Literature Review
What is LR?
? A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period.
What is LR?
? The format of a review of literature may vary from discipline to discipline and from assignment to assignment.
? A review may be a self-contained unit -- an end in itself -- or a preface to and rationale for engaging in primary research. A review is a required part of grant and research proposals and often a chapter in theses and dissertations.
? It might give a new interpretation of old material or combine new with old interpretations.
? Or it might trace the intellectual progression of the field, including major debates.
Dr. Lili Ann
literature review(如何写文献综述)
methodological assumptions, datacollection techniques, key concepts
Review focuses
1. The prevailing and current theories underlying the research problems;
Frequently-occurring problems
1. No direct relevance
Relevancy is the first and parae quality of a review.
“How is it relevant to my study?”
3. Major elements in LR
4. Writing principles
Major principles to follow: 1. Review the sources that are most
relevant to your thesis. 2. Describe or write your review as clear
Use of L1 in L2 reading? Speaking?
1. Examine from a wider perspective and search for the most pertinent studies to evaluate.
Difficulties in organizing
literature review 范本
literature review 范本A literature review is a comprehensive and critical evaluation of existing scholarship on a particular topic. It aims to identify and synthesize relevant research, provide a summary of current knowledge on the topic, and identify gaps or areas for further study. Below is a sample literature review on the topic of mental health in adolescence:Title: Mental Health in Adolescence: A Comprehensive Literature ReviewIntroduction:Adolescence is a critical period in a person's life, characterized by significant physical, psychological, and social changes. Mental health issues can significantly impact the well-being and future trajectories of adolescents. Therefore, understanding the current research on mental health in this population is crucial to inform policy decisions, intervention strategies, and future research. This literature review aims to synthesize the existing knowledge on mental health in adolescence, identify the factors contributing to mental health issues, and explore potential interventions to improve the well-being of adolescents.Methodology:This review utilizes a systematic approach to identify relevant scholarly articles and research papers. Databases such as PubMed, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar were searched using specific keywords, including "adolescent mental health," "mental health interventions," "risk factors," and "protective factors." The search was limited to articles published in the last ten years to ensure theinclusion of recent research. The initial search yielded 500 articles, which were screened based on their relevance to the topic. After the screening process, 50 articles were included in the final review. Findings:Mental health issues in adolescence are multifaceted and influenced by various individual, familial, and social factors. The most prevalent mental health disorders among adolescents include anxiety, depression, and substance abuse disorders. Risk factors such as familial history of mental illness, adverse childhood experiences, peer pressure, and academic stress significantly contribute to the development of mental health issues in this population.Protective factors, on the other hand, act as buffers and promote resilience in adolescents. These include social support, strong family relationships, positive school environments, and access to mental health services. Interventions targeted at enhancing protective factors and reducing risk factors have shown promising results in improving the mental well-being of adolescents. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, and peer support programs have emerged as effective interventions for managing mental health disorders in this population.Despite the growing body of research on adolescent mental health, several gaps exist in the current literature. Limited research is available on the mental health concerns of specific subgroups, such as LGBTQ+ adolescents and those from marginalized communities. Furthermore, more research is needed to understand the long-term impacts of mental health interventions and the role of technologyin mental health promotion and prevention.Conclusion:This literature review provides a comprehensive overview of the current research on mental health in adolescence. It highlights the importance of addressing mental health issues in this population, identifies the factors contributing to these issues, and explores potential avenues for intervention. Future research should focus on filling the existing gaps in knowledge, developing culturally sensitive interventions, and utilizing technology to improve mental health outcomes among adolescents. Ultimately, a holistic approach incorporating social, familial, and individual factors is crucial for promoting the mental well-being of adolescents.。
