time management


02-Time Management

02-Time Management

The basic of time management
Specific implantation of time management

正文 . 第一章-Text - chapter 1-Why time management

Time is the only resource we have that is fair to everyone
要 时
间 管

Everyone has their own dream, or have their own ideal life goals. In professional terms, have your own life plan. Life planning is nothing more than wanting to be able to do what you want to do, be who you want to be, and achieve the goals you set.
Nothing can be done without it.没有它,
什么事情都做不成。 ——Voltaire-伏尔泰
时 间 与 时 间 管 理 概 述

正文 . 第二章-Text - chapter 2-Overview of time and time management
第 12 页

Time Management时间管理

Time Management时间管理
优先设定 - 时间管理 Priority Setting
给予、接受 反馈
时间对于我们意味着什 么? 我们的困境在哪里? 时间管理的正确含义? 做正确的事--目标与 计划 正确地做事--优先计 划管理
优先设定VS 时间管理
个人发展 行动计划
如果用一个词来描述你过去的 工作、生活状态,你最想用什么 词?
工作 起止时间 使用时间 优先顺序 备注
) 果断 )合理计划 ) 跟进计划 ) 专注力
) 沟通
) 团队协作 ) 寻求帮助 ……
) 整合工作内容
) 划分出能自主支配的整块时间
) 利用零碎时间 ) 各时段工作状态 ) 守时 ) 整洁的工作环境 ) 避免拖延, 立刻去做
在开始工作之前,把所有你要用的东西准备好:避免工 作过程中出现不必要的停顿。 别让干扰和突然冒出来的想法打断你的工作。先把他们 记下来,回头再处理。
“ -”
帕金森定律:工作膨胀。事情 增加是为了填满完成工作所需 的多余时间

这件事现在不做行不行? 会不会产生严重影响? 改天再做可以吗?
练习:写出一天的工作内容并 设定优先次序
紧急 重 要 不 重 要

将自己制定的优先顺序和小组分享 小组成为给出建议,评价自我认定的优先顺序是否合理 小组在每次轮换中

Time management

Time management
escribe time management (In China)
Another way to describe time management
• 以年为单位的时间管理 年 • To the unit in time management • 以天为单位的时间管理 天 • To-day management unit of time • 以小时 小时为单位的时间管理 小时 • In hours as a unit of Time Management
Three steps
• the first step in efficient time management is to organize the workspace or home. Even if one's schedule is well-ordered, but the office and filing system are a disaster, time will be wasted trying to work efficiently in a disorderly place.
Stephen Covey’s time management matrix
• 美国管理学家科维(Covey)提出的时间管理理 科维( 科维 ) 论(时间四象限法):把工作按重要( Important ) 和紧急( Urgent )两个不同的程度进行了划分, 大体分为4个象限(Four Quadrants ): • A.既紧急又重要(如客户投诉、即将到期的任务、 财务危机等) • B.重要但不紧急(如建立人际关系、人员培训、 制订防范措施等) • C.紧急但不重要(如电话铃声、不速之客、部门 会议等) • D.既不紧急也不重要(如上网、闲谈、邮件、写 博客等)



Time ManagementIntroductionIn today’s fast-paced world, time management has become a crucial skill for everyone. The ability to efficiently manage our time allows us to be more productive, reduce stress, and achieve our goals. This document aims to provide an overview of time management and offer practical tips and strategies to help individuals improve their time management skills.Why is Time Management Important?Time is a finite resource, and once it’s gone, we can never get it back. Effective time management ensures that we make the most of our limited time. Here are some key reasons why time management is crucial:1.Increase Productivity: Effective time managementhelps us work smarter, prioritize tasks, and avoidunnecessary distractions. By focusing on important tasks and eliminating time-wasting activities, we can accomplish more in less time.2.Reduce Stress: Poor time management often leads tofeeling overwhelmed and stressed. By organizing our tasks, setting realistic goals, and planning ahead, we caneffectively manage our workload and minimize stress levels.3.Improved Decision-making: Time managementallows us to allocate our time based on the importance and urgency of tasks. This helps us make informed decisionsabout what needs to be done first and what can bepostponed.4.Goal Achievement: Proper time management helpsus set clear goals and work towards them in a systematic manner. It helps us stay focused, motivated, and on track to achieve our objectives.Time Management TechniquesThere are various time management techniques that individuals can employ to enhance their productivity. Here are some popular techniques:1.Prioritize Tasks: Start by identifying and prioritizingthe most important tasks. Use a to-do list or taskmanagement tool to keep track of tasks and establish their urgency and importance. Focus on completing the high-priority tasks first.2.Set SMART Goals: SMART stands for Specific,Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. When setting goals, ensure they are clear, quantifiable, realistic, relevant, and have a deadline. This helps create a sense of urgency and provides a clear roadmap for achieving thegoals.3.Create a Schedule: Develop a daily or weeklyschedule that outlines the tasks and activities to beaccomplished. Allocate specific time blocks for differentactivities, include breaks, and stick to the schedule as much as possible.4.Avoid Procrastination: Procrastination is a commontime management challenge. Overcome it by breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, setting deadlines, andusing tools like a Pomodoro timer to work in short bursts of focused time.5.Delegate and Outsource: Learn to delegate tasks thatcan be done by others to free up your time for moreimportant responsibilities. If possible, outsource tasks that are not within your expertise, thereby saving time andenergy.6.Minimize Distractions: Identify and eliminate orminimize distractions that hinder productivity. Put awayyour phone, close unnecessary browser tabs, and create a quiet and organized workspace to minimize interruptions.7.Practice Time Blocking: Time blocking involvesscheduling specific time blocks for focused work on specific tasks. This helps create dedicated periods for concentrated effort and reduces the chance of multitasking.8.Lea rn to Say No: It’s important to recognize ourlimits and not overcommit ourselves. Learn to say no totasks or activities that will overload your schedule orhinder your progress towards your goals.ConclusionEffective time management is a valuable skill that can significantly enhance productivity and overall well-being. By implementing the techniques mentioned in this document, individuals can improve their time management skills andexperience the positive benefits in their personal and professional lives. Remember, time is a precious resource, and it’s up to us to make the most of it. Start managing your time efficiently today!。



