Strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices effect on performance




关于人力资源管理的外文文献1. Human Resource Management Practices and Workforce Diversity: A ReviewThis article explores the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and workforce diversity. The authors review literature on HRM practices such as recruitment, selection, training and development, performance measurement, work design, and employee relations, to examine how these practices influence the success of workforce diversity. The article highlights the need for organizations to adopt effective HRM practices that support diversity and inclusion, in order to maximize the benefits of a diverse workforce.2. The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Organizational PerformanceThis study analyzes the relationship between strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices and organizational performance. The authors examine the impact of SHRM practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, and compensation and benefits, on key organizational outcomes such as employee retention, productivity, and profitability. The study concludesthat effective SHRM practices are positively associated with organizational performance, and that organizations need to prioritize HRM strategies that support their overall business objectives.3. Managing Human Resources in the Globalizing Economy: Challenges and OpportunitiesThis article explores the challenges and opportunities presented by the globalizing economy for human resource management. The authors examine how globalization has impacted HRM practices in areas such as recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, and employee relations. The article also highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity in managing a diverse global workforce, and the need for HR professionals to adapt to changing business environments to effectively manage human resources.4. The Role of Human Resource Management in Corporate Social ResponsibilityThis study examines the role of HRM in promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR). The authors analyze the connection between CSR and HRM practices such as recruitment, selection, training anddevelopment, and employee relations, to determine how these practices can support and enhance CSR initiatives. The article emphasizes the need for HR professionals to align their practices with CSR goals in order to promote sustainable business practices and social responsibility.5. Employee Engagement and Retention: A Review of the LiteratureThis article reviews literature on the relationship between employee engagement and retention. The authors examine the factors that contribute to employee engagement, such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and leadership, and how these factors can impact employee retention. The article also highlights the importance of effective HRM practices in enhancing employee engagement and retention, and provides recommendations for organizations seeking to improve their retention rates through engagement-focused HRM strategies.。

Strategic Human:Resource Management

Strategic Human:Resource Management
Strategic Human
Resource Management
Learning Objectives
1. Describe differences between strategy formulation and strategy
2. List strategic management process components. 3. Discuss HRM function’s role in strategy formulation. 4. Describe linkages between HRM and strategy formulation. 5. Discuss typologies of strategies and associated HRM practices. 6. Describe HR issues and practices associated with directional
Strategic management is a process to address the organization’s competitive challenges by integrating goals, policies and action sequences into a cohesive whole.
Strategic Implementation
HR Practices
•Recruiting •Training •Performance management •Labor relations •Employee relations •Job analysis •Job design •Selection •Development •Pay structure •Incentives •Benefits



战略性人力资源管理模型战略性人力资源管理(Strategic Human Resource Management)是指将人力资源管理与组织的战略目标相结合,以实现组织竞争优势的管理理念和方法。





















➢ With bottlers to ensure that we maintain strong partnerships ➢ Among area, division, and headquarters staff to ensure that we coordinate
functional strengths to produce the best possible results ➢ Across markets to ensure that we share the best practices throughout the
We will achieve brand superiority by: Delivering the best products in the marketplace:
The highest quality The best tasting The most consistent Communicating these benefits in a high-impact, persuasive and consistent manner
The 5-P Model
PCI’s strategic business objectives
Committed bottling organization Uncompromising dedication to quality Development of talented people Focus on growth Quality business plans
enterprise Helping people succeed by building an environment with:



名词解释战略性人力资源管理概念介绍战略性人力资源管理(Strategic Human Resource Management)是指企业在制定和执行人力资源战略时,将人力资源视为实现企业战略目标的重要驱动力量,通过科学的策略性方法来管理和开发人力资源。

















SHRM概念解析1. SHRM的定义SHRM(Strategic Human Resource Management)即战略人力资源管理,是指组织在制定和实施人力资源管理政策和实践时,将其与组织的战略目标紧密结合,以提高组织绩效和员工满意度的一种管理理念和方法。


2. SHRM的重要性2.1. 对组织的重要性•与组织战略目标一致:SHRM通过将人力资源管理与组织战略目标相结合,确保组织在人力资源方面的决策与战略一致,从而增强组织的竞争力。



2.2. 对员工的重要性•增强员工参与感:SHRM鼓励员工参与组织决策制定和目标设定,增强员工对组织的归属感和参与感。



3. SHRM的应用3.1. 制定人力资源战略•分析外部环境:了解外部环境的变化和趋势,如人口结构、劳动力市场、法律法规等,以便制定适应性的人力资源战略。



3.2. 人力资源招聘与选拔•确定人才需求:根据组织的战略目标和人力资源策略,确定人才需求的数量和类型。


人力资源管理英文课件 (13)

人力资源管理英文课件 (13)

Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is the pattern of planned HR activities and deployments intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals.
Strategy Formulation
External Analysis
Internal Analysis
SHRM-Strategy Formulation
Mission Goals
Strategic Choice Internal Analysis
Strategy Implementation Variables
•Opportunities •Threats
•Skills •Behavior •Culture
• Recruiting
• Training
• Performance management
• Labor relations
• Employee relations
• Job analysis
• Job design
6. Describe HR issues and practices associated with directional
u Goal of strategic management is to deploy and
allocate resources in a way that gives an organization competitive advantage.



