real steel 英文影评
real steel 英文影评Real Steel (铁甲钢拳) 是一部由美国电影制片厂 DreamWorks Pictures 所制作的科幻电影,由主演 Hugh Jackman 和 Dakota Goyo 主演,于2011年上映。
作为一部富有创意的电影,让我们一起来了解一下Real Steel。
故事中,前职业拳击手的Charlie Kenton(Hugh Jackman 饰)对机器人拳击已经不再热衷,但失去了生意的他不得不接受他从前的女友去世留下的儿子 Max (Dakota Goyo 饰)。
Charlie 希望通过机器人拳击赢回一些生意,于是和 Max 参加了一个机器人拳击大赛。
特效大片Real Steel 是一部以特效为主导的电影, 可以让观众感到激动人心的机器人拳击比赛,但并不是以显眼的镜头为重点的动作片。
整部电影中的特效都非常贴合现实,每个机器人都有不同的特色和价格, 当展示这些机器人的时候,最为真实的是实现了机器人的动作。
可以说, Real Steel 的特效完美的呈现了机器人时代的战斗。
超出表面的情感虽然这是一部以人机大战为主题的科幻电影,但Real Steel却不是单纯的拼搏电影。
作为一位没有关心过自己的儿子, Charlie 被接管了 Max,开始同年轻的儿子建立起了深厚的感情, 他们之间发生着温馨的互动, 每个爆笑的让人捧腹。
在拳击比赛中,Max 仍然是Charlie 的支持者和后盾,这种情感令人心旷神怡。
话题语言应用——机器人及科幻文学作品编稿:牛新阁审稿:王春霞语言积累交际用语表示推测与确信:I think / don’t think... 我认为/认为...不...I believe / don’t believe...我相信/不相信......I guess/ suppose... 我猜想...I wonder ... 我想知道/ 我奇怪......Maybe ... 也许......It must have ... 它一定已经......Is it possible that...? ......是可能的吗?It could be that ... 可能......Could it be that...?......可能吗?It is possible/impossible... ....是(不)可能的。
It is most likely/unlikely ... 最有/不可能......There is a belief that... 有人相信......Are you sure that...? 你确信......吗?I am sure/ positive that ... 我确信/肯定......话题语句(1)1.有关机器人(robot)的词句:A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer. 机器人是被设计来做经常由人来做的工作的机器。
rebuild a robot 重新组装/设置机器人Asimov’s Laws For Robots(阿西莫夫机器人定律)First Law: A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings (as long as human beings are not injured).Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence (as long as human beings are not injured; and as long as the robot does not disobey the human beings).阿西莫夫机器人三定律一、机器人不得伤害人类,或看到人类受到伤害而袖手旁观;二、在不违反第一定律的前提下,机器人必须绝对服从人类给与的任何命令;三、在不违反第一定律和第二定律的前提下, 机器人必须尽力保护自己。
英文电影简介1、国王的演讲《国王的演讲》(The King's Speech)是一部由汤姆·霍珀指导,科林·费斯、杰弗里·拉什主演的英国电影。
为了改掉这个毛病,他找来了语言治疗师罗格. 国王成功了。
国王和罗格在余生的岁月中始终保持好朋友的关系2、卢旺达饭店《卢旺达饭店》(Hotel Rwanda)是一部由英国、南非、加拿大和意大利四国于2004年共同拍摄的电影。
该片取材于发生在1994年的卢旺达大屠杀,以此为背景由真人真事所改编,讲述了一位卢旺达胡图族饭店经理保罗·路斯沙巴吉那(Paul Rusesabagina)在种族仇杀中设法挽救1268位图西族及胡图族难民的故事。
高中英语学习材料madeofjingetieji话题语言应用——机器人及科幻文学作品编稿:牛新阁审稿:王春霞语言积累交际用语表示推测与确信:I think / don’t think... 我认为/认为...不...I believe / don’t believe...我相信/不相信......I guess/ suppose... 我猜想...I wonder ... 我想知道/ 我奇怪......Maybe ... 也许......It must have ... 它一定已经......Is it possible that...? ......是可能的吗?It could be that ... 可能......Could it be that...?......可能吗?It is possible/impossible... ....是(不)可能的。
It is most likely/unlikely ... 最有/不可能......There is a belief that... 有人相信......Are you sure that...? 你确信......吗?I am sure/ positive that ... 我确信/肯定......话题语句(1)1.有关机器人(robot)的词句:A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer. 机器人是被设计来做经常由人来做的工作的机器。
rebuild a robot 重新组装/设置机器人Asimov’s Laws For Robots(阿西莫夫机器人定律)First Law: A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings (as long as human beings are not injured).Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence (as long as human beings are not injured; and as long as the robot does not disobey the human beings).阿西莫夫机器人三定律一、机器人不得伤害人类,或看到人类受到伤害而袖手旁观;二、在不违反第一定律的前提下,机器人必须绝对服从人类给与的任何命令;三、在不违反第一定律和第二定律的前提下, 机器人必须尽力保护自己。
武功Praying mantis 螳螂拳Dragon style 虎拳Flight on water 水上漂Fly through air 飞檐走壁Spanking monkey 疾猴Drunken fist 醉拳Secret gong-fu from the south 南派功夫No shadow kick 无影脚Buddha palm technique 如来神掌The iron elbow 铁拳One-finger death touch 一阳指Horse stance 马步功夫电影:Same kind the thirteen monks 少林十三和尚Enter the dragon 猛龙过江The bride with white hair 白发魔女传神话:The forbidden kingdom 天庭Five elements mountain 五指山Jade emperor 玉皇大帝Peach banquet 蟠桃宴Heavenly minister 天庭官员The river of sand 流沙河the Elixir of Immortality 长生不老之药Drunken Master 醉八仙语句:Has skills of his own 不是省油的灯Come drink with me 我要你血债血偿Heaven help us 阿弥陀佛Two tigers cannot live on the same mountain 一山不容二虎Vengeance has a way of rebounding upon oneself. 冤冤相报何时了影片中有一段对中国武术精义的阐释有一段行云流水的英文。
英文台词:Gongfu. Hard work over time to accomplish skill. A painter can have gongfu. Or the butcher who cuts meat every day with such skill...his knife never touches bone. Learn the form, but seek the formless. Hear the soundless. Learn it all, then forget it all. Learn The Way, then find your own way. The musician can have gongfu. Or the poet who paints pictures with words and makes emperors weep. This, too, is gongfu. But do not name it, my friend, for it is like water. Nothing is softer than water...yet it can overcome rock. It does not fight. It flows around the opponent. Formless, nameles...the true master dwells within. Only you can free him.中文台词:功夫,它是长时间的苦练和用功得来的!画家有他的功夫,可以用指尖作画,杀猪的也有他的功夫,切肉可以不沾到骨头!从有形,进而为无形,从无形中悟出真谛,你就不再受招式的困扰,武功也才能变得出神入化!一个乐手到了最高境界,可以为曲子增添生命,一个了不起的诗人,帝王都会为他的诗感动。
一、武术基本词汇的英文表达1. 武术:Martial Arts2. 太极:Tai Chi3. 拳法:Boxing4. 剑术:Swordsmanship5. 棍术:Cudgels6. 擒拿:Grappling7. 散打:Sanshou8. 内家拳:Neijiaquan二、武术动作的英文描述1. 马步:Horse Stance2. 冲拳:Fist Strike3. 侧踢:Side Kick4. 后旋腿:Spinning Back Kick5. 穿掌:Penetrating Palm6. 铁头功:Iron Head Technique三、武术文化的英文介绍Chinese martial arts, known as Wushu, embody the essenceof Chinese philosophy and culture. The practice of Wushu emphasizes the cultivation of body, mind, and spirit. It is a unique blend of selfdefense, physical fitness, and artistic expression. The principles of Wushu, such as Yin and Yang, harmony, and respect, are deeply rooted in Chinese tradition and philosophy.四、武术精神的英文诠释The spirit of Chinese martial arts is a reflection of values such as integrity, perseverance, humility, and respect. It teaches practitioners to face challenges with courage andto seek balance in all aspects of life. The essence of Wushu spirit can be summarized in the following English phrases:1. Honor and integrity: Practitioners of Wushu uphold aof honor, demonstrating honesty and fairness in their actions.3. Humility and respect: Wushu teaches that true strength lies in humility and respect for others, regardless of their background or skill level.