收稿日期:2005210212作者简介:马认琦(19742),陕西眉县人,男,工程师,1996年大庆石油学院矿机专业毕业,现主要从事TESCO 顶驱的现场技术服务工作。
文章编号:100123482(2006)022*******TESCO 套管钻井技术马认琦,郭巧合,赵建刚(中原油田钻井工程技术研究院顶驱技术服务部,河南濮阳457001)摘要:套管钻井技术是一种节约钻井时间,降低井下事故发生的全新的钻井工艺技术。
关键词:套管钻井;顶部驱动装置;防喷器;井涌;井喷中图分类号:TE922101 文献标识码:ATESCO casing drilling technologyMA Ren 2qi ,GUO Qiao 2he ,ZHAO Jian 2gang(Z P EB D rilling Technolog y Research I nstitute T DS S ervice De partment ,Puy ang 457001,China )Abstract :Casing drilling is a new met hod for drilling wells t hat is aimed at reducing bot h drilling time and t he incidence of unscheduled drilling event s.Wit h casing drilling ,t he well is not drilled wit h drill pipe ;in 2stead ,it is drilled wit h standard oilfield casing t hat remains in t he hole.Drill bit s and ot her downhole tools are lowered on wireline inside t he casing and latched to t he bottom joint of casing.Since t he casing remains in t he well and circulation is maintained at all times ,wellbore integrity is p reserved ,reducing t he likeli 2hood of certain problems associated wit h unscheduled event s such as sloughing formations and washout s.Since drill pipe is not being t ripped ,t he risk of swabbing oil or gas into a well causing a kick or blowout is reduced.K ey w ords :casing drilling ;top drive system ;BOP ;kick ;blowout 套管钻井是用套管来代替钻杆钻井,是一种钻进与下套管同时进行的全新的钻井工艺技术。
OD casings. All materials required for redressing of mills shall be provided by the Contractor.修复磨鞋的材料由承包商提供。
Redressing of mill shall be carried out by the Contractor at well site.对磨鞋的修复由承包商在井场进行。
(vii) Full Circle Releasing Spear: One (1) each for hand ling 5”, 5.1/2”, 7”, 9.5/8” & 13.3/8” casing. The spear should be complete with all accessories including the guide. Suitable cross-over sub for connecting the same to tubing & / or drill pipe string should be provided.全圆形可退打捞矛:对于打捞5”, 5.1/2”, 7”, 9.5/8”& 13.3/8”的套管每种尺寸各一个;打捞矛带所有所需的附件包括引鞋,并提供合适的变径接头用于连接油管或者钻杆。
e) Super Fishing Jar : Straight pull, capable of transmitting full torque in either direction, ability to deliver rapid series of blows when desired, easy closing or resetting, complete with circulation hole & cone type piston assembly of the following sizes:超级震击器:直拉式,能够全方位传递扭矩,能进行快速系列震击,易于关闭或重置,配循环孔和锥形活塞组合,配备尺寸如下:i) OD=7.3/4” and ID=3.1/16”, 6.5/8 API Reg RH top sub box connection & bottom pin connection, - One (1) No.外径=7.3/4” 和内径=3.1/16”, 6.5/8 API REG RH上体母扣&下体公扣连接,一个。
1钻井种类kinds of drilling1.1 海上钻井offshore drilling:利用固定式或移动式钻井平台在不同水深的海上进行的钻井。
1.2 沙漠钻井desert drilling:利用适合沙漠地带的地面设备在沙漠地区进行的钻井。
1.3 清水钻井water drilling:用清水作为钻井液,在非水敏性的和岩性坚固、稳定的岩层等特定条件下进行的钻井。
1.4 空气(天然气)钻井air(gas) drilling:用空气(或天然气)作为钻井流体,在一些特定岩层中进行的钻井。
1.5 泡沫钻井foam drilling:用泡沫作为钻井流体进行的钻井。
1.6 雾化钻井mist drilling:用水和泡沫剂的混合物注入到空气流中作为钻井液进行的钻井。
1.7 充气钻井液钻井aerated drilling fluid drilling:用钻井液和空气的混合物作为钻井流体进行的钻井。
1.8 平衡压力钻井balanced pressure drilling:是指作用于井底的液柱压力等于地层孔隙压力情况下进行的钻进。
1.9 欠平衡压力钻井under-balanced drilling:是指作用于井底的液柱压力略低于地层孔隙压力情况下的钻井。
1.11液相欠平衡钻井(flow underbalanced drilling):用液相钻井液所进行的欠平衡钻井。
1.12泥浆帽钻井madcap drilling:指环空注人重稠的流体(所谓的泥浆帽)后,关闭环空、节流阿,而轻稀钻井液通过钻具进人地层,实现边漏边钻的一种钻井方式。
1.13近平衡压力钻井near balanced drilling:是指作用于井底的液柱压力略大于地层孔隙压力情况下进行的钻井。
1.14小井眼钻井slim hole drilling:井眼直径比常规井径要小的钻井。
终切力10-minuto gel strength
固相控制solid control 钻屑cutting 砂sand 井漏(lost circulation ) 井塌(borehole collapse ) 钻井液污染(drilling fluid contamination )
第 20 页
井下动力钻井hole bottom power drilling
涡轮钻具钻井turbine drilling 螺杆钻具钻井screw drilling
旋转钻井钻机Rotary Rig
动力系统(Power System) 旋转系统(Rotating System)
提升系统(Hoisting System) 循环系统(Circulating System) 井控系统(Well Control System)
地面管汇surface pipeline 遥控面板remote control panel 压井管汇kill line 钻前准备drill preparation 钻进drilling 固井well cementation 完井well completion
直井straight/vertical well
第 23 页
第五章 井眼轨道设计与轨迹控制
造斜点(kick off point) k 二维定向井Two-dimensional directional well 三维定向井Three-dimensional directional well
第 24 页
第六章 钻进参数优选
第 22 页
第五章 井眼轨道设计与轨迹控制
Competitive Advantage竞争优势
• 碳化钨(TC)和PDC切削结构的工程优化提高了划眼速度
• 用常规的PDC钻头也能很快钻穿 • 独特的凹性设计避免掉落物到井底 • 用于注水泥的安全旁通孔 • 钢结构比铝结构更可靠 • 360º 规径覆盖确保稳定性.
Downhole Penotrator Caledus BridgeBuster
EZCase™实质是在套管或者尾管底部安装 实质是在套管或者尾管底部安装 PDC钻头 钻头 EZCase™ 用于: 用于: - 在已钻井眼中划眼到井底 - 在下套管的同时,钻入新地层 在下套管的同时, EZCase™有两种操作方法: 有两种操作方法: 有两种操作方法 - 通过尾管与钻杆连接 - 通过套管与顶驱连接
6.000 5.750
6.125 5.875
6.500 6.250
6.750 6.500
8.500 8.250
11.000 10.750
12.250 12.000
17.500 17.250来自20.000 19.750
24.000 23.750
26.000 25.750
RWD2 RWD2 Ream While Drilling Technology Ream While Drilling Technology 随钻扩眼钻井技术 随钻扩眼钻井技术
结果: 结果: 13 3/8”套管钻进成功钻至目的层,并完成固井作业。 套管钻进成功钻至目的层, 套管钻进成功钻至目的层 并完成固井作业。 EZCase对比表现,其机械钻速优于对手50%,且进尺比对手长250m。 对比表现,其机械钻速优于对手 ,且进尺比对手长 。 对比表现
火焰钻井flame drilling
电加热钻井electric heating drilling
旋转钻井rotary drilling
转盘钻井rotary drilling
顶部驱动钻井top drive drilling
岩石直接拉伸试验direct rock tensile test
岩石巴西劈裂试验rock Brazilian test
钻井工程质量drilling engineering quality
Drilling with casing: Are youdamaging your casing?The operator tested and inspected casing used in drilling South Texas wells and found no damage that prevented casing reuse, with minor repairs.R. D. Strickler, ConocoPhillips and Thomas M. Wadsworth, T H Hill AssociatesDrilling with casing provided Cono-coPhillips an effective means to reduce drilling costs in South Texas, with no ob-served reduction in the casing’s mechani-cal integrity. In addition to following traditional drilling practices – like mini-mizing dog legs – wear bands and stabi-lizers can be installed to mitigate effects of wear and fatigue when drilling with casing. Inspection of a string of 7-in. cas-ing used to drill 6,232 ft, and successful completion of 82 intervals over the last three years provide convincing evidence that neither wear nor fatigue are signifi-cant factors for casing used for drilling. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUNDConocoPhillips adopted a drilling with casing program in July 2001 to reduce drilling costs in its South Texas operations.1,2,3 While eliminating drill string tripping and reducing lost circulation and well control incidents has significantly increased drilling efficiency, use in drilling also subjects the casing to atypical wear and damage.The inability to accurately measure this damage has created a concern both within the industry and ConocoPhillips that using casing for drilling operations may compromise the mechanical integrity of the material.1,3 A reduction in mechani-cal integrity is a heightened concern throughout the life cycle of the wellbore since it can result in extensive well intervention, or well loss.When used for drilling, the casing transmits torque and bit weight through rotation of the string and mechanical compression of the bottom portion of casing. These operating conditions gen-erate two types of damage: 1) Wear: Side loads, or lateral loads, are applied to the casing due to wellbore curvature and buckling; and 2) Fatigue, which occurs when metal is subjected to cyclic loads that change the microstructure and pro-mote crack development. This is gener-ated by rotating the casing when it is bentand through buckling in the lower portionof the string.4 Fatigue cracks can occur inthe tube body, pin ends or couplings, andact as stress concentrators.Increased stress levels from eitherwear or fatigue cracks reduce the casing’scapacity to withstand internal/externalpressure, and tensile loads.The operator recognized the potentialrisks associated with wear and fatigue.Stabilizers and wear rings are routinelyused to mitigate this damage. Since thecasing is not normally tripped, however,the string cannot be inspected for wearand fatigue.In South Texas, ConocoPhillips evalu-ated this concern through two approaches.First, while drilling a Zapata County Lobowell, it had to pull and lay down the 7-in.casing after drilling from 884 ft to 7,116 ft(6,232 ft). This allowed for inspecting thecasing and collecting first-order dataregarding the wear/fatigue damage, butoffered only a single data point.stimulates its South Texas