Validating the instrumented ball outputs with simple trajectories
Validating the instrumented ball outputs with simple trajectoriesSudarshan Martins a,*,Wei Li a ,Peter Radziszewski a ,Sylvain Caron b ,Marc Aguanno a ,Michael Bakhos a ,Emma Lee Petch aa Department of Mechanical Engineering,McGill University,817Sherbrooke Street West,Montreal,Québec,Canada H3A 2K6bCOREM,1180rue de la Minéralogie,Québec,Canada H3A 2K6a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 20December 2007Accepted 30May 2008Available online 23July 2008Keywords:Process instrumentation Modelinga b s t r a c tAn instrumented ball capable of measuring a number of physical quantities within a highly dynamic environment,such as a tumbling mill,has been designed,built and tested.To ensure that the instru-mented ball is operating as designed,it is made to follow a number of known trajectories.The physical quantities measured by the instrumented ball are consistent with the expected results along the trajec-tories.An example of the use of a properly functioning instrument is also shown.Ó2008Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionMilling is not an efficient process.According to Mishra (2003),only 20%of the supplied energy is directed towards comminution processes.The remaining energy is wasted.This inefficiency has driven the effort to understand the dynamics of a mill;a greater understanding of milling processes could lead to an increased effi-ciency.Measurements are the basis of any improved understand-ing –they underpin new models and theories.A review by Caron and Roy (2004)found only a limited number of instruments having stemmed from all the recent research effort –the development of measurement instruments for a tumbling mill is a challenging problem,particularly if internal physical quantities are to be mea-sured.An instrument dedicated to the measurement of an internal physical quantity usually implies that,while in operation,the instrument must withstand and survive the action of the mill,without affecting the dynamics of the mill.One possible internal measurement system is the instrumented ball .Once deployed within an operating mill,the instrumented ball is subject to the same environment as the charge (Martins et al.,2006;Rolf,1999;Dunn and Martin,1978).Any measure-ments thus obtained provide some insight into the internal dynamics of a mill.The objective of the present work is to demonstrate that (i)the instrumented ball is an accurate measurement system and (ii)to demonstrate a possible application of the instrumented ball.2.Instrumented ballThe development of the McGill University instrumented ball (iBall)was motivated by major advancement in electronics.During the development of the prior instrumented balls,very high density computer memory and MEMs (micro-e lectro m echanical s ystems)sensors were not commercially available.In addition,the current consumer electronics market has driven the production of small,low-power electronic components.These new advances in elec-tronics are leveraged by the McGill University iBall.The iBall,pic-tured in Fig.1,consists of an electronic data acquisition system embedded within a protective shell.Several subsystems form the electronics:1.Power supply.2.Microcontroller and clock.3.Storage (data and instructions).4.Input/output subsystem (analog and digital).5.Measurement sensors.In the current configuration,the measurement sensors are com-posed of one 3-axis accelerometer,three angular rate sensors and a temperature sensor.The adjustable sample frequency is set at 1kHz.From the measured data,a number of physical quantities,such as the rotational kinetic energy,E rotational KE ,the net applied mo-ment,~M Applied ,the net applied force,~F Applied and the angular momentum,L *,can be found (Goldstein,1980).E rotational KE ¼1x *T I $x *ð1ÞL *¼I $~xð2Þ0892-6875/$-see front matter Ó2008Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2008.05.016*Corresponding author.E-mail address:sudarshan.martins@mcgill.ca (S.Martins).Minerals Engineering 21(2008)782–788Contents lists available at ScienceDirectMinerals Engineeringj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e vier.c om/locate/mineng~M Applied ¼_L *þ~x Â~Lð3Þ~F Applied ¼m ða *þx *Âðx *Âr *Þþ_x *Âr *Þð4Þwhere ~x is the rotation rate,I $is the moment of inertia tensor,~r is the accelerometer displacement from the instrument center ofmass,~a is the accelerometer acceleration and m is the instrument mass.The components of the moment of inertia tensor are sums over the mass elements,m a ,that form the iBall (Thornton and Mar-ion,2004):I ijXam a d ijX 3k ¼1x 2a ;k Àx a ;i x a ;j!ð5Þwhere all mass elements m a of the instrument electronics and shellare located at a position (x a ,1,x a ,2,x a ,3)in the x 0,y 0,z 0(bodyfixedFig.3.Cubic shells –aluminum (left)and Delrin (right).These shells are used to change the geometry of the instrumentedball.Fig.4.Delrin instrumented ball.This shell has the same geometric properties as the aluminum ball.Table 1Calculated and measured physical parameters of the aluminum instrumented ball PropertyValueMass (kg)[calculated] 1.2049±0.0005Mass (kg)[measured]1.1708±0.0001Moment of inertia tensor (kg m 2)[calculated]0:0013770:0000030:0000010:0000030:001377À0:0000010:000001À0:0000010:0013872435All values ±0.000084Diameter (cm)10.2±0.2Table 2Calculated and measured physical parameters of the Delrin instrumented box PropertyValueMass (kg)[calculated]0.7031±0.0005Mass (kg)[measured]0.6935±0.0001Moment of Inertia Tensor (kg m 2)[calculated]0:0013910:000001À0:0000010:0000010:0014000:0000010:000001À0:0000010:0014572435All values ±0.000099Length (cm)10.2±0.2Fig.5.The screen analysis graph –an example of CDF in mineralprocessing.Fig.1.Instrumented ball opened to display the stacked sensor,microcontroller,communication and powerelectronics.Fig.2.Instrumentation coordinate system.A body fixed coordinate system (x 0,y 0,z 0)is used.This can be related to a fixed laboratory frame (x ,y ,z )when possible.S.Martins et al./Minerals Engineering 21(2008)782–788783with the origin at the center of mass)coordinate system (Fig.2).The Kronecker delta,d ij is defined asd if ¼0i ¼j1i ¼jð6ÞAll measurements are taken in the x 0,y 0,z 0coordinate system.The sensors are fixed in this coordinate system.2.1.Instrument shellsSeveral protective shells have been built:an aluminum ball (Fig.1),a Delrin box (Fig.3),an aluminum box (Fig.3)and a Delrinball (Fig.4).By changing shell,a number of physical properties of the instrumented ball can be modified.Since the properties of the electronics and the aluminum ball shell are well known,some physical properties of the alu-minum instrumented ball can be determined (Table 1).Simi-larly,the properties of the Delrin instrumented box can be determined (Table 2).The moment of inertia tensor is a calcu-lated value,obtained from a CAD program.Since the percent difference between the calculated mass,also obtained from a CAD program,and the measured mass is less than 5%,the error in the moment of inertia is assumed to be small.The calculated moment of inertia is used in place of the measured moment of inertia.By changing the properties of the instrumented ball,such as changing the shell,a change in its behavior is expected (Martins et al.,2007)as it evolves within a specificcharge.Fig.6.Drawing of the lab mill,including lifterdetails.b mill at rest.The wooden charge,the instrumented ball and the lifters arevisible.b mill in operation.784S.Martins et al./Minerals Engineering 21(2008)782–7882.2.Standard mill measurement procedureThe procedure to collect mill data,using either the instrumental ball or the instrumented box,begins with the instrumented ball (or box)being placed within the mill,with the wood balls.Before the instrument starts to any collect data,the mill is allowed to reach steady state.The instrumented ball collects data from within the mill,which is set at a rotational speed of 30%,60%,70%or 80%of the critical speed.In each case,the ball remains in the mill for at least 5min,allowing the ball to collect over 300,000measurement sets.Once the mill is stopped,the instrument is retrieved and opened.The I/O port is connected to a computer for the purpose of transferring and saving the data.For the experimental tests,the aluminum ball and the Delrin box are used since they form a set of very dissimilar shells –signif-icant differences in the measurements should be observed.2.3.Cumulative distribution of the resultsDue to the stochastic nature of the mill,a statistical analysis of the results is performed.From the analysis,a number of cumula-tive distribution functions are obtained.The probability that a ran-dom variable v takes on a value less than or equal to x is given by the function CDF(x ),the cumulative distribution function (Freund and Walpole,1987).CDF ðx Þ¼P ðv 6x Þð7ÞThe cumulative distribution function represents a statistical description of a physical quantity.In mineral processing,one appli-cation of the CDF is the recording of the results of a sieving test (Wills,2006).When plotting the cumulative undersize with respect to particle size,a CDF of the particle size is constructed (Fig.5).Fig.9.Rotation rate measurement –instrumented ball measurement vs.directmeasurement.Fig.10.Measured applied net force (N)at 32%critical speed,30%fill in sphericalcoordinates.Fig.11.Average rotational kinetic energy of the instrumented ball as a function of the mill speed (30%fill by volume,90°lifter angle).S.Martins et al./Minerals Engineering 21(2008)782–7887853.Experimental platformThe instrumented ball has been used to measure the charge dynamics of the Lab Mill (Martins et al.,2006;Radziszewski et al.,2006).The Lab Mill is a 5ft diameter,1ft-long cam-driven glass-faced mill (Fig.6).The mill charge is composed of 5cm diameter wooden balls,with a mass of 44g (Fig.7).The selection of a wooden charge,as opposed to a ceramic or steel charge,was motivated by the low cost of wood.The fill level is 30%by volume.The speed of the mill is adjusted prior to its operation and is held constant throughout each test.Between 100and 140rotations of the mill occur over the duration of each test (Fig.8).Over 300,000data sets are col-lected within this period of time.To ensure that any observations and trends are due to the experimental configuration and not any sensor errors or faults,a calibration exercise is undertaken.4.CalibrationAn improperly functioning sensor may skew some of the results observed.Therefore,the instrumented ball requires a test exercise.The instrumented ball is fixed to the mill shell,and follows a circu-lar trajectory at the set speed.The rotation rate of the mill is then compared to the measurements of the instrumented ball (Fig.9).Fig.12.Rotational kinetic energy cumulative distribution of the Delrin box and aluminum ball shells at three different mill speeds (30%fill by volume,90°lifterangle).Fig.13.Angular momentum cumulative distribution of the Delrin box and aluminum ball shells at three different mill speeds (30%fill by volume,90°lifter angle).Table 3Rotating kinetic energy of the instrumented Al Ball and Delrin box when they rotate at the same rate as the mill Mill speed (rad/s)E rotational KEAl Ball (J)E rotational KEDelrin box (J)2.15(60%critical)0.00320.00322.51(70%critical)0.00430.00442.87(80%critical)0.00570.0058786S.Martins et al./Minerals Engineering 21(2008)782–788The line represents the1:1relation.Within error,the rotation rate measured by the instrumented ball is accurate–the sensors prop-erly measure the rotation rate.5.An example of usage–instrument application to a laboratory tumbling millInstrumented ball measurements of the McGill Lab Mill have produced a number of interesting results.For instance,the mea-sured net applied force is plotted in spherical coordinates(h,/ coordinatesfixed to the body as in Fig.2,with the origin at the instrument center of mass)for the direction–with a color bar to show the magnitude(Fig.10).The distribution of the force is uni-form when the forces are small.This is not the case for the larger forces.Additionally,the rotational kinetic energy and the angular momentum were determined and analysed.The cumulative distri-bution functions of the rotational kinetic energy(Fig.12)and the angular momentum(Fig.13)are presented.The CDF of the rota-tional kinetic energy gives some information of the behavior of the instrument within the mill.80%of the time(a cumulative prob-ability value of0.8),the rotational kinetic energy of the aluminum instrumented ball has a value less than0.068J.In this case,the mill is set at a speed of60%critical.In the case of the instrumented box, at a speed of60%critical,the rotational kinetic energy is less than 0.060J,80%of the time.Moreover,in this configuration,at any gi-ven speed,the aluminum ball has,on average,more rotational ki-netic energy than the Delrin box(Fig.11).This suggests that the instrumented cube has a more difficult time rotating within a pop-ulation of wood spheres than the aluminum sphere.Sometimes, the rotation of a cube will require it to push wooden balls away –this action hinders the rotation of the cube.Since this does not occur with the instrumented ball,then the instrumented cube is expected to have a higher probability of being in lower rotational kinetic energy states than the instrumented sphere(Fig.12).This situation is reflected by the angular momentum distribution (Fig.13).An increase in the mill speed provides more energy to the charge.Since a fraction of the imparted energy promotes rotation, an increase in rotational kinetic energy should occur as the mill speed is increased,regardless of the shell type.Fig.11shows that as the mill speed is increased,the average of the rotational kinetic energy also increases.This trend breaks down when the mill speed is much greater than the critical speed,since the charge becomes centrifugally locked(Gupta and Yan,2006).At different mill speeds or when using different shells(the alu-minum ball or the Delrin box),there are noticeable differences in the rotational kinetic energy and the angular momentum cumula-tive distributions(Figs.12and13).Different CDFs have different moments(mean,standard deviation,skewness,etc.).From each test configuration,a set of characterizing numbers are obtained. Two CDFs are similar if their moments are similar.Any differences can be used as discriminants.One such discriminant is thefirst moment,also known as the average or the mean(Fig.11).If the instrumented ball(or box)were to rotate at the same rate as the mill,its rotational kinetic energy,as defined in Eq.(1),would have the values given in Table3.The results show that,often,the instrumented ball and box have higher rotational kinetic energy values–they often rotate fas-ter than the mill(Fig.12).Furthermore,it is assumed that the Lab Mill operates in steady state.Therefore,the time rate of change of the rotational kinetic energy should average to zero.A non-zero value would indicate either the accumulation or the loss of rotational energy over the lifetime of the test,which is not a steady state situation.In Fig.14,the probability density of the time rate of change of the rotational kinetic energy is plotted.At60%critical,the mean value of the rotational kinetic energy time rate of change is4Â10À4W,with a standard deviation of 1.2W.The probability densities are similar for the other ball and box cases,and at all other speeds.Only the standard deviations dif-fer.In all cases,the mill operates about steady state.6.RepeatabilityThe cumulative distributions of the rotational kinetic energy do not change significantly when the experiment is repeated.In Fig.15,the60%critical distributions,obtained six months apart (2006and2007)are not significantly different.A greater difference is observed when these60%critical distributions are comparedto Fig.14.Probability density of the time rate of change of the rotational kinetic energy(Al Ball).S.Martins et al./Minerals Engineering21(2008)782–788787the 70%critical distributions.Therefore,the change in the mill speed has a stronger effect on the results than any instrument or configuration error.Similar results are observed for changes in other physical quantities.7.Other measurementsThough tested by the manufacturer,the accelerometer and the temperature sensor will undergo similar laboratory calibration and repeatability tests,validating the accelerometer and temperature measurements.A shaker table test is planned for the accelerome-ter.A thermal bath test is planned for the temperature sensor.8.ConclusionBy following a number of circular trajectories at constant speed,it was found that the instrumented ball was capable of accurately measuring the rotation rate.Therefore,the measurements and the physical quantities derived thereof are valid.A possible application of the instrumented ball is the measure-ment of a number of physical quantities from within the mill.A number of derived quantities are determined and statistically ana-lyzed.From the analysis,the assumption of steady state operation is confirmed.When two different shells are used,differences in the measurements are observed.For example,the aluminum ball ro-tates faster than a Delrin box.The moments describing the statis-tics are used to quantitatively describe the mill dynamics.They can be used in conjunction with the toe and shoulder position to characterize the global dynamics of the mill.The repeatability of the instrument shows that the results ob-tained are valid.They are due to the dynamics of the mill and not any systematic sensor or configuration error.Therefore,a DEM simulation –which is constructed to accurately model themill –should be able to reproduce the results obtained with the instrumented ball.At present,the Comminution Dynamics Labora-tory is working on comparing DEM simulation and instrumented ball results.Concurrently,work continues in the validation of the other sensors.ReferencesCaron,S.,Roy, D.,2004.Projet R006Développement d’indicateurs en ligne ducomportement de la charge dans les broyeurs.Rapport d’étape:revue de la littérature,COREM,Québec.Dunn,D.,Martin,R.,1978.Measurement of impact force in ball mills.MiningEngineering 30(4),384–388.Freund,J.,Walpole,R.,1987.Mathematical Statistics,fourth ed.Prentice-Hall,Englewood Cliffs,NJ.Goldstein,H.,1980.Classical Mechanics,second ed.Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,New York.Gupta,A.,Yan,D.,2006.Mineral Processing Design and Operation,an Introduction.Elsevier,New York.Martins,S.,Li,W.,Radziszewski,P.,Caron,S.,2006.Instrumented ball developmentand use.In:International Autogenous and Semiautogenous Grinding Technology 2006,vol.I,Vancouver,Canada,pp.265–277.Martins,S.,Li,W.,Radziszewski,P.,Caron,S.,2007.Investigating the differences incharge dynamics due to a variation of the instrumented ball properties.In:IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining,Mineral and Metal Processing,Quebec,pp.463–468.Mishra,B.,2003.A review of computer simulation of tumbling mills by the discreteelement method:part I—contact mechanics.International Journal of Mineral Processing 71,73–93.Radziszewski,P.,Geng,L.,Tomicic,R.,2006.A Mechanical alternative to the gearlessdrive –the CAM Drive.In:International Autogenous and Semiautogenous Grinding Technology 2006,vol.II,Vancouver,Canada,pp.99–108.Rolf,L.,1999.Instrumentierung von Mahlkugeln zur Ermittlung derEnergieverteilungen.Kugelmühlen.Chemische Technik 51(5),238–240.Thornton,S.,Marion,J.,2004.Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems,fifth ed.Brooks/Cole,New York.Wills, B.,2006.Wills’Mineral Processing Technology,an Introduction to thePractical Aspects of Ore Treatment and Mineral Recovery,7th ed.Butterworth-Heinemann (Elsevier),Oxford,UK.Fig.15.Repeatability of the results.788S.Martins et al./Minerals Engineering 21(2008)782–788。
2008 Membership Application Form
S5101RdUpperBoothKelowna B.C, V1X 7V8250-765-7700Ph.proshop@2008 Membership Application FormSunset Ranch Golf and Country ClubName: ___________________________________ Home Ph# : _____________________________Street Address: ___________________________ Other Ph# :_____________________________City: _______________ Postal Code: ________ Email : _____________________________For RCGA Handicap Card Purposes, please circle appropriate gender : Male / FemaleMembership RatesRegular…………………………………………………………$2,003.50 __________________ Spouse………………………………………………………….$1,898.50 __________________ Unit Holder……………………………………………............$1,678.00 __________________Unit Holder Spousal …………………………………...........$1,573.00 __________________Please pay Club Storage or Locker Rental on this formYearly Power Cart Rental…………………………………….$840.00 __________________Club Storage #____ ……………………………………..$112.00 __________________Locker Rental #_____ …………………………………….$56.00 __________________PRE-PAIDMEMBERSHIPS (_________________) DEDUCTGRAND TOTAL PAID __________________Signing Privileges SecurityThe due date for all member charges is the final day of the month following the statement date. I hereby authorize Sunset Ranch Golf LimitedPartnership to charge my credit card shown below, for any unpaid balance past the due date.Credit Card #___________________________________________ Expiry: ____________ (mth/yr)Signature: __________________________________________ Visa / MC / Amex / OtherStructured Payment Plan: 50% down and post dated cheques for 25% June 1st, and 25% July 1st(Not Available with Early Bird Rates)2008 Membership InformationEarly BirdYearly Green Fees GST 5 % Social Dues Clubhouse Grand TotalAssessmentRegular Membership $1,670$83.50$50.00$200.00$2,003.50Spouse of Regular $1,570 $78.50 $50.00 $200.00 $1,898.50 Unit Holder Membership $1,360 $68.00 $50.00 $200.00 $1,678.00 Spouse of Unit Holder $1,260 $63.00 $50.00 $200.00 $1,573.00 Intermediate Membership $600 $30.00 $50.00 Not Available $680.00 Junior Membership $250 $12.50 $25.00 Not Available $287.50RentalsRentalGSTPSTGrand TotalUnlimited Power Cart Rental* $750.00 $37.50 $52.50 $840.00 Club Storage $100.00 $5.00 $7.00 $112.00 Locker Rental$50.00 $2.50 $3.50 $56.00Limited Partnerships are availableUnit Holder Information: For more information regarding unit information, call Terry Peters, Controller at (250) 765-5161.Restrictions on Membership/Rentals:I agree to the policies and procedures set out by the General Partner and the Board of Directors. A copy of these policies is available in the Members handbook located at in the Members section.In order to receive a spousal rate membership, the Regular Membership, or Unit Holder Membership must be purchased by a spouse or significant other.Unlimited Power Cart Rental is for one seat in the cart. The pro-shop reserves the right to sell this other seat in the cart to other golfers. Golfer’s guests who wish to ride will have to pay for ½ cart rental to the pro-shop prior to leaving the 1st tee.No outside liquor will brought onto the golf course. Offending members will have playing privileges revoked. Intermediate Memberships are reserved to Full Time University or College Students who are under age of 26. Proof of University Registration and Payment will be required with Membership Payment. Junior Memberships are valid to Youth age 12-18 years old.。
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open World 2008 - JDE E1
Open World 2008 Hands-On LabJD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI PublisherTable of Contents1TUTORIAL OVERVIEW (3)2GENERATE XML (4)2.1Sign-on (4)2.2Generate XML Source Code (5)2.3Retrieve XML Source Code (6)2.4Create BI Publisher Template in MS Word (7)2.5Upload Template into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (15)1 Tutorial Overview JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools release 8.97 delivered an embedded integration with Oracle BI Publisher. This embedded solution allows customer to associate a BI Publisher template with a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UBE. With embedded BI Publisher, customers can leverage the power of existing UBEs to manipulate and extract data from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. Furthermore, customers can leverage the functionality of BI Publisher to produce high resolution output and various delivery methods such as printing and email. This lab demonstrates some of these capabilities.This tutorial details the steps to:• Create new BI Publisher templates.• Associate BI Publisher templates with an UBE.• Executing the UBE with the associated template.2 Generate XML 2.1 Sign-on1. It is important to note that a Report Definition has already been created for this example.Instructions on how to create a Report Definition is documented in the JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne BI Publisher guide.2. Start Internet Explore and from Favorites select JDE EnterpriseOne3. Enter Username and Password• Username: JDE• Password: JDE2.2 Generate XML Source Code1. Enter GH9111 in Fastpath and Click Double Arrows2. On the left hand menu click Report Definitions3. Click the Checkbox for Grid Row Report Definition Name RD03B1654. Click Submit5. Click Submit6. Click OK2.3 Retrieve XML Source Code1. Click Form / Submitted RD Jobs2. Click any Grid Row Checkbox3. Click Row / View RD Source4. When Prompted click Save and Save the file to your desktop1.2.4 Create BI Publisher Template in MS Word1. Log off JD Edwards EnterpriseOne2. Open up MS Word3. The first thing you need to do is load the XML Source file you just saved to the desktop4. On the Template Builder Toolbar Select Data / Load XML Data5. Find the File you just downloaded on your desktop and click Load6. Click OK when prompted on Data Loaded Successfully window7. Now that the XML source has been loaded you can now begin to create your TemplateAdd Picture as Logo8. In MS Word Click Insert / Picture / From File9. Select Picture from My Pictures Directory and Click Insert10. Click on the Picture11. Click the Center Icon to center the picture12. Click to the right of the picture and click Enter a few times to move cursor down page a few lines13. Click File / Page Setup14. Click Landscape15. Click OK16. Click File / Save17. Use File Type Drop Down and Select .RTF18. Name the Document Doc319. Click SaveAdd Fields from XML Source20. On the Template Builder Toolbar in MS Word Select Insert / Table Wizard21. Ensure the Table Radio Button is Selected22. Click Next23. Use the drop-down for Data Set and select the last line24. Click Next25. Click AddressNumber ID226. Click Right Arrow27. Click NameAlpha ID428. Click Right Arrow29. Click CurrencyCodeFrom ID630. Click Right Arrow31. Click Next32. Click Next (We aren’t going to group any of the fields)33. Click Next (We aren’t going to sort any of the fields)34. Change the Label for Addressnumber ID2 to Customer #35. Change the Label for Namealpha ID4 to Customer Name36. Change the Label for Currencycodefrom ID6 to Curr37. Click Finish38. Click Save39. On the Template Builder Toolbar Click Preview / PDF40. This is what your PDF report should look like to this point41. Close the PDF windowAdd Chart to Template42. From the Template Builder toolbar click Insert / Chart43. Scroll to the bottom of the left Data pane44. Click and Drag Addressnumber from left pane to into the Labels Area45. Click and Drag DaysSalesOutstanding from left pane into the Values Area46. Click and Drag DaysCreditGranted from the left pane into the 2nd Values Area47. Click OK48. Make the graph bigger by dragging the corners of the graph picture toward the outside of thepage49. Click Save50. Click Preview / PDF51. This is what the last page of the PDF should look like now2.5 Upload Template into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne1. Enter Username and Password• Username: JDE• Password: JDE2. Enter GH9120 in Fastpath and Click Double Arrows3. Click XML Publisher Repository4. In Grid Row QBE Line enter R*5. Click Find6. Click Row Checkbox next to Row for R03B1657. Click Select8. Click OK9. When prompted, click Yes to Upload file again10. Click Browse11. Find the .RTF you created and saved to your desktop12. Highlight the .RTF and click Open13. Click Load14. Click OK15. Click CloseGenerate XML Output in EnterpriseOne 16. Enter GH9111 in Fastpath and Click Double Arrows17. On the left hand menu click Report Definitions18. Click the Checkbox for Grid Row Report Definition Name RD03B16519. Click Submit20. Click Submit21. Click OKPreview XML Template Output22. Click Form / Submitted RD Jobs23. Click any Grid Row Checkbox24. Click Row / View RD Output25. Click Row / View Output26. When Prompted, Click Open to Open PDF27. This is what the last page of your .PDF Output should look like52.53.。
Web 2.0是什么Web 2.0,指的是一个利用Web的平台,由用户主导而生成的内容互联网产品模式,为了区别传统由网站雇员主导生成的内容而定义为web2.0。
希望对你有帮助哦!The phrase Web 2.0 was created by O'Reilly Media to refer to a supposed second generation of network-centric services available on the internet that let people collaborate and share information online in a new way - such as social networking sites, wikis, communication tools and folksonomies. O'Reilly Media, in collaboration with MediaLive International, used the phrase as a title for a series of conferences and since then it has become a popular, if ill-defined and often criticized, buzzword amongst the technical and marketing communities.IntroductionWith its allusion to the version numbers that commonly designate software upgrades, the phrase "Web 2.0" trendily hints at an improved form of the World Wide Web, and the term has appeared in occasional use for several years. The more explicit synonym "Participatory Web", emphasizing tools and platforms that enable the user to tag, blog, comment, modify, augment, select from, rank, and generally talk back to the contributions of other users and the general world community has increasingly seen use as an alternative phrase. Some commentators regard reputation-based public wikis, like Wikipedia, as pioneering examples of Web 2.0/Participatory Web technology.O'Reilly Media and MediaLive International popularized the term Web 2.0 for a conference they hosted after Dale Dougherty mentioned it during a brainstorming session. Doughertysuggested that the Web was in a renaissance, with changing rules and evolving business models. The participants assembled examples — "DoubleClick was Web 1.0; Google AdSense is Web 2.0. Ofoto is Web 1.0; Flickr is Web 2.0" — rather than definitions. Dougherty recruited John Battelle for a business perspective, and it became the first Web 2.0 Conference in October 2004. A second annual conference was held in October 2005.In their first conference opening talk, O'Reilly and Battelle summarized key principles they believe characterize Web 2.0 applications: the Web as platform; data as the driving force; network effects created by an architecture of participation; innovation in assembly of systems and sites composed by pulling together features from distributed, independent developers (a kind of "open source" development); lightweight business models enabled by content and service syndication; the end of the software adoption cycle ("the perpetual beta"); software above the level of a single device, leveraging the power of The Long Tail.Earlier users of the phrase "Web 2.0" employed it as a synonym for "semantic web", and indeed, the two concepts complement each other. The combination of social networking systems such as FOAF and XFN with the development of tag-based folksonomies and delivered through blogs and wikis creates a natural basis for a semantic environment. Although the technologies and services that comprise Web 2.0 are less powerful than an internet in which the machines can understand and extract meaning, as proponents of the Semantic Web envision, Web 2.0 represents a step in its direction.As used by its proponents, the phrase refers to one or more of the following:The transition of websites from isolated information silos to sources of content and functionality, thus becoming computing platforms serving web applications to end usersA social phenomenon referring to an approach to creating and distributing Web content itself, characterized by open communication, decentralization of authority, freedom to share and re-use, and "the market as a conversation"A more organized and categorized content, with a far more developed deeplinking web architectureA shift in economic value of the web, possibly surpassing that of the dot com boom of the late 1990sA marketing term to differentiate new web businesses from those of the dot com boom, which due to the bust now seem discreditedThe resurgence of excitement around the possibilities of innovative web applications and services that gained a lot of momentum around mid 2005Many find it easiest to define Web 2.0 by associating it with companies or products that embody its principles and Tim O'Reilly gave examples in his description of his four plus one levels in the hierarchy of Web 2.0-ness:Level 3 applications, the most Wev 2.0, which could only exist on the internet, deriving their power from the human connections and network effects it makes possible and growing in effectiveness the more people use them. His examples were EBay, craigslist, Wikipedia, , Skype, Dodgeball, Adsense for Content, and Amazon.Level 2 applications, which can be offline but gain unique advantages from being online. His example was Flickr, benefiting from its shared photo database and community-generated tagdatabase.Level 1 applications are also available offline but gain features online. His examples were Writely, gaining group editing capability online and iTunes because of the music store portion.Level 0 applications would work as well offline. His examples were MapQuest, Yahoo! Local, and Google Maps. Mapping applications using contributions from users to advantage can be level 2.non-internet applications like email, IM clients and the telephone.Examples other than those cited by O'Reilly include digg, Shoutwire, last.fm, and Technorati.Commentators see many recently-developed concepts and technologies as contributing to Web 2.0, including weblogs, linklogs, wikis, podcasts, RSS feeds and other forms of many to many publishing; social software, web APIs, web standards, online web services, and others.Proponents of the Web 2.0 concept say that it differs from early web development (retrospectively labeled Web 1.0) in that it moves away from static websites, the use of search engines, and surfing from one website to the next, towards a more dynamic and interactive World Wide Web. Others argue that the original and fundamental concepts of the WWW are not actually being superseded. Skeptics argue that the term is little more than a buzzword, or that it means whatever its proponents want it to mean in order to convince their customers, investors and the media that they are creating something fundamentally new, rather than continuing to develop and use well-established technologies.The retrospectively-labeled "Web 1.0" often consisted ofstatic HTML pages, rarely (if ever) updated. They depended solely on HTML, which a new Internet user could learn fairly easily. The success of the dot-com era depended on a more dynamic Web (sometimes labeled Web 1.5) where content management systems served dynamic HTML web pages created on the fly from a content database that could more easily be changed. In both senses, so-called eyeballing was considered intrinsic to the Web experience, thus making page hits and visual aesthetics important factors.Proponents of the Web 2.0 approach believe that Web usage has started increasingly moving towards interaction and towards rudimentary social networks, which can serve content that exploits network effects with or without creating a visual, interactive web page. In one view, Web 2.0 sites act more as points of presence, or user-dependent web portals, than as traditional websites. They have become so advanced new internet users cannot create these websites, they are only users of web services, done by specialist professional experts.Access to consumer-generated content facilitated by Web 2.0 brings the web closer to Tim Berners-Lee's original concept of the web as a democratic, personal, and DIY medium of communication.Web 2.0是一个由O'Reilly Media创造的术语,它的应用可以让人了解目前万维网正在进行的一种改变——从一系列网站到一个成熟的为最终用户提供网络应用的服务平台。
