A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures ---Charles M. Tiebout






考核方式:20%-出勤与课堂参与;25%-文献报告(1-2次);25%-审稿报告(1篇);30%-研究计划(学期结束后一个月以内提交)课程提纲:1. Taxation1.1 Behavioral responses to taxation: labor supply and taxable income1.2 Taxation and efficiency, tax avoidance and evasion1.3 Application to China2. Expenditure2.1 Social security2.2 Other public insurances2.3 Public goods, education, and program evaluation3. Fiscal institution and economic development3.1 Economic theory of federalism3.2 Fiscal decentralization in China3.3 Interaction of fiscal and political system, local governance阅读材料:1. Taxation1.1 Behavioral responses to taxation: labor supply and taxable incomeMacurdy, Thomas (1992). Work Disincentive Effects of Taxes: A Reexamination of Some Evidence, American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, May, pp. 243-49. Eissa, Nada (1995) “Taxation and Labor Supply of Married Women: The Tax Reform Act of 1986 as a Natural Experiment” NBER Working Paper 5023.Eissa, Nada (1996). Labor Supply and the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. In EmpiricalFoundations of Household Taxation, Chapter 1, M. Feldstein and J. Poterba, eds.University of Chicago Press. (And Comment by James J. Heckman)Feldstein, Martin (1995). The Effect of Marginal Tax Rates on Taxable Income: A Panel Study of the 1986 Tax Reform Act, Journal of Political Economy, V ol. 103, No. 3, June, pp. 551-72.Meyer, Bruce and D. Rosenbaum (2001), “Welfare, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Labor Supply of Sin gle Mothers”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116 (3), 1063-1114. Salanie,Bernard. The Economics of Taxation, MIT press, 2003. Chapter 2 “Distortions and Welfare losses”Feldstein, Martin (1999). Tax Avoidance and the Deadweight Loss of the Income Tax, Review of Economics and Statistics, V ol. 81, No. 4, November, pp. 674-80.Goolsbee, Austan (2000). What Happens When You Tax the Rich? Evidence from Executive Compensation, Journal of Political Economy, V ol. 108, No. 2, April, pp. 352-378.1.2 Taxation and efficiency, tax avoidance and evasionThe Economics of Taxation, Chapter 1, "Tax Incidence."Auerbach, Alan J. and James R. Hines, Jr. (2002). "Taxation and Economic Efficiency,"Handbook of Public Economics, v3, Chapter 21, pp. 1349-61.La Porta, R. and A. Shleifer, 2008, “The Unofficial Economy and Economic Development.”Brookings Papers on Economic Activity.Marion, J. and E. Muehlegger, 2008, “Me asuring Illegal Activity and the Effects of Regulatory Innovation: Tax Evasion and the Dyeing of Untaxed Diesel.” Journal of Political Economy, 116(4), 633-666.Desai, M., Dyck A. and Zingales, L., 2007, “Theft and Taxes.” Journal of Financial Economics, 84(3), 591–623.Fisman, Raymond and Shang-Jin Wei, 2008. “Tax Rates and Tax Evasion: Evidence from “Missing Imports” in China”, Journal of Political Economy.Cai H. and Q. Liu, 2009, “Competition and corporate tax avoidance: evidence from Chinese industrial firms”, Economic Journal, 119, 764-795.马光荣、李力行,“政府规模、地方治理与企业逃税”, 《世界经济》2012年第6期1.3 Application to ChinaWong, Christine and Richard Bird, 2008. "China's Fiscal System: A Work in Progress." In Loren Brandt and Thomas Rawski, China’s Great Economic Transformation. New York: Cambridge University Press.Ahmad, Ehtisham, “Taxation Reforms and the Sequencing of Intergovernmental Reforms in China: Preconditions for a Xiaokang Society,” in Public Finance in China: Reform and Growth for a Harmonious Society, edited by Jiwei Lou and Shuilin Wang, World Bank, 2008Chong-en Bai and Binzhen Wu “Tax Reduction and Household Consumption and Investment Behavior in Rural Areas” (农业税)Binzhen Wu and Xin Wang “Consumer Response to the Raise of Personal Income Tax Deduction” (个人所得税)Chen, Yuyu, Zongyan He, and Lei Zhang. “The Effect of Investment Tax Incentives:Evidence from China's Value-Added Tax Reform” (增值税)Jing Cai, Ann Harrison “T he Value-Added Tax Reform Puzzle” NBER working paper 17532(增值税)聂辉华、方明月和李涛,《增值税转型对企业行为和绩效的影响——以东北地区为例》,《管理世界》,2009第5期(增值税)Li, Zhigang “Measuring the Impact of Profit Taxes on the Productivity of State-Owned Enterprises Using Differential Timing of a Chinese Tax Reform”(企业所得税)Estelle Dauchy “The Impact of Tax Incentives for High-Tech and R&D Activities in China: An Empirical Estimation Based on the Enterprise Income Tax Reform” (企业所得税) 2. Expenditure2.1 Social securityDiamond, Peter, 1977. “A Framework for Social Security Analysis,” Journal of Public Economics, 8, 275-298.Feldstein, Martin, “The Optimal Level of Social Security Benefits,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100 (May 1985), 300-320.Finkelstein, Amy and James Poterba, “Adverse Selecti on in Insurance Markets: Policyholder Evidence from the U.K. Annuity Market,”Journal of Political Economy. 112 (2004), 183-208.Gruber, Jon and David Wise, “Social Security Programs and Retirement a round the World,”NBER Working Paper 6134.Krueger, Alan and Jorn-Steffen Pischke, “The Effect of Social Security on Labor Supply: A Cohort Analysis of the Notch Generation,” Journal of Labor Economics, 10 (1992), 412-437.Feng, Jin, Lixin He and Hiroshi Sato, 2011 “Public Pension and Household Saving: Evidence from China.” Journal of Comparative Economics.Zhigang Li “Estimating the Incidences of the Recent Pension Reform in China: Evidence from 100,000 Manufacturers”Feldstein, Martin. “Social Security Reform in China,” NBER Working Paper 6794. Also in China Economic Review, 10 (1999).Qian, Jiwei “Health Financing Reform and Fiscal Decentralization”Public Finance in China: Reform and Growth for a Harmonious Society edited by Jiwei Lou and Shuilin Wang, World Bank, 2008. Part VI.2.2 Other public insurancesMeyer, Bruce. “Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Spells,” Econometrica, 58 (July 1990), 757-782.Chetty, Raj “Moral Hazard versus Liquidity and Optimal Unemployment Insurance,” Journal of Political Economy, 116 (2008), 173-234.Bound, John. “The Health and Earnings of Rejected Disability Insurance Applicants,”American Economic Review, 79 (1989), 482-503.Gruber, Jon. “Disability Insurance Benefits and Labor Supply,” Journal of Political Economy, 108 (2000), 1162-1183.Gruber, Jon and Jim Poterba, “Tax Incentives and the Decision to Purchase Health Insurance:Evidence from the Self-Employed,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109 (1994), 701-733.Manning, Will et al, “Health Insurance and the Demand for Medical Care: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment,” American Economic Review, 77 (1987), 251-277.Cutler, David and Jon Gruber, “Does Public Insurance Crowd Out Private Insurance?”Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111 (1996), 391-430.2.3 Public goods, education, and program evaluationSamuelson, Paul. “The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure,” Review of Economics and Statistics, Nov. 1954, 387-389.Andreoni, James. “An Experimental Test of the Public Goods Crowding Out Hypothesis,”American Economic Review, December 1993.Chay, Kenneth and Michael Greenston e, “The Impact of Air Pollution on Infant Mortality: Evidence from Geographic Variation in Pollution Shocks Induced by a Recession”Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118 (2003), pp. 1121-1167.Angrist, Josh and Alan Krueger, “Does Compulsory School Attendanc e Affect Schooling and Earnings?” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106 (1991), 979-1014.Card, David and Alan Krueger (1992) “Does School Quality Matter? Returns to Education and the Characteristics of Public Schools in the United States. ”Journal of Political Economy.Duflo, Esther. “Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of School Construction in Indonesia: Evidence from an Unusual Policy Experiment,” American Economic Review,91 (2001), 795-813.Hoxby, Caroline. “How Teachers’ Unions Affect Education Production,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111 (1996), 671-718.Banerjee, Abhijit and Esther Duflo, Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Gloabal Poverty, Public Affairs, 2011.3. Fiscal institution and economic development3.1 Economic theory of federalismTiebout, Charles. “A Pure Theory of Local Public Expenditures,” Journal of Political Economy, 1956, 416-424.Oates, Wallace and Robert Schwab, “Economic Competition among Jurisdictions: Efficiency Enhancing or Distortion-Inducing?” Journal of Public Economics, (1988), 333-354. Weingast, Barry, (1995). “The Economic Role of Political Institutions: Market-Preserving Federalism and Economic Development,” Journal of Law and Economic Organization, 11, 1–31.Oates, Wallace, 2005. Toward A Second-Generation Theory of Fiscal Federalism, International Tax and Public Finance, 12, 349–373Besley, Tim and Stephen Coate, “Centralized versus Decentralized Provision of Local Public Goods: A Political Economy Analysis” Journal of Public Economics, 87 (2003), pp.2611-2637.Libman, Alexander 2010, “Constitutions, Regulations, and Taxes: Contradictions of Different Aspects of Decentralization” Journal of Comparative Economics, 38(4) 395-418.Sonin, Konstantin 2010, “Provincial Protectionsim.” Journal of Comparative Economics, 38.3.2 Fiscal decentralization in ChinaQian, Yingyi and Gerald. Roland. (1998). “Federalism and the Soft Budget Constraint,”American Economic Review, 88, 1143–1162.Qian, Yingyi and B. R. Weingast. (1997). “Federalism as a Commitm ent to Preserving Market Incentives,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11, 83–92.Enikolopov, Ruben and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, 2007. “Decentralization and political institutions.”Journal of Public Economics, V olume 91, Issues 11-12Jin, Hehui; Yingyi Qian and Barry Weingast, 2005. "Regional Decentralization and Fiscal Incentives: Federalism, Chinese Style." Journal of Public Economics, 89(9-10), pp.1719-1742.Cai, Hongbin and Daniel Treisman, 2006. “Did Government Decentralization Cause China’s Economic Miracle.” World Politics, 58:505-535Cai, H., and D. Treisman. 2005. “Does competition for capital discipline governments?Decentralization, globalization and public policy?”American Economic Review 95 (3): 817-830Public Finance in China: Reform and Growth for a Harmonious Society. Part I and II. Gordon, Roger and Wei Li, 2012. “Provincial and Local Government in China: Fiscal Institutions and Government Behavior.”in Capitalizing China, edited by Joseph Fan, Randall Morck and Bernard Yeung (NBER Working Paper 16694).Gordon, Roger and Wei Li, 2005. "Taxes and Economic Growth in China," in Critical Issues in China's Growth and Development, edited by Yum Kwan and Eden Yu, pp. 22-40 Han, Li and James Kung (2010) “Urbanizing China: The Changing Fiscal Incentives of Local Governments.” Manuscript, HKUST.陶然、陆曦、苏福兵、汪晖,“地区竞争格局演变下的中国转轨:财政激励和发展模式反思—对改革30年高增长的政治经济学再考察和来自“土地财政”视角的证据”《经济研究》2009年第7期Public Finance in China: Reform and Growth for a Harmonious Society. Part III.尹恒、朱虹,“县级财政生产性支出偏向研究”,2011.《中国社会科学》,1,88-101。



