2.1 Sword Core—开发环境搭建手册
2.3 Sword Core—DEPO生成器使用指导手册

中国软件与技术服务股份有限公司 -3-
DE/PO 生成器指导手册
表名与字段名都是规定好的 , 不能随便修改 .de_name, de_group, memo, 根据可修改长 度. de_name: 主键. 数据元名称, 对应表字段名称 de_group: 数据元组名, 一般按业务模块分组 . memo: 数据元说明 data_type: 数据类型, 可选值为 1-14 1: 字符型 2: 整型 3: 长整型 4: 浮点双精度型 5: 日期型 6: Blob 型 7: Clob 型 7 8: 无时分秒日期型 9: BigNumber 10: Byte 型 11: Short 型 12: 浮点单精度型 13: 布尔型 (对应 char(1) Y/N) 14: timestamp 型 value_check: 暂时没有任何作用 , 但是请填写 true
2.1. 概要说明
DE 和 PO 生成器工具类分别为 DEClassFileGenerater 和 POClassFileGenerator. 所需包为 sword-Tools-1.0.jar, sword-Persistence-1.0.jar, sword-Kernel-1.0.jar
2.2. 配置数据源
DE/PO 生成器指导手册
当前版本号 最初发布日期 最新修订日期 审核者 批准者 日期 日期
DE/PO 生成器指导手册
2.2.1. 配置持久层组件

1) What is Python? What are the benefits of using Python?Python is a programming language with objects, modules, threads, exceptions and automatic memory management. The benefits of pythons are that it is simple and easy, portable, extensible, build-in data structure and it is an open source.2) What is PEP 8?PEP 8 is a coding convention, a set of recommendation, about how to write your Python code more readable.3) What is pickling and unpickling?Pickle module accepts any Python object and converts it into a string representation and dumps it into a file by using dump function, this process is called pickling. While the process of retrieving original Python objects from the stored string representation is called unpickling.4) How Python is interpreted?Python language is an interpreted language. Python program runs directly from the source code. It converts the source code that is written by the programmer into an intermediate language, which is again translated into machine language that has to be executed.5) How memory is managed in Python?•Python memory is managed by Python private heap space. All Python objects and data structures are located in a private heap. The programmer does not have an access to this private heap and interpreter takes care of this Python private heap.•The allocation of Python heap space for Python objects is done by Python memory manager. The core API gives access to some tools for the programmer to code.•Python also have an inbuilt garbage collector, which recycle all the unused memory and frees the memory and makes it available to the heap space.6) What are the tools that help to find bugs or perform static analysis?PyChecker is a static analysis tool that detects the bugs in Python source code and warns about the style and complexity of the bug. Pylint is another tool that verifies whether the module meets the coding standard.7) What are Python decorators?A Python decorator is a specific change that we make in Python syntax to alter functions easily.8) What is the difference between list and tuple?The difference between list and tuple is that list is mutable while tuple is not. Tuple can be hashed for e.g as a key for dictionaries.9) How are arguments passed by value or by reference?Everything in Python is an object and all variables hold references to the objects. The references values are according to the functions; as a result you cannot change the value of the references. However, you can change the objects if it is mutable.10) What is Dict and List comprehensions are?They are syntax constructions to ease the creation of a Dictionary or List based on existing iterable.11) What are the built-in type does python provides?There are mutable and Immutable types of Pythons built in types Mutable built-in types•List•Sets•DictionariesImmutable built-in types•Strings•Tuples•Numbers12) What is namespace in Python?In Python, every name introduced has a place where it lives and can be hooked for. This is known as namespace. It is like a box where a variable name is mapped to the object placed. Whenever the variable is searched out, this box will be searched, to get corresponding object.13) What is lambda in Python?It is a single expression anonymous function often used as inline function.14) Why lambda forms in python does not have statements?A lambda form in python does not have statements as it is used to make new function object and then return them at runtime.15) What is pass in Python?Pass means, no-operation Python statement, or in other words it is a place holder in compound statement, where there should be a blank left and nothing has to be written there.16) In Python what are iterators?In Python, iterators are used to iterate a group of elements, containers like list.17) What is unittest in Python?A unit testing framework in Python is known as unittest. It supports sharing of setups, automation testing, shutdown code for tests, aggregation of tests into collections etc.18) In Python what is slicing?A mechanism to select a range of items from sequence types like list, tuple, strings etc. is known as slicing.19) What are generators in Python?The way of implementing iterators are known as generators. It is a normal function except that it yields expression in the function.20) What is docstring in Python?A Python documentation string is known as docstring, it is a way of documenting Python functions, modules and classes.21) How can you copy an object in Python?To copy an object in Python, you can try copy.copy () or copy.deepcopy() for the general case. You cannot copy all objects but most of them.22) What is negative index in Python?Python sequences can be index in positive and negative numbers. For positive index, 0 is the first index, 1 is the second index and so forth. For negative index, (-1) is the last index and (-2) is the second last index and so forth.23) How you can convert a number to a string?In order to convert a number into a string, use the inbuilt function str(). If you want a octal or hexadecimal representation, use the inbuilt function oct() or hex().24) What is the difference between Xrange and range?Xrange returns the xrange object while range returns the list, and uses the same memory and no matter what the range size is.25) What is module and package in Python?In Python, module is the way to structure program. Each Python program file is a module, which imports other modules like objects and attributes.The folder of Python program is a package of modules. A package can have modules or subfolders.26) Mention what are the rules for local and global variables in Python?Local variables: If a variable is assigned a new value anywhere within the function's body, it's assumed to be local.Global variables: Those variables that are only referenced inside a function are implicitly global.27) How can you share global variables across modules?To share global variables across modules within a single program, create a special module. Import the config module in all modules of your application. The module will be available as a global variable across modules.28) Explain how can you make a Python Script executable on Unix?To make a Python Script executable on Unix, you need to do two things,•Script file's mode must be executable and•the first line must begin with # ( #!/usr/local/bin/python)29) Explain how to delete a file in Python?By using a command os.remove (filename) or os.unlink(filename)30) Explain how can you generate random numbers in Python?To generate random numbers in Python, you need to import command asimport randomrandom.random()This returns a random floating point number in the range [0,1)31) Explain how can you access a module written in Python from C?You can access a module written in Python from C by following method,Module = =PyImport_ImportModule("<modulename>");32) Mention the use of // operator in Python?It is a Floor Divisionoperator , which is used for dividing two operands with the result as quotient showing only digits before the decimal point. For instance, 10//5 = 2 and 10.0//5.0 = 2.0.33) Mention five benefits of using Python?•Python comprises of a huge standard library for most Internet platforms like Email, HTML, etc.•Python does not require explicit memory management as the interpreter itself allocates the memory to new variables and free them automatically•Provide easy readability due to use of square brackets•Easy-to-learn for beginners•Having the built-in data types saves programming time and effort from declaring variables 34) Mention the use of the split function in Python?The use of the split function in Python is that it breaks a string into shorter strings using the defined separator. It gives a list of all words present in the string.35) Explain what is Flask & its benefits?Flask is a web micro framework for Python based on “Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions” BSD licensed. Werkzeug and jingja are two of its dependencies.Flask is part of the micro-framework. Which means it will have little to no dependencies on external libraries. It makes the framework light while there is little dependency to update and less security bugs.36) Mention what is the difference between Django, Pyramid, and Flask?Flask is a “microframework” primarily build for a small application with simpler requirements. In flask, you have to use external libraries. Flask is ready to use.Pyramid are build for larger applications. It provides flexibility and lets the developer use the right tools for their project. The developer can choose the database, URL structure, templating style and more. Pyramid is heavy configurable.Like Pyramid, Django can also used for larger applications. It includes an ORM.37) Mention what is Flask-WTF and what are their features?Flask-WTF offers simple integration with WTForms. Features include for Flask WTF are•Integration with wtforms•Secure form with csrf token•Global csrf protection•Internationalization integration•Recaptcha supporting•File upload that works with Flask Uploads38) Explain what is the common way for the Flask script to work?The common way for the flask script to work is•Either it should be the import path for your application•Or the path to a Python file39) Explain how you can access sessions in Flask?A session basically allows you to remember information from one request to another. In a flask, it uses a signed cookie so the user can look at the session contents and modify. The user can modify the session if only it has the secret key Flask.secret_key.40) Is Flask an MVC model and if yes give an example showing MVC pattern for your application?Basically, Flask is a minimalistic framework which behaves same as MVC framework. So MVC is a perfect fit for Flask, and the pattern for MVC we will consider for the following examplefrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(_name_) @app.route(“/”) Def hello(): return “Hello World” app.run(debug = True) In this code your,•Configuration part will befrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(_name_)•View part will be@app.route(“/”)Def hello():return “Hello World”•While you model or main part will beapp.run(debug = True)41) Explain database connection in Python Flask?Flask supports database powered application (RDBS). Such system requires creating a schema, which requires piping the shema.sql file into a sqlite3 command. So you need to install sqlite3 command in order to create or initiate the database in Flask.Flask allows to request database in three ways•before_request() : They are called before a request and pass no arguments•after_request() : They are called after a request and pass the response that will be sent to the client•teardown_request(): They are called in situation when exception is raised, and response are not guaranteed. They are called after the response been constructed. They are not allowed to modify the request, and their values are ignored.42) You are having multiple Memcache servers running Python, in which one of the memcacher server fails, and it has your data, will it ever try to get key data from that one failed server? The data in the failed server won’t get removed, but there is a provision for auto-failure, which you can configure for multiple nodes. Fail-over can be triggered during any kind of socket or Memcached server level errors and not during normal client errors like adding an existing key, etc.43) Explain how you can minimize the Memcached server outages in your Python Development?• When one instance fails, several of them goes down, this will put larger load on the database server when lost data is reloaded as client make a request. To avoid this, if your code has been written to minimize cache stampedes then it will leave a minimal impact• Another way is to bring up an instance of Memcached on a new machine using the lost machines IP address• Code is another option to minimize server outages as it gives you the liberty to change the Memcached server list with minimal work• Setting timeout value is another option that some Memcached clients implement for Memcached server outage. When your Memcached server goes down, the client will keep trying to send a request till the time-out limit is reached44) Explain what is Dogpile effect? How can you prevent this effect?Dogpile effect is referred to the event when cache expires, and websites are hit by the multiple requests made by the client at the same time. This effect can be prevented by using semaphore lock. In this system when value expires, first process acquires the lock and starts generating new value.45) Explain how Memcached should not be used in your Python project?• Memcached common misuse is to use it as a data store, and not as a cache• Never use Memcached as the only source of the information you need to run your application. Data should always be available through another source as well• Memcached is just a key or value store and cannot perform query over the data or iterate over the contents to extract information• Memcached does not offer any form of security either in encryption or authenticationGuru99 Provides FREE ONLINE TUTORIAL on Various courses likeJava MIS MongoDB BigData CassandraWeb Services SQLite JSP Informatica AccountingSAP Training Python Excel ASP Net HBase ProjectTest Management Business Analyst Ethical Hacking PMP ManagementLive Project SoapUI Photoshop Manual Testing Mobile TestingData Warehouse R Tutorial Tableau DevOps AWSJenkins Agile Testing RPA JUnitSoftware EngineeringSelenium CCNA AngularJS NodeJS PLSQL。

