0.74 18.79
0.065 1.651 0.420 10.66 0.07 1.78 0.14 3.56
inches mm
0.330 8.38
The power dissipation of the D2PAK is a function of the drain pad size. This can vary from the minimum pad size for soldering to a pad size given for maximum power dissipation. Power dissipation for a surface mount device is determined by TJ(max), the maximum rated junction temperature of the die, RθJA, the thermal resistance from the device junction to ambient; and the operating temperature, TA. Using the values provided on the data sheet for the D2PAK package, PD can be calculated as follows: PD = TJ(max) – TA RθJA The 50°C/W for the D2PAK package assumes the use of the recommended footprint on a glass epoxy printed circuit board to achieve a power dissipation of 2.5 watts. There are other alternatives to achieving higher power dissipation from the D2PAK package. One is to increase the area of the drain pad. By increasing the area of the drain pad, the power dissipation can be increased. Although one can almost double the power dissipation with this method, one will be giving up area on the printed circuit board which can defeat the purpose of using surface mount technology. Another alternative would be to use a ceramic substrate or an aluminum core board such as Thermal Clad™. Using a board material such as Thermal Clad, an aluminum core board, the power dissipation can be doubled using the same footprint.
AADEBUG2003 XXX1 Instrumenting self-modifying code
AADEBUG2003XXX1 Instrumentingself-modifying codeJonas Maebe∗,Koen De Bosschere∗,1∗ELIS,Ghent University,Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat41,9000Gent,BelgiumABSTRACTAdding small code snippets at key points to existing code fragments is called instrumentation.It is an estab-lished technique to debug certain otherwise hard to solve faults,such as memory management issues and data races.Dynamic instrumentation can already be used to analyse code which is loaded or even generated at run time.With the advent of environments such as the Java Virtual Machine with optimizing Just-In-Time compilers,a new obstacle arises:self-modifying code.In order to instrument this kind of code correctly,one must be able to detect modifications and adapt the instrumentation code accordingly,preferably without incurring a high penalty speedwise.In this paper we propose an innovative technique that uses the hard-ware page protection mechanism of modern processors to detect such modifications.We also show how an instrumentor can adapt the instrumented version depending on the kind of modificiations as well as an experimental evaluation of said techniques.KEYWORDS:dynamic instrumentation;instrumenting self-modifying code1IntroductionInstrumentation is a technique whereby existing code is modified in order to observe or modify its behaviour.It has a lot of different applications,such as profiling,coverage analysis and cache simu-lations.One of its most interesting features is however the ability to perform automatic debugging, or at least assist in debugging complex programs.After all,instrumentation code can intervene in the execution at any point and examine the current state,record it,compare it to previously recorded information and even modify it.Debugging challenges that are extremely suitable for analysis through instrumentation include data race detection[RDB99,RDB01]and memory management checking[Sew02].These are typically problems that are very hard to solve manually.However,since they can be described perfectly using a set of rules(e.g.the memory must be allocated before it is accessed,or no two threads must write to the same memory location without synchronising),they are perfect candidates for automatic verifi-cation.Instrumentation provides the necessary means to insert this verification code with little effort on the side of the developer.The instrumentation can occcur at different stages of the compilation or execution process.When performed prior to the execution,the instrumentation results in changes in the object code on disk, which makes them a property of a program or library.This is called static instrumentation.If the addition of instrumentation code is postponed until the program is loaded in memory,it becomes a property of an execution.In this case,we call it dynamic instrumentation.Examples of stages where static instrumentation can be performed are directly in the source code[Par96],in the assembler output of the compiler[EKKL90],in the compiled objects or programs 1E-mail:{jmaebe,kdb}@elis.UGent.beXXX2JONAS MAEBE,KOEN DE BOSSCHERE (e.g.EEL[LS96],ATOM[SE94],alto[DBD96]).The big advantage of static instrumentation is that it must be done only once,after which one can perform several executions without having to reinstru-ment the code every time.This means that the cost of instrumenting the code can be relatively high without making such a tool practically unusable.The larges disadvantage of static instrumentation is that it requires a complex analysis of the tar-get application to detect all possible execution paths,which is not always possible.Additionally,the user of a static instrumentation tool must know which libraries are loaded at run time by programs he wants to observe,so that he can provide instrumented versions of those.Finally,every time a new type of instrumentation is desired,the application and its libraries must be reinstrumented.Most of the negative points of static instrumentation are solved in its dynamic counterpart.In this case,the instrumentation is not performed in advance,but gradually at run time as more code is executed.Since the instrumentation can continue while the program is running,no prior analysis of all possible execution paths is required.It obviously does mean that the instrumentation must be redone every time the program is executed.This is somewhat offset by having to instrument only the part of the application and its libraries that is covered by a particular execution though.One can even apply dynamic optimization techniques[BDA01]to further reduce this overhead.When using dynamic instrumentation,the code on disk is never modified.This means that a single uninstrumented copy of an application and its libraries suffices when using this technique,no matter how many different types of instrumentation one wants to perform.Another consequence is that the code even does not have to exist on disk.Indeed,since the original code is read from memory and can be instrumented just before it is executed,even dynamically loaded and generated code pose no problems.However,when the program starts modifying this code,the detection and handling of these modifications is not possible using current instrumentation techniques.Yet,being able to instrument self-modifying code becomes increasingly interesting as run time systems that exhibit such behaviour gain more and more popularity.Examples include Java Virtual Machines, environment and emulators with embedded Just-in-Time compilers in general. These environments often employ dynamic optimizing compilers which continuously change the code in memory,mainly for performance reasons.Instrumenting the programs running in such an environment is often very easy.After all,the dynamic compiler or interpreter that processes said programs can do the necessary instrumentation most of the time.On the other hand,observing the interaction of the environments themselves with the applications on top and with the underlying operating system is much more difficult.Never-theless,this ability is of paramount importance when analysing the total workload of a system and debugging and enhancing these virtual machines.Even when starting from a system that can already instrument code on thefly,supporting self-modifying code is a quite complex