17 1408500210200 18 1408500210300 19 1409020210900
20 1409020210400
21 1408520210500
22 3408520210600 23 1408520210700 24 1408500210800 25 1409020220000 26 1409020220100 27 1409020220200 28 1408500220100 29 1408500220200 30 1408500220300 31 1408500220400 32 1408500220500 33 1408500220700 34 1408500220800 35 1408500221000 36 1408500221100 37 1408500221200 38 1409020221300
旧图号 N85—04002 N85—04003 N490ZLQ-04004 N490ZLQ-04005 N490ZLQ-04006 N490ZLQ-04007 N85—04008 N85—04009 N490ZLQ-04010
43 GB/T5783 44 GB/T5782 45 GB/T5783 46 GB/T5783 47 GB/T97.1 48 GB/T6170
49 GB/T93 50 GB/T73
1 1408500300100 2 1409020300200 3 1408520300300 4 1409020300500 5 1408500300600 6 1408500300700 7 1408500300800 8 1408500300900 9 1409020301000 10 1408500301100 11 1408520301200 12 1408500301300 13 1408500301400 14 1408500301500 15 1408500301600 16 1409020301700 17 1408500301800 18 1409020301900 19 1408501900500 20 1408520310000 21 1408520310100 22 1408500310200 23 1408500310300 24 1408500310400 25 1408500310500 26 1408500310600 27 1408500310700 28 1408500310800 29 1408500310900 30 1408500311000 31 1408500311100 32 1408500311200 33 1409020311300 34 GB/T119.1 35 GB/T119.1 36 GB/T9877.1 37 GB/T67 38 GB/T859 39 GB/T5783 40 GB/T859 41 GB/T97.1 42 GB/T5783 43 GB/T859 44 GB/T97.1 45 GB/T898 46 GB/T6170 47 GB/T859 48 GB/T97.1
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PS017801-0602 PS017801-0602
COP8SG Family8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and OTP Microcontrollers with 8k to 32k Memory,Two Comparators and USARTGeneral DescriptionThe COP8SG Family ROM and OTP based microcontrollers are highly integrated COP8™Feature core devices with 8k to 32k memory and advanced features including Analog comparators,and zero external components.These single-chip CMOS devices are suited for more complex applica-tions requiring a full featured controller with larger memory,low EMI,two comparators,and a full-duplex USART.COP8SGx7devices are 100%form-fit-function compatible OTP (One Time Programmable)versions for use in produc-tion or development of the COP8SGx5ROM.Erasable windowed versions (Q3)are available for use with a range of COP8software and hardware development tools.Family features include an 8-bit memory mapped architec-ture,15MHz CKI with 0.67µs instruction cycle,14inter-rupts,three multi-function 16-bit timer/counters with PWM,full duplex USART,MICROWIRE/PLUS ™,two analog com-parators,two power saving HALT/IDLE modes,MIWU,idle timer,on-chip R/C oscillator,high current outputs,user se-lectable options (WATCHDOG ™,4clock/oscillator modes,power-on-reset),2.7V to 5.5V operation,program code se-curity,and 28/40/44pin packages.Devices included in this datasheet are:Device Memory (bytes)RAM (bytes)I/O Pins Packages Temperature COP8SGE58k ROM 25624/36/4028DIP/SOIC,40DIP ,44PLCC/QFP/CSP -40to +85˚C,-40to +125˚C COP8SGG516k ROM 51224/36/4028DIP/SOIC,40DIP ,44PLCC/QFP/CSP -40to +85˚C,-40to +125˚C COP8SGH520k ROM 51224/36/4028DIP/SOIC,40DIP ,44PLCC/QFP/CSP -40to +85˚C,-40to +125˚C COP8SGK524k ROM 51224/36/4028DIP/SOIC,40DIP ,44PLCC/QFP/CSP -40to +85˚C,-40to +125˚C COP8SGR532k ROM 51224/36/4028DIP/SOIC,40DIP ,44PLCC/QFP/CSP -40to +85˚C,-40to +125˚C COP8SGE78k OTP EPROM 25624/36/4028DIP/SOIC,40DIP ,44PLCC/QFP/CSP -40to +85˚C,-40to +125˚C COP8SGR732k OTP EPROM 51224/36/4028DIP/SOIC,40DIP ,44PLCC/QFP/CSP -40to +85˚C,-40to +125˚C COP8SGR7-Q332k EPROM51224/36/4028DIP ,40DIP ,44PLCCRoom Temp.Key Featuresn Low cost 8-bit microcontrollern Quiet Design (low radiated emissions)n Multi-Input Wakeup pins with optional interrupts (8pins)nMask selectable clock options —Crystal oscillator—Crystal oscillator option with on-chip bias resistor —External oscillator —Internal R/C oscillatorn Internal Power-On-Reset —user selectablen WATCHDOG and Clock Monitor Logic —user selectable n Eight high current outputsn 256or 512bytes on-board RAMn8k to 32k ROM or OTP EPROM with security featureCPU Featuresn Versatile easy to use instruction set n 0.67µs instruction cycle timen Fourteen multi-source vectored interrupts servicing —External interrupt /Timers T0—T3—MICROWIRE/PLUS Serial Interface —Multi-Input Wake Up —Software Trap—USART (2;1receive and 1transmit)—Default VIS (default interrupt)n 8-bit Stack Pointer SP (stack in RAM)n Two 8-bit Register Indirect Data Memory Pointers n True bit manipulationn BCD arithmetic instructionsPeripheral Featuresn Multi-Input Wakeup Logicn Three 16-bit timers (T1—T3),each with two 16-bit registers supporting:—Processor Independent PWM mode —External Event Counter mode —Input Capture modeCOP8™is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.October 2001COP8SG Family,8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and OTP Microcontrollers with 8k to 32k Memory,Two Comparators and USART©2001National Semiconductor Corporation Peripheral Features(Continued)n Idle Timer (T0)n MICROWIRE/PLUS Serial Interface (SPI Compatible)n Full Duplex USARTnTwo Analog ComparatorsI/O Featuresn Software selectable I/O options (TRI-STATE ®Output,Push-Pull Output,Weak Pull-Up Input,and High Impedance Input)n Schmitt trigger inputs on ports G and L n Eight high current outputsn Packages:28SO with 24I/O pins,40DIP with 36I/O pins,44PLCC,PQFP and CSP with 40I/O pinsFully Static CMOS Designn Low current drain (typically <4µA)n Two power saving modes:HALT and IDLETemperature Rangen −40˚C to +85˚C,−40˚C to +125˚CDevelopment Supportn Windowed packages for DIP and PLCCn Real time emulation and debug tools availableBlock Diagram10131744FIGURE 1.COP8SGx Block DiagramC O P 8S G F a m i l y 21.0Device Description1.1ARCHITECTUREThe COP8family is based on a modified Harvard architec-ture,which allows data tables to be accessed directly from program memory.This is very important with modern microcontroller-based applications,since program memory is usually ROM or EPROM,while data memory is usually RAM.Consequently data tables need to be contained in non-volatile memory,so they are not lost when the micro-controller is powered down.In a modified Harvard architec-ture,instruction fetch and memory data transfers can be overlapped with a two stage pipeline,which allows the next instruction to be fetched from program memory while the current instruction is being executed using data memory. This is not possible with a Von Neumann single-address bus architecture.The COP8family supports a software stack scheme that allows the user to incorporate many subroutine calls.This capability is important when using High Level Languages. With a hardware stack,the user is limited to a small fixed number of stack levels.1.2INSTRUCTION SETIn today’s8-bit microcontroller application arena cost/ performance,flexibility and time to market are several of the key issues that system designers face in attempting to build well-engineered products that compete in the marketplace. Many of these issues can be addressed through the manner in which a microcontroller’s instruction set handles process-ing tasks.And that’s why COP8family offers a unique and code-efficient instruction set—one that provides the flexibil-ity,functionality,reduced costs and faster time to market that today’s microcontroller based products require.Code efficiency is important because it enables designers to pack more on-chip functionality into less program memory space.Selecting a microcontroller with less program memory size translates into lower system costs,and the added security of knowing that more code can be packed into the available program memory space.1.2.1Key Instruction Set FeaturesThe COP8family incorporates a unique combination of in-struction set features,which provide designers with optimum code efficiency and program memory utilization.Single Byte/Single Cycle Code ExecutionThe efficiency is due to the fact that the majority of instruc-tions are of the single byte variety,resulting in minimum program space.Because compact code does not occupy a substantial amount of program memory space,designers can integrate additional features and functionality into the microcontroller program memory space.Also,the majority instructions executed by the device are single cycle,result-ing in minimum program execution time.In fact,77%of the instructions are single byte single cycle,providing greater code and I/O efficiency,and faster code execution.1.2.2Many Single-Byte,Multifunction InstructionsThe COP8instruction set utilizes many single-byte,multi-function instructions.This enables a single instruction to accomplish multiple functions,such as DRSZ,DCOR,JID, LD(Load)and X(Exchange)instructions with post-incrementing and post-decrementing,to name just a fewexamples.In many cases,the instruction set can simulta-neously execute as many as three functions with the samesingle-byte instruction.JID:(Jump Indirect);Single byte instruction;decodes exter-nal events and jumps to corresponding service routines(analogous to“DO CASE”statements in higher level lan-guages).LAID:(Load Accumulator-Indirect);Single byte look up tableinstruction provides efficient data path from the programmemory to the CPU.This instruction can be used for tablelookup and to read the entire program memory for checksumcalculations.RETSK:(Return Skip);Single byte instruction allows returnfrom subroutine and skips next instruction.Decision tobranch can be made in the subroutine itself,saving code.AUTOINC/DEC:(Auto-Increment/Auto-Decrement);Theseinstructions use the two memory pointers B and X to effi-ciently process a block of data(analogous to“FOR NEXT”inhigher level languages).1.2.3Bit-Level ControlBit-level control over many of the microcontroller’s I/O portsprovides a flexible means to ease layout concerns and saveboard space.All members of the COP8family provide theability to set,reset and test any individual bit in the datamemory address space,including memory-mapped I/O portsand associated registers.1.2.4Register SetThree memory-mapped pointers handle register indirect ad-dressing and software stack pointer functions.The memorydata pointers allow the option of post-incrementing or post-decrementing with the data movement instructions(LOAD/EXCHANGE).And15memory-maped registers allow de-signers to optimize the precise implementation of certainspecific instructions.1.3EMI REDUCTIONThe COP8SGx5family of devices incorporates circuitry thatguards against electromagnetic interference—an increasingproblem in today’s microcontroller board designs.National’spatented EMI reduction technology offers low EMI clockcircuitry,gradual turn-on output drivers(GTOs)and internalICCsmoothing filters,to help circumvent many of the EMI issues influencing embedded control designs.National hasachieved15dB–20dB reduction in EMI transmissions whendesigns have incorporated its patented EMI reducing cir-cuitry.1.4PACKAGING/PIN EFFICIENCYReal estate and board configuration considerations demandmaximum space and pin efficiency,particularly given today’shigh integration and small product form factors.Microcon-troller users try to avoid using large packages to get the I/Orge packages take valuable board space andincreases device cost,two trade-offs that microcontrollerdesigns can ill afford.The COP8family offers a wide range of packages and do notwaste pins:up to90.9%(or40pins in the44-pin package)are devoted to useful I/O.COP8SGFamily3Connection Diagrams10131704Top ViewOrder Number COP8SGXY28M8See NS Package Number M28B Order Number COP8SGXY28N8See NS Package Number N28B Order Number COP8SGR728Q3See NS Package Number D28JQ10131753Top ViewOrder Number COP8SGR7HLQ8See NS Package Number LQA44A10131705Top ViewOrder Number COP8SGXY40N8See NS Package Number N40A Order Number COP8SGR5740Q3See NS Package Number D40KQ10131706Top ViewOrder Number COP8SGXY44V8See NS Package Number V44A Order Number COP8SGR744J3See NS Package Number EL44C10131743Top ViewOrder Number COP8SGXYVEJ8See NS Package Number VEJ44ANote 1:X =E for 8k,G for 16k,H for 20k,K for 24k,R for 32k Y =5for ROM,7for OTPC O P 8S G F a m i l y 4Pinouts for28-,40-and44-Pin PackagesPort Type Alt.Fun 28-PinSO40-Pin DIP44-PinPLCC44-Pin PQFP44-Pin CSPL0I/O MIWU1117171112 L1I/O MIWU or CKX1218181213 L2I/O MIWU or TDX1319191314 L3I/O MIWU or RDX1420201415 L4I/O MIWU or T2A1521251920 L5I/O MIWU or T2B1622262021 L6I/O MIWU or T3A1723272122 L7I/O MIWU or T3B1824282223 G0I/O INT2535393334 G1I/O WDOUT*2636403435 G2I/O T1B2737413536 G3I/O T1A2838423637 G4I/O SO1334142 G5I/O SK2444243 G6I SI3554344 G7I CKO466441 D0O1925292324 D1O2026302425 D2O2127312526 D3O2228322627 D4O29332728 D5O30342829 D6O31352930 D7O32363031 F0I/O79934 F1I/O COMP1IN−8101045 F2I/O COMP1IN+9111156 F3I/O COMP1OUT10121267 F4I/O COMP2IN−131378 F5I/O COMP2IN+141489 F6I/O COMP2OUT1515910 F7I/O16161011 C0I/O39433738 C1I/O40443839 C2I/O113940 C3I/O224041 C4I/O211516 C5I/O221617 C6I/O231718 C7I/O241819 VCC68823 GND2333373132 CKI I57712 RESET I2434383233 *G1operation as WDOUT is controlled by ECON bit2.COP8SG Family 52.1Ordering Information10131708FIGURE 2.Part Numbering SchemeC O P 8S G F a m i l y 63.0Electrical CharacteristicsAbsolute Maximum Ratings(Note2) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications.Supply Voltage(V CC)7VVoltage at Any Pin−0.3V to V CC+0.3VTotal Current into V CCPin(Source)100mATotal Current out ofGND Pin(Sink)110mAStorage TemperatureRange−65˚C to+140˚CESD Protection Level2kV(Human BodyModel) Note2:Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.DC and AC electrical specifications are not ensured when operating the device at absolute maximum ratings.DC Electrical Characteristics−40˚C≤T A≤+85˚C unless otherwise specified.Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Operating Voltage 2.7 5.5V Power Supply Rise Time1050x106ns V CC Start Voltage to Guarantee POR00.25V Power Supply Ripple(Note4)Peak-to-Peak0.1V cc V Supply Current(Note5)CKI=15MHz V CC=5.5V,t C=0.67µs9.0mA CKI=10MHz V CC=5.5V,t C=1µs 6.0mA CKI=4MHz V CC=4.5V,t C=2.5µs 2.1mA HALT Current(Note6)V CC=5.5V,CKI=0MHz<410µA IDLE Current(Note5)CKI=15MHz V CC=5.5V,t C=0.67µs 2.25mA CKI=10MHz V CC=5.5V,t C=1µs 1.5mA CKI=4MHz V CC=4.5V,t C=2.5µs0.8mA Input Levels(V IH,V IL)RESETLogic High0.8V cc V Logic Low0.2V cc V CKI,All Other InputsLogic High0.7V cc V Logic Low0.2V cc V Internal Bias Resistor for theCrystal/Resonator Oscillator0.512MΩCKI Resistance to V CC or GND when R/COscillator is selectedV CC=5.5V5811kΩHi-Z Input Leakage V CC=5.5V−2+2µA Input Pullup Current V CC=5.5V,V IN=0V−40−250µA G and L Port Input Hysteresis V CC=5.5V0.25V cc V COP8SG Family 7DC Electrical Characteristics(Continued)−40˚C ≤T A ≤+85˚C unless otherwise specified.ParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnitsOutput Current Levels D Outputs Source V CC =4.5V,V OH =3.3V −0.4mA V CC =2.7V,V OH =1.8V -0.2mA Sink V CC =4.5V,V OL =1.0V 10mA V CC =2.7V,V OL =0.4V 2mA All OthersSource (Weak Pull-Up Mode)V CC =4.5V,V OH =2.7V −10.0−110µA V CC =2.7V,V OH =1.8V -2.5-33µA Source (Push-Pull Mode)V CC =4.5V,V OH =3.3V −0.4mA V CC =2.7V,V OH =1.8V -0.2mA Sink (Push-Pull Mode)V CC =4.5V,V OL =0.4V V CC =2.7V,V OL =0.4V 1.60.7mA mA TRI-STATE LeakageV CC =5.5V−2+2µA Allowable Sink Current per Pin (Note 9)D Outputs and L0to L315mA All Others3mA Maximum Input Current without Latchup (Note 7)Room Temp.±200mA RAM Retention Voltage,Vr 2.0V V CC Rise Time from a V CC ≥2.0V (Note 10)12µsEPROM Data Retenton (Note 8),(Note 9)T A =55˚C >29years Input Capacitance (Note 9)7pF Load Capacitance on D2(Note 9)1000pFAC Electrical Characteristics−40˚C ≤T A ≤+85˚C unless otherwise specified.ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max Units Instruction Cycle Time (t C )Crystal/Resonator,External 4.5V ≤V CC ≤5.5V 0.67µs 2.7V ≤V CC ≤4.5V 2µsR/C Oscillator (Internal) 4.5V ≤V CC ≤5.5V 2µs Frequency Variation (Note 9) 4.5V ≤V CC ≤5.5V ±35%External CKI Clock Duty Cycle (Note 9)fr =Max4555%Rise Time (Note 9)fr =10MHz Ext Clock 8ns Fall Time (Note 9)fr =10MHz Ext Clock5ns MICROWIRE Setup Time (t UWS )(Note 11)20ns MICROWIRE Hold Time (t UWH )(Note 11)56nsMICROWIRE Output Propagation Delay (t UPD )(Note 11)220nsInput Pulse Width (Note 9)Interrupt Input High Time 1t C Interrupt Input Low Time 1t C Timer 1,2,3,Input High Time 1t C Timer 12,3,Input Low Time 1t C Reset Pulse Width1µsNote 3:t C =Instruction cycle time.C O P 8S G F a m i l y 8AC Electrical Characteristics(Continued)Note4:Maximum rate of voltage change must be<0.5V/ms.Note5:Supply and IDLE currents are measured with CKI driven with a square wave Oscillator,External Oscillator,inputs connected to V CC and outputs driven low but not connected to a load.Note6:The HALT mode will stop CKI from oscillating in the R/C and the Crystal configurations.In the R/C configuration,CKI is forced high internally.In the crystal or external configuration,CKI is TRI-STATE.Measurement of I DD HALT is done with device neither sourcing nor sinking current;with L.F,C,G0,and G2–G5 programmed as low outputs and not driving a load;all outputs programmed low and not driving a load;all inputs tied to V CC;clock monitor disabled.Parameter refers to HALT mode entered via setting bit7of the G Port data register.Note7:Pins G6and RESET are designed with a high voltage input network.These pins allow input voltages>V CC and the pins will have sink current to V CC when biased at voltages>V CC(the pins do not have source current when biased at a voltage below V CC).The effective resistance to V CC is750Ω(typical).These two pins will not latch up.The voltage at the pins must be limited to<14V.WARNING:Voltages in excess of14V will cause damage to the pins.This warning excludes ESD transients.Note8:National Semiconductor uses the High Temperature Storage Life(HTSL)test to evaluate the data retention capabilities of the EPROM memory cells used in our OTP microcontrollers.Qualification devices have been stressed at150˚C for1000hours.Under these conditions,our EPROM cells exhibit data retention capabilities in excess of29years.This is based on an activation energy of0.7eV derated to55˚C.Note9:Parameter characterized but not tested.Note10:Rise times faster than the minimum specification may trigger an internal power-on-reset.Note11:MICROWIRE Setup and Hold Times and Propagation Delays are referenced to the appropriate edge of the MICROWIRE clock.See and the MICROWIRE operation description.Comparators AC and DC CharacteristicsV CC=5V,−40˚C≤T A≤+85˚C.Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Input Offset Voltage(Note12)0.4V≤V IN≤V CC−1.5V±5±15mV Input Common Mode Voltage Range0.4V CC−1.5V Voltage Gain100dB Low Level Output Current V OL=0.4V−1.6mA High Level Output Current V OH=V CC−0.4V 1.6mA DC Supply Current per Comparator(When Enabled)150µAResponse Time(Note13)200mV step input100mV Overdrive,100pF Load600nsComparator Enable Time(Note14)600ns Note12:The comparator inputs are high impedance port inputs and,as such,input current is limited to port input leakage current.Note13:Response time is measured from a step input to a valid logic level at the comparator response time is dependent of instruction execution. Note14:Comparator enable time is that delay time required between the end of the instruction cycle that enables the comparator and using the output of the comparator,either by hardware or by software.10131709FIGURE3.MICROWIRE/PLUS Timing COP8SG Family 9Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 2)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.Supply Voltage (V CC )7VVoltage at Any Pin −0.3V to V CC +0.3VTotal Current into V CC Pin (Source)100mA Total Current out of GND Pin (Sink)110mAStorage Temperature Range−65˚C to +140˚C ESD Protection Level2kV (Human BodyModel)Note 15:Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.DC and AC electrical specifications are not ensured when operating the device at absolute maximum ratings.DC Electrical Characteristics−40˚C ≤T A ≤+125˚C unless otherwise specified.ParameterConditionsMin TypMax Units Operating Voltage 4.5 5.5V Power Supply Rise Time1050x 106ns V CC Start Voltage to Guarantee POR 00.25V Power Supply Ripple (Note 4)Peak-to-Peak0.1V ccVSupply Current (Note 5)CKI =10MHz V CC =5.5V,t C =1µs 6.0mA CKI =4MHz V CC =4.5V,t C =2.5µs 2.1mA HALT Current (Note 6)V CC =5.5V,CKI =0MHz<410µAIDLE Current (Note 5)CKI =10MHz V CC =5.5V,t C =1µs 1.5mA CKI =4MHz V CC =4.5V,t C =2.5µs0.8mAInput Levels (V IH ,V IL )RESET Logic High 0.8V ccV Logic Low 0.2V ccVCKI,All Other Inputs Logic High 0.7V ccV Logic Low0.2V ccV Internal Bias Resistor for the Crystal/Resonator Oscillator0.512M ΩCKI Resistance to V CC or GND when R/C Oscillator is selected V CC =5.5V 5811k ΩHi-Z Input Leakage V CC =5.5V−5+5µA Input Pullup CurrentV CC =5.5V,V IN =0V −35−400µA G and L Port Input Hysteresis V CC =5.5V0.25V ccVOutput Current Levels D Outputs Source V CC =4.5V,V OH =3.3V −0.4mA Sink V CC =4.5V,V OL =1.0V9mAAll OthersSource (Weak Pull-Up Mode)V CC =4.5V,V OH =2.7V −9−140µA Source (Push-Pull Mode)V CC =4.5V,V OH =3.3V −0.4mA Sink (Push-Pull Mode)V CC =4.5V,V OL =0.4V 1.4mA TRI-STATE LeakageV CC =5.5V−5+5µAAllowable Sink Current per Pin (Note 9)D Outputs and L0to L31515mA All Others33mAC O P 8S G F a m i l y 10DC Electrical Characteristics(Continued)−40˚C≤T A≤+125˚C unless otherwise specified.Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsMaximum Input Current without Latchup (Note7)Room Temp.±200mARAM Retention Voltage,Vr 2.0V V CC Rise Time from a V CC≥2.0V(Note10)12µs EPROM Data Retenton(Note8),(Note9)T A=55˚C>29years Input Capacitance(Note9)7pF Load Capacitance on D2(Note9)1000pF COP8SG FamilyAC Electrical Characteristics−40˚C ≤T A ≤+125˚C unless otherwise specified.ParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnitsInstruction Cycle Time (t C )Crystal/Resonator,External 4.5V ≤V CC ≤5.5V 1µs R/C Oscillator (Internal) 4.5V ≤V CC ≤5.5V 2µs Frequency Variation (Note 9) 4.5V ≤V CC ≤5.5V ±35%External CKI Clock Duty Cycle (Note 9)fr =Max4555%Rise Time (Note 9)fr =10MHz Ext Clock 12ns Fall Time (Note 9)fr =10MHz Ext Clock8ns MICROWIRE Setup Time (t UWS )(Note 11)20ns MICROWIRE Hold Time (t UWH )(Note 11)56ns MICROWIRE Output Propagation Delay (t UPD )(Note 11)220nsInput Pulse Width (Note 9)Interrupt Input High Time 1t C Interrupt Input Low Time 1t C Timer 1,2,3,Input High Time 1t C Timer 12,3,Input Low Time 1t C Reset Pulse Width1µsComparators AC and DC CharacteristicsV CC =5V,−40˚C ≤T A ≤+125˚C.ParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnits Input Offset Voltage (Note 12)0.4V ≤V IN ≤V CC −1.5V±5±25mV Input Common Mode Voltage Range 0.4V CC −1.5V Voltage Gain100dB Low Level Output Current V OL =0.4V −1.6mA High Level Output CurrentV OH =V CC −0.4V1.6mA DC Supply Current per Comparator (When Enabled)150µAResponse Time (Note 13)200mV step input 100mV Overdrive,600ns Comparator Enable Time600nsC O P 8S G F a m i l yTypical Performance Characteristics TA=25˚C(unless otherwise specified)10131749101317501013175110131752COP8SG Family4.0Pin DescriptionsThe COP8SGx I/O structure enables designers to reconfig-ure the microcontroller’s I/O functions with a single instruc-tion.Each individual I/O pin can be independently configured as output pin low,output high,input with high impedance or input with weak pull-up device.A typical example is the use of I/O pins as the keyboard matrix input lines.The input lines can be programmed with internal weak pull-ups so that the input lines read logic high when the keys are all open.With a key closure,the corresponding input line will read a logic zero since the weak pull-up can easily be overdriven.When the key is released,the internal weak pull-up will pull the input line back to logic high.This eliminates the need for external pull-up resistors.The high current options are avail-able for driving LEDs,motors and speakers.This flexibility helps to ensure a cleaner design,with less external compo-nents and lower costs.Below is the general description of all available pins.V CC and GND are the power supply pins.All V CC and GND pins must be connected.CKI is the clock input.This can come from the Internal R/C oscillator,external,or a crystal oscillator (in conjunction with CKO).See Oscillator Description section.RESET is the master reset input.See Reset description section.Each device contains four bidirectional 8-bit I/O ports (C,G,L and F),where each individual bit may be independently configured as an input (Schmitt trigger inputs on ports L and G),output or TRI-STATE under program control.Three data memory address locations are allocated for each of these I/O ports.Each I/O port has two associated 8-bit memory mapped registers,the CONFIGURATION register and the output DATA register.A memory mapped address is also reserved for the input pins of each I/O port.