开发环境设置在开始开发之前,请确保以下开发环境设置已完成:- 安装适当版本的开发工具,如IDE或文本编辑器。
- 配置相关的开发环境变量。
- 安装任何必要的依赖项和库。
以下是一个示例项目结构的建议:├── app.py├── config.py├── requirements.txt├── README.md├──/static│ ├── css│ ├── js│ └── img└──/templates编码规范编码规范可以帮助开发人员统一代码风格,提高代码可读性和维护性。
以下是一些常见的编码规范建议:- 使用有意义的变量和函数命名,避免使用缩写或不清晰的命名。
- 为代码添加适当的注释,解释代码用途和意图。
- 遵循一致的缩进规范,如使用4个空格或制表符。
- 每个函数或方法应尽量保持简短,只关注单一功能。
以下是一些建议:- 为项目添加适当的README文件,提供项目的概述、安装说明、使用示例等。
- 为项目中的重要代码块添加注释,解释其功能和用法。
- 在代码中使用文档化字符串,提供函数和方法的用途、参数和返回值的说明。
- 为API和其他公共接口提供详细的文档。
以下是一些建议:- 编写单元测试来验证函数和方法的正确性。
- 编写集成测试来验证各个组件的交互是否正常。
- 使用自动化测试框架并进行持续集成,以确保每次代码提交都通过测试。
以下是一些建议:- 使用一个可靠的版本控制系统,如Git。
- 建立合适的分支策略,如主分支、开发分支和特性分支。
- 定期进行代码提交和合并,保持代码库的整洁和可维护性。
HP Server Automation Ultimate 版平台开发人员指南说明书

