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环境指标 Environmental indicators
绩效指标Performance indicators
可持续发展指标Sustainable development indicators 城市化指标Urbanization indicators
苯指标Benzene indicators
生物多样性指标Biodiversity indicators
一氧化碳指标Carbon monoxide indicators
化学污染指标Chemical spill indicators
污染物指标Contaminants indicators
污染场所指标Contaminated sites indicators
污染指标Contamination indicators
排放指标Emissions indicators
濒危物种指标Endangered species indicators
能源利用指标Energy use indicators
环境管理指标Environmental management indicators 环境质量指标Environmental quality indicators
外来物种指标Exotic species indicators
鱼类指标Fish stock indicators
渔业影响指标Fishing impact indicators
地面臭氧指标Ground level ozone indicators
有害物质指标Hazardous substance indicators
危险废物指标Hazardous waste indicators
土地侵蚀指标Land erosion indicators
土地利用指标Land use indicators
土地覆盖Lichen coverage
液体废物指标Liquid waste indicators
海洋生态环境指标Marine habitat indicators
微生物水质指标Microbial water quality indicators 二氧化氮指标Nitrogen dioxide indicators
可吸入颗粒物指标Particulate matter indicators
保护区指标Protected areas indicators
沉降指标Sedimentation indicators
固体废物指标Solid waste indicators
二氧化硫指标Sulfur dioxide indicators
可见性指标Visibility indicators
废水排放指标Wastewater discharge indicators …………
环境影响评估Environmental impact assessment
环境监测Environmental monitoring
环境政策Environmental policies
环境质量Environmental quality
环境法规Environmental Law
环境管理Environmental Management
可持续发展Sustainable Developmeny
贫困分析Poverty Analysis
环境指标(语义结构)Environmental indicators (Semantic structur BT1:指标BT1: Indicators
BT1:绩效指标BT1: Performance indicators
BT1:可持续发展指标BT1: Sustainable development indicators
BT2:可持续发展 BT2: Sustainable development
BT3:发展 BT3: Development
BT1:城市化指标BT1: Urbanization indicators
BT2:指标 BT2: Indicators
环境指标Environmental indicators
NT1:苯指标NT1: Benzene indicators
NT1:生物多样性指标NT1: Biodiversity indicators
NT2:生态系统指标 NT2: Ecosystem indicators
NT2:外来物种指标 NT2: Exotic species indicators
NT2:灭绝物种指标 NT2: Extinct species indicators
NT2:绿色区域指数 NT2: Green Fragment Index
NT2:栖息地破碎指标 NT2: Habitat fragmentation indicators
NT2:土地覆盖率指标 NT2: Land cover indicators
NT2:土地利用指标 NT2: Land use indicators
NT3:耕地面积 NT3: Arable land area
NT3:耕地利用 NT3: Cropland use
NT3:牧场使用 NT3: Pastureland use
NT3:农村人口密度 NT3: Rural population density
NT1:一氧化碳指标NT1: Carbon monoxide indicators
NT1:化学品泄漏污染指标NT1: Chemical spill indicators
NT1:污染物指标NT1: Contaminants indicators
NT1:脱去污染网站指标NT1: Contaminated sites indicators
NT1:污染指标NT1: Contamination indicators
NT1:排放指标NT1: Emissions indicators
NT1:濒危物种指标NT1: Endangered species indicators
NT1:能源利用指标NT1: Energy use indicators
NT2:商业能源生产 NT2: Commercial energy production
NT2:商业能源使用 NT2: Commercial energy use
NT3:煤 NT3: Coal
NT4:活性炭 NT4: Activated carbon
NT4:无烟煤 NT4: Anthracite
NT4:无烟煤 NT4: Anthracite coal
NT4:Bitminous煤 NT4: Bitminous coal
NT4:烟煤 NT4: Bituminous coal
NT4:褐煤 NT4: Brown coal
NT4:清洁煤 NT4: Clean coal
NT4:煤炭工业与贸易 NT4: Coal industry & trade
NT4:焦炭 NT4: Coke
NT4:褐煤 NT4: Lignite
NT4:蒸汽煤 NT4: Steam coal
NT4:动力煤 NT4: Thermal coal
NT3:电 NT3: Electricity
NT4:大气电 NT4: Atmospheric electricity
NT4:电流 NT4: Electric currents
NT4:电场 NT4: Electric fields
NT4:电势 NT4: Electric potential
NT4:电容量 NT4: Electrical capacity
NT4中:发电 NT4: Electrical energy
NT5:水力发电 NT5: Hydroelectric power
NT6:水力发电站 NT6: Hydroelectric power stations NT6:微型水力发电 NT6: Micro hydroelectric power
NT6:潮汐能 NT6: Tidal energy
NT6:波浪能 NT6: Wave energy
NT5:电厂 NT5: Power plants
NT6:燃煤电厂 NT6: Coal fired power plants