undertaking.First of all,the original program code must not be changed by the instrumentor,since otherwise program’s own modifications may conflict with these changes later on.Secondly,the instrumentor must be able to detect changes performed by the pro-gram before the modified code is executed,so that it can reinstrument this code in a timely manner. Finally,the reinstrumentation itself must take into account that an instruction may be changed using multiple write operations,so it could be invalid at certain points in time.In this paper we propose a novel technique that can be used to dynamically instrument self-modifying code with an acceptable overhead.We do this by using the hardware page protection facilities of the processor to mark pages that contain code which has been instrumented as read-only.When the program later on attempts to modify instrumented code,we catch the resulting pro-tection faults which enables us to detect those changes and act accordingly.The described method has been experimentally evaluated using the DIOTA(Dynamic Instrumentation,Optimization and Transformation of Applications[MRDB02])framework on the Linux/x86platform by instrumenting a number of JavaGrande[Gro]benchmarks running in the Sun1.4.0Java Virtual Machine.The paper now proceeds with an overview of dynamic instrumentation in general and DIOTA in particular.Next,we show how the detection of modified code is performed and how to reinstru-ment this code.We then present some experimental results of our implementation of the describedINSTRUMENTING SELF-MODIFYING CODE XXX3Figure1:Dynamic instrumentation the DIOTA waytechniques and wrap up with the conclusions and our future plans.2Dynamic instrumentation2.1OverviewDynamic instrumentation can be be done in two ways.One way is modifying the existing code,e.g. by replacing instructions with jumps to routines which contain both instrumentation code and the replaced instruction[MCC+95].This technique is not very usable on systems with variable-length instructions however,as the jump may require more space than the single instruction one wants to replace.If the program later on transfers control to the second instruction that has been replaced, it will end up in the middle of this jump instruction.The technique also wreaks havoc in cases of data-in-code or code-in-data,as modifying the code will cause modifications to the data as well.The other approach is copying the original code into a separate memory block(this is often called cloning)and adding instrumentation code to this copy[BDA01,SKV+03,MRDB02].This requires special handling of control-flow instructions with absolute target addresses,since these addresses must be relocated to the instrumented version of the code.On the positive side,data accesses still occur correctly without any special handling,even in data-in-code situations.The reason is that when the code is executed in the clone,only the program counter(PC)has a different value in an instrumented execution compared to a normal one.This means that when a program uses non-PC-relative addressing modes for data access,these addresses still refer to the original,unmodified copy of the program or data.PC-relative data accesses can be handled at in-strumentation time,as the instrumentor always knows the address of the instruction it is currently instrumenting.This way,it can replace PC-relative memory accesses with absolute memory accesses based on the value the PC would have at that time in a uninstrumented execution.2.2DIOTADIOTA uses the cloning technique together with a cache that keeps track of already translated in-struction blocks.It is implemented as a shared library and thus resides in the same address space as the program it instruments.By making use of the LD_PRELOAD environment variable under Linux, the dynamic linker( be forced to load this library,even though an application is not ex-plicitly linked to it.The init routines of all shared libraries are executed before the program itself is started,providing DIOTA an opportunity to get in control.As shown in Figure1,the instrumentation of a program is performed gradually.First,the instruc-tions at the start of the program are analysed and then copied,along with the desired instrumentation code,to the clone(a block of memory reserved at startup time,also residing in the program’s address space).During this process,direct jumps and calls are followed to their destination.The instrumenta-tion stops when an instruction is encountered of which the destination address cannot be determined unequivocally,such as an indirect jump.XXX4JONAS MAEBE,KOEN DE BOSSCHERECloneOriginal programInstrumentedcodeMarkertableInstrumentedcodeMarkerFigure2:Data structures used by DIOTAAt this point,a trampoline is inserted in the clone.This is a small piece of code which will pass the actual target address to DIOTA every time the corresponding original instruction would be executed. For example,in case of a jump with the target address stored in a register,the trampoline will pass the value of that specific register to DIOTA every time it is executed.When DIOTA is entered via such a trampoline,it will check whether the code at the passed address has already been instrumented.If that is not the case,it is instrumented at that point.Next,the instrumented version is executed.Figure2shows how DIOTA keeps track of which instructions it has already instrumented and where the instrumented version can be found.A marker consisting of illegal opcodes is placed after every block of instrumented code(aligned to a4-byte boundary),followed by the translation table. Such a translation table starts with two32bit addresses:the start of the block in the original code and its counterpart in the clone.Next,pairs of8bit offsets between two successive instructions in the respective blocks are stored,with an escape code to handle cases where the offset is larger than255 bytes(this can occur because we follow direct calls and jumps to their destination).In addition to those tables,an AVL tree is constructed.The keys of its elements are the start and stop addresses of the blocks of original code that have been instrumented.The values are the start addresses of the translation tables of the corresponding instrumented versions.Every instruction is instrumented at most once,so the keys never overlap.This means thatfinding the instrumented version of an instruction boils down tofirst searching for its address in the AVL tree and if found, walking the appropriate translation table.To speed up this process,a small hash table is used which keeps the results of the latest queries.A very useful property of this system is that it also works in reverse:given the address of an instrumented instruction,it is trivial tofind the address of corresponding original instruction.First, the illegal opcodes marker is sought starting from the queried address and next the table is walked just like before until the appropriate pair is found.This ability of doing two-way translations is indispensable for the self-modifying code support and proper exception handling.Since the execution is followed as it progresses,code-in-data and code loaded or generated at run time can be handled without any problems.When a trampoline passes an address to DIOTA of code it has not yet instrumented,it will simply instrument it at that time.It is irrelevant where this code is located,when it appeared in memory and whether or not it doubles as dataDIOTA has several modes of operation,each of which can be used separately,but most can be combined as well.Through the use of so-called backends,the different instrumentation modes can be activated and the instrumentation parameters can be modified.These backends are shared libraries