



12 25 6
K. 一般小说
29 5.8
L. 疑案与侦探小 24 4.8 说
M. 科幻小说
6 1.2
N. 冒险与西部小 29 5.8 说
F. 爱情故事
29 5.8
R. 幽默
9 1.8
最好的方法随机抽样或分层抽样来取样,例如要选科幻小说,就到图 书馆科幻小说的书架上随机抽一本,随机选出有关页面。或是先随机 定好一个数目,如有关资料的第一个书架的第二层的第五本书的第50 页到第55页。
(on your left) 、形容词(my left hand)或动词(I left early)。
3. 语料库的设计和制作
❖ 语料的标识一般放在尖括号(< >)里面, 词类的赋码则放在 词后加_, 如girls_NN$。如the_AT jury_NN said_VBD it_PPS
0.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
实际概率 Zipf定律
Zipf定律除 了高低两端 的次序外都


0.2 发展历史与现状
计算机化以前时期,可称之为传统语料库时期 计算机化以后时期,可称之为现代语料库时期
20世纪 50年代Chomsky的影响 第一代(1970- 80年代) 第二代(1980- 90年代) 第三代(1990年代) ?第四代(21世纪)
0.2.2 计算机化的语料库(现代语料库)
朗文语料库(Longman Corpus Network)
商用语料库,建于上个世纪80年代 由三个大的语料库组成
朗文 /兰开斯特英语语料库(Longman/Lancaster English Language Corpus,即 LLELC) 朗文口语语料库(Longman Spoken Corpus,即 LSC) 朗文英语学习者语料库(Longman Corpus of Learners’ English ,即 LCLE)
0.1 语料库语言学的定义 语料库(corpus,复数形式为corpora),顾名思义就 是存放语言材料的仓库(或数据库)。而语料库语 言学则是一种以语料库为基础的语言研究方法,它 包含两层含义:
— 利用语料库对语言的某个方面进行研究,也就是说“语料 库语言学”不是一个新学科的名称,而仅仅反映了一个新 的研究手段。 — 依据语料库所反映出来的语言事实对现行语言学理论进 行批判,提出新的观点或理论。
0.2.2 计算机化的语料库(现代语料库)
COBUILD语料库(Collins Birmingham University International Language Database) 英国国家语料库 国际英语语料库



常用英文字母缩写大全带翻译英文字母缩写(Abbreviation of English Letters)在日常生活和专业领域中被广泛使用。



A• A.M.: Anti Meridiem(上午)• A.S.A.P.: As Soon As Possible(尽快)•Ave.: Avenue(大街)•AWOL: Absent Without Leave(擅离岗位)B• B.C.: Before Christ(公元前)•B2B: Business to Business(企业对企业)•B2C: Business to Consumer(企业对消费者)•B&W: Black and White(黑与白)C•CEO: Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)•CFO: Chief Financial Officer(首席财务官)•CPA: Certified Public Accountant(注册会计师)• C.V.: Curriculum Vitae(简历)D•DIY: Do It Yourself(自己动手)•DVD: Digital Versatile Disc(数字多功能光盘)• D.I.A.: Defense Intelligence Agency(国防情报局)• D.I.Y.: Do It Yourself(自己动手)E•ETD: Estimated Time of Departure(预计离开时间)• e.g.: For Example(例如)•EMT: Emergency Medical Technician(急救医疗技术员)• E.U.: European Union(欧盟)F•FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)• F.O.B.: Free on Board(离岸价)•FYI: For Your Information(供参考)• F.T.C.: Federal Trade Commission(美国联邦贸易委员会)G•GPS: Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)•GDP: Gross Domestic Product(国内生产总值)•GUI: Graphical User Interface(图形用户界面)•G.I.: Government Issue(政府发行)H•HR: Human Resources(人力资源)•HTML: Hypertext Markup Language(超文本标记语言)•H.Q.: Headquarters(总部)•H.S.: High School(高中)I•I.T.: Information Technology(信息技术)•i.e.: That Is(即)•IRS: Internal Revenue Service(美国国内税务局)•ISA: Individual Savings Account(个人储蓄账户)J•Jr.: Junior(初级)•JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group(联合摄影专家小组)•JFK: John F. Kennedy(约翰·肯尼迪)•J.V.: Joint Venture(合资企业)K•KPI: Key Performance Indicator(关键绩效指标)•K9: Canine(犬)•KG: Kilogram(千克)•KFC: Kentucky Fried Chicken(肯德基炸鸡)L•lbs: Pounds(磅)•LLC: Limited Liability Company(有限责任公司)•Ltd.: Limited(有限公司)•L.A.: Los Angeles(洛杉矶)M•M.D.: Doctor of Medicine(医学博士)•MP3: MPEG Audio Layer III(MPEG音频编码III)•MBA: Master of Business Administration(工商管理硕士)•MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging(磁共振成像)N•NSA: National Security Agency(国家安全局)•NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization(北约)•NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration(美国国家航空航天局)•NDA: Non-Disclosure Agreement(保密协议)O•OT: Overtime(加班)•OS: Operating System(操作系统)•O.E.M.: Original Equipment Manufacturer(原始设备制造商)•OPEC: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries(石油输出国组织)P•PDF: Portable Document Format(便携式文档格式)•PNG: Portable Network Graphics(便携式网络图形)•P.S.: Postscript(附言)•PM: Prime Minister(总理)Q•Q&A: Questions and Answers(问与答)•QED: Quod Erat Demonstrandum(已证明的)R•R&D: Research and Development(研发)•ROI: Return on Investment(投资回报率)•RSS: Really Simple Syndication(真正简单分发)•R.V.: Recreational Vehicle(休闲车)S•S.W.A.T.: Special Weapons And Tactics(特种武器和战术)•SOS: Save Our Souls(求救信号)•SSL: Secure Sockets Layer(安全套接字层)•SUV: Sport Utility Vehicle(运动多用途车)T•TBA: To Be Announced(待定)•TLC: Tender Loving Care(关爱、呵护)•TNT: Trinitrotoluene(三硝基甲苯)•TV: Television(电视)U•UFO: Unidentified Flying Object(不明飞行物)•U.K.: United Kingdom(英国)•UNICEF: U nited Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund(联合国儿童基金会)•U.P.S.: United Parcel Service(联合包裹服务)V•VAT: Value Added Tax(增值税)•VPN: Virtual Private Network(虚拟私人网络)•VIP: Very Important Person(重要人物)•V.P.: Vice President(副总裁)W•WTO: World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织)•WWW: World Wide Web(万维网)•W.H.O.: World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)•WIFI: Wireless Fidelity(无线保真度)X•XML: Extensible Markup Language(可扩展标记语言)•XOXO: Hugs and Kisses(拥抱与接吻)Y•YTD: Year to Date(截至目前为止的年度)•Y2K: Year 2000(千年虫问题)Z•ZIP: Zone Improvement Plan(邮政编码)•Z.O.O.: Zoological Organization(动物园组织)以上是一些常用的英文字母缩写以及其翻译。