wells, whichprovides second-order data regardingdamage to the string. Data from bothapproaches are presented here.ConocoPhillips has had a sustainedmulti-rig development program in theLobo trend of South Texas since 1997.After optimizing the drilling program us-ing conventional drilling methods, it con-ducted a field trial of the patented CasingDrilling system, followed by expansion tothree Genesis rigs with 86 wells drilled todate using this technology.3 A typicalcasing and completion program for thesewells is shown in Fig. 1.The system uses a wireline retrievableBHA and a casing string, as shown in Fig.2. Recognizing the risks associated withabrasion, wear bands are crimped on thecasing below couplings on a lower por-tion of the casing string, Fig. 3. Stabiliz-ers, are also crimped on the casing aboutevery 1,000 ft to serve as keyseat wipers.Additionally, the stabilizers minimize de-flection from buckling and reduce cyclicstress that drives fatigue.INSPECTION RESULTSWhile drilling a Zapata County Lobo well, a string of 7-in. 23-lb Mav95/P-110 BTC casing was used to drill 6,232 ft of 8⅞-in hole. While this occurrence resulted in non-productive time, it allowed inspection of the 7-in. casing for wear and fatigue cracks to provide first-order data on the casing’s mechanical integrity. A total of 165 joints were sent to a storage yard for inspection. The pipe was cleaned and inspected as follows.1. Tubes. Visual Tube Inspection. Ini-tial visual inspection was performed to detect obvious mechanical damage, such as formation cuts or excessively deep slip cuts.Full Length Drift. Each joint was drifted full length using a drift mandrel to detect areas with reduced ID. The mandrel complied with API RP 5A5.Electromagnetic Inspection. An electromagnetic inspection was performed over the full length, excluding end areas. The unit was standardized using a teststandard prepared from the pipe inspectedwith OD longitudinal and transversenotches meeting API Spec 5 CT. The unitwas re-standardized as recommended inAPI RP 5A5.Gamma Ray Wall Thickness. Thetubes, excluding end areas, wereinspected for wear and reduced wallthickness using a chord-type gamma raysystem. Single-wall thickness wasmeasured, which would detect bothuniform and eccentric wear.2. Connections. Visual ConnectionInspection. Coupling and pin threadswere cleaned and visually inspected forthread form and damage, such as galling,tearing and wear. The connections wereevaluated based on serviceability, ratherthan new connection requirements, sincethey were used.Blacklight Connection Inspection.Coupling and pin ends on the bottom 30joints were inspected using this method todetect fatigue cracks. These joints wereselected as they were buckled/rotatedduring drilling. Since the focus of wasfatigue cracks generated while drilling,the inspection was performed inaccordance with Standard DS-1.5No joints were rejected for fatiguecracks or wear (wall thickness < 87.5% ofnominal wall thickness per API Spec 5CTfor new casing). The connections hadvarying amounts of galling and wear,which is expected with the connectionsbeing made up and broken out. Softwheels and flapper wheels dressed thethreads beyond the L7 area (PerfectThread Length) as specified in API Spec5B. Of the 165 joints, 117 weresuccessfully field repaired. Of theremaining 48, 20 required rethreading thecoupling end, 18 required rethreading thepin end, and 10 required rethreading bothcoupling and pin.After the inspections were completed,the 48 joints noted above were repairedand the entire string was used tosuccessfully drill 7,050 ft of 8⅞-in holeon a subsequent Lobo-area well.In addition to the inspectionsperformed on the tubulars noted above,the operator has pulled tubulars fromvarious wells for a variety of reasonsduring this program. When this hasoccurred, visual and dimensionalinspections were performed, with noindications of wear on the couplings ortubes. Modified couplings, whicheliminate need for additional wearprotection, were used on a recent wellwhile drilling in 7-in. casing. Afterdrilling 7000 ft in 117.5 hrs, the pipe waspulled and visually and dimensionallyinspected, with only minimal wearobserved.COMPLETION OPERATIONSConocoPhillips fracture stimulates allof its Lobo completions due to the lowpermeability and formation heterogeneity.High pressures and large volumesrequired in a fracture stimulation providea second-order verification of casingmechanical integrity. That is, the casing isnot directly inspected for reduced wallthickness and fatigue cracks, as wasperformed on string previously laid down,but rather pressure tests and pumpingoperations are performed, whichdemonstrate mechanical integrity. Onecan argue that successfully performingthese completion operations does notquantitatively determine the degree ofwear and fatigue; however, given that theoperator has made over 82 completionswith no failures due to wear or fatigue,indicating no wide-spread problem.When completing a Lobo well, aseries of pressure tests are performed.Before perforating, a frac stack is installedand the stack and production casing arepressure tested to 8,000 psi. The zone isthen perforated and broken down. Atypical zone requires 6,000 to 7,500 psi at5 to 10 bpm, applied to the productioncasing, providing an additional pressureintegrity test.Fig. 3. Wear band crimped on the casing immediately below the casing coupling to protect the coupling from abrasion.After break down, a data frac and frac are pumped down the production casing. In addition to internal pressure applied to the production string, the production casing by intermediate casing is pressured to 2,000 psi throughout the 1 to 3 hour pumping operation, thus pressure testing the intermediate casing above the top of cement.Again, no failures have occurred in the 82 completions made over the last 3 year period, which implies limited wear and fatigue damage to the casing.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors would like to thank ConocoPhillips for its permission to publish this information, and Tesco Corp. and GrantPrideco for the use of their graphics.LITERATURE CITED1 Tessari, R. M. (Bob) and G. Madell, “Casing Drilling—A Revolutionary Approach to Reducing Well Costs”, Paper SPE/IADC 52789, Presented at the 1999 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, March 9-11,1999.2 Shepard, S.F., R.H. Reiley, and T.M. Warren,“Casing Drilling: An Emerging Technology”,Paper SPE/IADC 76640, revised for publicationfrom paper SPE/IADC 67731, Presented at the2001 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam,February 27-March 1, 2001.3 Fontenot, K., et al., “Casing Drilling Expands inSouth Texas”, Paper SPE/IADC 79862, Presentedat the 2003 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference,Amsterdam, February 19-21, 2003.4 Warren, T.M., P. Angman, and B. Houtchens,“Casing Drilling Application DesignConsiderations”, Paper SPE/IADC 59179,Presented at the 2000 SPE/IADC Conference,New Orleans, Louisiana, February 23-25, 2000.THE AUTHORSR.D. (Bob) Strickler, staff drillingengineer for the South Texas BU,ConocoPhillips, earned a degree inpetroleum engineering technology in1978. He joined Conoco in 1988 andhas 26 years experience planning,supervising and managing, production/drilling operations in offshore, shallowwater and land areas, in domestic andinternational locations. He is presentlyinvolved in planning and operations forthe drilling with casing program.Thomas M. (Tom) Wadsworth,President of T H Hill Associates, Inc.,which provides engineering, qualityassurance, training and software to thedrilling sector, earned his BS inmechanical engineering from TexasA&M University in 1973, and is aregistered professional engineer. Priorto joining T H Hill in 2000, he heldvarious management and technicalpositions including division managerwith Fina Oil and Chemical Co.,drilling manager with two independentsand senior supervisor with Exxon Co.USA.。
