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1. When starting a debate, which of the following is the best way to introduce your main point?
A. By presenting a long and complicated statement.
B. By starting with a question to engage the audience.
C. By directly stating your conclusion.
D. By sharing a personal story.
解析:选项 A 过长且复杂的陈述可能会让观众感到困惑。
选项 C 直接陈述结论可能无法引起观众兴趣。
选项 D 分享个人故事可能偏离主题。
而选项B 以提问来吸引观众,能更好地引起他们的兴趣和参与。
2. In the opening of a debate, what should you avoid?
A. Making a clear statement of your position.
B. Using complex language that is hard to understand.
C. Greeting the audience politely.
D. Referencing some famous quotes.
解析:选项 A 清晰表明立场是必要的。
选项C 礼貌地问候观众是恰当的。
选项D 引用名言有时能增强说服力。
选项B 使用难以理解的复杂语言会阻碍信息传达。
3. What is a good way to start a debate if the topic is controversial?
A. By expressing your strong emotions.
B. By presenting objective facts and data.
C. By criticizing the opposing view immediately.
D. By joking to lighten the mood.
解析:选项 A 表达强烈情绪可能显得不够理性。
选项C 立即批评对方观点容易引起反感。
选项D 开玩笑可能不太适合严肃的争议话题。
选项B 呈现客观事实和数据能为后续辩论提供坚实基础。
4. At the beginning of a debate, which of the following can help build rapport with the audience?
A. Ignoring their possible opinions.
B. Addressing their concerns and expectations.
C. Focusing only on your own arguments.
D. Using technical jargon extensively.
解析:选项 A 忽略观众意见会让观众感到不被重视。
选项 C 只关注自己的论点难以与观众建立联系。
选项 D 大量使用技术术语会使观众难以理解。
选项B 关注观众的担忧和期望能建立良好的关系。
5. When opening a debate, it's important to:
A. Repeat the topic several times.
B. Present your weakest point first.
C. Provide a brief overview of your main arguments.
D. Wait for the opponent to speak first.
解析:选项 A 多次重复主题会显得啰嗦。
选项B 先
选项D 等待对手先发言可能会失去主动权。
选项 C 提供主要论点的简要概述能让观众清楚你的思路。
6. When your opponent claims that "All students should wear uniforms to school", a good counterargument could be:
A. But uniforms limit students' self-expression.
B. However, not all schools have the same rules.
C. So, uniforms are too expensive for some families.
D. And many students don't like the style of uniforms.
A 选项直接针对对手观点指出校服限制学生自我表达,是有力的反驳;B 选项说学校规则不同,与对手观点关联不大;C 选项说校服对某些家庭昂贵,并非直接反驳应否穿校服;D 选项说学生不喜欢校服样式,不如A 选项直接反驳论点有力。
7. Your opponent says, "Playing video games is harmful to students' studies." A possible counter is:
A. But some educational games can improve learning skills.
B. However, students need relaxation after study.
C. So, not all students are addicted to video games.
D. And many successful people played video games when they were young.
A 选项指出有些教育类游戏能提升学习技能,直接反驳了玩游戏有害学习的观点;B 选项说学生需要
放松,没有针对玩游戏是否有害学习进行反驳;C 选项说不是所有学生沉迷游戏,没有触及玩游戏对学习的影响;D 选项说很多成功人士年轻时玩游戏,与玩游戏对学生学习的影响无关。
8. If your opponent argues that "Extracurricular activities waste students' time", you can counter by saying:
A. But they help students develop diverse skills.
B. However, not all extracurricular activities are time-consuming.
C. So, students can balance study and activities.
D. And some activities are required for college applications.
A 选项表明课外活动有助于学生发展多种技能,有力地反驳了浪费时间的观点;B 选项说不是所有课外活动都耗时,没有突出其积极作用;C 选项说学生能平衡学习和活动,没有直接反驳浪费时间;D 选项说有些活动对大学申请有要求,不是针对浪费时间的反驳。