五、武术在国际交流中的作用1. Cultural diplomacy: Wushu demonstrations and workshops are often included in cultural exchange programs, fostering diplomatic relations between China and other nations.2. Education: Many universities and martial arts schools around the world offer Wushu courses, providing students witha unique opportunity to learn about Chinese culture.3. Entertainment: Wushu has been featured in numerous movies and performances, captivating global audiences and generating interest in Chinese culture.六、七、武术与健康的英文探讨The connection between Chinese martial arts and health is profound. Wushu not only builds physical strength and agility but also contributes to mental and emotional wellbeing. In English, we can explore this relationship as follows:1. Physical health: Regular practice of Wushu can improve cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and muscle strength, contributing to a healthier body.2. Mental health: The meditative aspects of Wushu, such as Tai Chi, can reduce stress and enhance mental clarity.3. Longevity: The holistic approach of Wushu to health and fitness is believed to promote a longer and morefulfilling life.八、武术教学中的英语应用1. Terminology: Using English terms alongside Chinese can help students from diverse backgrounds understand and remember techniques.3. Cultural context: Explaining the historical and cultural significance of Wushu in English helps students appreciate the depth of the martial art.九、武术的未来展望As we look to the future, the potential for Chinese martial arts to grow and evolve is limitless. Here's a vision for the future of Wushu in English:The future of Wushu lies in its ability to adapt and integrate with modern lifestyles while retaining its traditional essence. We envision a world where:2. Martial arts training is integrated into educational systems, promoting discipline, selfconfidence, and cultural awareness.3. The principles of Wushu are applied in various fields, from personal development to conflict resolution, enriching society as a whole.。
Real Steel《铁甲钢拳》
Real Steel《铁甲钢拳》作者:杨熠来源:《新东方英语·中学版》2013年第06期在未来的2020年,人们制造出各式各样的格斗机器人,用语言或动作操纵它们,让这些拥有铁甲钢拳的家伙代替人类进行更为激烈的拳击赛。
通过机器人硬碰硬的较量,有的人渴望得到荣华富贵,有的人追求声名远扬,有的人只是想释放暴力的荷尔蒙,但也有些人是在寻觅失落的理想、亲情、友情和真爱……这就是电影《铁甲钢拳》(Real Steel)所要讲述的内容。
为了生计,Charlie和老债主Ricky打了个赌,看他的机器人Ambush能否在表演赛中打赢Ricky的公牛Black Thunder,赌金两万美元。
Charlie本来有望获胜,可他在比赛中一时大意,指挥不及时,导致机器人出场没多久就被Black Thunder大卸八块。
Man A: Do you recall Caroline Fallon?Charlie: She's my ex-girlfriend. I haven't seen her in, like, ten years. What does she want?Man B: Nothing. She died.Man A: Do you recall Max Kenton?Charlie: Uh ... He's my son. He's gotta be like nine.Man B: Eleven.Charlie: Eleven. OK. [叹了一口气] Is he dead, too?Man A: No, he's fine. That's why we are here.虽然负有生父的责任,但Charlie此刻穷得一无所有,连自己的温饱都不能保障,根本没有心情和勇气去面对这个11年来未曾谋面、仿佛从天而降的孩子,更别说去抚养他了。
《柯林斯英语词典》: guanxi-----“a Chinese social concept based on the exchange of favors, in which personal relationships are considered more important than laws and written agreements”。
在《汉英大词典》 中,“硬骨头”先 被直译作“hard bone”, 然后被意译为“a dauntless, unyielding person; a man of iron” Tough issue
在英语中能形象地表示 出“硬骨头”意思的 习语表达有 a hard/tough nut to crack a mountain to climb hot potato(烫手山芋) 之类的表达有时也可 与“硬骨头”对应。
略微模糊的释ith。 recalcitrant,原意为“强烈反抗者”或“顽固的 人”,与“钉子户”不相符合。 现在直译的 nail house已为西方不少媒体所接受。 一家英国报刊给此词这样的解释:“Nail Houses” are the last homes left standing in areas slated for clearance, so called because they stick out when all around them have been demolished. 这一解释比较中肯,其中并没有指责的意思。
tough stance
《牛津英语大词典》 iron fist, iron hand, -----------Used to denote firmness or ruthlessness in attitude or behavior; oppressive force or authority。
• 影片将考验那些科幻片迷是不是能接受在科幻片中看到一
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个父子之情的故事,因为这部电影完全就是在讲述父子之 情,而机器人的打斗则可有可无。 ——《好莱坞报道者》 虽然是一部发生在未来的科幻片,但是影片在风格和 主题上依然是一部老式的父子情感剧。 ——《综艺》 这样的一个男孩和一个机器人的故事才是“变形金刚” 的本源。 ——IGN Movies
亚当 亚当也许并不是最大最闪亮的机器人,但他是 最超凡的。他是片中最大的“英雄”。他本一个款 式老土、身形矮小、已经过气的陪练机器人。他生 来就是挨打的,并不是真正的拳击机器人。当他被 抛弃在垃圾场,是麦克斯发现了他,把他视作知己, 并说服自己父亲——前任人类拳击手查理训练他。 三个落魄的灵魂相互偎依,查理与麦克斯发现亚当 虽然弱小,但却有一个制胜关键:他独一无二的模 仿功能允许他击出查理的每一个动作。当查理灵活 的头脑与凌厉的出招都反映在亚当的铁甲钢拳上时, 亚当的拳坛之路当然是所向披靡,直到他遇到了最 冷酷无情的联盟冠军宙斯——终极决战在所难免。
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休· 杰克曼Hugh Jackman....Charlie Kenton 达科塔· 高尤Dakota Goyo....Max Kenton 伊万杰琳· 莉莉Evangeline Lilly....Bailey Tallet 安东尼· 麦凯Anthony Mackie....Finn 凯文· 杜兰Kevin Durand....Ricky 霍普· 戴维斯Hope Davis....Aunt Debra 詹姆斯· 瑞布霍恩James Rebhorn....Marvin 马可· 鲁杰里Marco Ruggeri....Cliff 卡尔· 尹Karl Yune....Tak Mashido 奥嘉· 方达Olga Fonda....Farra Lemkova 约翰· 贾丁斯John Gatins....Kingpin 索菲· 利维Sophie Levy....Big Sister 泰丝· 利维Tess Levy....Little Sister 查理· 利维Charlie Levy....Littlest Sister 格雷戈里· 西姆斯Gregory Sims....Bill Panner 托瑞·阿德金斯Torey rge Texan Man 汤姆· 卡尔森Tom Carlson....San Leandro Gentleman #1 约翰· 霍金斯John Hawkinson....San Leandro Gentleman #2
希望对您有所帮助,第一部分见下:武术流派、种类英文翻译的参考:1. 太极拳:Tai Chi2. 形意拳:Xingyi Quan3. 八卦掌:Bagua Zhang4. 南拳:Nan Quan5. 北腿:Bei Tui6. 散打:Sanda7. 咏春拳:Yongchun Quan8. 武当拳:Wudang Quan9. 少林拳:Shaolin Quan10. 柔道:Judo11. 空手道:Karate12. 跆拳道:Taekwondo13. 柔术:Jiu Jitsu14. 剑法:Swordsmanship15. 刀法:Dueling technique with knife16. 枪法:Dueling technique with spear17. 锤法:Hammer technique18. 戟法:Halberd technique19. 弓术:Archery20. 投掷术:Throwing art21. 爪法:Claw technique22. 掌法:Palm technique23. 腿法:Kicking technique24. 内功:Internal cultivation25. 外功:External cultivation26. 身法:Body movement27. 步法:Footwork28. 化劲:Dissipating force29. 发劲:Projecting force30. 点穴:Acupoints manipulation31. 轻功:Lightness skill32. 硬功:Hardiness skill33. 内家功:Inner school skill34. 外家功:Outer school skill35. 内家拳法:Inner school boxing36. 外家拳法:Outer school boxing37. 以柔克刚:Defeating hard with soft38. 以刚制柔:Defeating soft with hard39. 以快制慢:Defeating slow with fast40. 以静制动:Defeating static with dynamic由于武术术语的翻译存在一定的差异,以上仅供参考。