1En g l i s h Copyright Notice:No part of this installation guide may be reproduced, transcribed, transmitted, or trans-lated in any language, in any form or by any means, except duplication of documentation by the purchaser for backup purpose, without written consent of ASRock Inc.Products and corporate names appearing in this guide may or may not be registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective companies, and are used only for identifica -tion or explanation and to the owners’ benefit, without intent to infringe.Disclaimer:Specifications and information contained in this guide are furnished for informational use only and subject to change without notice, and should not be constructed as a commit-ment by ASRock. ASRock assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may appear in this guide.With respect to the contents of this guide, ASRock does not provide warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties or condi-tions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall ASRock, its directors, officers, employees, or agents be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages (including damages for loss of profits, loss of business, loss of data, interruption of business and the like), even if ASRock has been advised of the pos-sibility of such damages arising from any defect or error in the guide or product.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.CALIFORNIA, USA ONLYThe Lithium battery adopted on this motherboard contains Perchlorate, a toxic substance controlled in Perchlorate Best Management Practices (BMP) regulations passed by the California Legislature. When you discard the Lithium battery in California, USA, please follow the related regulations in advance.“Perchlorate Material-special handling may apply, see/hazardouswaste/perchlorate”The terms HDMI™ and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States andother countries.EnglishMotherboard Layout235678910111242ASRock H61TM-ITX MotherboardASRock H61TM-ITX Motherboard 3En g l i shEnglishI/O Panel** There are two LEDs on the LAN port. Please refer to the table below for the LAN port LED indications.ACT/LINKLEDSPEEDLEDLAN PortLAN Port LED IndicationsActivity/Link LED SPEED LEDStatus Description Status DescriptionOff No Link Off10Mbps connectionBlinking Data Activity Off100Mbps connectionOn100Mbps connection Yellow1Gbps connection* Please use a 19V power adaptor for the DC jack. This jack accepts dual barrel plugs with an inner diameter of 2.5 mm and an outer diameter of 5.5 mm, where the inner contact is +8 (±10%) through +19 (±10%) VDC and the shell is GND. The maximum current rating depends on the power adaptor. The following are examples of power adaptors that may be used:DELTA DELTA-ADP-150TB-150W/19VHP HP-TBC-BA52-150W/19VFSP FSP-FSP150-ABAN1-150W/19V124536789<20mm4ASRock H61TM-ITX MotherboardASRock H61TM-ITX Motherboard 5En g l i sh 1. IntroductionThank you for purchasing ASRock H61TM-ITX motherboard, a reliable motherboard produced under ASRock’s consistently stringent quality con-trol. It delivers excellent performance with robust design conforming to AS-Rock’s commitment to quality and endurance.This Quick Installation Guide contains introduction of the motherboard. More detailed information of the motherboard can be found in the user manual presented in the Support CD.1.1 Package ContentsASRock H61TM-ITX Motherboard(Thin Mini-ITX Form Factor: 6.7-in x 6.7-in, 17.0 cm x 17.0 cm)ASRock H61TM-ITX Quick Installation GuideASRock H61TM-ITX Support CD2 x SATA Data Cables (Optional)1 x SATA 1 to 1 Power Cable (Optional)2 x I/O Panel Shields (Optional)English1.2 Specifications6ASRock H61TM-ITX MotherboardASRock H61TM-ITX Motherboard 7En g l i shEnglishCAUTION!1. Due to limitation, the actual memory size may be less than 4GBfor the reservation for system usage under Windows® 32-bitoperating systems. Windows® 64-bit operating systems do nothave such limitations. You can use ASRock XFast RAM to uti-lize the memory that Win dows® cannot use.2. PCIE3.0 is only supported with Intel® Ivy Bridge CPU. With In-tel® Sandy Bridge CPU, it only supports PCIE 2.0.3. Intel® HD Graphics Built-in Visuals and the VGA outputs can besupported only with processors which are GPU integrated. Intel®Quick Sync Video 2.0, Intel® InTru TM 3D, Intel® Clear Video HDTechnology, Intel® Insider TM, Intel® HD Graphics 2500/4000 aresupported by Intel® Ivy Bridge CPU. Intel® Quick Sync Video,Intel® InTru TM 3D, Intel® Clear Video HD Technology, Intel® HDGraphics 2000/3000, Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)are supported by Intel® Sandy Bridge CPU.* For detailed product information, please visit our website:8ASRock H61TM-ITX MotherboardASRock H61TM-ITX Motherboard 9En g l i s h WARNINGPlease realize that there is a certain risk involved with over-clocking, including adjusting the setting in the BIOS, applyingUntied Overclocking Technology, or using third-party overclock-ing tools. Overclocking may affect your system’s stability, oreven cause damage to the components and devices of yoursystem. It should be done at your own risk and expense. We arenot responsible for possible damage caused by overclocking.10ASRock H61TM-ITX MotherboardEnglish 1.3 Pin Header Easy Installation GuideASRock motherboards are equipped with pin headers with obvious colors that assist you to recognize the crucial headers. Please refer to the illustra-tion of the onboard headers’ pin defintion below. If you need more informa -tion about the usage of these headers, please refer to “Onboard Headersand Connectors” and “Jumper Setup” for details.Front PanelAudio Header HDMI_SPDIFHeaderSystem Panel HeaderUSB 2.0 HeaderUSB 2.0 HeaderPower LED HeaderUSB 3.0 HeaderE n g l i s h1.4 Onboard Headers and ConnectorsOnboard headers and connectors are NOT jumpers. Do NOT place jumper caps over these headers and connectors. Plac-ing jumper caps over the headers and connectors will causepermanent damage to the motherboard!Serial ATA2 Connectors(SATA_0:see p.2, No. 6)(SATA_1:see p.2, No. 2)SATA_1 SATA_0These two Serial ATA2 (SATA2) connectors sup-port SATA data cables for internal storage devices. The current SATA2 interface allows up to 3.0 Gb/s data transfer rate.USB 2.0 Headers(9-pin USB4_5)(see p.2, No. 20)(9-pin USB6_7)(see p.2, No. 7)(4-pin USB8)(see p.2, No. 3)Besides two default USB 2.0 ports on the I/O panel, there are three USB 2.0 headers and one USB port on this motherboard. Each USB 2.0 header can support two USB 2.0 ports.USB 3.0 Header(19-pin USB3_0_1)(see p.2, No. 9)Besides two default USB 3.0 ports on the I/O panel, there is one USB 3.0 header on this motherboard. The USB 3.0 header can support two USB 2.0 ports.EnglishConsumer Infrared Module Header(7-pin CIR1)(see p.2, No. 5)This header can be used t o c o n n e c t t h e r e m o t e controller receiver.1GNDLearn-inIRTX+5VALED+5VACIR inputFront Panel Audio Header(9-pin HD_AUDIO1)(see p.2, No. 26)This is an interface for the front panel audio cable that allows convenient connec-tion and control of audio devices.1. High Definition Audio supports Jack Sensing, but the panel wire on