关 键词 :正交试验 : 聚按酸系减水剂 合成 ; 高性能
中图分 类号:U 2 T59
E p r na Su y0 x ei tl td f me
Ⅷ 睁 Ab 州 :B a fo hgn lt t gaavi,td a a-dO t ne et o oa a oo strtdl yw y0 a o o a e i n ls s yw scne u f cs fm lr t fml tae sn s u l o ri at  ̄ lr i R- e¥wt c r h
k ywo d : r o om e t e r s ot g r lts; h y m o r e s r d ae d o c b x i e e l i s w rr u  ̄;s te i n ; t e n y hsi z g
i hs I r ut bt o b a wt I p dc o rm ar d 0 o s hf o
111 合成减 水剂材料 ,.
( 甲基) 丙烯酸 , 代号 : A 或 A , MA A 分析 纯; 甲 ( 基) 丙烯磺酸钠 , 代号 : A M S或 SS 工 业品; A, 聚氧乙 烯基烯丙酯 , 代号与聚合度 :A P 9或 P 2 或 P 3 , A3 A 5 自制; 过硫酸胺 , 代号 :S M, PA 分析纯。 112 水泥净浆 、 .. 砂浆试验材料 水泥净浆、 浆试验材料包括减水剂材料 ( 砂 见表 1、 )基准水泥( 北京拉法基水泥公 司)I 、 O中国标准 S 砂、 自来水 等 。
ca hi n ̄o p l pr r a c f lcroyl sr so ae d c rA p m, fr l r y tein 6rsbx l e e f u sOt e om neo yabxl e e f t r e ue . no a  ̄ omuaf nh s i p1er oyl s t so " f e p c i w r os z g c l
l 1、聚羧酸系减水剂发展历程 l 2、聚羧酸系减水剂分子结构 l 3、聚羧酸系减水剂的作用机理 l 4、聚羧酸系高性能减水剂的特性 l 5、聚羧酸系减水剂应用中易遇到的难题
混凝土博士 微信公众号(ID: ConcreteDoctor)
Nippon Shokubai /NMB 1986
混凝土博士 微信公众号(ID: ConcreteDoctor)
----+--++--+-+-+-++- ----
PC Steric hind
----+--++--+--++-++- ----
------------+--++----+----++---++- --------
掺有PC的水泥水化产物的结构更加均匀分散,水泥以极小颗粒的形式 分散在液相中,水泥颗粒之间基本上不存在“絮凝”结构。
混凝土博士 微信公众号(ID: ConcreteDoctor)
磺酸基(-SO3H) 分散性好,有早强作用
羧酸基(-COOH) 分散性好,有缓凝作用
混凝土博士 微信公众号(ID: ConcreteDoctor)
2)空间位阻效应 聚羧酸减水剂分子骨架为主链和较多的支 链组成,主链上含有较多的活性基团,依 靠这些活性基团,主链可以“锚固”在水 泥颗粒上,侧链具有亲水性,可以伸展在 液相中,从而在颗粒表面形成庞大的立体 吸附结构,产生空间位阻效应。
2 1 聚羧酸系减水剂的作用机理 .
当聚羧 酸系减 水 剂掺人 新拌 混凝 土后 , 减水剂 所带 的极 性 阴离子 活性 基 团 , : 如 羟基 (一O 、 酸 H)磺
基( s ) 醚基(一 一 OH 、 O。)羧基( C O一 等通过离子键 、 、 一 O ) 共价键、 氢键及范德华力等相互作用紧紧 地吸附在强极性的水泥颗粒表面, 从而使水泥颗粒带 电, 形成吸附双电层 ( 电位 ) , 8 根据 同性 电荷相 斥原理 , 阻止了相邻水泥颗粒的相互接近 , 增大了水泥与水的接触面积 , 使水泥充分水化 , 并且在水泥颗 粒扩散的过程中, 释放出凝聚体所包裹 的游离水 , 改善了和易性 , 减少 了拌水量 . 减水剂呈梳状结构 中具有亲水性的聚醚侧链 , 伸展于水溶液中, 从而在所吸附的水泥颗粒表面形成 有一定厚度的亲水性立体吸附层. 当水泥颗粒靠近时, 吸附层开始重叠, 即在水泥颗粒间产生空间位阻作 用, 重叠越多 , 空间位阻斥力越大 , 对水泥颗粒间凝聚作用的阻碍也越大 , 使得混凝土的坍落度保持 良 好. 另外 , 减水剂具有一定的引气作用[ , 4 掺人减水剂后 , 引入一定量 的细微气泡 , 】 将 它们被减水剂定 向吸附的分子膜包 围, 并与水泥颗粒间产生 电性斥力对水泥颗粒产生隔离作用 , 阻止水泥颗粒凝聚. 在 气泡 的滚珠和浮托作用下 , 有助于新拌混凝土中水泥颗粒、 骨料颗粒之 间的相对滑动. 因而具有引气隔 离“ 滚珠” 作用 , 从而改善混凝土的和易性. 聚羧酸系高效减水剂的分散减水作用机理以空间位阻斥力作用为主, 其次是水化膜润滑作用和静
第 l卷第3 9 期
2 0 年 8月 0 7
宁德师专学报 ( 自然科学版 )
Junl f igeT ahr C Hg ( a r c ne ora o nd eces o ee N t a S i c ) N ul e
聚羧酸减水剂又叫做聚羧酸超塑化剂,根据当前的行业标准《聚羧酸系高性能减水剂》JG/T 223-2007,对聚羧酸系减水剂的基本定义进行了明确的规定,在聚羧酸高效减水剂的分子结构中含羧酸的接枝共聚物,支链结构的基本特征是以聚氧化乙烯形成“梳状”或“接枝状”,同时拥有其他的功能基团。
1 聚羧酸减水剂的性能特点及适用范围聚羧酸系高效减水剂的性能特点十分的明显,其优越性能体现在自身的分子结构性能特点和掺加此减水剂的混凝土的性能两部分。
2 聚羧酸系减水剂效果影响因素2.1 对胶凝材料的适应性问题。
本论文合成了一系列聚氧化乙烯基单丙烯酸酯(Poly(ethylene oxide)monoacrylate,PEA)及聚羧酸系减水剂PCA(polycarboxylic acid water-reducers,PCA),并试验探讨了它们的应用性能。
高质量的含聚氧化乙烯基(Poly(ethylene oxide),PEO)的聚乙二醇不饱和羧酸酯大单体,其制备方法是,在无溶剂而有一定量的酸类催化剂浓硫酸或对甲苯磺酸及70-120℃温度的条件下,通过不同分子量的聚乙二醇(PEG200、PEG400、PEG600、PEG1000、PEG3000)与过量的不饱和羧酸-丙烯酸进行酯化反应获得的,通过测定反应物酸值和酯化率来控制聚乙二醇的酯化反应进程,以快速冷却法来终止大单体的酯化反应。
1. 聚羧酸系减水剂的种类和特点聚羧酸系减水剂是一类由聚羧酸高分子化合物制成的减水剂,其分子结构具有丰富的羧基和疎水基团,能够与水泥颗粒发生强烈的吸附作用,形成高度分散的胶体颗粒,从而改善混凝土的流动性和分散性。
