SaCa EMM V2.0宣传材料(公开)
• 东软集团电信事业部 – 2007年,开始电信运营商终端管理产品研发工作。 – 国内第一家,移动终端管理解决方案提供商。 – 国内电信三大运营商都有成功商用案例。 – 泛终端管理概念的倡导者,向移动互联网、物联网转型。
• 商用案例 – 2007年,中标中国联通C网终端管理项目。 – 2009年,中标中国联通G网终端管理项目(16省) 。 – 2009年,中标中国联通3G终端管理项目(19省) 。 – 2009年,中国电信收购C网终端管理项目。 – 2011年,中标中国联通3G终端管理二期项目(14省)。 – 2012年,中标辽宁移动终端管理项目。
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固件更新 终端配置
• 固件生命周期管理 • 固件多版本管理 • 多下载方式和升级方式 • 升级方式及流程管理 • ……
• 邮箱配置 • ActiveSync配置 • WiFi参数配置 • 彩信参数配置 • ……
终端锁定及 数据删除
• 锁定 • 解锁 • 隐私数据删除 • 灵活扩展
应用升级管理 市级IT管理中心直接对 所辖社区内所有管控设
备要求升级应用。无需 社区人员专程往返并可
国家资产管理 市级IT管理中心直接对 管控设备全生命周期管 理。异常时,远程锁屏, 设备定位、数据擦除等 保护国家资产。
多纬度人员管理 通过对用户ID群组管理, 市级IT管理中心可直接管 理2万多社区的所有工作 人员。轻松实现不同安全 策略、不同访问权限控制
远程发布应用 集团IT管理部门按照用 户需求直接向管控设备 发布各种应用。支持应 用的上传、升级、发布、 自动安装。
实时监控设备状态,自 动识别Root化的设备等 时,警告或强制退出系 统。
Tencent Marketing Solution腾讯广告产品手册美好连接智慧增长Content目录01-10 01腾讯广告11-16 02QQ广告17-24 03微信广告25-30 04腾讯视频广告31-36 05腾讯新闻广告37-42 06腾讯看点广告43-48 07腾讯优量广告49-54 08腾讯音乐广告01腾讯广告介绍Tencent Marketing Solution腾讯广告承载覆盖11亿+受众的微信、QQ等领先社交平台,及腾讯新闻、腾讯视频、腾讯看点、腾讯音乐以及合作伙伴应用等丰富广告场景。
全民K歌天天P图腾讯看点腾讯电脑管家优量汇QQ浏览器腾讯视频腾讯新闻酷我音乐腾讯体育企鹅电竞QQ音乐腾讯微视腾讯WiFi 管家王者荣耀企鹅FM 微信QQAdvantages核心优势Tencent Marketing Solution腾讯广告将IP内容、小程序、支付、AI、AR等创新应用于营销场景中,助力广告主打造以消费者为中心依托覆盖全国11亿+网民的腾讯账号体系和多维标签体系,腾讯广告将数据技术充分应用到策略、创意、了解消费者腾讯广告产品手册针对数据管理、智能投放、创意制作、落地页制作、线索管理、账号管理等各环节提供丰富的产品能力,帮助广告主高效达成营销目标。
接口服务Tencent Marketing AP I是腾讯广告向营销客户提供的一套接口服务,提供了完整的数据上报、数据报表投放及投放管理功能。
商务管家(BM)腾讯广告数据管理平台(DMP)Tencent Marketing APIKey Products重点产品统一管理账号10W+统一数据统一多类型资产统一用户数据报表投放管理投放数据上报Tencent Marketing Solution线索管理Tencent Marketing Solution腾讯广告为广告主提供线索收集、线索管理、线索应用等线索转化全链路解决方案,丰富线索收集通路,并针对线索进行智能化管理和分析,并探索多个线索应用新场景,形成线索转化营销闭环。
iChannel产品快速入门手册目 录1使用前的准备 (2)2主要流程快速使用方式介绍 (3)2.1节目的上载和采集 (3)2.1.1节目上载 (3)2.1.2文件导入 (4)2.1.3DVD光盘素材的转码导入 (8)2.2节目素材的打点和审核 (13)2.3节目单的编辑和审核 (15)2.4节目单的播出 (20)3结束语 (24)1使用前的准备iChannel是一款高度集成化的软件产品,可以部署在VIPS平台上,在使用以前,需要确认以下情况是否正常。
3. 在信息窗口中填入“素材名称”、“素材长度”(采集长度)、“节目类型”及选择“所属频道”。
4. 点击“添加任务”按钮,这条上载任务就会出现在左上方任务管理区中。
THE SPIRITOF KEBAFounded in 1968 in Linz, Austria, KEBA is today an international company which derives its success from technological innovations, exacting quality standards and the dynamic approach and enthusiasm of its employees. KEBA technologies help people to shape their living and working environment more easily.In its business areas Industrial Automation, Banking and Service Automation and Ener-gy Automation, KEBA works continuously on new developments and industry solutions with the objective of creating lasting competitivebenefits for their clients.Clear control elements, a unified language of form and relentless efforts at all times to make our products even easier to use despite their technological complexity have become the hallmarks of KEBA.In line with our claim of “Easy to use” our products are geared towards the user‘s re-quirements at all times, thus establishing the optimum link to technical challenges.Our approach in respect of human interfaces represents a mindset that is oriented not only to the future but also to providing a service to people whenever required.This is why our software concepts begin with a crucial question: What does the user actu-ally want to do? This in turn allows operating logic to develop which is designed in a user-friendly way from the very beginning to the Graphical User Interface.Numerous awards acknowledge the dedica-tion of our employees. We also see them as a clear signal for the innovative strength of the company on many levels.Our core business is designing future-oriented products and services. Development work at KEBA, however, goes one step further:Everything we think and do is with a view to tomorrow‘s world: only people who have visions can create innovations and help to shape the things to come.At KEBA, every day brings new innovations which simplify existing processes, make them quicker or present completely new applica-tions. We identify trends and develop trend-setting solutions for defined branches. Both clients and users alike find our clear, unique selling propositions convincing.How do you actually set a trend?KEBA‘s innovation management reaches far beyond corporate boundaries. We work with numerous external collaboration partners, re-search institutes, universities and international scientific boards.With this approach we ensure positive chan-ges that make a major impression on the mar-kets of our customers. As one development project draws to a close our thoughts already turn to the next challenge of bringing more innovation and user convenience to the world of our clients.One thing is for certain:our employees are the driving force of our innovative strength. Their main reason for working at KEBA is an atmosphere which not only embraces new ideas but also supports and challenges them at the same time. Or to put it in other words: creativity is in the air at KEBA.Committed to success.We decided to pursue intensive collaboration together with customers. Intensive and extensive, as this is the only way our clients can build on us understanding their business