管理时间英语作文Time Management。

Time is a precious resource that we all have in equal measure. However, how we choose to use it can make a significant difference in our lives. Effective time management is essential to achieving our goals, reducing stress, and improving our overall quality of life.To manage our time effectively, we need to set clear goals and prioritize our tasks. We should identify what is most important and focus on those tasks first. We should also learn to say no to tasks that are not essential or do not align with our goals.Another critical aspect of time management is planning. We should create a schedule or to-do list and stick to it. We can use tools such as calendars, planners, or apps to help us stay organized and on track.Procrastination is a significant barrier to effective time management. We should avoid putting off tasks untilthe last minute and instead tackle them as soon as possible. We can break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones to make them less daunting.Distractions are also a common obstacle to effective time management. We should minimize distractions by turning off our phones, closing unnecessary tabs on our computers, and finding a quiet workspace.Finally, we should take breaks and allow ourselves time to recharge. Taking breaks can help us stay focused and productive in the long run.In conclusion, effective time management is crucial to achieving our goals and living a fulfilling life. Bysetting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, planning, avoiding procrastination and distractions, and taking breaks, we can make the most of our time and achieve success.。

Time management

Time management

把事情很快的做完,叫效率; 把事情很快又很对的做完,叫效果。
我的时间安排得挺好,我是一个有序的人 时间管理有什么用,计划赶不上变化 时间掌握在别人手中 时间管理太麻烦 习惯不同,我就这样,不好改 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„
说“不”应该有礼貌 要给对方清晰的解释 给对方另外的选择和建议 懂得在适当时候说“不” 建立一套方法和技巧减少打扰 缩短必须要做的事所花的时间 抗拒拖延 求取生活和工作平衡
如果你从来不懂得拒绝工作,导致工作量超出负荷时 你的工作品质势必会大受影响!
正确的时间配置 Put first things first
重要的事情着重在“Plan” “Plan”着重在“Do”
“Do”着重在“Check” “Check”着重在“Action” 重要的事情要逐渐地交给信任的部属,这叫“授权” 大石头
小沙子 水
(2). 对时间管理方面,你得到哪些启发?
有形 ( 自觉的) 接听电话 打电话 会议 打扰 官僚作风 沟通不足 办公室政治 资源不足 阅读文件及邮件 交通堵塞
无形的 ( 不自觉)
1. 欠缺周详计划 2. 不懂分辨缓急先后 3. 过分注重细节 4. 犹疑不决 5. 不懂得说“不” 6. 拖延 7. 善忘 8. 不懂授权 9. 欠缺组织 10. 健康欠佳

time management

time management

Time Management
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 做事目标不明确。 作风拖拉。 缺乏优先顺序,抓不住重点。 过于注重细节。 做事有头无尾。 没有条理,不简洁,简单的事情复杂化。 事必躬亲,不懂得授权。 不会拒绝别人的请求。 消极思考。
Time Management
麦肯锡公司曾经得到过一次沉痛的教训:该公司 曾经为一家重要的大客户做咨询。咨询结束的时 候,麦肯锡的项目负责人在电梯间里遇见了对方 的董事长,该董事长问麦肯锡的项目负责人:“ 你能不能说一下现在的结果呢?”由于该项目负 责人没有准备,而且即使有准备,也无法在电梯 从30层到1层的30秒钟内把结果说清楚。最终,麦 肯锡失去了这一重要客户。从此,麦肯锡要求公 司员工凡事要在最短的时间内把结果表达清楚, 凡事要直奔主题、直奔结果。麦肯锡认为,一般 情况下人们最多记得住一二三,记不住四五六, 所以凡事要归纳在3条以内。这就是如今在商界流 传甚广的“30秒钟电梯理论”或称“电梯演讲” 。
z z z z z z 工作日志 每日计划 每周计划 每月计划 季度计划 年计划
Time Management
To Do List
优先度 工作内容 参考信息 起始时间 完成时间 完成检查
Time Management
Daily Plan
8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30
Time Management
z 培养自己独立工作和解决问题的能力
z 不断更新自己的知识,信息与技巧



