Northwest Loop. Stops in the Northeast Loop include Guntersville State Park, the Guntersville Peninsula, Little River Canyon National Preserve, and Roy B. Whitaker Paint Rock River Preserve. Sites along the Central Loop include Monte Sano State Park, Round Island Recreation Area, Hays Nature Preserve, and a number of sites within Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. The Northwest Loop includes stops at Joe Wheeler State Park, Wilson Dam, Freedom Hills Wildlife Management Area, and sites within Bankhead National Forest.All of these sites have guaranteed public access and parking areas. Restrooms and food service are available at some sites. but other sites have no facilities at all. A Visitors' Guide can be requested online or downloaded from the NABT website, northalabama birdingtrail. com . The guide includes a map to the sites. The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources administers(管理) the North Alabama Birding Trail and other birding trails in the state.66. What can we learn about the North Alabama Birding Trail?A. It is the longest trail in the United Sates.B. It doesn't include any trails at all in fact.C. It offers us good chance to watch birds.D. It has 50 sites throughout ll countries.67. The underlined word " migratory" in Paragraph 2 probably means_______.A. having the habit of moving from one place to anotherB. having the habit of resting in treesC. very different in living habits and eating methodsD. having the habit of living near rivers and lakes68. Where is Round Island Recreation Area?A. In the Northeast Loop.B. In the Central Loop.C. In the Northwest Loop.D. In the Southeast Loop.69. We can infer from the text that_______.A. you probably see rare birds along the trail in any seasonB. the American government values the trail very muchC. it may take us a long time to finish visiting all the sitesD. parking lots and food service are available at all the sites70. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?A. Watch Birds and Protect BirdsB. How to Watch Birds in AlabamaC. The Birding Preserves in the U. S.D. The North Alabama Birding TrailPart IV Writing (45 marks)Section A (l0 marks)Directions : Read the following passage . Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage .Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer .Tea is the second most appreciated drink in the world after water. Tea is a plant and its leaves are classified into several types such as white tea, black tea and green tea. This plant is grown mostly in China and Japan.There are many differences between green and black tea. Green tea can be obtained through two methods. According to the traditional Japanese method, green tea is obtained by steaming the leaves. The Chinese prepare the leaves by frying them in a pan without oil. To avoid the process of oxidation(氧化) , the tea is processed within no more than wo days from the moment the leaves have been picked up.Black tea is obtained through the complete oxidation of the leaves before being dried. When the process of oxidation is complete, the leaves are heated and sorted out depending on their quality. The black color of the leaves is given by this complete oxidation process.Both green tea and black tea can be used for the treatment for many illnesses, thus having a huge medical value. Green tea can help reduce the level of cholesterol(胆同醇) and the risk of certain types of cancer. It contains tannin(丹宁酸) , which can improve our immunity(免力)level. The most obvious effect of green tea is that of refreshing our mental state. Black tea contains more caffeine than green tea and is excellent for protecting us against cardiovascular(心血管的)and cancer diseases.People with very low blood pressure should drink black tea. It's very good for digestive troubles. This tea can help women lose weight.Any type of tea, regardless of its color, can have side effects for some people. These teas do contain caffeine, and people with high blood pressure should ask their doctors if they are allowed to drink any of these types of tea.People who have difficulty in absorbing calcium should completely avoid the consumption of black tea.Section B (l0 marks)Directions; Read the following passage . Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage .Vitamins and other dietary supplements(饮食补充物) taken by millions of women may actually put them at more risk. Scientists say there is little evidence that the pills do any good and in fact some could cause serious harm. A study involving nearly 39,000 women has found multivitamins, iron and copper(铜) all increased the risk of early death.Nearly a third of healthy adults in Britain take some form of dietary supplement most days and the industry is worth $675 million a year. Some of the most popular pills include multivitamins, vitamin A, C and E - which are all thought to improve long-term health and prevent illnesses.The results found copper increased the risk of dying prematurely(过早地) by 18 percent. Multivitamins raised the risk by 2.4 percent, and vitamin B6 by 4 percent. The scientists do not fully understand how supplements may cause early death, but they may affect the body's natural defences. The scientists suggest supplements should only be taken by patients who lack dietary supplements and only under the supervision (监督) of a doctor. Everyone else should ensure they eat a balanced diet to get adequate dietary supplements.Jaakko Mursu. from the University of Eastern Finland, said ."Based on existing evidence, we see few reasons for the general and widespread use of dietary supplements. We recommend that they be used with strong medically-based cause.Dr Carrie Ruxton said: "Multivitamin supplements contain a variety of essential vitamins which help thosewith less healthy, or irregular diets to meet the needs of nutrients(营养) . Them findings should be treated withextreme caution considering the poor method and lack of reliable information about the health state of participants, or the type of diets consumed. As there is no reliable biological reason why normal supplement use should impact on death, it is probable that these findings represent an effect of age and ill-health rather than supplement use. " 81. What do the scientists say about vitamin pills and supplements? (No more than 12 words)_______________________________________________________________________________82. Why do many healthy adults take vitamin pills and supplements most days? (No more than 14words)_______________________________________________________________________________83. What's Jaakko Mursu's advice on vitamin pills and supplements? (No more than 16 words)_______________________________________________________________________________84. What's Dr Carrie Ruxton 's attitude towards the findings? (No more than 15 words)_______________________________________________________________________________Section C ( 25 marks)Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below inChinese .在现实生活巾,每个人都需要别人的关爱,我们青少年也不例外。
