- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...
-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...
-Let me end by saying...
-That, then was all I had to say on...
-That concludes our presentation...
- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...
- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...
- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...
- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.
- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...
- I've been asked to...
presentation开场白篇一:presentation开场白及结束语presentation开场白及结束语1.张刚开场白:-Iamdelightedtostandhereandhavethisopportunitytosharesomethingwithyo u.TodayIwillfocuson...-It'smypleasantdutytoreportmyresearch.TodayI'dliketosaysomethingabout. ..-I'dliketothankyouforgivingmethechancetostandhere.well,thetopicI'mgoin gtodealwithis...结束语:-That'sall.Thanksforyourattention.-Iamafraidthattheclockisagainstus,sowehadbetterstophere.2.王一越开场白:-mr.chairman,teachersandclassmates,mynameiswangYiyue.Icomefromthe schoolofmanagement.Thetitleofmypresentationis…-goodmorning,everyone,mynameiswangYiyue.Icomefromtheschoolofman agement.Iamsogladtohavetheopportunitytogivetoaspeechtoyouonsuchanoccasion.myspeechisabout…-goodmorning,everyone!mynameiswangYiyue.Thankyouforgivingmethis opportunitytostandhere.mysubjectis…结束语:-That’sall.Thankyouforlistening.-That’sallformytalk.Ifthereareanyquestions,Iwouldliketogivefurtherexplanations .3.李慧颖开场白:-goodmorning,everyone.Iambfromc.Iappreciatetheopportunitytobeheretoa ttendthismini-symposium[session].Thetopicofmypaperis(about)D.mypres entationwillbedividedintothefollowingthreeparts.-mr.chairman,distinguishedcolleagues,Ladiesandgentlemen,Thankyou,mr. chairman,foryourgraciousintroduction.Iamhonoredtohavethechancetoaddr essyouonthisspecialoccasion.Iwouldliketodividemytalkintothreeparts:1)ba ckgroundof…;2)recentresultsinmygroup;3)conclusions.-prof.A,Ladiesandgentlemen,Thankyouverymuch,professorA,foryourkind introduction.Iamdelightedtobehere(withyouthismorning).Iamgoingtogivet histalkinfourparts.First….second….Third….Finally….结束语:-onceagainIwouldliketothankyoufortheopportunityoftalkingtoyouonthesubject.Ihopeyouwillgivemeyourcommentsandsuggestions.Thatwillhelpmei mprovemywork.-Thankyouforyourattention.IfthereareanypointsthatIdidn’tmakeclearly,pleasepointthemoutandIwouldliketogivefurtherexplanations.4.佟诚德开场白:-goodmorningeverybody.Itisreallyanhonorformetogiveareporthere.Inthene xttenminutes,Iwillfocusonthefollowingthreeaspects.First,….Then,….Atla st,….-I’mverypleasedtobeheretosharemyideaswithallofyou.Itisagreatopportunitya ndchallengeasIhaveonly5minutesforpresentation.soIcanonlygiveabriefintr oductiontomyworkandquestionsattheendarewelcomed…-hello,everyone.mytopictodayis…andIshalladdressmyselftothefollowingcontents…结束语:-That’sallformypresentation.Thanksforlistening.Thankyouall.-well,Ithinkwearerunningshortoftimeandmypresentationshouldbeover.Tha nkyouforyourattention.5.焦炎开场白:-mr.president,ladies,andgentlemen:IneversuspectedthatIwastohavesogreatanhonor,socarefullygiven,astobeco meafollowerofthedistinguishedspeakerwhohasjusttakenhisseat.-mr.presidentandgentlemen:IamobligedtomyfriendDr.clarkeforthecomplimentarytermsinwhichhehasp resentedmetoyou.butImustappealtoyourcommiseration.harvardandYale!ca nanyundergraduateofeitherinstitution,cananyrecentgraduateofeitherinstitu tion,imagineamanrespondingtothattoast?however,Imustmakethebestofthe position,andspeakofsomepointsuponwhichthetwoinstitutionsareclearlyagr eed.AndhereIamremindedofastoryofacertainnewenglandfarmer,whosaidth atheand‘squireJoneshadmorecowsbetweenthemthanalltherestofthevillage;andhis bragbeingdisputed,hesaidhecouldproveit,forthe‘squirehadforty-fivecowsandhehadone,andthevillagealtogetherhadnotfor ty-six.-honorableVicepremiermadamewuYi,Distinguishedguests,Ladiesandgentl emen:onbehalfofemerson,Iwouldliketothankyouforthisgreathonortoshareourtho ughtswithyouregardingeconomicdevelopmentandinvestmentinsidechina.F ormanyyears,emersonhasparticipatedinthisimportantconferenceandIamdel ightedtobehereaddressingthisgatheringtoday---atremendoushonor.结束语:-onceagain,IwouldliketothanktheministryofcommerceandthecIFITconferenceforgivingmetheopportunitytotalktoyoutoday.haveagooddayandthanksf orlistening.-so,IcloseinsayingthatImighthavebeengivenabadbreak,butI'vegotanawfull ottolivefor.6.祝元坤开场白:--goodmorningeverybody!It'smyhonortospeakhere,andIamverygladtoshar emytopicwithyou.ThentodayI'dliketotalksomethingabout...-goodmorning!Ifeelreallyhonoredtostandhereandmakeapresentation.Toda yI'mgoingtolooktogetherwithyouintothistopic:-goodafternooneveryone!First,Iamsopleasedtohaveapresentationhere.Toda y,Iamgoingtotalkabout...结束语:-That'sall.Thankyouforyouattention!-Thankyouforlistening,ifyouhaveanyquestionpleasebefreetoask.7.王冠石开场白:-Imaybepermittedattheoutset,tospeakalittleaboutthesharethatwehavetaken onthissideofwaterinthisgreatachievementwhichinitsgloriousconsummatio n,nowreceivestheapplauseoftheworld.-Inthissymposiummypartisonlytositinsilence.toexpressone'sfeelingastheenddrawsneartointimateatask.-Iwanttotalktoyoutonightfrommyheartonasubjectofdeepconcerntoeveryon e.结束语:-andsoIendwithalinefromaLatinpoetwhoutteredthemessagemorethanfiftee nhundredyearsago,"deathplucksmyearandsays:live-Iamcoming."-Andfinallywehavethatgentlerphrase,thatonewhichshowsyouanothertruesi deoftheman,showsyouthatinhissoldierhearttherewasroomforotherthanglor ywarmottoesandinhistonguethegifttofitlyphrasethem-"letushavepeace."8.韩修柱开场白:-goodmorning,everyone,myhonoredteacherandmyfellowstudents.I'mveryhonoredtobethehostfort oday'spresentationthisafternoon.mypresentationisaboutextrusionprocessu nderwarmtemperature.nowlet’swarmlywelcomemr./mrs....togiveuspresentation.-helloeveryone,Iamgladandproudofmyselftobeheretointroduceoursmartan dexperienceddoctor,mr.….hewillgiveushisnewpresentationabout…oK,let’sgivehimourwarmlywelcome.Thankyou.-Ladiesandgentlemen,Iamhonoredtobeheretointroducemr.…hispresentationisabout…asfarasweknow,…isthehotpointinstudyfield,Iamsureyouareinterestedinnewdevelopmentinthisfield,soIthinkweshouldlistenthispresentationcarefully.Let’swelcomemr.…结束语:-Thatisall,thanksforyourattention.Thankyou!-Thanksforyourattention.maybemypresentationhassomeaspectsyoudonotu nderstandfully,youcanaskmeafterthepresentation.maybemypresentationha ssomethingwhichisnotcorrect,youcangivemeyouradviceandcorrectthem,th anksagain.-Thatisallmypresentation,thanksforyourcoming,ifyoucanhaveanyquestion s,youcanaskmenow.oK,thankyou!9.袁鹤然开场白:-mr.chairman,ladiesandgentleman,Iamdelighted/pleased/gladtohavetheopportunitytopresent/ofmakingthispre sentation.Thetitleofmypresentationis…-goodmorning/afternoon/eveningladiesandgentleman,I'dliketothankyouforinviting/askingme/givingmethechancetoreportmyrese archonsuchanoccasion.beforewestartourpresentation,let'stakeabrieflookatt heagenda…-mr.chairman,representatives,Thesubjectofmypresentation/Ishallbespeakingtodayabout/mypresentation concerns/Today'stopicis...Therearefivemainaspectstothistopic(...thefirst,... thesecond,...athird,...another,...thefinal)结束语:-Iamafraidthattheclockisagainstus,sowehadbetterstophere.Thankyou,mr.c hairman,Thankyouall.-Ihopethishasgivenyousomeidea/clearidea/anoutlineof...Ifthereareanyques tions,pleasepointthemoutandIwouldliketogivefurtherexplanations.10.苏文涛开场白:-goodafternoonandthankyouforcomingtoday.mynameis…,andI'mtheproje ctmanagerinTaipeifor…-IamgladthatIcanstandhereandgiveallofyoumyspeechabout…-Ladiesandgentlemen,youmusthaveheardthat….andtodaymytopicis…结束语:-Thatisall.Thanksforyourattention.-ThatiswhatIwanttosay,ifyouhaveanyquestion,youcanasknow.11.张可心开场白:-goodmorningeveryone!Iamhonoredtobewithyoutodayto...-I'mveryhappytohavethisopportunityto...结束语:-That'sall,thankyou.-Anyotherquestionpleasesendemailto...Thankyouforyourattention.12.侯赵平开场白:-Iamdelighted/pleased/gladtohavetheopportunitytopresent/ofmakingthispr esentation...-Iamgratefulfortheopportunitytopresent...-I'dliketothankyouforinviting/askingme/givingmethechanceto...结束语:-stayhungry.stayfoolish.Thankyouallverymuch.-oK,thankyouforlistening,that'sall.-That'sit.wehaveknownseveralhabitswhichcouldbereallyamazingifyoudot hemfromnowon.And...believeme...Iamnotfoolingyou,never!Allright,nowi t's(下一个同学的名字或老师)time.Thankyoueveryone!13.何鹏开场白:-goodmorning,ladiesandgentlemen.Themainideasofmypresentationareasfollow:...-mr.chairman,thankyouforintroducingmetoeveryonehere.It’smyhonortoshowmyresearchresults...-Thankyou,mr.chairman.Themeetingisexcellent,andIamverygladhere.myp resentationincludethefollowing结束语:-That’sall!Thankyouforyourattention.-Asanend,mypresentationisover.Thankyou!-That’sall!Thankyouall!14.严柏平开场白:-goodmorning/afternoon/eveningladiesandgentleman-Thepurposeofthisplenarysessionisto...-Iamdelighted/pleased/gladtohavetheopportunitytopresent/ofmakingthispr esentation…结束语:-IhopeI'vemanagedtogiveyouaclearerpictureof...-Ifthereareanyquestions,I'dbedelightedto...15.张伟开场白:-Ladiesandgentlemen,todayIwilltalkabout....-helloeverybody,mynameiszhangwei,nowwewilldiscuss...结束语:-Thankyouallforlistening.-Thanks.16.聂凯波开场白:-mr.chairman,ladiesandgentlemen,Thetitleofmypresentationis×××.Iamverygladtohavetheopportunitytoreportmyresearchonsuchanoccasio n.Iwilllaymystressonthefollowingthreeaspects.-mr.chairman,竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除Thankyouforyourwarmintroductionandalsoforyoureffortsinmakingtheope ningoftheconferencesosuccessful.Justnowtheover-praisedintroductionyou gaveme,Ithink,ismeantforthestudyon×××thatIhavebeencarryingoninrecentyears.nowIwouldliketosaysomethingabo utthestudy,andIwillwelcomeyourcommentsattheend.-mr.chairman, Itisagreathonortohavethechancetoreportmyresearch.Thetitleofmypresentat ionis×××.结束语:-nowthatIhavefinishedmyspeech,Ihopeyouwillgivemeyourcommentsands uggestions.Thatwillhelpmeimprovemywork.-That’allformytalk.IfthereareanypointsthatIdidn’tmakeclearly,pleasepointthemoutandIwouldliketogivefurtherexplanations. 篇二:英文presentationppt演示讲稿引导句开场白祝贺语:“goodafternoon,ladiesandgentlemen.““onbehalfofourcompanyI’dliketowelcomeyouhereto...”“Thankyouallforcominghere.”介绍开场白:“Letmeintroducemyself.I’mulrikehuber,manager’s Assistant...”“Iamaconsultantto...”引出主题:。
转帖一成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members... - A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem (...ingeneral, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you转自/abc/html/kouyujicui/20070821/4.html转帖二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
Presentation 常用开场白与结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(非正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.- Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentlemanCopyright© 2012 Institute of Management Accountants. All rights reserved- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...- A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda.- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins... - the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change Copyright© 2012 Institute of Management Accountants. All rights reservedthe way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...athird, ...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
三一文库()〔presentation开场白〕*篇一:Presentation开场白及结束语Presentation开场白及结束语1.张刚开场白:-Iamdelightedtostandhereandhavethisopportunitytosha resomethingwithyou.TodayIwillfocuson...-Itsmypleasantdutytoreportmyresearch.TodayIdliketos aysomethingabout...-Idliketothankyouforgivingmethechancetostandhere.We ll,thetopicImgoingtodealwithis...结束语:-Thatsall.Thanksforyourattention.-Iamafraidthattheclockisagainstus,sowehadbetterstop here.2.王一越开场白:-Mr.Chairman,teachersandclassmates,mynameisWangYiyu e.Icomefromtheschoolofmanagement.Thetitleofmypresen tationis…-Goodmorning,everyone,mynameisWangYiyue.Icomefromth eschoolofmanagement.Iamsogladtohavetheopportunityto givetoaspeechtoyouonsuchanoccasion.Myspeechisabout …-Goodmorning,everyone!MynameisWangYiyue.Thankyoufor givingmethisopportunitytostandhere.Mysubjectis…结束语:-That’sall.Thankyouforlistening.-That’sallformytalk.Ifthereareanyquestions,Iwouldliketogi vefurtherexplanations.3.李慧颖开场白:-Goodmorning,everyone.IamBfromC.Iappreciatetheoppor tunitytobeheretoattendthismini-symposium[session].T hetopicofmypaperis(about)D.Mypresentationwillbedivi dedintothefollowingthreeparts.-Mr.Chairman,distinguishedcolleagues,LadiesandGentl emen,Thankyou,Mr.Chairman,foryourgraciousintroducti on.Iamhonoredtohavethechancetoaddressyouonthisspeci aloccasion.Iwouldliketodividemytalkintothreeparts:1 )backgroundof…;2)recentresultsinmygroup;3)conclusi ons.-Prof.A,LadiesandGentlemen,Thankyouverymuch,Profess orA,foryourkindintroduction.Iamdelightedtobehere(wi thyouthismorning).Iamgoingtogivethistalkinfourparts .First….Second….Third….Finally….结束语:-OnceagainIwouldliketothankyoufortheopportunityofta lkingtoyouonthesubject.Ihopeyouwillgivemeyourcommentsandsuggestions.Thatwillhelpmeimprovemywork.-Thankyouforyourattention.IfthereareanypointsthatId idn’tmakeclearly,pleasepointthemoutandIwouldliketogivef urtherexplanations.4.佟诚德开场白:-Goodmorningeverybody.Itisreallyanhonorformetogivea reporthere.Inthenexttenminutes,Iwillfocusonthefollo wingthreeaspects.First,….Then,….Atlast,….-I’mverypleasedtobeheretosharemyideaswithallofyou.Itis agreatopportunityandchallengeasIhaveonly5minutesfor presentation.SoIcanonlygiveabriefintroductiontomywo rkandquestionsattheendarewelcomed…-Hello,everyone.Mytopictodayis…andIshalladdressmyselftothefollowingcontents…结束语:-That’sallformypresentation.Thanksforlistening.Thankyouall.-Well,Ithinkwearerunningshortoftimeandmypresentatio nshouldbeover.Thankyouforyourattention.5.焦炎开场白:-Mr.President,ladies,andgentlemen:IneversuspectedthatIwastohavesogreatanhonor,socaref ullygiven,astobecomeafollowerofthedistinguishedspea kerwhohasjusttakenhisseat.