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I know WhO GOd is!
A boy SayS to her mother, ,t Mom, is GOd a man Or WOInan?11
The mom thinks a WhlIe and SaySJ'Well,son, GO(I is both man and woman/1
The Son is confused, SO he asks, 'Ts GOd black Or White?ft
The mother replies, tl God is both black and white, honey.11
The son, Still ClIriOus9 SayS after a while, ft Is GOd gay Or Straight9 mommy?11
The mother, getting a IittIe worried, answers, ,l Son, GOd IS both gay and StraighL M
The SOn thinks about it, and his face IightS UP Whell IIe thinks he finally has answered his question: tl Is GOd MiChael JaCkSOn?M
_____________________ 同学,你的这篇诵读读得怎么样了?给自己打个分吧!
DOeS the dog know the proverb, too?
A IittIe boy did not Iike the IOOk Of the barking dog∙n It f s all right*f Said a gentleman* π DOn f t be afraid. Don,t you know the
PrOVerb∙I Barking dogs don t t bite,7n n Ah9 yes.t, answered the Iittle boy. H I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too∙
CIeVer Son
BrOWn WaS Very PrOUd Of his young son. OllCe he WaS talking to a visitor, telling the man how CIeVer his SOn was.
tl The boy is Ollly two years old/1 he said, M and knows all animals. He,s going to be a great naturalist. Here, Iet Ine ShOW you.,t
He took a book Of natural history from the bookshelf, PIaCed BObby on his knee, OPeneel the book and ShOWeel him a PiCtUre Of a giraffe.
,t Said Bobby. NeXt Of a tiger WaS shown, and BObby said, H What l S that, BObby?tf ,t Horsey
t TussyJ t Then BrOWIl ShOWed BObby a PiCtUre Of lioι‰ and BObby said, II DOggy.tt AnCl
When a PiCtUre Of a ChimPanZee WaS ShoWII∙ “Daddy” BObby said∙
以诵读为快乐,让书香伴成长!同学们,诵读英语,感悟英语的魅力• My DreamS
I Want to be a teacher When I IiSten to my teacher carefully. I think I Can be a teacher Whell I grow up. I Can help many StUdentS Iearn things well. I Can Play with my StUdeiιts 9 too. SO We are good fnends. I Want to be a doctor WheII I See many doctors SaVe their Patielits. TO be a doctor is really great. I think I CaIl be a doctor WheIl I grow up. TheIl I Can help many PeOPle OUt Of danger. I Will be the happiest girl in the wor ld. I Wailt to be a reporter WhelI I WatCh TV eveιy evening. We CalI get IOtS Of important information from them. They make the WOrld SmalIer and also make US happy. I WOUId Iike to be a reporter When I grow up. And I CaIl IeariI a IOt about China and the Other COUntrieS around the world. I Can meet many SUPerStarS as WeIL I have IOtS Of dreams. I think my dreams Can COme true One day, because there's an Old Saying ς
Svhere there is a WilI 9 there is a Way 口话怦价隶希
____________________ 同学,你的这篇诵读读得怎么样了?给自己打个分吧!
相信 己I 坚持不懈I 一定会说出一口标准流利的英语!
POOr Man
LOOk at this man. What is he doing? Hel Carrying a Very big box∙ The box is full Of big apples> He WaiItS to PUt it On the back Of his bike and take 辻home. Cail he do that? No, I don't think so∙ Why not? BeCaUSe the box is too full and too heavy∙ Look! WhafS wrong? He drops the box. POOr man!
AUnt Judy's Birthday
Allllt Judy's birthday is COIninge She WIlI be 38 years old. Dad and MUm are going to take me to IIer house. She IiVeS in Guangzhou. VVe are going to go there by train. Her birthday Party Wiil be on SatUrday. VVe are IeaVing On Frlday afternoon. AnCl We are COming back on SUnday evening. I am going to give Iny dear Allnt JUdy a PlCtUre ∙ I am drawing it now. I am drawing SOme beautiful flowers. I am drawing a Small dog, too. That,s because She IikeS dogs. The PiCtUre Wiil be Very nice.
A FOOtball MatCh
IfS SUnday tomorrow. We are going to WatCh a football match. IrS between a JaPaneSe team and a ChineSe team. The football match is going to be at four OpIoCk in the afternoon. OUr teachers Mr Li and Mr Wang are going to VVatCh the football InatCh With us∙ We are going there by bike. We think We Can COme back at about SiX in the evening.
I Want to Write a Ietter
I VVant to Write a Ietter
TO tell my new friend TayIOr
My EngIiSh is now better
And I Can read much fasten
I Want to Write a Ietter
TO tell my new friend Peter
My EngIiSh is now better
And I Can SPeak much louder.
_____________________ 同学,你的这篇诵读读得怎么样了?给自己打个分吧!
(将表格肉的小I I星涂满・危得自己是几潁星此涂几颍丿
My SChOOl Life
HeIIo9 my name is SUSane I am thirteen years old. I am tall and StrOng∙ My hair is short. I StUdy in a Primary SChOOl ∙I am good at EngIiSh and ChineSe∙ Lily and LUCy are my good friends∙ They are twin SiSters∙ They IOOk the same. LiIy is twelve ∙ She is forty minutes OIder than Lucy. And She is a IittIe taller than Lucy. They are in the Same school, but in different CIaSSes∙ LUCy is my CIaSSmatee They IiVe near my house. After SChOOl VVe Oftell go home together. We do homework togrther too∙ BeCaSe they are not good at Chinese, I Often help them With ChinSe∙ SOmetimeS on Sundays,We PIay games and go for a WaIk in the Park together.
In autumn, VVhen the IeaVeS Start to fall,
I Iike to run, jump and kick a balk
In winter, WheII there's IOtS Of snow,
The COId WindS Start to blow and blovv∙
I Stay at home and VVait for SPring ,
And the fine Weather it's going to bring.
I Wait for SUmmer WheiI the SUn is hot,
Then I Can PIay games and SWim a IOL