that link against DIOTA and which can ask to intercept calls to arbitrary dynamically linked routines based on name or address,to have a handler called whenever a memory access occurs,when a basic block completes or when a system call is performed(both before and after the system call,with the ability to modify its parameters or return value).Several backends can be used at the same time.INSTRUMENTING SELF-MODIFYING CODE XXX5 Other features of the DIOTA framework include the ability to handle most extensions to the80x86 ISA(such as MMX,3DNow!and SSE)and an extensible and modular design that allows easy im-plementation of additional backends and support for newly introduced instructions.This paper de-scribes the support for instrumenting self-modifying code in DIOTA.For other technical details about DIOTA we refer to[MRDB02].2.3Exception handlingAn aspect that is of paramount importance to the way we handle self-modifying code,is the handling of exceptions(also called signals under Linux).The next section will describe in more detail how we handle the self-modifying code,but since it is based on marking the pages containing code that has been instrumented as read-only,it is clear that every attempt to modify such code will cause a protection fault(or segmentation fault)exception.These exceptions and those caused by other operations must be properly distinguished,in order to make sure that the program still receives signals which are part of the normal program execution while not noticing the other ones.This is especially important since the Java Virtual Machine that we used to evaluate our implementation uses signals for inter-thread communication.When a program starts up,each signal gets a default handler from the operating system.If a program wants to do something different when it receives a certain signal,it can install a signal handler by performing a system call.This system call gets the signal number and the address of the new handler as arguments.Since we want to instrument these user-installed handlers,we have to intercept these system calls.This can be achieved by registering a system call analyser routine with DIOTA.This instructs DIOTA to insert a call to this routine after every system call in the instrumented version of the pro-gram.If such a system call successfully installed a new signal handler,the analyser records this handler and then installs a DIOTA handler instead.Next,when a signal is raised,DIOTA’s handler is activated.One of the arguments passed to a signal handler contains the contents of all processor registers at the time the signal occurred,in-cluding those of the instruction pointer register.Since the program must not be able to notice it is being instrumented by looking at at that value,it is translated from a clone address to an original program address using the translation tables described previously.Finally,the handler is executed under control of DIOTA like any other code fragment.Once the execution arrives at the sig_return or sig_rt_return system call that ends this signal’s execution,DIOTA replaces the instruction pointer in the signal context again.If the code at that address is not yet instrumented,the instruction pointer value in the context is replaced with the address of a trampoline which will transfer control back to DIOTA when returning from the signal’s execution.Otherwise,the clone address corresponding to the already instrumented version is used. 3Detecting modificationsDynamically generated and loaded code can already be handled by a number of existing instrumen-tors[BDA01,MRDB02].The extra difficulty of handling self-modifying code is that the instrumen-tation engine must be able to detect modifications to the code,so that it can reinstrument the new code.Even the reinstrumenting itself is not trivial,since a program may modify an instruction by performing two write operations,which means the intermediate result could be invalid.There are two possible approaches for dealing with code changes.One is to detect the changes as they are made,the other is to check whether code has been modified every time it is executed.Given the fact that in general code is modified far less than it is executed,thefirst approach was chosen.The hardware page protection facilities of the processor are used to detect the changes made page.Once a page contains code that has been instrumented,it will be write-protected.The consequence is thatXXX6JONAS MAEBE,KOEN DE BOSSCHEREFigure3:Exception handling in the context of self-modifying code supportany attempt to modify such code will result in a segmentation fault.An exception handler installed by DIOTA will intercept these signals and take the appropriate action.Since segmentation faults must always be caught when using our technique to support self-modifying code,DIOTA installs a dummy handler at startup time and whenever a program installs the default system handler for this signal(which simply terminates the process if such a signal is raised),or when it tries to ignore it.Apart from that,no changes to the exception handling support of DIOTA have been made,as shown in Figure3.Whenever a protection fault occurs due to the program trying to modify some previously in-strumented code,a naive implementation could unprotect the relevant page,perform the required changes to the instrumented code inside the signal handler,reprotect the page and continue the pro-gram at the next instruction.There are several problems with this approach however:•On a CISC architecture,most instructions can access memory,so decoding the instruction that caused the protection fault(to perform the change that caused the segmentation fault in the handler)can be quite complex.•It is possible that an instruction is modified by means of more than one memory write opera-tion.Trying to reinstrument after thefirst write operation may result in encountering an invalid instruction.•In the context of a JiT-compiler,generally more than one write operation occurs to a particular page.An example is when a page was already partiallyfilled with code which was then exe-cuted and thus instrumented,after which new code is generated and placed on that page as well.A better way is to make a copy of the accessed page,then mark it writable again and let the program resume its execution.This way,it can perform the changes it wanted to do itself.After a while,the instrumentor can compare the contents of the unprotected page and the the buffered copy tofind the changes.So the question then becomes:when is this page checked for changes,how long will it be kept unprotected and how many pages will be kept unprotected at the same time.INSTRUMENTING SELF-MODIFYING CODE XXX7 All parameters are important for performance,since keeping pages unprotected and checking them for changes requires both processing and memory resources.The when-factor is also important for correctness,as the modifications must be incorporated in the clone code before it is executed again.On architectures with a weakly consistent memory model(such as the SPARC and PowerPC), the program must make its code changes permanent by using an instruction that synchronizes the instruction caches of all processors with the current memory contents.These instructions can be intercepted by the instrumentation engine and trigger a comparison of the current contents of a page with the previously buffered contents.On other architectures,heuristics have be used depending on the target application that one wants to instrument to get acceptable performance.For example,when using the Sun JVM1.4.0running on a80x86machine under Linux,we com-pare the previously buffered contents of a page to the current contents whenever the thread that caused the protection fault does one of the following:•It performs a kill system call.This means the modifier thread is sending a signal to another thread,which may indicate that it hasfinished modifying the code and that it tells the other thread that it can continue.