and thinking and acting intheir interest.We act openly, competently and reliably. Sincerity and trust are essential to us so that true partnerships can also be experienced and succeed in daily business.Lasting success togetherKEBA is not only a producer of automation solutions. We see ourselves as consultants – both in the technical and commercial sense– and accompany our clients throughout the entire product life cycle.This intensive form of collaboration resulted very early on in an extensive understanding of our customers. Knowing the world of our clients – speaking their language – this is what we do.Today we rank among the leading automation experts in many branches because we have detailed knowledge of our clients‘ processes. Using the principle of system modules we can solve wide-ranging control and automa-tion functions. The decisive benefit, however, comes when they are rounded off by industry-specific hardware and software which give our clients their decisive competitive edge. Thanks to this approach we are able again and again to meet in an optimum way the expec-tations of a branch in terms of the scope of services and benefits of a new product. It is no coincidence that a number of global market leaders in their respective fields today rank among our clients. This motivates us to drive forward this intensive collaboration. And it is here where one of our principles is realized: “Our clients have to be successful before we can have success.”RoboticsCustomers appreciate the precision and reliability of KEBA robotics coupled with the excellent know-how which is called for particularly in quality-sensitive areas such as the automotive industry. Intelligent KeMotion robotic solutions enable our clients to benefit from fast start-up times and top performance of the robot. A significant increase in machine productivity means that end customers have anenormous competitive advantage.PlasticPlastic will remain a sought-after material also in the future. Plastics processing calls for specific expertise which KEBA has acquired over many years as a developer and manufacturer of control systems for injection molding machines. KEBA is now a global leader in this field. Intel-ligent software solutions simplify the programming andoperation of complex technology functions. The KePlast system solution is a market leader in terms of both quality and performance.Sheet metal working – Delem part of KEBAWith Delem B.V. we have the specialists in automation solutions for sheet metal working machines in our group. Special knowledge and in-depth expertise in the field of press brake performance, machine control technology, material-specific behaviour and the productivity of press brakes are reflected in the solutions.VisualizationErgonomics and an intuitive user interface are key factors in efficient operation and observation. KeTop stands for a unique range of mobile to stationary operating devices for the easy implementation of a multitude of visualization and operational tasks. With our KeTop terminals we are the global market leader in the field of mobile automation – KeTop terminals made in Austria are even in use in Japan today.P h o t o : D ür r P h o t o : T r u m p fKEBA has been working on the control and operation of complex automation systems for over 45 years. We recognized early on that focusing on key accounts and industry sectors brings benefits for our clients. In the segments • Plastic • Robotics • Packaging• Sheet metal working and •Visualizationwe have succeeded in bringing together stan-dards with the highest possible degree of flexi-bility – with the aim of offering all-encompassing solutions from a single source.Optimized automation solutions are based on an extensive system platform.High-performance hardware and software com-ponents enable us to meet new requirements and realize customer wishes very quickly and “bring the machines to life”, so to speak. In-telligent control solutions help the user to deal with complex tasks in a very straightforward and fast way. In the production process, KEBA solutions are known for their maximum flexibili-ty, reliability and stability.The combination of this cost-efficiency on the one hand and fast reactions to markets and customer wishes on the other are crucial in providing our clients with a potential for sustai-nable, competitive benefits. And this customer orientation is without doubt one of our recipes for success when we generate enthusiasm among leading global mechanical engineering customers for our know-how and expertise.Industrial AutomationKeControl FlexCoreis the open control platform for individual control solutions. Expertise in your own applications and processes is one of the core competences in mechanical engi-neering. Thanks to its open software architecture, KeControl FlexCore offers optimum flexibility for individual solutions. The customer‘s own software modules can be integrated deep in the level of the con-trol system core and combined with proven KEBA systems. KeTopstands