安捷伦产品目录表全球疯狂低价甩卖Aeroflex 6402 CDMA AIME Test Platform (1xEVDO)Agilent 81142A High-Speed Serial Pulse Data GeneratorHP/Agilent E4440A 3Hz - 26.5GHz Spectrum Analyzer PSA HP/Agilent E4445A PSA Spectrum Analyzer, 3 Hz-13.2 GHz HP/Agilent E4443A PSA Spectrum Analyzer, 3 Hz - 6.7 GHz HP/Agilent 83496B Optical / Electrical clock recoveryHP/Agilent DSO81004B 10GHz 4CH 40GSa/s Infiniium Oscill Spirent STR4500 GPS/SBAS Simulation SystemHP/Agilent E5071B ENA Network analyzer 300KHz to 8.5GHz HP/Agilent DSO80804B Infiniium oscilloscope: 8 GHzAgilent N8974A Noise Figure Analyzer10MHz-6.7GHzHP/Agilent E5071C ENA Network AnalyzerHP/Agilent E4438C ESG Vector 矢量Signal 信号Generator发生器HP/Agilent E7402A EMC Spectrum AnalyzerHP/Agilent J1981A VQT Portable AnalyzerHP/Agilent 54855A 6GHz 4CH 20GSa/s Infiniium Oscillosco HP/Agilent J1987B VQT Network ServerR&S FSIQ7 Signal Analyzer, 20 Hz to 7 GHzHP/Agilent N8973A Noise噪声Figure 系数Analyzer分析仪10MHz-3GHz Aeroflex IFR 3413 Signal信号Generator发生器Tektronix CSA7404 4.0 GHz 4CH Digital数字Phosphor 荧光Scope 示波器Tektronix TDS7254B Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope Anritsu MS2723B Handheld 手持式Spectrum AnalyzerHP/Agilent J1981B VQT Portable便携式AnalyzerHP/Agilent E4428C ESG Analog Signal Generator TEKTRONIX TDS7704B Digital Sampling Oscilloscope, 7 GHz Anritsu RadioCommunication Analyzer MT8815B TEKTRONIX TDS7704B Digital Sampling Oscilloscope 7 GHz 81130A-81132A-81132A Pulse Data GeneratorHP/Agilent N5182A MXG RF Vector Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent 8753E RF Network Analyzer, 30 kHz to 6 GHz Anritsu MT8815A RF Communication Test Set - HSDPA HP/Agilent 4396B RF Network/Spectrum/Impedance Analyzer HP/Agilent E4405B ESA-E Spectrum Analyzer HP/Agilent 54853A Infiniium OscilloscopeHP/Agilent E4436BHP/Agilent 54846B 2.25GHz 4CH 8GSa/s Infiniium Oscillos Anritsu MS2721B Handheld Spectrum AnalyzerSpirent SR3452 CDMA Network EmulatorHP/Agilent MSO6104A Mixed Signal OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 83712B Synthesized CW generator, 20 GHzHP/Agilent MSO7054A Mixed Signal OscilloscopeKeytek EMC Pro Advanced EMC Test SystemR&S FSEA30 Spectrum Analyzer 20 Hz to 3.5GHzHP/Agilent 8902A Measuring ReceiverMarconi 6200B 10 MHz to 20 GHz Microwave Test SetHP/Agilent E4404B 9kHz - 6.7GHz Spectrum Analyzer Advantest R3273 100 Hz to 26.5 GHz Spectrum Analyzer HP/Agilent 83712A Synthesized CW generator, 20 GHz NoiseKen ESS-2000 Electrostatic Discharge Simulator HP/Agilent MSO6054A Mixed Signal OscilloscopeAnritsu MT9083A Access MasterHP/Agilent 54845B Infiniium OscilloscopeHP/Agilent E5091A ENA Series Multiport Test SetAgilent 81104A-81105A-81105A Pulse Generator 80MHzHP/Agilent 83711B Synthesized CW Generator, 20 GHzTektronix TDS7054 Phosphor OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 8593E Portable Spectrum AnalyzerHP/Agilent 41501B Pulse Generator and Expander UnitHP/Agilent 35670A FFT Dynamic Signal Analyzer T ektronix TDS5054 DPO Oscilloscope, 4-Channel, 500 MHz HP/Agilent 54830D 2+16 Channel Infiniium OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 54831D 4+16 Channel Infiniium OscilloscopeHP/Agilent E4436B 250kHz - 3GHz Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent 89441A VSA with W-CDMA Capability, 2.65 GHz Spirent TAS 4500 FLEX RF Channel EmulatorSpirent TAS 5600 Universal Interference EmulatorSpirent GSS4100 GPS/BSAS Signal GeneratorAdvantest R3267 Spectrum Analyzer, 100 Hz to 8 GHz Agilent 54754A Differential TDR/TDT moduleHP/Agilent 8514B S-Parameter Test SetHP/Agilent 8515A S-Parameter Test SetHP/Agilent 8596E Portable Spectrum AnalyzerAnritsu MW9076C OTDR 4 Wavelength Chromatic Dispersion HP/Agilent 54832D 4+16-Channel, 1 GHz OscilloscopeHP/Agilent N4431B RF Electronic Calibration ModuleHP/Agilent N4693A Electronic Calibration ModuleHP/Agilent 8561E Portable Spectrum Analyzer, to 6.5 GHz HP/Agilent 8923B DECT Test SetSpirent TAS 5200 RF Converter81654A Dual Fabry-Perot Laser Source, 1310nm & 1550nm HP/Agilent 54832B 1GHz 4CH 4GSa/s Infiniium Oscilloscop Tescom TC-3000A Bluetooth TesterHP/Agilent 54825A Infiniium Oscilloscope: 4 ChannelsHP/Agilent E6000C Mini-OTDRHP/Agilent EMI System 8568B/85650A/85685A with 85867A HP/Agilent 85052C Precision Mechanical Calibration Kit HP/Agilent E4433B - Digital RF Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent 8753C Network Analyzer, 30 kHz to 6 GHzHP/Agilent 1682A Logic AnalyzerJDSU ANT-5 SDH Access TesterSpirent TAS5048 CDMA PLTS Test Configuration Unit 89431A 2 MHz to 2.65 GHz DownconverterHP/Agilent 16200B External DC Bias AdapterHP/Agilent E4433A Digital RF Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent 81655A Laser Source Module (FP) 1310nm 13 Agilent 1680AD 136-Channel Color Logic AnalyzerHP/Agilent 6683A 5000 Watt System Power SupplyHP/Agilent 42942A Terminal Adapter, 40 Hz to 110 MHzR&S SML03 - Signal Generator 9KHz to 3.3GHzSpirent TAS4600A Precision C/N-C/I GeneratorAgilent E4425B 250kHz - 3GHz Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent DSO5052A Oscilloscope: 500 MHz, 2 channels HP/Agilent E5100B High-Speed Network AnalyzerIFR/Aeroflex 2947 Communications Service MonitorHP/Agilent N4691-60004 Electronic Calibration ModuleHP/Agilent 16903A Logic Analysis SystemHP/Agilent 86062C Lightwave SwitchHP/Agilent 8591C Cable TV Analyzer, 1 MHz to 1.8 GHz HP/Agilent 42941A Impedance Probe Kit, 40 Hz to 110 MHz ACTERNA MTS5100E mini OTDR 1310 / 1550 nM Marconi / Aeroflex 2947HP/Agilent 5348A Microwave Counter Power MeterHP/Agilent 81578A Optical attenuator pwr-ctrl angled Agilent 8110A-81103A Pulse Pattern Generator, 150 MHz AnritsuMT8850A Bluetooth Test SetEnlargeTektronix TLA704 Logic Analyzer MainframeHP/Agilent N4430A 4-port RF ECal Module, up to 6 GHz Wavwtek 4400M Mobile Phone TesterHP/Agilent 54641A 2-Channel, 350 MHz Oscilloscope HP/Agilent 83434A 10 Gb/s Lightwave ReceiverHP/Agilent 85093C RF Electronic Calibration Module HP/Agilent 8664A High-Performance Signal Generator HP/Agilent 85033E-100/200/300/400 Calibration KitHP/Agilent 8510C Vector Network AnalyzerHP/Agilent 4140B V oltage Source 10V/100V 10mAHP/Agilent 42851A Precision Q AdapterHP/Agilent 85033D Calibration Kit, 3.5 mmAdvantest R3465 Spectrum Analyzer, 9KHz~8GHzHP/Agilent 85051B Verification Kit, 7 mmTESCOM TC-5901B Pneumatic RF Shield BoxIFR 2026Q CDMA Interferer MultiSource GeneratorHP/Agilent 8648C 9 kHz - 3.2 GHz Signal Generator YOKOGAW A DX230HP/Agilent N4002A SNS Noise source 10MHz-26.5GHz 15dB HP/Agilent 8991A Peak Power MeterHP/Agilent E4432A Digital RF Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent E4431B - Digital RF Signal GeneratorR&S SMIQ03B - Signal Generator 300KHz to 3.3GHz Yokogawa DX230 Paperless RecorderHP/Agilent 85134F Flexible Cable Set, 2.4 mm to 3.5 mmHP/Agilent E4432A Digital RF Signal GeneratorTektronix TDS540 Digitizing OscilloscopeHP/Agilent N1922A P-Series Wideband Power SensorAgilent 16442A Text Fixture for 4155C or 4156CKeithley 238 HighCurrentSourceMeasureUnit/8006 Fixture Fluke PM 6685 Universal Frequency CounterTektronix AFG3022 Arbitrary/Function GeneratorHP/Agilent 8163A Lightwave Multimeter SystemAgilent 1673G 34 Channel Logic Analyze 250 MHZ/135 MHZ HP/Agilent 8643A Signal Generator 252 kHz-1 GHzHP/Agilent 85033E-400 Calibration KitHP/Agilent 4191A RF Impedance AnalyzerSpirent LAN-3310A SmartMetrics Ethernet ModuleHP/Agilent 16034B Test Fixture for Chip ComponentsHP/Agilent 1134A InfiniiMax 7 GHz ProbeHP/Agilent 85033C Calibration Kit, 3.5 MMHP/Agilent 85033E Calibration KitHP/Agilent 11759C RF Channel Simulator, up to 2700 MHz Fluke 164H Hand-Held Multifunction CounterSpirent SmartBits 200 Performance Analysis