Real Steel
Real SteelReal Steel 被译为《钢甲铁拳》,2011年10月8日在大陆上映,由Richard Matheson1956年同名短篇小说改编,肖恩〃维利导演,休〃杰克曼、达科塔〃高尤主演。
小MAX执意要吧ATOM 带回家,让父亲的青梅竹马百丽修好它。
铁甲钢拳经典语录中英文The Marvel Cinematic Universe has captivated audiences worldwide with its diverse array of superhero stories and iconic characters. Among the most beloved and influential of these heroes is Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man. Throughout his journey, Tony has delivered a wealth of memorable quotes that have resonated with fans, offering insights into his complex persona and the philosophical undercurrents that shape the Marvel universe.One of the most iconic Iron Man quotes comes from the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where Tony Stark declares "I am Iron Man." This simple yet powerful statement encapsulates the character's unwavering sense of identity and his refusal to hide behind a secret identity. It represents his commitment to taking responsibility for his actions and his willingness to stand up for what he believes in, even in the face of overwhelming odds.Another profound quote from Iron Man is "The suit and I are one." This statement reflects the deep bond between Tony Stark and his technological creation, the Iron Man suit. It suggests that the suit isnot merely a tool or a weapon, but an extension of Stark's own being, a physical manifestation of his intelligence, ingenuity, and determination. This quote highlights the symbiotic relationship between man and machine, and the way in which technology can empower and transform the human spirit.Throughout the Iron Man films, Tony Stark grapples with the consequences of his actions and the weight of the responsibility he carries as a superhero. In "Iron Man 2," he poignantly states, "I am Iron Man. The suit and I are one. To turn over the Iron Man suit would be to turn over myself, which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution, depending on what state you're in." This quote reflects Stark's unwillingness to relinquish control of the Iron Man suit, as it represents his very identity and the power he wields to make a difference in the world.In "Avengers: Endgame," one of the most emotionally charged moments occurs when Tony Stark sacrifices himself to save the universe. As he snaps his fingers and unleashes the power of the Infinity Stones, he utters the words "And I am Iron Man." This quote, echoing his declaration from the first film, serves as a poignant bookend to his journey, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to using his power for the greater good, even at the ultimate cost.The character of Iron Man has also grappled with the moral andethical implications of his actions, as evidenced by the quote "I'm not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over me." This line, spoken in "The Avengers," highlights Stark's initial reluctance to put himself at risk for the greater good, a sentiment that would later be challenged and overcome as he matures and embraces his role as a hero.Throughout the Iron Man films, Tony Stark's relationship with his friend and confidant, James Rhodes, has been a central focus. In "Iron Man 2," Rhodey poignantly states, "It's me. I'm here." This simple yet powerful quote reflects the unwavering loyalty and support that Rhodey provides to Stark, even in his darkest moments. It underscores the importance of friendship and trust in the face of adversity, and the ways in which these bonds can strengthen and sustain us.The character of Iron Man has also grappled with the ethical dilemmas posed by the use of advanced technology. In "Iron Man 3," Stark grapples with the question "Is this the best I can do?" This quote reflects his internal struggle to find the balance between his technological prowess and his responsibility to use it for the greater good. It highlights the complex moral and ethical considerations that come with wielding immense power, and the importance of using that power wisely and judiciously.Another iconic quote from the Iron Man franchise is "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." This succinct description of Tony Stark's multifaceted identity encapsulates the character's remarkable achievements and the way in which he has leveraged his wealth, intelligence, and charisma to make a positive impact on the world. It also serves as a reminder of the complexity of Stark's persona, and the ways in which he has used his various talents and resources to navigate the challenges he has faced.Finally, one of the most poignant and impactful quotes from the Iron Man franchise comes from "Avengers: Endgame," when Tony Stark declares, "I am Iron Man." This quote, spoken as Stark prepares to sacrifice himself to save the universe, serves as a powerful affirmation of his identity and his commitment to using his abilities for the greater good. It is a testament to the character's growth and evolution, and a fitting conclusion to his remarkable journey.In conclusion, the classic quotes from the Iron Man franchise have become ingrained in the cultural consciousness, serving as touchstones for the character's journey and the broader themes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. From the iconic "I am Iron Man" to the poignant reflections on power and responsibility, these quotes have the power to inspire, challenge, and captivate audiences, offering a window into the complex and multifaceted world of Tony Stark and the Marvel universe.。