•It executes a ret or other instruction that requires a lookup tofind the appropriate instru-mentation code.This is due to the fact that sometimes the modifying and executing threads synchronise using a spinlock.The assumption here is that before the modifying thread clears the spinlock,it will return from the modification routine,thus triggering aflush.Although this method is by no means a guarantee for correct behaviour in the general case,in our experience it always performs correctly in the context of instrumenting code generated by the Sun JVM1.4.0.The unprotected page is protected again when it has been checked N successive times without any changes having been made to it,or when another page has to be unprotected due to a protection fault.Note that this optimisation only really pays off in combination with only checking the page contents in the thread that caused the initial protection fault.The reason is that this ensures that the checking limit is not reached prematurely.Otherwise,the page is protected again too soon and a lot of extra page faults occur,nullifying any potential gains.Finally,it is possible to vary the number of pages that are being kept unprotected at the same time.Possible strategies are keeping just one page unprotected for the whole program in order to minimize resources spent on buffering and comparing contents,keeping one page unprotected per thread,or keeping several pages unprotected per thread to reduce the amount of protection faults. Which strategy performs best depends on the cost of a page fault and the time necessary to do a page compare.4Handling modificationsDifferent code fragments in the clone are often interconnected by direct jumps.For example,when –while instrumenting–we arrive at an instruction which was already instrumented before,we generate a direct jump to this previously instrumented version instead of instrumenting that code again.This not only improves efficiency,but it also makes the instrumentation of modified code much easier,since there is only one location in the clone we have to adapt in case of a code modification.Because of these direct jump interconnections,merely generating an instrumented version of the modified code at a different location in the clone is not enough.Even if every lookup for the in-strumented version of the code in that fragment returns one of the new addresses in the clone,the old code is still reachable via de direct jumps from other fragments.Removing the direct jumps and replacing them with lookups results in a severe slowdown.Another solution would be keeping track of to which other fragments each fragment refers and adapting the direct jumps in case of changes.This requires a lot of bookkeeping however,and chang-XXX8JONAS MAEBE,KOEN DE BOSSCHERE Program Normal Instrumented Slowdown Relative#of Relative# name execution(s)execution(s)protection faults of lookups FFT40.2895.86 2.382305409609 MolDyn22.0365.57 2.985105423174 SparseMatmult24.2991.09 3.753751874669 HeapSort 5.2541.037.82147791700553 LUFact 4.5338.178.43174021655753 SearchBench23.92429.1017.9481446337596 Crypt8.91175.1519.66128456696704 RayTraceBench28.87652.1122.5966118026878Table1:Test results for a number of sequential JavaGrande2.0benchmarksing one fragment may result in a cascade effect,requiring a lot of additional changes elsewhere in the clone.For these reasons,we opted for the following three-part strategy.The optimal way to handle the modifications,is to reinstrument the code in-place.This means that the previously instrumented version of the instructions in the clone are simply replaced by the new ones.This only works if the new code has the same length as(or is shorter than)the old code however,which is not always the case.A second way to handle modifications can be applied when the instrumented version of the previous instruction at that location was larger than the size of an immediate jump.In this case,it is possible to overwrite the previous instrumented version with a jump to the new version.At the end of this new code,another jump can transfer control back to rest of the original instrumentation code.Finally,if there is not enough room for an immediate jump,the last resort isfilling the room originally occupied by the instrumented code with breakpoints.The instrumented version of the new code will simply be placed somewhere else in the code.Whenever the program then arrives at such a breakpoint,DIOTA’s exception handler is entered.This exception handler has access to the address where the breakpoint exception occurred,so it can use the translation table at the end of the block to look up the corresponding original program address.Next,it can lookup where the latest instrumented version of the code at that address is located and transfer control there.5Experimental evaluation5.1General observationsWe evaluated the described techniques by implementing them in the DIOTA framework.The perfor-mance and correctness were verified using a number of tests from the JavaGrande[Gro]benchmark, running under the Sun JVM1.4.0on a machine with two Intel Celeron processors clocked at500MHz. The operating system was Redhat Linux7.3with version2.4.19of the Linux kernel.Several practical implementation issues were encountered.The stock kernel that comes with Red-hat Linux7.3,which is based on version2.4.9of the Linux kernel,contains a number offlaws in the exception handling that cause it to lock up or reboot at random times when a lot of page protection exceptions occur.Another problem is that threads in general only have limited stack space and al-though DIOTA does not require very much,the exception frames together with DIOTA’s overhead were sometimes large enough to overflow the default stacks reserved by the instrumented programs. Therefore,at the start of the main program and at the start of every thread,we now instruct the kernel to execute signal handlers on an alternate stack.DIOTA’s instrumentation engine is not re-entrant and as such is protected by locks.Since a thread can send a signal to another thread at any time,another problem we experienced was that sometimes a thread got a signal while it held the instrumentation lock.If the triggered signal handler was not。
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为复选框型窗体域“其他”添加帮助键文本,内容 为“其他选项请勾选此处!”。
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在工作表“ABC电脑销售量统计”的单元格C10中, 使用HLOOKUP函数,查找西南区域的销售经理的总 销售量。 案例素材
在工作表“ABC电脑销售量统计”的单元格B12中, 使用VLOOKUP函数,查找华东区域的销售经理的 总销售量。 案例素材
配置Excel,以使用红色标识检测到的公式错误。 案例素材
为第5页上的表格添加可选文字“西方主要哲学家 一览”,并将表格的指定宽度设置为80%。
溫度過高 70℃ HCD輕微燒焦
溫度過低 35℃ HCD輕微燒焦
PH過高 5.1 全片光澤性不佳, 呈霧狀 HCD燒焦
PH過低 4.1 電流效率低
TM ENห้องสมุดไป่ตู้OLD
2010C (HS)工藝
內容 1.簡介 2.組成及操作條件 3.哈氏片外觀 4.總結
此工藝是一種含鈷的酸性硬金電 鍍制程,特別适合於插件等的高速電 金制程,可獲得均勻的鍍層厚度与較 寬的操作範圍
二. 組成及操作條件
產品 金 鈷 有機添加劑 溫度 比重 PH 攪拌 單位 g/l g/l g/l ℃ Be 最佳條件 1~12 0.7~1.1 0.4~0.6 55 13 4.7 磁力 範圍 8 0.9 0.5 30~60 10~20 4.2~4.9
三. 哈氏片外觀
四. 結
問題 改善對策 偏高 損耗大 鍍層光澤性不佳,發 白 電流效率低 分析並調整之
從以上哈氏片外觀結果可總結出: ENGOLDTM 2010C (HS)工藝參數 作用如下:
參數 作用 偏低 金 鈷 提供主鹽 增加鍍層硬 度 維持鍍層光 亮度 維持電流密 度範圍 維持電流效 率 電流效率低 光澤性不佳
哈氏槽調整(加有 機劑,以0.1ml/l添 加) 調整之 調整之(加檸檬酸 2.5g/l降0.1個PH, 偏低則加 50%KOH)