-Mr.Presidentandgentlemen:IamobligedtomyfriendDr.Clarkeforthecomplimentaryter msinwhichhehaspresentedmetoyou.ButImustappealtoyour commiseration.HarvardandYale!Cananyundergraduateofe itherinstitution,cananyrecentgraduateofeitherinstit ution,imagineamanrespondingtothattoast?However,Imus tmakethebestoftheposition,andspeakofsomepointsuponw hichthetwoinstitutionsareclearlyagreed.AndhereIamre mindedofastoryofacertainNewEnglandfarmer,whosaidtha theand‘SquireJoneshadmorecowsbetweenthemthanalltherestof thevillage;andhisbragbeingdisputed,hesaidhecouldpro veit,forthe‘Squirehadforty-fivecowsandhehadone,andthevillagea ltogetherhadnotforty-six.-HonorableVicePremierMadameWuYi,Distinguishedguests ,Ladiesandgentlemen:OnbehalfofEmerson,Iwouldliketothankyouforthisgreath onortoshareourthoughtswithyouregardingeconomicdevel opmentandinvestmentinsideChina.Formanyyears,Emerson hasparticipatedinthisimportantconferenceandIamdelig htedtobehereaddressingthisgatheringtoday---atremend oushonor.结束语:-Onceagain,IwouldliketothanktheMinistryofCommercean dtheCIFITconferenceforgivingmetheopportunitytotalkt oyoutoday.Haveagooddayandthanksforlistening.-So,IcloseinsayingthatImighthavebeengivenabadbreak,butIvegotanawfullottolivefor.6.祝元坤开场白:--Goodmorningeverybody!Itsmyhonortospeakhere,andIam verygladtosharemytopicwithyou.ThentodayIdliketotalk somethingabout...-Goodmorning!Ifeelreallyhonoredtostandhereandmakeap resentation.TodayImgoingtolooktogetherwithyouintoth istopic:-Goodafternooneveryone!First,Iamsopleasedtohaveapre sentationhere.Today,Iamgoingtotalkabout...结束语:-Thatsall.Thankyouforyouattention!-Thankyouforlistening,ifyouhaveanyquestionpleasebef reetoask.7.王冠石开场白:-Imaybepermittedattheoutset,tospeakalittleaboutthes harethatwehavetakenonthissideofwaterinthisgreatachi evementwhichinitsgloriousconsummation,nowreceivesth eapplauseoftheworld.-Inthissymposiummypartisonlytositinsilence.toexpres sonesfeelingastheenddrawsneartointimateatask.-Iwanttotalktoyoutonightfrommyheartonasubjectofdeep concerntoeveryone.结束语:-andsoIendwithalinefromaLatinpoetwhoutteredthemessa gemorethanfifteenhundredyearsago,"deathplucksmyeara ndsays:live-Iamcoming."-Andfinallywehavethatgentlerphrase,thatonewhichshow syouanothertruesideoftheman,showsyouthatinhissoldie rhearttherewasroomforotherthanglorywarmottoesandinh istonguethegifttofitlyphrasethem-"letushavepeace."8.韩修柱开场白:-Goodmorning,everyone,myhonoredteacherandmyfellowstudents.Imveryhonoredt obethehostfortodayspresentationthisafternoon.mypres entationisaboutextrusionprocessunderwarmtemperature .Nowlet’swarmlywelcomeMr./Mrs....togiveuspresentation.-helloeveryone,Iamgladandproudofmyselftobeheretoint roduceoursmartandexperienceddoctor,Mr.….Hewillgive ushisnewpresentationabout…OK,let’sgivehimourwarmlywelcome.Thankyou.-Ladiesandgentlemen,IamhonoredtobeheretointroduceMr .…Hispresentationisabout…asfarasweknow,…isthehotpointinstudyfield,Iamsureyouareinterestedin newdevelopmentinthisfield,soIthinkweshouldlistenthi spresentationcarefully.Let’swelcomeMr.…结束语:-Thatisall,thanksforyourattention.Thankyou!-Thanksforyourattention.Maybemypresentationhassomea spectsyoudonotunderstandfully,youcanaskmeafterthepresentation.Maybemypresentationhassomethingwhichisno tcorrect,youcangivemeyouradviceandcorrectthem,thank sagain.-Thatisallmypresentation,thanksforyourcoming,ifyouc anhaveanyquestions,youcanaskmenow.OK,thankyou!9.袁鹤然开场白:-Mr.Chairman,ladiesandgentleman,Iamdelighted/pleased/gladtohavetheopportunitytopres ent/ofmakingthispresentation.Thetitleofmypresentati onis…-Goodmorning/afternoon/eveningladiesandgentleman,Idliketothankyouforinviting/askingme/givingmethecha ncetoreportmyresearchonsuchanoccasion.Beforewestart ourpresentation,letstakeabrieflookattheagenda…-Mr.Chairman,representatives,Thesubjectofmypresentation/Ishallbespeakingtodayabout/Mypresentationconcerns/Todaystopicis...Therearef ivemainaspectstothistopic(...thefirst,...thesecond, ...athird,...another,...thefinal)结束语:-Iamafraidthattheclockisagainstus,sowehadbetterstop here.Thankyou,Mr.Chairman,Thankyouall.-Ihopethishasgivenyousomeidea/clearidea/anoutlineof ...Ifthereareanyquestions,pleasepointthemoutandIwou ldliketogivefurtherexplanations.10.苏文涛开场白:-Goodafternoonandthankyouforcomingtoday.Mynameis…, andImtheProjectManagerinTaipeifor…-IamgladthatIcanstandhereandgiveallofyoumyspeechabo ut…-LadiesandGentlemen,youmusthaveheardthat….andtoday mytopicis…结束语:-Thatisall.Thanksforyourattention.-ThatiswhatIwanttosay,ifyouhaveanyquestion,youcanas know.11.张可心开场白:-Goodmorningeveryone!Iamhonoredtobewithyoutodayto...-Imveryhappytohavethisopportunityto...结束语:-Thatsall,thankyou.-Anyotherquestionpleasesendemailto...Thankyouforyou rattention.12.侯赵平开场白:-Iamdelighted/pleased/gladtohavetheopportunitytopre sent/ofmakingthispresentation...-Iamgratefulfortheo pportunitytopresent...-Idliketothankyouforinviting/askingme/givingmethech anceto...结束语:-Stayhungry.Stayfoolish.Thankyouallverymuch.-OK,thankyouforlistening,thatsall.-Thatsit.Wehaveknownseveralhabitswhichcouldbereally amazingifyoudothemfromnowon.And...believeme...Iamno tfoolingyou,never!Allright,nowits(下一个同学的名字或老师)time.Thankyoueveryone!13.何鹏开场白:-Goodmorning,ladiesandgentlemen.Themainideasofmypresentationarea sfollow:...-Mr.Chairman,thankyouforintroducingmetoeveryonehere .It’smyhonortoshowmyresearchresults...-Thankyou,Mr.Chairman.Themeetingisexcellent,andIamv erygladhere.Mypresentationincludethefollowing 结束语:-That’sall!Thankyouforyourattention.-Asanend,mypresentationisover.Thankyou!-That’sall!Thankyouall!14.严柏平开场白:-Goodmorning/afternoon/eveningladiesandgentleman -Thepurposeofthisplenarysessionisto...-Iamdelighted/pleased/gladtohavetheopportunitytopre sent/ofmakingthispresentation…结束语:-IhopeIvemanagedtogiveyouaclearerpictureof...-Ifthereareanyquestions,Idbedelightedto...15.张伟开场白:-LadiesandGentlemen,todayIwilltalkabout....-Helloeverybody,mynameiszhangwei,nowwewilldiscuss...结束语:-Thankyouallforlistening.-Thanks.16.聂凯波开场白:-Mr.chairman,ladiesandgentlemen,Thetitleofmypresentationis×××.Iamverygladtohavetheopportunitytoreportmyresearc honsuchanoccasion.Iwilllaymystressonthefollowingthr eeaspects.-Mr.chairman,Thankyouforyourwarmintroductionandalsoforyoureffort sinmakingtheopeningoftheconferencesosuccessful.Just nowtheover-praisedintroductionyougaveme,Ithink,isme antforthestudyon×××thatIhavebeencarryingoninrecentyears.NowIwouldliket osaysomethingaboutthestudy,andIwillwelcomeyourcomme ntsattheend.-Mr.chairman,Itisagreathonortohavethechancetoreportmyresearch.Th etitleofmypresentationis×××.结束语:-NowthatIhavefinishedmyspeech,Ihopeyouwillgivemeyou rcommentsandsuggestions.Thatwillhelpmeimprovemywork.-That’allformytalk.IfthereareanypointsthatIdidn’tmakeclearly,pleasepointthemoutandIwouldliketogivef urtherexplanations.*篇二:英文presentationppt演示讲稿引导句开场白祝贺语:“Goodafternoon,ladiesandgentlemen.““OnbehalfofourcompanyI’dliketowelcomeyouhereto...”“Thankyouallforcominghere.”介绍开场白:“Letmeintroducemyself.I’mUlrikeHuber,Manager’sAssistant...”“Iamaconsultantto...”引出主题:“Thesubjectoftoday’spresentationis...”“I’llgiveyouanoverviewof...”“TodayIwanttoupdateyouon...”内容概述:“Letmefirstgiveyouabriefoverview.”“I’llstartoffbyexplaining...,thenfocuson...”“I’llbetalkingabout...first,thenmoveonto...”。
转帖一成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the present ation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the pre sentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so plea se feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentatio n-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perha ps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come to day.- Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team me mbers...- A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this br ief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is v itally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been s o successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins... - the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will chang e the way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...a nother, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular probl em ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general concl usions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following cons iderations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you转自/abc/html/kouyujicui/20070821/4.html转帖二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
presentation常见开头结尾语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(非正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.- Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman - It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...- A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally) - I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focuson this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here -You have been a very attentive audience---thank you1. Right, let’s get started.2. Let me introduce myself.3. I’ve divided my presentation into three main parts.4. Just to give you a brief overview.5. I’ll be saying more about this in a minute.6. I’m sure the implications of this are clear to all o f us.7.There’s an important point to be made here.8. OK, let’s move on. (go on to make your next point)9. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves.10. To go back to what I was saying earlier.11. Are there any questions you’d like to ask at thi s point?12. I’d like to look at this in more detail.13. Let’s put this into perspective. (to explain it this way)14. Perhaps I should expand on that a little.15. To digress for a moment? (to depart from your plan)16. So, to sum up?17. That brings me to the end of my talk.18. Thank you. I’m sure you all have lots of questions./via。
presentation 开场白、结束语section一成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer anyquestions you may have at the end of the presentati on.-Pleas e canyou save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions,I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-therewill be time at the end of the presentation to answe r your questions-sopleas e feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate tointerrupt if you have a question.-Pleas e feel free to interrupt meat any time.-Pleas e stop me if you have any questions.-If youneed clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at anytime.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming tothat point in a minut e.-That's a tricky question.-We will gointo details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afrai dthere's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhapswe could leave that point until the questions at the end of thepresentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the endof the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-Ithink we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式)-Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you toour company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I takethis opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式 )- I'mglad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many peopl e here.-It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you forbeing on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X PartII.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have theopportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am gratefulfor the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you forinviting/asking me/giving me the chanc e to... - Goodmorning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasantduty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- thesubject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...-My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we arehere to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talkabout...Befor e we start, I'd like you meet my teammembers...- Abrief look at today's agend a...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Befor e we start ourpresentation, let's take a brief look at the agend a...- I shall beoffering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I inten d tocover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...-Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall bespeaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last forabout ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of yourtime...- I don't inten d to speak for longer than ten minut es...-I know that time is short, so I inten d to keep this brief- I have alot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd bette r make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitallyimportant to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled peopl e for years...- At the end of thispresentation you will understand why this compa ny has been so successfulfor so long...- I am going to be talking about a product thatcoulddoubl e your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will chang eyour attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutesyou are going to hear about something that will chang e the way yourcompanies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five mainaspects to this topic (...the first, ... the secon d, ...a third,...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics inthe following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)-I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with thesetopics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a generaloverview and then focus on this particularproblem ( general,...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically,... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that mayaffect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of thissubject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware ofthe following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'dlike to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-Ihope I have made mysel f understood-I hope you have found thisuseful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outlineof...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to sayon...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed togive you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd bedelighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for acoffe e at this point-I am afrai d that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentiveaudience---thank you转自http:///abc/html/kouyujicui/20070821/4.htmlsection二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the present ation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the pre sentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so plea se feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentatio n-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perha ps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come to day.- Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this pre sentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team me mbers...- A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us. - My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been s o successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins... - the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will chang e the way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...a nother, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular probl em ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general concl usions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following cons iderations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you转自/abc/html/kouyujicui/20070821/4.html转帖二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
