Rizhao city was recognized by the United Nations as one of the most habitable cities in the world in 2009.
Now, I will introduce some interesting places to you. I’m sure you’ll like it.
It is the biggest Chinese characters in the world.
The word “Ri" is 20 meters length, 17.5 meters wide and the word “Zhao” is 25 meters length, 25.5 meters wide.
Wulian Mountain
Wulian mountain is located in Wulian county of Rizhao
The scenery is famous for it’s peculiar stones, green trees, spring streams and waterfalls.
It is the training base of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games water sports.
The annual Dragon Boat Festival, including the dragon boat racing tradition and its significance in Rizhao's culture.
Other local festivals, such as the Autumn Moon Festival and the Fisherman's Festival, their histories, and celebrations.
To the north is the city of Weifang.
To the east is the sea of the Yellow River Estuary.
The History and Culture of Rizhao
Summary: This section provides an overview of the historical background of Rizhao, including significant events and figures throughout the city's history.
The ancient history of Rizhao, tracing its roots back to the Neolithic Age.
The city's development during the Qin and Han dynasties, including important contributions to maritime trade.
The local dialect and its influence on the city's culture and daily life.
• Wulian mountain is located in Wulian county of Rizhao
• The scenery is famous for it’s peculiar stones, green trees, spring streams and waterfalls.
• It is one of the important buddhist resort in China and it also has the largest carved Buddha statue in the north of China
• The Lighthouse scenic area is constitute by the lighthouse, Guanshi square and the Guanhai square.
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading
Unit 6 The Pace of Life After Reading Supplementary Reading
• Rizhao International Sailing Base was build in 2004 based on a natural lagoon.
• It had successfully hosted the competition of the 2005 International Europe Class and the 2006 470 Class Sailboat International Championships
灯塔风景区是日照的地标性景点,因岸边高高 耸立的航海灯塔而得名,日照灯塔伫立在海边, 为往来渔船指引方向已经多年。 来到日照,一定不能错过在夜色中欣赏这座被 灯光包围的灯塔,在灯光的映射下显得流光溢 彩、如影如幻。
景区内有海水浴、沙滩浴、海上冲浪、海上飞 伞、沙滩自行车等旅游娱乐项目。 园内的泻湖是江北最大的天然泻湖,湖面宽阔, 风缓浪稳,是举办海上娱乐、赛事的理想场所。
西施舌只有日照青岛这些城市才有,当年毛泽 东钦点的一道菜,属于名菜,和贵妃鸡,昭君 鸭,貂蝉豆腐并列为中国四大名菜。日照的西 施舌体态更大更肥,但是西施舌不易养活,所 以很多饭店并不多见这个菜,一些火爆的海鲜 老店,比如水芙蓉等可能偶尔会有这个菜。
日照盛产鲅鱼,且都是野生,所以日照的鲅鱼 水饺取材更加方便,也更加新鲜,做法更加原 始,基本上都是以新鲜的鲅鱼,新鲜的五花肉, 韭菜做成的。鲅鱼水饺的品质取决于鲅鱼的新 鲜度,越大的鲅鱼越好吃。
山东名山之一,景区内山清水秀,奇峰怪石和 名声古迹众多。你可以在这里赏奇峰怪石、远 眺黄海,也可去光明寺进香祈福、虔心许和水上运动条件,公 园建成了"亚洲第一、世界领先"的具备国际水 准的水上运动训练基地,是2008年北京奥运会 所有赛艇、划艇赛事的举办地。 公园占地面积很大,可骑自行车游览,夜间还 有大型海水音乐喷泉。
一个滨海城市,是山东半岛城市群、山东半岛蓝色 经济区的重要组成部分,素以“蓝天、碧海、金沙 滩”闻名于世。 近年来一直保持了一级大气、一类海水、饮用水合 格率100%的环境优势;境内百公里的海岸线上有 64公里的优质沙滩,被有关专家誉为“中国沿海仅 存未被污染的黄金海岸”,日照被誉为“水上运动之 都”与“东方太阳城”,并获得联合国人居奖。
It is a new rising port city famous for its blue sky, jade sea and golden beach.
Rizhao city was recognized by the United Nations as one of the most habitable cities in the world in 2009.
Now, I will introduce some interesting places to you. I’m sure you’ll like it.
The lighthouse scenic area
The lighthouse is the symbol building of Rizhao as a port city. The lighthouse is 36.2 meters tall and the light can range to 18 nautical miles.
Thank You !