9. When your opponent insists that "Social media has a negative impact on teenagers", a proper counter could be:
A. But it helps teenagers keep in touch with friends.
B. However, teenagers can control their usage.
C. So, many useful information can be found on social media.
D. And some teenagers use it for educational purposes.
A 选项指出社交媒体能帮助青少年与朋友保持联系,直接反驳了有负面影响的观点;B 选项说青少年
能控制使用,没有强调其积极作用;C 选项说能找到很多有用信息,不如 A 选项直接反驳负面影响;D 选项说有些青少年用于教育目的,没有 A 选项直接有力。
10. Your opponent claims, "Studying abroad is too expensive and not worth it." A possible counterargument is:
A. But the experience and exposure are invaluable.
B. However, there are scholarships available.
C. So, it enhances job prospects in the future.
D. And many students have successful stories after studying abroad.
A 选项表明留学的经历和见识是无价的,有力反驳了太贵不值得的观点;B 选项说有奖学金,没有突出留学本身的价值;C 选项说能提升未来就业前景,不如 A 选项直接反驳不值得;D 选项说很多学生留学后有成功故事,没有直接针对太贵不值得进行反驳。
11. When debating, which of the following questions is more likely to lead the opponent to clarify their position?
A. Do you agree?
B. Can you explain your point further?
C. What do you think?
D. Isn't that right?
A 选项“ Do you agree?”只是简单询问对方是否同意,不能引导对方详细阐述立场。
C 选项“What do you
D 选项“Isn't that right?”是一种反问,带有一定的倾向性,也不利于对方详细说明立场。
B 选项“Can you explain your point further?”明确要求对方进一步解释观点,更能引导对方澄清立场。
12. In a debate, which question can help you expose the weaknesses of the opponent's argument?
A. How did you come to that conclusion?
B. Can you give some examples?
C. Do you have any evidence?
D. What's your source of information?
B 选项“Can you give some examples?”主要是让对方举例来支持观点,不一定能直接暴露弱点。
C 选项“Do you have any evidence?”重点在证据,不一定能直接指出论点的弱点。
D 选项“What's your source of information?”关注的是信息来源,对于暴露论点弱点的直接作用较小。
A 选项“How did you come to that conclusion?”询问对方得出结论的过程,更有可能暴露其论证过程中的漏洞和弱点。
13. Which question is best to challenge the opponent's assumption?
A. Why do you think that's a valid assumption?
B. Is your assumption based on facts?
C. How reliable is your assumption?
D. What if your assumption is wrong?
B 选项“Is your assumption based on facts?”只是询问假设是否基于事实,不够直接挑战。
C 选项“How reliable is your assumption?”侧重于可靠性的询问,挑战力度相对较弱。
D 选项“What if your assumption is wrong?”假设假设错误的情况,不够直接针对假设本身的有效性。
A 选项“Why do you think that's a valid assumption?”直接询问对方认为假设有效的原因,更能有力地挑战对方的假设。
14. If you want to force the opponent to defend their position, which question should you ask?
A. How can you justify your stance?
B. Do others agree with you?
C. Isn't there a better option?
D. Have you considered the opposite view?
B 选项“Do others agree with you?”关注他人是否同意,而非直接让对方捍卫立场。
C 选项“Isn't there a better option?”提出是否有更好的选择,重点不在迫使对方捍卫现有立场。
D 选项“Have you considered the opposite view?”询问是否考虑过相反观点,并非直接要求对方捍卫立场。
A 选项“How can you justify your stance?”直接要求对方为自己的立场进行辩护。
15. Which of the following questions can help you get more detailed information from the opponent?
A. Could you elaborate?
B. Are you sure?
C. Do you really mean that?
D. Why or why not?
B 选项“Are you sure?”是询问对方是否确定,不能获取详细信息。
C 选项“Do you really mean that?”询问对方是否真的是那个意思,也难以获取详细内容。
D 选项“Why or why not?”主要是询问原因,不一定能获取全面详细的信息。
A 选项“Could you elaborate?”意思是“你能详细说明吗”,能够直接帮助获取更详细的信息。
16. In a debate, if your opponent's argument relies on a false premise, you should:
A. Ignore it and move on
B. Point it out immediately
C. Agree with them to avoid conflict
D. Change the topic
选项 A 忽视并继续是不正确的,会让对方的错误未被指出。
选项C 同意对方以避免冲突不符合辩论的原则,不能对错误妥协。
选项D 改变话题是逃避问题的做法。
而选项B 立即指出对方基于错误前提的论点,能够保持辩论的准确性和逻辑性。
17. When your opponent presents a strong counter-argument, you
A. Repeat your original point loudly
B. Listen carefully and try to find flaws
C. Start attacking their personality
D. Give up your own argument
在辩论中遇到对手强有力的反驳时,选项A 大声重复自己的原观点并不能有效应对。
选项C 攻击对方的人格是不道德且不符合辩论规则的。
选项 D 放弃自己的论点过于消极。
选项 B 仔细倾听并试图找出漏洞,是理性和有效的应对策略。
18. If you want to strengthen your argument in a debate, which of the following is the best way?
A. Provide more examples
B. Shout loudly
C. Use complex words
D. Insult your opponent