Presentation开场白及结束语1. 张刚开场白:-I am delighted to stand here and have this opportunity to share something with you. Today I will focus on...-It's my pleasant duty to report my research. Today I'd like to say something about...-I'd like to thank you for giving me the chance to stand here. Well, the topic I'm going to deal with is...结束语:-That's all. Thanks for your attention.-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here.2. 王一越开场白:-Mr. Chairman, teachers and classmates, my name is Wang Yiyue. I come from the school of management. The title of my presentation is…-Good morning, everyone, my name is Wang Yiyue. I come from the school of management. I am so glad to have the opportunity to give to a speech to you on such an occasion. My speech is about…-Good morning, everyone! My name is Wang Yiyue. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to stand here. My subject is …结束语:-That’s all. Thank you for listening.-That’s all for my talk. If there are any questions, I would like to gi ve further explanations.3. 李慧颖开场白:-Good morning, everyone. I am B from C. I appreciate the opportunity to be here to attend this mini-symposium [session]. The topic of my paper is (about) D. My presentation will be divided into the following three parts.-Mr. Chairman, distinguished colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious introduction. I am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. I would like to divide my talk into three parts: 1) backgrou nd of …; 2) recent results in my group; 3) conclusions.-Prof. A, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you very much, Professor A, for your kind introduction. I am delighted to be here (with you this morning). I am going to give this talk in four parts. First…. Sec ond…. Third…. Finally….结束语:-Once again I would like to thank you for the opportunity of talking to you on the subject. I hope you will give me your comments and suggestions. That will help me improve my work.-Thank you for your attention. If there are a ny points that I didn’t make clearly, please point them out and I would like to give further explanations.开场白:-Good morning everybody. It is really an honor for me to give a report here. In the next ten minutes, I will focus on the following three aspects. First, … . Then, … . At last, … .-I’m very pleased to be here to share my ideas with all of you. It is a great opportunity and challenge as I have only 5 minutes for presentation. So I can only give a brief introduction to my work and questions at the end are welcomed…-Hello, everyone. My topic today is … and I shall address myself to the following contents…结束语:-That’s all for my presentation. Thanks for listening. Thank you all.-Well, I think we are running short of time and my presentation should be over. Thank you for your attention.5. 焦炎开场白:- Mr. President, ladies, and gentlemen:I never suspected that I was to have so great an honor, so carefully given, as to become a follower of the distinguished speaker who has just taken his seat.- Mr. President and gentlemen:I am obliged to my friend Dr. Clarke for the complimentary terms in which he has presented me to you. But I must appeal to your commiseration. Harvard and Yale! Can any undergraduate of either institution, can any recent graduate of either institution, imagine a man responding to that toast? However, I must make the best of the position, and speak of some points upon which the two institutions are clearly agreed. And here I am reminded of a story of a certain New England farmer, who said that he and ‘Squire Jones had more cows between them than all the rest of the village; and his brag being disputed, he said he could prove it, for the ‘Squire had forty-five cows and he had one, and the village altogether had not forty-six.-Honorable Vice Premier Madame Wu Yi, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen:On behalf of Emerson, I would like to thank you for this great honor to share our thoughts with you regarding economic development and investment inside China. For many years, Emerson has participated in this important conference and I am delighted to be here addressing this gathering today--- a tremendous honor.结束语:-Once again, I would like to thank the Ministry of Commerce and the CIFIT conference for giving me the opportunity to talk to you today. Have a good day and thanks for listening.-So, I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, but I've got an awful lot to live for.6. 祝元坤开场白:--Good morning everybody! It's my honor to speak here, and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then today I'd like to talk something about...-Good morning! I feel really honored to stand here and make a presentation. Today I'm going to look together with you into this topic:-Good afternoon everyone! First, I am so pleased to have a presentation here. Today, I am going to结束语:-That's all. Thank you for you attention!-Thank you for listening, if you have any question please be free to ask.7. 王冠石开场白:-I may be permitted at the outset, to speak a little about the share that we have taken on this side of water in this great achievement which in its glorious consummation, now receives the applause of the world.-In this symposium my part is only to sit in silence. to express one's feeling as the end draws near to intimate a task.-I want to talk to you tonight from my heart on a subject of deep concern to everyone.结束语:-and so I end with a line from a Latin poet who uttered the message more than fifteen hundred years ago, "death plucks my ear and says: live-I am coming."-And finally we have that gentler phrase, that one which shows you another true side of the man, shows you that in his soldier heart there was room for other than glory war mottoes and in his tongue the gift to fitly phrase them-"let us have peace."8. 韩修柱开场白:-Good morning,everyone,my honored teacher and my fellow students.I'm very honored to be the host for today's presentation this afternoon .my presentation is about extrusion process under warm temperature. Now let’s warmly welcome Mr./Mrs. ... to give us presentation.-hello everyone, I am glad and proud of myself to be here to introduce our smart and experienced doctor, Mr.… . He will give us his new presentation about… OK, let’s give him our warmly welcome. Thank you.-Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to be here to introduce Mr.…His presentation is about… as far as we know, …is the hot point in study field, I am sure you are interested in new development in this field, so I think we should listen this presentation carefully. Let’s welcome Mr.…结束语:-That is all, thanks for your attention. Thank you!-Thanks for your attention. Maybe my presentation has some aspects you do not understand fully, you can ask me after the presentation. Maybe my presentation has something which is not correct, you can give me your advice and correct them, thanks again.-That is all my presentation, thanks for your coming, if you can have any questions, you can ask me now. OK, thank you !9. 袁鹤然开场白:-Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentleman,I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation. The title of my presentation is…- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman,I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to report my research on such an occasion. Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda…- Mr. Chairman, representatives,The subject of my presentation/I shall be speaking today about/My presentation concerns/Today's topic is... There are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)结束语:-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Thank you all.-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... If there are any questions, please point them out and I would like to give further explanations.10. 苏文涛开场白:-Good afternoon and thank you for coming today. My name is…, and I'm the Project Manager in Taipei for …-I am glad that I can stand here and give all of you my speech about…-Ladies and Gentlemen, you must have heard that….and today my topic is…结束语:-That is all. Thanks for your attention.-That is what I want to say, if you have any question, you can ask now.11. 张可心开场白:-Good morning everyone! I am honored to be with you today to...-I'm very happy to have this opportunity to...结束语:-That's all, thank you.-Any other question please send email to... Thank you for your attention.12. 侯赵平开场白:-I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...-I am grateful for the opportunity to present...-I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...结束语:-Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Thank you all very much.-OK, thank you for listening, that's all.-That's it. We have known several habits which could be really amazing if you do them from now on. And... believe me...I am not fooling you, never! All right, now it's (下一个同学的名字或老师) time. Thank you everyone!13. 何鹏开场白:-Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. The main ideas of my presentation are as follow:...-Mr. Chairman, thank you for introducing me to everyone here. It’s my honor to show my research results...-Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The meeting is excellent, and I am very glad here. My presentation include the following结束语:-That’s all! Thank you for your attention.-As an end, my presentation is over. Thank you!-That’s all! Thank you all!14. 严柏平开场白:-Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman-The purpose of this plenary session is to...-I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation…结束语:-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...15. 张伟开场白:-Ladies and Gentlemen, today I will talk about....-Hello everybody, my name is zhangwei, now we will discuss...结束语:-Thank you all for listening.-Thanks.16. 聂凯波开场白:-Mr. chairman, ladies and gentlemen,The title of my presentation is ×××. I am very glad to have the opportunity to report my research on such an occasion. I will lay my stress on the following three aspects.-Mr. chairman,Thank you for your warm introduction and also for your efforts in making the opening of the conference so successful. Just now the over-praised introduction you gave me, I think, is meant for the study on ××× that I have been carrying on in recent years. Now I would like to say something about the study, and I will welcome your comments at the end.-Mr. chairman,It is a great honor to have the chance to report my research. The title of my presentation is ×××.结束语:-Now that I have finished my speech, I hope you will give me your comments and suggestions. That will help me improve my work.-That’ all for my talk. If there are an y points that I didn’t make clearly, please point them out and I would like to give further explanations.17. 杨晓光开场白:-Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, today my topic is…-Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, I am very glad to give my presentation here today, my topic contains three points as follows…-Mr. chairman, Thank you for your warm introduction and also for your efforts in making the opening of the conference so successful. Just now the over-praised introduction you gave me, I think, is meant for the study on”…”, now I would like to say something about the study, and I will welcome your comments at the end…结束语:-That’s all, thank you everyone, thank you for your attention.-Now that I have finished my speech, I hope you’ll give me your comments a nd suggestions. That’ll help me improve my work.18. 刘昕应对问题:-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式):-Welcome to our company-I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...-I'd like to thank you for coming.-May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式):-I'm glad you could all get here...-I'm glad to see so many people here.-It's great to be back here.-Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.-Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词:-I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...