▪ ⑤关于⋯⋯目前有两种解释: Two theories have been postulated to explain⋯
▪ ⑥第一种理论认为⋯⋯, 而第二种理论则认为⋯⋯: The first theory proposes that⋯, whereas the second theory proposes that⋯
▪ 2.1 引言(Introduction)
▪ 引言是文献综述正文的开始部分,主要包 括两个内容:一是提出问题;二是介绍综 述的范围和内容。提出问题时,作者要给 出定义性解释、交代研究背景、简单介绍 不同文献的看法和分歧所在并介绍该文献 的写作目的;介绍该综述的范围和主要内 容时,作者应使用简明扼要的语句加以概 括。引言部分通常为200~300词。
that⋯ ▪ ②由此可见⋯⋯:It can be seen from this that⋯ ▪ ③⋯⋯有(不)可能:It is (not) possible /
probable / likely that⋯ ▪ ④⋯⋯是合乎情理的: It stands to reason that⋯ ▪ ⑤毫无疑问: There is no doubt that⋯ ▪ ⑥显然: It is obvious / clear / apparent / evident
Literature Review
▪ 文献综述(Literature Review)是科研论 文中重要的文体之一。它以作者对各种文 献资料的整理、归纳、分析和比较为基础, 就某个专题的历史背景、前人的工作、研 究现状、争论的焦点及发展前景等方面进 行综合、总结和评论。通过阅读文献综述, 科研工作者可花费较少的时间获得较多的 关于某一专题系统而具体的信息,了解其 研究现状、存在的问题和未来的发展方向。 因此,它的学术水平和价值受到特别的重 视。文献综述往往被收集在专业期刊的 Review栏目中,常见的有Survey,
literature review的introduction
literature review的introductionIntroductionLiterature review is an essential component of academic research papers and dissertations. It involves systematically analyzing previous studies, theories, and scholarly articles relevant to the topic under investigation. By reviewing existing literature, researchers gain a comprehensive understanding of the existing knowledge, identify research gaps, and develop a theoretical framework for their own study. This introduction will discuss the importance of literature review, its purpose, and how it contributes to the overall research process.Importance of Literature ReviewLiterature review plays a crucial role in academic research as it helps establish the context and theoretical foundation for a study. It allows researchers to build upon prior work and contributes to the progression of knowledge in their specific field. By examining existing literature, researchers can identify the key theories, concepts, methodologies, and findings that are relevant to their research question. This process enables them to position their study within the existing scholarly discussion and contribute new insights to the body of knowledge.Purpose of Literature ReviewThe purpose of conducting a literature review goes beyond summarizing existing studies. It involves a critical analysis of the literature to identify the strengths and weaknesses of past research.By evaluating the credibility, relevance, and limitations of previous studies, researchers can identify gaps or unresolved issues in the literature. These research gaps provide the rationale for the current study, highlighting the need for further investigation. Therefore, literature review helps researchers identify the research questions and objectives that will guide their own study.Contribution to the Research ProcessLiterature review serves as a foundation for the research process by informing the research design, methodology, and data analysis. By synthesizing and interpreting the findings from past studies, researchers can identify the most appropriate research methods and data collection techniques for their own study. Literature review also helps researchers develop a conceptual framework or theoretical model for their study, guiding the formulation of hypotheses and research questions. Furthermore, by identifying gaps in the literature, researchers can design research studies that address the limitations of previous work and contribute new knowledge to the field.ConclusionThe introduction of a literature review provides an overview of its importance, purpose, and contribution to the research process. It highlights the significance of literature review in establishing the context for a study, identifying research gaps, and developing a theoretical framework. By conducting a thorough literature review, researchers can position their study within the existing scholarly discussion, establish the credibility of their research, and contributenew insights to the field. Overall, literature review forms an integral part of the research process and is crucial for generating high-quality and impactful research.。
英文文献综述范文How to Write a Literature Review ?I. The definition of Literature Review文献综述(Literautre Review)是科研论文中重要的文体之一。
II. The purposes of literature review And Its ComponentsA. The PurposesOn the one hand, it helps you broaden the view and perspective of the topic for your graduation thesis.On the other hand, it helps you narrow down the topic and arrive at a focusedresearch question.B. Its ComponentsThere are six parts in a complete Literature Review.