目前,针对聚羧酸系减水剂的研究主要集中在以下几个方面:(1) 新型聚羧酸系减水剂的合成和性能改进。
(2) 聚羧酸系减水剂与水泥混合体系的相互作用机制研究。
(3) 聚羧酸系减水剂在不同混凝土体系中的应用性能研究。
JG∕T223-2007聚羧酸系高性能减水剂JG 中华人民共和国建筑工业行业标准JG/T 223—2007聚羧酸系高性能减水剂Polycarboxylates high performance water-reducing admixture2007—08—01发布 2007—12—01实施中华人民共和国建设部发布JG/T 223-2007前言本标准为首次制定。
JG/T 223-2007聚羧酸系高性能减水剂1 范围本标准规定了用于水泥混凝土中的聚羧酸系高性能减水剂的术语和定义、分类与标记、要求、试验方法、检验规则、包装、出厂、贮存等。
GB 8076 混凝土外加剂GB/T 8077 混凝土外加剂匀质性试验方法GB 18582 室内装饰装修材料内墙涂料中有害物质限量GB/T 50080 普通混凝土拌合物性能试验方法标准GB/T 50081 普通混凝土力学性能试验方法标准GBJ 82 普通混凝土长期性能和耐久性能试验方法JC 473 混凝土泵送剂JC 475—2004 混凝土防冻剂JGJ 52 普通混凝土用砂、石质量及检验方法标准JGJ 63 混凝土用水标准3术语和定义3(1聚羧酸系高性能减水剂 polycarboxylates high performance water-reducing admixture由含有羧基的不饱和单体和其他单体共聚而成,使混凝土在减水、保坍、增强、收缩及环保等方面具有优良性能的系列减水剂。
1. 分散作用:聚羧酸减水剂可以通过其分散作用,改善混凝土中固体颗粒的分散状态,减少颗粒间的吸附力和凝聚力,从而降低混凝土的黏聚性和内摩擦力。
2. 吸附作用:聚羧酸减水剂的分子结构中含有亲水基团和疏水基团,在混凝土中形成有效的吸附层,在水化过程中与水泥颗粒吸附结合,阻止颗粒的聚集和凝结,从而降低了混凝土的黏聚性和内摩擦力,增加了混凝土的流动性。
3. 减水作用:聚羧酸减水剂通过与水泥颗粒表面形成吸附层,有效地阻止了颗粒间的相互吸附和凝聚,减少了水泥颗粒间的摩擦力,从而降低了混凝土的黏聚性,使得相同水泥用量下的水掺量减少,实现了减水的效果。
%Poly-carboxyl superplasticizer was prepared by utilizing acrylic acid,sodium allyl sulfonate and PEG-M acrylic ester.The influences of different monomer ratios and reaction conditions on the superplasticizer performance were studied.The superplasticizer was used in high performance concrete,and had excellent water reduce ability in concrete even at low dosage and the strength of the concrete was also improved.Experiments showed that PEG-M,acrylic acid,and sodium allyl sulfonate used as raw materials in preparing poly-carboxyl superplasticizer which was a very good and stable disperser in cement.Different monomers ratio was used in the preparation process of superplasticizer.Carboxyl and sulfonic group content in superplasticizer had a larger influence on the cementhydration.Hydroquinone and phenothiazine as inhibitors were used in the esterification,and the experiments showed that the phenothiazine hadbetter inhibit ability,and the color of finish good was also lighter than that of using hydroquinone.Defoamer was used in poly-carboxyl superplasticizer to reduce air existing in the concrete and to improve the strength of the concrete.【期刊名称】《广州化工》【年(卷),期】2012(040)024【总页数】4页(P75-77,90)【关键词】聚羧酸;高效减水剂;高性能混凝土【作者】张赐容;黄易云;宁平【作者单位】广州从化鳌头凌丰树脂加工厂,广东从化510900;华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院,广东广州510641;华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院,广东广州510641【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TU528纵观我国50多年混凝土外加剂的发展历史,第一代木质素减水剂与第二代萘系减水剂对混凝土综合性能的提高、生产施工方式的改善起到了巨大的作用[1]。
陆文雄 ,张月星 ,杨瑞海 。欧阳婷
( 上海大学 化学 系,上海 2 04 )系高效减水剂 时, 同单体 M SP O A 不 A 、E 、A的加入量对减水剂 的性能有不I 刮的影响 , 是由于各个功能单体对水 主要 泥颗粒的分散机理不同, 通过研究 M SP O、A的加入量对水泥净浆流动度的影 响, A 、E A 从而确立了其在水泥 中的作用机理主要是 静电斥力 , 空间位阻 , 此外还有反应性 高分 子缓慢释放理 论, 这对于指导聚羧酸系高效减水剂 的合成具有很大 的参考价值 c ,
目前我 国广泛使用 的减水剂主要是蒹系 。 密胺系和三聚氰
胺系高效减水剂 。但 由于其减水率不高 , 混凝土坍落度经时损
失大而限制 了其 发展 。随着高性能混凝土 的不断发展 , 迫切需 要与之相适应 的新一代高效减水剂 , 而具有梳型接支分子结构
2 结 果 与 讨论
21 不同单体对水泥净浆流动度的影响 .