-I am grateful for the opportunity to present...-I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...-Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman-It's my pleasant duty today to...-I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题:-the subject of my presentation is...-I shall be speaking today about...-My presentation concerns...-Today's topic is...-Today we are here to give a presentation on...-Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...-A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)-Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...-I shall be offering a brief analysis of...-the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...-Take a moment and think of...-Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度:-During the next ten minutes, I shall...-I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...-My presentation will last for about ten minutes...-I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...-I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...-I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief-I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣:-I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.-My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...-At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...-I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...-the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...-Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate...-By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点:-there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final) -I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)-I've divided my talk into five parts...-I will deal with these topics in chronological order...-I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).-I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).-there are (a number of) factors that may affect...-We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.-We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语:-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...- hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you。
经典presentation 开场白、结束语
presentation 开场白、结束语section一成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer anyquestions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please canyou save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions,I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-therewill be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-soplease feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate tointerrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt meat any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If youneed clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at anytime.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming tothat point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will gointo details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraidthere's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhapswe could leave that point until the questions at the end of thepresentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-Ithink we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式)-Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you toour company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I takethis opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式 )- I'mglad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.-It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you forbeing on time/making the effort to come today.- Welcome to X PartII.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have theopportunity to present/of making this presentation... - I am gratefulfor the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you forinviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Goodmorning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasantduty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- thesubject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...-My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we arehere to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talkabout...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...- Abrief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start ourpresentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda... - I shall beoffering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend tocover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...-Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall bespeaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last forabout ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of yourtime...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes... -I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have alot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problemthat has puzzled people for years...- At the end of thispresentation you will understand why this company has been so successfulfor so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will changeyour attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutesyou are going to hear about something that will change the way yourcompanies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will knowall there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five mainaspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third,...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics inthe following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)-I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with thesetopics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a generaloverview and then focus on this particular problem ( general,...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic,and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically,... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that mayaffect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware ofthe following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'dlike to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-Ihope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found thisuseful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outlineof...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to sayon...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed togive you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd bedelighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for acoffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, sowe had better stop here-You have been a very attentiveaudience---thank you转自/abc/html/kouyujicui/20070821/4.htmlsection二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
经典的英语presentation用语成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then. -I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.- Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...- A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is... - Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear aboutsomething that will change the way your companies operate... - By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... -Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you转自/abc/html/kouyujicui/20070821/4.html 转帖二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
Presentation开场白及结束语1.张刚开场白:-I am delighted to stand here and have this opportunity to share something with you. Today I will focus on...-It's my pleasant duty to report my research. Today I'd like to say something about...-I'd like to thank you for giving me the chance to stand here. Well, the topic I'm going to deal with is...结束语:-That's all. Thanks for your attention.-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here.2.王一越开场白:-Mr. Chairman, teachers and classmates, my name is Wang Yiyue. I come from the school of management. The title of my presentation is…-Good morning, everyone, my name is Wang Yiyue. I come from the school of management. I am so glad to have theopportunity to give to a speech to you on such an occasion. My speech is about…-Good morning, everyone! My name is Wang Yiyue. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to stand here. My subject is …结束语:-That’s all. Thank you for listening.-That’s all for my talk. If there are any question s, I would like to give further explanations.3.李慧颖开场白:-Good morning, everyone. I am B from C. I appreciate the opportunity to be here to attend this mini-symposium [session]. The topic of my paper is (about) D. My presentation will be divided into the following three parts.-Mr. Chairman, distinguished colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious introduction. I am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. I would like to divide my talk into three parts: 1) background of …; 2) recent results in my group; 3) conclusions.-Prof. A, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you very much, Professor A, for your kind introduction. I am delighted to be here (with you this morning). I am going to give this talk in four parts. First…. Second…. Third…. Finally….结束语:-Once again I would like to thank you for the opportunity of talking to you on the subject. I hope you will give me your comments and suggestions. That will help me improve my work.-Thank you for your attention. If there are any points that I didn’t make clearly, please point them out andI would like to give further explanations.4.佟诚德开场白:-Good morning everybody. It is really an honor for me to give a report here. In the next ten minutes, I will focus on the following three aspects. First, …. Then, … . At last, … .-I’m very pleased to be here to share my ideas with all of you. It is a great opportunity and challenge as I have only 5 minutes for presentation. So I can onlygive a brief introduction to my work and questionsat the end are welcomed…-Hello, everyone. My topic today is …and I shall address myself to the following contents…结束语:-That’s all for my presentation. Thanks for listening. Thank you all.-Well, I think we are running short of time and my presentation should be over. Thank you for your attention.5.焦炎开场白:-Mr. President, ladies, and gentlemen:I never suspected that I was to have so great an honor, so carefully given, as to become a follower of the distinguished speaker who has just taken his seat.-Mr. President and gentlemen:I am obliged to my friend Dr. Clarke for the complimentary terms in which he has presented me to you. But I must appeal to your commiseration. Harvard and Yale! Can any undergraduate of either institution, can any recent graduate of either institution, imagine aman responding to that toast? However, I must make the best of the position, and speak of some points upon which the two institutions are clearly agreed. And here I am reminded of a story of a certain New England farmer, who said that he and ‘Squire Jones had more cows between them than all the rest of the village; and his brag being disputed, he said he could prove it, for the ‘Squire had forty-five cows and he had one, and the village altogether had not forty-six.-Honorable Vice Premier Madame Wu Yi,Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen:On behalf of Emerson, I would like to thank you for this great honor to share our thoughts with you regarding economic development and investment inside China. For many years, Emerson has participated in this important conference and I am delighted to be here addressing this gathering today--- a tremendous honor.结束语:-Once again, I would like to thank the Ministry of Commerce and the CIFIT conference for giving me the opportunity to talk to you today. Have a good day and thanks for listening.-So, I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, but I've got an awful lot to live for.6.祝元坤开场白:--Good morning everybody! It's my honor to speak here, and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then today I'd like to talk something about...-Good morning! I feel really honored to stand here and make a presentation. Today I'm going to look together with you into this topic:-Good afternoon everyone! First, I am so pleased to have a presentation here. Today, I am going to talk about...结束语:-That's all. Thank you for you attention!-Thank you for listening, if you have any question please be free to ask.7.王冠石开场白:-I may be permitted at the outset,to speak a little about the share that we have taken on this side of water in this great achievement which in its gloriousconsummation,now receives the applause of the world.-In this symposium my part is only to sit in express one's feeling as the end draws near to intimate a task.-I want to talk to you tonight from my heart on a subject of deep concern to everyone.结束语:-and so I end with a line from a Latin poet who uttered the message more than fifteen hundred years ago,"death plucks my ear and says:live-I am coming."-And finally we have that gentler phrase, that one which shows you another true side of the man,shows you that in his soldier heart there was room for other than glory war mottoes and in his tongue the gift to fitly phrase them-"let us have peace."8.韩修柱开场白:-Good morning,everyone,my honored teacher and my fellow students.I'm very honored to be the host for today's presentation this afternoon .my presentation is about extrusion process under warm temperature.Now let’s warmly welcome Mr./Mrs. give uspresentation.-hello everyone,I am glad and proud of myself to be here to introduce our smart and experienced doctor,Mr.… .He will give us his new presentationabout… OK,let’s give him our warmly welcome.Thankyou.-Ladies and gentlemen,I am honored to be here to introduce Mr.