• 为了更好地保证各楼层都有良好的采光,
• 以我国为例,南楼高度为h,该地冬至日
L=h x cot H
• 为了更好地利用太阳能,应不断调整太阳 能热水器与地平面之间的倾角,使太阳光 与集热板成直角
• 集热板与地平面之间的夹角(a)和当天的 正午太阳高度角(H)互余,即a+H= 90° 时集热效果最佳
8.该地纬度可能为( )
,当地正值一年中( )
为节能减排,河北省邯郸市新建区全部安装可以通过电脑调控太阳能板 与水平面夹角的路灯和路口红绿灯。下图为拍摄的邯郸市红绿灯照片。读 图完成10~11题。
阅读材料,完成下列问题。 材料 上图为云南省略图。下图为上图中甲 地与我国某中学正午太阳高度角之差的年变 化示意图。 • 计算该中学的纬度,说出P至Q时段甲地与
该中学直立物正午日影的朝向及长短变化。 • 【答案】4.20°N。 • 甲地:影子朝北,由短变长。 • 该中学:影子朝南,由长变短。
20Cr15Mn15Ni2N (旧牌号2Cr15Mn15Ni2N)
53Cr21Mn9Ni4N (旧牌号5Cr21Mn9Ni4N)
26Cr18Mn1Si2N (旧牌号3Cr20M n9Si3N)
22Cr20Mn10Ni3Si2N (旧牌号2Cr20Mn9Ni3Si2N)
12Cr18Ni9Si3 (旧牌号1Cr18Ni9Si3)
Y12Cr18Ni9 (旧牌号Y1Cr18Ni9)
Y12Cr18Ni9Se (旧牌号Y1Cr18Ni9Se)
06Cr19Ni10 (旧牌号0Cr18Ni9)
022Cr19Ni10 (旧牌号00Cr19Ni10)
06Cr17Ni12Mo2N (旧牌号0Cr17Ni12Mo2N)
022Cr17Ni12Mo2N (旧牌号00Cr17Ni13Mo2N)
06Cr18Ni12Mo2Cu2 (旧牌号0Cr18Ni12Mo2Cu2)
022Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2 (旧牌号00Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2)
06Cr18Ni12 (旧牌号0Cr18Ni12)
06Cr16Ni18 (旧牌号0Cr16Ni18)
06Cr20Ni11 (S30808)
22Cr21Ni12N (旧牌号2Cr21Ni2N)
16Cr23Ni13 (旧牌号2Cr23Ni13)
2C80-2CFF:古埃及语 (Coptic)
2C80 2CA0 2CC0 2CE0
2D00-2D2F:格鲁吉亚语补充 (Georgian Supplement)
2D00 2D20
Georgian ⴰⴱⴲⴳⴴⴵⴶⴷⴸⴹⴺⴻⴼⴽⴾⴿ
2D30-2D7F:提非纳文 (Tifinagh)
⧎⧏⧐⧑⧒⧓⧔⧕ ⧫
2A00-2AFF:追加数学运算符 (Supplemental Mathematical Operator)
2A00 ⨀ ⨁ ⨂ 2A20
⨌⨍ ⨎ ⨏ ⨐ ⨑ ⨒ ⨓ ⨔ ⨕ ⨖ ⨗ ⨘ ⨙ ⨚ ⨛ ⨜ ⨯
2A80 ⪀ ⪁ ⪂ ⪃ ⪄ ⪅ ⪆ ⪇ ⪈ ⪉ ⪊ ⪋ ⪌ ⪍ ⪎ ⪏ ⪐ ⪑ ⪒ ⪓ ⪔ ⪕ ⪖ ⪗ ⪘ ⪙ ⪚ ⪛ ⪜ ⪝ ⪞ ⪟
⌘⌙ ⌜⌝ ⌞⌟
⍺⍽ ⎛⎜⎝ ⎞⎟
2400-243F:控制图片 (Control Pictures)
2400 2420 ␢ ␣
2440-245F:光学识别符 (Optical Character Recognition)
2460-24FF:封闭式字母数字 (Enclosed Alphanumerics)
2300-23FF:杂项工业符号 (Miscellaneous Technical)
2300 ⌀ ⌁ ⌂ ⌃ ⌄ ⌅ ⌆ ⌇ ⌈ ⌉ ⌊ ⌋ ⌌ ⌍ ⌎ ⌏ ⌐ ⌑ ⌒
2320 ⌠ ⌡
⌤⌥⌦⌧⌨⟨ ⟩ ⌫⌬
⍳⍴ ⍵
VIN = 12V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.
© 2006 MPS. All Rights Reserved.
© 2006 MPS. All Rights Reserved.
BS 1 IN 2 SW 3 GND 4
95 90 VIN = 12V
VIN = 5V
VIN = 23V
MP2307 Rev. 1.7
MPS Proprietary Information. Unauthorized Photocopy and Duplication Prohibited.
常用双相钢牌号及相关标准附表1:国内应用的不锈钢非标准钢号与国外钢号对照表(2001.12.13)中国日本美国瑞典法国德国00Cr25Ni4Mo4 UNS S44635 Avesta Monit00Cr29Ni2Mo4 UNS S4480000Cr22Ni5Mo2N 329J2L UNS S31803 SS 2377 DZN 1.4462DP8 SAF 2205 Uranus 45N AF22 00Cr21Ni7Mo2N UNS S32404 Uranus 5000Cr25Ni7Mo3N SAF 250700Cr25Ni6Mo2CuN UNS S32550Frralium 2550Cr25Ni5Mo2Cu3 CD4MCu00Cr25Ni7Mo3WCuN DP3 UNS S3126000Cr26Ni6Ti IN74400Cr26Ni7Mo2Ti Z3CN2304 AZ00Cr23Ni4MoN UNS S32304 SAF 2304 UR 35N00Cr25Ni22Mo2N 2RE69 Z1CND25.22AZ X2CrNiMoN2522[1.4466]00Cr20Ni25Mo4.5Cu 904L 2RK65 Z1NCDU25.20.04 [1.4539]UNS N08904 SS 2562 UB-6 X2NiCrMoCu25205[12] 0Cr20Ni29Mo3Cu4 Carpenter 200Cr20Ni30Mo3Cu4Nb Carpenter 20Cb0Cr27Ni31Mo3Cu UNS N08028 Sanicro 28 Z1NCDU31.27.03 DIN 1.4563SS 2584 X1NiCrMoCuN31274 00Cr20Ni18Mo6CuN 254 SMOUNS S31254 SS 237800Cr24Ni22Mo7Mn3CuN UNS S32654 654 SMO00Cr25Ni20Mo6CuN X1NiCrMoCuN25206 00Cr17Ni14Si4Nb NAR-SN-100Cr18Ni20Si6MoCu Sandvik SX00Cr13Ni4Mo Z5CND13-040Cr12Ni5Ti AM3630Cr13Ni8Mo2Al PH13-8Mo0Cr13Ni5Cu3Nb 15-5 PH0Cr16Ni6MoCuNb Custom 45000Cr12Ni10AlTi Unimar CR-10Cr17Ti ZBCT17 X8CrTi1700Cr17Ti X8CrTi171Cr28 X8CrMoTi17附表2 国内外不锈钢标准钢号对照表(2001.12.12)中国GB1220-92[84] GB3220-92[84]日本JIS美国AISIUNS英国BS 970 Part4BS 1449 Part2德国[W.-Nr.]DIN 17440DIN 17224法国NFA35-572NFA35-576~582NFA35-584 410S0Cr13SUS410S S41000X7Cr13Z6C131Cr13SUS410410410S21X10Cr13Z12Cr13 2Cr13SUS420J1420420S29X20Cr13Z20Cr13S4200420S273Cr13SUS420J2420S453Cr13Mo---------------3Cr16SUS429J1------------1Cr17Ni2SUS431431431S29X22CrNi17Z15CN-02S431007Cr17SUS440A440AS4400211Cr17SUS440C440CS440048Cr17SUS440B44013S440031Cr124Cr13SUS420J2X4DCr13Z40C13 9Cr18SUS440C440C X105CrMo17Z100CD17 9Cr18Mo SUS440C440C9Cr18MoV SUS440B440B X90CrMoV18Z6CN17.12 0Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb SUS630630S17400Z6CNU17.04 0Cr17Ni7Al SUS631631S17700X7CrNiAl177Z8CNA17.7 0Cr15Ni7Mo2Al632S15700Z8CND15.7 00Cr12SUS4100Cr13Al[00Cr13Al]SUS405405S4*******S17X7CrAl13Z6CA131Cr15SUS429429S429001Cr17SUS430430S4*******S15X8Cr17Z8C17 [Y1Cr17]SUS430F430FS43020X12CrMoS17Z10CF17 00Cr17SUS430LX1Cr17Mo SUS434434S4*******S19X6CrMo17Z8CD17.01 00Cr17Mo SUS436L00Cr18Mo2SUS44400Cr27Mo SUSXM27XM27S44625Z01CD26.1 00Cr30Mo2SUS447J11Cr17Mn6Ni5N SUS201201S201001Cr18Mn8Ni5N SUS202202S2*******S162Cr13Mn9Ni41Cr17Ni7SUS301301S3*******S21X12CrNi177Z12CN17.07 1Cr17Ni8SUS301J1X12CrNi1771Cr18Ni9SUS302302302S25X12CrNi188Z10CN18.09S302001Cr18Ni9Si3SUS302B302BS30215Y1Cr18Ni9SUS303303303S21X12CrNiS188Z10CNF18.09S30300Y1Cr18Ni9Se SUS303Se303Se303S41S303230Cr18Ni9SUS304304304S15X2CrNi89[1.4301]Z6CN18.09S3040000Cr19Ni10SUS304L304L304S12X2CrNi189[1.4306]Z2CN18.09S304030Cr19Ni9N SUS304N1304N Z5CN18.09A2S3045100Cr19Ni10NbN SUS304N XM21S3045200Cr18Ni10N SUS304LN X2CrNiN1810Z2CN18.10N3051Cr18Ni12SUS305S30500305S19X5CrNi1911Z8CN18.12 [0Cr20Ni10]SUS308308S308000Cr23Ni13SUS309S309SS30908 0Cr25Ni20SUS310S310SS310080Cr17Ni12Mo2SUS316316316S16X5CrNiMo1812[1.4436]Z6CND17.12S3160000Cr17Ni14Mo2SUS316L316L316S12X2CrNiMo1812[1.4435][1.4404]Z2CND17.12S31603 0Cr17Ni12Mo2N SUS316N316NS3165100Cr17Ni13Mo2N SUS316LN X2CrNiMoN1812[1.4429]Z2CND17.12N0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti320S17X10CrNiMo1810Z6CND17.12 0Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2SUS316J100Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2SUS316J1L0Cr18Ni12Mo3Ti1Cr18Ni12Mo3Ti0Cr19Ni13Mo3SUS317317317S16S3170000Cr19Ni13Mo3SUS317L317L317S12X2CrNiMo1816S317030Cr18Ni16Mo5SUS317J10Cr18Ni11Ti SUS321321X10CrNiTi189[1.4541]Z6CNT18.10S321001Cr18Ni9Ti0Cr18Ni11Nb SUS347347347S17X10CrNiNb189Z6CNNb18.10S347000Cr18Ni13Si4SUSXM15J1XM15S381000Cr18Ni9Cu3SUSXM7XM7Z6CNU18.10 1Cr18Mn10NiMo3N1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti320S17X10CrNiMoTi1810Z8CND17.12 00Cr18Ni5Mo3Si2S315003RE60(瑞典)0Cr26Ni5Mo2SUS329J11Cr18Ni11Si4AlTi1Cr21Ni5Ti材料对照表(不锈钢)国家和标准德国中国英国法国意大利比利时瑞典西班牙日本美国工件材料组加工特性组材料编号DIN GB BS EN AFNOR UNI NBN SS UNE JIS AISI/SAE 12/13 1.4000 X6Cr130Cr13;1Cr12403S17 - Z6C13 X6Cr13 - 2301 F.3110 SUS403 403 12/13 1.4001 X7Cr14 - - - - - - - F.8401 - - 12/13 1.4006 X10Cr13 1Cr13 410S21 56A Z10C14 X12Cr13 - 2302 F.3401 SUS410 410 12/13 1.4016 X6Cr17 1Cr17 430S15 60 Z8C17 X8Cr17 - 220 F.3113 SUS430 430 12/13 1.4021 X20Cr13 2Cr13 S6256B;56CZ20C13 X20C13 - - F.3401 SUS410 410 12/13 1.4027 G-X20Cr14 - 420C29 56B Z20C13M - - - - SCS2 - 12/13 1.4034 X46Cr13 4Cr13 420S45 56DZ40CMZ38C13MX40Cr14 - 2304 F.3405 SUS420J2 - 12/13 1.4057 X20CrNi172 1Cr17Ni2 431S29 57 Z15CNi6.02 X16CNi16 - 2321 F.3427 SUS431 431 12/13 1.4104 X12CrMoS17 Y1Cr17 - - Z10CF17 X10CrS17 - 2383 F.3117 SUS430F 430F 12/13 1.4113 X6CrMo171 1Cr17Mo 434S17 - Z8CD17.01 X8CrMo17 - 2325 - SUS434 434 12/13 1.4313 X5CrNi134 - 425C11 - Z4CND13.4M - - - - SCS5 - 12/13 1.4408 G-X6CrNiMo1810 - 316C16 - - - - - F.8414 SCS14 - 12/13 1.4718 X45CrSi93 4Cr9Si2 401S45 52 Z45CS9 X45CrSi8 - - F.322 SUH1 HW3 12/13 1.4724 X10CrAl13 0Cr13Al 403S17 - Z10C13 X10CrAl12 - - F.311 SUS405 405 12 1.4742 X10CrAl18 Cr17 430S15 60 Z10CAS18 X8Cr17 - - F.3113 SUS430 430 12/13 1.4757 X80CrNiSi20 8Cr20Si2Ni 443S65 59 Z80CSN20.02 X80CrSiNi20 - - F.320V SUH4 HNV6P12 1.4762 X10CrAl24 2Cr25N - - Z10CAS24 X16Cr26 - 2322 - SUH446 446M14 1.4301 X5CrNi1810 0Cr18Ni9 304S15 58E Z6CN18.09 X5CrNi1810 - 2332 F.3551; SUS304 304F.3541;F.350414 1.4305 X10CrNiS189 1Cr18Ni9MoZr 303S21 58M Z10CNF18.09 X10CrNiS18.09 - 2346 F.3508 SUS303 303 14 1.4306 X2CrNi1911 0Cr19Ni10 304S12 - Z2CN18.10 X2CrNi18.11 - 2352 F.3503 SCS19 304L 14 1.4308 G-X6CrNi189 - 304C15 - Z6CN18.10M - - - - SCS13 - 14 1.4310 X12CrNi177 Cr17Ni7 - - Z12CN17.07 X12CrNi1707 - 2331 F.3517 SUS301 301 14 1.4311 X2CrNiN1810 - 304S62 - Z2CN18.10 - - 2371 - SUS304LN 304LN 14 1.4350 X5CrNi189 0Cr19Ni9 304S31 58E Z6CN18.09 X5CrNi1810 - - - SUS304 304 14 1.4401 X5CrNiMo1712 0Cr17Ni11Mo2 316S16 Z6CND17.11 1.4401 X5CrNiMo1712 - 2347 F.3543 SUS316 316 14 1.4429 X2CrNiMoN17133 00Cr17Ni13Mo2 - - Z2CND17.13 - - 2375 - SUS316LN 316LN 14 1.4435 X2CrNiMo18143 0Cr27Ni12Mo3 316S12 - Z2CDN17.13 X2CrNiMo1713 - 2353 - SCS16, 316L 14 1.4438 X2CrNiMo17133 00Cr19Ni13Mo3 317S12 - Z2CND19.15 X2CrNiMo18.16 - 2367 - SUS317L 317L14 1.4460 X8CrNiMo275 - - - - - - 2324 - SUS329L;SCH11;SCS11329L12/13 1.4541 X6CrNiTi1810 1Cr18Ni9Ti 2337 321S12 Z6CNT18.10 X6CrNiTi1811 - 58B F.3553 SUS321 321 12/13 1.4550 X6CrNiNb1810 1Cr18Ni11Nb 347S17 58F Z6CNNb18.1 X6CrNiTi1811 - 2338 F.3552 SUS347 347 12/13 1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi17122 Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 320S17 58J Z6NDT17.12 X6CrNiMoTi17 - 2350 F.3535 - 316Ti 12/13 1.4581 G-X5CrNiMoNb1810 - 318C7 - Z4CNDNb1812M XG8CrNiMo18 - - - SCS22 - 12/13 1.4583 X10CrNiMoNb1812 Cr17Ni12Mo3Nb - - Z6CNDNb1713B X6CrNiMoTiNb17 - - - - 318 14 1.4828 X15CrNiSi2012 1Cr23Ni13 309S24 - Z15CNS20.1 - - - - SUH309 309 14 1.4845 X12CrNi2521 0Cr25Ni20 310S24 - Z12CN2520 X6CrNi2520 - 2361 F.331 SUH310 310S 14 1.4864 X12NiCrSi3616 Cr15Ni36W3Ti - - Z12CNS35.1 - - - - SUH330 330 14 1.4865 G-X40NiCrSi3818 - 330C11 - - XG50NiCr3919 - - - SCH15 -14 1.4871 X53CrMnNiN219 5Cr2Mn9Ni4N349S54;321S12-58BZ52CMN21.0 X53CrMnNiN219 - - - SUH35 EV814 1.4878 X12CrNiTi189 1Cr18Ni9Ti 321S320 58C Z6CNT18.12 X6CrNiTi1811 - - F.3523 SU321 321钢号特性用途30418Cr-8Ni 作为一种用途广泛的钢,具有良好的耐蚀性,耐热性,低温强度和机械特性。
ГОСТ 8240-89 热轧槽钢 规格-俄中对照
40 П 400 115 8,0 13,5 15,0 9,0 61,50 48,30 15260,0 763,0 15,80 445,00 760,00 89,90 3,51 3,05
Примечания к табл. 1 и 2: 1. Площадь поперечного сечения и масса 1 м швеллера вычислены по номинальным размерам; плотность стали принята равной 7,85 г/см3表1、2 注:1. 槽钢横截面面积和1米的 重量根据额定尺寸计算,钢的密度取7.85g/cm3。
ГОСТ 8240-89 (СТ СЭВ 2210-80)
Москва 莫斯科
18 180 70 5,1 8,7 9,0 3,5 20,70 16,30 1090,0 121,0 7,24 69,80 86,00 17,00 2,04 1,94
18a 180 74 5,1 9,3 9,0 3,5 22,20 17,40 1190,0 132,0 7,32 76,10 105,00 20,00 2,18 2,13
3. По точности прокатки швеллеры изготовляют:槽钢按轧制精度可分为:
повышенной точности - Б; 高精度槽钢-Б;