后 . 引发 剂存 在的条件 下将 上述大分子单体滴入到 甲基丙 在有 烯磺酸钠 的溶液 中, 搅拌进行聚合反应 35 , ~h反应结束后调 p H
至 中性 , 得到粘稠的油状产物 , 同含量在 4 %左右 。 0
分, 高效减水剂以其 良 的减水效果 、 好 坍落度经时损失小 能够
较大幅度 的提高混凝土 的抗压强度及其耐久性 . 从而促进了商 品混凝 土向着大型化 、 专业化方向的发展以及 促进了建筑技术
K wo d : s p r ls czr s r a it ; udt m/ rs u epa t i ; t i s bl i e e c t i f ii y l y
O 前 言
聚羧酸系高性能减水剂一、简介water-reducing admixture是指在混凝土和易性及水泥用量不变条件下,能减少拌合用水量、提高混凝土强度;或在和易性及强度不变条件下,节约水泥用量的外加剂。
文章编号 :6 2— 3 8 2 0 ) 3— 2 4— 4 17 4 4 (0 7 0 0 1 0
聚 羧 酸 型减 水 剂 的合 成 及 分 散 性研 究
肖雪清 黄雪红 范有发 王明杰 , , ,
( .福 建工程 学院材料科 学与工程 系, 建 福 州 30 1 2 1 福 5 04; .福 建师范大学化学与材料 学院, 建 福 福州 3 00 ) 5 0 7
g o p ,s l h n c go p ,p lo y t y e e s e c an go p ,a d t a h o y a b x l c d tp r u s u p o i r u s oy x e ln i h i u s n tt e p lc r o y i a i y e h d r h c wae e u e sp s e sh g i e so n o d f i — od n r p ry tr r d c r o s s ih d s rin a d g o l d h l ig p o e . p u t Ke wo d :C — oy a b x l cd;w tr r d cn g n ;d s e so y r s O p l c r o yi a i c a e e u i g a e t ip rin;c p l me iai n o o y rz t o
X a u qn H a gX e og , a o f ,WagMig e i X e ig , un u hn F nY ua o n n j i
( .Ma r l c neadE g er gD pr e tFj nvri f ehoo , uh u3 0 1 ,C ia 1 t i i c n ni e n e at n, ui U i s t o c l e aS e n i m n a e y T n g F zo 5 0 4 hn ; y
Vol. 23,No. 1Feb. ,2020第23卷第1期2020年2月建筑材料学报JOURNAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS文章编号=1007-9629(2020)01-0064-07聚竣酸系减水剂作用机理的研究进展水亮亮r 杨海静2,孙振平2,何 燕3,曾文波4(1.上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司,上海200092;2.同济大学先进土木工程材料教育部重点实验室,上海201804;3. 苏州科技大学土木工程学院,江苏苏州215011;4. 山西黄河新型化工有限公司,山西运城044000)摘要:聚8酸系减水剂(P C E )的性能提升和安全高效应用是混凝土外加剂的重要发展方向,深入理解PCE 的作用机理十分必要.为此,简要回顾了 PCE 的静电斥力效应与空间位阻效应,总结了PCE 基于空间位阻效应的构效关系研究进展,并就润湿作用、润滑作用及挤出排空效应3种可能存在的PCE 作用机理进行了综述.关键词:聚8酸系减水剂;作用机理;空间位阻效应;挤出排空效应中图分类号:TU52& 042. 2文献标志码:Adoi :10. 3969/j. issn. 1007-9629. 2020. 01. 010Research Progress on Working Mechanism of Polycarboxylate SuperplasticizerSHUI Liangliang' , YANG Haijing 2 SUN Zhenptn g 2 , HE Yan ' , ZENG Wenbo 4(1.ShanghaiMunicipalEngineeringDesignInstitute(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai200092,China;2. Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education , Tbngji University, Shanghai 201804, China;3.SchoolofCivilEngineeringMSuzhou UniversityofScienceandTechnologyMSuzhou215011MChina;4.ShanxiHuangheNew ChemicalCo.,Ltd.,Yuncheng044000,China)Abstract: To promote the performance of polycarboxylate superplasticizer(PCE) as we l as to apply PCE safelyande f icientlyareimportantdevelopmentdirectionsofconcreteadmixtures.Therefore,thedeepun-derstanding on working mechanism of PCE is necessary.The electrostatic repulsion e f ect and steric hin drance effect of PCE were reviewed. Meanwhile, the structure-activity relationship of PCE was summa-rizedbasedonthesterichindrancee f ect.Fina l y,thethreepossible mechanismsofPCEincludingthe e f ectsofwe t ing,lubricationanddepletionisproposed.Keywords:polycarboxylatesuperplasticizer;workingmechanism;sterichindrancee f ect;depletione f ect聚竣酸系减水剂(PCE)作为最新一代减水剂, 具有掺量低、减水率高、保坍性能好及绿色环保等一 系列优异特性.与此同时,PCE 分子结构可设计性 强,功能化潜力大的特点也备受科研工作者关注.聚 竣酸系减水剂作用机理的研究意义如图1所示.由 图1可见,若能对PCE 构效关系及作用机理做到充分认识,则可根据工程的实际需求制备出具有特定功能的PCE 产品,而对PCE 作用机理的研究是实 现这一目标的理论基础.目前,单纯的空间位阻效应(steric hindranceeffect )在解释PCE 作用机理方面已逐渐显露出不尽如人意之处,成为束缚PCE 性能进一步提升的瓶收稿日期:2018-10-10;修订日期:2018-12-20基金项目:"十三五”国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0701004);国家-然科学联?基金资助项目(U1534207);国家-然科学基金资助项 目(51678441,51808369);上海市经信委专项资金资助项目(沪CXY-2016-012);上海市政总院科研项目(K2018J024A );江苏省高等学校-然 科学研究项目(面上项目)(18KJB560016)第一作者:水亮亮(1989—),男,安徽芜湖人,上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司工程师,博士. E-mail ;S huiliang1ang@S medi. com 通讯作者:孙振平(1969—),男,新疆奇台人,同济大学教授,博士生导师,博士. E-mail : szhp@tongji. edu. cn第1期水亮亮,等:聚竣酸系减水剂作用机理的研究进展65图1聚系减水剂作用机理的研気Fig.1The significance of the study on PCE working mechanism颈•本文总结了国内外关于PCE作用机理的相关研展&一步完善PCE的作用机理,为PCE 的能展奠定基础•1静电斥力效应和空间位阻效应的提出图2为聚竣酸系减水剂作用机理示意图(1)在未掺加减水剂的情况下,水泥与水混合形成系,体系中不相及早期特,相互吸引絮凝结构并包大量拌&系的流动度⑵&2(a)所示.此时加统减水剂,减水剂分子在水中离解成大分子阴离子并及其使颗粒的Zeta电位绝对值提高,颗粒间静电斥力增大,破坏并抑制系中絮凝结构的,使体系中离,宏观上流•这便是静电斥力效应,即DLVO稳定效应,如图2(b)、(c)所示.该效应主要适用于传统减水剂,一般减水剂掺量越大,Zeta电位绝对值越大,减水剂分越好•据DLVO稳定效应的推算,当水泥浆体中的Zeta绝对值大于20mV才能稳定状态⑶•加了PCE的稳定&实测Zeta电位绝对值却小于10mV(-5],且PCE用量低,而体系却具有加传统减水剂更好的分散稳定性,这是用DLVO稳定效应所不能解释的•1997年,Yoshio-ka等及Uchikawa等通间范德华力F a)和静电作用力(F es)的,证明掺加PCE 的Zeta生的排斥力不足以克服水间的范德华力•因此,他们开引'胶体稳定中的空间位阻概念,认为PCE分子通过离子型主链及其,而侧链则伸展液相&一层较厚的聚合 子&相近生重,便产生间位阻斥力•这种稳定效应被称为空间位阻效应,如图2(d)、(e)所示•Adsorbed water Cement//Free water Flocculated water(c)Working mechanismof DLVO effect (b)Deagglomerate process by addingtraditional superplasticizers(a)Agglomerate structure producedby mixing cement with water10Vi«5nm:i StericJ/effectAdsorbed PCEi//Non-adsorbedi(?BCE—(d)Deagglomerate processby adding PCE(e)Working mechanism ofsteric hindrance effect图2聚竣酸系减水剂作用机理示意图Fig.2Schematic of working mechanism of polycarboxylate superplasticizer「门2基于空间位阻效应的PCE构效关系研究缪昌文等⑺从“结构分散”及“吸附”三者关系的角度出发,较详细地阐述了PCE的构效关系.