(See the memory map for the various addresses associated with the I/O ports.)Figure 4shows the I/O port configurations.The DATA and CONFIGURATION registers allow for each port bit to be individually configured under software control as shown be-low:CONFIGURATIONRegisterDATA RegisterPort Set-Up00Hi-Z Input(TRI-STATE Output)01Input with Weak Pull-Up 10Push-Pull Zero Output 11Push-Pull One OutputPort L is an 8-bit I/O port.All L-pins have Schmitt triggers on the inputs.Port L supports the Multi-Input Wake Up feature on all eight pins.Port L has the following alternate pin functions:L7Multi-input Wakeup or T3B (Timer T3B Input)L6Multi-input Wakeup or T3A (Timer T3A Input)L5Multi-input Wakeup or T2B (Timer T2B Input)L4Multi-input Wakeup or T2A (Timer T2A Input)L3Multi-input Wakeup and/or RDX (USART Receive)L2Multi-input Wakeup or TDX (USART Transmit)L1Multi-input Wakeup and/or CKX (USART Clock)L0Multi-input WakeupPort G is an 8-bit port.Pin G0,G2–G5are bi-directional I/O ports.Pin G6is always a general purpose Hi-Z input.All pins have Schmitt Triggers on their inputs.Pin G1serves as thededicated WATCHDOG output with weak pullup if WATCHDOG feature is selected by the Mask Option reg-ister.The pin is a general purpose I/O if WATCHDOG feature is not selected.If WATCHDOG feature is selected,bit 1of the Port G configuration and data register does not have any effect on Pin G1setup.Pin G7is either input or output depending on the oscillator option selected.With the crystal oscillator option selected,G7serves as the dedicated output pin for the CKO clock output.With the internal R/C or the external oscillator option selected,G7serves as a gen-eral purpose Hi-Z input pin and is also used to bring the device out of HALT mode with a low to high transition on G7.Since G6is an input only pin and G7is the dedicated CKO clock output pin (crystal clock option)or general purpose input (R/C or external clock option),the associated bits in the data and configuration registers for G6and G7are used for special purpose functions as outlined below.Reading the G6and G7data bits will return zeroes.Each device will be placed in the HALT mode by writing a “1”to bit 7of the Port G Data Register.Similarly the device will be placed in the IDLE mode by writing a “1”to bit 6of the Port G Data Register.Writing a “1”to bit 6of the Port G Configuration Register enables the MICROWIRE/PLUS to operate with the alter-nate phase of the SK clock.The G7configuration bit,if set high,enables the clock start up delay after HALT when the R/C clock configuration is used.Config.Reg.Data Reg.G7CLKDLY HALT G6Alternate SKIDLEPort G has the following alternate features:G7CKO Oscillator dedicated output or general purposeinputG6SI (MICROWIRE Serial Data Input)G5SK (MICROWIRE Serial Clock)G4SO (MICROWIRE Serial Data Output)G3T1A (Timer T1I/O)G2T1B (Timer T1Capture Input)G1WDOUT WATCHDOG and/or CLock Monitor if WATCH-DOG enabled,otherwise it is a general purpose I/O G0INTR (External Interrupt Input)Port C is an 8-bit I/O port.The 40-pin device does not have a full complement of Port C pins.The unavailable pins are not terminated.A read operation on these unterminated pins will return unpredictable values.The 28pin device do not offer Port C.On this device,the associated Port C Data and Configuration registers should not be used.Port F is an 8-bit I/O port.The 28--pin device does not have a full complement of Port F pins.The unavailable pins are not terminated.A read operation on these unterminated pins will return unpredictable values.Port F1–F3are used for Comparator 1.Port F4–F6are used for Comparator 2.The Port F has the following alternate features:F6COMP2OUT (Comparator 2Output)F5COMP2+IN (Comparator 2Positive Input)F4COMP2-IN (Comparator 2Negative Input)F3COMP1OUT (Comparator 1Output)F2COMP1+IN (Comparator 1Positive Input)F1COMP1-IN (Comparator 1Negative Input)C O P 8S G F a m i l y。
XHS151114SW47P42-01 A2
SPECIFICATIONMICRO SPEAKERCUSTOMER:Haosheng P/N:XHS151114SW47P42-01CUSTOMER P/N:DATE: 2015-9-19APPROVER CHECKER DESIGNERCUSTOMER APPROVERSIGNATURE DATEJIASHAN HAOSHENG ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD.Add:HaoSheng Technology Building,NO.328,Huimin,Jiashan,Zhejiang,P.R.China 314112TEL:86-573-84645930 84646197Fax:86-573-84646190E-mail: services@.TEL:86-573-84645930 、84646197FAX:86-573-84646190TYPE NO.XHS151114SW47P42-01 Issue:A/2E-mail: services@.EnvironmentalHF RoHS√REACHRequirementRevisionNo Date Page Description Signupdate Lzm 12015.9.18 6/15SPECupdate Lzm2/15SPEC2 2015.9.19Table of ContentsNo.Item Page1Product Outline 2/152Electroacoustic Characteristics 2/153General Reliability 3/154 Mechanical Layout and Dimensions 4,5,6,7/15Setup 8/155 MeasuringFrequency 9/156 ResonanceResponse 10/157 Frequency8 Total Harmonic Distortion 11/159 ApplicationNote 12,13,14/1510 Package 15/15TEL:86-573-84645930 、84646197FAX:86-573-84646190E-mail: services@.TYPE NO.XHS151114SW47P42-01 Issue:A/2 1. Product Outline1-1. Scope This specification is a typical speaker unit for telephone handset1-2. Dimensions As shown in figure 11-3. Net Weight Approx 1.3 grams1-4. Operating TemperatureRange-30°C to +70°C without loss of function1-5. Storage TemperatureRange-40°C to +85°C (Note: Return to ambient room temperature before using) 2. Electroacoustic Characteristics2-1. Test Setup Measuring instrument as shown in Figure 72-2. Impedance DC:7.2 ± 15% ohmAC:8 ± 15% ohm ( at 2.5 KHz,1V input )2-3.Sound Pressure Level 89.5±3dB SPL /0.7W/10cm at 3kHz in 1cc boxSpeaker shall be mounted in a baffle with minimum dimensions of 80cm x 100cm. See Figure 8.2-4.Frequency Response See Figure 11, Table 1Test at 2.36V/10 cm with the speaker mounted in 1cc measure box in a baffle.2-5. Resonance Frequency 800±15% Hz in 1cc Box. See Figure 102-6. Input Power (Rated. /Max.) Rated Power: 0.7W (in 1cc box) Maximum Power: 1.0W (in 1cc box)2-7.Rub and Buzz The input power shall be set at 0.7W. Using an audio oscillator, sweep from300 to 5000 Hz with the speaker mounted in 1cc measure box and in a baffle.There shall be no buzzes, rattles, nor spurious noises.2-8.THD See Figure12 , Table 2Test at0.7W/10 cm with the speaker mounted in 1cc measure box in a baffle.2-9.Polarity When a DC source’s “+” polarity is attached to speaker’s “+” polarity,“-“ polarity is attached speaker’s “-“ polarity ,the membrane will move forward .(Figure 4)4.6 Date Code(Figure 6)TEL:86-573-84645930 、84646197FAX:86-573-84646190TYPE NO.XHS151114SW47P42-01 Issue:A/2 E-mail: services@.5. Measuring Setup(Figure 7)(Figure 8)TEL:86-573-84645930 、84646197FAX:86-573-84646190TYPE NO. XHS151114SW47P42-01 Issue:A/2 E-mail: services@.6. Resonance Frequency(Figure 9)(Figure 10)TEL:86-573-84645930 、84646197FAX:86-573-84646190TYPE NO.XHS151114SW47P42-01 Issue:A/2 E-mail: services@.7. Frequency Response(Figure 11)Table 1:Tolerance Limits Data for FRFrequency(Hz) Upper Limits(dB)Frequency(Hz) Lower Limits(dB)30078 3006778098 85088120098 100090250092.5 225086.5450094 4500867000101 80008810000110TEL:86-573-84645930 、84646197FAX:86-573-84646190TYPE NO.XHS151114SW47P42-01 Issue:A/2 E-mail: services@.8. Total Harmonic Distortion(Figure 12)Table 2: Limits Data for THDFrequency(Hz) Limits300 40400 35500 25700 101000 102000 58000 5TEL:86-573-84645930 、84646197FAX:86-573-84646190TYPE NO.XHS151114SW47P42-01 Issue:A/2E-mail: services@.9. Application Note1.Air tight is needed between front cover of speaker and housing, otherwise cause audioperformance's losing, such as higher THD, lower sensitivity;2.Tiny air leakage in back of speaker is permitted to keep balance of air pressure;3.For this speaker, the standard power is 0.7W in 1cc back cavity, when the back cavity is less ormore than the standard volume of back cavity, the handling power also will be changed. See below figure about the relationship between power handling and back volume, here the power is excursion limited power; the thermal power should be evaluated, especially in small back cavity, such as 0.5cc. And the recommend minumum back volume is 0.5cc.4.If the power higher than 0.7W input the speaker in standard back cavity, there is the risk ofdamaging speaker. In case of the back volume larger than 1cc, i.e. 1.5cc, the power handing of the speaker is pretty low. To maintain the rated power as 0.7W, we suggest adding thicker mesh with more acoustic resistance on the cover to reduce the vibration amplitude, or using electric filter to attenuate the maximum vibration amplitude.(Figure 13)TEL:86-573-84645930 、84646197FAX:86-573-84646190TYPE NO.XHS151114SW47P42-01 Issue:A/2E-mail: services@.5.Resonance frequency VS sealed back volumeT he resonance frequency of the speaker box will vary with different sealed back volume.(Figure 14)6. T/S parametersThiele-Small Parameters: The following Thiele-Small Parameters are guidelines from a speaker exhibiting good audio performance.Fs 431.4 HzRe 7.17 ohmsSd 1.08 cm^2Bl 0.642 T.mVas 2.8 ccCms 1.696 mm/NMms 80 mgQms 2.619Qes 3.779Qt 1.547TEL:86-573-84645930 、84646197FAX:86-573-84646190TYPE NO.XHS151114SW47P42-01 Issue:A/2 E-mail: services@.7.Peak to peak excursionXp-p in different power input(Figure 15)。
Mimaki Engineering Co., Ltd印刷油墨LUS17-W-BA产品说明书
化学品安全技术说明书修訂: 2020/02/10产品名:LUS-170 WHITE企业名称:Mimaki Engineering Co., Ltd住址:2182-3 Shigeno-otsu, Tomi-shi, Nagano389-0512 Japan 电话:+81-268-64-2413進口商/分銷商:上海御牧貿易有限公司住址:上海市桂平路555号45幢1楼电话号码:+86-21-3367-6651紧急电话号码:+86-532-83889090推荐用途:喷墨打印机的墨水颜料使用限制:不明GHS危险性类别急性毒性-经口:类别4急性毒性-经皮肤:类别5皮肤腐蚀/刺激:类别2严重眼损伤/眼刺激:类别1皮肤致敏物质:类别1A生殖毒性:类别1B特异性靶器官毒性反复接触:类别1对水环境的急性危害:类别2对水环境的慢性危害:类别2GHS标签要素危险危险性说明H302 吞咽有害。
H313 皮肤接触可能有害。
H315 造成皮肤刺激。
H318 造成严重眼损伤。
H317 可能造成皮肤过敏反应。
H360 可能对生育能力或胎儿造成伤害。
化学品安全技术说明书修訂: 2020/02/10 H372 长期或反复接触会对器官造成损害。
H411 对水生生物有毒并具有长期持续影响。
预防性说明预防措施P201 在使用前获取特别提示。
P202 在读懂所有安全防范措施之前切勿搬动。
P260 不要吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸气/喷雾。
P264 作业后彻底清洗。
P270 使用本产品时不得进食、饮水或吸烟。
P272 受沾染的工作服不得带出工作场地。
P273 避免释放到环境中。
P280 戴防护手套/穿防护服/戴防护眼罩/戴防护面具。
事故响应P301+P310 如误吞咽:立即呼叫解毒中心/医生。
(P301)+P330 (如误吞咽):漱口。
P302+P352 如皮肤沾染:用大量肥皂和水清洗。
P305+P351+P338 如进入眼睛:用水小心冲洗几分钟。
液压注意 – 用户方责任 错误或不当地选择或使用本样本或有关资料阐述的产品,可能会导致人生伤亡及财产损失! 本样本以及其它由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司、销售公司与授权分销商所提供的资料,仅供用户专业技术人员在对产品和系统的选型进行深入调查考证时参考。
目录目录页次概述 1 订货代号 2 技术参数 4 变量控制器 5 控制选项 “C”, 压力限定(恒压)变量控制器 5 控制选项 “L”, 负载传感及压力限定变量控制器 6 控制选项 “AM”, 带遥控口的标准型先导式压力限定变量控制器 7 控制选项 “AN”, 带ISO 4401 NG06先导阀安装界面的先导式压力限定变量控制器 8 控制选项 “AE”及“AF”, 带电磁比例调节的先导式压力限定变量控制器 9 控制选项 “AMT”, “ALT”及“LOT”, 带最高压力限定的扭矩限定(恒功率)变量控制器 10 P1性能特性 11典型流量特性 11 典型总效率特性 13 典型轴输入功率特性 15 典型噪声特性 18 典型轴承寿命 20 PD性能特性 22典型流量特性 22 典型总效率特性 24 典型轴输入功率特性 26 典型噪声特性 29 典型轴承寿命 31 安装尺寸 33 P1/PD 018 33 P1/PD 028 36 P1/PD 045 40 P1/PD 060 44 P1/PD 075 49 P1/PD 100 54 P1/PD 140 59 变量控制器安装尺寸 65 可提供的扩展的液压产品 75派克汉尼汾备记派克汉尼汾概述简介, 优点派克汉尼汾简介 • 开式回路用轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 • 中压,连续工作压力280 bar • 高驱动转速型,适用于行走机械; 低噪声型,适用于工业应用 • 静音及高效的控制效能 优点 • 总结构尺寸紧凑 • 低噪声• 流量脉动小,进一步降低噪声• 采用弹性密封,不使用密封垫,从而避免外泄漏的产生• 总效率高,功耗小,减小发热• 采用带无泄漏调节装的简单变量控制器 • 符合SAE 及ISO 标准的安装法兰及油口 • 采用圆锥滚柱轴承,使用寿命长 • 全功率后驱动能力• 后部或侧面油口配置可选• 泄油口的配置对水平安装及驱动轴向上垂直安装均适用• 带有最大及最小排量调节选项 • 具有壳体至吸口单向阀选项,可延长轴封寿命 • 使用、维修方便 脉动容腔技术下列图表所示为侧向油口配置P1/PD 18, 28及45泵采用 “脉动容腔” 技术的效果,脉动容腔可降低泵出口处的压力脉动幅值40-60%,这样,无需增加成本来加装噪声缓冲元件,便可大大降低液压系统的整体噪声,P1系列 PD 系列出口压力p / bar平均压力脉动 / b a rP1 045出口压力脉动2600 rpm 无脉动容腔2600 rpm 带脉动容腔订货代号18 ml, 28 ml, 45ml派克汉尼汾P 类型 01 驱动轴 转向R 5密封材料E 油口配置0 壳体-吸口 单向阀 0 排量调节 018 排量 S 安装法兰 及油口 S 轴封 M 应用范围A 设计系列0 通轴驱动选项 C0控制选项0附加控制选项 00油漆 00修改代号系列 P D * 仅适用于045排量, “S”型安装法兰及油口00 标准型, 无修改M2 按要求修改 代号修改代号 * 适用于028及045排量 ** 仅适用于045排量 代号设计系列 A 现行设计系列5 氟碳橡胶 (FPM) 代号密封材料 A 82-2 SAE A M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 3/8” 101-2 SAE B M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” 101-2SAE B M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”B ISO M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”,3/8”ISO M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”代号 018排量 028排量 045排量 安装法兰及油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装法兰螺纹油口法兰 油口辅助 油口 S 82-2 SAE A SAE 16/12 SAE 4/6 101-2 SAE B SAE 20/12 SAE 4/8 101-2SAE B SAE 24/16Ø38/2561系列SAE 4/10M ISO M33x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M16x1.5 ISO M42x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M22x1.5 ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25M12x1.5M22x1.5代号 018驱动轴 028驱动轴 045驱动轴 01 SAE A 11T 花键SAE B-B 15T 花键 SAE B-B 15T 花键02 SAE 19-1平键Ø0.75” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” 08— SAE B 13T 花键 SAE B 13T 花键 04 ISO/DIN 平键, Ø20ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25 06 SAE A 9T 花键— — PD 工业液压用 代号 系列P1 行走机械用 代号 排量 018 18 ml/rev (1.10 in 3/rev) 028 28 ml/rev (1.71 in 3/rev) 045 45 ml/rev (2.75 in 3/rev) 代号 类型 P 开式回路用变量柱塞泵 U*通用 代号应用范围 S 工业液压 (PD) M 行走机械 (P1) R 顺时针 (右转)L 逆时针 (左转)代号 转向 代号 轴封 S 单唇轴封 * 并不具有控制功能,仅在运输时予以防护,详情见第7页的控制说明。
什么是 QC 080000 ?