最全ASCII码对照表2009-04-15 00:00Bin Dec Hex 缩写/字符解释0000 0000 0 00 NUL (null) 空字符0000 0001 1 01 SOH (start of handing) 标题开始0000 0010 2 02 STX (start of text) 正文开始0000 0011 3 03 ETX (end of text) 正文结束0000 0100 4 04 EOT (end of transmission) 传输结束0000 0101 5 05 ENQ (enquiry) 请求0000 0110 6 06 ACK (acknowledge) 收到通知0000 0111 7 07 BEL (bell) 响铃0000 1000 8 08 BS (backspace) 退格0000 1001 9 09 HT (horizontal tab) 水平制表符0000 1010 10 0A LF (NL line feed, new line) 换行键0000 1011 11 0B VT (vertical tab) 垂直制表符0000 1100 12 0C FF (NP form feed, new page) 换页键0000 1101 13 0D CR (carriage return) 回车键0000 1110 14 0E SO (shift out) 不用切换0000 1111 15 0F SI (shift in) 启用切换0001 0000 16 10 DLE (data link escape) 数据链路转义0001 0001 17 11 DC1 (device control 1) 设备控制1 0001 0010 18 12 DC2 (device control 2) 设备控制2 0001 0011 19 13 DC3 (device control 3) 设备控制3 0001 0100 20 14 DC4 (device control 4) 设备控制4 0001 0101 21 15 NAK (negative acknowledge) 拒绝接收0001 0110 22 16 SYN (synchronous idle) 同步空闲0001 0111 23 17 ETB (end of trans. block) 传输块结束0001 1000 24 18 CAN (cancel) 取消0001 1001 25 19 EM (end of medium) 介质中断0001 1010 26 1A SUB (substitute) 替补0001 1011 27 1B ESC (escape) 溢出0001 1100 28 1C FS (file separator) 文件分割符0001 1101 29 1D GS (group separator) 分组符0001 1110 30 1E RS (record separator) 记录分离符0001 1111 31 1F US (unit separator) 单元分隔符0010 0000 32 20 空格0010 0001 33 21 !0010 0010 34 22 "0010 0011 35 23 #0010 0100 36 24 $0010 0101 37 25 %0010 0110 38 26 &0010 0111 39 27 '0010 1000 40 28 (0010 1001 41 29 )0010 1101 45 2D - 0010 1110 46 2E . 0010 1111 47 2F / 0011 0000 48 30 0 0011 0001 49 31 1 0011 0010 50 32 2 0011 0011 51 33 3 0011 0100 52 34 4 0011 0101 53 35 5 0011 0110 54 36 6 0011 0111 55 37 7 0011 1000 56 38 8 0011 1001 57 39 9 0011 1010 58 3A : 0011 1011 59 3B ; 0011 1100 60 3C < 0011 1101 61 3D = 0011 1110 62 3E > 0011 1111 63 3F ? 0100 0000 64 40 @ 0100 0001 65 41 A 0100 0010 66 42 B 0100 0011 67 43 C 0100 0100 68 44 D 0100 0101 69 45 E 0100 0110 70 46 F 0100 0111 71 47 G 0100 1000 72 48 H 0100 1001 73 49 I 0100 1010 74 4A J 0100 1011 75 4B K 0100 1100 76 4C L 0100 1101 77 4D M 0100 1110 78 4E N 0100 1111 79 4F O 0101 0000 80 50 P 0101 0001 81 51 Q 0101 0010 82 52 R 0101 0011 83 53 S 0101 0100 84 54 T 0101 0101 85 55 U 0101 0110 86 56 V 0101 0111 87 57 W 0101 1000 88 58 X0101 1100 92 5C \0101 1101 93 5D ]0101 1110 94 5E ^0101 1111 95 5F _0110 0000 96 60 `0110 0001 97 61 a0110 0010 98 62 b0110 0011 99 63 c0110 0100 100 64 d0110 0101 101 65 e0110 0110 102 66 f0110 0111 103 67 g0110 1000 104 68 h0110 1001 105 69 i0110 1010 106 6A j0110 1011 107 6B k0110 1100 108 6C l0110 1101 109 6D m0110 1110 110 6E n0110 1111 111 6F o0111 0000 112 70 p0111 0001 113 71 q0111 0010 114 72 r0111 0011 115 73 s0111 0100 116 74 t0111 0101 117 75 u0111 0110 118 76 v0111 0111 119 77 w0111 1000 120 78 x0111 1001 121 79 y0111 1010 122 7A z0111 1011 123 7B {0111 1100 124 7C |0111 1101 125 7D }0111 1110 126 7E ~0111 1111 127 7F DEL (delete) 删除ESC键VK_ESCAPE (27)回车键:VK_RETURN (13)TAB键:VK_TAB (9)Caps Lock键:VK_CAPITAL (20)Shift键:VK_SHIFT ()Ctrl键:VK_CONTROL (17)Alt键:VK_MENU (18)空格键:VK_SPACE (/32)退格键:VK_BACK (8)左徽标键:VK_LWIN (91)右徽标键:VK_LWIN (92)鼠标右键快捷键:VK_APPS (93) Insert键:VK_INSERT (45) Home键:VK_HOME (36) Page Up:VK_PRIOR (33) PageDown:VK_NEXT (34)End键:VK_END (35)Delete键:VK_DELETE (46)方向键(←):VK_LEFT (37)方向键(↑):VK_UP (38)方向键(→):VK_RIGHT (39)方向键(↓):VK_DOWN (40)F1键:VK_F1 (112)F2键:VK_F2 (113)F3键:VK_F3 (114)F4键:VK_F4 (115)F5键:VK_F5 (116)F6键:VK_F6 (117)F7键:VK_F7 (118)F8键:VK_F8 (119)F9键:VK_F9 (120)F10键:VK_F10 (121)F11键:VK_F11 (122)F12键:VK_F12 (123)Num Lock键:VK_NUMLOCK (144) 小键盘0:VK_NUMPAD0 (96) 小键盘1:VK_NUMPAD0 (97) 小键盘2:VK_NUMPAD0 (98) 小键盘3:VK_NUMPAD0 (99) 小键盘4:VK_NUMPAD0 (100) 小键盘5:VK_NUMPAD0 (101) 小键盘6:VK_NUMPAD0 (102) 小键盘7:VK_NUMPAD0 (103) 小键盘8:VK_NUMPAD0 (104) 小键盘9:VK_NUMPAD0 (105) 小键盘.:VK_DECIMAL (110) 小键盘*:VK_MULTIPLY (106) 小键盘+:VK_MULTIPLY (107) 小键盘-:VK_SUBTRACT (109) 小键盘/:VK_DIVIDE (111) Pause Break键:VK_PAUSE (19) Scroll Lock键:VK_SCROLL (145)。
材料牌号对照 最新
NF A32-201 FCS400-12 FCS370-17 FCS500-7 FCS600-3 FCS700-2 合金铸铁 L-NM137 L-NC202 可锻铸铁 07 72 07 76 07 17-02 07 17-12 07 17-15 07 27-02 07 32-03 07 37-01 -
Z4CNDNb1812 XG8CrNiMo18 M Z6CNDNb1713 X6CrNiMoTiNb17 B Z15CNS20.1 Z12CN2520 Z12CNS35.1 Z52CMN21.0 Z6CNT18.12 X6CrNi2520 XG50NiCr3919 X53CrMnNiN219 X6CrNiTi1811
Grade150 Grade220 Grade300 Grade350 Grade400
Ft10D Ft15D Ft20D Ft25D Ft30D Ft35D Ft40D 灰口铸铁(合金)
01 00 01 10 01 15 01 20 01 25 01 30 01 35 01 40
DIN4694 GGL-NiCr202 -
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BD3 BH13 BA2 BS1 BH21 BW2 BT4 BM2 BT1 BM42
材料对照表 工具钢
国家和标准 工件材料组 材料编号 1.1545 1.1663 1.2067 1.208 德国 DIN C105W1 C125W 100Cr6 X210Cr12 中国 GB T10 T12A CrV;9SiCr Cr12 BS BL3 BD3 英国 EN 法国 AFNOR Y1105 Y2120 Y100C6 Z200Cr12 意大利 UNI C98KU;C100KU C120KU X210Cr13KU; 瑞典 SS 1880 西班牙 UNE F.515;F.516 (C120) 100Cr6 X210Cr12 日本 JIS SK2 SKD1
58 0E
25 D8
修改表地址的命令:比如将表地址修改为02,则发如下命令:01 10 00 08 00 02 04 40 00 00 00 E7 C9
00 08
从仪表内部的00 08寄存器地址开始写数据
00 02
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40 00
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E7 C9
返回数据:01 10 00 08 00 02 C0 0A
00 00
从仪表内部的00 00寄存器地址开始读取数据
00 02
71 CB
(2)返回数据:01 04 04 43 6B 58 0E 25 D8
修改电表通讯速率的命令:比如将表的通讯速率改为:1200bps,则发如下命令:01 10 00 00 00 02 04 44 96 00 00 07 73
1. 中国各民族名称的罗马字母拼写法和代码
2. 世界各国和地区名称代码
3. 学历代码
4. 中华人民共和国学位代码
Revised 108CL-2 PennEngineering • † 大部分的PEM自锁紧螺母都符合NASM45938/1标准。
请与我们的市场开发部门联系索取完整的军工业标准和国家航空件标准指南(Bulletin NASM),您也可以在我们的网站上查询相关信息。
和材质螺纹 编码编码类型产品编码规则––PEM 300®商标PEM ®自扣紧螺母在薄板上提供承载螺纹– 用于铝材,冷轧钢材,以及其它韧性材料。
适用于不锈钢板材的自锁紧螺母PEM 300®自锁紧螺母(SP™)是专为最薄至.030”/ 0.8 mm 的不锈钢板材提供可靠永久安装而设计。
这个特性使PEM 300紧固件适合安装在不锈钢板材中,其相同的自扣紧原理多年来已被数以万计的应用所证明。
©2000 P ennEngineering注意查看此处的PEM®商标PennEngineering • CL-3所有尺寸单位均为英寸.碳钢和不锈钢螺母(英制) - S,SS,CLS和 CLSS系列CEAT(产品外轮廓可能有些差异)(1) 为避免板材变形,优化产品性能,应用时,中心与板边缘间的设定距离应大于或等于规定值。
dc2598a 描述 lt8390a 60v 2mhz 同步降压-升压控制器 示例手册说明书
1UG-1318 Rev ADESCRIPTIONLT8390A60V 2MHz Synchronous Buck-Boost ControllerDemonstration circuit 2598A is a 60V 2MHz synchronous buck-boost controller featuring the L T ®8390A . It accepts an input voltage from 4V to 24V (with transient to 60V) and regulates 12V output at up to 4A. DC2598A features high efficiency and 2MHz switching frequency, a high speed for a 4-switch buck-boost controller . It has a PGOOD flag, short-circuit fault protection, ISMON current-monitoring output signal, and spread spectrum frequency modulation (SSFM) or frequency synchronization.The LT8390A has a wide input voltage range from 4V to 60V. It can regulate an output as a boost, a buck, or a 4-switch boost-buck controller . It has adjustable switch-ing frequency between 600kHz and 2MHz. It has an option for external frequency synchronization or spread spec-trum frequency modulation. Its high switching frequency is unique to buck-boost controller ICs. Because of this, it can be used for high power when the input may be above, below, or equal to the output.DC2598A features an option to turn on spread spectrum by simply changing the position of a jumper from “NO SSFM/SYNC” to “SSFM” (or to “SYNC”).All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PERFORMANCE SUMMARYSmall ceramic input and output capacitors are used to save space and cost. There is a protection diode from LED+ to GND to prevent negative ringing during a short-circuit with long wires. Optional EMI input, output, and gate resistor component placeholders exist when a low EMI application is needed.Under voltage lockout can be adjusted with a few resistors and output voltage can be changed from 12V with FB resis-tors changes. Please note that higher voltage outputs may require higher voltage MOSFETs and output capacitors.The LT8390A data sheet gives a complete description of the part, operation and applications information. The data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual for demonstration circuit 2598A. The LT8390AEUFD is assem-bled in a 28-lead 4mm × 5mm plastic QFN package with a thermally enhanced ground pad. LT8390A is also available in a 28-Lead plastic TSSOP (FE) package. Proper board layout is essential for maximum thermal performance. See the data sheet section “Layout Considerations”. Design files for this circuit board are available at /DC2598ASpecifications are at T A = 25°CPARAMETER CONDITIONMIN TYP MAX Input Voltage RangeOperating4V 60V Full Load (4A) Input Voltage Range Component Temp Rise <60°C with No Airflow 7V23VTypical Efficiency 12V Input, 12V 4A Output, 2MHz 90%Switching Frequency R3 = 59.0k 2MHz Peak Switch Current Limit R1 = 0.005Ω10A (AC) Output Ripple12V Input, 12V 4A Output 70mV P-P Input Under Voltage Lockout (Falling Turn-Off)R7 = 383k, R8 = 165k 4.0V Input Under Voltage Lockout (Rising Turn-On)R7 = 383k, R8 = 165k 5.0V V ISMON12V 4A Output 1.0VMaximum Load Current12V Input, 12V Output44.5A2UG-1318 Rev AQUICK START PROCEDUREFigure 1. Test Procedure Setup Drawing For DC2598ADemonstration circuit 2598A is easy to set up to evaluate the performance of the LT8390A Follow the procedure below:1. With the input power supply off, connect the input power supply and output load as shown in the test setup drawing in Figure 1.2. Connect the EN/UVLO terminal to GND.3. Make sure that the SSFM jumper is in the correct posi-tion – either with SSFM turned ON or OFF . Only placethe jumper in the SYNC position if an external SYNCfrequency source is connected to the SYNC pin.4. Turn the input power supply on and make sure the voltage is between 4V and 24V for proper steady state operation.5. Release the EN/UVLO-to-GND connection.6. Observe the 12V output voltage, the load current mea-surement via the ISMON pin voltage and the high effi-ciency of this small converter .QUICK START PROCEDUREFigure 2. DC2598A, LT8390A 2MHz Buck-Boost Efficiency 12V OUTFigure 3. Recommended Maximum DC Current with No Airflow (for DC2598A)UG-1318 Rev A3QUICK START PROCEDUREFigure 4. DC2598A, LT8390A Output Ripple Measured at C454UG-1318 Rev AQUICK START PROCEDUREUG-1318 Rev A56UG-1318 Rev AQUICK START PROCEDUREOptimized for Fast T ransient ResponseDC2598A is assembled as a very small 2MHz buck-boost converter with high efficiency. The ceramic output capaci-tors are used for a very small solution size overall. How-ever , for large signal transients on the output, more output capacitance may be useful, and matched with new com-pensation values. The figure below shows an optimizedlarge signal transient response DC2598A with the addi-tion of two aluminum electrolytic output capacitors and updated RC