我国发行地方公债的利弊分析中图分类号:f830 文献标识:a 文章编号:1009-4202(2012)08-000-01摘要地方公债是政府公债体系的重要组成部分,目前我国正处于全面建设社会主义市场经济的大发展阶段,应该尝试建立地方公债制度。






根据 tiebout(1956)模型,地区居民也可以通过“以脚投票”的方式来刺激地方政府有效地提供合适的公共产品。









PhD thesis draft Cardiff University 1 第二章 公共产品的价格理论解释 赵燕菁 一、引言1954年,Paul A. Samuelson 在其经典文献《A Pure Theory of Public Expenditures 》(Paul A. Samuelson ,1954)提出了集体消费产品也就是公共产品),,1(1N N X X ++L 的经典定义:所谓共产品就是这样一类产品,当每个人消费该产品时,并不减少其他人对该产品的消费,所以对每个居民和每种产品而言都有j X j X nN +=+。


在这篇高度抽象的论文中,萨缪尔逊用简洁的方法证明,由于“为了私利,每个人都给出误导性的信号,来假装对集体消费活动有着比他真是需求更少的兴趣”,难以显示个人的偏好,因此无 “分散的价格机制不能确定集体消费的最优水平”。

于是萨缪尔逊建议:“有必要尝试其他类型的投票机制或信号传递方式” (Paul A. Samuelson ,1954,p )。


用蒂伯特的话说,就是“公共产品是一种能够被生产来、但却无法对消费者合理收费的产品”(Charles M. Tiebout ,1956,p416~424)。




不过,在蒂伯特(Charles M. Tiebout ,1956)看来“这一定义并没有解决马斯格雷夫(Musgrave )和萨缪尔逊曾经面临的任何问题。

” 因为,但早在1951年,阿罗就已经证明此路不通。

在《社会选择和个人价值Social Choice and Individual Values 》(K. J. Arrow ,1963)一书中,阿罗采用数学的公理化方法证明,当至少有三名候选人和两位选民时,不存在满足阿罗公理的选举规则。