HP Server Automation Ultimate 版软件版本:10.10平台开发人员指南文档发布日期:2014 年 6 月 30 日软件发布日期:2014 年 6 月 30 日法律声明担保HP 产品和服务的唯一担保已在此类产品和服务随附的明示担保声明中提出。
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Vscode搭建php开发环境一、下载WampServer搭建PHP开发环境具体参见https:///hysh_keystone/article/details/70195699目前php版本默认使用7.2.18二、下载xdebug dll,用来debug具体你目前的安装环境需要安装哪个版本的xdebug,可以按照如下步骤1. 执行php.exe -i 命令,命令输出如下://1.txt或者单击phpinfo连接:把1.txt命令输出或者是phpinfo的网页内容粘贴到如下网站中:https:///wizard.php按照这里的提示安装xdebug dll三、3.下载并安装vscode四、在vscode中安装调试插件右侧栏中点击extension,输入xdebug,出来的php debug,点击安装。
这里一定要找对php.ini,否则后面会有一连串奇怪的问题,都是因为你没有把你要设置的正确参数设置到正确的php.ini中,一定要好好看phpinfo(), 这个网页,任何配置问题都可以从这里发现线索在phpForApache.ini下面设置如下:[XDebug]zend_extension=D:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.2.18\ext\php_xdebug-2.7.2-7.2-vc15-x86_64.d llxdebug.remote_enable = 1xdebug.remote_autostart = 1xdebug.remote_handler = "dbgp"xdebug.remote_port = "9002"xdebug.remote_host = ""xdebug.profiler_enable=onxdebug.trace_output_dir="../Projects/xdebug"xdebug.profiler_output_dir="../Projects/xdebug"注意:remote_port一定要注意,默认是9000端口,但有可能和其他service冲突,你可以任意选端口,只要后续vscode跑xdebug时不弹出端口占用的错误就行xdebug.trace_output_dir和xdebug.profiler_output_dir随便设置六、验证xdebug1. 按F5开始debug,选择左上角绿色箭头,选择listen for xdebug然后在单击右边的小齿轮,设置launch.json,修改所有的port为你php.ini里定义的xdebug.remote_port,这里你定义的9002,全部修改为90022. 在你的php文件上加上断点,比如在D:\wamp64\www\firstDemo下新建一个1.php,www是server的根目录鼠标点击最左侧就可以设置断点按F5,出现如下错误可以先不管:然后打开浏览器,输入:http://localhost/firstDemo/1.php vscode 开始跑第一个断点如下:按F11单步调试代码此阶段浏览器中一直在转圈,但是没有任何显示,只有所有代码单步跑完或者停止debug 后,才能全部显示全部显示效果如下:。

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CORE 2 控制台用户指南说明书

CORE 2 console User guideHI Pole bracket for irrigation J Ethernet port K USB portL Specification label M Equipotential lug N Fuse holder O Power receptacleMotor ports (3); runs2 non-heavy duty handpieces simultaneously. Port location refined to provide more room around the irrigation cassette. Irrigation cassette portwith simple, one-step insertion and removal P Internal audio withdistinct tones for actuation, completion, reverse motor, notifications, errors and prohibited actions Q Passively cooled;no fan, no moving parts or associated noiseG ABIJ PQNKLM ODEC FMotor ListQuick and easy navigation Our flattened menu structure lets you navigate anywhere in just a few clicks, or use shortcuts such as User Profiles and Forward/Quick Access to jump to your desired destination. Further simplifying the process are smart screens which automatically detect and display available options and settings based on the devices you connect.r Listigationte anywhere in just a few and Forward/Quick Access simplifying the process t and display available u connect.Getting startedu Connect motors andfoot pedals as desiredu Press Power Onu Optional irrigation• Place irrigation pole in rear bracket• Insert irrigation cassette • Attach irrigation clips to motor and connect tubing to irrigation bag • Press Initial Prime u Manage Profilesto your likingu Manage System Settingsto your likingC Quick access area – allowsusers to set settings such asdirection, irrigation and mode via the Home screen.D Motor Settings – displaysconnected motors’ name andvalue settings by RPM or percent to power. To adjust, touch the number onscreen and a slider bar will appear.E Increase/decrease – press toadjust motor value settings, or use slider bar described in “D.”F Home keyG System Settings – push toaccess options for console, select motor, rep info, control permissions, import/export and irrigationH Profiles – contains defaultprofiles and stored userpreferences, plus allows creation of personal profiles which are permanently saved and transferable to other Core 2 consoles via USBThe Home Screen is where most interaction occurs and serves as your gateway to other screens and functions.A Navigation bar – includesReset, Profiles, System Settings and HomeB Foot switch assignment –graphically shows foot switch assignment; touch to toggleC D EPowering upis simpleTo turn on the console, follow these steps and you’ll have boot up in less than 20 seconds.Home is your hubI.D. Touch software: Get the GeneralIrrigationMotor Options Control OptionsQuick AccessAccelerateBrakeI.D. T ouch T orque95%35%30%PI DRIVE MOTOR SettingsI.D. Touch software brings a unique level of optimization to Stryker electric motors such asπDrive and πDrive+. This software enables you to adjust torque fromu u u MOTORAdjusting control permissionsand optionsuuu u u uu General Irrigation Motor Options Control Options Quick AccessPI DRIVE MOTOR SettingsNSE FootswitchTPS Two-PedalTPS FootswitchTPS Uni-Directional CORE FootswitchFirst-rate foot pedalsJust because they’re under the table doesn’t mean we’ve overlooked their design. Not only do we provide foot pedal choices, but each pedal has multiple extra feature buttons. Program these to perform the functions you want, including irrigation on/off, forward/reverse direction, change drill port assignment, change RPMs and more.NSE footswitchwith four feature buttons (two left, two right)Bi-directional footswitch Dual pedal with three feature buttons Uni-directional footswitchSingle pedal with twofeature buttonsCORE footswitchwith raised toe loop, 270° open access Handswitch I.D. Touch (Torque) Initial Prime Irrigation Motor Options Motor Settings Quick Access Rep InfoIn addition to the icons inside, here are other icons you may frequently see. For a full listing, please see the Symbol Definition Chart (REF 0036-716-000)supplied with the console upon purchase.Accelerate BrakeControl Options Create Export Footswitch 1Footswitch 2HandpieceHere to helpYour Neurosurgical sales representative is happy to help you get the most from your CORE 2 console, and help set it up with your specific needs and preferences. He/she can also facilitate corresponding implementation, training and service options. To learn more please call your Neurosurgical sales representative, 800 253 3210 or visit .Common software iconsProgram to performNeurosurgicalThis document is intended solely for the use of healthcare professionals. A surgeon must always rely on his or her own professional clinical judgment when deciding whether to use a particular product when treating a particular patient. We do not dispense medical advice and recommend that surgeons be trained in the use of any particular product before using it in surgery.The information presented is intended to demonstrate Stryker’s products. A surgeon must always refer to the package insert, product label and/or instructions for use, including the instructions for cleaning and sterilization (if applicable), before using any of Stryker’s products. Products may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/or medical practices in individual markets. Please contact your representative if you have questions about the availability of Stryker’s products in your area.Stryker or its affiliated entities own, use, or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: CORE, I.D. Touch, πdrive and Stryker. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders.The absence of a product, feature, or service name, or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of Stryker’s trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo.D0000023873 Rev. AAG55/PSCopyright © 2020 StrykerPrinted in USA Stryker1941 Stryker Way Portage, MI 49002 USA t: 269 323 7700f: 269 323 2742toll free: 800 253 3210 Please refer to the current Stryker CORE 2 consolecomplete list of cautions, operational details, troubleshooting tips, cleaning protocols and duty cycles.。
1.3 Sword Core—缓存组件说明

日期 版本 SWORDV5.0 修订内容说明 作者
目 录
1. 概述.................................................................................................................................... 1 1 1.1. 功能概述.................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................1 1 1.2. 组件管理器................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................1 2 1.3. 缓存数据管理器..............................................................................................