compensation values. Simply add two Sun-con 25HVHZ47M 47µF 25V capacitors to the output and change the compensation to R4 = 82k and C4 = 470pF. When these changes are made, the no load to full load (4A) transient has less than ±5% V OUT change.V IN V OUT R1L17UG-1318 Rev AITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTIONMANUFACTURER/PART NUMBERRequired Circuit Components11C1CAP ., 1μF, X7S, 100V, 10%, 080521C2CAP ., 4.7μF, X5R, 10V, 10%, 0402TDK, C1005X5R1A475K050BC 31C3CAP ., 0.47μF, X5R, 16V, 10%, 0402TAIYO YUDEN, EMK105ABJ474KV-F 41C4CAP ., 2200pF, X7R, 25V,1 0%, 0402MURATA, GRM155R71E222KA01D 61C5CAP ., 0.022μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0402MURATA, GRM155R71E223KA61D 71C6CAP ., 1μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0603KEMET , C0603C105K3RACTU 52C7, C8CAP ., 0.1μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0402AVX, 04023C104KAT2A81C10CAP ., 22μF, ALUM, 63V, 20%, SMD 6.3mm × 7.7mm SUN ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES CORP , 63CE22FS 92C12, C32CAP ., 4.7μF, X7S, 100V, 20%, 1206AVX, 12061Z475MAT2A103C14, C20, C45CAP ., 22μF, X5R, 25V, 10%, 1206MURATA, GRM31CR61E226KE15L 162D1, D2DIODE, SCHOTTKY, 100V, 250mA, SOD-323F, AEC-Q101NXP SEMICONDUCTORS, BAT46WJ 251L1IND., 1μH, Power Shielded, 20%, 7.3A, 6mm × 5.5mm WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 74437336010272M1, M2XSTR., POWER MOSFET , 60V, 40A, TSDSON-8INFINEON, BSZ065N06LS5ATMA1292M3, M4XSTR., POWER MOSFET , 25V, 40A, TSDSON-8INFINEON, BSZ031NE2LS5ATMA1311R1RES., 0.005Ω, ±1%, 1.5W, 3216, AEC-Q200SUSUMU, KRL3216E-C-R005-F-T1321R2RES., 0.01Ω, 1%, 3/4W, 1206, SENSE SUSUMU, KRL1632E-M-R010-F-T5331R3RES., 59k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW040259K0FKED 342R4, R6RES., 10k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW040210K0FKED 351R5RES., 110k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW0402110KFKED 361R7RES., 383k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW0402383KFKED 371R8RES., 165k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW0402165KFKED 401R11RES., 100k, 5%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW0402100KFKED 451U1IC, 2MHz SYN. BUCK-BOOST CONTROLLER, 28-PIN QFNLINEAR TECH., LT8390AEUFD#TRPBF Optional Electrical Components 53C37, C38, C44CAP ., 0.1μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0402AVX, 04023C104KAT2A 110C26, C34, C39CAP ., OPTION, 0402121C27CAP ., 1μF, X5R, 16V, 10%, 0402AVX, 0402YD105KAT2A130C29, C30CAP ., 0805, OPTION 140C33, C40, C41, C42CAP ., OPTION, 1206152C35, C36CAP ., 0.1μF, X5R, 100V, 10%, 0402MURATA, GRM155R62A104KE14D 171D3DIODE, SCHOTTKY, 20V, 1A, SOD-323F NXP SEMICONDUCTORS, PMEG2010EJ 180D4, D5DIODE, OPTION, SCHOTTKY, SMD 220FB1, FB2, FB3, FB4, FB5, FB6IND., OPTION, BEAD, FERRITE, 1206260L2IND., OPTION, XAL4020 SERIES 30Q1XSTR., OPTION, PPAK 1212-8PARTS LISTPARTS LISTITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER/PART NUMBER381R9RES., 124k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW0402124KFKED391R10RES., 75k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW040275K0FKEDRES., OPTION, 0402410R12, R20, R21, R25, R28,R29, R30426R14, R15, R16, R17, R24, R26RES., 0Ω, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW04020000Z0ED432R18, R19RES., 10Ω, 5%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW040210R0FKED440R22, R23, R27RES., OPTION, 0805Hardware194E1, E2, E9, E10TEST POINT, TURRET, 0.094", MTG. HOLE MILL-MAX, 2501-2-00-80-00-00-07-0206E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8TEST POINT, TURRET, 0.064", MTG. HOLE MILL-MAX, 2308-2-00-80-00-00-07-0210E11TEST POINT, OPTION231JP1CONN., HDR, MALE, 2mm × 3,2mm, THT, STR WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 62000621121KEYSTONE, 575-4244J1, J2, J3, J4CONN., BANANA JACK, FEMALE, THT, NON-INSULATED, SWAGE284MH1, MH2, MH3, MH4STANDOFF, NYLON, SNAP-ON, 0.375"WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 702933000461XJP1CONN., SHUNT, FEMALE, 2 POS, 2mm WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 608002134218UG-1318 Rev A9UG-1318 Rev AInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However , no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM10UG-1318 Rev AUG16906-0-5/18(A)© ANALOG DEVICES, INC. 2017-2018ESD CautionESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Charged devices and circuit boards can discharge without detection. Although this product features patented or proprietary protection circuitry, damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy ESD. Therefore, proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.Legal Terms and ConditionsBy using the evaluation board discussed herein (together with any tools, components documentation or support materials, the “Evaluation Board”), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below (“Agreement”) unless you have purchased the Evaluation Board, in which case the Analog Devices Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale shall govern. Do not use the Evaluation Board until you have read and agreed to the Agreement. Your use of the Evaluation Board shall signify your acceptance of the Agreement. This Agreement is made by and between you (“Customer”) and Analog Devices, Inc. (“ADI”), with its principal place of business at One Technology Way, Norwood, MA 02062, USA. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, ADI hereby grants to Customer a free, limited, personal, temporary, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to use the Evaluation Board FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONL Y. Customer understands and agrees that the Evaluation Board is provided for the sole and exclusive purpose referenced above, and agrees not to use the Evaluation Board for any other purpose. Furthermore, the license granted is expressly made subject to the following additional limitations: Customer shall not (i) rent, lease, display, sell, transfer , assign, sublicense, or distribute the Evaluation Board; and (ii) permit any Third Party to access the Evaluation Board. As used herein, the term “Third Party” includes any entity other than ADI, Customer , their employees, affiliates and in-house consultants. The Evaluation Board is NOT sold to Customer; all rights not expressly granted herein, including ownership of the Evaluation Board, are reserved by ADI. CONFIDENTIALITY. This Agreement and the Evaluation Board shall all be considered the confidential and proprietary information of ADI. Customer may not disclose or transfer any portion of the Evaluation Board to any other party for any reason. Upon discontinuation of use of the Evaluation Board or termination of this Agreement, Customer agrees to promptly return the Evaluation Board to ADI. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. Customer may not disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer chips on the Evaluation Board. Customer shall inform ADI of any occurred damages or any modifications or alterations it makes to the Evaluation Board, including but not limited to soldering or any other activity that affects the material content of the Evaluation Board. Modifications to the Evaluation Board must comply with applicable law, including but not limited to the RoHS Directive. TERMINATION. ADI may terminate this Agreement at any time upon giving written notice to Customer . Customer agrees to return to ADI the Evaluation Board at that time. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. THE EVALUATION BOARD PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND ADI MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO IT . ADI SPECIFICALL Y DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS, ENDORSEMENTS, GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE EVALUATION BOARD INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT WILL ADI AND ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESUL TING FROM CUSTOMER’S POSSESSION OR USE OF THE EVALUATION BOARD, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, DELAY COSTS, LABOR COSTS OR LOSS OF GOODWILL. ADI’S TOTAL LIABILITY FROM ANY AND ALL CAUSES SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ($100.00). EXPORT . Customer agrees that it will not directly or indirectly export the Evaluation Board to another country, and that it will comply with all applicable United States federal laws and regulations relating to exports. GOVERNING LAW . This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (excluding conflict of law rules). Any legal action regarding this Agreement will be heard in the state or federal courts having jurisdiction in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and Customer hereby submits to the personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement and is expressly disclaimed.。
