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Figure 7-7
1. Increased capillary blood pressure
↑Capillary blood pressure
•Elevated plasma volume •Increased venous pressure
↑Force driving fluid into interstitium
3. Obstruction of lymphtic
Causes: •Blockage by cancer •Blockage by infection, especially with filarial
4. Increased capillary permeability
↑Capillary permeability
G-T imbalance
Retention of sodium and water
•↓GFR •↑Reabsorption of proximal tubule •↑Reabsorption of distal tubule and collection tubule
1. Decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
•GFR (glomerular filtration rate) decreases, while tubular reabsorption does not decrease accordingly; •Tubular reabsorption increases, while GRF does not increased.
Etiology and pathogenesis
• Imbalance of fluid exchange between plasma and interstitial compartment
• Imbalance of fluid exchange between extra- and intra-body
When greater than lymphatic
compensatory return
• Excessive loss of protein i.e. nephrosis
• Elevated catabolism of protein i.e. chronic debilitating diseases, such as malignant tumor
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) FF =
renal plasma flow (RPF)
GFR: amount of plasma filtered at glomerulus into Bowman’s capsule FF is the fraction of renal plasma flow that is filtered at the glomerulus In normal condition: FF: 20%
The peritubular capillary oncotic pressure increases
Enhancing fluid reabsorption from the renal interstitial space to the capillary
Decreases renal interstitial pressure
• Extensive glomerular damage
– Acute or chronic glomerulonephritis
• Decrease of effective circulating blood volume
– Congestive heart failure, nephrotic syndrome
------ Renal retention of sodium and water
Glomerular( filtration) and tubular (reabsorption) balance
(G-T balance)
• In normal condition, 9999.5% of total volume of sodium and water filtrated via glomeruli are reabsorbed by tubules.
Factors determining the GFR:
• Filtration area and membrane permeability
• Filtration pressure
• Effective circulating blood volume or renal blood volume
↑Filtration of more protein from capillary to interstitium
↓Plasma colloid osmotic pressure
↑formation of interstitial fluid
When greater than lymphatic
compensatory return
Causes of FF increasing
Congestive heart failure Nephrotic syndrome
Decreased effective circulatory blood volume
Sympathetic-adrenal medullary system exciting
•Arteriolar dilation i.e. acute imflammation
2. Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure
↓ Plasma colloid osmotic pressure
↓Force drawing water back into capillary from
favoring reabsorption across the tubular epithelium and minimizing back flux from the renal interstitial
space to the tubule lumen.
↑Reabsorption in proximal tubule
-Increased reabsorption in distal tubule and collecting duct
Congestive heart failure
Nephrotic syndrome
↓Stimulation of volumereceptor in left atrium and
Efferent arteriole constricts stronger than afferent one
↑Efferent arteriole resistance
GFR is increased relative to renal plasma flow
Increased ADH (antidiuretic hormone) and ADS (aldosterone) secretion
Increased FF make elevated reabsorption of proximal tubule
Increased FF
The protein concentration in the plasma entering the peritubular capillaries increases
• The excessive accumulation of intestitial fluid
• A pathologic process caused by diseases
• Not accompanied with cellular edema
•Plasma albumin content decrease
• Decrease of protein production i.e. hepatic cirrhosis, malnutrition
↑Formation of interstitial fluid
↑Formation of interstitial fluid
When greater than lymphatic
compensatory return
• General venous pressure, i.e. congestive heart failure
• Local venous pressure, i.e. venous thrombosis
Causes: • Inflammation
• Infection • Burn • Allergic response • Trauma • Anoxia • Acidosis
Imbalance of fluid exchange between extraand intra-body
• According to the range that edema fluid spreads to:
– Generalized edema – Localized edema
• According to the cause of edema:
– Renal edema – Hepatic edema – Cardiac edema – Malnutritional edema – lymphedema
Zhou Yun
The Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Ningbo University
Emergency rtment
• Definition • Classification • Etiology and pathogenesis • Differential diagnosis
thoracic vessel
↓Effective circulatory blood volume
Sympathetic nerve excitation
↑ADH secretion
Retention of sodium and water
Renin-angiotensinaldosterone system
Imbalance of fluid exchange between plasma and interstitial compartment
Total Pressure Differences Inside and Outside Capillary
↑ ↓
• 60-70% of filtrates are actively reabsorbed by proximal convoluted tubule.
• The reabsorptions of sodium and water at distal tubule and collection duct are regulated by hormone.
Renin- angiotensin system
Sympathetic - adrenal medullary system
↓Renal blood volume
2. Increased filtration fraction (FF) - Increased reabsorption in proximal tubule
• Generalized edema:
– Puffiness of the face – Indentation of the skin “pitting edema” – Ascites & Hydrothorax
• Localized edeme
Pitting edema