The Strategic Role of Human Resource ManagementTyson,S1。

Human Resource Management at WorkWhat Is Human Resource Management?To understand what human resource management is,we should first review what managers do。

Most experts agree that there are five basic functions all managers perform’ planning,organizing, staffing,leading, and controlling. In total, these functions represent the management process。

Some of the specific activities involved in each function include:Planning:Establishing goals and standards; developing rules and procedures; developing plans and forecasting-predicting or projecting some future occurrence.Organizing:Giving each subordinate a specific task; establishing departments;delegating authority to subordinates;establishing channels of authority and communication;coordinating the work of subordinates.Staffing: Deciding what type of people should be hired;recruiting prospective employees; selecting employees;setting performance standards;compensating employees; evaluating performance;counseling employees;training and developing employees。



1.人力资源管理导论组织:(organization)管理者:(manager)管理过程:(management process)人力资源管理:(human resource management)职权:(authority)直线职权:(line authority)职能职权:(staff authority)直线经理:(line manager)职能经理:(staff manager)全球化:(globalization)人力资本:(human capital)伦理道德:(ethics)2.公平就业机会及相关法律积极的反歧视行动:(affirmative action)规范化指南:(uniform guide lines)受保护群体:(protected class)混合动机:(mixed motive)合格者:(qualified individuals)性骚扰:(sexual harassment)五分之四法则:(4/5 ths rule)消极影响:(adverse impact)差别拒绝率:(sisparate rejection rates)限制性政策:(restricted policy)人口比较:(population comparisons)真实职业资格:(bona tide accupational qualification)建设性争议处理程序:(alternative dispute resolution)建设性争议处理计划:(ADR program)多元化:(diversity)刻板印象:(stereotyping)歧视:(discrimination)象征主义:(tokenism)种族中心主义:(ethnocentrism)性别角色刻板印象:(gender-role stereotype)善意努力战略:(good faith effort strategy)逆向歧视:(reverse discrimination)3.人力资源管理战略与分析战略规划:(strategic plan)战略管理:(strategic management)使命陈述:(mission statement)公司战略:(corporate-level strategy)竞争战略:(competitive strategy)竞争优势:(competitive advantage)职能战略:(functional strategy)战略性人力资源管理:(strategic human resource management)战略地图:(strategy map)人力资源计分卡:(HR scorecard)数字仪表盘:(digital dashboard)基于战略的衡量指标:(strategy-based metrics)人力资源管理审计:(HR audit)高绩效工作系统:(high-performance work system)4.职位分析与人才管理过程人才管理:(talent management)职位分析:(job analysis)职位描述:(job description)任职资格:(job specification)组织结构图:(organization chart)工作流程图:(process chart)工作流分析:(workflow analysis)业务流畅再造:(business process reengineering)职位扩大化:(job enlargement)职位轮换:(job rotation)职位丰富化:(job enrichment)工作日记/日志:(diary/log)职位分析问卷法:(position analysis questionnaire)标准职位分类:(standard occupational classification)任务描述:(task statement)职位要求矩阵:(job requirements matrix)5.人事规划与招聘人事规划:(workforce planning)趋势分析:(trend analysis)比率分析:(ratio analysis)散点分析:(scatter plot)任职资格条件库:(qualifications inventories)人员替代图:(personnel replacement charts)职位替代卡:(position replacement card)马尔科夫分析法:(markov analysis)继任规划:(succession planning)员工招聘:(employee recruiting)招聘产出金字塔:(recruiting yield pyramid)职位空缺公告:(job posting)非常规性配员:(alternative staffing)即时招聘服务机构:(on-demand recruiting services)大学校园招募:(college recruiting)求职申请表:(application form)6.员工测试与甄选疏忽雇佣:(negligent hiring)信度:(reliability)测试效度:(test validity)效标关联效度:(criterion validity)内容效度:(content validity)构想效度:(construct validity)期望图:(expectancy chart)兴趣测试:(interest inventories)工作样本:(work samples)工作样本技术:(work samples technique)管理评价中心:(management assessment centers)情境测试:(situational test)视频模拟测试:(video-based simulation)小型工作培训和评价方法:(miniature job training and evaluation) 7.求职者面试非结构化面试:(unstructured interviews)结构化面试:(structured interviews)情景面试:(situational interview)行为面试:(behavioral interview)职位相关性面试:(job-related interview)压力面试:(stress interview)结构化顺序面试:(unstructured sequential interview)小组面试:(panel interview)集体面试:(mass interview)求职者面试顺序误差:(candidate-order or contrast error)结构化情境面试:(structured situational interview)8.员工培训与开发新员工入职引导:(employee orientation training)培训:(training)任务分析:(task analysis)培训疏忽:(negligent training)胜任素质模型:(competency model)绩效分析:(performance analysis)在岗培训:(on-the-job training)学徒制培训:(apprenticeship training)工作指导培训:(job instruction training)程序化学习:(programmed learning)行为塑造:(behavior modeling)电子化绩效支持系统:(electronic performance support system)工作助手:(job aid)终身学习:(lifelong learning)交叉培训:(cross training)虚拟课堂:(virtual classroom)管理技能开发:(management development)职位轮换:(job rotation)行为学习:(action learning)案例研究法:(case study method)管理游戏:(management games)角色扮演:(role play)企业内开发中心:(inhouse development centres)高管教练:(executive coach)组织发展:(organization development)控制实验:(controlled experimentation)9.