此标准及其要求之概念系基于”无有害物质产品及制程若能有效地 与管理原则整合” 建立在ISO 9001:2000版体系中,期以完整、系统化及透明的流程 管理及控制来达成HSF目标。 ISO 9001:2000版提供企业及品质管理体系一最佳蓝图,而QC 080000之撰写期与此蓝图结合。 EEC & P HSF强化ISO规范的原则及实务,并将其应用导入至有害 物质的管理。 QC 080000由产业会员所组成,提供一完整责任架构,以采取行动 。
QC 080000 标准 量测、分析及改善
审查HSF不符合情形(包括顾客抱怨) 决定不符合的原因 评估矫正措施需求以确保HSF不符合不再发生
决定与实施必要的措施 记录采行措施的结果 审查所采行之矫正措施 管理审查时,提报所有HSF矫正措施之状态
QC 080000 标准 一般要求
组织应: 鉴别及文件化所有组织使用的有害物质 鉴别与HSF目标相关并应管理的特定流程 采取措施以确保达成HSF之持续流程改善 建立流程以限制及/或去除产品及流程中有害物质的使用 建构组织内所使用的有害物质清单 适切的HSF政策声明与目标,包括所有有害物质的使用 及排除时程 在组织品质手册中订定HSF流程管理计划、目标及与 HSF相关的书面程序
QC 080000 标准 设计及开发
在规划设计时,任何限用物质之使用须在文件中加以 鉴别,并有计划以管制及最终取代/削减 当设计需要使用限用物质时,应发展一书面程序以管 制、鉴别、监督与量测其过程/产品,包括外包产品
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第 1 章 概
■概 要
FSG80燒嘴控制器R4780(以下簡稱本機)是針對熱焼量在350kW以上的油専焼、氣専焼 或油氣混焼的間歇式燃焼裝置的安全自動運行的程序燃焼安全控制器,備有各種優 秀的功能。 ・順序的進行狀態在狀態顯示部上顯示。 ・設計有當閥、點火變壓器等接地時的地絡檢測回路,對電源極性採取安全對策*。 ・根據副火焰單獨確認時間,火焰監測器檢測到點火火花時也能安全動作。 ・採用了啟動安全回路,所以即使有內外部的回路故障或疑似火焰信號,也不會啟動。 ・發生切斷燃燒的場合,採用只有進行手動復位才能再啟動的構造。 ・可進行燃焼的3位置控制或比例控制。 *:電源極性的安全對策 本機中備有地絡檢測回路。即使電源上沒有高電位與接地側,當檢測到由於點火變 壓器、副閥、主閥等負荷的絶縁不良等原因產生地絡時,對裝置進行安全切斷並切斷 燃燒。
您購買的產品R4780構成如下。 産品開箱時,請確認以下事項。 1.檢查型號以確定與您訂購的産品無差錯 2.檢查外觀確認産品有無破損 3.檢查附屬品是否俱全 開箱後請注意不要遺失或損壞附屬品。 萬一有差錯或異常時,請立即與銷售店聯繫。
品 本體 名 型 號 數量 1 備 注
■ 設備計裝上的注意事項 在設計及選擇安全燃燒裝置所使用的設備時,請嚴格遵守以下的安全規範。 工業用加熱爐燃燒設備的安全基準相關的技術標準:厚生勞動省。 ● 工業用燃燒爐的安全通則:JIS B 8415。 ● 工業用燃氣燃燒設備的安全技術指標:日本燃氣協會。 ● 燃氣鍋爐燃燒設備的安全技術指標:日本燃氣協會。
第 6 章
■ ■
KQHThe KQHSERIESKQHKQH SERIES KQH80/160-7.5/2 KQH 80 160 7.5/2 /DefinitionFor example: KQH80/160-7.5/2 KQH: Vertical single-stage chemical pump 80/: Suction and discharge nozzle nominal diameters 160-/: Impeller nominal diameter 7.5/2: Motor power / motor poleIH FApplicationsIt is a renewal decided to substitute for Model IH chemical centrifugal pump and Model F proof corrosion centrifugal pump. It is applicable to delivering the liquid which the corrosiveness and adhesiveness is similar to water in the fields of chemical industry , petroleum , metallurgy , generating electricity paper making , food , pharmacy ,synthetic-fibre and so on. 2960r/min 2.8~87m -10 ~ 80 +40oC 1.6MPa 0.5m PN16/GB4216.5 1480r/min ZG1Cr18 ZG1Cr1 8Ni9Ti 305 ZG0Cr18Ni 12Mo2Ti 306(ZG1Cr18Ni12 Mo2Ti 307 ___)HT250Material SymbolNi9 3032.2~240m3/hMaterialsThe customer can choose the material of component parts suitable for the liquid to be delivered. The material of the component parts can be chosen from the followings:Slide bearing: Sic or harden alloy Rotation and static ,ring mechanical seal; Graphite, harden alloy 7.5kWWorking conditionsSpeed: 2960r/min, 1480r/min Capacity range: 2.2~240m3/h Head range: 2.8~87m Medium temperature: -10 ~ 80 Ambient temperature: Up to +40oC Maximum working pressure: 1.6MPa The (NPSH) is the measured value, so that it should be increased by 0.5m in use. Flange PN16/GB4216.5 can be used.StructureCompact vertical single-stage chemical industry pump. It is easy that dismount the pump when the motor power more than 7.5kWGB4216.5,Rp1/4Rp3/8CasingIt has pipe joined spiral casing and uses the best hydraulic model. Suction and discharge nozzles are in one line with the same diameter. Flange accords with the standard of GB4216.5 and has Rp1/4 or Rp3/8 pressure gauge.KQHThe KQHSERIESThe outlet and inlet are same in diameter and the diameters are in the same line ,Liquid flows smoothly with less loss.ImpellerClosed stainless steel impeller. Best hydraulic model guarantees the efficiency and reliability of the pump.Removal of base plate, Just like valves, the pump can be mounted wherever on the pipe line. the most key point,save cost except convenient for replacing pump-sheft Unique in stallation reduces the occupation of pump, which saves the invest cost by 40% to 60%. Perfect design makes sure of no leakage, long life, which saves operation cost by 50% to 70%.Mechanical seal. use Single seal Unbalanced mechanical sealAdopt the high-quality stainless steel cast, which results in high accuracy in dimension and nice-looking appearance.KQH Y B5 380V, 50HZ IP44 B 40 40 7.5InstallationKQH-Pump is specially designed to install the pump directly with the pipe. If the pump will not bear any pressure in any condition, the gravity of the pump itself and the center of the pump allow all series of pumps to be installed with pipe directly. Besides this, baseplate can also be used to support. During installation, except the direction with the heads of the pump and the motor downward id not allowed, any other direction are permitted. For motor of power above 7.5 kW, we suggest to use pulley in installation.MotorY series squirrel alternating current motor Type: B5 Power source: 380V, 50HZ Protection class: IP44 Insulation: B Temperature: Maximum temperature of working environment is 40 please decrease the power. . Above 40 ,1 2 LSupply Arrange1. 2. Pump with baseplate , installation instruction. L type connection board, vibration isolated pads, vibration isolator. (Proposed by user, supply according to contract):40%~60% 50%~70%AdvantagePump unit: Pump shaft and motor shaft perfectly individual design, convenient to teardown design , make user very easy to maintain and reduce the cost. Pump shaft and motor shaft directly rigidity connection , advanced machine tooled craftwork make the two shaft entirely concentric , reduce the vibration and reduce the noise.KQHThe KQHSERIES1 2PHNotes on Order-placing:1. Name, temperature, density, concentration, treacliness should be clearly noted in the contract l, so that the manufacturer can make a proper choice of material and power of motor. 2. It should be clearly noted in the contract when special requirement, for instance, capacity, head, inlet pressure, motor voltage, freq uency, blast-proof etc, are made.KQH(7.5kw)STRUCTURE CHARTNo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1NAME Casing Impeller Casing cover Mechanical seal Water resistantring Motor Half connector Plug Screw seal pad Plug BaseplateKQH(7.5kw) STRUCTURE CHARTNo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1NAME Casing Impeller Casing cover Mechanical seal Plug Motor Half connector Water resistantring Seal plate Bracket seal mat Plug BaseplateKQH40/90-0.37/2KQH40/90-0.37/2 to KQH40/125-1.1/2-speed 2960r/minKQH40/125-1.1/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH40/140-1.1/2KQH40/140-1.1/2 to KQH40/200-4/2-speed 2960r/minKQH40/200-4/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH40/220-4/2KQH40/220-4/2 to KQH40/250-7.5/2-speed 2960r/minKQH40/250-7.5/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH50/90-0.75/2KQH50/90-0.75/2 to KQH50/125-1.5/2-speed 2960r/minKQH50/125-1.5/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH50/140-1.5/2KQH50/140-1.5/2 to KQH50/200-5.5/2-speed 2960r/minKQH50/200-5.5/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH50/220-7.5/2KQH50/220-7.5/2 to KQH50/250-11/2-speed 2960r/minKQH50/250-11/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH65/90-1.1/2KQH65/90-1.1/2 to KQH65/125-3/2-speed 2960r/minKQH65/125-3/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH65/140-3/2KQH65/140-3/2 to KQH65/200-7.5/2-speed 2960r/minKQH65/200-7.5/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH65/220-11/2KQH65/220-11/2 to KQH65/250-15/2-speed 2960r/minKQH65/250-15/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH80/90-2.2/2KQH80/90-2.2/2 to KQH80/160-7.5/2-speed 2960r/minKQH80/160-7.5/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH80/170-7.5/2KQH80/170-7.5/2 to KQH80/250-22/2-speed 2960r/minKQH80/250-22/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH100/90-4/2KQH100/90-4/2 to KQH100/160-15/2-speed 2960r/minKQH100/160-15/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH100/170-15/2KQH100/170-15/2 to KQH100/250-37/2-speed 2960r/minKQH100/250-37/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH125/90-7.5/2KQH125/90-7.5/2 to KQH125/160-22/2-speed 2960r/minKQH125/160-22/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH125/170-22/2KQH125/170-22/2 to KQH125/250-55/2-speed 2960r/minKQH125/250-55/2-2960r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH40/100-0.12/4KQH40/100-0.12/4 to KQH40/160-0.25/4-speed 1480r/minKQH40/160-0.25/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH40/185-0.37/4KQH40/185-0.37/4 to KQH40/250-1.1/4-speed 1480r/minKQH40/250-1.1/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH50/100-0.12/4KQH50/100-0.12/4 to KQH50/160-0.55/4-speed 1480r/minKQH50/160-0.55/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH50/185-0.55/4KQH50/185-0.55/4 to KQH50/250-1.5/4-speed 1480r/minKQH50/250-1.5/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH65/100-0.25/4KQH65/100-0.25/4 to KQH65/160-0.55/4-speed 1480r/minKQH65/160-0.55/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH65/185-0.75/4KQH65/185-0.75/4 to KQH65/250-2.2/4-speed 1480r/minKQH65/250-2.2/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH80/100-0.37/4KQH80/100-0.37/4 to KQH80/160-1.1/4-speed 1480r/minKQH80/160-1.1/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH80/185-1.5/4KQH80/185-1.5/4 to KQH80/250-3/4-speed 1480r/minKQH80/250-3/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH100/100-0.75/4KQH100/100-0.75/4 to KQH100/160-2.2/4-speed 1480r/minKQH100/160-2.2/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH100/185-2.2/4KQH100/185-2.2/4 to KQH100/250-5.5/4-speed 1480r/minKQH100/250-5.5/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH125/125-2.2/4KQH125/125-2.2/4 to KQH125/160-4/4-speed 1480r/minKQH125/160-4/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH125/185-4/4KQH125/185-4/4 to KQH125/250-11/4-speed 1480r/minKQH125/250-11/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH125/285-7.5/4KQH125/285-7.5/4 to KQH125/400-30/4-speed 1480r/minKQH125/400-30/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH150/185-4/4KQH150/185-4/4 to KQH150/250-18.5/4-speed 1480r/minKQH150/250-18.5/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLEKQH150/285-18.5/4KQH150/285-18.5/4 to KQH150/400-45/4-speed 1480r/minKQH150/400-45/4-1480r/minPERFORMANCE TABLEPERFORMANCE TABLEDIMENSION TABLE1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 6KQH 40 KQH 50 KQH 65 KQH 80 KQH 100 KQH 125 KQH 40 KQH 50 KQH 65 KQH 80 KQH 100 KQH 125 KQH 1502960r/min ................................................................................................. 6-8 2960r/min ............................................................................................... 9-11 2960r/min ............................................................................................. 12-14 2960r/min ............................................................................................. 15-16 2960r/min ............................................................................................. 17-18 2960r/min ............................................................................................. 19-20 1480r/min ............................................................................................. 21-22 1480r/min ............................................................................................. 23-24 1480r/min ............................................................................................. 25-26 1480r/min ............................................................................................. 27-28 1480r/min ............................................................................................. 29-30 1480r/min ............................................................................................. 31-33 1480r/min ............................................................................................. 34-35。
SSP467_途锐V8 TDI 发动机
4.2 l 共轨燃油喷射系统 V8 TDI 发动机
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Bosch 共轨燃油喷射系统、压电式喷油器 最高喷油压力可达 2000 bar 柴油微粒过滤器 / 氧化催化转换器 带转速传感器的涡轮增压器 创新的热管理系统 (ITM) 低温废气再循环系统 容积可控式机油泵 按需求控制的燃油输送装置 利用超声波测量的机油油位 / 温度传感器
发动机代码 类型 排量 缸径 冲程 每缸气门数 压缩比 最大输出功率 kW 最大扭矩 发动机管理系统 燃油 排气净化系统 CKDA 8- 缸 V 型发动机 4134 cm3 83.0 mm 95.5 mm 16.4 : 1 250 kW/4000 rpm 800 Nm/1750 rpm 2750 rpm Bosch EDC 17 符合 DIN EN590 标准的柴油 废气再循环装置 氧催化转换器 柴油微粒过滤器 EURO 5 239 g/km 扭矩 (Nm) 发动机转速 (rpm) S467_026 4 扭矩 (Nm) 功率和扭矩图
创新的热管理系统 (ITM) 首次用于新 VW Touareg。该系统可在发动机、变速箱和车厢之间合理分配发动机产生 的热量。为了以一种理想的方式分配热量,根据车厢、发动机和变速箱的热需求量及优先权开发了新的软件。 核心部件是发动机控制单元中的热管理装置。确保车厢有舒适的温度,优化热量利用率,将发动机摩擦降至最小 程度。空调与变速箱控制单元通过 CAN 数据总线将热需求量信号传到发动机控制单元,发动机控制单元对空调、 变速箱和发动机热需求量进行加权计算,然后,再根据需要激活各个不同 ITM 部件。 4.2 l V8 TDI 发动机的 ITM 由以下部件组成:
Vickers Vane Pumps AX438765616836en-000101 4535VQ型