SystemHP/Agilent 8971C Noise Figure Test Set, up to 26.5 MHz HP/Agilent 1156A Active ProbeHP/Agilent E8403A C-Size VXI Mainframe, 13-Slot Agilent 42851A+42815-61100 Q Meter Adapter for 4285A Asiser FC-1800H2 Frequency ConverterHP/Agilent 54542C 4 Channel 2 GSa/s OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 53310A Modulation Domain AnalyzerHP/Agilent 4349B 4 Channel High Resistance Meter, DC HP/Agilent 85036B Standard Mechanical Calibration Kit HP/Agilent DSO1024A Oscilloscope, 200 MHz, 4 channel Tektronix TDS754A 500MHz 4CH 2GSa/s Oscilloscope Tektronix TDS744A 500MHz 4CH 2GSa/s OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 16196B Parallel Electrode SMD Test FixtureSpirent SmartBits 200S Analysis SystemAnritsu Radio Communication Analyzer MT8820AHP/Agilent E9327A 50 MHz to 18 GHz Power Sensor Spirent LAN-3200A Gigabit Ethernet ModuleHP/Agilent DSO6014L Oscilloscope: 100 MHz, 4 channels HP/Agilent 8347A RF Amplifier, 100 kHz to 3 GHzHP/Agilent 83437A Broadband Light SourceHP/Agilent 8161A Pulse GeneratorHP/Agilent 1168A 10 GHz Probe AmplifierHP/Agilent 11904S Adapter Set, 2.4 mm to 2.92 mmHP/Agilent 4274A LCR MeterHP/Agilent 6060B 300 Watt DC Electronic LoadHP/Agilent 85032B Calibration Kit, Type-N, 50 Ohms Rohde & Schwarz CMD80 Digital Radio Comm. Tester TESCOM TC-5920A Shield BoxSpirent LAN-3201B Gigabit Ethernet ModuleHP/Agilent 6032A System Autoranging DC Power Supply HP/Agilent 8970B Noise Figure MeterHP/Agilent 346C Noise Source, 10 MHz to 26.5 GHzHP/Agilent N1022A Probe AdapterHP/Agilent E9323A Peak and Average Power SensorKikusui PAN 16-50A 0-16V,0-50A, High Reliability DC Pow HP/Agilent 54542A 500MHz 4CH 2GSa/s Oscilloscope HP/Agilent 81662A DFB Laser Source ModuleHP/Agilent 16702A Logic Analysis SystemHP/Agilent 16717A Timing and State ModuleSunrise Telecom Sunset T3HP/Agilent 16192A Parallel Electrode SMD Test FixtureDD-5700 SMS (Short Message Service) Telephone Analyzer HP/Agilent 1131A 3.5 GHz InfiniiMax ProbeHP/Agilent 85024A High-Frequency Probe 300 kHz to 3 GHz HP/Agilent 85044A Transmission/Reflection Test SetHP/Agilent DSO3202A Oscilloscope, 200 MHzHP/Agilent 54622A 2-Channel, 100 MHz OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 85046A Network Analyzer S-Parameter 3GHz HP/Agilent 8494H Programmable Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent N1610B Service Advisor Portable T est Table TESCOM TC-5910B Shield BoxOphir GRF 5039 High Power RF AmplifierTTI TGA1244 4 Channel Arbitrary Waveform GeneratorHP/Agilent 85033A - SMA Calibration KitPanasonic VP-7722A Audio AnalyzerHP/Agilent 54624A 4-Channel, 100 MHz OscilloscopeSpirent LAN-3201A Gigabit Ethernet ModuleHP/Agilent 16048H 2m Port Extension Cable for 4294AHP/Agilent 41420A DC Source/Monitor Plug-in 200V/1A HP/Agilent E4887A HDMI TMDS Signal Generator Platform TESCOM TC-5910C Shield BoxHP/Agilent 16911A 68-Channel Logic Analysis ModuleHP/Agilent N6700A Low Profile MPS MainframeHP/Agilent 16442A test Fixture for 4155C/4156CHP/Agilent E2655B Probe deskew and verification kit Anritsu ML8720B W-CDMA Base Station Area TesterHP/Agilent 53310A Modulation Domain AnalyzerHP/Agilent 33120A Function Gen./ Arb. Waveform Gen.EnlargeHP/Agilent 84904K Programmable Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent 84906K Programmable Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent 346B Noise Source, 10 MHz to 18 GHzHP/Agilent E9325A 50 MHz - 18 GHz peak and averageHP/Agilent 66311B Mobile Communications DC SourceHP/Agilent 87405A Preamplifier, 10 MHz to 3 GHzHP/Agilent 6050A 1800 Watt dc Electronic Load Mainframe HP/Agilent 5351B Frequency Counter 500MHz-26.5GHz HP/Agilent 53131A Universal Frequency Counter, 10 digit HP/Agilent 8495H Programmable Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent 5350B Frequency Counter 500MHz-20GHz HP/Agilent 16191A Side Electrode SMD Test FixtureHP/Agilent 16700B Logic Analysis SystemHP/Agilent 16716A Timing and State ModuleHP/Agilent 1663A Logic Analyzer 34 Channels TESCOM TC-5915A Shield BoxHP/Agilent 34922T Terminal Block for 34922A Multiplexer HP/Agilent 3499B 2-Slot Switch/Control Mainframe Protek Z9216 - High Accuracy, Wide Range LCR Meter HP/Agilent 53181A RF Frequency Counter, 10 digitsHP/Agilent E9301A Power Sensor 10MHz-6GHzPXIT PX2000-337 10G Pulse Pattern GeneratorPXIT PX2000-338 PXI SynthesizerPXI Synthesizer PX2000-338PXI Pulse Pattern Generator PX2000-337Kikusui PAS40-27 Variable-Switching Power SupplyHP/Agilent E8285A CDMA/PCS Mobile Station Test Set Tektronix TDS220 Digitizing SccopeHP/Agilent E2649A USB 2.0 High Speed Fixture SetHP/Agilent E5970A Optical Power MeterHP/Agilent 6543A 200 Watt Power Supply, 35V, 6AHP/Agilent 6542A 200 Watt Power Supply, 20V, 10AHP/Agilent 16500B Logic Analyzer MainframeHP/Agilent 37717B Sonnet Test SetHP/Agilent 83480A Digital Communications AnalyzerHP/Agilent 16750A 68 Channel Logic Analyzer ModuleHP/Agilent N6761A Precision DC Power ModuleHP/Agilent 16085B Terminal AdapterHP/Agilent 8153A Lightwave Multimeter Mainframe JDSU OLP-15B Optical Power MeterHP/Agilent 34932A-34932T Dual 4x16 Mux for 34980A HP/Agilent 6625A Precision System Power SupplyHP/Agilent 34922A 70-Channel Armature Multiplexer Agilent / HP 11612A Bias Network, 45 MHz - 2HP/Agilent 41421B DC Source/Monitor Plug-In100V100mA HP/Agilent 6622A System Power Supply, 80W, 2 outputs HP/Agilent 6623A Precision System Power Supply TESCOM TC-5911A Bluetooth Shield BoxGigatronics 8541C RF Power MeterHP/Agilent 6642A 200 Watt System Power SupplyHP/Agilent 8447E Amplifier, 100 kHz to 1.3 GHzHP/Agilent 54600B 2 Channel 100 MHz OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 54601A 4 Channel 100 MHz OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 54601B 4 Channel 100 MHz OscilloscopeHP 8903E 20 Hz to 100 kHz Distortion AnalyzerHP/Agilent 1153A 200 MHz Differential ProbeAgilent 54645A 100 MHz, 4 Ch Digitizing Oscilloscope HP/Agilent 54601B 100MHz 4CH 20MSa/s Oscilloscope HP/Agilent 8494A Manual Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent 773D Coaxial Directional Coupler, 18 GHzHP/Agilent 6612C 40 Watt System Power Supply, 20V, 2A Kikusui PAS20-36 - DC Sources Power Supplies Gigatronics 8542B Dual-Channel Digital Power MeterHP/Agilent 41425A Analog/Feedback UnitHP/Agilent 16610A Emulation ModuleHP/Agilent 54620A 16 Channel Logic Analyzer Tektronix P6245 Active FET ProbeHP/Agilent 6038A System Autoranging DC Power Supply HP/Agilent 8447D Amplifier, 100 kHz to 1.3 GHzHP/Agilent 8496A Manual Step AttenuatorGigatronics 80601A 200 mW Modulation Power Sensor HP/Agilent 8498A High Power Attenuator, DC to 18 GHz HP/Agilent 8656B Synthesized Signal Generator Gigatronics 8542 Dual-Channel Digital Power MeterHP/Agilent 6632B 100 Watt System Power Supply, 20V, 5A HP/Agilent 8656A Signal Generator, 100 kHz - 990 MHz Agilent 54600B 100 MHz, 2 Ch Digitizing Oscilloscope HP/Agilent 438A Power MeterHP/Agilent 16534A Digitizing Oscilloscope ModuleHP/Agilent 8482A - Power Sensor 100kHz - 4.2GHzHP/Agilent 5086-7678 Dual Directional CouplerHP/Agilent 778DHP/Agilent 6611C 40 Watt System Power Supply, 8V, 5A Advantest R6452A Digital MultimeterHP/Agilent 85132D Semi-Rigid Cable SetHP/Agilent 8904A Multifunction Synthesizer, DC-600 KHz HP/Agilent 8496G Programmable Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent 54201D 300 MHz DIGITIZING OSCILLOSCOPE JDSU OLP-8 Optical Power MeterWeinschel 73-30-33 AttenuatorFluke 45 Digital MultimeterAdvantest R6451A Digital MultimeterAdvantest R6452E Digital MultimeterHP/Agilent 11720A Pulse ModulatorHP/Agilent 1152A 2.5G Active ProbeHP/Agilent 82357B USB/GPIB Interface High-Speed USB 2.0 HP/Agilent 16089C