
9A Unit7单元知识点复习一、基础词汇(n.)1.超级明星_______ 2.动作片_______ 3.科幻电影_______ 4.一生_______ 5.讲故事的人_______ 6.剧本_______ 7.女演员_______ 8.芭蕾舞_______ 9.努力_______ 10.产业_______ 11.损失_______ 12.魅力_______ 13.美丽_______ 14.人道主义者_______ 15.舞蹈者_______ 16.天使_______ 17.恐龙_______ 18.主角_______ 19.公主_______ 20.提名_______ 21.露面_______ 22.交通高峰期_______ 23.停车场_______ 24.排_______25.功夫_______ 26.演员_______ 27.故事_______ 28.特价优惠_______ 29.特技替身演员_______ 30.西部电影_______ (v.)1.坚持_______ 2.以……为基础_______ 3.标志_______ 4.误以为_______ 5.取消_______ 6.认为_______ (adj.)1.空前的_______ 2.浪漫的_______ 3.有吸引的_______ 4.主要的_______ 5.最终的_______ 6.大为惊讶_______ 7.愚蠢的_______(adv.)宁静地_______(prep.)超过_______二、英汉互译1.你做梦_______ 2.扮演……的主角_______3.安详地去世_______ 4.不但……而且……_______5.-部建立在……基础上的剧本_______ 6.在某人的一生中_______ 7.超出_______ 8.以便_______9.一个大美人_______ 10.获得另外四项奥斯卡提名奖_______ 11.把……误认为……_______ 12.爱上某人_______13.建立_______ 14.被认为_______15.坚持做某事_______ 16.适合各年龄阶层_______17.梦想成为一名成功的芭蕾舞演员_______ 18. instead of_______19. such a good storyteller_______ 20. feel sad about the loss of…_______ 21. catch one's attention_______ 22. mark the beginning of_______23. be chosen to do sth._______ 24. work closely with_______25. because of her efforts_______ 26. have cancer_______27. avoid the rush hour_______ 28. be amazed by her beauty_______29. bring dinosaurs alive on the screen_______ 30. make him famous in Asia_______ 31. a big success_______ 32. a table covered with books _______33. join humour and exciting action together_______三、根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式1. She played the role of an_______ (天使) in the last film2. _______ (浪漫的) films usually have good endings.3. There is a_______(癌症) in his leg. He worries about it very much.4. My sister is a_______(芭蕾)dancer. I want to be as slim as she.5. She had put all her_______(努力)into singing and dancing before she became famous6. At the meeting, the leaders from different countries shake hands with each other____(紧密地)7. Zhang Ziyi is a talented actress. She is full of_______ (魅力).8. As we all know, Jackie Chan is a_______ (超级明星).9. I've never seen such an excellent_______ (讲故事的人) before.10. During his grandpa's _______ (一生), he is always ready to help people in need11. She is energetic enough to be a_______(舞蹈者).12. Of all the films, Millie likes_______(西部电影)best.13. Do you know how many Oscar_______(提名奖)Hepburn has ever won?14. The_______ (主要的) reason is short of money.15. It's_______ (愚蠢的) of you to give the cheater much money.16. What does the "Red Apple" icon_______(标志)?17. -The young man_______ that he was able to finish the work alone.-How confident he is!18. -The government has taken action to develop local_______.-That's good news for everyone.19. -Jim is so tall that he always seats in the last_______ of the classroom-Unluckily, he has very poor eyesight.20. -After Jackie Chan graduated, he worked as a stuntman. Later he became an_______.-I like seeing action films directed by him四、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. What do you think of the_______ (act) like Zhao Wei?2. The headmaster made her_______ (finally) appearance in public.3. David's_______ (achieve) went beyond his father's.4. Mr. Black passed away_______ (peace) in his sleep, at the age of 83.5. Each of the famous leaders usually has_______ (attract) personal qualities.6. It is an interesting film that brings Asian tigers_______ (live) on screen.7. My uncle told me that he_______ (see) the film three times.8. San Francisco is a city of great_______ (beautiful).9. Would you like to watch the cartoon_______ (call) Hua Mulan?10. People all over the country felt sad about the_______ (lose) of a great chairperson.11. My grandma's dream was to become a_______ (success) ballet dancer.12. _______ (luck) , Annie got the last film ticket.13. Most foreigners are_______ (amaze) by the greatness of the Great Wall.14. The play_______ (base) upon a famous novel is very wonderful.15. Andy doesn't do the homework as_______ (careful) as Alice.16. I'll go to the cinema instead of_______ (watch) TV at home.17. The police has_______ (success) found the clues of the murder.18. She can speak not only English but also_______ (France).19. Jim insisted on_______ (go) to the Disneyland by himself.20. You'd better avoid_______ (ask) her age.21. There are so many cars that I couldn't find a space (park) my car.22. This will never be done_______ (perfect).23. It took her many years_______ (do) charity work.24. Do you remember what made his lessons even_______ (interest)?25. Do you think who is_______ (suit) to be the new headmaster?五、句子翻译1.你知道谁是中国最受欢迎的导演吗?_____________________________________________________________________________ 2.大卫作为一名作家而出名。

9上 Unit 7 Films
Learning aims
1.Master some words and useful expressions. 2.Know different kinds of films. 3.Tell us something about Hepburn. 4.Learn to write about your favorite film star.
I’m sorry. I _m__is_t_o_o_k_ you __f_o_r__ Andy just now.
1. Speak loudly _______ I can hear you clearly.
A. such that B. in order to C. but
cancel consider park
lead mistake actress actor neither stupid
Key words
1.act-- __a_c_t_o_r___ ___a_c_tr_e_s_s_ (n.) 2.lose-- ___l_o_s_s___ (n.) 3 finally-- ___f_in_a_l___ (adj.) 4.appear-- _a_p_p_e_a__r_a_n_ce(n.) 5.peace-- p_e_a_c_e_f_u_l(adj.)--p_e_a__c_e_fu__ll_y(adv.) 6.attract-- _a_t_tr_a_c_t_i_v_e_ (adj.) 7.success-- ___s_u_c_c_e_e_d__ (vi.)
(最后一次露面)in the film Always. Audrey's achievements _w_e_n_t_b_e_y_o_n_d_ (超越)the film

