



优点: 1、待机时间长 外观也不错 按键也挺好的 而且短信支持
词组 真是超棒极了 2、而且支持mp3 移动上网 彩屏 JAVA 能够挂qq 玩飞信 真是好得没的说 (当然是性价比 了 200多能买到这样的机子 一个字 “真值” 缺点: 缺点还是有的 1、反应比较慢 2、对屏幕在外面根本看不 见 3、手机后盖特容易松动 4、通话时间不显示短信功能 强大,能编写词组,真的很适合我们学生使用 5、支持关机闹钟,而且不管你手机的情景模式是否为铃 音,即使是震动,他的闹钟都是铃声的。
1.待机时间长。这是我买它的最重要的原因。我一般5天,晚上不关机。 2.支持mp3铃 声。 3.品牌为诺基亚(貌似是废话)。 4.在诺基亚的低端机里外形不错,价格便宜。
第一:首先要严重指出[屏幕透明外壳]出现《严重质量问题》:屏幕透明外壳在原来 新买回来的时候非常平滑,并且有些微微向外的弧度,流线极佳。但是使用不到1月后 ,不知道是什么时候透明的屏幕外壳居然凹了下去(排除强大外力碰撞的可能性), 眼睛视线平行观察屏幕外壳时,更加明显的看出与全新微微向外略带外凸正好相反, 明显是的有点平滑的下凹。虽凹度不明显,但心里总是有点隐隐不快!!第二:本人 买的是蓝色外壳的2610,蓝色搭配整个机身的外形的确非常耐看,蓝色键盘灯与整机 色调搭配非常绚丽。但是,蓝色的外壳(磨砂塑料壳)的质量明显看得出不如黑色外 壳(类似橡胶材质)的质量好,而且本人蓝色外壳并没有出现 许多 使用这款 机子网 友所反映的出来 后盖 难打开的问题。向反,我的却非常轻松的打开(拇指轻轻一动就 开),而且出现后盖与机身接缝不严密、松动等现象。自己不得采用向后盖内滴腊的 方法来紧密(效果相当不错,且不伤后盖)!第三:屏幕在室外看不清楚显示内容! 总是要在裤兜内看信息,郁闷~~~;信息提示音始终是渐强;移动定制机,程序内容 繁杂;传输功能单一; 虽然屏幕透明外壳凹度还算平滑、不明显、不影响使用和美观 。后盖与机身接缝不紧密用滴腊的方法得到解决。但对于NOKIA一直以皮实耐用著称 的牌子来说的确有点…………