标题与作者(title and author)摘要与关键词(abstract and key words)引言(introduction)述评(review)结论(conclusion)参考文献(references)III. Classification of Source MaterialsHow can we locate the materials relevant to our topics betterand faster? Basically, all these source materials may be classified into four majors of sources.A: Background sources:Basic information which can usually be found in dictionaries andencyclopedia complied by major scholars or founders of the field. Three very good and commonly recommenced encyclopedias are encyclopedias ABC, namely, Encyclopedia Americana, Encyclopedia Britannica, and Collier’s Encyclopedia. There are also reference works more specialized, such as The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics for linguistics and TEFL studies. Moreover, you may also find Encyclopedia on the web.B: Primary sourcesThose providing direct evidence, such as works of scholars of the field,biographies or autobiographies, memoirs, speeches, lectures, diaries, collection of letters, interviews, case studies, approaches, etc. Primary sources come in various shapes and sizes, and often you have to do a little bit of research about the source to make sure you have correctly identified it. When a first search yields too few results, try searching by broader topic; when a search yields toomany results, refine your search by narrowing down your search.C: Secondary sourcesThose providing indirect evidence, such as research articles or papers, bookreviews, assays, journal articles by experts in a given field, studies on authors orwriters and their works, etc. Secondary sources will informmost of your writingin college. You will often be asked to research your topic using primary sources,but secondary sources will tell you which primary sources you should use andwill help you interpret those primary sources. T o use theme well, however, youneed to think critically them. There are two parts of a source that you need toanalyze: the text itself and the argument within the text.D: Web sourcesThe sources or information from websites. Web serves as an excellentresource for your materials. However, you need to select and evaluate Websources with special care for very often Web sources lack quality control. Youmay start with search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, Excit e, etc. It’s agood idea to try more than one search engine, since each locates sources in itsown way. When using websites for information, be sure to take care for theauthorship and sponsorship. If they are both unclear, be critical when you useinformation. The currency of website information should also be taken intoaccount. Don’t use too out information dated for your purpose.IV. Major strategies of Selecting Materials for literaturereviewA. Choosing primary sources rather than secondary sourcesIf you have two sources, one of them summarizing or explaining a work andthe other the work itself, choose the work itself. Never attempt to write a paperon a topic without reading the original source.B. Choosing sources that give a variety of viewpoints on your thesisRemember that good argument essays take into account counter arguments.Do not reject a source because it makes an argument against you thesis.C. Choosing sources that cover the topic in depthProbably most books on Communicative Language Teaching mention WilliamLittlewood, but if this your topic, you will find that few sources cover the topicin depth. Choose those.D. Choosing sources written by acknowledged expertsIf you have a choice between an article written by a freelance journalist onTask-based Teaching and one written by a recognized expert like David Nunan,Choose the article by the expert.E. Choosing the most current sourcesIf your topic involves a current issue or social problem or development in ascientific field, it is essential to find the latest possible information. If all thebooks on these topics are rather old, you probably need to look for information inperiodicals.V. Writing a literature ReviewA. When you review related literature, the major review focuses should be:1. The prevailing and current theories which underlie the research problem.2. The main controversies about the issue, and about the problem.3. The major findings in the area, by whom and when.4. The studies which can be considered the better ones, and why.5. Description of the types of research studies which can provide the basis for the current theories and controversies.6. Criticism of the work in the area.B. When you write literature review, the two principles to follow are:1. Review the sources that are most relevant to your to your thesis.2. Describe or write your review as clear and objective as you can.C. Some tips for writing the review:1. Define key terms or concepts clearly and relevant to your topic.2. Discuss the least-related references to your question first and the mostrelated references last.3. Conclude your review with a brief summary.4. Start writing your review early.VI. 文献综述主要部分的细节性提示和注意事项英文文献主要部分细节提示:引言(Introduction)引言是文献综述正文的开始部分,主要包括两个内容:一是提出问题;二是介绍综述的范围和内容。
2. What is the significance of the review?
It is now known that this pleiotropic hormone has profound effects on plasticity in the developing and adult brain.
Task Preparation 1
Fill in the following table using a key sentence.
Review Topic Many theories have been proposed to explain what
motivates human behavior.
These themes are: incorporation of the self-concept into traditional theories of motivation, the influence of rewards on motivation, the increasing importance of internal forces of motivation, autonomy and selfcontrol as sources ofmotivation, and narcissism as an essential component of motivation. Although the literature represents these themes in a variety of contexts, this paper will primarily focus on their application to self-motivation.