绩效管理与评价绩效评价:(performance appraisal)绩效评价过程:(performance process)绩效管理:(performance management)图评价尺度法:(graphic rating scale)交替排序法:(alternative ranking method)配对比较法:(paired comparison method)强制分布法:(forced distribution method)关键事件法:(critical incident method)行为锚定等级评价法:(behaviorally anchored rating scale)目标管理:(management by objectives)电子化绩效监控:(electronic performance monitoring)标准不清:(unclear standard)晕轮效应:(halo effect)居中趋势:(central tendency)宽大或严格倾向:(strictness/leniency)近因效应:(recency effect)绩效评价面谈:(appraisal interview)10.员工保留、敬业度及职业生涯管理职业生涯:(career)职业生涯管理:(career management)职业生涯开发:(career development)职业生涯规划:(career planning)现实震荡:(reality shock)导师指导:(mentoring)教练指导:(coaching)晋升:(promotion)调动:(transfer)不服从上级:(insuboardination)自由解雇:(terminate at will)解雇面谈:(termination interview)重新谋职咨询:(outplacement counseling)离职面谈:(exit interview)临时解雇:(lay off)裁员:(down sizing)解雇管理:(managing dismissals)生命周期:(lifecycle career)职业生涯管理:(career management)职业锚:(career anchor)11.制定战略性薪酬计划员工薪酬:(employee compensation)直接经济报酬:(direct financial payment)间接经济报酬:(indirect payments)职位评价:(job evaluation)报酬要素:(compensable factores)杠杆职位:(benchmark jobs)职位排序:(ranking method)职位分类法:(job classification or job grading)职级:(classes)职等:(grades)职位等级定义:(grade definition)计点法:(point method)市场竞争性薪酬系统:(market-competitive pay system)薪酬政策线:(wage curves)薪酬调查:(salary survey)薪酬等级:(pay ranges)比较比率:(compa ratios)胜任素质薪酬:(competency-based pay)宽带薪酬:(broad banding)可比价值:(comparable worth)12.绩效薪酬和经济性奖励经济类奖励:(financial incentives )生产率:(productivity)日公平工作标准:(fair day’s work)科学管理运动:(scientific management movement)可变薪酬:(variable pay)期望:(expectancy)关联性:(instrumentality)效价:(Valance)行为修正:(behavior modification)简单计件工资:(straight piecework)标准工时计划:(standard hour plan)绩效加薪:(merit pay or merit raise)年终奖:(annual bonus)股票期权:(stock option)团体或群体奖励计划:(team or group incentive plans)组织绩效奖励计划:(organization-wide incentive plans)利润分享计划:(profit-sharing plans)收益分享计划:(gainsharing plan)收入风险型薪酬计划:(earnings-at-risk pay plans)员工持股计划:(employee stock owership plan)广泛股票期权计划:(broad-based stock option plans) 13.福利与服务福利:(benefits)失业保险:(unemployment insurance)补充性薪酬型福利:(supple-mental pay benefits)病假:(sick leave)遣散费:(severance pay)补充性失业福利:(supplemental unemployment benefits)工伤保险:(worker’s compensation)健康维护组织:(health maintenance organization)自选医疗服务组织:(preferred provider organization)团体人寿保险:(group life insurance)社会保障:(social security)养老金计划:(pension plans)固定收益制计划:(defined benefit plans)固定缴费制计划:(defined contribution plans)可转移性:(portability)储蓄节约计划:(savings and thrift plan)延期利润分享计划:(deferred profit-sharing plan)员工持股计划:(employee stock ownership plan)现金金额养老金计划:(cash balance plans)养老金担保公司:(pension benefits guarantee corporation)提前退休窗口:(early-retirement window)员工援助计划:(employee assistance program)弹性福利计划:(flexible benefits plan)自助餐式福利计划:(cafeteria benefits plan)弹性工作时间:(flextime)压缩工作周:(compressed workweek)职位分享:(job sharing)工作分享:(work sharing)14.伦理道德、员工关系管理伦理道德:(ethics)程序公平:(procedural justice)分配公平:(distributive justice)社会责任:(social responsibility)网络欺凌:(cyberbullying)组织文化:(organizational culture)非惩罚性惩戒:(ninpunitive discipline)解雇:(dismissal)员工关系:(employee relations)建议团队:(suggestion teams)问题解决团队:(problem-solving teams)质量圈:(quality circle)自我管理:(self-managing)15.劳资关系与集体谈判封闭型企业:(closed shop)工会制企业:(union shop)工会代理制企业:(agency shop)工会会员优先企业:(preferential shop)会员资格保持型企业:(maintenance of membership arrangement)工作权利:(right to work)工会渗透:(union salting)授权卡:(authorization cards)谈判单位:(bargaining unit)代表取消:(decertification)集体谈判:(collective bargaining)有诚意谈判:(good faith bargaining)自愿性谈判主题:(voluntary or permissible bargaining items)非法谈判主题:(illegal bargaining items)强制性谈判主题:(mandatory bargaining items)僵持:(impasses)调解:(mediation)实情调查员:(factfinder)仲裁:(arbitration)利益仲裁:(interest arbitration)权利仲裁:(rights arbitration)经济罢工:(economic strike)同情罢工:(sympathy strike)野猫罢工:(wildcat strike)反不当劳资关系行为罢工:(unfair labor practice strikes)设置纠察:(picketing)联合施压运动:(corporate campaign)联合抵制:(boycott)内部游戏:(inside games)闭厂:(lockout)禁令:(injunction)争议处理程序:(grievance procedure)16.员工安全与健康职业病:(occupational illness)传讯:(citation)不安全工作条件:(unsafe conditions)工作伤害分析:(job hazard ananlysis)运行安全审查:(operational safety reviews)行为安全教育:(behavior-based safety)安全意识项目:(safety awareness)工作倦怠:(burnout)自然安全:(natural security)机械安全:(mechanical security)组织安全:(organizational security)17.全球化人力资源管理国际人力资源管理:(international human resource management)工人理事会:(works councils)外派员工:(expatriates)母国公民:(home-country nations)第三国公民:(third-country nations)虚拟团队:(virtual team)民族中心主义:(ethnocentric)多国中心主义:(polycentric)全球中心主义:(geocentric)适应性甄选:(adaptability scerrning)国外服务补贴:(foreign service premium)艰苦补贴:(hardship allowances)迁移补贴:(mobility premiums)。