Revised 10–01–89Service and Parts ManualI–3173–SVane Type Double Pump4535VQ Series - 20 DesignVickers ®Vane PumpsAX438765616836en-0001012270679 COVER‘‘O’’ RING OUTLET SUPPORT PLATESEAL PACK (4 REQ ’D)FLEX-SIDE –PLATE KITROTORVANE KIT (10 VANES &10 INSERTS)RINGINLET SUPPORT PLATE THESE PARTS ARE INCLUDED IN CARTRIDGE KITBACK-UPRINGSEAL RING ‘‘O’’ RINGCART .KITF3CART .KIT416435421234416436421233416437419511421954419510421955419509PIN (2REQ ’D)SCREW (2REQ ’D)MODEL4535VQ42A 4535VQ47A4535VQ50A 4535VQ57A 4535VQ60A380109422208430807S/A 433768S/A923954283871922701295710297718297502306772297503425510154107419675154087588509INSTALL SEAL RING IN BODY OR COVER, THEN INSTALL CARTRIDGE KIT.NOTE : FLEX SIDEPLATE KITS INCLUDE (4) F3 SEAL PACKS.SHAFT NO.TYPE SHAFT P/N SEC.SHAFT SEALKEY 11186114STR. KEYED SPLINE STR. KEYED HEAVY DUTY SPLINE289083289084361763413027429282217596239751ASSEMBLE SEAL WITH SPRING TOWARD BEARING.ASSEMBLE SEAL FLUSH TO PILOT FACE WITH SPRING FACING INWARD AS SHOWN.194878 WASHER394974PRIMARY SHAFT SEALSECONDARY SHAFT SEAL(SEE TABLE ) (USE ON ‘S ’ FLANGE MOUNTED MODELS ONLY .)TORQUE TO105 LB. IN. (12 N.m) 5 LB. IN. (0.5 N.m)NOTEBRONZE FACES MUST BE INSTALLED TOWARD THE ROTOR.942356 BODY S/AMOUNTING ASSEMBLY 4535VQ**A**F-***-20(*)INCLUDED IN FOOT BRACKET KIT NO.SCREW (2 REQ ’D)MOUNTING BRACKET FB-C-10205533205077SCREW (SEE TABLE)102949 RETAINING RING 158630 SPIROLOX RING 131812 BEARING4Model CodeRotation(Viewed from shaft end of pump)L – Left hand (CCW rotation)Omitted for right hand rotation 7611USgpm capacity (Cover end pump)21– 21 USgpm 25– 25 USgpm 30– 30 USgpm35– 35 USgpm 38– 38 USgpmSAE rating 1200 rpm –100 psi (7 bar)MountingF – Foot (Single shaft seal)S – Flange (Double shaft seal)Omitted for ange, single shaft seal assembly.CA – # 2 outlet – Opposite inletCB – # 2 outlet – 90 CCW from inlet CC – # 2 outlet – Inline with inlet CD – # 2 outlet – 90 CW from inlet With # 1 outlet 90 CW from inlet:DA – # 2 outlet – Opposite inletDB – # 2 outlet – 90 CCW from inlet DC – # 2 outlet – Inline with inlet DD – # 2 outlet – 90 CW from inletMounting282– SAE 2–bolt mounting 283– Foot mountingCover end cartridge R. H. Rotation Shaft end cartridge R. H. RotationStandard right hand shaft rotation cartridges shown. Reverse for left hand rotation; refer to note.Sharp Edges of Vane Must Lead in Direction of Rotation To reverse cartridge kit rotation,remove the two screws and reverse the location of the inlet support plate and the outlet support plate. Reinstall the two screws hand tight. Use pump cover to align all sections of the cartridge. Carefully remove the cover and tighten the screws.Sharp Edges of Vane Must Lead in Direction of Rotation10Design12For satisfactory service life of these components, use full ow ltration to provide uid which meets ISO cleanliness code 16/13or cleaner. Selections from pressure, return, and in-line lter series are recommended.NOTENOTEDanfoss Power Solutions is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality hydraulic and electric components. We specialize in providing state-of-the-art technology and solutions that excel in the harsh operating conditions of the mobile off-highway market as well as the marine sector. Building on our extensive applications expertise, we work closely with you to ensure exceptional performance for a broad range of applications. We help you and other customers around the world speed up system development, reduce costs and bring vehicles and vessels to market faster.Danfoss Power Solutions – your strongest partner in mobile hydraulics and mobile electrification.Go to for further product information.We offer you expert worldwide support for ensuring the best possible solutions foroutstanding performance. And with an extensive network of Global Service Partners, we also provide you with comprehensive global service for all of our components.Local address:DanfossPower Solutions GmbH & Co. OHG Krokamp 35D-24539 Neumünster, Germany Phone: +49 4321 871 0DanfossPower Solutions ApS Nordborgvej 81DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark Phone: +45 7488 2222DanfossPower Solutions (US) Company 2800 East 13th Street Ames, IA 50010, USA Phone: +1 515 239 6000DanfossPower Solutions Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Building #22, No. 1000 Jin Hai Rd Jin Qiao, Pudong New District Shanghai, China 201206Phone: +86 21 2080 6201Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequent changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.Products we offer:•Cartridge valves •DCV directional control valves•Electric converters •Electric machines •Electric motors •Gear motors •Gear pumps •Hydraulic integrated circuits (HICs)•Hydrostatic motors •Hydrostatic pumps •Orbital motors •PLUS+1® controllers •PLUS+1® displays •PLUS+1® joysticks and pedals•PLUS+1® operator interfaces•PLUS+1® sensors •PLUS+1® software •PLUS+1® software services,support and training •Position controls and sensors•PVG proportional valves •Steering components and systems •TelematicsHydro-GearDaikin-Sauer-Danfoss。
7711Flame detector QRA4…UV flame detector for use with burner controls from Siemens for the supervisionof gas or oil flames.The QRA4... and this Data Sheet are intended for use by OEMs which integratethe flame detectors in their products.UseThe flame detector is used for the supervision of gas flames, yellow- or blue-burning oilflames and for ignition spark proving in intermittent operation.The QRA4... is for use with the following types of burner control:QRA4.U QRA4M.U Burner control Data Sheet●--- LFL... N7451●--- LFE1... N7461●--- LFE10... N7781●--- LGB2... / LGB4... with AGQ1... N7435●--- LME21...C2 / LME22...C2 with AGQ3... N7101●--- LME39...C2 with AGQ3... N7106●--- LME41...C2 / LME44...C2 with AGQ3... N7101●--- LME7... N7105●●LMV26.300... with AGM60.1... N7547●●LMV27.100… N7541●●LMV36.520... with AGM60.4... N7544●●LMV37.4… N7546●--- LMV5... with AGQ1... N7550Other burner controls on request.Building Technologies Division CC1N7711enWarning noteswarning notes must be observed!Do not open, interfere with or modify the flame detector!Siemens will not as-sume responsibility for damage resulting from unauthorized interference!∙All activities (mounting, installation and service work, etc.) must be performed byqualified personnel∙Before making any wiring changes in the connection area, completely isolate theplant from mains supply (all-polar disconnection). Ensure that the plant cannot beinadvertently switched on again and that it is indeed dead. If not observed, there isa risk of electric shock hazard.∙Ensure protection against electric shock hazard by providing adequate protectionfor the connection terminals. If this is not observed, there is a risk of electric shock∙Each time work has been carried out (mounting, installation, service work, etc.),check to ensure that wiring is in an orderly state. If this is not observed, there is arisk of loss of safety functions and a risk of electric shock∙Halogen lamps, welding equipment, special lamps or ignition sparks may producesufficient radiation for the detector’s UV cell to ignite. X-rays and gamma radiationcan also generate erroneous flame signals. If this is not observed, there is a riskof loss of safety functions∙Fall or shock can adversely affect the safety functions. Such detectors must not beput into operation, even if they do not exhibit any damage. If this is not observed,there is a risk of loss of safety functions and a risk of electric shockMounting notes∙Ensure that the relevant national safety regulations are complied withInstallation notes∙Always run the high-voltage ignition cables separate while observing the greatestpossible distance to the detector and to other cablesElectrical connection of the flame detectorIt is important to achieve practically disturbance- and loss-free signal transmission:∙Never run the detector cable together with other cables– Line capacitance reduces the magnitude of the flame signal– Use a separate cable∙Observe the permissible lengths of the detector cable (refer to «Technical data» ofburner control / basic documentation used)∙The connecting wires must be run through protective tubing (made of plastic orearthed metal)2/6Commissioning notesTrouble-free burner operation is ensured only when the intensity of UV radiation at thedetector’s location is high enough for the detector’s UV cell to ignite during each halfwave. The intensity of UV radiation at the detector’s location is checked by measur-ing the detector current (refer to Data Sheet of the respective burner control)weißrot1) Connection of microammeter across adapter AGQ1... / AGQ2... / AGQ3... and flame detectorA Incidence of radiationM Microammeter (DC), internal resistance ≤5,000 ΩC Electrolytic capacitor 100...470 µF, DC 10...25 VStandards and certificatesNote!Only in connection with burner controls!EAC Conformity mark (Eurasian Conformity mark)ISO 9001:2008ISO 14001:2004OHSAS 18001:2007China RoHSHazardous substances table:/download?A6V10883536Service notesThe UV cell is glued inside the housing and cannot be removed. When the end of theUV cell’s service life is reached, the complete flame detector must be replaced.Disposal notesThe flame detector contains electrical and electronic components and must not be dis-posed of together with domestic waste.Local and currently valid legislation must be observed.Mechanical designUV flame detector for frontal illumination. Housing made of aluminum, with ¾“-14NPSMconnecting thread for fitting the detector to the burner or boiler. Connecting wires ofabout 1.8 m length for the electrical connection. ½“-14NPSM thread for a fitting, re-quired for the connection of a Menzel tube for protecting the connecting wires (½“ con-duit).Measuring circuitfor QRA4...LegendFlame detector QRA4...3/64/6OrderingArticle no. Type Sensitivity BPZ:QRA4.UQRA4.UNormalBPZ:QRA4M.U QRA4M.U HighWhen ordering, please give the complete type reference according.Product no. DesignationAGG02 Heat insulation glass with spring washer and O-ringAGG04 MountingcouplingAdapter of QRA4...-NPSM thread for a European pipe thread (G1").AGG04QRA4...7711z01e/10133/8” cooling air supplyAGG15 Heat insulating piece between QRA4... and mounting couplingAGG04.AGG15QRA4...7711z02/1113Heat insulating pieceAGG04 AGG15Accessories5/6Technical data Average life of UV cellApprox. 10,000 hours at max. +50 °C, higher ambient temperatures reduce con-siderably the cell’s life Perm. combustion chamber pressure Max. 150 mbarDegree of protection IP54 (to be ensured through mounting) Mounting position OptionalWeightApprox. 180 g Device safety classII (double-insulated)Length of connecting wires- QRA4... Approx. 180 g - AGG02 Approx. 10 g - AGG04 Approx. 270 g - AGG15Approx. 100 gConduit for protective sleeve (Menzel sleeve) ½“-14NPSM threadStorage IEC 60721-3-1 Climatic conditions Class 1K3 Mechanical conditions Class 1M2 Temperature range -20...60 °CHumidity <95% r.h. Transport Climatic conditionsMechanical conditionsTemperature rangeHumidityIEC 60721-3-2Class 2K3 Class 2M2 -20...60 °C <95% r.h. Operation Climatic conditionsMechanical conditionsTemperature rangeHumidityIEC 60721-3-3Class 3K5 Class 3M5 -20...60 °C <95% r.h. Installation altitude Max. 2,000 m above sea levelCaution!Condensation, formation of ice and ingress of water are not permitted!If this is not observed, there is a risk of loss of safety functions and a risk of electric shock.FunctionWith this type of flame supervision, the UV radiation emitted by gas or oil flames is used to generate the flame signal.The radiation detector is a UV-sensitive cell with 2 electrodes, which ignite when illumi-nated with radiation in the 190...270 nm range of the spectrum, thereby triggering a current in the flame detector circuit.The UV cell does not respond to glowing firebrick in the combustion chamber or to daylight.General detector dataEnvironmental conditions6/6DimensionsDimensions in mm Thread1/2”-14NPSMThread3/4" - 14 N P S MFlame detector QRA4...Heat insulation glass AGG02Mounting coupling AGG042009 Siemens Building Technologies HVAC Products GmbH 2016 Siemens AG Building Technologies Division, Berliner Ring 23, D-76437 Rastatt Subject to change!。
Parker Hannifin DSH084 4-way Spool Valves 说明书
Omit Nitrile V Fluorocarbon
Omit L
Cartridge without Coil
14 Watt
Omit T
Without Manual Override
Push & Twist Manual Override
D010 10 VDC
DIN 43650
D012 12 VDC
Double Spade
D024 24 VDC
Double Screw
A120 120 VAC
W Double Wire
A240 240 VAC
WP Waterproof Double Wire
Notes: See Series 08 Coil Data Sheet. For other coil voltages and terminations, consult factory. S8 Coil applies to all terminations except WP. SW8 Coil applies to WP termination only.
Nitrile Seal Kit: DSH084 — SK08-4
Fluorocarbon Seal Kit: DSH084 — SK08-4V
Coil Wattage Coil Termination
Code Type
14 Watts
Coil Voltage
Code Description
Click to Go to SECTION Table of ContentsClick to Go to CATALOG Table of Contents 7Catalog EPS 5370/USAPiston Seal E4 ProfileE4 Cross-SectionE4 Profile, Rounded Lip Pneumatic U-cup Piston SealParker’s E4 profile is a non-symmetrical piston seal designed to seal both lubricated and non-lubricated air. To ensure that critical surfaces retain lubrication, the radius edge of the lip is designed to hydroplane over pre-lubricated surfaces. The standard compound for the E4 profile is Parker proprietary Nitroxile ® Extreme Low Friction (“ELF”) compound N4274A85. This compound is formulated with proprietary internallubricants to provide extreme low friction and excellent wear resistance. This compound provides extended cycle life over standard nitrile and carboxylated nitrile compounds.Technical DataStandard TemperaturePressure Surface Materials RangeRange† Speed N4274A85 -10°F to +250°F 250 psi < 3 ft/s (-23°C to +121°C) (17 bar) (1 m/s)N4180A80 -40°F to +250°F 250 psi < 3 ft/s (-40°C to +121°C) (17 bar) (1 m/s)V4208A90 -5°F to +400°F 250 psi < 3 ft/s (-21°C to +204°C) (17 bar) (1 m/s)P5065A88 -70°F to +200°F 250 psi < 3 ft/s(-57°C to +93°C)(17 bar)(1 m/s)Alternate Materials: For applications that may require an alternate material, please contact your local Parker representative.†Pressure Range without wear rings. If used with wear rings, see Table 2-4, page 2-5.E4 installed in Piston Gland7Table 7-19. E4 Profile4-Digit Material CodeExample: 4274 = 85A Niroxile®Example: 2.125 x 1000 = 02125 Gland Dimensions — E4 ProfileTable 7-20. E4 Profile — Piston Gland Calculation*If used with wear rings, refer to wear ring piston diameter, see Section 9. For custom groove calculations, see Appendix C. Above table reflects recommended cross-sections for bore diameters shown. Alternate cross-sections and additionalsizes may be considered. Consult /eps/FluidPower for hardware specifications, additional cross-sections and sizes, and part number availability. Contact your Parker representative for assistance.Please refer to Engineering Section 2,page 2-8 for surface finish andadditional hardware considerations.。
SNAPP 一体化燃油滤器水分分离器说明书