so+形容词/副词+that(2)如此…的一个…以至于(某人可以做/不能做==== so+adj.+a/an+名词:suchanimportantjob=soimportantajob如此重要的工作(3)如此。
such+名词短语+that…..suchgoodnews对的sogoodnews错的如此好的消息注意:(4)如此多/少so+many/much/littlefew….+名词4.Whodoyouthinkwouldbesuitableforenteringthefilmindustry?感到悲伤19.Because,tohimself,sheisanangel.因为,对他自己来说,她是一个天使20.Jack’sachievementswentbeyondthefilmindustry.杰克的成就超越了电影行业gobeyond超越/出...(achievev.取得—achievementn.成就可数)21.Shebegantoworkforthiscompanyinthe1990s.她在20世纪90年代开始为这家公司工作22.Shespentherlastfewyearsworkingcloselywithherworkmates.她花了她的最后几年与她的同事密切合作spend....doingsth花时间/金钱做某事workcloselywithsb与某人密切合作23,.Hegotupearlysothathecouldcatchtheearlybus.他起得早以便他能赶上早班车....sothatsbcan/coulddo...===....inordertodo...以便某人能做...sothatsbcan’t/couldn’tdo...===....inordernottodo...以便某人不能做24.Shewonmanyawardsbecauseofhereffortsinthisarea她因为在这个领域的努力获得了许多奖putone’seffortintosth(effort精力不可数)将某人精力投入到…makeeffortstodosth(effort努力可数名词)努力做某事25.ColombodiscoveredAmericain1492.哥伦布在1492年发现了新大陆(第一次/重大发现)26.Shepassedawaypeacefullyinhersleep,shediedofcancer.精心整理她在睡梦中平静地离开了人世,她死于癌症.inpeace--peacefully27.Shehasanattractivequality.一个有吸引力的城市28.gopast经过walkpast走过29.becomeworld-famous..变得出名befamous/well-knownfor…因...出名befamous/well-knownas…作为…出名It’swell-knownthat…...是众所周知的....It’sunknownthat…是不为人知的.Grammar1.keepquiet/silent保持安静(quietadj.—quietlyadv.)Bequiet!安静quietly静静地dosthquietly2.为了避开高峰期我早早离开了Ileftearlytoavoidtherushhour.avoidsth./avoiddoingsth.避免做某事交通高峰期rushhour3.inthelastrowinthecorner在角落中的最后一排atthecorner在拐角4.Peoplekeptcomingin,thoughthefilmhadalreadybeenonfor15minutes.人们一直进入,尽管电影已经放映15分钟了keepdoingsth一直做某事keepsthfor+时间保留/借某物...时间过去完成时的结构:主语+had+过去分词(前提条件是在过去动作就已经发生,是过去的过去)5.Peopleweretalkingloudly.人们(过去)正在在大声谈论(过去进行时---在过去某个具体时间内正在做的事情)6.Theyweretoldtokeepquiet.他们被告知保持安静.Tellsb(not)todosth告诉某人(不要)去做某事tell--told--told告诉/讲述tellstories讲故事do,?doesso表示“也Wehaven’tseenhimforalongtime,neitherhasshe.Youneedn’tstayhere,neither/norneedI你不需要呆在这里,我也不需要呆在这里事同人也同,不倒装,MaYunistherichestmaninChinanow,soheis.马云现在是中国最富有的人,他确实是的LiNaannouncedtoretirelastmonth,soshedid.李娜上个月宣布退役了,她确实宣布退役了14.成龙被很多人看成一个巨星JackieChanisconsideredbymanypeopleasasuperstar(1)把…看做consider…as(2)把…看做consider…tobe(3)考虑做某事considerdoingsth.(4)consider+that从句15.Thatfilmmadeherevenmorepopular.那部电影使得她更加受欢迎.even,much比较级,quite,very(so,as,too)用原级mucheasier更加容易quiteeasysoeasytooeasy9AUnit7Films短语Comics&Welcometotheunit1.inyourdreams你做梦,你妄想2.Tomorrow’sTVsuperstar明日电视超级明星3.anactionfilm一部动作片4.likehorrorfilms喜欢恐怖片5.anumberofromanticfilms大量的爱情片6.watchasciencefictionfilm看科幻片7.besuitablefordoingsth.适合做某事8.enterthefilmindustry 进入电影业9.so…that…/such…that…如此……以致……10.suchagoodstoryteller如此棒的一个故事讲述者11.writeexcitingscripts写很棒的剧本12.inthefilmindustry在电影界13.likeacting喜欢表演14.wouldratherbeadirector想做个导演Reading15.oneofHollywood’sall-timegreatestactresses好莱坞最34.wintheOscarforBestActressfor…因…获得奥斯卡最佳58.introduceChinesekungfutosb.向某人介绍中国功夫59.actverywellinthefilm.在那部电影中表演得非常好(act不及物动词)60.berememberedass被作为某人记住61.attendacourseon…参加一个关于...的课程62.throughoutone’sactingyears在某人的演艺生涯中63.one’sfavouriteactorinChineseactionfilms在中国动作片里某人最喜欢的演员Integratedskills荧屏70.aspecialoffer特价71.offeraspecialoffertosb给某人提供一个特价72.canceltheorder取消预订73.NeitherdoI.我也不。

