报告解读:本报告数据来源于各政府采购、公共资源交易中心、企事业单位等网站公开的招标采购 项目信息,基于招标采购大数据挖掘分析整理。报告从目标企业的投标业绩表现、竞争能力、竞争 对手、服务客户和信用风险 5 个维度对其投标行为全方位分析,为目标企业投标管理、市场拓展 和风险预警提供决策参考;为目标企业相关方包括但不限于业主单位、竞争对手、中介机构、金融 机构等快速了解目标企业的投标实力、竞争能力、服务能力和风险水平,以辅助其做出与目标企业 相关的决策。 报告声明:本数据报告基于公开数据整理,各数据指标不代表任何权威观点,报告仅供参考!
*按近 1 年项目金额排序,最多展示前 10 记录。
目录 企业基本信息 .................................................................................................................................1 一、业绩表现 .................................................................................................................................1
核测量系统仪控备件采购询价书的 采购结果
OrbitrapFusion 高分辨液质联用仪 年度维保服务采购成交公告
关于企业管理论文参考文献的范例供你参考[1] 缪清照刘焕荣:知识经济时代企业培训的变革.石油教育,2003(1).[2] 陈维政:人力资源管理[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2004.[3] 李小勇:100个成功的人力资源管理[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2004[4] 张一驰.人力资源管理教程[J].北京:北京大学出版社,1999:212-213.[5] 章景萍.企业员工培训的理论与实践研究[D].安徽大学,2007.[6] 崔毅:人力资源管理.上海人民出版社,2002年版.[7] 李浩:企业培训与企业创新.成人教育,2001年第10期.[8] 陈良政黄俭:人力资源管理[M].北京:科学出版社,2005 .[9] 张晓彤:员工关系管理[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2003 .[10] 郭福春.股权激动机制的理论基础及效应介析[J].齐齐哈尔大学学报,2002,(9):45-48[11] 国资委.国有控股上市公司(境内)实施股权激励试行办法[J].2006.12.6[12] 黄俊峰,股权激励:证券市场新期待[J].中国证券报,2006.12.11[13] 黄湛冰,万迪日方.期权和限制性股票的行为因素比较分析[J].预测,2005,(6):37-39[14] 蒋文杰.回归模型中虚拟变量的设定与应用[J].探索争鸣,2007(2):12-13[15] 隽娟.管理层持股与经营绩效的实证研究:来自深市的经验证据[J].市场论坛,2007,(2):64-65[16] 李广林,周来振.国有企业产权的改造与激励[M].南海出版公司,2004[17] 李维友.中国实行经理人股票期权可行性研究[N]. 中国证券报2001-7-26[18] 李曜.股权激励与公司治理案例分析与方案设计[M].上海远东出版社2001[19] 李增泉.激励机制与企业绩效一项基于上市公司的实证研究[J].会计研究,2000(1):41-45[20] 梁洪学,李慧燕.七种股权激励模式的利弊分析[J].税务与经济,2003(5):32-34[21] 米红,张文璋.实用现代统计分析方法与spss应用[M].当代中国出版社2000:121-193[22] 宁相东.公司治理理论[M].中国发展出版社,2005[23] 潘颖.上市公司高管股权激励于公司业绩关系的实证研究[J].西北大学硕士学位论文,2007,(6)[24] 彭祥敏.股权激励模式效果比较的实证研究[J].华中科技大学硕士学位论文,2004[25] 少波.黄欣.企业激励机制创新-对三种股权激励模式选择的研究[J].财经理论与实践,2002,(4):27-28[26] 沈沛.中国资本市场前沿理论研究文集[M].社会科学文献出版社,2000[27] 沈学军.我国实施股权激励主要模式的分析与研究[J].华中科技大学硕士学位论文,2004[28] 石建勋.中国企业家的股权革命[M].机械工业出版社,2003[29] 童晶骏.关于我国上市公司股权激励效应的实证分析[J],理论探讨,2003,(5):48-51[30] 魏刚.高级管理层激励与上市公司绩效[J].经济研究,2000(3):32-39[31] 吴叔平,虞俊健.股票激励[M].上海远东出版社,2000[32] 徐振斌,方宇.股权激励要慎用限制性股票[J].中国改革报,2007-2-13[33] 许晔珉.股票期权:一把双刃剑[J].新理财,2006,(3):27-27[34] 杨贺,柯大钢,马春爱,等.经理层持股与上市公司经营绩效相互作用机制研究[J].河北大学学报,2005,(1):24-26[35] 杨红炳.委托代理理论与国有企业激励约束机制的建[J].边疆经济与文化2006,(8):42-43[36] 杨家亲.对股票期权及其会计处理的系统认识[J].会计研究,2000,(12):34-37[37] 杨志刚.股票期权方案一枝独秀--股权激励方案综述[J] ,中国证券报:2006-05-31[38] 于东智,谷立日.公司的领导权结构与经营绩效[J].中国工业经济,2002,(2):70-78[39] 于武等.国有企业经营者物质激励研究[J].中国工业经济.1999,(7).21-24与经济管理,2000,(5):40-45[40] 岳旭琴.期权期股两种股权激励方式的比较及其在我国的运用[J].市场周刊.财经论坛,2002,(1):41-42[41] 张俊瑞,赵进文.,张建,等.高级管理层激励与上市公司经营绩效相关性的实证分析.会计研究,2003,(9):29-34[42] 张培刚.微观经济学的产生和发展[M].湖南人民出版社,1997.[43] 张维迎.产权、激励与公司治理[M].经济科学出版社,2005[44] 张维迎.企业的企业家-契约理论[M].上海人民出版社,1995[45] 张湛彬.股票期权与国有企业激励制度[M].辽海出版社,2002[46] 证监会.上市公司股权激励管理办法(试行) [J].2005年12月31日[47] 周建波,孙菊生.经营者股权激励的治理效应研究[J].经济研究,2003(5):74-82[48] 周璐高管人员股权激励与公司业绩的实证研究[J].内将科技,2006(5):32-33[49] Aggarwal, R. K. and A. A. Samwick. Executive Compensation, Relative Performance Evaluation and Strategic Competition: Theory and Evidence[J].Journal of Finance, 54(6), 1970-1999, 1999b.[50]Berle, A. A., and G. C. Means. The Modern Corporation and Private Property[M].New York, 1932.。
Thermo Scientific
Thermo Scientific™1500系列B2型二级生物安全柜适心所用成就卓越Thermo Scientific 1500系列B2型全排气型生物安全柜1500 系列 B2生物安全柜, 推荐用于需要通过外排,以大量排风稀释挥发性化学品毒性的应用。
1500 系列 B2 生物安全柜采用人体工程学设计,先进的直流电机技术,创新的气流系统,最大限度地提高操作人员的安全。
1300和1500系列产品符合最高质量和安全标准,并完全按照NSF/ANSI 49对二级生物安全柜的标准设计并获得认证。
Thermo Scientific产品简化了您的决策过程,为您在具体应用选择最有效的生物安全柜方面节省了时间和精力。
Thermo Scientific™ 1500系列B2全排气生物安全柜Thermo Scientific 1300系列A2及1500系列B2生物安全柜为实验室选择正确的型号Thermo Scientific 1300 系列及 1500系列产品适用于各类常用的II 类生物安全柜的应用。