The seed of the tree can trace back to ancient ice age , so it is called a "living fossil". The forestry experts identified it as "the first one ginkgo tree”.
I like the city because of the fresh air and comfortable environment. There's not so much pollution and pressure. I believe that if you come here once, you will never want to leave.
◑地理条件:日照地处海滨,境内地 貌类型多样,有平原、山丘、水域、 湿地、海洋等丰富多样的自然景观。 日照市属鲁东丘陵,总的地势 背山面海,中部高四周底,略向东 南倾斜,山地、丘陵、平原相间分 布。最高点为五莲县境内马耳山, 海拔706米;最低点为东港区东海 峪村,海拔1~1.5米。山地占总面 积的17.5%,丘陵占57.2%,平原 占25.3%。 ◑气候条件:暖温带 半湿润性季风气候
日照—— 万平口
夜晚,海边的灯塔常常点缀酣睡人们的 梦……
(3)在那么一座小山上有一颗天下第一银杏树 (4)有世界上最大的汉字摩崖石刻河山“日照 (3)被联合国称为最适合人类居住城市之一
(5)江北最大的绿茶基地、最大的毛竹生长带、最大的野生杜 鹃花生长带也在日照 (6)陵阳河遗址出土的原始陶文较甲骨文早了1000多年,堪称我 (7)西周时期伟大的军事家姜尚、南北朝著名文字评论家刘 国文字 始祖
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, 眺望太平洋,潮汐间,涌动着生生不息的期盼;航船上,承 载着港通五洲的夙愿。脚下惊涛拍岸卷起千层浪,头上晴空 万里海风拂面。微或独身一人,或呼朋唤友,光着脚丫, 踩 着细细的沙滩,迎着徐徐的海风,伴着飞燕,低笑浅吟,闭 上眼睛静静聆听着海浪的声音。皎洁的月光下,躺在松 软 的沙滩上,数着满天的星斗,寻找着属于自己的星座。
“The city is the first to get the sunshine”, hence the name of Rizhao. Rizhao is a new rising port city located at the ShangdongPeninsula along the coast of the Yellow Sea in the east, facing Yimeng Mountainous Area in the west, Qingdao and Weifang in the north and Liangyungang in the south. The city has a total area of 5310 square kilometers, coastline of 100 square kilometers. It has Donggang District, Ju County, WulianCounty, Lanshan District, Rizhao Economic and Technological Development Zone and Shanhaitian Tourism & Vacation Zone under its jurisdiction. There are 54 townships and 2981 villages in Rizhao with a total population of 2.8 million.Since the establishment of RizhaoMunicipality, especially in recent years, the CPC Rizhao Municipal Committee and Municiple Government have united the citizens of all ethnic groups, held highly the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the great thoughts of Three Represents and insisted on lead the overall situation by scientific outlook. With the aim of building a beautiful, rich, civilized and open new Rizhao, Rizhao leadership have fully utilized the advantages of port, geographic location and ecological environment, unswervingly implemented four strategies of “building city with port, strengthen city wit h industries, reviving city with science and education and building city and Ecocity” and spared no effort to promote the process of industrialization, urbanization, market orientation and internationalization. Therefore, the comprehensive economic power of Rizhao has enhanced remarkably, the urban and rural areas have a fresh outlook and people’s living standard has fairly improved. Now, Rizhao is standing at a new historic start point with brand new image featuring fast speed development of economy, harmonious and stable society and the improvement of living conditions for the people.Dear friends, welcome to visit Rizhao for touring and investment.日照,因“日初出光先照”而得名,以“港连陆桥”而显要,其地“山海雄观,鱼盐利饶,钟灵毓秀,代多伟人”,更有“蓝天、碧海、金沙滩”之美称,是一座新兴的沿海港口城市。
日照ClimateRizhao is praised as “the south in North China and the north in South China”. Located in the warm temperate zone, the city enjoys a continental climate with semi-humid monsoon. With four distinct seasons, it is neither cold in winter nor hot in summer. With warm and pleasant climate, the city has no typhoon record. The annual average temperature is 12.6℃ and that of winter and summer is 0.5℃ and 23.9℃ respectively. The annual average precipitation is 813 mm and the frost-free period is as long as 213 days HistoryRizhao is a young yet old city with many prehistoric cultural relics such as the Dawenkou Culture and the Longshan Culture. Liangcheng town of Rizhao was the earliest city in Asia between 3500B.C and 2000B.C. Rizhao belonged to Dongyi in the Xia (2070 B.C-1600 B.C) and Shang (1600 B.C-1046 B.C) Dynasty, Ju State and Yue State in the Spring and Autumn Period (770 B.C-476 B.C) and the Warring States Period (476 B.C-221 B.C) respectively and Langya Prefecture in the Qin Dynasty (221 B.C-206 B.C). Rizhao was named Haiqu County in the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C-25 