CNOOC – World Record Run
套管锚组合 Casing Spear Running Tool
Casing Drilling Spear Assembly usiing tools from inventory Spacer Sub H-E Spear Grapple with Extended Stop Ring Left Hand Release and Bi-Directional Slips
下入参数Running Parameters WOB 2-10 klbs RPM 50 - 120 Torque 2 kftlb Flow 800 gpm
(up to 8 kftlb if stringers present)
注释Comments 用PDC钻头钻穿,用时15分,钻头五损伤 Drilled-out with PDC Bit in 15 mins - No Damage to Bit.
世界记录的套管钻井 World Record Casing Drilling Run
• 中海油天津分公司CNOOC China (Tianjin Branch). • 2002年1月January 2002. DS2 13 3/8” x 17”. • 井号Well LD9-3-1. • 钻机 Rig Bohai 4. • 在15-1/2“小时内钻进507米Drilled in 507 mts casing in 15 ½” hours.
- Gulf of Thailand • 套管Casing String 9-5/8” Surface Casing • 钻进长度Distance Drilled 780 ft • 总/井下时间Total / On-Bottom 5.0 / 1.5 hrs • 平均钻速Average ROP 520 ft/hr
Wear bushing:防磨套
Casing tally:套管数据
Float shoe:浮鞋
Float collar:浮箍
Measure out of hole:校对井深
surface casing:表套
M/U: make up组装
LB: pound磅
PSI: pound per square inch(压力单位)
ESD: emergency shutdown紧急关停装置
ROP: rate of penetration进尺速度(机械钻速)
ESP:emergency response plan应急响应预案
PPG: pound per gallon 磅/加仑(密度单位)
SG: specific gravity相对密度
RKB: rotary kelly bushing方钻杆补心
GL: ground level地表
LCM: loss circulation materials堵漏剂
P/U: pick up上提
Gas buster / poor boy液气分离器
Slug pit 重浆罐/稠浆罐
Trip nipple喇叭口
Rotating head旋转头
Chickson 活动弯头
Trailer/container/cabin/quarter room住井房/生活区
Trash pump排污泵
Flare pit放喷池/点火池/防火墙
drilling riser 钻井立管liner drilling 尾管钻井casing drilling 套管钻井drilling pipeline 钻井管线drilling liner 钻井尾管DP Drill pipe 钻杆HWDP heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆DC drill collar 钻铤STB stabilizer 钻杆扶正器SMDC short magnetic drill collar 短无磁钻铤PDM positive displacement motor 螺杆NMDC nonmagnetic drill collar 无磁钻铤(钻具)BOP blowout preventer 封井器CSC casing 套管JNT joint 单根XO cross-over 配合接头IF internal flush 内平FH full hole 贯眼REG regular 正规IU internal upset 内加厚EU external upset 外加厚IEU internal & external upset 内外加厚OH open hole 裸眼WOB weight on bit 钻压RPM revolutions per minute 转速分钟SPM strokes per minute 冲程每分钟ECD equivalent circulating density 当量泥浆密度MT metric ton 公制吨BHA bottom hole assembly 底部钻具组合DST drill stem test 钻具测试KS key seat 键槽STDS stands 立柱VIS viscosity 粘度WL water loss 失水PV plastic viscosity 塑性粘度YP yield point 屈服值FL filtrate loss 滤失TVD true vertical depth 垂深MD measured depth 测量井深TD total depth 总井深KOP kick off point 造斜点DIR direction 定向AZM azimuth 方位DEV deviation 井斜ROP rate of penetration 机械钻速ID inside-diameter 外径FTG footage 进尺PPG pounds per gallon (密度)每加仑磅PSI pounds per square inch 每平方英寸磅SGL single 单根HTHP high temperature high pressure 高温高压AD assistant driller 副司钻LCM lost circulation material 堵漏剂API American petroleum institute 美国石油协会IADC International association drilling contractor 国际钻井承包商CNPC China national petroleum company 中国石油天然气总公司P/N part number 零件型号S/N serial number 系列号N/W net weight 净重G/W gross weight 毛重P/U pick up 吊起M/U make up 接上L/D lay down 甩开N/U nipple up 接上N/D nipple down 卸开R/U rig up 安装WOC wait on cement 侯凝RIH run in hole 下钻WOO wait on order 等指令POOH pull out of hole 起钻DR drilling 钻进RM reaming 扩眼(划眼)WOW wait on water 等水TOF top of fish 鱼顶SX sacksMW mud weight 泥浆密度CBU circulate bottoms up 循环一周TOH trip out of hole 起钻MWD measurement while drilling 随钻测量KSW key seat wiper 键槽清洁器石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称1.钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team队,组:crew team2.技术员:technician钻井技术员:drilling technician泥浆技术员:mud technician3.监督:supervisor钻井监督:drilling supervisor副监督:assistant supervisor地质监督:geology supervisor4. 工程师:engineer泥浆工程师:mud engineer泥浆工:mudman机械工程师:mechanic engineer 引擎,发动机:engine工程:engineering钻井工程:drilling engineering采油工程:production engineering 石油工程:petroleum engineering 试油工程:oil test engineering拓展记忆:工程项目:project希望工程:The Hope Project三峡工程:The Three-Gorge Project 项目经理:project manager工程管理:project management钻工:roughneck,floorman司钻:driller副司钻:assistant driller钻井队长:drilling foreman钻井领班:tool pusher井架工:derrick man发动机工,机工:motorman钻台工:floor man机械师:technicians,mechanic电焊工:welder电工:electrician医生:doctor材料员:material man,staff man 炊事员:cook翻译:interpreter,translator洗衣工:laundry man石油作业现场常用工具1. 石油作业现场普通工具板手:wrench螺丝起子:screwdriver多角螺丝起子:Phlilips screwdriver活动板手:monkey wrench,adjustable wrench 钳子:pliers手斧:hatchet钩子:hook台钳:bench vice榔头:hammer木锤:mallet搬手:spanner1.钻探,钻井:drill拓展记忆:钻井:drilling定向斜井:directional drilling欠平衡钻井:under-balance海上钻井:off-shore陆地钻井:on-land drilling钻头:drill bit刮刀钻头:drag bit牙轮钻头:rock bit金刚石钻头:diamond bit喷射钻头:jet bit钻铤:drill collar衣领:collar钻杆:drill pipe钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team 钻机:drill rig钻井泥浆:drilling mud钻井液:drilling fluid钻井设备:drilling equipment2. 油、石油:oil拓展记忆:原油:crude oil石油:petroleum中国石油(简称):Petro-China采油:oil production采油设备:oil production equipment 采油平台:oil production platform 油泵:oil pump3.地质:geology拓展记忆:地质专业人员:geologist物理:physics地球物理勘探:geo-physical probe,geo-physical exploration测井Logging测井作业:logging operation测井记录:logging record4. 油(副词“好”含意):well拓展记忆:井眼:hole油井:oil well试井,油井测试:well test井下:down-hole井下作业:down-hole operation石油钻井方法基础词汇原油:crude oil天然气:nature gas煤层气:coal-bed gas一体化设计:integral design钻井:drilling钻井原理:the priciples of drilling顿钻钻井:percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling旋转钻井:rotary drilling液体冲击:fluid percussion大位移:big deviation侧钻井:sidetracking drilling technology,lateral drilling 水平井:horizontal well探井:wildcat,wildcat drilling深井:deep well浅井:shallow well老井:maturing well欠平衡钻井:under-balanced drilling丛式钻井:cluster drilling technology煤层气井:coal-bed gas well生产井:production wells报废井:abandon wells停产井:none-production wells绕障井、三维井:three-dimensional wells.常温井:normal temperature well注采井:injection and production well稠油井:heavy oil well热洗井:hot washing pipe井况:well condition石油钻井技术基础词汇技术规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification 拉伸:tension拉伸强度:tensile strength应力:stress压力:pressure应力点:stress point压力等级:pressure grade压力降:pressure drop压力梯度:pressure gradient回压:back pressure大气压:atmosphere压差:differential pressure静液柱压力:static fluid cloumn pressure 特征:characteristic,feature定性讨论:qualitative argument定量使用:quantitative use液体:liquid固体:solid气体:gas,air正的:positive负的:negative虚线:dashed line,broken line实线:full line递减率:decline rate正比于:be proportional to水平的:horizontal垂直的:vertical油层静压:the formation static pressure石油钻井参数基础词汇负荷:load扭矩:torque扭转:twist摩擦:friction钻压:WOB,weight on bit,weight,drilling weight钻速:ROP,rate of penetration,drilling rate,the rate of drilling 平均机械钻速:average ROP钻井周期:drilling period转速:rotary speed地层压力预测:formation pressure prediction technology地层快速预测:the formation fast prediction埋藏深度:bury depth产油层,产油带:pay zone, productive formation温度梯度:temperature gradient地层压力:formation pressure坍塌压力:collapse pressure and破裂压力:fracture pressure平衡压力:equilibrium pressure钻具(柱)压力:drilling string pressure 钻头振动:vibration of bit钻井成本:drilling costs井眼尺寸:hole size,well size参数计算:parameters calculation几何参数:geometric parameters参数分析:parameter analysis动态参数:dynamic data静态参数:static data注水参数:parameters of injection参数、变量:variables井距:well space垂直深度:vertical depth水平位移:horizontal deviation总深度:total depth垂直深度:vertical depth水平位移:horizontal displacement最大井斜角:maximum hole inclination 井眼环空:annulus space压力调节器:pressure regulator恢复(增加)压力:the build-up pressure 初始开采:primary recovery含水地层:water bearing formation套管漏失:casing leak摩擦损失:friction losses气举阀:gas-lift valve石蜡族:paraffin series含气液柱:gas-laden column增产措施:stimulation treatment流动能力:flowing capacity生产速率:production rate水驱:water drive气驱:gas drive网状系统:grid system水侵:water influx五点法:five-spot pattern油井产量:well productivity径向流:radial system富气:enriched gas贫气:lean gas气顶:gas cap气驱:gas drive (or gas flooding)水驱:water drive (or water flooding)地层伤害:formation damage波及系数:sweep efficiency泄油半径:drainage radius基岩处理:matrix treatment单级脱气:single stage separation泄油面积:drainage area表面张力:surface tension束缚水:connate water (or interstitial water)其他Derrick井架Crown block天车Drilling line大绳Rig floor钻台Monkey board二层台Traveling