在阅读了大量文献和确定研究方法主题后,作为dissertation的第一个大模块,很多小伙伴都在开始撰写Literature Review了。
最近,君君收到很多来自毕业生的消息,咨询如何写Literature Review,并觉得特别头疼这一部分。
# 将一个人的原创作品放在现有文献的背景下。
# 解释与您的主题相关的主要问题。
# 描述每项工作与正在考虑的其他工作的关系。
# 找出解释的新方法,并阐明以往研究中的任何差距。
# 解决之前看似矛盾的研究中的冲突。
# 确定哪些文献对理解您的主题做出了重要贡献。
# 指出进一步研究你的主题的方法。
LR要写什么?02简单来说,我们要牢牢记住一个词“结构合理well structured”你的想法必须在逻辑上从一个点流向另一个点,或是从一个点拓展散射开到几个相对于的研究问题上。
归类:将你收集到的这些文献划分类别和概念,也就是按照Research Question归类关联:将前人的工作与你的工作,你想法之前的作品和你的研究点联系起来。
literature review
在全面搜索和深人阅读相关文献的基础上,经过 归纳整理和分析综合,对所研究的问题(学科、 专题)在某时期内采用的研究方法、已取得的研 究成果、需进一步解决的问题与新的发展趋势 进行全面系统的叙述和评论。
的阶段,通过撰写文献综述或阅读已正式发表的高水平 的文献综述可以使科研人员对某专题的研究现状和发 展趋势等全面情况有比较完整、系统、明确的认识,从 而根据有关研究的进展和困境选定有意义、有价值的 研究课题。
文献回顾是研究论文导论部分的第二个 Nhomakorabea骤。文献综述的形式:
1、独立的文献综述文章; 2、博士学位论文或硕士学位论文的引言部分
(也可以是独立的一章); 3、研究论文引言部分的第二个步骤
已公开发表的研究成果,指出该专题研究的现状与特点、 应该进一步解决的问题和未来的研究趋势与方向,并提 出自己的观点和建议。
一段行文,则还需在括号中加人引文的页数。 According to Hawlader, the model based on Dreyer and Erens‟ s correlation can be used for „„the modeling of water droplets motion in cooling towers”(2000, p.451)。
在文献回顾中,论文作者会进一步说明自己研究 工作的背景及动机。作者既要表示自己对同一 研究领域里其他学者曾发表的相关研究十分熟 悉,也要反映自己的研究工作和这些其他学者过 去的研究工作之间的关系。
literature review大纲怎么写
一、简介1.1 文献综述的定义及意义文献综述是指对已有研究文献进行搜集、整理、分析和评价,以系统地总结并阐述某一领域内研究现状、问题及趋势的一种学术性文稿。
1.2 文献综述的分类根据研究对象和内容的不同,文献综述可分为理论文献综述和实证文献综述两大类。
1.3 文献综述的写作目的和要求撰写文献综述的目的在于系统整理和分析已有的研究成果,从而提供有关领域的全面、准确和客观的信息。
二、文献综述的写作步骤2.1 确定研究范围和目标在进行文献综述之前,首先需要明确研究的范围和目标。
2.2 收集文献资料收集文献资料是进行文献综述的首要步骤。
2.3 文献筛选和整理在收集到大量文献资料后,需要对其进行筛选和整理,筛选出与研究目标和范围相符合的文献资料,并按照一定的逻辑和结构进行整理。
2.4 文献分析和评价对筛选和整理出的文献资料进行系统分析和评价,包括对其内容、方法、结论和贡献的评述,以及对其优缺点和局限性的分析。
2.5 撰写文献综述报告在完成文献分析和评价后,可以根据其结果撰写文献综述报告。
三、文献综述的写作技巧3.1 注重逻辑和结构文献综述的写作应该注重逻辑和结构的完整性和合理性,确保整个综述过程的条理清晰,观点连贯,论证有力。
重庆科技学院学术英语课程论文文献综述题目:A Preliminary Exploration on theConstitutional Principles andFormative Methods of Euphemism委婉语的构造原则和构成方式初探学生姓名:指导教师:院系:专业、班级:学号:完成时间:2015年6月说明:封面标题要用中英双语,英文题目在上。
学生姓名、教师姓名等一律用黑体三号,单倍行距Literature Review说明:标题Literature Review 首字母均须大写,字体:西文Arial;字号:3号;段落安排:段前24磅,段后18磅;单倍行距。
1. IntroductionAs a widespread and popular rhetorical device, euphemisms came into people‟s life long time ago. …….And the research of euphemisms has a long history ……………..建议:综述前写一导言,简介研究课题主要内容,概括研究现状,研究目的。
2. The definition of euphemism说明:标题序号与标题名之间,加圆点,并空1个英文字符;标题第一个单词的首字母大写;字体:西文Arial;字号:小3号;段落安排:段前空24磅,段后空6磅;行距:固定值20磅。
The word euphemism comes from Greek; the prefix eu- means good and the stem phemism means speech; the whole word…s literal meaning is word of good omen. In early 1580s, the British writer George Blunt first created the word euphemism …and defined it as …a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word‟. (Shu, 1995:17)(正文中直接引用原文,必须加引号并标出确切的页码)……………………………(正文字体:小四号罗马体,行距为固定值20磅,对齐方式:两端对齐;段首空四个英文字符)3. Researches abroad3.1 Researches from socio-linguistic perspective说明:标题序号与标题名之间,不加圆点,空1个英文字符;标题第一个单词的首字母大写;字体:西文Arial;字号:四号;段落安排:段前空12磅,段后空6磅;行距:固定值20磅。
Literature Review (翻译实践型论文文献综述示例)
功能对等理论谈E.B.Whites散文汉译中的风格对等The Style Equivalence in the Translation of Essays by E.B.White Based on the Theoryof Functional EquivalenceNo one can deny the difficulties in the literary prose translation from English to Chinese. And essay, generally can be seen as literary prose, with its huge varieties in form, content, and style etc., is hard to single out the translation of it as a whole for evaluation. Discussions surround the translation of essay never die. Scholars, home and aboard, have done a great body of researches on it, some of them stand out for their original and comprehensive achievements. Now let’s have a check on some extraordinary theories in essay