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近年来伤医事件、生产事故、自然灾害等公共 卫生事件呈多发趋势,医院作为城市的医疗保障中 心,医疗机构和医务工作者急需加深对高风险事件
△ 基 金 项 目 :江 苏 省 医 院 协 会 医 院 管 理 研 究 创 新 课 题 (JSYGY-3-2019-103) ∗通讯作者:E⁃mail:jgzzl163@
的预警及科学处理。江苏省某涉外医院是 1939 年 建成的一所集医、教、研于一体的三级乙等综合性 医院。医院地处黄海之滨,距离海岸线 3.9 公里,距 离核电站仅 10 公里,海外专家及留学生较多,人员 流动性大,一旦发生灾害事件,医院运转将面临巨 大挑战,因此做好灾害脆弱性分析(Hazard Vulnera⁃ bility Analysis,HVA)尤为重要。
[Abstract] Objective:Through carrying out the hazard vulnerability analysis,to identify the emergencies that a foreign-related hos⁃ pital urgently need to respond to,and to provide evidence for scientifically formulating special emergency plans to improve the anti-di⁃ saster ability. Methods:The medical staffs were organized to undergo the assessment of hazard vulnerability analysis scores according to the scoring criteria,and the KAISER model was used for risk assessment and ranking. Results:Through the hazard vulnerability analysis,the top five disaster accidents of a foreign-related hospital in Jiangsu were violent medical disputes,escape due to arrears,ele⁃ vator failure,tsunami and nuclear pollution,which were the emergencies that need priority response. Conclusions:The high- risk events faced by hospitals are consistent and regional;KAISER model is applicable for hazard vulnerability analysis in all aspects of hospitals;Hazard vulnerability analysis is an important basis for hospitals to identify and prevent risks,and the results can guide hospi⁃ tals to formulate coping strategies . [Key words] high-risk event;hazard vulnerability;KAISER model
刘思言,等. 基于 KAISER 模型的江苏省某涉外医院灾害脆弱性分析
第 30 卷第 12 期 2019 年 12 月
第 30 卷第 12 期 2019 年 12 月
基于 KAISER 模型的江苏省某涉外医院灾害脆弱性分析△
刘思言 1,2,季国忠 1,3*,马建新 2,王 波 2
(1南京医科大学医政学院,江苏 南京 211166;2连云港市东方医院医务科,江苏 连云港 222042;3南京医科大学第二附属 医院党委办公室,江苏 南京 210010)
[摘 要] 目的:通过开展灾害脆弱性分析,明确医院急需应对的突发事件,为科学制定专项应急预案提供实证依据,提高抗
灾能力。方法:组织医务人员根据评分标准做出灾害脆弱性评分,运用 KAISER 模型进行风险评估和排序。结果:通过分析,
Байду номын сангаас
的突发事件。结论:医院面临的高风险事件具有一致性和地域性;KAISER 模型适用于医院各个环节开展脆弱性分析;进行灾
[关键词] 高风险事件;灾害脆弱性;KAISER 模型
[中图分类号] R197
[文献标志码] A
[文章编号] 1005-7803(2019)12-1543-03
Hazard Vulnerability Analysis of a Foreign-related Hospital in Jiangsu Province Based on KAISER Model△
Liu Siyan1,2,Ji Guozhong1,3*,Ma Jianxin3,Wang Bo2 (1School of Health Policy and Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210010,China;2Lianyungang Mu⁃ nicipal Oriental Hospital,Lianyungang 222042,China;3Party Committee Office, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China)
近年来伤医事件、生产事故、自然灾害等公共 卫生事件呈多发趋势,医院作为城市的医疗保障中 心,医疗机构和医务工作者急需加深对高风险事件
△ 基 金 项 目 :江 苏 省 医 院 协 会 医 院 管 理 研 究 创 新 课 题 (JSYGY-3-2019-103) ∗通讯作者:E⁃mail:jgzzl163@
的预警及科学处理。江苏省某涉外医院是 1939 年 建成的一所集医、教、研于一体的三级乙等综合性 医院。医院地处黄海之滨,距离海岸线 3.9 公里,距 离核电站仅 10 公里,海外专家及留学生较多,人员 流动性大,一旦发生灾害事件,医院运转将面临巨 大挑战,因此做好灾害脆弱性分析(Hazard Vulnera⁃ bility Analysis,HVA)尤为重要。
[Abstract] Objective:Through carrying out the hazard vulnerability analysis,to identify the emergencies that a foreign-related hos⁃ pital urgently need to respond to,and to provide evidence for scientifically formulating special emergency plans to improve the anti-di⁃ saster ability. Methods:The medical staffs were organized to undergo the assessment of hazard vulnerability analysis scores according to the scoring criteria,and the KAISER model was used for risk assessment and ranking. Results:Through the hazard vulnerability analysis,the top five disaster accidents of a foreign-related hospital in Jiangsu were violent medical disputes,escape due to arrears,ele⁃ vator failure,tsunami and nuclear pollution,which were the emergencies that need priority response. Conclusions:The high- risk events faced by hospitals are consistent and regional;KAISER model is applicable for hazard vulnerability analysis in all aspects of hospitals;Hazard vulnerability analysis is an important basis for hospitals to identify and prevent risks,and the results can guide hospi⁃ tals to formulate coping strategies . [Key words] high-risk event;hazard vulnerability;KAISER model
刘思言,等. 基于 KAISER 模型的江苏省某涉外医院灾害脆弱性分析
第 30 卷第 12 期 2019 年 12 月
第 30 卷第 12 期 2019 年 12 月
基于 KAISER 模型的江苏省某涉外医院灾害脆弱性分析△
刘思言 1,2,季国忠 1,3*,马建新 2,王 波 2
(1南京医科大学医政学院,江苏 南京 211166;2连云港市东方医院医务科,江苏 连云港 222042;3南京医科大学第二附属 医院党委办公室,江苏 南京 210010)
[摘 要] 目的:通过开展灾害脆弱性分析,明确医院急需应对的突发事件,为科学制定专项应急预案提供实证依据,提高抗
灾能力。方法:组织医务人员根据评分标准做出灾害脆弱性评分,运用 KAISER 模型进行风险评估和排序。结果:通过分析,
Байду номын сангаас
的突发事件。结论:医院面临的高风险事件具有一致性和地域性;KAISER 模型适用于医院各个环节开展脆弱性分析;进行灾
[关键词] 高风险事件;灾害脆弱性;KAISER 模型
[中图分类号] R197
[文献标志码] A
[文章编号] 1005-7803(2019)12-1543-03
Hazard Vulnerability Analysis of a Foreign-related Hospital in Jiangsu Province Based on KAISER Model△
Liu Siyan1,2,Ji Guozhong1,3*,Ma Jianxin3,Wang Bo2 (1School of Health Policy and Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210010,China;2Lianyungang Mu⁃ nicipal Oriental Hospital,Lianyungang 222042,China;3Party Committee Office, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China)