DRAFT MIPI Alliance Specification forDisplay Serial InterfaceDraft Version 1.02.00 Revision 0.07 – 30 March 2010Further technical changes to this document are expected as work continues in the Display Working GroupNOTICE OF DISCLAIMER12The material contained herein is not a license, either expressly or impliedly, to any IPR owned or controlled by any of the authors or developers of this material or MIPI®. The material contained herein is provided on 3an “AS IS” basis and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this material is provided AS IS 45AND WITH ALL FAULTS, and the authors and developers of this material and MIPI hereby disclaim all 6other warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (ifany) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of78accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses, and of lack of 9negligence.All materials contained herein are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished,1011distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express12prior written permission of MIPI Alliance. MIPI, MIPI Alliance and the dotted rainbow arch and all related13trademarks, tradenames, and other intellectual property are the exclusive property of MIPI Alliance and14cannot be used without its express prior written permission.15ALSO, THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF CONDITION OF TITLE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET16POSSESSION, CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION OR NON-INFRINGEMENT WITH REGARD 17TO THIS MATERIAL OR THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. IN NO EVENT WILL ANY18AUTHOR OR DEVELOPER OF THIS MATERIAL OR THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT OR19MIPI BE LIABLE TO ANY OTHER PARTY FOR THE COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE20GOODS OR SERVICES, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, OR ANY INCIDENTAL,21CONSEQUENTIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES WHETHER UNDERCONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THIS OR2223ANY OTHER AGREEMENT, SPECIFICATION OR DOCUMENT RELATING TO THIS MATERIAL,24WHETHER OR NOT SUCH PARTY HAD ADVANCE NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGES.2526Without limiting the generality of this Disclaimer stated above, the user of the contents of this Document is27further notified that MIPI: (a) does not evaluate, test or verify the accuracy, soundness or credibility of the28contents of this Document; (b) does not monitor or enforce compliance with the contents of this Document;29and (c) does not certify, test, or in any manner investigate products or services or any claims of compliance30with the contents of this Document. The use or implementation of the contents of this Document may31involve or require the use of intellectual property rights ("IPR") including (but not limited to) patents,32patent applications, or copyrights owned by one or more parties, whether or not Members of MIPI. MIPI33does not make any search or investigation for IPR, nor does MIPI require or request the disclosure of any 34IPR or claims of IPR as respects the contents of this Document or otherwise.35Questions pertaining to this document, or the terms or conditions of its provision, should be addressed to: 36MIPI Alliance, Inc.c/o IEEE-ISTO3738445 Hoes Lane39Piscataway, NJ 08854Attn: Board Secretary4041Contents42Draft Version 1.02.00 Revision 0.07 – 30 March 2010 (i)431 Overview (10)44451.1 Scope (10)1.2 Purpose (10)462 Terminology (informative) (11)47482.1 Definitions (11)2.2 Abbreviations (12)492.3 Acronyms (12)50513 References (informative) (15)3.1 Display Bus Interface Standard for Parallel Signaling (DBI-2) (15)52533.2 Display Pixel Interface Standard for Parallel Signaling (DPI-2) (16)3.3 MIPI Alliance Specification for Display Command Set (DCS) (16)543.4 MIPI Alliance Standard for Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI-2) (16)55563.5 MIPI Alliance Specification for D-PHY (D-PHY) (16)4 DSI Introduction (17)574.1 DSI Layer Definitions (18)58594.2 Command and Video Modes (19)4.2.1 Command Mode (19)604.2.2 Video Mode Operation (19)61624.2.3 Virtual Channel Capability (20)5 DSI Physical Layer (21)635.1 Data Flow Control (21)645.2 Bidirectionality and Low Power Signaling Policy (21)65665.3 Command Mode Interfaces (22)5.4 Video Mode Interfaces (22)67685.5 Bidirectional Control Mechanism (22)5.6 Clock Management (23)695.6.1 Clock Requirements (23)70715.6.2 Clock Power and Timing (24)5.7 System Power-Up and Initialization (24)726 Multi-Lane Distribution and Merging (26)73746.1 Multi-Lane Interoperability and Lane-number Mismatch (27)6.1.1 Clock Considerations with Multi-Lane (28)756.1.2 Bidirectionality and Multi-Lane Capability (28)76776.1.3 SoT and EoT in Multi-Lane Configurations (28)7 Low-Level Protocol Errors and Contention (31)787.1 Low-Level Protocol Errors (31)79807.1.1 SoT Error (31)7.1.2 SoT Sync Error (32)81827.1.3 EoT Sync Error (32)837.1.4 Escape Mode Entry Command Error (33)7.1.5 LP Transmission Sync Error (33)847.1.6 False Control Error (33)85867.2 Contention Detection and Recovery (34)7.2.1 Contention Detection in LP Mode (34)877.2.2 Contention Recovery Using Timers (34)88897.3 Additional Timers (37)7.3.1 Turnaround Acknowledge Timeout (TA_TO) (37)90917.3.2 Peripheral Reset Timeout (PR_TO) (37)7.4 Acknowledge and Error Reporting Mechanism (38)928 DSI Protocol (39)93948.1 Multiple Packets per Transmission (39)8.2 Packet Composition (40)958.3 Endian Policy (41)96978.4 General Packet Structure (41)8.4.1 Long Packet Format (41)988.4.2 Short Packet Format (43)991008.5 Common Packet Elements (43)8.5.1 Data Identifier Byte (43)1018.5.2 Error Correction Code (44)1021038.6 Interleaved Data Streams (45)8.6.1 Interleaved Data Streams and Bidirectionality (45)1048.7 Processor to Peripheral Direction (Processor-Sourced) Packet Data Types (46)1051068.8 Processor-to-Peripheral Transactions – Detailed Format Description (47)8.8.1 Sync Event (H Start, H End, V Start, V End), Data Type = XX 0001 (0xX1) (47)1078.8.2 EoTp, Data Type = 00 1000 (0x08) (47)1081098.8.3 Color Mode Off Command, Data Type = 00 0010 (0x02) (48)8.8.4 Color Mode On Command, Data Type = 01 0010 (0x12) (48)1101118.8.5 Shutdown Peripheral Command, Data Type = 10 0010 (0x22) (49)8.8.6 Turn On Peripheral Command, Data Type = 11 0010 (0x32) (49)1128.8.7 Generic Short WRITE Packet with 0, 1, or 2 parameters, Data Types = 00 0011 (0x03), 01 1131140011 (0x13), 10 0011 (0x23), Respectively (49)8.8.8 Generic READ Request with 0, 1, or 2 Parameters, Data Types = 00 0100 (0x04), 01 0100 115116(0x14), 10 0100(0x24), Respectively (49)1178.8.9 DCS Commands (50)8.8.10 Set Maximum Return Packet Size, Data Type = 11 0111 (0x37) (51)1181198.8.11 Null Packet (Long), Data Type = 00 1001 (0x09) (51)1208.8.12 Blanking Packet (Long), Data Type = 01 1001 (0x19) (51)8.8.13 Generic Long Write, Data Type = 10 1001 (0x29) (51)1218.8.14 Loosely Packed Pixel Stream, 20-bit YCbCr 4:2:2 Format, Data Type = 00 1100 (0x0C) (51)1221238.8.15 Packed Pixel Stream, 24-bit YCbCr 4:2:2 Format, Data Type = 01 1100 (0x1C) (53)8.8.16 Packed Pixel Stream, 16-bit YCbCr 4:2:2 Format, Data Type = 10 1100 (0x2C) (54)1248.8.17 Packed Pixel Stream, 30-bit Format, Long Packet, Data Type = 00 1101 (0x0D) (54)1251268.8.18 Packed Pixel Stream, 36-bit Format, Long Packet, Data Type = 01 1101 (0x1D) (55)8.8.19 Packed Pixel Stream, 12-bit YCbCr 4:2:0 Format, Data Type = 11 1101 (0x3D) (56)1271288.8.20 Packed Pixel Stream, 16-bit Format, Long Packet, Data Type 00 1110 (0x0E) (57)8.8.21 Packed Pixel Stream, 18-bit Format, Long Packet, Data Type = 01 1110 (0x1E) (58)1298.8.22 Pixel Stream, 18-bit Format in Three Bytes, Long Packet, Data Type = 10 1110 (0x2E) (60)1301318.8.23 Packed Pixel Stream, 24-bit Format, Long Packet, Data Type = 11 1110 (0x3E) (61)8.8.24 DO NOT USE and Reserved Data Types (62)1328.9 Peripheral-to-Processor (Reverse Direction) LP Transmissions (62)1331348.9.1 Packet Structure for Peripheral-to-Processor LP Transmissions (62)8.9.2 System Requirements for ECC and Checksum and Packet Format (63)1358.9.3 Appropriate Responses to Commands and ACK Requests (63)1361378.9.4 Format of Acknowledge and Error Report and Read Response Data Types (65)8.9.5 Error Reporting Format (65)1388.10 Peripheral-to-Processor Transactions – Detailed Format Description (67)1391408.10.1 Acknowledge and Error Report, Data Type 00 0010 (0x02) (68)8.10.2 Generic Short Read Response, 1 or 2 Bytes, Data Types = 01 0001 or 01 0010, Respectively 141142681438.10.3 Generic Long Read Response with Optional Checksum, Data Type = 01 1010 (0x1A) (68)8.10.4 DCS Long Read Response with Optional Checksum, Data Type 01 1100 (0x1C) (69)1448.10.5 DCS Short Read Response, 1 or 2 Bytes, Data Types = 10 0001 or 10 0010, Respectively . 69 1451468.10.6 Multiple Transmissions and Error Reporting (69)8.10.7 Clearing Error Bits (69)1478.11 Video Mode Interface Timing (69)1481498.11.1 Transmission Packet Sequences (70)8.11.2 Non-Burst Mode with Sync Pulses (71)1501518.11.3 Non-Burst Mode with Sync Events (72)8.11.4 Burst Mode (73)1528.11.5 Parameters (74)1538.12 TE Signaling in DSI (75)1541559 Error-Correcting Code (ECC) and Checksum (77)9.1 Packet Header Error Detection/Correction (77)1561579.2 Hamming Code Theory (77)1589.3 Hamming-modified Code Applied to DSI Packet Headers (78)9.4 ECC Generation on the Transmitter (81)1599.5 Applying ECC on the Receiver (82)1601619.6 Checksum Generation for Long Packet Payloads (82)10 Compliance, Interoperability, and Optional Capabilities (84)16210.1 Display Resolutions (84)16316410.2 Pixel Formats (85)10.2.1 Video Mode (85)16516610.2.2 Command Mode (85)10.3 Number of Lanes (85)16710.4 Maximum Lane Frequency (85)16816910.5 Bidirectional Communication (86)10.6 ECC and Checksum Capabilities (86)17010.7 Display Architecture (86)17117210.8 Multiple Peripheral Support (86)10.9 EoTp Support and Interoperability (86)173Annex A Contention Detection and Recovery Mechanisms (informative) (87)174175A.1 PHY Detected Contention (87)A.1.1 Protocol Response to PHY Detected Faults (87)176Annex B Checksum Generation Example (informative) (93)177178Annex C Interlaced Video Transmission Sourcing (95)179180Figures181Figure 1 DSI Transmitter and Receiver Interface (17)182Figure 2 DSI Layers (18)183184Figure 3 Basic HS Transmission Structure (21)Figure 4 Peripheral Power-Up Sequencing Example (25)185Figure 5 Lane Distributor Conceptual Overview (26)186187Figure 6 Lane Merger Conceptual Overview (27)Figure 7 Four-Lane Transmitter with Two-Lane Receiver Example (28)188Figure 8 Two Lane HS Transmission Example (29)189190Figure 9 Three Lane HS Transmission Example (30)Figure 10 HS Transmission Examples with EoTp disabled (40)191192Figure 11 HS Transmission Examples with EoTp enabled (40)Figure 12 Endian Example (Long Packet) (41)193Figure 13 Long Packet Structure (42)194195Figure 14 Short Packet Structure (43)Figure 15 Data Identifier Byte (44)196Figure 16 Interleaved Data Stream Example with EoTp disabled (45)197198Figure 17 Logical Channel Block Diagram (Receiver Case) (45)Figure 18 20-bit per Pixel – YCbCr 4:2:2 Format, Long Packet (52)199Figure 19 24-bit per Pixel – YCbCr 4:2:2 Format, Long Packet (53)200201Figure 20 16-bit per