for modern and intuitive complete HMI solutions. A wide range of mobileto stationary operating devices enablesthe easy implementation of a multitude of visualisation and operational tasks. The performance and size of the equipmentare scalable and, depending on the model, membrane keypads, touchscreens and multitouch monitors are available. Outstanding ergonomics and intuitive operating concepts have top priority and ensure maximum productivity. Extensive customising opportunities enable the customer to carry out specific modifications.KePlastis a thoroughly scalable control platform for injection molding machines. From basic hydraulic injection molding machines to complex, multi-component plants with further processing robotics, KePlast caters for all customer needs and performance areas.The solutions stand out through precision, high productivity and economy in energy consumption.KeMotionis the complete solution for the automation of robots and machines. It unites robotics plus PLC and motion in a single control system which results in numerous benefits. In the Industry 4.0 age KeMotion stands for fast, open and individually customizable automation.Rapid start-up and easy programming save time and money. Both precision and robot speed are also at the highest level and ensure the decisive edge in competition.Industry-optimized solutionsModern cash handlingThe KePlus family covers ATMs which enablebanking institutes to handle time-consumingand costly banking transactions in the self-service area. The machines handle depositsand withdrawals of banknotes and coins, thescanning and processing of payment formsand cheques and savings transactions withbook and chip card.The realization of the closed cash cycle wasa milestone in the development of bankingautomation: with the presentation of the firstprototype in 1993 KEBA led the way in thebreakthrough of cash recycling technology inEurope.Mono- or multi-functional terminals and ATMswith complete self-service are availableaccording to requirements. Specially develo-ped software tools support banks in the admi-nistration and optimization of their machinesand services.24-hour banking services and maximum cash availabi-lity. What used to be a vision years ago has today beenrealized with the combined deposit and withdrawal ofbanknotes (cash recycling).Around-the-clock availability of bankservices is being taken for granted moreand more as a convenience.We work on automation solutions whichsupport our clients in their efforts to enhancecustomer service even further.Our wealth of experience makes us the expertfor self-service automation – especially inareas that are sensitive and challenging inrespect of security.Banking AutomationParcels and other goods can today be collected or deposited quickly and easily on a 24/7 basis using parcel machines. The success story, which began with the “Packstation” in Germany, has continued to triumph throughout the world.More freedom for the end customers of postal and logistics providers is the motto: our logistics solution makes the automati-on of the first and last miles possible.We developed the idea for a unique goods logistics system from the automation of bank security boxes for hire - including one of the largest systems in the world at Hongkong Shanghai Bank with 26,000 safe deposit boxes: KePol.Not only automating the accessibility of logis-tics systems for end users but also enabling a customer-friendly around-the-clock service are what make this system unique.Parcels any time,any place, anywhereBesides a parcel machine which enables customers to pick up and drop off parcels24/7, this advanced logistics solution features complete operator software which can be used to call up all information concerning par-cel tracking, user management and operations monitoring.Postal and Logistics AutomationIntelligent alternative energy systemsKEBA is now using its decades of experi-ence in the self-optimising control of complex processes in an intelligent and economical heating control system: KeEnergy .User-friendly touchscreen operating systems are in the foreground while control systems in the background optimize combustion processes, thus ensuring lower emissions. This now offers private households a level of technology that was found previously only in industrial environments.KeEnergy is a high-performance and open systemplatform for pellets, wood chip, log and heat pump heating systems, which not only stands out through very user-friendly operation but is also economical in consumption and particularly energy-efficient.Energy AutomationEnergy is becoming an increasingly signifi-cant resource and is today a crucial issue for the future of our society.As automation experts we at KEBA use our know-how in this new business area to develop innovative approaches and bring them to market maturity.ElectromobilityE-mobility is going from strength to strength: quieter, cleaner and independent from fossil fuels – these are the convincing arguments why the future