nLite 精简一步一步详细教程
一、准备软件1、nLite 1.4 Final/~nlite/nlite/nLite-1.4.exe2、Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0/downloads/info.aspx?na=90&p=&SrcDi splayLang=zh-cn&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=0856eacb-4362-4b0 d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5&u=http%3a%2f% %2fdownload%2f5%2f6%2f7%2f567758a3-759e-473e-bf8f-521544 38565a%2fdotnetfx.exe3、Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 版简体中文语言包(x86)/downloads/info.aspx?na=90&p=&SrcDi splayLang=zh-cn&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=39c8b63b-f64b-4b6 8-a774-b64ed0c32ae7&u=http%3a%2f% %2fdownload%2f2%2fc%2f7%2f2c791d8a-0ef9-49fa-9528-68b796 26b9cb%2flangpack.exe4、Windows XP SP2 (政府免激活简体中文版)VRMPVOL_CN.ISO (自己寻找下载)二、精简前准备1、安装1 (例如安装到D:\nLite)、2、3。
2、释放VRMPVOL_CN.ISO 内文件夹及文件(例如释放到D:\MINIXP)D:\MINIXP\I386D:\MINIXP\BOOTFONT.BIND:\MINIXP\WIN51D:\MINIXP\WIN51IPD:\MINIXP\WIN51IP.SP2此时D:\MINIXP 文件夹大小:542 MB (569,023,254 字节)3、下载F1、F2、F43、F44 的附件并释放到D:\nLite\20071201 下D:\nLite\20071201\$OEM$D:\nLite\20071201\$OEM$\INSTALL.INSD:\nLite\20071201\$OEM$\Last Session.iniD:\nLite\20071201\$OEM$\Last Session_u.iniD:\nLite\20071201\$OEM$\$$\Registry.regD:\nLite\20071201\I386D:\nLite\20071201\I386\Flash.oc_ 更新版本D:\nLite\20071201\I386\swflash.in_ 同上脚本D:\nLite\20071201\I386\IEXPRESS.EX_ 汉化文件D:\nLite\20071201\I386\luna.th_ 主题修正D:\nLite\20071201\I386\LegitCheckControl.dl_ 正版破解D:\nLite\20071201\I386\WgaLogon.dl_ 正版破解D:\nLite\20071201\I386\WgaTray.ex_ 正版破解D:\nLite\20071201\I386\WINLOGON.EX_ 精简破解D:\nLite\20071201\I386\WINNT.SIF 安装脚本D:\nLite\20071201\BOOT.BIND:\nLite\20071201\CDIMAGE.CMDD:\nLite\20071201\CDIMAGE.EXED:\nLite\20071201\-LANG.CMD三、开始精简布置运行D:\nLite\nlite.exe选择语言为:Simplified Chinese 下一步选择Windows 安装文件所在位置为:D:\MINIXP 下一步导入D:\nLite\20071201\$OEM$\Last Session.ini 精简配置并加载下一步点击组件、无人值守、设置、调整下一步注意:1、nLite 的一个Bug,加载时会忽略带* 的行,请自行补充勾选;2、强烈建议不要导入及加载非本版本号的nLite 精简配置,切记!如下是导入后的内容:组件+■操作系统选项√ .NET Framework□ 16-位支持√ Blaster/Nachi 移除工具√ FAT 转NTFS 格式转换器□ IE 核心组件□ IExpress 向导□ Jet 数据库引擎□ MDAC√ MS XML 2.0□ MS 助手□ MS Visual Basic 5 运行库□ MS Visual Basic 6 运行库□ MS Visual Basic 脚本支持√ Zip 文件夹√ 安全中心√ 帮助和支持□ 帮助引擎□ 本地安全设置□ 磁盘配额√ 磁盘清理□ 登录通知√ 额外字体√ 符号调试器(NTSD)□ 格式化驱动器支持√ 管理模板√ 管理员VB 脚本√ 华生医生□ 可扩展存储引擎(Esent97)□ 命令行工具√ 色彩方案□ 审核资源动态链接库√ 手动安装与升级√ 输入法编辑器√ 搜索助手√ 网页视图√ 文档模板√ 文件和设置转移向导□ 文件系统筛选管理器√ 系统媒体管理器□ 应用程序兼容性补丁□ 用户帐号头像□ 远程安装服务(RIS)√ 造字程序□ 证书管理√ 注册激活√ 桌面清理向导□ 组策略管理控制台+■多媒体□ Acm 核心解码器√ AOL ART 图像格式支持□ DirectX□ DirectX 诊断工具□ Intel Indeo 解码器□ Luna 桌面主题□ MIDI 音频支持□ OpenGL支持□ Windows Media Player□ Windows Media Player 6.4□ Windows 声音□ Windows 图片和传真查看器√ 老式的CD 播放器和录音机√ 媒体中心√ 平板电脑√ 鼠标光标√ 图像背景√ 音乐示例□ 用于播放(WMP) 在线流媒体的控件□ 语音支持+■服务√ Application Layer Gateway□ COM+□ DHCP 客户端√ DNS 客户端□ HTTP SSL√ IMAPI 光盘刻录服务□ Internet 验证服务(IAS)√ IPSEC 服务□ Kerberos 密钥发布中心√ Messenger√ Qos 数据包计划程序√ RPC 定位器□ System 监视器√ TCP/IP NetBIOS 助手√ Telnet□ Windows 防火墙/Internet 连接共享□ Windows 管理规范√ Windows 时间√ 不间断电源供应(UPS)□ 传真服务□ 存储保护√ 错误报告服务√ 二次登陆√ 分布式链接跟踪客户端□ 分布式事务协调器□ 蜂鸣驱动√ 服务公告协议(SAP)□ 后台智能传输服务√ 简单TCP/IP 服务□ 简单网络管理协议(SNMP)√ 警报器√ 卷影复制□ 可移动存储√ 路由监听服务□ 事件日志√ 索引服务√ 通用即插即用设备□ 外壳服务□ 网络登陆√ 网络动态数据交换(DDE)□ 网络供应服务√ 网络客户端□ 网络位置识别□ 文字服务框架□ 无线零配置√ 系统还原服务□ 系统事件通知(SENS)□ 消息队列(MSMQ)□ 性能日志和警报√ 远程注册表√ 质量服务资源预订协议□ 终端服务√ 自动更新+√ 键盘+■驱动√ IBM PS/2 指点杆√ IBM Thinkpad√ ISDN□ SCSI/RAID√ Sony 滚轮键□ 便携音频设备√ 串行手写板√ 磁带驱动器√ 打印机√ 调制解调器√ 东芝DVD 解压卡√ 多功能卡√ 罗技手柄√ 扫描仪√ 微软手柄√ 无线以太网(WLAN)□ 显示适配器□ 显示适配器(旧式)□ 以太网(LAN)√ 异步传输模式(ATM)√ 照相机和摄像机+■网络√ FrontPage 扩展√ H323 MSP□ Internet Explore r√ Internet 连接向导□ Internet 信息服务(IIS)√ IP 会议□ MAC 网桥□ MS 邮件和邮件应用程序接口(MAPI) √ MSN Explorer√ Netmeeting□ NetShell 命令行工具√ Netware 客户端服务√ NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS 协议□ Outlook Express□ TAPI 程序支持√ TC P/IP V6√ Web 文件夹√ Windows Messenger□ 拨号和虚拟个人网络(VPN) 支持√ 点对点√ 共享创建向导□ 活动目录√ 控制测试终端程序√ 连接管理器√ 矢量图形呈现(VML)√ 通讯工具√ 同步管理器□ 网络安装向导√ 网络监视驱动及工具□ 映射网络驱动器向导+■应用程序√ Internet 游戏√ NT 备份□ 磁盘碎片整理程序√ 辅助功能选项√ 公文包√ 画图□ 计算器√ 剪贴薄查看器√ 屏幕保护√ 三维弹球√ 写字板√ 游戏□ 字符映射表+■硬件支持□ AGP 筛选器□ ALI 1535 SMBus 宿主控制器□ ALI IDE控制器□ AMD CPU□ ATM 支持√ Brother 设备□ CMD PCI ID E 控制器√ Gravis 数字游戏端口□ IEEE 1284.4 设备(Dot4)√ Iomega Zip 设备□ Microsoft 色彩管理器(ICM) □ PCMCIA√ Ramdisk□ SD 卡宿主控制器□ Sony 记忆棒□ Transmeta Crusoe CPU□ USB 视频捕获设备□ USB 以太网□ USB 音频支持√ Windows CE USB 主机□ Windows 图象捕获(WIA)□ 打印机支持□ 电池□ 调制解调器支持□ 东芝PCI IDE 控制器□ 端口(COM 和LPT)□ 多处理器支持√ 多端口串行适配器□ 红外线□ 火线(1394) 支持□ 火线1394 网络支持□ 蓝牙支持□ 逻辑磁盘管理器□ 软驱支持□ 视频捕获□ 手柄支持□ 图文编解码器□ 威盛PCI IDE 控制器□ 英特尔CPU□ 英特尔PCI IDE 控制器√ 智能卡+■语言√ Arabic√ Armenian√ Baltic√ Central Europe√ Cyrillic√ Georgian√ Greek√ Hebrew√ Indic√ Japanese√ Korean□ Simplified Chinese√ Thai□ Traditional Chinese√ Turkic√ Vietnamese√ Western Europe and United States 高级[保留框];系统配置文件msconfig.exe;CMD 支持中文输入法conime.exe;CMD 帮助命令help.exe;CMD net命令帮助文件net.hlp;nLite 推荐保留webdings.ttf[删除框] clock.avi yahoo.bmp swtchbrd.bmp ;输入法部分a15.tbla234.tbl acode.tblapp932.fon app949.fon app950.fon arphr.tbl arptr.tblarray30.tab arrayhw.tab c8514fix.fon c8514oem.fon c8514sys.fon chajei.ime chtmbx.dll chtpaden.chm chtskdic.dic chtskdic.dll chtskf.dll cintime.dll cintlgb.imd cintlgd.imd cintlgie.imd cintlgl.imd cintlgnt.ime cintlgs.imd cintlgsi.imd cintlgu.imd cintlguc.imd cintsetp.exe cjhlpen.chm t cjhlpen.hlp cplexe.exe cvgafix.fon cvgasys.fon dayi.ime dayiphr.tbldayiptr.tblftlx0411.dllh8514fix.fon h8514oem.fon h8514sys.fon hanja.lex hanjadic.dll hvgafix.fon hvgasys.fon hwxcht.dll hwxjpn.dll hwxkor.dll imekr.lex imekr61.ime imekrcic.dll imekrmbx.dll imekrmig.exe imjp81.ime imjp81k.dll imjpcd.dic imjpch.dic imjpcic.dll imjpcl.chm imjpcl.hlp imjpcle.chm