the chassis must support HDA to function correctly. Please follow the instructions in our manual and chassis manual to install your system.2. If you use an AC’97 audio panel, please install it to the front panel audio header by the steps below: A. Connect Mic_IN (MIC) to MIC2_L.B. Connect Audio_R (RIN) to OUT2_R and Audio_L (LIN) to OUT2_L.C. Connect Ground (GND) to Ground (GND).D. MIC_RET and OUT_RET are for HD audio panel only. You don’t need to connect them for AC’97 audio panel.E. To activate the front mic.For Windows ® XP / XP 64-bit OS:Select “Mixer”. Select “Recorder”. Then click “FrontMic”. For Windows ®8 / 8 64-bit / 7 / 7 64-bit / Vista TM / Vista TM 64-bit OS:Go to the “FrontMic” Tab in the Realtek Control panel. Adjust “Recording Volume”.E n g l i s hSystem Panel Header(9-pin PANEL1)(see p.2, No. 12)Analog Surround Audio Header(17-pin HD_AUDIO2)(see p.2, No. 27)Connect the power switch, reset switch and system sta-tus indicator on the chassis to this header according to the pin assignments below. Note the positive and nega-tive pins before connectingthe cables.PIN Signal Name PIN Signal Name 18SENSE 17KEY 16LFE 15A_GND 14A_GND 13Center 12Surr_Rear_R 11A_GND 10A_GND 9Surr_Rear_L 8Surr_Side_R 7A_GND 6A_GND 5Surr_Side_L 4Front_R 3A_GND 2A_GND 1Front_LPower LED Header(3-pin PLED1)(see p.2, No. 11)3W Audio AMP Output Wafer Header(4-pin SPEAKER1)(see p.2, No. 28)Please connect the chassis speaker to this header.Please connect the chassis power LED to this header to indicate system power status. The LED is on when the system is operating. The LED keeps blinking in S1/S3 state. The LED is off in S4 state or S5 state (power off).Front_L+Front_R-1Front_R+Front_L-Chassis Fan Connector (4-pin CHA_FAN1) (see p.2, No. 4)Please connect a fan cable to the fan connector and match the black wire to theground pin.CPU Fan Connectors (4-pin CPU_FAN1) (see p.2, No. 22)Though this motherboard provides a 4-Pin CPU fan (Quiet Fan) connector, 3-Pin CPU fans can still work even without fan speed control. If you plan to connect a 3-Pin CPU fan, please connect itto Pin 1-3.SATA Power Connector (SATA_POW1)(see p.2, No. 10)Please connect a SATApower cable.Serial Port Header (10-pin COM1) (see p.2, No. 18)This COM1 header supports a serial port module.HDMI_SPDIF Header (2-pin HDMI_SPDIF1) (see p.2, No. 25)This header provides SPDIFaudio output to HDMI VGAcards, allowing the systemto connect HDMI DigitalTV/projector/LCD devices.Please connect the HDMI_SPDIF connector of a HDMIVGA card to this header.RTS CTSGNDTXDDCDDSRDTRRXD1NCRIEnglishE n g l i s hBacklight & Amp Volume Control Header(8-pin BLT_VOL1)(see p.2, No. 17)Digital MIC Header(5-pin DMIC1)(see p.2, No. 24)Home Theater PC Header(7-pin HTPC1)(see p.2, No. 29)1: BKLT_EN 2: BKLT_PWM 3: BKLT_PWR 4: BKLT_PWR 5: GND 6: GND7: Brightness_Up 8: Brightness_Down1: +5V 2: No pin2: SPDIF_OUT/DMIC_CLK 3: GND4: DMIC_DATA5: +3.3VPIN Signal Name PIN Signal Name 8HDMI CEC 7#Power_Button 6SMB_DATA 5 3.3V Standby 4SMB_CLK 3No pin 2GND 1Recording LEDLPC Debug Header(13-pin LPC1)(see p.2, No. 30)PIN Signal Name PIN Signal Name 14+3V 13No pin 12+3V 11+3V 10GND 9GND 8LAD37LAD26LAD15LAD04LFRAME#3RESET#2GND 1CLK11LVDS Panel Connector (40-pin LVDS1)(see p.2, No. 15)PIN Signal Name PIN Signal Name1ODD_Lane3_P21NC2ODD_Lane3_N22EDID_3.3V3ODD_Lane2_P23LCD_GND4ODD_Lane2_N24LCD_GND5ODD_Lane1_P25LCD_GND6ODD_Lane1_N26ODD_CLK_P7ODD_Lane0_P27ODD_CLK_N8ODD_Lane0_N28BKLT_GND9EVEN_Lane3_P29BKLT_GND10EVEN_Lane3_N30BKLT_GND11EVEN_Lane2_P31EDID_CLK12EVEN_Lane2_N32BKLT_ENABLE13EVEN_Lane1_P33BKLT_PWM_DIM14EVEN_Lane1_N34EVEN_CLK_P15EVEN_Lane0_P35EVEN_CLK_N16EVEN_Lane0_N 36BKLT_PWR (12V/19V)17EDID_GND 37BKLT_PWR (12V/19V)18LCD_VCC (3.3V/5V/12V)38BKLT_PWR (12V/19V)19LCD_VCC (3.3V/5V/12V)39NC20LCD_VCC (3.3V/5V/12V)40EDID_DATA140EnglishE n g l i s hClear CMOS Jumper(CLRCMOS1)(see p.2, No. 31)Clear CMOSDefaultCLRCMOS1 allows you to clear the data in CMOS. To clear and reset the system parameters to default setup, please turn off the computer and unplug the power cord from the power supply. After waiting for 15 seconds, use a jumper cap to short pin2 and pin3 on CLRCMOS1 for 5 seconds. However, please do not clear the CMOS right after you update the BIOS. If you need to clear the CMOS when you just finish updating the BIOS, you must boot up the system first, and then shut it down before you do the clear-CMOS action. Please be noted that the password, date, time, user default profile, 1394 GUID and MAC address will be cleared only if the CMOS battery is removed.1.5 Jumper SetupWhen the jumper cap is placed on the pins, the jumper is “Short”. If no jumper cap is placed on the pins, the jumper is “Open”. The illustration shows a 3-pin jumper whose pin1 and pin2 are “Short” when a jumper cap is placed on these2 pins.Backlight Power Jumper(3-pin BKT_PWR1)(see p.2, No. 13)1-2 : +19V 2-3 : +12VPanel Power Jumper(3-pin PNL_PWR1)(see p.2, No. 14)1-2 : +3V 2-3 : +5V2. BIOS InformationThe Flash Memory on the motherboard stores the BIOS Setup Utility.When you start up the computer, please press <F2> or <Del> during thePower-On-Self-Test (POST) to enter the BIOS Setup utility; otherwise,POST continues with its test routines. If you wish to enter BIOS Setup afterPOST, please restart the system by pressing <Ctl> + <Alt> + <Delete>, orpressing the reset button on the system chassis. The BIOS Setup programis designed to be user-friendly. It is a menu-driven program, which allowsyou to scroll through its various sub-menus and to select among the prede-termined choices. For detailed information about BIOS Setup, please referto the User Manual (PDF file) contained in the Support CD.3. Software Support CD informationThis motherboard supports various Microsoft® Windows® operating sys-tems: 8 / 8 64-bit / 7 / 7 64-bit / Vista TM / Vista TM 64-bit / XP / XP 64-bit. TheSupport CD that came with the motherboard contains necessary driversand useful utilities that will enhance motherboard features. To begin usingthe Support CD, insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. It will display theMain Menu automatically if “AUTORUN” is enabled in your computer. If theMain Menu does not appear automatically, locate and double-click the file“ASRSETUP.EXE” in the Support CD to display the menu. EnglishF r a n ça i s D e u t s c hSpezifikationenDeutschF r a n ça i s De u t s c h * Für die ausführliche Produktinformation, besuchen Sie bitte unsereWebsite: FrançaisFr a n ça is* Pour de plus amples informations sur les produits, s’il vous plaît visiteznotre site web: FrançaisIt a l i a n oItalianoIt a l i a n o * Per ulteriori informazioni, prego visitare il nostro sito internet:EspañolEs p a ñol* Para más información sobre los productos, por favor visite nuestro sitioweb: EspañolРусскийСпецификацииРусскийРусский * Для детальной информации продукта, пожалуйста посетите наш вебсайт:PortuguêsPo r t u g u êsPortuguês* Para informações mais detalhadas por favor visite o nosso sítio Web: Tür k çeÖzelliklerTürkçe* Ayrıntılı ürün bilgileri için lütfen web sitemizi ziyaret edin:eçkrüT한 국 어설명서한국어* 상세한 제품정보는 당사의 웹사이트를 방문할수있습니다.한 국 어日本語仕様日本語日本語 * 製品の詳細については、を御覧なさい。