炎德、英才大联考 长郡中学2014届高考模拟卷(一)英语试题
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”该条文实质上A.反映了政府尊重民意B.抵制了列强侵略活动C.破坏了中国司法主权D.维护了中外友好关系5. 1861年曾国藩的幕僚赵烈文在其《能静居日记》中说:“其中所言,颇有见识……皆是效法西人所为……观此一书,则贼中不为无人。
炎德英才大联考文科数学参考答案 长郡版 !# !
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长郡中学2014 届高三第二次月考语文试卷及答案
长郡中学2014 届高三第二次月考语文试卷及答案语文长郡中学高三语文备课组组稿(默写范围:中国古代诗歌散文欣赏)本试题卷共7道大题,21道小题,共10页。
依次填入下面横线处的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是()烟雨湖山六朝梦,________,_________ ,仔细思量,________。
英雄儿女一枰棋,________,_________ ,如何结局,________。
姓 名准考证号 绝密 启封并使用完毕前炎德 英才大联考长郡中学#$!%届高考模拟卷 二文科综合能力测试注意事项!&本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分 共!"页 时量!'$分钟 满分($$分 答题前 考生务必将自己的姓名 准考证号填写在答题卡和本试题卷上#&回答选择题时 用#)铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑 如需改动 用橡皮擦干净后 再选涂其他答案标号 写在本试题卷和草稿纸上无效(&回答非选择题时 用$*'毫米黑色墨水签字笔将答案按题号写在答题卡上 写在本试题卷和草稿纸上无效%*考试结束时 将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回一 选择题 本大题共('个小题 每小题%分 共!%$分 在每小题给出的四个选项中 只有一项是符合题目要求的下图为#$!$年我国各省老年人口占该省区总人口比重图 不含港 澳 台数据 读图完成! #题!*#$!$年我国老龄化最严重的地区是+*京津地区)*长三角地区,*川渝地区-*珠三角地区#*图示西藏老年人口比例特点的成因是+*自然增长率高)*出生率低,*医疗水平高-*迁入人口多利用 温室效应 原理 我国北方地区冬季可以采用大棚种植蔬菜 花卉等作物 下图是塑料大棚农业生产景观图 据此完成( %题(*下列不属于大棚技术对农业生产影响的是+*有利于充分利用太阳光能 提高大棚内的温度)*有利于提高光照强度 增强农作物光合作用,*有利于保持 调节大棚内空气的湿度-*有利于保持 调节大棚内土壤的水分%*当大棚的门打开时 门口处空气流动情况与下图中示意的空气流动情况相同的是图甲是某大城市外缘甲 乙两个规划区 图乙示意./之间的地价分布 读图完成' "题'*该城市主城区位于0地+*东面)*西面,*南面-*北面"*甲 乙两个规划区分别是+*住宅区和工业区)*住宅区和商业区,*工业区和商业区-*工业区和住宅区林线是高山垂直自然带谱中一条重要的生态界限 通常是指高海拔处树木 针叶林 生长的上限 下图示意为我国局部区域高山林线海拔分布 据此并读图完成1 2题1*依图可知 3地与4地的林线海拔高度相差+*5$$米及以下)*5$$ !$$$米,*!$$$ !#$$米-*!#$$米及以上5*4地成为世界上最高的林线分布区 最合理的解释是+*地处低纬的高海拔地区 太阳辐射强度大)*地处山地迎风坡地带 年降水量大,*受南部海洋沿河流北上的暖湿气流影响大-*来自西部的暖湿气流在宽谷地带多云雨2*多条林线的走向在图示东部区域发生折向变化 其首要影响因素是+*河流与盛行风向)*降水与土壤类型,*地势与山脉走向-*气温与纬度位置读右图 在某学校教学楼四周有3 4 6 7四块运动场 该学校体训队训练时间选择在日出 日落之间的某一时段 某一晴天 4 7两场地整天均无阴影区存在 且当地地方时!$点前整个3场地都有阴影 有利于队员训练据图 完成!$ !!题!$*在这一天的白天 6运动场都有利于训练的时间为+*" !$时)*" !5时,*!$ !%时-*!% !5时!!*下列月份最适宜在4场地训练的是+*!月)*%月,*1月-*!$月!#*#$!%年春节过后 由于很多农民工就近务工 使得东部地区出现普遍的用工荒 这对该地区的劳动力市场产生了一定影响 下列正确反映这一现象的是+* )* ,* -*!(*某小微企业年产值1#$万元 成本"'$万元 生产资料及劳务 国家实行结构性减税 该小微企业正好在政策范围之内 享受增值税 税率!18 免缴的优惠 不考虑其他因素的影响 该企业利润率变化情况是+*提高!18)*提高28左右,*大概提高!*58-*达到!#*18!%*下图是当前我国中央财政收支状况的简易模型 #$!(年我国安排中央财政赤字约!*#万亿元 针对模型右端经济现象所产生的影响的描述正确的是减轻企业负担 促进经济增长方式转变 保持适度增长 促进国民经济平稳健康发展 促进社会公平 保障社会稳定和谐 加强生态文明建设 增强可持续发展能力+* )* ,* -*!'*自#$世纪2$年代以来 世界贸易增长速度长期高于世界经济增长速度 #$$%年 世界经济增长速度为'*!8 世界贸易增长速度为28 #$$1年世界经济增长速度为'*#8 世界贸易增长速度为"*"8 由此可以推断世界贸易总量高于经济总量 走出去 战略成为各国共识 各国对外开放程度不断提高 国际分工与协作不断深化+* )* ,* -*!"*广场舞在越来越多的城市成为人们休闲娱乐健身的一种形式 但巨大的音乐声响也给周围的居民生活带来不小的影响 进而引起强烈的不满甚至引发冲突 这告诉我们没有限制的自由等于没有自由 行使政治权利需要履行社会义务 权利和义务是相对应而存在的 要健全权力运行的制约和监督体系+* )* ,* -*!1*#$!(年!!月##日 中共中央在中南海召开党外人士座谈会 就当时经济形势和#$!(年下半年经济工作听取各民主党派中央 全国工商联领导人和无党派人士的意见和建议 这说明中国共产党通过协商民主 实现人民民主 依靠民主执政 促进经济发展 实行党内民主 科学民主决策 坚持科学执政 推进政务公开+* )* ,* -*!5*中国周边外交在#$!(年结下累累果实 中国 东盟确立了#$#$年双向贸易额达到!万亿美元的目标 中俄明确了双边贸易额#$#$年达到#$$$亿美元的目标 "月 韩国总统朴槿惠率庞大经贸代表团首次到访中国 双方共同发力自贸区建设 这进一步印证了中国奉行互利共赢的外交战略 中国加强同世界各国的睦邻友好 经济优先成为世界各国遵循的准则 中国坚持走和平发展道路+* )* ,* -*!2*随着生活水平的提高 出国旅游已经成为普通中国人休闲的一种方式 但是一些游客在公共场合不文明的行为屡有出现 严重影响了自己与国家的形象 这告诉我们要充分认识到旅游既是一种娱乐活动 又是一种休闲方式 旅游既是一种生活消费 又是一种文化活动 旅游既是一种文化吸收 又是一种文化传播 旅游既是一种文化享用 又是一种文化消费+* )* ,* -*#$*#$!%年(月!5日凌晨英国天文学家宣布他们成功发现了宇宙大爆炸的回声 引力波 这是在!$$年前由爱因斯坦预言的在宇宙中蔓延的微小的原始波动 天文学家一直在致力于探测并证实这种现象的存在 这一发现将最终补上广义相对论这项人类最伟大智慧成就之一的最后一片缺失的拼图 引力波的成功发现充分说明预言的证实取决于科学的思想方法 事物因人的认识而逐渐暴露其复杂本质 实践是检验认识真理性的唯一标准 来源于实践的认识能够成为实践的先导+* )* ,* -*#!*一只木桶盛水的多少 并不取决于桶壁上最高的那块木板 而是取决于最短的那块 这就是木桶原理 按照木桶理论 我们要不断找寻自己的短板 取长补短 但另一种新的观点认为 一根链条总有最弱的环节 而且强弱本来就是相对的 按照木桶原理去做事的结果 你从整体上会越来越 完美 但也一定会越来越 平庸 应该扬长避短 新观点的合理性在于破旧立新 自觉树立创新意识 统筹兼顾 抓住事物主要矛盾 注重整体 掌握系统优化方法 尊重差异 具体问题具体分析+* )* ,* -*##*从哲学上看#下列名言与下边漫画反映的哲理相同的是+*人生最大的敌人是自己)*万物因人的思考而显现其意义,*没有比脚更远的路-*无知者无畏#有知者有畏#(*($$余年前#顾炎武先生批评两晋亡于清谈#后人有'空谈误国(之说&今天#中国共产党人自勉于史#在'空谈误国(的清醒认识之外#又强调'实干兴邦($戒'虚(务'实(是'实干兴邦(的具体行动体现#但首先#要知'虚(在何处#才知如何戒'虚(#从何'务实($对于'知虚(与'务实(关系的认识正确的是'务实(与'知虚(互为存在前提#二者相互依赖 建立在'知虚(基础上的'务实(才具有现实可能性 '知虚(与'务实(相互贯通并有条件地相互转化 '务实(与'知虚(绝对同一并相互吸引%相互联结+* )* ,* -*#%**诗经+是我国第一部诗歌总集#其所收诗歌最终经孔子编订而成$据此判断以下不可能在*诗经+中出现的是+**唐风+)**陈风+,**郑风+-**赵风+#'*公元前#!5年秦始皇至琅邪山时立有*琅邪台刻石+#上书'普天之下#抟心揖志$器械一量#同书文字$日月所照#舟舆所载#皆终其命#莫不得意$(对于'同书文字(的认识#正确的是+*该石刻文字由大篆%隶书统一为小篆)*后来发展为楷书#再发展为行书和草书,*石刻文字夸大了秦始皇的功绩和作用-*有利于统一的多民族国家的形成发展#"**九章算术+中包括田亩%粮食%赋税%土方%仓窖等应用问题的计算方法&中国古代历法的重要功能就是敬授民时#郭守敬编订的*授时历+即取此意&中国古代还有编订农书的传统#不仅有私人修撰#更有朝廷主持编订的著作$以上材料主要说明中国古代科技+*具有服务于农业发展的特点)*其发展受到农业社会的限制,*不可能发展为近代科学技术-*注重经验性和实用性的特点#1*明代著名地理学家%旅行家徐霞客到西南地区考察#称当地某种制度下的首领是'关门天子#开门诸侯($判断以下说法正确的是+*徐霞客谈到的制度是西周时期的分封制)*该制度确立于元朝最终结束于!2%2年后,*该制度发展为后世的民族区域自治制度-*该制度与唐宋'羁縻政策(比不利于中央集权#5*杨慎在*文字之衰+中提到明代中期的文学评价#'宋人曰是#今人亦曰是&宋人曰非#今人亦曰非($这种现象出现的主要原因是+*明朝商品经济的发展未达到宋朝的高度)*明代对士人的践踏消磨了文人的创作才能,*程朱理学在明代取得了统治地位-*明代科举实行八股取士压制士人思想#2*康有为著有*新学伪经考+*孔子改制考+#为其政治目的服务#遭到章太炎等许多学者的批评$从学术上看+*康是守旧派学者#章是维新派学者)*章是守旧派学者#康是维新派学者,*康是古文经学家#章是今文经学家-*章是古文经学家#康是今文经学家($*'!2%2年2月#中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议在北京隆重召开$大会通过了*共同纲领+#它规定中华人民共和国是人民民主主义的国家$大会选举毛泽东为中华人民共和国主席#周恩来为国务院总理兼外交部长$中国人民政治协商会议的成功召开#初步建立了中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度$(以上是一篇论文的一段#但并不严谨$文中错误有几处+*!处)*#处,*(处-*%处(!*西方列强在近代史上在不同时期从中国割占了大量的领土#下列四幅地图显示地区是在!2世纪五六十年代被割占的是(#*有一副对联,'白话通神#红楼梦%水浒#真不可思议&古文讨厌#欧阳修%韩愈#是什么东西$(该对联的作者最有可能是+*明末清初启蒙思想家)*清朝末年维新人士,*民国初年北大学生-*'文革(期间红卫兵((*下列哪座城市与以下的描述最吻合宋朝时获得现在城市的命名 !2世纪末被迫开放的长江沿岸通商口岸 抗战时中共曾设立八路军办事处+*上海)*苏州,*南京-*重庆(%*下表各项选项中#史实与结论之间逻辑关系正确的是史实 结论+罗马元老院颁布*十二铜表法+开西方民主政治之先河)魏晋时期#农家一般日用能够做到'闭门而为生之具以足(中国长期存在自给自足的自然经济,英国议会通过*权利法案+议会取得了对行政权力的监督控制权-美国惠特尼在工业革命中率先使用通用部件制造滑膛枪推动美国机床工业的诞生和工业生产的标准化('*某中学一历史研究小组对德意志帝国的'君主立宪制(进行研究#有同学提出'为什么说德意志帝国的君主立宪制是一种不彻底不完善的代议制-(对这一问题#有四位同学产生了争议#你认为最正确的回答是+*甲同学,皇帝和帝国宰相掌握行政大权)*乙同学,联邦议会权力较大#帝国会议权力较小,*丙同学,行政机构权力大#立法机构权力小-*丁同学,行政机构控制了立法机构二 非选择题 包括必考题和选考题 第(" %!题为必考题 每个试题考生都必须作答第%# %5题为选考题 考生根据要求作答一 必考题 共!('分("*!##分"阅读图文材料#回答下列问题$产自我国某省.