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------螺栓--方头螺栓C级UDC 621.882.6 | GB 8-88 | 代替GB8-76Square head bolts-Product grade C--沉头方颈螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 10-88 | 代替GB10-76Flat countersunk square neck bolts--沉头带榫螺拴UDC 621.882.6 | GB 11-88 | 代替GB11-76Flat countersunk nib bolts--半圆头方颈螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 12-88 | 代替GB12-76Cup head square neck bolts--半圆头带榫螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 13-88 | 代替GB13-76Cup head nid bolts--大半圆头方颈螺栓C级ISO 8677:1986 | GB 14-1998 | 代替GB14-88Cup head square neck bolts with large head-Product grade C--大半圆头带榫螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 15-88 | 代替GB15-76Cup head nib bolts with large head--六角头铰制孔用螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 27-88 | 代替GB27-76Hexagon fit bolts-product grade A and B--六角头螺杆带孔铰制孔用螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 28-88 | 代替GB28-76Hexagon fit bolts with split pin hole on shank-product grade A and B--六角头头部带槽螺栓A 和B 级UDC 621.882.6 | GB 29.1-88 | 代替GB29-76 Hexagon bolts with slot on head -product A and B--十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 29.2-88 | 代替GB29-76Cross recessed hexagon bolts with indentation--六角头螺杆带孔螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 31.1-88 | 代替GB31、23、24-76 Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank-product grade A and B--六角头螺杆带孔螺栓细杆B级UDC 621.882.6 | GB 31.2-88 | 代替GB31、23、24-76 Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank-Reduced shank-product grade B--六角头螺杆带孔螺栓细牙A和B级UDC 621.882.6 | GB 31.3-88 | 代替GB31、23、24-76Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank-Fine pitch thread-product grade A and B--六角头头部带孔螺栓A 和B级UDC 621.882.6 | GB 32.1-88 | 代替GB32、25、26-76 Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head-product grade A and B--六角头头部带孔螺栓细杆B级UDC 621.882.6 | GB 32.2-88 | 代替GB32、25、26-76 Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head-Reduced shank-product grade B--六角头头部带孔螺栓细牙A 和 B 级UDC 621.882.6 | GB 32.3-88 | 代替GB32、25、26-76Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head-Fine pitch thread-product grade A and B--下方头螺栓B级UDC 621.882.6 | GB 35-88 | 代替GB35-76Square head bolts with small head-praduct grade B--T 形槽用螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 37-88 | 代替GB37-76Bolts for T-Slot--加强半圆头方颈螺栓GB /T794-93 | 代替GB794-67Strengthened cup head square neck bolts--活节螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 798-88 | 代替GB798-76Eye bolts--地脚螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 799-88 | 代替GB799-76Eyelet bolts--沉头双榫螺UDC 621.882.6 | GB 800-88 | 代替GB800-77Flat countersunk double nib bolts--小圆半头低方颈螺栓B级ISO 8678:1988 | GB /T 801-1998 | 代替GB801-88Cup head square neck bolts with small head and short neck-product grade B--六角头螺栓C级ISO 4016:1999 | GB /T 5780-2000 | 代替GB/T 5780-1986 Hexagon head bolts-product grade C--六角头螺栓全螺纹C级ISO 4018:1999 | GB /T 5781-2000 | 代替GB/T 5781-1986 Hexagon head bolts-Full thread-product grade C--六角头螺栓ISO 4014:1999 | GB /T 5782-2000 | 代替GB/T 5782-1986Hexagon head bolts--六角头螺栓全螺纹ISO 4017:1999 | GB /T 5783-2000 | 代替GB/T 5783-1986 Hexagon head bolts-Full thread--六角头螺栓-细杆-B级UDC 621.882.6 | GB 5784-86 | 代替GB30、21-76Hexagon head bolts-Reduced shank -Product grade B--六角头螺栓细牙ISO 8765:1999 | GB /T 5785-2000 | 代替GB/T 5785-1986 Hexagon head bolts with fine pitch thread--六角头螺栓细牙全螺纹ISO 8676:1999 | GB /T 5786-2000 | 代替GB/T 5786-1986 Hexagon head bolts with fine pitch thread-Full thread--六角法兰面螺栓-加大系列-B级UDC 621.882.6 | GB 5789-86 |Hexagon flange bolts-Heavy series-product grade B--六角法兰面螺栓-加大系列-细杆-B级UDC 621.882.6 | GB 5790-86 |Hexagon flange bolts-Heavy series-product grade B--六角法兰面螺栓小系列ISO 4162:1990 | GB /T 16674-1996 | 代替GB/T 5787、5788-1986Hexagon flange bolts-Small series--钢网架螺栓球节点用高强度螺栓GB /T 16939-1997 |High strength bolts for joints of space grid structures螺柱--双头螺柱bm=1d UDC 621.882 | GB 897-88 | 代替GB897-76Double end studs-bm=1d--双头螺柱bm=1.25d UDC 621.882 | GB 898-88 | 代替GB898-76Double end studs-bm=1.25d--双头螺柱bm=1.5d UDC 621.882 | GB 899-88 | 代替GB899-76Double end studs-bm=1.5d--双头螺柱bm=2d UDC 621.882 | GB 900-88 | 代替GB900-76Double end studs--bm=2d--等长双头螺柱B级UDC 621.882 | GB 901-88 | 代替GB901-76Double end studs(clamping type) -Product grade B--手工焊用焊接螺柱GB 902.1-89 | 代替GB902-76Weld studs for manual welding--机动弧焊用焊接螺柱GB 902.2-89 | 代替GB902-76Weld studs for arc welding--储能焊用焊接螺柱GB 902.3-89 | 代替GB902-76Weld studs for capacitor discharge welding--等长双头螺柱C级UDC 621.882 | GB 953-88 | 代替GB953-76 Double end studs(clamping type)-product grade C--螺杆GB /T 15389-94 |Threaded rods螺母--方螺母C级UDC 621.882.3 | GB 39-88 | 代替GB39-76 Square nuts-product grade C--六角螺母C级ISO 4034:1999 | GB /T41-2000 | 代替GB/T 41-1986 Hexagon nuts-product grade C--六角厚螺母ISO 621.882.3 | GB 56-88 | 代替GB56-76Hexagon thick nuts--蝶形螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 62-88 | 代替GB62-76Wing nuts--环形螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 63-88 | 代替GB63-76Lifting nuts--组合式盖形螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 802-88 | 代替GB802-76 Acorn nuts--球面六角螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 804-88 | 代替GB804-76 Hexagon nuts with raised face--扣紧螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 805-88 | 代替GB805-76Tight nuts--滚花高螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 806-88 | 代替GB806-76Knurled nut with collar--滚花薄螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 807-88 | 代替GB807-76Knurled nuts--小六角特扁细牙螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 808-88 | 代替GB808-76 Small hexagon thin nuts-Fine pitch thread--嵌装圆螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 809-88 | 代替GB809-76Lnsert round nuts--小圆螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 810-88 | 代替GB810-76Small round nuts--圆螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 812-88 | 代替GB812-76Round nuts--端面带孔圆螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 815-88 | 代替GB815-76 Round nuts with drilled holes in one face--侧面带孔圆螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 816-88 | 代替GB816-79Round nuts with set pin holes in side--带槽圆螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 817-88 | 代替GB817-76Slotted round nuts--1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母ISO 7040:1997 | GB /T 889.1-2000 | 代替GB/T 889-1986Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert),style 1--1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母细牙ISO 10512:1997 | GB /T 889.2-2000 |Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert),style 1,with fine pitch thread--盖形螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 923-88 | 代替GB923-76Acorn nuts--1型六角螺母ISO 4032:1999 | GB /T 6170-2000 | 代替GB/T 6170-1986Hexagon nuts,style 1--1型六角螺母细牙ISO 8673:1999 | GB /T 6171-2000 | 代替GB/T 6171-1986 Hexagon nuts,style 1,with fine pitch thread--六角薄螺母ISO 4035:1999 | GB /T 6172.1-2000 | 代替GB/T 6172-1986Hexagon thin nuts(chamfered)--非金属嵌件六角锁紧薄螺母ISO 10511:1997 | GB /T 6072.2-2000 |Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts(with non-metallic insert)--六角薄螺母细牙ISO 8675:1999 | GB /T 6173-2000 | 代替GB/T 6173-1986 Hexagon thin nuts(chamfered) with fine pitch thread--六角薄螺母无倒角ISO 4036:1999 | GB /T 6174-2000 | 代替GB/T 6174-1986 Hexagon thin nuts(unchamfered)--2型六角螺母ISO 4033:1999 | GB /T 6175-2000 | 代替GB/T 6175-1986Hexagon nuts,style 2--2型六角螺母细牙ISO 8674:1999 | GB /T 6176-2000 | 代替GB/T 6176-1986 Hexagon nuts,style 2,with fine pitch thread--六角法兰面螺母ISO 4161:1999 | GB /T 6177.1-2000 | 代替GB/T 6177-1986 Hexagon nuts with flange--六角法兰面螺母细牙ISO 10663:1999 | GB /T 6177.2-2000 |Hexagon nuts with flange-fine pitch thread--1型六角开槽螺母-A和B级UDC 621.882.3 | GB 6178-86 | 代替GB57~58-76 Hexagon slotted and castle nuts,style 1 -product grades A and B--1型六角开槽螺母-C级UDC 621.882.3 | GB 6179-86 | 代替GB57~58-76Hexagon slotted nuts,style 1 -product grade C--2型六角开槽螺母-A和B级UDC 621.882.3 | GB 6180-86 |Hexagon slotted and castle nuts,style 2 -Product grades A and B--六角开槽薄螺母-A和B级UDC 621.882.3 | GB 6181-86 | 代替GB59~60-76 Hexagon thin slotted nuts-Product grades A and B--2型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母ISO 7041:1997 | GB /T 6182-2000 | 代替GB/T 6182-1986Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert),style 2--非金属嵌件六角法兰面锁紧螺母ISO 7043:1997 | GB /T 6183.1-2000 | 代替GB/T 6183-1986Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic insert)--非金属嵌件六角法兰面锁紧螺母细牙ISO 12125:1997 | GB /T 6183.2-2000 | Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic insert)with fine pitch thread--1型全金属六角锁紧螺母ISO 7719:1997 | GB /T 6184-2000 | 代替GB/T 6184-1986 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 1--2型全金属六角锁紧螺母ISO 7042:1997 | GB /T 6185.1-2000 | 代替GB/T 6185-1986 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2--2型全金属六角锁紧螺母细牙ISO 10513:1997 | GB /T 6185.2-2000 |Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2,with fine pitch thread--2型全金属六角锁紧螺母9级ISO 7720:1997 | GB /T 6186-2000 | 代替GB/T 6186-1986Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2-Property class 9--全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母ISO 7044:1997 | GB /T 6187.1-2000 | 代替GB/T 6187-1986Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange--全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母细牙ISO 12126:1997 | GB /T 6187.2-2000 |Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange with fine pitch thread--1型六角开槽螺母细牙A和B级UDC 621.882.3 | GB 9457-88 | 代替GB57、58-76 Hexagon slotted and castle nuts,style 1-fine pitch thread-product grades A and B--2型六角开槽螺母细牙A和B级UDC 621.882.3 | GB 9458-88 |Hexagon slotted and castle nuts,style 2--Fine pitch thread -Product grades A and B--六角开槽薄螺母细牙A和B级UDC 621.882.3 | GB 9459-88 | 代替GB59、60-76 Hexagon thin slotted nuts--Fine pitch thread -Product grades A and B--焊接方螺母GB /T 13680-92 |Square weld nuts--焊接六角螺母GB /T 13681-92 |Hexagon weld nuts--平头铆螺母GB /T 17880.1-1999 |Flat head riveted nuts--沉头铆螺母GB /T 17880.2-1999 |Countersunk head riveted nuts--小沉头铆螺母GB /T 17880.3-1999 |Small countersunk head riveted nuts--120°小沉头铆螺母GB /T 17880.4-1999 |120°Small countersunk head riveted nuts--平头六角铆螺母GB /T 17880.5-1999 |Flat head hexagon riveted nuts--精密机械用六角螺母ISO 4166:1979 | GB /T 18195-2000 |Hexagon nuts for fine mechanics螺钉--开槽圆柱头螺钉ISO 1207:1992 | GB /T 65-2000 | 代替GB/T 65-1985 Slotted cheese head screws--开槽盘头螺钉ISO 1580:1994 | GB /T 67-2000 | 代替GB/T 67-1985Slotted pan head screws--开槽沉头螺钉ISO 2009:1994 | GB /T 68-2000 | 代替GB/T 68-1985Slotted countersunk flat head screws (common head style)--开槽半沉头螺钉ISO 2010:1994 | GB /T 69-2000 | 代替GB/T 69-1985 Countersunk slotted raised head screws (common head style)--内六角圆柱头螺钉ISO 4762:1997 | GB /T 70.1-2000 | 代替GB/T 70-1985 Hexagon socket head cap screws--内六角平圆头螺钉ISO 7380:1997 | GB /T 70.2-2000 |Hexagon socket button head screws--内六角沉头螺钉ISO 10642:1997 | GB /T 70.3-2000 |Hexagon socket countersunk head screws--开槽锥端紧定螺钉UDC 621.882.219 | GB 71-85 | 代替GB71-76Slotted set screws with cone point--开槽锥端定位螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 72-88 | 代替GB72-76Slotted setscrews with cone point--开槽平端紧定螺钉UDC 621.882.219.4 | GB 73-85 | 代替GB73-76Slotted set screws with flat point--开槽凹端紧定螺钉UDC 621.882. | GB 74-85 | 代替GB74-76Slotted set screws with cup point--开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉UDC 621.882. | GB 75-85 | 代替GB75-76Slotted set screws with long dog point--内六角平端紧定螺钉ISO 4026:1993 | GB /T 77-2000 | 代替GB/T 77-1985 Hexagon socket set screws with flat point--内六角锥端紧定螺钉ISO 4027:1993 | GB /T 78-2000 | 代替GB/T 78-1985 Hexagon socket set screws with cone point--内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉ISO 4028:1993 | GB /T 79-2000 | 代替GB/T 79-1985 Hexagon socket set screws with dog point--内六角凹端紧定螺钉ISO 4029:1993 | GB /T 80-2000 | 代替GB/T 80-1985 Hexagon socket set screws with cup point--方头长圆柱球面端紧定螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 83-88 | 代替GB83-76Square set screws with long dog point and rounded end--方头凹端紧定螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 84-88 | 代替GB84-76Square set screws with cup point--方头长圆柱端紧定螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 85-88 | 代替GB85-76Square set screws with long dog point--方头短圆柱锥端紧定螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 86-88 | 代替GB86-76Square set screws with short dog point and cone end--十字槽盘头螺钉ISO 7045:1994 | GB /T 818-2000 | 代替GB/T 818-1985Pan head screws with cross recess--十字槽沉头螺钉第1部分:钢4.8级ISO 7046-1:1994 | GB /T 819.1-2000 | 代替GB/T 819-1985Countersunk flat head screws (common head style)with cross recess-Part 1:Steel of property class 4.8--十字槽沉头螺钉第2部分:钢8.8、不锈钢A2-70和有色金属CU2或CU3ISO 7046-2:1990 | GB /T 819.2-1997 |Cross recessed countersunk flat head screws (common head style)-Grade A-Part 2:Steel of property class 8.8, stainless and non-ferrous metals--十字槽半沉头螺钉ISO 7047:1994 | GB /T 820-2000 | 代替GB/T 820-1985 Countersunk raised head screws (common head style) with cross recess--方头平端紧定螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 821-88 | 代替GB821-76Square set screws with chamfered end--十字槽圆柱头螺钉ISO 7048:1998 | GB /T 822-2000 | 代替GB/T 822-1988Cheese head screws with cross recess--十字槽小盘头螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 823-88 | 代替GB823-76Cross recessed small pan head screws--吊环螺钉UDC 621.882 | GB 825-88 | 代替GB825-76Eyebolts--开槽盘头定位螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 828-88 | 代替GB828-76Slotted pan head set setscrews with dog point--开槽圆柱端定位螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 829-88 | 代替GB829-76Slotted setscrews with dog point--开槽圆柱头轴位螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 830-88 | 代替GB830-76Slotted cheese head screws with shoulder--开槽无头轴位螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 831-88 | 代替GB831-76Slotted shoulder screws--开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 832-88 | 代替GB832-76Slotted capstan screws--开槽大圆柱头螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 833-88 | 代替GB833-76Slotted large cheese head screws--滚花高头螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 834-88 | 代替GB834-76Knurled thumb screws--滚花平头螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 835-88 | 代替GB835-76Knurled screws--滚花小头螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 836-88 | 代替GB836-76Knurled screws with small head--开槽盘头不脱出螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 837-88 | 代替GB837-76Slotted pan head screws with waisted shank--六角头不脱出螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 838-88 | 代替GB838-76Hexagon screws with waisted shank--滚花头不脱出螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 839-88 | 代替GB839-76Knurled thumb screws with waisted shank--塑料滚花头螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 840-88 | 代替GB840-79Plastic diamond knurlhead screws--开槽球面圆柱头轴位螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 946-88 | 代替GB946-76Slotted raised head with shoulder--开槽球面大圆柱头螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 947-88 | 代替GB947-76Slotted large raised cheese head screws--开槽沉头不脱出螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 948-88 | 代替GB948-76Slotted countersunk head screws with waisted shank--开槽半沉头不脱出螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 949-88 | 代替GB949-76Slotted raised countersunk head screws with waisted shank--内六角花形盘头螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 2672-86 | 代替GB2672-81Hexagon lobular socket pan head screws--内六角花形沉头螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 2673-86 | 代替GB2673-81Hexagon lobular socket countersunk head screws--内六角花形半沉头螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 2674-86 | 代替GB2674-81Hexagon lobular socket raised countersunk head screws--内六角圆柱头轴肩螺钉UDC 621.882.215.6 | GB 5281-85 |Hexagon socket head shoulder screws--内六角花形圆柱头螺钉-4.8级UDC 621.882.2 | GB 6190-86 | 代替GB2671-81 Hexagon lobular socket head cap screws-property class 4.8--内六角花形圆柱头螺钉-8.8和10.9级UDC 621.882.2 | GB 6191-86 | 代替GB2671-81 Hexagon lobular socket head cap screws-property class 8.8 and 10.9--精密机械用紧固件十字槽螺钉GB /T 13806.1-92 |Fasteners for mechanics-Cross recessed screws垫圈--标准型弹簧垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 93-87 | 代替GB93-76Single coil spring lock washers Normal type--平垫圈C级ISO 7091:2000 | GB /T 95-2002 | 代替GB/T 95-1985Plain washers-Product grade C--大垫圈A级ISO 7093-1:2000 | GB /T 96.1-2002 | 代替GB/T 96-1985Plain washers-Large series-Product grade A--大垫圈C级ISO 7093-2:2000 | GB /T 96.2-2002 | 代替GB/T 96-1985Plain washers-Large series-Product grade C--平垫圈A级ISO 7089:2000 | GB /T 97.1-2002 | 代替GB/T 97.1-1985Plain washers-Product grade A--平垫圈倒角型A级ISO 7090:2000 | GB /T 97.2-2002 | 代替GB/T 97.2-1985Plain washers,chamfered-Product grade A--销轴用平垫圈ISO 8738:1986 | GB /T 97.3-2000 |Plain washers for clevis pins--平垫圈用于螺钉和垫圈组合件ISO 10673:1998 | GB /T 97.4-2002 | 代替GB/T 9074.24、9074.25-1988Plain washers for screw and washer assemblies--平垫圈用于自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件ISO 10669:1999 | GB /T 97.5-2002 | 代替GB/T 9074.29、9074.30-1988Plain washers for tapping screw and washer assemblies--小垫圈A级ISO 7092:2000 | GB /T 848-2002 | 代替GB/T 848-1985Plain washers-small series-Product grade A--球面垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 849-88 | 代替GB849-76Washers with ball face--锥面垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 850-88 | 代替GB850-76Washers with cone face--开口垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 851-88 | 代替GB851-76Washers with split--工字钢用方斜垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 852-88 | 代替GB852-76Square taper washers for I section--槽钢用方斜垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 853-88 | 代替GB853-76Square taper washers for slot section--单耳止动垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 854-88 | 代替GB854-76Tab washers with long tab--双耳止动垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 855-88 | 代替GB855-76Tab washers with long tab and wing--外舌止动垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 856-88 | 代替GB856-76External tab washers--圆螺母用止动垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 858-88 | 代替GB858-76Tab washers for round nut--轻型弹簧垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 859-87 | 代替GB859-76Single coil spring lock washers,Light type--鞍形弹性垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 860-87 | 代替GB860-76Curved spring washers--内齿锁紧垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 861.1-87 | 代替GB861-76Lock washers internal teeth--内锯齿锁紧垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 861.2-87 |Serrated lock washers internal teeth--外齿锁紧垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 862.1-87 | 代替GB862-76Lock washers external teeth--外锯齿锁紧垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 862.2-87 |Serrated lock washers external teeth--波形弹性垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 955-87 | 代替GB955-76Wave spring washers--锥形锁紧垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 956.1-87 | 代替GB956-76 Countersunk external toothed lock washers--锥形锯齿锁紧垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 956.2-87 |Countersunk Serrated external toothed lock washers--特大垫圈C级ISO 7094:2000 | GB /T 5287-2002 | 代替GB/T 5287-1985 Plain washers-Extra large series-Product grade C--重型弹簧垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 7244-87 |Single coil spring lock washers,heavy type--鞍形弹簧垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 7245-87 |Curved Single coil spring lock washers--波形弹簧垫圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 7246-87 |Wave Single coil spring lock washers木螺钉--开槽圆头木螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 99-86 | 代替GB99-76Slotted round head wood screws--开槽沉头木螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 100-86 | 代替GB100-76Slotted countersunk head wood screws--开槽半沉头木螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 101-86 | 代替GB101-76Slotted raised countersunk head wood screws--六角头木螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 102-86 | 代替GB102-76Hexagon head wood screws--十字槽圆头木螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 950-86 | 代替GB950-76Cross recessed round head wood screws--十字槽沉头木螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 951-86 | 代替GB951-76Cross recessed countersunk head wood screws--十字槽半沉头木螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 952-86 | 代替GB952-76Cross recessed raised head countersunk head wood screws自攻螺钉--十字槽盘头自攻螺钉UDC 621.882. | GB 845-85 | 代替GB845-76 Cross recessed pan head tapping screws--十字槽沉头自攻螺钉UDC 621.882. | GB 846-85 | 代替GB846-76 Cross recessed countersunk head tapping screws--十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉UDC 621.882. | GB 847-85 | 代替GB847-76 Cross recessed raised countersunk head tapping screws--开槽盘头自攻螺钉UDC 621.882.215.082.8 | GB 5282-85 |Slotted pan head tapping screws--开槽沉头自攻螺钉UDC 621.882.215.082.8 | GB 5283-85 |Slotted countersunkhead tapping screws--开槽半沉头自攻螺钉UDC 621.882.215.082.8 | GB 5284-85 |Slotted raised countersunkhead tapping screws--六角头自攻螺钉UDC 621.882.215.082.8 | GB 5285-85 |Hexagon head tapping screws--十字槽盘头自攻锁紧螺钉UDC 621.882 | GB 6560-86 |Cross recessed pan head thread forming screws--十字槽沉头自攻锁紧螺钉UDC 621.882 | GB 6561-86 |Cross recessed countersunk head thread forming screws--十字槽半沉头自攻锁紧螺钉UDC 621.882 | GB 6562-86 |Cross recessed raised countersunk head thread forming screws--六角头自攻锁紧螺钉UDC 621.882 | GB 6563-86 |Hexagon head thread forming screws--内六角花形圆柱头自攻锁紧螺钉UDC 621.882 | GB 6564-86 |Hexagon lobular socket thread forming screws--十字槽头凹穴六角头自攻螺钉UDC 621.882.2 | GB 9456-88 |Cross recessed hexagon head tapping screws with indentation--精密机械用紧固件十字槽自攻螺钉刮削端GB /T 13806.2-92 |Fasteners for fine mechanics-Cross recessed tapping screws-Scrape point--墙板自攻螺钉GB /T 14210-93 |Dry wall screws--十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉ISO 15481:1999 | GB /T 15856.1-2002 | 代替GB/T 15856.1-1995Cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw thread--十字槽沉头自钻自攻螺钉ISO 15482:1999 | GB /T 15856.2-2002 | 代替GB/T 15856.2-1995Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread--十字槽半沉头自钻自攻螺钉ISO 15483:1999 | GB /T 15856.3-2002 | 代替GB/T 15856.3-1995Cross recessed raised countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread--六角法兰面自钻自攻螺钉GB /T 15856.4-2002 | 代替GB/T 15856.4-1995Hexagon flange drilling screws with tapping screw thread--六角凸缘自钻自攻螺钉ISO 15480:1999 | GB /T 15856.5-2002 |Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screw thread--六角凸缘自攻螺钉ISO 7053:1992 | GB /T 16824.1-1997 |Hexzgon head tapping screws with collar--六角法兰面自攻螺钉ISO 10509:1992 | GB /T 16824.2-1997 |Hexagon flange head tapping screws销--开口销ISO 1234:1997 | GB /T 91-2000 | 代替GB/T 91-1986Split pins--圆锥销ISO 2339:1986 | GB /T 117-2000 | 代替GB/T 117-1996Taper pins--内螺纹圆锥销ISO 8736:1986 | GB /T 118-2000 | 代替GB?T 118-1996Taper pins with internal thread--圆柱销不淬硬钢和奥氏体不锈钢ISO 2338:1997 | GB /T 119.1-2000 | 代替GB/T 119-1986Parallel pins,of unhardened steel and austenitic stainless steel--圆柱销淬硬钢和马氏体不锈钢ISO 8734:1997 | GB /T 119.2-2000 | 代替GB/T 119-1986Parallel pins,of hardened steel and martensitic stainless steel (Dowel pins)--内螺纹圆柱销不淬硬钢和奥氏体不锈钢ISO 8733:1997 | GB /T 120.1-2000 | 代替GB/T 120-1986Parallel pins with internal thread, of unhardened steel and austenitic stainless steel--内螺纹圆柱销淬硬钢和马氏体不锈钢ISO 8735:1997 | GB /T 120.2-2000 | 代替GB/T 120-1986Parallel pins with internal thread,of hardened steel and martensitic stainless steel--开尾圆锥销UDC 621.886 | GB 877-76 | 代替GB877-76Taper pins with split--螺纹圆柱销UDC 621.886 | GB 878-86 | 代替GB878-76Parallel pins with external thread--弹性圆柱销直槽重型ISO 8752:1997 | GB /T 879.1-2000 | 代替GB/T 879-1986 Spring-type straight pins-Slotted, heavy duty--弹性圆柱销直槽轻型ISO 13337:1997 | GB /T 879.2-2000 |Spring-type straight pins-Slotted,light duty--弹性圆柱销卷制重型ISO 8748:1997 | GB /T 879.3-2000 |Spring-type straight pins-Coiled,heavy duty--弹性圆柱销卷制标准型ISO 8750:1997 | GB /T 879.4-2000 |Spring-type straight pins-Coiled,standard duty--弹性圆柱销卷制轻型ISO 8751:1997 | GB /T 879.5-2000 |Spring-type straight pins-Coiled,light duty--带孔销UDC 621.886 | GB 880-86 | 代替GB880-76Pins with split pin hole--螺尾锥销ISO 8737:1986 | GB /T 881-2000 | 代替GB/T 881-1986Taper pins with external thread--销轴UDC 621.886 | GB 882-86 | 代替GB882-76Clevis pins with head--槽销平行沟槽GB /T 13829.1-92 |Crooved pins-Parallel grooved--槽销锥销GB /T 13829.2-92 |Crooved pins-taper grooved--槽销圆头沉头GB /T 13829.3-92 |Grooved pins-with round head or countersunk head铆钉--平头铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 109-86 | 代替GB109-76Flat head rivets--标牌铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 827-86 | 代替GB827-76Rivets for name plate--半圆头铆钉(粗制)UDC 621.884 | GB 863.1-86 | 代替GB863-76Round head rivets-Black--小半圆头铆钉(粗制)UDC 621.884 | GB 863.2-86 |Round head rivets with small head-Black--平锥头铆钉(粗制)UDC 621.884 | GB 864-86 | 代替GB864-76Cone head rivets-Black--沉头铆钉(粗制)UDC 621.884 | GB 865-86 | 代替GB865-86Countersunk head rivets-Black--半沉头铆钉(粗制)UDC 621.884 | GB 866-86 | 代替GB866-76Oval countersunk head rivets-Black--半圆头铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 867-86 | 代替GB867-76Round head rivets--平锥头铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 868-86 | 代替GB868-76Cone head rivets--沉头铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 869-86 | 代替GB869-76 Countersunk head rivets--半沉头铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 870-86 | 代替GB870-76Oval countersunk head rivets--扁圆头铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 871-86 | 代替GB871-76Flat round head rivets--扁平头铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 872-86 | 代替GB872-76Thin head rivets--扁圆头半空心铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 873-86 | 代替GB873-76 Oval head semi-tubular rivets--120°沉头半空心铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 874-86 | 代替GB874-76 120 degree countersunk head semi-tubular rivets--扁平头半空心铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 875-86 | 代替GB875-76 Thin head semi-tubular rivets--空心铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 876-86 | 代替GB876-76Tubular rivets--120°沉头铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 954-86 | 代替GB954-76120 degree countersunk head rivets--管状铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 975-86 | 代替GB975-76Pipe type rivets--大扁圆头铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 1011-86 | 代替GB1011-76 Truss head rivets--120°半沉头铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 1012-86 | 代替GB1012-76 120 degree oval countersunk rivets--平锥头半空心铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 1013-86 | 代替GB1013-76 Cone head semi-tubler rivets--大扁圆头半空心铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 1014-86 | 代替GB1014-76 Truss head semi-tublar rivets--沉头半空心铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 1015-86 | 代替GB1015-76 Countersunk head semi-tublar rivets--无头铆钉UDC 621.884 | GB 1016-86 | 代替GB1016-76 Headless rivets--封闭型扁圆头抽芯铆钉GB 12615-90 |Mushroom head break mandrel closed end blind rivets--封闭型沉头抽芯铆钉GB 12616-90 |120 deg flush head break mandrel closed end blind rivets--开口型沉头抽芯铆钉GB 12617-90 |120 deg flush head break mandrel blind rivets--开口型扁圆头抽芯铆钉GB 12618-90 |Mushroom head break mandrel blind rivets--扁圆头击芯铆钉GB /T 15855.1-1995 |Flat round head drive rivets--沉头击芯铆钉GB /T 15855.2-1995 |Countersunk head drive rivets挡圈--锥销锁紧挡圈UDC 621.885 | GB 883-86 | 代替GB883-76Lock rings with cone pin--螺钉锁紧挡圈UDC 621.885 | GB 884-86 | 代替GB884-76Lock ring with screw--带锁圈的螺钉锁紧挡圈UDC 621.885 | GB 885-86 | 代替GB885-76 Lock rings with screw and circlip--轴肩挡圈UDC 621.885 | GB 886-86 | 代替GB886-76Rings for shoulder--螺钉紧固轴端挡圈UDC 621.885 | GB 891-86 | 代替GB891-76Lock rings at the end of shaft with screw--螺栓紧固轴端挡圈UDC 621.885 | GB 892-86 | 代替GB892-76Lock rings at the end of shaft with bolt--孔用弹性挡圈-A型UDC 621.885 | GB 893.1-86 | 代替GB893-76 Circlips for holes-type A--孔用弹性挡圈-B型UDC 621.885 | GB 893.2-86 |Circlips for hole-type B--轴用弹性挡圈-A型UDC 621.885 | GB 894.1-86 | 代替GB894-76 Circlips for shaft-type A--轴用弹性挡圈-B型UDC 621.885 | GB 894.2-86 |Circlips for shaft-type B--孔用钢丝挡圈UDC 621.885 | GB 895.1-86 | 代替GB895-76 Roundwire snap rings for hole--轴用钢丝挡圈UDC 621.885 | GB 895.2-86 | 代替GB895-76 Roundwire snap rings for shaft--开口挡圈UDC 621.885 | GB 896-86 | 代替GB896-76“E”rings--钢丝锁圈UDC 621.885 | GB 921-86 | 代替GB921-76Round wire circlips--夹紧挡圈UDC 621.885 | GB 960-86 | 代替GB960-76Grip rings紧固件-组合件和连接副--钢结构用高强度大六角头螺栓GB /T 1228-91 | 代替GB1228-84 High strength bolts with large hexagon head for steel structures--钢结构用高强度大六角头螺母GB /T 1229-91 | 代替GB1229-84High strength large hexagon nuts for steel structures--钢结构用高强度垫圈GB /T 1230-91 | 代替GB1230-84High strength plain washers for steel structures--钢结构用扭剪型高强度螺栓连接副GB /T 3632-1995 | 代替GB3632-83Sets of torshear type high strength bolt hexagon nut and plain washer for steel structures--螺栓或螺钉和平垫圈组合件ISO 10644:1998 | GB /T 9074.1-2002 | 代替GB/T 9074.1、9074.14-1988Bolt or screw and washer assemblies with plain washers--十字槽头螺钉和外锯齿锁紧垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.2-88 |Cross recessed pan head screw and serrated lock washer external teeth assemblies--十字槽盘头螺钉和弹簧垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.3-88 |Cross recessed pan head screw and single coll spring lock washer assemblies--十字槽盘头螺钉、弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.4-88 |Cross recessed pan head screw, single coil spring lock washer assemblies--十字槽小盘头螺钉和平垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.5-88 |Cross recessed small pan head screw and small plain washer assemblies--十字槽小盘头螺钉和大垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.6-88 |Cross recessed small pan head screw and big plain washer assemblies--十字槽小盘头螺钉和弹簧垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.7-88 |Cross recessed small pan head screw and single coil spring lock washer assemblies--十字槽小盘头螺钉、弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.8-88 |Cross recessed small pan head screw, single coil spring lock washer and plain washer assemblies --十字槽沉头螺钉和锥形锁紧垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.9-88 |Cross recessed countersunk head screw and countersunk serrated external toothed lock washer assemblies--十字槽半沉头螺钉和锥形锁紧垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.10-88 |Cross recessed raised countersunk head screw and countersunk external toothed lock washer assemblies--十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓和平垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.11-88 |Cross recessed hexagon bolt with indentation and plain washer assemblies--十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓和弹簧垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.12-88 |Cross recessed hexagon bolt with indetation single coil spring lock washer assemblies--十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.13-88 | Cross recessed hexagon bolt with indetation,single coil lock washer and plain washer assemblies --六角头螺栓和弹簧垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.15-88 |Hexagon head bolt and single coil spring lock washer assemblies--六角头螺栓和外锯齿锁紧垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.16-88 |Hexagon head bolt and serrated lock washer external teeth assemblies--六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.17-88 |Hexagon head bolt,single coil spring lock washer and plain washer assemblies--自攻螺钉和平垫圈组合件ISO 10510:1999 | GB /T 9074.18-2002 | 代替GB/T 9074.18、9074.19、9074、22、9074、23-1988Tapping screw and washer assemblies with plain washers--十字槽凹穴六角头自攻螺钉和平垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.20-88 |Cross recessed hexagon head tapping screw with indentation and plain washer assemblies--十字槽凹穴六角头自攻螺钉和大垫圈组合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.21-88 |Cross recessed hexagon head tapping sorew with indentation and large plain washer assemblies。