公共物品提供与管理(经济学)1. 引言公共物品是指那些具有非竞争性和非排他性特征的物品或服务。



2. 公共物品的特征公共物品具有两个主要特征:非竞争性和非排他性。

•非竞争性: 一个人的使用不会减少其他人的使用量。


•非排他性: 无法将使用公共物品的权利限制给特定的个人或群体。



3. 公共物品的提供原因为什么需要提供公共物品?有以下几个原因:3.1. 市场失灵由于非竞争性和非排他性的特征,市场机制常常无法有效提供公共物品。

市场存在一种现象被称为“自由骑车者”(free rider),即个体可以在不支付成本的情况下享受公共物品的好处。


3.2. 外部性公共物品的供给也与外部性有关。



3.3. 公平和社会福利提供公共物品也是追求公平和社会福利的需要。


4. 公共物品的提供方法4.1. 纳税政府可以通过纳税来提供公共物品。



4.2. 政府拨款政府也可以通过直接拨款的方式提供公共物品。


4.3. 合作与伙伴关系公共物品的提供还可以通过合作与伙伴关系来实现。

新制度经济学 文献综述

新制度经济学 文献综述

新制度经济学文献:By Liang Jinhui, Zju1.The Nature of the Firm, Coase2.The problem of Social Cost, Coase3.Some Economics of Property Rights, Alchian4. A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures, Tiebout5.Might Makes Rights, Umbeck6.Dictatorship, Democracy and Development, Olson7.Spontaneous Order, Sugden8.Culture Beliefs and the Organization of Society, Grief9.The Economics of Convention, Young10.Federalism as a Commitment to Preserving Market Incentives, Qian and Weingast11.Reversal of Fortune, Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson12.Constitutions and Commitment, North and Weingast1.The Nature of the Firm, Coase (交易费用的存在促使新的经济组织的产生)文章的核心的问题有两个:一、一般认为价格机制协调经济系统的运作,而在企业内部企业家协调生产,为什么企业这种组织是必需的呢?二、资源配置由市场进行还是由企业家来决定是如何进行选择的。





















• 在假设前提下,只要系统不处于均衡状态,社区中就会有一部分双重 身份者不满足于现有模式,另外一部分人则安于现状,人口将从超过 最优规模的社区流向小于最优规模的社区,即双重身份者“用脚投票”, 迁入能满足其偏好模式的社区。而这种迁移行为可以看成一种对不同 社区公共品的市场“选购”,选购过程同时也就揭示双重身份者对公共 产品的需求(解决了公共品偏好显示的难题)。而一类公共品不同社 区最优需求的加总就是该公共品的最优社会总需求,当居民充分流动, 各个社区都达到均衡时,总需求=总供给,公共品的供给难题通过居 民的“用脚投票”这种类似完全竞争的市场方式解决了!
(Oates,1999:A peculiarly U.S. construction)
3、“自由流动”(用脚投票)能提高地方公共品供给效率,但 是如果完全没有“自由流动”(用脚投票),由于地方条件差 异及信息优势,分权条件下地方公共品支出仍然能够在萨 缪尔森条件下达到最优水平。
2、假定只有公共品,并假定人口倍增就意味着所需服务的数量也要倍增,且社区的 数量是无穷多的,每个社区在公共产品的支出上都采用不同的模式,加上前面的假设1 到假设5。此时,因为允许存在只有一个人的社区,双重身份者都能选择到那些正好能 够满足他们的偏好模式的社区,此时各个社区的需求总和也就反映了对区域化的公共 服务的需求,该需求与被正常市场力量决定的需求正好相等。
solution exists; the problem is how to find it.Samuelson,1954”

财政学 第四章 公共品及其供需均衡

财政学 第四章 公共品及其供需均衡



学习目标在完成本章的学习之后,您需要掌握以下内容◆公共品、混合公共品的定义、内涵◆公共品与私人产品的区别◆纯公共品与混合公共品的均衡分析◆公共品的提供机制4.1 公共品的定义与特征一、公共品“公共品”一词,英文为“public goods”,中文译名甚多,诸如“公共产品”、“公共物品”、“公用品”、“公共财货”、“公共商品”等。

而现有英文文献中,与“public goods”含义近似的词汇还有“social goods”、“collective goods”等。

公共品是相对于私人产品(private goods)而言的。









1Samuelson, P. A. (1945a, November), “Pure Theory of Public Expenditures”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 36, pp. 387-389; Samuelson, P. A. (1945, November), “Diagrammatic of a Theory of Public Expenditure”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 37 , pp.350-356.这就引出了公共品区别于私人产品的两大特征。



西方经济学论文参考文献Smith, A. (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell.Keynes, J. M. (1936). The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. London: Macmillan.Friedman, M. (1963). A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960. Princeton: Princeton University Press.Hayek, F. A. (1944). The Road to Serfdom. London: Routledge.Schumpeter, J. A. (1912). The Theory of Economic Development. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.Becker, G. S. (1968). "Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach." Journal of Political Economy, 76(2), 169-217. Samuelson, P. A. (1948). "International Trade and the Equalization of Factor Prices." Economic Journal, 58(230), 163-184.Arrow, K. J. (1951). "Alternative Proof of the Substitution Theorem for Leontief Models in the General Case." International Economic Review, 2(3), 131-132.Lucas, R. E. Jr. (1976). "Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique." Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1(1), 19-46.Tiebout, C. (1956). "A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures."Journal of Political Economy, 64(5), 416-424.经济学作为一门独特的学科,涵盖了各种理论、模型和方法。