通过选择1300系列A2, 1300系列A2与套管排气,或1500系列B2生物安全柜,可以满足您全方面的应用需求,从NSF/ANSI 49, USP <797>和USP <800>等法规考量,可用于制备无菌危险和非危险药品。
生物安全柜选择指南针对特定应用的外排方式推荐年度成本取决于排气流量和没立方英尺$4.5的换气成本. E. Mills, D. Sartor / Energy 30 (2005) 1859-1864应用:1300 系列 A2 室内排气1300 系列A2 套管排气1500 系列 B2 直接管道排气生物因子(病毒和细菌),在生物安全水平1级,2级,3级和4级推荐超出要求超出要求如果化学风险评估运行,第1行的试剂和/或与挥发性化学品一起使用不适用推荐推荐根据USP <797>制备复合无菌制剂的第1行药剂和/或制剂不推荐超出要求超出要求根据USP <800>第1行和/或危险药物制剂不适用推荐推荐对排气波动的系统敏感性无最低明显对要求的排气的额外的年度成本无每年$1,900 至 $2,900每年$3,000 至 $4,500革新的气流设计选择Thermo Scientific 1300和1500系列,基于以下考虑:1.柜体内部的气流循环2.外排方式选择空气循环因素1300 系列A2的特点是过滤空气在柜体内循环。
赛默飞世尔科学 Cytomat
Thermo ScientificCytomat®Automated Incubatorsand Storage ModulesThe only incubator and storagesystems that combine provenreliability and environmentalstability with worldwide support.Our Cytomat support increases yourproductivity via higher uptime,reduced costs, and optimizedsystems performance.Thermo ScientificCytomat 6000Automatic Incubators Thermo ScientificCytomat 44Automated PlateStorage ModuleAccessing the Industry’s Most Intensive SupportThermo Scientific Cytomat service and support are backed up by the global network of ThermoFisher Scientific, the world leader in serving science. Like all of our services, Cytomat supporthelps increase your productivity via higher uptime, reduced costs, and optimized systemsperformance.If Cytomat’s standard solutions don’t fit your requirements, our Engineering and R&D teams candesign and develop customized products that meet the most demanding needs. Our in-housemechanical, software, and application experts work closely with our production and develop-ment facility to offer assistance around the globe. Whatever your concern, you get fast,dedicated local support virtually anywhere.Software IntegrationOur experts will help your system operate seamlessly with any automated assay solution. We minimize and simplify robotic teaching and programming for fast imple-mentation and start-up. Software commands are easy and intuitive. And Cytomat’s single loading and unloading point cuts down on robotic programming time and effort.Customized SolutionsDefine the configuration ofyour robotic system or work-station through a choice ofmicroplate, T-flask, or Petri-dish handling, temperature,and humidity ranges, and gasenvironment options to pro-vide the right atmosphere fordifferent screening or samplestorage applications.Whatever your Cytomat sys-tem configuration, we providefull documentation and certi-fication of quality. As aservice, we also offer IQ, OQvalidation.Field ServiceIn addition to phone oremail-based technical help,you can access experiencedfield service specialists dedi-cated to Cytomat systems.More than 100 trained serviceengineers are available tominimize mean time to repair.Thermo Scientific Cytomat Linear HotelThermo Scientific Cytomat 600X System StackedThermo Scientific Cytomat HotelReaping the Benefits of Proven ReliabilityWhen valuable assay samples are properly stored and accessed, research laboratories can achieve significant strides in productivity and efficiency.That’s why laboratory equipment manufacturers andresearchers worldwide depend on highly reliable Thermo Scientific Cytomat automated incubators and microplate storage systems. The robot-accessible Cytomat line is the established leader in the field:•Provides continuous operation and maximum sample protection •Incorporates more than 40 years’ experience in CO 2incubator technology •Offers the industry’s broadest and deepest range of automated incubators and storage modules •Integrates seamlessly with all automated assay systems •Furnishes superior conditions for automated cell-based assays, cell cultures, bacterial