block游车Top drive顶驱Shackle卡环Elevator吊卡Spud in开钻Spud mud开钻泥浆Safety slips安全卡瓦Sub/adapter接头/短节Kelly方钻杆Drill collar钻铤Drill pipe钻杆Drill string钻柱Lay down the drill pipe甩钻杆Jar震击器Shock absorber减震器Rat hole大鼠洞Mouse hole小鼠洞Fishing tool打捞工具Fishing spear打捞矛Pin公扣Box母扣Safety joint安全接头Safety belt安全带Safety cap/hard hat/helmet安全帽Boots工鞋Flange 法兰Back-up tongs内钳Lead tongs外钳Pneumatic tongs气动大钳Hydraulic tongs液压大钳Driller room司钻房Assistant driller副钻Floorman钻工Rig钻机Wellhead井口Bell Nipple井口喇叭口Fish井下落物Single(pipe)/joint单根Threbble/stand一柱Breaking down/lay down甩单根Make a connection接单根Pneumatic draw works气动绞车Basket吊笼Sling绳套Loosening松开Tightening紧固Change shift换班Tubing hanger油管挂Blowout preventer(BOP)防喷器Accumulator储能器Agitator 搅拌器Ato-muffler消音器Clutch离合器Heavy weight drill pipe(HWDP)加重钻杆Hydraulic valve液压阀Chock line阻流管线Well control manifold井控管汇Pressure relief valve压力释放阀Directional well定向井Conductor隔水套管Casing套管Tubing油管Liner 尾管Run casing下套管Casing size套管尺寸Surface casing表层套管Casing shoe套管靴Casing scraper刮管器Cementing pump固井泵Cementing line固井管线Cementing head水泥头Squeeze cement挤水泥Wait on cementing候凝Cement plug水泥塞Bridge plug桥塞Christmas tree采油树Spanner扳手Hammer锤子Screwdriver改锥Tighten the screw上紧螺丝Loosen the screw松开螺丝Pressure testing试压Leak漏泄Leak off test地漏试验Formation integrity test地漏试验No leaking不漏Electric welding电焊Gas welding气焊Sealing ring密封圈Sidewall井壁Get stuck/sticking卡钻Meet sticking/stick pipe遇卡Free stick解卡Meet resistance遇阻Mud circulation循环泥浆Kick井涌Blowout/gush井喷Lost circulation/lost returns井漏Plugging/sealing堵漏Lost circulation material堵漏材料Lost circulation additives/plugging agent堵漏剂Mud pit泥浆池HI-VIS sweep稠泥浆Mud additive泥浆添加剂Packer封隔器Bit钻头Centralizer/stabilizer扶正器Cuttings岩屑Reaming/redressing划眼Reverse reaming/back reaming/up reaming倒划眼Make-up of string钻具组合Build the pressure憋压Waiting on cement候凝Slurry水泥浆Logging电测Wiper trip通井Coring取芯Coring tool取芯工具Coring bit取芯钻头Formation地层Kill line压井管线Choke line manifold阻流管汇Trip in hole(TIH)/running in hole(RIH)/go in hole(GIH)下钻Pull out of the hole(POOH)起钻Bottom hole assembly(BHA)井底钻具组合Short trip短起Reverse circulation反循环Open the well for gushing放喷Burner燃烧器Hydrogen sulfide/hepatic gas硫化氢Mask防毒面具Measuring tank/trip tank计量罐Separator分离器Desander/sand separator除沙器Shale shaker震动筛Mud pump/slush pump/drilling pump泥浆泵Piston活塞Liner钢套Valve阀门High pressure pipe高压管线Rush to repair抢修Viscosifier增粘剂Diluent稀释剂Stabilizer稳定剂Emulsifying agent乳化剂Disperse agent消油剂Caustic soda烧碱Gravity比重Mud engineer泥浆工程师Geologic engineer地质师Mechanical engineer机械师Drilling engineer钻井工程师Electrical engineer电器师Supervisor监督Captain/shipmaster船长Madman泥浆工Start pumping开泵Stop pumping停泵Pipe tongs/pipe spanner管钳Thread protector护丝Hose 软管Hook 大钩Ball valve/globe valve球阀Hydrogen氢气Nitrogen氮气Oxygen氧气Overload过载Hatch door舱门Anchor machine锚机Mooring rope带缆绳Anchor chain锚链Fire extinguisher灭火器Fire hydrant消防栓Water tap水龙带Deck甲板Draft line吃水线Helideck飞机甲板Portable water/fresh water淡水Drill water钻井水Ventilation通风设备Thermometer温度计Anemometer风速仪Barometer气压仪Crane boom吊车爬杆Transformer变压器Life boat救生艇Life jacket救生衣Life buoy救生圈Survival suit救生服Safety net安全网Foam fire extinguishing system泡沫灭火系统Co2 hand portable fire extinguisher手提式CO2灭火机Portable dry powder fire extinguish手提式干粉灭火机Fireman’s suit消防服Stretcher担架First aid kit急救箱First aid equipment急救设备Standby boat值班船Towing line拖缆Jack house升降室Condenser冷凝器Fire drill消防演习BOP drill防喷器演习Abandon drill逃生演习Fire alarm system火灾报警系统Variable load可变载荷Paint油漆Crane吊车Brush刷子Welding rod电焊条Remove rust除锈Unload卸载Drop anchor抛锚Gesture手势Signal信号Range light桅灯Lamp signal灯语Flag signal旗语Broadcast广播Barite重晶石Bentonite土粉Cement水泥Tray托盘Rack架Bundle捆Prevent pollution防污Mop拖布Rag 擦布Tie up带缆Cast off解缆Diesel柴油Generator发电机Motor电机Air condition空调Air compressor空压机Fresh water maker造水机Emergency generator应急发电机Fire pump消防泵Fuel pump燃油泵Mud cycle pump泥浆循环泵Distribution room配电间Submersible pump潜水泵Boiler锅炉Ground connection接地Short circuit短路Air button空气开关Electric shock触电Pliers老虎钳Keep away走开Cubic meter立方Square meter平方Water tank水舱Oil tank油舱Ballast tank压载舱钻井英语500句一、主-系-表句型(一)主-系-表句型是英语中最常用的句型之一,其结构是:主语+系词+表语。
钻井工程术语Terms of well drilling engineering2钻井总论 general2.1井的基本概念basic concept of a well井well ,井口wellhead,井底hole bottom,裸眼open-hole,井深well depth,井壁well wall,annulus井眼轴线hole axis:井眼的中心线,井身结构casing program2.2井的类别well type:探井exploratory well,开发井development well,直井straight well3钻井方法drilling method:顿钻钻井cable tool drilling:,杆式顿钻rod tool drilling,绳式顿钻cable drilling,旋转钻井rotary drilling,转盘钻井rotary drilling,顶部驱动钻井top drive drilling,井底动力钻井down hole motor drilling,涡轮钻井turbo-drilling,螺杆钻井Dyna-drilling,电动钻井electric drilling:2.4钻井种类kinds of drilling海上钻井offshore drilling,沙漠钻井desert drilling,清水钻井water drilling,空气(天然气)钻井air(gas) drilling,泡沫钻井foam drilling,雾化钻井mist drilling,充气钻井液钻井aerated drilling fluid drilling,平衡压力钻井balanced pressure drilling,欠平衡压力钻井under-balanced drilling,近平衡压力钻井near balanced drilling,小井眼钻井slim hole drilling,取芯钻井core drilling,2.5工程报废井engineering abandoned well2.6钻井设计well design2.7单井工程设计engineering design of a single well2.8钻井工程质量drilling engineering quality2.9钻井工序drilling process2.10钻井进度drilling progress2.11钻井条件drilling condition3岩石的物理机械性质及可钻性rock physical mechanical properties and drillability3.1岩石的物理机械性质rock mechanical properties:矿物的微硬度mineral micro-hardness,岩石的微硬度rock micro-hardness,岩石的硬度rock hardness,肖氏岩石硬度Shore's hardness,岩石的筒形抗内压胀烈试验hollow cylinder burst test:,岩石的常规抗压缩强度rock compressive strength,岩石的捣碎法压缩试验crashing compression test for rock,岩石的抗压入破碎强度rock fragmenting strength,压模静压入static impact test,压力面pressure face,等剪应力球面iso-shear sphere,压模压入岩石时的变形曲线force-penetration curve,动压入(冲击压入) impact penetration,岩石的抗剪切强度rock shear strength,岩石的抗剪切强度试验rock shear testing,三轴应力状态tri-axial stress state,岩石的三轴强度试验tri-axial compressive test of rock,岩石的常规三轴试验conventional triaxial test of rock,岩石的真三轴试验true triaxial test of rock,脆性岩石brittle rock,岩石的塑性rock plasticity,塑性岩石plastic rock,岩石的塑性变形rock plastic deformation,,岩石的假塑性破坏rock pseudo-plastics breakage,,岩石的塑性系数rock plasticity coefficient,岩石脆塑性转变压力(临界压力) rock brittle-plastic transition pressure,岩层蠕变strata creep,岩石的库仑-纳维尔强度准则Coulomb-Navier strengthcriterion for rock,岩石的莫尔强度准则Mohr failure criterion for rock,岩石的格里菲斯脆性破坏准则Griffith theory for rock brittle failure,统计强度理论statistical strength theory,破碎机理crushing mechanism,单齿压入试验single tooth penetration test,破碎坑cruched crater,破碎接触压力fracture contact pressure,牙轮钻头承压面积bit bearing area,岩石的表面破碎rock surface fracture:,岩石的疲劳破碎rock fatigue fracture,岩石的体积破碎rock volumetric fracture,岩石的单位体积破碎功rock specific volumetric fragile work,地温梯度geothermal gradient,地温级度geothermal step,高导热系数层high thermal conductivity strata,地应力in-situ stress,岩层的水平侧向应力strata lateral stress,侧压系数lateral pressure coefficient,围压confinning pressure,各向压缩效应triaxial compressibility effect,有效应力effective stress,零有效应力zero effective stress:,压持效应chip hold-down effect,岩石硬度减低剂rock hardness reducer,3.2岩石的微观结构rock micro-structure,3.3岩石的宏观结构rock macro-structure 3.4岩石的不均匀性rock heterogeneity,3.5岩石的各向异性rock anisotropy3.6岩石的可钻性rock drill-ability,微观钻头可钻性试验micro-bit drill-ability test,微型钻头micro-bit,微型钻头钻速micro-bit drilling rate,微型钻头刀片齿磨损量micro-bit cutter wear,3.7岩石研磨性rock abrasive properties,3.8岩石的渗透率rock permeability,4钻前工程 prespud operation4.1定井位location determination,4.2选线route selection,4.3井场well site,4.4井场布置well site arrangement:,4.5井场道路access road at well site,4.6设备安装equipment installation,4.7圆井cellar,4.8废泥浆池waste(reserve) pit,4.9泥浆罐mud tank,4.10钻机基础rig foundation,预制基础(活动基础) pre-fabricated foundation,现浇基础(死基础) foundation grouted in situ,桩基础pile supported foundation,4.11钻机基础设计rig foundation design,4.12基础安装(摆基础)pre-fabricated foundation setting,4.13基础浇筑(打基础)foundation grouting,基坑放线foundation pit delimitation,挖基坑foundation pit excavation,填石灌浆grout for bonding rubbles placed into pit,4.14基础找平foundation levelling,4.15基础养护concret foundation curing,4.16井架derrick(mast),塔形井架pyramid mast,自升式井架self erection mast,前开口式井架cantilever mast,A形井架A-mast,桅形井架mast,4.17井架结构参数derrick structural parameter,井架公称高度derrick nominal height,井架底尺寸derrick base size,井架上底尺寸water table