万方数据财政转移支付、税收努力及中国经验的实证研究——关于税收努力的一个新的度量及其运用作者:唐沿源, Tang Qianyuan作者单位:厦门大学,厦门,361005刊名:上海行政学院学报英文刊名:THE JOURNAL OF SHANGHAI ADMINISTRATION INSTITUTE年,卷(期):2010,11(5)1.James A.Wilde The Expenditure Effects of Grant-in-Aid programs 19682.James R.Hines,Jr;Richard H.Thaler The Flypaper Effect 19953.邓子基财政学 20014.钟晓敏地方财政学 20015.李婉政府间纵向财政分配与地方财政努力--基于中国省级面板数据的研究 2007(10)6.张恒龙;陈宪政府间转移支付对地方财政努力与财政均等的影响[期刊论文]-经济科学 2007(01)7.乔宝云;范建勇;彭骥鸣政府间转移支付与地方财政努力[期刊论文]-管理世界 2006(03)8.罗伊.鲍尔;许善达中国队财政政策--税制与中央及地方的财政关系 20009.Bahl,Roy;Christine Wallich Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in China 199210.Bahl Roy A Representative Tax System Approach to Measuring Tax Effort in Developing Countries[外文期刊] 197211.Bahl Roy A Regression Approach to Tax Effort and Tax Ratio Analysis[外文期刊] 197112.Lotz.Joergen;Elliott Morss Measure Tax Efforts in Developing Countries 196713.C.V.Brown;P.M.Jaekaon公共部门经济学 200014.James M.Buchanan An Economic Theory of Clubs 196515.Edward,M.Gramlich Financing Federal Systems 199716.Gamkhar,Shama;Wallace Oates Asymmetries in the Response to Increases and Decreases in Intergovernmental Grants:Some Empirical Findings 199617.Stine,William F Is Local Government Revenue Response to Federal Aid Symmetrical? Evidence from Pennsylvania County Governments in an Era of Retrenchment 199418.Wallace,E.Oates The Dual Impact of Federal Aid on State and Local Government Expenditures 196819.Thomas,F.Pogue;L G.Sgontz The Effect of Grants-in-aid on State-Local Spending 196820.David,L.Smith The Response of State and Local Governments to Federal Grants 196821.Oates,Wallace E An Essay on Fiscal Federalism 199922.Charles M.Tiebout A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures 195623.詹姆斯.H.斯托克;马克.W.沃特森经济计量学 200524.Wooldridge,Jeffrey M Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data 200225.William H.Green Econometrics analysis 20031.胡德仁.刘亮.Hu Deren.Liu Liang中国政府间财政转移支付横向均等化效应分析[期刊论文]-山东经济2008,24(5)本文链接:/Periodical_shxzxyxb201005008.aspx。