Pixel – YCbCr 4:2:2 Format, Long Packet (54)Figure 21 30-bit per Pixel (Packed) – RGB Color Format, Long Packet (55)202Figure 22 36-bit per Pixel (Packed) – RGB Color Format, Long Packet (56)203Figure 23 12-bit per Pixel – YCbCr 4:2:0 Format (Odd Line), Long Packet (57)204205Figure 24 12-bit per Pixel – YCbCr 4:2:0 Format (Even Line), Long Packet (57)Figure 25 16-bit per Pixel – RGB Color Format, Long Packet (58)206207Figure 26 18-bit per Pixel (Packed) – RGB Color Format, Long Packet (59)Figure 27 18-bit per Pixel (Loosely Packed) – RGB Color Format, Long Packet (60)208Figure 28 24-bit per Pixel – RGB Color Format, Long Packet (61)209210Figure 29 Video Mode Interface Timing Legend (71)Figure 30 Video Mode Interface Timing: Non-Burst Transmission with Sync Start and End (72)211Figure 31 Video Mode Interface Timing: Non-burst Transmission with Sync Events (73)212213Figure 32 Video Mode Interface Timing: Burst Transmission (74)Figure 33 24-bit ECC generation on TX side (81)214Figure 34 24-bit ECC on RX Side Including Error Correction (82)215216Figure 35 Checksum Transmission (83)Version 1.02.00 r0.07 30-Mar-2010 DRAFTMIPI Alliance Specification for DSI Figure 36 16-bit CRC Generation Using a Shift Register (83)217Figure 37 LP High ÅÆ LP Low Contention Case 1 (89)218219Figure 38 LP High ÅÆ LP Low Contention Case 2 (91)Figure 39 LP High ÅÆ LP Low Contention Case 3 (92)220221Figure 40 Video Mode Interface Timing: Non-burst Transmission with Sync Start and End (Interlaced 222Video) (95)Figure 41 Video Mode Interface Timing: Non-burst Transmission with Sync Events (Interlaced Video) (96)223224225Tables226Table 1 Sequence of Events to Resolve SoT Error (HS RX Side) (32)227Table 2 Sequence of Events to Resolve SoT Sync Error (HS RX Side) (32)228229Table 3 Sequence of Events to Resolve EoT Sync Error (HS RX Side) (33)Table 4 Sequence of Events to Resolve Escape Mode Entry Command Error (RX Side) (33)230Table 5 Sequence of Events to Resolve LP Transmission Sync Error (RX Side) (33)231232Table 6 Sequence of Events to Resolve False Control Error (RX Side) (34)Table 7 Low-Level Protocol Error Detection and Reporting (34)233Table 8 Required Timers and Timeout Summary (35)234235Table 9 Sequence of Events for HS RX Timeout (Peripheral initially HS RX) (35)Table 10 Sequence of Events for HS TX Timeout (Host Processor initially HS TX) (36)236237Table 11 Sequence of Events for LP TX-Peripheral Timeout (Peripheral initially LP TX) (36)Table 12 Sequence of Events for Host Processor Wait Timeout (Peripheral initially TX) (36)238Table 13 Sequence of Events for BTA Acknowledge Timeout (Peripheral initially TX) (37)239240Table 14 Sequence of Events for BTA Acknowledge Timeout (Host Processor initially TX) (37)Table 15 Sequence of Events for Peripheral Reset Timeout (37)241Table 16 Data Types for Processor-sourced Packets (46)242243Table 17 EoT Support for Host and Peripheral (48)Table 18 Error Report Bit Definitions (66)244Table 19 Data Types for Peripheral-sourced Packets (67)245246Table 20 Required Peripheral Timing Parameters (74)Table 21 ECC Syndrome Association Matrix (78)247Table 22 ECC Parity Generation Rules (79)248Table 23 Display Resolutions (84)249250Table 24 LP High ÅÆ LP Low Contention Case 1 (87)Table 25 LP High ÅÆ LP Low Contention Case 2 (90)251252Table 26 LP High ÅÆ LP Low Contention Case 3 (92)253Copyright © 2005-2010 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.MIPI Alliance Member Confidential.DRAFT MIPI Alliance Specification for 254Display Serial Interface255 1 Overview 256The Display Serial Interface Specification defines protocols between a host processor and peripheral 257devices that adhere to MIPI Alliance specifications for mobile device interfaces. The DSI specification 258builds on existing specifications by adopting pixel formats and command set defined in [MIPI02], 259[MIPI03], and [MIPI01]. 2601.1 Scope 261Interface protocols as well as a description of signal timing relationships are within the scope of this 262document. 263Electrical specifications and physical specifications are out of scope for this document. In addition, legacy 264interfaces such as DPI-2 and DBI-2 are also out of scope for this document. Furthermore, device usage of 265auxiliary buses such as I 2C or SPI, while not precluded by this specification, are also not within its scope. 2661.2 Purpose 267The Display Serial Interface specification defines a high-speed serial interface between a peripheral, such 268as an active-matrix display module, and a host processor in a mobile device. By standardizing this 269interface, components may be developed that provide higher performance, lower power, less EMI and 270fewer pins than current devices, while maintaining compatibility across products from multiple vendors.2712722 Terminology (informative)273274The MIPI Alliance has adopted Section 13.1 of the IEEE Standards Style Manual, which dictates use of the 275words “shall”, “should”, “may”, and “can” in the development of documentation, as follows:276The word shall is used to indicate mandatory requirements strictly to be followed in order277to conform to the standard and from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals is278required to).279The use of the word must is deprecated and shall not be used when stating mandatory280requirements; must is used only to describe unavoidable situations.281The use of the word will is deprecated and shall not be used when stating mandatory282requirements; will is only used in statements of fact.283The word should is used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended284as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course285of action is preferred but not necessarily required; or that (in the negative form) a certain286course of action is deprecated but not prohibited (should equals is recommended that).287The word may is used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the288standard (may equals is permitted).289The word can is used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material,290physical, or causal (can equals is able to).All sections are normative, unless they are explicitly indicated to be informative.291292Numbers are decimal unless otherwise indicated. Hexadecimal numbers have a “0x” prefix. Binary 293numbers are prefixed by “0b”.2.1 Definitions294295Forward Direction: The signal direction is defined relative to the direction of the high-speed serial clock. 296Transmission from the side sending the clock to the side receiving the clock is the forward direction.297Half duplex: Bidirectional data transmission over a Lane allowing both transmission and reception but 298only in one direction at a time.299HS Transmission: Sending one or more packets in the forward direction in HS Mode. A HS Transmission is delimited before and after packet transmission by LP-11 states.300301Host Processor: Hardware and software that provides the core functionality of a mobile device.302Lane: Consists of two complementary Lane Modules communicating via two-line, point-to-point Lane 303Interconnects. A Lane can be used for either Data or Clock signal transmission.304Lane Interconnect: Two-line, point-to-point interconnect used for both differential high-speed signaling 305and low-power, single-ended signaling.Lane Module: Module at each side of the Lane for driving and/or receiving signals on the Lane.306Copyright © 2005-2010 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.Link: A connection between two devices containing one Clock Lane and at least one Data Lane. A Link 307308consists of two PHYs and two Lane Interconnects.309LP Transmission: Sending one or more packets in either direction in LP Mode or Escape Mode. A LP 310Transmission is delimited before and after packet transmission by LP-11 states.311Packet: A group of four or more bytes organized in a specified way to transfer data across the interface. All 312packets have a minimum specified set of components. The byte is the fundamental unit of data from which 313packets are made.314Payload: Application data only – with all Link synchronization, header, ECC and checksum and other 315protocol-related information removed. This is the “core” of transmissions between host processor and 316peripheral.317PHY: The set of Lane Modules on one side of a Link.318PHY Configuration: A set of Lanes that represent a possible Link. A PHY configuration consists of a 319minimum of two Lanes: one Clock Lane and one or more Data Lanes.320Reverse Direction: Reverse direction is the opposite of the forward direction. See the description for 321Forward Direction.322Transmission: Refers to either HS or LP Transmission. See the HS Transmission and LP Transmission 323definitions for descriptions of the different transmission modes.324Virtual Channel: Multiple independent data streams for up to four peripherals are supported by this 325specification. The data stream for each peripheral is a Virtual Channel. These data streams may be 326interleaved and sent as sequential packets, with each packet dedicated to a particular peripheral or channel. 