名义流量[m3/h] 叶轮级数× 10 泵型式代号
材料代号, 不包括塑料和橡胶件
示例 型号
CHI U 4 - 40 - A - W - G - E
名义流量[m3/h] 叶轮级数× 10 泵型式代号
材料代号, 不包括塑料和橡胶件
示例 泵型式
材料 碳化钨(U)/ 碳(B) 碳化硅(Q)/ 碳化硅(Q) 碳化钨(U)/ 碳化钨(U)
TM01 8936 0900
示例 型号
CHI 4 - 50 - A - W - G - BUBE
n [min-1] 2900 2900 2900
I1/1 [A] 1.1 1.5 1.9



AUTOMATIONPOWER CONTROLSOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERSENG C O D . 81141D - 03/20152Thanks to forty years of experience, Gefran is the world leader in the design and production of solutions for measuring, controlling, and driving industrial production processes .We have 14 branches in 12 countries and a network of over 80 worldwide distributors.For 40 years, Gefran has been designing and producing technologically advanced actuators and solid state relays to control resistive/inductive loads and infrared lamps used in modern temperature control systems.Our knowledge of the market transforms your needs into practical, high-quality answers.QUALITY AND TECHNOLOGYGefran components are a concentrate of technology , the result of constant research and of cooperation with major research centres .Thanks to its complete line of controllers and actuators , Gefran can be your sole provider of solutions for electrical heating control .Gefran’s know-how and experience guarantee continuous and practical solutions.SERVICESA team of Gefran experts works with the customer to select the ideal product for its application and to help install andconfiguredevices(***********************).Gefran offers a wide range of courses at different levels for the technical-commercial study of the Gefran product range as well as specific courses on demandIn addition to foreseeing the market’s application needs, Gefran forms partnerships with its customers to find the best way to optimise and boost the performance of various applications .Gefran products communicate with one another to provide integrated solutions, and can dialogue with devices by other companies thanks to compatibility with numerous fieldbuses.APPLICATIONSPLASTICS HEAT TREATMENTGLASSENERGYPAPERFOODSOFTWAREGF_eXpressConfiguration kit for Gefran instruments by means of PC (Windows environment).- A single software for all models- Easy configuration- Copy/paste, save recipe, trendfunctions- Rapid configuration of instruments- Saving and management of parameterrecipes- On-line trend and saving of historicaldata- Recovery of factory settings- Custom linearization- On-line user manual- Easy programming with custom messages- Easy graphics programming with setpointprogrammersIR SOLUTIONPRINTINGTEXTILEPLASTICS – BLOWINGWOODWORKING MACHINESPHOTOVOLTAICSAUTOMOTIVE Halogen - 2500°CShort Wave - 2200°C4SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERSGTF - GFWGTF and GTF-XTRAGTF is the new line of GEFRAN power controllers, designedto control all types of industrial electric heaters.Versatility, plus easy and guided configuration with GEFRAN(25,40A)(400, 600A)(400, 600A)GS (15... 120A)GD (40A)SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERSFIELDBUS*(25...60A)GTF(25...250A)GFWFIELDBUS*GFX4-IRFIELDBUS* (25... 120A)GT(25... 120A)(*) European Patent N° 2660843 8SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERS(*) European Patent N° 2660843 10SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERSnot availablex = (1pcs)SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERS(**) Valid formulas for Vline=Vload(***) For these applications it is recommanded to contact the Gefran specialistsnon disponibilex = (1pz)SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERS(**) Valid formulas for Vline=Vload(***) For these applications it is recommanded to contact the Gefran specialistsSPAINMEXICO TAIWAN INDIARUSSIABELGIUM UK TURKEYSINGAPOREGERMANYCHINA SWITZERLAND FRANCE USA BRAZILSOUTH AFRICAITALYDrive & Motion Control Unit Via Carducci, 2421040 GERENZANO (VA) ITALY Ph. +39 02967601Fax +39 029682653**********************Technical Assistance:*********************Customer Service*************************Ph. +39 02 96760500 Fax +39 02 96760278GEFRAN HEADQUARTER Via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D’ISEO (BS) ITALY Ph. +39 03098881Fax +39 0309839063GEFRAN DEUTSCHLAND GmbH Philipp-Reis-Straße 9a D-63500 Seligenstadt Ph. +49 (0) 61828090Fax +49 (0) 6182809222******************SIEI AREG - GERMANY Gottlieb-Daimler Strasse 17/3D-74385 - Pleidelsheim Ph. +49 (0) 7144 897360Fax +49 (0) 7144 8973697****************SENSORMATE AGSteigweg 8,CH-8355 Aadorf, Switzerland Ph. +41(0)52-2421818 Fax +41(0)52-3661884 GEFRAN FRANCE SA4, rue Jean Desparmet - BP 823769355 LYON Cedex 08Ph. +33 (0) 478770300Fax +33 (0) 478770320********************GEFRAN BENELUX NV ENA 23 Zone 3, nr . 3910 Lammerdries-Zuid 14A B-2250 OLENPh. +32 (0) 14248181Fax +32 (0) 14248180**************GEFRAN UK Ltd Unit 7Brook Business Centre 54a Cowley Mill Road Uxbridge UB8 2FXPh. +44 (0) 8452 604555Fax +44 (0) 8452 604556 ***************.ukGEFRAN ESPAÑACalle Vic, números 109-11108160 - MONTMELÓ(BARCELONA)Ph. +34 934982643Fax +34 935721571**************************GEFRAN MIDDLE EAST ELEKTRIK VE ELEKTRONIK San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti Yesilkoy Mah. AtaturkCad. No: 12/1 B1 Blok K:12 D: 389 Bakirkoy /Istanbul TURKIYEPh. +90212 465 91 21Fax +90212 465 91 22GEFRAN RUSSIA4 Lesnoy pereulok, 4B usiness center “White Stone” 125047, Moscow, Russia Tell: +7 (495) 225-86-20 Fax: +7 (495) 225-85-00GEFRAN SOUTH AFRICA Pty Ltd.Unit 10 North Precinet, West Bu-ildingTopaz Boulevard Montague Park, 7411, Cape Town Ph. +27 21 5525985 Fax +27 21 5525912GEFRAN SIEIDrives Technology Co., Ltd No. 1285, Beihe Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China 201807Ph. +86 21 69169898Fax +86 21 69169333***************.cnGEFRAN INDIASurvey No: 182/1 KH, Bhukum, Paud road, Taluka – Mulshi,Pune - 411 042. MH, INDIA Phone No.:+91-20-39394400Fax No.: +91-20-39394401**********************GEFRAN TAIWANNo.141, Wenzhi Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 32054, Taiwan (R.O.C.)Ph. +886-3-4273697*********************.sg GEFRAN Inc.8 Lowell AvenueWINCHESTER - MA 01890Toll Free 1-888-888-4474Fax +1 (781) 7291468******************GEFRAN BRASILELETROELETRÔNICA Avenida Dr . Altino Arantes,377 Vila Clementino04042-032 SÂO PAULO - SP Ph. +55 (0) 1155851133Fax +55 (0) 1132974012********************.br。