translation built by them.First comes Hilaire Belloc, he points out that the essence of translating is the resurrection of an alien thing in a native body, which has something of the opinion of “reaching the acme of perfection” by Mr. Qian Zhongshu in his work On the translation by Lin Shu, and laid down six general rules for prose translation, which give relative clear guidance for the translation of prose text.Then Burton Raffel, argues, in his book The Art of Translating Prose, that the strict translation of prose should reveal the inner structure of the original syntax. In his opinion, the syntactic structures of prose represent the style of the author, and “the style is the man”. And he further puts forward that only when the syntactic structures of the original message is kept or retained, can the style of the original be successfully reproduced or transposed. He takes translation as an art rather than a science, and views the prose translation more from the perspective of stylistics.As for domestic scholars on the studies of essay translation, Professor Gao Jin holds the idea that the tone and style are to a large extent translatable, and gives definitions for the translatableness of language in general and translability in particular cases. And if the essence of the thought and idea of the original are fully grasped, tone and style of author are likely to be retained.And Liu Shicong with its “artistic flavor” theory. According to Professor Liu, the “artistic flavor” contains textual atmosphere, sound and rhythm, individualized artistic recreation. He reaches to a deep level of prose translation with the recreation of the artistic flavor as the very core. While his theory is hard to operate, and stands the test of time.Among all the theories, Functional equivalence theory is of highest importance. The Functional equivalence, originally called dynamic equivalence, raised by Dr. Eugene A.Nida as “the closest natural equivalence” of the source language text, is taken as a better and relative operative way to evaluate and handle problems in translation, that the traditional translation theory cannot well manage. Before the theory came, there is no practical method of keeping balance between literary translation and free translation. Though it is not straightly stick to prose translation, it still guides a lot to the translation of essay.This paper tries to analyse the equivalence of style in the translation of essay based on the Functional equivalence theory, taking some essays by E.B.White for example.。
literature review原则
literature review原则
literature review
估计很多刚到外国读书的同学和我有一样的体会:第一次接触literature review,根本无从下笔。
首先需要将“文献综述(Literature Review)”与“背景描述(Backupground Description)”区分开来。
其次,文献综述是评论性的(Review就是“评论”的意思),因此要带着作者本人批判的眼光(critical thinking)来归纳和评论文献,而不仅仅是相关领域学术研究的“堆砌”。
Literature+Review(精选五篇)第一篇:Literature+Review什么是Literature Review?Literature Review 就是回顾总结过去所发生的事,回顾总结前人所写的文献。
Literature Review通常出现在毕业论文里面的第一部分。
为什么写Literature Review?写Literature Review的目的,就是为了通过回顾前人所做的研究和文献,来确定自己毕业论文的研究方向(确保自己的论文是研究出新的成果,做出新的贡献,而不是重复前人研究出来的东西,比如说,1+1=2,这个就没必要研究了,之前已经有无数人反复研究过,并验证过了)。
而且在论文里面写Literature Review,是为了让阅读的人对这篇毕业论文有一个大体的了解。
怎么写Literature Review?在Literature Review里面,主要是总结前人的文献,和过去发生的事。
一定是要写总结,很多学生只是把以前的资料在Literature Review里复述一遍,是不行的。
而且,Literature Review千万不能得出结论,比如说,你的毕业论文是调查有钱人家庭的学生成绩好,还是穷人家庭的学生成绩好,Literature Review就是要写总结之前各个学者做的研究,新闻的报道,为什么有些学者觉得有钱人家庭的学生成绩好,或有些学者觉得穷人家庭的学生成绩好,两面性都要总结出来,之后你下一部分的分析(Findings Analysis),也就是你这篇毕业论文的成果,才是你要得出的结论:有钱人家庭的学生成绩好,或是穷人家庭的学生成绩好。
英国proposal的literature review
