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[看图英语]感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)
A turkey was running. What was happening? 火鸡慌慌张张赶路是为什么呢?Thanksgiving Day感恩节惹的祸
Why did the turkey run away? 原来是因为感恩节到啦!
People eat roast turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
Thanksgiving Day is an American holiday.
感恩节是怎么来的呢?There is a story about it.

During the first winter, they didn't have enough food.


They hoped to have a harvest in autumn.
And that year they had a good harvest.


Yummy Food 火鸡大餐
What will be on the dinner table?
Turkey! And many other delicious foods!
Pumpkin pies, nuts and corn.
You can enjoy them with your family and friends.
Did You Know?
Over 60 million. But one turkey will be lucky.

Amazing Parades 花车大游行

There are amazing parades in the streets.
You may find Mickey Mouse there.

They are huge balloons in the sky.
Kids love them.
感恩节里不但可以享受美味大餐,还有各种好玩的游戏呢!Let's play some games with 呱呱.
Pumpkin Race南瓜赛跑
It's a very lovely game.
You need a spoon and a pumpkin.

Don't touch the pumpkin with your hands.

Find the Corn五个玉米

The players must find one of them.



What will they get? Popcorn!
Menu ideas (with recipes) for planning your
Thanksgiving Dinner
Turkey Stuffing
Turkey Gravy
Make-Ahead Mashed Potatoes or Garlic Mashed Potatoes Microwave Mashed Potatoes - 10 Minute Mashed Potatoes or
Perfect Mashed Potatoes
Cranberry Relish or Cranberry Sauce with Raspberry Vinegar Green Beans Supreme or German Creamed Spinach
Tangy T omato Aspic
Fresh Fruit Salad Desserts (lots of great choices):
Pumpkin Pie
Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie>
Devonshire Cream,Crème fra?che or whipped cream
Abraham Lincoln









(Dec.2 ,2006)
Good morning. This week, Americans across our Nation gather with love d ones to give thanks for the many blessings we share. We're grateful for our friends and families, who fill our lives with meaning and pu rpose. We're grateful to live in a land of plenty and during a time o f great prosperity. And we're grateful to Almighty God for the freedo m to enjoy all these gifts.
Every Thanksgiving, we remember the story of the Pilgrims who came to America in search of a better life and religious freedom. Much has c hanged in the four centuries since these humble settlers landed at Pl ymouth Rock. While they were only a shivering few, we are now a stron g and growing Nation of more than 300 million. And the desire for fre edom that led the Pilgrims to the New World still guides our Nation t oday.
Americans believe that every person has the right to live, work, and worship in freedom. And we're thankful to the men and women of our Na tion's armed forces who risk their lives to protect those rights. Thi s Thanksgiving, we are mindful that many of our finest citizens are s
pending the holiday far from their homes and loved ones, and we know that their service makes it possible for us to live in freedom.
On Tuesday, I had the chance to visit our troops and their families a t Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii. Our service members ther e have deployed around the world -- to fight the terrorists in Afghan istan and Iraq, conduct important maritime exercises in the Pacific, help deliver humanitarian aid to the victims of disaster, and fight d rug trafficking. I told the men and women at the base that we're grat eful for their bravery and service and that we will never forget thos e who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
One American who made the ultimate sacrifice was Marine Corporal Jaso n Dunham. Two-and-a-half years ago in Iraq, Corporal Dunham gave his life when he threw himself on top of an enemy grenade and absorbed th e blast. His selfless act saved the lives of two of his fellow Marine s, and earlier this month I announced that our Nation will recognize Corporal Dunham with
our highest decoration for valour, the Medal of Honor.
Corporal Dunham's friends remember him as the kind of guy who would d o anything for you, his superiors remember him as a model Marine, and a grateful Nation will forever remember him as one of America's most valiant heroes. This Thanksgiving, our thoughts and prayers are with his family and with all military families, especially those mourning the loss of a loved one.
During this holiday season, we also think of those still working to r ecover from the devastating hurricanes that struck our Nation last ye ar. We are grateful to the armies of compassion who rallied to bring food, water, and hope to those who had lost everything, and we renew our commitment to help those who are still suffering and to rebuild o ur Nation's Gulf Coast.
Thanksgiving reminds us that the true strength of our Nation is the c ompassion and decency of our people. And as we count our blessings, w e remember that those blessings are meant to be shared. I encourage a ll Americans to look for a way to help those in need -- from tutoring a child, to working in a shelter, to giving a hand to a neighbor. I thank all those Americans who volunteer this season, and Laura and I wish every American a safe and happy holiday.
Thank you for listening.。