MBR20100CT — Dual High Voltage Schottky Rectifier© 2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation October 2010MBR20100CTDual High Voltage Schottky RectifierFeatures•Low Forward Voltage Drop•Low Power Loss and High Efficiency •High Surge Capability •Rohs Compliant•Matte Tin(Sn) Lead Finish•Terminal Leads Surface is Corrosion Resistant and can withstand to 260°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings* T a = 25°C unless otherwise noted* These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired.Thermal Characteristics* T a = 25°C unless otherwise noted* JESD51-10Electrical Characteristics* T a = 25°C unless otherwise noted* DC Item are tested by Pulse Test : Pulse Width ≤300μs, Duty Cycle ≤2%SymbolParameterValueUnitV RRM Maximum Repetitive Reverse Voltage 100V V R Maximum DC Reverse Voltage100V I F(AV)Average Rectified Forward Current, T c = 120°C 10 (Per Leg)20 (Per Device)A I FSM Peak Forward Surge Current, 8.3mS Half Sine wave 150A T STGStorage Temperature Range-55 to 150°CT JOperating Junction Temperature 150°C SymbolParameterMax.UnitR θJ C Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case per Leg 1.5°C/W R θJ AThermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient per Leg62.5°C/WSymbolParameterTest ConditionMin.Max.UnitI RReverse CurrentV R = 100V V R = 100V T c = 25 °C T c = 125 °C 0.25mAV FForward Voltage I F = 10A I F =10A I F = 20A I F = 20AT c = 25 °CT c = 125 °C T c = 25 °C T c = 125 °C0. : MBR20100CT1TO-220PIN3PIN1PIN2_+MBR20100CT — Dual High Voltage Schottky RectifierMBR20100CT — Dual High Voltage Schottky RectifierThe following includes registered and unregistered trademarks and service marks, owned by Fairchild Semiconductor and/or its global subsidiaries, and is notAccuPower¥Auto-SPM¥Build it Now¥CorePLUS¥CorePOWER¥CROSSVOLT¥CTL¥Current Transfer Logic¥DEUXPEED®Dual Cool™ EcoSPARK®EfficientMax¥ESBC¥®Fairchild®Fairchild Semiconductor®FACT Quiet Series¥FACT®FAST®FastvCore¥FETBench¥FlashWriter®*FPS¥F-PFS¥FRFET®Global Power Resource SMGreen FPS¥Green FPS¥ e-Series¥G max¥GTO¥IntelliMAX¥ISOPLANAR¥MegaBuck¥MICROCOUPLER¥MicroFET¥MicroPak¥MicroPak2¥MillerDrive¥MotionMax¥Motion-SPM¥OptoHiT™OPTOLOGIC®OPTOPLANAR®®PDP SPM™Power-SPM¥PowerTrench®PowerXS™Programmable Active Droop¥QFET®QS¥Quiet Series¥RapidConfigure¥¥Saving our world, 1mW/W/kW at a time™SignalWise¥SmartMax¥SMART START¥SPM®STEALTH¥SuperFET®SuperSOT¥-3SuperSOT¥-6SuperSOT¥-8SupreMOS®SyncFET¥Sync-Lock™®*The Power Franchise®TinyBoost¥TinyBuck¥TinyCalc¥TinyLogic®TINYOPTO¥TinyPower¥TinyPWM¥TinyWire¥TriFault Detect¥TRUECURRENT¥*P SerDes¥UHC®Ultra FRFET¥UniFET¥VCX¥VisualMax¥XS™* Trademarks of System General Corporation, used under license by Fairchild Semiconductor.DISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION, OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. THESE SPECIFICATIONS DO NOT EXPAND THE TERMS OF FAIRCHILD’S WORLDWIDE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SPECIFICALLY THE WARRANTY THEREIN, WHICH COVERS THESE PRODUCTS.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) areintended for surgical implant into the body or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury of the user. 2. A critical component in any component of a life support, device, orsystem whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.ANTI-COUNTERFEITING POLICYFairchild Semiconductor Corporation's Anti-Counterfeiting Policy. Fairchild's Anti-Counterfeiting Policy is also stated on our external website, , under Sales Support.Counterfeiting of semiconductor parts is a growing problem in the industry. All manufacturers of semiconductor products are experiencing counterfeiting of their parts. Customers who inadvertently purchase counterfeit parts experience many problems such as loss of brand reputation, substandard performance, failed applications, and increased cost of production and manufacturing delays. Fairchild is taking strong measures to protect ourselves and our customers from the proliferation of counterfeit parts. Fairchild strongly encourages customers to purchase Fairchild parts either directly from Fairchild or from Authorized Fairchild Distributors who are listed by country on our web page cited above. Products customers buy either from Fairchild directly or from Authorized Fairchild Distributors are genuine parts, have full traceability, meet Fairchild's quality standards for handling and storage and provide access to Fairchild's full range of up-to-date technical and product information. Fairchild and our Authorized Distributors will stand behind all warranties and will appropriately address any warranty issues that may arise. Fairchild will not provide any warranty coverage or other assistance for parts bought from Unauthorized Sources. Fairchild is committed to combat this global problem and encourage our customers to do their part in stopping this practice by buying direct or from authorized distributors.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONSDefinition of TermsDatasheet Identification Product Status Definition分销商库存信息: FAIRCHILDMBR20100CTTU。
THRU 20Amp Features• Meatl of Silicon Rectifier, Majority Conduct i on • Guard ring for transient protection • Low Forward Voltage Drop• High Current Capability, High Efficiency • Marking : type numberMCC Catalog Number Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum RMS Voltage Maximum DC BlockingVoltageMBR2020CT 20V 14V 20V MBR2030CT 30V 21V 30V MBR2035CT 35V 24.5V 35V MBR2040CT 40V 28V 40V MBR2045CT 45V 31.5V 45V Electrical Characteristics @ 25°C Unless Otherwise SpecifiedAverage Forward CurrentI F(AV)20 A T A = 120°C Peak Forward Surge Current I FSM 150A 8.3ms, half sineMaximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage2020CT-2045CT 2060CTV F .70V.80V *Pulse Test: Pulse Width 300µsec, Duty Cycle 2%2020CT-2045CT2060CT.84V .95V 2080CT-20100CT .95VI FM = 20A;T A =25°C I FM = 10A;T A =25°C 2080CT-20100CT.85V 2020CT-2045CT2060CT.72V .85V 2080CT-20100CT .85VI FM = 20A;T A =125°C MBR20100CT 100V 70V 100VMBR2080CT 80V 56V 80V MBR2060CT 60V 42V 60VI R20to 100 Volts Maximum DC Reverse Current At Rated DC Blocking Voltage2020CT~2045CT 2060CT~20100CT 2020CT~2045CT 2060CT~20100CTT A = 25°C T A =125°C0.1mA 0.15mA 50mA 150mABarrier Rectifier SchottkyMBR2020CTMBR20100CT***• Operating Temperature: -55°C to +150°C • Storage Temperature: -55°C to +150°C• Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant(Note 1) ("P" Suffix designates RoHS Compliant. See ordering information) Revision: A 2011/06/01www.mccsemi .com1 of 3•Case Material: Molded Plastic. UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 and MSL Rating 1Micro Commercial ComponentsNotes:1.High Temperature Solder Exemption Applied, see EU Directive Annex 7.omp onents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth! "# $ % ! "#Maximum RatingsMounting Torgue: 5 in-lbs Maximum• h t t p ://o n e i c.c o m /MBR2020CT thru MBR20100CTAverage Forward Rectified Current - Amperes versus Ambient Temperature - °CAmps°CFigure 1Typical Forward Characteristics 462010Amps . 2Peak Forward Surge Current - Amperes versus Number Of Cycles At 60Hz - CyclesRevision: A 2011/06/01TMMicro Commercial Componentswww.mccsemi .com2 of 3/Revision: A 2011/06/01Micro Commercial Componentswww.mccsemi .com3 of 3Ordering InformationDevice Packing(Part Number)-BPBulk;1Kpcs/Box***IMPORTANT NOTICE***Micro Commercial Components Corp. reserve s the right to make changes without further notice to any product herein to make corrections, modifications , enhancements , improvements , or other changes . Micro Commercial Components Corp . does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights ,nor the rights of others . The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Micro Commercial Components Corp . and all the companies whose products are represented on our website, harmless against all damages.***LIFE SUPPORT*** MCC's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of Micro Commercial Components Corporation. ***CUSTOMER AWARENESS*** Counterfeiting of semiconductor parts is a growing problem in the industry. Micro Commercial Components (MCC) is takingstrong measures to protect ourselves and our customers from the proliferation of counterfeit parts. MCC strongly encouragescustomers to purchase MCC parts either directly from MCC or from Authorized MCC Distributors who are listed by country onour web page cited below . Products customers buy either from MCC directly or from Authorized MCC Distributors are genuineparts, have full traceability, meet MCC's quality standards for handling and storage. MCC will not provide any warranty coverage or other assistance for parts bought from Unauthorized Sources. MCC is committed to combat this global problem and encourage our customers to do their part in stopping this practice by buying direct or from authorized distributors./分销商库存信息: MICRO-COMMERICAL-CO MBR20100CT-BP。