济川中学北校区九年级初三英语复习讲义(9A Unit 7 短语和句型)一、短语1.明天的超级电视明星tomorrow’s TV superstar2.他们每个each of them3.你做梦,你妄想in your dreams4.一些不同类型电影的图片some pictures of different types of films5.动作片action film6.恐怖片horror film7.学校戏剧俱乐部的一名成员a member of the school drama club8.适合于be suitable for9.失去了一位美人the loss of a beauty10.一名伟大的人道主义者a great humanitarian11.梦想dream of12.做一名模特work as a model13.在法国演出时while acting in France14.一名法国作家a French writer15.吸引某人的注意catch one’s attention16.一名主角a major role17.标志着---的开始mark the beginning of18.被选择去做某事be chosen to do sth.19.扮演---的主角play the lead role of20.一名年轻的公主a young princess21.十分成功be a big success = be very successful22.不久闻名世界soon become world-famous23.在她的一生中during her lifetime24.又有四次奥斯卡提名奖four more Oscar norminations25.她最后一次露面make her final appearance26.扮演天使的角色play the role of an angel27.超越go beyond28.在20世纪50年代in the 1950s29.与---紧密合作work closely with30.患癌症have cancer31.去世pass away32.保护环境protect the environment33.很关心人care a lot about people34.具有吸引人的气质have an attractive quality35.大声说话speak loudly36.做出一个决定make a decision37.一名导演a director38.一名主角a main character39.这个团队的领导the leader of a group40.环游世界travel around the world41.不小心把墨水洒到纸上carelessly drop some ink onto the paper 42.她成功的职业生涯her successful career43.持续40年last for 40 years44.(Grammar)避免拥堵时刻avoid the rush hour45.许多车辆,交通繁忙a lot of traffic46.找到一处停车的地方find a space to park the car47.停车场car park48.在最后一排的角落in the last row in the corner49.只穿着一件T血衫only have a T-shirt on = only wear a T-shirt50.保持安静keep quiet51.休一天假have a day off52.一口气读完这本书read through the book without stopping53.惊讶于她的美貌be amazed by her beauty54.演技很好act very well55.把---误认为---mistake---for---56.如此一个重要的会议such an important meeting = so important a meeting57.把他介绍给我们introduce him to us58.提高我的技能improve my skills59.参加关于中国功夫的课程attend a course on Chinese kung fu60.拥有许多他的照片have many pictures of him61.一个电影节a film festival62.老少皆宜be suitable for all ages63.一些可怕的事情something terrible64.放映,开着be on65.把恐龙栩栩如生的形象带到银幕上bring dinosaurs alive on screen66.一名愚蠢的男孩a stupid boy67.爱上某人fall in love with sb.68.特价a special offer69.个人资料personal details70.出生日期date of birth71.当了特技替身演员work as a stuntman72.成功地把幽默和激动人心的武打结合在一起successfully join humour and exciting action together73.成立一家俱乐部set up a club74.闻名全世界be famous all over the world75.她其它成功的影片her other successful films76.包括他们include them77.使他更加受人欢迎make him even more popular78.不但---而且not only---but also---二、重点句子及讲解1.赶上末班车他们够幸运的。
中考专题初三英语总复习(9AUnit 7)

初三英语总复习(9AUnit 7)一、核心词汇1. 最终的、最后的adj. _________ 期末考试____________ 最后一次露面___________________2. 和平n.________和平的adj.___________ 和平地adv.___________给身心带来安宁______________ 生活在和平的世界______________安详的去世___________3. 跳舞v._______ 舞者n._______上舞蹈课___________一位成功的芭蕾舞者_________________4. 男演员n._______女演员n.________动作片_________ 重要的演员之一____________________5. 角色n.________主演一位年轻公主_______________ 在影片里演重要角色________________6. park n. ________ _________ v. _________ 停车场___________ 泊车______________7. 考虑、认为v._________ 考虑做某事_______________ 认为某人是最好的学生_____________某人因为成功被认为超级明星___________________________________8. offer n.提供/开价v.提供/提出给某人提供某物______________________ 一次特价优惠_____________________9. row n.排/行v. 划船在最后一排_________________ 划船______________10.幸运n.__________ 幸运的adj.___________ 幸运地adv.___________ 不幸的adj.__________ 祝你好运_____________ 如此幸运_______________ 幸运地跑掉了_____________________11. 失去/损失n.__________ v. _________ 大美人的失去_____________ 迷路_______________12. mistake n._________ v._________ 犯错______________ 把B误认为A ____________________二、重点知识点复习1. be (the most) suitable for +n/ doing sth (最)适合做某事e.g. 你认为谁最适合进入演艺界?_______________________________________适合各年龄层_________________________________________2. work as+_________ “__________” work for+__________ “____________”Work closely with +____________”________________”3. insist on + n/doing sth”坚持(做)某事” insist that+句子“坚持认为”e.g. 汤姆坚持要按时做完作业。
牛津版9A Unit7词汇

9A Unit7Ⅰ. Words and phrasesReading1.heading n. 标题ic n. 连环图画3.strip n. 连环漫画,带,条4.affect v. 影响,感动5.variety n. 变化,多样性6.vary v. 改变,变化7.kidnap v. 绑架8.plot n. 情节,结构9.finish n. 结局10.personality n. 性格,人格11.dip pen 蘸水笔12.nib n 钢笔尖,尖端13.script n 手稿,手迹14.be made into 被制成15.test-tube n 试管16.affair n 事件,事务17.kidnapper n 绑架者18.shut up 住口,停止谈话19.search for 搜查,搜索20.professor n 教授21.appeal v 呼吁,恳求22.border n 边界,国界23.fool v 愚弄24.idiot n 白痴,傻瓜25.tinkle n 叮当响26.chance n 机会27.bubble n 气泡,水泡28.text n 课文,正文29.meanwhile adv. 同时,其间30.headquarter n. 总部,指挥部31.sound effect 声音效果32.scenery n. 风景,布景33.former a. 以前的,从前的34.instead of 代替,取代35.movie n. 电影36.sink v. 下沉e across 偶遇,不期而遇38.differ v. 不同,相异39.joke n. 玩笑40.tough a. 强硬的,粗暴的41.bad-tempered a. 坏脾气的42.attention n. 小心,注意43.tick-tock n. (钟等)滴答声44.bleep-bleep n. 嘟嘟声,哔哔声45.buzz-buzz n. 嗡嗡声,嘤嘤声Listening1. calm a. 平静的,镇静的2. loud a. 大声的,高声的Language1. exaggerate v. 夸张,夸大2. cheek n. 面颊,脸蛋3. guide-line n. 指导线4. eye-brow n. 眉毛5. color n. 颜色6. blunt a. 钝的,生硬的7. roller-skate n. 旱冰鞋,溜冰鞋8. at times 有时9. generous a. 慷慨的,大方的10. tip n. 小费11. security n. 安全12. pop a. 流行的13. in one’s view 依某人之间、见14. choice n. 选择Speaking1. zip n. 拉链,拉锁2. hiss v. 发出嘶嘶声3. get off one’s knees 站立,起立4. free v. 释放,使自由5. anger n. 生气,恼怒6. come to life 复活,苏醒7. burst out 迸发,突然发作8. pale a. 苍白的,灰白的9. bluish a. 带蓝色的,有点蓝的10. stand on end 直立,树立11. frown v. 皱眉12. forehead n. 额头,前部13. droop v. 低垂,下垂14. sly a. 狡猾的,阴险的15. sideways adv. 向一旁,向侧面的16. expression n. 表达,表情17. thoughtful a. 沉思的,细心的18. yawn v. 打哈欠19. wavy a. 波形的,起伏的20. droopy a. 下垂的,无精打采的21. fall over a rope 绊到绳子而跌倒22. run after 追赶Writing1. yacht n. 游艇,快艇2. round-the-world trip 环球旅行3. approach v./n. 走近,靠近4. life jacket 救生衣5. overturn v. 颠覆,打翻6. crash n./v. 撞坏,坠毁More practise1. crow n. 乌鸦2. wise a. 聪明的,有智慧的3. lit candle 点燃的蜡烛4. walking stick 拐杖5. in reply 作为回答6. skillful a. 熟练的,灵巧的7. whenever conj. 无论何时,不管何时8. admire v. 赞美,赞赏9. wisdom n. 智慧,才智10. skydiving n. 跳伞运动Ⅱ. Sentences1. Then first thing to do when creating a comic strip is to think of a plot.2. It is easy to draw cartoons.3. My candle prepares me for careless people like you.Ⅲ. Grammar1.adj. + n.2.v. + adj. (v: smell, sound, grow, seem, feel, get, taste, turn)3.It is + adj. + to do4.adj. + to do。
牛津译林版9A Unit 7 单词知识点讲义