我要看金刚拳的作文英语Title: The Mighty Fist: Exploring the Art of Jeet Kune Do。
Jeet Kune Do, famously known as the "Way of the Intercepting Fist" or the "Art of the Intercepting Fist,"is not merely a martial art but a philosophy of combat developed by the legendary Bruce Lee. Its essence lies inits adaptability, efficiency, and directness. In this essay, we delve into the intricacies of Jeet Kune Do, exploringits principles, techniques, and philosophical underpinnings.At the core of Jeet Kune Do lies the principle of interception, wherein the practitioner intercepts an opponent's attack with a swift and decisive counter. Unlike traditional martial arts that rely on fixed patterns and techniques, Jeet Kune Do emphasizes fluidity and spontaneity, advocating the use of what works best in a given situation. This adaptability is encapsulated in Bruce Lee's famous quote, "Be like water."One of the key aspects of Jeet Kune Do is its economyof motion. Every movement is designed to be direct and efficient, eliminating unnecessary techniques or flourishes. This efficiency is achieved through the concept of "simplicity in complexity" and "freedom within structure," wherein the practitioner learns to flow seamlessly between different ranges of combat, from long-range kicks to close-quarters trapping and grappling.Central to Jeet Kune Do is the cultivation ofattributes such as timing, speed, power, and sensitivity. Timing refers to the ability to execute techniques at the opportune moment, exploiting openings in the opponent's defense. Speed, a hallmark of Bruce Lee's own fighting style, enables the practitioner to strike with lightning-fast precision. Power is generated not through brute force but through the efficient transfer of energy, utilizingbody mechanics to maximize impact. Sensitivity, often developed through drills such as Chi Sao, enhances the practitioner's ability to read and respond to an opponent's movements instinctively.In addition to its physical aspects, Jeet Kune Do encompasses a philosophical dimension deeply influenced by Bruce Lee's own life experiences and worldview. Central to this philosophy is the concept of self-expression and self-actualization. Bruce Lee believed that martial arts should not be confined by rigid systems or dogma but should instead serve as a means of personal growth and discovery. Jeet Kune Do, therefore, is not just about fighting but about transcending limitations, both internal and external.Another key tenet of Jeet Kune Do is the rejection of fixed patterns or techniques. Bruce Lee famously criticized traditional martial arts for being too rigid and formulaic, arguing that they hindered true combat effectiveness. Instead, he advocated for a "style of no style," wherein the practitioner is free to adapt and innovate according to the demands of the moment. This emphasis on individuality and creativity makes Jeet Kune Do a truly dynamic and evolving martial art.In conclusion, Jeet Kune Do represents more than just afighting style; it is a philosophy of life. Through its emphasis on adaptability, efficiency, and self-expression, it offers not only a path to mastery in combat but also a path to personal growth and fulfillment. As Bruce Lee famously said, "The highest technique is to have no technique." In embracing the principles of Jeet Kune Do, one discovers not only the power within oneself but also the limitless potential of the human spirit.。
我要看金刚拳的英语作文I watched King Kong Fist last night, and it was totally awesome! The fight scenes were so intense and the special effects were mind-blowing. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen the whole time.The main actor who played the lead role in the movie was so convincing. He really nailed the character and brought so much depth to the role. You could feel his emotions and struggles throughout the movie.The storyline was so gripping and kept me on the edge of my seat. I was literally holding my breath during some of the intense moments. The plot twists and turns were unexpected and kept me guessing the whole time.The soundtrack for the movie was so epic. It really added to the overall experience and made the fight scenes even more intense. The music perfectly captured the mood and energy of the movie.The cinematography was stunning. The way the movie was shot and the use of different camera angles really added to the overall impact of the movie. It felt like I was right there in the middle of the action.Overall, King Kong Fist was an adrenaline-pumping, action-packed movie that kept me entertained from start to finish. I can't wait to watch it again!。
Real Steal《铁甲钢拳》
该片根据Richard Matheson 1956年所写的短篇故事Steel 改编而成,由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格监制,肖恩·利维导演,澳洲影星休·杰克曼主演,围绕未来世界的机器人拳击比赛,讲述了一个饱含动作、梦想与亲情的励志故事。
Plot In 2020,the whole world has changed greatly in the not so distant future.At that time,robots have displaced humans in boxing as the most popular form of entertainment.在2020年,一个并不遥远的未来,整个世界已经发生了巨大变化。
Charlie Kenton (Huge Jackman)who is an Ex-boxer may not seem such depressed 1.He adapts 2himself to the new situation very fast.Time and time again,he steps on rings with his disciplined robots.However,life is made of marble and mud.The continuous 3failures make him so deep in debt that he is nearly out for the count.He is obsessed with 4robot until his ex-girl-friend has gone and left him their child whom he never met.A 11-year-old boy named Max (Dakota Goyo).前拳击手查理·肯顿(休·杰克曼饰)似乎并不那么落寞。