时间管理出自 MBA智库百科(/)(重定向自Time-Management)该条目对应的页面分类是时间管理。

时间管理(Time Management)目录[隐藏]∙ 1 什么是时间管理∙ 2 时间管理方法∙ 3 13种时间管理方法∙ 4 时间管理之重要事情∙ 5 最新的时间管理概念--GTD∙ 6 时间管理的十一条金律[1]∙7 时间管理——华为成功之宝[2]∙8 几款在线的时间管理工具∙9 时间管理的原则[3]∙10 时间管理案例分析o10.1 案例一:浅谈高校管理者的时间管理[4]∙11 参考文献[编辑]什么是时间管理时间管理是有效地运用时间,降低变动性。













做好时间管理 英语

做好时间管理 英语

时间管理在英语中被称为"Time Management",是一项非常重要的技能,它涉及到有效地安排和利用时间,从而提高工作和生活的效率。

1. Prioritize: 优先考虑。

2. Schedule: 时间表。

3. Deadline: 截止日期。

4. Procrastination: 拖延。

5. Productivity: 生产力。

6. Time management skills: 时间管理技能。

7. Time tracking: 时间追踪。

8. Goal setting: 目标设定。

9. Time wasters: 浪费时间的事情。

10. Time-saving techniques: 节约时间的技巧。









Time Management共54页文档

Time Management共54页文档
入的自我反省。 3. 我常因周圍的人或事動作太慢而不耐煩。我討厭
等待或排隊。 4. 我休息不工作時會覺得不安。 5. 我似乎永遠在趕時間。 6. 我常為了完成某項事情而拒人於千里之外。 7. 我只要片刻沒和辦公室聯繫就覺得不安。 8. 我在做一件事時常會想到另一件事。 9. 我處理危機時表現最好。 10.處理突發狀況的緊湊感,似乎比慢工出細活更讓
• 不急的事情一拖延之後往往變成緊急的 事情
緊迫的事 不緊迫的事
1 st
2 nd
3 rd
4 th
陷阱三: 事必親躬
–下君,盡已之能 –中君,盡人之力 –上君,盡人之智
•諸葛亮凡事必親躬, 後來過勞而死. •為何事必親躬?
–因為怕部屬取代 –不放心部屬, 不信任部屬 –要求標準過高
陷阱四: 有求必應
• 會花太多時間, 時間不夠會犧第二項 受人尊敬重要, 還是受人歡迎重要
• 不好意思拒絕請託的原因
– 接納請託比拒絕請託容易 – 擔心觸怒請託者 – 想要做廣受愛戴之好人 – 不知如何拒絕他人之請託
• 每個人都有一個好朋友, 叫 “施小惠”, 可以適當 地拒絕.
Conclusions: 時間管理架構
45% 處理危機
II 5%
15% II.
1.重要的事情著重在 Plan
Plan 著重在 Do
Do 著重在 Check
Check 著重在 Action
Hale Waihona Puke 信任的部屬, 這叫 “灌能”
陷阱二: 拖延



英文简称:TMM(Time Management Master)时间管理大师(英文简称:TMM)介绍什么是时间管理?时间管理是指通过合理安排和有效利用时间来提高个人工作效率和生活质量的一种技能。






