本文在此基础上结与补充&•2.1结构与分散从空间位阻效应的解释来看,具有长侧链且侧66建筑材料学报第23卷链密度高的PCE分子理应具有更强的空间位阻效应并表现出更好的分散性能.Kinoshita等(11)的研究结果也确实指出,具有较长侧链的梳状共聚物具有更好的分散性能,但分散保持性相对较差.Nawa 等(2)则指出,侧链长度对产品分散性能的影响依赖于主链的化学特性:对于马来酸酹基PCE,侧链长度越短,分散性能越佳;而对于(甲基)丙烯酸基PCE,侧链长度越长,产品分散性能越好.孙振平等('的研究结果表明:当侧链长度相同时,随着侧链密度的减小(即酸醞比增大),PCE分散性能先增大后减小;而当侧链密度相同时,随着侧链长度的增大,PCE分散性能也是先增大后减小,但差异并不显著;分散性能最佳的PCE为酸醞比4:1(质量比)、侧链相对分子质量3400的产品;且随着侧链长度的增大,为使PCE获得较佳的分散性能,应降低其侧链密度.冉千平等认为,在低水胶比条件下,长侧链共聚物的分散性能要优于短侧链共聚物,而在高水胶比条件下,两者之间并没有显著区别. 2.2结构与吸附一般认为,PCE分子主链上的离子基团种类与含量决定了PCE的吸附特征,而侧链长度则影响了其吸附作用的发挥.Zhang等(5)指出:不同电荷类型的均聚物在水泥颗粒及其水化产物表面的吸附驱动力主要为静电引力与络合作用,在相同电荷密度条件下,阴离子均聚物在水泥表面的吸附量明显高于阳离子均聚物,由于静电引力和络合作用,含—COO?的阴离子均聚物较含一SO?的均聚物具有更高的吸附量;而对于主链含一COO?、一SO?及0N+—的梳状共聚物PCE,其在水泥颗粒及其水化产物表面的吸附规律与线性共聚物的影响规律一致.Tian等(6)选用酸醞比为4的PCE4与酸醞比为22的PCE22,研究了这2种PCE对硅酸盐水泥及硫铝酸盐水泥分散效果的影响,结果表明:在硅酸盐水泥体系中PCE4较PCE22具有更好的初始分散性能;而在硫铝酸盐水泥体系中,PCE22具有更好的初始分散性能.这主要是由于硅酸盐水泥浆体孔溶液中Ca2+浓度更高,而PCE22分子主链上—COO?含量也较高,两者通过络合作用使PCE22发生交联,减少了PCE22在水泥颗粒表面的吸附,进而降低了其分散效果;而PCE4与PCE22在不同Ca2+浓度溶液中的水力半径变化也证实了这一推测.参照文献[16]中的结论,此规律可解释为:随着侧链密度的降低,PCE分子主链上的一COO?含量增大,PCE快速吸附于水泥颗粒及其水化产物表面并发挥分散作用,但随着侧链密度继续降低,浆体溶液中的Ca2+与PCE分子主链上的一COO?发生络合作用,PCE分子间发生交联,其分散性能降低.2.3吸附与分散减水剂作为一种表面活性剂,其发挥分散作用的及其生,即减水剂通过“吸附-静电斥力/空间位阻-分散”的.此,减剂的特研究其分散效果具有重要意义.Flatt等将存在于新拌水泥浆体中的PCE分为3部分:第1部分为穿插于早期水化产物中形成有机矿物相(organo-mineral phase,OMP)的PCE,该部分PCE无分散作用;第2部分为吸附于水泥颗粒及水化产物表面的PCE,主要发挥分散作用;第3部分为游离于浆体孔溶液中的PCE,主要发挥分散保持作用,且在较高PCE掺量下,该部分PCE有可能对拌和物流变性产生显著影响.Kim等[18]也指出:游离于浆体孔溶液中的减水剂分子可能对水泥颗粒起到额外的排斥作用,从而进一步提高浆体的流动性,但针对该部分减水剂分子如何发挥额外的分散作用,文中并未进一步介绍.目前,PCE吸附特性研究的主要技术手段为总有机碳(TOC)分析,即根据PCE吸附前后溶液中碳浓度的差值计算得出PCE的吸附量.因此,该方法得的量第1PCE与第2PCE附量的总和,即利用差值法获得的PCE吸附量并非对分散起直接作用的有效吸附量,而仅仅是表观吸量.关于PCE“吸附与分散”研究的另一热点及难,PCE及其的附状况及吸附构象研究.Plank等(9)的研究表明,PCE在水泥颗粒表面的吸附呈不均匀分布,即PCE 主要吸附在水泥颗粒表面的铝酸盐矿物相上或钙矶石(AFt)等带正电荷的水化产物表面.原子力显微(AFM)术PCE构的重要手段,:K auppi等[20)利用直径为65%m的MgO 球形探针测量了空间位阻效应的作用范围,并得出PCE的吸附层厚度约为1.5〜5.0nm.Houst等(口利用AFM技术测得PCE的吸附层厚度约为PCE 分子流体力学半径的30%〜50%,并由此推断PCE 子通链上的&侧链伸展在溶液中.Peng等⑶〕利用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)配合氮离子刻蚀技术得到碳元素在石膏表面的纵向浓度分布,进而得知聚合物在石膏样品表面的吸附层厚度.其试验结果表明,荼系减水剂与PCE在石膏表面的吸附层厚度分别为12.0、第1期水亮亮,等:聚竣酸系减水剂作用机理的研究进展677.5nm,这与前述AFM技术所测得的吸附层厚度在量级上相同.与此同时,Ferrari等(s)利用AFM技术测试了不同电解质溶液中PCE对不同尺寸SiO:探针与AFt之间作用力的影响.实测结果表明:对于粒径为10%m的SiO:探针,掺加PCE并未显著改变探针与AFt之间“距离-作用力”关系曲线,且在某些电解质溶液中还出现了吸引力;而对于粒径为10nm的SiO:探针,未掺加PCE时,探针与AFt间“距离-作用力”关系曲线溶液中引力,但掺加PCE后,探针与AFt间则未出现过吸引力;由此认为试验所用PCE的空间位阻效应无法补偿大颗粒间的范德华力与静电引力作用.且文中随后关于吸附有PCE的AFt颗粒与粒径为10%m探针间的“距离-作用力”理论关系曲线中,其出现吸引力的距离范围又与实测结果中出现吸引力的距离范围有较大出入.综上可知,基于空间位阻效应的PCE构效关系研究大多是通过宏观试验数据以及理论分析的方式间接获得.一方面,由于不同研究人员选用的原材料特性差异、测试方法及测试环境不同等原因,使得许多试验结论并不一致;另一方面,在PCE空间位阻效应的分析中存在许多假设,并且计算公式中的关键参数并不确定,特别是PCE在水泥颗粒表面的有效吸附量、吸附构象、吸附层厚度以及吸附层覆盖情况都存在很大的不确定性,导致实测结果与理论分析结果存在一定差异.3PCE作用机理的相关探索3.1润湿作用由于减水剂多为阴离子型表面活性剂,因此将其加入拌和水中能够显著降低拌和水的表面张力,进而也降低了拌和水与水泥颗粒间的界面张力,而水泥颗粒表面被拌和水润湿是表面能降低的过程,倘若整个体系在某一瞬时的自由能为定值,则拌和水与水泥颗粒间界面张力越小,拌和水在水泥颗粒表面的润湿面积就越大当减水剂溶于拌和水中时,拌和水在水泥颗粒表面的快速润湿有利于减水剂分子在颗粒表面发生吸附,进而有望更快地发挥其分散作用.水亮亮等(5)研究了不同类型减水剂分散效果发挥速率与其相应拌和水表面张力间的关系,试验结果表明两者之间并无良好的对应关系,即表明润湿作用对减水剂的分散性能影响较小.3.2润滑作用Sakai等(6)及Ushiro等如在研究低水胶比条件下水泥浆体流变性能时发现,浆体孔溶液中未被吸附的减水剂同样能够提高浆体流动性,但文中并未阐述其详细的作用机理.Lange等、Van Damme等(9)及Lootens等(0)认为,浆体孔溶液中未被吸附的PCE通过润滑作用提高了浆体的流动度.Lange等选用聚乙二醇单甲醞甲基丙烯酸酯(MPEGMA)、聚乙二醇单甲醞甲基丙烯酸酯均聚物(PMPEGMA)及聚乙二醇单甲醞(MPEG)这3种不会在水泥颗粒及其水化产物表面发生吸附的聚合物,研究了三者单独使用以及分别与酯类PCE混合使用时对水泥浆体的分散作用,所有的净浆分散试验均采用0.30的水灰比.研究结果表明:将上述3种聚合物单独添加到水泥浆体中时,3种聚合物既不会发生吸附也不会对浆体起到分散作用;但将3种聚合物分别与酯类PCE同时加入水泥浆体中时,3种聚合物均能提高PCE的分散性能.据此,Lange 等(0)认为这3种不发生吸附作用的聚合物通过润滑作用提高了PCE的分散性能,但该研究并未证明未被吸附的PCE也对分散起作用.3.3挤出排空效应Lewis等在研究聚电解质对水泥浆体悬浮液流变特的,实流变特与结果存在不一致性.为此,他们考虑了颗粒间的范德华力、静电斥力以及空间位阻效应,并认为空间位阻效应起主要作用,但该效应仅限于那些吸附了减水剂分子且粒径不大于1%m的颗粒.于是他们认为系中的小及中的PCE分子通过挤出排空效应(depletion effect)对大粒径水泥颗粒起到了稳定作用.这可能是挤出排空效应首次应用于水泥悬浮稳定体系中并用于解释体系稳定现象的报道,但Lewis等并未对水泥浆体中可能存在的挤出排空效应做进一步研究.Zingg等(S34)利用高压冷却技术处理水泥浆体样品,使水泥浆体水化早期的内部微结构得到完整的保留,再利用聚焦离子束纳米X射线断层摄影技术(focused-ion-beam nanotomography,FIB-nt)与低温扫描电镜技术(cryo-SEM)相结合的方法,首次完整展示了水泥水化早期悬浮颗粒的空间分布情况、早期水化产物形貌以及浆体微结构的形成情况.结果表明:对未掺PCE的水泥浆体,其早期水化产物在水泥颗粒表面产生沉淀并相互桥接,使新拌水泥浆体很快失去塑性并最终凝结硬化;而对掺加PCE的,其期AFt尺较小,且大多存在于颗粒间隙溶液中,仅少量AFt沉淀于水泥颗粒表面;相较于水泥颗粒,掺加PCE 且水化68建筑材料学报第23卷6min的水泥浆体中出现了大量粒径小于500nm的亚微米级颗粒,其体积分数大约为10%.2种浆体内结构的显著决定者具有截然不同的流变特性,而这些亚微米的数量、分布及其与PCE 间的关系可能系流变特性起关键作用,这一点有.Shui等工指出,未被吸附的PCE及吸附有PCE的其他细小颗粒(如早期水化产物AFt)通过应系的稳定起重要作用,并应的示,如图3所示.(a)PCE-cement suspension(b)Depletion process图3应示丨Fig.3Schematic of depletion effect()由图3(a)可见,在掺有PCE的水泥悬浮稳定体系中,相邻间隙溶液中大量的PCE及其他吸附有PCE的细小颗粒(如早期水AFt).当相邻相近时,这1间隙溶液中的法不断挤出并最,丿间隙中剩下溶剂,如3(b)所示.这一过程显然是不可自的.因此,在这的过程中,相邻间将受到排斥力作用,证体系的稳定性,且排斥力作用范围与上述物质的尺寸有关,可达数十纳米或数百纳米,达数微米•4结论与展望目前,空间位阻效应仍被认为是PCE的主要作用机理,基机理展开的构效关系大得到了合,但PCE的有效量、吸附构象、度及覆盖情况等决定空间位阻效应大小的关键参数得到确定•与此,研究人员极探索PCE可能的其他作用机理并不完善,以期为PCE的性能及安全应用奠定基础•参考文献::1]SHUI Lian g lian g,SUN Zhenping,YANG Haijin g,et al Ex-perimentalevidencefora possible dispersion mechanism ofpolycarboxylate-type superplasticisers[J].Advances in Ce-mentResearch,2016,28(5):287-297.[2]张力冉,王栋民,张伟利,等•运用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察新拌浆体多级絮凝结构[J].电子显微学报,2013,32(3):231-236.ZHANG Liran,WANG Don g min,ZHANG Weili,et al Ob-servationofthemulti-levelflocculationstructuresoffreshce-ment pastes by confocal 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MSDS/SDS(Safety Data Sheet)即安全技术说明书,提供了化学品(物质或混合物)在安全、健康和环境保护等方面的信息,推荐了防护措施和紧急情况下的应对措施。