327Packet protocol includes information that directs each packet to its intended peripheral.328Word Count: Number of bytes within the payload.2.2 Abbreviations329330e.g. Forexample2.3 Acronyms331332ProtocolAIP ApplicationIndependent333AM Active matrix (display technology)ASP Application Specific Protocol334335BLLP Blanking or Low Power interval336PixelBPP Bitsper337BTA BusTurn-Around338InterfaceSerialCSI Camera339DBI Display Bus InterfaceCopyright © 2005-2010 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.DI Data340Identifier341DMA Direct Memory AccessDPI Display Pixel Interface342343DSI Display Serial InterfaceDT Data344Type345ECC Error-CorrectingCode346EMI Electro Magnetic interference347EoTp End of Transmission Packet348DischargeESD Electrostatic349Fps Frames per second350HBP Horizontal Back PorchHFP Horizontal Front Porch351352SpeedHS High353HSA Horizontal Sync Active354HSE Horizontal Sync End355HSS Horizontal Sync Start356ISTO Industry Standards and Technology Organization357PowerLP Low358LPS Low Power State (state of serial data line when not transferring high-speed serial data) LSB Least Significant Bit359second360perMbps Megabits361MIPI Mobile Industry Processor InterfaceMSB Most Significant Bit362363PF PacketFooterHeader364PH PacketLayer365PHY Physical366InterfacePPI PHY-ProtocolCopyright © 2005-2010 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.367QCIF Quarter-size CIF (resolution 176x144 pixels or 144x176 pixels)368QVGA Quarter-size Video Graphics Array (resolution 320x240 pixels or 240x320 pixels) 369RGB Color presentation (Red, Green, Blue)370SLVS Scalable Low Voltage Signaling371SoT Start of Transmission372SVGA Super Video Graphics Array (resolution 800x600 pixels or 600x800 pixels)373StateULPS Ultra-lowPower374VGA Video Graphics Array (resolution 640x480 pixels or 480x640 pixels)375ActiveVSA VerticalSync376EndSyncVSE Vertical377StartSyncVSS VerticalCount378WC Word379WVGA Wide VGA (resolution 800x480 pixels or 480x800 pixels)380Copyright © 2005-2010 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.3 References (informative)381382[MIPI01] MIPI Alliance Specification for Display Command Set, version 1.02.00, MIPI Alliance, 383In Press384[MIPI02] MIPI Alliance Standard for Display Bus Interface (DBI-2), version 2.00, MIPI Alliance, 38529 November 2005386[MIPI03] MIPI Alliance Standard for Display Pixel Interface (DPI-2), version 2.00, MIPI Alliance, 38715 September 2005388[MIPI04] MIPI Alliance Specification for D-PHY, version 0.90.00, MIPI Alliance, 8 October 2007 389A DTV Profile for Uncompressed High Speed Digital Interfaces,[CEA01] CEA-861-E,</Standards/browseByCommittee_2641.asp>, Consumer Electronics 390Association, March 2008391Studio encoding parameters of digital television for standard 4:3 and wide 392[ITU01] BT.601-6,393screen 16:9 aspect ratios, <http://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.601-6-200701-I/en>,394International Telecommunications Union, 23 February 2007395[ITU02] BT.709-5,Parameter values for the HDTV standards for production and international 396programme exchange, <http://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.709-5-200204-I/en>,397International Telecommunications Union, 27 August 2009398Interface for digital component video signals in 525-line and 625-line [ITU03] BT.656-5,399television systems operating at the 4:2:2 level of Recommendation ITU-R BT.601,400<http://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.656-5-200712-I/en>, International401Telecommunications Union, 1 January 2008402Transformations Between Television Component Color Signals, Society for36-2000,[SMPT01] EG403Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 23 March 2000404Much of DSI is based on existing MIPI Alliance specifications as well as several MIPI Alliance 405specifications in simultaneous development. In the Application Layer, DSI duplicates pixel formats used in 406[MIPI03] when it is in Video Mode operation. For display modules with a display controller and frame 407buffer, DSI shares a common command set with [MIPI02]. The command set is documented in [MIPI01].3.1 Display Bus Interface Standard for Parallel Signaling (DBI-2)408409DBI-2 is a MIPI Alliance standard for parallel interfaces to display modules having display controllers and 410frame buffers. For systems based on these standards, the host processor loads images to the on-panel frame 411buffer through the display processor. Once loaded, the display controller manages all display refresh 412functions on the display module without further intervention from the host processor. Image updates 413require the host processor to write new data into the frame buffer.414DBI-2 specifies a parallel interface where data can be sent to the peripheral over an 8-, 9- or 16-bit-wide 415data bus, with additional control signals. DBI-2 supports a 1-bit data bus interface mode as well.416The DSI specification supports a Command Mode of operation. Like the parallel DBI, a DSI-compliant 417interface sends commands and parameters to the display. However, all information in DSI is first serializedCopyright © 2005-2010 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.。
港口代码国家代码港口名称英文名称1440129吕宋岛LUZON I.1441129马尼拉MANILA1442129马辛洛克MASINLOC1443129民多罗岛MINAORO I.1444129棉兰老岛MINDANAO I.1445129班乃岛PANAY I.1446129普临塞萨港PUERTO PRINCESSA1447129浦鲁帕腾PULUPANDAN1448129奎松城QUEZON CITY1449129萨马岛SAMAR I.145145哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan1450129圣弗尔南多SAN FERNABDO1451129桑义SANGI1452129塔巴科TABAO1453129塔克洛班TACLOBAN1454129坦多克TANDOC1455129桑义TOLEDO1456129伊洛伊洛YLOILO1457129三宝颜ZAMBOANGA1458130多哈DOHA1459130乌姆赛义德UMMSAIB146146吉尔吉斯斯坦Kirghizia1460131AL JUBAIL AL JUBAIL1461131AL-JUBAIL AL-JUBAIL1462131布赖代BURAYDAH1463131达曼DAMMAM1464131吉达JEDDAN1465131吉达JIDDA1466131JUBAIL JUBAIL1467131JUBALL JUBALL1468131麦加MAKKAH1469131麦加MECCA147147塔吉克斯坦Tadzhikistan1470131利雅得RIYADH1471131廷布YENBO1472132普劳布科姆PULAU BUKOM1473132普劳艾亚却文PULO AYER CHAWEN1474132普劳梅里茅PULO BUKOM1475132普劳萨巴洛克PULO MERLIMAU1476132普劳萨巴洛克PULO SEBAROK1477132新加坡SINGAPORE1478132新加坡TANJONG PAGAR1479132丹戎彭尤鲁TANJONG PENJURU148148土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan1480133釜山BUSAN1481133群山GUNZAM1482133仁川INCHON1483133马山MASAN1484133镇海CHINHAE1485133木蒲MOPPO1486133蒲项POHANG1487133尉山ULSAN1488133丽水YOSU1489134科伦坡COLOMBO149149乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekstan 1490134加勒GALLE1491134亭可马里TRINCOMALEE 1492135巴尼亚斯BANIYAS1493135大马士革DAMASCUS1494135拉塔基亚LATTAKIA1495135塔尔图斯TARTOUS1496136AYUTTHSYA AYUTTHSYA 1497136曼谷BANGKOK1498136北大年PATTANI1499136普吉PHUKET1500136萨塔西普SATTAHIP1501136是拉差SIRACHA1502136宋卡SONGKHLA1503137阿达比亚ADABIYA1504137伊斯肯德伦ALEXANDRETTA 1505137阿马斯腊AMASRA1506137安塔利亚ANTALYA1507137班德尔马BANDIRMA1508137地里斯凯里斯DELISKELESI 1509137德林斯DERINCE1510137埃雷利EREGLI1511137法察FATSA1512137吉勒安GIRESUN1513137格姆利克GEMLIK1514137海达尔帕夏HAYDARPASA 1515137霍帕HOPA1516137伊内博卢INEBOLU1517137伊斯肯德伦ISKENDERUN 1518137伊斯坦布尔ISTANBUL1519137伊兹密尔IZMIR1520137卡拉KARADENIZEREGLISI 1521137开塞利KAYSERI1522137马尔马里斯MARMARIS1523137梅尔辛MERSIN1524137穆坦尼亚MUDANYA1525137奥陶ORDU1526137里泽RIZE1527137萨姆松SAMSUN1528137锡诺普SINOP1529137伊兹密尔SMYRNA1530137特基尔达TEKIRDAG1531137提雷博卢TIREBOLU1532137特拉帕尼TREBIZOND 1533137特拉布松TRABZON1534137温耶UNYE1535137埃雷利UZUNKUM1536137澳纳VONA1537137宗古尔达克ZONGULBAK 1538137宗古尔达克ZONGULDAK 1539138阿布扎比ABU DHABI 1540138达斯岛DAS I.1541138达斯岛BAA1542138达斯岛IALAND1543138迪拜DUBAI1544138杰贝力赞纳JEBAL DHANNA 1545138丹戎不碌JEBEL DHANNA 1546138沙迦SHARJAH1547139荷台达HODEIDAH1548139萨那SANA1549140亚丁ADEN1550140木卡拉MUKALLA1551140索哥德拉SOCOTYA1552141岘港DANANG1553141河内HA NOI1554141海防HAIPHONG1555141鸿基HONGAY1556141老街LAO CAI1557141锦普港PORT CAMPHA1558141胡志明市HU ZH MIN1559141西贡SAIGON1560143高雄KAOHSIUNG1561143基隆KEELUNG1562201阿尔及尔ALGIERS1563201安纳巴ANNABA1564201阿尔泽ARZEW1565201贝贾亚BEJAJA1566201贝贾亚BOUGIE1567201贝尼萨夫BENI-SAF1568201安纳巴BONA(ANNABA) 1569201贝贾亚BOUGIE(BEJAIA) 1570201BREIRA BREIRA1571201德利斯DELLYS1572201吉杰利DJIDJELLI1573201穆斯塔加奈MOSTAGANEM1574201奈穆尔NEMOUYS1575201奥兰ORAN1576201斯基克达PHILIPPEVILLE 1577201布赖拉港PORT BREIRA1578201加扎乌埃特PORT GHAZAOUET 1579201圭敦港PORT GUEYDON 1580201凯拉赫港PORT KELAH1581201塞港PORT SAY1582201斯基克达SKIKDA1583202洛比托LOBITO1584202罗安达LUANDA1585202莫卡梅德斯MOCAMEDES1586202木萨米迪什MOSSAMEDES1587202新里东杜NOVO REDONDO 1588202安博因港PORTO AMBOIM 1589202亚历山大港PORTO ALEXANDRE 1590203科托努COTONOU1591203科托努KOTONU1592203波格诺伏PORTO NOVO1593206杜阿拉DOUALA15947760 1595206梯科TIKO1596206雅温得YAOUNDE1597207阿雷西费ARRECIFE1598207拉斯帕耳马斯LAS PALMAS1599207拉萨利内塔LA SALINETA1600207圣克鲁斯TENERIFE1601208明德卢MINDELO1602208波多格兰德PORTO GRANDE 1603208格兰德港ST.VINCENT CAPE VERD 1604211ATI ATI1605212昂儒昂岛ANJOUAN ISLAND 1606212莫埃利岛MOHELI ISLAND 1607212丰博尼FOMBONI1608212木察木杜MUTSAMUDU1609212莫罗尼MORONI1610213黑角POINTE NOIRE 1611214奥博克OBOCK1612214塔朱拉TADJOURA1613215阿布泽尼马ABOU ZENIMA1614215阿布泽尼马ADOU ZENIMA1615215亚力山大ALEXANDRIA1616215达米亚特DAMIETTA1617215库赛尔KOSSEIR1618215易卜拉辛姆港PORT IBRAHIM 1619215伊斯梅利亚ISMAILIA1620215塞得港PORT SAID1621215萨法贾SAFAGA1622215苏伊士SUEZ1623215苏伊士运河SUEZ CANAL1624215瓦迪-费兰WADI FEIRAN1625215赛卢姆SALUM1626216圣卡尔洛斯SAN CARLOS1627216圣伊萨贝尔SANTA ISABEL 1628216里奥白尼托RLO BENITO1629217阿萨布ASSAB1630217马萨瓦MASSAWA1631217蒂奥THIO1632218让提尔港PORT GENTIL1633218利伯维尔LIBREVILLE1634218马永巴MAYUMBA1635218奥温多OWENDO1636219班珠尔BANJUI1637220阿达ADDA1638220海岸角CAPE COAST1639220温尼亚WINNEBA1640220阿克拉ACCRA1641220塔科腊迪TAKORADI1642220特马TEMA1643221本蒂BENTY1644221科纳克里CONAKRY1645221科纳克里CONAKRI1646221维多利亚VICTORIA1647222比绍BISSAO1648222博拉马BOLAMA1649222布巴克BUBAQUE1650222卡谢乌CACHEO 1651223阿比让ABIDJAN 1652223布埃港PORT BOUET 1653223萨散德腊SASSANDRA 1654223弗雷斯哥FRESCO 1655223大巴萨姆GRAND BASSAM 1656224拉穆LAMU1657224马林迪MALINDI 1658224蒙巴萨MOMBASA 1659224内罗毕NAIROBI 1660225布坎南BUCHANAN 1661225HARPER C.HARPER C. 1662225下布坎南LOWER BUCHANAN 1663225马绍尔MARSHALL 1664225蒙罗维亚MONROVIA 1665225帕尔马斯角CAPE PALMAS 1666226班加西BENGHAII 1667226卜富加港MARSA EL BREGA 1668226托卜鲁克TOBRUK 1669226余丁纳ZUEITINA 1670226巴尔迪亚BARDIA 1671226德尔纳DERNA1672226米苏拉塔MISURATA 1673226拉斯拉努夫RAS LANUF 1674226的黎波里TRIPOLI 1675227马任加MAJUNGA 1676227马南扎里MANANJARY 1677227努西贝NOSSI-BE 1678227塔那那利佛TANANARIVE 1679227图莱亚尔TOLEARY 1680227图莱亚尔TULEAR 1681227多凡堡FORT DAUPHIN 1682227多凡堡TOLAGNARO 1683227迪耶里-苏瓦雷斯DIEGO SUAREI 1684227迪耶里-苏瓦雷斯ANTSIRANANA 1685228利隆圭LILONGWE 1686229凯斯KAYES1687229塞古SEGOU1688229锡卡索SIKASSO 1689229廷巴克图TIMBUKTU 1690230努瓦迪布NOUADHIBOU 1691230努瓦克肖特NOUAKCHOTT 1692231路易港PORT LOUIS 1693232阿加迪尔AGANA1694232克尼特拉KENITRA 1695232勒拉柴LARACHE 1696232马尔提勒MARTIL 1697232伊萨奥伊拉MOGADOR 1698232穆哈默迪亚MOHAMMEDIA 1699232克尼特拉PORT LYAUTEY 1700232RIO MARTIN RIO MARTIN 1701232萨非SAFI1702232丹吉尔TANJONG MANI 1703232马尔提勒TETUAN1704233贝拉BEIRA1705233伊尼亚巴内INHAMBANE 1706233洛伦索-马贵斯LOURENCO MARQUES 1707233马普托MAPUTO1708233杰迪达MAZAGAN1709233莫三鼻给MOZAMBIQUE 1710233纳卡拉NACALA1711233阿梅利亚港PORTO AMELIA 1712233克里马内QUELIMANE 1713233钦德CHINDE1714234奥兰治蒙德ORANJEMUND 1715234卢得立次LUDERITZ1716234沃尔维斯港WALVIS BAY 1717234鲸港WALVIS BAY 1718234温得和克WINDHOEK1719235阿加德兹AGADEZ1720235尼亚美NIAMEY1721235津德尔ZINDER1722236德格马ABONNEMA1723236阿帕帕APAPA1724236德格马DEGEMA1725236IDDO IDDO1726236科科KOKO1727236拉格斯LAGOS1728236奥克里卡OKRIKA1729236萨佩莱SAPELE1730236华里WARRI1731236博尼BONNY1732236卡拉巴尔CALABAR1733236哈尔科特港PORT HARCOURT 1734237圣但尼ST. DENIS 1735237普安特德加莱POINTE DES GALETS 1736239圣多美SAO