以下的名称须经特许许可申请:A:Association(协会、社团)、Authority(权利、当局)、Assurance(保险)、Assurer(保险商)B:British(英国的)、Board(委员会)、Benevolent(慈善的)、Building(大厦)、Bank(银行)C:Council(理事会)、Chartered(受特许的)、Charity(慈善团体)、Chemistry(药剂、化学)、Co-operative(特许执照)、Charter(宪章)D:Chamber of commerce(商会)、Crown(皇家)、Chemist(药剂师)E:England(英国)、European(欧洲人)、English(英国的)、Exchange(交流、交易)F:Federation(联邦)、Foundation(基金会)、Friendly(友好地)、Fund(基金)G:Great Britain(大不列颠)、Group(集团)、Government(政府)H:Holding(持有)I:International(国际)、Ireland(爱尔兰)、Irish(爱尔兰人)、Institution(公共机构)、Insurance(保险业)、Insurer(承保人)J:Industrial & Provident Society(商业工会)N:National(国家的、民族的)O:Office(事务所)P:Patent(专利权)、Patentee(专利所有人)、Post(邮政)R:Re-assurer(双重保险商)、Register(登记、注册)、Registered(注册的)、Re-insurance(双重保险)、Re-insurer(双重承保人)V:Reaassurance(再保证)、Royalty(皇室、王权)S:Scottish(苏格兰的)、Scotland(苏格兰)、Society(社会、团体)、Sheffield(英国中部的工业城市)、Stock(原料)T:Trust(信任)、Trade(贸易)U:United kingdom(联合国)、Union(协会、同盟、工会)W:Welsh(威尔士人)在注册美国公司取名字的时候应该注意的点;在美国注册公司时对公司的名称没有任何限制。