为了在辩论中强化自己的论点,选项B 大声喊叫不能增强论点的说服力。
选项 C 使用复杂的词汇可能会使表达更晦涩,而非增强说服力。
选项D 侮辱对手是错误且不道德的行为。
A 提供更多的例子能够有力地支持和强化论点。
19. During a debate, when you find that your logic has a loophole, you should:
A. Pretend not to notice
B. Blame your opponent for pointing it out
C. Admit it and try to fix it
D. Deny it strongly
在辩论中发现自己逻辑有漏洞时,选项A 假装没注意是逃避问题。
选项B 责怪对手指出漏洞是不正确的态度。
选项D 强烈否认也不能解决问题。
选项C 承认并尝试修正,展现了诚实和积极解决问题的态度,有助于辩论的进行。
20. In a heated debate, it is important to:
A. Lose your temper
B. Stay calm and rational
C. Interrupt your opponent constantly
D. Focus only on winning
在激烈的辩论中,选项A 发脾气会影响辩论的质量和自身形象。
选项C 不断打断对手是不礼貌且不利于交流的。
选项D 只关注获胜可能导致忽视论点的合理性。
而选项B 保持冷静和理性,才能更好地表达观点和应对对手。
21. In a debate, which of the following expressions is more persuasive?
A. I think maybe...
B. I firmly believe that
C. I guess it could be...
D. Possibly...
选项A“ I think maybe...”
和选项C“ I guess it could be...”以及选项D“ Possibly...”表达都比较模糊和不确定,缺乏坚定的态度,说服力较弱。
而选项B“ I firmly believe that ”语气坚定,更能让人信服。
22. When making a point in a debate, which is the better choice?
A. It seems like...
B. There is a possibility that...
C. Definitely...
D. Kind of...
在辩论中表达观点时,选项A“ It seems like...”、选项B“ There is a possibility that...”和选项D“ Kind of...”都比较含糊,不能明确地表达观点。
选项C“ Definitely...”非常明确肯定,能增强表达的力度。
23. Which statement shows more confidence in a debate?
A. I'm not quite sure...
B. I'm relatively confident...
C. I'm absolutely certain...
D. Maybe I'm right...
选项A“ I'm not quite sure...”和选项D“ Maybe I'm right...”都表现出不确定和犹豫,自信程度低。
选项B“ I'm relatively confident...”相对自信,但不如选项C“ I'm absolutely certain...”绝对肯定的表达更具自信。
24. In a debate, which phrase is less effective in presenting an
A. Without a doubt...
B. To some extent...
C. Undoubtedly...
D. Clearly...
选项A“ Without a doubt...”、选项C“ Undoubtedly...”和选项D“ Clearly...”都能有力地支持论点。
而选项B“ To some extent...”表示在一定程度上,语气较弱,论证效果相对较差。
25. Which of the following is the weakest way to start an argument in
a debate?
A. Well, actually...
B. Generally speaking...
C. To be honest...
D. On the contrary...
在辩论中开启论点的方式中,选项A“ Well, actually...”、选项B“ Generally speaking...”和选项D“ On the contrary...”都能较明确地引入观点。
而选项C“ To be honest...”更多用于表达个人态度,作为开启论点的方式较为薄弱。
26. When presenting your argument in a debate, which of the following is the least effective way?
A. Using clear and simple language.
B. Repeating your main point multiple times without providing new evidence.
C. Anticipating and addressing counterarguments.
D. Supporting your point with relevant examples.
A 选项使用清晰简单的语言能让听众更好理解;C 选项预料并回应反方论点有助于增强自己观点的说服力;D 选项用相关例子支持观点能使观点更具可信度。
27. In a debate, if your opponent raises a strong counterargument, what should you do first?
A. Ignore it and continue with your own points.
B. Immediately try to refute it with emotional language.
C. Acknowledge it and then provide a rational response.
D. Change the topic to avoid the difficulty.
A 选项忽略会显得不尊重对手且无法解决问题;B 选项用情绪化语言反驳可能会让辩论变得不理性;D 选项改变话题是逃避问题的表现。
28. Which of the following is an important skill in rebutting your opponent's argument?
A. Just stating your own opinion loudly.
B. Pointing out the logical flaws in their reasoning.
C. Making personal attacks on your opponent.
D. Avoiding eye contact to show confidence.
A 选项仅大声陈述自己的观点没有针对性;C 选项对对手进行人身攻击是不道德且不符合辩论规则的;D 选项避免眼神接触不能显示自信,也不是有效的反驳策略。
29. During a debate, how can you enhance the persuasiveness of your speech?
A. Speaking very fast to finish within the time limit.
B. Using complex words to show your vocabulary.
C. Presenting a well-structured and organized argument.
D. Keeping silent when you are not sure about the answer.
A 选项语速过快可能导致听众难以理解;B 选项使用复杂词汇可能造成理解障碍;D 选项在不确定答案时保持沉默无法展示自己的观点。
30. What is the key to winning a debate?
A. Having a louder voice than your opponent.
B. Convincing the audience and judges rather than just defeating your opponent.
C. Interrupting your opponent frequently to show your dominance.
D. Focusing only on your own points and ignoring your opponent's.
A 选项声音大不能代表观点正确有说服力;C 选项频繁打断对手是不礼貌且不利于辩论进行的;D 选项只关注自己的观点而忽略对手的会使辩论不全面。