IDC - China IT Services 20082012 Forecast and Analysis
Filing Information: July 2008, IDC #CN221105Q, Volume: 1, Tab: MarketsM A R K E T A N A L Y S I S C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s 2008–2012 F o r e c a s t a n d A n a l y s i s Grace Han Ting Yang Vivian Yu Gloria Li I D C O P I N I O N China's IT services market is facing both domestic demand and offshore opportunity. With global sourcing becoming a strategic decision of companies to lower costs and enhance core competencies, the country boundary among services is blurring. To better capture this global sourcing opportunity, IDC strongly suggests leveraging China's comparative advantages and using the economies of scope by developing both domestic and offshore IT services industries collaboratively. ! 2007 was still a bull year for IT services players in China, especially the leading services providers. With the market gradually consolidating, the top 10 services providers' gained share from 17.0% in 2006 to 19.7% in 2007. ! The market size also grew very fast, from US$6239.8 million in 2006 to US$7699.1 million in 2007, with a 23.4% year-on-year growth. This is 1.1% higher than IDC's previous forecast. Looking forward, China's IT services market will still be in the double-digit growth stage for the next five years, with a 2007–2012 compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.2%, although the growth rate will be slightly lower than that in the past two years. ! For IT services, as observed, a large amount of competition comes from the clients' internal IT departments. Because of this, it is very important to understand users' adoption rates of third-party services providers, reasons for insourcing, and vendor evaluation criteria. ! For outsourcing services, the dilemma in China is that labor costs are low, so the cost effectiveness of outsourcing, especially by global vendors, is not apparent. Clients' IT environments are currently very complicated and non-transparent; it is hard to realize vendors' technical and management expertise in such situation. Consulting services should be provided to help improve the IT operation level first, and then try selective outsourcing to build up trust before continuing to outsource more. Managed services are also a very smart way to solve the control preference of clients in China. ! In the long run, utility services will be well received by users due to their significant cost effectiveness and high expertise, which is difficult to maintain in an internal IT department.R o o m 611,Bei j i n g T ime sSqu a re88 W e stC h a n g 'a n A ven u e B ei j i n g 100031 P eo p l e 'sR e p u b l i co f C h i n a P .86.10.8391.3610T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SPIn This Stud y 1 Methodology (1)Situat ion Overview 1Global Sourcing Impact (1)User Demand and Buying Behavior (2)IT Services Overview (6)IT Services by Submarket (8)IT Services by Industry (14)IT Services by Region (15)Competitive Landscape (16)Future Ou tlook17Forecast and Assumptions (17)Future Trends (26)China IT Services Road Map (26)Market Context (29)Essential Gu idance30Advice to Technical Product Services Providers (30)Advice to Consulting Firms and Systems Integrators (31)Advice to Outsourcing Players (32)Learn Mo re32Related Research (32)Definitions (32)IT Services Foundation Market Definitions (32)Regional Markets (35)IDC #CN221105Q ©2008L I S T O F T A B L E SP1 Top 10 China IT Services Providers, 2007 (17)2 China IT Services Spending by Foundation Market, 2007–2012 (US$M) (18)3 Key Forecast Assumptions for the China IT Service Market, 2008–2012 (19)4 China IT Services Spending, 2005–2012: Comparison of July 2008 and September 2007Forecasts (US$M) (29)5 China Regional Market Definitions, 2007 (35)©2008 IDC #CN221105QL I S T O F F I G U R E SP1 Economic Analysis of Global Sourcing (2)2 Competition Models of Products and Services (3)3 Use of a Third Party or an Outside Vendor for Managed Services (4)4 Reasons for Maintaining In-House IT Services Management (5)5 Selection Criteria for IT Services Providers (6)6 China IT Services Life Cycle (7)7 China and United States Different Outsourcing Stages (8)8 China IT Services Spending and Year-on-Year Growth Rate by Foundation Market,2007–2012 (9)9 China Consulting and Systems Integration Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (10)10 China Outsourcing Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (12)11 China Technology Product Services Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (13)12 China IT Services Market Spending by Industry, 2007 (15)13 China IT Services Market Spending by Geography, 2007 (16)14 China IT Services Road Map (27)15 China IT Services Spending, 2005–2012: Comparison of July 2008 and September 2007Forecasts (30)IDC #CN221105Q ©2008I N T H I S S T U D YThis IDC study provides an overview of the status of the China IT services marketand a forecast for the next five years. The study also includes a demand-sideanalysis, a competitive landscape with top vendors' rankings, as well as a segmentanalysis. IDC also provides recommendations for services providers in each ITservices segment.M e t h o d o l o g yThis study is part of the continuous effort by IDC to research the China IT servicesmarket. IDC China services analysts get secondary information from, but are notlimited to, the following: the Internet, trade publications, previous IDC research, andIDC's proprietary database. Both primary and secondary research approaches areused in conjunction with each other to validate and cross-check information, asfollows:! Interviews with IT services providers. IDC China Services analysts interview all significant participants in the IT services market to determine the marketrevenue and other relevant information. Most interviews were conducted inperson, although other data-collection methods, such as telephone or faxinterviews, were applied when needed.! Provider briefings, press releases, and other publicly available information.IDC services analysts meet with a large number of service providers (SPs)semiannually. These briefings provide an opportunity to review current and futureservice offering strategies, revenue, customer bases, target markets, and otherkey market information.Ultimately, the data presented herein represents IDC's best estimates based on theabove data sources, reported and observed activity by providers, and furthermodeling of data that we believe to be true to fill in any information gaps.Note: All numbers in this study may not be exact due to rounding.S I T U A T I O N O V E R V I E WG l o b a l S o u r c i n g I m p a c tChina's IT services market is facing both domestic demand and offshore opportunity.With global sourcing becoming a strategic decision of companies to lower costsand enhance core competencies, the country boundary among services is blurring.Figure 1 illustrates the economic analysis and the impacts of global sourcing.For sourcing countries (e.g. the United States), clients there can enjoy lower pricesdue to the increase of supply from offshore vendors. The equilibrium point will movefrom point E to point E', where clients will have a greater surplus, while U.S. domesticvendors' surplus in the sourcing country will decrease. Thus, United States–basedglobal vendors like IBM and HP keep on building global delivery centers to solve thechallenge.©2008 IDC #CN221105Q 1O u t sou r cin g M a rke tAs many organizations are completing the first round of IT infrastructure implementation, they are shifting their focus on how to improve business efficiency and realize reliable business continuity (BC). After years of market cultivation and informing clients about the benefits of IT outsourcing services, organizations are more welcoming of professional services from outsourcing vendors and of buying into a model of business value improvement rather than just pure cost reduction through outsourcing.The China outsourcing market reached US$1,098.2 million in 2007, with a year-on-year growth of 36.2%. As for the current outsourcing market, we forecast it will evolve both in service expansion and project complexity. Organizations that have adopted outsourcing models are usually taking leading positions among the competition and are pioneering technology innovation. They are ready to entrust more projects with professional service vendors if they truly benefit from this model. The incremental market for outsourcing services will continue to boom on the similar track of the current existing market, and will generate more business from the China SME market. Requirements for outsourcing in the SME market will take more time to improve to maturity, but the huge customer base provides large business potential for this market. Local channels that have a wide social network and deep understanding of local potential customers will stand more chances to gain business from the local SME market. These traits are considered an important alliance necessary to leading IT outsourcing service vendors wanting deep market penetration.Big organizations that have a clear outsourcing strategy and streamlined business processes are capable of purchasing IS outsourcing (ISO) services to realize economies of scale and to transfer more management responsibility to vendors. Most organizations in the SME market are inclined to start outsourcing business from noncore or low-level transactional projects with vendors that match them in size and price. In the outsourcing market, we have observed that both global and local IT outsourcing vendors are struggling to find the right place that suits their scale and capability. Leading vendors target organizations demanding strategic and highly integrated services, while other small vendors improve themselves by collaborating with local small businesses. Interestingly, in taking advantage of China's rapid economic growth, many small businesses in China are experiencing their own dramatic growth and are willing to extend cooperation to existing vendors rather than launch new vendor selection campaigns, given the vendors fulfill their business requirement. This customer preference helps local outsourcing vendors expand their service coverage, deepen their industry knowledge, and therefore improve their competitive edge in the outsourcing field.Many services providers have launched series of services, such as IBM, Bluex, and Lenovo-Sunny services. These service offerings make it easier for customers to choose what they should buy when they encounter problems.With an increased reliance on software and hardware for mission-critical operational environments, enterprises prefer to contact support providers whenever a problem occurs — regardless of when or where it happens. Therefore, many support providers continue to launch advanced support services to better fulfill their customers' requirements.Increasingly, enterprises are looking for a single point of contact for their enterprise software and hardware support services. To meet the customers' needs, more and more SPs are carrying on multivendor support services to enrich their multibrand maintenance technical ability.To ensure peak performance and reliability of the entire IT system, an enterprise must implement a comprehensive strategy to support its IT environment. The product manufacturers are continuing innovation on the form of support services. Along with the fierce market competition, they have gradually been breaking away from being a single product support provider, and are tending to change into professional and personal value-added service (VAS) providers.In addition, product manufacturers try to penetrate tier 4 or 5 cities and expand their footprints. They are scrambling for service channels and entrusting them with more product-related services to penetrate local industry-centric markets and fulfill customers' needs.Beyond traditional customer training, vendors are making more efforts in channel education as channels gain value and become more important to vendors.IT Services by IndustryThe industry segmentation of the 2007 China IT services market was similar to that in 2006; the top 4 industries contributed 80% to the total market revenue. The top 4 industries include finance, communications and media, manufacturing, and government.In most of the industries, the growth engine came from the SME sector. The SME segment is unique because of its approach to purchasing IT solutions, particularly in terms of the emphasis on price. As such, vendors need to increase the number of channel partners and provide solutions/services to help drive growth in this market. There are strong growth opportunities in the SME market, including smaller cities. However, the uniqueness of the SME market coming from price sensitivity, limited IT demand, and flexible IT requirements still poses challenges for IT services providers.Figure 12 shows various industry shares in overall IT services spending in 2007.Accenture maintained its high and healthy growth in 2007. Continuing the strategy ofproviding business consulting services for resources, power, and telecom industriessharpened its business focus and made its market position clear. Accenture alsoprovides IT outsourcing services after implementing SI services for industry clients.AsiaInfo is a newcomer to the top 10 list. AsiaInfo mainly provides CRM, networkmanagement solutions, CAD, consulting, and SI services to the telecom industry.It enjoyed growth of 27.6% in 2007 over 2006. China's telecom industry marketis inclined to change from being demand driven to being layout driven; thisreorganization and realignment of the telecom industry along with the emergence of3G will bring more opportunities.Table 1 shows the revenue and market share of the top 10 IT SPs in China in 2007.T A B L E1T o p10C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s P r o v i d e r s,2007Ranking Vendor Revenue (US$M) Market Share (%)Services 533.1 6.1 Global1 IBM2 HP 314.9 3.6China 221.9 2.63 Digital4 Huawei 179.0 2.15 Accenture 105.0 1.2Technology 82.9 1.0 Dongli6 CE7 Neusoft 78.2 0.98 Dell 67.9 0.89 CS&S 66.3 0.810 AsiaInfo 60.9 0.7 Others 6,970.9 80.3 Total 8,681.0 100.0Note: The total market size in this table includes both primary and secondary markets. Therefore, the total market size islarger than the 2007 services market size. The primary market represents the IT services spending from the client and thesecondary market represents the IT services revenue from the vendor's subcontracting.Source: IDC, 2008F U T U R E O U T L O O KF o r e c a s t a n d A s s u m p t i o n sTable 2 shows the expected expenditures in the various foundations within the overallIT services market in China from 2007 to 2012.T A B L E 2C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s S p e n d i n g b y F o u n d a t i o n M a r k e t , 2007–2012 (U S $M )2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2007–2012CAGR (%)C&SICAD 1,110.3 1,307.4 1,491.8 1,690.6 1,913.4 2,178.1 14.4 IT consulting 311.7 373.6 440.3 535.5 650.9 795.8 20.6 SI 1,814.9 2,146.6 2,498.4 2,948.9 3,457.0 4,054.6 17.4 C&SI total 3,236.9 3,827.6 4,430.5 5,174.9 6,021.3 7,028.5 16.8 C&SI growth 25.9% 18.2% 15.8% 16.8% 16.4% 16.7% Outsourcing Application management 140.0 193.3 262.1 346.0 431.9 541.8 31.1 Desktop management 285.6 371.4 482.0 612.0 762.3 940.4 26.9 Hosted application management 100.1 128.9 157.1 199.0 249.4 307.1 25.1 Hosted infrastructure services 119.0 150.7 185.4 220.7 262.7 309.9 21.1 IS outsourcing 214.0 261.7 319.3 385.5 454.0 522.4 19.5 Network management 239.5 319.6 412.1 525.4 666.4 806.6 27.5 Outsourcing total1,098.2 1,425.7 1,818.0 2,288.6 2,826.6 3,428.2 25.6 Outsourcing growth (%) 36.2 29.8 27.5 25.9 23.5 21.3 TPSHardware deployment & support 1,390.0 1,556.5 1,713.8 1,900.7 2,123.7 2,350.9 11.1IT education & training 481.8 529.6 587.0 652.0 723.0 788.8 10.4 NCIS 842.9 930.2 1,007.5 1,084.8 1,192.0 1,298.3 9.0 Software deployment & support 649.4 784.6 922.9 1,071.4 1,240.6 1,443.417.3TPS total 3,364.0 3,800.8 4,231.2 4,708.8 5,279.3 5,881.3 11.8 TPS growth (%) 17.5 13.0 11.3 11.3 12.1 11.4 Grand total 7,699.1 9,054.1 10,479.812,172.414,127.216,338.016.2Grand total growth rate (%)23.417.615.716.216.115.6Note: See table 3 for key forecast assumptions.Source: IDC, 2008Table 3 is a look at the key assumptions for the China IT services market.K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionMacroeconomicsGross domestic product (GDP) growth China maintained high GDPgrowth of 11.4% in 2007. Thisgrowth is expected to slowdown slightly in 2008,decreasing to 9.6%. Althoughgrowth in 2008 was adjustedto lower than the previousestimates due to theslowdown in the globaleconomy, it will be backed bystrong domestic demand.Domestic consumption willremain firm, with acceleratinggovernment spending anddemand in rural areas playingsignificant roles.Moderate. IDC assumes thatmore effective measures takenby the government will helpreduce the risk of economicoverheating and thus have nomajor impact on most ITmarkets. A strong and healthyeconomy will translate intoincreased overall IT spendingaccompanied by improvedbusiness sentiments andconfidence as well asexpanded domestic market.