Kelvin IC Clip LeadHP/Agilent 3478A 5.5 Digit DMM with GPIBTESCOM TC-5952B Shield BoxNI PCMCIA-GPIBNarda 769-30 Attenuator 150 Watt DC - 6 GHzHP/Agilent 3324A Synthesized Function/Sweep Generator HP/Agilent 437B 100kHz-110GHz Power Meter Advantest R3964A 3 Port Adapter for R3765CHP/Agilent N2263A 32-Bit Digital Input/Output ModuleHP/Agilent 66332A Dynamic Measurement DC SourceHP/Agilent 6634A GPIB dc power supply, 0-100 Vdc, 0-1 A Aeroflex/Weinschel 49-30-34 High Power Coaxial Attenua Anritsu 2000-768 Precision Open/Short/Load 7/16 dimm(F) HP/Agilent 16048E Test LeadsHP/Agilent 8111A Pulse Generator85052-60006 Short Male 3.5mm85052-60008 Open Male 3.5mmHP/Agilent 5086-7408 Power Divider, DC to 26.5 GHzHP/Agilent 87106-60009 Mulit-port Switch DC to 26.5GHz Anritsu 2000-767 Precision Open/Short/Load 7/16 dimm(M) JDSU OLP-6 Optical Power MeterHP/Agilent 3456A Digital V oltMeter 6.5 DigitsAgilent / HP 35280A Summing Junction Module, DC to MHz HP/Agilent 16048C Test LeadsHP/Agilent 6632A DC Power Supply 20V/5A Precis GPIBAnritsu ICN50 InstaCal CalibrationKrytar 1850 0.5-18.5 GHz DIRECTIONAL COUPLERSHP/Agilent 87104-60001 Multiport Switch SP4T DC-26.5GHzHP/Agilent E3640A 30W Power Supply, 8V, 3A or 20V, 1.5A Tektronix P6204 FET ProbeTektronix TDS3BAT Rechargeable Battery PackTektronix TDS3GM RS/232 GP-IB InterfacesHP/Agilent 11766A DADE SwitchWeinschel 910-20-33 Variable AttenuatorHP/Agilent 11852B AdapterHP/Agilent 82350A PCI High-Performance GPIB InterfaceHP/Agilent 11742A Blocking Capacitor, 0.045 to 26.5 GHzHP/Agilent K422A Detector CrystalHP/Agilent 11716A Attenuator Interconnect Kit, Type-NHP/Agilent N2865A USB host module for 3000 Series Scpes Fluke 8842A 5.5 Digit Digital MultimeterHP/Agilent E3614A 48W Power Supply, 8V, 6AHP/Agilent 16510B 80 CHANNEL LOGIC ANAL YZER MODULEHP/Agilent 16530A DIGITIZING OSCILLOSCOPE TIMEBASE CARD HP/Agilent 16531A Digitizing Oscilloscope Card, 100 MHz HP/Agilent 3438A Digital MultimeterHP/Agilent 3465A Digital MultimeterHP/Agilent 16555A 110 MHz State/500 MHz Timing module Bird Model 43 THRULINE? Directional WattmeterHP/Agilent 54659B RS-232 & Parallel MeasurementHP/Agilent N2757A GPIB Interface Module for 5462XHP/Agilent 54657A GPIB Measurement Storage ModuleHP/Agilent 10073C Passive Probe, 10:1, 500 MHz, 1.5 mHP/Agilent E3616A 60W Power Supply, 35V, 1.7ATektronix P6139A Passive V oltage ProbeHP/Agilent 34905A Dual 4-Channel RF MultiplexerHP/Agilent 8493C Coaxial Fixed Attenuator, DC to 26.5 GInmet 18B10W-20F AttenuatorHP/Agilent 54652B RS-232 and Parallel Interface ModuleHP/Agilent 34907A Multi-function ModuleHP/Agilent 11665B Modulator for scalar analyzerFluke 36 Clamp MeterFluke 36 Clamp MeterHP E3610A 30W Power Supply, 8V, 3A or 15V, 2A Tektronix P6137 Passive V oltage ProbeTektronix P6138A Passive V oltage ProbeHP/Agilent 8493C Coaxial Fixed Attenuator, DC to 26.5 GHP/Agilent 34302A Clamp-on ac/dc Current ProbeHP/Agilent 54652A Parallel I/O module for 54600 SeriesHP/Agilent N2863A Passive Probe, 10:1, 300 MHz, 1.2 m Tektronix 013-0278-00 Video Display ClampHP/Agilent 54650A GPIB Interface ModuleHP/Agilent 8491A Coaxial Fixed Attenuator, 12.4 GHzMini-Circuits 15542 Power SplitterK&L Microwave Tubular Low Pass Filter 6L121-1250/T3300 K&L Microwave Tubular Low Pass Filter 6L121-2000/T6000 K&L Microwave Tubular Low Pass Filter 6L121-3300/T990。
LB W5SG,LV W5SGGolden Dragon®Vorläufige Daten /Preliminary Data2003-10-291Besondere Merkmale•Gehäusetyp:weißes SMD-Gehäuse,farbloser klarer Verguss•Besonderheit des Bauteils:Punktlichtquelle mit hoher Lichtausbeute bei geringem Platzbedarf•Wellenlänge:470nm (blau),503nm (verde)•Abstrahlwinkel:Lambertscher Strahler (120°)•Technologie:InGaN•optischer Wirkungsgrad:6lm/W (blau),25lm/W (verde)•Gruppierungsparameter:Lichtstärke,Wellenlänge•Verarbeitungsmethode:für alle SMT-Bestücktechniken geeignet •Lötmethode:IR Reflow Löten•Vorbehandlung:nach JEDEC Level 4•Gurtung:24-mm Gurt mit 800/Rolle,ø180mm •ESD-Festigkeit:ESD-sicher bis 2kV nach JESD22-A114-B Anwendungen•Ampelanwendung (verde)•Hinterleuchtung (LCD,Schalter,Tasten,Displays,Werbebeleuchtung,Allgemeinbeleuchtung)•Innenbeleuchtung im Automobilbereich (z.B.Instrumentenbeleuchtung,u.ä.)•Ersatz von Kleinst-Glühlampen•Markierungsbeleuchtung (z.B.Stufen,Fluchtwege,u.ä.)•Signal-und Symbolleuchten •ScannerFeatures•package:white SMD package,colorless clear •feature of the device:point lightsource with high luminous efficiency and low space•wavelength:470nm (blue),503nm (verde)•viewing angle:Lambertian Emitter (120°)•technology:InGaN•optical efficiency:6lm/W (blue),25lm/W (verde)•grouping parameter:luminous intensity,wavelength•assembly methods:suitable for all SMT assembly methods•soldering methods:IR reflow soldering •preconditioning:acc.to JEDEC Level 4•taping:24-mm tape with 800/reel,ø180mm •ESD-withstand voltage:up to 2kV acc.to JESD22-A114-BApplications•traffic lights (verde)•backlighting (LCD,switches,keys,displays,illuminated advertising,general lighting)•interior automotive lighting (e.g.dashboard backlighting,etc.)•substitution of micro incandescent lamps •marker lights (e.g.steps,exit ways,etc.)•signal and symbol luminaire •scanners2003-10-292Anm.:-35gesamter Farbbereich,Lieferung in Einzelgruppen (siehe Seite 5)Note:-35Total color tolerance range,delivery in single groups (please see page 5)Bestellinformation Ordering Information TypTypeEmissions-farbe Color of EmissionLichtstrom 1)Seite 14Luminous Flux 1)page 14I F =350mA ΦV (mlm)Lichtst ärke 2)Seite 14Luminous Intensity 2)page 14I F =350mA I V (mcd)BestellnummerOrdering CodeLB W5SG-DYEZ-35blue 5200...112002700(typ.)Q65110A1470LV W5SG-GYHY-35verde21000 (45000)11000(typ.)Q65110A14582003-10-293Maximum Ratings Bezeichnung ParameterSymbol SymbolWerte ValuesEinheit Unit BetriebstemperaturOperating temperature range T op –40…+100°C LagertemperaturStorage temperature range T stg –40…+100°C Sperrschichttemperatur Junction temperature T j 110°C Durchlassstrom Forward current (T A =25°C)I F500mASto ßstrom Surge currentt ≤ 10µs,D =0.005,T A =25°C I FM1500mASperrspannung 3)Seite 14Reverse voltage 3)page 14(T A =25°C)V R1.2VLeistungsaufnahme Power consumption (T A =25°C)P tot1.5WW ärmewiderstand 4)Seite 14Thermal resistance 4)page 14Sperrschicht/L ötpad Junction/solder pointR th JS9K/W2003-10-294*Einzelgruppen siehe Seite 5Individual groups on page 5Characteristics (T A =25°C)Bezeichnung ParameterSymbol SymbolWerte ValuesEinheit Unit LBLV Wellenl änge des emittierten Lichtes (typ.)Wavelength at peak emission I F =350mAλpeak 465501nmDominantwellenl änge 5)Seite 14Dominant wavelength 5)page 14I F =350mAλdom470*±6503*±6nmSpektrale Bandbreite bei 50%I rel max (typ.)Spectral bandwidth at 50%I rel max I F =350mA∆λ2530nmAbstrahlwinkel bei 50%I V (Vollwinkel)(typ.)Viewing angle at 50%I V 2ϕ120120Grad deg.Durchlassspannung 6)Seite 14(min.)Forward voltage 6)page 14(typ.)I F =350mA (max.)V F V F V F V VSperrstromReverse current (max.)V R =1.2VI R 100100µATemperaturkoeffizient von λpeak (typ.)Temperature coefficient of λpeak I F =350mA;–10°C ≤ T ≤ 100°C TC λpeak 0.050.03nm/KTemperaturkoeffizient von λdom (typ.)Temperature coefficient of λdom I F =350mA;–10°C ≤ T ≤ 100°C TC λdom 0.040.05nm/KTemperaturkoeffizient von V F (typ.)Temperature coefficient of V F I F =350mA;–10°C ≤ T ≤ 100°C TC V–5.0–3.6mV/KOptischer Wirkungsgrad (typ.)Optical efficiency I F =350mAηopt625lm/W2003-10-295Anm.:Die Standardlieferform von Serientypen beinhaltet eine Familiengruppe.Diese besteht aus4Helligkeitsdrittelgruppen.Einzelne Helligkeitsdrittelgruppen sind nicht bestellbar.Note:The standard shipping format for serial types includes a family group of 4individual