而战略人力资源管理(Strategy Human Resource Management,SHRM)这个概念是Devana (1981 年)在文章《人力资源管理:一个战略观》中提出来的。


战略人力资源管理就将人与组织系统的联系起来,是指对组织的人力资源进行计划为了达到一定的组织目标(Wright,Mc Mahan,1992),组织目标包括多个方面。


Stephen P. Robbins 在其《管理学》一书中指出:目前很多组织运用“我们的人力资源是我们最重要的资产”这样一句话作为其成功的最重要的因素来评价人力资源的重要性;人力资源是建立组织持续竞争力的源泉。

书中还提到Watson Wyatt Worldwide 顾问公司对两千家大型公司的调查研究发现人力资源是核心竞争力的源泉。


Susan E. Jackson 在其《人力资源管理—从战略合作的角度》一书中,把人力资源管理提升到企业战略管理的高度,并提出把人力资源看成企业发展的战略合作伙伴,该书系统地处理当前企业最新面临的团队工作、员工多样化、战略改革和全球化对人力资源管理所提出的挑战等问题。



Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall 14-2
HRM in Action: Global Bribery (Cont.)
• Law has teeth • Lockheed Corporation paid approximately $25 million • Titan Corporation paid $28.5 million • President of American Rice, Inc. sentenced to 63 months in prison • Not having ability to use bribery as a tool of doing business has been costly for American companies
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall 14-6
Global Professional in Hபைடு நூலகம்man Resources
• New certification for HRCI • Strategic international HR management • Organizational effectiveness and employee development • Global staffing • International assignment management • Global compensation • International employee relations and regulations Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.



策略性人力資源管理博一黃家齊Tel: 81104 Office: 261104 E-mail: jchuang@.tw98年9月一、課程目標:策略性人力資源管理(SHRM)是晚近重要的人力資源管理研究議題,本課程之目標在於使同學們深入的了解策略性人力資源管理的觀念、理論基礎、重要主題、相關的觀點、以及代表性研究,以培養同學從事策略性人力資源管理研究之能力。





四、成績核算方式期末報告40%課堂報告30%課堂參與及討論30%五、課程進度Week 1 (9/15) 課程簡介Week 2 (9/21) The Concept of SHRM1.Lengnick-Hall, C. A., and M. L. Lengnick-Hall. 1988. Strategic humanresources management: A review of the literature and a proposed typology.Academy of Management Review, 13(3): 454-470.2.Wright, P. M. & Boswell, W. R. 2002. Desegregating HRM: A Review andSynthesis of Micro and Macro Human Resource Management. Journal ofManagement, 28: 247-276.3.Wright, P. M., and Snell, S. A. 1998. Toward a unifying framework forexploring fit and flexibility in strategic human resource management.Academy of Management Review, 23(4): 756-772.Week 3 (10/2) Theoretical Basis of SHRM (1)1.Schuler, R. S. 1989. Strategic human resource management and industrialrelations. Human Relations, 42: 157-184.2.Barney, J., and Wright, P. M. 1998. On becoming a strategic partner: Therole of human resources in gaining competitive advantage. HumanResource Management, 37: 31-46.3.Lepak, D. P., and Snell, S. A. 1999. The human resource architecture:Toward a theory of human capital allocation and development. Academy ofManagement Review, 24: 31-48.Week 4 (10/9) Theoretical Basis of SHRM (2)1.Snell, S. A., M. A. Youndt, and P. M. Wright. 1996. Establishing aframework for research in strategic human resource management: Mergingresource theory and organizational learning. In J. Shaw, P. Kirkbride, and K.Rowland(Eds.), Research in personnel and human resource management,vol.14: 61-90, Greenwich, CT : JAI Press.2.Kang S. C., Snell, S. A. 2009. Intellectual capital architectures andambidextrous learning: A framework for human resource management,Journal of Management Studies, 46: 65-92.3.Snell, S. A. 1992. Control theory in strategic human resource management:The mediating effect of administrative information. Academy ofManagement Journal, 35: 292-327.Week 5 (10/16) HRM and Organizational Performance (1)1.Huselid, M. A., Jackson, S. E., and Schuler, R. S. 1997. Technical andstrategic human resource management effectiveness as determinants of firmperformance. Academy of management Journal, 40: 171-188.2.Batt, R. 2002. Managing customer services: Human resource practices, quitrates, and sales growth, Academy of management Journal, 45: 587-597.3.Giardini, A., and Kabst, R. 2008. Effects of work-family human resourcepractices: a longitudinal perspective. International Journal of HumanResource Management, 19: 2079 – 2094.Week 6 (10/23) HRM and Organizational Performance (2)1.Sun, L., Aryee, S., and Law, K. S. 2007. High-performance human resourcepractice, citizenship behavior, and organizational performance: A relationalperspective. Academy of Management Journal, 50: 558-577.2.Zatzick, C. D., and Iverson, R. D. 2006. High-involvement management andworkplace reduction: Competitive advantage or disadvantage? Academy ofmanagement Journal, 49: 999-1015.3.Ericksen, J., and Dyer, L. 2005. Toward a strategic human resourcemanagement model of high reliability organization performance,International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16: 907-928.Week 7 (11/6) Multiple Concepts about Fit1.Drazin, R., and Van de Ven, A. H. 1985. Alternative forms of fit incontingency theory. Administrative Science Quarterly, 30: 514-539.indarajan, V. 1988. A contingency approach to strategy implementationat the business-unit level: Integrating administrative mechanisms withstrategy. Academy of Management Journal, 31: 828-853.3.Doty, D. H., Glick, W. H., and Huber, G. P. 1993. Fit, equifinality, andorganizational effectiveness: A test of two configurational theories.Academy of Management Journal, 36: 1196-1250.Week 8 (11/13) Internal and External Fit in SHRM Research (1)1.Ichniowski, C., Shaw, K., and Prennushi, G. 1997. The effects of humanresource management practices on productivity: A study of steel finishinglines. The American Economic Review, 87: 291-313.2.Huselid, M. A. 1995. The impact of human resource management practiceson turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance. Academy ofManagement Journal, 38: 635-672.3.Arthur, J. B. 1992. The link between business strategy and industrialrelations systems in American steel minimills. Industrial and LaborRelations Review, 45: 488-506.Week 9 (11/20) Internal and External Fit in SHRM Research (1)1.Youndt, M. A., Snell, S. A., Dean, J. W., and Lepak, D. P. 1996. Humanresource management, manufacturing strategy, and firm performance.Academy of Management Journal, 39: 836-866.2.Delery, J. E., and Doty, D. H. 1996. Modes of theorizing in strategic humanresources management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, andconfigurational performance prediction. Academy of Management Journal,39: 802-835.3.Nikandrou, I., Apospori, E., Panayotopoulou, L., Stavrou, E. T.,andPapalexandris, N. 2008. Training and firm performance in Europe: theimpact of national and organizational characteristics, International Journalof Human Resource Management, 19: 2057 – 2078.Week 11 (12/4) HRM and Employment Relationship1.Tsui, A. S., Pearce, J. L. Porter, L. W., and Tripoli, A. M. (1997),Alternative Approaches to the Employee-organization Relationship: DoseInvestment in Employees Pay Off? Academy of Management Journal, 40,pp.1089-1121.2.Wang, D., Tsui, A. S., Zhang, Y., and Ma, L. 2003. Employmentrelationships and firm performance: Evidence from an emerging economy.Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24:511-535.3.Dabos, G. E., and Rousseau, D. M. 2004. Mutuality and reciprocity in thepsychological contracts of employees and employers. Journal of AppliedPsychology, 89: 52-72.Week 12 (12/11) HRM and Agency Theory1.Eisenhardt, K. M. 1989. Agency theory: An assessment and review.Academy of Management Review, 14: 57-74.2.Welbourne, T. M., Balkin, D. B., and Gomez-Mejia, L. R. 1995.Gainsharing and mutual monitoring: A combined agency-organizationaljustice interpretation. Academy of Management Journal, 38: 81-899.3.Berrone, P., and Gomez-Mejia, L. R. 2009. Environmental performance andexecutive compensation: An integrated agency-institutional perspective.Academy of Management Journal, 52: 103-126.Week 13 (12/18) Multi-level issues in SHRM1.Klein, K. J., and Kozlowski, S. W. J. 2000. From micro to meso: Criticalsteps in conceptualizing and conducting multilevel research. OrganizationalResearch Methods, 3:211-236.2.Takeuchi, R., Chen, G., and Lepak, D. P. 2009. Through the looking glassof a social system: cross-level effects of high-performance work systems onemployees’ attitudes. Personnel Psychology, 62: 1-29.3.Ketkar, S., and Sett, P. K. 2009.HR flexibility and firm performance:Analysis of a multi-level causal model,International Journal of HumanResource Management, 20: 1009-1038.Week 14 (1/8) Cultural difference and HRM1.Hui, C., Rousseau, D. M., Lee, C. 2004. Psychological contract andorganizational citizenship behavior in China: Investigating generalizabilityand instrumentality, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89: 311-321.2.Fey, C. F., Morgulis-yakushev, S., Park, H. J., and Björkman, I. 2009.Opening the black box of the relationship between HRM practices and firmperformance: A comparison of MNE subsidiaries in the USA, Finland, andRussia. Journal of International Business Studies, 40: 690-712.3.Chiang, F. F. T., and Birtch, T. 2007. The transferability of managementpractices: Examining cross-national differences in reward preferences,Human Relations, 60: 1293-1330.Week 15 (1/15) Progress and Prospect of SHRM1.The Editors, 2009. Human resource management (HRM) and performance:Progress and prospects, Journal of Management Studies, 46: 127-128.2.Paauwe, J. 2009. HRM and performance: Achievements, methodologicalissues and prospects, Journal of Management Studies, 46: 129-142.3.Janssens, M., and Steyaert, C. 2009. HRM and Performance: A Plea forReflexivity in HRM Studies, Journal of Management Studies, 46:144-155.4.Becker, B. E., and Huselid, M. A. 2006. Strategic human resourcemanagement: Where do we go from here? Journal of Management, 32:898-925.Week 16 (1/22) Presentation。