TD 160 AL FC 100 x 32 FC 120 x 32 UD 80 A UDJ 125 A UDJ 160 A UD 250 A UD 400 A UDF 500 A FSJ FLG 250 FLG 400
25 9 9 22 22 22 23 23 23 22 23 23
UBS 1/5 TN UBS 4/5 TN UBS 4/5 T UBS 1/10 TN UBS 2/10 TN UBS 2/10 T UBS 3/10 TN 2 M 2 x 15,5 x 0,8 2 M 8 x 6 x 0,5 2 M 3 x 9 x 0,8 2 M 6 x 9 x 0,8 2 M 9 x 9 x 0,8 2 M 3 x 13 x 0,5 2 M 6 x 13 x 0,5 2 M 4 x 15,5 x 0,8 2 M 6 x 15,5 x 0,8 2 M 10 x 15,5 x 0,8 2 M 2 x 20 x 1 2 M 3 x 20 x 1 2 M 4 x 20 x 1 2 M 5 x 20 x 1 2 M 6 x 20 x 1 2 M 10 x 20 x 1 2 M 2 x 24 x 1 2 M 3 x 24 x 1 2 M 4 x 24 x 1 2 M 5 x 24 x 1 2 M 6 x 24 x 1 2 M 8 x 24 x 1 2 M 10 x 24 x 1 2 M 2 x 32 x 1 2 M 3 x 32 x 1 2 M 4 x 32 x 1 2 M 5 x 32 x 1 2 M 6 x 32 x 1 2 M 8 x 32 x 1 2 M 10 x 32 x 1 2 M 2 x 40 x 1 2 M 3 x 40 x 1 2 M 4 x 40 x 1 2 M 5 x 40 x 1 2 M 6 x 40 x 1 2 M 8 x 40 x 1 2 M 10 x 40 x 1 2 M 3 x 50 x 1 2 M 4 x 50 x 1 2 M 5 x 50 x 1 2 M 6 x 50 x 1 2 M 8 x 50 x 1 2 M 10 x 50 x 1 2 M 3 x 63 x 1 2 M 4 x 63 x 1 2 M 5 x 63 x 1 2 M 6 x 63 x 1 2 M 8 x 63 x 1 2 M 10 x 63 x 1 2 M 3 x 80 x 1 2 M 4 x 80 x 1 2 M 5 x 80 x 1 2 M 6 x 80 x 1 2 M 8 x 80 x 1 2 M 10 x 80 x 1



SENSORSC OD . 81221FPRESSURE TRANSDUCERS AND TRANSMITTERSENG2Thanks to forty years of experience, Gefran is the world leader in the design and production of solutions for meas-uring, controlling, and driving industrial production processes .We have branches in 14 countries and a network of over 80 worldwide distributors.QUALITY AND TECHNOLOGYA pressure transducer is an electronic device that converts a physical variable (pressure) into an electrical sig-nal (current or voltage) that can be read or acquired by various control, measurement, and adjustment devices.Gefran, with its own Technological Pole, is one of the few international companies with the know-how to create sensitive elements based on the following technologies: Thick film on stainless steel, Bonded strain gauge, Piezoresistive silicon .Gefran sensors can measure the pressure of fluids and gases in all industrial applications, with a complete line for ranges from 0…50 mbar to 0…5000bar for both relative and absolute pressures.ONE STOP SHOPGefran offers complete display solutions for industry , providing its own sensors and ensuring maximum compo-nent compatibility and integration .SERVICESA team of Gefran experts works with the customer to select the ideal product for its application and to help install andconfiguredevices(***********************)..Gefran offers a wide range of courses at different levels for the technical-commercial study of the Gefran product range as well as specific courses on demand..APPLICATIONSPLASTIC AND RUBBER INJECTIONPRESSESBLOWING MACHINESPRESSES AND METAL WORKINGMACHINERY FLUID POWER AND HYDRAULIC POWER PACKS AGRICULTURAL AND EARTH-MOVINGMACHINERYAUTOMOTIVE TEST EQUIPMENTS, ENGINE TEST BEDSTEST BENCHES AND TEST EQUIPMENTSTEAM TREATMENT PLANTSTEST BENCHES AND TEST EQUIPMENTMATERIAL TEST MACHINES ATEXFOOD INDUSTRY4BONDED STRAIN GAUGEBonded strain-gauge technology is very often used to produce pres-sure sensors thanks to its applicative versatility, reliability, and ac-curacy.The measurement element (resistance) consists of an extremely thin foil of metal alloy, chemically etched using a specific process.The resistance and diaphragm are bonded with sophisticated tech-niques after precise positioning of the strain-gauge (extensometer)to ensure perfect adhesion to the surface and to guarantee linearity and repeatability.PIEZORESISTIVE SILICONPiezoresistive silicon technology is characterised by complex and de-licate installation of the chip (solid state Wheatstone bridge) on the metal support and by a separating metal diaphragm with interposi-tion (under vacuum) of insulating silicone oil (filling).Thanks to this technology, the measurement range of Gefran sen-sors can be very low (0-50 mbar), with high precision and overpres-sure capacity.Gefran owns the technology for its transducers.:THICK FILM ON STAINLESS STEELThe Wheatstone bridge is made with the screen printing process, which deposits the insulating layer (dielectric), the conducting layer (Cermet) and the resistive layer on the steel diaphragm.The thickness of the diaphragm determines the measurement range, and the increase from 200°C to 900°C makes the sensor extremely sturdy and reliable.To further ensure quality, the diaphragm is connected to the electro-nics by means of Wire Bonding .OUR PASSION FOR TECHNOLOGYMEASUREMENT RANGESWIDE RANGE OF PRODUCTS FOR EVERY APPLICATIONGefran offers an extremely wide range of transducers topressure in all industrial applicationsThe range includes models for specialprecision, as well as for use in veryronments as typical on mobile machines.The TPF/TPFADA series is an advancedvery sturdy steel flush measurement diaphragm.TPFAS This makes it unique and especiallypressure of very dense and harsh fluids and pastesAdd to this the new series TPFAS that introduces thediaphragms down to Ø 8.6 mm, which are the smallest of this kindonthe market.The TPH/TPHADA, series, with monolithic measurement diaphragm,is the ideal product for measuring very high pressures (up to 5000bar), including with highly dynamic pressure pulsation.KS6≥ 0.15% FS ÷ ≤≥ 0.25% FS ÷ ≤ 0.5% FSGUIDE TO SELECTIONPRESSURE TRANSDUCERS AND TRANSMITTERSDISPLAYThe TDP-1001 plug-in display is a universal PRESSURE INDICATORS- universal inputs for amplified sensors - very high acquisition speed - high accuracy- math calculations, pressure delta - 4 configurable outputs- Modbus and Profibus communications - input for non-amplified pressure sensors - 4 configurable outputs - Modbus communications- input for amplified pressure sensors - 4 configurable outputs - Modbus communicationADAPTERS AND SEALSGefran pressure transducers offer a very wide selection of built-in pressure connec-tions: metric, gas, NPT and UNF, as well as a wide range of stainless steel adapters (both male/male and male/female) with seals, cal-led PKITxxx , to satisfy all possible process connection requirements.CONNECTORS AND EXTENSION CABLESGefran pressure transducers are available with various types of electrical connectors (EN 175301-803, M12x1, etc.), and for each of these Gefran supplies the female connector for the cable to be soldered (called CON xxx) or an extension cable pre-attached to the fe-male connector (called CAV xxx) with length up to 30 metres.Drive & Motion Control Unit Via Carducci, 2421040 GERENZANO (VA) ITALY Ph. +39 02967601Fax +39 029682653**********************Technical Assistance:*********************Customer Service*************************Ph. +39 02 96760500 Fax +39 02 96760278GEFRAN HEADQUARTER Via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D’ISEO (BS) ITALY Ph. +39 03098881Fax +39 0309839063GEFRAN DEUTSCHLAND GmbH Philipp-Reis-Straße 9a D-63500 SeligenstadtPh. +49 (0) 61828090Fax +49 (0) 6182809222******************GEFRAN BENELUX NV ENA 23 Zone 3, nr . 3910 Lammerdries-Zuid 14A B-2250 OLENPh. +32 (0) 14248181Fax +32 (0) 14248180**************GEFRAN SIEI - ASIA 31 Ubi Road 1 #02-07,Aztech Building, Singapore 408694Ph. +65 6 8418300Fax +65 6 7428300***************.sg SIEI AREG - GERMANY Gottlieb-Daimler Strasse 17/3D-74385 PleidelsheimPh. +49 (0) 7144 897360Fax +49 (0) 7144 8973697****************GEFRAN UK LtdUnit 7 Brook Business Centre 54a Cowley Mill Road Uxbridge UB8 2FXPh. +44 (0) 8452 604555Fax +44 (0) 8452 604556 ***************.uk GEFRAN INDIASurvey No. 191/A/1,Chinchwad Station Road, Chinchwad, Pune-411033, Maharashtra Ph. +91 20 6614 6500Fax +91 20 6614 6501**********************SENSORMATE AGSteigweg 8,CH-8355 Aadorf, Switzerland Ph. +41(0)52-2421818 Fax +41(0)52-3661884http://www.sensormate.chGEFRAN MIDDLE EAST ELEKTRIK VE ELEKTRONIK San. ve Tic. Ltd. StiYesilkoy Mah. Ataturk Cad. No: 12/1 B1 Blok K:12 D: 389 Bakirkoy /Istanbul TURKIYE Ph. +90212 465 91 21Fax +90212 465 91 22GEFRAN Inc.8 Lowell AvenueWINCHESTER - MA 01890Toll Free 1-888-888-4474Fax +1 (781) 7291468******************GEFRAN FRANCE SA 4, rue Jean Desparmet BP 823769355 LYON Cedex 08Ph. +33 (0) 478770300Fax +33 (0) 478770320********************GEFRAN SIEIDrives Technology Co., Ltd No. 1285, Beihe Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China 201807Ph. +86 21 69169898Fax +86 21 69169333***************.cnGEFRAN BRASILELETROELETRÔNICA Avenida Dr . Altino Arantes,377 Vila Clementino04042-032 SÂO PAULO - SP Ph. +55 (0) 1155851133Fax +55 (0) 1132974012********************.br04/2016。



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JAE WP26系列 WP26-S060VA1 CONN

