AEGIS Combat System 2014 Fact Sheet
GaAs FETGaAs FET开关是数控移相器的主要构成元素,它作为一个三端器件,可以通过对栅偏置电压的控制来改变源漏间电阻,从而实现开关动作,转换时间也在纳秒(ns)量级。
无源电子扫描阵列Passive Electronically Scanned Array, PESA无源电子扫描阵列天线表面的阵元只有改变信号相位的能力而没有发射信号的能力,信号的产生还是依靠天线后方的信号产生器,然后利用波导管将产生的信号号送到信号放大器上,再传送到阵列单元上面,接收时则反向而行。
DDS规范DDS(DataDistribution Service数据分发服务)是对象管理组织OMG的有关分布式实时系统中数据发布的一个较新的规范(2004年12月发布1.0版,2007年1月发布1.2版)。
美国舰载四面阵相控阵雷达AN SPY-1研制概况
⑤辅助设备单元 提供特定的工作条件使AN/SPY/1A雷达
1974年把AN/APY-1安装在诺顿湾试验舰上,成功地自动探测并跟踪了在太平洋上空飞行的20架飞机,用EA-6B干扰机对AN/APY-1进行满功率干扰也无济于事。美国空军改用相当于32架EA-6B的满功率干扰机KC-135(配置了TREE SHARK)仍不能完全干扰AN/SPY-1。在这两种情况下,AN/SPY-1的雷达波束均能“烧穿”干扰机并摸拟发射防御导弹。
2014年新品枪械速报作者:张雨翔来源:《轻兵器》 2014年第8期随着国际大型武器展会的登场,一些新品轻武器也纷纷亮相,但大多新武器的信息仅限于广告宣传式的描述,缺乏更多技术内涵,本文则追踪2014年SHOTA展上3支特色新品,进一步挖掘其更多信息,作一呈现——□张雨翔Six12霰弹枪以生产“青蛙服”而闻名的克莱精密(Crye Precision,简称为CP)公司从成立以来,一直以生产和销售各种迷彩作战服和战术背心等单兵装具为主要业务。
1 9 9 0年代后期,美国陆军开展一项模块化霰弹枪附件系统(Mo d u l a rAccessory Shotgun System,简称MASS)研制计划,C-More系统公司便在2000年研制了一种轻巧短小、采用5发可拆卸弹匣供弹的霰弹枪,这种霰弹枪后来被正式定型为M26。
主设计师埃里克·伯特(EricBurt)采用转轮弹膛供弹方式,由此,容弹量也比M2 6多;还有一点,尽管其枪管比M26长,全枪长则比M26还要短。
防空专业队装备掩蔽部 抗力级别
防空专业队装备掩蔽部抗力级别英文回答:As a member of the anti-aircraft specialized team, one of our crucial tasks is to ensure the effective concealment of our equipment and facilities. The level of resistance to detection and attack is of utmost importance in order to protect our assets and maintain operational readiness.To achieve a high level of concealment, we employ various techniques and strategies. Firstly, we carefully select the location for our equipment and facilities. We look for natural features such as hills or valleys that can provide natural cover and camouflage. Additionally, we utilize artificial structures such as camouflage nets, screens, and decoys to further conceal our assets.Furthermore, we implement strict operational security measures to minimize the chances of detection. This includes limiting the use of electronic devices that emitsignals, maintaining a low profile during operations, and conducting regular inspections to ensure that our equipment remains hidden and undetectable.In addition to physical concealment, we also employ electronic countermeasures to deceive and confuse potential threats. These countermeasures include the use of radar jammers, infrared decoys, and electronic warfare systems. By disrupting the enemy's detection systems, we can significantly reduce the risk of being targeted.It is important to note that the level of resistance to detection and attack required may vary depending on the specific mission and operational environment. For example, if we are operating in a highly contested area where the enemy has advanced surveillance capabilities, we may need to employ more sophisticated and advanced concealment techniques.In conclusion, the concealment of our equipment and facilities plays a crucial role in our ability to effectively defend against airborne threats. By carefullyselecting locations, utilizing natural and artificial cover, implementing operational security measures, and employing electronic countermeasures, we can enhance our resistanceto detection and attack, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of our anti-aircraft specialized team.中文回答:作为防空专业队的一员,我们的重要任务之一是确保装备和设施的有效掩蔽。
美国舰载四面阵相控阵雷达AN SPY-1研制概况This paper first briefly introduces the ship-borne AEGIS (AEGIS) area air defense weapon system, and then to the core of the system - the shipboard all array phased-array radarAN/development situation of SPY - 1 were described in detail. The content includes the radar, the main technical performance parameters, the technical characteristics and the improvement and updating plan.AEGIS combat effectivenessThe shipboard all array phased-array radar AN/SPY - 1 is the U.S. navy shipboard AEGIS (AEGIS) a unit area defense weapon system, therefore, in the AN/radar SPY - 1 before, first it is necessary to make a brief introduction of the AEGIS