在一些国家,SDS又被称为物质安全技术说明书(Material Safety Data Sheet,MSDS)。
办理范围:染发剂MSDS检测中心,发膜MSDS测试机构,脱模剂MSDS办理中心,芳香剂MSDS报告,生物有机肥料MSDS报告,稀释剂MSDS认证费用,玻璃水MSDS报告办理机构,精油MSDS英文,香水MSDS英文报告,货物运输条件鉴定书办理机构修色笔MSDS报告,精华原液MSDS费用,胶水MSDS报告,玻璃胶MSDS,喷粉MSDS报告环保证,铝合金MSDS报告样本,铜合金MSDS报告办理,切削油MSDS报告,面漆MSDS报告固化剂MSDS认证,泡沫油MSDS周期,洗发水MSDS时间,静电膜MSDS优惠,洗手粉MSDS出口,胶带MSDS报告,墨水MSDS检测中心,胶合板MSDS报告办理机构,玻璃胶MSDS报告鞋油MSDS爽肤水MSDS,睫毛膏MSDS,眉粉MSDS,化妆水MSDS,香薰MSDS,面膜MSDS,精油MSDS,粉底MSDS,漱口水MSDS,牙膏MSDS,唇彩MSDS,香皂MSDS,洗衣液MSDS,空气清新剂MSDS胶粘剂MSDS,胶浆MSDS;文具-修正液MSDS;涂料MSDS、油漆MSDS;再加工塑料粒MSDS;锂电池MSDS;聚氯(PVC) MSDS;铁丝, MSDS铝纸MSDS;聚氯(PVC)包装材料MSDS;芳香剂MSDS;消毒杀菌剂(手) MSDS;泡沫塑料MSDS;润唇膏MSDS;润肤霜MSDS;摩沙膏MSDS 增塑剂MSDS 稳定剂MSDS 发泡剂MSDS 抗氧剂MSDS 减水剂MSDS 防水剂MSDS 脱模剂MSDS 嵌缝油膏MSDS 泡沫剂MSDS 合成鞣剂MSDS 涂饰剂MSDS 加脂剂MSDS 光亮剂MSDS 软皮油MSDS 防水添加剂MSDS 刹车油添加剂MSDS 汽油抗震添加剂MSDS 增白剂MSDS 防水剂MSDS 防霉剂MSDS 乳胶凝固剂MSDS 钻井防塌剂MSDS 泥浆用助剂MSDS 防蜡的降粘剂MSDS 溶剂油MSDS 化学品的MSDS 化妆品的MSDS赛克MSDS 乳胶漆MSDS 地坪漆MSDS 外墙涂料MSDS 粉末涂料MSDS 淋浴液MSDS报告/浴盐MSDS报告/香皂MSDS 报告沐浴露MSDS,身体乳MSDS,防晒霜MSDS,香水MSDS,珠光粉MSDS检测,高光粉MSDS报告,阴影粉MSDS办理等。
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硅酸盐学报· 616 ·2009年聚羧酸系减水剂的分散作用及其引气性能李顺,文梓芸(华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院,特种功能材料教育部重点实验室,广州 510640)摘要:采用自由基聚合法合成了一系列聚羧酸减水剂,通过正交试验研究了减水剂官能团种类及比例,引发剂、链转移剂对其在水泥浆中分散性能的影响。
关键词:聚羧酸系减水剂;分子量;分布;分散性能;引气性能中图分类号:TQ172 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0454–5648(2009)04–0616–06DISPERSIBILITY AND AIR ENTRAINING PERFORMANCE OF POLYCARBOXYLATE-TYPEWATER REDUCERSLI Shun,WEN Ziyun(Key Laboratory of Specially Functional Materials of Ministry of Education, College of Materials Science and Engineering,South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China)Abstract: A series of polycarboxylate-type water reducers (PCWRs) were synthesized by free radical copolymerization. Effects of type and ratio of the functional group, initiator and chain transfer on the dispersibility of the PCWRs in cement grout were investi-gated by using an orthogonal test. The PCWR with a low air entraining capability and a high dispersibility was synthesized by opti-mizing the functional group ratio and adjusting the molecular mass. The effects of the functional group ratio and the molecular mass on the air entraining performance of the PCWR were analyzed. The relationships among the molecular mass and its distribution and the dispersibility, as well as the saturation dosage of the PCWRs were discussed. The results show that. The strengthened air entrain-ing capability of the PCWR with the appropriate functional group ratio results from the excessively high molecular mass. When the molecular mass is excessively high, the dispersibility of the PCWR in the cement paste is low, but its saturation dosage in cement mortar is high.Key words: polycarboxylate-type water reducers; molecular mass; distribution; dispersibility; air entraining performancePolycarboxylate-type water reducers (PCWRs) were first developed in the 1990s. [1] The PCWRs had been developed during the past decade, attributed to its poten-tially changeable molecular structure. This chemical possesses an excellent water reducing capability and a dispersion retention stability at a low content.[2–7] Cement particles can be efficiently dispersed using this chemical due to the electrostatic repulsions and the steric hindrance effects.[8–10] Yamada et al.[11] investigated the effect of chemical structure on the properties of polycarboxy-late-type superplatisizer. Li et al.[12] discussed the influ-ence of polyethylene oxide chains on the performance of the PCWRs. Cho et al.[13] investigated the effect of syn-thetic conditions on the dispersibility of poly{carboxylate- g-(ethylene glycol) methyl ether} in cement paste. Plank et al.[14–15] analyzed the dispersibility and adsorption be-havior of the PCWRs with respect to the molecular structure. As known, the use of the PCWRs can increase the air content of concrete, which is beneficial to the workability and durability of concrete. The objective of this paper was to investigate the dispersibility, dispersion retention capability and air entraining performance of the收稿日期:2008–11–06。