brightnessthird groups.Individual brightness third groups cannot be ordered.Anm.:In einer Verpackungseinheit /Gurt ist immer nur eine Gruppe f ür jede Selektion enthalten.Note:No packing unit /tape ever contains more than one group for each selection.Wellenl ängengruppen (Dominantwellenl änge)5)Seite 14Wavelength Groups (Dominant Wavelength)5)page 14Gruppe Group blueverdeEinheit Unitmin.max.min.max.3463467497501nm 4467471501505nm 5471475505509nmHelligkeits-Gruppierungsschema Brightness Groups Helligkeitsdrittelgruppe Brightness Third Group Lichtstrom 1)Seite 14Luminous Flux 1)page 14ΦV (mlm)Lichtst ärke 2)Seite 14Luminous Intensity 2)page 14I V (mcd)DY DZ EX EY EZ GY GZ HX HY5200...61006100...71007100...82008200...97009700...1120021000...2400024000...2800028000...3300033000 (39000)1800(typ.)2200(typ.)2500(typ.)2900(typ.)3400(typ.)7500(typ.)8600(typ.)10100(typ.)12000(typ.)Gruppenbezeichnung auf Etikett Group Name on Label Beispiel:GY-4Example:GY-4Helligkeitsdrittelgruppe Brightness Third Group Wellenl änge Wavelength GY4Relative spektrale Emission2)Seite14Relative Spectral Emission2)page14V(λ)=spektrale Augenempfindlichkeit/Standard eye response curve Irel=f(λ);T=25°C;I=350mAAbstrahlcharakteristik2)Seite14Radiation Characteristic2)page14I rel =f(2003-10-296Durchlassstrom2)Seite14Forward Current2)page14=f(V);T=25°CRelative Lichtstärke2)Seite14 Relative Luminous Intensity2)page14Relative Lichtstärke2)7)Seite14 Relative Luminous Intensity2)7)page142003-10-297Dominante Wellenlänge2)Seite14 Dominant Wavelength2)page14LB,λdom=f(I F);T A=25°CMaximal zulässiger Durchlassstrom Max.Permissible Forward CurrentI F =f(T)Dominante Wellenlänge2)Seite14Dominant Wavelength2page14)LV,λdom=f(I F);T A=25°C2003-10-298Zulässige Impulsbelastbarkeit I F=f(t p) Permissible Pulse Handling Capability Duty cycle D=parameter,T A=25°C,LB Zulässige Impulsbelastbarkeit I F=f(t p) Permissible Pulse Handling Capability Duty cycle D=parameter,T A=25°C,LV Zulässige Impulsbelastbarkeit I F=f(t p) Permissible Pulse Handling Capability Duty cycle D=parameter,T A=85°C,LB Zulässige Impulsbelastbarkeit I F=f(t p) Permissible Pulse Handling Capability Duty cycle D=parameter,T A=85°C,LV2003-10-299Maßzeichnung8)Seite14Package Outlines8)page14Kathodenkennung:MarkierungCathode mark:markGewicht/Approx.weight:200mgGurtung/Polarität und Lage8)Seite14Verpackungseinheit800/Rolle,ø180mm Method of Taping/Polarity and Orientation8)page14Packing unit800/reel,ø180mm2003-10-2910Empfohlenes Lötpaddesign8)Seite14IR Reflow Löten8)page142003-10-2911Lötbedingungen Vorbehandlung nach JEDEC Level4 Soldering Conditions Preconditioning acc.to JEDEC Level4 IR-Reflow Lötprofil(nach IPC9501)IR Reflow Soldering Profile(acc.to IPC9501)2003-10-29122003-10-2913Attention please!The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics.Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved.Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances.For information on the types in question please contact our Sales Organization.If printed or downloaded,please find the latest version in the Internet.PackingPlease use the recycling operators known to you.We can also help you –get in touch with your nearest sales office.By agreement we will take packing material back,if it is sorted.You must bear the costs of transport.For packing material that is returned to us unsorted or which we are not obliged to accept,we shall have to invoice you for any costs incurred.Components used in life-support devices or systems must be expressly authorized for such purpose!Critical components 9)page 14may only be used in life-support devices or systems 10)page 14with the express written approval of OSRAM OS.Revision History:2003-10-29Previous Version:-PageSubjects (major changes since last revision)Date of changeFußnoten:1)Helligkeitswerte werden mit einerStromeinprägedauer von25ms und einer Genauigkeit von±11%ermittelt.2)Wegen der besonderen Prozessbedingungen bei derHerstellung von LED können typische oder abgeleitete technische Parameter nur aufgrund statistischer Werte wiedergegeben werden.Diese stimmen nicht notwendigerweise mit den Werten jedes einzelnen Produktesüberein,dessen Werte sich von typischen und abgeleiteten Werten oder typischen Kennlinien unterscheiden können.Falls erforderlich,z.B.aufgrund technischer Verbesserungen,werden diese typischen Werte ohne weitere Ankündigung geändert.3)Die LED kann in Sperrichtung kurzzeitig betriebenwerden.4)RthJA ergibt sich bei Montage auf PC-Board-Metallkernplatine,l= 1.3W/(m*K),für weitere Informationen siehe Applikationsschrift im Internet ().5)Wellenlängen werden mit einer Stromeinprägedauervon25ms und einer Genauigkeit von±1nm ermittelt.6)Spannungswerte werden mit einerStromeinprägedauer von1ms und einer Genauigkeit von±0,1V ermittelt.7)Im gestrichelten Bereich der Kennlinien muss miterhöhten Helligkeitsunterschieden zwischen Leuchtdioden innerhalb einer Verpackungseinheit gerechnet werden.8)Maße werden wie folgt angegeben:mm(inch).9)Ein kritisches Bauteil ist ein Bauteil,das inlebenserhaltenden Apparaten oder Systemen eingesetzt wird und dessen Defekt voraussichtlich zu einer Fehlfunktion dieses lebenserhaltenden Apparates oder Systems führen wird oder die Sicherheit oder Effektivität dieses Apparates oder Systems beeinträchtigt.10)Lebenserhaltende Apparate oder Systeme sind für(a)die Implantierung in den menschlichen Körperoder(b)für die Lebenserhaltung bestimmt.Falls sie versagen,kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass die Gesundheit und das Leben des Patienten in Gefahr ist.Published by OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH Wernerwerkstrasse2,D-93049Regensburg©All Rights Reserved.Remarks:1)Brightness groups are tested at a current pulseduration of25ms and a tolerance of±11%.2)Due to the special conditions of the manufacturingprocesses of LED,the typical data or calculated correlations of technical parameters can only reflect statistical figures.These do not necessarily correspond to the actual parameters of each single product,which could differ from the typical data and calculated correlations or the typical characeristic line.If requested,e.g.because of technical improvements, these typ.data will be changed without any further notice.3)Driving the LED in reverse direction is suitable forshort term application.4)RthJAresults from mounting on PC board-metall core PCB,l=1.3W/(m*K),for further Information please find the application note on our web site ().5)Wavelengths are tested at a current pulse duration of25ms and a tolerance of±1nm.6)Forward voltages are tested at a current pulseduration of1ms and a tolerance of±0.1V.7)In the range where the line of the graph is broken,youmust expect higher brightness differences between single LEDs within one packing unit.8)Dimensions are specified as follows:mm(inch).9)A critical component is a component used in alife-support device or system whose failure can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system,or to affect its safety or the effectiveness of that device or system.10)Life support devices or systems are intended(a)to be implanted in the human body,or(b)to support and/or maintain and sustain human life.If they fail,it is reasonable to assume that the health and the life of the user may be endangered.2003-10-2914。
