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天然气勘探与开发·36·2018年 3 月出版
Liu Yimou, Yin Xingyao, Zhang Sanyuan, Wu Guochen & Tao Xiayan. Recent advances in wide-azimuth seismic explora-tion[J]. Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 2014, 49(3): 596-610. [ 3 ]田梦, 张梅生, 万传彪, 李占林, 王世清, 刘冰. 宽方位角地震勘探与常规地震勘探对比研究[J]. 大庆石油地质与开发, 2007, 26(6): 138-142.
Tian Meng, Zhang Meisheng, Wan Chuanbiao, Li Zhanlin, Wang Shiqing & Liu Bing. Contrast research between wide azimuth seismic prospecting and conventional seismic prospec-tion[J]. Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing, 2007, 26(6): 138-142.
[ 4 ]石双虎, 魏铁, 张翊孟, 汪长辉, 郭振兴. 页岩气地震勘探资料采集方案[J]. 非常规油气, 2016, 3(1): 1-6.
Shi Shuanghu, Wei Tie, Zhang Yimeng, Wang Changhui & Guo Zhenxing. On Seismic acquisition proposal for shale gas explo-ration and development[J]. Unconventional Oil & Gas, 2016, 3(1): 1-6.
[ 5 ]李庆忠, 威继东. 高密度地震采集中组合效应对高频截止频率的影响[J]. 石油地球物理勘探, 2007, 42(4): 363-369
Li Qingzhong & Wei Jidong. Influence of array effect on cutoff frequency of high frequency in high-density seismic acquisi-tion[J]. Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 2007, 42(4): 363-369. [ 6 ]翟桐立, 张洪军, 祝文亮, 曹民强, 卢刚臣, 王仁康, 等. 全方位高密度单点接收地震采集技术[J]. 石油学报, 2016, 37(增刊2): 56-63.
Zhai Tongli, Zhang Hongjun, Zhu Wenliang, Cao Minqiang, Lu Gangchen, Wang Renkang, et al. Full-azimuth high-density sin-gle-point receiving technology for seismic acquisition[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2016, 37(S2): 56-63.
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Wang Bingzhang, Wang Dan & Chen Wei. Trends and devel-opment level of petroleum seismic exploration technology[J].
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Liu Zhenwu, Sa Liming, Dong Shitai & Tang Donglei. Practices and expectation of high-density seismic exploration technology in CNPC[J]. Petroleum Exploration & Development, 2009, 36(2): 129-135.
[11] 梁向豪, 孔德政, 黄有晖, 刘新文, 周旭. 复杂构造三维地震
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Liang Xianghao, Kong Dezheng, Huang Youhui, Liu Xinwen & Zhou Xu. Selection of observed Width and receiving line in-terval for complex structures during 3D seismic exploration[J].
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[12]张新东, 吕景峰, 蔡明, 万军, 陈学强. 一种适用于复杂地貌
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Zhang Xindong, Lv Jingfeng, Cai Ming, Wan Jun & Chen Xueqiang. A method to investigate the surface conditions in complex mountain front[J]. Natural Gas Exploration and Devel-opment, 2015, 38(2): 35-37.
(修改回稿日期 2017-10-10 编 辑 陈 玲)

该井井尺1167 m,在Hoot组钻遇5 m净厚的常规天然气层。


(肖舒月 摘自)。