belongs to e-mobility. Experts agree that there is a success factor that will be decisive in terms of practice: in future power will be charged and recharged wherever e-vehicles are parked.A prerequisite in this regard is a reliable, safe and maintenance-friendly infrastructure which is easy to operate.With KeMove , KEBA offers a holistic system that harnesses our expertise in payment transactions with our core competence in automation.Fast and reliableKeWin stands for lottery solutions that im-press with the highest availability and un-matched reliability. With speed, ease of use,and reliability, the online terminals for lotterycompanies set a milestone in automatic pro-cessing of betting slips.An optimum and problem-free interplay ofcentral system, communication networks andterminals, an innovative user interface and arevolutionary scanning process are the out-comes of our many years of experience.We offer our advisory expertise for the devel-opment of tailor-made solutions based on ourextensive experience which is adapted to therespective requirements of our customers.The customer retains full freedom of choiceand remains independent in regard to terminalmix, functionality, application software andcentral system.KEBA has been active in the lottery areasince the mid 1990’s and has had consider-able success since then: Austria, Spain andAlbania are now equipped nationwide withlottery terminals “made by KEBA”.KEBA can score points with high quality,functionality and innovative products and hasprevailed time and time again against the top-quality international global players.Lottery AutomationProducing and protecting resources Ecological considerations play a crucial role even when we choose materials and in the design process. The careful treatment and reusability of raw materials and likewise energy efficiency are integral features of our production processes.We are pleased that this approach is also acknowledged and certified by independent bodies. What motivates us more, however,is the fact that our employees and our cus-tomers and partners are in this together with us, supporting our efforts to become an even greener company.Green is the colour.Environmental aspects have a twofold effect at KEBA.We ensure that the company itself and every single employee handle resources economic-ally and responsibly.But our efforts go one step further: thanks to both their technology and their outstanding quality and service life, our products also mean that resources and energy can be treated with the care they deserve.This green approach has played a significant role in the creation of our business area Energy Automation – more or less a logical consequence.Savings in the makingOur latest company building in Linz is notonly an architectural trademark; with its passive-house technology it also stands for one of our most important values – environmental awareness.The optimum use of daylight saves energy and creates a pleasant working atmosphere for our employees. Our daylight and climate zones are welcome areas, bringing green into the building and saving valuable heating and cooling energy at the same time. Environmental awareness also plays a decisive role in conversions, extensions or retrofitting (such as air conditioning, for example).The holistic value-added process at KEBA begins with offering advice on hardware and software and ranges from system de-sign and architecture to maximum vertical integration in development.This consistency continues in production which enables not only the fulfilment of ex-acting quality standards, besides this it also ensures the greatest degree of flexibility and greater cost efficiency.The intensive collaboration throughout all departments at the beginning is an additional success factor in our value-added chain:this way we interconnect the experience and the know-how from other branches, find analogies and use them in our development partnerships.The “breathing plant”Our production fulfils the ever increasing requirements of our customers in respect of quick and reliable delivery.“Breathing” capacities, continuous flow pro-duction, standardized working processes and the constant optimization of lead times make us flexible so we can address the wishes of our clients at all times. Regardless of whether quantities are large or small, you can rely on professional development and top quality per-formance from KEBA products.Modern software engineering and the latest software technology combined with advanced development principles enable high-performing, robust and maintai-nable system solutions with a long service life to evolve even from the most complex of assignments. We attach particular importance to the intuitive and user-oriented operation of our systems.Safety, reliability and the availability of the systems have top priority right from the development phase of our pro-ducts – always in line with the specific requirements and standards of our customers around the globe.All-embracing quality monitoring