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metastatic lymph nodes of breast cancer was not related to clinical stageꎬ tumor diameterꎬ expression of estrogen receptorꎬ
36. 17% (17 / 47) and 6. 67% (1 / 15) ꎬrespectively. The positive expression rate of ALDH1 in metastatic lymph nodes was
significantly higher than that in the non ̄metastatic lymph nodes ( χ2 = 4. 804ꎬ P < 0. 05 ) . The expression of ALDH1 in
Expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 in metastatic lymph node of breast cancer and its clinical
YANG Li ̄qingꎬLIU Wei
( Department of Breastꎬ Guangzhou Red Cross Hospitalꎬ Medical Collegeꎬ Jinan Universityꎬ Guangzhou 510220ꎬ Guangdong
Abstract: Objective To study the expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 ( ALDH1) in metastatic lymph nodes of
breast cancer and its clinical significance. Methods The clinical data of breast cancer patients who underwent operation in
表达阴性患者 5 a 生存率比较差异无统计学意义( χ2 = 0. 576ꎬP > 0. 05) ꎮ 结论 乳腺癌转移淋巴结中 ALDH1 表达与
原发灶肿瘤分级、淋巴结转移数相关ꎬ但转移淋巴结中 ALDH1 表达与患者预后无关ꎮ
关键词: 乳腺癌ꎻ淋巴结转移ꎻ乙醛脱氢酶 1
中图分类号: R737. 9 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 ̄7239(2019)10 ̄0945 ̄04
relationship between the expression of ALDH1 and clinic pathological parametersꎬ prognosis of breast cancer patients was
analyzed. Results The positive expression rate of ALDH 1 in metastatic and non ̄metastatic lymph nodes of breast cancer was
表达与患者肿瘤临床分期、肿瘤直径、雌激素受体、孕激素受体、人类表皮生长因子受体 2、Ki ̄67 表达及原发灶分子分
型无关( P > 0. 05) ꎬ与肿瘤分级及淋巴结转移数有关( P < 0. 05) ꎮ 乳腺癌转移淋巴结 ALDH1 表达阳性患者和 ALDH1
表达阴性患者 5 a 生存率分别为 82. 4% (14 / 17) 、90. 0% (27 / 30) ꎬ乳腺癌转移淋巴结 ALDH1 表达阳性患者与 ALDH1
第 36 卷 第 10 期
Vol. 36 No. 10
2019 年 10 月
Journal of Xinxiang Medical University
Oct. 2019
乙醛脱氢酶 1 在乳腺癌转移淋巴结中的表达及其临床意义
杨丽青ꎬ 刘 威
( 广州市红十字会医院ꎬ暨南大学医学院附属广州红十字会医院乳腺科ꎬ广东 广州 510220)
摘要: 目的 探讨乙醛脱氢酶 1( ALDH1) 在乳腺癌转移淋巴结中的表达及其临床意义ꎮ 方法 收集 2012 年 2
月至 2014 年 1 月在广州市红十字会医院行乳腺癌手术患者的临床资料ꎬ采用免疫组织化学染色法检测乳腺癌转移淋
巴结( n = 47) 和未转移淋巴结( n = 15) 中 ALDH1 的表达ꎬ分析转移淋巴结中 ALDH1 表达与乳腺癌患者临床病理特征
及预后的关系ꎮ 结果 乳腺癌转移淋巴结和未转移淋巴结中 ALDH1 阳性表达率分别为 36. 17% (17 / 47) 、6. 67% (1 /
15) ꎬ转移淋巴结中 ALDH1 阳性表达率显著高于未转移淋巴结 ( χ2 = 4. 804ꎬP < 0. 05) ꎮ 乳腺癌转移淋巴结中 ALDH1
Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital from February 2012 to January 2014 were collected. The expression of ALDH1 in 47 cases of
metastatic lymph nodes and 15 cases of non ̄metastatic lymph nodes was detected by immunehistochemical staining method. The
2019ꎬ36(10) :945 ̄948. DOI:10. 7683 / xxyxyxb. 2019. 10. 010.
本文引用:杨丽青ꎬ刘威. 乙醛脱氢酶 1 在乳腺癌转移淋巴结中的表达及其临床意义[ J] . 新乡医学院学报ꎬ
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