9A Unit 7 单词知识点讲义1. superstar n. 超级明星superman / supermarkettomorrow’s TV superstar 明天的电视超级明星2. in your dreams 你做梦,你妄想You cannot visit that place, even in your dreams. 那是你们在梦中也无法造访的地方。
3. so … that 如此…… 以至于so +adj. that 从句He is so kind that he always helps others.so + adv. that 从句He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him. such … that 如此…… 以至于such +a/an +adj. +n. (可数名词单数) that 从句=so +adj. + a/an +n. (单数) that从句He is such a kind boy that he always helps others.=He is so kind a boy that he always helps others. such +adj. + n. (可数名词复数) that从句They are such interesting books that I can’t stop reading them.such +adj. + n. (不可数名词) that 从句It was such bad weather that I had to stay at home.It was _____lovely weather _____we decided to spend the day on the beach.A. such a, thatB. such, thatC. such, asD. so, thatThe music show was ______success that we enjoyed ourselves very much.A. such a greatB. a such greatC. so a greatD. a so greatso many/much/few/little + n.+ that从句He had so few friends that almost nobody wanted to help him.They had so little food this morning that they feel hungry now.such a little boy/sheep (如此小的男孩/绵羊)4. action film n. 动作片in an action film 在一部动作片中6. science fiction 科幻电影;科幻小说watch science fiction films 看科幻电影read science fictions 读科幻小说7. western n. 西部电影;西部小说;a western/westernsadj 西方的in the western part of China modern Western music8. industry n.工业;产业enter the film industry进入电影业in the film industry 在电影界9. storyteller n. 讲故事的人bookseller 书商,售书员10. script n.剧本Millie is such a good storyteller that she canwrite exciting scripts.Millie 是如此一个好的讲故事的人,以至于她能写出念人兴奋的剧本。
中考英语 9A Unit 7-8综合复习

Revision for 9A Unit7-8一.[词汇](一)单词1.西部电影;西部小说_________________ 7.猜,猜测_______________2.工业;产业_________________ 8.使。
受伤_______________3.误以为_________________ 9.单身的;单个的_______________4.取消;终止_________________ 10.猜想,假定,料想_______________5.认为;考虑_________________ 11.守卫,保卫_______________6.偷,窃取_________________(二)词形变化1.act (名词)_______________ 9.heavy(副词)_______________2.dance(名词)_______________ 10.wealth(形容词) _______________3.peace(副词)_______________ 11.safe(名词)________________4.tidy (反义词)_______________ 12.enemy(复数) ________________5.steal (过去式) _______________ 13.shut过去式________________过去分词_______________ 过去分词_______________ 6.cancel 过去式________________ 14.mistake 过去式________________过去分词_______________ 过去分词________________7.final 副词_______________8.lie 说谎过去式________________过去分词________________躺,位于过去式________________过去分词________________二.短语和句型归纳1.如此…以致于…such…that…/so…that…He is ________ a clever boy ________all the teachers like him.He is _________ clever ________ all the teachers like him.为了,以便于so thatI got up early ________ __________ I could catch the early bus.2.一位大美人的失去the _________ of a great beauty3.梦想成为一位成功的芭蕾舞者___________ ___________ becoming a successful ballet dancer4.吸引某人的注意___________ ___________ ___________5.坚持某事insist _________ sth坚持。
初三英语9A Unit 7 知识点讲义

初三英语9A Unit 7 知识点讲义班级______ 姓名_______1. Listen. Hobo, you,re very lucky, you know.luck(不可数名词,指“运气”)→____________(形容词)→_______________(副词)/ lucky(反义词)______2.Do you know who I am ? 你知道我是谁吗?who I am是宾语从句,做know的宾语;宾语从句要用陈述句的顺序来表示,不能说成“who am I”?e g. I don’t know where we meet.Can you tell me how I can get there ? / Tell me __________________________ (你多大).3. … in your dream…意为“你做梦; 你妄想; 做梦去吧”。
dream of = dream about /4.I should be in Hollywood instead.我是应该在好莱坞的。
instead 用作副词,意为“代替”“替代”,常放在句尾. instead of 用作介词,意为“代替”“替代”“而不是”,后接名词或动名词.5. Each of them is writing an article about their favourite film star..。
注意:every one of them (√) / everyone of them (×) / each of them (√)★every用作形容词,表示“三者或三者以上每一个”,在句中只作定语,与单数名词连用,着重于整体中每个人或事物,即把分散的项目集中成为一个整体来看待,强调整体。
2014年版本最新 译林牛津英语9A Unit 7 films 知识点归纳