Received date:2008–11–06. Approved date: 2009–01–08.First author: LI Shun (1977–), male, postgraduate student for doctor degree. Correspondent author: WEN Ziyun (1943–), male, Ph.D., professor.E-mail: lis1116@第37卷第4期2009年4月硅酸盐学报JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETYVol. 37,No. 4April,2009硅酸盐学报JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY第37卷第4期2009年4月Vol. 37,No. 4 April,2009李顺等:聚羧酸系减水剂的分散作用及其引气性能· 617 ·第37卷第4期PCWRs in cement grout from the functional group ratio and the molecular mass, and its distribution.1 Experimental1.1 Synthesis of PCWRsGrade 52.5 Portland cement (type II) was supplied by Yuexiu Cement Plant in Guangzhou. Fine aggregate was ISO standard sand from Xiamen. Polyalkylene glycol monomethacrylate (PGMA) was from Clariant Chemical.Methyl acrylic acid (MAA) and sodium hydroxide were from Kermel Chemical Co. in Tianjin. Methyl methacrylate (MMA) and ethyl acrylate (EA) were from Chinese Medical Group Chemical Co.. Initiator and chain transfer were from Guanghua Chemical in Guangzhou.The PCWRs were synthesized by a free radical co-polymerization with the PGMA, MAA, MMA and EA in water solution. In this step, the mixed monomer solution and initiator solution were dropwise charged into the vessel, equipped with a stirrer, a thermometer and a re-flux condenser, within 4 and 5h, respectively. The tem-perature was kept in the range of 75 to 85℃. After the completion of copolymerization, the polymer solution was neutralized by 30% (in mass) sodium hydroxide so-lution to pH value 6.5–7.0. Then, a certain amount of water was added to obtain a solution with a solid content of 20% by mass.1.2 Measurement1.2.1 Gel permeation chromatography The average molecular mass and distribution of the PCWRs were de-termined from gel permeation chromatography (GPC) measurements using a Waters 515 chromatographic ap-paratus equipped with four columns ultrahydrogel 120, 250, 500 and 1000, as well as a detector (Waters 2410). The temperature of column was kept at 40℃. The sam-ples were analyzed using a 0.1mol/L Na2SO4 aqueous solution as an eluant, at a flow rate of 0.6mL/min. The monodisperse polyethylene glycols with various molecu-lar mass were used as calibration standards.1.2.2 Fluidity of cement paste The cement paste was prepared with a water-cement ratio of 0.29 or 0.35 at 20℃. The PCWRs were added into water at a solid con-tent ranging from 0.15% to 0.4% by mass. The specimen of cement paste was sealed in a container for 5, 30, 60 and 90min, respectively. The fluidity of cement paste was measured using a minislump cone (a height of 60 mm, upper diameter of 36mm and a bottom diameter of 60mm). The processes were performed according to the Chinese standard GB/T 8077—2000.1.2.3 Water reducing ratio of the PCWRs in cement mortar The testing and reference mortar with the same fluidity (180±5)mm was each made by adjusting the amount of water used. Thus, the water reducing ratio (WRR) of the PCWRs at different contents in cement mortar can be calculated. The mixing and testing proce-dures were carried out according to the Chinese standardGB/T 17671—1999 and GB/T 8077—2000.1.2.4 Air content of cement mortar Air content of cement mortar was examined using an air meter ModelLC–546(Sanyo, Japan).2 Results and discussion2.1 Selection of monomer ratioThe results of the preliminary tests[10]show that the monomers such as PGMA (factor A), MAA (factor B), MMA and EA can be used to synthesize the PCWRs. However, their proper combination may have an effect onthe performance of the PCWRs. The molecular mass and distribution of the PCWRs are closely related to the amount of initiator (factor C) and chain transfer (factor D), which have significant influences on the dispersibility, dispersion retention capability and air entraining capabil-ity of the PCWRs. To optimize the combination formula,an orthogonal test program was designed. Monomers used for the synthesis are PGMA, MAA and MMA as well. Table 1 gives the factors and levels of the experi-ments designed by a statistic approach L9(34). Tables 2 and 3 show the experimental results. It is seen from Table4 that for the WRR of cement mortar with the PCWRs, factors A and D are the primary important parameters among the variables studied. The secondary important parameter is factor B. The amount of initiator (factor C)has a less effect on the WRR of cement mortar.Table 1 Factors and levels of the orthogonal test for pre-paring PCWRsFactor (in mole)/% Factor (in mass)/% LevelA B C D1 20 40 1 0.52 25 503 1.03 30 60 5 2.0 Factors A, B, C, D are represented for PGMA, MAA, initiator, chain transfer.Table 2 Scheme and results of the orthogonal test inmortarFactor/% Water reducing ratio/%Serial numberA B C D 0.2 0.3 0.41 204010.520.827.127.12 205031.022.925.027.13 206052.018.820.820.84 254032.014.616.718.85 255050.520.827.127.16 256011.018.820.820.87 304051.013.516.720.88 305012.015.616.720.89 306030.520.822.925.0硅 酸 盐 学 报· 618 ·2009年Table 3 Scheme and results of the orthogonal test in pasteFactor/% Fluidity/mmSerial numberA B C D 0.2% 0.3%0.4%1 20 40 1 0.5 60 101 1392 20 503 1.0 166 211 200 3 20 60 5 2.0 196 262 2494 25 40 3 2.0 60 60 60 5 25 50 5 0.5 132 163 2006 25 60 1 1.0 179 232 2607 30 40 5 1.0 60 60 608 30 50 1 2.0 60 96 1229 30 60 3 0.5 203 256 280 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.4% all