↔###$$U.S. recession The global economic outlookis increasingly grim as effectsof the housing meltdowncontinue to spread and creditconditions remain difficult.Contrary to previous IDC'sassumptions that the UnitedStates might be able to pullitself back from falling into arecession, the possibility of arecession is increasinglypossible. As the U.S.economy continues tocontract, it is likely that it willslide into a mild recession,and will stagnate throughmuch in 2009. Low. While some export-intensive countries mayexperience a squeeze, there isenough domestic demandacross most countries in theregion to sustain IDC's ongoingIT spending forecasts. Anynegative effects from the UnitedStates might even be a goodthing in helping to ease somepotentially overheatingcountries in the region.↓###$$Interest rates Up until December 25, 2007,China's central bank hadincreased the deposit rate by5.5% after 10 adjustmentsand increased the interest rateby 1.62%, intervening sixtimes in total. Thesemeasures were taken to keepconsumer prices from risingtoo fast and to turn around thesituation of negative interestrates. In 2008, the interestrate will keep rising under thepressure of inflation. Moderate. The continualincreasing interest rates willmake bank loans moreexpensive and thus makecompanies cautious inexpanding IT investments.↓##$$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionInflation The pork crisis largely droveup China's consumer priceindex (CPI) in 2007 and wasconsidered a signal of generalinflation. The CPI recorded itshighest levels in 11 years,reaching 6.9%, bringing theaverage annual CPI to 4.8%.The China government hasmade the task of avoidingoverall inflation a high priorityin 2008. Low. Expectations of highinflation are becoming moreentrenched among the public,and demand-driven inflationarypressures will remain relativelystrong in 2008. Nonetheless,the average inflation isexpected to fall slightly after thewidely celebrated Lunar NewYear, as demand for porkeases. Inflation will not impactIT spending patterns to a largeextent.↓###$$China's yuan revaluation Revaluations of the yuan mayoccur again in the future,although they would mostlikely occur very gradually, ifat all.Low. Even if anotherrevaluation occurs, there will beno major disruptions to theeconomy as a result (both forChina itself as well as othercountries in the region thattrade heavily with China).↓###$$Urbanization The government has devoteditself to facilitatingurbanization in the next fiveyears. Three initiatives includeincreasing the urbanproportion in the totalpopulation, increasing thenumber of cities, and reducingthe gap between urban andrural areas by improving theeconomy, culture, and livingenvironment in thecountryside. High. The standard of living inthe countryside will beimproved, and the consumptionof and investment in IT willincrease, especially in SouthChina and East China. Closingthe gap between the urban andrural areas together will alsohelp reinforce social stability.↑####$Foreign direct investment (FDI) The increasing FDI in China isstrongly fueling economicgrowth. This trend is expectedto continue for the next 2–3years.High. Increasing FDI isbolstering stable andsustainable infrastructureinvestments as well as rapidgrowth in spending in the ITservice market. Joint venturesand foreign-owned enterprises(FOEs) are more inclined toadopt IT services comparedwith state-owned enterprises(SOEs) and privately ownedenterprises (POEs).↑###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionMarket ecosystemMinistry of Information Industry (MII) 11th Five-Year Plan The MII has set its 2006–2010five year IT plan. The strategyof "information technologygives an impetus toindustrialization andindustrialization promotesinformation technology " putsthe IT industry as a toppriority, and technology will beencouraged to be used widelyin all economic and socialfields to promote economicstructure adjustment andindustrial development.Low. This plan has littlesurprises but imposes anoptimistic atmosphere for the ITservices market.↑####$IT for SMEs The SME segment is uniquebecause of its approach topurchasing IT solutions,particularly in terms of theemphasis on price. As such,vendors need to increase thenumber of channel partnersand provide solutions/servicesto help drive growth in thissegment. Moderate. There are stronggrowth opportunities in theSME market, including smallcities. However, the uniquenessof the SME market in pricesensitivity, limited IT demand,and flexible IT requirements stillpose challenges for IT serviceproviders.↑####$2008 Summer Olympics The 2008 Summer Olympicswill be held in China in August2008. This will not only serveas a healthy economicstimulus but will also requireservice providers to preparefor hosting and relevant SIprojects.Moderate. The games will fuelservice industries such astourism, hotel and restaurant,B2C, and online trading.As such, service enterpriseswill invest more in ecommerceor SaaS to enable moreefficient and effective accessfor consumers.↑###$$Technology/Service developmentsGlobal sourcing Both domestic and pure-playoffshore providers areincreasing their globalsourcing sophistication inChina, allowing forhigher-quality levels at lowerblended rates. Additionally,these benefits andexperiences are being passedonto local services markets asthey increase. Moderate. The maturation ofoffshore offerings will increasethe overall market opportunityby allowing existing customersto expand the scope of theircontracts and by allowing newcustomers to utilize servicesthat were previously tooexpensive; the price pressureswill negate much (but not all) ofthat effect on the overallservices markets.↔###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionNevertheless, the net impact of increased market opportunity will somewhat outweigh decreased prices.On-demand/Utility computing Technologies such asvirtualization and gridcomputing will enable thedelivery of real "pay by thedrink" computing by bothtraditional outsourcers andnew entrants. Thisdevelopment will begin toaffect the traditionaloutsourcing market as well asother infrastructure-intensiveservices markets.Moderate. The impact will below for the near term (twoyears) as adoption takes hold.These technologies will affectprofitability as opposed torevenue in the near term.Competition and lower costswill stimulate demand andaccelerate migration frominternal to external spending.This service model will bepopular among SMEs since ithelps them realizeinformatization with limited ITbudgets.↑###$$Industry restructuring One of current revolutionaryfocus areas for organizationsis optimizing industry structure— weakening high resource-costing, labor-intensive, andlow added-value industrieswhile encouraging efficient,high-tech, and highadded-value industries.Moderate. The transformationfrom external to internaleconomic growth will giveconfidence to high-techindustries, led by theinformation industry, to reachstrategic heights as the driverof structural change andgrowth.↑###$$Security and BC services Security is in demand bysectors such as ebusiness,government, and legal inChina. Both local andmultinational vendors are thusaddressing security and BC.Moderate. This shouldstimulate both hardware andtotal solution demand.Purchases of consulting andimplementation andoutsourcing with high security,BC, and disaster recovery (DR)will increase, including interestfrom the egovernment, army,and police sectors.↑###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionDynamic IT IDC has identified the nextstyle of computing — dynamicIT for dynamic enterprises —as one that dramaticallyincreases the effectiveness ofIT. Dynamic IT will supportboth business strategy and IToperational efficiency through12 key technologies. Withindynamic IT are a number ofimportant subtrends —virtualization in thedatacenter, data federation,and composite and rule-basedapplication. Transition todynamic IT will be slow andlabored but will proceednonetheless. High. Dynamic IT, by addingcoherence to the enterpriseusage of IT, will spur the ITservices market. However,confusing choices forenterprises and funding hurdlesfor a new infrastructure willbalance this impetus to marketgrowth. ↑###$$Software The software market will keepdouble-digit growth in the nextfive years, and many hotsolutions like SOA and ITservice management (ITSM)will increase the convergencebetween software andservices. Moderate. Software-relatedservices, such as softwaredeployment and support,software implementation, andconsulting services, willincrease.↑###$$SOA To implement services-oriented, architecture-typeprojects and increasebusiness agility, clients need afair amount of consulting andimplementation services tobuild an architecture based onits business process and tointegrate it with legacysystems. High. SOA movement will driveservices market growth rapidly.↑###$$Market environment The increased adoption of thehosting application model andthe number of enterprisedatacenters, as well as thecontinual drop in internetcosts, are providing a positiveenvironment for outsourcingservice providers to developtheir business. High. A favorable marketenvironment will accelerategrowth in IT services market.↑####$。
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◆精心策划 的展会推 广活动 ,广泛 的媒体宣传 为您提供超值 服务
1 主办 、支持机 构拥 有行业 高素质 的专业观 众群 ; 、
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桥梁 。
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◆强 大 的广告宣传 细致 周密 的观众邀请
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DECISIONS ADOPTED JOINTLY BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THECOUNCILDECISION No768/2008/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof9July2008on a common framework for the marketing of products,and repealing Council Decision93/465/EEC(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Commu-nity,and in particular Article95thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(1),After consulting the Committee of the Regions,Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article251 of the Treaty(2),Whereas:(1)On7May2003the Commission issued a Communicationto the Council and the European Parliament entitled ‘Enhancing the Implementation of the New Approach Directives’.In its Resolution of10November2003(3),the Council acknowledged the importance of the New Approach as an appropriate and efficient regulatory model allowing technological innovation and enhancing the competitiveness of European industry,and confirmed the necessity of extending the application of its principles to new areas,while recognising the need for a clearer framework for conformity assessment,accreditation and market surveillance.(2)This Decision lays down common principles and referenceprovisions intended to apply across sectoral legislation in order to provide a coherent basis for revision or recasts of that legislation.This Decision therefore constitutes a general framework of a horizontal nature for future legislation harmonising the conditions for the marketing of products and a reference text for existing legislation.(3)This Decision provides,in the form of reference provisions,definitions and general obligations for economic operators and a range of conformity assessment procedures from which the legislator can select as appropriate.It also lays down rules for CE marking.Furthermore,reference provisions are provided as regards the requirements for conformity assessment bodies to be notified to the Commission as competent to carry out the relevant conformity assessment procedures and as regards the notification procedures.In addition,this Decision includes reference provisions concerning procedures for dealing with products presenting a risk in order to ensure the safety of the market place.(4)Whenever legislation is drawn up which concerns a productalready subject to other Community acts,those acts must be taken into account to ensure the consistency of all legislation concerning the same product.(5)However,the specificities of sectoral needs may providegrounds for recourse to other regulatory solutions.In particular,that is the case where there are specific, comprehensive legal systems already in place in a sector, as for example in the fields of feed and food,cosmetic and tobacco products,common market organisations for agricultural products,plant health and plant protection, human blood and tissues,medicinal products for human and veterinary use and chemicals,or where sectoral needs require specific adaptation of the common principles and reference provisions,as for example in the fields of medical devices,construction products and marine equipment.Such adaptations may also be related to the modules set out in Annex II.(1)OJ C120,16.5.2008,p.1.(2)Opinion of the European Parliament of21February2008(not yetpublished in the Official Journal)and Council Decision of23June 2008.(3)OJ C282,25.11.2003,p.3.(6)Whenever legislation is drawn up,the legislator may depart,totally or partially,from the common principles and reference provisions laid down in this Decision on account of the specificities of the sector concerned.Any such departure should be justified.(7)Although the incorporation of the provisions of thisDecision in future legislative acts cannot be required by law, the co-legislators adopting this Decision have entered into a clear political commitment which they should respect in any legislative act falling within the scope of this Decision.(8)Specific product legislation should,wherever possible,avoid going into technical detail but should limit itself to the expression of essential requirements.Such legislation should,where appropriate,have recourse to harmonised standards adopted in accordance with Directive98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of22June 1998laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society servi-ces(1)for the purpose of expressing detailed technical specifications.This Decision builds on and complements the standardisation system provided for by that Directive.However,where health and safety,the protection of consumers or of the environment,other aspects of public interest,or clarity and practicability so require,detailed technical specifications may be set out in the legislation concerned.(9)The presumption of conformity to a legal provisionconferred by conformity to a harmonised standard should enhance recourse to compliance with harmonised stan-dards.(10)It should be possible for Member States or the Commissionto object in cases in which a harmonised standard does not entirely satisfy the requirements of Community harmonisa-tion legislation.The Commission should be able to decide not to publish such a standard.To that end,the Commission should,in such manner as appropriate, consult sectoral representatives and Member States before the Committee set up by Article5of Directive98/34/EC delivers its opinion.(11)The essential requirements should be worded preciselyenough to create legally binding obligations.They should be formulated so as to make it possible to assess conformity with them even in the absence of harmonised standards or where the manufacturer chooses not to apply a harmonised standard.The degree of detail of the wording will depend on the characteristics of each sector.