Microsoft Office 2010 Producer用户指南说明书
that was a five -year projectno you can’t have iti brought everything with mestop showing off nowthe commentary is hilariousif you run you can make itdo you have time to hear them allthis is just my commercial workit’s not long, it’s epiclet me drivewhat are thosedon’t call me obsessiveit’s a surpriseFreeAgent ProTMWith software that lets you access your content from anywhere,share it with anyone, and sync it to almost anything.FreeAgent Pro Highlights• A utomatically move your content to multiple locations • S hare your pictures online and automatically update without even thinking about it • A ccess your data anytime, from anywhere • A utomatic revisions of your content help keep you safe from goof-ups • S hould something happen to your PC, roll back system settings to a better time • 5-year limited warrantyIdeal forAccessing your content from anywhere, sharing it withanyone, and syncing it to almost anything.CompatibilityInterface USB 2.0/eSATASelect models include dual FireWire 400O/S PC W indows Vista, Windows XP Home,or Professional Edition, or Windows 2000 Pro O/S MacF reeAgent Pro software and drive formatting works only with Windows, but drive can be reformatted for Mac using Disk Utility:• Power PC G3, G4, or G5 processor running OS X 10.3.9 (or higher), or• Intel Core Duo or Core Solo processorrunning OS X 10.4.6 (or higher)Product Dimensions7.5" tall x 1.4" thin (without 3.0" wide base) x 6.3" deep 19.05 cm tall x 3.55 cm thin (without 7.62 cm wide base) x 16 cm deepbase dimensions: 1" x 5.2"x 3, 25 cm x 13.2 cm x 7.6 cmInside the box• F reeAgent Pro data mover drive• F reeAgent software and electronic documentation pre-loaded on the data mover drive • A ll models include: USB2.0 + eSATA interfaces, select models include dual FireWire 400 interface module and cable • U SB 2.0 cable (eSATA cable not included)• A C power adapter • Quick start guide Performance SpecificationsUSB 2.0 480 Mb/sec (max)eSATA3 Gb/sec (max)FireWire 400 400 Mb/sec (max included with select models) Spindle speed7200 RPMRetail Packaging SpecificationsBox Size 10" x 10" x 5"25.4 cm x 25.4 cm x 27 cm Box Weight 4.5 lbs 2.05 kgMaster Carton Size 25.375" x 10.86" x 10.625" 64.5 cm x 27.5 cm x 12.7 cm Master Carton Weight 24 lbs10.89 kg Retail Boxes per Master Carton 5Master Cartons per Pallet24Pallet load size47.5" x 40.0" x 45.0" 120.7 cm x 101.6 cm x 114.3 cm Pallet load weight 628.85 lbs285.25 kgCopyright © 2007 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC. FreeAgent, is a trademark of Seagate Technology LLC.Other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners. Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. One gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes when referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacity may vary depending on operating environment, formatting and preloaded programs and content. Quantitative usage examples for various applications are for illustrative purposes. Actual quantities will vary based on various factors, including file size, file format, features and application software. Seagate Technology, 920 Disc Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 U.S.A. STX Sales Sheet-12/06_FAFreeAgent Pro Model Numbers/UPC CodesInterfaceCapacity Model Numbers UPC CodeUSB 2.0/eSATA 320 GB ST303204FP C 1E2-RK / ST303204FPD1E2-RK 7_63649_00303_9500 GB ST305004FP C 1E2-RK / ST305004FPD1E2-RK 7_63649_00304_6750 GBST307504FP C 1E2-RK / ST307504FPD1E2-RK 7_63649_00305_3FreeAgent Pro Model Numbers/UPC CodesInterface Capacity M odel Numbers UPC CodeFireWire 400, USB 2.0/eSATA 320 GB S T303204FP C 1E3-RK / ST303204FPD1E3-RK 7_63649_00359_6 500 GBST 305004FP C 1E3-RK / ST305004FPD1E3-RK 7_63649_00365_7750 GB S T307504FP C 1E3-RK / ST307504FPD1E3-RK 7_63649_00371_8。
PERFORMANCE - all Models: Unless otherwise specified VDD=5.0 VDC, FCLK=250kHz, TC=25EC.
PARAMETER Cross Axis Sensitivity Bias Calibration Error
MIN -002 -005 thru -200 -002 -005 thru -200
TYP 2 2 1 150 100 1 +300 0.5 0.7
MAX 3 4 2 400 300 2 1.0 1.5 5.5 3 VDD+0.5
UNITS % % of FCLK (span) (ppm of FCLK)/EC % ppm/EC % of span dB Volts mA Volts grams grams/meter
+5V: GND: SHIELD: CLK: CNT: DC Power (red wire) Ground. (black wire, isolated from aluminum case) Cable shield electrically connected to aluminum case. Input reference clock; 100Khz-1MHz (white wire). Count (digital pulse stream) output (green wire)
! Capacitive Micromachined ! Nitrogen Damped ! Digital Pulse Density Output ! Low Power Consumption ! -55 to +125EC Operation ! Rugged Anodized Aluminum Module ! Four Wire Connection ! TTL/CMOS Compatible ! +5 VDC, 2 mA Power (typical) ! Easy Interface to Microprocessors or the model 3320 G-LOGGERTM ! Good EMI Resistance ! Responds to DC & AC Acceleration ! Non Standard g Ranges Available ! Serialized for Traceability
* High reliability circuit operation * Low voltage peaks for reduced protection circuits * Low noise switching * Low losses * Operating at lower temperature or space saving by reduced cooling
* Antiparallel diode for high frequency switching devices * Antisaturation diode * Snubber diode * Free wheeling diode in converters and motor control circuits * Rectifiers in switch mode power supplies (SMPS) * Inductive heating and melting * Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) * Ultrasonic cleaners and welders
TVJ=125°C IF=30A 400 A/us 600
200 0
400 A/us 600
Fig. 4 Dynamic parameters versus junction temperature.
Fig. 5 Recovery time versus -diF/dt.
Fig. 6 Peak forward voltage versus diF/dt.
Fig. 7 Transient thermal impedance junction to case.
EMS22P30-M25-LS6中文资料(bourns)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
解析度................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1024国 绝缘电阻(500 VDC) ......................................................................................................................................................................1,000兆欧 电气行程........................................................................................................................................................................................................续 电源电压........................................................................................................................................................................5.0 VDC±10%,3.3 VDC±10% 电源电流.................................................................................................................................................................................................20 mA(最大值)
ROHM RCM2010R 数据手册
Liquid crystal displays
FTiming chart (1) Writing
(2) Reading
Liquid crystal displays
FPin functions
Liquid crystal displays
8) Operable on single 5 V power supply. 9) Low power consumption.
FExternal dimensions (Units: mm)
Liquid crystal displays
FBlock diagram
FPin assignments FPower supply example FAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25_C)
FApplications Personal computers, word processors, facsimiles, telephones, etc.