易筋经 change your bone ⼤⼒⾦刚指 strongman’s fingers ⽕焰⼑ flame knife 太⽞经 all fool’s daliy 九阳神功 nine men’s power 九阴真经 nine women’s story 万⾥狂沙鞭法 shachenbao on line 冲灵剑法 GG and MM’s sword ⼩⽆相功 unseen power 神照经 god bless you 洗髓经 wash you 梯云纵⼼法 evelope jump 神⾏百变 changeable as ghost 凌波微步 slide over the water ⼦午针灸经 day and night medical care 华陀内昭图 huatuo’s deep study 胡青⽜医书 buffulo hu’s medical book 五毒秘传 the experience of eat dirnk fu ck bet and somke 毒经 poisons 药王神篇 king of drag 铁掌拳谱 hard press 七伤拳谱 7hurted organ 天⼭六阳掌 6 men of mountain sky’s press 太极全经 dao’s all secret 黯然销魂掌 deepblue press 吸星*** suck star over china 神⽊王⿍ holyword’s pot 松风剑法 softwind sword 泰⼭⼗⼋盘剑谱 mountain tai’s road sword 回峰落雁剑谱 comebacksword 太岳青峰剑谱 oldmoutain’s green sword 两仪剑法 1/2 sword ⾦蛇秘笈 golden snake 苗家剑法 Dr.miao’s sword 太极剑法 sword of dao 达摩剑谱 damu superman’s sword ⾎⼑经 借⽤cs术语:blood stirke 天罡北⽃阵 big bear’s heaven in row 真武七截阵 7 ture brave in row ⾦刚伏魔圈 superman’s cover 冲灵剑法 gg an mm’s sword 反两仪⼑法 antihalf knife or tong(3)yi(1) knife ⼋荒六合唯我独尊功!my name is ! 狂风⼑法 stronwind 胡家⼑法 mr hu’s 霹雳⼑法 thunder’s 满天花⾬ cover you with flowers as rain 含沙射影 shoot you with machine gun 左右互博之术 simple person 1=2 凝碧剑 frogen sprite ⽩龙剑 hada’s ⽩虹剑 rainbow of milk 周公剑 weeklypublic 绿波⾹霞⼑ green ball with good smell 少林伟驼杵 weituo’s arm 赏善罚恶令 just reward you 降龙⼗⼋掌中的 亢龙有悔 highlight dragon’s shame 飞龙在天 flying in the sky 见龙在⽥ i see you on the farm 鸿渐于陆 D day 潜龙勿⽤ don’t borther me while i’m sleeping 利涉⼤川 it’s time for swimming 突如其来 an accident 震惊百⾥ bang 或跃在渊 fire in the hole 双龙取⽔ dragon couple with water 鱼跃于渊 fish also can fly 时乘六龙 i have 6 BMW 密云不⾬ have girlfirend without wife 损则有孚 you lost 龙战于野 battle outside 履霜冰⾄ SARS is coming 羝⽺触蕃 moujie ding! 神龙摆尾 gone with wind 葵花宝典 sunflower bible / from agentleman to a lady 独孤九剑 lonely with nine knive(swords) 四⼤恶⼈英译:) 恶贯满盈 fill up the evil pot (evil pot是直译,当然也可以意译成Pandola s box) ⽆恶不作 no bad, no did 凶神恶煞 evil devil 穷凶极恶 the poorest worst。
wwe摔⾓招式中英⽂摔⾓字典摔⾓招式中英⽂Aarm drag(托臂摔)axe handle(⼿斧劈击)armbar(肘关节固定)arm twist kick(扭臂踢)Alabama slam (阿拉巴马背摔)angle slam(ANGLE背摔)armbreaker(⼿臂粉碎技)arm lock(⼿臂固定)Anklelock(脚踝固定)abdominal stretch(腹部伸展固定)Avalanche Suplex(雪崩式过肩摔)Avalanche Muscle Buster(雪崩式肌⾁炸弹摔)Arm-hook Sleeper(勾臂式窒息固定)Arm Trap Suplex(⼿臂套锁式过肩摔)Atomic Arabian Facebuster(阿拉伯原爆颜⾯破碎技)Argentine backbreaker(阿根廷背部破坏技)Arabian Press(阿拉伯式压击)atomic drop(原⼦坠击)armbar&shoulder claw(肘关节固定+扣肩压)armbar&hammerlock(肘关节固定+肩关节固定)armbar&bodyscissor(肘关节固定+交叉⾝体固定)Bback chop(反向劈掌)back suplex(背部过肩摔)back low kick(反⾝低踢)back kick(反⾝踢击)back body drop(翻⾝背部坠击)back drop suplex(背部坠击过肩摔)Backbreaker(背部粉碎技)back suplex(背部过肩摔)back eblow punch(反⾝肘部猛击)back elbow smash(反⾝肘部撞击)back to back double underhook piledriver(背对背反锁双臂打桩技)Backbreaker drop(背部破坏坠击)Backflip kick(后空翻踢击)back heel kick(翻⾝脚跟踢击)back slide(背部滑动压制)bassball slide kick(滑垒式踢击)bassball slide(滑垒式移动)big shoulder claw(⼤⼒扣肩压)big shoulder claw&knee attack(⼤⼒扣肩压&膝击)big claw(利⽖抓击)big back claw(利⽖背部抓击)big foot (⼤脚踢击)big splash(⼤⼒飞⾝压)big boot(战靴踢击)bulldog(⽜头⽝颜⾯粉碎摔)bodysplash&whip(⾼速扑⾝撞击)bodyslam(背摔)body strikes(连续⾝体打击)body punch(上肢猛击)Body scissors(上肢交叉固定)Butterfly DDT(蝶式DDT)Belly to belly(抱腰)belly lock(腹部固定)Belly to belly suplex(抱腰背摔)belly to back slam(抱腰背部摔击)Brainbuster(脑部炸弹摔)bear hug(熊抱式固定)bicycle kick(脚踏车式踢击)Boston Crab(波⼠顿蟹式固定)Black Magic(⿊魔术)boot choke(战靴窒息)Boot from Hell(地狱战靴踢击)Bow and arrow hold(⼸箭式固定)Biel throw(标准抛投)Bridging arm triangle choke(⼤字型三⾓锁喉固定)Bronco buster(野马骑⼠)Black Hole Slam(⿊洞摔)butterfly lock(蝶式固定)Batista bomb(巴蒂斯塔炸弹摔)Ccombination(组合攻击)Crossface(颜⾯⼗字固)chop(劈掌)chop drop(劈掌坠击)clothesline(碎颈臂)(⾦勾臂)Crossbody(飞⾝扑)chicken wing(折臂固定)Crucifix powerbomb(⼗字架炸弹摔)cross leg trip(⼗字绊脚技)Crucifix armbar(⼗字架肘关节固定)chop block(折腿撞击)chokeslam(锁喉摔)(扼喉摔)(感谢DS)camel clutch(骆驼式固定)cross armbreaker(⼗字⼿臂破坏技)cross armlock(⼗字⼿臂固定)crucifix(⼗字架压制)cradle suplex(摇篮式过肩摔)Corkscrew moonsault(螺旋式⽉⾯瀑布坠击)Corkscrew moonsault press(螺旋式⽉⾯瀑布压击)Corkscrew Senton(螺旋坐击)chokeslam backbreaker(锁喉背部粉碎技)(扼喉背部粉碎技)Corkscrew leg drop(螺旋式腿部坠击)Corner slingshot splash(弹⼸式绳⾓飞⾝压)chinlock(下颚固定)Corkscrew scissors kick(螺旋式剪⼑脚踢击)Complete Shot(终结⼀击)Cobra Clutch (巨蟒式固定)choke(锁喉固定)(扼喉固定)(感谢DS)clothesline from Hell(地狱碎颈臂)Crossface chickenwing(颜⾯⼗字固&折臂固定)Crippler Crossface(破坏者颜⾯⼗字固)cloverleaf(四叶式固定)cruceta(横挡式固定)choke toss(锁喉抛摔)(扼喉抛摔)(感谢DS)Ddropkick(飞⾝踢)doble choke(双⼿锁喉)Diving double foot stomp(跳⽔式双⾜踩踏)dropkick to knee(膝部飞⾝踢)diving Swinging neckbreaker(跳⽔式急转碎颈摔)diving Fameasser(跳⽔式阿塞传说)diving elbow drop(跳⽔式肘部坠击)double headbutt(双⼈头锤)double chop(双⼈劈掌)diving Crossbody(跳⽔式飞⾝扑)dropsault(瀑布踢击)diving splash(跳⽔式飞⾝压)double arm lock(双臂固定)dropkick to face(颜⾯飞⾝踢)Double knee backbreaker(双膝式断腰技)dragon whip(飞龙旋风踢)diving headbreaker(俯冲式颜⾯粉碎技)double suplex(双⼈过肩摔)double arm suplex(双臂过肩摔)double dropkick(双⼈飞⾝踢)double hand chop(双掌拍击)double back body drop(双⼈翻⾝背部坠击)diving side kick(跳⽔式侧踢)diving axe handle(跳⽔式⼿斧劈击)diving headbutt(跳⽔式头锤)double axe handle(双斧劈击)double flying forearm smash(双⼈飞⾝前臂撞击)double arm drag(双⼈托臂摔)double Roundhouse Kick(双⼈旋踢)diving Corkscrew Kick(跳⽔式螺旋踢)double chickenwing(双⼿折臂固定)double fisherman brainbuster(双鱼夫式脑部炸弹摔)diving hurracanrana(跳⽔式飓风剪⼑脚)diving clothesline(跳⽔式碎颈臂)double shoulder block(双⼈肩部撞击)double back suplex side slam(双⼈背部过肩侧摔)double underhook suplex(反锁双臂过肩摔)Death Valley driver(死亡⾕炸弹摔)Double springboard moonsault(双层跳板式⽉⾯瀑布坠击)diving body press(跳⽔式飞⾝压)Double knee facebreaker (双膝颜⾯破坏技)double knee gutbuster(双膝腹部破坏技)double Facebreaker knee smash(双⼈颜⾯破坏膝击)double Gutbuster(双⼈腹部破坏技)Double