size,二层台公称高度monkey board nominal height:,井架大门高度V-door height,井架大门开档尺寸V-door demensions,4.18井架构件derrick member,井架大腿derrick leg,底板(支脚板) bottom plate,横杆(横拉筋) girt,斜杆(斜拉筋) brace,联接板(节点板) connection angle-plate,操作台working platform:,指梁finger board,二层台racking platform(monkey board),三层台auxillary racking platform,天车台crown safety platform(crown runaround),天车台人字架gin pole,立管台standpipe board,井架绷绳derrick guy line,绷绳锚guy line anchor(dead-man),扶梯ladder,钻台derrick floor,立根盒pipe setback(setback),井架大门(前大门) V-door,绞车大门(后大门) draw-works window opening,挡风墙wind wall,4.19塔形井架安装pyramid derrick standing,运井架derrick members transportation:,整理井架rig spotting,安装索具string drilling line and install raising line:,吊扒杆cantilever gin-polehoisting and setting,封装井架大门V-door closing,升扒杆cantilever gin-pole raising,降扒杆cantilever gin-pole lowering,放扒杆cantilever gin-pole laying down,变幅amplitude,穿钢丝绳string up(stringing up),对吊balance hoisting with two cantilever,起天车crown block hoisting,放天车crown block dis mounting,高空操作手erector work high above ground,第一操作手first erector,第二操作手erector,第三操作手assistant erector,4.20自升式井架安装erection of self-erection mast,组装井架mast assembling,井架支架mast bracket,起升支架mast raising,起升绳raising line,底座人字架A-frame of substructure:,井架调节装置balance-adjusting device of mast,井架缓冲器mast damper,4.21整拖井架skid-mounted derrick,4.22钻机整体拖运rig skidding,4.23校正井架derrick aligning,4.24机泵房engine-pump housing,4.25钻井队野营房drilling crew mobile camp,4.26扒杆cantilever gin-pole,单扒杆single cantilever gin-pole,悬转扒杆rotable turning and suspended cantilever gin-pole:,吊臂(臂杆) cantilever,主扒杆main pole,上撑杆upper supporting pole,下撑杆lower support pole,辅助撑杆accessory supporting pole,底部转座bottom rotary table,中部转座middle rotary table,顶部转座top rotary table,座板bottom plate,臂顶滑轮cantilever top sheave,变幅滑轮cantilever amplitude sheave,底滑轮bottom sheave,起重钢丝绳hoisting line,变幅钢丝绳amplitude line,4.27井架安装车A-frame truck:,4.28静力触探车truck-mounted static probe detector,4.29尖槟吊扳手(尖扳手)cuspate spanner,5钻头的选择和使用 bit selection and application5.1钻头选型bit selection,5.2钻头检查bit inspection,5.3钻头使用寿命bit life,5.4钻头合理起钻时间reasonable time to pull the bi,5.5钻头过度使用overuse of bit,5.6钻头正常磨损bit uniform wear,5.7钻头异常磨损bit unfavorable wear,5.8钻头过度磨损bit excessive wea,5.9牙轮钻头轴承失效bit bearing failure,5.10钻头磨损分析bit dullness analysi s,牙齿的磨损分级tooth dullness grading,轴承磨损分级bearing wear grading,钻头直径磨损bit gage wear,钻头磨损特征dull bit a ppearance,牙齿折断tooth breakage,牙齿脱落lost teeth,牙齿磨损tooth wear,牙轮掉落cone losing:,牙轮破裂cone cracking,牙轮互咬cone interference,牙轮冲蚀cone-shell erosion,牙轮旷动cone shaking,牙轮卡死cone locked,轴承密封失效bearing seal failure,钻头直径磨小bit gauge wear,喷嘴脱落nozzle losing,水眼螺纹刺坏thread puncture,水眼刺坏water course puncture,喷嘴刺坏nozzle puncture,喷嘴堵塞nozzle plugging,中心磨损严重bit center cored out,巴掌断落shirt-tail cut,巴掌断裂shirt-tail breaking,巴掌尖磨损严重shirt-tail severely worn out,钻头泥包bit balling,井底落物损坏damage from foreign material,6钻柱、钻井工具及仪表 drill string, drilling tool and instrumentation6.1钻具drilling tool,方钻杆kelly,钻杆drill pipe,铝合金钻杆aluminium drill pipe,加重钻杆(厚壁钻杆) heavy wall drill pipe,钻铤drill collar,方钻铤square drill collar,偏重钻铤eccentric-weight drill collar,螺旋钻铤spiral DC(spiral-grooved DC):,接头joint(sub),配合接头(转换接头)cross-over sub,钻杆接头drill pipe tool joint,水龙头接头swivel tool joint,方钻杆保护接头kelly saver sub,6.2钻具组合(钻具配合)drill string assembly,6.3钻柱drill stem,6.4复合钻柱combination string,6.5下部钻具组合bottom hole assembly(BHA),满眼钻具packed hole assembly,塔式钻具tapered drill string,钟摆钻具pendulum assembly,6.6钻柱压曲pipe helical buckling,6.7切点tangency point,6.8半波长度half wave length,6.9临界钻压critical weight on bit,6.10变节距空间螺旋弯曲曲线,6.11钻柱运动方式drill string motion pattern:,钻柱的扭转振动drill-string torsional vibration,钻柱的纵向振动drill-string longitudinal vibration:,钻柱的旋转运动drill-string rotary motion,钻柱自转drill-string revolve on its own axis,钻柱公转drill-string revolve round the bore-hole axis,钻柱的复合旋转drill-string revolves both round the bore-hole axis and on its own axis,6.12钻柱受力分析drill-string force analysis,6.13钻柱拉应力drill-string tensile stress,6.14钻柱压应力drill-string compressive stress,6.15钻柱剪应力drill-string shear stress,6.16钻柱弯曲应力drill-string bending stress,6.17钻柱外挤压力drill-string collapse pressure,6.18浮力系数法buoyancy factor method,6.19压力面积法pressure-area method,6.20浮力减轻系数buoyancy factor,6.21钻柱的工作状态drill-string working status,6.22钻柱静拉设计drill-string static tensile design,安全系数法safety factor method:,设计系数法design factor method:,拉力余量法over-pull margin method:,6.23拉力余量over-pull margin,6.24钻杆允许下深drill-pipe rated depth,6.25应力减轻槽stress relief groove,6.26低扭矩面low torque face,6.27螺纹磷化thread phosphate coating,6.28阶梯内孔结构stepped bore structure,6.29上紧扭矩make-up torque,6.30最佳上紧扭矩optimum make-up torque,6.31钻铤连接螺纹弯曲强度比值DC joint bending strength ratio,6.32钻杆表面缺陷DP surface imperfection:,6.33胶皮护箍细槽rubber protector groove,6.34大钳伤痕tong mark,6.35卡瓦伤痕slip mark,6.36地层和井内金属碎屑的切割伤痕notching by formation and junk,6.37井下三器three down-hole tools,稳定器stabilizer,减振器shock absorber,震击器jar,6.38井眼扩大器reamer,6.39井口工具rig tool,大钳(吊钳) tong,吊卡elevator,卡瓦slip,安全卡瓦safety clamps,提升短节lift sub,钻头装卸器bit breaker,旋接器spinner:,6.40指重表weight indicator,6.41自动记录仪auto-graphic meter,6.42转盘扭矩表rotary table torque indicator:,6.43多参数仪multi-parameter analyzer,6.44综合录井仪mud logging unit,7钻井工艺 drilling techniques7.1钻进(纯钻进)drilling,7.2钻进技术drilling technique,7.3钻进参数drilling parameter,钻压WOB,单位钻头直径钻压W OB per unit length bit diameter,比钻压specific WOB,悬重和钻重free hanging weight and hook load while drilling,大钩载荷hook load,转速rotary speed,流量flow rate,7.4钻进瞬时扭矩torque while drilling,7.5钻进最大扭矩maximum torque while drilling,7.6中性截面neutral cross-section,7.7零轴向应力截面zero axial stress cross-section,7.8稳定力stabilizing power,7.9开钻spud in,7.10完钻drilled,7.11送钻feed off,7.12方入和方余kelly-in and kelly-up,7.13进尺penetration footage,7.14机械钻速penetration rate,7.15行程钻速roundtrip penetration rate,7.16钻时drilling time,7.17划眼redressing,7.18倒划眼back redressing,7.19扩眼reaming(under-ream),7.20蹩钻bit bouncing,7.21跳钻bit jumping,7.22干钻drilled dry,7.23试钻drill off,7.24停钻stop drilling,7.25顿钻drill-string free fall,7.26溜钻drill-string not well braked,7.27打倒车reverse rotation,7.28通井wiper trip,7.29放空drilling break,7.30吊打easing the bit in,7.31纠斜hole straightening,7.32钻水泥塞drill out:,7.33钻开油气层drill in,7.34缩径tight hole,7.35井径扩大hole enlargemen,7.36单根single,7.37双根double,7.38立根stand,7.39替根alternating pipe,7.40吊单根picking up single,7.41接单根making a connection,7.42起下钻round trip,7.43短起下钻short trip,7.44双吊卡起下钻trip with two elevators,7.45起钻错扣alternating breaks under trip out condition,7.46倒换钻具switching within strings,7.47活动钻具drill-string movement-reciprocation VS. rotation,7.48甩钻具break down,7.49换钻头bit changing,7.50灌钻井液fill in the hole,7.51钻头行程bit run,7.52钻头磨合running in,7.53起空车running up with empty blocks,7.54穿大绳string-up drilling-line,7.55倒大绳sliping and cut off drilling-line,7.56快绳fast-line,7.57死绳dead-line,7.58鼠洞rat hole,7.59小鼠洞mouse hol,7.60拉猫头cat-line pulling,7.61转盘卸螺纹screw out by use of rotary table power,7.62转盘绷扣initial breakout tool-joint by use of rotary table power,7.63钻具刺穿wash out,7.64蹩泵pump choking up,7.65循环钻井液circulating drilling fluid,7.66地面循环surface circulation,7.67地质循环circulating for geologic observation,7.68循环周circulation circle,7.69处理钻井液drilling fluid treatment,7.70挂辅助刹车putting on auxiliary brake,7.71司钻操作台driller's console,7.72井史well history,7.73钻井日报表daily drilling report,7.74钻井班报表tour report,7.75钻井液班报表drilling fluid tour report:,7.76钻头记录bit record,7.77钻具记录drilling string record,8喷射钻井 jet drilling8.1喷射钻井jet drilling,8.2射流jet flow,淹没非自由射流submerged non-free jet,冲击射流impact jet,气蚀射流(空化射流) cavitation jet,脉冲射流pulsed jet,磨料射流abrasive jet,射流水力参数jet hydraulic,射流喷速jet velocity,射流冲击力jet impact force,射流水功率jet hydraulic horsepower,射流的极点jet stagnation point,射流的速度分布jet velocity distribution,射流的初始段flow development region,射流的基本段fully developed flow region,射流扩散角和扩散系数jet spread angle and spread coefficient,射流等速核jet patential core,漫流cross flow,漫流速度cross-flow velocity,射流速度降低系数jet velocity attenuation coefficient,射流动压力jet dynamic pressure,射流动压力降低系数jet dynamic pressure attenuation coefficient,8.3喷射距离jet reach,8.4净化井底bottom-hole