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2003年9月生 态 学 报A CTA ECOLO G I CA S I N I CA V o l .23,N o.9Sep.,2003氮沉降对森林植物的影响

李德军1,莫江明13,方运霆1,彭少麟1,Per Gundersen 2

(1.中国科学院华南植物研究所,广东肇庆鼎湖山树木园 526070;2.D anish Fo rest and L andscape R esearch Institute ,Hoersho l m Kongevej 11,D K 22970Hoersho l m ,D enm ark )



作者简介:李德军(1978~),男,湖南省桂阳县人,硕士研究生,从事森林生态系统C 、N 循环及其与全球变化的关系研究。3通信作者A utho r fo r co rrespondence ,E 2m ail :mo j m @scib .ac .cn

Foundation ite m :N ati onal N atural Science Foundati on of Ch ina (N o .30270283),F ield F rontiers P ro ject of CA S Know l 2edge Innovati on P rogram ,D irecto r Foundati on of South Ch ina Institute of Bo tany ,CA S ,and P rovincial N atural Science Foundati on of Guangdong

Rece ived date :2003208228;Accepted date :2003208228

Biography :L I D e 2Jun ,M aster candidate .Interested in C ,N cycle in fo rest eco system s and their relati ons w ith global changes .

摘要:综述了氮沉降对森林植物的影响。氮沉降对森林植物的影响主要表现在以下6个方面:(1)在一定量范围内的氮沉降有利于植物的光合作用,但过量后则会引起植物的光合速率下降;(2)当植物生长受氮限制时,在一定程度上的氮沉降增加植物生产力,但当氮过量后,氮沉降则使植物的生产力下降;(3)过量的氮沉降导致植物体各种营养元素含量的比例失衡;(4)氮沉降会改变植物的形态结构,集中表现为根 冠比减小;(5)氮沉降会增加植物对天然胁迫如干旱、病虫害和风的敏感性,减少其抵御能力;(6)氮沉降会改变植物组成和降低森林植物的多样性。


I m pact of n itrogen deposition on forest plan ts

L I D e 2Jun 1,M O J iang 2M ing 13,FAN G Yun 2T ing 1,PEN G Shao 2L in 1,Per Gundersen 2 

(1.S ou th Ch ina Institu te of B otany ,Ch inese A cad e my of S ciences ,D ing hu ,Z haoqing ,Guang d ong 526070;2.D anish F or 2est and L and scap e R esearch Institu te ,H oershol m K ong evej 11,D K 22970H oershol m ,D enm ark ).A cta Ecolog ica S in ica ,2003,23(9):1891~1900.

Abstract :H um an activities such as com bu sti on of fo ssil fuels ,in ten sive agricu ltu re and stockb reeding ,have sign ifican tly altered the global n itrogen cycle in the last several decades ,increasing the concen trati on s of n itrogenou s compounds in the atmo sphere and rising the con sequen t N depo siti on to the global su rface

by several fo lds

.A s N is u sually a li m iting nu trien t in mo st terrestrial eco system s ,additi onalN inpu ts to fo rest eco sys 2

tem s m ay influence the grow th ,functi on ing and dynam ics of tho se receiving fo rests

.Based on availab le scien tific evidence ,w e review ed the i m pacts of N depo siti on on fo rest p lan ts .T he po ten tial i m pacts w ere

related to the fo llow ing six aspects :

(1)N depo siti on to som e degree p romo tes pho to syn thetic rate ,w h ich is sign ifican tly co rrelated w ith leaf N concen trati on ,as N depo siti on increases the leaf N concen trati on .How ever ,w hen N depo siti on ex 2ceeds the nu triti onal dem ands of p lan ts ,it w ou ld reduce net pho to syn thesis by decreasing the concen tra 2