system.The U.S. navy was hit hard by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. Since then, the U.S. navy invested a lot of manpower and material resources and financial resources, discusses the hands of missile weapon system integration concept and design, which is developed after the second world war to the AEGIS defense weapon system (AEGIS) area. The AEGIS defense system was formally established by the defense department in 1969. The purpose of the project is mainly used to deal with in the 80 s and 90 s is check the increasing threat of air, since 2000 the main threat is appeared since the 50 s high altitude or low level with high speed and high load of new aircraft andhigh-speed air/surface and surface/surface tactical missile. These missiles employ a deceptive trajectory and increase the high power and multi-functional electronic countermeasures.AEGIS system in October 1970 to complete the system design, in 1971 into the design and production stages, in February 1972 to complete the key design scheme evaluation and set about making and test, the end of 1972 completed components evaluation test, 1973 army proving ground for system level testing/RCA company, installed in 1974 in the NORTON sound test ship for 32 months of sea trial.In 1974, the AN/APY - 1 installed in NORTON sound test ship, succeeded in automatic detection and tracking in 20 planes flying over the Pacific, with EA - 6 b jammer for the AN/APY - 1 full power interference also of no help. The U.S. air force's switch to the equivalent of 32 ea-6b full power jammers (the configuration of TREE SHARK) can still not completely interfere with AN/spy-1. In both cases, the AN/spy-1 radar beam can "burn through" jammers and simulate the launch of a defensive missile.In 1975, AEGIS conducted a six-day "combat" exercise in the sea, focusing on the success of the three sm-1 missiles that had actually fired on unmanned aircraft and missile threats.In March 1976, the U.S. navy organized a multinational fleet off the coast of south California, with 41 ships, hundreds of planes and 18,000 people in five countries. The exercise was "hostile" and lasted for 10 days. The NORTON bay test ship successfully detects and intercepts "enemy aircraft" and "enemy ships" of single or multiple attacks during theall-weather and electronic countermeasures environment. On December 10, 1976, a sm-2 medium-range missile was intercepted, tracked and controlled by AN/spy-1 in a short time after launch,until it successfully hit the unmanned target.To sum up, the AEGIS weapon system is a fast response can be the standard missiles fired into the air and ground targets high-performance air defense combat system, and the first U.S. navy to dense air attack weapon system can make automatic reaction. It provides the wide domain surface/air andface/surface defense of the 1980s and 1990s. The ability to attack the surface of the sea can be provided by using a long-range surface/surface cruise missile and an extended surface/air missile.At the beginning of the AEGIS project, the military proposed five key technical requirements, namely quick response, strong firepower, strong survivability, high availability and high coverage. These five requirements are the "cornerstone" of design AEGIS.1) quickThe AEGIS must destroy the target within two minutes when high-speed, low or high Angle attacks are on target (within 20km).(2) the firepower fierceRequires a strong attack that is strong enough to handle multiple targets at the same time as high killing rates.The ability to survive is strongIt is required to work effectively in strong ECM, metal foil interference and bad weather conditions.