cleaning,8.5钻头水力参数bit hydraulic,钻头压降bit nozzle pressure-drop,钻头压降系数Kb bit pressure-drop factor,钻头水功率bit hydraulic horse-power,钻头比水功率bit specific hydraulic horse-power,8.6喷嘴nozzle,喷嘴流道nozzle passageways,喷嘴流量系数nozzle flow rate coefficient,等速梯形喷嘴iso-velocity gradient nozzle,流线形喷嘴streamlined nozzle,脉冲喷嘴pulsed nozzle,加长喷嘴extended nozzle,喷嘴水力特性nozzle hydraulic property,喷嘴结构nozzle configuration,喷嘴组合nozzle combination,单喷嘴single nozzl,双喷嘴two nozzle,不等径组合喷嘴unequal diameter nozzle,反喷嘴inverse nozzle,喷射角impact angle,喷嘴布置nozzle arrangement,喷嘴当量直径nozzle equivalent diameter,不等径喷嘴最佳直径比值optimum diameter ratio of unequal diameter nozzle,8.7钻井液循环系统drilling fluid circulating system,循环压耗系数circulating pressure loss coefficient,循环压耗circulating pressure loss,临界压耗critical pressure loss,环空压耗annulus pressure loss,地面管汇压耗pressure losses in surface equipment,地面管汇surface equipment,8.8钻井水力学drilling hydraulics,8.9钻井液流态drilling fluid flow pattern,平板层流flat laminar flow,塞流plug flow:,管流pipe flow,Z-value,8.11平板度判别准数flat plate level criterion,8.12喷射钻井的工作方式working regime of jet drilling,最大钻头水功率工作方式maximum bit hydraulichorse-power regime,最大射流冲击力工作方式maximum jet impact force regime,最大射流喷速工作方式maximum jet velocity regime,经济水功率工作方式economic hydraulic horse-power regime,8.13最优钻井液流量optimum flow rate of drilling fluid,8.14最优喷嘴直径optimum nozzle diameter,8.15临界井深和极限井深critical and limited well depth,8.16钻井泵的工作状态drilling pump working regime,钻井泵的最大流量工作状态(额定功率工作状态) drilling pump maximum flow rate regim,钻井泵的调节流量工作状态(允许压力工作状态) drilling pump regulated flow rate regime,钻井泵的临界工作条件drilling pump critical working condition,8.17钻井泵的额定压力drilling pump rated pressure,8.18钻井泵的额定流量(缸套的额定流量)drilling pump rated flow rate,8.19钻井泵的额定冲数drilling pump rated pumping speed,8.20钻井泵的最大输出功率maximum pump discharge horse-power,8.21钻井泵的特性曲线pump characteristics,8.22钻井泵的临界特性曲线pump critical characteristics,8.23钻井泵效率pump mechanical efficiency,8.24钻井泵水功率利用率pump hydraulic power utilization efficiency,。
钻探工程名词术语点击:370 添加时间:2008-12-311 主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了钻探工程中常用的名词术语。
2 基本术语basic terms2.1 钻探工程drilling equipment为探明地下资源地质情况,开采地下矿藏以及其他目的所进行的钻孔施工工程。
2.1.1 钻探设备drilling equipment(rig)钻孔施工所使用的地面设备总称。
2.1.2 钻探工具drilling tools钻孔施工所使用的孔内各种机具、以及小型地面机具的总称。
2.1.3 钻探工艺drilling technology钻孔施工所采用的各种技术方法、措施以及施工工艺过程。
2.2 钻进、钻探drilling钻头钻入地层或其他介质形成钻孔的过程称钻进,以探明地下资源及地质情况的钻进称钻探。
2.2.1 取芯钻进.core drilling以采取圆柱状岩矿芯为目的的钻进方法与过程。
2.2.2 不取芯钻进non-core drilling破碎全部孔底岩石的钻进方法与过程。
2.2.3 扩孔钻进reaming扩大原有钻孔直径或扩大某一孔段直径的钻进方法与过程。
2.3 封孔sealing of hole为防止地表水和地下含水层通过钻孔与有用矿体串通,终孔后对钻孔进行的止水封填工作。
3 钻探方法drilling methods3.1 固体矿产钻探solid mineral drilling以勘察固体矿产的产状、赋存状态、品位、储量及其他地质形象为目的的钻探工作。
3.2 水文钻探hydro-geological drilling以水文地质勘察为目的的钻探工作。
3.3 水井钻探water well drilling以开发利用地下水资源为目的的钻探工作。
3.4 工程地质钻探engineering geological drilling以工程地质勘察为目的的钻探工作。
钻、修井专业英语常用英文缩略语打捞工具和常用词语常用修井设备、工用具Accumulator 储能器Active tank 循环池Adjusting bolt (刹把)调节螺栓Admission pipe 进气管Agitator 搅拌器Air chamber 空气包Air line 气管线Air-operated hoist 气动绞车Alternating current drive 交流电驱动Annular BOP 环形BOPAto-muffler 消音器Ball valve 球阀Bell nipple 井口喇叭管Bench vise 老虎钳bit breaker 钻头装卸器bit gauge 钻头规blind ram preventer 盲板防喷器BOP control panel 防喷器控制盘BOP deck 防喷器平台Bottom plug 底塞Brake lever (brake handle) 刹把Brake line (brake staple) 刹带Bridge plug 桥塞Buttress 梯形扣Butterfly valve 蝶阀By-pass 旁通By-pass plug 旁通塞Calipers 卡钳Casing coupling 套管接箍Casing cutter 套管割刀Casing elevator 套管吊卡Casing hanger 套管悬挂器Casing head 套管头Casing monkey board 套管平台Casing scraper 刮管器Casing shoe 套管鞋Casing slip 套管卡瓦Casing spear 套管打捞矛Casing spool 套管四通Casing tong 套管大钳Cat line 猫头绳Cat line grip 猫头绳爪Cat shaft 猫头轴Cat-head 猫头Cellar deck 井口甲板Cement 水泥Cement basket 水泥伞Cement plug 水泥塞Cement retainer 水泥阻流环Cementing bond log 固井质量检查Cementing head 水泥头Cementing line 固井管线Cementing pump 固井泵Chain 链Chain pipe tong 链钳Chain tong 链钳Chamber 房间,寝室Chamber gate 阀箱,闸室Charge pump 灌注泵Check valve 止回阀,回压凡尔Choke 节流器,阻流器Choke line 阻流管线Choke position indicator 节流阀位置指示器Choke valve 节流阀Choke-line manifold 阻流管汇Clutch 离合器Conductor 导管Cone 牙轮Cone fisher 牙轮打捞器Cone lock 牙轮卡死Cooling-water pump 冷却水泵Core barrel shoe 取心筒鞋Core basket 取心爪Core bit 取心钻头Core catcher 取心爪Core catch case 取心爪外套Core drying oven 岩心烘箱Crossover joint(x/o) 变换接头Crown block 天车Crown block beam 天车梁Dead line 死绳Dead line diaphragm 死绳固定器膜片Dead line anchor 死绳固定器Degasser 除气器Derrick 井架Desander (desilter) 除砂器(除泥器)Direct current drive 直流电驱动Discharge line 排除管线Double ram type preventer 双闸板防喷器Down hole tool 入井工具Drawworks 绞车Drawworks motor 绞车电机Drift mandrel 通径规Drill collar 钻铤Drill collar slip 钻铤卡瓦Drill pipe 钻杆Drill pipe slip 钻杆卡瓦Drill pipe wiper 钻杆刮泥器Drill string 钻柱Driller’s console 司钻控制台Driller’s monitor 司钻监视器Drilling line (workline) 钻井大绳Drilling stem valve 钻杆防喷器Drive shaft 驱动轴Driven shaft 从动轴Driving chain 传动链条Drum 滚筒Drum capacity 滚筒容量Drum clutch 滚筒离合器Drum high (low) air clutch 滚筒高速(低速)离合器DV collar 分级箍Eddy current brake 涡磁刹车Elevator 吊卡Elevator link 吊卡耳环Elevator-spider 吊卡-卡盘emergency jaw clutch 应急牙嵌离合器Equalizing yoke (刹带的)平衡杠External cutter 外部割刀Eye plate 吊耳,吊环Eye splice 绳套,接环Fill up line 灌泥浆管线Filtration test apparatus 失水测定仪Finger board 指梁Fishing hook 打捞钩Fishing head 打捞头Fishing jars 打捞振击器Fishing neck 打捞颈Fishing nipple 打捞公锥Fishing operation 打捞作业Fishing socket 打捞母锥Fishing spear 打捞矛Fishing string 打捞管柱Fishing tap(taper) 打捞公锥Fishing tool 打捞工具Flange 法兰Flat file 扁锉Round file 圆锉Square file 方锉Flat bit tongs 扁嘴钳(电工用)Flat bottom mill 平底磨鞋Flexible joint 挠性接头Float shoe 浮鞋Float valve 浮阀Floating collar 浮箍Four-way valve 四通阀Free point indicator 卡点测定仪Full hole joint 贯眼钻杆接头Funnel viscometer 漏斗粘度计Gas holder(tank) 储气筒,储气罐Gate 大门Gate valve 闸门阀Goose neck pipe 鹅颈管Hammer 锤子Heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆Heavy wall drill pipe 厚壁钻杆High pressure line 高压管线Hole opener 开眼器,扩眼器Hook 大钩Hook spring 大钩弹簧Hose 水龙带Hydraulic break-out cylinder 卸扣液缸Hydraulic catwork 液压猫头Hydraulic pump 液压泵Hydraulic reservoir 液压油箱Hydraulic tong 液压大钳Hydraulic valve 液动阀Hydraulic-powered winch 液压绞车Inertia brake 惯性刹车Inlet 入口Inner core barrel 内岩心筒Intermediate casing 中间(技术)套管Internal blowout preventer 钻杆内防喷器Internal calipers 内卡钳Internal external upset 内外加厚Internal flush joint 内平钻杆接头Jar 振击器Jaw clutch 牙嵌离合器Joint 接头,单根Junk basket 笼式打捞篮Junk catcher 打捞爪,一把抓Junk sub 打捞杯Kelly bushing 方补芯Kelly cock 方钻杆考克Kelly protective sub 方钻杆保护接头Kelly spinner 方钻杆旋转短节Key seat reamer 键槽破坏器Kill line 压井管线Knee pipe 弯管Ladder 梯子Level 水平仪(尺)Lifting plug 提丝Lifting sub 提升短节Line reeving 滑车装绳数Liner 缸套Liner 尾管Lock bolt 锁紧螺栓Locking flange 锁紧法兰Low pressure line 低压管线Lube oil pump 润滑油泵Lubrication hole 加油孔Magnetic fishing tool 磁力打捞工具Make out cathead 卸扣猫头Make up cathead 上扣猫头Manual drill 手摇钻Manual valve 手动阀Master bushing 转盘大补芯Milling shoe 铣鞋Milling tool 铣具Mixing hopper 混合漏斗Mixing pump 混合泵Monkey board 猴台Mouse hole 小鼠洞Mud balance 泥浆比重计Mud cleaner 泥浆清洁器Mud ditch 泥浆槽Mud guard 挡泥板Mud gun 泥浆枪Mud relief valve 泥浆泵安全阀Mud return line 泥浆返出管线Nail 钉子Near-bit stabilizer 近钻头扶正器Needle valve 针形阀Nigger-head 扳手加长套筒Nipper 镊子,夹子Non-magnetic drilling collar 非磁钻铤Normal close valve 常闭阀Normal open valve 常开阀Nozzle 水嘴,喷嘴Nut 螺冒(bolt 螺栓)Nut bolt 带冒螺栓Nut spinner 自动螺母扳手Oil level 油位Oil level check plug 油位检查丝堵Oil tank 油柜Oil-level dipstick 油尺Open-ended spanner 开口扳手Outer core barrel 外岩心筒Outlet 出口Paint brush 油漆刷Pilot bit 领眼钻头Pin 公扣,销子Pincers 钳子,夹子Pinch bar 撬棍Piston 活塞Piston cup 活塞皮碗Piston rod 活塞杆Pliers 手钳子Plug valve 旋塞阀Pneumatic tool 气动工具Portland cement 硅酸盐水泥Power slip 动力卡瓦Power supply unit 动力供应设备Power tong 动力大钳Power wrench 动力扳手Pressure snubbing tank 缓冲罐Production casing 生产层套管Pulley 滑轮Pump-out reversing sub 反循环接头Pup pip joint 短钻杆Quick connection 快速接头Ramp (井架大门处)坡板Rat hole 大鼠洞Regular tool joint 正规钻杆接头Regulator valve 调节阀Relief line 放压管线Retaining ring (support ring) 承托环Reverse circulating valve 反循环阀Reverse circulation junk basket 反循环打捞篮Reverse circulation port 反循环孔Reverse gear 倒档齿轮Reversing tool 倒扣(打捞)工具Ring gasket 钢圈Ring spanner 梅花扳手Rivet 铆钉Rotary table 转盘Rotary table motor 转盘电机Rotary table motor blower 转盘风机Safety clamp(slips) 安全卡瓦Safety joint 