assays, microarraying,compound libraries, and other applications requiring precise environmental control •CE & CSA approval•Operates laboratory for calibration of temperature according to EN ISO/IEC 17025 (DKD certification)Relying On Trusted Environmental ExpertiseThe Cytomat system accommodates all standard microplate formats, and provides a choice of temperature (–20°C to 70°C)and humidity ranges, as well as gaseous atmospheres.Cytomat incubators create ideal environmental conditions for cell-based assays. Cooled storage systems ensure an extremely dry climate with an inert atmosphere, minimizing DMSO water absorption. By contrast, primer hybridization systems create hot and humid conditions to minimize evaporation.Both types emphasize reliable, stable environmental condi-tions for microplates. Results: reduced assay variance,excellent parameter uniformity, and virtual elimination of recovery times.Superior Cytomat design and manufacturing quality provide incubation and storage with ISO 9001 quality certification.Thermo Scientific Cytomat ®Automated Incubators and Storage ModulesProgressive Plate Shuttle SystemUnique Swap StationWireless Barcode ReaderStackerTaking Advantage of Our Innovative DesignWith Cytomat, users get the industry’s most advanced technology for automated storage and retrieval within a precisely controlled environment.Our internally automated Thermo Scientific Plate Shuttle ™system opti-mizes microplate handling. It comprises a lift system, a handler for X/Y/Z movement axes, and a heated automatic access door. Plate access won’t disturb inner chamber conditions. Integration is a snap with any automated assay system.Capacity can reach from 40 to 1,008 shal-low-well plates (capacity can vary depending on plate type). Random access of individual plates optimizes workflow.And easy-to-use, Windows ®-based software allows onsite system reconfiguration and testing.Ease of IntegrationThe Cytomat system delivers itsmicroplates to a single point of integra-tion — a transfer station, normally configured for portrait format — during unloading. It retrieves plates from the same point during loading.This creates an extremely robot-friendly design. On system implementation, the robot needs to be taught only one position for plate pickup. You save significant time during both installation and minute-to-minute operation.Choosing the Right OptionsT ransfer StationsThe highly flexible Cytomat offers a variety of ways to present plates to the system.The standard Cytomat configuration fea-tures rear presentation. For top-of-counter presentation, a lifter is available. Other choices include 90°turning for presenta-tion in landscape format, a 180°turntable Swap Station with two positions, and a Linear Transfer Station.StackersThe ultra-flexible Thermo ScientificCytomat Stacker System accommodates all standard microplate formats (includ-ing deepwell plates) as well as tip boxes.Stackers are easily removed for manual loading and unloading, and can be auto-claved and sterilized with dry heat at 180°C.ShakerAn orbital shaking option is ideal for applications requiring sample agitation,such as insect cell growth and gene expression. The software makes it easy to control the shaking commands and parameters.Wireless Barcode ReaderAll Cytomat models are available with a robotically controlled, wireless barcode reader that can scan barcodes at any plate position — inside and outside the controlled environment. This highly flexi-ble inventory scanning capability allows information retrieval at any position,even when plates are manually loaded.This highly desirable feature minimizes plate movement and eliminates the process inefficiencies of fixed barcode scanners. With the wireless reader,Cytomat can provide data sets for sam-ple and plate tracking, functioning as both databank and compound store.