地区的雪桃是近年开发出来的桃树新品种 该地为海拔#%$$ #5$$米原生态高原地区 该地的雪桃果实生长发育期长达#$$天左右 每年国庆 中秋两节日前后成熟上市 雪桃外形美观 端正 果型硕大 平均单果重'$$克左右 而且色彩鲜艳 均匀 果树不施用化肥 农药 含人体必需的!1种氨基酸中的!'种 进入市场的雪桃是按个论价的 精品!'$元!个 珍品!$$元!个 这种高档的新型水果深受国内外消费者的青睐!!"简要说明该地雪桃投入市场能够按个论价的自身优势$!"分"!#"为使雪桃'色彩鲜艳%均匀漂亮(#生长期内当地果农会适时在雪桃外面套上牛皮纸袋#在生长期后期摘下牛皮纸袋#同时在果园地上铺上白色塑料地膜$请简析牛皮纸袋和地膜的作用$!!$分"( 据报道 .地的雪桃在华北地区曾进行推广栽培没有成功 请指出导致该地栽培失败的主要自然因素 "分(1* #%分 阅读图文材料 回答下列问题材料一 图甲为某国家部分领土示意图 图乙是甲河中上游某测站的径流量分配图 材料二 堰塞湖是由火山熔岩流 冰碛物或山崩滑坡体等堵截山谷 河谷或河床后贮水而形成的湖泊 堵截山谷的挡水体统称为堰塞体 图示山区有众多堰塞湖分布 近几年来受到全球气候变化 地质灾害等因素的影响 有些堰塞湖会在短时间内迅速消失 图丙为堰塞湖示意图! 与%$9:南侧相比 描述北侧聚落分布的特点并分析原因 !$分# 评价甲河中上游水能开发的自然条件 并说明理由 5分( 推断图示山区中堰塞湖迅速消失可能的自然原因 "分(5* #"分 阅读下列材料 回答问题材料一 .市编制的*.市生态文明建设规划+通过环境保护部主持的专家认证'这一规划明确了要构建生态产业"倡导绿色行为"打造环境支撑"构造人居环境"完善生态制度和培育生态文明意识六大体系'总投资约1#*!!亿元'将实施六大类的'"个生态文明建设重点项目$#$!$年以来'该市集聚海归高层次人才"$$$多名'大规模集成电路"光伏太阳能"软件服务外包等产业跃居国内前列'成为全国惟一的国家传感网创新示范区$ #$$1年以来'全市累计关停%五小&及%三高两低&生产企业!22"家'整改达标企业1'"家'否决或劝退不符合环保要求的拟建设项目!!$$多个'超额完成%十一五&减排任务$通过开展以%生态文明我行动&为主题的群众性创建活动'收到了热心市民几百条建议$比如'垃圾要分类'不能混装)泔水要从油水分离器里%走一走&等$目前该市建有绿色社区(%%个"绿色学校("$所"绿色宾馆%!个"环境教育基地#(个$欢乐义工环保协会几乎每周都会开展清洁卫生"发放垃圾袋"低碳出行等活动$材料二 该市市委提出%环保优先"生态立市&的指导原则'推动全市在实践中牢固树立%生态自觉&的思想理念和生态文明的价值取向$在开展绿色社区创建的过程中'该市鼓励动员民间组织参与社区创建活动'他们在深入社区调研的基础上'帮助社居委策划制定%绿色社区&创建工作计划和实施步骤'策划组建领导小组"联席会队伍以及环保志愿者队伍等'组织并带头参与宣传教育活动$同时'社居委在民间组织的热心参与下'把社区整治环境"宣传倡议"建章立制"规范行为"评比表彰等一系列创建活动开展得有声有色'使社区居民通过创建得到了实惠"尝到了甜头'社区环境得到完善'居民环境意识也得以提高$! 结合材料一和所学经济知识 分析该市在生态文明建设中的成功经验 !%分# 结合材料二和所学政治知识 分析在生态文明建设过程中该市是如何维护人民当家作主的 !#分(2*!#"分"阅读下列材料#回答问题$某班以%我国有哪些独特的文化形式可以申报世界文化遗产&为主题开展了保护传统文化的研究性学习'经过查阅资料'同学们提出了以下观点$甲同学,珠算是中国古代的重大发明'伴随中国人经历了!5$$多年的漫长岁月'被誉为%世界上最古老的计算机&'随着电子计算机的不断发展'珠算越来越被人们所淡忘'因此'要加强对珠算的保护$同学乙,京剧作为我国最具代表性的传统戏剧表演艺术'受到了越来越多的洋文化的冲击'韩剧热"美国大片等严重地冲击着人们对于京剧的热爱'只有加强对京剧的保护'才可以将这一国粹传承下去$同学丙,端午节是古老的传统节日'始于中国的春秋战国时期'现在'很多年青人热衷于过洋节'反而对端午节知之甚少'迫切需要对这一民族节日进行保护$!!"你同意哪个同学的观点-请运用*文化生活+知识谈谈你的理由$!!$分"!#"对于那些面临失传的文化遗产#有人认为应当顺其自然让它们被历史淘汰$运用所学*生活与哲学+知识#分析这一观点的合理性和片面性$!!#分"!("人民群众是社会精神财富的创造者#如果你是文化工作者#请就如何发挥人民群众在文化创造中的作用提出建议$!%分"%$*!#'分"阅读下列材料#回答问题$材料一 在中世纪的西方封建国家中'与君权平列的有教权$君权是世俗权力'管辖世俗界'教权是精神权力$--一个封建君主如果侵犯了封臣的权利'封臣就可以不对封主尽义务$--西方封建时代并无近代意义的立法概念'法律是古老的习惯法$所谓习惯法'就理论上讲'就是法律来自社会'而非出自君权$(((吴于廑*中西启蒙运动的比较+材料二 古希腊时期希腊人把专制政体看成带有非希腊特征的一套体制'即亚洲人习惯的王权形式$!5世纪欧洲政治思想讨论中的一个核心主题就是专制政体'孟德斯鸠是西方思想家中第一个将中国划入%专制政体&的$#$世纪'$年代'视中华帝国为%专制政体&成为西方学界的流行观点$随着工业革命与西方资本主义的全球扩张'包括%中国专制说&在内的西方学说'随着西方的商品'一同被输送到世界各地$!2世纪末#$世纪初'这种观点传入中国$谭嗣同在!52"年完成的*仁学+中说'%两千年来之政'秦政也'皆大盗也&'对秦汉以下的中国政治持全盘否定态度$此后--都将从秦始皇开始到#$世纪初延绵不绝的中国的政治体制一并视为专制政体$(((摘编自侯旭东*中国古代专制说的知识考古+ !!"依据材料一并结合所学知识#概括!'世纪左右中国和西方政治状况的区别$!2分"!#"材料二中不同时期的西方人把中国!亚洲"描绘成专制政体的主要目的是什么-!"分"分析!2世纪末#$世纪初'中国专制说(得以在中国广泛传播的原因$!!$分"%!*!!#分"阅读以下两幅名画*拿破仑加冕+和*自由引导人民+#从作品中找出两个不同点#进行比较说明$二 选考题 共#'分请考生在第%# %( %%三道地理题和第%' %" %1 %5四道历史题中各任选一题作答 如果多做 则按所做的第一题计分 作答时用#)铅笔在答题卡上把所选题目的题号涂黑%#* !$分 旅游地理 阅读图文材料 完成下列要求材料一 因昆明 西双版纳 丽江 大理四地区拥有云南旅游价值最高的旅游景观 故 昆明 西双版纳 昆明 和 昆明 大理 丽江 昆明 成为最受欢迎的两条精品旅游线路 材料二 下图为 云南旅游交通示意图 云南省因地形限制 旅游交通以公路为主某外省旅游团利用 国庆黄金周 到云南旅游 请你为该旅游团推荐一条精品旅游线路 并说明你推荐的理由 !$分%(* !$分 自然灾害与防治 阅读图文材料 完成下列要求重庆 #2*'9/ !$"*'93 地处四川盆地东部 其北部 东部及南部分别有大巴山 巫山 武陵山 大娄山环绕 地貌以丘陵 山地为主 坡地面积较大 有 山城 之称 是我国雷暴灾害高发区雷暴是伴有雷击和闪电的局地对流性天气 它通常伴随着滂沱大雨或冰雹 而在冬季时甚至会随暴风雪而来 因此属强对流天气系统分析重庆市雷暴数日变化特点及其原因$!!$分"%%*!!$分" 环境保护 阅读图文材料#完成下列要求$下图为北京市#$!(年各区县空气中二氧化硫年均浓度分布图$!!"描述北京市二氧化硫浓度的空间分布特点$!%分"!#"二氧化硫气体可能给北京市带来的环境问题有什么危害#北京市对此可采取哪些主要措施-!"分"%'*!!'分" 历史上重大改革回眸 阅读下列材料#回答问题$材料一 冬十月丁未'诏曰,%朕承乾在位'十有五年$每览先王之典'经纶百氏'储畜既积'黎元永安$今富强者并兼山泽'贫弱者望绝一廛'致令地有遗利'民无余财'或因饥馑以弃业'或因灾贫而流亡$仓廪不足'租调难持'而欲天下太平'百姓丰足'安可得哉.(((*魏书/高祖纪上+材料二李唐一族之所以崛兴'盖取塞外野蛮精悍之血'注入中原文化颓废之躯'旧染既除'新机重启'扩大恢张'遂能别创空前之世局$(((陈寅恪*隋唐政治制度史+ !!"材料一反映了孝文帝改革前怎样的社会问题-!"分"为解决这些问题#孝文帝采取的措施有何作用-!'分"!#"依据材料二#分析孝文帝改革产生的影响$!%分"%"*!!'分" 近代社会的民主思想与实践 阅读下列材料#回答问题$材料一 任何一个政府'如果不按共和国的原则办事'或者换句话说'不以公众的利益作为其独一无二的目的$都不是好政府$把民主制作为基础保留下来'同时摈弃腐败的君主制和贵族制'代议制就应运而生'并立即弥补简单民主制在形式上的各种缺陷以及其他两种体制在知识方面的无能$一个建立在由社会产生的立宪政府据以建立的那些原则之上的政府'不能有改变自己的权力$如果它有了这些权力'就会专断独行$它会使它自己为所欲为)哪里有这样的权力'哪里就无宪法之可言$政府不是任何人或任何一群人为了谋利就有权力开设或经营的店铺'而完全是一种信托人'人们给它这种信托'也可以随时收回$政府本身并不拥有权力'只负有义务$(((摘自潘恩*常识+材料二 美国的独立如果不曾伴随一场对政府的原则和实践的革命'而单从它脱离英国这一点来考虑'那就微不足道$!!"根据材料一#概括潘恩的思想主张$!1分"!#"根据材料二及所学知识#如何理解潘恩所说的美国'对政府的原则和实践的革命(-!5分"%1*!!'分" #$世纪的战争与和平 阅读下列材料#回答问题$材料一 发展中国家与发达国家人均国内生产总值比较表年份!21$年!22#年国家数((个发展中国家!$5美元#$2美元#!个发达国家(!#2美元##!5'美元(((*!22%年世界发展报告+。
炎德 .英才大联考 长郡中学2014届高考模拟卷(一)文数试题
炎德 英才大联考长郡中学!"#$届高考模拟卷 一 科目 数学 文科试题卷策划 制作 湖南炎德文化实业有限公司注意事项#%答题前 考生务必将自己的姓名 准考证号写在答题卡和本试题卷的封面上 并认真核对答题卡条形码上的姓名 准考证号和科目!%选择题和非选择题均须在答题卡上作答 在本试题卷和草稿纸上答题无效 考生在答题卡上按如下要求答题# 选择题部分请按题号用!&铅笔填涂方框 修改时用橡皮擦干净 不留痕迹! 非选择题部分请按题号用"'(毫米黑色墨水签字笔书写 否则作答无效) 请勿折叠答题卡 保持字体工整 笔迹清晰 卡面清洁)%本试题卷共*页 如缺页 考生须及时报告监考老师 否则后果自负$%考试结束后 将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回 姓!!名!!!!!!!!!!准考证号!!!!!!!!!!祝你考试顺利绝密"启封并使用完毕前炎德 英才大联考长郡中学!"#$届高考模拟卷!一"数!学!文科"!!本试题卷包括选择题$填空题和解答题三部分%共*页&时量#!"分钟%满分#("分&一$选择题#本大题共 小题%每小题 分%共 分!在每小题给出的四个选项中%只有一项是符合题目要求的%请将所选答案填在答题卡中对应位置!#!已知集合"+)#%!%)%$*%集合#+)#%!*%$+)!%)*%则#"#$!"$+,'))*&')$*-'))%$*.')#%)%$*!!下列判断中正确的是,'%%& 使&!'"+%!"/#'%!/$%0)是幂函数%且在"%01!"上递减&'+#(0#)+$,的必要不充分条件是+(+)+#!,-'命题+若(0#(+!%则(+#,的逆否命题是+若(+#则(0#('!,.'命题+((& %(!0#)!(,的否定是#+%(& %(!0#*!(,)!若变量'%*满足约束条件'0**!%')#%*)"+,-%则++!'0*的最大值为,'(&'$-').'!$!一个半径为#的球体经过切割后%剩下部分几何体的三视图如图所示%则剩下部分几何体的体积为,'! )&')$-'.'( $(!执行如图所示的程序框图%输入%+)2%,+!3%则输出的实数%的值是,')&'2-'#!.'!3*!在直角坐标系'-*中%以原点-为极点%'轴的正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系!若极坐标方程为 456 +$的直线与曲线'+.!%*+).!.为参数"相交于#%$两点%则.#$.+,'!&'$-'7.'#*3!函数*+869:'/'的图象大致为7!已知正方形#$/0的边长为!%1为其外接圆上一动点%则/0#$-/0#1的最大值为槡槡槡槡,'!0!!&'!0!-'!0!).'!0)2!已知焦点在'轴上的双曲线'!%/*!,+#的渐近线经过点1!#%槡)"%则该双曲线的离心率是槡槡,'!&')-'!.')#"!已知函数&!'"+#%'*"%!!'/#"!%'1")!则函数*+&!'!"/(!()""的零点的个数不可能为,'(&'$-').'!二$填空题#本大题共 小题%每小题 分%共 分!把答案填在答题卡中对应题号后的横线上!##!某高中共有!"""名学生%采用分层抽样的方法在三个年级中抽取容量为#""的一个样本%其中在高一$高二年级中分别抽取)($!(名学生%则该校高三共有!!!!名学生!#!!设9是虚数单位 若(/)99+)0$9 ( )& 则复数++(/)9的模为!!!!!#)!若在区间 /# # 内任取实数( 在区间 " # 内任取实数) 则使直线('/)*+"与圆' /#!0* /!!+#相交发生的概率是!!!!!#$!设2#$/的三个内角# $ /所对的边长依次为( ) 2 若2#$/的面积为3且3+(!/ )/2 !则69:##/456#+!!!!!#(!当'& 0时 & ' & 0 对任何'& 0都有& ,0# 1& , 且& & , +), 求 # & * +!!!! ! & #!7( +!!!!!三 解答题 本大题共 小题 共 分!解答应写出文字说明 证明过程或演算步骤!#*! 本小题满分#!分已知& ' 槡+)69: ' /!69:! '!1" 的最小正周期为)!求&)!的值在2#$/中 若& / +# 且!69:!$+456$0456 #// 求69:#的值!某学校为了增强学生对消防安全知识的了解 举行了一次消防安全知识竞赛!其中一道题是连线题 要求将)种不同的消防工具与它们的用途一对一连线 规定 每连对一条得)分 连错一条扣#分 参赛者必须把消防工具与用途一对一全部连起来!设三种消防工具分别为# $ / 其用途分别为( ) 2 若把连线方式表示为#$/)2( 规定第一行# $ /的顺序固定不变请列出所有连线的情况求某参赛者得分为#分的概率!#7! 本小题满分#!分 已知在四棱锥1/#$/0中 底面#$/0是矩形 1#3平面#$/0 4 5分别是#$ 10的中点 若二面角1//0/#为*"; 且#0+! #$+$! 求证 #54平面14/求直线1#与平面140所成角的正弦值!已知数列()*,满足(#+!%(!+#%且(,0#(,0#/(,+(,/#(,/(,/#!,)!"!! "求数列()*,的通项公式'! "令),+#!(,(,0!%记数列)),*的前,项和为3,%试求使3,5%/#!恒成立的%的最小值!!"!!本小题满分#)分"如图%设抛物线/#*!+!6'!61""的焦点为5%准线为7%过准线7上一点8!/#%""且斜率为9的直线7#交抛物线/于#%$两点%线段#$的中点为1%直线15与抛物线/交于0%4两点!! "求抛物线/的方程'! "若.8#.-.8$..50.-.54.+ %试写出 关于9的函数解析式%并求实数 的取值范围!已知函数& ' +'<:' : ' +('0) ; ' +& ' '1" : ' '*"!若不等式& ' ):< ' 恒成立 讨论方程; ' +)!的解的个数当(+/#时 若方程; ' +)!存在三个不同实数解'#'!')试比较'#0'!0')与#!#8/#8)的大小并说明理由!。