imjpcle.hlp imjpcus.dll imjpdadm.exe imjpdct.dll imjpdct.exe imjpdsvr.exe imjpdt.chm imjpdte.chm imjpgn.grm imjpinst.exe imjpinst.ini imjpln.dic imjpmig.exe imjpnm.dic imjppd.chm imjprw.exe imjpsb.dic imjpsm.chm imjpsm.hlpimjpsme.chm imjpsme.hlp imjpst.dic imjptk.dic imjptu.chm imjpuex.exe imjputy.exe imjputyc.dll imjpzp.dic imkr61.chm imkr61.hlp imkren61.chm imkren61.hlp imkrinst.exe imkrinst.ini impdko61.chm imscinst.exe imskdic.dll imskf.dllj8514fix.fonj8514oem.fon j8514sys.fon jpnpaden.chm jsmalle.fon jsmallf.fon jvgafix.fon jvgasys.fon korpaden.chm lcphrase.tbl lcptr.tbl miniime.tpl msdayi.tbl multibox.dll padrs404.dll padrs411.dll padrs412.dll padrs804.dll phon.ime phon.tbl phoncode.tbl phonptr.tbl pintlcsa.dll pintlcsd.dic pintlcsd.dllpintlcsk.dic pintlgi.imd pintlgix.imd pintlgl.imd pintlgnt.ime pintlphr.exe pmigrate.dll quick.ime romanime.ime softkey.dll tintlgc.imd tintlgd_.imd tintlgl.imd tintlgnt.ime tintlgs.imd tintlphr.exe tintsetp.exe tmigrate.dll unicdime.ime uniime.dllvga932.fon vga949.fon vga950.fon voiceeng.chm voicejp.chm voicepad.dll voicesub.dll winabc.cwd winabc.ime winabc.ovl winar30.ime wingb.ime winime.ime winpy.ime winpy.mb winsp.ime winsp.mb winzm.ime winzm.mb;字体部分ahronbd.ttf andlso.ttf angsa.ttf angsab.ttfangsau.ttf angsaub.ttf angsaui.ttf 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Microsoft区域选项语言组:Japanese、Korean、Simplified Chinese、Traditional Chinese 时区:北京,重庆,香港特别行政区,乌鲁木齐设置常规语言:保留被移除语言的编码页:禁用清除MUI 多国语言支持条目:启用补丁最大未完成并发连接数(TCP/IP 补丁):1000USB 端口轮询频率[Hz]:默认未签名主题支持(Uxtheme 补丁):启用SFC(Windows 系统文件保护):禁用调整(注*:配置文件加载时被nLite 1.4 忽略的选项。
nlite入门教程nLite简介nLite是一款Windows系统瘦身工具,nLite 的出现让很多2000年左右的老机器焕发青春,用nLite制作操作系统也成为当前的热门话题。
另外,还可以大大节约安装系统的时间,可以说nLite 的出现一定程度上延缓了XP 的退役时间,也为很多人升级电脑提供了一个缓兵之计吧!nLite现在最新版本是1.4 final,nLite 使用很简单,只要选择好要移除的组件和服务,剩下的事情就可以交nLite去做了。
nLite适用于所有低于Vista 版本的NT 内核的Windows操作系统的安装程序,另外,它只用于安装前环境,和可布置安装定制的XPlite并不相同。
由于nLite是用Microsoft Visual C# v7.0 / Basic .NET开发的,因此用户的计算机中需要安装有Framework 2.0 或更高版本才能正常运行nLite。
Let’s go!下面我们以nLite 定制Windows XP 505M 原版为例,将各种操作过程一一展现出来,做一个全面的解说。
巴孟目录0凭岂0 KB本地目录.W 又件,2B22 KB图2打开你要烧录的系统镜像,如图 2UitralSO 简单使用教程UitralSO 这个软件功能很强大,使用也很简单,比 Nero 使用简单多了,这个软件主要是用来更改系统ISO 镜像文件的,是封装系统 使用量最大的一个软件,你可以通过这个软件来更改别人的做的系 统,可以把你把自己封装的系统镜像 GHO 文件来替换原来的。
好了,废话不多说,我就简单的讲解一下烧录 U 盘系统的使用方法,请看下面:首先,安装UitralSO ,这个我就不用多说了,你自己就用鼠标一只点击next 安装就可以了,安装完毕后打开 UitralSO ,如图1O UltwISO丈件旧HlfEtA]启动⑥TfifT )远現〔6鶴紘H]天小总计: 013 | 金 M 65OHB _ 850耶 比兰光蛊目录: 祁J 引帚谧\J 20101 L20_L 12240日期■/时间忑地目录, 1%希的电脑H »粪的ISO 文咎 j —i~\drivers :-口j Inin; ■ T 哉的琢 i 岂桌面 +“ J Q i -c- an± —(I :) > —0.)由』CD 黯动器(G 〕由3 CD 血曲霁□;)打开Ultm ⑶软件Piit f X 1 ■戈 戏臣 路径:c^PrQp-mQlwijHi stoi-jr. lltt 色i 驯血LL dll 色让 iisKLEL dllLi 亡曰但E txt Readme “t ultr cLm UitralSO. exe文件夷 立件妄37 KE Text Dociinuil 60 KB 心plizUon Esl... 135 KB i^ppli c<li on Ext... 4 KE Test D^ci^tnl 3 T D«cw*4Pt42T KB 匚口呼辽显EIWL H … 1.190KB IS 审狎电nrBSfl/Biia*SOI0-09-14 2£:5Z 2010-09-1^ 22:52 20D«l-08-3l 1G:OD = 2009-M-02 10:E2 2009-04-02 10:22 | 2000-02-20 IS:59 300T-04-17 16:32 20D9-CB-06 11:4B SO09-OS-3I 16:25版枳所有(e )2002^2008 E2B S r sl^±r Ibt.F© ultral^fl - E :\S^aHC£T_KP_SP3«7LSSifi^净氏汕.7 文丽耀咋綁)启动旧1 Hflrn 濒g WET(H)防"fond 迢宦花将弛亡一 ’―重#打开 >打幵说”. i标用文适奄段皿臥程“打幵工缸琢U. 51*曲* 口 工包文件另』为一 OkAH+S 5AIM L. 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V1.1Quick Start Guideクイックスタートガイド퀵�스타트�가이드Kurzanleitung Guida rapida Guide de démarrage rapide Guía de inicio rápido Краткое руководство01-12 13-25 26-38 39-51 52-64 65-77 78-90 91-103Disclaimer and WarningThank you for purchasing the Hohemproduct.By using this product, you hereby signify that you have read this disclaimer and warning carefully and that you understand and agree to abide by the terms andconditions herein. You agree that you aresolely responsible for your own conduct while using this product, and for any consequences thereof. You agree to use this product only for purposes that are proper and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, andregulations, and all terms, precautions,practices, policies and guidelines Hohem has made and may make available. Hohemaccepts no liability for damage, injury or any legal responsibility incurred directly or indirectly from the use of this product. The user shall observe safe and lawful practices including,but not limited to, those set forth in this document.ContentsDownload the Hohem Pro App iSteady V2 Overview Mounting and BalancingActivation & Bluetooth Connection AI Visual Tracking & LED Video Light Button FunctionWorking Mode & Follow Speed How to fold the gimbal?Use as emergency power bank How to do if the gimbal is not level after powering on?Power indicator and Bluetoothindicator function Specifications Warranty Card01020304050607090909101111Scan the QR code to enter the download page Search " Hohem Pro " in the App Store or Google Play*Hohem Pro app requires iOS 10.0 or above, Android 6.0 or above *More product tutorials can be found on the app homepageDownload the Hohem Pro App, Register and LoginWhen powering on iSteady V2 at first use, activation is required throughHohem Pro app. iSteady V2 works after the activation.Mount your mobile phone before powering on iSteady V2.If no mobile phone is detected or the motor is overloaded due to phoneis not level, the gimbal will shut down after a warning beeping.Important Notes:○○○○iSteady V2 OverviewAI Vision Sensor & LED Video Light Power ButtonAI Vision Indicator AI Vision Sensor LED Video Light Phone Clamp Folding Lock A Folding Lock BBattery Indicator Zoom SliderShutter Button Tilt Motor Knob Pan Motor Bluetooth Light JoystickPower (ON/OFF) /Function Button01. Motor Bidirectional chargingport (Type C)ResetHandle(Battery built-in)Lanyard Hole1/4 inch Screw Port17.