~~-80 -20 -101020 30 40 50 60 70437T A (ambient)Temperature [°C]421895049241008984Standard MicroplatesCytomat 2C4Cytomat 2C70Cytomat 2C425Cytomat 2C450Cytomat 2C470Cytomat 6002D Cytomat 6003DCytomat 6000Cytomat 6001Cytomat 6001 C4Cytomat 6070Cytomat 2Hotel (ambient)Cytomat 6004 (ambient)Cytomat 24 CCytomat 24 C10Cytomat 24 C4Cytomat Hotel (ambient)Cytomat 24 Hotel (ambient)Cytomat 24 Linear Hotel (ambient)Cytomat 48 Linear Hotel (ambient)BioBankCytomat 44D/HC/HCytomat 48 CCytomat 48 C10Cytomat 48 C4Cytomat 2CCytomat 2C15CAPACITYSTORAGEINCUBATION HYBRIDIZATIONSelecting theRight Solutionfor Your AssayChoose from a wide range of Cytomat modelsto match your laboratory mission and desired environmental conditions. It’s easy to find pre-cisely the right Cytomat, whatever your requirements.Thermo Scientific ServicesWe are committed to helping your laboratory achieve success.Our solutions ensure that your automation systems are optimizedfor accuracy, productivity, and performance. We offer flexiblesolutions:•Service agreements•Preventative maintenance plans•Software upgrades•Software application support•Technical support•Integration services•Relocation services•TrainingContact a Thermo Fisher Scientific representative to tailor theservice solution that best meets your needs.Email:***********************************+49 6184 906940Email:**************************************+852 2885 4613Email:****************************************/automate0717030。
Thermo Scientific
DATA SHEET 2D Labtainer BioProcess Containers2D Labtainer BioProcess Container (BPC) systemsWhether in standard or customized configurations, Labtainer BPCs are ideal for:• Dispensing, packaging, and storing cell culture media, buffers, and process liquids• Delivery of cell culture media or process liquids to small-scale bioprocess systems• Bioreactor and fermentation feed, sampling, and harvest • Chromatography feed and fraction collection• Storage and transport of bulk intermediate products, process intermediates, vaccine conjugates, and other biological productsSmall-volume liquid handling systems for cell culture and bioprocessingThermo Scientific ™ Labtainer ™ BioProcess Containers (BPCs) effectively address small-volume liquid handling needs. They range in size from 50 mL to 50 L, with avariety of standard configurations to meet most application needs. These Labtainer BPCs are space efficient, ergonomic, and constructed of Thermo Scientific ™Aegis ™ 5-14 and CX5-14 films. Product configurations cover a range of industry-standard connection systems, and handling systems are available for transport and storage.Standard productsStandard Labtainer BPCs are stocked for immediate delivery and are fully supported by our process and product validation program. For more information on our validation program, please refer to our validation guides for Aegis5-14 and CX5-14 films. Additionally, standard Labtainer BPCs have validated liquid shipping configurations.Standard configurations can be customized for optimal fit, form, and function to address process-specific applications using one of the industry’s largest libraries of qualified components.2D Labtainer BPCs are available with the Thermo Scientific ™ BioTitan ™ Retention Device. This universaltubing retention solution was designed to provide the best method for retaining flexible tubing on a barbed fitting and helps eliminate the risk of leaks and failure of the tubingconnection point.Table 1. Chamber information.50 mL–2 