(4) high availabilityTo specific environment on the sea (underwater shock, nuclear shock, 20 ° F and relative wind speed of 70 miles per hour, can work continuously at a specific time, can't shut down for a long time to repair.The range is largeTo provide effective area defense fleet, covering 360 ° of space.The composition and technical characteristics of AN/spy-1The AN/SPY - 1 is the heart of the AEGIS system, is the AEGIS combat system is mainly to empty to sea radar, is a target for air and sea for automatic search, detection, tracking and the SM - 2 missile midcourse guidance of multi-function radars.AN/SPY - 1 is a work in E/F spectrum matrix, can provide bearing 360 °, 90 ° Angle of coverage, more than 250 nm r ange.AN/spy-1 is currently available in four types: AN/spy-1a, AN/spy-1b, AN/spy-1c and AN/spy-1d. AN/spy-1a is used to equip the ddg-47 destroyers and the cg-58 cruisers.AN/spy-1b is used to equip the cg-59 cruiser.AN/spy-1c is a project that USES aircraft as a carrier, and is cancelled because it is difficult to implement.AN/spy-1d is used to equip the ddg-51 destroyers.The AN/spy-1 series radar structure and features are basically the same, so this article focuses on the AN/spy-1a. Other parts of the improvement section are introduced only briefly.AN/spy-1a consists of five functional units: antenna unit, radar transmitter unit, signal processing unit, control unit and auxiliary unit. The combination of these five units supports the five key capabilities of AEGIS. This "five" key performance is also the five notable features of the AN/spy-1 series radar.The antenna unit forms and controls the high power emission beam and radiates it into space. It can also receive and amplify the received signals and convert them to medium frequency.The firing unit sends a high power radio frequency pulse to the phased array antenna. Launch unit contains two sets of each type 32 SFD - 261 crossed-field amplifier as terminal amplifier (SFD - 261 design specification for the 5000 - hour life, but by the mid - 70 - s has specified life of 2 ~ 4 times, each group of amplifier, are available on warship drive electric control at the end of the array.The signal processor produces the radar transmitter waveform and handles the selected echo based on the receiver specified by the radar unit. It can also produce and assign AN/spy-1aradar video signal for AN AN/UYA 4 display unit.The control unit contains AN/spy-1a radar calculating unit and display equipment.The equipment is based on AN AN/spy-1a radar computer program to schedule and control radar system functions.The auxiliary device unit provides specific working conditions for the AN/SPY / 1A radarWork best. The unit includes air cooling and water cooling, air dehydration, water purification and several power supplies.The AN/spy-1a radar and adoption rate is ensured by the recombination of redundant technology and rapid computer control in the machine. The radar must work continuously, with a small amount of maintenance personnel.The operation of AN/spy-1a is as follows:First, the use of the AN/uyk-7 computing unit (control unit) is used to generate the appropriate search rf waveform or follow the rf waveform from the signal processor. The signal is amplified and selected in the transmitter channel. The beam direction via the antenna position program instructions into array phase shifter, resulting in a transmitter output, the output through the antenna array surface formed in the specific space Angle beam. By array and channel (distance) and two difference channels (elevation and azimuth) receiving the signal is amplified in the rf preamplifier, first in the radarreceiver frequency conversion and was further enlarged. The signals are then sent to the signal processor. The signal processor can be used to complete the signal from the docking station for constant virtual alarm rate and pulse pressure processing and Angle and distance estimation. These data are used by the AN/spy-1a unit to start the radar tracking. MTI processing can also be used to track and search the two ways of working, if additional clutter is needed.AN/spy-1b