Product OverviewSNAPP . The fuel filter change that changes everything.SNAPP is big protection for small engines with fuel flows up to 26 gph and makes every filterchange literally a snap. Fast, easy, clean. No tools are needed – when it’s time for service, simply snap in a new filter. Simple installation and a patented priming system mean that protecting your engineinvestment is now … a SNAPP.Quick-release squeeze tabs make filter changes a snap.Permanent mounting bracket is stainless steel for withstanding corrosive environments.SNAPP is a one-piece fuel filter water separator for 24/7 protection .Heavy-duty high-impact nylon construction won’t ever rust or corrode, even in humid conditions.The Racor self-venting drain means easy service with no mess – twist, drain, done.Clear bowl for at-a-glance inspection.The rugged clear bowl allowson-the-spot inspection for water in fuel – a significant advantage when troubleshooting fuel quality.NEW PRODUCTSDescriptionFuel Filter with Bracket - 2 Micron Fuel Filter with Bracket - 10 Micron Fuel Filter with Bracket - 30 Micron Fuel Filter - Service - 2 Micron Fuel Filter - Service - 10 Micron Fuel Filter - Service - 30 MicronFuel Filter with Bracket - with Drain - 2 Micron Fuel Filter with Bracket - with Drain - 10 Micron Fuel Filter with Bracket - with Drain - 30 Micron Fuel Filter - Service - with Drain - 2 Micron Fuel Filter - Service - with Drain - 10 Micron Fuel Filter - Service - with Drain - 30 MicronMultipass Fuel PolisherThe New Racor Fuel Polisher removes contamination at the source - the fuel tank.The Racor fuel polisher removes contamination from the fuel tankallowing the fuel system to run at peak performance.By setting up a new fuel circuit around the fuel tank contaminates such as water, dirt and rust will be removed from the fuel delivery circuit, resulting in increased filter life, better performance, and less downtime to change filters.Part #DescriptionP510MAM FF/WS,10 micron R58065-2 2 micron Replacement Element R58065-1010 micron Replacement Element R58065-3030 micron Replacement Element RK 2072512V Water Detection RK 20725-2424V Water Detection RK 1287012V Water Detection w/ Buzzer RK 1287124V Water Detection w/ BuzzerFor complete product information, please request bulletin, RSL0151.For complete product information, please requestThe Racor’s fuel filter/water separators feature a variety of compact sizes to fit the most cramped engines. Most units feature 1/4”-18 NPTF inlet and outlet fuel ports and a unitized mounting bracket.Specifications110A120ASMicron Rating 22Maximum Flow Rate 15 GPH (57 LPH)15 GPH (57 LPH)Replacement Filter R11S R12S Height 6.0 in. (15.2 cm) 6.5 in. (16.5 cm)Weight 1.3 lbs (0.6 kg) 1.1 lbs (0.5 kg)Width3.2 in. (8.1 cm)3.2 in. (8.1 cm)Diesel Fuel Filter/Water SeparatorIf quality is what you want and filtration is what you need, than a Racor fuel filter/water separators are the answer. Experienced sailors trust their engines, their livelihood and even their lives to Racor. Shouldn’t you?Specifications120AP215R2Micron Rating 302Maximum Flow Rate 15 GPH (57 LPH)15 GPH (57 LPH)Replacement Filter R12P R15S Height 6.5 in. (16.5 cm)8.3 in. (21.1 cm)Weight 1.1 lbs (0.5 kg) 1.8 lbs (0.8 kg)Width3.2 in. (8.1 cm)4.0 in. (10.2 cm)Specifications230R2245R2Micron Rating 22Maximum Flow Rate 30 GPH (114 LPH)45 GPH (170 LPH)Replacement Filter R20S R25S Height 9.0 in. (22.9 cm)10.5 in. (36.7 cm)Weight 2.0 lbs (0.9 kg) 2.2 lbs (1.0 kg)Width3.9 in. (9.9 cm)3.9 in. (9.9 cm)Gasoline Filters for Marine ApplicationsDon’t be caught in the water without one of these Racor OEM or gasoline Spin-On series filters. These filters are designed for high performance applications, with flow rates between 30 and 120 GPH your enginewill perform better than ever with clean, water-free fuel. These filters are coated with a durable electrostatically applied powder coating for superior corrosion resistance.That’s the quality you’ve learned to expect from Racor.Specifications110A025-RAC-02120R-RAC-01120R-RAC-02Micron Rating 10101010Maximum Flow Rate 35 GPH (132 LPH)25 GPH (95 LPH)30 GPH (114 LPH)30 GPH (114 LPH)Height 6.0 in. (15.2 cm) 4.3 in. (10.9 cm) 6.5 in. (16.5 cm) 6.5 in. (16.5 cm)Weight Dry 1.3 lbs (0.6 kg)0.3 lb (0.1 kg) 1.1 lbs (0.5 kg) 1.1 lbs (0.5 kg)Width3.2 in. (8.1 cm)2.3 in. (5.8 cm)3.2 in. (8.1 cm) 3.2 in. (8.1 cm)Center Threads N/A N/A M18 x 1.5M18 x 1.5Port Size1/4”-18 NPTF1/4”-18 NPT 1/4”-18 NPTF1/4”-18 NPTF Replacement FilterR11TS2502S3240S3240TULSpecifications320R-RAC-01320R-RAC-02490R-RAC-01660R-RAC-02Micron Rating 10101010Maximum Flow Rate 60 GPH (227 LPH)60 GPH (227 LPH)90 GPH (341 LPH)90 GPH (341 LPH)Port Size1/4”-18 NPTF1/4”-18 NPTF 3/8”-18 NPTF3/8”-18 NPTF Replacement Filter S3227S3228TUL S3227S3232TUL Height 9.3 in. (23.6 cm)9.0 in. (22.8 cm)9.9 in. (25.1 cm)10.5 in. (26.7 cm)Weight Dry 2.0 lbs (0.9 kg) 2.0 lbs (0.9 kg) 2.6 lbs (1.2 kg) 3.0 lbs (1.4 kg)Width4.0 in. (10.2 cm)4.0 in. (10.2 cm)4.5 in. (11.4 cm)4.2 in. (10.7 cm)SpecificationsS2501S2502Micron Rating 25010Maximum Flow Rate (with diesel)(with gasoline)15 GPH (57 LPH)25 GPH (95 LPH)15 GPH (57 LPH)25 GPH (95 LPH)Description Element OnlyElement OnlyHeight N/A N/A ThreadN/AN/AReplacement ElementsSpecificationsS3204PS3204TULS3209SMicron Rating 30102Maximum Flow Rate 40 GPH (151 LHP)40 GPH (151 LPH)60 GPH (227 LPH)Description Element Only Element Only Element Only Height 4.0 in. (10.2 cm) 4.0 in. (10.2 cm) 5.5 in. (14.0 cm)Diameter 3.8 in. (9.7 cm)3.8 in. (9.7 cm)3.8 in. (9.7 cm)Thread1”-141”-14M16 x 1.5SpecificationsS3211TULS3213S3214Micron Rating 101010Maximum Flow Rate 90 GPH (341 LPH)60 GPH (227 LPH)60 GPH (227 LPH)Description Element Only Element Only Element Only Height 5.5 in. (14.0 cm) 4.0 in. (10.2 cm) 4.0 in. (10.2 cm)Diameter 3.7 in. (9.4 cm)3.7 in. (9.4 cm) 3.7 in. (9.4 cm)Thread1”-1411/16”-161”-12Replacement ElementsSpecificationsS3220SULS3220TULS3227S3228TULMicron Rating 2101010Maximum Flow Rate 60 GPH (227 LPH)60 GPH (227 LPH)90 GPH (340 LPH)60 GPH (227 LPH)Description Element Only Element Only Element Only Element Only Height 4.0 in. (10.2 cm) 4.0 in. (10.2 cm) 4.0 in. (10.2 cm) 4.0 in. (10.2 cm)Diameter 3.7 in. (9.4 cm) 3.7 in. (9.4 cm) 3.7 in (9.4 cm)3.7 in. (9.4 cm)Thread11/16”-1611/16”-161”-141”-14SpecificationsS3232TULS3240TULR12PR12TMicron Rating 10103010Maximum Flow Rate 120 GPH (454 LPH)30 GPH (114 LPH)15 GPH (57 LPH)15 GPH (57 LPH)Description Element Only Element Only Element Only Element Only Height 5.5 in. (14.0 cm) 2.4 in. (6.1 cm) 2.4 in. (6.1 cm) 2.4 in. (6.1 cm)Diameter 3.7 in. (9.4 cm)3.0 in. (7.6 cm) 3.0 in. (7.6 cm) 3.0 in. (7.6 cm)Thread1”-14M18 x 1.5M18 x 1.5M18 x 1.5SpecificationsR11TR11SR15TR15PMicron Rating 1021030Maximum Flow Rate (with diesel)(with gasoline)15 GPH (57 LPH) 35 GPH (132 LPH)15 GPH (57 LPH)35 GPH (132 LPH)15 GPH (57 LPH)N/A 15 GPH (57 LPH)N/A Description Element OnlyElement OnlyElement OnlyElement OnlyThreadN/AN/A1”-141”-14SpecificationsR15SR20PR20TR24PMicron Rating 2301030Maximum Flow Rate 15 GPH (57 LPH)15 GPH (57 LPH)15 GPH (57 LPH)30 GPH (114 LPH)Description Element Only Element Only Element Only Element Only Height 3.3 in. (8.4 cm) 4.0 in. (10.2 cm) 4.0 in. (10.2 cm) 3.5 in. (8.9 cm)Diameter 3.7 in. (9.4 cm)3.7 in. (9.4 cm)3.7 in. (9.4 cm)3.6 in. (9.1 cm)Thread1”-141”-141”-141”-14SpecificationsR24SR24S ULR24TR25PMicron Rating 221030Maximum Flow Rate 30 GPH (114 LPH)30 GPH (114 LPH)30 GPH (114 LPH)45 GPH (170 LPH)Description Element Only Element Only Element Only Element Only Height 3.5 in. (8.9 cm) 3.5 in. (8.9 cm) 3.5 in. (8.9 cm) 5.5 in. (14.0 cm)Diameter 3.6 in. (9.1 cm)3.6 in. (9.1 cm)3.6 in. (9.1 cm)3.7 in. (9.4 cm)Thread1”-141”-141”-141”-14SpecificationsR26SR26S ULR26TR45SMicron Rating 22102Maximum Flow Rate 45 GHP (170 LPH)45 GHP (170 LPH)45 GHP (170 LPH)45 GHP (170 LPH)Description Element Only Element Only Element Only Element Only Height 4.1 in. (10.4 cm) 4.1 in. (10.4 cm) 4.1 in. (10.4 cm) 4.0 in. (10.2 cm)Diameter 3.7 in. (9.4 cm)3.7 in. (9.4 cm)3.7 in. (9.4 cm)4.3 in. (10.9 cm)Thread1”-141”-141”-141”-14Replacement Elements75500FGX275500MAX260 GPH (227 LPH) 120 GPH (454 LPH)60 GPH (227 LPH) 120 GPH (454 LPH)Diesel Diesel3/4´´-16 (SAE J1926 female threads)3/4”-16 (SAE J1926 female threads)222010 Series2010 Series11.5 in. (29.2 cm)11.5 in. (29.2 cm)9.5 in. (24.1 cm)9.5 in. (24.1 cm)14.5 in. (36.8 cm)14.5 in. (36.8 cm)17.0 lbs (7.7 kg)17.0 lbs (7.7 kg)0.7 PSI (4.8 kPa)0.7 PSI (4.8 kPa)15 PSI (1 bar)15 PSI (1 bar)3.7 oz (109 ml)7.4 oz (220 ml)4.0 in. (10.2 cm) 4.0 in. (10.2 cm)99%99%-40o to +255o F (-40o to +124o C)-40o to +255o F (-40o to +124o C)190o F (88o C)190o F (88o C) Turbine Series for Marine ApplicationsSpecifications2010SM-OR2010TM-OR 2010PM-OR2020SM-OR 2020TM-OR 2020PM-OR2040SM-OR 2040TM-OR 2040PM-ORMicron Rating & Filtration Level 2010SM-OR, 2 Micron, Final Filtration 2010TM-OR, 10 Micron, Secondary 2010PM-OR, 30 Micron, Primary 12020SM-OR, 2 Micron, Final Filtration 2020TM-OR, 10 Micron, Secondary 2020PM-OR, 30 Micron, Primary 12040SM-OR, 2 Micron, Final Filtration 2040TM-OR, 10 Micron, Secondary 2040PM-OR, 30 Micron, Primary 1Height 2.7 in. (6.9 cm)9.6 in. (24.4 cm) 4.6 in. (11.7 cm)Diameter 3.1 in. (7.9 cm) 4.7 in. (11.9 cm) 4.7 in. (11.9 cm)Applications500MA-503MA1000MA-1003MA900MA-903MANotes: 1A secondary or final filter is required downstream. Replacement seals included.Specifications75500MAXM2791000MAV30Maximum Flow Rate:(one unit online)(two units online)(three units online)60 GPH (227 LPH)120 GPH (454 LPH)N/A 180 GPH (681 LPH)360 GPH (1363 LPH 540 GPH (2044 LPH)Application Gasoline or DieselGasoline or DieselPort Size 3/4”-16 (SAE J1926 female threads)3/4”-14 (SAE J476 male threads)Micron Rating 230Replacement Element 2010 Series 2020 Series Height 11.5 in. (29.2 cm)22.0 in. (55.9 cm)Depth 9.5 in. (24.1 cm)11.8 in. (30.0 cm)Width 14.5 in. (36.8 cm)21.5 in. (54.6 cm)Weight18.0 lbs (8.2 kg)52.0 lbs (23.6 kg)Clean Pressure Drop 0.7 PSI (4.8 kPa) 2.5 PSI (17.2 kPa)Maximum Pressure 15 PSI (1.0 bar)15 PSI (1.0 bar)Water Capacity 7.4 oz (220 ml)30.9 oz (915 ml)Overhead Clearance 4.0 in. (10.2 cm)10.0 in. (25.4 cm)Water Removal Efficiency 99%99%Ambient Fuel Temperature -40o to +255o F (-40o to +124o C)-40o to +255o F (-40o to +124o C)Max Fuel Temperature190o F (88o C)190o F (88o C)Turbine Series for Marine ApplicationsMarine Air FiltersSpecificationsAF M408512AF M501012AF M601212AF M701212**Max. Air Flow*800 CFM (378 l/s)1200 CFM (566 l/s)1600 CFM (755 l/s) 2000 CFM (944 l/s)Outlet Diameter 4.0 in. (10.2 cm) 5.0 in. (12.7 cm) 6.0 in. (15.2 cm)7.0 in. (17.8 cm)Filter AF M8040AF M8050AF M8060 AF M8070Length 12.5 in. (31.8 cm)12.5 in. (31.8 cm)12.5 in. (31.8 cm) 12.5 in. (31.8 cm)Depth9.6 in. (24.4 cm)11.5 in. (29.2 cm)13.5 in. (34.3 cm) 13.5 in. (34.3 cm)Hose Barb Size 1.0 in. (2.5 cm) 1.25 in. (3.2 cm) 1.25 in. (3.2 cm) 1.0 in. (2.5 cm)Weight4.2 lbs (1.9 kg)5.0 lbs (2.3 kg)8.0 lbs (3.6 kgs)8.0 lbs (3.6 kgs)Operating Temperature-40˚ to +240˚F (-40˚ to +116˚C)*Values given are cubic feet per minute (CFM) and liters per second (l/s). **AF M701212-01 is available with a 1.25 in. hose barb.Air Filter/SilencerSpecificationsCCV4500CCV6000CCV8000CCV12000Maximum Flow Rate 10 CFM (283 LM)20 CFM (566 LM)40 CFM (1133 LM)50 CFM (1416 LM)Maximum Engine Rating 400 HP (298.3 KW)800 HP (596.6 KW)1600 HP (1193.1 KW)2000 HP (1491.4 KW)Inlet/Outlet Port Size 1 3/16”-12 STOR 1 5/8”-12 STOR 1 7/8”-12 STOR 1 7/8”-12 STOR Weight (approx,) 3.3 lbs (1.5 kg) 5.0 lbs (2.3 kg) 8.7 lbs (3.9 kg) 9.3 lbs (4.2 kg)Replacement Filter Media Density: Low High UltraCCV55248-04CCV55248-08CCV55248-10N/ACCV55274-08CCV55274-10N/ACCV55222-08CCV55222-10N/ACCV55222-12-08CCV55222-12-10Crankcase Pressure Regulator Integral Integral Integral Integral Bypass/Change IndicatorIntegral or RemoteIntegral or RemoteIntegral or RemoteIntegral or RemoteEngine Block Check Valve Retur Fitting 1/4” NPT 1/4” NPT 3/8” NPT 3/8” NPT Swivel Fitting (Qty.) #6 JIC (2 pcs.)#6 JIC (2 pcs.)#8 JIC (2 pcs.) #8 JIC (2 pcs.) Oil Drain Hose I.D.0.375 in. (0.95 cm)0.375 in. (0.95 cm)0.5 in. (1.27 cm)0.5 in. (1.27 cm)Units can be manifolded to handle higher flow rates.CCV Crankcase FiltrationWashable FiltersAir Filtration ElementSpecificationsLG50LG100Application:Gasoline Gasoline or Diesel Max. Air Flow Rate 12 CFPM (5.6LPS)17 CFPM (8.0 LPS)Hose Barb Size 5/8”5/8”Thermal Expansion 2.4 PSI (0.17 bar) 2.4 PSI (0.17 bar)Height 6.0 in. (15.2 cm)9.75 in. (24.8 cm)Diameter 1.8 in. (4.6 cm) 4.0 in. (10.0 cm)Weight (dry)1.2 lbs (0.5 kg)1.6 lbs. (0.7 kg)Notes: Flow rates are in cubic feet per minute (CFPM) and litter per second (LPS).Marine Fuel/Air SeparatorSpecificationsRK 19492Applications (Marine Series)(Marine Turbine Series)Marine 800 Series Turbine-500MA-503MA Turbine-900MA-903MA Turbine-1000MA-1003MA Turbine-73100MA, 75500MAX, 75900MAX, 751000MAX, 771000MA,791000MAV Thread:T1T21/4”-18 NPT (male)1/4”-18 NPT (female)1MaterialBrass Quantity per Kit1Notes: T2 port includes 1/4”-18 NPT plug. Plug must be in valve unless servicing.Diesel Marine Shut-Off ValveAccessoriesT1Drain sideSpecifications RK 22628Bowl WrenchRacor offers a hand wrench to remove all metal and see-thru Spin-On bowls that feature external ribs. By simply fitting the wrench over the bowl ribs, the bowl can be removed from the replaceable Spin-On element, or filter housing with little effort. The wrench is made of a corrosion proof, high-impact, high-strength engineered polymer. One bowl wrench per kit.Part #Max. Flow RateMicron RatingRFF1C2.5 GPM (9.4 LPM)50 micronRFF3C 3.5 GPM (13.2 LPM)50 micronRFF8C 5 GPM (18.9 LMP)50 micronRFF15C 12 GPM (45.4 LPM)50 micronFilter FunnelsNorth America Compressed Air Treatment Filtration & Separation/Balston Haverhill, MA978 858 0505/balstonFinite Airtek FiltrationAirtek/domnick hunter/Zander Lancaster, NY716 686 6400/fafFinite Airtek Filtration/Finite Oxford, MI248 628 6400/finitefilterEngine Filtration &Water PurificationRacorModesto, CA209 521 7860/racorHolly Springs, MS662 252 2656/racorBeaufort, SC843 846 3200/racorRacor – Village Marine T ec. Gardena, CA310 516 9911Parker Sea RecoveryCarson, CA310 637 3400Hydraulic FiltrationHydraulic FilterMetamora, OH419 644 4311/hydraulicfilterLaval, QC Canada450 629 9594Process Filtrationdomnick hunter Process Filtration Oxnard, CA805 604 3400/processfiltration Madison, WI608 824 0500Phoenixville, PA610 933 1600/processfiltration Aerospace FiltrationVelcon FiltrationColorado Springs, CO719 531 5855 EuropeCompressed Air Treatmentdomnick hunter Filtration & SeparationGateshead, England+44 (0) 191 402 9000/dhfnsParker Gas SeparationsEtten-Leur, Netherlands+31 76 508 5300/dhfnsHiross ZanderPadova Business UnitPadova, Italy+39 049 9712 111/hzdHiross ZanderEssen Business UnitEssen, Germany+49 2054 9340/hzdEngine Filtration &Water PurificationRacorDewsbury, England+44 (0) 1924 487 000/rfdeRacor Research & DevelopmentStuttgart, Germany+49 (0)711 7071 290-10/rfdeHydraulic FiltrationHydraulic FilterArnhem, Holland+31 26 3760376/hfdeUrjala OperationUrjala, Finland+358 20 753 2500/hfdeCondition Monitoring CentreNorfolk, England+44 (0) 1842 763 299/hfdeParker KittiwakeWest Sussex, England+44 (0) 1903 731 470Parker ProcalPeterborough, England+44 (0) 1733 232 495Process Filtrationdomnick hunter Process FiltrationBirtley, England+44 (0) 191 410 5121/processfiltrationParker T win Filter BVZaandam, Netherlands+31(0)75 655 50 00Asia PacificAustraliaCastle Hill, Australia+61 2 9634 7777/australiaChinaShanghai, China+86 21 5031 2525/chinaIndiaNavi Mumbai, India+91 22 651 370 8185/indiaParker FowlerBangalore, India+91 80 2783 6794JapanT okyo, Japan+81 45 870 1522/japanParker T echnoOsaka, Japan+81 66 340 31 359 0852/koreaSingaporeJurong T own, Singapore+65 6887 6300/singaporeThailandBangkok, Thailand+66 2186 7000/thailandLatin AmericaParker Comercio Ltda.Filtration DivisionSao Paulo, Brazil+55 12 4009 3500/brPan American DivisionMiami, FL305 470 8800/panamAfricaAeroport Kempton Park, South Africa+27 11 9610700/africaParker Hannifin CorporationFiltration Group Global Headquarters6035 Parkland BoulevardCleveland, OH 44124-4141phone 216 896 3000© 2014 Parker Hannifin Corporation. Product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. RSL0013 Rev A - 3/14Worldwide Filtration Manufacturing Locations。