denote the dosage of PCWRs in mortar, the same below.Table 4 Range analysis of the orthogonal test in mortarFactor (0.2%)Factor (0.3%)Factor (0.4%)IndexA B C D A B C D A B CDK 1 20.8 16.3 18.4 20.8 24.3 20.221.5 25.7 25.0 22.222.926.4K 2 18.1 19.8 19.4 18.4 21.5 22.921.5 20.8 22.2 25.023.622.9K 316.6 19.5 17.7 16.3 18.8 21.521.5 18.1 22.2 22.222.920.1Range 4.2 3.5 1.7 4.5 5.5 2.70 7.6 2.8 i (i =1, 2, 3) is average of index for level i .And the better formula is the combination of A 1, B 2, C 2 and D 1. As shown in Table 5, for the fluidity of cement paste with PCWRs, factor B is the most significant pa-rameter, while other three factors have a less effect on the fluidity of cement paste. And the better formula is the combination of A 1, B 3, C 2 and D 1. In the two different systems, the almost same formula was obtained, and the difference was the amount of B (correspondingly, the different amount of MMA).Table 5 Range analysis of the orthogonal test in pasteFactor (0.2%)Factor (0.3%)Factor (0.4%)IndexA B C D A B C D A B CDK 1 141 60 100 132 191 74143 173 196 86174206K 2 124 119 143 135 152 157176 168 173 174180173K 3108 193 129 105 137 250162 139 154 263170144Range 33 133 43 30 54 17633 34 42 1771062To examine the results of the statistically designed experiment, the PCWR-1 and the PCWR-2 were synthe-sized using the formula of A 1B 3C 2D 1 and A 1B 2C 2D 1, re-spectively (see in Table 6). Figure 1 shows a higher dis-persibility of the PCWR-1 rather than that of the PCWR-2 in cement paste. Figure 3 (a) shows a higher dispersibility of the PCWR-2 compared to that of the PCWR-1 in cement mortar. For the PCWR-1 and the PCWR-2, different dispersibilities in cement paste and mortar were related to their molecular structures. On theTable 6 Monomer mole fraction for PCWRs synthesisx /%SamplePGMA MAA MMA EAPCWR-1 20 60 20 PCWR-2 20 50 30 PCWR-3 15 65 20 PCWR-4 15 55 30 PCWR-5 30 65 5 PCWR-6 30655PCWR-7 30 65 5 x —Mole fraction.Fig.1 Variation of minislump spread of cement paste withcontents of PCWRs李顺等:聚羧酸系减水剂的分散作用及其引气性能· 619 ·第37卷第4期Fig.2 Minislump spread of cement paste with different cotents of PCWR-7Fig.3 Water reducing ratio of PCWRs at different dosages in cement mortarother hand, Table 7 shows that the air content of cement mortar with the PCWR-1 and the PCWR-2 was greater, indicating their high air entraining capability. This is dis-advantageous to the strength development of cement mortar. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the dispersi-bility and reduce the air entraining capability of the PCWRs in order to further optimize the monomer ratio. 2.2 Optimization of monomer ratioTo improve the dispersibility and reduce the air en-training capability, the PCWR-3 and the PCWR-4 (in Table 6), were synthesized by changing the ratio of the PGMA and MAA based on the formula of the PCWR-1 and the PCWR-2, respectively. Figure 1 shows that com-pared to the PCWR-1 and the PCWR-2, the minislump spread of cement paste with either the PCWR-3 or the PCWR-4 increased, respectively. This indicates that the dispersibility of the PCWRs increased with increasing the ratio of the MAA. Also, the air entraining capability of the PCWR-3 and the PCWR-4 was higher (see Table 7). From the analysis above, the PCWR-5 was synthesized by changing the ratio of the PGMA and the MMA based on the PCWR-3 formula (in Table 6). As a result, the dis-persibility of the PCWR-5 in cement paste increased, compared to that of the PCWR-3(see Fig.1(a)). Mean-while, the air content of cement mortar was decreased to 16.5%, indicating that the air entraining capability of the PCWR-5 was obviously reduced (see Table 7). In addi-tion, the air entraining capability of the PCWRs was fur-ther reduced by adjusting the molecular weight when the PCWR-7 contains the same monomer ratio as the PCWR-5. The air content of cement mortar with 0.2% of the PCWR-7 was only 9.0 %. Figure 2 shows that the dispersibility of the PCWR-7 in cement paste was im-proved compared to the PCWR-5. The dispersibility and the air entraining capability of the PCWRs both were improved by adjusting the monomer ratio and the mo-lecular mass.Table 7 Air content of cement mortar with PCWRsSample Dosage,w/% Water-cement ratio Air content/% PCWR-1 0.2 0.37 28.0PCWR-2 0.2 0.36 30.0PCWR-3 0.2 0.38 30.0PCWR-4 0.2 0.38 32.0 PCWR-5 0.2 0.36 16.5 PCWR-6 0.2 0.36 22.0 PCWR-7 0.2 0.40 9.0 2.3 Air entraining performance of PCWRsThe PCWRs are a kind of high molecular surfactant. Its air entraining capability is related to the surface activ-ity. Generally, the higher surface activity of the PCWRs, the higher air entraining capability of the PCWRs has. The air entraining performance of the PCWRs is affected by the ratio of functional group in molecule. In Tables 6 and 7, the air entraining capability of PCWRs was higher when the molar ratio