adopts a new phase shifter and beam forming technique to reduce the antenna side lobe, thereby reducing the threat of active electronic interference. The AN/SPY - 1 b decay processor will also adopt distribution system in order to realize the fast signal processing, make the signal analysis of central processing unit (CPU) and the fusion center fusion task easy to do.The AN/spy-1d radar update is currently being conducted by lockheed Martin for pre-assembly. Update the purpose is to improve the radar in heavy clutter environment (such as city, industrial zone in the coastal area, migrating birds and sandstorm) rapid acquisition capability of low altitude target.Update items include changes to the transmitter, signal processor, and computer programs. The critical parts of the transmitter are replaced by new devices to reduce internal noise and improve signal stability. The signal processor is changed to the advanced data distribution structure, and the capability of the microprocessor is strengthened, which greatly speeds up the signal processing speed. Computer programwith new processing method, strengthen the management of signal processing and transmitter, improves the eliminate clutter and for fraudulent electromagnetic interference suppression ability, thus ensure the phase synchronization and the current threat is developing target.3 conclusionThe navy equipment AEGIS system is a successful shipboard area defense weapon system, the AN/SPY - 1 radar is its core, is by far the world's first round array of shipborne phased array radar. The AEGIS system, which began in 1969, took 30 years and cost $50 billion. Each AEGIS ship costs $7.5 billion to $900 million.To deal with after 2000 long-range strategic ballistic threats from outer space, the us navy has been set for further development and improvement, including researching new interceptors and radar for the AN/SPY - 1 for further improvement. The improvement plan calls for expanding the zone, and when the target is in the atmosphere, the AEGIS system should be able to identify and re-enter the warhead and the shrapnel, which is the key to the AEGIS system's improvement. This improved AEGIS combat system must be integrated with the U.S. global combat management system and the C&C system deployed at the beginning of the next century. The new AEGIS system will provide the joint forces command with the requisite reliable ballistic missile defense throughout the zone, which is expected to be deployed by the armed forces in the year 2000.U.S. navy shipboard AEGIS system developed for China's navyshipboard equipment has a great reference to regional weapon system, we deal with AEGIS system more in-depth study, in order to "foreign serve China".。
• 图-160战略轰炸机, 俄罗斯 的变后掠翼重型超音速战略轰 炸机。由前苏联共实际生产 35架,约有16架在俄罗斯空 军服役
• 白杨—M导弹是俄罗斯联邦 总统的超级秘密武器。白 杨—M洲际弹道导弹重47吨, 长近23米,安装有固体燃料 发动机,能以疯狂的速度拔 地而起,可以摧毁1万公里以 外的目标。
• S-400远程防空导弹系 统属俄第四代防空导 弹系统
• “库兹涅佐夫”号航母,俄 罗斯惟一一艘现役航母, 前苏联在尼古拉耶夫船厂 开工建造第一艘大型航空 母舰
• 基洛级潜艇采用了前苏联 当时最先进的技术装备 • 中国海军一共采购了12艘" 基洛"级潜艇
• 台风级核潜艇
核潜艇中的巨无霸, 冷战时西方的噩梦之 一,采用双艇体结构, 抗破坏性能好。
• 美军总参谋部下属的一个研 究机构将中国陆军列为世界 十大陆军之首 •二炮:捍卫国 家主权和领土完整 歼系列战斗机是中国完全 独立拥有自主知识产权的 战斗机
• 中国海军的核 潜艇作为国家 威慑力量的象 征
• F-35“闪电2”
第一款垂直起降的超音速飞机, 具有隐形能力,作战半径为 1000~1300公里,预估市场有 4000架需求意向
• 俄罗斯:随着经济的复苏,其武装装备 正 在逐步恢复元气。其战斗机,潜艇,弹道 导弹等装备都拥有叫板美国的实力,某些 装备甚至强于美军。
• 美国 :拥有世界上最强大的军事力量,军 费开支达到6300多亿美元,比其他国家加 起来还多。 • 美军在世界各地有很多基地和驻军。拥有 12个航母战斗群,以及数量庞大的先进装 备。 • 已完成对常规武器的信息化改造,并对其 核武器进行信息化改造 • 一小时打遍全球
作者简介:杨建涛,男,1977 年生,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向:信息处理及系统总体技术。
— 8 —
杨建涛 美军航母编队指挥信息系统研究
陆” ,对航母的定位从以往在大洋舰队主导对抗的核
战任务由舰载巡逻机承担,通常由 F⁃14、F / A⁃18 和 E⁃
手段。 航母编队是美国海军主力舰队的重要作战编成
量。 航母编队指挥信息系统在作战中充分发挥巨大的
海军战略从“ 由海向陆” 向“ 重回制海” 回归。 2017 年
2D 相互配合,在距航母约 300 km 处组成一个面向威
SM⁃2、SM⁃3 区域防空导弹承担中防区的作战任务。 海
1.2 作战队形
command information construction of the US aircraft carrier fleet to other countries' construction of
the naval information system is given.