时间管理英文什么意思啊时间管理(Time management)是指通过合理、有效地利用时间,使时间得到充分有效利用,以达到提高工作效率、增强生活品质的目标。


在英文中,时间管理通常被称为Time Management。


















8种最佳且独特的时间管理方法 Time Management 英语作文 学习技巧

8种最佳且独特的时间管理方法 Time Management 英语作文 学习技巧

8种最佳的时间管理方法8 Best and Unique Ways forTime ManagementTime Management is the key to success. As per William Penn, “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”Are you usually punctual or late? Do you finish your task on time? Are you able to achieve what you want to do before deadlines? Are you a good time manager?If your answer is “no” to any of the questions above, that means you are not able to manage your time as you plan.Here are 8 best and unique ways to overcome time management issues:1. Use mobile application for effective time managementMobile applications help you reduce your stress and do your tasks in less time. It helps you manage your tasks successfully and resourcefully.You can find many mobile applications for time management. Here we share two mobile applications you can use for managing time.It will help you complete your tasks easily and effectively making your day less challenging.Schedule PlannerSchedule planner allows you to edit and change the individual tasks and edit multiple tasks by batching.You can even attach notes to each task if they need further details.The features of schedule planner application are as follows:●Tracks planned versus actual time spent●Creates and shows how actual time spent●Color code individual task●Multiple calendar views●Use in offline mode●Automated data backup facility●Available in platform such as iPhone, iPad, Android, and Kindle●Available in free version and pro version for purchase.You can view an overview of your monthly tasks. You can set a reminder for a specific task on any date.It helps you understand the planned versus the actual time taken to complete a particular task. Comparison makes it easy and understandable. Use the Tasks screen to organize your day to day tasks. You can create and plan your tasks for the whole day.myHomeworkAnother trending mobile application for time management is myHomework.myHomework has a modern design and simple interface making it easy for anyone to use.This application fills their role as a planner without network connection.The features of myHomework application are as follows:●Reminders for assignments●Tracks homework, tests, projects, and lessons ●Multiple view option feature ( all, today, tomorrow)●Work in offline mode●Facility for semester schedule (e.g. MWF, TTS)●Available at platforms such as iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, Windows 8, etc.●Available in free version and a premium ads-free experience is available for $4.99/year across all of the apps and websiteSourceIt helps you receive notifications and messages. It keeps you updated well in advance.myHomework helps you to access your assignment fast. You can even see some online assignment groups to help you finish your tasks.This feature allows you to see the pending tasks. Anytime, you can see the pending as well as the recent tasks.These applications can help you overcome time management issues. These applications provide you an extensive knowledge of tackling single or multi tasks together.2. Eliminate unimportant tasks for time managementBy eliminating unimportant tasks from your lists, your focus increases towards your main tasks.You should always concentrate on the main tasks and should pay least attention to the insignificant points.This step can be challenge for you as you may wonder which task you should remove from your list.You can use following ways to eliminate unimportant tasks for time management:Pen down the important tasks in an organizer or in any planner.Write the important points (This will help you in reviewing the tasks on a daily basis).Set priority of the task by highlighting it.Create a folder in your laptop or sticky notes.Alternatively, you can use any of these time management toolsTime TuneWith Time Tune you can see the key tasks you need to do in the entire week.You can click any day of the week to add a new task and set its priority as important or urgent as needed.This time management tool helps you keep away from distractions, procrastination, and unproductive multitasking.EvernoteEvernote application helps you organize your task effortlessly.You can explore the features such as write, collect, capture ideas; create notebooks, checklists, and to-do lists.You can take notes in a variety of formats, including texts, sketches, photo, audio, video, PDFS, and web clippings.You can also use it as a digital notepad and easy-to-format word processor for all your thoughts.You can share and organize your notes by notebooks and tags.TodoistTodoist is one of the most popular task list applications and can help you prioritize and keep up with your to-dos.The application provides color-coded priority levels which will help you know what is important.You can also set up recurring dates, sub projects and tasks, and handy notifications.Another time management aspect with which Todoist can help you with is ‘delegation of tasks’.It has features for collaboration, assignment of tasks, and group discussion.You can share the workload with an easy-to-use tool.You can go to Google Play and search for other similar applications which can help you manage your task proficiently.These applications will bring productivity to your work and help you finish the task at the right time.3. Finish similar task together for time managementIt is important that while doing a task you should always match the similar ones together.When you identify the similar tasks, it becomes easier for you to finish the tasks on time.You can use below tips to finish similar tasks:Tip 1: Filter out irrelevant detailsYou can filter all the irrelevant details from your tasks.It will help you identify the tasks that are not required and make your work easier.You need to make a list of the tasks which you have to finish and then assemble all the relevant information in one folder.You can even write the information on a piece of paper and delete or remove which is unimportant.It will help you batch the similar task together and improves your productivity.Tip 2: Make groupsAnother simple way to batch the task together is to make groups of the similar activities.When you group the tasks together, it becomes less challenging.All you have to do is to write all the necessary information on a piece of a paper and start matching the similar ones together.As a result whatever time you were spending earlier on each task to get complete, can be finished in a short span of time.4. Smartly allocate time for each taskAllocating time for each task plays an essential role in time management process.When you allocate time for each task, the task becomes simple and easy to handle.It is important for you to know that how we can smartly allocate time for each task respectively.Following are the steps you can take to smartly allocate time for each task:Step 1: Identify available timeThe first step is to establish the time you want to make available for your work.You have to decide that how much time you can spend overall to complete a task.This will help you to complete the task at the right time.You can easily concentrate on the tasks and allocate time according to the task individually.Step 2: Select tasks according to importanceIn the next step you have to select the tasks according to their importance.By prioritizing to finish the most important task first, you will make long strides to achieve your major goal.On top of that, you also gain two huge benefits:a. MotivationAfter selecting and prioritizing the tasks, you will feel motivated and happier.And who doesn’t want to be happier? This productive task will make you guilt-free of uncompleted tasks.b. Positive resultsMotivation leads to positive actions and results.The momentum you gain after doing one task will carry over to finishing other activities.Step 3: Set number