> 编写HelloWindchill应用程序。
import ng.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import wt.method.RemoteAccess; import wt.method.RemoteMethodServer; import .WTPrincipal; import wt.session.SessionHelper; import wt.util.WTException; public class HelloWindchill implements RemoteAccess {
com\ptc和wt - Windchill运行时所调用的类文件 config - Windchill运行时使用的配置文件 netmarkets和wtcore - Windchill运行时使用的页面文件(JSP、 Javascript、CSS以及图像等) templates - Windchill template技术使用的HTML文件 >codebase目录下主要包含下述类型的文件
<project name=“makeCCjars” default=“makeCCJars” basedir=“X:/ptc/Windchill_10.1/Windchill/codeb ase”> <target name=“makeCCjars”> <jar destfile=“X:/ptc/Windchill_10.1/Windchill/x22co debase.jar” basedir=“X:/ptc/Windchill_10.1/Windchill/codeb ase” excludes=“**/ext/*” includes=“**/*.class” />
Sword Core—单元测试框架使用指导手册

2.2.2. 生成单元测试任务文件
只需要启动配置后的服务器,操作相关用例,即可在配置的目录中找到生成的单 元测试任务文件。
2.2.3. 生成单元测试任务文件格式说明
单元测试任务文件名生成规则为:UnitTest_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xml,是一 个标准 XML 文件,可以根据实际情况对其收集到的数据进行手工修改。 基本格式如下:
日期 版本 修订内容说明 作者
目 录
1. 概述.................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. 单元测试工具原理与结构 ....................................................................................... 1 2. 单元测试框架使用说明.................................................................................................... 2 2.1. 单元测试框环境准备和配置说明 ........................................................................... 2 2.1.1. jar 包引用........................................................................................................... 2 2.1.2. 配置单元测试任务收集环境............................................................................ 2 2.2. 单元测试任务文件生成........................................................................................... 4 2.2.1. 单元测试文件生成路径及配置........................................................................ 4 2.2.2. 生成单元测试任务文件.................................................................................... 5 2.2.3. 生成单元测试任务文件格式说明 .................................................................... 6 2.2.4. 自定义结果比较方法........................................................................................ 8 9 2.3. 单元测试任务执行.................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................9 2.3.1. 修改服务器运行模式........................................................................................ 9 2.3.2. 创建单元测试框架运行类配置........................................................................ 9 11 2.4. 单元测试结果查看.................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................11 2.5. 单元测试问题重现及修改 ..................................................................................... 12 2.5.1. 下载单元测试任务文件.................................................................................. 12 2.5.2. 重新运行定位并解决问题.............................................................................. 13

Table of ContentsAbout1 Chapter 1: Getting started with yii2 Remarks2 Versions2 Examples4 Installation or Setup4 API5 Chapter 2: Setting in your main.php file6 Examples6 How to set main.php file in YII Framework V1.6 How to remove index.php in url.6 Chapter 3: Yii Booster8 Examples8 Installation8 Credits9AboutYou can share this PDF with anyone you feel could benefit from it, downloaded the latest version from: yiiIt is an unofficial and free yii ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow. It is neither affiliated with Stack Overflow nor official yii.The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA, and the list of contributors to each chapter are provided in the credits section at the end of this book. Images may be copyright of their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective company owners.Use the content presented in this book at your own risk; it is not guaranteed to be correct nor accurate, please send your feedback and corrections to ********************Chapter 1: Getting started with yiiRemarksYii is a high-performance PHP framework best for developing Web 2.0 applications.Yii comes with rich features: MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching, authentication and role-based access control, scaffolding, testing, etc. It can reduce your development time significantly.Three steps to build your application rapidly:1.You create the database;Yii generates the base PHP code;2.3.You customize the code to fit your exact needs.VersionsSource: Yii #History - Wikipedia (note: release 2.0.9 is missing from the Wikipedia article on 2016-07-29)ExamplesInstallation or SetupSetup for Yii 1.1Step 1 - downloading YiiDownload the Yii framework bundle from the Yii websiteInside the downloaded bundle there are 3 folders, namely:demosframeworkrequirementsdemos, as the name suggests contains a number of demo Yii applications.framework contains the Yii framework. This is the main folder we will use for the setup requirements contains code to check if a server meets the requirements for running YiiCopy the framework folder to your local server. It's recommended to keep the framework folder in the root directory of your application. In this setup guide we will be using localhost/yii-setup/ as our root project directoryStep 2 - the command lineOpen the command line and enter the framework folder. For this example we would go to c:\wamp\www\yii-setup\framework\We will now use yiic to generate a skeleton application. We do this by entering the command: yiic webapp path\to\root\directoryWhere path/to/root/directory will be the path to your root directory, so in our example the command would be:yiic webapp c:\wamp\www\yii-setup\If you receive an error at this point, your command line is not configured to execute php. You will need to enable php execution from the command line to continue. Otherwise, you will be prompted if you would like to create a new application at the entered path. Press y and hit the return key Your Yii skeleton application will be created under the specified pathAPIClass Reference - API v1.0••Class Reference - API v1.1Read Getting started with yii online: https:///yii/topic/1029/getting-started-with-yiiChapter 2: Setting in your main.php file ExamplesHow to set main.php file in YII Framework V1.In the versions of YII Framework Version 1.You will set your main.php File.File Path : application_name/protected/config/main.php<?phpreturn array(// Set Application Name'name' => "Applicaiton Name",// Set Default Controller'defaultController' => 'site/login',// Set Language'language' => 'in',// Set Language for messages and views'sourceLanguage' => 'en',// Set Time Zone'timeZone' => 'Asia/Calcutta',//Charset to use'charset'=>'utf-8',// preloading 'log' component'preload'=>array('log'),//application-level parameters that can be accessed'params'=> array($documentUrl = $baseUrl, // Document URL$documentPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/', // Document Path),);>List of Supported Time Zones - PHPHow to remove index.php in url.Removed the commented lines for rewrite in httpd.conf file.LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.soYou can modify .htaccess file your application folder.RewriteEngine on# if a directory or a file exists, use it directlyRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d# otherwise forward it to index.phpRewriteRule . index.phpafter you can change your main.php file code.<?phpreturn array(// application components'components'=>array(// uncomment the following to enable URLs in path-format'urlManager'=>array('urlFormat'=>'path','showScriptName'=>false,'rules'=>array('<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>'=>'<controller>/view','<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>'=>'<controller>/<action>','<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>'=>'<controller>/<action>',),'urlSuffix'=>'.html','caseSensitive'=>false),),);>Read Setting in your main.php file online: https:///yii/topic/6143/setting-in-your-main-php-fileChapter 3: Yii BoosterExamplesInstallationFirst of all download Yii Booster latest end user bundle from here.Download it, unpack its contents to some directory inside your web application. Its recomended to unpack it to the extensions directory. Rename the folder from yiibooster-<version_number> to just yiibooster for convenience.Then we need to configure it. Add below line before return arraybefore return arrayInside components array add:'bootstrap' => array('class' => 'ponents.Booster',),Then preload the yii booster by adding below snippet in the config preload section'preload' => array(... probably other preloaded components ...'bootstrap'),Read Yii Booster online: https:///yii/topic/6369/yii-boosterCreditshttps:///9。