(12)The successful accomplishment of the required conformityassessment procedure enables economic operators todemonstrate and the competent authorities to ensure that products made available on the market conform to the requirements applicable.(13)The modules for the conformity assessment procedures tobe used in the Community harmonisation legislation were initially set out in Council Decision93/465/EEC of22July 1993concerning the modules for the various phases of the conformity assessment procedures and the rules for the affixing and use of the CE conformity marking,which are intended to be used in the technical harmonisation directives(2).This Decision replaces that Decision.(14)It is necessary to offer a choice of clear,transparent andcoherent conformity assessment procedures,restricting the possible variants.This Decision provides for a menu of modules,enabling the legislator to choose a procedure from the least to the most stringent,in proportion to the level of risk involved and the level of safety required.(15)For the purposes of ensuring inter-sectoral coherence andavoiding ad-hoc variants,it is desirable that the procedures which are to be used in sectoral legislation be chosen from among the modules,in accordance with the general criteria set out.(16)In the past,legislation on the free movement of goods hasused a set of terms partly without defining them and guidelines for explanation and interpretation have conse-quently been necessary.Where legal definitions have been introduced they differ to some extent in their wording and sometimes in their meaning,which gives rise to difficulties in their interpretation and correct implementation.This Decision therefore introduces clear definitions of certain fundamental concepts.(17)Products that are placed on the Community market shouldcomply with the relevant applicable Community legislation, and economic operators should be responsible for the compliance of products,in relation to their respective roles in the supply chain,so as to ensure a high level of protection of public interests,such as health and safety,and the protection of consumers and of the environment,and to guarantee fair competition on the Community market.(18)All economic operators are expected to act responsibly andin full accordance with the legal requirements applicable when placing or making products available on the market.(19)All economic operators intervening in the supply anddistribution chain should take appropriate measures to ensure that they make available on the market only products which are in conformity with the applicable legislation.This Decision provides a clear and propor-tionate distribution of obligations which correspond to the role of each operator in the supply and distribution process.(1)OJ L204,21.7.1998,p.37.Directive as last amended by CouncilDirective2006/96/EC(OJ L363,20.12.2006,p.81).(2)OJ L220,30.8.1993,p.23.(20)As certain tasks can be executed only by the manufacturer,it is necessary to distinguish clearly between the manu-facturer and operators further down the distribution chain.It is also necessary to distinguish clearly between the importer and the distributor,as the importer introduces products from third countries to the Community market.The importer has thus to make sure that those products comply with the applicable Community requirements.(21)The manufacturer,having detailed knowledge of the designand production process,is best placed to carry out the complete conformity assessment procedure.Conformity assessment should therefore remain the obligation of the manufacturer alone.(22)It is necessary to ensure that products from third countriesentering the Community market comply with all applicable Community requirements,and in particular that appro-priate assessment procedures have been carried out by manufacturers with regard to those products.Provision should therefore be made for importers to make sure that the products they place on the market comply with the applicable requirements and that they do not place on the market products which do not comply with such requirements or present a risk.For the same reason, provision should also be made for importers to make sure that conformity assessment procedures have been carried out and that product marking and documentation drawn up by manufacturers are available for inspection by the supervisory authorities.(23)The distributor makes a product available on the marketafter it has been placed on the market by the manufacturer or the importer and must act with due care to ensure that its handling of the product does not adversely affect the compliance of the product.Both importers and distributors are expected to act with due care in relation to the requirements applicable when placing or making products available on the market.(24)Council Directive85/374/EEC of25July1985on theapproximation of the laws,regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products(1)applies,inter alia,to products not in conformity with Community harmonisation legislation.Manufacturers and importers who have placed non-compliant products on the Community market are liable for damages under that Directive.(25)When placing a product on the market,every importershould indicate on the product his name and the address at which he can be contacted.Exceptions should be providedfor in cases where the size or nature of the product does not allow it.This includes cases where the importer would have to open the packaging to put his name and address on the product.(26)Any economic operator that either places a product on themarket under his own name or trademark or modifies a product in such a way that compliance with applicable requirements may be affected should be considered to be the manufacturer and should assume the obligations of the manufacturer.(27)Distributors and importers,being close to the market place,should be involved in market surveillance tasks carried out by national authorities,and should be prepared to participate actively,providing the competent authorities with all necessary information relating to the product concerned.(28)Ensuring traceability of a product throughout the wholesupply chain helps to make market surveillance simpler and more efficient.An efficient traceability system facilitates market surveillance authorities'task of tracing economic operators who made non-compliant products available on the market.(29)The CE marking,indicating the conformity of a product,isthe visible consequence of a whole process comprising conformity assessment in a broad sense.General principles governing the CE marking are set out in Regulation(EC)No 765/2008of the European Parliament and the Council of 9July2008setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products(2).Rules governing the affixing of the CE marking,to be applied in Community harmonisation legislation providing for the use of that marking,should be laid down in this Decision.(30)The CE marking should be the only marking of conformityindicating that a product is in conformity with Community harmonisation legislation.However,other markings may be used as long as they contribute to the improvement of consumer protection and are not covered by Community harmonisation legislation.(31)It is crucial to make clear to both manufacturers and usersthat by affixing the CE marking to a product the manufacturer declares that the product is in conformity with all applicable requirements and that he takes full responsibility therefor.(32)In order better to evaluate the effectiveness of the CEmarking and to define strategies aimed at preventing abuse, the Commission should monitor its implementation and report thereon to the European Parliament.(1)OJ L210,7.8.1985,p.29.Directive as amended by Directive1999/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(OJ L141,4.6.1999,p.20).(2)See page30of this Official Journal.(33)The CE marking can be of value only if its affixing respectsthe conditions laid down in Community law.Member States should,therefore,ensure proper enforcement of those conditions and pursue violations and abuse of the CE marking by legal or other appropriate means.(34)Member States are responsible for ensuring strong andefficient market surveillance on their territories and should allocate sufficient powers and resources to their market surveillance authorities.(35)For the purpose of raising awareness regarding the CEmarking,the Commission should launch an information campaign targeted primarily at economic operators, consumer and sectoral organisations and sales personnel, which are the most appropriate channels for conveying information to consumers.(36)In certain circumstances the conformity assessmentprocedures prescribed by the applicable legislation require the intervention of conformity assessment bodies,which are notified by the Member States to the Commission.(37)Experience has shown that the criteria set out in sectorallegislation which conformity assessment bodies have to fulfil to be notified to the Commission are not sufficient to ensure a uniformly high level of performance of notified bodies throughout the Community.It is,however,essential that all notified bodies perform their functions to the same level and under conditions of fair competition.That requires the setting of obligatory requirements for conformity assessment bodies wishing to be notified in order to provide conformity assessment services.(38)In order to ensure a consistent level of quality in theperformance of conformity assessment it is necessary not only to consolidate the requirements that conformity assessment bodies wishing to be notified must fulfil,but also,in parallel,to set requirements that notifying authorities and other bodies involved in the assessment, notification and monitoring of notified bodies must fulfil.(39)The system set out in this Decision is complemented by theaccreditation system provided for in Regulation(EC)No 765/2008.Since accreditation is an essential means of verifying the competence of conformity assessment bodies, its use should also be encouraged for the purposes of notification.(40)If a conformity assessment body demonstrates conformitywith the criteria laid down in harmonised standards,it should be presumed to comply with the corresponding requirements set out in the relevant sectoral legislation.(41)Where Community harmonisation legislation provides forthe selection of conformity assessment bodies for its implementation,transparent accreditation as provided for in Regulation(EC)No765/2008,ensuring the necessary level of confidence in conformity certificates,should be considered by the national public authorities throughout the Community the preferred means of demonstrating the technical competence of those bodies.However,national authorities may consider that they possess the appropriate means of carrying out this evaluation themselves.In such cases,in order to ensure the appropriate level of credibility of evaluations carried out by other national authorities, they should provide the Commission and the other Member States with the necessary documentary evidence demon-strating the compliance of the conformity assessment bodies evaluated with the relevant regulatory requirements.(42)Conformity assessment bodies frequently subcontract partsof their activities linked to the assessment of conformity or have recourse to a subsidiary.In order to safeguard the level of protection required for the products to be placed on the Community market,it is essential that conformity assess-ment subcontractors and subsidiaries fulfil the same requirements as notified bodies in relation to the performance of conformity assessment tasks.Therefore,it is important that the assessment of the competence and the performance of bodies to be notified and the monitoring of bodies already notified cover also activities carried out by subcontractors and subsidiaries.(43)It is necessary to increase the efficiency and transparency ofthe notification procedure and,in particular,to adapt it to new technologies so as to enable online notification.(44)Since notified bodies may offer their services throughoutthe Community,it is appropriate to give the other Member States and the Commission the opportunity to raise objections concerning a notified body.It is therefore important to provide for a period during which any doubts or concerns as to the competence of conformity assessment bodies can be clarified before they start operating as notified bodies.(45)In the interests of competitiveness,it is crucial that notifiedbodies apply the modules without creating unnecessary burdens for economic operators.For the same reason,and to ensure equal treatment of economic operators,consis-tency in the technical application of the modules must be ensured.That can best be achieved through appropriate coordination and cooperation between notified bodies.(46)To ensure the proper functioning of the certificationprocess,certain procedures,such as exchanges of experi-ence and information between notified bodies and notifying authorities and between notified bodies,should be consolidated.(47)Community harmonisation legislation already provides fora safeguard procedure which applies only in the event ofdisagreement between Member States over measures taken by a Member State.In order to increase transparency and to reduce processing time,it is necessary to improve the existing safeguard clause procedure,with a view to making it more efficient and drawing on the expertise available in Member States.(48)The existing system should be supplemented by aprocedure under which interested parties are informed of measures intended to be taken with regard to products presenting a risk to the health and safety of persons or to other aspects of public interest protection.It should also allow market surveillance authorities,in cooperation with the relevant economic operators,to act at an earlier stage in respect of such products.(49)Where the Member States and the Commission agree as tothe justification of a measure taken by a Member State,no further involvement of the Commission should be required, except where non-compliance can be attributed to short-comings of a harmonised standard.(50)Community legislation should take account of the specificsituation of small and medium-sized enterprises as regards administrative burdens.However,rather than providing for general exceptions and derogations for such enterprises, which might imply that they or their products are second-rate or sub-quality and which might result in a complex legal situation for the national market surveillance authorities to supervise,Community legislation should provide for the situation of such enterprises to be taken into account in setting the rules for the selection and implementation of the most appropriate conformity assessment procedures and concerning the obligations placed on conformity assessment bodies to operate in a proportionate manner in relation to the size of under-takings and to the small serial or non-serial nature of the production concerned.This Decision provides the legislator with the flexibility necessary to take account of such a situation,without creating unnecessary specific and inappropriate solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises,and without compromising the protection of public interests.(51)This Decision establishes provisions for conformity assess-ment bodies to perform their functions,while taking into consideration the specific situation of small and medium-sized enterprises and respecting the degree of rigour and level of protection required for products to comply with the legislative instruments applicable to them.