2014年版本最新译林牛津英语9A Unit 7 films 知识点归纳9上Unit 7 Films 短语Comics &Welcome to the unit1. in your dreams 你做梦,你妄想2.Tomorrow’s TV superstar 明日电视超级明星3.an action film 一部动作片4.like horror films 喜欢恐怖片5. a number of romantic films 大量的爱情片6.watch a science fiction film 看科幻片7.be suitable for doing sth. 适合做某事8.enter the film industry 进入电影业9.so…that…/ such…that…如此……以致……10.such a good storyteller 如此棒的一个故事讲述者11.write exciting scripts 写很棒的剧本12.in the film industry 在电影界13.like acting 喜欢表演14.would rather be a director 想做个导演Reading15.one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses 好莱坞最棒的女演员之一16.die in 1993 死于1993年17.feel very sorry about 对……感到十分难受18.the loss of a great beauty 一位伟大美女的丧失19.a great humanitarian 一位伟大的人道主义者20.dream of becoming a successful ballet dancer 梦想成为一名成功的芭蕾者21.after World War II 二战之后22.move to sp. with sb. 和某人搬去某地23.work as a model 作为一个模特工作24.catch one’s attention 吸引某人的注意25.insist on sth. / insist on doing sth. / insist that…坚持某事/做某事26.the perfect girl for the lead role 演主角的最佳女孩27.a play based on the novel 源于小说的一个剧本28.play some major roles 扮演一些主角29.mark the beginning of one’s successful career 标志某人成功生涯的开始30.her beauty and charm 她的美与魅力31.play the lead role of a young princess. 扮演一个年轻公主的主角32.be chosen to play sb. 被选作演某个角色33.become world-famous 闻名全世界34.win the Oscar for Best Actress for…因…获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖35.during one’s lifetime 在她的一生中36.have four more Oscar nominations 有另外四次奥斯卡提名奖37.make one’s final appearance 最后一次露面38.play the role of an angel 扮演天使的角色39.go beyond the film industry 超越电影业40.work for UNICEF 为联合国儿童基金会工作41.in the 1950s 在20世纪50年代42.the last few years of her life 在她生命的最后几年43.work closely with…与……亲密合作44.because of her efforts in this area 因为她在这个领域的努力45.put one’s effort into st h (effort 精力不可数)将某人精力投入到…46.make efforts to do sth (effort 努力可数名词) 努力做某事47.have cancer 得了癌症48.pass away peacefully 平静地辞世49.have an attractive quality 有迷人的气质50.It’s unknown that…是不为人知的.51.As we all know that …=It’s well-known that… ...是众所周知的....Grammar52.avoid the rush hour 避免拥堵的时刻53.find a place to park the car 找到一个地方停车54.be amazed by one’s beauty 惊讶于某人的美丽55.mistake her for a real princess 误认为她是真正的公主56.have a day off 请一天假57.read the exciting script through without stopping通读令人兴奋的解说词而不停顿58.introduce Chinese kung fu to sb. 向某人介绍中国功夫59.act very well in the film. 在那部电影中表演得非常好(act不及物动词)60.be remembered as sb. 被作为某人记住61.attend a course on …参加一个关于...的课程62.throughout one’s acting years在某人的演艺生涯中63.one’s favourite actor in Chinese action films 在中国动作片里某人最喜欢的演员Integrated skills64.remind sb. of (使某人想起……)和remind sb. to do sth.(提醒某人做某事)65.be suitable for all ages 适合于各个年龄66.be of one’s age 与...人同龄67.show a film called 1942 放映一部叫1942的电影68.fall in love with sb. 爱上某人69.bring dinosaurs alive on screen 将恐龙的鲜活形象搬上荧屏70.a special offer 特价71.offer a special offer to sb 给某人提供一个特价72.cancel the order 取消预订73.Neither do I. 我也不。

九年级第一学期牛津英语知识点梳理及配套练习Unit 7 Comic strips词性1)act v. 扮演,表演active adj. 积极的,主动的activity n. 活动actor n. 男演员actress n. 女演员*action n.行动2) invention n. 发明,创造;发明物invent v. 发明inventor n. 发明家3) fool v. 愚弄, 欺骗foolish adj. 愚蠢的= silly. stupid4) speech n.演说,讲话speak v. 说speaker n. 说话者,发言者5) excited adj. 感到激动的exciting adj. 令人兴奋的(excitement n. 刺激,兴奋,激动)6) interest n. 兴趣;爱好interested adj. 感兴趣的interesting adj. 令人感到有趣的7) different adj. 不同的difference n. 不同点8)read v. 读;朗读reader n. 读者9) variety n. 变化,多样性vary v. 改变,变更;变化,不同various adj. 不同的,各种各样的10) scenery n. 风景,景色scenic adj. 风景优美的11) affect v. 影响;打动,感动effect n. 影响,效果12) kidnap v. 绑架(kidnapped, kidnapped, kidnapping)kidnapper n. 绑匪kid n. 小孩v. 欺骗,戏弄词组1. search for 搜寻2. think of 想起,构思3. be full of/ be filled with 充满着4. look at 看着5. come to life 苏醒过来,显得逼真,惟妙惟肖6. burst out ( doing ) 突然开始(做某事)7. create a comic strip 创作一个连环漫画8. (an)escape from (一次)从...逃脱9. need to be funny and dramatic 需要是滑稽并具有戏剧性的10. keep the reader interested 吸引读者11. at the top 在最上方12. something new 一些新的东西13. strong personalities 鲜明的个性14. a line of text 一行文字15. be made into 被制成16. a finished comic strip 一本完整的连环漫画17. tie knots 打绳结18. shut up 闭嘴19. make an appeal 发出恳求,呼吁20. speech and thoughts 语言和思想活动21. add excitement to 增加…的刺激22. police headquarters 警察局总部重点句型1. It needs to be funny or dramatic with an exciting finish.► need vt. 需要need to be + 形容词: 需要是…..need to do sth.: 需要去做某事e.g. We need to have a rest. (肯定句)We don’t need to have a rest. (否定句)need v. aux. 需要There’s a little time left, so you needn’t go in a hurry.(注意need作为行为动词和情态动词的区别,当need作为行为动词时,要注意它有时态的变化。
牛津译林版九年级英语上册9A unit 7 Films知识点与重点句子归纳