JAE WP26系列 WP26-S060VA1 CONN
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FOXBORO ®The FBM214 HART ® Communication Input Interface Module provides eight input channels, each accepting a 4 to 20mA analog signal or a digital HART signal superimposed on a 4 to 20 mA analog input signal.FEATURESKey features of the FBM214 module are:Eight analog input channels, each accepting oneof the following inputs:•Standard 4 to 20 mA analog sensor signal •Digital HART Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) signal superimposed on a 4 to 20 mA analog input signal.FSK modem dedicated to each input channel forbi-directional digital communications with a HART field deviceAnalog to digital conversion of each of the 4to20mA input signals from the HART devicesSupport for the HART universal commandsnecessary to interface the field device with the I/A Series ® system databaseGalvanic isolation of the group of 8 inputchannels from ground and module logicCompact, rugged design suitable for enclosure inClass G3 (harsh) environmentsHigh accuracy achieved by sigma-delta dataconversions for each channelTermination Assemblies (TAs) for locally orremotely connecting field wiring to the FBM214Termination Assemblies for per channel internallyand/or externally loop powered transmitters.PSS 21H-2Z14 B4 Page 2OVERVIEWThe FBM214 HART Communication Input Interface Module contains eight 4to20mA group isolated analog input channels. The FBM214 supports any mix of standard 4to20mA devices and HART devices.The FBM214 serves as a HART communications field device host, enabling the I/A Series system to request and receive two digital messages per second from the field device. The message pass-through capability can be used to support HART universal, common practice, and device-specific commands, but not the burst communication mode. These commands are implemented using the Intelligent Field Device Configurator (IFDC — refer toPSS 21S-8A3 B3 for details).The FBM214 provides a common isolated power supply to power all eight channels. Optionally, the channels can be powered by an external power supply. However, when a common external power supply is used with two or more channels, a Cable Balun module is required to prevent channel cross talk.COMPACT DESIGNThe FBM214 has a compact design, with a rugged extruded aluminum exterior for physical protection of the circuits. Enclosures specially designed for mounting the FBMs provide various levels of environmental protection, up to harsh environments per ISA Standard S71.04.HIGH ACCURACYFor high accuracy, the module incorporates a Sigma-Delta converter which can provide new analog input values for each channel every 100 milliseconds.VISUAL INDICATORSLight-emitting diodes (LEDs) incorporated into the front of the module provide visual indication of the module’s operational status, and communication activity on the channels.EASY REMOVAL/REPLACEMENTThe module can be removed/replaced without removing field device termination cabling, power, or communications cabling.FIELDBUS COMMUNICATIONA Fieldbus Communication Module or a Control Processor interfaces the redundant 2 Mbps module Fieldbus used by the FBMs. The FBM214 module accepts communication from either path (A or B) of the redundant 2 Mbps fieldbus – should one path fail or be switched at the system level, the module continues communication over the active path.The use of an external power supply common to two or more loops requires a Cable Balun Module to maintain communication signal line balance.MODULAR BASEPLATE MOUNTINGThe module mounts on a modular baseplate which accommodates up to four or eight FBMs. The modular baseplate is either DIN rail mounted or rack mounted, and includes signal connectors for redundant fieldbus, redundant independent dc power, and termination cables.TERMINATION ASSEMBLIESField input signals connect to the FBM subsystem via DIN rail mounted TAs. The TAs used with theFBM214 are described in “TERMINATION ASSEMBLIES AND CABLES” on page8.PSS 21H-2Z14 B4Page 3CABLE BALUN MODULEThe Cable Balun module is used to maintain digital communication line balance for HART Transmitter to FBM loops that are powered from a common external power supply. This powering effectively connects one line of each loop together. Without the Baluns, in each loop so powered, the common connection at the external power supply, would cause near end crosstalk at the system end of the loop wiring cable. Loops using FBM internal power source do not require Baluns.The Cable Balun module contains multiple Baluns. One Balun segment is interconnected in each loop powered from an external power supply per the diagram above. There is one Cable Balun module.Figure 1. Cable Balun Module Cable Balun ModuleModule Model ModulePart No.No. of Balunsin the ModuleCBM-4P0903SV4PSS 21H-2Z14 B4Page 4FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONSField Device ChannelsVERSION SUPPORTEDHART Protocol v6INTERFACE8 group-isolated channelsCOMMUNICATION TO THE DEVICEPoint-to-point, master/slave, asynchronous, half-duplex, at 1200 baud.ERROR CHECKINGParity on each byte, and one CRC check byte.SPEED2 messages per secondFASTEST ALLOWED ECB BLOCK PERIOD500 msecMAXIMUM DISTANCE (FBM214 TO FIELDDEVICE)Meets HART FSK physical layer specificationHCF_SPEC-54, Revision 8.1 [up to 3030 m(10000ft)](1).COMPLIANCE VOLTAGE18 V dc minimum at 20.5 mACURRENT INPUTSSense Resistor61.9 Ω nominalTotal Input Resistance280 Ω minimumAccuracy (Includes Nonlinearity)±0.03% of full scaleTemperature Coefficient50 ppm/ºCResolution15 bitsUpdate Rate100 msIntegration Time500 msCommon Mode Rejection>100 db at 50 or 60 HzNormal Mode Rejection>35 db at 50 or 60 HzMAXIMUM LOOP RESISTANCE280 Ω (not including the field device)(2)LOOP POWER SUPPLY PROTECTIONEach channel is galvanically group isolated,current limited and voltage regulated. All inputsare limited by their design to less than 30 mA. Ifthe current limit circuit shorts out, the current islimited to about 85 mA.FBM INPUT IMPEDANCE280 Ω minimumFBM INTERNAL POWER FOR FIELD DEVICE24 V dc ±10% common power supply for allchannels. Loop load limited to one device perchannel.ISOLATIONThe channels are not galvanically isolated fromeach other, but are galvanically isolated (bothoptical and transformer isolation) as a group from ground and module logic. Inputs use an internal FBM isolated power supply for field power. Themodule withstands, without damage, a potential of 600 V ac applied for one minute between the group-isolated channels and earth (ground).CAUTIONThis does not imply that these channels areintended for permanent connection tovoltages of these levels. Exceeding the limitsfor input voltages, as stated elsewhere in thisspecification, violates electrical safety codesand may expose users to electric shock. Fieldbus CommunicationCommunicates with its associated FCM or FCP via the redundant 2 Mbps module FieldbusHEAT DISSIPATION4 W (maximum)(1)The maximum allowable distance decreases when the loop is operated through an intrinsic safety barrier. The maximum distance ofthe field device from the FBM is a function of compliance voltage, wire gauge and voltage drop at the device.(2)In an intrinsic safety application, if a zener barrier is used between the FBM and the field device, the power supply must be set at24V dc +5%, -1%. There are no specific constraints with the use of galvanic barriers.PSS 21H-2Z14 B4Page 5 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONTINUED)Power RequirementsINPUT VOLTAGE RANGE (REDUNDANT)24V dc ±5%CONSUMPTION7 W (maximum)Regulatory ComplianceELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) European EMC Directive 89/336/EECMeets:EN 50081-2 Emission standardEN 50082-2 Immunity standardEN 61326 Annex A (Industrial Levels) CISPR 11, Industrial Scientific and Medical(ISM) Radio-frequency Equipment -Electromagnetic Disturbance Characteristics- Limits and Methods of MeasurementMeets Class A LimitsIEC 61000-4-2 ESD ImmunityContact 4 kV, air 8 kVIEC 61000-4-3 Radiated Field Immunity10 V/m at 80 to 1000 MHzIEC 61000-4-4 Electrical FastTransient/Burst Immunity2 kV on I/O, dc power and communicationlinesIEC 61000-4-5 Surge Immunity2kV on ac and dc power lines; 1kV on I/Oand communications linesIEC 61000-4-6 Immunity to ConductedDisturbances Induced by Radio frequencyFields10 V (rms) at 150 kHz to 80 MHz on I/O,dc power and communication linesIEC 61000-4-8 Power Frequency MagneticField Immunity30 A/m at 50 and 60 HzPRODUCT SAFETY (FBM AND CABLE BALUN) Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for U.S. andCanadaUL/UL-C listed as suitable for use inUL/UL-C listed Class I, Groups A-D;Division 2; temperature code T4 enclosurebased systems. These modules are also ULand UL-C listed as associated apparatus forsupplying non-incendive communicationcircuits for Class I, Groups A-D hazardouslocations when connected to specifiedI/A Series® processor modules as describedin the I/A Series DIN Rail MountedSubsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA). Wherepower is supplied by the FBM,communications circuits also meet therequirements for Class2 as defined inArticle725 of the National Electrical Code(NFPA No.70) and Section 16 of theCanadian Electrical Code (CSA C22.1).Conditions for use are as specified in theI/A Series DIN Rail Mounted SubsystemUser’s Guide (B0400FA).European Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EECand Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX) directive94/9/ECCENELEC (DEMKO) certified as EEx nA IICT4 for use in CENELEC certified Zone 2enclosure certified as associated apparatusfor supplying non-incendive field circuits forZone 2, Group IIC, potentially explosiveatmospheres when connected to specifiedI/A Series processor modules as describedin the I/A Series DIN Rail MountedSubsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA). Also,see Table1 on page9.Calibration RequirementsCalibration of the module or termination assembly is not required.PSS 21H-2Z14 B4Page 6ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS(3)OperatingTEMPERATUREModule-20 to +70°C (-4 to +158°F)Termination AssemblyPVC-20 to +50°C (-4 to +122°F)PA-20 to +70°C (-4 to +158°F) RELATIVE HUMIDITY5 to 95% (noncondensing)ALTITUDE-300 to +3,000m (-1,000 to +10,000ft)StorageTEMPERATURE-40 to +70°C (-40 to +158°F)RELATIVE HUMIDITY5 to 95% (noncondensing)ALTITUDE-300 to +12,000m (-1,000 to +40,000ft) ContaminationSuitable for use in Class G3 (Harsh) environments as defined in ISA Standard S71.04, based on exposure testing according to EIA Standard 364-65, Class III. Vibration7.5 m/S2 (0.75 g) from 5 to 500 Hz(3)The environmental limits of this module may be enhanced by the type of enclosure containing the module. Refer to the applicableProduct Specification Sheet (PSS) which describes the specific type of enclosure that is to be used.PSS 21H-2Z14 B4Page 7 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONSMountingMODULEFBM214 mounts on a modular baseplate. Thebaseplate can be mounted on a DIN rail(horizontally or vertically), or horizontally on a19-inch rack using a mounting kit. Refer toPSS21H-2W6B4 for details.TERMINATION ASSEMBLYThe TA mounts on a DIN rail and accommodates multiple DIN rail styles including 32mm (1.26in) and 35mm 1.38in).MassMODULE284 g (10 oz) approximateTERMINATION ASSEMBLYCompression181 g (0.40 lb) approximateRing Lug249 g (0.55 lb) approximateDimensions – ModuleHEIGHT102 mm (4 in)114 mm (4.5 in) including mounting lugsWIDTH45 mm (1.75 in)DEPTH104 mm (4.11 in)Dimensions – Termination AssemblySee page10.Part NumbersFBM214 MODULEP0922VTTERMINATION ASSEMBLIESSee “FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS –TERMINATION ASSEMBLIES” on page8. Termination CablesCABLE LENGTHSUp to 30 m (98 ft)CABLE MATERIALSPolyurethane or Hypalon®/XLPTERMINATION CABLE TYPEType 1 – See Table2 on page9.CABLE CONNECTION – TA25-pin male D-subminiatureConstruction – Termination AssemblyMATERIALPolyvinyl Chloride (PVC), compressionPolyamide (PA), compressionPVC, ring lugFAMILY GROUP COLORGreen – communicationTERMINAL BLOCKS3 tiers, 8 positionsField Termination ConnectionsCOMPRESSION-TYPE ACCEPTED WIRINGSIZESSolid/Stranded/AWG0.2 to 4 mm2/0.2 to 2.5 mm2/24 to 12 AWGStranded with Ferrules0.2 to 2.5 mm2 with or without plastic collarRING-LUG TYPE ACCEPTED WIRING SIZES#6 size connectors (0.375 in (9.5 mm))0.5 to 4 mm2/22 AWG to 12 AWGPSS 21H-2Z14 B4Page 8TERMINATION ASSEMBLIES AND CABLESField input signals connect to the FBM subsystem via DIN rail mounted Termination Assemblies, which are electrically passive.TAs for the FBM214 are available in the following forms: Compression screw type using Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC) materialCompression screw type using Polyamide (PA) material Ring lug type using PVC material.See the following “FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS –TERMINATION ASSEMBLIES” for a list of TAs used with the FBM214.The FBM214 provides sufficient loop resistance to allow use of the HART Hand-Held Terminal, or PC20 Intelligent Field Device Configurator (PSS 2A-1Z3 E).A removable termination cable connects the DIN railmounted TA to the FBM via a field connector on the baseplate in which the FBM is installed. Termination cables are available in the following materials: PolyurethaneHypalon XLP .Termination cables are available in a variety of lengths, up to 30 meters (98feet), allowing the Termination Assembly to be mounted in either theenclosure or in an adjacent enclosure. See Table 2 for a list of termination cables used with the TAs forthe FBM214.FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS – TERMINATION ASSEMBLIESFBM Type Input SignalTA Part NumberTermination TA Cable TACertification PVC (a)(a)PVC is polyvinyl chloride rated from -20 to +50°C (-4 to +122°F).PA is Polyamide rated from -20 to +70°C (-4 to +158°F).PA (a)Type (b)(b) C = TA with compression terminals; RL = TA with ring lug terminals.Type (c)(c)See Table 2 for cable part numbers and specifications.Type (d)(d)See Table 1 for Termination Assembly certification definitions.FBM2148 input channels, 4 to 20mA analog signal, alone or with HART signal superimposedP0916BX P0926EA P0926TD CRL11, 2PSS 21H-2Z14 B4Page 9Table 1. Certification for Termination AssembliesType Certification (a)(a)All TAs are UL/UL-C listed to comply with applicable ordinary location safety standards for fire and shock hazards. Hazardous locationtypes comply with ATEX directive for II 3 G use. They also comply with the requirements of the European Low Voltage Directive. All listings/certifications require installation and use within the constraints specified in DIN Rail Mounted Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA) and the conditions stated in UL and DEMKO reports.Type 1TAs are UL/UL-C listed as suitable for use in Class I; Groups A-D; Division 2 temperature code T4 hazardous locations. They are CENELEC (DEMKO) certified EEx nA IIC T4 for use in Zone 2 potentially explosive atmospheres.Type 2TAs are UL/UL-C listed as associated apparatus for supplying non-incendive field circuits Class I; Groups A-D; Division 2 hazardous locations when connected to specified DIN rail mounted FBMs and field circuits meeting entity parameter constraints specified in DIN Rail Mounted Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA). They are also CENELEC (DEMKO) certified as associated apparatus for supplying field circuits for Group IIC, Zone 2 potentially explosive atmospheres. Field circuits are also Class 2 limited energy (60 V dc, 30 V ac, 100 VA or less) if customer-supplied equipment meets Class 2 limits.Table 2. Cables Types and Part NumbersCable Lengthm (ft) Type 1P/PVC (a)Type 1H/XLPE (b)Cable Lengthm (ft) Type 1P/PVC (a)Type 1H/XLPE (b)0.5 (1.6)P0916DA P0916VA 10.0 (32.8) P0916DE P0916VE 1.0 (3.2) P0916DB P0916VB 15.0 (49.2) P0916DF P0916VF 2.0 (6.6)P0931RM P0931RR 20.0 (65.6) P0916DG P0916VG 3.0 (9.8) P0916DC P0916VC 25.0 (82.0) P0916DH P0916VH 5.0 (16.4)P0916DDP0916VD30.0 (98.4)P0916DJP0916VJ(a)P/PVC is polyurethane outer jacket and semi-rigid PVC primary conductor insulation.(b)H/XLPE is Hypalon outer jacket and XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) primary conductor insulation.PSS 21H-2Z14 B4Page 10DIMENSIONS – NOMINALRELATED PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEETSCompression Termination AssemblyRing Lug Termination Assembly(a) Overall width – for determining DIN rail loading.(b) Height above DIN rail (add to DIN rail height for total).PSS NumberDescriptionPSS 21H-2W1 B3DIN Rail Mounted FBM Subsystem OverviewPSS 21H-2W2 B3DIN Rail Mounted FBM Equipment, Agency CertificationsPSS 21H-2Z14 B4Page 11PSS 21H-2Z14 B4 Page 12IPS Corporate Headquarters 5601 Granite Parkway Suite 1000 Plano, TX 75024United States of AmericaFoxboro Global Client Support Inside U.S.: 1-866-746-6477 Outside U.S.: 1-508-549-2424 or contact your local Foxboro representative.Facsimile: 1-508-549-4999Invensys, Foxboro, I/A Series and the IPS Logo are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and affiliates. All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Copyright 2002-2010 Invensys Systems, Inc.All rights reservedMB 21A Printed in U.S.A. 0210。



分子筛(Molecular Sieve)是一种具有特定孔径的多孔物质,常用于吸附和分离分子,其中HS编码指的是分子筛的振动体积码(Vibrational Volume Code)。