4700 LXI Series Electronic Loads are designed for testing applications that require high-power and high-current plus measurement of UUT dynamic performance. The Loads provide exceptional reliability combined with the inherent simplicity and safety of air cooling. The 4700 Loads are controlled through either a manual touch-panel, a LabVIEW soft-panel or an emPower™ Test Executive enabled automatic test station. Typical power conversion products to be tested include higher-power DC supplies, telecom rectifiers, fuel cells and batteries.Just as touch-panels have revolutionized the user interface on mobile phones and GPS navigation devices, they now are about to change electronic power instruments. The old paradigm of controlling electronic loads through knobs, meters and keypads has been lacking for years. There are just too many control & display functions to manage, especially with the latest generation of smart loads that contain digitized measurements for oscilloscope-like waveform displays.The new NHR PowerTouch panel eliminates those limitations forever. The display is organized through POWERTOUCH MANUAL CONTROLMonitor Tab Control tab6 tabs, each providing a full screen with complete control & display of related information. For instance,a Monitor tab displays actual measurements either in the local or remote-control mode. A Control tab provides for setting voltage, current, resistance and power as well as the CC, CV , CR and CP Operating Modes. The unique Scope tab provides the ability to zoom in on specific areas of interest as well as take basic measurements on waveform captures. Those waveform captures can then be saved on a SD card for later review on a PC. Load user interfaces have never been as comprehensive or easier to use as is now possible with this touch-panel technology.Scope TabActual Size1. Power Switch2. Hardware error indicator3. USB connector4. Touch panel display5. LXI status indicators 7. RS232 connector8. Trig In/Out connectors9. DIN/DOUT connector10. Address switch11. Sync In/Out connectors13. Remote sense connector14. I Range switch15. Enable indicator16. I Control connector17. I Monitor connector19. Network connectors20. Parallel switch21. V oltage select switch22. Chassis GND stud23. AC input connector1Specifications apply at 23o+/- 5o C after a 10 minute warm up.2Accuracies apply when Settings and/or Measurements >10% of Range.3Current linearly reduced between 1 and 0.15 V.4Models 2 - 36 kW also have a 20 A /1 KW Range with reduced accuracy. 5Set 1000% to 6000% of Range = 10% Accuracy.6Single channel capture. Simultaneous V oltage and Current captures would halve sample rate and memory available.SPECIFICATIONS14700 Ratings4700-14700-24700-34700-64700-124700-184700-244700-36 Power 1 kW 2 kW 3 kW 6 kW12 kW18 kW24 kW36 kW Maximum Current2200 A400 A600 A1200 A2400 A3600 A4800 A7200 A V oltage Range31-120 V1-120 V1-120 V1-120 V1-120 V1-120 V1-120 V1-120 V Programmable Modes Accuracies: % of Set + % of Range, Resolution: % of RangeConstant CurrentRanges420, 200 A40, 400 A60, 600 A120, 1200 A240, 1200 A360, 3600A480, 4800 A720, 7200 A Accuracy0.12%+0.08%0.12%+0.08%0.12%+0.08%0.12%+0.08%0.12%+0.08%0.12%+0.08%0.12%+0.08%0.12%+0.08% Resolution0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025% Constant V oltageRanges 6.6, 20, 66,120 V 6.6, 20, 66,120 V6.6, 20, 66,120 V 6.6, 20, 66,120 V6.6, 20, 66,120 V 6.6, 20, 66,120 V 6.6, 20, 66,120 V 6.6, 20, 66,120 V Accuracy0.05%+0.05%0.05%+0.05%0.05%+0.05%0.05%+0.05%0.05%+0.05%0.05%+0.05%0.05%+0.05%0.05%+0.05% Resolution0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025% Constant PowerRange0 - 1 kW0 - 2 kW0 - 3 kW0 - 6 kW0 - 12 kW0 - 18 kW0 - 24 kW0 - 36 kW Accuracy 1% + 1%1% + 1%1% + 1%1% + 1%1% + 1%1% + 1%1% + 1%1% + 1% Resolution0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025%0.025% Constant ResistanceRange 5 m⍀- 180 ⍀ 2.5 m⍀- 90 ⍀ 1.67 m⍀- 60 ⍀833 µ⍀- 30 ⍀417 µ⍀- 15 ⍀278 µ⍀- 10 ⍀208 µ⍀-7.5 ⍀136 µ⍀- 5 ⍀Accuracy52%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%Slew Rate (10 - 90%)Range 1 A/s - 20 A/µs 2 A/s - 40 A/µs 3 A/s - 60 A/µs 6 A/s - 120 A/µs12 A/s - 240 A/µs18 A/s- 360 A/µs24 A/s- 480 A/µs36 A/s- 720 A/µs Rise Time10µs - 20 s10µs - 20 s10µs - 20 s10µs - 20 s10µs - 20 s10µs - 20 s10µs - 20 s10µs - 20 s Resolution< 5 µs< 5 µs< 5 µs< 5 µs< 5 µs< 5 µs< 5 µs< 5 µs Accuracy1% +/- 5µs1% +/- 5µs1% +/- 5µs1% +/- 5µs1% +/- 5µs1% +/- 5µs1% +/- 5µs1% +/- 5µs Short CircuitResistance50, 5 m⍀25, 2.5 m⍀17, 1.7 m⍀8.3 m⍀- 833 µ⍀ 4.17 m⍀- 417 µ⍀2.78 m⍀- 278 µ⍀ 2.08 m⍀- 208 µ⍀ 1.39 m⍀- 139 µ⍀Current Max33, 333 A67, 667 A60, 608 A120, 1200 A240, 2400 A360, 3600 A480, 4800 A720, 7200 A MacroModes Any single ModeRepetition Single Burst or ContinuousSettings100Period40 µs - 20 sDelay20 µs - 20 sResolution10 µsAccuracy1% +/- 5 µsMeasurements Accuracies: % of Measurement + % of Range, Resolution: % of RangeCurrentRanges20, 200 A40, 400 A60, 600 A120, 1200 A240, 2400 A360, 3600 A480, 4800 A720, 7200 A Accuracy0.12%+0.06%0.12%+0.06%0.12%+0.06%0.12%+0.06%0.12%+0.06%0.12%+0.06%0.12%+0.06%0.12%+0.06% Resolution0.0015%0.0015%0.0015%0.0015%0.0015%0.0015%0.0015%0.0015%DC V oltageRanges 6.6, 66, 166 V 6.6, 66, 166 V 6.6, 66, 166 V 6.6, 66, 166 V 6.6, 66, 166 V 6.6, 66, 166 V 6.6, 66, 166 V 6.6, 66, 166 V Accuracy0.01%+0.02%0.01%+0.02%0.01%+0.02%0.01%+0.02%0.01%+0.02%0.01%+0.02%0.01%+0.02%0.01%+0.02% Resolution0.0015%0.0015%0.0015%0.0015%0.0015%0.0015%0.0015%0.0015% PowerRanges Current Range x V oltage RangeAccuracy Current Accuracy + V oltage AccuracyResolution0.0015% RangeWaveform CaptureBandwidth25 kHzAccuracy 1%RChannels V oltage, Current or both MUX’dDigitizing Rate6100 - 100K Samples/sMemory16K SamplesTimebase10 µs - 8 sTriggering System or ExternalWaveform Analysis V oltage, Current, Power, Overshoot, Undershoot, Rise/Fall Time, Turn-On Time, Settling Time, Hold-Up Time, AC RMS, AC+DC RMSControlUser Interface PC soft panel or manual touch-panelPC Required 3 GHz µP with 512 MB RAM, SVGA display, 80 GB HDOS Windows XP, VistaTest Executive NI LabVIEW, emPower™ with integrated datalog/test report supportCommunications Ethernet (LXI), RS232, NHR RS485Drivers Active XPhysicalLoad Connectors Bus bars with lugsOperating Temperature0 - 40º C at full power and <75% duty cycleInput Power115/230 ± 10% V AC, 47 - 63 HzDimensions (HxWxD)51/4x 19 x 22 in51/4x 19 x 22 in101/2x 19 x 22 in101/2x 19 x 22 in35 x 23 x 30 in43 x 23 x 30 in57 x 23 x 30 in 72 x 23 x 30 in Weight40 lbs50 lbs75 lbs100 lbs250 lbs400 lbs570 lbs815 lbs Additional FeaturesRemote V oltage Sense 2 VDC max drop between sense and load inputSelf Test Power-up self test of all major functions including status of input, output, control and protection circuitsPerformance Monitoring Continuous checking of performance parameters and appropriate error messages and/or LED fault indicators when necessaryCalibration Closed cover, all adjustments made in software and stored in EEPROMProtection OP, OC, OV, OT, Reverse V oltage and Undervoltage LockoutTrigger Output Synchronizes external device to programmed load stepTrigger Input Synchronizes programmed load step to an external deviceCurrent Monitor0 - 10 V external signal appropriate to 100% current for the selected rangeAnalog Control0 -10 V external signal appropriate to 100% current for the selected rangeFan Noise Reduction Automatic fan speed controlNH Re s earch, Incorporated16601 Hale Avenue, Irvine, California 92606Tel: 949-474-3900 • Fax: 949-474-7062E-mail: sales@©Copyright 2010, NH Research Incorporated.All rights reserved. Specifications subject tochange without notice.。
DI 7启动/停止
DI 1(取反)内外控切换
Performance Details Average tensile load: Self-adhesive keeper: 50 N (11 lbf) Integrally molded keeper: 120 N (27 lbf)
Other options available. For complete details on variety, part numbers, installation and
Flammability rating: UL94-HB Installation Notes Be sure the mounting surface is clean and capable of retaining a satisfactory adhesive bond.