Keywords: aircraft carrier fleet; combat system; GCCS⁃M
据显示系统、“ 宙斯盾” 作战系统等美航母典型系统组成和功能。 给出了美航母编队指挥信息
GaAs FETGaAs FET开关是数控移相器的主要构成元素,它作为一个三端器件,可以通过对栅偏置电压的控制来改变源漏间电阻,从而实现开关动作,转换时间也在纳秒(ns)量级。
无源电子扫描阵列Passive Electronically Scanned Array, PESA无源电子扫描阵列天线表面的阵元只有改变信号相位的能力而没有发射信号的能力,信号的产生还是依靠天线后方的信号产生器,然后利用波导管将产生的信号号送到信号放大器上,再传送到阵列单元上面,接收时则反向而行。
词根词源笔记备份(1)词根规则:元音互换;(EX: taunt-, tent-)辅音双写 (EX: abbreviate);元音简写(EX: conceive ~ concept)词根常用语:Prefix 前缀;root 词根;suffix 后缀;三者统称morpheme 词素Akademos传说中的英雄,雅典平民,尤其善于寻路寻人,当宙斯之女海伦走失后,众神遍寻不着,于是求助于他,终于找到,宙斯大悦,遂给他一块封地以他名字命名叫做Akademeia。
词根:demos- 平民,人民的Demotic 平民的;Demography 人口学;Democracy 民主形似:demonstrate 示范,示威,演示:de- ”entirely ”+ monstrare ”to point out, show” Meaning "to point out by argument or deduction"demonstrant示威者remonstrate 抗议,反对,告诫Plato古希腊哲学家,身材高大强壮,写过理想国The Republic。
高原plateau 高原,上升后的平台期。
词根:pub- 公共的Public 公共的pertaining to the people; Pub: any building open to the public. Sense to “bar”.Population 人口;popularPan:古希腊Shepherd god (sense to “whole”)。
2014年国外其他单兵装备发展回顾作者:立坚袁文帅来源:《轻兵器》 2015年第11期2014年,相对于枪械、榴弹武器等主战轻武器装备的发展缓慢,单兵智能装备、小型无人化装备的发展迅速。
电脑作战系统可以在必要的时候根据目标的威胁 高低自动进行接战。透过武器管制系统的整合与 指挥,舰上的作战系统得以发挥最大的能力进行 必要的攻击与防御措施。武器管制系统辖下包括 轻型空载多用途系统(LAMPS)、鱼叉反舰导弹、 标准三型防空导弹、方阵近迫武器系统、鱼雷发 射系统以及海妖反鱼雷装置等。 雷达系统 最显眼的就是AN/SPY-1被动电子扫描阵列雷达, 这一套雷达共有四片,成六角形,分别装置在舰 艇上层结构的四个方向上。
MK1武器控制分系统 它由四机柜AN/UYK—7计算机、“宙斯盾”综 合装置、MK 138射击开关组合件和数据交换辅助 控制台组成。该分系统负责按照MK 1指挥和决策 分系统的作战指令,具体实施对武器系统的目标 分配、指令发射和导弹制导等功能。
AN / SPY - 1A多功能相控阵雷达分系统 该雷达是“宙斯盾”作战系统的心脏,是“宙 斯盾”战舰的主要探测系统。它由相控阵天线、 信号处理机、发射机和雷达控制及辅助设备组成。 它能完成全空域快速搜索、自动目标探测和多目 标跟踪。该雷达工作在S波段,对空搜索最大作 用距离约为400千米,可同时监视400批目标,自 动跟踪100批目标。
“标准”-3 Block2A “标准”-3 Block2A 导弹从2006年开始由美日两 国联合开发,导弹直径约533毫米,射程可达 1200千米,拦截高度500千米,最大飞行速度可 达4.5至5.6千米每秒。动能弹头的摧毁能力增强, 导弹制导装置及姿态控制装置的性能也大幅提高。 按照计划,“标准”-3 Block2A 导弹将在2015年 研制完成,2017年开始部署。
因为雷达本身不旋转,完全利用改变波束相位的 方式,对雷达前方的空域目标以每秒数次的速率 进行扫描。 第一代的SPY-1A雷达于1965年开始发展,1974 年展开海上测试,第一套系统随提康德罗加级巡 洋舰第一艘提康德罗加号(CG-47)于1983年进 入美国海军服役,后来又发展到驱逐舰,阿利· 伯 克级驱逐舰第一艘阿利· 伯克号(DDG-51)于 1991年进入美国海军服役
来源:《轻兵器》 2010年第17期
美国阿瑞斯防御公司Shrike 5.56 EXP-1通用机枪
美国阿瑞斯防御公司Shrike 5.56 EXP-1通用机枪
来源:《轻兵器》 2014年第9期
该枪是A R E S - 1 6 M C R 步枪的发展型,同样采用A R 1 5 系步枪的标准下机匣,
但供弹方式改为与M 2 4 9 机枪类似的既可使用弹链供弹,又可使用弹匣供弹的方式。
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51.“揭露者”本人52.“揭露者”本人53.“揭露者”本人54.除揭露者外,神志最低者55.暂时没有56.“揭露者”本人57.“揭露者”左方的人物58.力量数值最低者59.除揭露者外,知识最低者60.除揭露者外,知识最高者61.除揭露者外,神志最高者62.“揭露者”本人63.“揭露者”左方的人物64.除揭露者外,力量最高者65.“揭露者”左方的人物66.“揭露者”左方的人物67.珍妮或知识数值最高者68.“揭露者”本人69.速度数值最低者70.“揭露者”本人71揭露者72揭露者73知识最高者74揭露者75无76非揭露者速度最高者77揭露者左边的78揭露者79神志最低的80左思泽或知识最高81揭露者左边的82速度最低83闪电达瑞或知识最低84揭露者85速度最高86力量最低87速度最高88无89神志最高90揭露者91揭露者92揭露者93无94-102 暂缺103eter Akimoto (bugs) 或知识数值最高者104揭露者左方的人物105揭露者本人106揭露者左方的人物107除揭露者外,速度数值最高者108 Professor Longfellow (drama) 或速度数值最高者109揭露者本人110揭露者本人(译注:可能为真相表二排列方式用完了之后的候补)Betrayal at House on the Hill诡宅惊魂背叛之书Traitor’s TomeDo not read until the Haunt Scenario begins!请勿提前偷窥书内秘密!1木乃伊横行The Mummy Walks引言墙壁上有一破裂处,你伸手摸上后墙身随即滑动,露出一副尘封并画满了各式图案的石棺。