商务英语 缩略语

商务英语 缩略语

商务英语缩略语Business English Abbreviations1. ASAP (As Soon As Possible): 尽快; 尽可能快地2. B2B (Business-to-Business): 企业对企业的3. B2C (Business-to-Consumer): 企业对消费者的4. CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate): 复合年增长率5. CAPEX (Capital Expenditure): 资本支出6. CEO (Chief Executive Officer): 首席执行官7. CFO (Chief Financial Officer): 首席财务官8. CIO (Chief Information Officer): 首席信息官9. COO (Chief Operating Officer): 首席运营官10. CRM (Customer Relationship Management): 客户关系管理11. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility): 企业社会责任12. CV (Curriculum Vitae): 简历13. DFD (Data Flow Diagram): 数据流程图14. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): 企业资源计划15. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): 常见问题16. FIFO (First-In, First-Out): 先进先出17. FTE (Full-Time Equivalent): 全职等价18. GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 国内生产总值19. HR (Human Resources): 人力资源20. HQ (Headquarters): 总部21. ICT (Information and Communications Technology): 信息和通信技术22. IPO (Initial Public Offering): 首次公开募股23. IT (Information Technology): 信息技术24. JIT (Just-In-Time): 及时生产25. KPI (Key Performance Indicator): 关键绩效指标26. LLC (Limited Liability Company): 有限责任公司27. LTD (Limited): 有限公司28. LIFO (Last-In, First-Out): 后进先出29. LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability): 健康与可持续生活方式30. MBA (Master of Business Administration): 工商管理硕士31. MNC (Multinational Corporation): 跨国公司32. OPEX (Operating Expenditure): 营运支出33. P&L (Profit and Loss): 损益表34. PC (Personal Computer): 个人电脑35. PO (Purchase Order): 采购订单36. POS (Point of Sale): 销售终端37. PR (Public Relations): 公共关系38. RDBMS (Relational Database Management System): 关系数据库管理系统39. ROI (Return on Investment): 投资回报率40. RFP (Request for Proposal): 投标邀请书41. RFQ (Request for Quotation): 询价42. R&D (Research and Development): 研发43. SaaS (Software as a Service): 软件即服务44. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): 搜索引擎优化45. SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise): 中小企业46. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound): 具体的、可衡量的、可实现的、相关的、有时限的47. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats): 优势、劣势、机会、威胁48. TCO (Total Cost of Ownership): 总拥有成本49. UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply): 不间断电源50. URL (Uniform Resource Locator): 统一资源定位符51. USP (Unique Selling Proposition): 独特销售主张52. VAT (Value-Added Tax): 增值税53. WIP (Work in Progress): 在制品54. WFH (Work from Home): 在家工作55. WWW (World Wide Web): 万维网以上是商务英语中常见的缩略语及其中文含义。