…His presentation is about… as far as we know,…is the hot point in study field,I am sure you are interested in new development in this field,so I think we should listen this presentation carefully. L et’s welcom e Mr.…结束语:-That is all,thanks for your attention. Thank you!-Thanks for your attention.Maybe my presentation has some aspects you do not understand fully,you can ask me after the presentation. Maybe my presentation has something which is not correct,you can give me your advice and correct them,thanks again.-That is all my presentation,thanks for your coming,if you can have any questions,youcan ask me now.OK, thank you !9.袁鹤然开场白:-Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentleman,I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation. The title of my presentation is…-Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman,I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to report my research on such an occasion. Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda…-Mr. Chairman, representatives,The subject of my presentation/I shall be speaking today about/My presentation concerns/Today's topic is... There are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)结束语:-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Thank you all.-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/anoutline of... If there are any questions, please point them out and I would like to give further explanations.10.苏文涛开场白:-Good afternoon and thank you for coming today. My name is…, and I'm the Project Manager in Taipei for …-I am glad that I can stand here and give all of you my sp eech about…-Ladies and Gentlemen, you must have heard that….and today my topic is…结束语:-That is all. Thanks for your attention.-That is what I want to say, if you have any question, you can ask now.11.张可心开场白:-Good morning everyone!I am honored to be with you today to...-I'm very happy to have this opportunity to...结束语:-That's all, thank you.-Any other question please send email to... Thank youfor your attention.12.侯赵平开场白:-I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...-I am grateful for the opportunity to present...-I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...结束语:-Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Thank you all very much.-OK,thank you for listening,that's all.-That's it. We have known several habits which could be really amazing if you do them from now on. And... believe me...I am not fooling you, never! All right, now it's (下一个同学的名字或老师) time. Thank you everyone!13.何鹏开场白:-Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. The main ideas of my presentation are as follow:...-Mr. Chairman, thank you for introducing me to everyone here. It’s my honor to show my research results...-Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The meeting is excellent, and I am very glad here. My presentation include the following结束语:-That’s all! Thank you for your attention.-As an end, my presentation is over. Thank you!-That’s all! Thank you all!14.严柏平开场白:-Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman-The purpose of this plenary session is to...-I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation…结束语:-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of... -If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...15.张伟开场白:-Ladies and Gentlemen,today I will talk about....-Hello everybody, my name is zhangwei,now we will discuss...结束语:-Thank you all for listening.-Thanks.16. 聂凯波开场白:-Mr. chairman, ladies and gentlemen,The title of my presentation is ×××. I am very glad to have the opportunity to report my research on such an occasion. I will lay my stress on the following three aspects.-Mr. chairman,Thank you for your warm introduction and also for your efforts in making the opening of the conference so successful. Just now the over-praised introduction you gave me, I th ink, is meant for the study on ××× that I have been carrying on in recent years. Now I would like to say something about the study, and I will welcome your comments at the end.-Mr. chairman,It is a great honor to have the chance to report my research. Th e title of my presentation is ×××.结束语:-Now that I have finished my speech, I hope you willgive me your comments and suggestions. That will help me improve my work.-That’all for my talk. If there are any points that I didn’t make clearly, please point t hem out and I would like to give further explanations.17.杨晓光开场白:-Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, today my topic is…-Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, I am very glad to give my presentation here today, my topic contains three points as follows…-Mr. chairman, Thank you for your warm introduction and also for your efforts in making the opening of the conference so successful. Just now the over-praised introduction you gave me, I think, is meant for the study on”…”, now I would like to say something about the study, and I will welcome your comments at the end…结束语:-That’s all, thank you everyone, thank you for your attention.-Now that I have finished my speech, I hope you’ll give me your comments and suggestions. That’ll help me improve my work.18.刘昕应对问题:-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you anidea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式):-Welcome to our company-I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...-I'd like to thank you for coming.-May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式):-I'm glad you could all get here...-I'm glad to see so many people here.-It's great to be back here.-Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.-Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词:-I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...-I am grateful for the opportunity to present...-I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...-Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman-It's my pleasant duty today to...-I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题:-the subject of my presentation is...-I shall be speaking today about...-My presentation concerns...-Today's topic is...-Today we are here to give a presentation on...-Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...-A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)-Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...-I shall be offering a brief analysis of...-the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...-Take a moment and think of...-Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度:-During the next ten minutes, I shall...-I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...-My presentation will last for about ten minutes...-I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...-I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes... -I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief-I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣:-I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.-My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...-At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...-I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...-the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...-Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate...-By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点:-there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)-I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)-I've divided my talk into five parts...-I will deal with these topics in chronological order... -I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).-I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it(...specifically, ... in a wider context).-there are (a number of) factors that may affect...-We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.-We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语:-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...- hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of... -If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had欧阳美创编 2021.01.01 欧阳美创编 2021.01.01 better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you欧阳美创编 2021.01.01 欧阳美创编 2021.01.01。
英文汇报开场白【篇一:presentation开场白及结束语】presentation开场白及结束语1. 张刚开场白:-i am delighted to stand here and have this opportunity to share something with you. today i will focus on...-its my pleasant duty to report my research. today id like tosay something about...-id like to thank you for giving me the chance to stand here. well, the topic im going to deal with is...结束语:-thats all. thanks for your attention.-i am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here.2. 王一越开场白:-mr. chairman, teachers and classmates, my name is wang yiyue. i come from the school of management. the title of my presentation is…-good morning, everyone, my name is wang yiyue. i comefrom the school of management. i am so glad to have the opportunity to give to a speech to you on such an speech is about…-good morning, everyone! my name is wang yiyue. thank you for giving me this opportunity to stand here. my subject is …结束语:-that’s all. thank you for listening.-that’s all for my talk. if there are any questions, i would like to give further explanations.3. 李慧颖开场白:-good morning, everyone. i am b from c. i appreciate the opportunity to be here to attend this mini-symposium [session]. the topic of my paper is (about) d. my presentation will be divided into the following three parts.-mr. chairman, distinguished colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, thank you, mr. chairman, for your gracious introduction. i am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. i would like to divide my talk into three parts: 1) background of …; 2) recent results in my group;3) conclusions.-prof. a, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much, professor a, for your kind introduction. i am delighted to be here (with you this morning). i am going to give this talk in four parts. first…. second…. third…. finally….结束语:-once again i would like to thank you for the opportunity of talking to you on the subject. i hope you will give me your comments and suggestions. that will help me improve my work. -thank you for your attention. if there are any points that i didn’t make clearly, please point them out and i would like to give further explanations.4. 佟诚德开场白:-good morning everybody. it is really an honor for me to give a report here. in the next ten minutes, i will focus on the following three aspects. first, … . then, … . at last, … .-i’m very pleased to be here to share my ideas with all of you. it is a great opportunity and challenge as i have only 5 minutes for presentation. so i can only give a brief introduction to my work and questions at the end are welcomed…-hello, everyone. my topic today is … and i shall address myself to the following contents…结束语:-that’s all for my presentation. thanks for listening. thank you all.-well, i think we are running short of time and my presentation should be over. thank you for your attention.5. 焦炎开场白:- mr. president, ladies, and gentlemen:i never suspected that i was to have so great an honor, so carefully given, as to become a follower of the distinguished speaker who has just taken his seat.- mr. president and gentlemen:i am obliged to my friend dr. clarke for the complimentary terms in which he has presented me to you. but i must appeal to your commiseration. harvard and yale! can any undergraduate of either institution, can any recent graduate of either institution, imagine a man responding to that toast? however, i must make the best of the position, and speak of some points upon which the two institutions are clearly agreed. and here i am reminded of a story of a certain new england farmer, who said that he and ‘squire jones had more cows between them than all the rest of the village; and his bragbeing disputed, he said he could prove it, for the ‘squire had forty-five cows and he had one, and the village altogether had not forty-six.-honorable vice premier madame wu yi, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:on behalf of emerson, i would like to thank you for this great honor to share our thoughts with you regarding economic development and investment inside china. for many years, emerson has participated in this important conference and iam delighted to be here addressing this gathering today--- a tremendous honor.结束语:-once again, i would like to thank the ministry of commerce and the cifit conference for giving me the opportunity to talk to you today. have a good day and thanks for listening.-so, i close in saying that i might have been given a bad break, but ive got an awful lot to live for.6. 祝元坤开场白:--good morning everybody! its my honor to speak here, and i am very glad to share my topic with you. then today id like to talk something about...-good morning! i feel really honored to stand here and make a presentation. today im going to look together with you into this topic:-good afternoon everyone! first, i am so pleased to have a presentation here. today, i am going totalk about...结束语:-thats all. thank you for you attention!-thank you for listening, if you have any question please be free to ask.7. 王冠石开场白:-i may be permitted at the outset, to speak a little about the share that we have taken on this side of water in this great achievement which in its glorious consummation, now receives the applause of the world.-in this symposium my part is only to sit in silence. to express ones feeling as the end draws near to intimate a task.-i want to talk to you tonight from my heart on a subject of deep concern to everyone.结束语:-and so i end with a line from a latin poet who uttered the message more than fifteen hundred years ago, death plucks my ear and says: live-i am coming.