战略人力资源管理战略人力资源管理(Strategic Human Resource Management,简称SHRM)是指在组织发展战略制定和实施过程中,将人力资源视为一项关键资源,并通过人力资源管理的方法和技术,以实现组织战略目标和提升绩效的理论与实践。





二、战略人力资源管理的重要性1. 人力资源是组织的核心竞争力战略人力资源管理认为,人力资源是组织的核心竞争力,优秀的员工能够为组织创造独特的价值,并提供持续的竞争优势。


2. 人力资源与组织战略目标的一致性战略人力资源管理强调员工与组织之间的长期关系,并将人力资源管理与组织战略目标紧密结合起来。


3. 提升员工绩效和组织绩效战略人力资源管理注重通过正确的人力资源管理方法和技术,提升员工绩效和组织绩效。


三、战略人力资源管理的实施步骤1. 确定组织的战略目标首先,组织需要明确自己的战略目标,包括市场定位、核心竞争力等方面的战略规划。



Facilitating learning opportunities through workshops, seminars, and online resources
Performance Management
Setting clear performance expectations and goals aligned with the organization's strategic objectives
02 03
Forecasting future work force needs
Based on business strategy and market trends, HR needs to forecast future work force requirements in terms of numbers, skills, and competencies
Making final hiring decisions and extending job offers to selected candidates
Training and Development
Designing and implementing training
programs to improve employees' skills and
Identifying areas for improvement and developing action plans to address performance gaps
Conducting regular performance reviews to assess employees' progress and provide feedback



战略人力资源管理模型战略人力资源管理(Strategic Human Resource Management,简称SHRM)是一种将人力资源管理与企业战略紧密结合的管理模式。



一. 环境分析环境分析是战略人力资源管理的起点,它通过对外部环境的分析,为人力资源决策提供相关信息。



二. 战略制定战略制定是根据环境分析的结果,确定人力资源管理战略的过程。



三. 绩效管理绩效管理是战略人力资源管理的核心环节。



四. 员工发展员工发展是战略人力资源管理的基础。




五. 组织文化建设组织文化是企业的精神内核和员工行为准则。



六. 制度建设制度建设是战略人力资源管理的保障环节。

shrm 入职管理研究模型

shrm 入职管理研究模型

shrm 入职管理研究模型SHRM(Strategic Human Resource Management)是战略人力资源管理的缩写,是一种将人力资源管理与组织的战略目标和目标相结合的方法。