9A unit 7 Films知识点与重点句子归纳Comic strip &Welcome to the unit1.You are very lucky你很幸运(be+形容词) a lucky dog一个幸运儿(羡慕嫉妒恨)a lucky person一个幸运儿(真情的祝福)an unlucky number 一个不幸运的数字Good luck to you.祝你好运Bad luck!倒霉( luck n. –lucky 幸运的–luckily 幸运地) ( unlucky不幸运的– unluckily adv. 不幸的是)Luckily, we passed the exam. 幸运的是,我们通过了考试.2 .In your dream你做梦,你妄想(n/v . dream ) stop daydreaming. 停止做白日梦梦想某物dream of / about sth. 梦想做某事dream to do realize your dream 实现你的梦想3.I’m so good that I should be in Holleywood instead.我是如此的优秀以至于相反我应该是在好莱坞(1) 如此。
so +形容词/副词+thatHe ran so fast that most of us couldn’t follow him.他跑的如此快以至于我们大多数人跟不上他He was so stupid that he made such a silly mistake.他是如此的愚蠢以至于他犯了如此傻的一个错误我们的很多病人很穷以致他们负担不起到医院的费用。
Many of our patients are so poor that the can’t afford to travel to hospital.such …that 用法(2)如此…的一个…以至于(某人可以做/不能做==== so+ adj.+ a/an+名词:如此重要的工作such an important job= so important a job(3) 如此。
牛津英语9A Unit7 Films知识归纳和拓展

9A Unit7 Films知识归纳与拓展【单词拓展】1.romantic adj.浪漫的→romance n.浪漫2.western n.西部电影;西部小说→western adj.西部的;西面的;西方的→westerner n.西方人→west n.西面3.beauty n.(c/u)美丽;美人→ beautiful adj. 漂亮的→beautifully adv.漂亮地4.French n.法语adj.法国的→ France n. 法国5.industry n.工业;产业→industrial adj.工业的;产业的6.actress n.女演员→actor n.演员→act vi.& vt.表演;扮演→action n.行动→active adj.积极的→ activity n.活动7.loss n.丧失,损失;失败→lose vt.丢失,失去,失败→lost adj.失去的;丧失的8.humanitarian n.人道主义者→human n.人;人类→humanity n.人类;人道9.nomination n.提名-→nominate vt.推荐;提名;任命10.final adj.最终的;最后的→finally adv.最后11.appearance.出现,露面;外貌→appear vi 出现;显得→disappear v.消失12.peacefully adv.安宁地;和平地→peaceful adj.安宁的;和平的→-peace n.和平安宁13.attractive adj.漂亮的;有吸引力的→attract优.吸引;引起→attraction n.吸引;吸引力14.amazed adj.大为惊奇→ama ze vt.使吃惊→amazing adj.令人惊异的15.arrange v. 安排,准备→arrangement(n.) 安排16.charm n.魅力→charming adj.迷人的17.lead n.主角→ leader. 领导者→led(过去式)18.final.adj 最终的→finally adv最后【词组/句型】1.in your dreams 你做梦/妄想2.so adj./adv. that 从句如此怎样以致于…so much/many/few/little n. that 从句如此多/少的…以致于…3.each/every/each of/each one of/every one of + n./pron. + 谓语v.(单数)4.enter the film industry 进入电影业5.in the film industry 在电影界6.exchange your ideas 交流你们的想法7.be suitable for doing sth 适合做某事8.sb. is such a/an adj. +n. that sb. can do sth. 某人如此…以致于能够…9.write exciting scripts 写令人激动的剧本10.would rather do sth 宁愿做某事I’d rather be a director. 我宁愿成为一名导演。
最新牛津译林版 9A Unit 7 Films知识点讲解

最新牛津译林版9A Unit 7 Films语言点知识点讲解一、课本中重点词、短语、句型讲解▲Comic strips & Welcome to the unit1. I’m so good that I should be in Hollywood instead. 本句中的so---that---意思为“如此---以至于---”,这是本单元Grammar部分的重点内容。
2. instead作副词,是“代替;替代“的意思,常见于句尾,如位于句首时,常用逗号与后面的句子隔开。
而instead of是介词短语,常见短语有instead of sb./sth.,instead of doing.等。
例如:Lily isn't here. Ask Lucy instead. Lily不在这儿,去问Lucy吧。
She didn't answer me, instead, she asked me another question. 她没有回答我,反而问了我另外一个问题。
We'll ask Li Mei instead of Mary. 我们将去问李梅而不问玛丽。
I'll go instead of her. 我会替她去。
I’d like to play basketball instead of playing football.3. would rather do 意思为“宁愿做---”,出现在句中时,能与主语的人称代词缩写,常见“I’d rather---”。
其否定形式是would rather not do sth。
would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用would rather。
“would rather+动词原形”是英语中常见的一个惯用句式,美国英语中多用had rather。
would (had)在此决无“过去”之意,它是一个情态助动词,且无词性、时态变化。
9A Unit 7知识点(2013教育部审定教材)

9A Unit71.We can see the rising sun.1)动名词作定语通常放在所修饰的词前,表示用途、性质等。
Dictionaries are useful learning tools.2)过去分词短语作定语有被动的意味,通常放在它所修饰的词之后。
Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.2.writer [C]作家,作者report报道reporter记者sing唱歌singer歌手,歌唱家swim游泳swimmer游泳者drive驾驶driver驾驶员,司机invent发明inventor发明者,发明家visit参观,访问visitor访问者,参观者3.except prep.除……之外,不能放在句首,其后可接名词、代词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式(短语)The students went to the zoo except Tom.All but him have gone to Japan.His article is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.4.survey vt.查看;审视We surveyed 500 smokers and found that over three quarters would like to give up smoking.[C]调查;测量 A recent survey made a survey of the land.5.progress进展make progress取得进展make great progress取得很大进步The boy made great progress this term.6.rest n.休息have/take a rest休息一下The workers stopped to have a rest.v.休息,歇息We rested for an hour after lunch.He stopped to rest his horse.n.剩余部分,余下的人或物the rest of…剩余的……,作主语是谓语动词应与of后的名词保持一致。