-and finally we have that gentler phrase, that one which shows you another true side of the man, shows you that in his soldier heart there was room for other than glory war mottoes and in his tongue the gift to fitly phrase them-let us have peace.8. 韩修柱开场白:-good morning,everyone,my honored teacher and my fellow very honored to be the host for todays presentation this afternoon .my presentation is about extrusion proces s under warm temperature. now let’s warmly welcome mr./mrs. ... to give us presentation.-hello everyone, i am glad and proud of myself to be here to introduce our smart and experienced doctor, mr.… . he will give us his new presentation about…ok, let’s g ive him our warmly welcome. thank you.-ladies and gentlemen, i am honored to be here to introduce mr.… his presentation is about… as far as we know, …is the hot point in study field, i am sure you are interested in new development in this field, so i think we should listen this presentation carefully. let’s welcome mr.… 结束语:-that is all, thanks for your attention. thank you!-thanks for your attention. maybe my presentation has some aspects you do not understand fully, you can ask me after the presentation. maybe my presentation has something which is not correct, you can give me your advice and correct them, thanks again.-that is all my presentation, thanks for your coming, if you can have any questions, you can ask me now. ok, thank you !9. 袁鹤然开场白:-mr. chairman, ladies and gentleman,i am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity topresent/of making this presentation. the title of my presentation is…- good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman,id like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to report my research on such an occasion. before we start our presentation, lets take a brief look at the agenda…- mr. chairman, representatives,the subject of my presentation/i shall be speaking todayabout/my presentation concerns/todays topic is... there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...athird, ...another, ... the final)结束语:-i am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here. thank you, mr. chairman, thank you all.-i hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... if there are any questions, please point them out and i would like to give further explanations.10. 苏文涛开场白:-good afternoon and thank you for coming today. my name is…, and im the project manager in taipei for …-i am glad that i can stand here and give all of you my speech about…-ladies and gentlemen, you must have heard that….and today my topic is…结束语:-that is all. thanks for your attention.-that is what i want to say, if you have any question, you can ask now.11. 张可心开场白:-good morning everyone! i am honored to be with you today to...-im very happy to have this opportunity to...结束语:-thats all, thank you.-any other question please send email to... thank you for your attention.12. 侯赵平开场白:-i am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... -i am grateful for the opportunity to present...-id like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...结束语:-stay hungry. stay foolish. thank you all very much.-ok, thank you for listening, thats all.-thats it. we have known several habits which could be really amazing if you do them from now on. and... believe me...i am not fooling you, never! all right, now its (下一个同学的名字或老师) time. thank you everyone!13. 何鹏开场白:-good morning,ladies and gentlemen. the main ideas of my presentation are as follow:...-mr. chairman, thank you for introducing me to everyone here. it’s my honor to show my research results...-thank you, mr. chairman. the meeting is excellent, and i am very glad here. my presentation include the following结束语:-that’s all! thank you for your attention.-as an end, my presentation is over. thank you!-that’s all! thank you all!14. 严柏平开场白:-good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman-the purpose of this plenary session is to...-i am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation… 结束语:-i hope ive managed to give you a clearer picture of...-if there are any questions, id be delighted to...15. 张伟开场白:-ladies and gentlemen, today i will talk about....-hello everybody, my name is zhangwei, now we will discuss...结束语:-thank you all for listening.-thanks.16. 聂凯波开场白:-mr. chairman, ladies and gentlemen,owing three aspects.-mr. chairman,-mr. chairman,-now that i have finished my speech, i hope you will give me your comments and suggestions. that will help me improve my work.-that’ all for my talk. if there are any points that i didn’t make clearly, please point them out and i would like to give further explanations.【篇二:英文学术会议主持人发言稿】模拟国际会议主持词一、开题语good morning, ladies and gentleman. welcome to chicago, a beautiful city of america. i’m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, from*********** university of china.its a very very great pleasure to participate in the 110th association of american geographers conference as the chairman,its my first time to do so.and i really enjoy being stay here with you this morning.the international geography conference has been held 110th times by the association of american geographers (aag) institute since 1904. the purpose of the conferences havecontributed to share our experiences and knowledge of the advancement of geography, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems. a lot of current issues have been discussed, and some of them have been effectively soluted.welcome to the association of american geographers annual meeting in los angeles, california! you will be joined by fellow geographers, gis specialists, environmental scientists, and other leaders for the latest in research and applications in geography, sustainability, and gis science. the meeting will be held from december14 to december18, 2014, and will feature over 6,000 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, experts, and, as the first time of the conference debut in this city, we’ll have a unique session. the topic of prepared presentations is the application of quantitative methods in geography , today’s speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different issues and give a reasonable answer. then, we’ll have a question and answer session, which allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. i am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative.二、介绍第一个演讲者now, let me introduce the first speaker, who is very very rich, not in dollars, but in knowledge and experiences, she got her ph.d in the natural geography***********university, followed by a series of teaching and research positions at sun yat-sen university. please don’t hesitate to join me in welcoming our first speaker, prof.********, whose topic is***************. welcome.三、对第一个演讲者做总结wow.what an innovative idea.distinguishing the impact of climate change and human activities on runoff changes is a problem that has puzzled researchers for a long time. this study has developed a framework to separate the impacts of climate change and human activities to surface runoff. the information from this study will assist with better use and management of water resources for residents and economic development in southern china. thank you for the excellent presentations and ideas.四、介绍第二个演讲者now, i’ll be very pleased and excited to introduce the next speaker, prof.************, who is the prof. of^^^^^^^^^^ represent the sponsor host unit ,it’s the fifth time for him to be the final presenter. he breadth and depth of knowledge, profound discoveries and distinctive ideas always cause shock at the conference. today, mr he entitl is*****************五、对第二个演讲者做总结thank you for the impressive speech . prof. he. we are delighted to be able to share your new specific strategies and techniques. prof. he’s speech is about frontier science, which is profound and predictive, greatly widen our horizon, as least my horizon. prof syc has given an eye opener as well as a very meaningful lesson. thank you again, prof ^^^^^^^^^^六、进入提问环节ladies and gentleman, our distinguished speakers have finished their presentations, we now enter into the question and answer session. during this session, prof. hyq. and i will be very happy to answer your questions.are there any questions?七、对提问做总结ok, well,i’m sorry to say that this session will have to stop here. thank you for your questions. i hope this was as good a session for you as it was for us.八、会议结束语ladies and gentlemen,i shall end here by thanking you for coming to the the 110th international geography conference. i hope that you have benefited much from the conference and from discussions with colleagues.i would like to thank aag institute for offering me the opportunity to be the chairman. thanks to everybody who has contributed to the conference and all other participants. thank you for your time and attendance.ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for your still greater achievements in your career. now, i declare the conference closed. let’s meet again in new york 2016.【篇三:presentation开场白、结束语】成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-i will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-please can you save your questions till the end? -if you have any questions, i will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-dont hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-please stop me if you have any questions.-if you need clarification on any point, youre welcome to ask questions at any time.-can i come back to that point later?-i will be coming to that point in a minute.-thats a tricky question.-we will go into details later. but just to give you an idea of...-i am afraid theres no easy answer to that one...-yes, thats a very good point.-perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-i think i said that i would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldnt mind waiting until then.-i think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式)- welcome to our company- i am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- id like to thank you for coming.- may i take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式 )- im glad you could all get here...- im glad to see so many people here.- its great to be back here.- hello again everybody. thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.- welcome to x part ii.受邀请在会议上致词- i am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... - i am grateful for the opportunity to present...- id like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- its my pleasant duty today to...- ive been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- i shall be speaking today about...- my presentation concerns...- todays topic is...- today we are here to give a presentation on...- today we are here to talk about...before we start, id like you meet my team members...- a brief look at todays agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序) - before we start our presentation, lets take a brief look at the agenda...- i shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that i intend to cover in this presentation is... - take a moment and think of...- thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- during the next ten minutes, i shall...- i shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- my presentation will last for about ten minutes...- i wont take up more than ten minutes of your time...- i dont intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- i know that time is short, so i intend to keep this brief- i have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so id better make a start...- i shall only take …minutes of your time.- i plan to be brief.- this should only last …minutes.引起听众的兴趣- im going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- my presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- at the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long... - i am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate... - by the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final) - i am going to examine these topics in the following order(...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- ive divided my talk into five parts...- i will deal with these topics in chronological order...- im going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- i want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it(...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- we have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- we all ought to be aware of the following points.-the subject can be looked at under the following headings:…. -we can break this area down into the following fields:-first/first of all…-secondly/then/next…-thirdly/and then we come to…结束语-in conclusion, id like to...-id like to finish by...- finally/lastly/last of all….-by way of conclusion...-i hope i have made myself understood-i hope you have found this useful-i hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... -let me end by saying...-that, then was all i had to say on...-that concludes our presentation...-i hope ive managed to give you a clearer picture of...-if there are any questions, id be delighted to...-thank you for your attention...