航母战斗群英语作文The Aegis Shield: A Maritime Bulwark.In the vast expanse of the world's oceans, where national interests and maritime supremacy intertwine, the aircraft carrier battle group (CVBG) reigns supreme as the ultimate symbol of naval might. A CVBG is a formidable floating fortress, capable of projecting airpower and sea control across vast distances, deterring potential adversaries and safeguarding vital sea lanes.At the heart of a CVBG lies the aircraft carrier, a veritable city at sea. These floating behemoths are the largest and most powerful warships ever constructed, capable of carrying an air wing of up to 90 fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. From their massive flight decks, a symphony of fighter jets, strike aircraft, and early warning aircraft take flight, providing unparalleled air superiority and strike capabilities.Surrounding the aircraft carrier is a protective cordon of warships, each playing a vital role in the CVBG's defensive and offensive operations. Guided missile cruisers and destroyers, armed with advanced Aegis combat systems, form a formidable anti-air and anti-ship shield. Their sophisticated radar systems can detect incoming threats from hundreds of miles away, allowing them to launch precision-guided missiles to intercept and neutralize enemy aircraft and missiles.Complementing the Aegis ships are frigates and destroyers equipped with anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities. These vessels employ sonar, torpedoes, and helicopters to hunt and neutralize enemy submarines, which pose a constant threat to surface ships. They also provide close-in defense against fast attack craft and other surface threats.Logistic support ships, such as replenishment oilers and ammunition ships, are essential to sustaining the CVBG's operations at sea. They provide fuel, ammunition, and supplies to the combatant ships, enabling them toremain on station for extended periods of time.The CVBG's operations are orchestrated from a command and control ship, typically a cruiser. This ship serves as the nerve center of the battle group, coordinating the actions of all participating vessels and providing situational awareness to the commander.The Aegis combat system, which forms the backbone of the CVBG's defenses, is a marvel of modern technology. It integrates radar, command and control, and weapon systems into a seamless network, allowing for rapid and precise target acquisition and engagement. Aegis ships can simultaneously track hundreds of air and surface targets, and can launch missiles to intercept threats from multiple directions.The Aegis system's phased array radar provides 360-degree coverage, enabling it to detect and track threats from all azimuths. The radar's advanced signal processing capabilities can differentiate between friendly