英才大联考长郡中学2024届高三月考试卷(二)语文试卷一、现代文阅读(35分)(一)现代文阅读I(本题共5小题,19分)1. 阅读下面的文字,完成下面小题。
湖南省长沙市长郡中学2014届高三数学第二次月考试卷 理 新人教A版
湖南省长沙市长郡中学2014届高三数学第二次月考试卷 理 新人教A 版长郡中学高三数学备课组组稿 〔考试范围:高考全部内容〕本试题卷包括选择题、填空题和解答题三局部,共8页.时量120分钟.总分为150分.一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每一小题5分,共40分.在每一小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项为哪一项符合题目要求的.1.设12,z z 是复数,如此如下命题中的假命题是 A .11220,z z z z -==若则 B .221212,z z z z ==若则 C .121122,z z z z z z ==若则 D .1212,z z z z ==若则2.m ,n 为异面直线,m ⊥平面α,n ⊥平面β,直线l 满足,l n,,l m l l αβ⊥⊥⊄⊄,如此 A .//,//l αβα且 B .,l αββ⊥⊥且C .αβ与相交,且交线垂直于lD .αβ与相交,且交线平行于l3.q 是等比数列{}n a 的公比,如此“q<l 〞是“数列{}n a 是递减数列〞的 A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件4.平面直角坐标系xOy 上的区域D 由不等式组给定,假设M (,)x y 为D 上的动点,点A 的坐标为,如此z OM OA =的最大值为A. 3B. 4 C ..5.在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,假设22,sin a b C B -==如此A=A.30 B .60 C .120 D .1506.函数()f x 的定义域为R ,(1)2f x -=,对任意x ∈R,'()2f x >,如此()24f x x >+的解集为 A .(1,1)- B .(1,)-+∞ C .(,1)-∞- D .(,)-∞+∞7.设12,F F 是双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b-=>>的两个焦点,P 是C 上一点,假设126PF PF a +=,且12PF F ∆的最小内角为30,如此C 的离心率为 A .2 B .32C .3D .628.函数()2f x x x a x =-+,假设存在[]3,3a ∈-,使得关于x 的方程()()f x tf a =有三个不相等的实数根,如此实数t 的取值范围是 A .95(,)84 B .25(1,)24 C .9(1,)8 D .5(1,)4选择题答题卡二、填空题:本大题共8个小题,考生做答7小题,每一小题5分,共35分.把答案填在答题卡中对应题号后的横线上.〔一〕选做题〔请考生在第9、10、11三题中任选两题作答,如果全做,如此按前2题给分〕 9.〔极坐标与参数方程〕在极坐标系中,直线l 的方程为sin 3ρθ=,如此点(2,)6π到直线l 的距离为___________.10.〔几何证明选讲〕PA 是圆O 的切线,切 点为A ,PA=2,AC 是圆O 的直径,PC 与 圆O 交于B 点,PB=1,如此圆O 的半径R= _________.11.〔不等式选做题〕不等式22x x x x-->的解集是___________. 〔二〕必做题〔12至16题〕12.函数()3sin()(0)6f x x πωω=->和()2cos(2)1g x x ϕ=++的图象的对称轴完全一样.假设0,2x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,如此()f x 的取值范围是________.13.直线3y kx =+与圆22(3)(2)4x y -+-=相交于M ,N 两点,假设23MN ≥,如此k 的取值范围是_______.14.设x ,y 为实数,假设2241x y xy ++=,如此2x y +的最大值是_________.15.O 是△ABC 的外心,假设,30AB AC CAB =∠=,且12CO CA CB λλ=+,如此12λλ=________. 16.假设集合A 具有以下性质:①0,1A A ∈∈;②假设,x y A ∈,如此x y A -∈,且0x ≠时,1A x∈.如此称集合A 是“好集〞. (l)集合{}1,0,1B =-是好集; (2)有理数集Q 是“好集〞;(3)设集合A 是“好集〞,假设,x y A ∈,如此x y A +∈: (4)设集合A 是“好集〞,假设,x y A ∈,如此必有xy A ∈; (5)对任意的一个“好集A ,假设,x y A ∈,且0x ≠,如此必有yA x∈.如此上述命 题正确的有___________.〔填序号,多项选择〕三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共75分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. 17.〔本小题总分为12分〕 函数2()sin(2)2cos 6f x x x π=+-.(l)求函数()f x 在[]0,π上的单调递增区间;(2)设△ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对应边分别为a ,b ,c ,且()0f A =,假设向量(1,sin )m B =与向量(2,sin )n C =共线,求ab的值. 18.〔本小题总分为12分〕如图,正三棱柱111ABC A B C -的底面边 长为2,侧棱长为32,点E 在侧棱上,点F 在侧棱上,且22,2AE BF ==.(l)求证:1CF C E ⊥;(2)求二面角1E CF C --的大小, 19.〔本小题总分为12分〕 某城市计划在如下列图的空地 ABCD 上竖一块长方形液晶广 告屏幕MNEF ,宣传该城市未来 十年计划、目标等相关政策. 四边形ABCD 是边长为30米的正方形,电源在点P 处,点P 到边AD 、AB 的距离分别为9米,3米,且MN :NE=16:9,线段MN 必过点P ,端点M 、N 分别在边AD 、AB 上,设AN=_x 米,液晶广告屏幕MNEF 的面积为S 平方米. (l)求S 关于x 的函数关系式与其定义域;(2)假设液晶屏每平米造价为1 500元,当x 为何值时,液晶广告屏幕MNEF 的造价最低? 20.〔本小题总分为13分〕数列{}an 满足1211(2)n n a a a a n n N *-++⋅⋅⋅+-=-≥∈.(l)求数列{}an 的通项公式n a ;(2)令22121log (0,1)5n n n aa a d a a +++=+>≠,记数列{}n d 的前n 项和为n S ,假设2n n S S 恒为一个与n 无关的常数λ,试求常数a 和λ. 21.〔本小题总分为13分〕如图,椭圆2222:1(0)x y C a b a b+=>>经过点P 〔1,32〕,离心率12e =,直线l 的方程 为x=4.(l)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)AB 是经过右焦点F 的任一弦〔不经过点P 〕,设直线AB 与直线l 相交于点M ,记PA ,PB ,PM 的斜率分别为123,,k k k 问:是否存在常数λ,使得123k k k λ+=.假设存在求λ的值;假设不存在,说明理由.22.〔本小题总分为13分〕 函数(),()()ln xg x f x g x ax x==-. (l)假设函数()f x 在(1,)+∞上是减函数,求实数a 的最小值;(2)假设存在21,2,x x e e ⎡⎤∈⎣⎦,使12()'()f x f x a ≤+,求实数a 的取值范围.。
高三(上)第二次月考物理试卷(1)一、选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题5分,共50分.每小题给出的四个选项中,1-6题只有一个选项正确,7-10题有多个选项正确,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分)1.(5分)(2012•安徽一模)如图所示,是A、B两质点从同一地点运动的x﹣t图象,则下列说法错误的是()2.(5分)(2013秋•武城县校级期末)如图所示,物体A、B用细绳连接后跨过定滑轮.A静止在倾角为30°的斜面上,B被悬挂着.已知质量m A=2m B,不计滑轮摩擦,现将斜面倾角由30°增大到50°,但物体仍保持静止,那么下列说法中正确的是()3.(5分)(2013秋•天心区校级月考)额定功率为80kW的汽车,在平直公路上行驶的最大速度为20m/s,汽车的质量为2吨,如果汽车从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,加速度大小是2m/s2,运动过程中阻力不变,则下列说法不正确的是()4.(5分)(2013•长春四模)横截面为直角三角形的两个相同斜面如图紧靠在一起,固定在水平面上,它们的竖直边长都是底边长的一半.小球从左边斜面的顶点以不同的初速度向右平抛,最后落在斜面上.其中有三次的落点分别是a、b、c.下列判断正确的是()5.(5分)(2013•商丘三模)极地卫星的运行轨道平面通过地球的南北两极(轨道可视为圆轨道).如图所示,若某极地卫星从北纬30°的正上方按图示方向第一次运行至南纬60°正上方,所用时间为t,已知地球半径为R(地球可看做球体),地球表面的重力加速度为g,引力常量为G,由以上条件可知()6.(5分)(2013秋•天心区校级月考)将一弹性绳(质量不计)一端固定在某一高处O点,另一端系在一个物体上,现将物体从O点处由静止释放,测出物体在不同时刻的速度v和到O 点的距离s,得到v﹣s图象如图所示.已知物体质量为5kg,弹性绳的自然长度为12m,(弹性绳的伸长在弹性限度内,遵循胡克定律,不计空气阻力,重力加速度g取10m/s2),则可知()7.(5分)(2014•市中区校级二模)如图甲所示,在升降机顶部安装了一个能够显示拉力的传感器,传感器下方挂一轻质弹簧,弹簧下端挂一质量为m的小球,若升降机在匀速运行过程中突然停止,以此时为零时刻,在后面一段时间内传感器所显示的弹力F的大小随时间t变化的图象如图乙所示,g为重力加速度,则下列选项正确的是()8.(5分)(2014秋•丰城市校级月考)2013年2月16日,直径约50米、质量约13万吨的小行星“2012DAl4”,以大约每小时2.8万公里的速度由印度洋苏门答腊岛上空掠过,与地球表面最近距离约为2.7万公里,这一距离已经低于地球同步卫星的轨道.这颗小行星围绕太阳飞行,其运行轨道与地球非常相似,据天文学家估算,它下一次接近地球大约是在2046年.假设图中的P、Q是地球与小行星最近时的位置,已知地球绕太阳圆周运动的线速度是29.8km/s,下列说法正确的是()9.(5分)(2013春•江西期末)在竖直平面内有一个半径为R的光滑圆环轨道,一个质量为m的小球穿在圆环轨道上做圆周运动,如图所示,到达最高点C时的速率是v C=,则下列说法中正确的是()点为C,在其内壁上有两个质量相同的小球(可视为质点)A和B,在两个高度不同的水平面内做匀速圆周运动,A球的轨迹平面高于B球的轨迹平面,A、B两球与O点的连线与竖直线OC 间的夹角分别为α=53°和β=37°,以最低点C所在的水平面为重力势能的参考平面,则(;)()二、实验题(共12分)11.(6分)(2014•庄浪县校级一模)某探究学习小组的同学试图以图中的滑块为对象验证“动能定理”,他们在实验室组装了如图所示的一套装置,另外他们还找到了打点计时器所用的学生电源、导线、复写纸、小木块、细沙.当滑块连上纸带,沙桶中不放沙子时,释放沙桶,滑块不动.要完成该实验,你认为:(1)还需要的实验器材有.(2)实验时首先要做的步骤是,为了保证滑块受到的合力与沙和沙桶的总重力大小基本相等,沙和沙桶的总质量应满足的条件是.(3)在上述的基础上,某同学测得滑块的质量M.往沙桶中装入适量的细沙,测得此时沙和沙桶的总质量m.接通电源,释放沙桶,在打点计时器打出的纸带上取两点,测出这两点的间距L 和这两点的速度大小v1与v2(v1<v2).则对滑块,本实验最终要验证的数学表达式为(用题中的字母表示,已知重力加速度为g).12.(6分)(2014•双流县校级模拟)为了简单测量小木块与水平桌面之间的动摩擦因数,按以下步骤进行:a.将一端固定在木板P上的轻弹簧置于水平桌面上,固定木板P,在桌面上标记弹簧自由端位置O,将小木块接触弹簧自由端(不栓接)并使其缓慢移至A位置,如图1所示.b.将小木块从静止开始释放,小木块运动至B位置静止.c.将弹簧移至桌边,使弹簧自由端位置O与桌边缘对齐,如图2所示.固定木板P,使小木块接触弹簧自由端(不栓接)并使其缓慢移至C位置,使OC=OA.将小木块从静止开始释放,小木块落至水平地面D处.若已经测得OB距离为L,OD的竖直高度为h.小木块可看作质点,不计空气阻力.①为测量小木块与水平桌面的动摩擦因数,还需要测量的物理量是.②写出小木块与桌面间的动摩擦因数的表达式:μ=.三、选考题:(共14分)选做一题14.(8分)(2013•长春四模)投影仪的镜头是一个半球形的玻璃体,光源产生的单色平行光投射到平面上,经半球形镜头折射后在光屏MN上形成一个圆形光斑.已知镜头半径为R,光屏MN到球心O的距离为d(d>3R),玻璃对该单色光的折射率为n,不考虑光的干涉和衍射.求光屏MN上被照亮的圆形光斑的半径.选做题16.(2014•泰安二模)如图所示,两个木块的质量分别为m1=0.2kg、m2=0.6kg中间用轻弹簧相连接放在光滑的水平面上,且m1左侧靠一固定竖直挡板.某一瞬间敲击木块m2使其获得0.2m/s 的水平向左速度,木块m2向左压缩弹簧然后被弹簧弹回,弹回时带动木块m1运动.求:①当弹簧拉伸到最长时,木块m1的速度多大?②在以后的运动过程中,木块m1速度的最大值为多少?