目前较好的PHP 集成开发环境有EclipsePHP和Zend Studio两种,二者均是基于eclipse平台(后者自6.1版后投奔eclipse阵营)。
由于Zend Framework在PHP中的重要地位以及Zend在PHP方面的雄厚实力,Zend Studio成为PHP官方推荐的集成开发环境。
综上,本文将依次介绍Apache服务器、PHP运行环境、MySQL服务器和Zend Studio的安装配置以实现一个完整PHP开发环境的搭建。
最后使用Zend Studio新建一个简单的PHP项目演示一下Zend Studio的使用方法。
但由于使用习惯,易用性,界面友好性和操作便捷等方面的原因,有时我们更愿意在Windows 环境下完成PHP站点开发,最后才部署到Linux服务器上。

BOSS 项目-开发环境搭建CSC-RD-BOSSBOSS 项目开发环境搭建手册文档编号:BOSS-XX-OS-0 创建日期:2006-MM-DD 最后修改日期:2013-9-13 版 本 号:电子版文件名:BOSS 项目-开发环境搭建手册拟制: 曹小健 日期: 2006-9-28 审核: 日期: 批准:日期:文档修改记录修改日期修改人修改说明版本号修改页2011.6.15 李靖重写大部分的章节,让没有搭建过BOSS开发环境的人员能够按照文档一步步的将环境搭建好,而不需要过多的去询问别人1.0目录1 前言 (5)2 软件安装 (5)2.1 安装JDK (5)2.2 安装tomcat 4.1.30 (5)2.3 安装xdoclet (6)2.4 安装ant (7)2.5 安装eclipse (8)2.6 安装wincvs (8)3 开发环境设置 (9)3.1 设置Eclipse (9)3.1.1 安装所需的eclipse插件 (9)3.1.2 设置JDK (9)3.1.3 设置TOMCAT (11)3.2 修改代码模板 (13)3.3 设置Eclipse 的CVS 访问 (17)3.4 通过Eclipse Check out 项目 (18)4 开发环境搭建 (20)4.1 本地工作环境目录结构建议 (20)4.1.1 代码目录结构建议 (20)4.1.2 Eclipse工作目录结构建议 (21)4.2 获取CVS上的代码到本地 (21)4.3 在eclipse中创建BOSS项目 (27)4.4 设置和检查各子项目的设置 (27)4.4.1 设置和检查01.boss_ms等子项目 (27)4.4.2 设置和检查20.thirdparty子项目 (30)4.4.3 设置和检查18.boss_web子项目 (32)4.5 编译运行BOSS项目 (34)4.5.1 编译前准备 (34)4.5.2 编译各个子项目 (34)4.5.3 配置本地参数 (36)4.5.4 运行BOSS系统 (37)5 常见问题 (37)5.1 环境类问题 (37)5.1.1 Eclipse启动报错问题 (37)5.2 编译类问题 (37)5.2.1 编译过程中报内存溢出 (37)5.2.2 编译后本地环境无法启动 (38)5.3 本地环境启动报错问题 (38)5.3.1 启动后一直报quartz的错误 (38)5.3.2 启动时报内存溢出错误 (38)5.3.3 Could not resolve placeholder错误 (39)5.3.4 启动时报webui.properties等配置文件找不到 (40)5.4 版本管理类问题 (40)6 提高开发效率的小窍门 (41)6.1 不加载SO模块 (41)6.2 修改代码后直接生效不重启应用的设置方法 (42)1前言本文档说明了BOSS开发中如何去搭建一个适合BOSS开发的开发环境,请大家按照该文档来搭建自己机器上面的开发环境。

1. 安装.
- 前往.官方网站(://./)下载适合您操作系统的最新版本 - 按照安装向导完成安装过程
2. 安装
- 用户可前往官网(://-./)下载并安装
- 用户可使用进行安装: ` `
- 用户可根据发行版本的包管理器进行安装
3. 安装/文本编辑器
- 推荐使用 (://../)
- 其他流行选择包括、等
4. 克隆项目代码
- 打开终端/命令提示符窗口
- 导航到您想存放代码的目录
- 运行 ` [项目仓库地址]`
5. 安装项目依赖
- 导航到项目根目录
- 运行 ` ` 安装所有依赖包
6. 运行开发服务器(可选)
- 大多数现代前端项目需要开发服务器进行热重载等
- 查阅项目文档了解如何启动开发服务器
- 通常运行 ` ` 或 ` `
7. 开始开发
- 使用/文本编辑器打开项目
- 查阅项目文档了解项目结构和开发工作流
- 开发新功能、修复并提交代码
8. 构建发布版本(可选)
- 大多数项目需要构建优化后的发布版本
- 查阅项目文档了解构建命令
- 通常运行 ` `

vscode( VisualStudioCode)配置 PHP开发环境的方法(已测)
这篇文章就为大家分享一下vscode 配置PHP开发环境的具体步骤,经过小编的测试 准备工作: 1.下载 2.下载,因为套装省事,对于个人使用是很方便 3.下载,记得要对应php版本的,否则无效 步骤: 1.在Visual Studio Code安装php相关插件
xdebug.remote_autostart = 1 5.最后就可以在vscode里面设置断点调试了,注意,一定要以打开文件夹的形式才径
4.在php.ini最后加上下面代码 [xdebug] zend_extension="C:/xampp/php/ext/php_xdebug-2.5.5-7.1-vc14.dll" xdebug.remote_enable = 1
1.4.2 Sword Core—工具类组件说明—SwordFileUtils

