



Inter-process Reference table Address translation Convert Dual-mode Interact Initialize Voluntary Involuntary System call Vendor Partitioning Base-and-bound translation
优先匹配(从头扫描将程序插入第 一个合适的内存位置)
下次匹配(将程序插入到下一个适 合程序大小的内存位置)
Paging Frames Segmentation
(程序)分页 (内存)分帧 分割
中文对照 核心 地址空间(计算机常用术语) 内存分割 (内存)分页 (内存)分段 分配 对换 效率 物理(实际)内存 虚拟内存 幻象 内存分享 编译 线性的(排成队列) 模块 重叠覆盖 单程序(每个应用被限制在固定的 物理内存地址中) 片段化(由于不断分配导致内存片 段化,每个片段都太小以致无法放 入入新的程序) 进程间 地址翻译表 地址翻译(由虚拟地址变换为物理 地址) 转换 双模式(用户模式和核心模式) 交互 初始化 自主的(系统调用自主转换为核心 态) 非自主的(硬件中断或程序异常而 转换为核心态) 系统调用 销售商 分区 基地址和上界翻译法(将地址加上 一个数转化为物理地址)
英文 Kernel Address space Memory partitioning Paging Segmentation Allocate Swap Efficiency Physical memory Virtual memory Illusion Memory sharing Compile Linearly Module Overlay Uniprogramming Fragmented



使用`union`关键字定义联合体类型,指定联合体名 称和成员列表。
适用于多种数据类型但只需存储其中一种的场景, 如混合类型的数据存储和处理。
跳转语句的概念和 特点
改变程序执行流程,实现程序的 跳转。
跳转语句的语法和 示例
break语句、continue语句、 goto语句等。
跳转语句的应用场 景
适用于需要中断循环、跳过某些 操作等特殊情况。
返回类型 函数名(参数列表) { 函数体 }
将数组名作为实参传递给形参,形参和实参类型可以不一致,但形 参数组的大小必须大于等于实参数组的大小;
多维数组可以作为函数参数传递,但需要注意多维数组的传递方式 和一维数组的传递方式不同。
浮点型(float、 double)
在程序运行过程中,其值不能被改变 的量。
在程序运行过程中,其值可以被改变 的量。


学习C#中的异步编程、并发编程、内 存管理和垃圾回收等高级技术,提升 编程技能。
加入C#相关的技术社区,如GitHub、Stack Overflow等,与其他开发者交流学习,拓展技术视野。
随着.NET框架的不断发展,C#语言也 经历了多次版本更新,从C# 1.0到C# 9.0,每次更新都带来了新的特性和功 能。
C#是一种强类型语言,它要求在编译 时对变量进行类型检查,以减少运行 时错误。
C#语言依托于.NET框架,拥有丰富的 类库和框架支持,方便开发人员快速 构建应用程序。
利用C#构建微服务、云计 算和分布式系统等。
02 C#基础语法
理解变量和数据类型是学习C#的基础,掌握变量 的声明、赋值和使用,以及不同数据类型的特性 是关键。
理解变量的作用域和生命周期对于避免常见的编 程错误至关重要。
变量是用来存储数据的标识符,数据类型则决定 了变量可以存储的数据的种类和范围。C#支持多 种数据类型,包括值类型和引用类型,每种类型 都有其特定的用途和限制。
使用Language Integrated Query(LINQ)语法,对数据源执行查询操作,支持链式 调用和表达式语法。
通过反射机制,在运行时获取类型的元数据 信息,动态创建对象、调用方法和属性等。
使用dynamic关键字,在运行时解析和执行 代码,简化与动态对象的交互。