of hours for each taskThe next step is to set a timer for each task.It will help you complete the entire task within a fixed period.If you finish the task in the specified time, you can review and modify it.Here are some of the tips which can help you finish your task within set time:Get a time management applicationTime Management or Productivity mobile application can help you set a timer for each task.By setting time constraints for these items, you will focus more and work efficiently.Create a daily planUse the first 30 minutes of your day to create a daily to-do list that suits your weekly plan.Analyze the importance of each task.Allocate time to each task according to their importance.Add a “DONE LIST”After finishing a task you should always add a ‘Done List’.This helps in recognizing the tasks which are already completed.It will also help you to identify the task lists which are not completed.Stop multitaskingYou should not multitask when you have already set number of hours to each task.Multitasking leads to confusion and distraction.Do not get stuck in small detailsYou should not hung up on small details.This might affect your productivity in a negative way.If you keep yourself busy in small tasks, you might overlook and miss big tasks.Step 4: Keep monitoring your progressKeep a schedule on your phone, computer or even in your planner to keep track of time.If your task lists are unprepared, it can take more time than you realize.Be sure to schedule time blocks for high-priority items in order to accomplish your goals.Allow your schedule to be flexible and change throughout the day, when necessary.By managing your time using the steps above, you will be able to look at what you were able to accomplish within specific time frames. It will help you plan more effectively in the future.5. Daily and weekly plans for the time managementYou can build daily and weekly plans to help you in time management.These plans will get you a clear picture for the entire activities you want to complete in a week.We have developed few steps which you can follow to create daily and weekly plans.Step 1: Tool SelectionAt first, you select a tool with which you want to create the plan.You should choose only those tools with which you are comfortable as you will use it regularly in the future.If you are using paper and pencil, then make sure that you can create tables and charts on paper very well.You can try digital calendars from your phone or download on Google Play.Step 2: Identify the goalsAfter selecting the tool, your next step will be to identify the goals you want to achieve in the next one week.Make sure that your goals are achievable and realistic.Your vision should be clear in what exactly you want to achieve as your entire week’s plan will depend on it.Step 3: Decide your prioritiesAfter identifying your goals, your next step will be to define the activities you want to achieve in a week.List down all the activities you need to do in order to achieve your goal.List all the important tasks which need to completed first and then the tasks which can be completed later.Make sure that the deadline of completing the task does not exceed.After organizing your task, make a list of the tasks, and choose according to their priority.Step 4: Implement and Analyze your planAfter prioritizing your task, your next step will be to implement the plan and keep analyzing the progress.Analyze it daily or on the weekly basis.This prevents you from missing the important tasks.Keep marking your completed task to know about your progress and achievement.6. Identify and block time management distractionsIdentifying and blocking plays an important role in time management process.By doing this, you will make a balance between your studies and curricular activities and be able to perform better.It will make your life simpler and help you achieve your goals.We discuss below two distractions which you can prevent to improve time management:Distraction from family and friendsHome is the best place for the study but sometimes it can be a major distraction also.Especially when you have younger siblings at home.It is very difficult to make them understand your situation.They will just keep you asking unnecessary things.Sometimes, your family members can ask you for favors or you suddenly get a friends’ message asking you for an outing.So, in order to cope with these situations, you can follow below tips:-Choose a quiet place.Close the door and keep your study area away from the noisy placesAsk your family members to give u privacy by informing them about your exams.Keep all essential study tools with you.Distraction from social media and technologyIt is difficult for you to concentrate on studies due to distractions from the social media or the gadgets.Facebook status updates and notifications on your laptop start inviting you the moment you sit to study.So, in order to keep all these distractions away from you while studying, here are some tips:Start your study session by putting your phone on silent mode or handover it to the parents.Check your phone only after every 45 minutes, at the time of break.Turn off your internet access.Collect and download all the important information before starting the study session.7. Improve focus for better time managementImproving focus can increase your capability and helps in faster progress.It is necessary to carry out your day-to-day activities successfully.Following are the tips to improve your focus for the time management:Plan your To-Do ListStart planning your task and keep a notebook to note down all the necessary information.Organize your tasks according to your ease.Schedule and complete them before the given deadline.Complete one action at a timeYou can break down your tasks into smaller steps in order to save your time.Make sure you complete your present task and only then move to the next task.This will help you to maintain a balance between your actions and focus on your tasks.Lock yourself in a roomYou can find a place which is away from all the distractions.Sometimes, the only way to get things done is to ‘lock yourself’ away in a room.Make time for yourselfSpend minimum 15-20 minutes daily with yourself.This will help you in focusing & creating the list of tasks you want to achieve in your life.ExerciseExercising is a great way to relieve your stress and get a healthy life at the same time.Start with some exercising programs.It will help you improve your focus and time management skills.8. Set task priority for effective time managementSetting priorities will allow you to decide the tasks which you really need to focus on. It includes the two main objectives.Firstly, capture all the important tasks that need to be completed.Secondly, have a backup plan of your initial plan.The actions for setting up the priorities for effective time management are:Plan the task according to their requirement.Write down all the important tasks but mainly focus on the tasks which need to be completed.Once you have figured out the tasks then describe your outcomes.Stephen Covey, Co-author of First Things First, offers a tool which you can use to manage your tasks.He categorized tasks based on urgency and importance. Given below are the four task categories:Important and Urgent – Includes tasks that must be completed. Complete them right away.Important but Not Urgent– Includes tasks which seems to be important, but aren’t important actually. Make plan for them.Urgent but Not Important–Includes low priority tasks. You can delegate these tasks to others.Not Urgent and Not Important– Includes the low priority tasks. You can ignore them.Here all ends! So, by reading this article you must have got an extensive idea to tackle time management crisis.We’d be happy to solve any of your query related to this topic.If you have any tips we didn’t mention, we’d love to learn from you. Just leave a comment and let’s connect.And share with your friends and help them manage their time too!。