*******06070809101314151617201918222104①Unfold the gimbal②Screw up theknob③Turn the “hohem”logoupward④Put your phone stuck in the bottom of phone clamp and pull the head of phone clamp to mount your phone.⑤Slide the phone and make sure it is clamped in the middle, power on the gimbal after balancing thephone clamp.The gimbal would work improperly if not screw the knob up.Clench the phone clamp, ensuring that your phone is cling to the rubber mat, otherwise the gimbal would vibrate or turn off automatically.How to mount and balance mobile phone on the gimbal?For the first time, please turn on the gimbal. Log into the Hohem Pro app to activate the gimbal. Gimbal will work improperly if not been activated.① StartupLong press the function button. At the first start, it will enter a to-be-activated state and the Bluetooth indicator will flash alternately in red and green.② Bluetooth connection through the APPTurn on the bluetooth of phone. Log into the app Hohem Pro.Following the notice at the top for connection.③ Activate iSteady V2After the Bluetooth is connected, an activation prompt box will pop up. Click "Confirm" to complete the activation. Three beeps for noticing you the activation has done, and you can use the gimbal now.Booting up iSteady V2 at first useActivation & Bluetooth ConnectionLED Video LightSingle press the power button to start, the indicator light shows red, and the LED video light double flashes to indicate that the AI visual tracking has been activated (long press the power button to turn off)Please note: The best distance of gesture control is between 0.5 and 1.5 meters (1.6-5 ft) , and make sure that bothgesture and face are shown in front of AI senser within this range.AI Visual TrackingAI Visual Tracking & LED Video LightPortrait mode: Thumbs-rightSwitch between landscape and portrait mode: Two hands facing towards the AI vision sensorLandscape mode: Thumbs-up Press AI vision sensor & LED video light power button to adjust the light intensity, LED turns according to low-medium-high-close modes.Start smart tracking: take a OK gesture towards the AI vision sensor, AI vision indicator will turn greenTurn off smart tracking: show a palm gesture towards the AI vision sensor and AI vision indicator will turn redButton Function③ Zoom Slider (Only available in the app) Push Up: Zoom in Push Down: Zoom out ④ Shutter Button (Ensure the Bluetooth is connected) Single Press: Take photo, Start/End video Double Press: Switch photo/video modes Triple Press: Switch front/rear cameras (Only available in the app)② JoystickUp/Down:Tilt ControlLeft/Right:Pan Control(It is able to control the roll motorthrough Left/Right Joystick Settingsin Hohem Pro app)① Power (ON/OFF) / Function ButtonLong Press:Power On/OffSingle Press:Switch the landscape and portrait modes Double Press: Recenter the gimbalTriple Press: Inception (Auto rotation)Press Five Times: Auto calibrationPress Seven Times: Remote control pairingThe bluetooth light will flash alternately in yellow and green. (The remote control is an optional accessory)a. If the remote control is not paired within 30 seconds, the pairing will be cancelled;b. Click the function button to cancel pairing;c. Double-click the function button to clear the paired remote control and cancel pairing;(And the paired remote control will be unavailable and need to be re-paired)Working ModePan&Tilt FollowThis is the default working mode. When you rotate the handle left/right/tilt up/tilt down, the camera will follow the handle movements, and the roll motor is locked without following the movement.*For changing working mode or follow speed, please open Hohem Pro app - Start Recording - Gimbal Parameter Settings*Ensure the Bluetooth is connected and change the settingsWorking Mode & Follow SpeedHow to switch working modes by button?Combination operation: Press and hold shutter button and tap power button Single Tap: Pan&Tilt Follow (Default) Double Tap: Pan FollowTriple Tap: All Lock Quartic Tap: POV (All Follow)*Tips: To ensure proper operation, please release the shutter button after the power button.Pan FollowWhen you rotate the handle left/right, the camera will follow the handle movements. The tilt motor does not follow within the angle range of -30°~+30 movement, if exceed this range, the gimbal will follow the tilt movement, and the roll motor is locked without following the movement.All LockThe roll and pan motors are locked without following the movement. The tilt motor does not follow within the angle range of -30°~+30 movement, if exceed this range, the gimbal will follow the tilt movement.POV (All Follow)First person point of viewGives you 360° complete movement, you can pan, tilt and roll with it.Follow SpeedGeneral Shooting with general follow speedSlow Shooting with slow follow speedMedium Shooting to follow the fast movementFast Fast follow speed for video transitionIf the gimbal is not level after turned on, or pan axis is slight drift when the gimbal is still, please calibrate the gimbal on a stationary and horizontal surface.How to fold Gimbal?How to do if the gimbal is not level after powering on?