TOME1737240丰迪乌涅FOUNDIOUGNE 1738240圣路易斯ST. LOUIS 1739240达喀尔DAKAR1740240考拉克KAOLACK1741240济甘肖尔ZIGUINCHOR 1742241维多利亚港PORT VICTORIA 1743242波必尔PEPEL1744242歇尔布罗SHERBYO1745242邦特BONTHE1746242弗里敦FREETOWN1747243柏培拉BERBERA1748243基斯马由KISMAYU1749243摩加迪沙MAGADISCIO 1750243马尔卡MERCA1751243莫格迪绍MOGADISCIO 1752244德班DURBAN1753244约翰内斯堡JOHANNESBURG 1754244开普敦COPE TOWN 1755244东伦敦EAST LONDON 1756244伊丽萨白港PORT ELIZABETH 1757244诺洛斯港PORT NOLLOTH1758244西蒙斯敦SIMONSTOWN 1759245锡兹内罗斯城VILLA CISNEROS 1760246萨瓦金SUAKIN 1761246苏丹港PORT SUDAN 1762247达累斯萨拉姆DAR-ES-SALAAM 1763247基尔瓦基文杰KILWA KIVINJE 1764247基尔瓦玛索科KILWA MASOKO 1765247林迪LINDI1766247姆特瓦拉MTWARA 1767247潘加尼PANGANI 1768247奔巴岛PEMBA ISLAND 1769247坦噶TANGA1770247桑给巴尔ZABZIBAR 1771248洛美LOME1772248阿内乔ANECHO 1773248小波波LITTLE POPO 1774249比塞大BIZERTA 1775249加贝斯GABES1776249拉古莱特LA GOUIETTE 1777249拉斯基拉LA SKHIRRA 1778249斯法克斯SFAX1779249苏斯SOUSSE 1780249苏萨SUSA1781249突尼斯TUNIS1782252巴纳纳BANANA 1783252博马BOMA1784252马塔迪NATADI 1785253恩多拉NDOLA1786299德尔加达港PONTA DELGADA 1787301安特卫普ANTWERP 1788301布鲁日BRUGES 1789301布鲁塞尔BRUSSELS 1790301根特GHENT1791301列日LIEGE1792301尼乌波特NIEUPORT 1793301奥斯坦德OSTEND 1794301泽不腊赫ZEEBRUGGE 1795302奥本罗AABENRAA 1796302奥尔堡AALBORG 1797302奥尔胡斯AARHUS 1798302埃勒斯克平AEROSKOBING 1799302阿林格ALLINGE 1800302阿斯尼斯ASNAES 1801302阿森斯ASSENS 1802302班德霍尔姆BANDHOLM 1803302博根塞BOGENSE 1804302哥本哈根COPENHAGEN 1805302卡隆堡ESSO OIL PIER 1806302哈梅哈夫楠HAMMERHAVEN 1807302哈斯勒HASLE1808302赫尔辛格HELSINGOR 1809302希次哈尔斯HIRTSHALS 1810302霍布罗HOBRO1811302霍尔贝克HOLBAEK1812302霍尔森斯HORSENS1813302卡隆堡KALUNDBORG1814302卡雷贝克斯明德KARREBAEKSMINDE 1815302凯特米纳KERTEMINDE1816302克拉克斯维克KLAKKSVIK1817302克耶KOGE1818302科尔灵KOLDING1819302科尔塞KORSOR1820302金比KYNDBY1821302累姆维LEMVIG1822302马里耶尔MARIAGER1823302马斯内多韦尔凯特港MASNEDOWVAERKET HARB 1824302伏尔丁堡南港MASNEDSUND1825302米德尔法特MIDDELFART1826302讷斯特弗德NAESTVED1827302纳克斯考NAKSKOV1828302讷克塞NEXO1829302尼堡NYBORG1830302尼克宾NYKOBING,MORS 1831302尼克宾NYKOBING,SJAELLAND 1832302欧登塞ODENSE1833302恩舍尔兹维克ORNSKOLDSVIK 1834302谢累夫斯科尔ORVIKEN1835302朴次茅斯PORTSMOUTH1836302勒讷RONNE1837302ROSBYHAVN ROSBYHAVN1838302吐伯堡RUBORG HAVN1839302鲁德克丙RUDKOBING1840302萨格斯科宾SAKSKOBING1841302斯卡晏SKAGEN HARBOUR 1842302斯凯尔斯科尔SKELSKOR1843302斯基沃SKIVE1844302森讷堡SONDERBORG1845302斯代厄STEGE1846302吉尔夫哈文STIGNAES1847302斯特鲁尔STRUER1848302斯图伯克宾STUBBEKOBING 1849302斯瓦内克SVANEKE1850302斯文堡SVENDBORG1851302提斯特德THISTED1852302托尔斯港THORSHAVN1853302特沃罗伊尔TVOROYRI1854302瓦古尔VAGUR1855302怀勒VEJLE1856302韦斯特马纳VESTMANHAVN1857302伏尔丁堡南港VORDINGBORG SYDHAVN 1858302沃斯托克岛VOSTOK I.1859303阿伯丁ABERDEEN1860303阿伯杜尔ABERDOUR1861303阿伯多维ABERDOVEY1862303沃耳德尼岛ALDERNEY0 I. 1863303阿尔赫西拉斯ALGECIRAS1864303阿姆卢赫AMLWCH1865303AMNLE AMNLE1866303安德顿德波ANDERTON DEPOT 1867303安纳隆ANNALONG1868303安南ANNAN1869303安斯特鲁瑟ANSTRUTHER1870303阿普尔多尔APPLEDORE1871303阿布罗思ARBROATH1872303阿德格拉斯ARDGLASS1873303阿德里希格ARDRISHAIG1874303埃房默斯AVONMOUTH1875303埃尔AYR1877303BALFAST BALFAST1878303巴金BARKING1879303巴尔默斯BARMOUTH1880303巴恩斯特普尔BARNSTAPLE1881303巴罗BARROW-IN-FURNESS 1882303BATSKARSNAS BATSKARSNAS 1883303博马里斯BEAUMARIS1884303贝尔波特BELLPORT1885303伯明翰BERMINGHAM1886303特威德河畔伯里克BERWLCK-UPON-TWEED 1887303比德福德BIDEFORD1888303伯尔黑德BIRKENHEAD1889303伯明翰BIRMINGHAM1890303布来恩BLYTH1891303波士顿BOSTON1892303博林BOWLING1893303布里奇沃特BRIDGWATER1894303布里德林顿BRIDLINGTON 1895303布里德波特BRIDPORT1896303布里斯托尔BRISTOL1897303尼思BRITON FERRY 1898303布里克萨姆BRIXHAM1899303布朗巴勒港BROMBOROUGH DOCK 1900303BRRAY DOCKS BRRAY DOCKS 1901303巴基BUCKIE1902303布德BUDE1903303伯格黑德BURGHEAD1904303卡那封CAERNARVON1905303喀利多尼亚运河CALEDONIAN CANAL 1906303坎普尔敦CAMPBELTOWN 1907303加的夫CARDIFF1908303卡恩拉夫CARNLOUGH1909303卡里克费格斯CARRICKFERGUS 1910303查理斯顿CHARLESTOWN 1911303克来德波特CLYDE PORT1912303科耳切斯特COLCHESTER1913303康纳码头CONNAH'QUAY 1914303科尔帕奇-喀里多尼亚CORPACH-CALEDO-NIAN 1915303考斯COWES1916303克赖根多兰CRAIGENDORAN 1917303克里南运河CRINAN CANAL 1918303戴根纳姆DAGENHAM DOCK 1919303达特默思DARTMOUTH1920303迪甘韦港DEGANWY QUAY1921303多费尔DOVER1922303道格拉斯DOUGIAS1923303当斯DOWNS1924303达姆夫里斯DUMFRIES1925303当巴尔DUNBAR1926303丹迪DUNDEE1927303达农DUNOON1928303EDINBURGH EDINBURGH 1929303埃克塞特EXETER1930303埃克斯默斯EXMOUTH1931303艾默斯EYEMOUTH1932303法耳默斯FALMOUTH1933303芳纳特FINNART1934303菲什加德FISHGUARD 1935303威廉港FORT WILLIAM 1936303福恩港FORTH PORTS 1937303格拉斯哥GLASGOW1938303大雅茅斯GREAT YARMONTH 1939303格里诺克GREENOCR1940303哈特耳普耳HARTLEPOOL 1941303哈里季HARWICH1942303海尔HAYLE1943303海舍姆HEYSHAM1944303霍利黑德HOLYHEAD1945303赫尔HULL1946303伊夫腊库姆ILFRACOMBE 1947303伊明翰IMMINGHAM 1948303因弗果尔登INVERGORDON 1949303因沃内斯INVERNESS 1950303伊普斯威奇IPSWICH1951303欧文IRVINE1952303梅希略内斯ISLE OF GRAIN 1953303曼岛ISLE OF MAN 1954303艾泽耳沃思ISLEWORTH 1955303太恩JARROW483 1956303圣墨利厄尔JERSEY1957303基尔基尔KILKEEL1958303金斯林KING'S LYNN 1959303福思港KIRKCALDY 1960303科克沃耳KIRKWALL1961303凯耳KYLE OF LOCHALSH 1962303米德尔斯布勒LACKENBY1963303兰卡斯特LANCASTER 1964303拉格兹LARGS1965303拉恩LARNE1966303利物浦LIVERPOOL 1967303洛桑LAXEY1968303福思港LEITH1969303勒尔维克LERWICK1970303利特耳汉普顿LITTLEHAMPTON 1971303洛哈林LOCHALINE 1972303洛赫博伊斯代尔LOCHBOISDALE 1973303洛赫马迪港LOCHMADDY HARBOUR 1974303伦敦LONDON1975303伦敦德里LONDONDERRY1976303卢LOOE1977303洛西默思LOSSIEMOUTH1978303斯特朗福LOUGH STRANGFORD 1979303洛斯托夫特LOWESTOFT1980303来布斯特LYBSTER1981303利德尼LYDNEY1982303金斯林LYNN1983303麦克达夫MACDUFF1984303马尔登MALDON1985303曼彻斯特MANCHESTER1986303哈里季MANNINGTREE1987303梅德韦港MEDWAY PORTS 1988303梅沃吉西MEVAGISSEY1989303米德尔斯布勒MIDDLESBROUGH 199199亚洲其它国家.nes 1990303米耳弗德港MILFORD HAVEN 1991303米勒姆MILLOM1992303梅德韦港MILTON REGIS 1993303迈恩黑德MINEHEAD1994303米斯特利MISTLEY1995303芒特罗兹MONTROSE1996303莫斯廷MOSTYN1997303讷恩NAIRN1998303尼思NEATH1999303纽伯格NEWBURGH2000303纽卡斯尔NEWCASTLE2001303纽黑平NEWHAVEN2002303纽林NEWLYN2003303纽里NEWRY2004303太国NORTH SHIELDS 2005303北散德兰NORTH SUNDERLAND 2006303诺里季NORWICH2007303诺丁汉NOTTINGHAM2008303奥班OBAN2009303帕德斯托PADSTOW201201阿尔及利亚Algeria2010303帕尔纳基PALNACKIE2011303帕尔PAR2012303曼岛PEEL2013303米耳弗德港PEMBROKE DOCK 2014303彭曼马尔PENMAENMAWR2015303彭林PENRYN2016303彭赞斯PENZANCE2017303皮特赫德PETERHEAD2018303巴罗-因-弗内斯PIEL2019303普利茅斯PLYMOUTH202202安哥拉Angora2020303普耳POOLE2021303阿斯凯格皮尔港PORT ASKAIG PIER 2022303埃伦港PORT ELLEN2023303曼岛PORT ERIN2024303太恩PORT OF TYNE AUTHORI 2025303塔耳伯特港PORT TALBOT2026303波里莱文PORTHLEVEN 2027303PORTISHEAD PORTISHEAD 2028303PORTKNOCKIE PORTKNOCKIE 2029303波特马多克PORTMADOC203203贝宁Benin2030303波特里PORTREE2031303波特拉什PORTRUSH2032303普雷斯顿PRESTON2033303PURFLEET PURFLEET2034303昆伯勒QUEENBOROUGH 2035303南昆斯费里QUEENSFERRY 2036303里耳RHYL2037303罗赛斯ROSYTH2038303罗西ROTHESAY2039303朗克恩RUN CORN204204博茨瓦那Botswana2040303拉伊RYE2041303曼彻斯特SALFORD2042303散德岛SANDAY I.2043303桑德威奇SANDWICH2044303桑德斯富特SANNDERSFOOT 2045303斯卡洛韦SCALLOWAY2046303斯卡尔布勒SCARBOROUGH 2047303锡利群岛SCILLY IS. 2048303斯克拉布斯特SCRABSTER2049303锡厄姆港SEAHAM HARBOUR 205205布隆迪Burundi2050303沙普内斯SHARPNESS2051303梅德韦港SHEERNESS2052303伦敦LONDON2053303太恩SHIELDS2054303肖尔黑姆SHOREHAM2055303锡洛思SILLOTH2056303太恩SOUTH SHIELDS 2057303南安普敦SOUTHAMPTON 2058303索森德SOUTHEND2059303圣黑利厄尔ST.HELIER206206喀麦隆Cameroon2060303圣艾夫斯ST.LVES2061303圣玛格丽特霍普ST.MARGARET'S HOPE 2062303锡利群岛ST.MARY'2063303圣彼得港ST.POTER PORT 2064303斯通黑文STONEHAVEN 2065303斯托诺威STORNOWAY2066303斯特朗福STRANGFORD 2067303斯特兰腊尔STRANRAER2068303斯特罗姆内斯STROMNESS2069303散德兰SUNDERLAND207207加那利群岛Canary Is2070303萨顿布里奇SUTTON BRIDGE 2071303斯温西SWANSEA2072303塔伯特TARBERT2073303米德尔斯布勒TEESPORT2074303廷默思TEJGNMOUTH2075303坦比TENBY2076303瑟尔索THUYSO2077303托伯莫里TOBERMORY2078303托普瑟姆TOPSHAM2079303托尔基TORQUAY208208佛得角Cape verde2080303特隆TROON2081303特鲁罗TRURO2082303太恩TYNE2083303阿拉普耳ULLAPOOL2084303沃克沃恩港WARKWORTH HARBOUR 2085303沃林波因特WARRENPOINT 2086303沃切特WATCHET2087303威耳斯WELLS2088303威姆斯贝WEMYSS BAY2089303哈特耳普耳WEST HARTLPOOL 209209中非Central African Rep 2090303韦斯顿波因特WESTON POINT DOCKS 2091303韦斯特雷WESTRAY2092303惠特比WHITBY2093303怀特霍耳WHITEHALL2094303怀特黑文WHITEHAVEN2095303惠次特布耳WHITSTABLA2096303威克WICK2097303维斯比奇WISBECH2098303维文霍WIVENHOE2099303渥金顿WORKINGTON210210塞卜泰Ceuta2100304布腊克BRAKE2101304不来梅BREMEN2102304不来梅港BREMERHAVEN 2103304布尼斯比特尔BRUNSBUTTEL 2104304科隆COLOGNE2105304库克斯港CUXHAVEN2106304杜伊斯堡DUISBURG-RUHRORT 2107304杜塞尔多夫DUSSELDORT2108304埃肯弗尔德ECKERNFORDE 2109304埃姆登EMDEN211211乍得Chad2110304汉堡HAMBURG2111304海利根哈芬HEILIGENHAFEN359359黑山#N/A399399欧洲其他国家#N/A 1001101喀布尔KABOL1002101喀布尔KABUL1003101坎大哈KANDAHAR1004102曼纳马MANAMA1005102米纳苏尔曼MINA SULMAN1006102悉特拉SITRA1007103吉大港CHITTAGONG1008103达卡DACCA1009103库尔纳KHULNA101101阿富汗Afghanistan 1010105斯里巴加湾市BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN 1011105文莱BRUNEI1012106若开AKYAB1013106阿恰布AKYAB1014106勃生BASSEIN1015106八莫BHAMO1016106毛淡棉MOULMEIN1017106慕尔鸣MOULMEIN1018107磅逊KOMPONG SOM 1019107金吉PHNOM PENH102102巴林Bahrian1020107金边PNOM-PENH1021108吉兰丹KELANTAN1022108拉塔基亚LATCHI1023108拉奇LATCHI1024108利马索尔LIMASSOL1025108莫尔富MORPHOU BAY 1026108尼科西亚NICOSIA1027108佩福斯PAPHOS1028108拉奇港PORT LATCHI 1029108瓦西里克VASSILIKO103103孟加拉国Bangladesh1030109海州HAEJU1031109兴南HUNGNAM1032109开城KAESONG1033109南浦NAMPO1034109清津SEISHIN1035109清津CHONGJIN1036109清津CHUNGJIN1037109新义州SIMIJU1038109元山WONSAN1039110香港HONGKONG104104不丹Bhutan1040111阿勒皮ALLEPPEY1041111贝迪BEDI1042111贝莱克里BELEKERI1043111色纳加尔BHAUNAGAR1044111加尔各答CALCUTTA1045111孟买BOMBAY1046111卡利卡特CALICUT1047111卡林加帕坦CALINGAPATNAM 1048111卡基纳达COCANADA1049111柯钦COCHIN105105文莱Brunei1050111达曼DAMAN1051111德里DELHI1052111霍纳瓦HONAVAR1053111卡基纳达KAKINADA1054111坎德拉KANDLA1055111卡尔瓦尔KARWAR1056111卡利卡特KOZHIKODE1057111马德拉斯MADRAS1058111马尔佩MALPE1059111曼德维MANDVI106106缅甸Burma1060111芒格洛尔MANGALORE1061111马希MAHE1062111马苏利帕特南MASULIPATAM1063111莫尔穆冈MORMUGAO1064111纳加帕蒂南NAGAPATTINAM 1065111瑙拉基NAVLAKHI1066111潘吉姆PANJIM1067111新德里NEW DELHI1068111奥卡港OKHA1069111本地治里PONDICHERRY107107柬埔寨Democratic Kampuchea 1070111布累尔港PORT BLAIR1071111奥卡港PORT OKHA1072111帕拉迪普港PORT PARADIP 1073111波尔班达尔港PORT PORBANDAR 1074111雷迪港PORT REDI1075111奎隆QUILON1076111塔德里TADRI1077111特利切里TELLICHERRY1078111图蒂科林TUTICORIN1079111佛腊伐尔VERAVAL108108塞浦路斯Cyprus1080111维扎加帕特南VISAKHAPATNAM 1081111维扎加帕特南VIZAGAPATANAM 1082112安班兰AMPENAN1083112阿萨汗AROE BAY1084112阿萨汗ASAHAN1085112巴眼亚比BAGAN SIAPI-API 1086112BALAWAN BALAWAN1087112巴厘巴板BALIKPAPAN1088112马辰BANDJARMASIN 1089112万隆BANDUNG109109朝鲜民主主义人民共和Korea,DPR1090112马辰BANJARMASIN1091112本卡利斯BENGKALIS1092112明古鲁BENGKULU1093112贝诺BENOA1094112比马BIMA1095112比通BITUNG1096112井里汶CHERIBON1097112达博辛克DABO SINGKEP 1098112贾贾普拉DJAJAPURA1099112雅加达DJAKARTA110110香港Hong Kong1100112占碑DJAMBI1101112米瓦纳DJUWANA1102112栋加拉DONGGALA1103112杜迈DUMAI1104112贺兰狄亚HOLLANDIA1105112雅加达JAKARTA1106112爪畦岛JAVA,PULAU1107112达博辛克KABO SINGKEP1108112卡利安格KALIANGET 1109112安班兰KEMPO111111印度India1110112吉打榜KETAPANG 1111112哥打巴鲁KOTABARU 1112112瓜拉卡帕斯KUALA KAPUAS 1113112库迈KUMAI1114112古邦KUPANG 1115112洛塞马韦LHO'SEUMAWE 1116112望加锡MACASSAR 