underhook(双臂反锁)Double underhook powerbomb(双臂反锁强⼒炸弹摔)Double underhook powerslam(双臂反锁强⼒摔击)Double legdrop to groin(腹股沟双腿坠击)Double Back Elbow(双⼈反⾝肘击)Double legdrop(双⼈腿部坠击)Downfall(毁灭)diving leg drop(跳⽔式腿部坠击)Double Flapjack DDT(双⼈千⽄摔击DDT)Diving front dropkick(正⾯飞⾝踢)Double german suplex(双⼈德国式背摔)Doomsday Device(世界末⽇装置)delayed vertical suplex(延时式垂直背摔)EExploder powerslam(原爆炸弹摔)elbow smash(肘部撞击)elbow punch(肘部猛击)european uppercut(欧洲式曲臂直击)exploder suplex(原爆背摔)Exploder Powerslam(原爆强⼒摔击)eye poke(戳眼睛)Eye rake(眼部破坏)Eye of the Storm(风暴之眼)elbow drop(肘部坠击)Enzuigiri kick(延髓踢)electric chair drop(电椅式坠落)Eye of the Hurricane(飓风之眼)Ffigure-4 held with arms(⽤⼿臂的四字腿部固定)Flying shoulder block (飞跃式肩部撞击)flying clothesline(飞跃式碎颈臂)figure four leglock(四字腿部固定)Figure-4 armlock(四字⼿臂固定)front dropkick(正⾯飞⾝踢)front facelock(正⾯颜⾯固定)Fosbury Flop(跳栏式飞⾝击)flapjack(千⽄摔击)facelock(颜⾯固定)flying forearm smash(飞跃式前臂粉碎击)forearm smash(前臂粉碎击)face rake(颜⾯破坏技)Facewash(颜⾯冲击)Fly-swatter(飞⾏打击者)Front Powerslam(正⾯强⼒摔击)facebuster(颜⾯炸弹摔)facebreaker(颜⾯破坏技)Fireman's carry slam(背负式摔击)fireman's carry cutter(背负式断头摔)fireman's carry facebuster(背负式颜⾯炸弹摔)Forward Russian legsweep(正⾯俄罗斯扫腿摔)Frog Splash(跳蛙式飞⾝压)foot choke(铁脚锁喉)facecrusher(颜⾯粉碎摔)superplex to facecrusher(超级过肩摔转颜⾯粉碎摔)Facebreaker DDT(颜⾯破坏DDT)free fall drop(⾃由落体坠击)fisherman's suplex(渔夫式背摔)fujiwara armbar(藤原式肘关节固定)flying back elbow smash(飞跃式反⾝肘击)Flying Arabian Facebuster(飞跃式阿拉伯颜⾯炸弹摔)Five-Star Frog Splash (5星级跳蛙式飞⾝压)football kick(射门式踢击)Fallaway slam(仰⾓过肩摔)Fireman's carry to facebreaker knee smash(背负膝部撞击颜⾯粉碎技)face lock(正⾯固定)Full Nelson Slam(全尼尔森式摔击)Fosbury Flop(背越式跳⾼)Facebreaker knee smash(碎⾯膝击)front dropkick(正⾯飞⾝踢)fist drop(铁拳坠击)floating Neckbreaker drop(漂浮式颈部粉碎坠击)Falling Fate(死亡坠落)Five Knuckle Shuffle (5指⼀本击)frontslam(正⾯摔)frankensteiner(弗兰肯史丹纳,弗兰肯斯坦,科学怪⼈)F-5floatover(腰桥式压制)forearm scissor choke (交叉式前臂锁喉)Fameasser(阿塞传说)Gground headlock(地⾯头部固定)Gutbuster drop(坠落式腹部破坏技)german suplex(德国式背摔)Gutbuster(腹部破坏技)ground hammerlock(地⾯肩关节固定)Gorilla press(⾦刚式平举)gutwrench powerbomb(腹部扭转式炸弹摔)gutwrench suplex(腹部扭转式背摔)gutwrench powerslam(腹部扭转式强⼒摔击)Ghetto Stomp(贫民踩踏)Gory special flipped into a sitout powerbomb (空翻⼽⾥式固定转强⼒炸弹坐击)Gory special(⼽⾥式固定)guillotine toss(断头台式抛摔)Hheadlock(头部固定)headlock takedown(头部固定下潜摔)Huracanrana(飓风剪⼑脚)⼀般情况的Huracanrana pin(飓风剪⼑脚压制)headscissor roll over(反侧头部剪⼑脚)headscissor takedown(碎头剪⼑脚)在⾓柱上⽤的headscissor(头部剪⼑脚固定)hammer lock(肩关节固定)handspring eblow kick(前⼿翻腾肘击)Handspring slingshot Huracanrana(反弹前⼿翻腾飓风剪⼑脚)Handspring Huracanrana(前⼿翻腾飓风剪⼑脚)Handstand swinging headscissors(倒⽴式回转头部剪⼑脚)horse trip(绊马锁)headlock takeover(锁头式翻摔)high kick(⾼⾓度踢)high foot choke(⾼⾓度铁脚锁喉)(⾼⾓度铁脚扼喉)headbutt(头锤)High knee(⾼⾓度膝击)Half Boston Crab(半边波⼠顿蟹式固定)hip drop(臀部坠击)High-angle senton bomb(⾼⾓度飞⾝背部炸弹坠击)Hesitation Dropkick(踌躇飞⾝踢)hooking clothesline(⾦钩碎颈臂)IImplant DDT(灌输式DDT)Inverted neckbreaker(反转颈部粉碎技)inverted DDT(反转DDT)Impaler(刺客)Jjumping bodydrop(跳跃坐击)jumping headbutt(跳跃头锤)jumping stomp(跳跃踩踏)jump rolling clutch(跳跃翻滚压制)jumping knee drop(跳跃膝部坠击)jawbreaker(下颚粉碎技)jumping double elbow drop(跳跃双肘坠击)jumping axe handle(跳跃⼿斧劈击)jumping elbow drop(跳跃肘部坠击)jumping calf kick(跳跃⼩腿踢击)jumping clothesline(跳跃碎颈臂)jumping enzuigiri(跳跃延髓踢)jumping splash(跳跃飞⾝压)Jumping Sid e Kick(跳跃式侧踢)Jumping corkscrew forearm(跳跃式螺旋前臂击)jumping spin back kick(跳跃回旋后踢)jumping knee attack(跳跃膝击)jumping snap elbowdrop(跳跃迅猛肘部坠击)jumping legdrop(跳跃腿部坠击)jump Swinging DDT (跳跃急转DDT)jab(刺拳)Kknee attack(膝击)kitchen sink (迅猛膝击)knee drop(膝部坠击)knee smash(膝部撞击)Keylock(键锁式固定)kimura lock(⽊村式固定)knee choke(膝部锁喉固定)Llariat(套索式踢击)leg drop(腿部坠击)Leg drop bulldog(腿部坠击式⽜头⽝颜⾯粉碎摔)Lifting reverse STO(起重式反向STO)Lou Thez Press(丹兹式压击)leg trip(抱腿式绊摔)leg-feed enzuigiri(三⾜式延髓踢)Leg-feed spinning mule kick(三⾜式旋转曲腿后踢)low kick(下段踢击)leg lock(腿部固定)Lariat takedown(套索式擒摔)low bow kick(下阴踢击)low bow(下阴攻击)Lifting inverted DDT(起重式倒转DDT)legdrop to arm& Figure-4 armlock(⼿臂的腿部坠击及四字⼿臂固定)legdrop to arm(⼿臂的腿部坠击)MModified neck snap(改良版折颈摔)Mushroom Stomp(踩蘑菇)missile dropkick(导弹式飞⾝踢)moonsault(⽉⾯瀑布坠击)Michinoku Driver II(陆奥坐头摔II)mounted puntching(骑马式拳⽃)multiple suplex(连发式过肩摔)mat slam(原地摔击)multiple german suplex(连发德式背摔)multiple Short-arm clothesline(连发式短臂碎颈击)middle kick(中段踢击)monkey flip(猴⼦空翻)Muscle Buster(肌⾁炸弹摔)mule kick(曲腿后踢)M.N.MMilitary press(俯⾝侧平举)Mat backbreaker(原地背部粉碎技)Nnorthern lights suplex(北极星过肩摔)neckbreaker(颈部粉碎摔)Neckbreaker drop(颈部粉碎坠击)neck snap(折颈摔)Nightmare on Helms Street(赫尔姆斯街恶梦)Ooutside crescent kick(新⽉侧踢)Overhead Belly to belly Suplex(越顶抱腰背摔)open handed slap(巨掌拍击)Octopus Hold(章鱼式固定)One-handed bulldog(单⼿⽜头⽝颜⾯粉碎摔)One-armed delayed vertical suplex(单臂延时式垂直背摔)over the shoulder sitdown armbreaker(过肩式⼿臂粉碎坐击)over the shoulder armbreakerOver-the-shoulder arm drag(过肩式托臂摔)Old School(⽼派袭击)Ppowerful punch(强⼒猛击)punch(猛击)polish hammer(波兰战锤)Pumphandle Side Slam(唧筒式侧摔)Pumphandle Michinoku driver II(陆奥螺旋摔II)Pumphandle fallaway slam (唧筒式后抛摔)Pumphandle drop (唧筒式坠击)Pumphandle slam (唧筒式摔击)powerbomb(强⼒炸弹摔)prss body drop(悬崖翻车)prss body&corss body(抛摔&飞⾝扑)Press Body to Samoan Drop(抛接式萨摩亚落击)plancha(场外飞⾝扑)Push up facebuster(俯卧撑式颜⾯炸弹摔)Poetry in Motion(动态的诗)powerslam(强⼒摔击)Powerdrive Elbow(动⼒旋转肘击)Pendulum elbow drop(钟摆式肘部坠击)Prawn hold(虾式压制)Pelé Kick(贝利踢击)Prison Lock(监狱式固定)QQuebrada(⼭涧式⽉⾯坠击)Rrunning Facewash(助跑式颜⾯冲击)running shoulder thrusts(狂奔公⽜冲刺)running elbow attack(助跑式肘击)running lariat(助跑式套索踢击)running knee attack(助跑式膝击)running elbow drop(助跑式肘部坠击)running neckbreaker(助跑式碎颈摔)running boot choke(助跑战靴锁喉)running clothesline(助跑式碎颈臂)running splash(助跑式飞⾝压)running enzuigiri kick(助跑式延髓踢)running knee drop(助跑式膝部坠击)running forearm smash(助跑式前臂撞击)Running Big Boot(助跑式战靴踢击)Running powerslam(助跑式强⼒摔击)Running hip thump(助跑式臀部重击)Running neck snap(助跑式折颈摔)Running headbutt drop(助跑式头锤坠击)Running