time management 时间管理 最完整

time management 时间管理 最完整
时间管理 第一部分
主要内容: 1、正确理解“时间管理” 2、了解现状 3、时间管理理念的沿革 4、建立正确的时间管理观念
时间管理 第一部分
正 确 理 解“ 时 间 管 理 ”
时间管理 第一部分
时间对盼望的人来说“实在太短”; 时间对恐惧的人来说“实在太长”; 时间对痛苦的人来说“实在太慢”; 时间对快乐的人来说“实在太快”;
时间管理 第一部分
一寸光阴一寸金 平均80岁寿命
1-20、60-80——忽略不计,余40 1年为1寸
看电视、上网 看报、聊天
3小时 3小时
刷牙、洗脸、洗澡 1小时
8——12 “yes”
当Hale Waihona Puke !你需要重新审视你的时间 行动指南
4——8 “yes”
0——4 “yes”
时间管理 第一部分
一员工向老板请一天假,老板推心置腹地说: “你想请一天假,你在向公司要求什么? 一年里有365天,52个星期。 你已经每星期休息2天,共104天,还剩下261天工作;你每天有16小时 不在工作,去掉174天,还剩下87天;每天你至少30分钟时间上网,加 起来每年23天,剩下64天;每天午饭时间你掉1小时,又用掉46天,还 有18天;通常你每年请2天病假,这样你的工作时间只有16天;每年有 5个节假日公司休息不上班,你只干11天。 每年公司还慷慨地给你10 天假期,算下来你就工作1天,而你他妈的还要请这一天假。。。


为各项工作制定标准操作流程, 明确工作步骤和要求,确保员工
根据员工的需求和时间管理的重点,设计培训课程,包括理论知 识和实践操作。
组织培训活动,邀请专业讲师或内部经验丰富的员工进行授课, 确保员工能够掌握时间管理的技巧和方法。
良好的时间管理习惯有助于个 人和组织在工作中不断学习和
优秀的时间管理者会根据任务的 紧急程度和重要性进行合理排序, 优先处理重要任务。
为了更好地管理时间,优秀的时 间管理者需要学会拒绝不必要的 工作和委派任务给合适的下属。
采用优先级排序和时间管理工具,如甘特图、看板等,来跟踪任务的进度和优先级。同时,与团队成员保持沟通, 确保任务顺利完成。
在工作中,常常会受到各种干扰,如手机通知、电子邮件等,这些干扰会分散注意力, 影响工作效率。
创造一个安静的工作环境,关闭不必要的通知,集中精力完成重要任务。同时,采用番 茄工作法等时间管理技巧,提高专注力和工作效率。
长时间的工作会对身体健康、家庭生活 等产生负面影响。
合理安排工作时间和休息时间,避免过度 劳累。同时,培养健康的生活习惯和兴趣 爱好,保持工作与生活的平衡。此外,与 家人和朋友保持联系,增进感情,缓解工 作压力。



Timemanagement时间管理Time management时间管理牛国崎作品2019年12月15日时间管理(time management)是指一组织或个人利用特定方法/工具(specific methods/tools)来实现时间的高效利用,从而达到其的整体目标的过程,事实上时间管理亦可狭义地称为自我管理。


时间管理 Time management.m4a18:58来自云雀梦英语打开今日头条,体验完整音频内容【工匠术语Craftsman’s terms】1. 预设目标 preset goal2. 缓冲时间 buffer time3. 预留时间 reserved time4. 惰性控制 inertia control5. 挑战自我 challenge oneself6. 时间管理 time management7. 无缝对接seamless connection8. 技巧、方法与工具skills, methods and tools【点金用例 Gold touch examples】1. There should be seamless connection between time management and the organizational structure of an enterprise.时间管理和企业的组织架构应实现无缝对接。