四、解答题(本题共3小题,满分34分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要演算步骤.只写出最后答案的不能得分.有数值计算的题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位.)17.(8分)(2014•孝感校级模拟)我国某城市某交通路口绿灯即将结束时会持续闪烁3s,而后才会变成黄灯,再3秒黄灯提示后再转为红灯.(本题中的刹车过程均视为匀减速直线运动)(1)若某车在黄灯开始闪烁时刹车,要使车在黄灯闪烁的时间内停下来且刹车距离不得大于18m,该车刹车前的行驶速度不能超过多少?(2)若某车正以v0=15m/s的速度驶向路口,此时车距停车线的距离为L=48.75m,当驾驶员看到绿灯开始闪烁时,经短暂考虑后开始刹车,该车在红灯刚亮时恰停在停车线以内.求该车驾驶员的允许的考虑时间.18.(12分)(2014•怀化一模)如图所示,木板与水平地面间的夹角θ可以随意改变,当θ=30°时,可视为质点的一小木块恰好能沿着木板匀速下滑.若让该小木块从木板的底端以大小恒定的初速率v0的速度沿木板向上运动,随着θ的改变,小物块沿木板滑行的距离s将发生变化,重力加速度为g.(1)求小物块与木板间的动摩擦因数;(2)当θ角满足什么条件时,小物块沿木板上滑的距离最小,并求出此最小值.19.(14分)(2013秋•天心区校级月考)如图所示,轮半径r=10cm的传送带,水平部分AB 的长度L=1.5m,与一圆心在O点半径R=1m的竖直光滑圆轨道的末端相切于A点,AB高出水平地面H=1.25m.一质量m=0.1kg的小滑块(可视为质点),由圆轨道上的P点从静止释放,OP与竖直线的夹角θ=37°.已知sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8,g=10m/s2,滑块与传送带的动摩擦因数μ=0.1,不计空气阻力.(1)求滑块对圆轨道末端的压力.(2)若传送带一直保持静止,求滑块的落地点与B间的水平距离.(3)若传送带以v0=0.5m/s的速度沿逆时针方向运行(传送带上部分由B到A运动),求滑块在皮带上滑行过程中产生的内能.2013-2014学年湖南省长沙市长郡中学高三(上)第二次月考物理试卷(1)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题5分,共50分.每小题给出的四个选项中,1-6题只有一个选项正确,7-10题有多个选项正确,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分)1.(5分)(2012•安徽一模)如图所示,是A、B两质点从同一地点运动的x﹣t图象,则下列说法错误的是()2.(5分)(2013秋•武城县校级期末)如图所示,物体A、B用细绳连接后跨过定滑轮.A静止在倾角为30°的斜面上,B被悬挂着.已知质量m A=2m B,不计滑轮摩擦,现将斜面倾角由30°增大到50°,但物体仍保持静止,那么下列说法中正确的是()3.(5分)(2013秋•天心区校级月考)额定功率为80kW的汽车,在平直公路上行驶的最大速度为20m/s,汽车的质量为2吨,如果汽车从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,加速度大小是2m/s2,运动过程中阻力不变,则下列说法不正确的是(),t=4.(5分)(2013•长春四模)横截面为直角三角形的两个相同斜面如图紧靠在一起,固定在水平面上,它们的竖直边长都是底边长的一半.小球从左边斜面的顶点以不同的初速度向右平抛,最后落在斜面上.其中有三次的落点分别是a、b、c.下列判断正确的是(),所以此时运动的时间最长,所以5.(5分)(2013•商丘三模)极地卫星的运行轨道平面通过地球的南北两极(轨道可视为圆轨道).如图所示,若某极地卫星从北纬30°的正上方按图示方向第一次运行至南纬60°正上方,所用时间为t,已知地球半径为R(地球可看做球体),地球表面的重力加速度为g,引力常量为G,由以上条件可知()θ=ω=⇒而卫星距地面的高度6.(5分)(2013秋•天心区校级月考)将一弹性绳(质量不计)一端固定在某一高处O点,另一端系在一个物体上,现将物体从O点处由静止释放,测出物体在不同时刻的速度v和到O点的距离s,得到v﹣s图象如图所示.已知物体质量为5kg,弹性绳的自然长度为12m,(弹性绳的伸长在弹性限度内,遵循胡克定律,不计空气阻力,重力加速度g取10m/s2),则可知()==×时,绳子伸长量为7.(5分)(2014•市中区校级二模)如图甲所示,在升降机顶部安装了一个能够显示拉力的传感器,传感器下方挂一轻质弹簧,弹簧下端挂一质量为m的小球,若升降机在匀速运行过程中突然停止,以此时为零时刻,在后面一段时间内传感器所显示的弹力F的大小随时间t变化的图象如图乙所示,g为重力加速度,则下列选项正确的是()8.(5分)(2014秋•丰城市校级月考)2013年2月16日,直径约50米、质量约13万吨的小行星“2012DAl4”,以大约每小时2.8万公里的速度由印度洋苏门答腊岛上空掠过,与地球表面最近距离约为2.7万公里,这一距离已经低于地球同步卫星的轨道.这颗小行星围绕太阳飞行,其运行轨道与地球非常相似,据天文学家估算,它下一次接近地球大约是在2046年.假设图中的P、Q是地球与小行星最近时的位置,已知地球绕太阳圆周运动的线速度是29.8km/s,下列说法正确的是()=m=maa=,只考虑太阳的引力,地球在a=,由图可知,小行星比同步卫星距地球近,故小行星在9.(5分)(2013春•江西期末)在竖直平面内有一个半径为R的光滑圆环轨道,一个质量为m的小球穿在圆环轨道上做圆周运动,如图所示,到达最高点C时的速率是v C=,则下列说法中正确的是()mV mVcV==T=m mg,当速度最小时,代入计算可得10.(5分)(2013•长春一模)如图所示,有一固定的且内壁光滑的半球面,球心为O,最低点为C,在其内壁上有两个质量相同的小球(可视为质点)A和B,在两个高度不同的水平面内做匀速圆周运动,A球的轨迹平面高于B球的轨迹平面,A、B两球与O点的连线与竖直线OC 间的夹角分别为α=53°和β=37°,以最低点C所在的水平面为重力势能的参考平面,则(;)()N=.故,.则.则动能之比为,重力势能E=二、实验题(共12分)11.(6分)(2014•庄浪县校级一模)某探究学习小组的同学试图以图中的滑块为对象验证“动能定理”,他们在实验室组装了如图所示的一套装置,另外他们还找到了打点计时器所用的学生电源、导线、复写纸、小木块、细沙.当滑块连上纸带,沙桶中不放沙子时,释放沙桶,滑块不动.要完成该实验,你认为:(1)还需要的实验器材有天平、刻度尺.(2)实验时首先要做的步骤是平衡摩擦力,为了保证滑块受到的合力与沙和沙桶的总重力大小基本相等,沙和沙桶的总质量应满足的条件是沙和沙桶的总质量远小于滑块的质量.(3)在上述的基础上,某同学测得滑块的质量M.往沙桶中装入适量的细沙,测得此时沙和沙桶的总质量m.接通电源,释放沙桶,在打点计时器打出的纸带上取两点,测出这两点的间距L 和这两点的速度大小v1与v2(v1<v2).则对滑块,本实验最终要验证的数学表达式为(用题中的字母表示,已知重力加速度为g).g﹣;.12.(6分)(2014•双流县校级模拟)为了简单测量小木块与水平桌面之间的动摩擦因数,按以下步骤进行:a.将一端固定在木板P上的轻弹簧置于水平桌面上,固定木板P,在桌面上标记弹簧自由端位置O,将小木块接触弹簧自由端(不栓接)并使其缓慢移至A位置,如图1所示.b.将小木块从静止开始释放,小木块运动至B位置静止.c.将弹簧移至桌边,使弹簧自由端位置O与桌边缘对齐,如图2所示.固定木板P,使小木块接触弹簧自由端(不栓接)并使其缓慢移至C位置,使OC=OA.将小木块从静止开始释放,小木块落至水平地面D处.若已经测得OB距离为L,OD的竖直高度为h.小木块可看作质点,不计空气阻力.①为测量小木块与水平桌面的动摩擦因数,还需要测量的物理量是O′与D点的距离x.②写出小木块与桌面间的动摩擦因数的表达式:μ=.所以还需要测量的物理量是:三、选考题:(共14分)选做一题;,若单摆的摆长不变,则单摆振动的频率将不变;摆球经过14.(8分)(2013•长春四模)投影仪的镜头是一个半球形的玻璃体,光源产生的单色平行光投射到平面上,经半球形镜头折射后在光屏MN上形成一个圆形光斑.已知镜头半径为R,光屏MN到球心O的距离为d(d>3R),玻璃对该单色光的折射率为n,不考虑光的干涉和衍射.求光屏MN上被照亮的圆形光斑的半径.sinC=选做题知,核外电子的动能增加.故16.(2014•泰安二模)如图所示,两个木块的质量分别为m1=0.2kg、m2=0.6kg中间用轻弹簧相连接放在光滑的水平面上,且m1左侧靠一固定竖直挡板.某一瞬间敲击木块m2使其获得0.2m/s 的水平向左速度,木块m2向左压缩弹簧然后被弹簧弹回,弹回时带动木块m1运动.求:①当弹簧拉伸到最长时,木块m1的速度多大?②在以后的运动过程中,木块m1速度的最大值为多少?四、解答题(本题共3小题,满分34分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要演算步骤.只写出最后答案的不能得分.有数值计算的题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位.)17.(8分)(2014•孝感校级模拟)我国某城市某交通路口绿灯即将结束时会持续闪烁3s,而后才会变成黄灯,再3秒黄灯提示后再转为红灯.(本题中的刹车过程均视为匀减速直线运动)(1)若某车在黄灯开始闪烁时刹车,要使车在黄灯闪烁的时间内停下来且刹车距离不得大于18m,该车刹车前的行驶速度不能超过多少?(2)若某车正以v0=15m/s的速度驶向路口,此时车距停车线的距离为L=48.75m,当驾驶员看到绿灯开始闪烁时,经短暂考虑后开始刹车,该车在红灯刚亮时恰停在停车线以内.求该车驾驶员的允许的考虑时间.===t18.(12分)(2014•怀化一模)如图所示,木板与水平地面间的夹角θ可以随意改变,当θ=30°时,可视为质点的一小木块恰好能沿着木板匀速下滑.若让该小木块从木板的底端以大小恒定的初速率v0的速度沿木板向上运动,随着θ的改变,小物块沿木板滑行的距离s将发生变化,重力加速度为g.(1)求小物块与木板间的动摩擦因数;(2)当θ角满足什么条件时,小物块沿木板上滑的距离最小,并求出此最小值.==;19.(14分)(2013秋•天心区校级月考)如图所示,轮半径r=10cm的传送带,水平部分AB 的长度L=1.5m,与一圆心在O点半径R=1m的竖直光滑圆轨道的末端相切于A点,AB高出水平地面H=1.25m.一质量m=0.1kg的小滑块(可视为质点),由圆轨道上的P点从静止释放,OP与竖直线的夹角θ=37°.已知sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8,g=10m/s2,滑块与传送带的动摩擦因数μ=0.1,不计空气阻力.(1)求滑块对圆轨道末端的压力.(2)若传送带一直保持静止,求滑块的落地点与B间的水平距离.(3)若传送带以v0=0.5m/s的速度沿逆时针方向运行(传送带上部分由B到A运动),求滑块在皮带上滑行过程中产生的内能.=0.1×,所以滑块恰好从。
PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSION (30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you y 11 hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices marked A,D and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best ans)^er for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE. 」Conversation I1.What will the speakers do tomorrow night?A.Have dinner together.B.Visit neighbors.C* Go for a walk near the man’s house.2/ How will the man probably go to the woman’s house ?A.On foot.B.By bus.C‘ By taxi.Conversation2八3.What did the woman ask the man to do?A.Help her organize her paper.B.Check her essay.C.Choose a topic for her. ‘,4.What’s the man’s opinion about the topic ?A.It’s too broad*B* It’s very narrow.C. It’s perfect.Conversation 35.Why is the woman unwilling to apply for the position?A.The pay is too low.B.I t,s in a different field.C.She wants to learn more in her current job.6.What,s the man7s attitude toward the woman?A.He is worried.B‘ He is encouraging,C* He is bossy.Conversation47.Why does Sally like her shirt?A.It was given by a friend.B.She is trying to be fashionable.Directions: Beneath each of the following sentence there arc four choices marked A9 B,C,and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21.—I met Jack at the street corner this afternoon.—Really? He ________around here for a long time.A.hadn’t been seenB.hasn’t been seenC.won’t be seenD.wasn’t seen22.—Do you know the answers to those questions asked by your little brother?