CPLN 633: Urban & Regional EconomicsCourse DescriptionThe notion of city planning pre-supposes government involvement in the provision of infrastructure and amenities; in the regulation and shaping of urban development; in efforts to promote health and welfare through land use and environmental regulation; and (for many) in efforts to ensure that political power and economic resources are distributed equitably. Yet most planners practice in societies where resource allocation is governed primarily by markets. We study economics in city planning because it offers powerful (though frequently controversial) tools to guide decisions about when and how government should be involved in providing or subsidizing services and in shaping market activity. CPLN 633 introduces students to the distinct economic principles and vocabularies that planners rely on, and familiarizes them with local government taxation, budgeting and borrowing practice.Learning ObjectivesIn this course, students will:∙Become familiar with the principles and theories of welfare economics, public economics and land/spatial economics.∙Use these theories and principles to analyze metropolitan and city form, public sector service provision, development regulation, and urban housing andeconomic development policies.∙Come to understand the principles and practice of municipal taxation, budgeting and borrowingAssignments/Methods of AssessmentThere will be three assignments, due September 24, November 12 and December 8th. Each of these will count for 20% of the final grade. The final exam, to be given Thursday December 11 from 9-11 a.m., will count for 40% of the final grade..Schedule at a glance:Schedule of assignment due dates:Readings:Students should acquire Arthur O’Sullivan’s Urban Economics 5th or 6th edition. (Boston: McGraw Hill). The chapter notations on the syllabus are for the 6th edition; a handout provided at the first class meeting will give corresponding page numbers for the 5th edition. The remaining required readings are posted on the course Blackboard site.Week-by-Week Schedule and ReadingsP ART 1:W ELFARE AND PUBLIC S ECTOR E CONOMICSWeek 1 – September 3rd – Introduction – Markets, Planning, Efficiency, Equity (Please read these before the first class and come prepared to discuss them.) Stiglitz, Joseph. 1988. Economics of the Public Sector 3rd edition. New York: W. W.Norton. Chapters 3 & 4 (on-line).Friedmann, John. 1987. Planning in the Public Domain. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chapter 1, “The Terrain of Planning Theory”: 19-48.Richardson, Harry W. and Peter Gordon. 1993. “M arket Planning: Oxymoron or Common Sense?” Journal of the American Planning Association 59(33): 347-352. Banerjee, Tridib. 1993. “Market Planning, Mark et Planners and Planned Markets.”Journal of the American Planning Association 59(33): 353-362. (Response toRichardson and Gordon.)Week 2 – September 8 & 10 – Public Goods, Public Choice, Public Provision; Local Public Goods and the Tiebout HypothesisStiglitz Chapters 6 & 8 (quickie alternative: O’Sullivan pp. 324-339)Ladd, Helen. 2002. “School Vouchers: A Critical View.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 16(4): 3-24.Budds, Jessica and Gordon McGranahan. 2003. “Are the debates on water privatization missing the point? Experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin America.”Environment & Urbanization 15(2): 87 -113.Tiebout, Charles. 1956. “A Pure Theory of Local Public Expenditures.”Journal of Political Economy 64: 416-24.Donahue, John D. 1997. “Tiebout Or not Tiebout? The Market Metaphor and America’s Devolution Debate.”Journal of Economic Perspectives Fall: 73-82.Week 3 – September 5 & 17 – Externalities; the Market Failure Argument for Land Use PlanningStiglitz Chapter 9; O’Sullivan, Chapter 9 pp. 185-189 and skim Chapter 10Coase, Ronald. 1960. “The Problem of Social Cost.”Journal of Law and Economics.(Also available at http:/www.sfu.ca/~allen/CoaseJLE1960.pdf.) SKIMColby, Bonnie G. 2000. “Cap-and-Trade Policy Challenges: A Tale of Three Markets.”Land Economics 76(4): 638-658.Barrese, J. Efficiency and Equity Considerations in the Operation of Transfer of Development Rights Plans; Land Economics, Vol. 59, No. 2, (May, 1983), pp. 235-241P ART 2:T HE E CONOMICS OF U RBAN F ORM,L OCATION AND L AND U SEWeek 4 – September 22 & 24 – Urban and Metropolitan Form; the Growth and Structure of Cities; City Competitiveness ASSIGNMENT 1 DUE 9/24O’Sullivan Chapters 2-4Glaeser, Edward and Jesse Shapiro. 2001. “City Growth and the 2000 Census: Which Places Grew and Why?” Brookings Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy.(Also available at /es/urban/census/whygrowth.pdf.)Gyourko, Joseph. 2005. “Looking Back to Look Forward: What Can We Learn About Urban Development from Philadelphia's 350 Year History?” Working Paper 529, Samuel Zell and Robert Lurie Real Estate Center, Wharton, UPenn.Guest on 9/24: Josh Sevin, Manager of Knowledge Industry Initiatives, Philadelphia Department of CommerceWeek 5 – September 29 and October 1 – Dynamics of Urban Growth and Development; the Monocentric Model and BeyondO’Sullivan Chapters 6 & 7Anas, Alex, Richard Arnott, and Kenneth A. Small. 1998. “Urban Spatial Structure.”Journal of Economic Literature 36(3): 1426-1464. SKIMBrueckner, Jan. 2000. “Urban Sprawl: Diagnosis and Remedies.”International Regional Science Review 23(2): 160-171.Miezkoswki, Peter and Edwin Mills. 1993. “The Causes of MetropolitanSuburbanization.”Journal of Economic Perspectives 7(3): 135-47.Week 6 – October 6 & 8 – Land Use Regulation and Growth Patterns; Policy Approaches to Managing GrowthO’Sullivan Chapter 9 pp. 190-202Robert Bruegmann. 2007. “Land Use Regulation, House Prices and the New Social Contract.” Working Paper 579, Samuel Zell and Robert Lurie Real Estate Center, Wharton, UPenn.Pendall, Rolf, Robert Puentes and Jonathan Martin. 2006. “From Traditional to Reformed: A R eview of the Land Use Regulations in the Nation’s 50 LargestMetropolitan Areas.” Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Research Brief. (Also available at /reports/2006/08metropolitanpolicy_pendall.aspx.) Landis, John. 2006. “Growth Management Revisited; A Reassessment of its Efficacy, Price Effects and Impacts on Metropolitan Growth Patterns.”Journal of theAmerican Planning Association 72(4): 411-430.Levine, Jonathan. 2006. Zoned Out: Regulation, Markets and Choices in Transportation and Metropolitan Land Use. Chapter 3, “Marketlike Interpretations of Land UseControls” and Chapter 5, “Is Zoning a State Regulation or a Local Property Right?”Week 7 – October 13 &15 – Poverty, public services and central city isolation Pack, J.R. Poverty and Urban Public Expenditures. Urban Studies 35 (11) 1995-2019 Voith, Richard. 1998. “Do Suburbs Need Cities?”Journal of Regional Science 38(3): 445-64.Hill, Edward and Jeremy Nowak. 2000. “Nothing Left to Lose: Only Radical Strategies Can Help America's Most Distressed Cities.” Washington, DC: BrookingsInstitution. (A lso available at /articles/2000/summer_cities_hill.aspx.) Pastor, M., P. Dreier, E. Grigsby and M. Lopez-Garza. 2006. Regions that work: Growth, Equity and Policy in High-Performing Metropolitan Areas. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 6, Regions That Work: How Cities and Suburbs Can Grow Together.P ART 3:L OCAL P UBLIC FINANCEWeek 8 – October 20 & 22 – Municipal Budgets and Fiscal PolicyLewis, Paul. 2001. “Retail Politics: Local Sales Taxes and the Fiscalization of Land Use.” Economic Development Quarterly 15:1.Huddleston, Jack. 2005. “The Property Tax and Planning.” Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Workshop on Curriculum for Graduate Planning Programs: The Nuts and Bolts of Development Finance, July.Economy League of Greater Philadelphia Roadmap to the Philadelphia Budget Process /node/220Economy League of Greater Philadelphia Philadelphia budget glossary/node/233Norristown: The Best Argument for Reducing Local Government Fragmentation in PA /node/1010Guest on 10/22: Steve Wray, Executive Director, Economy League of Greater PhiladelphiaWeek 9 – October 27 & 29 – Capitalization and Fiscal Impact Analysis Benjamin, John D. and G. Stacy Sirmans. 1996. Mass Transportation, Apartment Rent and Property Values. Journal of Real Estate Research. 12(1).National Resources Defense Council. 2005. Developments and Dollars: An Introduction to Fiscal Impact Analysis in Land Use Planning. [7] Printed from/cities/smartgrowth/dd/ddinx.asp.Robert W. Burchell and Sahan Mukherji. 2003. Conventional Development Versus Managed Growth: The Costs of Sprawl. American Journal of Public Health . 93(9): 1534-1540Week 10 – November 3 & 5 – Capital FinancingElmer, Vicki. 2005. “Bonds and Borrowing.” Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Workshop on Curriculum for Graduate Planning Programs: The Nuts and Bolts ofDevelopment Finance, July.Elmer, Vicki. 2005. “Capital Improvement Plans and Budgets.” Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Workshop on Curriculum for Graduate Planning Programs: The Nuts and Bolts of Development Finance, July.P ART 4:H OUSING AND N EIGHBORHOOD E CONOMICSWeek 11 – November 10 & 12 Housing Economics and Policy – ASSIGNMENT 2 DUE 11/12O’Sullivan Chapters 13 & 14Appelbaum, Richard, and John I. Gilderbloom. 1986. Supply-Side Economics and Rents: Are Rental Housing Markets Truly Competitive? In R. Bratt, C. Hartman and A.Meyerson eds, Critical Perspectives on Housing. Philadelphia: Temple University Press (new – needs to be scanned).Deng, Lan. 2007. Comparing the Effects of Housing Vouchers and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits on Neighborhood Integration and School Quality. Journal of Planning Education and Research 27(1): 20-35 (new).Barton, Stephen E. 1996. “Social Housing Versus Housing Allowances: Choosing Between Two Forms of Housing Subsidy at the Local Level.” Journal of theAmerican Planning Association 62(1):108-119.Lowenstein, R. 2006. Who Needs the Mortgage Interest Deduction? New York Times Magazine March 5.Week 12 – November 17 & 19 – spatial sorting and segregation; physical mobility as an anti-poverty strategyO’Sullivan Chapter 8Jargowsky, Paul. 2003. Stunning Progress, Hidden Problems: The Dramatic Decline of Concentrated Poverty in the 1990s. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.Galster, George. 2005. “Consequences from the Redistribution of Urban Poverty in the 1990s: A Cautionary Tale.” Economic Development Quarterly 19 (2): 119-125.Imbroscio, D. Challenging the Dispersal Consensus in American Housing Policy Research Journal of Urban Affairs 30:2; 111-130.Optional: replies to Imbroscio by Xavier deSousa Briggs and John Goering/ Judith Feins.Week 13 – November 24 & 26Home Ownership Policy, Mortgages and Subprime LendingIf you did not read the Roger Lowenstein article on the home mortgage interest deduction in week 11, read it now.Colton, Kent. 2002. “Housing Finance in the United Sta tes: The Transformation of the U.S. Housing Finance System.” Cambridge: Joint Center for Housing Studies, July.(Also available at /publications/finance/W02-5_Colton.pdf.) (SKIM for main points)Bostic, Raphael, Kathleen Engel, Anthony Pennington-Cross, and Susan Wachter. 2007.“State and Local Anti-Predatory Lending Laws: The Effect of Legal Enforcement Mechanisms.” Working Paper 565, Samuel Zell and Robert Lurie Real EstateCenter, Wharton, UPenn.This American Life Episode 355 “The Giant Pool of Money” – listen on the web or download as a podcast/Radio_Episode.aspx?sched=1242Week 14 – December 1 & 3– Urban and Metropolitan Labor MarketsPersky, J, D. Felsenstein and V. Carlson. 2004. Chapter 2 “Labor Markets and Trickle Down” and Appendix A “Unemployment and Underemployment” in Does Trickle Down Work? Economic Development Strategies and Job Chains in Local Labor Markets. (Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute)Chapple, Karen. 2006. “Overcoming Mismatch: Beyond Dispersal, Mobility and Development Strategies.” Journal of the American Planning Association 72:3. Guest on 12/1: Joe Weisbord, Director of Homelessness Initiatives, Fannie Mae。