April 2002FDP047AN08A0FDP047AN08A0N-Channel UltraFET® Trench MOSFET75V, 80A, 4.7mΩFeatures•r DS(ON) = 4.0mΩ (T yp.), V GS = 10V, I D = 80A•Q g(tot) = 92nC (Typ.), V GS = 10V•Low Miller Charge•Low Qrr Body Diode•UIS Capability (Single Pulse and Repetitive Pulse)•Qualified to AEC Q101Formerly developmental type 82684Applications•42V Automotive Load Control•Starter / Alternator Systems•Electronic Power Steering Systems•Electronic Valve T rain Systems•DC-DC converters and Off-line UPS•Distributed Power Architectures and VRMs•Primary Switch for 24V and 48V systemsMOSFET Maximum Ratings TC= 25°C unless otherwise notedThermal CharacteristicsThis product has been designed to meet the extreme test conditions and environment demanded by the automotive industry. For acopy of the requirements, see AEC Q101 at: /Reliability data can be found at: /products/discrete/reliability/index.html.All Fairchild Semiconductor products are manufactured, assembled and tested under ISO9000 and QS9000 quality systemscertification.Symbol Parameter Ratings UnitsV DSS Drain to Source Voltage75VV GS Gate to Source Voltage±20VI DDrain Current80AContinuous (T C < 144o C, V GS = 10V)Continuous (T C = 25o C, V GS = 10V, with RθJA = 62o C/W)15APulsed Figure 4AE AS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy (Note 1)600mJP DPower dissipation310WDerate above 25o C 2.0W/o C T J, T STG Operating and Storage T emperature-55 to 175o CRθJC Thermal Resistance Junction to Case TO-2200.48o C/WRθJA Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient TO-220 (Note 2)62o C/WDGSTO-220ABFDP SERIESDRAINDRAINGATESOURCE(FLANGE)查询FDP047AN08供应商On CharacteristicsDynamic CharacteristicsSwitching Characteristics (V GS = 10V)Drain-Source Diode CharacteristicsNotes:1:Starting T J = 25°C, L = 0.48mH, I AS = 50A.2:Pulse Width = 100sB VDSS Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage I D = 250µA, V GS = 0V 75--V I DSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current V DS = 60V --1µA V GS = 0V TC = 150o C--250I GSSGate to Source Leakage CurrentV GS = ±20V--±100nAV GS(TH)Gate to Source Threshold VoltageV GS = V DS , I D = 250µA 2-4Vr DS(ON)Drain to Source On ResistanceI D = 80A, V GS = 10V-0.00400.0047ΩI D = 37A, V GS = 6V -0.00580.0087I D = 80A, V GS = 10V , T J = 175o C-0.00820.011C ISS Input Capacitance V DS = 25V, V GS = 0V,f = 1MHz -6600-pF C OSS Output Capacitance-1000-pF C RSS Reverse T ransfer Capacitance -240-pF Q g(TOT)T otal Gate Charge at 10V V GS = 0V to 10V V DD = 40V I D = 80A I g = 1.0mA92138nC Q g(TH)Threshold Gate Charge V GS = 0V to 2V-1117nC Q gs Gate to Source Gate Charge -27-nC Q gs2Gate Charge Threshold to Plateau -16-nC Q gdGate to Drain “Miller” Charge-21-nCt ON T urn-On Time V DD = 40V , I D = 80A V GS = 10V, R GS = 3.3Ω--160ns t d(ON)T urn-On Delay Time -18-ns t r Rise Time-88-ns t d(OFF)T urn-Off Delay Time -40-ns t f Fall Time -45-ns t OFFT urn-Off Time--128nsV SD Source to Drain Diode Voltage I SD = 80A -- 1.25V I SD = 40A-- 1.0V t rr Reverse Recovery Time I SD = 75A, dI SD /dt = 100A/µs --53ns Q RRReverse Recovered ChargeI SD = 75A, dI SD /dt = 100A/µs--54nCFigure 1. Normalized Power Dissipation vsAmbient TemperatureFigure 2. Maximum Continuous Drain Current vsCase TemperatureFigure 3. Normalized Maximum Transient Thermal ImpedanceFigure 4. Peak Current CapabilityT C , CASE TEMPERATURE (o C)P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O 002550751001750.20.40.612515004080255075100125150175I D , D R A I N C U T C , CASE TEMPERATURE (oC)0.1110-510-410-310-210-11001010.012t, RECTANGULAR PULSE DURATION (s)Z θJ C , N O R M A L I Z E D T H E R M A L I M P E D A N C ENOTES:DUTY FACTOR: D = t 1/t 2PEAK T J = P DM x Z θJC x R θJC + T CP DMt 1t CYCLE - DESCENDING ORDER SINGLE PULSE1001000200050I D M , P E A K C U R R E N T (A )t, PULSE WIDTH (s)10-510-410-310-210-1100101TRANSCONDUCTANCE MA Y LIMIT CURRENT IN THIS REGIONV GS = 10VT C = 25o CI = I 25175 - T C 150FOR TEMPERATURESABOVE 25o C DERATE PEAK CURRENT AS FOLLOWS:Figure 5. Forward Bias Safe Operating AreaNOTE:Refer to Fairchild Application Notes AN7514and AN7515Figure 6. Unclamped Inductive SwitchingCapabilityFigure 7. Transfer CharacteristicsFigure 8. Saturation CharacteristicsFigure 9. Drain to Source On Resistance vs DrainCurrent Figure 10. Normalized Drain to Source On Resistance vs Junction Temperature0.11100.1110100V DS , DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)I D , D R A I N C U T J = MAX RATED T C = 25o CSINGLE PULSE LIMITED BY r DS(ON)AREA MA Y BE OPERATION IN THIS10msDC110.010.1110100I A S , A V A L A N C H E t AV , TIME IN AVALANCHE (ms)STARTING T J = 150o C03060901201504.04.55.0 5.56.0I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )V GS , GATE TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)PULSE DURATION = 80µs DUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAX V DD = 15VT J = 175o CT J = 25o CT J = -55o C3060901201500.5 1.01.5I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )V DS , DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)V GS = 6VPULSE DURATION = 80µs DUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAXV GS = 5VT C = 25o CV GS = 10VV GS = 7V34567020406080I D , DRAIN CURRENT (A)V GS = 6VV GS = 10VD R A I N T O S O U R CE O N R E S I S T A N C E (m Ω) O R M A L I Z E D D R A I N T O S O U R C E T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (o C)O N R E S I S T A N C EV GS = 10V , I D = 80APULSE DURATION = 80µs DUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAXFigure 11. Normalized Gate Threshold Voltage vsJunction TemperatureFigure 12. Normalized Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage vs Junction TemperatureFigure 13. Capacitance vs Drain to SourceVoltage Figure 14. Gate Charge Waveforms for ConstantGate Currents0.40.60.8-80-4004080120160200N O R M A L I Z T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (o C)T H R E S H O L D 0.900.951.00-80-4004080120160200T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (o C)N O R M A L I Z E D D R A B R E A K D O W N 1001000100000.111075C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )V DS , DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)V GS = 0V , f = 1MHzC ISS = C GS + C GDC OSS ≅ C DS + C GDC RSS = C GD2468100255075100V G S , G A T E T O S O U R C E V O L T A G E (V )Q g , GA TE CHARGE (nC)V DD = 40VI D = 80A I D = 10AWAVEFORMS INDESCENDING ORDER:EBREAK 11 7 17 18 82.3EDS 14 8 5 8 1EGS 13 8 6 8 1ESG 6 10 6 8 1EVTHRES 6 21 19 8 1EVTEMP 20 6 18 22 1IT 8 17 1LDRAIN 2 5 1e-9LGATE 1 9 4.81e-9LSOURCE 3 7 4.63e-9MMED 16 6 8 8 MMEDMOD MSTRO 16 6 8 8 MSTROMOD MWEAK 16 21 8 8 MWEAKMOD RBREAK 17 18 RBREAKMOD 1RDRAIN 50 16 RDRAINMOD 9e-4RGATE 9 20 1.36RLDRAIN 2 5 10RLGATE 1 9 48.1RLSOURCE 3 7 46.3RSLC1 5 51 RSLCMOD 1e-6RSLC2 5 50 1e3RSOURCE 8 7 RSOURCEMOD 2.3e-3RVTHRES 22 8 RVTHRESMOD 1RVTEMP 18 19 RVTEMPMOD 1S1A 6 12 13 8 S1AMOD S1B 13 12 13 8 S1BMOD S2A 6 15 14 13 S2AMOD S2B 13 15 14 13 S2BMOD VBAT 22 19 DC 1ESLC 51 50 VALUE={(V(5,51)/ABS(V(5,51)))*(PWR(V(5,51)/(1e-6*250),10))}.MODEL DBODYMOD D (IS = 2.4e-11 N = 1.04RS = 1.76e-3TRS1 = 2.7e-3TRS2 = 2e-7 XTI=3.9CJO = 4.35e-9TT = 1e-8 M = 5.4e-1).MODEL DBREAKMOD D (RS = 1.5e-1TRS1 = 1e-3TRS2 = -8.9e-6).MODEL DPLCAPMOD D (CJO = 1.35e-9IS = 1e-30N = 10 M = 0.53).MODEL MMEDMOD NMOS (VTO = 3.7 KP = 9 IS =1e-30 N = 10 TOX = 1 L = 1u W = 1u RG = 1.36).MODEL MSTROMOD NMOS (VTO = 4.4 KP = 250 IS = 1e-30 N = 10 TOX = 1 L = 1u W = 1u).MODEL MWEAKMOD NMOS (VTO = 3.05 KP = 0.03 IS = 1e-30 N = 10 TOX = 1 L = 1u W = 1u RG = 1.36e1 RS = 0.1).MODEL RBREAKMOD RES (TC1 = 1.05e-3TC2 = -9e-7).MODEL RDRAINMOD RES (TC1 = 1.9e-2TC2 = 4e-5).MODEL RSLCMOD RES (TC1 = 1.3e-3 TC2 = 1e-5).MODEL RSOURCEMOD RES (TC1 = 1e-3 TC2 = 1e-6).MODEL RVTHRESMOD RES (TC1 = -6e-3 TC2 = -1.9e-5).MODEL RVTEMPMOD RES (TC1 = -2.4e-3TC2 = 1e-6).MODEL S1AMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5ROFF = 0.1VON = -4.0VOFF= -1.5).MODEL S1BMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5ROFF = 0.1VON = -1.5VOFF= -4.0).MODEL S2AMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5ROFF = 0.1VON = -1.0VOFF= 0.5).MODEL S2BMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5ROFF = 0.1VON = 0.5VOFF= -1.0).ENDSNote: For further discussion of the PSPICE model, consult A New PSPICE Sub-Circuit for the Power MOSFET Featuring Global Temperature Options ; IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference Records, 1991, written by William J. Hepp and C. Frank Wheatley.1822+-68+-51-198+-171868+-58+-RBREAKRVTEMP VBAT RVTHRESIT17181922121315S1AS1BS2A S2BCACB EGSEDS1481381413MWEAKEBREAK DBODYRSOURCESOURCE1173LSOURCERLSOURCECINRDRAINEVTHRES 16218MMEDMSTROESLC 501GATE RGATE EVTEMP9ESGLGATERLGATE20+-+-6m..model mstrongmod = (type=_n, vto = 4.4, kp = 250, is = 1e-30, tox = 1)m..model mweakmod = (type=_n, vto = 3.05, kp = 0.03, is = 1e-30, tox = 1, rs=0.1)sw_vcsp..model s1amod = (ron = 1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = -4.0, voff = -1.5)sw_vcsp..model s1bmod = (ron =1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = -1.5, voff = -4.0)sw_vcsp..model s2amod = (ron = 1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = -1.0, voff = 0.5)sw_vcsp..model s2bmod = (ron = 1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = 0.5, voff = -1.0) n12 n8 = 1.5e-9c.cb n15 n14 = 1.5e-9c.cin n6 n8 = 6.4e-9dp.dbody n7 n5 = model=dbodymod dp.dbreak n5 n11 = model=dbreakmod dp.dplcap n10 n5 = model=dplcapmod n8 n17 = 1l.ldrain n2 n5 = 1e-9l.lgate n1 n9 = 4.81e-9l.lsource n3 n7 = 4.63e-9m.mmed n16 n6 n8 n8 = model=mmedmod, l=1u, w=1u m.mstrong n16 n6 n8 n8 = model=mstrongmod, l=1u, w=1u m.mweak n16 n21 n8 n8 = model=mweakmod, l=1u, w=1u res.rbreak n17 n18 = 1, tc1 = 1.05e-3, tc2 = -9e-7res.rdrain n50 n16 = 9e-4, tc1 = 1.9e-2, tc2 = 4e-5res.rgate n9 n20 = 1.36res.rldrain n2 n5 = 10res.rlgate n1 n9 = 48.1res.rlsource n3 n7 = 46.3res.rslc1 n5 n51= 1e-6, tc1 = 1e-3, tc2 =1e-5res.rslc2 n5 n50 = 1e3res.rsource n8 n7 = 2.3e-3, tc1 = 1e-3, tc2 =1e-6res.rvtemp n18 n19 = 1, tc1 = -2.4e-3, tc2 = 1e-6res.rvthres n22 n8 = 1, tc1 = -6e-3, tc2 = -1.9e-5spe.ebreak n11 n7 n17 n18 = 82.3spe.eds n14 n8 n5 n8 = 1spe.egs n13 n8 n6 n8 = 1spe.esg n6 n10 n6 n8 = 1spe.evtemp n20 n6 n18 n22 = 1spe.evthres n6 n21 n19 n8 = 1sw_vcsp.s1a n6 n12 n13 n8 = model=s1amod sw_vcsp.s1b n13 n12 n13 n8 = model=s1bmod sw_vcsp.s2a n6 n15 n14 n13 = model=s2amod sw_vcsp.s2b n13 n15 n14 n13 = model=s2bmod v.vbat n22 n19 = dc=1equations {i (n51->n50) +=iscliscl: v(n51,n50) = ((v(n5,n51)/(1e-9+abs(v(n5,n51))))*((abs(v(n5,n51)*1e6/250))** 10))}}1822+-68+-198+-17186858+-RBREAK RVTEMPVBAT RVTHRESIT17181922121315S1AS1BS2A S2BCACB EGSEDS1481381413MWEAKEBREAKDBODYRSOURCESOURCE1173LSOURCE RLSOURCE CINRDRAIN EVTHRES 16218MMEDMSTRO DRAIN 2LDRAINRLDRAINDBREAKDPLCAPISCLRSLC11055150RSLC21GATE RGA TE EVTEMP9ESGLGATERLGATE20+-+-+-6CTHERM6 2 tl 1e-1RTHERM1 th 6 3.24e-3RTHERM2 6 5 8.08e-3RTHERM3 5 4 2.28e-2RTHERM4 4 3 1e-1RTHERM5 3 2 1.1e-1RTHERM6 2 tl 1.4e-1SABER Thermal ModelSABER thermal model FDP047AN08A0T template thermal_model th tl thermal_c th, tl {ctherm.ctherm1 th 6 = 6.45e-3ctherm.ctherm2 6 5 = 3e-2ctherm.ctherm3 5 4 = 1.4e-2ctherm.ctherm4 4 3 = 1.65e-2ctherm.ctherm5 3 2 = 4.85e-2ctherm.ctherm6 2 tl = 1e-1rtherm.rtherm1 th 6 = 3.24e-3rtherm.rtherm2 6 5 = 8.08e-3rtherm.rtherm3 5 4 = 2.28e-2rtherm.rtherm4 4 3 = 1e-1rtherm.rtherm5 3 2 = 1.1e-1rtherm.rtherm6 2 tl = 1.4e-1}RTHERM4RTHERM6RTHERM5RTHERM3RTHERM2CTHERM4CTHERM6CTHERM5CTHERM3CTHERM2tl 23456CASETRADEMARKSThe following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.ACEx™Bottomless™CoolFET™CROSSVOLT™DenseTrench™DOME™EcoSPARK™E2CMOS™EnSigna™FACT™FACT Quiet Series™FAST®FASTr™FRFET™GlobalOptoisolator™GTO™HiSeC™I2C™ISOPLANAR™LittleFET™MicroFET™MicroPak™MICROWIRE™OPTOLOGIC®OPTOPLANAR™PACMAN™POP™Power247™PowerTrench®QFET™QS™QT Optoelectronics™Quiet Series™SILENT SWITCHER®SMART START™SPM™STAR*POWER™Stealth™SuperSOT™-3SuperSOT™-6SuperSOT™-8SyncFET™TinyLogic™TruTranslation™UHC™UltraFET®VCX™DISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONSDefinition of TermsDatasheet Identification Product Status DefinitionAdvance Information Formative or InDesign This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.Preliminary First Production This datasheet contains preliminary data, andsupplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to makechanges at any time without notice in order to improvedesign.No Identification Needed Full Production This datasheet contains final specifications. FairchildSemiconductor reserves the right to make changes atany time without notice in order to improve design. Obsolete Not In Production This datasheet contains specifications on a productthat has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only. STAR*POWER is used under license。
sharpe 品牌 Series 17 型号的 Butterfly 阀门说明书
2.53 3.50 4.25 6.89 1.26 11.65 1.76 1.87 0.49 2.56 1.96 0.27 0.35 1.81 10.50 3.90 4.13 6.10 5.90 2.67 11.36 5/8-11 UNC 0.74
3.10 4.01 4.72 7.12 1.26 12.12 1.78 1.93 0.49 2.56 1.96 0.27 0.35 2.53 10.50 3.90 4.13 6.10 5.90 2.67 11.36 5/8-11 UNC 0.74
20 19.35 21.07 22.24 18.90 2.52 35.62 5.13 5.31 1.61 7.56 5.51 0.70 1.73 0.394 7.75 18.61 8.15 8.42 10.00 11.81 4.88 1-1/8-7 UNC 1.25 24 23.32 25.74 27.28 22.12 2.76 42.94 5.96 6.14 1.99 10.86 6.49 0.86 2.15 0.630 10.86 22.50 10.35 10.87 10.98 11.81 2.68 1-1/8-7 UNC 1.38
Dimensions (Inches)
Size A B C D E F G H I
V Lug
V Wafer
12 11.87 13.54 14.76 13.26 1.77 24.56 3.02 3.15 1.24 5.51 4.01 0.47 0.86 11.48 19.84 6.24 6.37 8.38 11.81 2.67 21.26 7/8-9 UNC 1.00 14 13.12 14.77 15.94 14.49 1.77 26.77 3.01 3.13 1.25 5.51 4.01 0.47 1.36 0.315 5.51 12.68 6.24 6.37 8.38 11.81 3.18 1-8 UNC 1.11