C# 编程语言概述外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Barnett M. C# Programming Language Overview [J]Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016, 3(4):49-59.英文原文C# Programming Language OverviewBarnett M1. History of C, C++, C#The C# programming language is based on the spirit of the C and C++ programming languages. This account has powerful features and an easy-to-learn curve. It cannot be said that C# is the same as C and C++, but because C# is built on both, Microsoft has removed some features that have become more burdensome, such as pointers. This section looks at C and C++ and tracks their development in C#.The C programming language was originally defined in the UNIX operating system. In the past, we often wrote some UNIX applications, including a C compiler, and finally used to write UNIX itself. It is generally accepted that this academic competition extends to the world that contains this business. The original Windows API was defined to work with C using Windows code, and until now at least the core Windows operating system APIS maintains the C compiler.From a defined point of view, C lacks a single detail, like thelanguage Smalltalk does, and the concept of an object. Y ou will learn more about the contents of the object. In Chapter 8, "Write Object-Oriented Code," an object is collected as a data set and some operations are set. The code can be completed by C, but the concept of the object cannot be Forced to appear in this language. If you want to construct your code to make it like an object, that's fine. If you don't want to do this, C will really not mind. The object is not an intrinsic part. Many people in this language did not spend a lot of time in this program example. When the development of object-oriented perspectives began to gain acceptance, think about the code approach. C++ was developed to include this improvement. It is defined to be compatible with C (just as all C programs are also C++ programs and can be compiled by a C++ compiler) The main addition to the C++ language is to provide this new concept. C++ additionally provides a derivative of the class (object template) behavior.The C++ language is a modified version of the C language. Unfamiliar, infrequent languages such as VB, C, and C++ are very low-level and require a lot of coding to make your application run well. Reason and error checking. And C++ can be handled in some very powerful applications, the code works very smoothly. The goal is set to maintain compatibility with C. C++ cannot break the low-level features of C.Microsoft defined C# retains a lot of C and C++ statements. The code can also want to identify the code quickly. A big advantage for C# is that its designers did not make it compatible with C and C++. When this may seem like a wrong treatment, it is actually good news. C# eliminates something that makes C and C++ difficult to work with. Beginning with quirks and defects found in C. C# is starting a clean slate and does not have any compatibility requirements. So it can maintain the strengths of its predecessors and discard weaknesses that make C and C++ programs difficult to survive.2. Introduce C#C#, the new language introduced in the .NET system, is derived from C++. However, C# is a popular, object-oriented (from beginning to end) type-safe language.Language featuresThe following section provides a quick perspective on some of the features of the C# language. If some of them are unfamiliar to you, don't worry, everything will be explained in detail in the following sections. In C#, all code and data must be attached to a class. Y ou cannot define a variable outside the class, nor can you write any code that is not in the class. When a class object is created and run, the class is constructed. When the object of the class is released, the class is destroyed. The class provides single inheritance, and all the classes eventually get from thebase class is the object. Over time, C# provides versioned techniques to help with the formation of your classes to maintain code compatibility when you use code from your earlier classes.Let's look at an example of a class called Family. This class contains two static fields to hold the first and last names of family members. In the same way, there is a way to return the full name of a family member.Class Class1{Public string FirstName;Public string LastName;Public string FullName(){}Return FirstName + LastName;}Note: Single inheritance means that a C# class can only inherit from a base class.C# is a collection that you can package your class into a namespace called the namespace class. And you can help arrange collection of classes on logical aggregations. When you started learning C#, it was clear that all namespaces were related to .NET type systems. Microsoft also chose to include channels that assist in the compatibility of previouscode and APIs. These classes are also included in Microsoft's namespace.Type of dataC# lets you work with two types of data: value types and reference types. The value type holds the actual value. The reference type saves the actual value stored elsewhere in the memory. Raw data types, such as character, integer, float, enumeration, and structure types, are all value types. Objects and array types are treated as reference types. C# predefines reference types (objects and strings) New, Byte, Unsigned Short, Unsigned Integer, Unsigned Long, Float, Double-Float, Boolean, Character, and The value type and reference type of the decimal type will eventually be executed by a primitive type object. C# also allows you to convert a value or a type to another value or a type. Y ou can use an implicit conversion strategy or an explicit conversion strategy. Implicit conversion strategies are always successful and do not lose any information (for example, you can convert an integer to a long integer without losing any information because long integers are longer than integers) Some data is lost because long integers can hold more value than integers. Conversion occurs.Before and after referenceRefer to Chapter 3 "Working with V ariables" to find out more about explicit and implicit conversion strategies.Y ou can use single-dimensional and multidimensional arrays in C#at the same time. Multidimensional arrays can become a matrix. When this matrix has the same area size as a multidimensional array. Or jagged, when some arrays have different sizes.Classes and structures can have data members called attributes and fields. Y ou can define a structure called Employee. For example, there is a field called Name. If you define an Employee type variable called CurrenrEmployee, you can retrieve the employee's name by writing . What should happen after the code assignment? If the employee's name must be read by a database, for example, you can write a code "When some people ask for the value of the name attribute, read the name from the database and return the name with the string type".FunctionA function is a code that can be used at any time, code. An example of a function will appear earlier than the FullName function, in this chapter, in the Family class. A function is usually combined with some code that returns information, and a method usually does not return information. However, for us, we generally attribute them to functions.The function can have four parameters:•The input parameters have values passed into the function, but the function cannot change their values.•The output parameters have no value when they are passed to thefunction, but the function can give them a value and pass the value back to its caller. ,•The reference parameter passes another value by reference. They have a value into the function, and this value can be changed in the function.•The parameter parameter defines an array variable in the list.C# and CLR work together to provide automatic storage management. Or "Leave enough space for this object to use" code like this. The CLR monitors your memory usage and automatically retrieves it when you need it.C# provides a large number of operators that allow you to write a large number of mathematical and bitwise expressions. Many (but not all) of them can be redefined, and you can change the job of these operators.C# provides a long list of reports that you can define through a variety of processing paths through your code. Through the report's operations, using keywords like switch, while, for, break, and continue enables your code to be split into different paths depending on the value of the variable.Classes can contain code and data. Visibility of each member to other objects. C# provides such accessible ranges as public, protected, internal, protected internal, and private.V ariableV ariables can be defined as constants. The constant has a fixed value and cannot be changed during the execution of your code. The value of PI, for example, is a good example of a constant because her value will not be changed while your code is running. The enumeration type defines a specific name for the constant. For example, you can define an enumerated type of planet using Mercury V in your code. If you use a variable to represent the planet, using the names of this enum type can make your code easier to read.C# provides an embedded mechanism to define and handle some events. If you write a class that performs a long operation, you may want to call an event. When the event ends, the client can sign this time and grab the event in their own code, he can let them be notified When you have completed this long budget, this event handling mechanism uses delegates in C#, a variable that references a function.Note: Event processing is a program in your code that determines what action will take place when a time occurs.For example, the user clicks on a button. If your class holds a value, write some code called a protractor that your class can be accessed as if it were an array. Suppose you write a class called Rainbow. For example, it contains a set of colors in this rainbow. Visitors may want some MYRainbow to retrieve the first color in the rainbow. Y ou can write an indexer in your Rainbow class to define what will be returned when thevisitor accesses your class as if it were an array of values.InterfaceC# provides an interface that aggregates properties, methods, and events that describe a set of functions. The class of C# can execute the interface. It tells the user through the interface a set of function files provided by this class. What existing code can have as few compatibility issues as possible. Once there was an interface exposed, it could not be changed, but it could evolve through inheritance. C# classes can perform many interfaces, even if the class can only inherit from a base class.Let's look at an example of a very clear rule in the real world of C# that helps illustrate the interface. Many applications use the additions provided today. There is the ability to read additional items when executed. To do this, this added item must follow some rules. DLL add items must display a function called CEEntry. And you must use CEd as the beginning of the DLL file name. When we run our code, it scans the directories of all the DLLs that are starting with CEd. When it finds one, it is read. Then it uses GetProcAddress to find the CEEntry function in the DLL. This proves that it is necessary for you to obey all the rules to establish an addition. This kind of creating a read addition is necessary because it carries more unnecessary code responsibility. If we use an interface in this example, your DLL additions can be applied to an interface. This ensures that all necessary methods, properties, and eventsappear in the DLL and are specified as files.AttributesThe attribute declares additional information about your class for the CLR. In the past, if you wanted to describe your classes yourself, you would have to use a few decentralized ways to store them in external files, such as IDL or event HTML files. Through your efforts, the property solves this problem. The developer has constrained some information in the class and any kind of information, for example, in the class, defines how it acts when it is used. The possibilities are endless, which is why Microsoft will contain a lot of predefined attributes in the .NET framework.Compile C#Running your C# code generates two important types of information through the C# compiler: code and metadata. The next section describes these two topics and completes a binary review built on .NET code, which is assembly.Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)The code output by the C# compiler is written in an intermediate language called Microsoft. MSIL is your code that is used to construct a detailed set of instructions to guide you on how to perform. It contains instructions for operations, such as initialization of variables, methods for evoking objects, error handling, and declaring something new. C# is notjust a language from the MSIL source code that changes during the writing process. All .NET-compatible languages, including and C++ management, generate MSIL when their source code is compiled. All .NET languages use the same runtime, so code from different languages and different compilers can easily work together.For physical CPUs, MISL is not a set of explicit instructions. It doesn't know anything about your machine's CPU, and your machine doesn't know anything about MSIL. Then, when your CPU can't read MSIL, explain the code. This sinking is called just enough to write, or JIT. The job of the JIT compiler is to translate your universal MSIL code to the machine so that the CPU can execute your code.Y ou may want to know what an extra step is in the process. When a compiler can immediately generate CPU-interpreted code for why MSIL was generated, the compiler does this later. There are many reasons for this. First, MSIL makes it easier for you to write code as it moves to a different piece of hardware. Suppose you have written some C# code and you want it to run on your desktop and handheld devices at the same time. It is very likely that these two devices have different CPUs. If you only have one C# compiler whose goal is a clear CPU, then you need two C# compilers: one with the desktop CPU and the other with the handheld device CPU. Y ou have to compile your code twice to ensure that your correct code is used on the right device. With MSIL, you only write once.The .NET Framework is installed on your desktop and it contains a JIT compiler that translates your MSIL-specific CPU code to your machine. The .NET Framework is installed on your handheld device and it contains a JIT compiler that translates the same MSIL-specific CPU-specific code to your handheld device. To run MSIL code base on any device that has a .NET JIT compiler. Y ou now have only one MSIL basic code that can run on any device that has a .NET JIT compiler. The JIT compiler on these devices can take care of your code and make them run smoothly.Another reason why the compiler uses MSIL is that the settings of the instruction can be easily read by an authenticated proximity. Part of the compiler's job is to verify your code to make it as clear as possible. When properly accessed, these checks ensure that your code does not execute any instructions that can cause your code to crash. The definition of MSIL directives makes this check process easier to understand. CPU-specific instruction settings are optimized for fast code execution. However, they make the code difficult to read and therefore difficult to check. Having a C# compiler that can output CPU-specific code at once can make code inspection difficult or even impossible. Allow the .NET Framework's JIT compiler to verify your code to ensure that your code accesses memory through a buggy path and that the variable types are used correctly.MetadataThe assembly process outputs the same amount of metadata. This is a very important part of the .NET code sharing story. Whether you use C# to build a client application or use C# to build a library that some people use for your application, you will want to take advantage of some compiled .NET code. That code may have been provided by Microsoft as part of the .NET framework, or it may be provided by some online users. The key to using a foreign code is to let the C# compiler know that the class and that variable are in another base code so that it can be found in the precompilation of your work and match the code you write with the source code.Look at the metadata for the directory for your compiled code. The number of bits of source code compiled by C# exists in the compiled code along with the generation of MSIL. The types of methods and variables are completely described in the metadata and are ready to be read by other applications. For example, can read metadata from a .NET library to provide intelligent sensing of all the methods that can be used effectively for a particular class.If you have already worked with COM, you may be familiar with type libraries. The goal of the type library is to provide the same directory functionality to COM objects. However, the type library is provided from a few limitations, and in fact not all data about the target can be put into the type library. Metadata in .NET does not have this disadvantage. Allthe code used to describe the class's information is placed in the metadata.memberSometimes you need to use C# to build a terminal application. These applications are packaged into an executable file and use .EXE as an extension. C# completely supports the creation of .EXE files. However, there are also times when you do not want to be used in other programs. Y ou may want to create some useful C# classes, such as a developer who wants to use your class in a application. In this case, you will not create an application, instead you will build a component. A component is a metadata package. As a unit to configure, these classes will share the same level of version control, security information, and dynamic requirements. Think of a component as a logical DLL. If you are familiar with Microsoft's translation services or COM+, then you can think of components as equivalent to .NET packages.There are two kinds of components: private components and global components. When you build your own component, you don't need to specify whether you want to create a global component or a private component. Y ou can only make your code accessible by a separate application. Y our component is a package similar to a DLL and is installed into the same directory when your application runs it. The application is only executable when it is in the same directory as yourcomponent.If you want to share your code, more global components in more applications. Global components can be used by any system's .NET application regardless of the directory in which it is installed. Microsoft installs components as part of the .NET structure, and each Microsoft component is installed as a global component. The Microsoft Architecture SDK contains the public functionality to install and remove artifacts from global widget storage.C# can be viewed to some extent as a programming language for the .NET Windows-oriented environment. In the past ten years, although VB and C++ have finally become very powerful languages, some of the content has come. For Visual Basic, its main advantage is that it is easy to understand. Many programming tasks are easy to accomplish and basically hide the connotations of the Windows API and the COM component structure. The downside is that Visual Basic has never implemented an early version of object-oriented, real-world (BASIC is primarily intended to make beginners easier to understand than to write large commercial applications), so it cannot really be structured or object-oriented. Programming language.On the other hand, C++ has its own root in the ANSI C++ language definition. It is not fully compatible with ANSI because Microsoft wrote the C++ compiler before the ANSI definition was standardized, but it isalready quite close. Unfortunately, this leads to two problems. First, ANSI C++ was developed under technical conditions more than a decade ago, so it does not support current concepts (such as Unicode strings and generating XML documents), and some of the older grammatical structures were designed for previous compilers ( For example, the declaration and definition of member functions are separate.) Second, Microsoft also tried to evolve C++ into a language for performing high-performance tasks on Windows - avoiding the addition of large numbers of Microsoft-specific keywords and libraries in the language. The result is that in Windows, the language becomes a very messy language. Let a C++ developer talk about how many strings are defined in this way: char*, LPTSTR, (MFC version), CString (WTL version), wchar_t*, OLECHAR*, and so on.Now entering the .NET era - a new environment, it has made new extensions to both languages. Microsoft added many Microsoft-specific keywords to C++ and evolved VB to , retaining some basic VB syntax, but it is completely different in design. From a practical application perspective, is a New language. Here, Visua l C# .NET. Microsoft describes C# as a simple, modern, object-oriented, type-safe, and C and C++-derived programming language. Most in dependent commentators are “derived from C, C++, and Java” from their claims. C# is very similar to C++ and Java. It uses parentheses ({})to mark blocks of code, and semicolons separate lines of statements. The first impression of C# code is that it is very similar to C++ or Java code. But after these seeming similarities, C# is much easier to learn than C++ but harder than Java. Its design and modern development tools are more adaptable than other languages. It also has Visua Basic's ease of use, high performance, and low memory accessibility of C++. C# includes the following features:●Full support for class and object-oriented programming, including interface and inheritance, virtual functions, and operator overloading.●Define a complete, consistent set of basic types.●Built-in support for automatically generating XML document descriptions.●Automatically clean dynamically allocated memory.●Classes or methods can be marked with user-defined properties. This can be used for documentation purposes and has a certain impact on compilation (for example, marking a method to compile only when debugging).●Full access to the .NET base class library and easy access to the Windows API.●Y ou can use pointers and direct memory access, but the C# language can access memory without them.●Supports attributes and events in VB style.●Changing compiler options, ActiveX controls (COM components) are called by other code in the same way. ●C# can be used to write dynamic Web pages and XML Web services.It should be noted that for most of these features, and Managed C++ are also available. But since C# used .NET from the beginning, support for .NET features was not only complete, but also provided a more suitable syntax than other languages. The C# language itself is very similar to Java, but there are some improvements because Java is not designed for use in a .NET environment. Before ending this topic, we must also point out two limitations of C#. One is that the language is not suitable for writing time-critical or very high-performance codes, such as a loop that runs 1000 or 1050 times, and immediately clears the resources they occupy when they are not needed. In this regard, C++ may still be the best of all low-level languages. The second is that C# lacks the key functions needed for very high-performance applications. The parcels guarantee inlining and destructor functions in specific areas of the code. However, such applications are very few.中文译文C# 编程语言概述作者:Barnett M1. C,C++,C#的历史C#程序语言是建立在C 和C++程序语言的精神上的。