Self-adhesive keepers are designed to function under intermittent break-away loads
Material and Finish Steel, zinc plated and thermoplastic, black
Ø 2.5 (.098) Rivet holes 2 places
12.4 (.486)
Part Number
Pin latch
Optional floating receptacle
Spacer Color Black Natural Gray
Request Info
23···分段存储器DSO/MSO 离线分析电源管理 硬件加速的串行解码I 2C 、SPI CAN/LIN ··矢量信号分析内核辅助FPGA 调试安全环境RS-232/UARTFlexRay ·····4您的设计中有模拟、数字和串行信号…示波器是否也应该能够处理这些信号呢?MegaZoom III 技术。
MegaZoom III 深存储器可捕获长时间内不重复的信号,并保持高采样率,可快速放大您关注的区域。
使用Altera 或XilinxFPGA 进行设计?使用FPGA 动态探头进行快速的内部FPGA 测量。
使用I2C 、SPI 或RS-232?使用4通道型号的模拟或数字信号来采集和解码这些串行总线。
InfiniiVision 7000系列示波器通道可更快地确定疑难问题。
InfiniiVision 7000系列示波器具有XGA显示和256级的亮度,可精确表述您正在测试的信号的模拟特征。
模拟信号:高达1 GHz 带宽和4 GSa/s采样率数字信号:具有混合信号触发的16位定时通道捕获模拟或数字的混合信号。
具有高达2 GSa/s 深存储器的16位高速定时通道。
Surge non repetitive forward current
TC=25°C, tp=10 ms, sine halfwave
Maximum repetitive forward current
TC=25°C, tp limited by Tjmax, D=0.5
4.40 4.80 0.1732 0.1890
0.40 0.60 0.0157 0.0236
1.05 typ.
0.41 typ.
2.54 typ.
0.1 typ.
4.4 typ.
0.173 typ.
1.10 1.40 0.0433 0.0551
2.4 typ.
0.095 typ.
6.6 typ.
46.9 26.6 -55...+175 255
Unit V A
W °C °C
Page 1
IDP06E60 IDB06E60
Thermal Characteristics Parameter
Characteristics Thermal resistance, junction - case Thermal resistance, junction - ambient, leaded SMD version, device on PCB:
IDP06E60 IDB06E60
Rise time VDD = 30 V, VGS = 10 V, ID = 31 A
RG = 13 Ω
Turn-off delay time VDD = 30 V, VGS = 10 V, ID = 31 A
RG = 13 Ω
Fall time VDD = 30 V, VGS = 10 V, ID = 31 A
Safe operating area ID = ƒ(VDS) parameter: D = 0, TC = 25°C
10 3
10 2
tp = 13.0µs
Transient thermal impedance Zth JC = ƒ(tp) parameter: D = tp / T
10 1 K/W
0.05 typ
60 100 °C 180 Tj
Typ. capacitances C = f (VDS) parameter:VGS = 0V, f = 1MHz
10 4
70 Ptot = 75W l A
Highlights●Rugged, Lightweight & Hand-Held●RJ-11 Modular JackDual Min-Phone Jacks (Bantam)tion for installation and maintenance of analog voice and data cir-cuits. Users for all models of the 704A-400 Series are DS0/DS1,Central Office (CO), Digital Operations Group (DOG), SpecialServices, and CO/OSP Construction Technicians.A pplicationsServices TestedAll Models perform the following tests:HDSL (E, F and G NoiseFilter, Impulse Noise) POTS, Analog Special Services, PBX Trunks(No CO/PBX Emulation for the 704A-410). The704A-430 and the704A-460 both include CO/PBX Emulation and can be substitutedfor a CO switch or PBX, while the 704A-460 includes CLASS CPEEmulation which can be substituted for CPE at MDF or NID.Facilities Tested/QualifiedAll models perform Facilities Testing/Qualified. These categories© 2005 CXR/Larus Corporation (P/N 96-50000-502, Rev. A)Other product and company names referenced herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice.Sp ecificationsINTERFACESAll Models: 2- or 4-Wire RJ-11, dual Bantam IMPEDANCESAll Models: 100, 135, 600, 900, 1200 Ohm & Bridged PHYSICAL ●Dimensions:9.5 in x 6.33 in x 3.5 in (L x W x H)(Equipped with all options - Less than 2.2 lbs.)9.5 in x 6.33 in x 2.63 in (L x W x H)(Basic 704A-400 Series – Weight approx. 3 lbs.)●Operating Environment: 32°to 122°F (0°to 50°C), 0 to 95% R.H.(Non-Condensing)●Power Requirements: 5 Watts at 115 VAC, 60Hz nominal for 9 VDC external DC power supply ●CLEI Codes:TETMAAE7AA, TETMAAF7AA●Battery: 4 Hours continuous operation from the internal 7.2 VDC NimH pack. Charge time: 14 hours ●2W/4W Interface:RJ-11 C or Dual Bantam (210) connector ●Impedance:100/135/600/900/1200 ohms in terminated mode; >30K Ohms in bridged mode.●Longitudinal Balance:Better than 60dB from 200Hz to 1.5MHz●Audio & Display:Built in speaker with volume control. Display is LCD, 4 line x 20 character●Line Hold:Electronic, internally current limited to 24mA on either the 2W or 4W-XMT port when Off-Hook ●Dial:16 Character DTMF generation, 12 character MF generation, 10 digit Dial Pulse generation●Measurements:Level (dBm), Frequency, Weighted Noise, Notch Noise, Signal to noise ratio, Impulse Noise, Return Loss, 23-Tone Sequence (RMS level/frequency, individual level/frequency, IMD, EDD, S/TD, SNR), Advanced Caller ID CND/CNAM (optional), Line voltage, current and ring voltage, Load Coil Detect, MF/DTMF/Dial Pulse analysisSIGNALING ●Signaling Interfaces:Emulate network and terminal end of Loop Start, Ground Start, Direct Inward Dial, E&M I-IV, Originate or terminate call, Analyze digits, perform transmission tests●Signaling Modes:MF/DTMF/Dial Pulse analysis ●CO Emulation:Wink start or immediate start●Measurements:Pre-wink, wink duration and answer delay for up to 999ms with 1ms resolution●Loop Current Detection:Loop current detector must exceed 20ms to detect a valid off-hook state●DTMF Generation:Transmit level of -7 ±0.2dBm, with 1.5dB twist ●MF Generation:Transmit level of -7 ±0.2dBm●Dial Pulse Generation:-10 Pulses per second with 60% break and 250mS inter-digit time●PBX Emulation Mode:Wink start or immediate start with pre-wink time of 1 sec and wink duration of 250mS ± 2mS ●Measurements:Up to 9999mS maximum post wink time with 1mS resolution and ± 1mS accuracy●Battery Feed:-48 VDC 400 ohm DC feed limited to 24mA ●MF Receiver:All 15 valid MF tones received at levels as low as -30dBm●DTMF Receiver:16 digit receiver (1-9, 0, A, B, C, D, *, #)●Dial Pulse Receiver:12 digit receiver (1-9, 0, *, 3) Range is from 3 to 29 pulses per second with a 10 to 90% break DTMF ANALYSIS ●Frequency Meas:A high/low group frequency accuracy of ±3Hz with 1Hz resolution●Level Meas:A high/low tone group range accuracy of +1.5 to -28dB with 0.1dB resolution and ±0.5dB accuracy●Timing Meas:1mS to 65.5 seconds with 1mS resolution and ±1mS accuracy●Tone Acceptance:Maximum twist of ±10 dB with 35 mS minimum tone duration. 18 dB maximum dial tone level toleranceCLASS SERVICES TESTING (OPTIONAL)●Enhanced Caller/Name ID:Test Functions ●Timing Measurements:1mS to 60 seconds with 1mS resolution and±1mS accuracyCLASS SERVICES TESTING (OPTIONAL - CONTINUED)●Receiver Sensitivity:Carrier must be received at -45dB minimumreceiver sensitivity●FSK Data Detection:Continuous phase coherent FSK detection(1200/2200Hz ±1%) @ 1200 BPS●Ring Voltage Measurements:40 to 140 VAC with 1 volt resolution and ±2 Vaccuracy GENERATOR ●Variable Tone:Frequency adjustable from 50Hz to 1.5MHz in1Hz steps: accurate to within ±0.5Hz●Fixed Tones:Program 50Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz, 5kHz, 8kHz, and 15kHz. (transmit level fixed at 0.0dBm)●ADSL Tones:28kHz, 40kHz, 48kHz, 82kHz, 196kHz, 392kHz (level adj. +13dBm to –40dBm)●Wideband Sweep:400Hz to 3200Hz in 200Hz steps, 4800Hz, 8000Hz, 28kHz, 32kHz, 36kHz, 48kHz, 80kHz, 82kHz. Level adjustable from +13dBm to –40dBm●3–Tone Slope:404Hz, 1004Hz, 2804Hz, each at ±0.5Hz. Level adjustable in 4 steps of 0, -10, -13 and –16dBm ±0.2dBm●2713Hz Loop Back Generated at at ±0.5Hz. Level adjustable as in 3-Tone Slope●Level Accuracy:600/900/1200 ohm mode ±0.1dB from 400 to 10,000Hz; ±0.5dB from 200 to 30,000Hz●100/135 Ohm 4W Mode:±0.2dB from 400 to 30,000. Optional wideband 135 ohm; ±0.5dB from 250 to 1.5MHzLevel adjustable from +13dBm to –40dBm in 0.1dB steps●23-Tone Test:Generate 23-Tone sequence per IEEE-1995 at –6dBm to –40dBm. Measures individualfrequencies and level, RMS composite tone, IMD,EDD, S/TD and S/NR●Return Loss:Continuous generation of band limited noise signal sent at –6 ±1.0dBm in each of three bands●DTMF Generation:XMT level of –7 ±0.2dBm, w/1.5dB twist: freq Accurate to –0.5Hz, 75mS on, 75mS offRECEIVER ●Level Accuracy:+13 to - 72 dBmFor 600, 900 and 1200 ohm impedance :±0.2dB from 200Hz to 20,000Hz For 135 and 100 ohm impedance:±0.5dB from 1,000Hz to 600,000Hz and ±1dB from 600,000Hz to 1,500,000Hz●Frequency:For 50 to 1,500,000 Hz, frequency measurement accuracy is ±1 Hz resolution with 0.005% accuracy with 1Hz resolution●Noise:15 to 95dBrn with 1dBrn resolution and ±1dBrn accuracy from 20 to 90dBrn●Noise Filters:C-MSG, 3KHz Flat (D), Program, 15KHz Flat and E, F and G●Notched Noise:1010Hz notch, with a minimum of 50dB attenuation in the band of 995 to 1025Hz●Signal to Noise Ratio:Holding tone (1004Hz) must be in the range of +6 to –45dB: Measured S/N ratio range from from 10 to 55dB with 1dB resolution and ±2dB accuracy●3-Level lmpulse Noise:Threshold can be set from 30 to 90dBrn: 3 level difference fixed at 4dBrn with a measurement accuracy of ±1dBrn. Blanking interval fixed at 125ms with 3 independent counters●23-Tone Test:Generate 23-Tone sequence per IEEE-743(1995 Edition) at -6dBm to -40dBm.Measures individual frequencies and level, RMS Composite Tone, IMD, EDD, S/TD and S/NR ●Return Loss:Three bands: ERL, SRL-HI, SRL-LO; Range of 0 to -30dB with 1dB resolution and ±1dB accuracy. Continuous generation of band limited noise signal sent at -6 ±1.0 dBm in each of 3 bands ●Line Voltage Measurement 2 to 85 VDC : 0.1 Volt resolution and ±1 Volt accuracy●Line Current Measurement10 to 80mA; 0.1mA resolution and ±1mA accuracyHalcyon 704A-400 SeriesPlease contact CXR for the Ordering Configurations,accessories and options associated with the 704A-400 Series.。