- 字母部分表示分子筛的骨架类型,如LTA(锂型沸石)、CHA(超沸石)、FAU(X型沸石)等。

- 数字部分表示分子筛的孔径尺寸,一般采用单位为埃(Å)的直径来表示。



类似地,分子筛5A 的HS编码为FAU-5A,分子筛13X的HS编码为FAU-13X。





CSC-246A/E数字式备用电源自投入装置说明书CSC-246A/E数字式备用电源自投入装置说明书CD2012075编制: 张华年校核:王彦辉标准化审查: 李连昌审定:邹卫华出版号:V2.01S文件代号:0SF.457.016出版日期:2012年3月版权所有:北京四方继保自动化股份有限公司注:本公司保留对此说明书修改的权利。










目录第一篇装置技术说明 (4)1概述 (4)1.1 适用范围 (4)1.2 装置主要特点 (4)1.3 装置执行的标准 (6)2技术条件 (7)2.1 环境条件 (7)2.2 电气绝缘性能 (7)2.3 机械性能 (7)2.4 电磁兼容性 (7)2.5 安全性能 (8)2.6 功率消耗 (8)2.7 输出触点容量 (8)2.8 装置主要技术参数 (8)3装置硬件 (10)3.1 装置结构 (10)3.2 装置外观图 (10)3.3 装置插件布置图 (11)3.4 采样插件 (11)3.5 CPU插件 (11)3.6 通信管理插件 (11)3.7 开入插件 (12)3.8 开出插件 (12)3.9 操作插件 (12)3.10 电源插件 (12)4装置软件 (13)4.1 保护程序整体结构 (13)4.2 数字化功能 (13)4.3保护功能 (13)4.4 零序电流保护 (13)4.5 过电流保护 (14)4.6 过负荷联切功能 (15)4.7 备投功能概述 (15)4.8 遥控开出 (19)4.9 智能终端及控制回路检测 (19)4.10 MU异常对保护的影响 (19)第二篇用户使用说明 (20)5开箱检查 (20)6安装调试 (20)6.1 安装 (20)6.2 通电前的检查 (20)6.3 装置通电检查 (21)7定值清单及整定说明 (29)7.1 CSC-246A/E装置定值清单及其整定说明 (29)8装置端子说明 (33)8.1 开入端子说明 (33)8.2 电源插件端子说明 (33)9人机接口及其操作 (34)9.1 装置面板布置图 (34)9.2 正常运行显示 (34)9.3 装置模拟量显示含义 (35)9.4 装置菜单结构 (36)10运行维护 (38)10.1 装置投运前检查 (38)10.2 运行中的注意事项 (38)10.3 设备更换保护软件或保护CPU板后的操作 (39)10.4 设备更换MASTER软件或MASTER板后的操作 (39)10.5 定值固化方式、定值区切换方式、打印方式等的说明 (39)11保护报文汇总 (41)11.1 装置告警信息 (41)11.2 运行异常信息 (41)11.3 GOOSE和MU告警信息 (42)12运输、贮存 (43)13订货须知 (43)14附录1:字符和中文字符集 (44)14.2 ASCII 16进制字符表 (44)14.3 中文字符表 (45)15附图 (52)15.1 CPU简化原理图 (52)15.2 MASTER板简化原理图 (53)15.3 开出2插件原理图 (54)15.4 操作插件原理图 (55)15.5 电源插件原理图 (56)15.6 CSC-246A/E装置背板端子图 (57)第一篇装置技术说明1概述1.1适用范围CSC-246A/E数字式备用电源自投入装置适用于数字化变电站。



Product DescriptionWireless Entrapment Pro-tection Device (EPD) for Industrial Gates. The system is designed to replace the connection cable between the ESPE (electro-sensitive protective equipment) and the gate controller. The sub-controller has input for either N.C. ESPE, N.O. 8.2 kΩ ESPE or the Carlo Gavazzi low con-sumption photoelectric ESPE N.C. contact. The system is designed for high reliabilityusing 2.4 GHz duplex com-munication between the main controller and sub controller. The main controller can han-dle up to 6 sub controllers i.e. one system can handle 12 ESPEs.The active time is initiated with a test signal applied on the main controller. The dura-tion of this can be fixed or defined by the length of the test signal.• Wireless Entrapment Protection Device for Industrial Gates• Input for two ESPE (electro-sensitive protective equipment)• Replaces cable between Gate controller and ESPE • Output ESPE: 2 x SPST NC or 2 x SPST NO (8,2kΩ) or 2 x Photoelectric sensors• Output low battery: 1 x SPST NC or NO • 2,4 GHz duplex communication • Built-in antenna • IP66 ratingsWireless Entrapment Protection Device For Industial Gates ESPEType WSM / WSS …Specifications Main Controller (WSM)Type SelectionHousing Range Output Type Ordering no.W x H x D Wireless75 x 125 x 35 mm 15 m NO 8K2 Main Controller WSM6GAOOD2475 x 125 x 35 mm 15 m NC Main Controller WSM6GACCD2445 x 214 x 22 mm 15 m-Sub Controller WSS2GA2BAT Housing Range Cable length TypeOrdering no. W x H x D S n Photoelectric Sensor Ø11 x 24.5 mm 2.5 m 2 m Emitter PB 11 CNT 15 WE Ø11 x 24.5 mm2.5 m12 mReceiverPB 11 CNT 15 WRICWSM/WSS ...Specifications Main Controller (WSM) (cont.)Specifications Sub Controller (WSS)NOTE: Changes/modifications not approved by Carlo Gavazzi could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.WSM/WSS ...Specifications Photoelectric Sensors ESPE (PB11)NOTE: Changes/modifications not approved by Carlo Gavazzi could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Specifications Sub Controller (WSS) (cont.)(R&TTE) Directive 1999/5/EC Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/ECElectromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, amended by Directive 98/79/ECFor industrial doors onlySee EN13241-1Operation Diagram: Fixed Active TimeWSM/WSS ...Excess Gain PB111101001000E x c e s s g a i n110Distance (m)1003,332,8328,1(feet)Operation Diagram: Manual Active TimeWSM/WSS ...Detection Diagram PB11-60-40-202040600246810126,613,119,726,332,839,4Sensing range (m)(m )0(Feet)-196,9-131,2-65,665,6131,2196,90(F e e t )Wiring DiagramsYXEmitterReceiverLifetime of batteriesActive Duration in seconds3 Sub ctrl., 2 x optical sensors12 Cycles/day 25 Cycles/day 50 Cycles/day 100 Cycles/day 200 Cycles/day 400 Cycles/dayY e a r s0,00,40,20,60,81,01,21,41,61530604575901050,00,40,20,60,81,01,21,41530604575901053 Sub ctrl., 2 x Mech NO-8K2Active Duration in secondsY e a r sActive Duration in seconds 1 Sub ctrl., 2 x optical sensors12 Cycles/day 25 Cycles/day 50 Cycles/day 100 Cycles/day 200 Cycles/day 400 Cycles/dayY e a r s0,00,40,20,60,81,01,21,61,41530604575901050,00,40,20,60,81,01,21,41530604575901051 Sub ctrl.,2 x Mech. NO-8K2Active Duration in secondsY e a r sConditions: 240 working days, ambient temperature 20°C, 85% battery efficiency. ”Duration” is gate opening or closing time. One cycle is an opening AND closing cycle.4 x ER14505 3.6 VDC size AA, ≥ 2700 mAh Lithium batteriesNormal speedFast speedWSM/WSS ...WSM/WSS ... DimensionsDelivery Contents Main Controller •Wireless Main Controller: WSM6GAOOD24 orWSM6GACCD24• Manual•4 x SCREW M4.5X45 MM BOSSARD BN615•4 x RAWLPLUG SX8 NYLON• Packaging: Cardboard box Delivery Contents Sub Controller •Wireless Sub Controller: WSS2GA2BAT• Manual•2 x ER14505 3.6 VDC size AA, ≥ 2700 mAh Lithium batteries•4 x SCREW M4X10 MM BOSSARD BN1023• Packaging: Cardboard boxDelivery Contents Receiver •Receiver: PB11CNT15WR• Packaging: Plastic bag Delivery Contents Emitter •Emitter: PB11CNT15WE• Packaging: Plastic bag。


8 16 16 2 0 / 2 5 (2) 25 2 0 / 2 5 (2) 45 45 20/80 (2) 20/80 (2) 20/80 (2) 20/80 (2) 20/80 (2) 60/240 (2) 60/240 (2) 80/320 (2) 90/360 (2) 90/360 (2)
外 形 尺 寸 OV E R ALL DIM E N S IO N S (m m )
FG6 Rp 2"
2/ 6 208 128 182 2000 330


Description The VMR type is a fast opening and fast closing solenoid valve that is normally closed. When not energized the spring works on the seat keeping the gas passage closed. When the coil is powered the valve is rapidly opened.If the power supply is shut off,the valve rapidly closed.
KVS(m 3/h)
VM R 01--OT N VM R 02--OT N VM R 12--OT N
VMR0 VM R 12-A



