商务英语写作 Section 3 产品信息 Product Description and Manuals

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3. How can you introduce your product by using a product description?
• It is also important to know your customers. Then, determine what product benefits will appeal to your target market. Make sure that you use words that all your customers will understand. Do not use technical jargon unless your customers know the words. Writing a good product description requires that you create a balance between technical and emotional writing while keeping your words count down. Remember the number one rule is “Do not bore your customer with long product descriptions because they will moveion and Assessment
• 学习者需要培养的是自主而不是依赖,学习效果在很大程
度上取决于自己的主观能动性和参与性,要善于将新知识 和己有的知识相结合,使语言技能从理论形态转换为实践 形态。教师帮助他们通过设立个人目标,运用自己的学习 策略对自己的学习负责。但是,只能起帮助、建议和引导 的作用,学习的任务仍然需要靠学习者自主完成。下面第 一例收集了几个学生习作中的句子,题目要求“假设自己 公司生产了某种产品,要求按商务英语的要求进行介绍。” 请看存在什么样的问题?这些问题属于什么性质?第二例 为某公司网站的产品中英文介绍,存在大量的标点误用现 象,请你在参看本书作者讲评之前先看看问题何在?应该 如何修改?
Section 3 产品信息 Product Description and Manuals
• I. 要点概述Main Points . • 1. What is a product?
1. What is a product?
• When we say the word “product” we usually mean anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need, but actually in different situations the meaning of the word is tangible. For example, products are called merchandise in retailing; products are called raw materials purchased and finished goods sold in manufacturing; products called commodities can usually be either raw materials such as metals and agricultural products or anything widely available in the open market. Even printed materials and training course for educational purposes or services can be special forms of products.
• III. 核心词语Core Words and Phrases (omitted) • 要求课前背诵重要术语 • IV. 经典句式Typical Sentences • (omitted) • 要求首先思考如何翻译?有多少不同的路 径?变换词性、主语、从句会产生什么不 同的效果?
V. 段落写译 Paragraph Writing and Translating
2. What is a product description?
• People write an enquiry when they want to ask for more information about the product or service that interests them. They are interested in purchasing a product, but would like to have more information before making a decision. In this circumstance you need to offer a product description. It is a separate document going into more details: for example, the product description for a publication will describe its guidance, content, the different sections, its formats etc. Generally speaking, a product description usually contains an introduction, the purpose of the product, scope of the product, details of the product, delivery of the product, quality criteria, and review process. You have to offer relevant information about the purpose of product, details of what it will consist of, and set quality criteria.
• 4. 我们的Benson吸尘器带有微型的高效过 滤系统,清扫地毯的效果比我用过的任何 其他产品都要好得多,确保空气中没有灰 尘。
• 4. 我们的Benson吸尘器带有微型的高效过 滤系统,清扫地毯的效果比我用过的任何 其他产品都要好得多,确保空气中没有灰 尘。 • My Benson vacuum cleaner with its efficient micro filtration system cleans the rugs better than any I have used before, and it keeps the dust and pollen out of the air.
II. 商界名言 Business Sayings
• 1. Not to advance is to go back. 不进则退。 • 2. Care and diligence bring good luck.谨慎勤奋 行好运。 • 3. People of the same trade are enemies to each other. 同行是冤家。 • 4. The good and the expensive do not always go together. 好的未必贵,贵的未必好。 • 5. Good wine needs no bush. 酒好客自来。 • 6. A rotten apple injures its companions. 一粒老 鼠屎,带坏一锅粥。
• 5. 新开发的软件功能全面,为你提供无数 种开发创造力的方法,还可以讲故事。这 套软件对孩子们来说真是又有趣又好用。
• 5. 新开发的软件功能全面,为你提供无数 种开发创造力的方法,还可以讲故事。这 套软件对孩子们来说真是又有趣又好用。 • With a comprehensive set of features, this newly developed software gives you numerous ways to explore your creativity and tell a story. This award winning software is fun and useful for kids.
• 1. 如果市场充斥而你还想投放自己的产品, 那你就得明白是什么使得你的产品胜出, 并且要先做一些非正式的调查。
• 1. 如果市场充斥而你还想投放自己的产品, 那你就得明白是什么使得你的产品胜出, 并且要先做一些非正式的调查。 • If the market is already crowded but you still want to introduce your product, you have to see what will make your product stand out and do some informal research first.
• 2. 要搞清在线产品是否适销对路就要看看 现在是在卖什么,原因何在。如果你觉得 你的产品能行,因为没有像这样的产品出 售,或者因为没有市场。
• 2. 要搞清在线产品是否适销对路就要看看现在是 在卖什么,原因何在。如果你觉得你的产品能行, 因为没有像这样的产品出售,或者因为没有市场。 • To determine online product marketability, you have to see what is selling now and why or why not. For example, if you think your product will do well because there is nothing else like it being sold, maybe it is because there is no market for it.
• • If you have a desire to write a good product description you must try all means to convey the benefits of using the product and convince your customers that they need the product and they need to purchase it from you. A good way to start your product description is to highlight the features of the product by using the product yourself.
• 3. 对流型属于标准微波炉的改进型,比普 通微波炉加热更快。对流型微波炉内置空 气循环电扇,因此烹调食物速度更快,您 甚至可以用来烤禽或烧烤面包。
• 3. 对流型属于标准微波炉的改进型,比普通微波 炉加热更快。对流型微波炉内置空气循环电扇, 因此烹调食物速度更快,您甚至可以用来烤禽或 烧烤面包。 • The convection models are advanced versions of the standard microwave. They cook quicker than a regular microwave--a convection oven has internal fans that circulate air, thereby cooking food quicker and more evenly. You can even use these models for roasting a bird and baking bread.