—Of course not,but I can’t let him know _________ •A. them B, one C. those D. that23.G lobal warming is getting worse and worse, ______ seriously threatens the survival of someisland countries.A. what B, it C. which D. that24.D o you really understand ______ to accept the well-paid job in that international company?A. him refuseB. him to refuseC. him refusingD. he refuses25.W ith all the novels he was interested in ____ ___ ? he left the library and went back to hisdorm.A. borrowB. borrowing C, to borrow D. borrowed26.~Can you tell me how I can win others,respect?一 _________ y ou treat them honestly.A. Even ifB. Now thatC. As though D, As long as27. _ for free twice a year is what every student shall be ensured in any school of thestate.A. Being physically examinedB. Physically examinedA.Physically examining D. To be physically examining28.1 don^t think David could have done such a stupid thing last night, ______ ?A. did heB. didn’t heC. do ID. don’t I29_______ . of giving away government secrets to the enemyt the professor was arrested by the police last week.A. To be suspectedB. SuspectedA.Suspecting D* Having suspected30.B eijing is among the most important cities in China __________ its position of politics andculture in the world,A. in honor ofB. in terms ofC.in full view ofD. in favor of31.Y ou________ s uch a long essay?our teacher only asked for 200 words,and you have written 300!A. mustn^t have writtenB. couldn’t have writtenC.needn’t have writtenD. might not as well have written32.T he manager says that all the construction work of the Changchun Underground _____ by2019. —^A. has been completedB. has completedC will hayc been completed D. will have completed33.—Would you mind if Tim came to help you?—I really don,t know ____ such a lazy person can help me with.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. how34.Of the two motorbikes, I,d like the _ ______ one to spare some money for a toy for my son,A. cheapestB. cheaper C* more expensive D. most expensive35.Thanks to the efforts of many different organizations,people in some developing countriesno longer suffer starvation,__________ , poverty remains a problem worldwide*A. NeverthelessB. In contrastC. FurthermoreD. On the contrary Section B (18 marks)Directions : For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked Af and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context •The world we live in is full of things that can not be explained even by today’s science.Something 36 like this. Someone finds a 37 burnt body in a poorly aired room. The body is sitting in a chair or lying on a bed or the floor. The upper body of the victim is a heap (堆)of ashes, but one or more mostly 38 hands or feet may be seen as well. A layer of blackened grease covers the ceiling and walls above the victim’s head,but fire damage in the room is limited to a small area right around and above the body. Objects only a few feet away remain untouched by the blaze. The police find no obvious source or 39 for the fire.This scene describes a typical case of spontaneous human combustion (SHC), in which a human body is supposedly able to burst into flames and to burn to almost entirely 40 on its own. In most SHC 41 there are no witnesses to see how the person caught fire. However,sometimes there are. In a few eases the observer, who is often a friend or family member, sees the person burst into flame and tries to put out the fire. Occasionally the victim 42 •Again,there is no clear 43 cause—the blaze appears to start from within the victim>s own body.This phenomenon is actually nothing new, A 1763 book by French man Jonas Dupont with the title De Incendiis Corporis Humani Spontaneis describes in detail a number of cases of SHC* A century later Charles Dickens used SHC to kill off one of the characters in his novel Bleak House, A number of more recent 44 deaths have helped to keep the theory of SHC alive. An example is that of Agnes Phillips, who 45 to death in Sydney, Australia, in 1991. Phillip’s daughter had left her sleeping in a car near a shopping center for a few minutef when she saw smoke. A complete investigation showed no source for the 46 • The car’s engine had been 47 and there were no cigarettes in the vehicle.36. A. occurs B. makes C. injures D* dismisses37. A* well B. possibly C. badly D. totally38. A. created B. undamaged C, appropriate D. convinced39. A. link B. track C, possibility D, cause40. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something41. A. tales B. cases C* assumptions D. blanks42. A. dies B. escapes C. disagrees D. survives43. A. basic B. outside C. puzzled D. due44, A- enthusiastic B. amazing C. unexplained D« humourous45. A. burned B. went C. disappeared D. existed46. A. body B. car C. fire D. smoke47, A. stepped up B, made up C. looked into D. turned offSection C (12 marks)Directions s Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Do you feel it difficult to be happy all the time? Now I,l give you some tips on 48 to•苯才女踫蚩其冬都)M、一 4make yourself happy. One way is being unselfish because unselfishness is the key factor required if you want to get along well 49 others. By saying being unselfish I mean you shouldn’t v/ant everything your own way or demand 50 best share of everything.51 way is to look for good points in other people. You will find most people pleasant to go with and it will surely make you happy. Third, you can,t expect to be too perfect, 52 don’t be too unhappy when you make a mistake. Everything will be OK 53 you try to make things right. Finally,it’s important to remember that while you are no worse 54 others, chances you have may not be much better. 