You are taught that goto is absolutely
harmful, right?

clrscr(), getch() or getche() is your favourite?
You are afraid of these?

typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);

Add a rule: Don't use those keywords: do,
while, for, switch, case, break, continue, goto, if.

Add another rule: Don't use ':?'. The last rule: You can only use ONE statement!
—Stan Kelly-Bootle
1 or 0?

1? sizeof(s)/sizeof(s[0]) is the last index of foo_t s[M]. What's more, we count from 1, right? ;)
0? The 2^N numbers occupy N bits exactly. What's more, memory starts at 0x00000000.

We can't do that? OK. Please look at this
#include <stdio.h>
#define A(x) x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;
int main (void){ int n = 1;



User documentation
• This is documentation for the user of your program • It is the "user manual" • Entire books have been written on the subject and I don't intend to cover it here • Feel free to include user documentation for your project if you want (but not too much of it)
How to write good comments
• Does your comment help your reader understand the code? • Are you writing a comment just because you know that "comments are good"? • Is the comment something that the reader could easily work out for themselves? • Don't be afraid to add a reference instead of a comment for tricky things
Some common bad comments
i= i+1; /* Add one to i */
for (i= 0; i < 1000; i++) { /* Tricky bit */ . . Hundreds of lines of obscure uncommented code here . } int x,y,q3,z4; /* Define some variables */ int main() /* Main routine */







第1章-- C: 穿越时空的迷雾小即是美。

事物发展都有个过程,由简入繁,不能一开始就想得太复杂,Multics, IBM的OS/360都是因此而失败。




C编译器不曾实现的一些功能必须通过其他途径实现----标准I/O 库和C预处理器。






const int *p;是指不能够通过通过p来改变int的值,即:*p = 30和p[3] = 4都是错误,但p是可以改变。

const int *与int *是相容的,都是指向int的指针;const int **与int **不相容,前者是指向const int *的指针,int **是指向int *的指针。




有个例子,在ANSI C中,-1 < (unsigned char)1为真,而-1 < (unsigned int)1 为假。

c程序设计语言,thecprogramming language

c程序设计语言,thecprogramming language

c程序设计语言,thecprogramming languageC程序设计语言,又称为The C Programming Language,是一门广泛应用于系统软件开发、嵌入式系统、大型应用软件以及游戏开发中的编程语言,也是目前最受欢迎的编程语言之一。

C语言的设计者Dennis Ritchie和Brian Kernighan在1978年出版了《C Programming Language》,这是一本介绍C语言的经典教材。






C语言的数据类型包括整型、浮点型、字符型、指针型等,其中整型包括 int、short、long、unsigned等类型,浮点型包括float、double等类型,字符型包括char类型,指针型用于存储内存地址。








Lecture 9 End-User Computing

Lecture 9  End-User Computing

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Capital 21% End-User Services 43%
Admin 9%
Gartner Group (1996)
Technical Support 27%
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Measures to limit the Total Cost of Ownership include: Automation of network management, software distribution, etc Use of relatively simple, inexpensive hardware (e.g. network computers that have limited memory and processing power and use software run on a network server Limiting employee access to the Internet
Introduction to Business Information Systems
Lecture 9
End-User Computing
This week
End-users End-user services Total cost of ownership End-user development Managing end-user development
End-User IS Services
IS management provides end-users with these services: Help-desk – to help users with software bugs, network problems, configuration problems and difficulties in using applications Standardisation of software – to reduce cost through volume discounts and ensure easy transfer of information throughout the organisation Network efficiency – to avoid downtime Training – to ensure an acceptable level of competence in the use of applications Cost-effective delivery of services – to minimise the Total Cost of Ownership