A.D) and Xihai County in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 A.D-220 A.D). In the Tang Dynasty (618 A.D-907 A.D), together with Ju County, Rizhao belonged to Mizhou District of Henan Prefecture. In the second year (1087 A.D) of the Yuanyou Period of the Song Dynasty, Rizhao Township was established with the name meaning “the first to get the sunshine”. In the 24th year of the Dading Period of the Jin Dynasty, Rizhao County was established. In 1989, Rizhao became a prefecture-level city.Population and JurisdictionRizhao now has Donggang District, Lanshan District, Ju County, Wulian County, Rizhao Economic Development Area and Shanhaitian Tourism and V ocation Zone under its jurisdiction. Covering a land area of 5,310 square kilometers, Rizhao has a 168.5-kilometer-long coastline and a population of 2.8792 million.City BrandsEastern Bridgehead of the New Eurasian Continental BridgeUN Habitat Scroll of Honor100 Cities in China with Best Investment EnvironmentChina Top Tourist CityChina Human Habitat AwardInnovation Award of Scientific Development of CityTop Ten Green City of ChinaNational Sustainable Development Experimental ZoneNational Clean CityNational Model City for Environmental ProtectionNational Garden CityChina Model Green CityNational Financial Ecological CityCity of Water SportsWorld Clean Energy AwardPopulation and JurisdictionRizhao now has Donggang District, Lanshan District, Ju County, Wulian County, Rizhao Economic Development Area and Shanhaitian Tourism and V ocation Zone under its jurisdiction. Covering a land area of 5,310 square kilometers, Rizhao has a 168.5-kilometer-long coastline and a population of 2.8792 million.Ecological CityWith superior natural environment, Rizhao attaches great importance to ecological protection. Air quality in urban area is 100% up to the standard. The quality of potable water and sea water in offshore area keeps at national first class standard. The forestation rate of Rizhao is up to 36.2%, and the greening rate is up to 40.61% in the urban built-up area. Rizhao has been successively awarded the following honorable titles such as National Model City for Environmental Protection, National Clean City, National Garden City, China Fascinating City, 100 Cities in China with Best Investment Environment, National Model Green City, and National Pilot City for Circular Economy, National Ecological Demonstration Zone, winner of the China Human Habitat Award, the Top Ten Green City of China and the winner of the UN Habitat Scroll of Honor.。
Rizhao Green Tea (日照绿茶)
The output of tea is the biggest both in Shandong Province and north of River Huai in China. The unique climate and natural conditions of Rizhao produce green tea of high quality, which features a thick leaf, a strong aroma, durable soaking, and high nutritious value.
Liu Xie (刘勰)
In the history of China‘s famous literary theorist. (中国历史上著名的文学 理论家。) His ancestral home is in shandong rizhao city JuXian the dongguan town (他的祖籍是山东省日照 市莒县东莞镇)
Song Ping
Dr. Samuel Ding (丁肇中)
RiZhao is a seaside city and famous for its beautiful scenery. Now,I will introduce some interesting places to you.I’m sure you’ll like it.
It is close to Qingdao in the north neighbor, Lianyungang in the south and faces Japan and Korea across the sea.
This is WanPingkouSqua re. Everyone will see it if you come to RiZhao and watch the sea.
Wanpingkou Scenery
Wanpingkou means that ten thousand boats arrive at the port safely. The sand shore is 4 kilometers long, with wide beach, mild wave, and fine sand. It is a good place
Geographic Location
It is located at the southern end of Shangdong Peninsula along the middle part of China coastal line. It is close to Qingdao in the north neighbor, Lianyungang in the south and faces Japan and Korea across the sea.
Rizhao International Sailing Base completed in 2004 .It is a natural lagoon . It had successfully hosted
the competition of the 2005 International Europe Class, the
The name of Rizaho originates from an old saying“It is the first to get the sunshine”.