① Turn on the gimbal, press function button 5 times ② Start calibration after a beep sound ③ The battery indicator light keep flashing④ The calibration is done after two beeps sound (the calibration takes about 40 seconds)The gimbal can be used as emergency charging for your mobile phone and other electronic devices.Use as emergency power bankPower Indicator LightsStay on: Fully charged or charging complete Single flashing:Charging Continous Flashing:Calibrating Power indicator and Bluetooth indicator functionBluetooth Indicator Light1. A.Blinks red and green alternatively:To be activated (at first use)B.Blinks yellow and green alternatively:The remote control is pairing (The remote control is an optional accessory)3. Blinking indicators of working modes Solid Light:Pan& Tilt Follow Flash twice:Pan Follow Flash triple:All Lock Flash four times:POV (All Follow)Pulse:Standby mode2. Color indicates the status of gimbal Green :Bluetooth is connected Yellow :Bluetooth is not connected Red :Warning of abnormal loads on the stabilizer or failed firmware upgradeWarranty CardUser Name:Contact No.:Address:Purchase Date:Prod. Serial No.:Failure Issue:Service Record:SpecificationsThe motor would be shown in the screen due to some of mobile cameras aredesigned at the middle of phone, such as Xiaomi10, Xiaomi10 Pro, Xiaomi CC9 PRO.iSteady V2263g179 X 79 X 39 mm 18650li-ion 2800mAh9 hours4 hours (with AI vision sensor)2 hours (with AI vision sensor & LED video light)* Pan: 320°* Roll: 320°* Tilt: 320°* Pan: 320° * Tilt: -30°~+30°Weight :≤280gThickness:≤11 mm Width:55mm~90mmModel WeightFolded Dimensions BatteryOperating TimeMechanical RangeControllable RangeCompatible Phones Bidirectional charging port (Type C) supports gimbal works while charging.Email:*****************Website: Manufacturer: Hohem Technology Co., Ltd.Contact us at Facebook -@HohemTechOfficial-Contact usWithin 15 days upon the purchase date. Any functional disorder or quality problem enjoys free replacement service. But ensure the commodity and package with no damage, and we will offer a brand new replacement after confirming the product problem.Warranty valid only under normal use.Used in the normal circumstances, 1 year warranty, maintenance of life (not include the All accidents or artificial damage, improper disassembly or misuse damage is NOT covered by the warranty.)Please keep and offer the warranty card for claiming the warranty service. CENTER -Toll FreeUNITED STATES:+1(888)9658512Mon-Fri: 9:00AM-5:00PM(EST)UNITED KINGDOM:+44(0)808 2737578Mon-Fri: 2:00PM-10:00PM(GMT +0)CANADA:+1(855)758-8939Mon-Fri: 9:00AM-5:00PM(EST)BRAZIL:+55 (0)800 5911897Mon-Fri: 10:00AM-6:00PM(GMT -3)。
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Dante 域管理器快速入门指南说明书
Dante Domain Manager Quick Start Guidev2.1021st July 2021For Dante Domain Manager v1.2.0 and upCopyright© 2021 Audinate Pty Ltd All Rights Reserved.Audinate®, the Audinate logo and Dante are trademarks of Audinate Pty Ltd.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Audinate products are protected by one or more of US Patents 7747725, 8005939, 7978696, 8171152 and other patents pending or issued. See /patents.Legal Notice and DisclaimerAudinate retains ownership of all intellectual property in this document.The information and materials presented in this document are provided as an information source only.While effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information, no guarantee is given nor responsibility taken by Audinate for errors or omissions in the data.Audinate is not liable for any loss or damage that may be suffered or incurred in any way as a result of acting on information in this document. The information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment, and are advised to verify all relevant representation,statements and information with their own professional advisers.Software Licensing NoticeAudinate distributes products which are covered by Audinate license agreements and third-party license agreements.For further information and to access copies of each of these licenses, please visit our website:/software-licensing-noticeContactsAudinate Pty Ltd Level 7, 64 Kippax Street Surry Hills, NSW 2010 AUSTRALIATel. +61 2 8090 1000***************** Audinate Inc 1200 NW Naito Parkway Suite 630Portland, OR 97209 USATel: +1 503 224 2998European Office Audinate LtdSuite 104Werks Central15-17 Middle St Brighton, BN1 1AL United KingdomTel. +44 (0) 1273 921695 Asia Pacific Office Audinate LimitedSuite 1106-08, 11/F Tai Yau Building No 181 Johnston Road Wanchai, Hong Kong澳迪耐特有限公司香港灣仔莊士敦道181號大有大廈11樓1106-8室Tel. +(852)-3588 0030+(852)-3588 0031Fax. +(852)-2975 8042Contentswork Configuration (5)1.1.Multi-subnet systems (5)1.2.Single-subnet systems (6)2.Installing DDM (6)2.1.Overview (6)2.2.System Requirements for the Physical Host Machine (7)2.3.Creating a Bootable USB Drive (7)2.3.1.In Windows (7)2.3.2.In Linux (7)2.3.3.Booting from USB (7)2.3.4.Importing the ISO Directly into a Virtualization Platform (8)3.Administration Menu (8)work Diagnostics (8)3.2.Set Hostname (8)3.3.Configure Interfaces (8)3.4.Set NTP Servers (8)3.5.Set Update Key (9)3.6.Fix LMX Time Gone Backwards (9)3.7.Configure Logging (9)3.8.Configure Web Proxy (9)3.9.Branding Mode (9)3.10.Additional Packages (9)3.11.Download Crash Logs (9)3.12.Exit HA Cluster (9)3.13.Performance Logging (9)3.14.Shutdown/Reboot (9)3.15.Quit (10)4.Licensing and Setup (10)4.1.Viewing Domains in Dante Controller (10)1. Network ConfigurationDante Domain Manager (DDM) supports automatic device discovery using DNS