55 this case, the surest way to be happy is to hold ail optimistic attitude.PART THREE READING COMPREHENSION (30 marks)Directions : Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions dr finished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked Bj Cand D. Choose the one认以fits best according to the information given in the passage. »i」二k.,t'v./ VI was 15. She looked like she was over 70. But on that day, I think she understood me more than anyone else.Walking into the church that Sunday was hard. I had never let anyone see me cry. But I knew I would cry that day. My grandfather was suddenly ill. The doctors said he might not live much longer. Everyone in my family was crying. Grandpa was the sweetest man in the world. Why was he leaving us?There weren’t many people at church that day* One of them was an old lady sitting at the end of my row. She was smiling. I closed my eyes and prayed for my grandfather to get better! Soon, my eyes were full of tears. I opened my eyes and saw a hand in front of me. It was giving me a tissue(纸申}:丸The old lady was sitting next to me, smiling. She didn’t say a word* She just gave me a tissue and a smile. I tried to thank her,but only tears came out. Then she took my hand. I looked into her eyes. They were clear and blue, and they make me feel peaceful. Her smile said to me: I am with you. Everything will be OK. I closed my eyes again. When I opened them, she wasn’tthere. I left the church but still couldn’t find her. I never saw her again.•」■■:').u-、My grandfather died the next week. We all cried a lot. But when I thought of that old lady’s warm smile9 I felt a little better.How did she know how I was'feeling? I wish I could see her again,to say thank you.56.According to Paragraph 2,what made the whole family cry?A.Grandfather^s words.B.Grandfather^s death.*C.The author’s cry.D.The doctor^ words. ..:-h ^r/」1 f57.The _______________________________ author went to church to ;•.:A. pray for grandfatherB. ask the old lady for helpC.avoid being seen cryingD. thank the old lady58.Whose hand does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.Grandfather^.B. The old ladyC.The author’s,D. Father’s.59.What do we know about the old lady?A.She knows the author.B.She can^t speak.C.She needs understanding.D. She is very kind:' .、■'60.What made the author feel better after Grandfather died?A.The old lady’s words.B.The old lady’s smile‘. :rC.The old lady,s eyes.D.The old lady,s hand. >.;,;Andy rode slowly on his way to school, day-dreaming about the fishing trip that his father had promised him. He was so busy dreaming about all the fish he would catch that he ignored everything else around him.He rode along until a strange sound drew him to the present. He came to a stop and looked curiously up to the heavens. What he saw shocked and frightened him. A huge swarm of bees filled the sky like a black cloud and the buzzing mass seemed to be heading angrily towards him.With no time to waste, Andy sped off in the opposite direction, riding furiously—but without knowing how to escape the swarm. With a rapidly beating heart and his legs pumping furiously, he sped down the rough road. As the bees came closer» his panic increased. Andy knew that he was sensitive to bee stings(哲)• The last sting had landed him in hospital—and that was only one bee sting! He had been forced to stay in bed for two whole days. Suddenly, his father、words came to him. “When you are in a tight situation, don,t panic. Use your brain and think your way out of it. ”On a nearby hill,he could see smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of the Nelson family home. “Bees don’t like smoke,” he thought. “They couldn’t get into the house. ”Andy raced towards the Nelson house* but the bees were gainingground. Andy knew he could not reach the house in time. He estimated that the beeswould catch up withhim soon.Suddenly t out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a small dam used by Mr. Nelson to water his vegetable garden. Off his bike and into the cool water he dived, disappearing below the surface and away from the savage (凶猛的)insects. After holding his breath for as long as he could, Andy came up for air and noticed the bees had gone. Dragging himself out of the dam, he struggled up the hilly slope and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Nelson took him inside and rang his mother.“Y o u,l i really need that fishing break to help you recover,” laughed his mother with relief. “Thank goodness you didn’t panic!” But Andy did not hear her. He was dreaming once again of the fish he would catch tomorrow.61.Why did Andy fail to notice the swarm of bees earlier?A.was riding to school.B.He was lost in the thought of the fishing trip.C.He was going fishing with his father.D.He was listening to a strange sound.62.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the swarm of bees in the passage?A.They crowded like d black cloud.B.They shocked and terrified Andy.C.They tried to attack Andy in a mass.D.They made Andy stay in hospital for two days.63.What does the underlined word luriously" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Crazily. B* Excitedly. C. Slowly. D. Calmly.64.How did Andy avoid the bees in the end?A.He hid himself under the water._',■i:■.•B.He asked Mr, Nelson for help*C.He rushed into the Nelson house.D.He rode off in the opposite direction.65.Which of the following can best describe Andy,s escape from the bees?A.No painst no gains.B.Once bitten, twice shy.C.In time of danger, do not panic.D.Where there is a will,there is 廷 way.CWhile most people are familiar with “yawn contagion(传染),,,t h e irrepressible urge to yawn when we see other people doing so, the phenomenon has long puzzled scientists.Although some suggested the behavior was a form of social empathy (共鸣)which helps people connect with one another, it was unclear what determines whether we “catch,, a yawn or not.Now a new study has shown that the biggest factor in whether or not a yawn is contagious is the relationship between the yawner and the person who hears or sees it. And we are most likely to catch or pass on a yawn when communicating with close family members.Children do not develop contagious yawning until the age of four or five—■the same point at which they develop the ability to interpret other people7 s emotions properly. The finding confirms the theory that yawn contagion is a form of empathy that happens within social groups.Researchers analyzed 480 times of yawning among 109 adults in Europe, North America, Asia and Africa over a 12-month period. They found that half of all yawns are contagious between family members, compared with about a quarter of those between friends, an eighth between acquaintances and fewer than one in ten between strangers. The results also showed that a yawn is passed on slower between strangers than between people who know each other well.Professor Elisabetta Palagi said, “We wanted to try to understand what are the most important factors influencing yawn contagion in humans so we had the idea to collect