ATTINY26L-8SU中⽂资料FeaturesHigh-performance, Low-power AVR 8-bit MicrocontrollerRISC Architecture–118 Powerful Instructions – Most Single Clock Cycle Execution –32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers –Fully Static Operation–Up to 16 MIPS Throughput at 16 MHzData and Non-volatile Program Memory–2K Bytes of In-System Programmable Program Memory FlashEndurance: 10,000 Write/Erase Cycles–128 Bytes of In-System Programmable EEPROMEndurance: 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles–128 Bytes Internal SRAM–Programming Lock for Flash Program and EEPROM Data Security ?Peripheral Features–8-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler–8-bit High-speed Timer with Separate Prescaler2 High Frequency PWM Outputs with Separate Output Compare RegistersNon-overlapping Inverted PWM Output Pins–Universal Serial Interface with Start Condition Detector–10-bit ADC11 Single Ended Channels8 Differential ADC Channels7 Differential ADC Channel Pairs with Programmable Gain (1x, 20x)–On-chip Analog Comparator–External Interrupt–Pin Change Interrupt on 11 Pins–Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On-chip Oscillator ?Special Microcontroller Features–Low Power Idle, Noise Reduction, and Power-down Modes–Power-on Reset and Programmable Brown-out Detection–External and Internal Interrupt Sources–In-System Programmable via SPI Port–Internal Calibrated RC OscillatorI/O and Packages–20-lead PDIP/SOIC: 16 Programmable I/O Lines–32-lead QFN/MLF: 16 programmable I/O LinesOperating Voltages–2.7V - 5.5V for ATtiny26L–4.5V - 5.5V for ATtiny26Speed Grades–0 - 8 MHz for ATtiny26L–0 - 16 MHz for ATtiny26Power Consumption at 1 MHz, 3V and 25°C for ATtiny26L–Active 16 MHz, 5V and 25°C: Typ 15 mA–Active 1 MHz, 3V and 25°C: 0.70 mA–Idle Mode 1 MHz, 3V and 25°C: 0.18 mA–Power-down Mode: < 1 µA 8-bit Microcontrollerwith 2K BytesATtiny26ATtiny26L2ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06Pin ConfigurationNote:The bottom pad under the QFN/MLF package should be soldered to ground.3ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06DescriptionThe ATtiny26(L) is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle,the ATtiny26(L) achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed.The AVR core combines a rich instruction set with 32 general purpose working registers.All the 32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing two independent registers to be accessed in one single instruction executed in one clock cycle. The resulting architecture is more code efficient while achieving throughputs up to ten times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers. The ATtiny26(L) has a high precision ADC with up to 11 single ended channels and 8 differential channels. Seven differential channels have an optional gain of 20x. Four out of the seven differential channels, which have the optional gain, can be used at the same time. The ATtiny26(L)also has a high frequency 8-bit PWM module with two independent outputs. Two of the PWM outputs have inverted non-overlapping output pins ideal for synchronous rectifica-tion. The Universal Serial Interface of the ATtiny26(L) allows efficient software implementation of TWI (Two-wire Serial Interface) or SM-bus interface. These features allow for highly integrated battery charger and lighting ballast applications, low-end ther-mostats, and firedetectors, among other applications.The ATtiny26(L) provides 2K bytes of Flash, 128 bytes EEPROM, 128 bytes SRAM, up to 16 general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose working registers, two 8-bit Timer/Counters, one with PWM outputs, internal and external Oscillators, internal and external interrupts, programmable Watchdog Timer, 11-channel, 10-bit Analog to Digital Converter with two differential voltage input gain stages, and four software selectable power saving modes. The Idle mode stops the CPU while allowing the Timer/Counters and interrupt system to continue functioning. The ATtiny26(L) also has a dedicated ADC Noise Reduction mode for reducing the noise in ADC conversion. In this sleep mode,only the ADC is functioning. The Power-down mode saves the register contents but freezes the oscillators, disabling all other chip functions until the next interrupt or hard-ware reset. The Standby mode is the same as the Power-down mode, but external oscillators are enabled. The wakeup or interrupt on pin change features enable the ATtiny26(L) to be highly responsive to external events, still featuring the lowest power consumption while in the Power-down mode.The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high density non-volatile memory technology.By combining an enhanced RISC 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the ATtiny26(L) is a powerful microcontroller that provides a highly flexible and cost effec-tive solution to many embedded control applications.The ATtiny26(L) AVR is supported with a full suite of program and system development tools including: Macro assemblers, program debugger/simulators, In-circuit emulators,and evaluation kits.4ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06Block DiagramFigure 1. The ATtiny26(L) Block Diagram5ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06Pin DescriptionsVCC Digital supply voltage pin.GND Digital ground pin.AVCCAVCC is the supply voltage pin for Port A and the A/D Converter (ADC). It should be externally connected to V CC , even if the ADC is not used. If the ADC is used, it should be connected to V CC through a low-pass filter. See page 96 for details on operating of the ADC.Port A (PA7..PA0)Port A is an 8-bit general purpose I/O port. PA7..PA0 are all I/O pins that can provide internal pull-ups (selected for each bit). Port A has alternate functions as analog inputs for the ADC and analog comparator and pin change interrupt as described in “Alternate Port Functions” on page 48.Port B (PB7..PB0)Port B is an 8-bit general purpose I/O port. PB6..0 are all I/O pins that can provide inter-nal pull-ups (selected for each bit). PB7 is an I/O pin if not used as the reset. To use pin PB7 as an I/O pin, instead of RESET pin, program (“0”) RSTDISBL Fuse. Port B has alternate functions for the ADC, clocking, timer counters, USI, SPI programming, and pin change interrupt as described in “Alternate Port Functions” on page 48.longer than 50 ns will generate a reset, even if the clock is not running. Shorter pulses are not guaranteed to generate a reset.XTAL1Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.XTAL2Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.6ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06ResourcesA comprehensive set of development tools, application notes and datasheets are avail-able for download on/doc/e728217f8e9951e79b892761.html /avr.7ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06About Code ExamplesThis datasheet contains simple code examples that briefly show how to use various parts of the device. These code examples assume that the part specific header file is included before compilation. Be aware that not all C compiler vendors include bit defini-tions in the header files and interrupt handling in C is compiler dependent. Please confirm with the C compiler documentation for more details.8ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06AVR CPU CoreArchitectural OverviewThe fast-access Register File concept contains 32 x 8-bit general purpose working reg-isters with a single clock cycle access time. This means that during one single clock cycle, one ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) operation is executed. Two operands are output from the Register File, the operation is executed, and the result is stored back in the Register File – in one clock cycle.Six of the 32 registers can be used as 16-bit pointers for indirect memory access. These pointers are called the X-, Y-, and Z-pointers, and they can address the Register File and the Flash program memory.Figure 2. The ATtiny26(L) AVR Enhanced RISC ArchitectureThe ALU supports arithmetic and logic functions between registers or between a con-stant and a register. Single register operations are also executed in the ALU. Figure 2shows the ATtiny26(L) AVR Enhanced RISC microcontroller architecture. In addition to the register operation, the conventional memory addressing modes can be used on the Register File as well. This is enabled by the fact that the Register File is assigned the 32lowermost Data Space addresses ($00 - $1F), allowing them to be accessed as though they were ordinary memory locations.The I/O memory space contains 64 addresses for CPU peripheral functions as Control Registers, Timer/Counters, A/D Converters, and other I/O functions. The I/O Memory can be accessed directly, or as the Data Space locations following those of the Register File, $20 - $5F.9ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06The AVR uses a Harvard architecture concept with separate memories and buses for program and data memories. The program memory is accessed with a two stage pipelining. While one instruction is being executed, the next instruction is pre-fetched from the program memory. This concept enables instructions to be executed in every clock cycle. The program memory is In-System programmable Flash memory.With the relative jump and relative call instructions, the whole address space is directly accessed. All AVR instructions have a single 16-bit word format, meaning that every program memory address contains a single 16-bit instruction.During interrupts and subroutine calls, the return address program counter (PC) is stored on the Stack. The Stack is effectively allocated in the general data SRAM, and consequently the stack size is only limited by the total SRAM size and the usage of the SRAM. All user programs must initialize the SP in the reset routine (before subroutines or interrupts are executed). The 8-bit Stack Pointer SP is read/write accessible in the I/O space. For programs written in C, the stack size must be declared in the linker file. Refer to the C user guide for more information.The 128 bytes data SRAM can be easily accessed through the five different addressing modes supported in the AVR architecture.The memory spaces in the AVR architecture are all linear and regular memory maps.The I/O memory space contains 64 addresses for CPU peripheral functions as Control Registers, Timer/Counters, and other I/O functions. The memory spaces in the AVR architecture are all linear and regular memory maps.A flexible interrupt module has its control registers in the I/O space with an additional Global Interrupt Enable bit in the Status Register. All the different interrupts have a sep-arate Interrupt Vector in the Interrupt Vector table at the beginning of the program memory. The different interrupts have priority in accordance with their Interrupt Vector position. The lower the Interrupt Vector address, the higher the priority.General Purpose Register FileFigure 3 shows the structure of the 32 general purpose working registers in the CPU.Figure 3. AVR CPU General Purpose Working Registers7Addr.R0 $00R1$01R2$02…R13$0D General R14$0E Purpose R15$0F Working R16$10RegistersR17$11…R26$1A X-register Low Byte R27$1B X-register High Byte R28$1C Y-register Low Byte R29$1D Y-register High ByteR30$1E Z-register Low Byte R31$1FZ-register High Byte10ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06All of the register operating instructions in the instruction set have direct and single cycle access to all registers. The only exceptions are the five constant arithmetic and logic instructions SBCI, SUBI, CPI, ANDI, and ORI between a constant and a register, and the LDI instruction for load immediate constant data. These instructions apply to the second half of the registers in the Register File – R16..R31. The general SBC, SUB, CP,AND, and OR, and all other operations between two registers or on a single register apply to the entire Register File.As shown in Figure 3, each register is also assigned a data memory address, mapping them directly into the first 32 locations of the user Data Space. Although not being phys-ically implemented as SRAM locations, this memory organization provides flexibility in access of the registers, as the X-, Y-, and Z-registers can be set to index any register in the file.X-register, Y-register, and Z-registerThe registers R26..R31 have some added functions to their general purpose usage.These registers are address pointers for indirect addressing of the Data Space. The three indirect address registers X, Y, and Z are defined as:Figure 4. X-, Y -, and Z-registerIn the different addressing modes, these address registers have functions as fixed dis-placement, automatic increment and decrement (see the descriptions for the differentinstructions).ALU – Arithmetic Logic UnitThe high-performance AVR ALU operates in direct connection with all 32 general pur-pose working registers. Within a single clock cycle, ALU operations between registers in the Register File are executed. The ALU operations are divided into three main catego-ries – Arithmetic, Logical, and Bit-functions.150X-register77 0R27 ($1B)R26 ($1A)150Y-register7 07 0R29 ($1D)R28 ($1C)150Z-register7 07 0R31 ($1F)R30 ($1E)11ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06Status Register – SREGThe AVR Status Register – SREG – at I/O space location $3F is defined as:Bit 7 – I: Global Interrupt EnableThe Global Interrupt Enable bit must be set (one) for the interrupts to be enabled. The individual interrupt enable control is then performed in the Interrupt Mask Registers –GIMSK and TIMSK. If the Global Interrupt Enable Register is cleared (zero), none of the interrupts are enabled independent of the GIMSK and TIMSK values. The I-bit is cleared by hardware after an interrupt has occurred, and is set by the RETI instruction to enable subsequent interrupts. The I-bit can also be set and cleared by the application with the SEI and CLI instructions, as described in the instruction set reference.?Bit 6 – T: Bit Copy StorageThe Bit Copy instructions BLD (Bit LoaD) and BST (Bit STore) use the T-bit as source and destination for the operated bit. A bit from a register in the Register File can be cop-ied into T by the BST instruction, and a bit in T can be copied into a bit in a register in the Register File by the BLD instruction.?Bit 5 – H: Half Carry FlagThe Half Carry Flag H indicates a Half Carry in some arithmetic operations. See the Instruction Set Description for detailed information.?Bit 4 – S: Sign Bit, S = N ⊕ VThe S-bit is always an exclusive or between the Negative Flag N and the Two’s Comple-ment Overflow Flag V. See the Instruction Set Description for detailed information.?Bit 3 – V: Two’s Complement Overflow FlagThe Two’s Complement Overflow Flag V supports two’s complement arithmetics. See the Instruction Set Description for detailed information.?Bit 2 – N: Negative FlagThe Negative Flag N indicates a negative result after the different arithmetic and logic operations. See the Instruction Set Description for detailed information.?Bit 1 – Z: Zero FlagThe Zero Flag Z indicates a zero result after the different arithmetic and logic opera-tions. See the Instruction Set Description for detailed information.?Bit 0 – C: Carry FlagThe Carry Flag C indicates a carry in an arithmetic or logic operation. See the Instruction Set Description for detailed information.Bit 76543210$3F ($5F)I T H S V N Z C SREGRead/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Initial Value12ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06Stack Pointer – SPThe ATtiny26(L) Stack Pointer is implemented as an 8-bit register in the I/O space loca-tion $3D ($5D). As the ATtiny26(L) data memory has 224 ($E0) locations, eight bits are used.The Stack Pointer points to the data SRAM stack area where the Subroutine and Inter-rupt Stacks are located. This Stack space in the data SRAM must be defined by the program before any subroutine calls are executed or interrupts are enabled. The Stack Pointer must be set to point above $60. The Stack Pointer is decremented by one when data is pushed onto the Stack with the PUSH instruction, and it is decremented by two when an address is pushed onto the Stack with subroutine calls and interrupts. The Stack Pointer is incremented by one when data is popped from the Stack with the POP instruction, and it is incremented by two when an address is popped from the Stack with return from subroutine RET or return from interrupt RETI.Program and Data Addressing ModesThe ATtiny26(L) AVR Enhanced RISC microcontroller supports powerful and efficient addressing modes for access to the Flash program memory, SRAM, Register File, and I/O Data memory. This section describes the different addressing modes supported by the AVR architecture. In the figures, OP means the operation code part of the instruction word. To simplify, not all figures show the exact location of the addressing bits.Register Direct, Single Register RdFigure 5. Direct Single Register AddressingThe operand is contained in register d (Rd).Bit 76543210$3D ($5D)SP7SP6SP5SP4SP3SP2SP1SP0SPRead/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Initial Value13ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06Register Direct, Two Registers Rd and RrFigure 6. Direct Register Addressing, T wo Registers Operands are contained in register r (Rr) and d (Rd). The result is stored in register d (Rd).I/O DirectFigure 7. I/O Direct AddressingOperand address is contained in 6 bits of the instruction word. n is the destination or source register address.Data DirectFigure 8.Direct Data Addressing14ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06A 16-bit Data Address is contained in the 16 LSBs of a two-word instruction. Rd/Rr specify the destination or source register. Data Indirect with DisplacementFigure 9. Data Indirect with DisplacementOperand address is the result of the Y- or Z-register contents added to the address con-tained in 6 bits of the instruction word. Data IndirectFigure 10. Data Indirect AddressingOperand address is the contents of the X-, Y-, or the Z-register.Data Indirect with Pre-decrementFigure 11. Data Indirect Addressing with Pre-decrement15ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06The X-, Y-, or Z-register is decremented before the operation. Operand address is the decremented contents of the X-, Y-, or Z-register.Data Indirect with Post-incrementFigure 12. Data Indirect Addressing with Post-incrementThe X-, Y-, or Z-register is incremented after the operation. Operand address is the con-tent of the X-, Y-, or Z-register prior to incrementing.Constant Addressing Using the LPM InstructionFigure 13. Code Memory Constant AddressingConstant byte address is specified by the Z-register contents. The 15 MSBs select word address (0 - 1K), the LSB selects low byte if cleared (LSB = 0) or high byte if set (LSB =1).16ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06Indirect Program Addressing, IJMP and ICALLFigure 14. Indirect Program Memory AddressingProgram execution continues at address contained by the Z-register (i.e., the PC is loaded with the contents of the Z-register).Relative Program Addressing, RJMP and RCALLFigure 15. Relative Program Memory Addressing Program execution continues at address PC + k + 1. The relative address k is from-2048 to 2047.17ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06MemoriesThe AVR CPU is driven by the System Clock ?, directly generated from the external clock crystal for the chip. No internal clock division is used.Figure 16 shows the parallel instruction fetches and instruction executions enabled by the Harvard architecture and the fast-access Register File concept. This is the basic pipelining concept to obtain up to 1 MIPS per MHz with the corresponding unique results for functions per cost, functions per clocks, and functions per power-unit.Figure 16. The Parallel InstructionFetches and Instruction ExecutionsFigure 17 shows the internal timing concept for the Register File. In a single clock cycle an ALU operation using two register operands is executed, and the result is stored back to the destination register.Figure 17. Single Cycle ALU OperationThe internal data SRAM access is performed in two System Clock cycles as described in Figure 18.18ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06Figure 18. On-chip Data SRAM Access CyclesIn-System Programmable Flash Program Memory The ATtiny26(L) contains 2K bytes On-chip In-System Programmable Flash memory for program storage. Since all instructions are 16- or 32-bit words, the Flash is organized as1K x 16. The Flash memory has an endurance of at least 10,000 write/erase cycles. The ATtiny26(L) Program Counter – PC – is 10 bits wide, thus addressing the 1024 program memory addresses, see “Memory Programming” on page 109 for a detailed description on Flash data downloading. See “Program and Data Addressing Modes” on page 12 for the different program memory addressing modes.Figure 19. SRAM OrganizationSRAM Data MemoryFigure 19 above shows how the ATtiny26(L) SRAM Memory is organized.The lower 224 Data Memory locations address the Register File, the I/O Memory and the internal data SRAM. The first 96 locations address the Register File and I/O Mem-ory, and the next 128 locations address the internal data SRAM.Register FileData Address SpaceR0$0000R1$0001R2$0002......R29$001D R30$001E R31$001FI/O Registers$00$0020$01$0021$02$0022……$3D $005D $3E $005E $3F$005F Internal SRAM$0060$0061...$00DE $00DF19ATtiny26(L)1477I–AVR–10/06The five different addressing modes for the data memory cover: Direct, Indirect with Dis-placement, Indirect, Indirect with Pre-decrement, and Indirect with Post-increment. In the Register File, registers R26 to R31 feature the indirect addressing pointer registers.The direct addressing reaches the entire data space. The Indirect with Displacement mode features a 63 address locations reach from the base address given by the Y- or Z-register.When using register indirect addressing modes with automatic pre-decrement and post-increment, the address registers X, Y, and Z are decremented and incremented.The 32 general purpose working registers, 64 I/O Registers and the 128 bytes of inter-nal data SRAM in the ATtiny26(L) are all accessible through all these addressing modes.See “Program and Data Addressing Modes” on page 12 for a detailed description of the different addressing modes.EEPROM Data MemoryThe ATtiny26(L) contains 128 bytes of data EEPROM memory. It is organized as a sep-arate data space, in which single bytes can be read and written (see “Memory Programming” on page 109). The EEPROM has an endurance of at least 100,000write/erase cycles per location.EEPROM Read/Write AccessThe EEPROM Access Registers are accessible in the I/O space.The write access time is typically 8.3 ms. A self-timing function lets the user software detect when the next byte can be written. A special EEPROM Ready Interrupt can be set to trigger when the EEPROM is ready to accept new data.An ongoing EEPROM write operation will complete even if a reset condition occurs.In order to prevent unintentional EEPROM writes, a two state write procedure must be followed. Refer to the description of the EEPROM Control Register for details on this.When the EEPROM is written, the CPU is halted for two clock cycles before the next instruction is executed.When the EEPROM is read, the CPU is halted for four clock cycles before the next instruction is executed.EEPROM Address Register – EEARBit 7 – RES: Reserved BitsThis bit are reserved bit in the ATtiny26(L) and will always read as zero.?Bit 6..0 – EEAR6..0: EEPROM AddressThe EEPROM Address Register – EEAR – specifies the EEPROM address in the 128bytes EEPROM space. The EEPROM data bytes are addressed linearly between 0 and 127. The initial value of EEAR is undefined. A proper value must be written before the EEPROM may be accessed.Bit 76543210$1E ($3E)–EEAR6EEAR5EEAR4EEAR3EEAR2EEAR1EEAR0EEARRead/Write R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Initial ValueXXXXXXX。