or mDNS, and also manual device enrollment via IP address.DNS and DHCP addressing is recommended for multi-subnet systems.mDNS and link-local addressing is recommended for single-subnet systems.Device enrollment via IP address can be used for multi-subnet systems that require static addressing (for example, to support third-party network control software).Note: When using static addressing, the devices and the DDM server must be assigned staticaddresses, either locally (where DHCP is not used) or via static address mapping in DHCP.1.1. Multi-subnet systemsIf your network spans multiple IP subnets, you can use a DNS server to resolve the DDM server address for your Dante devices and controllers, and a DHCP server to automatically configure your Dante devices.Static addressing and manual device enrollment via IP address can also be used, but it is not practical for networks with large device counts.Refer to the DDM user guide for more information about bootstrapping Dante devices and controllers, including DNS and DHCP setup.1.2. Single-subnet systemsFor networks that reside on a single subnet, link-local addressing and mDNS-based discovery isrecommended. The mDNS discovery feature (Dante Discovery Service) is on by default, and does not need to be activated or configured.2. Installing DDM2.1. OverviewDDM is packaged as an ISO file, which includes a streamlined Linux distribution which has been pre-configured for the DDM application.To install DDM you can create a bootable USB drive (for installing DDM on a bare-metal machine, for example) or import the ISO directly into a virtualization platform such as Oracle VirtualBox® or VMWare ESXi®. You can also burn the ISO image to a DVD.2.2. System Requirements for the Physical Host MachineThe licensing model for DDM includes three editions: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Each edition supports a different number of devices and domains.▪For the Silver and Gold editions, the host machine requires a minimum of 2 CPUs, 20GB of disk space and 4GB of RAM.▪For the Platinum edition, the host machine requires a minimum of 2 CPUs, 20GB of disk space and 8GB of RAM.▪For systems that include more than 200 devices, 16GB of RAM is recommended.2.3. Creating a Bootable USB Drive2.3.1. In WindowsThere are various applications available for creating bootable USB drives in Windows.Rufus (https://rufus.ie/) is a popular (free and open-source) application, but there are other alternatives that may be more suitable for your own environment.Note: Do not change the volume label.When prompted, after clicking ‘START’, select ‘DD Image mode’ (not ‘ISO Image mode’) for writing.2.3.2. In LinuxThe industry-recommended method for creating a bootable USB drive in Linux is by using dd. Thefollowing instructions are adapted from the Centos instructions.▪Assuming your USB stick is seen as /dev/sdb:dd if=[filename].iso of=/dev/sdb▪You must write to the entire device, and not a partition on it (so, /dev/sdb not /dev/sdb1).▪When asked for the media to install from, select ‘H ard disk’ and then the device corresponding to the USB key.▪Make sure you select as destination the device corresponding to the USB key (/dev/sdb in the above example) and not a partition (such as /dev/sdb1).2.3.3. Booting from USBOnce you have created a bootable USB drive, you must instruct the target computer BIOS to boot from the USB drive.Computer manufacturers use many different BIOS implementations – refer to the instructions for your particular computer to find out how to configure the BIOS.2.3.4. Importing the ISO Directly into a Virtualization PlatformISO files are supported by all major virtualization platforms. Refer to the user guide for your particular platform to find out how to import an ISO file.For more information about installing DDM in a hypervisor, see the Technical Documentation page at . System Requirements for HypervisorsHypervisors must be configured to provide sufficient system resources for the virtual appliance based on the host machine RAM and disk space requirements listed in section 2.2.3. Administration MenuThe startup script displays a dialog showing the Dante interface and the IP address for the VM, plus an administration menu.3.1. Network DiagnosticsThe Network Diagnostics function performs a set of high-level tests to establish the status of some basic network configuration parameters relevant to the DDM server. Refer to the Network Diagnostics Results page in the DDM user guide for more information.The license server is at https:// on port 443.3.2. Set HostnameUse this option if you specifically need to change the hostname (for example, if you are running two DDM servers on the same subnet).3.3. Configure InterfacesThis feature allows you to specify the network interface that DDM will use to connect to the network.3.4. Set NTP ServersThis feature allows you to specify up to four NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers.By default, the virtual machine on which DDM is installed will derive its time from a public NTP server on the Internet, unless one or more alternative NTP servers are specified here.Note: If your DDM system is configured to use HA and your network is not connected to the Internet, specifying an alternative NTP server is a requirement to ensure accurate database replication.3.5. Set Update KeyUse this function only if instructed to by Audinate technical support.3.6. Fix LMX Time Gone BackwardsUse this function