安全接头Safety stop 安全限位挡块Safety switch 安全开关Safety-strap(belt) 安全带Sand reel 捞砂滚筒Screen cloth 筛布Screw 螺钉Screw driver 螺丝刀seamless pipe 无缝钢管Setback 立根盒Setback capacity 立根盒容量Settling pit 沉砂池Shaft 轴Shale shaker 振动筛Shock absorber 减震器Side door elevator 倒开门吊卡Single joint elevator 单根吊卡Single ram type preventer 单闸板防喷器Slide rule 计算尺Slide tongs 管钳Sling 吊索Slip bushing 卡瓦补芯Slip dog 卡瓦牙板Slip groove 卡瓦槽Slip insert 卡瓦牙Slip socket 卡瓦打捞筒Slip socket bowl (卡瓦)锥形座Socket 套筒扳手Spider 卡盘Spiral drill collar 螺旋钻铤Spud spear 钢丝绳打捞钩Spudding bit 开眼钻头Stab-in cementing 插入式注水泥Stabbing board 对扣台(下套管用)Stabilizer 扶正器Stainless steel 不锈钢Stand pipe 立管Stinger 插入头Stinger strings (内管)注水泥管柱Stud 双端螺栓Stud bolt 双头螺栓Stuffing box 盘根盒Stub 接头Suction line 吸入管线Suction valve 吸入阀Surface casing 表层套管Swivel 水龙头Tape measure 卷尺Tee 三通Thread dope 丝扣油Thread protector 护丝Three-cone bit 三牙轮钻头Tong 大钳Tong bucket 大钳平衡器Tong dies 大钳牙板Tong head 钳头Tong mark 大钳刻痕Tong space 大钳搭绞部位Tool joint 工具接头Tool steel 工具钢Top(bottom) plug 顶(底)塞Top of the cement 水泥面TOTCO ring baffle plateTOTCO承托环Traveling block 游动滑车Trip-tank 泥浆计量罐Two way valve 两通阀v-door 井架大门valve 阀门,阀,凡尔valve body 凡尔体valve cup(seat)凡尔座valve face 阀面valve lever 阀密封valve seat grab 起阀座器valve spring 阀弹簧vernier 灵敏指针vice(vise) 虎钳wall hook 壁钩wash pipe 冲管wear bushing 耐磨补芯well-head equipment 井口装置whip stock 造斜器,斜向器wing stabilizer 翼状扶正器钻井常用短语简易英汉石油词语汇编English 汉语accumulator 储能器accumulator pressure 储能器压力acidizing 酸化acid stimulation 酸化acid treatment 酸化acoustic well sounder 油井回声仪active injector 注水井active producer 生产井adjustible choke 可调式油嘴air inlet filter 空气滤清器allowable rope load 绳索允许负荷annual output 年产量annular space 环空annulus 环空annular volume 环空容积area 井口场地artificial island 人工岛back-off 丢手back-off joint 倒扣短节back-off operation 倒扣作业backwash cycle 反循环冲洗back wash line 反洗管线ball valve 球阀barrel 桶barrel oil pump 油桶手摇油泵bean back 减小油嘴bean up 增大油嘴beche 打捞母锥base crude 原油English 汉语base oil 原油belly band 安全带belly buster 安全带blanking plate 盲板blank ram 全封防喷器闸板blind ram 全封防喷器闸板bleed 放压blind back-off 无控制卸扣blind back-off technique 猛倒扣技术block crown 天车游动滑车组blow a line down 扫线blow down 排放. 卸压blow-down line 卸压管线blow line 扫线blowing well 自喷井blowout control 井喷控制blowout 井喷blowout control equipment 防喷设备blowout preventer (BOP) 防喷器blowout preventer drill 防喷器操练blowout preventer operating and controlsystem 防喷器操作控制系统blowout--preventer riser 防喷器立管blowout preventer unit 防喷器组合boll--weevil banger 油管悬挂器boll--weevil tubing head 易装油管头bolt fastening 螺栓连接bore frame 井深结构bore hole fluid sampler 井下取样器bottom--hole sampler(BHS) 井下取样器bottom--hole pump 深井泵bottom--hole pressure(BHP) 井底压力bottom--hole pressure bomb 井底压力计bottom--hole pressure building test 井底压力恢复试井English 汉语bottom--hole separator 井下分离器box key 套筒扳手box spanner 套筒扳手box bell 打捞母椎bring into operation 投产bypass 旁通casing 套管centralizer 扶正器check out put 检泵check valve 单流阀choke 油嘴circulating fluid to kill the well 循环压井circulating valve 循环阀(滑套)clean out of well 洗井clean out operation 洗井作业clean out sand 清沙clean out string 洗井管柱close in 关井commingled producting well 合采井commingled system 合采commingled water injection 合注compressor 空压机computation center 计算中心crude production rate 原油产量dead crude 死油(脱气原油)degassed oil 死油(脱气原油)dead oil 死油(脱气原油)decline of production 产量递减deemulsifier 破乳剂defoamer 消泡剂development history 开发史development well 开发井dewaxing 清蜡English 汉语direct flushing 正循环洗井displacing fluid 顶替液diverting agent 暂堵剂down hole pressure gauge 井下压力计echo sounder 回声测深仪electric centrifugal pump 电濳泵electric submersible centrifugal pump 电濳泵electric submersible pump(ESP) 电濳泵fishing tool 打捞工具fisher 打捞器fishhook 打捞钩fishing 打捞作业fishing basket 打捞篮fishing bell 打捞帽fishing bumper sub 打捞伸缩节fishing head 打捞头fishing jar 打捞震击器fishing job 打捞工作fishing magnet 磁铁打捞器fishing nipple 打捞公锥fishing tap 打捞公锥fishing taper 打捞公锥fishing operation 打捞操作fishing socket 打捞母锥fishing string 打捞管柱flowing bottomhole liquid level 动液面flushing 洗井flush type releasing spear 冲洗型可退式打捞矛gage line 卷尺go in the hole 下井作业hole caliper 通井规hole temperature 井温horizontal well 水平井English 汉语hydraulically telescoping mast 液压伸缩式井架hydrochloric acid 盐酸hydraulic spear 水力打捞矛low producing well 低产井impression block 铅印impression sensing test 井下打印试验industrial flow 诱喷intial reservoir pressure 原始地层压力jet pump 射流泵junk catcher 一把抓kelly driver 抽油杆扳手kick 井涌killing fluid 压井液killing well 压井kill job 压井作业kill line 压井管线kill rate 压井排量kill string 压井管柱knockout 油水分离器leaker 漏失井level indicator 液面指示器lifting bail 吊环lift valve 气举阀liner 尾管liquefied natural gas(L.N.G) 液化天然气liquefied petroleum gas(L.P.G) 液化石油气load indicator 指重表location 井位loss circulation 循环液返不出loss of circulation 循环液漏失loss of return 井口无返出loss of well control 失控井喷lost circulation 循环漏失English 汉语main producing 主力生产层main pay 主力油层make a trip 起下钻(起下管柱)making a connection 接单根make fishing tap 打捞公锥master valve 总闸门maturing field 老油田metering tank 计量罐metering separator 计量分离器monthly production report 月生产报告multiple completion 多层完井multiple runs 多次起下作业multiple trip 多次起下作业natural completion 正常完井natural gas 天然气natural gas conditioning 天然气处理natural oil(crude oil) 天然石油needle valve 针形阀negative well bore pressure 井筒负压normal range 正常范围normal sand washing 正冲砂nuclear-explosive fraturing 核爆炸压裂objective interval 目的层段off production 停产oil well productivity 产能off-take well 生产井packer setting 封隔器座封pay bad 生产层pay zone 油层perforated interval 射孔段perforation 射孔water-injection 注水per-well production 单井产量English 汉语petroleum production engineering 采油工程petroleum reservior 油藏piston stroke 活塞冲程pilot testing 小型生产实验polyethylene 聚乙烯power fluid 动力液prepad fluid 前置液pressure build-up curve 压力恢复曲线pressure build-up method for well test 压力恢复试井pressure gradient 压力梯度producing fluid level 动液面production 开采production log 生产测井production test 试油production well 生产井profile-log of water injection 注水井吸水剖面proppant carrying ability of frac fluid 携砂能力pulling and running operation 起下作业pumping speed 冲数quantity of injected water 注水量radiation 辐射ram blowout preventer 闸板式防喷器raw data 原始数据real time 实时removal of wax 清蜡reset 复位restart 重新启动reverse sand washing 反冲砂sand arch 砂拱sand bridge 砂桥sand carrying fluid 携砂液sand control 防砂sand well 出砂油井English 汉语sand production in oil well 油井出砂sand up 砂堵sand washing 冲砂self-sealing preventer 自封封井器steady well test 系统试井submergence depth 沉没度sucker rod 抽油杆sucker rod wrench 油杆钳temperrature 温度tubing 油管tubing drain 油管泄油阀under balance perforating 负压射孔under load 欠载unloading 卸载update 修改valve bailer 凡尔式捞砂筒V-belt drive 三角皮带传动virgin state 原始状态washing fluid 洗井液washing well 洗井wash pipe sand washing 冲管冲砂water depth 水深waterflood injection well 注水井waterflood transmission 注水管线water nozzle 水嘴water packer 隔水封隔器water packing off 封水water quality 水质water resources 水源water shutoff(WSO) 封水water source well 水源井wax removal 清蜡weight bar 加重杆English 汉语well acidizing 油井酸化well bean 油嘴well blowout 井喷well bore 井筒well completion 完井well completion data 完井资料well completion interval 完井井段well control fluid 压井液well head 井口well head control valve 井口总闸门wellhead pressure 井口压力wellhead shut-in 地面关井wellhead static pressure 井口静压well in operation 作业井well killing 压井well killing method 压井方法well management 油井管理well profile 井身结构well pulling job 起油管作业well pulling machine 修井机well pulling unit 修井机well pulling service 修井起下作业well reconditioning 井修复workover job 修井作业workover 修井well workover 修井well repair 修井wellsite 井位well tubing 油管wheel box 齿轮箱wireline operation 钢丝作业wireline socket 钢丝绳帽wireline spear 钢丝捞矛English 汉语wire wrapped screen 绕丝筛管working barrel 工作筒workover rig 修井机workover tubing 冲管(连续油管)work string 工作管柱work string-casing annulus 环空aboard 靠船ACC;acc(accumulator) 储能器air hoist 气动绞车angle steel 角钢anti-freeze fluid 防冻液driller 司钻assistant driller 副司钻A.S.L(above sea level) 海拔高度back-off 倒扣(解卡作业)bushing 补心CBS(crown block saver) 防碰天车装置centralizer 扶正器client 雇主CNOOC(China National Offshore Oil Corporation) 中国海洋石油总公司control 控制Casing pressure 套管压力Casing size 套管尺寸depth in 下入深度depth out 起钻深度DF(Drill floor) 钻台DL(dog leg) 狗腿,狗腿度drilling platform 海上钻井平台drilling ship 钻井船drilling tool 钻具drill pipe frozen 卡钻equal 等于formation 地层fact 实际final well report 完井综合报告hook load 大钩负荷hook speed 大钩速度hook position 大钩位置horse power 马力hose 水龙带KG(kilogram) 千克kilometers 千米KOD(kick-off depth) 造斜深度KOP(kick-off point) 造斜点length 长度long 长的light 光,轻的lift 举起agitator 搅拌器mud hog 泥浆泵mud tank 泥浆罐settling sump 沉淀池plug 插头pipe in(out) 接(卸)单根pull out of hole 起钻pump output 泵排量pumping horse 泵房。
