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1.Able to identify different kinds of objections.
2.Learn how to use handling objections process in daily selling
What is Objection?
It may be treated as a concern, reason, or argument towards a plan or idea.
Objection is part of the Selling Process; it only reflects customer’s concern or current limitation, which needed to be resolved before making a decision. Objection can also express as personal need –go to be listened to; to be given face.
There are two main ways to deal with objections. One is to reduce the opportunities of occur; the other is to handle it effectively.
Reducing Objection Opportunities
1.Have good knowledge of customer information (business needs and personal style) to
anticipate potential objections.
2.In your call planning, read and practice related information:
a.Promotion Description; New Product Trade Leaflet and Q&A (this will help you to
answer most of the questions)
b.Promotion Details: raise and discuss potential questions in weekly meeting
c.For specific potential objections, get manager or supervisor inputs and practice how
to deal with these objections before action.
“Real” and “False” Objections
Retailer can raise “real objections” and also “false objections.” The key to us is to learn how to identify and handle the real objections, not spending a lot of time attempting to answer false ones.
From a practical standpoint, we should assume, at first, that every objection is an actual or real concern in the retailer’s position. However, some concerns are more important than others.
Real objection = Expressed concern is an actual/real concern from the retailer’s position.
Retailer: The problem with your plan, Mr. Chen, is margin. It’s not enough.”
Salesman: “You’re concern ed about margin. Does anything else trouble you?”
Retailer: “No. The plan sounds good --- except for margin.”
Is the objection real? Is margin the retailer’s real concern? To close the sale, is it the margin
that must be handled to the retailer’s satisfaction?
False Objections
Since many sales people accept these false objections and stop their efforts to make the sale, some retailers get in the habit of saying the first thing that comes into their mind. We should, therefore, to help the retailer think through and further examine his/her responses and objections so that our idea gets a fair evaluation. If our idea is good for his/her business, he/she will accept it.
False Objection = Expressed concern is not actual/real concern.
Statement like: “The package design is too dull”. “Kids do not drink that anymore”. “No-one will pay that premium price”.
To identify the “real” objection and “false” objections, we need to examine the concerns raised by the retailer.
Process of Handling Objections
Four Basic Steps:
1.Identify (the real objection)
Purpose of Steps 1 and 2 is to help you find out the Real Objection that must be handled to close the sale.
Purpose of Step 3 is to assure your finding - the retailer’s actual/real concern and isolate it as the only remaining objection, preferably in words that you can address (e.g. profit, not margin).
Purpose of Step 4 is to help close the sale by handling the real objection to meet retailer expectation.
STEP 1: Clarify the objection by restating it; then ask for any other concerns.
Retailer: “The problem with your plan, Mr. Chen, is margin. It’s not enough.”
Salesman: “You’re concerned about margin. Does anything else trou ble you?”
Retailer: “No. The plan sounds good --- except for margin.”
Salesman: “So, you’re concerned about margi n. No other things trouble you?
Retailer: “No… nothing of importance.”
So, the retailer has said that margin is the real concern, and that nothing else. Step 1 completed.
But, is it safe to assume margin is the real concern? Yes, it is safe for the moment. At this point, it is all you have to work with. A more thorough examination will lead to better understanding. And, that understanding generally reveals whether or not it is the real concern.
In some cases, buyers express more than one objection. So, let’s look into how those situations are handled.
Here is another answer for Example:
Retailer: “Oh! Shelving Space is also a problem”
Salesman: “OK… you have a concern about shelving space. Is there anything else?”
Retailer: “Well, another is weather. It would be too cold for your product.”
Salesman: “I see… so, you also concern about the weather will have negative impact on sales per formance. Does anything else trouble you?”
Retailer: “No.”
Salesman: “Mr. Guo, you’ve mentioned three concerns… margin, shelving space and weather impact on sales performance. Which one’s the most important?”
Retailer: “Well. I’d have to say weather impact.”
So for this situation, Step 1 has been carried out. And, we know for the moment that “weather impact on sales performance” is apparently the main concern. While this objection is still too vague to attempt to answer, the purpose of Step 1 has been accomplished.
STEP 2: To clearly understand the objection and to find out exactly what it is that must be handled to close the sale.
Retailer: “Well, I’d have to say weather.”
Salesman: “Tell me more about that.”
This will give the retailer lots of “room” to tell you more about the impact due to weather. The retailer will then offer specific information, to avoid possible misunderstanding, or to give information that in some other way contributes to clarity.
Retailer: “Well, I’d have to say shelving space. I do not have enough room to display all the products.”
Salesman: “So, the shelving space is your main concern?”
This reflects your understanding. It is an opportunity for the retailer to correct wrong impressions you might have.
When you clarify the objection, try to turn that into something you could handle in future, for example: Price/Margin objection - we should try to turn it into profit, as you can better answer that by using the Profit Story concept. For example: Salesman: “You have said the problem is
price/margin. What you are really concerned about is profit, how much you can make by selling X, is that correct?”
It is important that understanding of an objection don’t indicate immediate disagreem ent by you. Remember your purpose is to gain more information, not to immediately minimize or reduce the objection. If the retailer perceives your response as contradicting his statement, his natural reaction is to be defensive, thus strengthening the objection.
Therefore, before the real concern is handled, the process calls for first being sure that it has been accurately identified. And, that the retailer and you have a mutual understanding of it.
Concessions – Do not begin offering concession until you have negotiated all issues, which you can reach agreement.
Verify The Objection
Step 3: To ensure both of you understand the objection and have focus on the real issue.
An effective way to verify your understanding of the objection is to summarize the objection from the retailer’s point of view. And, conclude the summary with…” is that right?” Good ways to start your summary statement include:
-“So what you are trying to decide is why…” Is that right?
-“Then what you really want to know is… cor rect?
-“You seem to be asking…” is it?
This gets the retailer’s agreement that you have accurately stated his concern and allows you the opportunity to address it. You are in a sense helping the retailer to reopen his mind about his concern. You are also encouraging him to listen further. If the buyer disagrees with your summary of the objection, you obviously need to learn more about his concern before proceeding.
Handle The Objection
STEP 4: To resolve the issue, meeting retailer’s expectation.
Handling objections satisfactorily generally requires three things. They are:
-Being knowledgeable about the business: should be knowledgeable in our business, i.e.
Brand information, Customer information, Trade information.
-Being skillful in converting objections into benefits: Convert concern into selling point, highlight the profit story and benefits to customer so as to overcome the concern.
-Being concise: Presenting the case with just enough information and focus on account benefits.
What are the most effective ways to resolve objection:
-Find parallel with retailer’s own experience – similar product/package/promotion has been successful.
-Good experience of other stores – refer other stores, other towns, other cities. Who does he respect as a leader? GT outlets may look at Independent supermarket; Independent
supermarket may look at Key account.
-Propose test of small initial quantity to check consumer acceptance, e.g. Salesman: “My profit story presented was based on Qoo Peach selling 50% of Orange, let’s play safe and
assume it is only 20% to start – that means a first order of 3 cases. Is that a better option?”
-Identify urgent reaction to a program despite some concerns – price increase, other competition store opening.。