only if instructed to by Audinate technical support.3.7. Configure LoggingUse this feature to set the logging level for the service, web app and device manager, or to set a global logging level. The default logging level for all components is ‘notice’.For the device manager you can also set per-scope logging levels.3.8. Configure Web ProxyUse this feature to enable DDM to connect to the Internet via an existing NTLM, Kerberos or basic proxy on your web server. Configuration options vary between proxy types.3.9. Branding ModeUse this option to enable and disable the Branding Settings main menu option in the DDM user interface.See the user guide for more information about configuring the Branding Settings.3.10. Additional PackagesAllows you to install selected Linux packages.3.11. Download Crash LogsUse this option to download crash logs (if requested by Audinate technical support) in cases where the DDM user interface is unusable.3.12. Exit HA ClusterUse this function to immediately reset t he DDM configuration to ‘standalone’, for cases where none of the DDM servers are easily accessible.3.13. Performance LoggingUse this feature to temporarily enable performance logging. The logs will be made available for download at port 8080 once logging has been stopped.3.14. Shutdown/RebootUse this option to shut down or reboot the DDM instance.3.15. QuitCloses the administration menu and returns you to the VM main console.4. Licensing and Setup1.Open up a web browser on a device connected to the virtual machine and navigate tohttp://<Virtual Machine IP address>2.The initial screen presents the End User License Agreement (EULA).Read the EULA and click “I Accept” to proceed.3.The following screen allows you to upload and use your own TLS certificate to secure the Dante DomainManager. This configuration can be skipped for now and accessed later under Settings. If you want to use a TLS Certificate, refer to the DDM User Guide for more information.4.The next screen allows you to select between starting with a fresh installation, or restoring yourconfiguration from a backup of an existing system. Choose the ‘Fresh Installation’ option (unless you have a saved configuration that you want to restore).5.Step 1 of the wizard asks if you are installing as a third party (for example, a system integrator) or anend customer. This information is only required for EULA notification purposes.6.Step 2 allo ws you to set the administrator user’s password. Enter and confirm the password, generateand record the recovery code, and click S ubmit to proceed to the next step.7.Step 3 prompts you to enter your Dante Domain Manager product key to license the product. Enteryour product key and click Activate to proceed.Note: This step requires the DDM to have an active internet connection.8.Step 4 prompts you for a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the DDM server. The field is pre-populated with a suitable FQDN based on your network configuration, but you can edit this if required.9.Step 5 allows you to create your first Dante Domain. Enter the name of the Domain and click S ubmit tocomplete the wizard. You can easily delete this domain and add new domains later.You are now ready to begin enrolling devices in your newly created domain.4.1. Viewing Domains in Dante ControllerAfter enrolling devices, launch Dante Controller and click on the Domains icon on the far right of the toolbar.Enter the host details and login details for your Dante Domain Manager in the domain connection dialog, and click Connect to view and configure the domain-connected devices. Use the drop-down menu to select different domains.。
一:System/App文件夹下:AnonymousData 匿名数据(可删)AntHalService 无线电服务,跟收音机相关(可删不建议删)AptxNotifier aptx是一種無線(如藍牙)音頻高質高速傳輸技術/算法,有效降低延遲,保證品質(可删不建议删)BasicDreams 屏保程序(可删)Bluetooth 蓝牙(勿删)BluetoothExt 蓝牙相关的(勿删)BluetoothUnlockSettings 蓝牙设置项(勿删)Books 谷歌图书(可删)bootinfo 设置- 关于手机(勿删)BrowserProviderProxy 浏览器代理(可删,不建议删)Calculator 计算器(可删)CallWidgetFrameworkPermission 调用控件框架的权限(勿删)CameraAddonPermission 相机插件许可(勿删)CameraCommonPermission 也是相机许可(勿删)CameraExtensionPermission 相机扩展权限(勿删)CertInstaller 证书安装(勿删)Chrome 谷歌浏览器(可删)ClockWidgets 桌面时钟插件(可删)com.qualcomm.location 貌似是什么高通公司位置或者定位什么的(还是别删为好)com.sonyericsson.xhs Xperia乐享汇(可删)com.sonymobile.xperialounge.services 跟Xperia乐享汇有关(可删)cover-widget Style Cover小部件(智能手机壳用的,可删,不建议删)CrashMonitorSystem 测试系统(勿删)device-monitor 设备检测(勿删)DeviceConfigT ool 配置工具(勿删)DocumentsUI 文件界面(勿删)DownloadProciderui 下载界面(可删,不建议删)Drive 谷歌云端硬盘(可删)DrmDialogs DRM对话框(勿删)DrmUI DRM界面(勿删)DualShockManager 链接PS3 PS4手柄的(可删,不建议删)EnchantedForest 动态壁纸:魔法森林(可删)ExperienceFlow2LiveWallpaper Xperia动态壁纸(可删)ExternalKeyboardJP 日文键盘布局(可删)ExternalKeyboardInternational 国际键盘布局(可删,不建议删)FaceLock 面部解锁(可删)Galaxy4 动态壁纸:黑洞(可删)GenieWidget 谷歌新闻和天气(可删)gmail-reader-service Gmail读者服务(可删)Gmail2 谷歌的Gmail(可删)GoogleAnalyticsProxy 谷歌代理分析(可删)GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter 谷歌日历同步(可删)GoogleContactsSyncAdapter 谷歌联系人同步(可删)GoogleLyricsPlugin 谷歌歌词插件(可删)GoogleTTS 文字转语音(可删)GpsSatellitesNotification GPS卫星通知(勿删)Hangouts 环聊(可删)HeadphoneSelecation 音效里的耳机模式选择(勿删)HoloSpiraWallpaper 一个动态壁纸(可删)Home 主页(勿删)HotspotAdvancedSetting 热点高级设置(勿删)HTMLViewer 本地网页浏览器(可删)IddAgent SE传送(删除后无法使用设定-》索尼爱立信-》使用信息-》发送使用信息)lengine 智能接听(勿删)ImageEnhancer 图像增强(勿删)ImageProcessorPermission 图像处理器(勿删)ims 暂时未知,但应该很重要(勿删)Initial-boot-setup 初始启动安装程序(勿删)IntelligenceBacklight 智能背光(勿删)IntelligenceSettings 智能背光设置(勿删)IntelligentRotation 自动旋转(勿删)KeyChain 密钥链(勿删)LiveWallpaper 