and hostile targets, and can filter out clutter and electronic warfarejamming.Once a threat is detected, the Aegis system's command and control center evaluates the threat and assigns a priority for engagement. The system can automatically track and engage multiple targets simultaneously, ensuring that the CVBG is protected from all sides.The Aegis system's weapons are equally impressive. It can launch a variety of missiles, including the Standard Missile-3 (SM-3), which is capable of interceptingballistic missiles in their boost phase. The SM-6 missile is a multi-role weapon that can engage both air and surface targets.The CVBG is not only a formidable defensive force, but also a potent offensive platform. The aircraft carrier'sair wing can launch strikes against targets ashore or at sea, while the Aegis ships provide air superiority and sea control. This combined firepower provides the CVBG with an unrivaled capability to project power and influence in any maritime theater.The CVBG is a symbol of national pride and prestige. It represents the culmination of centuries of naval innovation and engineering prowess. As the world's oceans become increasingly contested spaces, the CVBG will continue to play a vital role in safeguarding national interests and maintaining maritime supremacy.。
英国原来的“无敌”级轻型航母只能操作“鹞”式 垂直起降战机。F-35B战斗力强悍,但尚在试飞之中,预 计到2020年才能形成初始战斗力。“伊丽莎白女王”号 对英国的价值不言而喻,伊丽莎白二世女王都亲自到场 参加了典礼仪式。
海军航空兵方面,F-35C正在缓慢地在航母上站稳 脚跟。2014年2月,美海军宣布F-35C新设计的着舰尾钩 已经完成了陆上实验。
更重要的是,美海军在2014年开始了第六代战机F/ A-X的预研工作。大概是在F-35C项目中受够了洛•马公 司的拖沓和白眼,这一项目将由波音来执行。其中,发动 机可能采用先进的变循环发动机,气动外形方面将采用
不过在 3月2 4,印度 从 水下平台 试 射了K- 4 潜 射弹 道导弹,射 程 超 过 2 0 0 0 千米,有 望在10 年之内装 备 部 队,并对宿敌巴基斯坦造成实际威慑。
6月份,俄罗斯海军885型攻击核潜艇首艇“北德文 斯克”号正 式 服役。该 型 艇 是 9 71型“ 阿 库拉”核 潜 艇 的后续艇。苏联在20世纪80年代末就开始了885型的研 制,但被苏联解体打断。苏联的水下力量在技术上落后 于美国但保持追赶态势,直到解体前夕,971型已经在 动力和静音上与“洛杉矶”级相差无几。但姗姗来迟的 885型又被服役20多年的“海狼”和“弗吉尼亚”甩下了 一个身位。
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2014 Fact Sheet
AEGIS Combat System
The AEGIS Combat System (ACS) was designed and developed to act as a complete system by integrating state-of-the-art radar and missile systems. The ACS is capable of simultaneous warfare on several fronts including air, surface, subsurface, and strike. The first Engineering Development Model (EDM-1) was installed in the test ship USS Norton Sound (AVM-1) in 1973. The commissioning of the USS Bunker Hill (CG-52) opened a new era in surface warfare. This ship was the first AEGIS ship to be outfitted with the Vertical Launching System (VLS) and allowed for greater missile selection, firepower, and survivability. The improved AN/SPY-1B radar was installed in USS Princeton (CG-59) and ushered in another advance in AEGIS capabilities. The USS Chosin (CG-65) introduced the AN/UYK-43/44 computers, which provided increased processing capabilities.