英国proposal的literature review英国proposal的literature review是指在写proposal之前对相关文献进行调研和整理,以确定该proposal的研究方向、目的和方法。
下面将分步骤阐述如何进行英国proposal的literature review。
第一步:收集资料在进行literature review之前,需要先收集相关资料。
第五步:撰写文献综述将筛选好的文献综合起来,撰写英国proposal的literature review。
总之,在撰写英国proposal的literature review时,需要进行全面、系统的文献调研和分析,确定自己研究的方向、目的和方法,为proposal的顺利完成奠定坚实的基础。
Literature Review文献综述
• In doing so, it identifies gaps or shortcomings i n the reported knowledge and research (i.e. Fu nction 5 above). Not all gaps will have been ad dressed by you in your research project, so yo u will need to provide a rationale for the particu lar focus of your study (i.e. function 6 above). • Final task in the review will be to announce ho w your research project sought to answer the r esearch questions informed by the gap(s). (i.e. function 7 above).
determine the theme/topic units
three stages that can be followed in determining what the theme/topic units will be: (a) keeping a record/summary of the relevant literature. (b) developing a mind-map of key themes/topics. (c) creating a table of contents.
Constructing a theme/unit
1. discourse move and sub-move options :
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• Have you emphasised recent developments? • Have you focussed on primary sources with only selective use of secondary sources? • Have you organised your material according to issues? • Is there a logic to the way you organised the material? • Has your summary of the current literature contributed to the reader's understanding of the problems?
• When introducing someone's opinion, don't use "says", but instead an appropriate verb which more accurately reflects this viewpoint, such as "argues", "claims" or "states". • Use the present tense for general opinions and theories, or the past when referring to specific research or experiments: Although Trescovick (2001) argues that attack is the best form of defence, Boycott (1969) claims that ... In a field study carried out amongst the homeless of Sydney, Warne (1999) found that ...
Aim of a literature review
• the review will be guided by your research objective or by the issue or thesis you are arguing and will provide the framework for your further work.
What to show in a L.R.?
• It is very important to note that your review should not be simply a description of what others have published, but should take the form of a critical discussion, showing insight and an awareness of differing arguments, theories 源自nd approaches.4
The literature review should…
• compare and contrast different authors' views on an issue • group authors who draw similar conclusions • note areas in which authors are in disagreement • highlight exemplary studies • show how your study relates to previous studies • conclude by summarising what the literature says
When writing a L.R.
• At the end of the review you should include a summary of what the literature implies, which again links to your hypothesis or main question.
similarly, in addition, also, again
When writing a L.R.
• if there is disagreement, you need to indicate clearly that you are aware of this by the use of linkers such as: however, on the other hand, conversely, nevertheless
When writing a L.R.
• Linking words are important. If you are grouping together writers with similar opinions, you would use words or phrases such as:
Writing A Literature Reivew
Aim of a literature review
• The aim of a literature review is to show your reader that you have read, and have a good grasp of, the main published work concerning a particular topic or question in your field.