(52)Within one year of the publication of this Decision in theOfficial Journal of the European Union,the Commission should present an in-depth analysis in the field of consumer safety markings,followed by legislative proposals if necessary,HAVE DECIDED AS FOLLOWS:Article1General principles1.Products placed on the Community market shall comply with all applicable legislation.2.When placing products on the Community market, economic operators shall,in relation to their respective roles in the supply chain,be responsible for the compliance of their products with all applicable legislation.3.Economic operators shall be responsible for ensuring that all information they provide with regard to their products is accurate,complete and in compliance with Community rules applicable.Article2Subject matter and scopeThis Decision sets out the common framework of general principles and reference provisions for the drawing up of Community legislation harmonising the conditions for the marketing of products(Community harmonisation legislation). Community harmonisation legislation shall have recourse to the general principles set out in this Decision and to the relevant reference provisions of Annexes I,II and III.However, Community legislation may depart from those general principles and reference provisions if that is appropriate on account of the specificities of the sector concerned,especially if comprehensive legal systems are already in place.Article3Level of protection of public interests1.As regards the protection of public interests,Community harmonisation legislation shall restrict itself to setting out the essential requirements determining the level of such protection and shall express those requirements in terms of the results to be achieved.Where recourse to essential requirements is not possible or not appropriate,in view of the objective of ensuring the adequate protection of consumers,public health and the environment or other aspects of public interest protection,detailed specifications may be set out in the Community harmonisation legislation concerned.2.Where Community harmonisation legislation sets out essential requirements,it shall provide for recourse to be had to harmonised standards,adopted in accordance with Directive 98/34/EC,which shall express those requirements in technical terms and which shall,alone or in conjunction with other harmonised standards,provide for the presumption of conform-ity with those requirements,while maintaining the possibility of setting the level of protection by other means.Article4Conformity assessment procedures1.Where Community harmonisation legislation requires conformity assessment to be performed in respect of a particular product,the procedures which are to be used shall be chosen from among the modules set out and specified in Annex II,in accordance with the following criteria:(a)whether the module concerned is appropriate to the type ofproduct;(b)the nature of the risks entailed by the product and theextent to which conformity assessment corresponds to the type and degree of risk;(c)where third party involvement is mandatory,the need forthe manufacturer to have a choice between quality assurance and product certification modules set out in Annex II;(d)the need to avoid imposing modules which would be tooburdensome in relation to the risks covered by the legislation concerned.2.Where a product is subject to several Community acts within the scope of this Decision,consistency among conformity assessment procedures shall be ensured by the legislator.3.The modules referred to in paragraph1shall be applied as appropriate to the product concerned and in accordance with the instructions set out in those modules.4.For custom-made products and small series production,the technical and administrative conditions relating to conformity assessment procedures shall be alleviated.5.When applying the modules referred to in paragraph1,and wherever applicable and relevant,the legislative instrument may: (a)regarding technical documentation,require informationadditional to that which is already stipulated in the modules;(b)regarding the time for which the manufacturer and/ornotified body are obliged to keep any kind of documenta-tion,alter the period stipulated in the modules;(c)specify the manufacturer's choice as to whether the tests arecarried out either by an accredited in-house body or under the responsibility of a notified body chosen by the manufacturer;(d)where product verification is performed,specify themanufacturer's choice as to whether the examinations and tests to check the conformity of the products with theappropriate requirements will be carried out,by examina-tion and testing of every product,or by examination and testing of the products on a statistical basis;(e)provide for the EC-type examination certificate to have aperiod of validity;(f)regarding the EC-type examination certificate,specifyrelevant information relating to conformity assessment and in-service control to be included in it or its annexes;(g)provide for different arrangements regarding the obligationsof the notified body to inform its notifying authorities; (h)if the notified body carries out periodic audits,specify theirfrequency.6.When applying the modules referred to in paragraph1,and wherever applicable and relevant,the legislative instrument shall: (a)where product checks and/or verification are performed,determine the products concerned,the appropriate tests, the adequate sampling schemes,the operational character-istics of the statistical method to be applied and the corresponding action to be taken by the notified body and/ or the manufacturer;(b)where EC-type examination is performed,determine theappropriate manner(design type,production type,design and production type)and the specimens required.7.An appeal procedure against decisions of the notified body shall be available.Article5EC declaration of conformityWhere Community harmonisation legislation requires a state-ment by the manufacturer that fulfilment of the requirements relating to a product has been demonstrated(EC declaration of conformity),the legislation shall provide that a single declaration shall be drawn up in respect of all Community acts applicable to the product containing all information required for the identification of Community harmonisation legislation to which the declaration relates,and giving the publication references of the acts concerned.Article6Conformity assessment1.Where Community harmonisation legislation requires conformity assessment,it may provide for that assessment to be carried out by public authorities,manufacturers or notified bodies.。
UDDI Technical WhitePaperSeptember 6, 2000Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is a specification for distributed Web-based information registries of Web services. UDDI is also a publicly accessible set of implementations of the specification that allow businesses to register information about the Web services they offer so that other businesses can find them.Web services are the next step in the evolution of the World Wide Web (WWW) and allow programmable elements to be placed on Web sites where others can access distributed behaviors. UDDI registries are used to promote and discover these distributed Web services. This paper describes the capabilities that these registries add to the World Wide Web.The intended audience is the anyone looking for a conceptual overview of UDDI for the purpose of understanding what it is, who uses it, and how a distributed registry makes it possible for your programs to discover and interact with Web services that other companies expose on the WebThe Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) specifications define a way to publish and discover information about Web services. The term “Web service” describes specific business functionality exposed by a company, usually through an Internet connection, for the purpose of providing a way for another company or software program to use the service.Web services are becoming the programmatic backbone for electronic commerce. For example, one company calls another’s service to send a purchase order directly via an Internet connection. Another example is a service that calculates the cost of shipping a package of a certain size or weight, so many miles via a specific carrier.At first glance, it would seem simple to manage the process of Web service discovery. After all, if a known business partner has a known electronic commerce gateway, what’s left to discover? The tacit assumption, however, is that all of the information is already known. When you want to find out which business partners have which services, the ability to discover the answers can quickly become difficult. One option is to call each partner on the phone, and then try to find the right person to talk with. For a business that is exposing Web services, having to staff enough highly technical people to satisfy random discovery demand is difficult to justify.Another way to solve this problem is through an approach that uses a Web services description file on each company’s Web site. After all, Web crawlers work by accessing a registered URL and are able to discover and index text found on nests of Web pages. The “robots.txt” approach, however, is dependent on the ability for a crawler to locate each Web site and the location of the service description file on that Web site. This distributed approach is potentially scalable but lacks a mechanism to insure consistency in service description formats and for the easy tracking of changes as they occur.UDDI takes an approach that relies upon a distributed registry of businesses and their service descriptions implemented in a common XML format.The core component of the UDDI project is the UDDI business registration, an XML file used to describe a business entity and its Web services. Conceptually, the information provided in a UDDI business registration consists of three components: “white pages” including address, contact, and known identifiers; “yellow pages” including industrial categorizations based on standard taxonomies; and “green pages”, the technical information about services that are exposed by the business. Green pages include references to specifications for Web services, as well as support for pointers to various file and URL based discovery mechanisms if required.UDDI includes the shared operation of a business registry on the Web. For the most part, programs and programmers use the UDDI Business Registry to locate information about services and, in the case of programmers, to prepare systems that are compatible with advertised Web services or to describe their own Web services for others to call. The UDDI Business Registry can be used at a business level to check whether a given partner has particular Web service interfaces, to find companies in a given industry with a given type of service, and to locate information about how a partner or intended partner has exposed a Web service in order to learn the technical details required to interact with that service.After reading this paper, the reader will have a clearer understanding of the capabilities defined in the UDDI specifications and have a clearer understanding of the role of Web service registries that implement these specifications.Extensible Markup Language (XML)Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Universal Description, Discovery Integration (UDDI)Universal Service Interop Protocols (these layers are not defined yet)The number of ways that companies are using the World Wide Web varies considerably. Manycompanies are starting to define ways to allow their internal applications to interact with the businesssystems at other companies using the emerging Web infrastructure. Left alone, each company inventsa unique approach based on the experiences of designers, available technologies, and projectbudgets. The proliferation of integration approaches and unique solutions have spawned an entiresub-industry focused on bridging incompatible service layers within and across company boundaries.Recent work within the W3C starts to raise hopes that Extensible Markup Language (XML) will play arole in simplifying the exchange of business data between companies. Further, collaboration betweencomputer industry giants and small companies alike have outlined a framework called SOAP thatallows one program to invoke service interfaces across the Internet, without the need to share acommon programming language or distributed object infrastructure. All of this is good news forcompanies feeling the cost pressures associated with electronic commerce because the foundationsfor common interoperability standards are being laid. Because of these foundation technologies andemerging standards, some of the intractable problems of the past are becoming easier to approach.From XML and SOAP, one can observe that the integration and interoperability problem has beensimplified in layers. XML provides a cross-platform approach to data encoding and formatting. SOAP,which is built on XML, defines a simple way to package information for exchange across systemboundaries. SOAP bindings for HTTP are built on this packaging protocol and define a way to makeremote procedure calls between systems in a manner that is independent of the programminglanguage or operating system choices made by individual companies. Prior approaches involvedcomplex distributed object standards or technology bridging software. Neither of these approaches has proven to be cost effective in the long run. Using XML and SOAP, this cross-language, cross-platformapproach simplifies the problem of making systems at two companies compatible with each other.Even when one considers XML and SOAP, though, there are still vast gaps through which any twocompanies can fall in implementing a communications infrastructure. As any industry pundit will tellyou: “What is required is a full end-to-end solution, based on standards that are universally supportedon every computing platform.” Clearly, there is more work to do to achieve this goal. The UDDIspecifications borrow the lesson learned from XML and SOAP to define a next-layer-up that lets twocompanies share a way to query each other’s capabilities and to describe their own capabilities.The following diagram depicts this layered view:UDDI is a “next layer” in an emerging stack enabling rich Web services. UDDI uses standards-based technologies such as TCP/IP, HTTP, XML and SOAP to create a uniform service description format and service discovery protocol.Figure 1The Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) specification describes a conceptual cloud of Web services and a programmatic interface that define a simple framework for describing any kind of Web service. The specification consists of several related documents and an XML schema thatdefines a SOAP-based programming protocol for registering and discovering Web services. Thesespecifications were defined over a series of months by technicians and managers from several leadingcompanies. Together, these companies have undertaken the task of building the first implementationof the UDDI services and running these services as a publicly accessible, multi-site partnership thatshares all registered information.The following diagram shows the relationship between the specifications, the XML schema and theUDDI business registry cloud that provides “register once, published everywhere” access to information about Web services.The UDDI specifications and schema are used to build discovery services on the Internet. These discovery services provide a consistent publishing interface and allow programmatic discovery of services.Figure 2Using the UDDI discovery services, businesses individually register information about the Web services that they expose for use by other businesses. This information can be added to the UDDI businessregistry either via a Web site or by using tools that make use of the programmatic service interfacesdescribed in the UDDI Programmer’s API Specification. The UDDI business registry is a logicallycentralized, physically distributed service with multiple root nodes that replicate data with each other ona regular basis. Once a business registers with a single instance of the business registry service, thedata is automatically shared with other UDDI root nodes and becomes freely available to anyone whoneeds to discover what Web services are exposed by a given business.As the layers in figure 1 show, it is important to note that UDDI does not form a full-featured discoveryservice. UDDI services are targeted at enabling technical discovery of services. With the facilitiesdefined by UDDI, a program or programmer can locate information about services exposed by apartner, can find whether a partner has a service that is compatible with in-house technologies, and can follow links to the specifications for a Web service so that an integration layer can be constructed thatwill be compatible with a partners service. Businesses can also locate potential partners through UDDIdirectly, or more likely, from online marketplaces and search engines that use UDDI as a data sourcefor their own value-added services. Technical compatibility can be discovered so that softwarecompanies can use the UDDI registries on the Web to automatically configure certain technicalconnections as software is installed or accounts are configured.UDDI is designed to complement existing online marketplaces and search engines by providing themwith standardized formats for programmatic business and service discovery. The ability to locateparties that can provide a specific product or service at a given price or within a specific geographicboundary in a given timeframe is not directly covered by the UDDI specifications. These kinds ofadvanced discovery features require further collaboration and design work between buyer and sellers.Instead, UDDI forms the basis for defining these services in a higher layer.UDDI Cloud ServicesFigure 3In Figure 3 we can see the relationship between the technical discovery layers defined by UDDI andthe role of aggregation and specialized search capabilities that address business level searches.Currently, marketplaces and search portals fill this need, and can be integrated or populated usinginformation published in the UDDI distributed registries.The teams working on the UDDI are planning on extending the functionality beyond what is in the Open Draft specification to address more than