avalanche(助跑式雪崩撞击)running bulldog(助跑式⽜头⽝颜⾯粉碎摔)running missile dropkick(助跑式导弹飞⾝踢)running seated senton(助跑式飞⾝坐击)russian leg sweep(俄罗斯扫腿摔)Reverse figure four leglock(反向四字腿部固定)reverse atomic drop(反向原⼦坠击)reverse splash(反向飞⾝压)reverse chin lock(反向下颚固定)reverse DDT(反向DDT)rolling splash(翻滚飞⾝压)rolling up pin(翻滚压制)rolling rana(翻滚蛙式压制)Rolling fireman's carry slam(背负式翻滚摔)Rolling Thunder(翻滚雷击)Rolling wheel kick(翻滚轮转踢)rolling fireman's carry slam(翻滚背负式摔击)Rewind Wizard(重绕魔术师)Roundhouse Kick(横踢)Rolling outside cradle (翻滚外边摇篮式压制)Sscoop slam(蝎式翻摔)scoop slam to backbreaker(蝎式翻摔转背部粉碎技)Scoop slam piledriver(蝎式打桩)scoop slam to body drop(蝎式翻摔坠击)Spinning side slam(旋转测边摔)Spinning sitout powerbomb(旋转式炸弹坐击)(感谢所罗门王)Spinning crucifix toss(旋转⼗字架抛投)Spinning Spinebuster(旋转脊背炸弹摔)Spinning scoop slam(旋转蝎式翻摔)Spinning facebuster(旋转颜⾯炸弹摔)Spinning wheel kick(旋转轮转踢)Spinning headlock elbow drop(旋转头部固定肘部坠击)Springboard bulldog(跳板式⽜头⽝颜⾯粉碎技)Springboard back elbow smash(跳板式反⾝肘击)Springboard tornado DDT(跳板式龙卷风DDT)Springboard spinning wheel kick(跳板式旋转车轮踢)Springboard wheel kick(跳板式轮转踢)Springboard backflip(跳板式后空翻)springboard crossbody(跳板式飞⾝扑)Side headlock(侧边头部固定)Side headlock punch(侧边头部固定猛击)Side slam(侧边摔)Side effect(侧⾯终结摔)Sidewalk slam(夹击侧边摔)Sideslam backbreaker(侧边背部粉碎摔)stomp(踩踏)stomp to face(颜⾯踩踏)stomp choke(踩踏锁喉)stomp&choke(踩踏&锁喉)shoulder thrust(肩部冲刺)shoulder block(肩部撞击)shoulder slam(肩部摔击)shoulder throw(肩部投)spike DDT(穿刺式DDT)super kick(超级强⼒踢)snapmare(抱头摔)school boy roll up(⾃由式翻⾝压制)school boy pin(⾃由式压制)small package(⼩⼈物压制)stunner(下颚粉碎技)Swinging neckbreaker(急转碎颈摔)Swinging double arm lock neckbreaker(急转双臂固定碎颈摔)shining wizard(魔⼒闪电踢)suplex(过肩摔)suplex to body drop(过肩摔转⾝体坠击)Scissors kick(剪⼑脚踢击)scenond rope Crossbody(⼆层绳索飞⾝扑)Slapjack spinebuster(千⽄脊背炸弹摔)Spinebuster slam (脊背炸弹摔)Samoan drop (萨摩亚落击)Samoan Spike(萨摩亚穿刺)Spear(长⽭冲刺)shuffle side kick(曳步侧边踢)single leg crab(单腿桥式固定)STO(⼩川式旋风摔)Sitout rear mat slam (坐击式背后原地摔)splash(飞⾝压)Spin-out powerbomb(外转式强⼒炸弹摔)sunset flip pin(落⽇空翻压制)slap(呼巴掌)springboard back kick(跳板式反⾝踢击)spinning back kick(旋转反⾝踢击)springboard bulldog(跳板式⽜头⽝颜⾯粉碎摔)Spinning Heel Kick(旋转脚跟踢击)Springboard forearm strike(跳板式前臂击)senton(飞⾝背部坠击)somersault(翻腾)somersault senton(翻腾背部坠击)senton bomb(飞⾝背部炸弹坠击)sleeper hold(窒息固定)sleeper hold&Body scissors(窒息固定+上肢交叉固定)spinning belly to belly suplex(旋转抱腰背摔)Shooting Star Press(流星式压击)super bulldog(超级⽜头⽝颜⾯粉碎摔)super atomic drop(超级原⼦坠击)super double arm suplex(超级双臂过肩摔)superplex(超级过肩摔)Suplex powerslam(过肩式强⼒摔击)spinning side slam(旋转侧边摔)side suplex(侧边过肩摔)sambo suplex(桑勃式背摔)Springboard tornado DDT(跳板式龙卷风DDT)Springboard moonsault(跳板式⽉⾯瀑布坠击)Springboard stomp(跳板式踩踏)Springboard enzuigiri(跳板式延髓踢)Sitout facebuster(颜⾯炸弹坐击)Sitout full nelson slam(全尼尔森式坐击)sitout pin(坐击式压制)Standing side slam(站⽴式侧边摔)Standing moonsault(站⽴式⽉⾯瀑布坠击)Spin Cycle(循环旋转)short-arm clothesline(短臂碎颈击)Snapshot(快照)Snap suplex(迅猛过肩摔)Swanton Bomb(天鹅式炸弹坠击)shoulder stunner(肩部Stunner)seated senton(坐压式飞⾝背部坠击)steam roller(压路机式翻摔)Spinning side belly to belly suplex(侧转抱腰背摔)slingshot spinning wheelbarrow facebuster (弹⼸式旋转推车颜⾯炸弹摔)Slingshot split-legged moonsault(弹⼸式劈腿⽉⾯瀑布坠击)Slingshot double knee facebreaker(弹⼸式双膝颜⾯破坏技)Slingshot senton(弹⼸式背部坠击)slingshot splash(弹⼸式飞⾝压)slingshot front dropkick(弹⼸式正⾯飞⾝踢)slingshot dropkick(弹⼸式飞⾝踢)Slingshot schoolboy (反弹⾃由式压制)Saving Grace(救赎恩典)Surfboard(冲浪板式固定)shin choke(胫⾻锁喉)Step-over Toe hold Facelock(横越式⾜部及颜⾯固定)step-over toe hold(横越式⾜部固定)step-over headlock(横越式头部固定)step-over sleeper hold(横越式窒息固定)sweep kick(扫堂腿)Sting er splash(刺激者飞⾝压)Sweet Chin Music(下颚的美妙⾳乐)Tthroat thrust(刺喉攻击)toe kick(尖⼑踢)toss(抛摔)tornado DDT(龙卷风DDT)Three Amigos(三连发过肩摔)twist of fate(致命扭曲)toprope body press(越绳式俯冲)three-quarter facelock jawbreaker (四分之三颜⾯固定下颚粉碎技)T-Bone suplex(T型背摔)Tilt-a-whirl headscissors(⼤回旋头部剪⼑脚)Tilt-a-whirl slam(⼤回旋摔击)Tilt-a-whirl counter into a Russian legsweep(反向⼤回旋到俄罗斯扫腿摔)Tilt Suplex(倾斜式过肩摔)trident thrust(三叉戟冲刺)toprope leg drop(越绳式腿部坠击)toprope rolling leg drop(越绳式翻滚腿部坠击)toprope Corkscrew Senton(越绳式螺旋背部坠击)toprope Senton(越绳式背部坠击)toprope suplex(越绳式过肩摔)turnbuckle shining wizard(⾓柱魔⼒闪电踢)toprope corss body(越绳式飞⾝扑)triple jump moonsault(三级跳⽉⾯瀑布坠击)The Tomahawk Chop(印第安战斧劈击)the gore(⾎腥冲撞)toprope corssbody(越绳式飞⾝扑)TopSpin Facebuster(上旋颜⾯炸弹摔)toprope flip(越绳空翻)Turnbuckle climb corkscrew senton press(⾓柱攀爬式螺旋背部压击)Test Drive(⽆限狂飙)Throwback(逆转摔击)toprope Choke(绳顶锁喉)Tidal Wave(海啸)Turnbuckle climb Corkscrew splash(⾓柱攀爬式螺旋飞⾝压)Turnbuckle belly to belly suplex(⾓柱抱腰背摔)Turnbuckle climb moonsault(⾓柱攀爬式⽉⾯瀑布坠击)Tiger Feint Kick(虎式虚踢)tree of woe(受难树)The Worm(蠕⾍)UUra-nage backbreaker(裏投式背部粉碎技)uppercut(曲臂直击)Vvertical suplex(垂直过肩摔)vertical splash(垂直飞⾝压)Verdict(⼤审判)WWhiplash(旋风反转摔)westen sitbomb(西海岸坐击)Water-Wheel Slam(⽔车式背摔)Whirlybird Headscissors(直升飞机式头部剪⼑脚)wheel kick(轮转踢)wrist&arm wrench(⼿腕及⼿臂⼤⼒扭曲)wrist clutch&elbow punch(⼿腕扭抓+肘击)Whisper in the Wind(风之语)wheelbarrow facebuster(推车式颜⾯炸弹摔)(感谢语实俱禁)Wazzup! (怎么样)Wristlock mat slam(腕部固定原地摔击)Warrior's Way(武⼠道)XX-Factor(X因素)YYang Time(杨时刻)Z(责任编辑:站长)。