(9A) Unit7复习默写卷班级姓名一、词汇1.超级明星n. 22.角色n・2.你做梦,你妄想23.以…为基础vt・3.如此…以至于24.主要的,较大的adj.4.动作片n. 25.表明:标志vt・5.浪漫的adj. 26.扮演…的角色6.科幻电影,科幻小说n. 27.公主n・7.西部电影:西部小说n 28.终身,一生n・8.工业;产业n・29.提名n.9.如此…以至于30.最终的,最后的adj. 10•讲故事的人n. 31.出现,露而:外貌n・11.剧本n・32.天使n.12. 一向的:空前的adj. 33.超出,除…之外prep. 23•女演员n. 34.努力:艰难的尝试n.14.丧失,损失,失败n. 35.(委婉语)去世15.人道主义者n. 36.宁静地;和平地adv.16.芭蕾舞:芭蕾舞剧n. 37.漂亮的,有吸引力的adj.17.舞蹈者n. 38.交通髙绦期n.18.魅力n・39.停车vt.&vi.19.吸引某人的注意40.停车场n.20.坚持认为:坚持vt.&vi. 41.(―)排,(一)行n.21.主角,扮演主角的演员n・42・大为惊奇adj.43. 误以为vt ・ 44. 把…误认为… 45. 功夫n ・ 46. 数码影碟abbr. 47. 演员n.48. 故事:讲述,叙述n. 49. 恐龙n.二、词形变化 写出下列单词的复数三、短语I. 你做梦,你妄想 _________________ 2.代替做某事 __________________3. 适合… _________________4. 进入电影行业 _________________5. 如此好的一个会讲故事的人—6. 写令人兴奋的剧本 ________________7. 宁愿是个导演 ___________________8.宁愿做某事 _______________9. 比起做B 更情愿做A _10. 好莱坞有史以来最伟大的女演员 之一—II. 关于…感觉难过 __________________ 12. …的失去 _________________ 13. 梦想成为一个成功的芭蕾舞演员14. 梦想做/梦想成为… _____________ 15. 作为一名模特工作 ______________ 16. 在做某事之前 __________________ 17. 当做某事时 ________________ 18. 在法国 __________________ 19. 一个法国作家 ________________ 20. 美丽和魅力 __________________ 21•吸引了某人的注意力— 22. 一部以她的小说为基础的戏剧_ 23. 以…为基础 __________________ 24. 扮演主角 _______________ 25. 标志着她成功生涯的开始—industry ______________ actress________________ stuntma n _______________ 50. 爱上某人 51. 特价优惠n. 52. 取消:终止vt. 53. 也不 adv. 54. 愚蠢的adj. 55. 特技替身演员n.26.被选去做某事 ________________ 27.被选为… _________________29.在…中扮演主角 _________________30.-个巨大的成功__________________31.因为在这部电影中的角色获得了奥斯卡最佳女演员奖 ______________32.在她的一生中 _________________33.另外四次_________________34.她最后一次露面 _________________35.超出电影行业 _________________36.与…紧密合作 _________________37.以至于,以便 _________________38.因为她的努力 _________________39.得了癌症 ________________40.安然离世/平静的去世__________41.避免高峰时刻 ___________________42.避免做某事___________________43.交通繁忙_________________44.找到停车的地方 _________________45.一个大的停车场 ______________46.在最后一排___________________47.在拐角处_________________48.不断进来_________________ 49.大声交谈___________________50.把…误认为... ________________51.犯错误 __________________53.中国功夫__________________54.参加...课程培训________________55.介绍…给…____________56.以便、为了____________________57.适合所有年龄/老少皆宜 ______5&把活生生的恐龙带到荧幕上_59.爱上某人 ________________60.票价 ________________...的价格_________________某人需要付的价格________________61.特价优惠 ________________62.取消本周六有关电影的报告63.你认为...怎么样64.我也是/我也不。
9A unit7复习讲义

以便帮助全世界不同地方的贫困儿童。 so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world.
22.因为她在这个领域的努力赢得很多 奖。 23.患癌症 24.在睡梦中安详离世 25.避免高峰期 26.找到地方停车 27.在角落里的最后一排 28.虽然电影已经开始 15 分钟了,人们 还在进来。 29.误把...当做… 30.把…介绍给… 31.上…课程 32.与某人相爱 33.这儿有一些当地影院正在上映的电 影的信息。 34. 这是一部 适合所有年龄人的纪 录 片。 35.把恐龙栩栩如生的展现在荧屏上 36.我也不 也如此 / 的确如此 37.建立,成立 38. 被看成,被当做 39.通读 二、语法
பைடு நூலகம்
9A Unit7 复习讲义
一、重要短语和句子 1.你知道我是谁吗? 2.你做梦吧 3.我这么优秀,我倒应该在好莱坞。 4.你认为谁适合进入影视圈? 适合做某事 5. 米莉故事讲得这么好她能写出精彩 的剧本。 6.宁愿做某事 7.好莱坞目前最棒的女演员之一 8.1993 年当他去世的时候, 全世界都为 失去一个大美女、一个伟大的演员、一 个伟大的人道主义者的失去而感到遗 憾。 为…感到遗憾 9.梦想做某事 10.搬到伦敦 11.她在成为演员之前做模特工作。 12.吸引某人的注意 13.克雷特坚持赫本是主演琪琪,以她的 小说为蓝本的电视剧的最佳人选。 坚持… 以…为基础 14.标志着她成功事业的开始 15.两年后,赫本被选中在好莱坞电影 罗马假日中主演一个公主。 16.非常成功 17.那年她在这部电影中的角色赢得了 奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。 18.在她一生中,赫本又获得了四次奥 斯卡奖提名。 19.最后一次露面 20.超越 21.赫本最后几年和 UNICEF 亲密合作 feel sad about sth 9.dream of doing sth 10. move to London 11.She worked as a model before becoming an actress. 12.catch one’s attention 13.Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi, a play based upon her novel. insist that+句子/ insist on sth. base upon sth. 14.mark the beginning of her successful career 15.Two years later, Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday. 16. be a big success 17.She won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in this film that year. 18.Dring her lifetime, Hepburn had four more Oscar nominations. 19. make one’s first/ final appearance 20.go beyond 21.Hepburn spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF 8.When she died in 1993,the world felt very sad about the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian. 1.Do you know who I am? 2. in your dreams 3.I’m so good that I should be in Hollywood instead. 4.Who do you think would be suitable for entering the film industry?(do you think 后面要加陈述句) be suitable for sth/ doing sth lie is such a good storyteller that she can write exciting scripts. 6. would rather do sth (than do sth) 7.one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses

7. attract v. → _a_t_tr_a_c_ti_v_e (adj.) 8. dance v. → __d_a_n_c_e_r _ (n.)舞者
1. 在你梦里_____ ___i_n_y_o_u_r dreams
第23课时 Unit 7 [九年级上册]
● 3 beyond prep. 超过,超出;除……之外 [拓展] (1)表示时间,意为“超过”。
Some shops keep open beyond midnight. 有些商店营业到半夜以后。 (2)表示范围、水平、限度、能力等,意为“超出;多于;为…… 所不能及”。在句中常作表语、定语或状语。
_a__s_u_c_ce_s_s_f_u_l _b_al_l_et_d_a_n_c_e_r___.
句型 再现
5. 赫本一生中的最后几年从事于联合国儿童基金会工
Hepburn spent her last few years _w_o_r_k_in_g__c_lo_s_e_l_y_w_i_th UNICEF _______s_o_t_h_a_t ____ she could help poor children in different parts of the world.
18.和……亲密合作 ___w__o_rk__c_lo_s_e_l_y_w_i_th
I'm __s_o__g_o_o_d_t_h_a_t ____ I should be in Hollywood instead. 2. 你认为谁适合进入电影行业? 句型 Who do you think would __b_e_s_u_it_a_b_le__fo_r__e_n_te_r_in_g__ the 再现 film industry? 3. 奥黛丽•赫本是好莱坞史上最伟大的女演员之一。
牛津9A Unit 7单元知识点精编

I couldn’t find a place
my car ,though the cinema had a big car
2. mistake n.错误 make a mistake v.误认为 mistook mistaken mistake….tor…
his twin brother often.
“犯错”。 mistake 作动词时,过去式为 mistook,过去分词为 mistaken。 It's natural that a learner makes such mistakes.一个初学者犯这样的错误是很自然的。 I must have mistaken what you meant. 我一定是误解了你的意思了。 5. effort n. 努力;艰难尝试[Unit7,P95] 【固定搭配】 make an effort 表示“尽力,努力”,后接动词不定式。with an effort 表示“费力,好不容易”,在句中相当于副词。put all one’s effort into sth. 把某人的全 部精力倾注于…… 【拓展延伸】 易混词:affect(v.)影响; effect(n.)影响。 6. Well, I’m so good that I should be in Hollywood instead. 嗯,我这么优秀,应该在好 莱坞发展。[Unit7,P92] 【特别关注】 so...that...句型中的 so 是副词,常常用来修饰形容词或副词,该句型 的意思是“如此/这么……以至于……”。(1)常用句型为:主语+谓语+so+adj./adv.+ that 从句。(2)so+形容词+a(n)+单数名词+that 从句。(3)so+many/much/few/little(少) +名词+that 从句。当名词前有 many, much, few, little(少)等词修饰时,句子中要用 so...that...而不能用 such...that...。 【拓展延伸】 (1)such...that...与 so...that...都可以用来引导结果状语从句,意为“如 此……以至于……”。(2)such...that...的句型结构可分为以下三种:①such+a(n)(+adj.) +单数可数名词+that 从句②such(+adj.)+复数可数名词+that 从句③such(+adj.)+ 不可数名词+that 从句。 7. Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood’s alltime greatest actresses. 奥黛丽•赫本是好莱 坞空前最伟大的女演员之一。[Unit7,P94] 【特别关注】 (1)one of...表示“……之一”,后面接名词,应该用复数,且名词前加 限定词 the, these, those, my, his 等,表示特定范围中的一个。“one of+形容词最高级+ 名词复数/代词复数”是常见的一种习惯用法,指的是在三个或三个以上的范围内 “最……之一”,此结构作主语时,谓语用单数形式。(2)alltime 是形容词,意为“一向 的,空前的”。alltime 还可意为“专职的”,相当于 fulltime。(3)actress 是名词,意为“女
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28.终身,一生n. 29.提名n.
industry _______________ actress_________________ stuntman_________________三、短语
1. 你做梦,你妄想_______________
2. 代替做某事________________
3. 适合…_______________
4. 进入电影行业_______________
5. 如此好的一个会讲故事的人___
6. 写令人兴奋的剧本_____________
7. 宁愿是个导演_______________8. 宁愿做某事______________ 9. 比起做B更情愿做A __
10. 好莱坞有史以来最伟大的女演员之一____
11. 关于…感觉难过_______________
12. …的失去_______________
13. 梦想成为一个成功的芭蕾舞演员_______________
15. 作为一名模特工作_____________
16. 在做某事之前_______________
17. 当做某事时_______________
18. 在法国_______________
19. 一个法国作家_______________
20. 美丽和魅力_______________
21. 吸引了某人的注意力____
22. 一部以她的小说为基础的戏剧_
23. 以…为基础_______________
24. 扮演主角_______________
25. 标志着她成功生涯的开始____
26. 被选去做某事_______________
27. 被选为…_______________
28. 扮演…_______________
29. 在…中扮演主角_______________
30. 一个巨大的成功_______________
31. 因为在这部电影中的角色获得了奥斯卡最佳女演员奖____________
32. 在她的一生中_______________
33. 另外四次_______________
34. 她最后一次露面_______________
35. 超出电影行业_______________
36. 与…紧密合作_______________
37. 以至于,以便_______________
38. 因为她的努力_______________
39. 得了癌症_______________
40. 安然离世/平静的去世_________
41. 避免高峰时刻_______________
42. 避免做某事_______________
43. 交通繁忙_______________
44. 找到停车的地方_______________
45. 一个大的停车场____________
46. 在最后一排_______________
47. 在拐角处_______________
48. 不断进来_______________
49. 大声交谈_______________
50. 把…误认为…_______________
51. 犯错误_______________
52. 休息一天_______________
53. 中国功夫_______________
54. 参加…课程培训_____________
55. 介绍…给…______________
56. 以便、为了_______________
57. 适合所有年龄/老少皆宜______ 58. 把活生生的恐龙带到荧幕上_
59. 爱上某人_______________
60. 票价_______________
63. 你认为…怎么样?
64. 我也是/我也不。
65. 事实上_______________
66. 看上去…/似乎…
67. 非常清楚地了解_______________
68. 个人细节_______________
69. 他的演艺生涯_______________
70. 从事杂技替身演员_______________
71. 设立、建立_______________
72. 被认为/看作…_______________
73. 把…看作_______________
74. 考虑做某事_______________
75. 不仅…而且…_______________。