在SHRM入职管理研究模型中,通常会涉及以下几个关键方面:1. 招聘和选拔,研究模型可能会探讨如何在招聘和选拔过程中识别出最适合组织的候选人,以及如何设计有效的招聘和选拔流程,以确保新员工具备必要的技能和素质。

2. 社会化,入职管理研究模型可能会关注新员工的社会化过程,即新员工如何逐步适应组织文化、价值观和工作要求的过程。


3. 培训和发展,研究模型可能会考察组织如何为新员工提供必要的培训和发展机会,以帮助他们快速适应新岗位并提升工作能力。

4. 绩效管理,入职管理研究模型还可能涉及到对新员工绩效管理体系的研究,包括如何设定明确的工作目标、提供有效的反馈和指导等方面。

5. 离职率和留存,最后,研究模型可能会关注新员工的离职率和留存情况,探讨各种因素对新员工留存的影响,以及如何提高新员工的留存率。





战略性人力资源管理开发的定义战略性人力资源管理开发的定义战略性人力资源管理开发(Strategic Human Resource Management Development,SHRMD)是一种基于组织战略目标与人力资源管理相结合的管理方法。





战略性人力资源管理开发的过程包括以下几个关键要素:1. 研究组织战略目标和需求:了解组织的战略目标和未来发展方向,以及组织在实现这些目标和需求方面所需的人力资源。