data for one year in different countries in the world. We found that the most important factor is not nationalityt the color of skin, different cultural habits, sex or age of the people involved♦ but the type of relationship that linked the two people. ”66.The underlined word “irrepressible” in the first paragraph refers to “ _____ ”•A. strange but strongB. lasting and powerfulC.impossible to controlD. happening unexpectedly67.The _________________________________________ result of the study answers the question to.A.how yawn contagion happensB.what the measures of empathy areC.what kind of people makes others yawn most probablyD.why family members are more likely to be influenced by each other68.How do children show yawn contagion as a form of empathy?A.Children under five seldom yawn.B.Children often yawn in social groups.C.Babies don^t develop contagious yawning at the age of four or five.D.Babies who can^t understand others,emotions aren't influenced by yawners.69* A yawn is most likely to be passed on to a lady by ____ •A. her sistersB. a strangerC. her workmatesD. her best friend70. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To introduce a funny fact.B. To report a latest research.C To explain how people yawn. D, To warn people of their behavior.答题卡ArrayPART FOUR WRITINGC45 marks)Section A(10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.How to concentrate on studies is the biggest question that students all over the world face when it’s exam time. Look at the following article on how to concentrate on studies better.Instead of picking up any textbook and reading it, it is always best to have a study plan. The good plan helps you to stay on track. However, be realistic about your timetable and do not expect too much of yourself.If you study for 5 hours without stopping, you are bound to get bored. Your attention span (持续的时间)will start reducing within an hour or so. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep on changing your subjects so that you do not get bored. Combine your study sessions (一段时间〉with well deserved breaks.Interest is the most important aspect of concentration. Unless you like what you are doing* it is not possible to focus on that task. So, you have to take interest in what you are studying- You can start with your favorite subject and move on to difficult ones, once you get the skills of studying. You can also take the difficult subject when your mind is most refreshed. Spare the most interesting ones after meal time, when you are sleepy.It is better to have a special study room where you can concentrate properly and nothing can distract(使分心)you. If that is not possible, you can set up a study table in a quiet corner in your home.Make sure you study at this place and nowhere else. This helps your mind automaticallyfocus when you sit there.You will never be able to concentrate if you are surrounded with all types of distractions. Switch off (关掉)your cell phone or simply put it away if you are likely to check m e s s a g e s every now and then. Turn off the television and let music be played only in the background, if youmust listen to it« Make sure you are isolated (隔离)from activities of other members in the house.You will study efficiently only if you let your mind rest for enough time. Sleep for at least 6 to 8hours depending upon your individual requirements,How to Concentrate on Studies ' 1I. Introduction:JThe biggest question that most students face is the 71 studies when it f s exam time. I II•72 on how to concentrate on studies;♦Plan your timetableDraw up 73 and don,t give yourself too manytasks. J ♦introduce variety I74 your subjects in case that you get bored. jCombine your study sessions with well deserved breaks. j♦75Start with your favorite subject and move on to the ones which are not that J 76•♦77 a study area JMake sure you will concentrate on your studies automatically when you sit there. 1 ♦Get rid of 78Switch off your cell phone or put it out of your sight.Turn off the television.Ensure that you are 79 other activities in your house. j♦Get enough rest jEnough sleep is a guarantee of 80 , ______________________________________ | Section B(10 marks)Directionsi Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answer on 厂 tf/isvw sheet‘Good hand washing helps everyone avoid illness when done properly. Germs (细菌)gatheron the surface of your hands during the day. You meet with germs while toileting, touchingpeople» money, pets, and any other surfaces. After contact, you may rub your eyes, mouth and nose,which introduces the germs to your system.When you touch other surfaces* the germs spread as soon as someone else touches the surface. If you wash your hands after each of these touches by running water over them» you remove the germs from your hands so they cannot be spread to others.The second leading cause of death in children is diarrhea (腹涛)• Proper hand washing cancat that number almost by half. Fats, oils and proteins make germs alive* and water alone is unable to break down these materials. Soap is necessary to remove microorganisms from theskin. The most important time to wash hands with soap to remove germs includes after toileting ,before eating,before and after handling any kind of raw (生的)meat-You need to wet your hands with warm water. Use soap and work it into lather (泡沫)for 20 seconds, rubbing your entire hands including your wrists, under your fingernails, and betweenm英才大联老英语(长郡版)一9your fingers. Wash with running water to remove all of the soap. Use a clean towel to dry your hands* When you use an. alcohol-based hand sanitizer (消毒剂)扣 wash your hands,you do not need to wash them with water. These alcohol-based hand sanitizers actually kill germs instead of just washing them down. Put less than a teaspoon to your hands and rub them together until they are dry and your hands are germ-free.81 • Through which part of your body do the germs get into your system according to the passage? (Nomore than 6 words)82.How can soap remove microorganisms from the skin? (No more than 12 words)83.What should you do if you touch surfaces? (No more than 11 words)84.How should you use alcohol-based hand sanitizers? (No more than 15 words)Section C (25 marks)Directions : Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.随着生活水平的提髙,肥胖现象在中国越来越普遍。
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