计算机系c语言教材可能的C语言教材:1. 《C程序设计语言》(C Programming Language)作者:Brian W.Kernighan、Dennis M.Ritchie这本书也被称为“K&R”(Kernighan 和 Ritchie),是C语言的经典教材,也是C语言的正式标准之一。


2. 《深入理解计算机系统》(Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective)作者:Randal E.Bryant、DavidR.O'Hallaron这本教材介绍了计算机系统的底层工作原理、机器级编程和系统级编程,也包括C语言的语法和编程实践。


3. 《C Primer Plus》作者:Stephen Prata这本书是一本全面的C语言教材,适合初学者和有一定经验的编程人员。


4. 《现代C语言编程:高效、安全及通用》(Modern CProgramming: Efficient, Secure and Portable)作者:Jens Gustedt这本书介绍了现代C语言的编程技术和最佳实践,同时重点关注C语言的安全性和可移植性。


5. 《C语言深度探索》(Deep C Secrets)作者:Peter van der Linden这本书遵循Kernighan和Ritchie的“K&R”传统,深入探讨了C 语言的许多特性、方法和技巧,包括如何使用指针、内存管理、函数库等内容。


C Programming Language(C 语言程序设计)

C Programming Language(C 语言程序设计)

C Programming Language Course Hours: LectureCourse content and the basic requirementsChapter 1C language Overview1.1 Computer and program, program design language1.2 Appearance and development process of C language1.3 Simple C language programs1.4 Steps and methods of running C programChapter 2 DData storage and computing2.1 How to store data in a computer2.2 Operations and analysis of integer data2.3 Operations and analysis of real data2.4 Calculus of character data2.5 Symbolic constant2.6 Arithmetic operators and arithmetic expression2.7 C operators and C expression2.8 Advanced PartChapter 3Most simple C program design - sequential programming3.1 Algorithm is the soul of program3.2 Three basic structure of program3.3 C statement Summary3.4 Evaluation expression and evaluation statement3.5 Concept of data input and output3.6 Character data input and output3.7 Simple format input and output3.8 Design example of sequential structured program3.9 Advanced partChapter 4Selective structure programming design4.1 Conditional determination4.2 Make selective structure with “if” statement4.3 Make selective structure of the multi-branch by using” switch” statement 4.4 Synthesize program example4.5 Advanced PartChapter 5Circle structure of the program design5.1 Required circle structures during the program5.2 Use “while” statement and “do ... while” statement to achieve circular 5.3 Used “for” statement cycle5.4 Cycle of nested5.5 Advanced ending cycle5.6 Several circle comparison5.7 Program examples5.8 Advanced partChapter 6Use of array processing bulk data6.1 Why use an array6.2 Definition and reference of one-dimensional array6.3 Definitions and reference of two-dimensional arrays of 6.4 Character array6.5 Advanced partChapter 7Function modular program design7.1 What is the function?7.2 Function definition and call7.3 Function of nested calls and recursive calls7.4 Arrays as function parameters7.5 Variable scope and lifetime7.6 Internal functions and external functions7.7 Advanced partChapter 8Good use of pointer8.1 What is a pointer?8.2 Pointer variable8.3 Refers to the array through pointers8.4 Reference to the string by a pointer8.5 Advanced partChapter 9Use syntagm to deal with combinations of data - user-defined data type 9.1 Definitions and use of the Syntagm variable9.2 Syntagm array9.3 Syntagm pointer9.4 Use syntagm variable and its pointer as function parameters9.5 Deal linked list with pointers9.6 Advanced partChapter 10Use file to save data10.1 Concept of C file10.2 File open and close10.3 File sequential read and write10.4 File random read and write10.5 Advanced partClass Hours Associate Sheet。



Low-Level C Programming – p. 6/4
C Arithmetic Trivia
Operations on char, short, int, and long probably run at the same speed (same ALU). Same for unsigned variants
+, − × ÷
sqrt, sin, log, etc.
Very slow
Low-Level C Programming – p. 4/4
Simple benchmarks
for (i = 0 ; i < 10000 ; ++i) /* arithmetic operation */
On my desktop Pentium 4 with good hardware floating-point support, Operator Time Operator Time + (int) 1 + (double) 5 5 5 * (int) * (double) / (int) 12 / (double) 10 « (int) 2 sqrt 28 sin 48 pow 275
Arithmetic Lessons
Try to use integer addition/subtraction Avoid multiplication unless you have hardware Avoid division Avoid floating-point, unless you have hardware Really avoid math library functions



C语言有很多种,如:Microsoft C、Turbo C、
Quick C、Borland C++、Visual C等。本课程通
过Turbo C的环境来学习C语言。
C Programming Language
例1.1 第一个程序 Hello,World!
/* example1.1 The first C Program*/
– 答疑时间:星期四 12:00~13:30 – 地点:鉴主-12楼-计算机技术研究所 – 第6周到第18周
. C Programming Language
时间:待定 上机内容:随教学进度根据配套的实验书( 上机调试每次课堂作业) 要求:
• 所有作业必须独立完成
• 作业必须经上机调试通过
. C Programming Language
输入 X
X>=0吗? N N=N+1
Y 输出 X
[例1.4] 输入10个数,求它们的平均值。
N=0, SUM=0 当N<10 输入X SUM=SUM+X N=N+1 AVER=SUM/10 输出AVER的值
. C Programming Language
非数值数据:编码 汉字:国标码
. C Programming Language
ds dn dn-1 dn-2 ……..