NT6:柴油发电厂 NT6: Diesel power plants
NT6:电力设备 NT6: Electric power plants
NT7:电力电厂燃料 NT7: Electric power plant fuel NT8:发电厂燃料消耗 NT8: Electric power plants fuel NT7:电力厂区 NT7: Electric power plant sites NT7:电力设备融资 NT7: Electric power plants finan NT7:水力发电厂 NT7: Hydroelectric power plants NT7:热电站 NT7: Thermal power plants
NT8:地热发电厂 NT8: Geothermal power plants NT8:海洋温差发电厂 NT8: Ocean thermal power plant NT6:燃气发电厂 NT6: Gas fired power plants
NT6:地热发电厂 NT6: Geothermal power plants
NT6:水力发电厂 NT6: Hydroelectric power plants
NT6:核电厂 NT6: Nuclear power plants
NT7:退役核电厂 NT7: Decommissioning of nuclear NT7:核电厂建设成本 NT7: Nuclear power plant constru NT7:核电厂区 NT7: Nuclear power plant sites NT6:油发电厂 NT6: Oil fired power plants
NT6:电源变电站 NT6: Power substations
NT6:太阳能发电厂 NT6: Solar power plants
NT7:卫星太阳能发电厂 NT7: Satellite solar power plant NT6:热电站 NT6: Thermal power plants
NT7:地热发电厂 NT7: Geothermal power plants
NT7:海洋温差发电厂 NT7: Ocean thermal power plants NT6:地下发电厂 NT6: Underground power plants
NT4:电性能 NT4: Electrical properties
NT5:电导率 NT5: Conductivity
NT5:介电性能 NT5: Dielectric properties
NT5:电流 NT5: Electric current
NT5:电力 NT5: Electric power
NT6:电力保护 NT6: Electric power conservation NT6:电力消耗 NT6: Electric power consumption NT6:电力分配 NT6: Electric power distribution NT7:电力分销成本 NT7: Electric power distribution NT7:电力变电站 NT7: Electric power substations NT7:电力传输 NT7: Electric power transmission NT7:电力传输线 NT7: Electric power transmission NT6:燃料电池 NT6: Fuel cells
NT6:水力发电 NT6: Hydroelectric power
NT7:水力发电站 NT7: Hydroelectric power station NT7:微型水力发电 NT7: Micro hydroelectric power NT7:潮汐能 NT7: Tidal energy
NT7:波浪能 NT7: Wave energy
NT6:热电系统 NT6: Hydrothermal electric power s NT4:太阳能 NT4: Solar energy
NT5:光化学能量 NT5: Photochemical energy
NT5:光伏能源 NT5: Photovoltaic energy
NT5:太阳能电池 NT5: Solar cells
NT5:太阳能设备 NT5: Solar energy equipment
NT6:太阳能电池板 NT6: Solar panels
NT5:太阳能加热 NT5: Solar heating
NT6:被动式太阳能采暖 NT6: Passive solar heating
NT5:太阳能光伏发电 NT5: Solar photovoltaic energy
NT4:电力来源 NT4: Sources of electricity
NT4:可持续电力 NT4: Sustainable electrical power
NT4:热电 NT4: Thermoelectricity
NT4:风电 NT4: Windpower
NT5:风力发电 NT5: Wind generated electricity NT3:气体 NT3: Gas
NT4:天然气 NT4: Natural gas
NT5:压缩天然气 NT5: Compressed natural gas
NT5:液化天然气 NT5: Liquefied natural gas
NT2:电力生产 NT2: Electricity production
NT2:能源进口 NT2: Energy imports
NT2:传统燃料使用 NT2: Traditional fuel use
NT1:环境管理指标NT1: Environmental management indicators NT1:环境质量指标NT1: Environmental quality indicators NT1:外来物种指标NT1: Exotic species indicators
NT1:鱼存量指标NT1: Fish stock indicators
NT1:渔业影响指标NT1: Fishing impact indicators
NT1:地面臭氧指标NT1: Ground level ozone indicators
NT1:危险物质指标NT1: Hazardous substance indicators
NT1:危险废物指标NT1: Hazardous waste indicators
NT1:土地侵蚀指标NT1: Land erosion indicators
NT1:土地利用指标NT1: Land use indicators
NT2:耕地面积 NT2: Arable land area
NT2:耕地利用 NT2: Cropland use
NT2:草牧场使用 NT2: Pastureland use
NT2:农村人口密度 NT2: Rural population density
NT1:液体废物指标NT1: Liquid waste indicators
NT1:海洋生态环境指标NT1: Marine habitat indicators
NT1:微生物水质指标NT1: Microbial water quality indicators NT1:二氧化氮指标NT1: Nitrogen dioxide indicators
NT1:颗粒物指标NT1: Particulate matter indicators
NT1:保护区指标NT1: Protected areas indicators
NT1:沉淀指标NT1: Sedimentation indicators
NT1:固体废物指标NT1: Solid waste indicators
NT1:二氧化硫指标NT1: Sulfur dioxide indicators
NT1:能见度指标NT1: Visibility indicators
NT1:废水排放指标NT1: Wastewater discharge indicators …………。