安卓动态壁纸(删除后无法使用动态壁纸)LiveWallpaperPicker 安卓动态壁纸有关联(删除后无法使用动态壁纸)LocalContacts 本地联系人(勿删)LocaltionBasedWifi 基于位置的WIFI(勿删)LockscreenSettings 锁屏设置(勿删)Magazines 谷歌报亭(可删)MagicSmokeWallpaper 动态壁纸:魔幻烟雾(可删)Maps 谷歌地图(可删)NfcNci NFC服务(勿删)NoiseField 动态壁纸:气泡(可删)OmaDownload Oma下载器(可删)OmaV1AgentDownloadServices 和OMA下载器有联系(OMA下载器删了的话这个也可以不用留着了)OneTimePassLockScreenAPP 锁屏应用(勿删)package-courier 程序安装打包(勿删)PackageInstaller 安装程序包(勿删)PacProcessor 处理器之类的文件(勿删)PartnerBookmarksProvider (可删)PhaseBeam 动态壁纸:光束(可删)phone-usage 通讯详情(可删,但是建议别删)PhotoSlideshow 动态壁纸:幻灯片(可删)PhotoTable 照片屏幕保护程序(可删)PhotoWidget 相片和视频(可删)PlayGames 谷歌游戏(可删)PlusOne 谷歌+(可删)PMSserviceTrigger 媒体扫描(勿删)PremiumSmsUpdate 短信更新貌似(可删)PrintSpooler 云打印(可删)PrototypeProtection 什么原型保护(很高级的样子,别删)qcrilmsgtunnel 高通的cpu控制进程(勿删)Radio3 索尼自带的收音机(UI非常漂亮,建议留着)RemoteControlService 远程控制(可删,不建议删)RemoteFileAccess 远程文件访问(可删,不建议删)RemoteStorageService 远程储存服务(可删,不建议删)SemcAutoPowerOff 自动关机程序(勿删)SemcCalendar 日历(可删)SemcClock 时钟,包含闹钟(可删)SemcCnapProvider 提供者(勿删)SemcCrashMonitor 崩溃检测(可删,不建议删)SemcMetadataCleanup WALKMAN里的下载音乐信息(可删)SemcMusicVisualizer 可视化工具(可删)SemcPhotoEditor 自带相册的图片编辑器(可删)SemcPowerSaveModule 过热控制(勿删)SemcSettings 应用程序设定(勿删)SemcSimDetection SIM卡侦测(勿删)SemcT elephoneyProvider 电话/短信储存(勿删)SemcTvLauncher 电视应用程序启动期(可删)SemcWarrantyTime 保修时间记录?(很牛逼的样子,别删)ServiceMenu 工程模式(勿删)shutdownlistener 关机相关的(勿删)SimContacts SIM卡联系人(可删,不建议删)skin-core 主题(勿删)SmallApp-Calculator 小工具:计算器(可删)SmallApp-Timer 小工具:计时器(可删)SmallAppManagerService 小工具管理器(可删,删除后各种小工具都不能用)SmallAppFramework 小工具框架(可删,删除后各种小工具都不能用)SmallAppLauncher 小工具启动器(可删,删除后各种小工具都不能用)SmallAppWidget 小工具小部件(可删,删除后各种小工具都不能用)SmartSearch 智能搜索(可删,不建议删)sneiaccountmanager 貌似同步的(可删)SomcAutoPairing 一触设定(可删)SomcCameraFaceRegistration 自带相册的面部注册(可删)SomcCameraWidget 相机(勿删)SomcDlna 设备,应该用于外接设备的(可删)SomcLifeLog 生活轨迹(可删)SomcMovieCreatorRmm 影片创作工具(可删)SomcPOBox Xperia日语键盘(可删)Somcsketch 素描(可删)SOMCWebPlatform 网络运行时间(勿删)SonyEntrance What‘s New(可删)SonySelect-ed 索尼精选(可删)Sound-Picker 声音选择器(勿删)SoundEnhancement 音效(可删,不建议删)SoundRecorder 录音机(可删)StartupFlagV2 启动电源检测(勿删)Stk SIM卡服务(可删)Street 街景应用程序(可删)SuperStamina 电池百分比(可删,不建议删)SyncHub 备份/恢复(勿删)talkback 为盲人提供的程序(可删)TaskKiller 任务清理(勿删)Tasks 任务(可删)TetherEntitlementCheck 不知道什么玩意(可删)textinput-chn Xperia中文键盘(可删)textinput-tng Xperia国际键盘(可删)theme-manager 主题管理器(勿删)Theme000 Theme001 Theme002 Theme003 Theme004 Theme005 Theme006全部是自带主题(可删)TimeService 时间同步(勿删)TopContactsProvider 联系人储存(勿删)TopContactsWidget 常用联系人(可删)TouchBlock 触摸保护(下水拍照必须用到的,勿删)TouchFilterPackageSweichService 字面意思触摸过滤包交换服务(很高级的样子,勿删)TransmitPower 发射功率(依旧很牛逼的样子,勿删)UnsuppotedHeadseNotifier 非支持头戴式耳机通知(可删)UserDataLogging 用户数据记录(勿删)UserDictionaryProvider 用户词典(可删)USMHome Ultra Stamina模式主应用界面(勿删)Video 谷歌电影(可删)VisualizationWallpaper 音乐可视化壁纸(可删)VMwareReady VMware阅读(可删)WallpaperPicker Xperia壁纸(可删,不建议删)WapPush 信息推送之类的,通过信息打开链接的(勿删)WAPPushManager Wap推送服务(可删)WeatherWidget 天气插件(可删)WfdService 百度了一下,什么云端服务(可删)white-balance 白平衡(可删,不建议删)WikipediaPlugin 维基百科扩展程序(可删)WirelessControllermanagerService PS3 PS4无限控制(可删,不建议删)WorldClockWidget 世界时钟桌面插件(可删)xperia-keyboard-dictionaries Xperia键盘字典(可删)XTP 不知道这是什么,但是是开机启动的(勿删)YouTube 油土鳖(可删)YouTubeKareokePlugin 油土鳖卡拉ok插件(可删)YouTube Plugin 油土鳖插件(可删)二:System/priv-app文件夹下ActiveClipper 小工具:截图(可删)ar-effect AR特效(可删)arfun AR趣拍(可删)ArtFilterCamera 创意效果(可删)BackupRestoreConfirmation 备份还原确认(勿删)bgdefocus 背景虚化(可删)CalendarProvider 谷歌日历(可删)CameraCommon 摄像头进程(勿删)com.bambuser.sociallive Social Live(相机插件,可删)ConfigUpdater 配置更新(勿删)Conversations 短信(勿删)CoverApp Style Cover智能手机壳(勿删)CredentialManagerService 证书管理(勿删)CustomizationSelector 定制选择(勿删)CustomizedSeettings 定制设置(勿删)DefaultCapabilities 默认功能(勿删)DefaultContainerService 软件包访问帮助程序(勿删)DefaultSecurityService 默认安全服务(勿删)DownloadProvider 浏览器下载(勿删)DtcpCtrl 不知道啥玩意(不建议删)DualCamera 露脸儿,相机插件(可删)enhancedusbux USB 连接(勿删)EnterpriseService 企业服务(可删)Exchange2 Exchange邮箱(可删)ExtendedBootLockService 扩展Boot锁定服务(勿删)ExternalStorageProvider 外部储存设备(可删)fast-dormancy-wakeup 快速休眠/唤醒(勿删)FBCalendarsync 非死不可日历同步(可删)FBMusicLike 非死不可的音乐服务(可删)filecommander 自带的文件管理器(可删)FusedLocation 位置融合(勿删)GmsCore 谷歌服务(可删,但这个是谷歌套件必备的文件)GoogleBackupTransport 谷歌备份传输(可删)GoogleFeedback 谷歌反馈(可删)GoogleLoginService 谷歌记录账号的服务(可删)GooglePartnerSetup 谷歌合作伙伴(可删)GoogleServicesFramework 谷歌框架(可删,但这个是谷歌必备的文件)helpapp Xperia支持(可删)InCall 拨号及电话本(勿删)infoeye 相机插件(可删)InputDevices 系统读取OTG的U盘以及接入电脑之后能够让电脑读出手机储存卡的一个程序(勿删)IntelligentGesture 智能手势(勿删)Keyguard 键盘锁(勿删)livewaremanager 智能连接(可删,不建议删)MediaProvider 媒体储存(勿删)MusicFX 音效选项(勿删)MyXperia 索尼自家的手机查找程序(可删)OMAClientProvisioning OMA客户配置(可删)OneTimeInitializer 首次启动时用来装Google Apps的(可删)OnlineRemoteCamera 联机合拍(可删)Phonebook 通讯录(勿删)Phonesky 谷歌商店(可删,但这个是谷歌必备的文件)PicoTts 语音程序(可删)PMService 系统管理(勿删)ProxyHandler 代理处理程序(可删)ReadyT oRun 开机引导(可删)retaildemo 演示程序(可删)ScreenRecording 屏幕录制(可删)SemcAlbum 相册(可删,不建议删)SemcCamera3D 全景拍照(可删)SemcCameraUI 相机(勿删)SemcContactsProvider 联系人储存空间(勿删)SemcEmail 电子邮件(可删)SEMCFacebookPrixy 非死不可代理(可删)SemcMusic WALKMAN(可删,不建议删)SemcSetupWizard 设置向导(可删,不建议删)SemcStorageChecker 储存检查(勿删)SemcTvOut TV输出(可删)SemcVideo 电影(可删,不建议删)Settings 设置(勿删)SettingsProvider 设定储存设备(勿删)SetupWizard 设置向导(可删)ShareApplication 分享应用(可删,不建议删)SharedStorageBackup 共享储存备份(可删,不建议删)Shell 外壳程序(勿删)SimlockUnlockApp SIM锁(勿删)SimpleHome 简单桌面(可删)SmartcardService 字面意思智能卡服务(勿删)SocialEngineCore 社交插件(可删)SocialEngineFacebookPlugin 非死不可社交插件(可删)SocialEngineFacebookShareFrwkPlugin 非死不可插件(可删)SocialEnginePicasaPlugin 索尼自带社交插件(可删)SociaEngineTwitterShareFrwkPlugin 推特社交插件(可删)SomcHotspot2Settings 网络上的一些设置,在国内估计无用(可删)SomcMirrorLinkManualSwitch 镜像(可删)SomcMirrorLinkServer 镜像服务(可删)SomcMirrorLinkSystem 镜像系统(可删)SomcMoviesCreator 短片大师(可删)SomcMusicSlideshow 相册里的心境幻灯片(可删)SomcPhotoAnalyzer 照片分析(可删)SomcPlayAnywhere 在其他设备上无线播放手机中的内容(可删,不建议删)SomcPodcast 播客(可删)SomcSeamlessTethering 无缝网络共享(可删)SOMCTwitterAccount 推特(可删)SomcWifiDisplay 通过Wifi在电视机上显示手机屏幕(可删,不建议删)SoundPhotoCamera 有声照片(可删)SuperVideoCamera 拍摄视频(勿删)SystemUI 系统界面(勿删)Tag 标签(勿删)TeleService 手机(勿删)TimeShiftCamera 急速连拍(可删)UpdateCenter 更新中心(勿删)usb-mtp-backup-transport USB传输输送(勿删)usb-mtp-factoryreset-wrapper USB传输相关(勿删)usb-mtp-marlin-wrapper USB传输相关(勿删)usb-mtp-update-wrapper USB传输相关(勿删)usb-mtp-vendor-extension-service USB传输相关(勿删)Velvet 谷歌搜索(可删)V p nDialogs V P N对话框(勿删)WallpaperCropper 壁纸进程,删除后壁纸无法加载(勿删)youtubelive 油土鳖现场直播(可删)。