FFeatures 1) Wide viewing angle and high contrast. 2) 5 7 dot character matrix with cursor. 3) Interfaces with 4-bit or 8-bit MPUs. 4) Displays up to 226 characters and special symbols. 5) Custom character patterns are displayed with the
Meyer三维增产措施模拟设计(专家)系统软件介绍GNT国际公司(北京办事处)2011年Meyer三维增产措施模拟设计系统一、Meyer 软件基本情况介绍及模块清单Meyer软件是Meyer & Associates, Inc.公司开发的水力措施模拟软件,可进行压裂、酸化、酸压、泡沫压裂/酸化、压裂充填、端部脱砂、注水井注水、体积压裂等模拟和分析。
其模块有:软件目前更新版本是Meyer2010- Ver. 5.60,更新日期是2010年7月。
二、Meyer功能模块介绍1. MFrac_常规水力措施模拟与分析模块MFrac是一个综合模拟设计与评价模块,含有三维裂缝几何形状模拟和综合酸化压裂解决方案等众多功能。
模块性能∙根据预期的结果(裂缝长度和导流能力)自动设计泵注程序∙不同裂缝参数与多方案优选∙压裂、酸化和泡沫压裂/酸化、端部脱砂(TSO)和压裂充填FRAC-PACK 模拟和设计优化∙根据实时数据和回放数据进行施工曲线拟合及模型校准∙预期压裂动态分析(例如裂缝延伸、效率、压力衰减等)∙综合应用MFrac、MProd和MNpv开展压裂优化设计研究模块主要功能∙压裂数据的实时显示和回放∙井筒和裂缝中热传递模拟∙酸化压裂设计∙精确的斜井井筒模型(包括水平井)设计∙支撑剂传输设计∙(射孔)孔眼磨蚀计算∙可压缩流体设计(泡沫作业时)∙近井筒压力影响分析(扭曲效应)∙多层压裂(限流法)∙综合的支撑剂、压裂液、酸液、油套管和岩石数据库∙多级压裂裂缝模拟(平行或者多枝状的)∙2D和水平裂缝设计∙先进的裂缝端部效果分析(包括临界压力)∙根据时间和泵注阶段统计漏失量∙3D绘图∙端部脱砂(TSO)和压裂充填FRAC-PACK高传导性裂缝的模拟,与其它模块的联合应用MFrac进行回放数据和实时数据模拟分析时,数据要从MView模块导入,数据包括:随时间变化的排量、井底压力、井口压力、支撑剂浓度、氮气或二氧化碳注入量等。
• 确认气管插管的位置 CO2波形图是证实气 管插管位置并对之进行连续性监测的最敏 感、最特异的方法,可以补充临床评估 (听诊与气管插管通过声带时的视诊)的 不足。现有的手提CO2波形监测仪可以在 各种环境条件下证实气管插管是否到位。 如无CO2波形监测仪,建议高级气道管理 措施最好应用声门上气道装置。
胸外按压的深度:至少5 ㎝ ≥5cm
原因 • 尽管建议按压时要用力按,快速按,从几年来的实际操作 情况看,多数抢救者按压深度还是不够。 • 此外,现有科学表明,按压深度至少5 ㎝时比4 ㎝更有效。 • 介于这个原因,2010AHA规定了CPR和ECC胸外按压时 的最小深度。 • 胸外按压通过挤压心脏增加的血流量,可以为脑和心脏提 供氧和能量。
• 心前区捶击 只有医师在现场目击了监护仪 监测到的心搏骤停,且手边无除颤器可用 时,心前区捶击方为一种合适的治疗。在 临床实践中,这仅在重症监护的环境中可 行。
• 阿托品 心室静止通常是由原发性的心肌病 变所致,与过高的迷走神经张力无关。不 再常规推荐在心室静止或无脉电活动时使 用阿托品。
• 气道管理与通气 数据表明,ROSC后高动 脉血氧饱和度对预后不利。准确测定动脉 氧饱和度后就应吸入氧气,使动脉血氧饱 和度在94%~98%。
• 1)胸外按压频率由2005年的100次/分改为“至少100次/ 分” • 2)按压深度由2005年的4-5cm改为“至少5cm” • 3)人工呼吸频率不变、按压与呼吸比不变 • 4)维持ROSC的血氧饱和度在94%-98% • 5)血糖超过10mmol/L即应控制,但强调应避免低血糖 • 6)强化按压的重要性,按压间断时间不超过5s
SBR is a registered trademark of Diodes Incorporated.20A SBRSUPER BARRIER RECTIFIERFeatures• Low Forward Voltage Drop • Soft, Fast Switching Capability • Schottky Barrier Chip • ITO-220S Heat Sink Tab Electrically Isolated from Cathode • UL Approval in Accordance with UL 1557, Reference No.E94661 • Qualified to AEC-Q101 Standards for High ReliabilityMechanical Data• Case: ITO-220S• Case Material: Molded Plastic, UL Flammability ClassificationRating 94V-0 • Terminals: Matte Tin Finish annealed over Copper leadframe.Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 • Weight: 1.35 grams (approximate)Ordering Information (Note 1)Part Number Case PackagingSBR20100CTP ITO-220S 50 pieces/tubeNotes:1. For packaging details, go to our website at /datasheets/ap02007.pdf.Marking InformationPackage Pin Out ConfigurationTop ViewAnodeCathode Anode Bottom ViewSBR20100CTP = Product Type Marking Code AB = Foundry and Assembly Code YYWW = Date Code MarkingYY = Last two digits of year (ex: 08 = 2008) WW = Week (01 - 53)SBR is a registered trademark of Diodes Incorporated.Maximum Ratings (Per Leg) @T A = 25°C unless otherwise specifiedSingle phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitance load, derate current by 20%.Characteristic Symbol Value UnitPeak Repetitive Reverse VoltageWorking Peak Reverse Voltage DC Blocking Voltage V RRM V RWM V RM 100 V Average Rectified Output Current per Device (Per Leg) (Total) I O1020 A Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3msSingle Half Sine-Wave Superimposed on Rated Load I FSM150 A Isolation VoltageFrom terminal to heatsink t = 1 min. V AC4000 VThermal Characteristics (Per Leg)Characteristic Symbol Value UnitTypical Thermal Resistance R θJC 3 ºC/W Operating and Storage Temperature Range T J , T STG -65 to +175 ºCElectrical Characteristics (Per Leg) @T A = 25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test ConditionForward Voltage Drop V F- - - 0.820.75V I F = 10A, T J = 25ºC I F = 10A, T J = 125ºCLeakage Current (Note 2) I R- - - - 100 10 μAmA V R = 100V, T J = 25ºC V R = 100V, T J = 125ºCNotes:2. Short duration pulse test used to minimize self-heating effect.Fig. 1 Forward Power Dissipation51015I , AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (A)F(AV)P , P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )DFig. 2 Typical Forward CharacteristicsV , INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (mV)F I , I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )FSBR is a registered trademark of Diodes Incorporated.Fig. 3 Typical Reverse CharacteristicsV , INSTANTANEOUS REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)R I , I N S T A N T A N E O U S R E V E R S E C U R R EN T (µA )R 10,000Fig. 4 Total Capacitance vs. Reverse Voltage 100V , DC REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)R C , T O T A L C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )TI A V E R A GE F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )F (A V ),T , AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C)Fig. 5 Forward Current Derating CurveA ° Fig. 6 Operating Temperature Derating102030405060708090100V , DC REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)R T , D E R A T E D A M B I E N T T E M P E R A T U R E (°C )ASBR is a registered trademark of Diodes Incorporated.Package Outline DimensionsIMPORTANT NOTICEDIODES INCORPORATED MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARDS TO THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION).Diodes Incorporated and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make modifications, enhancements, improvements, corrections or other changes without further notice to this document and any product described herein. Diodes Incorporated does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this document or any product described herein; neither does Diodes Incorporated convey any license under its patent or trademark rights, nor the rights of others. Any Customer or user of this document or products described herein