spans the entire process, from the initial design to the finished solution. The active involvement of all employees in the continuous improve-ment process is a cornerstone in this approach.Exacting quality standards foryour performance.Besides professional expertise it takes a great deal of passion and the curiosity that is requi-red to get to the bottom of things, so you can then help to shape them with courage and de-termination. In turn, creativity and enthusiasm develop almost of their own accord.To create an atmosphere for our employees that is open for new ideas, you need on the one hand the right structures. The necessa-ry atmosphere which is based on trust and brings out the potential of every individualon the other hand, can work only if company values are alive and active.Our work together is, therefore, characterized by an intense and lively co-existence, by the appreciation and professionalism of every single person. After all, there is one thing we know for sure:Innovation is driven at all times by people.Especially in mind and spirit! To make sure we remain state-of-the-art also in terms of tech-nology we invest up to 20% of our turnover every year in research and development. This in turn attracts extremely motivated and highly qualified employees who we find in renowned universities and colleges in the surroundings of our locations.Our internationalism also motivates the best in their field to join a global player like KEBA. Our direct communication and lively team spirit trigger not only ideas but also careers.An open-minded approach to new ideas and other cultures has been the hallmark of our company from the very beginning. Our developments and products leave Linz for destinations in all corners of the globe.Speaking the language of our customers isimportant not only in the figurative sense: we always rely on employees from the respective country who can call on their expertise and experience to provide fast on-site service and professional support in the local language.The competencies and know-how from our locations form an innovative network which is at the service of our customers at all times.From the heart of Europeto the whole world.LOcAtiOns MARKEtsAustria Germany Romania TurkeyCzech Republic Netherlands Italy USA China Japan TaiwanSouth KoreaHeadquarters: KEBA AG , Gewerbepark Urfahr, 4041 Linz/Austria Phone: +43 732 7090-0, Fax: +43 732 730910, E-Mail: keba@Visit for further addresses© K E B A 2016. W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m a k e a l t e r a t i o n s i n l i n e w i t h t e c h n i c a l p r o g r e s s . D a t a p r o v i d e d w i t h o u t g u a r a n t e e . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . 1K - J 6。
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我们是-支专业的团队。我们的成员拥有多年的信息安全专业技术背 景,来自国内知名安全公司的一线骨干。 我们是-支有梦想的团队。我们来自五湖四海,因为一个共同的梦想:做一 家真正优秀的信息安全企业。为客户提供最可靠的互联网安全防护。
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KF8F204 数据手册 V1.0
双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 8 双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 6 外部中断 1 输入 双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 5 双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 4 PWM1 输出 带上拉和电平变化中断功能的双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 2 T0 时钟输入 外部中断 0 输入 带上拉和电平变化中断功能的双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 1 AD 外部参考电压输入 在线编程时钟输入 带上拉和电平变化中断功能的双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 0 在线编程数据输入 地,0V 参考点
2.2.2 P1 口原理功能框图 .....................................................26 2.3 P2 口 .....................................................................27
2 I/O端口介绍 ............................................................... 17
2.1 P0 口 .....................................................................18 2.1.1 P0 口相关的寄存器 .....................................................19
KSC12 说明书V1.0
〖手册目标〗 本手册主要对安全注意事项、开关磁阻电机及控制器的原理、安装、调试、参数设定及维护等内容进行
第 2 章 安全信息 ............................................................................................................................2-1
§2.1 表示形式 ...........................................................................................................................2-1 §2.1.1 形式.....................................................................................................................2-1 §2.1.2 类型.....................................................................................................................2-1 §2.1.3 在产品上的标示...................................................................................................2-2
E1 正泰企业形象样本-中文版152153154155156157158159E2 正泰行业样本-中文版160161162163164165166E3 正泰产品样本-中文版167168169170171172E1 正泰企业形象样本E1-1 正泰企业形象样本-中文版形象样本是企业形象传播的重要载体。