第三篇:Paul Krugman, Space : the final frontier,提到空间经济学的经典文献,不能不说现在的旗手Krugman教授。小克同志是很牛的。他在Dixit and Stiglitz的的上面的那篇文章一出来,就灵敏的嗅觉到了这个垄断竞争模型的重要性。于是,他利用上面这个模型,发了一大批文章。但是,说实在话,模型的核心都差不多。因为上面都讲了复杂模型什么的。再换换口味,先看看小克同志对空间的理解。这个有时比模型还重要,蕴含了很深的经济思想。推荐大家仔细阅读。介绍Paul Krugman, Space : the final frontier。
第一篇:Frontiers of the New Economic Geography---Fujita, Mori,介绍了空间经济学的前沿。由浅入深。我推荐大家好好的读一读,看看真正的空间经济学是什么,和二道贩子讲的空间经济学有什么区别。
第二篇:FUjita---Thunen and New economic Geography"图能和新经济地理",这篇论文讲述了新经济地理的思想的起源和复兴。通过这两篇论文,大家可以对空间经济学的发展脉络有一个大概了解。
前一个只是现有空间经济学理论的延伸,理论已经差不多了。剩下的是实证。后一个是新开创的东西,包括Fujita在内的一个Group认为经济发展的基础是知识的创新,现有的微观理论不能解释知识创新,认为知识创新是外生的。他们要雄心勃勃的建立一个新的微观经济体系∶知识创新的微观基础。好了。我最喜欢的一个教授该出场了。他就是Washington University at Saint Louis的Marcus Berliant教授,他现在就站在这个领域的最前沿。我和他有过数面之缘。他对人非常真诚,但是对学术非常的严格。我现在还和他保持这很好的联系。他是Debrew的学生,所以他的数学非常的牛。他教给了我很多做学问的方法。虽然,现在我不再学习理论了,但是很感激他。贴他的两篇文章。在大家学习这两篇论文之前,提醒大家一下,如果大家没有学习过实分析(Real Analysis),不懂得空间(比如,Banach、Lebesgue space, Hilbert Space)的话,建议跳过

