1117112马杰尼MADJENE 1118112马德拉斯MADRAS 1119112马都拉岛MADURA PULAU 112112印度尼西亚Indonesia 1120112望加锡MAKASAR 1121112万鸦老MANADO 1122112满各里MANGOLE ISLAND 1123112马诺克瓦里MANOKWARI 1124112毛梅雷MAUMERE 1125112默腊克MERAK1126112孔雀港MERAK1127112米拉务MEULABOH 1128112蒙法尔科内MONFALCONE 1129112奥莱勒厄OLEE LHEUE 113113伊朗Iran1130112巴东PADANG 1131112帕干巴鲁PAKAN BARU 1132112双溪帕宁PAKNING 1133112巨港PALEMBANG 1134112巴邻旁PALEMBANG 1135112帕纳鲁坎PANARUKAN 1136112潘姜PANDJANG 1137112庞卡尔巴兰PANGKAL BALAM 1138112庞卡兰苏苏PANGKALAN-SUSU 1139112潘吉姆PANJIM114114伊拉克Iraq1140112巴里巴里PARE RARE 1141112巴苏鲁PASURUAN 1142112帕芒卡PEMANGKAT 1143112佩纳巴PENABA 1144112巨港PLAJJU 1145112坤甸PONTIANAK 1146112蓬提亚纳PONTIANAK 1147112普罗伯林果PROBOLINGGO 1148112三巫PULO SAMBU 1149112沙璜SABANG115115以色列IARAEL 1150112三马林达SAMARINDA 1151112三发SAMBAS 1152112散皮SAMPIT 1153112塞拉潘姜SELAT PANDJANG 1154112三宝垄SEMARANG 1155112实武牙SIBOLGA 1156112锡卡SIKKA1157112西姆拉SIMLA1158112山口羊SINGKAWANG 1159112苏朗SORONG116116日本Japan1160112贾贾普拉SUKARNAPURA 1161112苏拉威西SULAWESI 1162112苏门达腊SUMATRA 1163112双溪帕宁SUNGEI PAKNING 1164112泗水SURABAJA 1165112苏腊巴亚SURABAYA 1166112苏苏SUSU1167112丹戎班丹TANDJUNG PANDAN 1168112泗水TANDJUNG PERAK 1169112丹戎不碌TANDJUNG PRIOK 117117约旦Jordan1170112雅加达海港TANDJUNG PRIOK 1171112丹戎乌班TANDJUNG UBAN 1172112塔帕土安TAPAKTUAN 1173112打拉根TARAKAN ISLAND 1174112直葛TEGAL1175112特卢巴尤尔TELUKBAJUR 1176112德那第TERNATE 1177112芝拉扎TJILATJAP 1178112井里汶TJIREBON 1179112文古尔拉VENGURLA 118118科威特Kuwait1180113阿巴丹ABADAN1181113阿巴斯港 B.ABBAS 1182113阿巴斯港BANDAR1183113阿巴斯港BANDAR ABBAS 1184113马夏赫尔港BANDAR MAHSHAHR 1185113沙赫普尔港BANDAR SHAHPOUR 1186113哈尔克岛KHARG ISLAND 1187113霍拉姆沙赫尔KHORRAMSHAHR 1188113霍拉姆沙赫尔MOHAMMERAH 1189113马赫沙赫尔港PORT MAHSHAHR 119119老挝Laos,PDR 1190113大不里士TABRIZ1191113德黑兰TEHRAN1192113帕勒维PAHLEVI 1193114巴格达BAGHDAD 1194114巴士拉BASRAH1195114霍尔阿米亚KHOR AL-AMYA 1196114基尔库克KIRKUK1197114摩苏尔MOSUL1198114巴士拉SHATT-EL ARAB 1199114乌姆卡斯尔UM QASR120120黎巴嫩Lebanon 1200114ZUBAIR ZUBAIR1201114法奥FAO1202116网走ABASHIRI 1203116纲干ABOSHI1204116相生AIOI1205116AJIGAWA AJIGAWA1206116秋田AKITA1207116AKITSU AKITSU1208116尼崎AMAGASAKI 1209116阿南ANAN121121澳门Macau1210116青森AOMORI1211116渥美ATSUMI1212116千叶CHIBA1213116DOKAI DOKAI1214116福山FUKUYAMA 1215116船桥FUNABASHI 1216116船桥FUNAKAWA 1217116伏木FUSHIKI1218116蒲郡GAMAGORI 1219116八户HACHINOHE 122122马来西亚Malaysia 1220116荻HAGI1221116傅多HAKATA1222116函馆HAKODATE 1223116滨田HAMADA1224116阪南HANNAN1225116日明HIAGARI1226116响滩HIBIKINADA 1227116东播磨(IHO)HIGASHIHARIMA 1228116姬路HIMEJI1229116广烟HIROHATA123123马尔代夫Maldives 1230116广岛HIROSHIMA 1231116曰立HITACHI1232116细岛HOSOJIMA 1233116今治IMABARI1234116尹万里IMARI1235116因岛INNOSHIMA 1236116石卷ISHINOMAKI 1237116系崎ITOZAKI1238116岩国IWAKUNI1239116伊予三岛IYO-MISHIMA 124124蒙古Mongolia 1240116伊予三岛IYOMISHIMA 1241116鹿儿岛KAGOSHIMA 1242116鹿儿岛新港KAGOSHIMA SHINKO 1243116海南KAINAN1244116加古川KAKOGAWA 1245116釜石KAMAISHI 1246116金泽KANAZAWA 1247116芯田KANDA1248116门司KANMON PORT 1249116鹿川KANOKAWA125125尼泊尔联邦民主共和国Nepal1250116笠冈KASAOKA1251116鹿岛KASHIMA1252116川崎KAWASAKI 1253116KEIHIN PORT KEIHIN PORT 1254116喜入KIIRE1255116菊间KIKUMA 1256116君津KIMITSU 1257116衣浦KINUURA 1258116木更津KISARAZU 1259116神户KOBE126126阿曼Oman1260116高知KOCHI1261116小仓KOKURA 1262116小松岛KOMATSUSHIMA 1263116下松KUDAMATSU 1264116吴港KURE1265116黑崎KUROSAKI 1266116钏路KUSHIRO 1267116舞鹤MAIZURU 1268116枚山MAKIYAMA 1269116枕崎MAKURASAKI 127127巴基斯坦Pakistan 1270116马刀泻MATEGATA 1271116松山MATSUYAMA 1272116三池MIIKE1273116水俣MINAMATA 1274116三岛 川三江MISIMA-KAWANOE 1275116三角MISUMI 1276116浮岛MITSUKOJIMA 1277116宫古MIYAKO 1278116宫津MIYAZU 1279116水岛MIZUSHIMA 128128巴勒斯坦Palestine 1280116门司MOJI1281116纹别MONBETSU 1282116向岛MUKAISHIMA 1283116室兰MURORAN 1284116余丁纳MUTSURE 1285116室兰MUYOYAN 1286116长崎NAGASAKI 1287116名古屋NAGOYA 1288116那霸NAHA1289116中城NAKAGUSUKU 129129菲律宾Philippines 1290116七尾NANAO1291116直江津NAOETSU 1292116直岛NAOSHIMA 1293116新泻东NIGATA-HIGASHI 1294116新泻NIIGATA 1295116新居滨NIIHAMA 1296116大船渡OFUNATO 1297116扇岛OGISHIMA 1298116大分OHITA1299116大分OITA130130卡塔尔Qatar1300116御前崎OMAEZAKI 1301116小名滨ONAHAMA 1302116尾道ONOMICHI 1303116大阪OSAKA1304116小樽OTARU1305116尾鹫OWASE1306116留萌RUMOI1307116佐贺关SAGANOSEKI 1308116佐伯SAIKI1309116界港SAKAI131131沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia 1310116阪出SAKAIDE1311116境港SAKAIMINATO 1312116境港SAKAIMINOTA 1313116酒田SAKATA1314116佐世保SASEBO1315116仙台SENDAI1316116饰磨SHIKAMA1317116清水SHIMIZU1318116下关SHIMONOSEKI 1319116下津SHIMOTSU132132新加坡Singapore 1320116盐斧SHIOGAMA 1321116苏萨SUSA(SOUSSE) 1322116洲崎SUZAKI1323116桔TACHIBANA 1324116田子浦TAGONOURA 1325116高松TAKAMATSU 1326116托间TAKUMA1327116田边TANABE1328116户烟TOBATA1329116东海TOKAI133133韩国Korea Rep. 1330116德山TOKUYAMA 1331116东京TOKYO1332116苫小牧TOMAKOMAI 1333116富田TONDA1334116余丁纳TOTTORI1335116富山TOYAMA1336116富山新港TOYAMA-SHINKO 1337116丰桥TOYOHASHI 1338116津居山TSUIYAMA 1339116津久见TSUKUMI134134斯里兰卡Sri Lanka 1340116敦贺TSURUGA1341116鹤崎TSURUSAKI 1342116宇部UBE1343116内浦UCHIURA1344116宇野UNO1345116宇野和玉野UNO &TAMANO 1346116若松WAKAMATSU 1347116和歌山WAKAYAMA 1348116若松WAKKANAI 1349116若松YAHATA135135叙利亚Syrian Arab Rep. 1350116八代YATSUAHIRO 1351116八代YATSUSHIRO 1352116八幡YAWATA1353116四曰市YOKKAICHI1354116横滨YOKOHAMA1355116横须贺YOKOSUKA1356116神户KOBE1357116下关SHIMONOSEKI1358116新泻NIIGATA1359117亚喀巴AQABA136136泰国Thailand1360117伊尔比德IRBID1361117纳布鲁斯NABLUS1362118科威特KUWAIT1363118米内艾哈迈迪MENA -AL-AHMADI 1364118米纳阿卜杜拉MENA ABDULLA 1365118米纳萨乌德MENA SAUD1366118舒艾巴SHUAIBA1367118科威特SHUWAIKH1368119万象VIENTIANE1369120贝鲁特BEIRUT137137土耳其Turkey1370120西顿SIDON1371120的黎波里TRIPOLI1372120特里特利TRIPOLI1373121澳门MACAO1374121澳门MACAU1375122巴卡皮BAKAPIT1376122比纳唐BINATANG1377122乔治市GEORGE TOWN1378122柔弗巴鲁JOHORE BAHRU 1379122甘马挽KEMAMAN138138阿拉伯联合酋长国United Arab Emirates 1380122亚疵KOTA KINABALU 1381122哥打基纳巴卢KOTA KINABALU 1382122吉隆坡KRISTIANSTAD N. 1383122克里斯蒂安松KUCHING1384122古晋KUCHING1385122古达KUDAT1386122库纳克KUNAK1387122拉布安LABUAN1388122拉阿德-达士LAHAD DATU1389122拉瓦斯LAWAS139139也门共和国Republic of Yemen 1390122林邦LIMBANG1391122林加LINGGA1392122米里LUTONG1393122马六加MALACCA1394122米里MIRI1395122帕西古当PASIR GUDANG 1396122槟城PENANG1397122乔治市PENANG1398122波德申PORT DICKSON 1399122巴生港PORT KELANG1400122巴生港PORT SWETTENHAM 1401122普赖PRAI1402122山打根SANDAKAN1403122萨里克SARIKEI1404122塞京卡SEJIGKAT1405122森坡纳SEMPORNA1406122诗巫SIBU1407122斗湖TAWAU1408122特洛拉穆尼亚TELOK RAMUNIA 1409122TG.MANIS TG.MANIS141141越南Vietnam1410122拉布安VICTORIA HARBOUR 1411122斗湖WALLACE BAY1412123马雷岛MALE I.1413124乌兰巴托ULAANBAATAR1414124乌兰巴托ULANBATOR1415124乌兰巴托ULANBAATAR1416126法哈勒港MINA-AL-FAHAL 1417126加布斯港PORT QABOOS1418127卡拉奇KARACHI1419128耶路撒冷JERUSALEM142142中国境内CHINA1420128利达LYDDA1421128阿什杜德ASHDOD1422129阿巴里APARRI1423129碧瑶BAGUIO1424129八打雁BATANGAS1425129比斯利格BISLIG BAY1426129保和BOHOL1427129布瓦杨BUAYAN1428129宿务CEBU1429129卡加延德寨多CAGAYAN DE ORO 143143台湾省Taiwan prov. 1430129达沃DAVAO1431129杜马格特DUMAGUETE1432129吉马腊斯GUIMARAS1433129伊利甘ILIGAN1434129伊洛伊洛ILOILO1435129怡朗ILOILO1436129伊萨贝拉ISABELA1437129和乐JOLO1438129何塞帕尼加尼万JOSE PANGANIBAN 1439129黎牙实比LEGASPI144144东帝汶East Timor3428344波罗奈斯克PORONAISK3429344苏维埃港SOVETSKAYA GAVAN 343343摩尔多瓦Moldavia3430344尼古拉耶夫NIKOLAYEV3431344纳里扬马尔NARIAN MAR3432347马里乌波尔MARIUTOL344344俄罗斯Russia345000 3451128埃拉特EILAT3452324瓦莱塔VALLETTA3453321布达佩斯BUDAPST3454502达拉斯DALLAS3455115阿什杜德ASHDOD(IS DUD)3463309摩的克MOERDIJK346500 347347乌克兰Ukraine349349塞尔维亚和黑山Serbia and Montenegr 350350斯洛文尼亚Slovenia351351克罗地亚Croatia352352捷克Czecho353353斯洛伐克Slovakia354354马其顿Macedonia355355波黑R.B.H357357法罗群岛the Faroe Islands358358塞尔维亚#N/A401401安提瓜和巴布达Antigua & Barbuda 402402阿根廷Argentina403403阿鲁巴角Arubs Is4031403阿鲁巴岛0 4032403奥拉涅斯塔德0 404404巴哈马Bahamas405405巴巴多斯Barbados406406伯利兹Belize408408玻利维亚Bolivia409409博内尔Bonaire410410巴西Brazil411411开曼群岛Cayman Is.412412智利Chile413413哥伦比亚Colombia414414多米尼加Dominica415415哥斯达黎加Costa Rica416416古巴Cuba417417库腊索岛Curacao418418多米尼加共和国Dominican Rep. 419419厄瓜多尔Ecuador420420法属圭亚那French Guyana 421421格林纳达Grenada422422瓜德罗普Guadeloupe423423危地马拉Guatemala424424圭亚那Guyana425425海地Haiti426426洪都拉斯Honduras427427牙买加Jamaica428428马提尼克Martinique429429墨西哥Mexico430430蒙特塞拉特Montserrat431431尼加拉瓜Nicaragua432432巴拿马Panama433433巴拉圭PARAGUAY434434秘鲁Peru435435波多黎各Puerto Rico436436萨巴Saba437437圣卢西亚Saint Lucia438438圣马丁岛Saint Martin439439圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Saint Vincent & Gren 440440萨尔瓦多El Salvador441441苏里南Suriname442442特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad & Tobago 443443特克斯和凯科斯群岛Turks & Caicos Is 444444乌拉圭Uruguay445445委内瑞拉Venezuela446446英属维尔京群岛Br. Virgin Is 447447圣其茨-尼维斯St. Kitts-Nevis 499499拉丁美洲其他国家地区Oth. L.Amer. nes 501501加拿大Canada502502美国United States 503503格棱兰Greenland504504百慕大Bermuda599599北美其他国家OTH.N.AMER.NES 601601澳大利亚Australia602602库克群岛Cook Is603603斐济Fiji604604盖比群岛Gambier Is 605605马克萨斯群岛Marquesas Is 606606瑙鲁Nauru607607新喀里多尼亚New Caledonia 608608瓦努阿图Vanuatu609609新西兰New Zealand 610610诺福克岛Norfolk Is 611611巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea 612612社会群岛Society Is 613613所罗门群岛Solomon Is 614614汤加Tonga615615土阿莫土群岛Tuamotu Is 616616土布艾群岛Tubai Is617617萨摩亚Samoa618618基里巴斯Kiribati619619图瓦卢Tuvalu620620密克罗尼西亚Micronesia 621621马绍尔群岛Marshall Is 622622贝劳共和国Palau625625瓦利斯和浮图纳#N/A 699699大洋洲其他国家(地区)Oth. Ocean. nes 2112304霍尔特瑙HOLTENAU2113304胡苏姆HUSUM2114304基尔KIEL2115304基尔-霍尔特瑙KIEL-HOLTENAU 2116304科隆KOLN2117304克雷菲尔德KREFELD2118304拉伯LABOE2119304累尔LEER212212科摩罗Comoros2120304卢卑克LUBECK2121304卢卑克-特拉韦明德LUBECK-TRAVEMUNDE 2122304诺伊斯NEUSS2123304诺尔登哈姆NORDENHAM 2124304奥尔登堡OLDENBURG 2125304帕彭堡PAPENBURG 2126304舒劳SCHULAU2127304特宁TONNING2128304费格扎克VEGESACK2129304威廉港WILHELMSHAVEN 213213刚果Congo2130305阿布维尔ABBEVILLE2131305阿雅克修AJACCIO2132305AMBES AMBES2133305昂蒂布ANTIBES2134305阿尔卡雄ARCACHON2135305巴森BASSENS2136305巴斯提亚BASTIA2137305巴荣纳BAYONNE2138305贝克当贝斯BEC D'AMBES 2139305布拉伊BLAYE214214吉布提Djibouti2140305博尼法修BONIFACIO2141305波尔多BORDEAUX2142305海滨布洛尼BOULOGNE-SUR-MER 2143305布勒斯特BREST2144305加来CAIAIS2145305瑟堡CHERBOURG2146305冈CAEN-OUISTREHAM 2147305卡耳维CALVI2148305卡马雷CAMARET-SUR-MER 2149305卡恩CANNES215215埃及Egypt2150305孔卡尔诺CONCARNEAU2151305达乌埃DAHOUET2152305笫厄普DIEPPE2153305栋日DONGES2154305敦刻尔克DUNKIRK2155305弗康FECAMP2156305翁夫勒尔HONFLEUR2157305伊尔鲁斯ILE ROUSSE2158305拉修塔LA CIOTAT2159305拉努维勒LA NOUVELLE216216赤道几内亚Eq.Guinea2160305拉帕利斯LA PALLICE2161305拉罗舍尔LA ROCHELLE 2162305朗德尔诺LANDERNEAU2163305奥莱龙堡LE CHATEAU D'OLEYON 2164305勒吉尔多LE GUILDO2165305勒阿夫勒LE HAVRE2166305莱盖圣布里厄LEGUE-SAINT BRIEUC 2167305利布恩LIBOURNE2168305洛克蒂迪LOCTUDY2169305洛里昂LORIENT217217埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia2170305马赛MARSEILLES2171305莫尔列MORLAIX2172305南特NANTES2173305尼斯NICE2174305潘伯夫PAIMBOEUF2175305潘波耳PAIMPOL2176305巴黎PARIS。