介绍日照英语作文(中英文实用版)Introducing the City of Rizhao: A Composition in English日照,位于中国山东省东部沿海的一颗璀璨明珠,是闻名遐迩的旅游胜地。
In the eastern coastal area of Shandong Province, China, lies a brilliant pearl named Rizhao, renowned for its captivating tourism.With its name meaning "the city of sunshine," Rizhao boasts a pleasant climate and abundant sunshine, attracting numerous visitors year-round.被誉为“阳光之城”,日照拥有宜人的气候和充足的阳光,四季吸引着众多游客。
The city is famous for its beautiful beaches, such as the金沙滩and 森林公园沙滩, where visitors can enjoy sunrise watching, beach volleyball, and various water sports.市区内著名的金沙滩和森林公园沙滩等海滩,游客可以观赏日出、沙滩排球以及各种水上运动。
In addition to its stunning coastline, Rizhao also boasts historical and cultural heritage sites, such as the ancient city of Liangcheng and the Mount Wufeng Scenic Area.除了令人叹为观止的海岸线,日照还拥有历史文化遗址,如莒国古城和五峰山风景区。
介绍日照英文作文Sunshine, beaches, and delicious seafood that's what comes to mind when I think of the city of Rizhao. The city is located in the eastern part of China and is known forits beautiful coastline and pleasant climate.Rizhao is famous for its long stretches of sandy beaches, which are perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports. The clear blue waters and gentle waves makeit a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. Whether you're looking to relax and soak up the sun or get active with some beach volleyball or surfing, Rizhao has something for everyone.In addition to its natural beauty, Rizhao is also known for its delicious seafood. The city's coastal location means that there is an abundance of fresh fish andshellfish available, and the local restaurants take full advantage of this. From steamed fish to grilled squid to seafood hotpot, there are plenty of mouthwatering optionsto choose from.One of the best times to visit Rizhao is during the annual Cherry Blossom Festival, which takes place in the spring. The city's parks and streets are filled with beautiful cherry blossoms, creating a stunning and romantic atmosphere. It's the perfect time to take a leisurelystroll and enjoy the natural beauty of the city.Rizhao is also home to a number of cultural and historical attractions, such as the Rizhao Museum and the Wanpingkou Scenic Area. These sites offer a glimpse into the city's rich history and culture, and are worth a visit for anyone interested in learning more about Rizhao.Overall, Rizhao is a vibrant and beautiful city with a lot to offer. Whether you're looking for a relaxing beach vacation, a culinary adventure, or a cultural experience, Rizhao has something for everyone. It's definitely worth a visit if you find yourself in the eastern part of China.。
介绍日照英语作文Jinan is a vibrant city located in the eastern province of Shandong China It is known for its rich history culture and natural beauty The city has a long and storied past dating back thousands of years and has played an important role in the development of Chinese civilization Jinan is often referred to as the Spring City due to its abundance of natural springs which have been an integral part of the citys identity for centuriesThe city is situated along the banks of the meandering Xiaoqing River which flows through the heart of Jinan The river is fed by numerous natural springs that bubble up from the ground creating a unique aquatic environment that has shaped the citys development over time Jinan is home to over 70 major springs many of which have been carefully cultivated and preserved as important cultural and natural sites throughout the cityOne of the most famous springs in Jinan is the Baotu Spring which is considered to be the highest spring in the city It is a popular tourist attraction and has been celebrated in Chinese poetry and art forcenturies The spring is surrounded by lush gardens and temples creating a serene and picturesque setting that attracts visitors from all over the world Another notable spring is the Black Tiger Spring which is known for its unique black colored water that is said to have medicinal propertiesIn addition to its natural springs Jinan is also renowned for its rich cultural heritage The city is home to a number of important historical sites and landmarks that reflect its long and storied past One of the most significant is the Daming Lake which has been an important part of the citys landscape for over 2000 years The lake is surrounded by beautiful gardens and temples and is a popular spot for boating and other recreational activitiesAnother important cultural site in Jinan is the Baotu Camp which was once the residence of the Qing Dynasty imperial family The camp is a beautifully preserved example of traditional Chinese architecture and is now a museum that showcases the citys rich history and cultural traditions Jinan is also home to a number of important temples and shrines including the Thousand Buddha Temple and the Baihelou Pavilion both of which are popular tourist destinationsBeyond its natural and cultural attractions Jinan is also known for its vibrant and bustling city life The city is home to a thriving commercial and business district with a wide range of shopsrestaurants and entertainment options The city also has a strong educational and research presence with several universities and research institutes located within its bordersOne of the most notable aspects of Jinan is its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection The city has made significant investments in renewable energy and has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote green living Jinan has also been recognized for its efforts to preserve its natural resources and protect its unique ecosystemOverall Jinan is a city that offers a rich and diverse experience for visitors From its natural springs and cultural heritage to its vibrant city life and commitment to sustainability Jinan has something to offer everyone who visits From its humble beginnings as a small agricultural community Jinan has grown into a thriving metropolis that continues to play an important role in the development of China。