0.24 0.47 - S
62 78 pF
19 24
23 35 ns
71 106
56 70
61 76
Page 3
Rev. 1.0
BSS 83 P
Electrical Characteristics, at Tj = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified
0.0 0.00
-0.50 A -0.65
Typ. transfer characteristics ID= f ( VGS )
³ VDS 2 x ID x RDS(on)max
parameter: tp = 80 µs
Typ. forward transconductance gfs = f(ID); Tj=25°C parameter: g
Rev. 1.0
BSS 83 P
Typ. output characteristic
ID = f (VDS); Tj=25°C parameter: tp = 80 µs
BSS 83 P
-0.80 Ptot = 0W
Characteristics Thermal resistance, junction - soldering point ( Pin 3 ) SMD version, device on PCB: @ min. footprint @ 6 cm2 cooling area 1)
3.1 操作原理 - C7000 ...................................................................................................................... 17 3.2 操作原理 - C7000 加强型控制器 ............................................................................................... 19 3.3 操作原理 - C7000 超级型控制器 ................................................................................................ 20
5.1 启动 - C7000 加强型控制器 ....................................................................................................... 28 5.2 启动 - C7000 超级型控制器 ....................................................................................................... 29
Agilent 16048D Test LeadsOperation and Service ManualFourth EditionAgilent Technologies Japan, Ltd.Agilent PN 16048-90031May 2000Printed in JapanArtisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | 2NoticesThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright.All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of the Agilent Technologies.Agilent Technologies Japan, LTD.Component Test PGU-Kobe1-3-2, Murotani, Nishi-Ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo, 651-2241 Japan © Copyright 1990, 1998, 1999, 2000 Agilent Technologies Japan, LTD.Manual Printing HistoryThe manual’s printing date and part number indicate its current edition. The printing date changes when a new edition is printed. (Minor corrections and updates that are incorporated at reprint do not cause the date to change.) The manual part number changes when extensive technical changes are incorporated.1990 First EditionNovember 1998 Second EditionAugust 1999Third Edition (part number : 16048-90031)May 2000 Fourth Edition (part number : 16048-90031)Safety SummaryThe following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific WARNINGS elsewhere in this manual may impair the protection provided by the equipment. In addition it violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument.The Agilent Technologies assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.NOTE 16048D comply with INSTALLATION CATEGORY I and POLLUTIONDEGREE 2 in IEC61010-1. 16048D are INDOOR USE product.Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | •Ground The InstrumentTo avoid electric shock hazard, the instrument chassis and cabinet must beconnected to a safety earth ground by the supplied power cable with earthblade.•DO NOT Operate In An Explosive AtmosphereDo not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gasses or fumes.Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes adefinite safety hazard.•Keep Away From Live CircuitsOperating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Componentreplacement and internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenancepersonnel. Do not replace components with the power cable connected. Undercertain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cableremoved. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuitsbefore touching them.•DO NOT Service Or Adjust AloneDo not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable ofrendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.•DO NOT Substitute Parts Or Modify InstrumentBecause of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not installsubstitute parts or perform unauthorized modifications to the instrument.Return the instrument to a Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office forservice and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.•Dangerous Procedure WarningsWarnings, such as the example below, precede potentially dangerousprocedures throughout this manual. Instructions contained in the warningsmust be followed.WARNING Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are presenting this instrument.Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting this instrument.CertificationAgilent Technologies certifies that this product met its published specifications atthe time of shipment from the factory. Agilent Technologies further certifies thatits calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute ofStandards and Technology, to the extent allowed by the Institution’s calibrationfacility, or to the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organizationmembers.3 Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | WarrantyThis Agilent Technologies instrument product is warranted against defects inmaterial and workmanship for a period corresponding to the individual warrantyperiods of its component products. Instruments are warranted for a period of oneyear. Fixtures and adapters are warranted for a period of 90 days. During thewarranty period, Agilent Technologies will, at its option, either repair or replaceproducts that prove to be defective.For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facilitydesignated by Agilent Technologies. Buyer shall prepay shipping charges toAgilent Technologies and Agilent Technologies shall pay shipping charges toreturn the product to Buyer. However, Buyer shall pay all shipping charges, duties,and taxes for products returned to Agilent Technologies from another country.Agilent Technologies warrants that its software and firmware designated byAgilent Technologies for use with an instrument will execute its programminginstruction when property installed on that instrument. Agilent Technologies doesnot warrant that the operation of the instrument, or software, or firmware will beuninterrupted or error free.Limitation Of WarrantyThe foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper orinadequate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied software or interfacing,unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside the environmentalspecifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance. IMPORTANT No other warranty is expressed or implied. Agilent Technologies specificallydisclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particularpurpose.Exclusive RemediesThe remedies provided herein are buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. AgilentTechnologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, orconsequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.4Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | 5AssistanceProduct maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements are available for Agilent Technologies products.For any assistance, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office. Addresses are provided at the back of this manual.Safety SymbolGeneral definitions of safety symbols used on the instrument or in manuals are listed below.Instruction Manual symbol: the product is marked with this symbol when it is necessary for the user to refer to the instrument manual.WARNING This warning sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, condition or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or death to personnel.CAUTION This Caution sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, condition or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction of part or all of the product.NOTE Note denotes important information. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, condition or the like, which is essential to highlight.!Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | 6Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | 1.OperationProduct Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Compensation for Fixture Residual Impedance Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.ServiceMaintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | 8Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | 1OperationThis operating note provides complete information on the 16048D Test Leads. The16048D is shown pictorially in Figure 1-1, its physical dimensions are given inTable 1-1. To order additional copies of this operating note, use the part numberlisted on the rear cover.9 Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | 10Chapter 1OperationProduct DescriptionProduct DescriptionThe 16048D consists of a direct attachment, 4-terminal pair type fixture which is equipped with four BNC (m) terminated-coaxial test leads. These test leads areused to attach user-fabricated test fixtures. DC bias levels of up to ±40V can be applied to the 16048D. Cable length is 2 meter. The 16048D is shown in Figure 1-1.Figure 1-1Product OverviewOperationSpecificationsSpecificationsTable 1-1Specifications of the 16048DFunction:4-terminal pair type fixture which is equippedwith four BNC (m) terminated-coaxial test leads.Connector Type:BNC maleMaximum Voltage:± 40 V peak max. (AC+DC)Cable Length:2mWeight:460 gSafety Standards:EN61010-1:1993 +A2:1995IEC61010-1:1990 +A1:1992 +A2:1995CSA C22.2 No.1010.1:1992INSTALLATION CATEGORY IPOLLUTION DEGREE 2INDOOR USEChapter 111OperationCompensation for Fixture Residual Impedance ErrorCompensation for Fixture Residual Impedance ErrorThe 16048D has inherent stray capacitance, residual inductance, and residual resistance that affect the accuracy of measured values. To compensate for, or negate, these residuals to minimize measurement error, the instrument’sOpen/Short compensation procedure should be performed. The procedure is given in the instrument’s operating manual.12Chapter 1OperationOperationOperationSetup and measurement procedure is as follows:1.Connect the 16048D directly to the UNKNOWN terminals of the instrument.2.Connect the user-fabricated test fixture to the test leads.3.Perform Open/Short compensation as described in the instrument’s operationmanual.4.Connect the DUT to the test fixture.NOTE Connect the green lead to the chassis or grounded part on the test fixture to reduce the effects of stray capacitance between the DUT and the test fixture.Chapter 113OperationOperation14Chapter 12Service15ServiceMaintenanceMaintenanceAn exploded view of the 16048D (for parts identification) is shown in Figure 2-1. Do not disassemble any further than shown. Maintenance consists principally of cleaning contacts and replacing worn or damaged parts. Take special care when cleaning contacts. To order parts, use the Agilent Technologies part numbers listed in Table 2-1. If a faulty part is located in an assembly that cannot be disassembled, order the next higher assembly or return the whole device to the nearest Agilent Technologies Sales/Service Office for repair or replacement.16Chapter 2Chapter 217Service MaintenanceFigure 2-1Parts IdentificationServiceMaintenance Table 2-1Parts IdentificationReference Agilent PartNo.Qty.Description1*4SLEEVE-METAL2*4NUT3*4NUT-HEX4*4WASHER-FL MTLC5*4WASHER-FL NM60400-02031GROMMET-RND716048-616121WIRE ASSEMBLY8*1BOTTOM COVER9*4INSULATOR10*2CONNECTOR-BNC11*2BNC-ASSEMBLY122200-01031SCREW-MACH 4-40132190-02061WASHER-FL MTLC1416047-400001STOPPER1516048-040111TOP COVER162360-01923SCREW-MACH 6-32171400-07192CABLE TIE18*3GROMMET-RND19*1CABLE SHIELDED201400-04931CABLE TIE2116048-040131TOP COVER2216048-040141BOTTOM COVER2316048-616111CABLE ASSEMBLY24*4BNC-BOOT25*4SLEEVE26*4SLEEVE-FLEX .081ID27*4INSULATOR281250-00894CONTACT RF CONN291250-00524CONNECTOR-RF BNC18Chapter 2Chapter 219Service Maintenance*: Not separately replaceable.16048-60020a1TEST LEAD (1 thru 29)301250-01184CONNECTOR-RF BNC 312360-01152SCREW-MACH 6-323216032-100211PLATE332190-00164WASHER-LK INTL T 342950-00014NUT-HEX 3516032-100221PLATE SHIELD3616032-600011BNC BRACKET (30 thru 35)a.Agilent internal-only part number.ReferenceAgilent PartNo.Qty.DescriptionREGIONAL SALES AND SUPPORT OFFICESFor more information about Agilent Technologies test and measurement products, applications, services, and for a current sales office listing, visit our web site: /find/tmdir. You can also contact one of the following centers and ask for a test and measurement sales representative. 11/29/99United States:Agilent TechnologiesTest and Measurement Call Center P.O.Box 4026Englewood, CO 80155-4026(tel)180****4844Canada:Agilent Technologies Canada Inc. 5150 Spectrum Way Mississauga, OntarioL4W 5G1(tel)187****4414Europe:Agilent TechnologiesTest & MeasurementEuropean Marketing OrganizationP.O.Box 9991180 AZ AmstelveenThe Netherlands(tel) (31 20) 547 9999Japan:Agilent Technologies Japan Ltd.Call Center9-1, Takakura-Cho, Hachioji-Shi, Tokyo 192-8510, Japan(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Latin America:Agilent TechnologiesLatin American Region Headquarters 5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite #950 Miami, Florida 33126U.S.A.(tel) (305) 267 4245(fax) (305) 267 4286Australia/New Zealand:Agilent Technologies Australia Pty Ltd 347 Burwood HighwayForest Hill, Victoria 3131(tel) 1-800 629 485 (Australia)(fax) (61 3) 9272 0749(tel) 0 800 738 378 (New Zealand) (fax) (64 4) 802 6881Asia Pacific:Agilent Technologies24/F, Cityplaza One, 1111 King’s Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong(tel) (852)-3197-7777(fax) (852)-2506-9284。
二、产品特点新亚洲NA704L电流表具有以下突出特点:1. 高精确度新亚洲NA704L电流表采用了先进的测量技术和精密的电路设计,能够提供高精确度的电流测量结果,保证测量数据的准确性。
2. 大屏幕显示该电流表配备了一块大屏幕,能够清晰地显示测量结果,用户可以一目了然地读取电流数值,方便实用。
3. 宽测量范围新亚洲NA704L电流表具有宽广的测量范围,能够测量不同电流强度的信号,适用于各类电流测量需求。
4. 多功能测量除了测量电流外,该电流表还具备其他多种测量功能,如电压测量、电阻测量等,能够满足多样化的测量要求。
三、使用说明1. 准备工作在使用新亚洲NA704L电流表之前,用户需要先准备好以下工作:•阅读产品说明书,了解产品性能和特点;•确认电流表的电源是否正常,需要正确连接电源线;•根据实际测量需求,选择合适的测量档位。
2. 测量操作步骤使用新亚洲NA704L电流表进行测量时,用户需要按照以下步骤进行操作:1.打开电流表的电源开关,待电流表正常启动后,进入测量界面。
四、注意事项在使用新亚洲NA704L电流表时,用户需要注意以下事项:1. 保持仪器干燥电流表为精密仪器,应该避免受潮或接触液体,保持干燥清洁的工作环境。
2. 防止超载在进行测量时,要选择合适的测量范围,避免电流超过电流表能够承受的上限,以免损坏仪器。
MJ -4700控制器操作手册工业控制器应用系统部 制盟立自动化科技(上海)有限公司 MIRLE AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHANGHAI )CO., LTD.进入启始画面后按【输入】键或初始画面消失后按【F1】键即可进入《机器监视页》之画面,如下图所示:图1-2、机器监视页本画面只提供机器动作监视,不用作资料的设定。
2、当料管各段温度均达正常温度(>设定值-低温偏差,并<设定值+高温偏差),螺杆末端的长条格会呈反白” ”,表示温度已到设定值上下限范围内。
BSO 615 C
SIPMOS® Small-Signal-Transistor
Features • Dual N- and P -Channel • Enhancement mode • Logic Level • Avalanche rated • dv/dt rated
Drain-Source on-state resistance
VGS = 10 V, ID = 3.1 A
VGS = -10 V , ID = -2 A
1Device on 40mm*40mm*1.5mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6cm 2 (one layer, 70 µm thick) copper area for drain connection. PCB is vertical without blown air.
trr N P
Qrr N P
- 3.1 A
- -2
- 12.4
- -8
V - 0.8 1.1 - -0.8 -1.1
ns - 50 75 - 85 130
µC - 70 105 - 120 180
Page 4
Power Dissipation (N-Ch.) Ptot = f (TA)
gfs N P
2.25 5.5 1.2 2.4
S -
Input capacitance VGS = 0 V, VDS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz VGS = 0 V, VDS = -25 V, f = 1 MHz
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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1) values also influenced by parasitic L- and C- in measurement and package.
min. -
Value typ. max.
Unit ns
Edited by INFINEON Technologies AI PS DD HV3, L 7161-P, Edition 2, 03.09.2003
This chip is used for: • power module
Applications: • drives
Chip Type
SIGC81T120R2CL 1200V 50A
Die Size 9.08 X 8.98 mm2
∅ 0.65mm ; max 1.2mm
store in original container, in dry nitrogen, < 6 month at an ambient temperature of 23°C
Edited by INFINEON Technologies AI PS DD HV3, L 7161-P, Edition 2, 03.09.2003
Edited by INFINEON Technologies AI PS DD HV3, L 7161-P, Edition 2, 03.09.2003
Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office.
Pulsed collector current, tp limited by Tjmax
Gate emitter voltage
Operating junction and storage temperature 1 ) depending on thermal properties of assembly
We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein.
IGBT Chip in NPT-technology
FEATURES: • 1200V NPT technology 180µm chip • low turn-off losses • short tail current • positive temperature coefficient • easy paralleling • integrated gate resistor
167 pcs
3200 nm Al Si 1%
1400 nm Ni Ag –system suitable for epoxy and soft solder die bonding
electrically conductive glue or solder
Al, <500µm
VCE=0V , VGE=20V
300 nA
Integrated gate resistor
Input capacitance Output capacitance Reverse transfer capacitance
Tj, Tstg
-55 ... +150
STATIC CHARACTERISTICS (tested on chip), Tj=25 °C, unless otherwise specified:
Value Unit
min. typ. max.
Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Collector-emitter saturation voltage Gate-emitter threshold voltage Zero gate voltage collector current
Edited by INFINEON Technologies AI PS DD HV3, L 7161-P, Edition 2, 03.09.2003
Collector metallization
Die bond Wire bond Reject Ink Dot Size
Recommended Storage Environment
9.08 X 8.98
8 x ( 2.6 x 1.78 )
1.46 x 0.8
81.5 / 63.5
Collector-emitter voltage, Tj=25 °C
DC collector current, limited by Tjmax
Attention please!
The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as warranted characteristics.
Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved.
This chip data sheet refers to the device data sheet
Package Econo 2 short pin
DESCRIPTION: AQL 0,65 for visual inspection according to failure catalog Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Device according to MIL-STD 883 Test-Normen Villach/Prüffeld
Conditions 1)
Turn-on delay time Rise time Turn-off delay time Fall time
td(on) tr td(off) tf
Tj=125°C VCC=600V, IC=50A, VGE=± 15V, RG= 15Ω
VGE=0V , IC=3mA 1200
VGE=15V, IC=50A
1.8 2.2 2.6 V
4.5 5.5 6.5
VCE=1200V , VGE=0V
6.2 µA
Gate-emitter leakage current
Package Ordering Code
sawn on foil