in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Diodes Incorporated and all the companies whose products are represented on Diodes Incorporated website, harmless against all damages.Diodes Incorporated does not warrant or accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any products purchased through unauthorized sales channel. Should Customers purchase or use Diodes Incorporated products for any unintended or unauthorized application, Customers shall indemnify and hold Diodes Incorporated and its representatives harmless against all claims, damages, expenses, and attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized application.Products described herein may be covered by one or more United States, international or foreign patents pending. Product names and markings noted herein may also be covered by one or more United States, international or foreign trademarks.LIFE SUPPORTDiodes Incorporated products are specifically not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of the Chief Executive Officer of Diodes Incorporated. As used herein:A. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which: 1. are intended to implant into the body, or2. support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in thelabeling can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.B. A critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or to affect its safety or effectiveness.Customers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their life support devices or systems, and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of Diodes Incorporated products in such safety-critical, life support devices or systems, notwithstanding any devices- or systems-related information or support that may be provided by Diodes Incorporated. Further, Customers must fully indemnify Diodes Incorporated and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of Diodes Incorporated products in such safety-critical, life support devices or systems.Copyright © 2010, Diodes IncorporatedITO-220SDIM.MIN. MAX. TYP.A 4.52 4.62 4.57 A1 1.17 1.39 − A2 2.57 2.77 2.67 b 0.72 0.95 0.84 b2 1.15 1.34 1.26 c 0.3560.61 − D 14.2216.5115.00 D1 8.60 8.80 8.70 D2 13.6814.08− e 2.49 2.59 2.54 e1 4.98 5.18 5.08 E 10.0110.2110.11 E1 6.86 8.89 − H1 5.85 6.85 −L 13.3013.9013.60 L1 − 4.00 − P 3.54 4.08 − Q 2.54 3.42 −All Dimensions in mm7°5分销商库存信息: DIODESSBR20100CTP。
SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER20 AmpM B R 20...C T MBRB20...CTMBR20...CT-1Bulletin PD-2.321 rev. I 08/021Major Ratings and Characteristics I F(AV)Rectangular waveform20A(Per Device)I FRM @ TC =133°C20A (Per Leg)V RRM80/90/100V I FSM @ tp = 5 µs sine 850A V F @ 10 Apk, T J = 125°C 0.70V T Jrange- 65 to 150°CCharacteristicsValuesUnitsDescription/ FeaturesThis center tap Schottky rectifier has been optimized for low reverse leakage at high temperature. The proprietary barrier technology allows for reliable operation up to 150° C junction temperature. Typical applications are in switching power supplies, converters, free-wheeling diodes, and reverse battery protection.150° C T J operationCenter tap TO-220, D 2Pak and TO-262 packages Low forward voltage dropHigh purity, high temperature epoxy encapsulation for enhanced mechanical strength and moisture resistance High frequency operationGuard ring for enhanced ruggedness and long term reliabilityCase StylesMBR20...CTMBRB20...CTMBR20...CT-1TO-220D 2PAKTO-262MBR20...CT, MBRB20...CT, MBR20...CT-1Bulletin PD-2.321 rev. I 08/02T J Max. Junction Temperature Range -65 to 150°C T stgMax. Storage Temperature Range-65 to 175°CR thJC Max. Thermal Resistance2.0°C/W DC operationJunction to Case (Per Leg)R thCS Typical Thermal Resistance0.50°C/W Mounting surface, smooth and greasedCase to Heatsink Only for TO-220R thJA Max. Thermal Resistance50°C/W DC operationJunction to Ambient For D 2Pak and TO-262wt Approximate Weight 2 (0.07)g (oz.)TMounting TorqueMin. 6 (5)Non-lubricated threads Max.12 (10)Thermal-Mechanical SpecificationsParametersValuesUnitsConditionsKg-cm (Ibf-in)V FMMax. Forward Voltage Drop0.80V @ 10A (1)0.95V @ 20A 0.70V @ 10A 0.85V @ 20A I RMMax. Instantaneus Reverse Current0.10mA T J = 25 °C (1)6mA T J = 125 °CV F(TO)Threshold Voltage 0.433VT J = T J max.r t Forward Slope Resistance 15.8m ΩC T Max. Junction Capacitance 400pF V R = 5V DC , (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25°C L STypical Series Inductance 8.0nH Measured from top of terminal to mounting planedv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change10,000V/ µs(Rated V R )Electrical SpecificationsParametersValuesUnitsConditionsRated DC voltageT J = 25 °C T J = 125 °C (1) Pulse Width < 300µs, Duty Cycle <2%I F(AV)Max. A verage F orward (Per L eg)10A @ T C =133° C , (Rated V R )Current (Per D evice)20I FRM Peak R epetitive F orward20ARated V R , s quare w ave, 20kHz Current (Per L eg)T C =133° CI FSM Non R epetitive P eak5µs Sine or 3µs Surge C urrent Rect. pulseSurge a pplied a t r ated l oad c onditions h alfwave,single phase, 60Hz I RRM Peak R epetitive R everse 0.5A 2.0 µsec 1.0 KHzSurge C urrentE ASNon-Repetitive A valanche E nergy24mJT J = 25 °C, I AS = 2 Amps, L = 12 mH(Per L eg)Absolute Maximum RatingsFollowing any rated load conditionand with rated V RRM applied A 1508090100Voltage RatingsParametersParametersValuesUnitsConditionsMBR2080CT MBR2090CT MBR20100CT MBRB2080CT MBRB2090CT MBRB20100CT MBR2080CT-1MBR2090CT-1MBR20100CT-1850V RMax. DC Reverse Voltage (V)V RWM Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V)Bulletin PD-2.321 rev. I 08/02Bulletin PD-2.321 rev. I 08/02Bulletin PD-2.321 rev. I 08/02BASECOMMONCATHODE2MBR20...CT, MBRB20...CT, MBR20...CT-1Bulletin PD-2.321 rev. I 08/027 58 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245, USA Tel: (310) 252-7105TAC Fax: (310) 252-7309Visit us at for sales contact information. 08/02。