关于介绍日照的英语作文Introduction to RizhaoRizhao is a coastal city located in Shandong Province, China. With a population of over 2.8 million people, Rizhao is known for its beautiful beaches, pleasant climate, and vibrant culture. In this article, we will introduce you to the charms of Rizhao and why it is a must-visit destination.BeachesRizhao is famous for its long stretches of sandy beaches, including the popular Wanpingkou Beach and Rizhao Golden Beach. The crystal-clear waters and soft sand make it an ideal spot for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. The beaches are also lined with shops, restaurants, and hotels, making it a convenient place to relax and enjoy the seaside.ClimateRizhao has a temperate climate, with warm summers and mild winters. The annual average temperature is around 13 degrees Celsius, making it a pleasant destination year-round. The city also experiences plenty of sunshine, with an average of 2500 hours of sunlight per year.CultureRizhao is rich in cultural heritage, with a history dating back over 2000 years. The city is home to several historic sites, such as the Sun Wu Culture Park and the Rizhao Museum, which showcase the region's fascinating past. Rizhao is also known for its vibrant arts scene, with many local artists and performers showcasing their talents in galleries and theatres around the city.AttractionsIn addition to its beaches and cultural sites, Rizhao is home to many other attractions. The Rizhao Water Park is a popular destination for families, with its thrilling water slides, lazy rivers, and wave pools. The Rizhao Botanical Garden is anothermust-visit spot, with its beautiful flowers, trees, and walking paths. Visitors can also explore the city's bustling markets, where they can sample local cuisine and shop for souvenirs.In conclusion, Rizhao is a hidden gem on China's coast, with its stunning beaches, pleasant climate, and rich culture. Whether you are looking for a relaxing beach getaway or an immersive cultural experience, Rizhao has something for everyone. So why not plan a trip to Rizhao and discover all that this charming city has to offer?。
介绍日照的作文英文版Title: Exploring the Charming City of Rizhao。
Nestled along the eastern coast of China, Rizhao is a captivating city that boasts a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern development. As one delves into its enchanting landscape and vibrant community, it becomes evident that Rizhao is not just a destination, but an experience that leaves a lasting impression.To begin with, Rizhao's coastline is a marvel in itself. Stretching for over 60 kilometers, the golden sandy beaches offer a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of urban life. The most renowned among them is the aptly named Sunshine Beach, where the warm rays of the sun illuminate the crystal-clear waters, creating a picturesque settingfor relaxation and recreation. Visitors can indulge in a variety of water sports, from surfing and sailing to simply strolling along the shore, basking in the tranquility ofthe surroundings.Beyond its pristine beaches, Rizhao is also steeped in history and culture. The city's rich maritime heritage is evident in its ancient fishing villages, where traditional customs and practices have been preserved for generations. One such village is Wulian, where visitors can wander through narrow alleyways lined with centuries-old buildings, sample freshly caught seafood at local eateries, and immerse themselves in the rhythm of daily life along the waterfront.In addition to its historical treasures, Rizhao is home to a thriving arts scene. The Rizhao Art Museum showcases a diverse collection of contemporary Chinese artwork,providing insight into the nation's cultural evolution. Meanwhile, the Rizhao Grand Theatre hosts regular performances ranging from classical ballet to modern theater, attracting audiences from near and far with its world-class productions.Furthermore, Rizhao's commitment to sustainable development has earned it recognition as one of China's"Green Cities." The city's lush parks and gardens not only provide residents with a tranquil escape from urban congestion but also serve as a testament to its dedication to environmental conservation. Among the highlights is Rizhao National Forest Park, a sprawling oasis of greenery where visitors can hike, picnic, and admire the diverse flora and fauna that call the area home.Of course, no visit to Rizhao would be complete without sampling its culinary delights. Seafood reigns supreme in this coastal city, with fresh catches served up in a myriad of delectable dishes. From succulent shrimp and crab to tender fish and shellfish, there's no shortage of options to tantalize the taste buds. For those craving something beyond the sea, Rizhao's bustling night markets offer a tantalizing array of street food, from savory pancakes and skewered meats to sweet pastries and exotic fruits.In conclusion, Rizhao is a destination that trulyoffers something for everyone. Whether you're seeking sun and surf, cultural immersion, artistic inspiration, or simply a taste of authentic Chinese cuisine, this charmingcity delivers an unforgettable experience that will leave you longing to return time and time again. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey to discover the hidden gems of Rizhao – you won't be disappointed.。
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壁上,于1992年载入吉尼斯世界大全,是迄 今为止汉字摩崖石刻的世界之最。“日”字 长 20 米,宽 17.5 米,“照”字长 25 米, 宽 25.5 米,是由我国著名书法家孙鑫先生 题写的。
The first one ginkgo tree
According to experts’s textual research, the tree is at least 3500 years history.It is 26.3 metres high now. The seed of the tree can trace back to ancient ice age,so it is called a "living fossil".The state forestry experts identified it as"the first one ginkgo tree”. Liu xie wrote WenXinDiaoLong which is thought as the first literature review here.