1.工具类组件SwordFileUtils主要方法1.static LinkedList<String>listFiles(String directory)描述用途获取目录下的所有文件参数directory:需要获取文件的目录返回值LinkedList:返回文件列表2.static InputStream getInputStream(String name, Class<?>clazz)描述用途以输入流的形式读取资源参数name:需要读取的文件clazz:资源关联的类,该类提供类加载器,如果为null,由SwordFileUtils提供类加载器返回值InputStream:返回输入流,如果资源没有找到,输入流为null值3.static InputStreamReader getInputStreamReader (String name,Class<?>clazz,String charsetName)throws SwordBaseCheckedException描述用途以输入流读取器的形式读取资源参数name:需要读取的文件clazz:资源关联的类,该类提供类加载器,如果为null,由SwordFileUtils提供类加载器charsetName:字符集返回值LinkedList:返回文件列表4.static URL getResource(String name,Class<?>clazz)描述用途获取资源URL参数name:需要获取的资源名称clazz:资源关联的类,该类提供类加载器,如果为null,由SwordFileUtils提供类加载器返回值URL:返回.URL对象,如果资源没有被发现,则返回null5.static Enumeration<URL>getResources(String name) throws IOException描述用途读取资源URL参数name:资源名称返回值Enumeration:资源URL的枚举,如果没有该名称的资源,那么Enumeration为空6.static String getSwordRootPath()throws SwordBaseCheckedException描述用途获取sword的工作根路径参数无返回值String:sword的工作根路径7.static String getTempFileDir()描述用途获取临时文件目录参数无返回值String:临时文件目录8.static String getUserDir()描述用途获取用户当前目录参数无返回值String:用户当前目录9.static String loadTxtFile(String name,Class<?>clazz, String charsetName)throws SwordBaseCheckedException描述用途读取文本文件数据,当文本数据文件较小时可使用此方法一次性将文件读入到内存中参数name:文本文件名称clazz:文件关联的类,该类提供类加载器,如果为null,由SwordFileUtils提供类加载器charsetName:字符集返回值String读取的文本文件内容10.static InputStreamReader readFile(String name, Class<?>clazz,String charsetName)throws SwordBaseCheckedException描述用途使用BufferedReader读取文本文件参数name:文本文件名称,clazz:文件关联的类,该类提供类加载器,如果为null,由SwordFileUtils提供类加载器charsetName:字符集返回值InputStreamReader返回字符流InputStreamReader11.static byte[]loadFile(String name,Class<?>clazz) throws SwordBaseCheckedException描述用途读取资源文件参数name:资源文件名称clazz:资源文件关联的类,该类提供类加载器,如果为null,由SwordFileUtils提供类加载器返回值byte[]返回字节数组12.static void writeToFile(byte[]data,String file) throws SwordBaseCheckedException描述用途将数据写入指定的文件中参数data:需要写入的字节数据File:要写入数据的文件返回值没有返回值13.static void writeToFile(InputStream is,String file, boolean autoCloseInputStream)throws SwordBaseCheckedException描述用途将读取流中的数据写入指定的文件中参数Is:读取的输入流File:要写入流的文件autoCloseInputStream:是否自动关闭输入流返回值没有返回值14.static byte[] readAllDataFromInputStreamToMemory(InputStream inputStream)throws SwordBaseCheckedException描述用途从输入流中读取所有数据到内存中参数inputStream:输入流返回值byte[]:保存数据的字节数组15.static void saveObjectToFile(Object obj,String file) throws SwordBaseCheckedException描述用途将Java对象序列化成文件参数Obj:需要保存的java对象file:要写入java对象的文件返回值没有返回值16.static Object readObjectFromFile(String file)throws SwordBaseCheckedException描述用途从文件中反序列化Java对象参数File:保存java对象的文件返回值Object:返回java对象17.static void validateXMLByXSD(String xml,Class<?> clazz,String xsd)throws SwordBaseCheckedException描述用途使用XSD校验XML格式的正确性参数Xml:XML文本Clazz:与XSD文件处理于同一目录的类返回值没有返回值。

Bladex开发框架环境搭建1.授权 这⾥还是推荐购买授权,也就3999,永久使⽤。
3.配置前端 我这⾥前后端是部署在不同的机器上。
配置后,运⾏命令启动服务1 yarn install2 yarn run serve4.写个简单的Demo 创建数据库表1 --测试表2 create table tb_wunaozai(3 id bigserial primary key, --主键id,⼀般表格必须带上4 title varchar(255), --⾃定义,标题5 content varchar(255), --⾃定义,内容6 time timestamp, --⾃定义,时间7 info varchar(256), --⾃定义,备注8 tenant_id varchar(12), --如果启⽤多租户,需要带上9 create_user bigint, --必选,创建⽤户ID10 create_dept bigint, --必选,创建部门ID11 create_time timestamp, --必选,创建时间12 update_user bigint, --必选,更新⽤户ID13 update_time timestamp, --必选,更新时间14 status int, --必选,状态15 is_deleted int --必选,软删除16 ); 系统后台,配置数据源,然后⾃动⽣成代码 数据源:在数据源管理中的配置,⽤于选择从对应的库获取数据 模块名:⽤于指定配置的名称,对代码⽣成不产⽣实际效果 服务名:⽣成后,controller对应的前缀,以及分割 - 符号后⾯的字符串作为前端的分包名 表名:⽤于代码⽣成所对应的表名称 表前缀:⽣成实体类的时候,忽略掉的前缀,若不配置,则 tb_wunaozai 表⽣成的实体为 TbWunaozai ,若配置了 tb_ 为前缀,则⽣成的实体为Wunaozai 主键名:表的主键名称 包名:⽣成后端代码所在的包 基础业务:如果选择是,则实体会继承 BaseEntity ,带有上⼀章红框的基础业务字段 包装器:在某些复杂的模块,会⽤到 VO 和 Wrapper ,如果选择是则会⾃⾏⽣成 后端⽣成路径:后端⼯程的根⽬录 前端⽣成路径:前端⼯程的根⽬录 那个⽣成路径,可以直接写项⽬根⽬录,但是我觉得有点风险,还是保存到其他⽬录,然后根据实际拷贝过去。
Microsoft .NET Core开发平台指南说明书