A First Book of ANSI C, Fourth Edition
String Processing (continued)
A First Book of ANSI C, Fourth Edition
Library Functions
Note: Attempting to copy a larger string into a smaller string causes the copy to overflow the destination array beginning with the memory area immediately following the last array element.
The starting address of the string1 string is: 1244836
A First Book of ANSI C, Fourth Edition 20
Character Routines
A First Book of ANSI C, Fourth Edition
A First Book of ANSI C, Fourth Edition
String Fundamentals
• A string literal is any sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes
– "Good Morning!" – Also called: string constant, string value, string – A string is stored as an array of characters terminated by an end-of-string symbolic constant named NULL ('\0')



目录1、各种技术方向分析............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.1、JAVA................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



NET............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


3、手机端开发................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


4、C..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2、学习建议............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3、如何学习............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4、教程设计............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



根据不同的值选择执行不同的代 码块。
重复执行一段代码,直到满足终 止条件。
当条件满足时重复执行一段代码 。
根据条件判断执行不同的代码块 。
先执行一段代码,然后检查条件 是否满足,再决定是否重复执行 。
C支持内存对齐,通过指定变量或类型的对齐方 式,可以提高程序性能和硬件利用率。
该系统采用C语言编写,通过命令行界面与用户交互。学生信 息以结构体数组的形式存储,并提供相应的函数实现信息的 增删改查。此外,系统还支持按姓名、学号等关键字进行查 询,方便用户快速找到目标学生信息。
使用C和图形库(如Qt或MFC)设计一 个简单的图形界面应用程序。
C11引入了lambda表达式,使得编写简洁、功能强大的匿名函数 成为可能。
C11标准库提供了线程库,支持多线程编程,包括线程的创 建、同步和通信等操作。
C11引入了互斥锁(mutex)和条件变量(condition variable) ,用于保护共享数据,避免多个线程同时访问导致的数据竞争问
C多线程编程中,为了避免频繁创建和销毁线程带来的开销, 可以采用线程池技术,预先创建一定数量的线程,重复利用。