常见英文缩写及全称英文回答:Common English Abbreviations and Their Full Forms. AB Alberta.ABC American Broadcasting Company.ACT American College Testing.AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.AMC American Motors Corporation.AM Ante Meridiem (before noon)。

AMtrak National Railroad Passenger Corporation.AP Associated Press.AWOL Absent Without Leave.ATM Automated Teller Machine.BBC British Broadcasting Corporation. BC British Columbia.BCE Before the Common Era.BS Bachelor of Science.BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. BTW By the Way.CEO Chief Executive Officer.CIA Central Intelligence Agency.CNN Cable News Network.COL Cost of Living.CPA Certified Public Accountant.CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. CS Computer Science.CSP Certified Safety Professional. DA District Attorney.DC District of Columbia.DD Doctor of Divinity.DEA Drug Enforcement Administration. DJIA Dow Jones Industrial Average. DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid.DOB Date of Birth.DoD Department of Defense.DOT Department of Transportation.DVD Digital Versatile Disc.EA Environmental Assessment.ECG Electrocardiogram.ED Emergency Department.EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. EO Executive Order.EPA Environmental Protection Agency.FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation.FDA Food and Drug Administration.FedEx Federal Express.FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency. FL Florida.FM Frequency Modulation.FOB Free on Board.FOMC Federal Open Market Committee.FRB Federal Reserve Board.FTC Federal Trade Commission.GA Georgia.GAO Government Accountability Office.GDP Gross Domestic Product.GED General Educational Development.GNP Gross National Product.GPS Global Positioning System.GSA General Services Administration.GSP Generalized System of Preferences.GU Guam.HMO Health Maintenance Organization.HR Human Resources.HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development. Hz Hertz.IA Iowa.IADB Inter-American Development Bank.IBM International Business Machines.IC Integrated Circuit.ICC Interstate Commerce Commission.ID Idaho.IDB Inter-American Development Bank.IL Illinois.IM Instant Message.IMF International Monetary Fund.IMO International Maritime Organization.IN Indiana.INC Incorporated.IRS Internal Revenue Service. IT Information Technology.IU Indiana University.JA Japan.JD Juris Doctor.JPM JPMorgan Chase.K Potassium.kHz Kilohertz.KY Kentucky.LA Louisiana.LB Pound.LCD Liquid Crystal Display.LED Light-Emitting Diode.LLB Bachelor of Laws.LLC Limited Liability Company.LMFAO Laughing My Freaking A Off. LOL Laughing Out Loud.LTE Long-Term Evolution.M Monsieur (Mr.)。



English Jokes[美]Marshall’s Talent Education, LLC. 龚珍妮 编译英语笑话An English teacher is giving a lesson to his students. He asks his students a question, “What is the most common word used by students in a classroom?”The whole class is silent. It seems that none of them can answer such a difficult question. Suddenly a boy student stands up and says, “Can’t, Sir!”“Smart! You are right. Please sit down,” says the teacher.一位英语老师正在给他的学生上课。






give a lesson to给……上课the most common最常见的common adj. 常见的used by …被……使用 whole adj.全部的;整个的whole class 全班seem v.似乎;看上去suddenly adv.突然Notes:不会1. Can’tA maths teacher is giving a lesson to her students. She asks, “How can you make the number seven to an even number?”Wood stands up and says loudly, “Just take the ‘s’ out from it!”At this, all the others laugh and laugh.一位数学老师正在给她的学生上课。