井场用语英文1. Bit(钻头):钻头是钻井作业中的关键工具,用于破碎岩石,实现钻井目的。
2. Drill Pipe(钻杆):钻杆是连接钻头和地面设备的管道,用于传递旋转动力和泥浆。
3. Mud Pump(泥浆泵):泥浆泵用于将泥浆从泥浆池输送到钻杆内部,以冷却钻头、清洁井底和平衡地层压力。
4. Derrick(井架):井架是支撑钻杆、钻头和其他钻井设备的主要结构。
5. Kelly(方钻杆):方钻杆位于钻杆和钻头之间,用于传递旋转动力。
6. Rotary Table(转盘):转盘安装在井架上,用于连接钻杆和方钻杆,实现旋转钻井。
7. Drill Stem Test(钻杆测试):钻杆测试是在钻井过程中对油气层进行的一种测试,以评估产量和压力。
8. Blowout Preventer(防喷器):防喷器安装在井口,用于控制井口压力,防止井喷事故。
9. Casing(套管):套管是一种钢管,用于保护井壁和封堵非生产层,确保井的安全。
10. Cementing(固井):固井是将套管与井壁之间的空隙填充水泥,以增强井壁稳定性和封堵地层。
11. Formation Evaluation(地层评价):地层评价是通过测量和分析井壁附近的岩石和流体性质,以确定油气藏的产量和品质。
12. Well Logging(测井):测井是利用各种仪器测量井壁和地层参数,为地质分析和油气藏评价提供依据。
13. Perforating(射孔):射孔是在套管和井壁之间射出小孔,使油气层与井筒连通,以便进行生产。
14. Completion(完井):完井是指钻井作业完成后,对井进行的一系列工程措施,使其具备生产条件。
15. Workover(修井):修井是对生产井进行维修、改造和增产措施的过程。
井场用语英文(续)16. Production tubing(生产油管):生产油管是安装在套管内部的一根管道,用于将地层的油气输送到地面。
17. Christmas Tree(采油树):采油树是安装在井口的一种阀门装置,用于控制油气的生产和关闭井口。
Bi-modal AcousTic Sensor (BAT™)
Bioassay Technical Support
BMR 100-Barrel Batch-Mixer Trailer
BondCem™ Cements
BondSeal™ Cement
Borate Crosslinked Fluids
AssetJournal™ Project Documentation Tool
AssetObserver™ real-time field surveillance
AssetPlanner™ Field Development Planning Software
AssetSolver™ real-time field management
CleanStream® Service
CleanWave™ Water Treatment System
CoalStim® Service
Cobra Frac® Service
CobraJet Frac® Service
CobraMax® H Fracturing Service
CobraMax® V Fracturing Service
Constant Volume Extractor (CVE )
Constrictor® Annular Barrier Tool
Control Line Clamps and Protectors
Conventional Full Closure System
Core Freezing
Core Gamma Logger
AutoLatch™ and Release Perforating Gun Connector
合作, 首次将可回收式井下钻具套管钻井技术 [4-5]
与随钻测量 LWD / MWD 和旋转导向钻井技术等集
成, 形成了旋转导向套管钻井技术
2016 年 第 44 卷 第 6 期
石 油 机 械
套管, 完钻后套管直接留在井内实施固井作业。 套
中井下复杂情况的发生率 [1-3] 。
Tesco 公司与 ConocoPhillips 和 Schlumberger 等公司
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
— 42 —
Key words: rotary steering; casing drilling; retrievable; drilling lock assembly; casing drive system; hy⁃
draulic elevator; LWD; reamer
0 引 言
钻头和井下工具的起下在套管内进行, 不再需要常
规的起下钻作业。 资料显示, 利用套管钻井不仅可
套管钻井技术是指在钻进过程中, ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้接采用套
以较大幅度地降低钻井成本, 还可以减少钻井过程
能量, 井下钻具组合接在套管柱下面, 边钻进边下
近年来, 随着旋转导向钻井工艺技术的成熟,
管 ( 取代传统钻杆) 向井下传递机械能量和水力
测井; 扩眼器
中图分类号: TE242 文献标识码: A doi: 10 16082 / j cnki issn 1001 - 4578 2016 06 009
Tesco Rotary Steerable Casing Drilling Technology
791 套管钻井在YPC区块应用情况2015年11月YPFB-03队从玻利维亚圣克鲁斯的DOP 基地搬到ANDINA钻井公司的YAPACANI区块。
由江汉国际合作公司玻利维亚项目YPFB03队承钻的YPC-31、YPC-38、BQN-X3、BQN-NX2、PTJ-WX1、PTJ-X5、BQN-N5D等7口井的都是用13 3/8 "的套管进行表层钻进,表层深度都在500-1000米左右。
其中承钻的BQN-NX3井,二开钻进也要用9 5/8 "的套管钻进到设计的2200米。
2 套管钻井所使用的工具介绍2.1 套管钻进的钻具构成主要构成有可钻式钻头、浮阀、套管鞋、套管接头、扶正器、套管等。
2.2 套管钻进的工具构成2.2.1 套管普通套管的丝扣是按照封隔地层而设计,不能满足套管钻进过程中传递机械能量的作用,需要特制的丝扣才能达到相应的抗扭矩能力。
2.2.2 地面设备套管钻进地面装置:包含套管单根吊卡、机械吊臂、灌浆装置、套管堵头、套管卡瓦、套管驱动头等。
drilling 中的名词解释
drilling 中的名词解释一,drilling中和人体、动物有关的名词及解释1.bull house6.finger hole8.monkey board9.mouse hole10.spider11.roughneck12.rabbit13.gooseneck二,其它名词解释1,BOP2,LMRP3,SID4,ROV5,MRT6,RISER7,HWDP,COLLAR,STRING8,SLUG CATCHERSID,LMRP,MRT,ROV,HWDP等bull nose用来封住casing string的钢板(焊在下端部),球面形或半椭球形,像个牛鼻子。
cat head在drill floor上的cat head用来辅助吊sand line的,如下图红色的cat head,顶部的轮子下面有个液压泵,旁边的轮子可以像合页一样转动,用来调整拉拽的角度。
(cat walk在船上的catwalk大家都知道的吧,在平台上也有类似的结构。
在钻井系统中指的是和vee-door下面的pipe ramp链接的窄长平台,用来运送钻井所需的工具、管子等这个图是陆地上catwalk。
图中是工人在上面选管子准备运到drill floor上。
dog ears焊接在casing的端部的小板,在吊运的时候用到。
dog_earslg.jpg (25.95 KB)dog housedog house 又叫boiler house这个只有在陆地钻井时看的到,就是一个在拖车上的小房间,或是在卡车上分割出来的小房间。
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Valhall Field
Mobil Indonesia / North Sumatra- Arun Field
Depleted Gas Reservoir
• Top of Reservoir ca. 2900 - 3200 m • Shale 14,7 ppg, Limestone 2.5 ppg 7” Tools: Reentry Application • Section Milling • Whipstock • Perforate & Squeeze or no Cementing
• • • • Unsaturated / In-Situ (Long- DOE Yucca Mtn.) Depleted Reservoir Sections (Sinor, Vogt) Unstable Formations / Ocean Drilling (O.D.P.) Well Cost Reduction (Tessari , Warren)
Liner Example: Well 2/8-A-2A
Drilling Challenges
Why Casing Drilling? • Getting Casing / Liner to Total Depth • Running Casing / Liner into Depleted Pay with Weak Matrix Strength • Minimizing Flat Time • Extending the Length of Open Wellbores • Mitigating Shallow Gas / Water Hazards • Rubble Zones Above / Below Salt Domes
Liner Drilling Successes
North Sea- Valhall • 10 Wells Drilled Rotating the Liner • 7 Wells Drilled with a Drill-in Liner • Liner Sizes of 5”, 7”, 7-5/8” and 9-5/8” • Liner Lengths up to 4,472’ / Inclination up to 67° • Successful Drilling into Severely Depleted Pay (∆ 7 ppge • Significant Well Cost Savings (~$2MM/well) Offshore Indonesia- Arun Field • 9 Wells Drilled with a Drill-in Liner • Liner Sizes of 7” and 9-5/8” • Liner Lengths up to 6,872’ / Inclination up to 67°
Rotary Method
• • • • • • • • • Drillable PDC Bit Shoe Float Collar Landing Collar Packer- optional Liner Liner Hanger / PBR Packer Rotating Liner Hanger Running Tool HWDP Drillpipe to surface
Casing Drilling History
Casing Drilling Isn’t New….. • Mid 20’s- Retractable Bits in Poland/France (Gelfgat) • Mid 70’s- Retractable Bits in Siberia (Gelfgat) • Early 80’s- California Heavy Oil Sands • Mid 80’s- West Texas Infill Drilling (Weaver) • Late 80’s - High Speed Coring/Drilling (Millheim ) • 90’s
ONE STEP Completion System • Drill and Underream Liner • Gravel Pack Liner • Release Liner • All Steps Completed in One Trip Procedure • Run Liner to Casing Shoe • Establish Foam Rate and Pressure • Establish Shoulder for Underreaming • Begin Foam Drilling • Take Returns Through Diverter Line
Drill-in Method
• • • • • • • • PDC or Rollercone Pilot Underreamer- optional Core Shoe Mud Motor Drill Collars Thruster / Bumper Sub Liner Hanger Running Tool Drillpipe to surface
• At TD, Circulate Foam Until Clean • Switch Returns to Casing Valve • Close Hydril • Drop Ball Down Drillpipe, Opening Gravel Pack Valve Inside Liner • Foam Down Drillpipe, Out Through Liner Slots and Casing Valve
Begin Gravel Packing • Reverse Foam Down Casing, Liner Slots and Gravel Pack Valve • Begin Adding Gravel to Foam • Continue at Slow Rate Until Liner Has Packed Off • Bleed Off Pressure, Drop Release Ball • Circulate to Remove Sand from Liner Top • Pull Tools and Tailpipe Out of the Hole
Liner Drilling Procedure
Step 1:
Drill above problem zone
Step 2:
Drill Liner into zone Rotary or Motor Method
Step 3:
Isolate Casing Cement / Packers
Drill-in Liner Procedure
Liner Hanger Packer Running Tool Thruster Motor
Drill Pipe to Surface
Rotating Core Shoe / Pilot Bit
Drill Pipe (inner string)
Landing Sub
Standard Lower BHA
Depleted Pay With Weak Matrix Strength
North Sea Valhall Challenges: High porosity / low matrix permeability Result: weak matrix reservoir Production Challenges • Solids production • Reservoir compaction • Subsidence Drilling Challenges • Reservoir compaction (9 ft) • Reservoir depletion (up to 8 ppge) • Lista shale (overburden) fracturing
Getting Casing / Liner to Total Depth Bestline Liner Systems Liner Drilling in Heavy Oil Application
Evolutionary Process…… • Bridges While TIH With Liner • Drilling Liner to Remove Obstacles • Drilling Liner Underbalanced • Drilling Liner and Gravel Packing Successes • 2000 Liner Drilling Completions Since 1981 • 260+ in 1998, 100+ in 2000 • Three Sizes •8-1/2” bit (or 7”x15” UR) with 7” liner for 9-5/8” casing •7-7/8” bit (or 7”x15” UR) with 6-5/8” liner for 8-5/8” casing •Same for 5-1/2” liner for 8-5/8” casing •6-1/8” bit (or 6”x13” UR) with 5-1/2” liner for 7” casing • Texaco, Chevron, Aera Energy LLC + independents • INCREASED PRODUCTION