Powermate Px全合成非洗涤空压机油安全性数据表说明书
Prepared according to Global Harmonized System (GHS) standardsProduct Trade Name:CAS Number:Synonyms/Other:Recommended Use:Restrictions on Use:Created Date:Preparation/Revision Date:Emergency Phone Number:SDS CODE:Appearance:Odor:Classification:Target Organs:Pictogram(s):Signal Word:Hazard Statement:Other Hazards:Prevention:Response:Storage Procedures:Disposal:Other:11/3/2015P273 - Avoid release to the environment None required.None required.P501 - Dispose of contents and container in accordance with federal, state, and local regulationsSee section 11 for complete health hazard information.None required.H412 - Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects Not determined.Amber, Medium fluid Not Determined Compressor Oil N/AMixture 1-800-424-9300 (CHEMTREC)10/18/201613726Not applicable.Hazardous to the aquatic environment (chronic hazard) category 3Bland, oily odor.Sanborn Mfg - A Division of MAT Industries/Licensee of Powermate Px118 West Rock Street Springfield, MN 56087The balance of components do not contribute to the overall classification of the fluid, according to the GHS Standard.Powermate Px Full Synthetic Non-Detergent Air Compressor OilTrade Secret Information: Specific chemical(s) and/or percentage of composition has been withheld as a trade secret.None required.Eye Contact: Skin Contact:Inhalation:Ingestion:Other:Flash Point:Flammable limits: Extinguishing media:Special firefighting procedures: Unusual fire & explosionhazards:Byproducts of combustion:Autoignition temperature: Explosion data:Other:Spill control procedures (land): Spill control procedures (water):Waste disposal method: Other:Get medical advice or attention if you feel unwell or are concerned.If you feel unwell or concerned:Get medical advice/attention.Rinse mouth.Do NOT induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs naturally, lie on your side, in the recovery position.DO NOT direct a solid stream of water or foam into hot,burning pools of liquid since this may cause frothing and increase fire intensity.Frothing can be violent and possibly endanger any firefighter standing too close to the burning e water spray to cool fire exposed containers and structures until fire is out if it can be done with minimal risk. Avoid spreading burning material with water used for cooling purposes.Wear full firefighting turn-out gear (full Bunker gear), and respiratory protection (SCBA).Not determined. Care should always be exercised in dust/mist areas.Call a doctor if you feel unwell.If irritation occurs,cautiously rinse eyes with lukewarm,gently flowing water for5 minutes,while holding the eyelids open.If eye irritation persists:Get medical advice/attention.>227°C by Cleveland Open Cup Tester.Not determined.No additional informationUse dry chemical, alcohol foam, all purpose AFFF or carbon dioxide to extinguish fire.Dense smoke may be generated while burning.Toxic fumes,gases or vapors may evolve on burning.High temperatures may create heavy flammable vapors that may settle along ground level and low spots to create an invisible fire hazard.Dispose of fire debris and contaminated extinguishing water in accordance with official regulations.Not determined.Fires involving this product may release oxides of carbon,phosphorus,nitrogen and sulfur; reactive hydrocarbons and irritating vapors.Immediately turn off or isolate any source of ignition(pilot lights,electrical equipment, flames,heaters,etc.).Evacuate area and ventilate.Personnel wearing proper protective equipment should contain spill immediately with inert materials(sand,earth,chemical spill pads of cotton)by forming dikes.Dikes should be placed to contain spill in a manner that will prevent material from entering sewers and rge spill,once contained,may be picked up using explosion proof,non-sparking vacuum pumps, shovels,or buckets,and disposed of in suitable containers for disposal.Clean up residue with an appropriate solvent.If a large spill occurs notify appropriate authorities. In case of road spill or accident contact Chem-Trec (800-424-9300).Try to contain large spills with floating booms to prevent spill from spreading.Remove from surface by skimming or with suitable adsorbents.If a large spill occurs notify appropriate authorities(normally the National Response Center or Coast Guard at800-424-8802).Do not empty into drains.All disposals must comply with federal,state,and local regulations.The material,if spilled or discarded may be a regulated waste.Refer to state and local regulations.Department of Transportation(DOT)regulations may apply for transporting this material when spilled. See Section 14.CAUTION-If spilled material is cleaned up using a regulated solvent,the resulting waste mixture will be regulated.Handling procedures:Storage procedures:Additional information:Exposure limits/standards for materials that can be formed when handling this product:* Exposure limits not defined. Limits used are for, "oil mist".All base oils, including additive carriers, contain <3.0% DMSO extractable material.Personal protection:Respiratory protection:Eye protection:Hand protection:Other protection:Local control measures:Other:None required if ventilation is adequate.Otherwise a respiratory protection program meeting OSHA 1910.134and ANSI Z88.2requirements must be followed.Where misting may occur,wear an MSHA/NIOSH approved (or equivalent)half-mask form dust/mist air purifying respirator.Eye protection is strongly recommended.Wear safety glasses with side shields or vented/splash proof goggles (ANSI Z87.1 or approved equivalent).OSHA TWAOSHA STEL ACGIH TWAContains highly refined petroleum oil*5 mg/m³(PEL)*10 mg/m³*5 mg/m³(TLV)TWA – Time Weighted Average is the employee’s average airborne exposure in any 8-hour work shift of a 40-hour work week which shall not be exceeded.STEL – Short Term Exposure Limit is the employee’s 15-minute time weighted Keep containers closed when not in use.Do not transfer to unmarked containers.Empty containers retain product residue which may exhibit hazards of material,therefore do not pressurize,cut,glaze,weld,or use for any other purposes.Return drums to reclamation centers for proper cleaning and reuse.Handling temperatures should not exceed 60°C (140°F)to minimize danger of burns.Open containers carefully in a well ventilated area or use appropriate respiratory protection. Wash thoroughly after handling.Store containers away from heat,sparks,open flame,or oxidizing materials.Extended storage at excessive temperatures may produce odorous and toxic fumes from product decomposition.No additional information.Applicable mainly to persons in repeated contact situations such as packaging of product, service/maintenance, and cleanup/spill control personnel.Use adequate ventilation when working with material in an enclosed area.Mechanical methods such as fume hoods or area fans may be used to reduce localized vapor/mist areas.If vapor or mist is generated when the material handled,adequate ventilation in accordance with good engineering practice must be provided to maintain concentrations below the specified exposure.Eyewash stations and showers should be available in areas where this material is used and stored.Consumption of food and drink should be avoided in work areas where product is present.Always wash hands and face with soap and water before eating,drinking or smoking.Use of an apron and overboots of chemically impervious materials such as neoprene or nitrile rubber is recommended based on level of activity and exposure.If handling hot material use insulated protective under soiled clothes.Properly dispose of contaminated leather articles and other materials which cannot be decontaminated.Impervious,chemically resistant gloves such as neoprene or nitrile rubber to avoid skin sensitization and absorption.Appearance:Odor:Odor threshold:pH:Melting/Freezing point:Initial boiling point:Boiling range:Flash point:Evaporation rate:Flammability:Upper flammable limit:Lower flammable limit:Vapor pressure:Vapor density:Relative density:Solubility:Partition Coefficient:Auto-ignition temperature:Decomposition temperature:Viscosity:OtherReactivityChemical stability:Hazardous polymerization:Conditions to avoid:Incompatibility with other materials:Decomposition products:Other:Acute toxicity (LD50) *See note at the bottom of the sectionOral:Dermal:Inhalation:Skin irritation:Eye irritation:Dermal sensitization:Respiratory sensitization:Aspiration Hazard:Not determined.Bland, oily odor.Not expected to have a sensitizing effect.Not applicable Not determined.Not determined.0.856 at 15.6°CNegligible in water, miscible in most petroleum solvents.Material is chemically stable at room temperatures and pressure.Will not occur.Avoid high temperatures and product contamination.Amber, Medium fluid Not determined.Not determined.Non-irritant Non-irritant Not expected to have a sensitizing effect.Not applicable.>5000 mg/kg Not applicable.Not determined.Avoid contact with acids and strong oxidizing materials.Smoke,carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide,and other aldehydes of incomplete combustion.Oxides of carbon,nitrogen,and sulfur;reactive hydrocarbons and irritating vapors.Not determined.Not determined.Not determined.65 cSt at 40°C.Not applicable.Not determined.Not determined.>227°C.Not determined.Not determined.>5000 mg/kg >20.0 mg/lChronic ToxicityMutagenicity:Carcinogenicity:Reproductive toxicity:STOT-single exposure:STOT-repeated exposure: Other:Environmental toxicityFish:Invertebrates:Aquatic plants:Microorganism: Persistence/Degradability: Bioaccumulation:Mobility in soil:Other:Waste disposal:OtherLand Transport (DOT): Proper Shipping Name: Land Transport (TDG): Proper Shipping Name: Sea Transport (IMDG): Proper Shipping Name: Air Transport (IATA): Proper Shipping Name: Other:> 100 mg/l.This product is not expected to be readily biodegradable.> 100 mg/l.*All data in this section is based off calculations from Part3of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals(GHS)utilizing information from the constituent components.> 100 mg/l.> 100 mg/l.Not determined.Not expected to have adverse effects.Not expected to have long term adverse effects.Not suspected of causing cancer.Not determined.All classifications are based on calculations in Part4of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals(GHS)utilizing information from the constituent components.Not suspected of causing genetic defectsNot applicable.Not applicable.Not applicable.Not expected to have adverse effects on reproduction.Not regulated for air transport.Not applicable.This product unadulterated by other materials can be classified as a non-hazardous waste.Depending on use,used product may be regulated.Dispose of in a licensed facility.Do not discharge product in to sewer system.Dispose of containers by crushing or puncturing,so as to prevent unauthorized use of used containers.Waste management should be in full compliance with federal, state, and local laws.The transportation,storage,treatment and disposal of RCRA waste material must be conducted in compliance with40CFR262,263,264,268and270.Chemical additions, processing or otherwise altering this material may make the waste management information presented in this SDS incomplete, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate.Not applicable.Not regulated for land transport.Not regulated for land transport.Not regulated for sea transport.Federal Regulation Clean water act/oil:TSCA:Other TSCA:SARA title III:Section 313 toxic chemicals:CERCLA:State Regulations Right-to-knowCalifornia Proposition 65Other:HEALTH:FIRE:REACTIVITY:SPECIFIC HAZARD:PROTECTION INDEX:Version:Revisions / Comments:This product is known to cause cancer and/or birth defects, or other reproductive harm. According to the Safety Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS SDS IS CONSIDERED ACCURATE AND RELIABLE BASED ON INFORMATION ISSUED FROM INTERNAL AND OUTSIDE SOURCES TO THE BEST OF THE AUTHORS'KNOWLEDGE.HOWEVER,THE AUTHOR'S MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS,GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES,EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR THE PARTICULAR PURPOSE,REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF SUCH INFORMATION OR THE RESULT TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE THEREOF,OR AS TO THE SUFFICIENCY OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN PRESENTED.THE AUTHORS ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR INJURY TO RECIPIENT OR TO THIRD PERSONS OR FOR ANY DAMAGE TO ANY PROPERTY AND RECIPIENT ASSUMES ALL SUCH RISKS.Reactivity (hazard):Pressure ( sudden release hazard):For stationary/moving sources –reportable quantity (due to):Not hazardous due to the petroleum exclusion.Not applicable.All components of this material are listed in the U.S. TSCA Inventory.Under Section 311of the Clean Water Act (40CFR 110)and the Oil Pollution Control Act of 1990,this material is considered an oil.Any spill or discharges that produce a visible sheen or film on surface of water,or in waterways,ditches,or sewers leading to surface water must be reported. Contact the National Response Center at 800-424-8802.NO NO NO NO NOChronic (delayed health effects):IINone. 11/03/150 = Minimal 1 = Slight 2 = Moderate 3 = Serious 4 = Severe110None N/AB N/A 011Document Review. 10/18/16Not determined.A release of this product,as supplied,is exempt from reporting under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).However,releases may be reportable to the Nation Response Center under the Clean Water Act,33U.S.C.1321(b)(3)and (5)-see head of Section 15.Failure to report may result in substantial civil and criminal penalties.Recommend contacting the local authorities in the event of any type of spill to determine local reporting requirements and also to aid in the cleanup.No components present are at or greater than the de minimis (minimum reportable)concentration requirements for reporting.NFPA 704Fire (hazard):Section 311, 312 hazard categorization:Acute (immediate health effects):NPCA-HMISKEYSection 302/304 extremely hazardous substances:None.。
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