2. 分析现有的人力资源情况:评估组织目前的人力资源能力和潜在问题,发现所需的人力资源改善和发展方向。

3. 制定人力资源策略和计划:根据组织的战略目标和人力资源分析结果,制定人力资源管理的长期和短期策略,并编制相应的计划和措施。

4. 实施人力资源策略和计划:根据制定的策略和计划,通过招聘、培训、绩效管理、薪酬管理等手段,保证组织所需的各个层次的员工能力和能量。

5. 监督和评估人力资源管理效果:建立监督和评估机制,监控人力资源管理的实施和效果,及时调整和改进人力资源策略和计划。

6. 组织文化和价值观:发展和维护一个符合组织核心价值观的强大组织文化,以促进员工的积极参与和合作,提高组织的整体绩效。



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Strategic human resource management practices:effect on performance Beatrice Akong’o DimbaFaculty of Commerce,Strathmore University,Nairobi,KenyaAbstractPurpose –Strategic human resource management (SHRM)practices are used by large foreign multinational companies to improve their performance.The purpose of this paper is to establish the direct or indirect relationship between SHRM practices and firm performance.Design/methodology/approach –SHRM practices are conceptualized as independent variables measured through a bundle of distinct anizational performance as a dependent variable is measured using constructs of image,interpersonal relations,and product quality.The model is tested with data from 50large foreign multinational companies operating in Kenya.Findings –Results of this paper show that the SHRM practices that best predict firm performance are training and development and compensation systems.The relationship between the use of SHRM practices and firm performance does not hold across the five bundles of what are considered as “high performance work practices”.This paper also assumes that the relationship between SHRM practices and firm performance is indirect through motivation.Research limitations/implications –Cross-sectional data from 50large manufacturing companies in Kenya are used,and it would be interesting to test this model for more industries and countries.Practical implications –Results of this paper have shown that the SHRM practices that best predict firm performance are training and development and compensation systems.Originality/value –To the best of the author’s knowledge,this is the first large-scale empirical paper of the influence of SHRM practices on firm performance,using data from large foreign manufacturing companies operating in Kenya.Keywords Human resource strategies,Organizational performance,Multinational companies,Developing countries,Working practices,KenyaPaper type Research paper1.Introduction Most studies show that strategic human resource management (SHRM)practices lead to performance (Katou and Budhwar,2006,2007;Pfeffer,1994).Consequently,the universal use of “best practice bundle”of human resource (HR)practices such as recruitment,training,staff appraisals,and compensation systems can directly and indirectly improve organizational performance.However,the key criticism of this relationship is that sound theoretical development explains how such SHRM practices operate is absent (Aycan et al.,2007;Gerhart,2005;Katou and Budhwar,2007).Most of the organizations on which studies have been carried out were large manufacturing companies,particularly in USA and UK (Arthur,1994),although,a few investigations have been initiated in other parts of the world,especially in developing countries such as China and Slovenia (Katou and Budhwar,2007)and some of the studies have shown similar results.This study advanced a conceptual model linking the variables of interest in large foreign manufacturing multinational companies (MNCs)operating in Kenya.The linkageThe current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at/2040-0705.htmAJEMS1,2128African Journal of Economic andManagement StudiesVol.1No.2,2010pp.128-137q Emerald Group Publishing Limited2040-0705DOI 10.1108/20400701011073455includes both the direct relationship between SHRM practices and firm performance and also the indirect relationship mediated by employee motivation (Mendonca and Kanungo,1994)(Figure 1).2.Literature reviewIn Kenya foreign manufacturing MNCs are large companies (World Bank,2007)because they have a workforce of 100and above (World Bank,2007).There are 50large foreign manufacturing MNCs in Kenya (Kenya Association of Manufacturers,2007),most of which are located in large urban areas (Kenya Association of Manufacturers,2007;Kenya Industrial and Research Development Institute,2005).Firms located in Nairobi have a higher export inclination than firms located elsewhere.This study uses the number of employees to determine company size.The informal manufacturing sector which employs more than 85percent of the manufacturing workforce tends to be smaller,younger,owner-managed,and less productive (National Development Plan,2002-2008;World Bank,2007).The MNCs owned by foreigners and other larger firms,mainly owned by Asian Kenyans,enjoy higher market power,are more specialized,and have better access to credit.The MNCs are better able than small companies to appreciate the value of human capital (Youndt et al.,1996).They have also invested heavily in production innovations such as advanced manufacturing technology and machinery.Furthermore,they are in a position to contribute to the economic growth of development in developing countries because they can transfer and adopt cross-border “best practices”(World Bank,2007).Traditionally,both scholars and multinational companies’managers have assumed the universality of management (Hodgetts and Luthans,2000).Hence,MNCs have a tendency to take the management concepts and techniques that work at home into other countries.Even though African countries have received a share of multinational companies’investments,MNCs operating in developing countries face challenges in implementing Western SHRM practices (Mamman and Adeoye,2007).In this regard,the universality of SHRM practices,specifically,recruitment,training,staff appraisals,and compensation systems to improve organizational performance,needs further testing:H1.A positive relationship exists between SHRM practices and firm performance.In an effort to address the lack of explanation of sound theoretical developments in the area of SHRM-performance,scholars have proposed to consider intermediate linkages between SHRM practices and organizational performance (Ferris et al.,1998).Specifically,motivation has been suggested as an intermediate linkage (Gerhart,2005;Dimba and K’Obonyo,2009).Thus,SHRM practices do not lead directly to organizationalFigure 1.Conceptual modelNote: Conceptual model showing direct and indirect relationships betweenSHRM practices and firm performance SHRM practices 129performance.Rather,they influence employee motivation,and it is this resource thatultimately leads to performance.However,only a few researchers (Fey et al.,2000;Guest,2001;Huselid,1995;Katou and Budhwar,2007)have measured employee motivation and addressed its importance in relations to this linkage:H2.Employee motivation mediates the relationship between SHRM practices andfirm performance.H3.Motivation has effect on performance.3.MethodologyA multi-method empirical approach involving both surveys and interviews was used to obtain the relationship between SHRM practices,employees’motivation and firm performance.This triangulation approach of survey and interviews provided an opportunity to develop a broad-based understanding of the relationships among the key variables used in the study.The study used the questionnaire developed by Huselid (1995)to collect data.Huselid’s instrument contains measures for SHRM practices,motivation and performance.Huselid’s instrument had also been used in the USA in nearly 1,000large firms.Some previous studies (Bae et al.,1998),using similar scales to measure HR practices,found Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients of 0.70in four areas of HR practices,i.e.recruitment and selection,training and development,participation,and rewards,while other studies (Delaney and Huselid,1996)reported alpha coefficients of between 0.70and 0.91for different HR practices.Regarding the level of the importance of motivation about the employees’job and the organization they worked for,Delaney and Huselid (1996),in particular,found positive relationships between SHRM practices,motivation and performance.The current study undertook a cross-sectional survey of MNCs to determine specific parameters across the respondents.The target population for this study was defined as large foreign multinational manufacturing companies operating in Kenya,which were members of KAM.Since the population was small,the study took a complete survey of the 50large foreign MNCs.The respondents were the specialist HR managers,line managers (marketing managers and production managers),and three employees who were not in a management position –one from each of the functional departments represented by the three managers.Employees are most affected by the way their immediate manager treats them,as this determines their day-to-day experience (Richardson and Thompson,1999).Hence,it is necessary to know how they interpret SHRM practices (Easterby-Smith et al.,1991;Hall,2004;Kamoche,2001).On the other hand,managers (and not the lower cadre)usually formulate business strategies.Consequently,inclusion of other non-HR managers as respondents was expected to reduce response bias by obtaining alternative perspectives (Youndt et al.,1996).On the basis of the responses to the questionnaire,the researcher selected a sample of six MNCs for the interviews.The six MNCs were chosen by a simple random method from the 27companies that had responded to the questionnaire.4.Analysis resultsA.Quantitative dataThe hypotheses were tested using Pearson’s product moment correlation and simple regression analyses.Table I shows that among the SHRM practices,training and AJEMS 1,2130development(r¼0.4,at p,0.01)had the strongest positive correlation between SHRM practices and performance.Next were the compensation systems(r¼0.3,at p,0.01)and performance appraisal(r¼0.2,at p,0.01),and lastly,flexible work arrangements(r¼0.3,at p,0.05).Firm performance was not correlated with recruitment and selection(r¼0).This implies that if there was(at all)a