L, 2-port Labtainer BPC 2 L–50 L, 3-port Labtainer BPC2 L–50 L: Polyethylene ports are welded into the BPC seam: one 1/4 in. ID and two 3/8 in. ID ports on standard chamber.Table 2. Custom BPC options.Tubing type C-Flex™ (animal origin–free), silicone, PharMed™, or AdvantaFlex™Tubing size Specific lengths of 3.18–25.4 mm ID (1/8–1 in.); specific length depends on type of tubing chosenConnectors • Luer: 3.18–6.35 mm (1/8–1/4 in.) ID• CPC quick-connect: 6.35–19 mm (1/4–3/4 in.) ID• Steam-in-place connector: 6.35–19 mm (1/4–3/4 in.) ID• Tri-clamp: 3.18–25.4 mm (1/8–1 in.) ID• Mini tri-clamp: 3.18–12.7 mm (1/8–1/2 in.) ID• Aseptic connection and aseptic disconnection devices: all available sizes of Colder AseptiQuik™, Pall™ Kleenpak™, Cytiva ReadyMate™ DACOthers • Needle-free sample port (SmartSite™ or Clave™ products)• Filter capsule (Millipore™, Pall™, Sartorius™, Parker Bioscience™, Meissner™ products)Table 3. Presentation (as dry BPC systems).Outer packaging Supplied “flat-packed”—two polyethylene outer layersLabel • Description• Product code• Lot number• Expiration date on outer packaging and shipping containerSterilization Irradiation (25–40 kGy) inner side of outer packaging Shipping container Durable cardboard cartonDocumentation • Certificate of Analysis provided with each batch for each delivery • Certificate of Irradiation2 portsPack of 10Line 1Luer lock body connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)Line 2Luer lock insert connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.) Line 1Luer lock body connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 6.35 x 10.92 mm (0.25 x 0.43 in.)Line 2Luer lock insert connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 6.35 x 10.92 mm (0.25 x 0.43 in.)Line 1Luer lock body connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)Line 2MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)2 portsPack of 10Pack of 10Line 1Luer lock insert connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) length ID x OD: 6.35 x 9.7 mm (0.25 x 0.38 in.)Line 2Luer lock body connection, polypropylene Tubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) length ID x OD: 6.35 x 9.7 mm (0.25 x 0.38 in.)Line 3Luer lock body connection, polypropylene Tubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)Line 1MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 61 cm (24 in.) length ID x OD: 9.7 x 15.9 mm (0.38 x 0.63 in.)Line 2MPC body, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 61 cm (24 in.) length ID x OD: 9.7 x 15.9 mm (0.38 x 0.63 in.)Line 3Luer lock body connection, polypropylene Tubing: C-Flex; 61 cm (24 in.) length ID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)Line 1MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) length ID x OD: 9.7 x 12.7 mm (0.38 x 0.5 in.)Line 2MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) length ID x OD: 9.7 x 12.7 mm (0.38 x 0.5 in.)Line 3End plug, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 6.35 x 10.92 mm (0.25 x 0.43 in.)3 portsSingle pack3 portsSingle packSingle pack—edge portsLine 1MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 9.6 x 12.7 mm (0.378 x 0.50 in.)Line 2MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 9.6 x 12.7 mm (0.378 x 0.50 in.)Line 3Injection portTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 6.35 x 9.53 mm (0.25 x 0.375 in.)Note: Aegis5-14 film equivalents for this product areavailable as custom configurations.Line 1MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 46 cm (18 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)Line 2MPC body, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 61 cm (24 in.) lengthID x OD: 9.53 x 15.875 mm (0.375 x 0.625 in.)Line 3Luer lock body connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 61 cm (24 in.) lengthID x OD: 9.53 x 15.875 mm (0.375 x 0.625 in.)3 portsSingle pack—pillow design withpanel portsFind out more at /bpcFor Research Use or Further Manufacturing. Not for diagnostic use or direct administration into humans or animals.