【提示】time management 时间管理seamless connection 无缝对接2. Time management combined with self-management can greatly enhance staff performance.时间管理与自我管理相结合可以极大地提高员工绩效。

【提示】staff performance 员工绩效3. Time management consists of three components: task prioritization, inertia control and commitment management.时间管理包含三个子部分:任务优先化,惰性控制和承诺管理。

1 时间管理【Time Management】

1 时间管理【Time Management】

Time Management(时间管理)一、What Is Time Management? 什么是时间管理?“时间管理”是组织和计划如何在具体活动中分配时间的过程。



“Time management” is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter – not harder – so that you get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high. Failing to manage your time damages your effectiveness and causes stress.二、时间管理会遇到的问题(There are some problems in Time Management.)1.做事没有方法。


不要毫不考虑的就直接做了,先花几分钟的时间衡量一下,有什么方法可以更有效率的完成事情?There is no way to do things.There are many ways to accomplish a thing. The key is whether you can find the fastest way. Don't just do it without thinking about it. Take a few minutes to measure it. What can be done more efficiently?2.周围有众多的干扰因素,是时间流逝的致命杀手,比如,嘈杂声、杂志、零食、报纸等。






1. Time Management - 时间管理Time management refers to the ability to plan and organize one’s time effectively in order to achieve goals and tasks efficiently. It involves prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and allocating the right amount of time to each activity. Here are some key terms related to time management:•Prioritization - 优先级•Goal setting - 目标设定•Time allocation - 时间分配•Procrastination - 拖延•Time tracking - 时间追踪•Deadlines - 截止日期•Productivity - 生产力2. Techniques for Effective Time Management - 有效的时间管理技巧There are various time management techniques that can help individuals become more efficient and productive. Here are some popular techniques:2.1. The Pomodoro Technique - 番茄工作法The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method created by Francesco Cirillo. It involves breaking work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. The key steps of the Pomodoro Technique are:1.Choose a task to work on.2.Set a timer for 25 minutes.3.Work on the task until the timer goes off.4.Take a short break, around 5 minutes.5.Repeat the process.2.2. Eisenhower Matrix - 艾森豪威尔矩阵The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, is a tool for prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance. It categorizes tasks into four quadrants:•Quadrant 1: Urgent and important tasks - Do these tasks immediately.•Quadrant 2: Important but not urgent tasks - Schedule and prioritize these tasks.•Quadrant 3: Urgent but not important tasks - Delegate these tasks if possible.•Quadrant 4: Not urgent and not important tasks - Eliminate or minimize these tasks.2.3. Time Blocking - 时间分块Time blocking is a technique where you schedule specific blocks of time for different activities or tasks. By allocating dedicated time slots to specific tasks, you can better manage your time and avoid distractions. It helps in setting boundaries and improving focus.3. Time Management Tips - 时间管理技巧To become a time management expert, here are some practical tips to consider:1.Set clear goals and priorities for each day.2.Make a to-do list and prioritize tasks based on importance.3.Break large tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.4.Avoid multitasking and focus on one task at a time.5.Minimize distractions, such as turning off notifications or working in aquiet environment.6.Take regular breaks to recharge and avoid burnout.7.Learn to delegate tasks to others when necessary.8.Track and analyze your time spent on different activities.e technology tools and apps to assist with time management.Conclusion - 结论时间管理是提高生产力和效率的关键因素。

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成本 • • • • • • ... ... ... ... ... ... • • • • • • ... ... ... ... ... ... 好處
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1.了解自己每天工作時段的特性, 善用之. 2.以 PDCA 分佈週一到週五的工作性質. 3.保持良好的體力; 養成運動的習慣 4.身心均衡地發展; 培養良好的嗜好
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GRP Rev B. 06/09/2002
80 60 40 20 0