just technical discovery. Future features will address the ability to locate products and services, define Web service implementation conventions and provide the abilityto manage hierarchical business organizations, communities and trade groups. The driving goal is toprovide a public specification for Web service interoperability, whether the focus is marketplace-to-marketplace or business-to-business.The remainder of this paper is a technical overview of the various features of the UDDI discoveryservice and specifications. The Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) specifications consist of an XML schemafor SOAP messages, and a description of the UDDI API specification. Together, these form a baseinformation model and interaction framework that provides the ability to publish information about abroad array of Web services.The core information model used by the UDDI registries is defined in an XML schema. XML was chosen because it offers a platform-neutral view of data and allows hierarchical relationships to bedescribed in a natural way. The emerging XML schema standard was chosen because of its supportfor rich data types as well as its ability to easily describe and validate information based on informationmodels represented in schemas.The UDDI XML schema defines four core types of information that provide the kinds of information thata technical person would need to know in order to use a partners Web services. These are: businessinformation; service information, binding information; and information about specifications for services.TechnicalUsers<tModel>namedescriptionURL pointers to specificaitonsThe information hierarchy and the key XML element names that are used to describe and discover information about Web services are shown in figure 41.Many partners will need to be able to locate information about your services and will have as starting information a small set of facts about your business. Technical staff, programmers or application programs themselves will know either your business name or perhaps your business name and some key identifiers2, as well as optional categorization and contact information. The core XML elements for supporting publishing and discovering information about a business – the UDDI Business Registration -- are contained in a structure named “businessEntity”3. This structure serves as the top-level information manager for all of the information about a particular set of information related to a business unit4.The overall businessEntity information includes support for “yellow pages” taxonomies so that searches can be performed to locate businesses who service a particular industry or product category, or who are located within a specific geographic region.Technical and business descriptions of Web services – the “green pages” data -- live within sub-structures of the businessEntity information. Two structures are defined: businessService and bindingTemplate. The businessService structure is a descriptive container that is used to group a series of related Web services related to either a business process or category of services. Examples of business processes that would include related Web service information include purchasing services, shipping services, and other high-level business processes.These businessService information sets can each be further categorized – allowing Web service descriptions to be segmented along combinations of industry, product and service or geographic category boundaries.Within each businessService live one or more technical Web service descriptions. These contain the information that is relevant for application programs that need to connect to and then communicate witha remote Web service. This information includes the address to make contact with a Web service, as1 See appendix A for a more complete view of the UDDI information model.2 Business identifiers can include D&B numbers, tax numbers, or other information types via which partners will be able to identify a business uniquely.3 See the UDDI XML schema –/schema/uddi_1.xsd4 Complex business unit information should be registered in separate businessEntity records.well as support for option information that can be used to describe both hosted services5 and services that require additional values to be discovered prior to invoking a service6. Additional features are defined that allow for complex routing options such as load balancing7.The information required to actually invoke a service is described in the information element named bindingTemplate. This was described in the previous section. However, it is not always enough to simply know where to contact a particular Web service. For instance, if I know that a business partner has a Web service that lets me send them a purchase order, knowing the URL for that service is not very useful unless I know a great deal about what format the purchase order should be sent in, what protocols are appropriate, what security required, and what form of a response will result after sending the purchase order. Integrating all parts of two systems that interact via Web services can become quite complex.As a program or programmer interested in specific Web services, information about compatibility with a given specification is required to make sure that the right Web service is invoked for a particular need. For this reason, each bindingTemplate element contains a special element that is a list of references to information about specifications. Used as an opaque8 set of identifiers, these references form a technical fingerprint that can be used to recognize a Web service that implements a particular behavior or programming interface.In our purchase order example, the Web service that accepts the purchase order exhibits a set of well-defined behaviors if the proper document format is sent to the proper address in the right way. A UDDI registration for this service would consist of an entry for the business partner, a logical service entry that describes the purchasing service, and a bindingTemplate entry that describes the purchase order service by listing its URL and a reference to a tModel.These references are actually the keys that can be used to access information about a specification. Called “tModels”, this information is metadata about a specification, including its name, publishing organization, and URL pointers9 to the actual specifications themselves. In our example, the tModel reference found in the bindingTemplate is a pointer to information about the specifics of this purchase order Web service. The reference itself is a pledge by the company that exposes the Web service that they have implemented a service that is compatible with the tModel that is referenced. In this way, many companies can provide Web services that are compatible with the same specifications.The UDDI specifications include definitions for Web service interfaces that allow programmatic access to the UDDI registry information. The full definition of the programmer’s API is found in the Programmer’s API Specification document. The API capabilities are briefly discussed below.The API is divided into two logical parts. These are the Inquiry API and the Publishers’ API. The Inquiry API is further divisible into two parts – one part used for constructing programs that let you search and browse information found in a UDDI registry, and another part that is useful in the event that Web service invocations experience failures. Programmers can use the Publishers API to create rich5 Other companies provision hosted services, typically on a fee base. Marketplaces are good examples of hosted services.6 Software packages are a good example of this kind of requirement. Individual installations of a given package may have specific values that must be accommodated prior to connecting with a service.7 The hostingRedirector feature allows both hosting and other redirection capabilities to be deployed. See the appendix on redirection in the UDDI programmers API specification for more details.8 The term opaque in this context alludes to the fact that simply knowing a key value for a particular specification is equivalent to knowing a service is compatible with that specification.9Note: tModels do not actually contain the actual specifications. UDDI defines a framework for taking advantage of URLs and web servers, so that individual organizations can maintain centralized specifications. Individual implementations can then be located based on whether or not they contain references to specific specification keys.interfaces for tools that interact directly with a UDDI registry, letting a technical person manage the information published about either a businessEntity or a tModel structure.The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a W3C draft note describing a way to use XML and HTTP to create an information delivery and remote procedure mechanisms. Several companies, including IBM, Microsoft, DevelopMentor and Userland Software, submitted this draft note to the W3C for the purpose of, among other things, standardizing RPC (simple messaging) conventions on the World Wide Web. In its current state, the draft note describes a specification that is useful for describing a Web service. The companies that collaborated on UDDI decided to base the UDDI APIs on this SOAP specification. The specifics of how SOAP and XML are used by UDDI registry Operators are defined in the appendices in the API specification itself.All of the API calls defined by the UDDI Programmer’s API Specification behave synchronously – and all of the distributed UDDI registry Operator Sites support all of the calls described in the Programmer’s API Specification.The Inquiry API consists of two types of calls that let a program quickly locate candidate businesses, Web services and specifications, and then drill into specifics based on overview information provided in initial calls. The APIs named find_xx provide the caller with a broad overview of registration data based on a variety of search criteria. Alternately, if the actual keys of specific data are known ahead of time, up to date copies of a particular structure (e.g. businessEntity, businessService, bindingTemplate, tModel) can be retrieved in full via a direct call. These direct calls are called the get_xx APIs.Each individual advertised Web service is modeled in a bindingTemplate structure. Invocation of a Web service is typically performed based on cached bindingTemplate data. With this in mind, the general scenario for using UDDI becomes clear when you consider the preparation required to write a program that uses a specific Web service. The following recipe outlines these steps1. The programmer, chartered to write a program that uses a remote Web service, uses the UDDIbusiness registry (either via a Web interface or other tool that uses the Inquiry API) to locate the businessEntity information registered by or for the appropriate business partner that is advertising the Web service.2. The programmer either drills down for more detail about a businessService or requests a fullbusinessEntity structure. Since businessEntity structures contain all information about advertised Web services, the programmer selects a particular bindingTemplate10 and saves this away for later use.3. The programmer prepares the program based on the knowledge of the specifications for the Webservice. This information may be obtained by using the tModel key information contained in the bindingTemplate for a service.4. At runtime, the program invokes the Web service as planned using the cached bindingTemplateinformation (as appropriate).In the general case, assuming the remote Web service and the calling program each accurately implement the required interface conventions (as defined in the specification referenced in the tModel information), the calls to the remote service will function successfully. The special case of failures and recovery is outlined next.10 Using the find_xx inquiry API, a UDDI compatible browser can display more or less detail as someone searches through information. Once the appropriate information is located, the get_xx call returns full information about one of the four key UDDI XML structures.One of the key benefits of maintaining information about Web services in a distributed UDDI Registry is the “self service” capability provided to technical personnel. The recipe in the previous section outlined the tasks that the programmer is able to accomplish using the information found in the UDDI registry. This is all fine and well, but additional benefits are possible. These benefits of using a distributed UDDI registry with information hosted at an Operator Site are manifested in disaster recovery scenarios. Web services businesses using Web services to do commerce with their partners need to be able to detect and manage communication problems or other failures. A key concern is the inability to predict, detect, or recover from failures within the systems of the remote partner. Even simple situations such as temporary outages caused by nightly maintenance or back-ups can make the decision to migrate to Web services difficult.On the other hand, if you are the company that makes direct Web service connections possible, disaster recovery and the ability to migrate all of your business partners to a back-up system are prime concerns.UDDI starts to address these “quality of service” issues by defining a calling convention that involves using cached bindingTemplate information, and when failures occur, refreshing the cached information with current information from a UDDI Web registry. The recipe for this convention goes like this:1. Prepare program for Web service, caching the required bindingTemplate data for use atrun-time.2. When calling the remote Web service, use the cached bindingTemplate data that wasobtained from a UDDI Web registry.3. If the call fails, use the bindingKey value and the get_bindingTemplate API call to get afresh copy of a bindingTemplate for this unique Web service.4. Compare the new information with the old – if it is different, retry the failed call. If the retrysucceeds, replace the cached data with the new data.Behind the scenes, when a business needs to redirect traffic to a new location or backup system, they only need to activate the backup system and then change the published location information for the effected bindingTemplates. This approach is called retry on failure – and is more efficient than getting a fresh copy of bindingTemplate data prior to each call.The Publication API consists of four save_xx functions and four delete_xx functions, one each for the four key UDDI data structures (businessEntity, businessService, bindingTemplate, tModel). Once authorized, an individual party can register any number of businessEntity or tModel information sets, and can alter information previously published. The API design model is simple – changes to specific related information can be made and new information be saved using save. Complete structure deletion is accommodated by the delete calls. See the Programmer’s API Specification for more information on this topic.The key operating principal for the UDDI Publishers’ API is to only allow authorized individuals to publish or change information within the UDDI business registry. Each of the individual implementations of the distributed UDDI business registry maintains a unique list of authorized parties and tracks which businessEntity or tModel data was created by a particular individual. Changes and deletions are only allowed if a change request (via API call) is made by the same individual who created the effected information.。
IBM Web Services Globalization Model说明书