link between these SHRM practices and performance,it was indirect through another variable which was not part of this study.The results in Table I are consistent with those in Table III where training and development and compensation systems have a significant effect on performance. Training and development and compensation systems alone explain up to20percent of variance infirm performance(R2¼0.2).It is evident in Table II,that a unit increase in training and development,holding compensation systems constant,results in a30percent change(increase)in organizational performance;whereas a20percent increase in performance is achieved with every additional unit in compensation,holding training and development constant.Thesefindings lead to acceptance of the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between SHRM practices andfirm performance.Tables II and IIIfirst show that all the strategic HR practices,except recruitment and selection,are positively and significantly correlated with motivation.This suggests that the use of best HR practices in training and development,performance appraisal,compensation andflexible work arrangements has a significant positive influence on employees’motivation.In Table II,motivation alone accounts for10percent(R2¼0.1)of variation infirm performance.Similarly,Table II shows that the best predictors offirm performance as far as SHRM practices were concerned are training and development and compensation systems.These two SHRM practices alone explain up to20percent of variance infirm performance(R2¼0.2).Consequently,motivation and SHRM practices account for 30percent offirm performance.This implies that for every unit increase in motivation, SHRM practices rRecruitment and hiring0 Training and development0.4** Performance appraisal0.2** Compensation systems0.3** Flexible work arrangements0.3* Notes:Significance at:*a,0.05and**a,0.01;n¼161Table I. Results of the correlationanalysis for the relationship betweenSHRM practices andorganizationalperformanceVariable b t-value a-value SHRM practicesTraining and development0.3 4.0,0.01 Compensation systems0.2 2.3,0.01 R2¼0.2Motivation0.3 3.3,0.01 R2¼0.1Table II. Results of the regression analysis of the effect ofSHRM practicesand motivationon organizationalperformance SHRM practices131there is a corresponding 30percent increase in firm performance.Also,as shown by thevalue of R 2,10percent of variation in firm performance is attributable to motivation.Thus,the hypothesis that motivation affects firm performance is accepted.B.Qualitative dataThis section analyzed the findings of the interviews with heads of HR,marketing and production departments,and employees from six firms as a follow-up on issues arising from the questionnaire responses that required clarification from additional data.The interviews expanded the information furnished on the questionnaire on SHRM practices,motivation,and firm performance.Minitab for regression,statistical data analysis software,was used to convert qualitative data to quantitative data.Table IV below explains the relationship between motivation and organizational performance.Presented in Table IV are reports from the six companies on organizational performance measured by quality of goods,company image,and interpersonal relations.Employees were asked to choose one organizational characteristic that encouraged or motivated them to contribute to the success of their organization.These characteristics consisted of quality of goods,company image,and interpersonal relations.SHRM practicesr Recruitment and hiring0Training and development0.4**Performance appraisal0.5*Compensation systems0.5**Flexible work arrangements0.3*Notes:Significance at:*a ,0.05and **a ,0.01;n ¼161Table III.Correlations between SHRM practices and motivationVariablesn ¼24Organizational performanceFrequency (%)1.Quality of goods(a)The organization is trying hard to produce goods which are competitive0(0.00)(b)Goods are of superior quality compared to competitors24(100)(c)Others0(0.00)Totaln ¼24(100)pany image(a)The image stands out among competitors23(95.83)(b)Company image does not stand out but is not so poor compared to otherorganizations0(0.00)(c)Others1(4.17)Totaln ¼24(100)3.Interpersonal relations(a)Work environment is not conducive to good interaction among employees0(0.00)(b)People relate well in the organization24(100)(c)Others0(0.00)Total n ¼24(100)Table IV.Relationship between motivation and organizational performanceAJEMS 1,2132Starting with quality of goods,if the employees chose(b)“Goods are of superior quality compared to competitors”;this would be interpreted to mean that what increased their motivation was the perception that theirfirm produced goods of superior quality.As far as company image is concerned,if the choice in variable2(Table IV)was(a)“The image stands out among competitors”,the interpretation was that the employees were encouraged or motivated to help in achievement offirm goals because they perceived their company image stood out among its rivals.Finally,in variable3(Table IV),if their choice was(b)“People relate well in the organization”,the interpretation was that the employees perceived people interacted well in their organization and that is what increased their motivation to help with performance achievement.Of those interviewed,24(100percent)indicated that they were motivated to contribute to organizational achievement because they perceived that their organization produced products of superior quality when compared to those of competitors.This implies that the employees perceived their companies’products to be ahead of those of the competitors.Similar responses are given for interpersonal relations,24(100percent). In this case,the employees’perception was that people interacted with each other very well in these MNCs and this was the cause for their motivation.As far as company image is concerned,23(95.83percent)were motivated to contribute to performance because they believed that the image of their organization stood out among its competitors.Only a negligible minority gave other reasons relating employees’motivation with organizational performance,1(4.20percent).In short,the results in Table IV indicate that there is a perceived link between high motivation and high performance.Qualitative data,although solely descriptive,confirmedfirst that the MNCs made use of SHRM practices to achieve their goals,meaning that there is a positive relationship between SHRM practices and organizational performance.Second,the data supported the assumption from quantitative data analysis,that the relationship between SHRM practices andfirm performance was both direct and indirect through motivation and,consequently,motivation influencesfirm performance.5.Major conclusions and recommendations for further researchAt a general level,the results on SHRM-firm performance were largely consistent with results obtained in studies of SHRM practices andfirm performance conducted in other geographical settings.However,the applicability of Western nations’models of SHRM practices in MNCs operating in developing countries is questionable because the relationship between the use of SHRM practices andfirm performance did not hold across thefive bundles of what were considered as“high performance work practices”in the context of Western developed nations’models of SHRM.It is recommended that future studies focus on more than thefive bundles to give a wider scope of practices.A wider scope is necessary because it could,for instance,help MNCs to avoid practices that conflict with traditional ways of doing things in the host country.Though the study suggests that SHRM practices should focus on more than thefive bundles used in this research,sound theoretical development that explains how such SHRM practices operate should be established.This study suggests a longitudinal design to look at SHRM practices,motivation and performance over time to examine the sequential and reciprocal relationship among these aspects of organizations.SHRM practices133References Arthur,J.B.(1994),“Effects of human resource systems on manufacturing performance and turnover”,The Academy of Management Journal ,Vol.37No.3,pp.670-87.Aycan,Z.,Al-Hamadi,A.B.,Davis,A.and Budhwar,P.(2007),“Cultural orientations and preference for HRM policies and practices:the case of Oman”,International Journal of Human Resource Management ,Vol.18No.1,pp.11-32.Bae,J.,Chen,S.and Lawler,J.(1998),“Variations in HRM in Asian countries:MNC home countryand host country effects”,International Journal of Human Resource Management ,Vol.9No.4,pp.653-70.Delaney,J.T.and Huselid,M.A.(1996),“The impact of human resource management 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Her administrative work with the Central Bank in Kenya and her later work with the EU in Kenya have given her a very mature mind,which allows her to bring mature reflection to all aspects of HR management and to her present research interests.She can draw on her general reading to support her capability and competency resources.She is well-read,and has an informed world view of HR management,and international business management.Her competency and capabilities have distilled for her a special interest in HR management and in particular the relationship between strategic HR management andfirm performances,especially in foreign multinational companies; but also in indigenous Kenyanfirms.Her capability to participate and contribute to HR management stems from a sharp intellect demonstrated by her recent publications in the area of firm performance and HR management.Her competence has been amply demonstrated by progressing from a basic BSc qualification in Business Administration(cum laude)from the US African University,to an MBA degree and to graduate in2010with a PhD in HR Management. Beatrice Akong’o Dimba can be contacted at:bdimba@ SHRM practices137To purchase reprints of this article please e-mail:reprints@ Or visit our web site for further details:/reprints。