catch continue else float inline operator class sizeof throw unsigned
while default enum for int private register static true using
1. 了解C++语言的基本符号 2. 了角C++语言的词汇(保留字、标识符、常量、运
算符、标点符号等) 3. 掌握C++程序的基本框架(结构程序设计框架、面
向对象程序设计框架等) 4. 能够使用Visual C++ 6.0集成开发环境编辑、编译、
标识符的名称可以是一个字符,也可以 是多个字符。第一个字符必须是字母或 下划线,后跟字母、数字、下划线的组 合。标识符区分大小写。长度不得大于 32个字符,而通常是前8个字符有效。
1.一致性 2.准确性 3.长度短,信息多
char delete explicit friend long protected return switch try virtual
class do extern goto namespace public short template typedef void
const double false if new struct signed this union volatile
C++的程序的文件类型有.h和.cpp两种,前者是头文件, 后者是代码的实现文件。头文件中包含了类、函数、 常量、全局变量等的声明,使用时用#include语句在程 序的预处理部分包含进来即可。代码的实现文件是对 头文件中声明的类、函数等的具体实现。不需要显示 包含.cpp文件,当包含了与它对应的.h文件后,编译器 会自动去找同名的.cpp文件。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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C omputational I ntelligence on A utomation Lab @ NCTUUEE1302 (1068) F11Introduction to Computersand ProgrammingProgramming Lecture 09Pointers &Dynamic Arrays (I)PRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN2Learning ObjectivesPointers–Data type and pointer variables –Declaration and manipulation–Address versus dereference operators –Memory managementPointers to user-defined data type Dynamic Arrays–Creating and using –Pointer arithmetic–Multi-dimensional arraysMemory AddressesEvery byte in memory has an integer address –Ex: a computer with 256MB RAM–addresses start from 0 to 256×1024×1024 An int variable uses 4 bytes –Ex:int a = 10;–each address stores one byte–store in address 0012FED4 to 0012FED70012FED410Introduction to Pointers[Def] pointer:–is a memory address of a variable Syntax:datatype *identifier ;Recall: memory divided–Numbered memory locations (index)–Addresses used as content of a pointer variableDon’t be panic! Seen this before. –Call-by-reference parameters–Address of actual argument was passedPRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN5Pointer VariablesPointers can be viewed as one datatype –can store pointers in variables –not int , double , char and etc.–instead, a pointer (or an arrow ) to int , double , char and etc. Example: double * p ;–p is declared a pointer-to-double variable –can hold pointers to variables of type double but not other types like char–EX:sizeof(p)=8 on x86_64 workstation.PRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN6Declaring Pointer VariablesPointers declared like other types –add *before variable names –produce pointer to that type 3 forms are equivalentint *ptr; //most suggested by textbook int* ptr; //most convenient practically int * ptr;'*'must be located before each variableExample: int *ptr1, var1, *ptr2, var2;–ptr1, ptr2 hold pointers to int variables –var1, var2 are ordinary int variablesAddresses and NumbersContent of a pointer variable is an address –address is an integer number (index for memory location)–recall sizeof(double*)But pointer is actually NOT typed in integer –not in int datatype–not crazy due to abstractionC++ forces pointers be used as addresses –cannot be used as numbers –even though it is a numberDereferencing Operator *Two roles of '*' in C/C++:–binary multiplication operator, ex: 8*5–a unary operator , ex: int* iptr; As '*' is used as a unary operator,–called dereferencing operator (or indirection operator)–refer to object to which its operand (that is, a pointer) points180012008iptr 1800PRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN9Address Operator: &&: the "address of" operator–also used to specify call-by-reference parameters not coincidentRecall:call-by-reference parameters pass address of the actual argument Example:void func(int& var2);…func(var1);//int& var2 = var1;var2and var1will have the same address Operator’s two uses are closely relatedPRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN10Pointing To … (1/2)Terminology, view–talk of pointing , not addresses–pointer variable points to ordinary variable –leave address talk out Example:int *p1, *p2, v1, v2;p1 = &v1;–set pointer variable p1to point to int variable v1–or p1is assigned the address of v1Pointing to … (2/2)Example:int *p1, *p2, v1, v2;p1 = &v1;Two ways to refer to v1now:–variable v1itself:cout << v1;–via pointer p1:cout << *p1;Dereference operator, *–pointer variable derereferenced–mean: retrieve mata that p1points toAnother ExampleConsider:int v1 = 0;int* p1;p1 = &v1;*p1 = 45;cout << v1 << endl;cout << *p1 << endl; Produces output:4545p1and v1refer to same variablePRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN13Assignment of Pointers (1/2)Pointer variables can be assigned :int *p1, *p2;p1 = p2; //ex: address of p2 is 5678–assign one pointer to another –make p1point to where p2pointsp1is assigned the same address as p2 How about this one?*p1 = *p2;–assign the value pointed to by p1to the value pointed to by p2copy the content that p2points to the content that p1pointsPRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN14Assignment of Pointers (2/2)1800AF008p118005CA8AF0113p25CA85CA8AF008p118005CA8AF0113p25CA81800AF0013p118005CA8AF0113p25CA8p1=p2;1800AF008p118005CA8AF0113p25CA8*p1=*p2;Initialize Pointer VariablesC/C++ does not automatically initialize variablesInitialize a pointer constant value 0(a.k.a. null pointerint* ptr = 0;–store the null pointer in ptr –ptr points to nothing–constant NULL is also equivalent ex:int* prt = NULL;Constant 0is the only number that can be directly assigned to pointer variables.The new OperatorSince pointers can refer to variables…–no real need to have a standard identifier Can dynamically allocate variables operator new creates variables –no identifiers to refer to them –just a pointer! Example: p1 = new int;–creates a new nameless variable, and assigns p1to point to it –can access with *p1–use just like ordinary variablePRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN17Example of Pointer Manipulations (1/2)#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){int *p1, *p2;p1 = new int;*p1 = 45;p2 = p1;cout << “*p1 == “ << *p1 << endl;cout << “*p2 == “ << *p2 << endl;*p2 = 23;cout << “*p1 == “ << *p1 << endl;cout << “*p2 == “ << *p2 << endl;PRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN18Example of Pointer Manipulations (2/2)p1 = new int(101); //initialize as well *p2 = 77;cout << “*p1 == “ << *p1 << endl;cout << “*p2 == “ << *p2 << endl;return 0;}*p1 == 45*p2 == 45*p1 == 23*p2 == 23*p1 == 101*p2 == 77result on screen:Pointers and FunctionsPointers are full-fledged types–can be used just like other types –can be function parameters –can be returned from functions Example:int* fFindPointer(double* p);this declaration of function fFindPointer:–has one pointer-to-double parameter –returns pointer-to-int variableMemory ManagementHeap (a.k.a. freestore)–reserved for dynamically-allocated variables–all new dynamic variables consume memory in freestore–if too many could use all freestore memory Future new operations will fail if the freestore is fullPRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN 21Checking new Success (1/2)Older compilers:–test if null returned by call to new:int* p;p = new int;if (p == NULL){cout << "Insufficient memory.\n";exit(1);}–if new succeeds, program continuesPRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN 22Checking new Success (2/2)For newer compilers, if new operation fails:–Program terminates automatically –Produces error message Still good practice to use NULL checkFreestore SizeVaries with implementations/machines Typically large–most programs won’t use all memory –but not for buggy programs or some particular applications Memory management –still good practice–solid software engineering principle –memory is always finiteregardless of how much there is!The delete OperatorDe-allocate dynamic memory –when no longer needed –return memory to freestore Example:int* p;p = new int(5);… //some processing…delete p; //delete space that p points to–de-allocate dynamic memory pointed to by pointer p–literally destroy memory spacePRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN25Dangling Pointersdelete p;–destroy dynamic memory–but p still points the original address called dangling pointer–if p is then dereferenced (*p )unpredictable results! often disastrous! Avoid dangling pointers–assign pointer to NULL after delete:delete p;p = NULL;PRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN26User-defined Pointer TypesDefine pointer types–able to declare pointers like other variables–eliminate need for '*' in pointer declaration Example: typedef int* tIntPtr;–define a new type alias Consider these declarations:tIntPtr p;int* p;–two forms are equivalentPointer to StructureAccess data in the struct through a variable by using “.” operationC++ provides member access operator arrow (->) to retrieve components of user-defined variablesExample: given a struct tPersonal_IDtPersonal_ID myself = (“Charles”,30);tPersonal_ID* current;current = &myself;cout << current->name << endl;cout << (*current).age << endl;Dynamic v.s. Automatic VariablesLocal variables–declared within function definition Not dynamic–created when function is called–destroyed when function call completes –often called automatic variables properties controlled for you Dynamic variables–created with new operator–created and destroyed while program runsPRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN29Dynamic ArraysArray variables–actually pointer variables!Standard array–fixed dimensions for array–size for each dimension needs to be a constant. Dynamic array–size not specified at programming time –determined while program runningPRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN30Array Variables v.s. Pointers (1/3)Recall: arrays stored in memory addresses, sequentially–array variable "refers to" first indexed variable–so array variable is a kind of pointer variable! Example:int a[10];int * p;–a and p are both pointer variables!Array Variables v.s. Pointers (2/3)Recall previous example:int a[10];typedef int* IntPtr;IntPtr p;–a and p are pointer variablesPerforming assignments:p = a;//LEGAL–p now points where a points–To first indexed variable of array aa = p;//ILLEGAL!–array pointer a is constant pointerArray Variables v.s. Pointers (3/3)Array variableint a[10];–more than a pointer variable –"const int*" type–array was allocated in memory already –variable a MUST point there…always! cannot be changed!In contrast to ordinary pointers–which can (& typically do) changePRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN33Standard vs. Dynamic ArraysStandard array limitations–must specify size first estimate maximum–may not know until program runs!–waste memory Example:const int MAX_SIZE=100000;int iArray[MAX_SIZE];–what if the user only need 100 integers? Dynamic arrays–can grow and shrink as neededPRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN34Creating Dynamic ArraysUse new operator–dynamically allocate with pointer variable –treat like standard arrays Example:int iSize = 0;cin >> iSize;typedef double* DoublePtr;DoublePtr d;d = new double[iSize];//size in brackets–create dynamically allocated array variable d –contain iSize elements of type doubleDeleting Dynamic ArraysAllocated dynamically at run-time –so should be destroyed at run-time Continue the previous example:…d = new double[iSize];//Size in brackets … //Processingdelete [] d; //delete array that p points–de-allocate all memory for dynamic array –brackets []indicate array is there–note that d still points there. dangling! should add "d = NULL;"immediatelyPointer ArithmeticCan perform arithmetic on pointers –arithmetic over memory address –support addition /subtraction–compared using relational operators (==,!=,<, >, etc.) Example:int nums[100];int* iPtr;iPtr = &nums[0];//equivalently,iPtr = nums;iPtr +=4;if (iPtr == &nums[4])cout << “jump to 4th element” << endl;PRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN37Alternative Array ManipulationUse pointer arithmetic!Step through array without indexing([]):for (int idx = 0;idx < arraySize;idx++)cout << *(d + idx) << " "; Equivalent to:for (int idx = 0;idx < arraySize;idx++)cout << d[idx] << " ";Only addition/subtraction on pointers –no multiplication, division Can use ++and --on pointersPRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN38Advanced Pointer Notation (1/2)Access to multi-dimensional arrays can be made using pointer notationExample: Consider the declaration:int nums[2][3] = {{16,18,20},{25,26,27}};–create an array of elements and a set of pointer constants named nums , nums[0]andnums[1]–address of the first element in first row of nums is nums[0]–int variable pointed to by nums[1]is num[1][0]Advanced Pointer Notation (2/2)pointer notationsubscript notationactual value*nums[0]nums[0][0]16*(nums[0]+1)nums[0][1]18*(nums[0]+2)nums[0][2]20*nums[1]nums[1][0]25*(nums[1]+1)nums[1][1]26*(nums[1]+2)nums[1][2]27Dynamic Multi-dimensional ArraysMulti-dimensional arrays are arrays of arrays –various ways to create dynamic multi-dimensional arrays. Example:typedef int* IntArrayPtr;IntArrayPtr* m = new IntArrayPtr[3]; for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)m[idx] = new int[4];–declare one array m of 3IntArrayPtr pointers –make each allocated array of 4integers –create one 3x4 dynamic arrayPRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN41Example: 2-dimensional Dynamic ArraysExample:int *Mat1[4];int *Mat1[4];//2//2nd dimension is fixed at for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++)Mat1[row] = new int[6];Mat1[row] = new int[6];//create 6 columns //create 6 columns –4 rows Mat1[0], Mat1[1], Mat1[2]and Mat1[3]are declared–each row has 6 columns to be created Example: (most common )int **Mat2; int **Mat2; //2//2//2--level pointerMat2 = new int *[4];Mat2 = new int *[4];//create 4 rows //create 4 rows //create 4 rows dynamically dynamically for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++)Mat2[row] = new int [6]; Mat2[row] = new int [6]; //create 6 columns //create 6 columns –both Mat2and *Mat2are pointersPRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN 42Shallow vs. Deep CopiesShallow copy (copy-by-address)–two or more pointers point to the same memory addressDeep copy (copy-by-value)–two or more pointers have their own data Example:int *first, *second;first = new int[10];second = first; //shallow copy second = new int[10];for (int idx=0;idx<10;idx++) //deep copy second[idx] = first[idx];Delete Dynamic ArraysAfter a dynamic array is of no use any more, deallocate the memory by delete operation–Clean reversely from last allocated memory Example: //reallocate a dynamic 5x9 matrixint** Mat = new int *[5];//create 5 rows for (int row = 0; row < 9; row++)Mat[row]=new int [9];//create 9 columns… //some processingfor (int row = 0; row < 9; row++) //clean columns delete [] Mat[row];delete [] Mat; //clean rows Mat = NULL;Passing Arrays by FunctionWhen array is passed to a function, only pass the address of the first element Example: in main functionint max = FindMax(array, size);in function declaration sectionint FindMax(int* val, int num){…}–Parametr receives the address of array array val is one pointer –Another form:int FindMax(int val[], int num)PRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN45Returning an Array by Function (1/2)Array type pointers are NOT allowed as return-type of function Example:int [] someFunction();//ILLEGAL!Instead return pointer to array base type:int* someFunction();//LEGAL!–Return an integer pointer after function call –in main (or caller) function,int* iptr = someFunction();–Only ONE array (address) can be returned!PRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN46Returning an Array by Function (2/2)One more example:int* display();void main() {cout << *display() << endl; }int* display(){int* iptr = new int (0);int b[2] = {10, 20};for (int idx = 0; idx < 2; idx++)*iptr += b[idx];return iptr; }Allocating C-StringsA typical problem is to store an array of C-Strings.–first declare an array of points to C-Strings –dynamically allocate space for C-Strings Example:char word[100]; char * wvec[50]; … // n: index of wvec; default is 0while (cin >> word) {int len = strlen(word)+1;char * nword = new char [len];strcpy(nword, word);wvec[n] = nword;n++;}Expanding Dynamic ArraysA program can start with a small array and then expands it only if necessary Example://assume MAX = 10 at first int * ivec = new int[MAX]; … … //initialize n to 0 //initialize n to 0 while (cin >> ivec[idx]) {n++;if (n >= MAX) {MAX *= 2;int * tmp = new int [MAX];for (int i=0; i<n; i++) tmp[i] = ivec[i];delete [] ivec;ivec = tmp;} } //end of if //end of if }//end of whilePRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN49Common Programming Errors (1/2)Using a pointer to access nonexistent array elementsIncorrectly apply address and indirect operatorsint *ptr1 = &45;int *prt2 = &(miles+10);–Illegal to take the address of a value Taking addresses of pointer constantsint nums[25];int * pt;pt = &nums;–Correct form: pt = nums;PRO_10PROF. HUNG-PIN(CHARLES) WEN50Common Programming Errors (2/2)Taking addresses of a register variable –Internal registers do not have addresses Initializing pointer variables incorrectlyint *pt = 5;–pt is a pointer to an integer–must be a valid address of another integer variable or NULLForgetting to the bracket set, [], after the delete operator when dynamically deallocating memorySummaryPointer is memory address–Provides indirect reference to variable Dynamic variables–Created and destroyed while program runs Freestore–Memory storage for dynamic variables Dynamically allocated arrays–Size determined as program runs。