© 2021 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unlessotherwise specified. C-Flex and PharMed are trademarks of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics. AdvantaFlex is a trademark of NewAge Industries, Inc. AseptiQuik is a trademark of Colder Products Company. Pall and Kleenpak are trademarks of Pall Corporation. ReadyMate is a trademark of Cytiva. SmartSite is a trademark of Becton, Dickinson and Company. Clave is a trademark of Victus Inc. Millipore is a trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. Meissner is a trademark of Meissner Filtration Products. Parker Bioscience is a trademark of Parker Hannifin Corp. Rubbermaid is a trademark of Rubbermaid Incorporated. Sartorius is a trademark of Sartorius AG. Specifications, terms, and pricing are subject toIndustry-standard Rubbermaid ™ totes with corresponding lids are available. They can be used to protect Labtainer BPCs up to 20 L in size during use, transport, and storage. Use standard 50 L drums for 50 L Labtainer BPCs.Tray with lidFlat-bottom, linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) drum with lid。
6 TRACE DSQ Maintenance-赛默飞世尔-孔科
C : \ D o c u m e n t s a n d S e t t in g s \ . . . \1 p g E I_ 0 1 1 p g O F N - E I/ M S - s /n 2 0 0 0 5 8
R T : 0 .0 0 - 1 0 .0 0 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 Relative Abundance 55 S M: 3 B 3 .1 4
提取 272 离子显示有非常高的本底
C : \ D o c u m e n t s a n d S e t t in g s \ . . . \1 p g E I_ 0 4 1 p g O F N - E I/ M S - s /n 2 0 0 0 5 8
R T : 2 .5 0 - 1 0 .0 0 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 Relative Abundance 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2 .5 3 .0 3 .5 4 .0 4 .5 5 .0 5 .5 6 .0 T im e (m in ) 6 .5 7 .0 7 .5 8 .0 8 .5 9 .0 9 .5 1 0 .0 6 .5 9 6 .7 6 6 .4 3 6 .3 0 6 .3 8 7 .6 5 7 .7 1 7 .4 6 7 .8 0 S M: 3 B 3 .8 2 NL: 4 .2 0 E 4 m /z= 2 7 1 .5 0 2 7 2 .5 0 MS 1 p g E I_ 0 4
4 .0 4 4 .1 2 4 .2 6 4 .7 3 4 .6 7 4 .9 0
5 .4 9 5 .4 5
1.1 项目背景 ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 公司背景........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1.2 行业现状........................................................................................................................ 1
上海交通大学 学位论文版权使用授权书
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implementation of Kanban management in ThermoFisher company. This thesis at first, During the implementation process of Kanban management,the thesis expounded Kanban designing and Kanban management implementation from the aspects of internal production Kanban and supplier delivery signal Kanban in detail, with emphasis on the study of WIP control、feeding method、forecast of materials demand 、Kanban quantity defining ,safety stock setting、2-bin、bullwhip effect. Through the Kanban project implementation, Thermofisher got the progress on on-time-delivery improvement, inventory reduction, shortage reduction and WIP control etc.,these methods can give reference for the seminar manufacturing enterprises who will implement Kanban management. KEY WORDS:kanban management,just-in-time,pull in system,2-Bin ,Bullwhip effect
4.按 “ ”输入密码0001,如图2,按“确定”,进入图3; 5.按 “ ”选择3-1,如图4 , 。 6.按“确定”进入图5,再按“确定”,数值闪烁,自动标定,待闪烁停止后连续按 “返回”键,返回显示界面; 7.相同的步骤进入3-2使用2%左右的标气进行标定;
DC24V、伴热管、空调以及无热除水器都正常启动。 4、打开分析仪电源按钮。 5、分析仪刚启动后,系统进入预热状态。 6、约半个小时,仪器各温度达到设定值,预热完成后可切换至