一、税收竞争理论美国经济学家Tiebout[1]在1956年发表的“A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures”一文中,第一次较全面的关注财政分权与公共品供给之间的关系,并提出了著名的“用脚投票理论”。















二、社会选择的挑战1. 自由魔法师问题自由魔法师问题是由美国经济学家理查德·穆塞尔(Richard Musgrave)提出的经典问题。


2. 自私行为与囚徒困境个人的自私行为往往会导致公共物品的滥用和浪费,因为每个人都希望获得最大的利益而不愿意承担成本。



以下是一些可能的解决途径:1. 政府干预与纳税制度政府可以通过干预和管理来提供公共物品,例如建设道路、修建公共设施等。


2. 合作与集体行动个体之间的合作和集体行动是解决公共物品问题的重要方式。


3. 奖励机制与契约设计奖励机制可以激励个人为公共物品的供给做出贡献。


4. 教育和公众意识提升加强公共物品的教育和宣传工作,提高公众对公共物品的意识和认识,培养积极参与的意识和责任,对于解决公共物品问题具有重要的作用。

A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures

A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures

CHARLES M.TIEBOUTA Pure Theory of Local Expenditures一个关于地方支出的纯理论Charles Tiebout提出了一个当地主妇在面临混合着税收和支出的选项时,如何清晰地作出匹配她们偏好行为选择的模型。








这篇论文将重述Musgrave 和Samuelson论文中的假设及核心问题,继而在考虑联邦财政和地方财政的关键差异后,将会提出一个简单的模型,由这个模型产生的地方层次上公共产品支出水平的解要比在整个国家层次上产生的解能更加充分地反映出居民的偏好。



理论问题Samuelson将公共产品定义为“集体消费的产品”(X1+1,…,X n+n),这类产品具有这样一个共同点:每个人的消费并不减少其他人对该产品的消费,所以对每个居民和每种产品而言都有X n+j=X n i+j。






A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures
作者: 查尔斯·M.蒂布特[1];吴欣望[2]
作者机构: [1]美国西北大学经济学;[2]武汉大学商学院
出版物刊名: 经济社会体制比较
页码: 37-43页
主题词: 公共产品;萨缪尔森;意愿需求;马斯格雷夫;财政支出;地方政府;城市规模;外部经济;



财政分权、开放程度与地区政府反腐力度的实证研究 ——基于2013-2018年省级面板数据分析舒秀兰发布时间:2023-06-17T01:53:06.560Z 来源:《教育学文摘》2023年7期作者:舒秀兰[导读] 本文通过对2013-2018年间的中国省级面板数据的实证分析,发现:财政分权会减弱地方政府的反腐败力度;政府反腐败力度随着经济开放程度的提升而增强;政府反腐败力度随着其一般公共服务支出比重增加反而减弱。


江西工程学院马克思主义学院江西新余 338000摘要:本文通过对2013-2018年间的中国省级面板数据的实证分析,发现:财政分权会减弱地方政府的反腐败力度;政府反腐败力度随着经济开放程度的提升而增强;政府反腐败力度随着其一般公共服务支出比重增加反而减弱。






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