of the MMA (containing ester group) varied from 20% to 30%. This capability was reduced when the molar ratio of the MMA was decreased to 5%. This illustrates that the excessive ester groups in mole-硅酸盐学报· 620 ·2009年cule could strengthen the air entraining capability of the PCWRs. Compared to the PCWR-1 and the PCWR-4, the mass average molecular mass M m of the PCWR-5 in-creased(see Table 8), however, the air entraining capabil-ity reduced due to the decreased amount of ester groupsin molecule. Compared to the PCWR-5, the M m of the PCWR-7 is decreased, and the corresponding air entrain-ing capability is reduced, resulting from the decreased amount of functional groups such as ester groups, car-boxyl of the MAA, and polyethylene oxide (PEO) of the PGMA. For the PCWR-5 and the PCWR-6, the ratio of functional groups and M m is almost similar, but the air entraining capability of the latter is higher than that of the former. This may be due to the different types of ester groups from the MMA and the EA. From the analyses above, it can be concluded that the air entraining capabil-ity of the PCWRs was correlated to both the ratio of functional group and M m. The precondition to reduce the air entraining capability of the PCWRs was the appropri-ate ratio of the functional group.Table 8 Average molecular mass and PDI of PCWRsSample M m×104M n×104 PDI(M m/M n)PCWR-1 6.65 3.04 2.19 PCWR-2 7.37 2.91 2.53 PCWR-3 5.47 2.54 2.15 PCWR-4 5.63 2.47 2.28 PCWR-5 7.58 3.44 2.20 PCWR-6 7.70 3.21 2.40 PCWR-7 3.51 1.31 2.69 M m denotes mass average molecular mass; M n denotes number average molecular mass.2.4 Dispersibility and saturation dosage of PCWRsThe effects of molecular mass, distribution and ratioof functional group on the dispersibility and dispersion retention capability of the PCWRs in cement paste were investigated. For the PCWR-1 to the PCWR-4, it is rea-sonable to analyze their different disperabilities in cement paste due to their approximate air entraining capabilities. From the results in Fig.1 and in Table 6, it can be con-cluded that the dispersion capability of the PCWRs in-creased with increasing the content of carboxyl from 50%to 65%. Among the four PCWRs, the dispersion capabil-ity of the PCWR-3 was the highest but its dispersion re-tention capability in cement paste was lower, especiallyat the dosage of 0.20% and 0.25%. This is attributed to its relative low M m and PDI, (see Table 8). Compared to the PCWR-3, the M m of the PCWR-1 increased and the dis-persibility in cement paste decreased. In contrast with the PCWR-4, the M m of the PCWR-2 increased and the dis-persibility in cement paste decreased. For the PCWR-5 and the PCWR-6, the M m of the latter was higher and the dispersibility of the former was higher in cement paste. Compared to the PCWR-5 and the PCWR-6, the M m of the PCWR-7 was obviously low. The dispersibility of the PCWR-7 was improved in cement paste (see Fig.2). It is indicated that in a certain range, the increased molecular mass would lead to the decreased dispersion capability in cement paste when the ratio of functional group of the PCWRs was similar.For the PCWR-2, the PCWR-5 and the PCWR-6, the WRR in cement mortar can be increased with increasing the content from 0.2% to 0.4%, which indicates that the saturation dosage was at least 0.4%. This was correlated with their higher molecular mass. For the PCWR-3, the WRR in cement mortar was equal at the content of 0.3% and 0.4%, and the WRR of the PCWR-4 in cement mor-tar decreased with increasing the content from 0.3% to 0.4%, indicating that the saturation dosage of them was 0.3% due to their approximate molecular mass and the PDI. When the PCWR-1 and the PCWR-7 are concerned, the WRR was not increased with increasing the dosage from 0.25% to 0.3%, showing that their saturation dosage was 0.25%. These results and the GPC results in Table 8 indicate that the molecular mass and the PDI both have effects on the saturation dosage of the PCWRs. The ex-cessive high molecular mass of the PCWRs would lead to the higher saturation dosage in cement mortar.3 Conclusions(1) A higher mole fraction of the MMA in the PCWRs resulted in a lower dispersibility in cement paste and a higher air entraining capability in cement mortar.(2) The air entraining capability of the PCWRs could be reduced in the appropriate ratio of functional group. A higher molecular mass could give a higher air entraining capability of the PCWRs with the appropriate ratio of functional group.(3) The excessive higher molecular mass of the PCWRs would lead to a lower dispersibility in cement paste and a higher saturation dosage in cement mortar. References:[1] KINOSHITA M, YONEZAWA T, YUKI Y. Chemical structure andperformance of a new type high range water reducing agent for ultra high strength concrete [J]. 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