專 案 一 二 案
專 案 三
專 案 四
專 案 五
專 案 六
專 案 七
專 案 八
案 九 十

140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
125 100 80 64 48 36 27



學 習 一 二 習
早上 活力充沛, 衝勁 與勇氣兼俱 (Do) 1.發球: EMail 2.電話敲定事情 / 做事情 3.給 Leader 方 向/ 畫架構 4.執行進行中專 案
日月光 GRP團隊 時間管理 Rev B. 06/09/2002
中午 13:00~15:00 思考遲頓, 適合 散心, 放鬆 (Check) 1.面對面 Follow Up 2.Go Around 3.溝通與協調
Page 22 of 62
Conclusions: 時間管理架構
緊迫的事 1.兵貴速戰速決 2.快刀斬亂麻 不緊迫的事
1.決勝於廟堂 之上 2.灌能 均 衡 1.怡情養性 2.輕鬆一下
1.捨得 2.勇於拒絕 3.交待
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緊迫的事 1 st 急 不緊迫的事 2 nd 重
? ?
? ?
3 rd 輕
4 th 緩
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• 這件事令人感到為難, 但是它非做不可, 因此我將立即做完它, 以便儘早忘掉它. • 養成速戰速決的習慣 • 將事情切成好幾塊小塊任務, 快速地完成 每一塊的任務 • 完成最關鍵的部份, 讓事情看起來像做完 80% 一般
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緊迫的事 1 st 急 3 rd 輕 不緊迫的事 2 nd 重 4 th 緩
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設備故障,生產停擺 重傷害急救 重要的事 員工產生肢體衝突 顧客抱怨 停電 有些電話 有些不速之客到訪 不重要的事 有些會議之出列席 有些無謂的請託 有些臨時的邀約
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葛洛夫: 你的時間是不是被 Email 切成零零碎碎的片段? 集中處理它.
1.你一天花多少時間在看 Email? 2.你進 Email 會不會看小品? 3.你看Email 的時間是連續的, 還是片斷的? 4.你的Email 有沒有做分類? 5.你回信時是邊看邊回, 還是分類後集中回 信? 6.你進 Email 信箱, 是先看信還是先發信?
– 把事情很快地做完, 叫做效率 – 把事情很快又很對地做完, 叫做效能
• 時間管理就是事前的規劃或長期的計劃
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人, 為何安於現狀?
• 為何你我都不滿意現狀, 但是卻安於現狀
1.無奈 2.不確定改變之後會更好 3.因為現狀是你我最熟悉的
陷阱四: 有求必應
• 會花太多時間, 時間不夠會犧第二項 受人尊敬重要, 還是受人歡迎重要 • 不好意思拒絕請託的原因
– – – – 接納請託比拒絕請託容易 擔心觸怒請託者 想要做廣受愛戴之好人 不知如何拒絕他人之請託
• 每個人都有一個好朋友, 叫 “施小惠”, 可以適當地拒絕.
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1.捨得 2.勇於拒絕 3.交待
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花時間在計劃上才是 最節省時間的作法
不 好 耗用時間
A C D P 好 耗用時間
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學 習 三
學 習 四
學 習 五
學 習 六
學 習 七
學 習 八
習 九 十

140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
125 100 80 64 48 36 27

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20% 成效
瑣碎的 多數事物
80% 時間 80% 成效
重要的 少數事物
20% 時間
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長程目標 年目標 季目標 月目標 週目標 日目標
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I. 45% 處理危機 II 5% IV 15% II. 35%
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1.重要的事情著重在 Plan Plan 著重在 Do Do 著重在 Check Check 著重在 Action 2.重要的事情要逐漸地交給 信任的部屬, 這叫 “灌能”
下午 冷靜, 溝通 (Action, Plan)
晚上 Relax, 人文, Thinking
1.思考問題 1.花 1 小時寫作 2.寫計劃/ Update Follow up進度 (1hr) 3.Update/Modify 進行中專案
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禮拜一二 活力充沛, 衝勁 與勇氣兼俱 (Do) 1.大型專案丟球 2.組內專案丟球 3.給予組員做事 方向/做事重點 4.創造議題 禮拜三四五 禮拜六日 備註 思考遲頓, 放鬆, 冷靜, 思考 溝通 (Action, Plan) (Check) 1.Follow Up 一 二所丟的球 2.調整, Update 計劃 3.議題收尾 4.傾聽溝通 1.想想目的是什 麼? 意義何在? 2.有沒有辦法提 昇自己的價值? 3.計劃/ 規劃
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有三片木條, 如何將它們圍成封閉三角形
2 cm 10 cm 4 cm
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• 因為你跳不出原來的思維習慣 • 但是假設你畫了出來. 恭喜你, 你可以用 新的角度去思考一個舊有的問題. • 改變時間管理的第一步, 從你自覺需要時 間管理開始
• 當你開始不滿於現狀時, 表示會有新的事 物發生在你的身上…但是要用對 “新的 思考方式”
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請架設一座橋,使A至B 距離最短, 但是橋不可歪斜
300 公尺 B 100 公尺
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時 間 管 理 II
日月光集團 GRP 菁英團隊 管理課程
Rev.: B; 06/09/2002 WorkShop 時間: 2.5 小時
如果您的餘生只剩下三天, 您會做那三件事情?
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• 時間本身不是問題. 因為每個人每天所擁 有的時間都是一般地多 • 所以時間管理的問題本身不在於時間, 而 是在於自己如何善用及分配你自己的時 間
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• 時間管理就是自我管理 • 自我管理即是改變習慣, 以令自己更富績 效, 更富效能
陷阱三: 事必親躬
• 韓非子.八經
– 下君,盡已之能 – 中君,盡人之力 – 上君,盡人之智
• 諸葛亮凡事必親躬, 後來過勞而死. • 為何事必親躬?
– 因為怕部屬取代 – 不放心部屬, 不信任部屬 – 要求標準過高