In 1980, preliminary plans were developed for implementation of AEGIS systems on smaller ships that could maintain multi-mission capabilities. The new ship was designed using an improved sea-keeping hull form, reduced infra-red and radar cross section, and upgrades to the ACS. The result was the first ship of the DDG-51 Class, USS Arleigh Burke, which was commissioned on 4 July 1991. In 2006, the United States and Japan signed an agreement to co-develop an upgraded new Standard Missile (SM-3) which will increase the range that the AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) can defend and will increase the probability of a kill against a larger set of threats.
The AEGIS system, which is the center of the Arleigh Burke Class destroyers (DDGs) and Ticonderoga Class cruisers (CGs) modernization programs, relies on a complete package that can simultaneously follow land, air, and undersea threats and attacks. The computer based command and decision element is the core of the AEGIS system and allows for operation against almost all kinds of threats. Furthermore, the AN/SPY-1 radar system provides search, track, and missile guidance capabilities with the capacity to track more than 100 targets. The ACS has shown transformational capabilities to meet changing enemy threats and was engineered to evolve over time. Initially developed to handle air defense of Carrier Strike Groups (CSGs) against bomber and missile attacks, the system has since been expanded as the basis for the Navy’s side of the BMD picture. AEGIS BMD-equipped ships will be a key part of the Department of Defense (DOD) Phased Adaptive Approach, a plan to protect Europe from ballistic missile threats.
Modernization of AEGIS cruisers and destroyers is a top priority for Navy leadership. The AEGIS fleet modernization program encompasses a series of modifications and upgrades using Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) networking system infrastructures and Multi-Mission Signal Processor (MMSP). In addition, Combat System Architecture decisions for existing cruisers and destroyers are being made with the goal of separating software and hardware to create a networked computing environment.
There are currently 74 U.S. Navy ships in service with the Aegis Weapons System installed: 22 Cruisers and 52 Destroyers. The Navy plans to achieve 94 Aegis BMD-equipped ships by 2024. The Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14) Budget had supported the procurement of 52 SM-3 Block IB missiles for delivery in Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16) and BMD upgrades for one AEGIS ship, plus installation onboard four AEGIS ships. It also allows for the continued development of the AEGIS BMD Weapon Systems 5.0 and 5.1.
The Association of the United States Navy (AUSN) recommends the continued implementation and funding for the AEGIS Combat System for vital Navy platforms such as destroyers and cruisers.。