系统日常操作维护要点: 3880i PM CEMS系统关闭
1、电源一旦关闭或压缩空气停止供应,探头前端的球阀就 会自动关闭,起到保护系统的作用,无需把探头从烟道 法兰上拆下来。
• 探头监测器
• 采样环境:稀释加热 • 采样传递:加热采样 • 实时测量:散射模块 • 质量参考:TEOM模块
• 探头控制器(Model 3880i)
• 流量控制 • 温度控制 • 数据管理
• 附件
• 零气系统、加热管线、机柜等
3880i PM CEMS概述:系统流路图
3880i PM CEMS概述:部件示意图
系统日常操作维护要点:Model 200 CEMS系统关闭
1、如果关闭仪用空气气源,应将无热干燥机关闭。 2、关闭系统时,必须关闭校准气体钢瓶。 3、关闭42i和43i分析仪时,请正常关闭仪器前面板的开关按钮。 4、如系统需长时间关闭仪器请先将42i分析仪的臭氧开关(见
系统日常操作维护要点:Model 200 CEMS系统启动
1、检查所有系统接线和管路已正确连接。 2、打开稀释探头加热器开关后,保证探头加热正常。 3、启动工厂供仪用空气系统。 4、打开无热干燥机,检查稀释气输出压力。 5、打开分析仪电源,进行预热,消除各类报警。 6、分析测试前,对系统进行校准。
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Thermo Scientific Varioskan
Cat. No. N16699 Rev 1.3 2020Thermo ScientificVarioskan™ LUX用户手册SkanIt™ Software for Microplate Readers© 2020 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 保留所有权利。
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Connects™整合赛默飞世尔科技公司行业领先的实验室仪器、实验室信息管理系统(LIMS) 和色谱数据系统(CDS)的功能,同时与Microsoft、SAP 和Oracle等产品有接口。
Connects™建立了赛默飞世尔科技实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)与实验室仪器、设备和其他资源的连接,并实现了实验室数据和贯穿整个机构的ERP 系统、PIMS、MES以及其他辅助工具的整合。
”赛默飞世尔科技副总裁兼信息服务部门总经理Dave Champagne先生说,“为帮助客户实现这些目标,我们正与Microsoft、SAP 和Oracle这样的战略伙伴们密切合作,同时与我们的全球合作联盟的成员们相互协作。
赛默飞世尔 TaqMan
快速参考手册TaqMan® Advanced miRNA Assays简要操作说明货号: A25576本操作说明提供了TaqMan®Advanced miRNA Assays的简要操作指南,该试剂需要与TaqMan®Advanced miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit (Cat. no. A28007) 配套使用。
更详细信息,请至赛默飞世尔官方网站下载英文版说明书:https:///TFS-Assets/LSG/manuals/100027897_TaqManAdv_miRNA_Assays_UG.pdfRNA准备注意事项:•在提取总RNA时,需要确保 small RNA完整存留在样本中。
•对于组织样本,每个反应需要总RNA的量为1-10 ng。
•对于从全血、血浆、血清等液体样本提取的总RNA,每个反应可以加入2 µL的总RNA。
•为了获得最佳的逆转录效果,RNA 必须符合以下条件:1)不含逆转录抑制剂或PCR抑制剂;2)溶解在PCR兼容性的溶液中;3)无RNase酶;4)模板必须是非变性的总RNA。
一.加尾反应1.冰上解冻样本及cDNA 合成所需的试剂,轻微涡旋,短暂离心。
注意:提前将50% PEG 8000 试剂取出,让其恢复至室温备用。
2.在1.5 mL离心管中准备以下poly(A)加尾反应混合液:组成成分1次反应4次反应*10次反应* 10×Poly (A) Buffer0.5 μL 2.2 µL 5.5 μLATP0.5 μL 2.2 µL 5.5 μL Poly (A) Enzyme0.3 μL 1.3 µL 3.3 μLRNase-free water 1.7 μL7.5 µL18.7 μL 总体积 3 μL13.2 µL33 μL加的10%。
按产品类别拆分:耗品+仪器+服务三大类业务协同发展 2019 年收入 255.42 亿美元,耗品占据半壁江山。赛默飞 2019 年实现收入 255.4 亿美元, 同比增长 4.9%。其中,2019 年耗品、仪器和服务收入分别占同年总收入的 51.3%,25% 和 23.7%,相较于 2018 年分别下降 0.3 个百分点,下降 0.8 个百分点和上升 1.2 个百分点。 近两年,耗品销售收入基本稳定占据总收入的一半,说明其受众面广,即使单价不及仪器, 但作为消耗品需求量更大;而仪器类产品虽然单价高,但作为耐用品使用年限长,相较消 耗品需求量较小。科学服务提供所获收入呈上升趋势,是赛默飞在增强产品销售实力的基 础上,不断完善全产业链,提供更专业化和优质科学服务的成果。
图表32: 2018-2020Q1-3 赛默飞世尔科技按产品拆分三大业务收入
(百万美元) 30,000
25,000 20,000 15,000
22.5% 25.8%
23.7% 25.0%
10,000 5,000
0 2018A
23.1% 20.5% 56.4% 2020Q1-3
One Lambda
2012 年 5 月
Doe & Ingalls
2011 年 5 月 19 日 Phadia
病毒载体合同开发和制造,用于基 扩大了该部门的合同制造能力。
帮助客户提高生物药物生产过程中 增加了补充性的细胞培养产品,扩大了该
数、血管中细胞的个数、甚至血管中细胞的靶点激活情况,可 帮助研究者辨别不同的化合物的活性。在肿瘤研究中使用HCS 的另一个热点领域是:通过定量检测细胞骨架的重排,特别是 微管的组装和解体,来评价化合物的抗肿瘤作用[56,57]。
NCI化学基因组研究所是充分应用HCS平台的一个非常好的 例子。他们建立和应用HCS检测方法进行了核点形成、细胞形 态改变以及蛋白转位的研究。“因为这种检测结果是在细胞水平 完成的,而不是一个板孔内的平均状况,信噪比非常高;本质 上,每一个板孔本身就是一套数据点”[58]。利用HCS,他们鉴 定出了新型细胞分裂调节剂以及其它几种涉及NFAT和FOX01a核 转位的调节因子,这是通过检测多种细胞运动模式来完成的,而 不是像研究经典抗有丝分裂化合物那样,仅粗略检测微管的破 裂。这里提到的经典的抗有丝分裂化合物,指的是secramine, 它是一种肌动蛋白多聚体的抑制剂,可减少肿瘤转移。
Liu等解释了ELISA和HCS如何提供互补的结果,来帮助 作者确定受试化合物的复杂的药理学原理。文中提到:“很清 楚,神经微丝蛋白(NF)的ELISA结果是对神经细胞活性的评 估,…… 另一方面,Cellomics ArrayScan HCS平台,象本研
究中所展示的,旨在评估化合物促进神经突触生长的能力,… …两种技术平台结合使用,能够帮助研究人员鉴定出具有多种 细胞活性的化合物,例如FK506”[14]。
很清楚,HCS已经在药物研发中细胞毒性分析领域确立 了坚实的地位[75]。然而,超越于直接检测细胞毒作用的应用 领域,即能够做到在细胞水平进行预测,来评估对于整个生物 体(例如我们人类)产生的下游毒性效应,这才是药物发现中 自动化成像领域的重要发展方向,因为能否在正确的时间获取 关键的数据,这种能力的不断增强就意味着上亿美元的得失。 最初的应用领域包括:采用微核诱导检测[77,78]来评估基因 毒性,检测肝脂肪沉积来评估是否患有磷脂质病[79],以及发 育神经毒性[80]。展望未来,HCS技术在建立新型的毒性分析 模型[81],包括使用模式生物如斑马鱼和线虫方面,还具有很 大的潜力。
1.创新,助力赛默飞世尔中国“五”谷丰“登”——访赛默飞世尔科技中国质谱产品市场经理王勇为博士 [J], 牛牧
2.锐意创新-赛默飞世尔科技PITTCON2008展示新品风采 [J],
3.赛默飞世尔科技展示蛋白质定量的创新方法 [J], 无