ehviewer使用方法 -回复
ehviewer使用方法-回复关于ehviewer 的使用方法,以下是一步一步的详细回答。
ehviewer 是一款在移动端上浏览和下载E-Hentai 网站上内容的应用程序。
你可以通过在应用商店中搜索"ehviewer" 来找到并下载它。
第二步:打开ehviewer安装完成后,你可以在应用列表中找到ehviewer 图标并点击打开它。
当你第一次打开ehviewer 时,它会要求你提供你的E-Hentai 网站的用户名和密码,以便你能够登录并访问内容。
请确保你已经在E-Hentai 网站上创建了一个账户。
第三步:浏览内容一旦你成功登录,你将进入ehviewer 的主界面。
你还可以使用ehviewer 中的标签和过滤器来帮助你管理和筛选你的收藏内容,从而更方便地找到你想要的内容。
ehviewer 将会为你下载该内容,并保存到你设定的下载文件夹中。
你可以通过在ehviewer 的设置中查找和更改下载文件夹的位置。
第七步:设置和个性化在ehviewer 的设置中,你可以找到一系列选项来帮助你个性化和优化应用的使用体验。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
谷歌信息反馈 谷歌合作伙伴设置 谷歌快速搜索框 谷歌服务框架 高级函数测试 HTC文件管理器 HTC 输入法 添加桌面小插件 相册 视频 日历、事件插件 照相机 摄像机 桌面时钟插件 压缩文件查看器 联系人 联系人桌面插件 拨号器 HTC Hub HTC Hub下载存储 HTC Sense版Facebook Facebook聊天室 自启 Facebook聊天室桌面小插件 联系HTC 新闻 HTC Hub同步存储 位置选择器 位置服务 锁屏 日志 邮箱桌面插件 媒体上传设定 信息同步 信息存储 信息上传 信息桌面小插件 音乐 HTC音乐星标 照片桌面小插件 HTC Sense版噗浪 情景模式插件 Htc likes Htc likes桌面小插件 设置存储 设置桌面小插件 设置向导 微博聊天 微博聊天桌面插件
首先我得说明,过度精简有害系统完整性,你们可以使用AutoStars禁用自动启动的软件。。。 本指南适合有较强动手能力的非伸手党的童鞋们。。右下角有教程哦。
Hintay系列精简指南 Hintay系列精简指南
APK名称 AccountSyncManager.apk ApplicationsProvider.apk AppSharing.apk Bluetooth.apk Browser.apk Calculator.apk Calendar.apk CalendarProvider.apk CallerLocation.apk CertInstaller.apk CheckinProvider.apk ChinaSNS_Album.apk ChinaSNS_FSPlugin.apk com.htc.FriendStreamWidget.apk com.htc.MusicWidget.apk com.htc.PlurkWidget.apk com.htc.TrendsWidget.apk com.htc.TwitterWidget.apk com.htc.WeatherWidget.apk ContactsProvider.apk CSPeopleSyncService.apk CustomizationSettingsProvider.apk CustomizationSetup.apk DCSStock.apk DCSUtility.apk DebugTool.apk DefaultContainerService.apk DownloadProvider.apk DownloadProviderUi.apk DreyeForAndroidHtcTW.apk DrmProvider.apk DSPManager.apk Facebook.apk FilePicker.apk Flickr.apk FriendStream.apk GenieWidget.apk GoogleBackupTransport.apk GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk 说明 账户与同步 应用程序支持 应用程序分享 蓝牙 浏览器 计算器 日历 日历存储 来电归属数据库 证书安装 HTC Sense自检服务 新浪相册 新浪好友流插件 好友流桌面插件 音乐桌面插件 噗浪(Plurk)桌面插件 Twitter热词桌面插件 Twitter桌面插件 天气桌面插件 联系人存储 HTC联系人同步服务 个性化设置存储 个性化设置向导 锁屏股票插件 锁屏音乐封面 调试工具 默认连接服务 下载存储 下载 Dr.eye(译典通) DRM数字版权存储 DSP管理器 Facebook 文件定位 Flickr 好友流 新闻和天气 谷歌备份 谷歌日历同步适配器 谷歌联系人同步适配器 是否自启 是否可删
删了后桌面没有google搜索插件 删了不能同步联系人,不能登录google
删除后不能使用智能拨号 删除后无法向桌面添加小插件
HTC Sense经典插件 供文件管理器使用
HTC Salsa专用 HTC Salsa专用 RSS阅读器,可与谷歌阅读同步 删除天气等不可选择位置 删除定位不可用
删除后系统崩溃 设置-语音输入与输出 不可删除 联网用,维基百科,翻译等 不可删除 HTC的Sense主题界面
删除后点击顶栏任务管理FC 信息、通讯录、接入点 从其他手机通过蓝牙传输数据
的目录下选择所有文件然后压缩成一个zip包 的说明进行就好啦(请先安装JRE)
可删 可删 可删 可删 可删
可删 可删 可删 可删 可删 可删 可删
GoogleFeedback.apk GooglePartnerSetup.apk GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk GoogleServicesFramework.apk GSD.apk hFileManager.apk HTC_IME.apk HtcAddProgramWidget.apk HTCAlbum.apk htccalendarwidgets.apk HTCCamera.apk HtcClockWidget.apk HtcCompressViewer.apk HtcContacts.apk htccontactwidgets.apk HtcDialer.apk HtcDirect.apk HtcDirectDownloadsProvider.apk HtcFacebook.apk HtcFacebookChat.apk HtcFacebookChatWidget.apk HtcFeedback.apk HtcGreader.apk HtcHubSyncProvider.apk HtcLocationPicker.apk HtcLocationService.apk HtcLockScreen.apk HtcLog.apk htcmailwidgets.apk HTCMediaAutoUploadSetting.apk HtcMessageCS.apk HtcMessageProvider.apk HtcMessageUploader.apk htcmsgwidgets.apk HtcMusic.apk HtcMusicMarkedItems.apk HtcPhotoWidget.apk HtcPlurk.apk HtcProfileWidget.apk HtcRecommends.apk HtcRecommendsWidget.apk HtcResetNotify.apk HtcSettingsProvider.apk htcsettingwidgets.apk HTCSetupWizard.apk HtcSinaChat.apk HtcSinaChatWidget.apk
可删 可删 可删 可删 可删
可删 可删 可删 可删 可删 可删 可删
可删 可删 可删
可删 可删
HtcSoundRecorder.apk HtcSoundSetDownloadManager.apk HtcStreamPlayer.apk HtcSyncwidget.apk HtcTipWidget.apk HtcTwitter.apk HtcWeatherWallpaper.apk HTMLViewer.apk LiveWallpapersPicker.apk LMW.apk Mail.apk Maps.apk MarketUpdater.apk MediaProvider.apk MediaUploader.apk MessageTabPlugin.apk Mms.apk MyHTC.apk MyReportAgent.apk NetworkLocation.apk OnlineAssetDetails.apk PackageInstaller.apk PCSCII.apk Phone.apk PicoTts.apk PluginManager.apk QuickLookup.apk restartapp.apk Rosie.apk Settings.apk SettingsProvider.apk SkinPicker.apk SkinScanner.apk Stk.apk Street.apk Superuser.apk SystemUI.apk Talk.apk TaskManager.apk TelephonyProvider.apk Transfer-icong- TtsService.apk UploadProvider.apk UserDictionaryProvider.apk Vending.apk VoiceSearch.apk VoiceDialer.apk
1.解压缩ROM 2.删除自己不想要的软件 3.打包。注意一定要在boot.img的目录下选择所 4.签名 根据签名软件的说明进行就好啦 5.刷机! 教程完毕啦
HTC Sense组件
删除后锁屏音乐播放没有封面 删除后不能安装软件 删除后不能使用浏览器或电子市场下载 自带的词典 音效设置 HTC定制版 与其他软件成依赖关系 在线相册 HTC主推的社交集合软件
与HTC Sense同步 供HTC Sense同步使用
情景模式插件(震动、正常、静音) 整合谷歌的HTC市场
绝不可删 HTC 微客专属 HTC 微客专属
删除后通话中不可录音 删除后在设置/声音中将不能选择铃声和通知音等 删除不能播放流媒体
删除后动态壁纸不可用 清理缓存等
删除后电子市场不能用 彩信支持程序
虚拟专用网络服务 天气 天气代理服务 天气存储 天气同步提供 新浪微博 时钟 闹钟 YouTube
可删 可删
。。。 版权所有:Hintay 2011.08.14
备注 设置-账户与同步 删除后不能使用HTC Sync 删除后程序列表按菜单键无分享选项 删除后无法使用蓝牙传输文件 核心为WebKit
删除日历时请同时删除 不需要来电归属可删,提高接听反应 删除可能会有位置错误 绝对不可删除,删除不能启动 HTC Sense版新浪微博与好友流连接的桥梁