合同相关英文缩写Contract Related English Abbreviations1. Parties Involved:- P1: Party 1 (usually the client)- P2: Party2 (usually the service provider or vendor)2. Basic Information:- SOW: Statement of Work (document outlining the scope of work)- LOA: Letter of Agreement (letter confirming the agreement between parties)3. Parties' Identities:- Co: Company- Ind: Individual- LLC: Limited Liability Company- Corp: Corporation- LP: Limited Partnership- GP: General Partnership4. Rights and Obligations:- SLA: Service Level Agreement (document outlining the service provider's obligations)- NDA: Non-Disclosure Agreement (document outlining the parties' obligations to keep information confidential)- MSA: Master Service Agreement (document outlining the parties' obligations and responsibilities)- T&C: Terms and Conditions (document outlining the parties' obligations and responsibilities)5. Performance:- KPI: Key Performance Indicator (metric used to measure performance)- QA: Quality Assurance (processes put in place to ensure quality service)- QC: Quality Control (processes put in place to ensure quality product)6. Timeframe:- Mo: Month- Yr: Year- D: Day- Hr: Hour7. Breach of Contract:- Fines or Liquidated Damages:Pre-determined financial consequences for breach of contract- Termination: The right to end the contract if one party breaches it8. Compliance:- FCPA: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (U.S. law regulating bribery in business)- GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation (EU law regulating how data is collected, used, and shared)9. Rights and Obligations:- IP: Intellectual Property (patents, trademarks, copyrights)- Indemnification: A promise to protect the other party from legal harm or loss10. Legal Effect and Enforceability:- ESA: Entire Agreement Clause (clause stating that the written contract contains the entire agreement between parties)- Force Majeure: An unforeseeable event that prevents a party from fulfilling their obligations under the contract.。



权利主张、押记、地役权 、权利负担、租约、契约 、担保权益、留置权、购 买权、质押、他人权利或 限制
proportionate liability
Non-accrual Loan
proportionate liability
certified check
settlement plan
Separate department within an
existing bank which is
Workout Departments 资产保全部门
responsible for the management
and resolution of non-
performing assets
If a lender's advance rate is
85%, and a company has an asset
advance rate
of $1,000,000 that it could use as security on a loan, the
Guarantee Account 担保
Head Office 总行
Know Your Customer 了

llc 封脉冲方法

llc 封脉冲方法

llc 封脉冲方法English answer:Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a versatile analytical technique that can be used to determine the elemental composition of a wide variety of materials. LIBS is based on the principle of laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIPS). In LIPS, a laser pulse is focused onto the surface of a sample, which causes the material to vaporize and form a plasma. The plasma emits light at characteristic wavelengths that are specific to the elements present in the sample. The intensity of the emitted light is directly proportional to the concentration of the element in the sample.LIBS has several advantages over other analytical techniques. First, LIBS is a non-destructive technique, which means that it does not damage the sample. Second, LIBS is a rapid technique, which means that it can be used to analyze samples quickly. Third, LIBS is a versatiletechnique, which means that it can be used to analyze awide variety of materials.LIBS has been used to analyze a wide variety of materials, including metals, ceramics, polymers, and biological tissues. LIBS has also been used to analyze samples in a variety of environments, including air, water, and vacuum.LIBS is a powerful analytical technique that has a wide range of applications. LIBS is a non-destructive, rapid,and versatile technique that can be used to analyze a wide variety of materials in a variety of environments.中文回答:激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)是一种多功能的分析技术,可用于确定各种材料的元素组成。



关于怎么样去创业英语Starting a business in English can be a challenging but rewarding venture. Here are some steps and considerations on how to go about it:1. Define your business idea:Clearly articulate what your business will be, what products or services you will offer, and who your target market is. This will help you focus and direct your efforts.2. Conduct market research:Understand your industry, competitors, and customer needs. Identify gaps or opportunities in the market that you can capitalize on. This research will inform your business strategy.3. Develop a business plan:Write down your business goals, strategies, marketing plans, and financial projections. A business plan serves as a roadmap and can help you secure funding if needed.4. Build a strong team:Hire or collaborate with individuals who have the skills and expertise needed to bring your business to life. Surround yourself with talented and passionate people.5. Establish a legal entity:Decide on the legal structure of your business, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited liability company (LLC). Register your business and comply with local laws and regulations.6. Secure funding:Determine how you will finance your startup, whether through personal savings, loans, investments, or crowdfunding. Having sufficient capital is crucial for initial operations and growth.7. Build a professional website:Create a website that showcases your products or services, provides information about your business, and enables customers to contact you. Optimize your website for search engines to increase visibility.8. Develop a marketing strategy:Identify your target audience and choose appropriate marketing channels to reach them. Utilize social media, content marketing, email marketing, and networking to promote your business.9. Embrace entrepreneurship mindset:Be prepared to face challenges, adapt tochanges, and learn from failures. Stay motivated, persistent, and willing to take risks.10. Continuously learn and improve:Stay updated with industry trends, seek feedback from customers, and make adjustments to your business as needed. Iterate and optimize to stay competitive.Remember, entrepreneurship is a journey, and success doesn't happen overnight. With dedication, hard work, and a passion for your business, you can increase your chances of creating a successful entrepreneurial venture in the English-speaking market. Good luck!。



注册公司英文备案流程英文回答:Company Registration Process with English Filing.Step 1: Choose a Company Name and Business Structure.Conduct a name search to ensure your desired company name is available.Select a suitable business structure, such as LLC, Corporation, or Partnership.Step 2: Prepare the Articles of Incorporation or Organization.Draft the Articles of Incorporation or Organization, which outline the company's purpose, structure, and management.Include the company name, address, registered agent, officers, and directors.Step 3: File the Articles with the Secretary of State.File the Articles of Incorporation or Organizationwith the Secretary of State in the state where the company will be headquartered.Pay the filing fee and provide any required supporting documents.Step 4: Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN)。



英语作文公司的名称怎么写How to Write a Company Name in English。

When it comes to writing a company name in English, there are a few rules you should follow to ensure you getit right. Whether you're writing a business letter, email, or social media post, getting the company name right is essential for making a good impression and avoiding any confusion. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the key things to keep in mind when writing a company name in English.1. Capitalization。