励志电影《铁甲钢拳》剧情简介剧情介绍影片讲述了在2020年, 人类拳击被政府取缔, 只有机器人的拳击赛才合法. 休杰克曼在片中出演一位前拳击手查理, 在退出拳坛后从事机器人格斗. 在一次跟他的机器人奇袭(ambush)在一场机器人vs斗牛比赛中, 因为疏忽而被ricky的斗牛黑色霹雳(black thunder)击败. 他也欠下ricky两万美金, 落荒而逃. 在比赛结束后, 他被人通知他的前女友死了, 留给他一个11岁的儿子麦克斯. 查理为了重新买机器人, 以10万美金的价格把max的监护权卖给了麦克斯的姨妈. 查理拿了麦克斯姨夫预付的5万美金, 4万5, 买了曾经名噪一时的日本格斗机器人吵闹小子(noisy boy). 而由于麦克斯的姨妈姨夫要去意大利旅游, 所以麦克斯要由查理带2个月. 查理带着自己的新机器人吵闹小子去参加一场黑市拳赛, 麦克斯也去了. 但是查理因为不听max的建议去打热身赛来熟悉吵小子的语音识别系统和招式, 而直接挑战地下拳坛霸主. 最终导致了查理一败涂地, 吵闹小子成了一堆废铁.查理为了修理机器人, 带着max去偷可以用的零件. 在那里max不小心从峭壁跌落, 却被一个机器人的手臂勾住而获救, 这个机器人就是本片的英雄——一台老式的二代陪练机器人亚当(atom). 麦克斯将亚当带回去, 查理的青梅竹马贝莉帮助他修好了亚当, 却发现亚当毫无战斗力, 并只附带有影子模仿系统. 亚当可以模仿眼前的人的动作. 麦克斯希望让亚当参加拳赛, 但是查理说亚当只是陪练机器人, 唯一的优势就是他是一个小强类的机器人, 去了也只是当沙包. 随后他们去了拳赛中心, 查理想借钱复赛但却借钱无果, 不过却打听到了在动物园有比赛, 而后在麦克斯的强烈要求下, 查理带着麦克斯去机械动物园让亚当参加了一场拳赛, 麦克斯和对手打赌只要撑过第一回合, 对方就输给自己一千美金. 在比赛中, 麦克斯操作机器人, 他发现查理能很敏锐地预知对手动作. 但是因为亚当的招式太少, 麦克斯又是第一次操控拳击机器人, 在第一回合中被对手麦德龙打得毫无招架之力, 但是因为抗打居然奇迹般地挨了过去. 对手心有不甘, 于是再次和麦克斯打赌, 并且翻倍了赌金, 麦克斯接受了对手的挑战. 第二回合开始, 麦克斯渐渐熟悉了机器人的操作技巧, 发现了对手的拳路, 因此第二场比赛打爆了对方的控制系统而赢得比赛. 这场胜利让查理很高兴, 更加坚定了让(atom)亚当参加拳击比赛的决心.麦克斯回去后, 把从查理坏掉的机器人伏击和吵闹小子身上拆下来的系统加到亚当里面, 让亚当也拥有了语音识别系统. 然后麦克斯请求查理训练亚当, 但查理要求麦克斯以用机器人的影子模式和麦克斯的舞来交换, 经过交涉后得到通过. 通过查理的训练, 亚当的系统输入了查理原来在拳击台上惯用的各种绝招, 然后他们四处参加地下拳赛, 越来越强, 不断受到邀请, 终于获得了专业拳赛的邀请函…… 机器人宙斯的制造人增户拓想要用20万来买atom亚当来当宙斯的陪练. 但麦克斯不同意. 在打败双城兄弟之后, 查理遭到里基的毒打, 钱也全被抢走. 日后, 查理把麦克斯还给了麦克斯的姨妈. 在查理的思考之后, 要把麦克斯接回一晚, 那一晚查理和麦克斯向宙斯发起了挑战. 亚当在对决宙斯时又一次展现了他耐打的特性. 在第四回合快结束时, 亚当的语音识别系统出了故障, 查理决定使用亚当的模仿功能. 在第五回合, 没有倒下过的宙斯因为电力不足, 被阿童木随后形势逆转完全压制住了. 在亚当即将给宙斯最后一击时, 比赛结束的铃声响了. 亚当最后的分数略低于宙斯所以输掉了比赛, 但它已深深震撼了所有人. 人们送给亚当一个称号——平民冠军(people's champion)!一句话评论影片将考验那些科幻片迷是不是能接受在科幻片中看到一个父子之情的故事, 因为这部电影完全就是在讲述父子之情,而机器人的打斗则可有可无.——《好莱坞报道者》虽然是一部发生在未来的科幻片, 但是影片在风格和主题上依然是一部老式的父子情感剧.——《综艺》这样的一个男孩和一个机器人的故事才是变形金刚的本源.——ign movies游戏攻略拳击竞技一直都是一项激烈但是很残酷的运动, 这个一直在暴力与竞技间徘徊的运动总是吸引很过热情的粉丝予以支持. 但是随着时代的进步, 我们的战斗开始进入了机械时代, 那个真人快打的时代渐渐逝去了.手机游戏属于动作类格斗游戏, 游戏的题材有些暴力, 但是噱头还算是不错, 玩家能够在格斗中感受到科技的力量, 同时也能够找到这种把对手打倒的快感. 但是游戏的画面实在是不敢恭维, 人物设计都太丑了.手机游戏的难度适中, 操作上采用了感应键位的方式, 所以一部分屏幕是被玩家自己的手指遮盖住的, 操作起来还算方便, 但是画面的可视度被影响了. 格斗中拥有很多组合技能, 但是运用是需要熟练的.感人的剧本丹吉尔罗伊在XX年为这部电影编写了一个剧本, 但是这个剧本并没有成为影片的拍摄剧本. XX年, 这部电影几经周折来到了史蒂文斯皮尔伯格的梦工厂, 斯皮尔伯格给这部电影的制作开了绿灯, 于是肖恩利维让杰里米莱文和丹吉尔罗伊修改了剧本. 但是到了XX年, 约翰贾丁斯又成为了影片的编剧. 在这最后一版的剧本里, 诸如父子之情、励志元素统统得到了凸显. 而且那一种未来、老派混搭的视觉元素也被杂糅了进来. 在肖恩利维看来, 这样的故事和情节, 更能够凸显一种温暖的乡愁, 因为这是一个讲述父子之情的剧本.谈到影片的剧本和视觉效果, 休杰克曼说:我自己是很喜欢影片的剧本, 因为这不是一部以动作和打斗为主的科幻片, 在更广泛的层面上, 这是一部家庭剧. 我扮演的查理肯顿是一个失败者, 但是在儿子的鼓励和他自己内心的渴望下, 他重新站立了起来, 变成了一个纯粹而杰出的拳击教练和一个真正意义上的好父亲. 这种人物的转变, 是我最钟爱的内容, 而且他和儿子的那种亦亲亦友的互动和鼓励, 也是这部电影的精髓. 我相信所有的观众都会喜爱这部电影中的情感元素的. 那些机器人拳击的场面, 也一样能让人们得到该有的娱乐和享受. 在肖恩利维的打造下, 整部影片发散出了一种传统、现代和未来相结合的影像风格, 而且机器人的质感和动感非常棒, 你都不会相信那是cgi制作的东西. 在拍摄的第一天, 我们来到了靠近底特律的一个地方, 这里非常有工业感, 很适合影片中的的场景. 最重要的是, 这里几乎提供了整部影片的所有场景, 既有室内的, 也有室外的, 非常棒.这几年凭借着一系列电影电视剧的配角起家的凯文杜兰也在影片中扮演了一个角色, 他曾经在《金刚狼》中和休杰克曼有过合作. 他说:能再次和杰克曼合作, 感觉很棒, 他是一个很杰出的演员. 这部电影很有看点, 首先它很吸引人, 因为机器人的拳击, 没有人见过, 也没有人能想象出它是什么样子;第二, 这个电影的剧本非常感人, 因为肖恩利维处理的是一个父子情的故事, 以及一个男人的重生的故事. 我觉得, 这种故事很具有打动人心的力量. 在这个角度上, 《铁甲钢拳》不仅仅是一部科幻片, 更是一部家庭片.特技:业界顶尖肖恩利维导演大力赞扬了影片的特技. 他表示对于《铁甲钢拳》中使用的大量前沿科技, 他与特效组借鉴了詹姆斯卡梅隆在《阿凡达》中使用的技术.导演继续解释道, 我们是在探索视觉特效的新高度. 简单点说, 除了使用传统技术--拍摄好空镜头, 再由电脑添加进机器人之外, 我们还大量使用了动作捕捉技术, 拍摄了不少真实的拳击手加洛德华伦(garrett warren)与舒格雷伦纳德(sugar ray leonard)互相搏击的镜头. 我们记录下他们身体移动与出击的数据, 将其数字化, 再存储起来. 数月后当我们在真实场景拍摄时, 我们就可以把这些程序化的动作捕捉数据释放出来, 并使用simulヽam b程序把数据转化成真实的图像.我们使用的是拍摄《阿凡达》时发明的技术, 但又有一些不同. 《阿凡达》是把动作捕捉表演放到虚拟的世界中, 而我们则是把动作捕捉表演放到真实的世界里.利维承认这些制作过程听起来很复杂, 于是他作出了简单的说明. 是这样子的, 他表示, 我们给真人拳击手穿上有动作捕捉点的特制服装, 让他们进行搏击. 他们的动作数据被捕捉, 实时的转换成机器人替身显示在电脑屏幕上. 然后我们去到需要拍摄的拳击布景, 对空空如也的拳台驾起摄像机, 电脑技术就允许你把六个月前拍摄的机器人打斗释放出来, 并加载在你拍摄的拳台上面, 你可以实时观看到打斗效果. 这就是simulヽam b的技术.体验:独一无二肖恩利维导演总结了他拍摄《铁甲钢拳》的体验:让我很爽的一点就是, 如今在银幕上呈现出来的电影, 和我之前畅想的一模一样. 他表示, 它就是我第一次和史蒂文斯皮尔伯格与史坦斯斯奈德谈及本片时脑海中想象的模样. 我们很高兴能够忠于那最初的梦想.休杰克曼则表示, 在我的职业生涯中, 我一直想参演一部类似于《洛奇》、《火之战车》、《死亡诗社》这样的影片, 它们都对我的成长影响至深. 那些电影带给我灵感, 让我从座位上跳起来叫好, 让我欢笑让我感动. 这部电影就让我梦想成真. 我觉得这部电影能娱乐并激励到观众, 就像那些电影曾经深深的影响我一样.制片人唐墨菲说, 我觉得每个人都能在《铁甲钢拳》里找到看点. 男性看拳击, 孩子看机器人, 女性看休杰克曼;还有每个观众都喜闻乐见的家庭元素.制片人苏珊芒特福德则表示全心赞同. 我们有流畅美妙的动人故事, 壮观震撼的激战场面, 带观众踏上一段独一无二、心生共鸣的难忘旅程, 真正做到了面面俱到. 这部电影一定会赢得观众的喜爱.。
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Max discovered an abandoned old Boxing Sparring robot accidentally,It can imitate others.
challenge the most powerful robot
Not successed but defeated the most powerful robot Adam.
Love Faith 顿在一场2000磅、6英尺高
的机器人拳击赛中丢掉了头衔。因 为输了比赛,所以查理活的穷困潦 倒。查理有一个十一岁的孩子,叫 做马克斯,查理以前忙于拳击从来 没有好好照顾过他。丢掉了头衔, 失去了名誉,还一无所有的查理反 而有了更多的时间和自己的儿子相 处。后来他们意外地发现了一个陪 练机器人。这个陪练机器人被马克 斯起名亚当,查理带他去打各种小 型赛事筹集金钱。马克斯让查理教 亚当自己的拳击技巧,亚当逐渐能 惟妙惟肖地模仿出查理的所有动作 。后来亚当成了常胜将军,变成了 世界知名的机器人拳击手。查理也 需要亚当的胜利来证明自己的价值 和存在的意义。在这些比赛的过程 中,查理收获的不仅仅是胜利和名 誉,更重要的是查理已经和自己疏 于联系的儿子马克斯建立起了坚不 可摧的情感 。
Dakota Avery Goyo
Charlie Camden in a 2000 - pound, 6 feet tall robot lost the title in the boxing match. Because lost the game, so Charlie live very poor. Charlie has a 10 year old child, called Max, Charlie is busy boxing never take good care of him. Lost the title, lost reputation, but also nothing instead, Charlie had more time to get along with his son. Then they accidentally discovered a practice partner robot. This practice partner robot is Max called Adam, Charlie took him to play all kinds of small events to raise money. Max let Charlie Adam their boxing skills, gradually can mimic the perfectly Charlie Adam all actions. Later Adam became ever-victorious generals, became world famous robot fighter. Charlie Adam's victory also is needed to prove his worth and significance of existence. In the process of the game, Charlie's harvest is not only a victory and reputation, and more importantly Charlie have lost touch of his own son Max established strong emotions.
Hugh Jackman
Charlie abandoned son, suddenly one day find, Charlie with his boxing robots, follow Charlie in various robot boxing competition. During the competition, and gradually recovered and Charlie's long-lost father and son.
:“虽然影片的故事简单到三言两语就可讲完,但在 127分钟的时间内,导演调动了各种视觉元素和戏剧元素,让原本 枯燥的电影看起来并不显得乏味。”
USA Today:“影片虽然用拳击这个主题展示了不少漂亮的画面, 但本质上却是一部父子感情的教育课,有些段落演绎得颇为感 人。”
影片成功将大量CGI技术和父子关系剧情融为一体,创造出迷 人的娱乐效果,时而温情款款,时而金属声振聋发聩!(《娱 乐周刊》评)
Frustrated, a former boxer, Charlie can't continue to play in the ring in his life and career are very failure, until he has masked son suddenly broke into his life.
Robot fighter competition replayed the boxing match between humans
Atom win
A story between a father and a son
Living on training robot boxers