INA FAG轴承样本中文版-圆柱滚子轴承

INA FAG轴承样本中文版-圆柱滚子轴承

d BrrD d11DF圆柱滚子轴承带保持架的圆柱滚子轴承带盘式保持架或隔片的圆柱滚子轴承单列满装圆柱滚子轴承双列满装圆柱滚子轴承高精密圆柱滚子轴承圆柱滚子轴承带保持架的圆柱滚子轴承 (394)带保持架的单列圆柱滚子轴承具有很高的径向承载能力,与满装滚子轴承相比,适用于较高的转速。




带盘式保持架或隔片的圆柱滚子轴承 (446)这类轴承的黄铜盘式保持架或塑料隔片防止了滚动体间的相互接触。





单列满装圆柱滚子轴承 (460)此类轴承带有满装圆柱滚子组。





双列满装圆柱滚子轴承 (478)滚动体由套圈挡边引导。





高精密圆柱滚子轴承 (500)这类双列高精密圆柱滚子轴承(浮动轴承)主要应用于机床,精度等级为SP。




392HR 1Schaeffler Group IndustrialSchaeffler Group Industrial HR 1393FE Br r1d D带保持架的圆柱滚子轴承页带保持架的圆柱滚子轴承产品概览带保持架的圆柱滚子轴承 (396)特性 (397)浮动轴承 (397)半定位轴承 (397)定位轴承 (398)密封 (398)润滑 (398)工作温度 (398)保持架 (398)后缀 (399)设计与安全指南容许的倾斜角度 (400)轴向承载能力 (400)最小径向载荷 (401)轴承当量动载荷 (402)轴承当量静载荷 (402)轴承布置设计 (402)精度内部径向游隙 (403)尺寸表带保持架的圆柱滚子轴承,浮动轴承 (404)带保持架的圆柱滚子轴承,半定位轴承与定位轴承..............420Schaeffler Group Industrial HR 1395396HR 1Schaeffler Group Industrial 产品概览带保持架的圆柱滚子轴承浮动轴承NU10、NU19、NU2..-E 、NU4、NU3..-E 、NU22..-E 、NU23..-E N2..-E 、N3..-E113 437a 113 439a半定位轴承NJ2..-E 、NJ3..-E 、NJ4、NJ22..-E 、NJ23..-E113 430a 定位轴承带平挡圈NUP2..-E 、NUP3..-E 、NUP22..-E 、NUP23..-E113 438a 带L 型斜挡圈NJ2..-E+HJ 、NJ3..-E +HJ 、NJ4+HJ 、NJ22..-E +HJ 、NJ23..-E +HJ00014089Schaeffler Group Industrial HR 1397特性带保持架的单列圆柱滚子轴承由内圈、外圈、圆柱滚子及保持架组件构成。


0.8~1.2 g/m2
×~ △ × ~ △ ○
导电性 后涂装性
● 备注:
○ ~ ◎
◎ ◎~○
△~ × ○ ~ ◎
×—差,△—不可, ○ —良,◎ —优
Eco-Conscious Products for Sustainable Growth
涂装密着性 导电性
0.60 0.70 皮膜量((g/m2)
Eco-Conscious Products for Sustainable Growth
100% 无明显痕迹 无明显痕迹 无明显变化 △E=0.5 无色透明
*导电性测定用仪器 (ADVANTEST
Eco-Conscious Products for Sustainable Growth
Eco-Conscious Products for Sustainable Growth
皮膜量范围 耐溶剂性 耐碱 耐黑变性
0.3~0.8 g/m2 ○~◎ ○~◎ ○~◎

LG 26 cu. ft. French Door Refrigerator RF261BEAESR

LG 26 cu. ft. French Door Refrigerator RF261BEAESR

RF261BEAESR26 cu. ft. French Door Refrigerator with Internal Filtered Water DispenserFeatures• Large Capacity – 26 cu. ft.• I nternal Filtered Water Dispenser• A dditional Filtered Ice Maker in the Freezer• High-Efficiency LED Lighting• Twin Cooling Plus™• ENERGY STAR® Compliant• C oolSelect Pantry™ withTemperature Control• Power Freeze and Power Cool Options• Two Humidity-Controlled Crispers• Tempered Glass Spill-Proof Shelves• Gallon Door Bins• EZ-Open Handle™ on Freezer Door• Auto Pull-Out Upper Freezer DrawerConvenience• Cool Tight Door• Door Alarm• Water Filter Indicator• Removable Ice CaddyENERGY STAR® rated: CEE Tier 1 (10% more efficient than Federal Standard)620 kWh/yrCoolSelect Pantry™ with Temperature ControlFrench Door DesignSignature FeaturesWhiteBlackAvailable ColorsStainless Steel(shown)TWIN COOLING PLUS™• R efrigerator air is kept at higher, near-commercial grade humidity levels to keep perishable fruits and vegetables fresher longer.• Drier freezer air means less freezer burn for better-tasting frozen foods.FILTERED WATER• G et great-tasting, filtered water directly from your refrigerator. Spend less timeand money buying bottled water.HIGH-EFFICIENCY LED LIGHTING• H igh-efficiency design beautifully lights up the interior so you’re able to quicklyspot what you want.• Sleek design saves more space than traditional incandescent light bulbs.Stainless PlatinumRanked “Highest in customer satisfaction with French Door refrigerators, in a tie.” *– J.D. Power* S amsung received the highest numerical score for French door refrigerators in a tie in the proprietary J.D. Power 2014 Kitchen Appliance Study SM . Study based on 15,380 total responses measuring 10 French door refrigerators brands and measures opinions of consumers about their new appliance purchased in the past 24 months.Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of consumers surveyed in January-March 2014. Your experiences may vary. Visit .Actual color may vary. Design, specifications, and color availability are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measurements are approximate.©2014 Samsung Electronics America, Inc. 85 Challenger Road, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660. Tel: 800-SAMSUNG. . Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.Total Capacity: 25.5 cu. ft.Refrigerator: 17.5 cu. ft.• I nternal Filtered Water Dispenser• CoolSelect Pantry™ with Temperature Control • 2 Humidity-Controlled Crispers• 5 Tempered Glass Spill-Proof Shelves • 6 Clear Door Bins– Right Door: 3 Gallon Bins – Left Door: 3 Gallon Bins • High-Efficiency LED LightingFreezer: 8.0 cu. ft.• EZ-Open Handle™• 1 Large Opaque Bin with Divider • Auto Pull-Out Upper Drawer • Filtered Ice Maker (Cubed)• High-Efficiency LED LightingAccessoriesWater Filter: HAF-CINWarrantyOne (1) Year Parts and Labor on Refrigerator Five (5) Years Parts and Labor on Sealed Refrigeration System Only*Ten (10) Years Parts and Five (5) Years Labor on Digital Inverter Compressor*Compressor, evaporator, condenser, drier, connecting tubingProduct Dimensions & WeightDimensions (WxHxD with hinges, handles and doors):353/4" x 70" x 355/8"Dimensions (WxHxD without hinges and door): 353/4" x 685/8" x 291/4"Dimensions (WxHxD with hinge and door, no handle): 353/4" x 70" x 331/4"Weight: 306.4 lbs.Shipping Dimensions & Weight (WxHxD)Dimensions: 385/8" x 753/4" x 361/4" Weight: 332.9 lbs.ColorModel # UPC CodeStainless Steel RF261BEAESR ************White RF261BEAEWW 036725590168BlackRF261BEAEBC 036725590151Stainless PlatinumRF261BEAESP ************Measure height including flooring.Be sure to allow for hinge clearance height if needed.Measure width including countertop overhang.Measure depth includingmolding or trim.21 3/8"3 3/8"35 3/4"7⁄16"55 1/8"29 7/8"33 3/4"36 1/4" 1 3/8"22 14"9 116"69 78"35 18"5/8"7/16"2 3/8"Installing Your Refrigerator1. M easure the height, width and depth of the opening, making sure to include baseboards, molding tile, countertop overhang, etc. Check to be sure there is enough room to open the door (consider walls, islands or other obstacles when measuring).2. Refer to illustration below to determine dimensions.3. A llow 2" of clearance on hinge side of refrigerator when installing next to a wall where handle may make contact.4. A llow 1" minimum clearance at rear for proper air circulation and water/electrical connections. Allow a 3/8" minimum clearance at sides and top for ease of installation.5. E nsure each door and entry way in the home is wide enough for the refrigerator to be moved through easily.Please note: The following dimension and cutout information is for planning purposes only. For complete installation details consult manual packed with product, or download manual on-line at .RF261BEAESR26 cu. ft. French Door Refrigerator with Internal Filtered Water Dispenser Dimensions70"241/4"5/8"31/4"521/8"211/2"33/8"353/4"11/4"413/4"291/4"355/8331/4"。



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im l e
ry a in
PIN ASSIGNMENT 1 : GATE 2 : SOURCE(Flange) 3 : DRAIN Unit : mm
Edition 1.2 Dec. 2005
im l e
a in
25 27
35 37 39 41 43 Input Power [dBm]
50 40 30 20 10 0
29 31 33
Power Derating Curve
300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Case Temperature [o C]
Output Power vs. Frequency VDS=50V IDS(DC)=1000mA Output Power and Drain Efficiency vs. Input Power VDS=50V IDS(DC)=1000mA f=2.6GHz
56 54 52 Output Power [dBm] Output Power [dBm] 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75
+50j +25j
10Ω 25Ω 50Ω
-25j -50j
r P
+90° ±180° 10 Scale for |S21| 0.1 Scale for |S 12| -90°
im l e
Freq [GHz] 1.0 1.1 1.2 +250j 1.3 1.4 1.5 ∞ 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 -250j 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 0° 3.8 3.9 4.0
Drain-Source Voltage Gate-Source Voltage Total Power Dissipation Storage Temperature Channel Temperature VDS VGS Pt Tstg Tch
DC Input Voltage Forward Gate Current Reverse Gate Current Channel Temperature
S12 MAG ANG 0.001 -13.4 0.001 -41.8 0.001 -55.6 0.001 -37.1 0.000 -22.2 0.000 -60.3 0.001 -86.6 0.001 -110.0 0.002 -116.6 0.003 -128.9 0.004 -154.1 0.008 -174.2 0.014 156.9 0.021 118.8 0.025 76.0 0.024 38.1 0.022 8.6 0.020 -0.020 -86.6 0.021 -112.8 0.020 -142.0 0.019 -168.8 0.017 169.6 0.014 150.7 0.013 136.1 0.012 127.1 0.011 119.5 0.011 106.6 0.011 95.0
Edition 1.2 Dec. 2005
High Voltage - High Power GaN-HEMT
S-Parameters @VDS=50V, IDS=1000mA, f=1 to 4 GHz, Zl = Zs = 50 ohm
56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36
100 90 80 70 60 Drain Efficiency [%]
Frequency [GHz] Pin=26dBm Pin=38dBm Pin=30dBm Pin=42dBm
r P
Total Power Dissipasion [W]
S12 S21
Edition 1.2 Dec. 2005
High Voltage - High Power GaN-HEMT
IV Package Outline Metal-Ceramic Hermetic Package
r P
S22 MAG ANG 0.915 170.5 0.913 169.7 0.912 168.5 0.917 167.0 0.918 165.0 0.920 162.7 0.917 159.8 0.913 156.4 0.905 152.4 0.898 147.4 0.876 140.7 0.833 131.3 0.731 117.6 0.517 100.1 0.228 92.5 0.114 173.0 0.284 -165.8 0.418 -174.2 0.496 173.4 0.533 159.2 0.531 141.2 0.482 117.1 0.407 81.9 0.364 30.5 0.425 -22.0 0.549 -59.7 0.657 -85.1 0.735 -103.4 0.782 -117.1 0.814 -127.5 0.834 -136.2
ry a in
S11 MAG ANG 0.957 165.6 0.956 163.6 0.956 161.5 0.954 159.0 0.951 156.6 0.944 153.0 0.936 148.9 0.918 144.4 0.900 138.3 0.864 130.4 0.801 119.3 0.685 103.0 0.461 76.9 0.127 19.7 0.225 -137.7 0.363 -167.4 0.398 177.4 0.386 167.3 0.343 157.7 0.258 147.1 0.123 137.9 0.069 -85.7 0.282 -91.9 0.470 -108.2 0.606 -123.5 0.694 -136.2 0.747 -146.9 0.783 -156.2 0.800 -165.4 0.810 -174.0 0.810 177.1
S21 MAG ANG 0.367 -14.0 0.357 -19.3 0.359 -24.4 0.378 -30.2 0.415 -35.8 0.469 -42.4 0.556 -50.1 0.685 -59.1 0.895 -69.4 1.223 -81.8 1.764 -98.8 2.704 -121.5 4.175 -153.4 5.757 163.9 6.357 118.3 5.961 78.0 5.343 43.8 4.844 14.6 4.522 -12.6 4.398 -39.2 4.404 -67.6 4.384 -99.0 4.180 -133.5 3.645 -168.8 2.923 157.5 2.205 127.9 1.641 102.7 1.222 82.1 0.942 64.4 0.752 49.5 0.632 35.4
Eudyna GaN-HEMT 180W
・High Voltage Operation : VDS=50V ・High Power : 53.0dBm (typ.) @ P3dB ・High Efficiency: 55%(typ.) @ P3dB ・Linear Gain : 14.0dB(typ.) @ f=2.6GHz ・Proven Reliability
r P
im l e
RG=2 Ω RG=2 Ω Vp VGDO P3dB ηd GL Rth
a in
Rating Limit
50 <TBD >-7.2 200
120 -5 281.25 -65 to +175 250
V V W oC oC
High Voltage - High Power GaN-HEMT
Eudyna's GaN-HEMT offers high efficiency, ease of matching, greater consistency and broad bandwidth for high power L-band amplifiers with 50V operation, and gives you higher gain. This device target applications are low current and wide band applications for high voltage.
V mA mA oC
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Case Temperature Tc=25oC) Item Symbol Condition min.
Pinch-Off Voltage Gate-Drain Breakdown Voltage 3dB Gain Compression Power Drain Efficiency Linear Gain Thermal Resistance VDS=50V IDS=72mA IGS=- 36mA VDS=50V IDS(DC)=1000mA f=2.6GHz Channel to Case TBD -1.0 TBD