样本封面元素E1-2 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本封面1辅助制图网格单元格=4.8×4.8mm2广告语中英文组合-标准组合广告语宽度:73mm,高度:比例缩放,广告语距离顶边线:44mm 广告语距离侧边线:29.5mm4正泰标志-横版尺寸:210×285mm3闪电符号宽度:210mm,高度:比例缩放灰度:C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:15a a4.8mm4.8mm 1234样本封面正泰集团标志宽度:58.5mm,高度:比例缩放E1-3 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本集团样本版式框架1样本出血标准:四边 3mm3区域分廊间距:8mm4中缝页边距间距:10mm 5分割间距:10mm 单位:A, 最大高度12A6底边缓冲区域:5mm7暂定分廊宽度:110mm8暂定分廊宽度:70mm2暂定文字不可侵犯区域:左右:12mm 上下:18mm11A A A A A A A A A A A 22538674A A A A A A A A A A AE1-4 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本内页(一)正泰 电气全产业链集成供应商A16723451形象图片区域:满版,高度可调3大标题:4文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Blod字体大小:20pt字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8.5pt行间距:14pt 左右分廊间距:8-10mm6透明色块:2LOGO、图标区:分廊居中,最大宽度60mm5大标题与文字内容间距:8mm色块高度:6A=60mm,高度可调,以A为单位,特殊情况除外色块宽度:最大宽度为满版,可根据框架格局进行调整不透明度85%C:100 M:60 Y:0 K:07图标区:产业名称字体:微软雅黑Regular,字体大小:8pt此图标暂定为其产业图标,以后出现类似图标均以此风格进行设计E1-5 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本内页(二)1形象图片区域:3典型案例:副标题:7字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:20pt 5字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:12pt 4字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:16pt左、上满版文字注释:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:8.5pt 6文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:14pt 透明色块:28字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:7pt 行间距:10ptICON 图标:底边与透明色块下对齐9图片及注释:最大宽度84mm 可调整宽度与高度,可替换信息等,可删除字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:12pt10产业公司LOGO:距离透明色块10mm,内容信息可更换色块高度:可调,通版到底色块宽度:113.5mm,可根据框架格局进行调整不透明度85%产业园区形象区域:右满版,高度60mm,宽度100mm,最大宽度110mmC:92 M:24 Y:71 K:0E1-6 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本内页(三)产业保障 — 投资金融探索产业链升级孵化新模式1233344586731形象图片区域:3文字标题:大标题:破折号后:字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:10pt 567字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:12pt 字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:9.5pt4字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:8.5pt左、上满版副标题:文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Blod字体大小:12pt文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:14pt透明色块:28文字信息:字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:16pt色块高度:7A=70mm,可调色块宽度:最大宽度178mm,可根据框架格局进行调整不透明度90%C:10 M:42 Y:86 K:0E1-7 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本内页(四)183752形象图片区域:左、上满版,高度可调更多案例:标题:微软雅黑Blod,字体大小:8pt文字内容:微软雅黑Regular,字体大小:8pt,行间距:12pt 典型案例:副标题:字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:20pt 字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:12pt 4字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:20pt 6文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:14pt 标题:字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:9pt 标题与文字内容行间距:16pt图片诠释:文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8pt 行间距:10pt 透明色块:色块高度:7A=70MM,可调色块宽度:113.5mm,可根据框架格局进行调整不透明度85%案例展示:左分廊图片:宽度70mm,最大宽度74mm,间距:间距4.8mm 右分廊图片:宽度126mm,高度与透明色块等高C:100 M:60 Y:0 K:0C:100 M:60 Y:0 K:0典型案例 — 美国EMERSON — 稳定电力设备 降低运营成本 12783456E1-8 正泰企业形象样本-中文版E1 正泰企业形象样本样本内页(五)典型案例 — 青藏铁路— 卓越电力技术 助力西部建设12345678183752形象图片区域:左、上满版,高度可调更多案例:标题:微软雅黑Blod,字体大小:8pt文字内容:微软雅黑Regular,字体大小:8pt,行间距:12pt典型案例:副标题:字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:20pt 字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:12pt 4字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:20pt 6文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular 字体大小:8.5pt 行间距:14pt 标题:字体:微软雅黑Blod 字体大小:9pt 标题与文字内容行间距:16pt文字内容:字体:微软雅黑Regular字体大小:8pt 行间距:10pt 透明色块:色块高度:可调,通版到底色块宽度:113.5mm,可根据框架格局进行调整不透明度85%案例展示:图片:宽度42mm,最大最大宽度46mm,间距:间距3mm C:80 M:17 Y:4 K:13。
普通凤巢咨询通点击广告创意进入落地页点击红框区域直接跳转进入咨询页面,进行咨询转化在落地页里进行咨询转化升级:智能咨询页四大升级——满足广告主需求l期望咨询中断或结束后,仍有机会再触达用户,对网民进行再营销;l 期望可看到网民的关键词、搜索记录、人群画像等,更精准高效接待;l 期望点击广告全部区域,均可直接进入咨询,获取更多线索;l 期望根据行业特性结构化呈现创意,内容贴合行业特点;客户新需求样式精准接待转化⼴告主对咨询提出更⾼的需求,⽹民也需要更好的咨询体验——智能咨询页功能、效果全面升级。
动力业务包产品完全手册1. 产品概述动力业务包是一种面向企业客户的充电服务产品,旨在为企业提供便捷、高效、安全的充电解决方案。
2. 产品特点•灵活的充电服务套餐:动力业务包提供多种不同套餐选择,可根据客户需求定制充电服务方案。
3. 产品功能3.1 充电服务管理动力业务包提供完善的充电服务管理功能,用户可以通过智能充电管理系统进行以下操作:•预约充电:用户可以提前预约充电时间和地点,方便安排充电计划。
3.2 车辆管理动力业务包提供车辆管理功能,用户可以管理企业的充电车辆信息,包括车辆编号、车辆类型、充电费用等。
3.3 支付管理动力业务包提供支付管理功能,用户可以管理充电费用的支付方式。
4. 使用方法使用动力业务包需要按照以下步骤进行:1.注册账户:用户首先需要在动力业务包官方网站注册一个账户。
Sievers 900产品手册(实验室型在线型便携式)
Sievers 900产品手册(实验室型在线型便携式) Sievers 900产品手册(实验室型在线型便携式)1、引言1.1 目的本产品手册旨在为用户详细介绍Sievers 900实验室型在线型便携式仪器的功能、特点以及操作方法,以帮助用户充分了解并正确使用该产品。
1.2 适用范围本产品手册适用于所有使用Sievers 900实验室型在线型便携式仪器的用户和维修人员。
2、产品概述2.1 产品描述Sievers 900实验室型在线型便携式仪器是一款用于水质分析的高精度仪器,具有便携式设计和实时在线检测功能。
2.2 产品特点- 便携式设计,便于携带和操作- 高精度的水质分析,实时在线检测- 多个参数的测量和监控- 兼容多种检测方法和标准- 提供数据存储和导出功能3、产品结构3.1 外观结构Sievers 900实验室型在线型便携式仪器外观紧凑,具有人性化的操作界面和显示屏。
3.2 内部结构Sievers 900实验室型在线型便携式仪器内部由电路板、传感器、电源和数据处理单元等组成。
4、产品使用4.1 准备工作4.1.1 确认电源供应接通电源之前确保电源输出稳定,并与仪器的电源需求相匹配。
4.1.2 样品准备准备样品并按要求装入样品输入接口,确保样品不受外界干扰。
4.2 仪器操作4.2.1 仪器开机按下开机按钮,待仪器完全开启后,进入仪器的主界面。
4.2.2 参数设置根据实际需求,设置仪器所需的参数,如采样间隔、检测方法和标准等。
4.2.3 启动检测确认参数设置完成后,启动检测程序,仪器将开始实时在线检测并显示结果。
4.3 数据处理4.3.1 数据存储仪器自带数据存储功能,检测结果可自动存储于内部存储器或外接存储介质中。
ViewSonic VA2026w LCD Display 说明书
Ergonomics Good visual ergonomics and image quality in order to improve the working environment for the user and to reduce sight and strain problems. Important parameters are luminance, contrast, resolution, reflectance, colour rendition and image stability.