-lets break for a coffee at this point-i am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-you have been a very attentive audience---thank you回答问题i’d be glad to answer any questions at the end of the my talk.if you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt.please interrupt me if there’s something which needs clarifying. otherwise, there’ll be time for discussion at the endopening remarks开场: sample opening remarks1) thank you very much, prof. fawcett, for your very kind introduction. mr. chairman, ladies andgentleman, good morning! i consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium.2) ladies and gentlemen. it’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.3) good morning. let me start by saying just a few words about my own background. i started out in….4) good afternoon and thank you for making the effort to be here with us today.5) good morning, ladies and gentlemen. it’s a pleasure to be with you today.6) mr. chairman, thank you very much for your kind introduction. president, distinguished colleagues,ladies and gentleman, good morning! is my voice loud enough?7) good morning, everyone. i appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. i am here to talk to youabout…8) good morning, everyone. i am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. before i start myspeech, let me ask you a question. by a show of hands, how many of you own a car?9) i’d like to talk(to you) about….i’m going to present the recent…explain our position on…brief you on….inform you about…describe…10) the subject/focus/topic of my presentation….11) we are here today to decide…agree…learn about….12) the purpose of this talk is to update you onput you in the picture about…give you the background to…expressing thanks to the chairperson 向主持人致谢mr. chairman, thank you for your introduction.first, i would like to thank mr. chairman for his gracious introduction.thank you very much, prof. fawcett, for your very kind introduction.i would like to thank dr. huang (主持人或推荐你来发言的上司)for permitting me the privilege to speak to this audience.shifting to the next main pointthe next point id like to talk about is the feasibility of this project.that brings me to my second point.i am glad that we can now leave this rather boring subject of mathematic deduction and go into a more attractive one, that is the application of the formula.resuming the topiclet s come back to what i said in the first part of my speech.getting back to the subject of the problem of theoretical considerations we can find that...i want to return to the first part of my, to get back to the effect of temperature, you may be aware that the problems have been solved. this brings me back to the question of this point i would like to refer again to the question of methods in the first part of my lecture.referring again to the first question, i think...referring to the coming pointill deal with it later.ill touch upon that point in a moment.i shall tell you in detail shortly.others 细节,如确认话筒音量can you hear me all right?is my voice too loud?first i want to check if all of you can hear me i speaking clearly and loudly enough for those in the rear of the room?i wonder if those in the rear of the room can hear me.if those in the rear of the room can hear me, would someone please raise his hand?can you hear me clearly?can you hear me if i am away from the microphone?is the microphone working?reference to the audience 与听众呼应i can see many of you are from …department.i know many of you are familiar with this all look as though you’ve heard this before.i understan d that you’ve all traveled a long way./ after hours of conference, you must feel a little tired. now i’d like you to see an interesting topic…introducing the subject and the outline of the presentation引入话题 background informationi would like to start by briefly reviewing the history of open heart surgery.let us start with the theoretical basis of this new begin with, we have to consider the principle.i think it would be best to start out by looking at a few slides. i should like to preface my remarks with a de script ion of the basic idea.may i begin with a general outline of this project?the first thing i would like to talk about is the definition of the terms i shall use in my lecture.the first point id like to make is the historical background of the invention.first, i shall explain to you why this new program is correct and feasible.well, lets move on to the next point.we will now come to the second problem.turning to the next question, i 11 talk about the stages of the the second topic, i shall stop here. now let s turn our attention to the third much for the methodology of our experiment. i would now like to shift to the discussion of the results. now, lets move away from the first part and switch over to the next part of my presentation.thats all for the introduction and now we can go on to the literature, i would like to turn to a more difficult problem.。
presentation开场白篇一:Presentation开场白及结束语Presentation开场白及结束语1. 张刚开场白:-I am delighted to stand here and have this opportunity to share something with you. Today I will focus on...-It’s my pleasant duty to report my research. Today I’d like to say something about...-I’d like to thank you for giving me the chance to stand here. Well, the topic I’m going to deal with is...结束语:-That’s all. Thanks for your attention.-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here.2. 王一越开场白:-Mr. Chairman, teachers and classmates, my name is Wang Yiyue. I come from the school of management. The title of my presentation is…-Good morning, everyone, my name is Wang Yiyue. I come fromthe school of management. I am so glad to have the opportunity to give to a speech to you on such an occasion. My speech is about…-Good morning, everyone! My name is Wang Yiyue. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to stand here. My subject is …结束语:-That’s all. Thank you for listening.-That’s all for my talk. If there are any questions, I would like to give further explanations.3. 李慧颖开场白:-Good morning, everyone. I am B from C. I appreciate the opportunity to be here to attend this mini-symposium [session]. The topic of my paper is (about) D. My presentation will be divided into the following three parts.-Mr. Chairman, distinguished colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious introduction. I am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. I would like to divide my talk into three parts: 1) background of …; 2) recent results in my group;3) conclusions.-Prof. A, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you very much,Professor A, for your kind introduction. I am delighted to be here (with you this morning). I am going to give this talk in four parts. First…. Second…. Third…. Finally….结束语:-Once again I would like to thank you for the opportunity of talking to you on the subject. I hope you will give me your comments and suggestions. That will help me improve my work.-Thank you for your attention. If there are any points that I didn’t make clearly, please point them out and I would like to give further explanations.4. 佟诚德开场白:-Good morning everybody. It is really an honor for me to give a report here. In the next ten minutes, I will focus on the following three aspects. First, … . Then, … . At last, … .-I’m very pleased to be here to share my ideas with all of you. It is a great opportunity and challenge as I have only 5 minutes for presentation. So I can only give a brief introduction to my work and questions at the end are welcomed…-Hello, everyone. My topic today is … and I shall address myself to the following contents…结束语:-That’s all for my presentation. Thanks for listening. Thank you all.-Well, I think we are running short of time and my presentation should be over. Thank you for your attention.5. 焦炎开场白:- Mr. President, ladies, and gentlemen:I never suspected that I was to have so great an honor, so carefully given, as to become a follower of the distinguished speaker who has just taken his seat.- Mr. President and gentlemen:I am obliged to my friend Dr. Clarke for the complimentary terms in which he has presented me to you. But I must appeal to your commiseration. Harvard and Yale! Can any undergraduate of either institution, can any recent graduate of either institution, imagine a man responding to that toast? However, I must make the best of the position, and speak of some points upon which the two institutions are clearly agreed. And here I am reminded of a story of a certain New England farmer, who said that he and ‘Squire Jones had more cows between them than all the rest of the village; and his brag being disputed, he said he could prove it, for the ‘Squire had forty-five cowsand he had one, and the village altogether had not forty-six.-Honorable Vice Premier Madame Wu Yi, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen:On behalf of Emerson, I would like to thank you for this great honor to share our thoughts with you regarding economic development and investment inside China. For many years, Emerson has participated in this important conference and I am delighted to be here addressing this gathering today--- a tremendous honor.结束语:-Once again, I would like to thank the Ministry of Commerce and the CIFIT conference for giving me the opportunity to talk to you today. Have a good day and thanks for listening.-So, I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, but I’ve got an awful lot to live for.6. 祝元坤开场白:--Good morning everybody! It’s my honor to speak here, and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then today I’d like to talk something about...-Good morning! I feel really honored to stand here and make a presentation. Today I’m going to look together with you intothis topic:-Good afternoon everyone! First, I am so pleased to have a presentation here. Today, I am going totalk about...结束语:-That’s all. Thank you for you attention!-Thank you for listening, if you have any question please be free to ask.7. 王冠石开场白:-I may be permitted at the outset, to speak a little about the share that we have taken on this side of water in this great achievement which in its glorious consummation, now receives the applause of the world.-In this symposium my part is only to sit in silence. to express one’s feeling as the end draws near to intimate a task.-I want to talk to you tonight from my heart on a subject of deep concern to everyone.结束语:-and so I end with a line from a Latin poet who uttered the message more than fifteen hundred years ago, “death plucks my ear and says: live-I am coming.”-And finally we have that gentler phrase, that one which shows you another true side of the man, shows you that in his soldier heart there was room for other than glory war mottoes and in his tongue the gift to fitly phrase them-”let us have peace.”8. 韩修柱开场白:-Good morning,everyone,my honored teacher and my fellow students.I’m very honored to be the host for today’s presentation this afternoon .my presentation is about extrusion process under warm temperature. Now let’s warmly welcome Mr./Mrs. ... to give us presentation.-hello everyone, I am glad and proud of myself to be here to introduce our smart and experienced doctor, Mr.… . He will give us his new presentation about…OK, let’s give him our warmly welcome. Thank you.-Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to be here to introduce Mr.… His presentation is about… as far as we know, …is the hot point in study field, I am sure you are interested in new development in this field, so I think we should listen this presentation carefully. Let’s welcome Mr.…结束语:-That is all, thanks for your attention. Thank you!-Thanks for your attention. Maybe my presentation has some aspects you do not understand fully, you can ask me after the presentation. Maybe my presentation has something which is not correct, you can give me your advice and correct them, thanks again.-That is all my presentation, thanks for your coming, if you can have any questions, you can ask me now. OK, thank you !9. 袁鹤然开场白:-Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentleman,I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation. The title of my presentation is…- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman,I’d like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to report my research on such an occasion. Before we start our presentation, let’s take a brief look at the agenda…- Mr. Chairman, representatives,The subject of my presentation/I shall be speaking today about/My presentation concerns/Today’s topic is... There are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... thesecond, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)结束语:-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Thank you all.-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... If there are any questions, please point them out and I would like to give further explanations.10. 苏文涛开场白:-Good afternoon and thank you for coming today. My name is…, and I’m the Project Manager in Taipei for …-I am glad that I can stand here and give all of you my speech about…-Ladies and Gentlemen, you must have heard that….and today my topic is…结束语:-That is all. Thanks for your attention.-That is what I want to say, if you have any question, you can ask now.11. 张可心开场白:-Good morning everyone! I am honored to be with you todayto...-I’m very happy to have this opportunity to...结束语:-That’s all, thank you.-Any other question please send email to... Thank you for your attention.12. 侯赵平开场白:-I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... -I am grateful for the opportunity to present...-I’d like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...结束语:-Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Thank you all very much.-OK, thank you for listening, that’s all.-That’s it. We have known several habits which could be really amazing if you do them from now on. And... believe me (I)am not fooling you, never! All right, now it’s (下一个同学的名字或老师) time. Thank you everyone!13. 何鹏开场白:-Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. The main ideas of my presentation are as follow:...-Mr. Chairman, thank you for introducing me to everyone here. It’s my honor to show my research results...-Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The meeting is excellent, and I am very glad here. My presentation include the following结束语:-That’s all! Thank you for your attention.-As an end, my presentation is over. Thank you!-That’s all! Thank you all!14. 严柏平开场白:-Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman-The purpose of this plenary session is to...-I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation…结束语:-I hope I’ve managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I’d be delighted to...15. 张伟开场白:-Ladies and Gentlemen, today I will talk about....-Hello everybody, my name is zhangwei, now we willdiscuss...结束语:-Thank you all for listening.-Thanks.16. 聂凯波开场白:-Mr. chairman, ladies and gentlemen,The title of my presentation is ×××. I am very glad to have the opportunity to report my research on such an occasion.I will lay my stress on the following three aspects.-Mr. chairman,Thank you for your warm introduction and also for your efforts in making the opening of the conference so successful. Just now the over-praised introduction you gave me, I think, is meant for the study on ××× that I have been carrying on in recent years. Now I would like to say something about the study, and I will welcome your comments at the end.-Mr. chairman,It is a great honor to have the chance to report my research. The title of my presentation is ×××. 结束语:-Now that I have finished my speech, I hope you will give me your comments and suggestions. That will help me improve mywork.-That’ all for my talk. If there are any points that I didn’t make clearly, please point them out and I would like to give further explanations.篇二:英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句开场白祝贺语:“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.““On behalf of our company I’d like to welcome you here to ...”“Thank you all for coming here.”介绍开场白:“Let me introduce myself. I’m Ulrike Huber, Manager’sAssistant ...”“I am a consultant to ...”引出主题:“The subject of today’s presentation is ...”“I’ll give you an overview of ...”“Today I want to update you on ...”内容概述:“Let me first give you a brief overview.”“I’ll start off by explaining ..., then focus on ...”“I’ll be talking about ... first, then move on to ...”英文邀请信范(Salutation),I would like to invite you to visit ____ for a period of ___ (days, weeks or months), beginning on or about ___ (date). This visit will provide an opportunity for you to contribute your expertise to the ___Division’s work on (subject of meetings, workshop, discussions, or research).We will provide you with workspace and other work-related support as needed. We understand that you will arrange funding for the remainder of your expenses. If you have any questions about the visit, please contact ___ at (Tel.) ___ or by email ___.If you have questions about these requirements, please do nothesitate to contact the individual mentioned above. Any questions regarding your immigration status should be addressed to Mr. ____ from ____.示用例句:I’d like to begin by telling you about ...So that was the background...Let’s move on to ...If you look at this diagram, you can see ...That brings me to ...To sum up then, ...I’d like to conclude by saying ...Thank you very much for your attention.If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them now.Despite our pressing need for delivery and a lot of troubles caused to your loading work, at the last minute the ____ (product’s name) has been dispatched successfully.We appreciate so much your intense devotion to work and the firm stance of bearing clients’ interest in mind and will understand if youwould ask for some compensation accordingly.催货款的邮件Dear Mr. Smith,With eyes open widely, we regret not have seen yourpayment yet. We presume you must have once againoverlooked your outstanding account with us.We for the last time request your immediate payment for ____(amount) before ____ (date).Please think it over if it is worthwhile for you to spendadditional money and extra time if missing the time again!It is for your best to make immediate payment, which we will highly appreciate.洽谈单价As we mentioned in our previous quotation, the price is likely To rise. Since material price is a very crucial element for our cost accounting, we are compelled to shift this rise to our customers.The price for 33 Euro has increased to Euro, packing charge and freight remaining unchanged.We thank you for your understanding and look forward to having a good cooperation with you.开发信We are marching with big steps towards the best time of the year: Christmas with surprises and the New Year’s Eve with candle lights and sweet cookies.Are you racking your brain to find a special gift for yourself or for your best friend? We give ourselves this opportunity to recommend to you a special ____ (product’s name) for the occasion. Originating from ____ (area), ____ (product’s name) has received market recognition based on its elegant design and confirmed high quality.Wish you enjoy the preparation time and gifts of thecelebration!在商务信函中常用的提醒付款句式举例:We wish to call your attention to the enclosed account which is now past due. We shall appreciate your prompt remittance. 兹随函附上逾期账单,提醒注意。
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成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end? -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's great to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.- Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...- A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...- I shall only take …minutes of your time.- I plan to be brief.- This should only last …minutes.引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long... - I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it(...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.-The subject can be looked at under the following headings:….-We can break this area down into the following fields:-First/First of all…-Secondly/then/next…-Thirdly/and then we come to…结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...- Finally/lastly/last of all….-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you回答问题I’d be glad to answer any questions at the end of the my talk.If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt.Please interrupt me if there’s something which needs clarifying. Otherwise, there’ll be time for discussion at the endOpening Remarks开场:Sample Opening Remarks1) Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction. Mr. Chairman, Ladies andgentleman, Good morning! I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium.2) Ladies and ge ntlemen. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.3) Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background. I started out in….4) Good afternoon and thank you for making the effort to be here with us today.5) Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s a pleasure to be with you today.6) Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for your kind introduction. President, Distinguished colleagues,Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! Is my voice loud enough?7) Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to youabout…8) Good morning, everyone. I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start myspeech, let me ask you a question. By a show of hands, how many of you own a car?9) I’d like to talk(to you) about….I’m going to present the recent…explain our position on…brief you on….inform you about…describe…10) The subject/focus/topic of my pres entation….11) We are here today to decide…agree…learn about….12) The purpose of this talk is to update you onput you in the pi cture about…give you the background to…Expressing thanks to the Chairperson 向主持人致谢Mr. Chairman, thank you for your introduction.First, I would like to thank Mr. Chairman for his gracious introduction.Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction.I would like to thank Dr. Huang (主持人或推荐你来发言的上司)for permitting me the privilege to speak to this audience.Shifting to the Next Main PointThe next point I'd like to talk about is the feasibility of this project.That brings me to my second point.I am glad that we can now leave this rather boring subject of mathematic deduction and go into a more attractive one, that is the application of the formula.Resuming the TopicLet' s come back to what I said in the first part of my speech.Getting back to the subject of the problem of theoretical considerations we can find that...I want to return to the first part of my presentation.Now, to get back to the effect of temperature, you may be aware that the problems have been solved.This brings me back to the question of security.At this point I would like to refer again to the question of methods in the first part of my lecture.Referring again to the first question, I think...Referring to the Coming PointI'll deal with it later.I'll touch upon that point in a moment.I shall tell you in detail shortly.Others 细节,如确认话筒音量Can you hear me all right?Is my voice too loud?First I want to check if all of you can hear me clearly.Am I speaking clearly and loudly enough for those in the rear of the room?I wonder if those in the rear of the room can hear me.If those in the rear of the room can hear me, would someone please raise his hand?Can you hear me clearly?Can you hear me if I am away from the microphone?Is the microphone working?Reference to the Audience 与听众呼应I can see many of you are from …department.I know many of you are familiar with this topic.You all look as though you’ve heard this before.I understand that you’ve all traveled a long way./ After hours of conference, you must feel a little tired. Now I’d like you to see an interesting topic…Introducing the Subject and the outline of the Presentation引入话题Background InformationI would like to start by briefly reviewing the history of open heart surgery.Let us start with the theoretical basis of this new technique.To begin with, we have to consider the principle.I think it would be best to start out by looking at a few slides.I should like to preface my remarks with a de script ion of the basic idea.May I begin with a general outline of this project?The first thing I would like to talk about is the definition of the terms I shall use in my lecture.The first point I'd like to make is the historical background of the invention.First, I shall explain to you why this new program is correct and feasible.Well, let's move on to the next point.We will now come to the second problem.Turning to the next question, I' 11 talk about the stages of the procedure.As the second topic, I shall stop here. Now let' s turn our attention to the third topic.So much for the methodology of our experiment. I would now like to shift to the discussion of the results. Now, let's move away from the first part and switch over to the next part of my presentation.That's all for the introduction and now we can go on to the literature review.Next, I would like to turn to a more difficult problem.Explaining the Contents on the SlidesThis slide demonstrates ...On this slide, you can see...This curve in this slide shows...This figure in this slide exhibits...This table on this slide presents...This diagram on this slide depicts...This chart on this slide displaces ...The picture on this slide shows ...The photomicrograph on this slide shows ...The flow-chart on this slide points out...The circuit diagram on this slide represents~...~Indicating the Sources of the Content in aThis figure is taken from.., by Dr. Li.This diagram is after that of Prof. Wang with some modificationDemanding to Show the Next SlideMay I proceed to the next slide, please?I think we can move on to the next slide.Let me show you the next slide.Now, we can go on to the next slide. 'Next slide, please.Next, please.Next !Comprehensive SamplesSample 1Thank you, Mr. Chairperson, Mr. Director-General, distinguished members of the ILO's Governing Body and friends. I welcome this opportunity to be here today, with an Organization which in many ways belongs to all of us workers. I can think of, in fact, no other international body that one can claim as one's own so unambiguously.I have also had a longstanding formal association with the ILO. Many of my early pieces on women and technological change and on land rights were published by the ILO, as well as was the work of many other scholars. It is therefore a pleasure for me to be here on this important Symposium.The canvas of the Symposium is very large. I will focus on two aspects of gender inequality that centrally effect millions of women as workers but perhaps have failed to receive the attention they deserve. First, the gender gap in command over property and Productive assets and, second, gender biased social perceptions and social norms.Sample 2I learned last May that you have to be careful in speaking to a group of professional communicators. After I conducted a writer' s workshop at the Toronto Conference of the International Association of Business Communicators, Janine Lichaczwrote asked me to speak here tonight and used the communication techniques I had recommended. She even included a footnote citing my lecture. I am susceptible to good communication and to flattery so I am pleased to be with you to discuss your topic for the evening, the use of language in the art of speech writing.I suppose we must begin by shaking our heads, woefully, over the sad state of language today, whether in formal speeches, casual conversation, or in writing. Most of us in this room no doubt agree with the generally negative tone of Time Magazine's year-end assessment which claims “our language has been besieged by vulgarities”. But to preserve our sanity as professionals in communication of us would probably join Time in optimistically expecting English somehow to survive and even to prosper.。