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【摘要】对脐腹小蠹雌、雄成虫触角进行扫描电镜观察,结果表明:脐腹小蠹雌雄成虫之间触角形态及感器分布没有显著差异.触角锤头部感受器数量最多,约占全部感器数量的98.4%.触角上的感受器类型可以分为4种:锯齿形感受器、芽形感受器、锥形感受器、刺形感受器,分别约占全部感器数量的57.7%,28.6%,12.6%和1.1%.锯齿形感受器在触角各部均有分布,其中,锤头部的约占全部锯齿状感受器总数量的99.2%,柄节和鞭节数量只占0.8%;芽形感受器被埋于触角锤头部锯齿形感受器下面或者分散于锤头部端部;锥形感受器散生在锤头部端部边缘,与芽形感受器混生;刺形感受器分布于柄节和鞭节的连接处.%Antenna morphological characters and sensors' distribution of male and female of Scolytus schevyrewi were observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that there were no significant differences in antenna morphological characters and sensor's distribution between the male and female. Majority of sensilla spreaded on the club of the antennae and occupied 98.4% of all sensilla. The sensilla could be divided into four types: zigzag sensillum, bud-shaped sensillum, basiconca sensillum and chaeticum sensillum. These types respectively accounted for 57.7%, 28.6%, 12. 6%, and 1.1% of the total sensilla. Zigzag sensilla distributed on all parts of antennae, among which sensilla on the club accounted for 99. 2% of total
sensilla. However, sensilla on the scape and fanicles had approximately 0. 8%. Bud-shaped sensilla were buried beneath the zigzag sensilla on the club or distributed on the edges of club. Basiconca sensillum scattered on the edge of the club, and blended with bud-shaped sensilla while chaeticum sensilla distributed on the joint of the scape and funicle.
1.小粒材小蠹成虫触角结构与感受器的扫描电镜观察 [J], 李宗波;欧晓红
2.松六齿小蠹成虫触角感器的扫描电镜观察 [J], 王全坡;张然然;陈辉
3.咖啡黑(枝)小蠹成虫触角感受器的扫描电镜观察 [J], 孙世伟;刘爱勤;王政;桑利伟;苟亚峰;孟倩倩;高圣风
4.华山松大小蠹成虫触角感受器的扫描电镜观察 [J], 陈辉;李宗波;唐明
5.云南切梢小蠹雌雄成虫触角结构及感受器的扫描电镜观察 [J], 卢世栋;张新民;杨斌;赵宁