About the T utorial.NET Core is the latest general purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft. It works across different platforms and has been redesigned in a way that makes .NET fast, flexible and modern..NET Core happens to be one of the major contributions by Microsoft. Developers can now build Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, and Windows applications with .NET, all in Open Source.AudienceThis tutorial is designed for software programmers who want to learn the basics of .NET Core.PrerequisitesYou should have a basic understanding of Computer Programming terminologies. A basic understanding of any of the programming languages is a plus.Disclaimer & CopyrightCopyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or inthistutorial,******************************************.T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Disclaimer & Copyright (i)Table of Contents (ii) Core – Overview (1)Characteristics of .NET Core (1)The .NET Core Platform (2) Core – Prerequisites (3) Core – Environment Setup (4)Visual Studio 2015 (4) Core – Getting Started (10) Core – Numerics (13)Integral types (13)Floating-point types (13) Core – Garbage Collection (16)Advantages of Garbage Collection (16)Conditions for Garbage Collection (16)Generations (16) Core – Code Execution (18).NET Core Code Execution Process (19) Core – Modularity (21) Core – Project Files (24) Core – Package References (28) Core – Create UWP App with .NET Core (34) Core – MSBuild (42) Core – Metapackage (47) Core – Windows Runtime and Extension SDKs (53) Core – Create .NET Standard Library (58) Core – Portable Class Library (63)What is PCL (64) Core – Adding References to Library (72) Core – Sharing .NET Core Libraries (77) Core – Creating a Xamarin.Forms Project (87) Core – PCL Troubleshooting (95) Core – Create a Testing Project (105) Core – Running Tests in Visual Studio (109) Core – Testing Library (116) Core – Managed Extensibility Framework (124) Core – .NET Core SDK (134) Core – MSBuild and project.json (140)MSBuild vs project.json (141) Core – Restoring and Building with MSBuild (143) Core – Migrations (147).NET Core is the latest general purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft. It works across different platforms and has been redesigned in a way that makes .NET fast, flexible and modern. This happens to be one of the major contributions by Microsoft. Developers can now build Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, and Windows applications with .NET, all in Open Source.In this tutorial, we will cover .NET Core and a few new innovations including the .NET Framework updates, .NET Standard, and Universal Windows Platform updates, etc.Characteristics of .NET CoreThe following are the major characteristics of .NET Core:Open source∙.NET Core is an open source implementation, using MIT and Apache 2 licenses.∙.NET Core is a .NET Foundation project and is available on GitHub.∙As an open source project, it promotes a more transparent development process and promotes an active and engaged community.Cross-platform∙Application implemented in .NET Core can be run and its code can be reused regardless of your platform target.∙It currently supports three main operating systems (OS):o Windowso Linuxo MacOS∙The supported Operating Systems (OS), CPUs and application scenarios will grow over time, provided by Microsoft, other companies, and individuals.Flexible deployment∙There can be two types of deployments for .NET Core applications:o Framework-dependent deploymento Self-contained deployment4.NET Core5∙ With framework-dependent deployment, your app depends on a system-wide version of .NET Core on which your app and third-party dependencies are installed.∙With self-contained deployment, the .NET Core version used to build your application is also deployed along with your app and third-party dependencies and can run side-by-side with other versions.Command-line tools∙All product scenarios can be exercised at the command-line.Compatible∙.NET Core is compatible with .NET Framework, Xamarin and Mono, via the .NET Standard Library.Modular∙ .NET Core is released through NuGet in smaller assembly packages.∙ .NET Framework is one large assembly that contains most of the core functionalities. ∙ .NET Core is made available as smaller feature-centric packages.∙ This modular approach enables the developers to optimize their app by including just those NuGet packages which they need in their app.∙The benefits of a smaller app surface area include tighter security, reduced servicing, improved performance, and decreased costs in a pay-for-what-you-use model.The .NET Core Platform.NET Core Platform contains the following main parts:∙ .NET Runtime : It provides a type system, assembly loading, a garbage collector, native interop and other basic services.∙ Fundamental Libraries : A set of framework libraries, which provide primitive data types, app composition types and fundamental utilities.∙ SDK & Compiler : A set of SDK tools and language compilers that enable the base developer experience, available in the .NET Core SDK.∙‘dotnet’ app host : it is used to launch .NET Core apps. It selects the runtime and hosts the runtime, provides an assembly loading policy and launches the app. The same host is also used to launch SDK tools in much the same way..NET Core6In this chapter, we will discuss the various dependencies that you need to deploy and run. These include the .NET Core applications on Windows machines that are developed using Visual Studio.Supported Windows Versions.NET Core is supported on the following versions of Windows:∙ Windows 7 SP1 ∙ Windows 8.1 ∙ Windows 10∙ Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (Full Server or Server Core) ∙ Windows Server 2012 SP1 (Full Server or Server Core) ∙ Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1 (Full Server or Server Core) ∙Windows Server 2016 (Full Server, Server Core or Nano Server)Dependencies∙If you are running your .NET Core application on Windows versions earlier than Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, then it will also require the Visual C++ Redistributable.∙ This dependency is automatically installed for you if you use the .NET Core installer. ∙You need to manually install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 if you are installing .NET Core via the installer script or deploying a self-contained .NET Core application.∙For Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 machines, you need to make sure that your Windows installation is up-to-date and also includes hotfix KB2533623 installed through Windows Update.Prerequisites with Visual Studio∙ To develop .NET Core applications using the .NET Core SDK, you can use any editor of your choice.∙However, if you want to develop .NET Core applications on Windows using Visual Studio, you can use the following two versions:o Visual Studio 2015 o Visual Studio 2017 RC.NET Core7Projects created with Visual Studio 2015 will be project.json-based by default while projects created with Visual Studio 2017 RC will always be MSBuild-based.In this chapter, we will discuss the Environment Setup of .NET Core. It is a significant redesign of the .NET Framework. To use .NET Core in your application, there are two versions you can use:∙Visual Studio 2015∙Visual Studio 2017 RCVisual Studio 2015To use Visual Studio 2015, you must have installed the following;∙Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3∙Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2Microsoft provides a free version of visual studio which also contains the SQL Server and can be downloaded from https:///en-us/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs.aspx and Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2 can be downloaded from https:///fwlink/?LinkId=817245.You can also follow the installation guidelines on the following Url https:///net/core/#windowsvs2015.Installation of Visual Studio 2015Follow these steps to install Visual Studio 2015:Step 1: Once the downloading completes, then run the installer. The following dialog box will be displayed.89Step 2: Click Install to start the installation process.Step 3: Once the installation completes, you will see the following dialog box.Step 4: Close this dialog and restart your computer if required.10Step 5: Open Visual Studio from the Start Menu; you will receive the following dialog box. It may take a few minutes to load and finally be used for the first time.Step 6: Once it is loaded, you will see the following screen.11Step 7: Once Visual Studio installation is finished, then close Visual Studio and launch Microsoft .NET Core - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2.Step 8: Check the checkbox and click Install.12Step 9: Once the installation completes, you will see the following dialog box.You are now ready to start your application using .NET Core.Visual Studio 2017In this tutorial, we will be using Visual Studio 2015, but if you want to use Visual Studio 2017, an experimental release of .NET Core tools for Visual Studio is included in Visual Studio 2017 RC and you can see the installation guidelines here https:///net/core/#windowsvs2017.13Visual Studio 2015 provides a full-featured development environment for developing .NET Core applications. In this chapter, we will be creating a new project inside Visual Studio. Once you have installed the Visual Studio 2015 tooling, you can start building a new .NET Core Application.In the New Project dialog box, in the Templates list, expand the Visual C# node and select .NET Core and you should see the following three new project templates: ∙Class Library (.NET Core)∙Console Application (.NET Core)∙ Core Web Application (.NET Core)In the middle pane on the New Project dialog box, select Console Application (.NET Core) and name it "FirstApp", then click OK.14Visual Studio will open the newly created project, and you will see in the Solution Explorer window all of the files that are in this project.To test that .NET core console application is working, let us add the following line.Now, run the application. You should see the following output.1617.NET Core supports the standard numeric integral and floating-point primitives. It also supports the following types:∙ System.Numerics.BigInteger which is an integral type with no upper or lower bound. ∙ plex is a type that represents complex numbers.