技术规格 .................................................................................................... 14 故障诊断 ................................................................................................... 15 客户支持 ................................................................................................... 16 如何清洁 LCD 显示器 ................................................................................ 17 有限担保 ................................................................................................... 18
1.总述1.1 为了更好地提高产品知名度,让产品尽快占领国内外市场,拓展代理渠道,并迅速增加市场占有份额,使乙方能更好地配合甲方作好市场合作推广拓展工作,特编制本手册。
1.2 甲方有权依据区域总体市场拓展规划布局情况要求乙方配合作好所在区域的宣传推广工作。
1.3 乙方应配合甲方的市场规划,积极主动地进行签约产品的市场宣传推广活动;1.4 乙方有义务设立专人负责签约产品的市场推广工作;1.5 乙方为甲方区域总代理时(总代理相关规定另文说明),应积极承担分销商及次级市场的开发推广工作;三个月内乙方在建立下级市场方面无明显进展的,将自动失去总代理资格,只保留代理资格。
1.6 乙方为甲方代理商时,应有为其签约的次级经销商开展签约产品的市场推广的行为。
2.甲方提供的宣传资源2.1 定义:甲方提供给乙方签约产品的相关彩页、报价材料、网页宣传、公司及产品简介、VCD光盘、POP或其统一设计稿件、特制参展用品、人力及其它资源统称宣传资源。
2.3样品及展品2.3.1样品2.3.1.1乙方为甲方代理商后,当甲方推出其他系列产品时,可以优惠价格一次性购买每款不超过1 台、总金额不超过一万元的样品(用于工程不在此列)。在选购样品时,乙方与甲方所有签约产品均在以上优惠范围内,甲方并附送一定数量的宣传彩页。甲方推出新系列产品(以甲方公布为准)时,乙方可在发布之日起一个月内,以优惠价格一次性购买每款不超过1台、总金额不超过一万元的样品。
HZ-V230 展示台与其它设备连接 展示台与其它设备连接图(连接其它设备之前,请先关掉电源) 。
调节部件 调节镜头方向
- 10 -
HZ-V230 调节臂灯方向
控制面板上各按键的使用方法如下: 电源:按下“电源”键,展台开机,指示灯为蓝色。长按“电源”键三秒钟以上,展台关机。 (注:开机默认输出展台信号,且记忆上次展台信号输出通道。 ) 展台: 可在 Projector 和 S-VIDEO/VIDEO OUT 切换输出展台镜头信号, 对应“电脑/视频” 指示灯颜色分别为红蓝双色和红绿双色,转动“调焦旋钮”可放大、缩小输出画面。 电脑/视频:电脑/视频信号输出选择键。每按一次“电脑/视频”键,在 COMPUTER(IN) 、 RGB ( IN ) 、 VIDEO(IN) 三 者 之 间 切 换 输 出 信 号 , 并 同 步 切 换 声 音 。 当 输 出 PC1(COMPUTER)信号时,指示灯为蓝色,当输出 PC2(RGB)信号时,指示灯为红色, 当输出 VIDEO 信号时,指示灯为绿色。(注:电脑信号只能从 Projector 输出,视频信号 只能从 S-VIDEO/VIDEO OUT 输出) 自动:自动键。按“自动”键,自动白平衡、自动聚焦的调整。
鸿合数码展示台是一款采用数字视频技术,用于各类实物、文本、图表、幻灯片及 透明胶片演示的视频采集设备,可连接电视机、投影机、电脑等多种多媒体设备,并可 控制投影机开关、切换,是多媒体演示、电化教学等信息传播中不可缺少的组成部分。 产品特征 鸿合数码展示台有以下特点: 易于连接 该展示台集镜头、视频处理及电源于一体,将展示台与显示器连接即可使用。 图像效果出色 该展示台采用高像素专业镜头,图像效果更出色。 使用方便 在展台未接通电源时,“COMPUTER IN”接口的信号可以直接输出到“COMPUTER OUT” 接口,电脑可以在展台不开机的情况下正常使用。 易于调节 焦距、光圈、白平衡等自动设定。也可以手动调节每一项参数,达到所希望的图像效果。 自动聚焦迅速 自动聚焦在 1~2 秒钟内完成。 22 倍光学放大镜头 22 倍的放大使摄像范围增大。 图像冻结 可使用冻结功能捕捉单帧图片。 多画面功能 可同时显示多幅图片,也可显示单帧图片。 图像旋转 图片可旋转 90°,180°,270°。 灵活的机械旋转结构 可倾斜的镜头支杆,镜头可在垂直方向旋转 330°,使摄像范围增大。