The first thing to consider when writing a company name in English is capitalization. In general, you should capitalize the first letter of each word in the company name, including any articles (e.g. "the," "an," "a"). However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if the company name includes a preposition (e.g."of," "in," "for"), you should only capitalize the first word and any proper nouns (e.g. "The University of Oxford").2. Punctuation。



合同签署的英文翻译Contract Signing English TranslationThis Contract Signing English Translation (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the date of signing by and between [Party A] and [Party B] (the "Parties").1. Basic Information of the Parties:Party A:Name:Address:Representative:Phone:Party B:Name:Address:Representative:Phone:2. Identification of Parties:[Party A] is a [corporation/LLC/soleproprietorship/partnership] duly incorporated or registered under the laws of [country or region] and has the power and authority to enter into this Agreement.[Party B] is a [corporation/LLC/soleproprietorship/partnership] duly incorporated or registered under the laws of [country or region] and has the power and authority to enter into this Agreement.3. Rights and Obligations:3.1 Rights and obligations of Party A:Party A agrees to:- [Specify obligations]Party A has the right to:- [Specify rights]3.2 Rights and obligations of Party B:Party B agrees to:- [Specify obligations]Party B has the right to:- [Specify rights]4. Performance:4.1 Performance by Party A:- [Specify performance]4.2 Performance by Party B:- [Specify performance]5. Term and Termination:- [Specify term and conditions of termination]6. Breach and Liability for Breach:- [Specify breach and remedies for breach]7. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations:- The Parties shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in China.8. Rights and Obligations of the Parties:- The Parties shall have the rights and obligations as specified in this Agreement.9. Legal Effect and Enforceability:- This Agreement shall be legally binding and enforceable in accordance with the laws of China.10. Miscellaneous:- [Specify any other relevant terms]This Agreement is executed by the Parties and is effective as of the date of signing.[Party A]By:Name:Title:[Party B]By:Name:Title:。




收稿日期:2009年4月29日 第19卷 现代教育技术 V ol. 19 2009年第9期 Modern Educational Technology No.92009 整合型学习者语料库平台的规划与实现*―以中国日语学习者语料库CJLC 的构建为例毛文伟(上海外国语大学 日本文化经济学院,上海200083)【摘要】建立学习者语料库能为二语习得等方面的研究提供新的思路和方法。



【关键词】学习者语料库;外语教学;中介语;B/S 架构;赋码【中图分类号】G40-057 【文献标识码】B 【论文编号】1009—8097(2009)09—0054—04一 序言自世界上第一个机读英语语料库——布朗语料库(Brown)创建以来,语料库在语法、词汇、文体等不同领域逐渐得到广泛应用。


朗文学习者语料库LLC(Longman Learner’s Corpus)、学习者英语国际语料库ICLE(International Corpus of Learner English) 以及香港科技大学语料库HKUST (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Corpus)都处在不断完善和发展的阶段[1]。

通过国内学者的多年努力,中国学习者英语语料库CLEC(Chinese Learner English Corpus)、中国大学学习者英语口语语料库COLSEC(College Learners’ Spoken English Corpus)和英语专业学习者语料库CEM(Corpus for English Majors)也先后建成,对我国二语习得研究和教学改革起到了巨大的推动作用,成为研究外语教学规律不可或缺的基本素材。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Product Group:Incident Ref.:Site:LLC Ref.:APU/Line:
LLC Type:Tech. Product Line:Category:
Supplier name:
What How What is conform?Who What is non-conform?
Where When
RPN Before
RPN After
1219 YunliRD,YunDong Develop Zone. Wujiang City,Suzhou,China W-VP-OS-353VS line occurrence LESSON LEARNED CARD
Template version James Liu,Bridge Gao, Leo Bao, Wang ling,Jerry Yin,Li Yi CDV-E27WEM1-1309-006PIEZO sensor C2
Where detected?
gluing station What was the problem? (5W+2H)
What happened?Piezo broken Why is it a problem?electric nok How were the NC parts detected?visual control When detected?09.09.2013 22:45Who detected? Operator How many NC parts reported by Valeo?4How many NC parts sent to Valeo?
What is the symptom?What is the root cause?
Insert here the BAD part or BAD
factor image Insert here the GOOD part or GOOD
factor image packaging design is not suitable because there are gap between tube
and box, tube and tube
the size of white box: 72*33*108mm
the size of middle carton: 120*90*195mm the size of white box: 65*30*100mm
the size of middle carton: 115*80*170mm
BAD Part GOOD Part
redesign the packaging the size of white box: 65*30*100mm
the size of middle carton: 115*80*170mm Leo.Bao/operator/monitor CONTROL FACTOR
package spec.
the size of white box: 65*30*100mm
the size of middle carton: 115*80*170mm Highest level of standard FMEA Type package working instruction
the size of white box: 72*33*108mm
the size of middle carton: 120*90*195mm
VS line
every time of package
Description of Standard(s)
Reference / Rev. N° of Standard(s)
insert the foam plastic between 2lays of tube
W-RD-OS-180 rev.03
POTENTIAL APPLICABILITY:Create a LLC ToDo to record / create transversalization.
Consequences if the corrective actions are not respected?
(cost, product failure, line stoppage, ...)。