Seaside National Forest Park
Why I want to recommend you this city?
It is not my hometown,but I lived there for two years when I was an undergraduate. When I feel bad, I'll go to the seaside to relax myself. It felt real good.I like the city because of fresh air comfortable environment and the beautiful sunrise .I believe that if you come here once, you will want to spend the rest of your life here.There's not so much pollution,so much noise and so much pressure,. You can live your life to its fullest. What makes you still hesitating ?
Professor garden
Four bathing beaches
◆The first one had been abandoned for a long time. ◆The second one is called “Wanpingkou”. ◆The third one is called “Shanhaitian”. ◆The fourth one is Seaside National Forest Park
Today,I will show you something about a beautiful city—RiZhao .
RiZhao is a seaside city and famous for its beautiful scenery. Now,I will introduce some interesting places to you.I’m sure you’ll like it.
Go tቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱere by speed boat
pick up shellfish
日 照 巨 书
The giant book of the word “RiZhao” ,situated in the cliff of HeShan, it is written down to the Guinness Word Records in 1992 , it is the biggest Chinese characters in the world. The word “Ri" is 20 meters length, 17.5 meters wide and the word “Zhao” is 25 meters length, 25.5 meters wide, it is written by Mr. Sun Xin.
在太阳广场南侧,有一组由弧形钢结构围合而成的景观灯带,称之为“时光 隧道”。它可以通过灯光色彩的流动让人们感受到时空的变幻。全长102米。
The Beach Night
A favorite place to lovers
The hometown of JiangTaigong ——TaiGongDao
Now,I will show you another pictures about RiZhao
Jiuxianshan Mountain
Peach blossom island landscape garden
Yellow sea jiuzhaigou
Seaside National Forest Park
Sand art and play
Rizhao International Sailing Base
The panorama sailing base.
Rizhao International Sailing Base completed in 2004 .It is a natural lagoon . It had successfully hosted the competition of the 2005 International Europe Class, the 2006 470 Class Sailboat International Championships, and it is the training base of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games water sports.
Maybe you have never been to Rizhao for a trip, so it is hard to imagine that its air quality is so good that many major national university professors choose to live here. According to News reports,more than 300 professors at Beijing university had bought houses in Professor garden before 2006.The number is increasing for the past few years.
The Sun Plaza
The Sun Plaza is the landscape highlights the importance of water transport base.The Square is composed of three parts:land,water stage, large-scale['lɑ:dʒ'skeil] music laser['leizə] fountain. 太阳广场是水运基地的重要景观亮点,由陆上 部分、水上舞台、大型音乐激光喷泉三部分构 成。
Travel Tips
Don’t forget your suncream,because the sunshine here is stronger than you think. If you want to see the sunrise by the sea, please take enough clothes. If you want to see the music fountain on the sea,you had better go there in July and August.
Music fountain on the sea
The Time Tunnel
The TimeTunnel In the south of the Sun Plaza there is a group formed by the arc of the landscape lights steel enclosure zone, known as the "time tunnel." It can flow through the light colors make people feel the changes of time and space. The length is 102 meters.
Sea sunrise
Blue sky
Green sea
Golden beach
oriental hawaii
Rizhao city was recognized by the United States as one of the most habitable cities in the world in 2009.
TaiGongdao and the third sea beach face each other across the sea. In ordinary times it is a half hidden island under the sea except an escape tower and an island top which is out of the sea. After the ebb, the whole island appear. People can pick up shellfish and try sea fishing on the island.