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●产品特点⏹功能强大、全国通达:集合语音、短信、传真多种通信沟通方式于一体;通达国内各电信运营商电话通信终端;⏹沟通高效、服务灵活:大批量、自动、快速发送沟通内容,互动接收反馈信息;针对客户特点和沟通需要提供内容定制和解决方案;⏹品质优良、系统安全:电信级的网络平台和运维体系,确保通信服务品质;多种系统安全机制,保证客户信息的安全保密;⏹使用便捷、节约成本:操作简单,自助管理,即订即用;客户无需额外系统投资,节约客服、营销运营成本;●产品申请●请联系vcom销售代表办理业务,业务咨询电话4008120158⏹办理产品申请⏹获得使用账户权限⏹登陆网址:,输入账户口令使用系统⏹根据使用量和约定的支付方式交费●产品服务保障⏹7 X 24小时系统维护保障⏹完善的监控制度,根据用户要求可对重要操作进行实时跟踪处理快速咨询投诉响机制,保证用户满意●行业应用举例集时通推出以来,受到广大企业、政府部门的高度认可,广泛应用于保险、银行证券、物流邮政、税务工商、交通管理、商贸、制造等多个行业的企业和政府部门。
行业应用举例如下:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 保险◆基本业务⏹保费缴纳通知⏹保险信息、公告发布⏹保险知识普及◆保险个性化服务⏹客户体贴服务(如生日祝福,活动公布等)⏹内部员工管理(员工节日祝福,新险种通告,员工活动通知等)⏹服务满意度调查------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 银行证券◆正常通知类业务⏹贷款到期通知⏹定期存款到期通知⏹款项到帐通知⏹睡眠卡唤醒通知⏹信用卡到期换卡通知⏹信用卡透支通知⏹代扣费通知⏹银行新业务通知⏹银行利率变动通知◆银行证券专业类服务⏹成交回报通知⏹委托受理通知⏹证券市场信息通知⏹收盘汇价通知⏹外汇帐户资金状况通知⏹成交回报通知⏹基金净值通知⏹基金交易价格⏹临时公告------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 物流邮政◆货物托运到货通知◆邮政业务通知⏹期刊到达通知⏹报刊征订通知⏹国内、国际包裹催领⏹退包通知⏹汇款单催领⏹退款通知------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 税务◆基本业务⏹税款交纳通知⏹税务知识宣传⏹税务部门通告与公示◆内部管理⏹内部员工管理(员工节日祝福,员工活动通知等)⏹服务满意度调查调查------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 交通管理◆交通违章管理⏹违章通知⏹交通管理信息定期发布◆交通宣传和内部管理⏹交通路况信息通知⏹交通部门通告与公示⏹交管动态发布⏹服务满意度调查⏹形象宣传⏹交通法规教育⏹警员分散式通知管理电力◆客户服务类功能⏹电费催缴⏹客户电费缴纳确认◆阶段性通知⏹电力系统信息公告发布(如:用电通告、停电通知)⏹电力衍生类产品推广(如:电力上网,电力视频)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一般企业的集时通应用◆业务开展方面的应用⏹市场调查⏹广告、信息、活动、优惠政策发布⏹客户个性化服务(如生日祝福,活动公布,新产品发布等)⏹送货通知⏹催费、货款到帐、划出提醒◆企业内部管理的应用⏹两方电话会议⏹互动式紧急会议通知⏹员工管理和关怀(员工节日祝福,报销通知,员工福利,工资发送通知等)⏹日程提醒⏹基本销售情况内部通知(最新报价、供求信息、销售通告、竞争对手状况、发货/到货通知、库存情况等)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3、物流邮政行业应用案例3.1已有客户华宇物流福建中外运代理有限公司上海邮政福建邮政3.2行业典型应用3.2.1 货物托运到货通知利用系统文本转换自动将到货内容通知到客户。
3.2.2 邮政业务通知1)期刊到达通知样例通知内容:尊敬的用户,您所订的***期刊已到,请您到***邮局投递处领取。