引进前沿科技提升客户研发能力加大投资规模深化本地发展战略 [J],
5.锐意创新——赛默飞世尔科技PITTICON2008展示新品风采 [J],
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implementation of Kanban management in ThermoFisher company. This thesis at first, During the implementation process of Kanban management,the thesis expounded Kanban designing and Kanban management implementation from the aspects of internal production Kanban and supplier delivery signal Kanban in detail, with emphasis on the study of WIP control、feeding method、forecast of materials demand 、Kanban quantity defining ,safety stock setting、2-bin、bullwhip effect. Through the Kanban project implementation, Thermofisher got the progress on on-time-delivery improvement, inventory reduction, shortage reduction and WIP control etc.,these methods can give reference for the seminar manufacturing enterprises who will implement Kanban management. KEY WORDS:kanban management,just-in-time,pull in system,2-Bin ,Bullwhip effect
1.3.1 课题的意义 .................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.2 论文的主要研究内容 .................................................................................................... 4 第二章 看板管理理论的分析研究 ....................................................................................................... 5
1.2 看板管理的发展现状 ............................................................................................................ 2 1.3 课题的意义及主要研究内容 ................................................................................................ 3
Department of Industrial Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering
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目 录
第一章 绪论............................................................................................................................................. 1
2.2 看板管理方式的基本原则 .................................................................................................. 10 2.3 看板管理的应用条件及实施原则 ...................................................................................... 11
1.1 项目背景 ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 公司背景........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1.2 行业现状........................................................................................................................ 1
In an increasingly competitive global market environment, Each enterprises need face the problem that hot to better meet customer’s kinds of demand,reduce costs and fully utilize supply chain’s advantages.,Kanban is an important means to approach JIT and improve the level of effectiveness of the production management. This Paper firstly studied the Kanban management theory study, analyzed the main difference between JIT method whose main tool is Kanban management and normal production method,and found “pull” is the main character of Kanban management. And introduced essential principle of Kanban management and applied condition and implementary term. Then defined the project scope and project management organization structure with the ways of project management. based on the actual situation and
M.D.Candidate:Qi Xueling Supervisor: Prof. Huang Hongcheng Mast. Liu Shihang
Speciality: Project Management
2.1 概述 ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1.1 看板管理的概念 ............................................................................................................ 5 2.1.2 看板管理的主要功能 .................................................................................................... 5 2.1.3 看板的分类 .................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.4 准时化生产方式与一般生产方式的基本区别 ............................................................ 9