∙A set of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)-enabled vector types in the System.Numerics namespace.Integral types.NET Core supports both signed and unsigned integers of different ranges from one byte to eight bytes in length. All integers are value types.The following table represents the integral types and their size;Each integral type supports a standard set of arithmetic, comparison, equality, explicit conversion, and implicit conversion operators.You can also work with the individual bits in an integer value by using the System.BitConverter class.Floating-point types.NET Core includes three primitive floating point types, which are shown in the following table.∙Each floating-point type supports a standard set of arithmetic, comparison, equality, explicit conversion, and implicit conversion operators.∙You can also work with the individual bits in Double and Single values by using the BitConverter class.∙The Decimal structure has its own methods, Decimal.GetBits and Decimal.Decimal(Int32()), for working with a decimal value's individual bits, as well as its own set of methods for performing some additional mathematical operations.BigInteger∙System.Numerics.BigInteger is an immutable type that represents an arbitrarily large integer whose value in theory has no upper or lower bounds.∙The methods of the BigInteger type is closely parallel to those of the other integral types.Complex∙The plex type represents a complex number, i.e., a number witha real number part and an imaginary number part.∙It supports a standard set of arithmetic, comparison, equality, explicit conversion, and implicit conversion operators, as well as mathematical, algebraic, and trigonometric methods.SIMD∙The Numerics namespace includes a set of SIMD-enabled vector types for .NET Core.∙SIMD allows some operations to be parallelized at the hardware level, which results in huge performance improvements in mathematical, scientific, and graphics apps that perform computations over vectors.∙The SIMD-enabled vector types in .NET Core include the following:o System.Numerics.Vector2, System.Numerics.Vector3, and System.Numerics.Vector4 types, which are 2, 3, and 4-dimensional vectors oftype Single.o The Vector<T> structure that allows you to create a vector of any primitive numeric type. The primitive numeric types include all numeric types in theSystem namespace except for Decimal.18o Two matrix types, System.Numerics.Matrix3x2, which represents a 3x2 matrix;and System.Numerics.Matrix4x4, which represents a 4x4 matrix.o The System.Numerics.Plane type, which represents a three-dimensional plane, and the System.Numerics.Quaternion type, which represents a vector that is used to encode three-dimensional physical rotations.19.NET Core20 In this chapter, we will cover the concept of Garbage collection which is one of most important features of the .NET managed code platform. The garbage collector (GC) manages the allocation and release of memory. The garbage collector serves as an automatic memory manager.∙You do not need to know how to allocate and release memory or manage the lifetime of the objects that use that memory. ∙An allocation is made any time you declare an object with a “new” keyword or a value type is boxed. Allocations are typically very fast. ∙When there isn’t enough memory to allocate an object, the GC must collect and dispose of garbage memory to make memory available for new allocations. ∙ This process is known as garbage collection .Advantages of Garbage CollectionGarbage Collection provides the following benefits:∙You don’t need to free memory manually while developing your application. ∙It also allocates objects on the managed heap efficiently. ∙When objects are no longer used then it will reclaim those objects by clearing their memory, and keeps the memory available for future allocations. ∙Managed objects automatically get clean content to start with, so their constructors do not have to initialize every data field. ∙ It also provides memory safety by making sure that an object cannot use the content of another object.Conditions for Garbage CollectionGarbage collection occurs when one of the following conditions is true.∙The system has low physical memory. ∙The memory that is used by allocated objects on the managed heap surpasses an acceptable threshold. This threshold is continuously adjusted as the process runs. ∙ The GC.Collect method is called and in almost all cases, you do not have to call thismethod, because the garbage collector runs continuously. This method is primarily used for unique situations and testing..NET Core21 GenerationsThe .NET Garbage Collector has 3 generations and each generation has its own heap that that is used for the storage of allocated objects. There is a basic principle that most objects are either short-lived or long-lived.Generation First (0)∙In Generation 0, objects are first allocated. ∙In this generation, objects often don’t live past the first generation, since they are no longer in use (out of scope) by the time the next garbage collection occurs. ∙ Generation 0 is quick to collect because its associated heap is small.Generation Second (1)∙In Generation 1, objects have a second chance space. ∙Objects that are short-lived but survive the generation 0 collection (often based on coincidental timing) go to generation 1. ∙Generation 1 collections are also quick because its associated heap is also small. ∙ The first two heaps remain small because objects are either collected or promoted to the next generation heap.Generation Third (2)∙In Generation 2, all long objects are lived and its heap can grow to be very large. ∙The objects in this generation can survive a long time and there is no next generation heap to further promote objects. ∙The Garbage Collector has an additional heap for large objects known as Large Object Heap (LOH). ∙It is reserved for objects that are 85,000 bytes or greater. ∙Large objects are not allocated to the generational heaps but are allocated directly to the LOH. ∙Generation 2 and LOH collections can take noticeable time for programs that have run for a long time or operate over large amounts of data. ∙Large server programs are known to have heaps in the 10s of GBs. ∙The GC employs a variety of techniques to reduce the amount of time that it blocks program execution. ∙The primary approach is to do as much garbage collection work as possible on a background thread in a way that does not interfere with program execution. ∙The GC also exposes a few ways for developers to influence its behavior, which can be quite useful to improve performance.In this chapter, we will understand the execution process of .NET Core and compare it with the .NET Framework. The managed execution process includes the following steps.∙Choosing a compiler∙Compiling your code to MSIL∙Compiling MSIL to native code∙Running codeChoosing a Compiler∙It is a multi-language execution environment, the runtime supports a wide variety of data types and language features.∙To obtain the benefits provided by the common language runtime, you must use one or more language compilers that target the runtime.Compiling your code to MSIL∙Compiling translates your source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)and generates the required metadata.22∙Metadata describes the types in your code, including the definition of each type, the signatures of each type's members, the members that your code references, and other data that the runtime uses at execution time.∙The runtime locates and extracts the metadata from the file as well as from framework class libraries (FCL) as needed during execution.23End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://24。
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开发工具:eclipse J2EE3.5
1.创建Java Project,名称为web_demo
kernel_lib 及子文件夹:内核部分所需相关组件和第三方jar 包.web_lib 及子文件夹:web 框架部分所需jar 包.WebContent:
WEB-INF 和META-INF:标准web 工程所需文件夹.
gt_extend,gt3_public,swordweb 三个文件夹为sword-webjsp-1.0.jar 包内解压出来的.
WebContent t 下we web b 工程所需结构和文件,其他均为个人喜好组织项目结构.只需保证配置文件及相关jar 包和业务代码在classpat
classpath h 中可引用即可.3.web.xml 配置示例web.xml
.相关配置项说明请查看web 开发说明手册.
4.1打开Run Configurations 配置窗口
4.2选择JavaApplication,添加新配置项,命名为web_demo(随意),项目选择web_demo,Main class 选择m.DeveloperServer
-Dbase.dir=web项目根目录,此例指到WebContent -Dport=端口(默认8080)
信息:Starting ProtocolHandler["http-bio-8088"]