Web Services Globalization ModelFebruary 2003By Xiao Hui ZhuIBM SWG GroupPreface (3)Abstract (3)Target Audience (3)Comments (3)Globalization Architecture (3)Single Executable (4)Locale Model (4)Multilingual Data (5)Localization Pack (6)Input and Output of Multilingual Data (6)Web Services Globalization Model (7)Single Executable (8)Locale Model (8)Multilingual Data (9)Localization Pack (10)Input and Output of Multilingual Data (11)Conclusion (11)Related Information (12)PrefaceAbstractGlobalization is the proper design and execution of systems, software, services, and procedures so that one instance of software, executing on a single server or end-usermachine, can process multilingual data and present culturally correct information (e.g., collation, date, and number formats). Globalization has already become a consideration for Web applications. Web Services, as the open standar ds to enabledynamic e-business, has stronger global reach cause it runs over networks and involves various participants all over the world.This paper starts from the base elements of globalization architecture, and thenapplies them to the Web Services architecture. To strengthen the ideas, someexamples are raised in the paper, together with some references for furtherinformation.Target AudienceSince, t his paper addresses globalization requirement in the Web Services architectureand introduces the corresponding high-level architecture that is built on theglobalization architecture, it is a good starting point for readers who are interested in providing globalization solutions in a Web Services architecture implementation. CommentsWelcome your comments, and please send to ***************.com. Thanks in advance!Globalization ArchitectureGlobalization, as the design and execution of a globalized system, is not a feature. It is an architecture. To su cceed in the global marketplace, IBM must define the architecture1 required to support global e-business, and focus on the enabling technology to provide the key capabilities for globalization.There are many benefits derived from following the globaliz ation architecture, including:1. A single server can support applications in multiple languages, thus reducingthe cost and time needed to develop, deploy and deliver applicationsworldwide.2. The server deployment can be designed based on load levels and reso urcesrather than language support requirements.1 A set of architectural elements for global e-business, described in the document titled as “globalization architecture imperatives” by globalization architecture and technology team.3. The same version and patch level of a product can be used on serversthroughout the world, thereby reducing the cost of support, maintenance, andtraining.4. Each product will handle the data (e.g. collation, date/time format) in aconsistent manner in compliance with established industry standards, so thesolution built on those products can assure consistent handling.The IBM e-business globalization architecture has five interrelated base requirements, as illustrated in Figure 1.Figure 1 IBM globalization architectureSingle ExecutableSingle executable means one program code base supports all languages, co untries or regions. Software programs must be developed that allows the single executable handles cultural needs of all supported countries/regions. In this way, the cultural and language-independent program code base calls cultural and language-dependent information at run time, thus greatly reduces the cost and efforts invested and simplifies the process as well.Single executable is the most important requirement of the five. This is the key requirement for ensuring that a global system can be designed, built, and maintained efficiently and correctly.Locale ModelSince Single executable requires one single program code base support all languages, the program code base needs to know which language it shall serve. This information comes the concept of locale. In English, the word “locale” means a place where something happens or has happened. In globalization, generally speaking, it means language and country/region2.2 For example, en_US stands for English in United States, ja_JP stands for Japanese in Japan, and fr_FR stands for French in France. Sometimes, more specific information is required. For example, in Germany, there are at least two ways of sorting textual data. Thede_DE can not tell the differences. This is often done by 1) using a locale variant, e.g. currentFigure 2 shows how locale model working with single executable to provide globalized solution through a simple typical scenario:Figure 2 Single executable and locale model• There are three customers. They’re from United States, Japan and France, and their preferred languages are English (in United States), Japanese (in Japan)and French (in France) respectively;• The application is built on single executable base and retrieves back-end data based on customer’s cultural preferences;• The back-end data system is built on locale model base, that is a data system categorized by locale information that serves globalized applications;• The typical data flow is as following:o The Application gets the request from the customer along with the locale information;o The Single executable passes the locale information to the back-end data system;o The back-end data system finds the correct data, and sends back to the single executable;o The Single executable sends the data back to the customer;Thus, customer’s cultural preferences are well fulfilled.Multilingual DataJDK model “de_DE_Traditional 2) using a locale keyword lookup, e.g. OpenI18N locale naming convention de_DE@collation=Traditional.Because Single executable supports all languages, it needs an encoding system3 to be able to provide a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform, program, or language. Unicode4 evolved to d efine this encoding system.Unicode can represent every character in the world by providing a single consistent "character to number" mapping schema; Unicode enables application to provide multilingual support.Localization PackSince Single Executable means to have one and only one executable for multiple locales, there must be a standardized approach (which we call localization packs) for working with different sets of locale-specific program data. There are two kinds of localization packs, application-dependent5 and application-independent 6. The localization pack manager is the module that manages the location, loading and accessing of localization pack resources. The Figure 3 shows their relationship.Figure 3 Localization pack and localization pack managerA very simple example helps to explain this concept. In an application program, a single key (“msg1”) is associated with a single string value (“Hello”). Since we need many language versions, then corresponding localization packs can be created as Figure 4.Figure 4 Localization pack for hello message.Input and Output of Multilingual DataGloba lization also requires the ability to input text in different languages with a keyboard, mouse, or other device and to properly present it in those languages on the3 An encoding system is a method of assigning numbers to individual characters so that a computer can process those characters.4 Unicode web site: .5 Such as menus, dialogs, a nd other user-interface elements.6 Such as collation tables, transliteration rules, and the names of date and time elements.screen or printer. By using linguistic services, a more human-friendly interface such as speech input can be enabled for the end user. Generally, these functions will be supported by the operating system. Usually, the application does not need to care about this directly.Web Services Globalization ModelWeb Services are the open standard that makes dynamic e-business possible, just as TCP/IP did for Internet and HTTP did for the World Wide Web. Dynamic e-business applications using Web services will be running over open networks and have global reach. Web Services need to be able to support global dynamic e-business. To satisfy this requirement, the base elements of globalization architecture that were introduced in the previous chapter must be applied to Web services.Web Services is changing rapidly, not only the standards, but also the technologies. This section only takes a brief look at the base architecture.The globalization in Web Services looks like Figure 5. Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI), as a standards-based specification for describing and enabling discovery of Web services, provides a multilingual business description through attribute “xml: lang= …. “. Web Services Description Language (WSDL), as language used to describe service interfaces, is globalization-independent cause it just deals with physical binding for service provider and service requester. The SOAP 7 protocol is used for sending and receiving data in a Web Services system, and it uses XML for carrying data, which is all represented in Unicode. To run globalized business in a Web Services system, both service provider and service requester need to enable globalization following IBM base globalization architecture illustrated in Figure 1 IBM globalization architecture.7 Defined by W3C, SOAP is a lightweight protocol intended for exchanging structured information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It can be reached at:/TR/soap12-part1/Figure 5 Globalization Web Services ArchitectureThe base elements for a global Web Services system are the same as those for a global application.Single ExecutableWeb Services system contains many programs running o n many machines. To have a global Web Services deployment, each program in the system, including the implementation of the service itself, needs to strictly follow single executable policy. Just as single executable is the foundation for a global application, it is also the foundation for a global Web Services system.Locale ModelIn the Globalized Web Services architecture, this requirement needs the most focus. To ensure a workable locale model for a Web Services system, the way of transmitting end-user locale 8 information must be consistent and standardized9, so it can go through a series of service providers correctly.8 The definition of locale follows RFC1766, an internet standard which defines the tag for the identification of languages. It follows ISO 3166 for country code and ISO 639 for language code.9 Now IBM has started to work towards putting end-user locale definitions on SOAP header.A scenario maybe this, a travel agent service gets an end-user request, then it contacts the airline service for that end-user, the airline service must return a reservation according to that end-user’s cultural preferences, such as date & time representations, currencies representations, measurement representations, etc.There are different implementation approaches for implementing Web Services in global environment, however, the basic working pattern is similar:• Publish a multilingual business using UDDIo Define a multilingual businesso Publish a multilingual businesso Find a multilingual business• Implement a multilingual business using SOAPo Prepare the multilingual environmento Implement multilingual Web Services§ Service provider must provide an interface with localeinformation in order to support a multilingual businessoperation 10§ Service requester typically:• Determines the user’s preferred language.• Calls a multilingual supported service provider andpasses the user’s language preference.• Returns the result in the specified language to the user.Multilingual DataSOAP uses XML for carrying on data, so it is platform-independe nt and programming-language-independent. Therefore, the exchange data in Web services is all represented as XML, and XML is all represented in Unicode that is the key to multilingual data. This means, multilingual support can be well guaranteed by standards.XML also has tags, such as ‘lang’, to label certain field(s) to indicate language settings for the linguistically meaningful information, such as descriptions. So, Web Services actually re-enforce a global data representation. Figure 6 Multilingual business description shows an example:10 There is no current standard in SOAP for communicating locale/language information. We should switch to the standard as soon as it becomes available.Figure 6 Multilingual business descriptionLocalization PackJust as how the single executable requirement applies to all the programs that make up the Web Services architecture, the localization pack requirement also applies to all the programs. This element is the same for Web services as for normal applications, seeFigure 7 for an airline company who wants to provide multilingual services in WebServices system.Figure 7 Localization pack in a service providerInput and Output of Multilingual DataThere is no special requirement for input and output, if inside a Web Services system,because usually this element is taken by operating system or another program and notdirectly represented to a user, and it is just the same situation here. ConclusionThe base requirement s of a globalization architecture, single executable, locale model,multilingual data, localization pack, and input and output for multilingual data, can be applied well when considering globalization solutions in the Web Services architecture. Web Services is frequently changing and has very rich domain, thispaper is only the foundation for globalization in Web Services.Related Information1. Globalization Architecture Imperatives2. Enabling Web Services for Globalization using Websphere Application ServerVersion 4.0:/wsdd/library/techarticles/0209_zhu/zhu.html3. SG24-6851-00 e-Business globalization solution design guide: getting started:/4. Unicode C onsortium: /。
Web2.0神州数码柔性管理新利器作者:韩洋 | 发表时间:一月 - 26 - 2011 | 分类:方法神州数码将基于草根文化的“Web 2.0”融于企业管理系统,将企业内部员工、客户以及合作伙伴紧密地连接起来,提高企业内外部的协作效率。
如果你是数百位销售人员的主管,他们分布在全国各级城市,包括四、六级城市,你如何做好支持、管理和监控,并持续提升销售业绩?神州数码控股有限公司(以下简称“神州数码”)的销售主管利用Web 2.0管理工具,成功解决了这个管理难题,他们可以及时地从公司网站上了解销售人员的日常考勤情况,并通过销售人员每天填报的日志信息,并结合考核系统,远程监控分布在不同城市的销售队伍。
“如果没有IT部门为我们开发的Web 2.0新型工具,我们很难这样快速地推进四、六级城市的市场。
” 神州数码商用战略本部总裁王培暖深有体会地说。
最近美国一项针对273位 IT主管的调查显示,有86%的主管对员工在工作时间登录社交网络和类似网站而浪费工作时间感到烦恼,而在中国类似的问题同样存在。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Unique device features
• • • • • • Make and receive calls Send/receive an SMS, MMS Take pictures With you anywhere Always on Uniquely personal
Mobile phones and other mobile connected devices are personal communication and information tools.
1) Affiliate and non-affiliate Partner Markets
Vision Thing + News You can Use
Within 5 years, the majority of Web usage worldwide will be mobile.
Mobile application developers are increasingly choosing the Web as a platform.
Why is Mobile Different?
Limitations on Mobile
• • • • • • Small memory footprint Lower CPU speeds Small screen in varying sizes Different input modes Slow / high latency network Browser fragmentation
• • • • User perceived latency Amount of data traffic Battery life Browser fragmentation and inconsistent implementations across platforms KNOW YOUR TARGET PLATFORMS
Mobile AJAX performance
• • • • • • Progressive rendering Script tuning Boosting image loads Connection strategies Caching content Other Ajax tips
Progressive Render
Try to minimize number of references to external resources (CSS, JS, Images,…) and reduce their weight.
Script Tuning
• Scripts contain client-side Web site logic so they are the most important elements from developer point of view • Script files are priority elements for browser on loading time • Scripts can link other resources, be careful that implies new requests, downloading and loading time. • Most of browsers are compatible with compression methods for scripts
JavaScript allows you make dynamic partial screen changes…Do it! Load JavaScript files at the bottom, when it is possible Stylesheets
– Write CSS references in the document head using link tag – Don’t use CSS expressions, these are evaluated many more times than you can expect – Experiment with external vs. in-line CSS on your chosen target platforms – CSS plain-text optimization – Combine CSS into one file
Improving your scripts
• • • Generally external JS files are more efficient than inline In web sites dynamically adapted to different ways of execution (full, limited) load only required JS files Combine frequently-used scripts onto one file
Slow resource load-time…why?
• The “80/20 Performance Rule”
– 20% downloading html – 80% Http requests to fetch all resources
• Stylesheet bad practice • Scripts take priority - blocking loading of parallel resources • Loading additional resources inside of scripts - again, it blocks the browser • Number of resources linked per webpage
Best Practices 2.0
• • • How to use Web App development skills to create mobile Web Applications Exploiting device capabilities Use of Ajax techniques, CSS, DOM manipulation
Mobile Acid Test
1. CSS2 minwidth
5. Content-type
2. Transparent PNG 3. GZIP support 4. HTTPS
6. Static SVG 7. XMLHTTPRequest 8. CSS Media Queries 9. Dynamic SVG
Mobile Ajax and the Future of the Web
Daniel K. Appelquist, Senior Technology Strategist Vodafone Group Research & Development
64 Countries 41 Partner Markets1)
“Mobile 2.0”
• • • • • • • SMS -> IM, mobile blogging MMS -> Media sharing Operator Portals -> Content Search and Discovery Premium SMS billing -> Mobile stored value Accounts Java Games -> Connected Applications Presence & Push-To-Talk -> VOIP applications WAP sites -> Web sites that adapt for mobile browsers • • • • WAP push -> RSS readers Wallpaper -> Idle screen applications Location-based services -> Proximity and location-aware services Content consumption -> Content creation (e.g. mobile blogging) Per KB data tariffs -> Flat data tariffs Carrier / Operator chooses -> User chooses
Improving your site rendering
• • • • • Obviously…don’t load unnecessary resources Keep user informed about web site non-visible activity
– “Loading…” screen message can be enough to notify user that site is still alive
– Side Effect: Caching issues – Side Effect: Not available balance download techniques
Mobile Ajax
DOM JavaScript
Phone Resources
Browser Framework
Ajax on Mobile
• Ajax for mobile is exactly the same as Ajax on desktop • Ajax mobile/desktop issues are mainly related to inconsistent implementations of web browser components and bad web pages design • Mobile network doesn’t work like a LAN network in several aspects • Multiple proxies mean higher latency • Key issues to keep in mind on mobile: