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【摘要】This study aimed to predict and validate the crucial miRNAs that regulate FoxO1 gene expression,and to elucidate the functional mechanism of these miRNAs in ovine adipose differentiation.Four online softwares were used to predict the miRNAs that might target FoxO1.A dualluciferase reporter assay system was employed to detect luciferase activity.qPCR,Western blotting and Oil red O staining were used to detect the effect of these miRNAs on the expression of FoxO1 both at mRNA and protein levels,and on the regulation of ovine preadipocyte differentiation.The results showed that FoxO1 was targeted by both miR-142 and miR-144.Overexpression of miR-142 or miR-144 significantly inhibited the luciferase activity of the dual-luciferase reporter vector,and reduced the expression of FoxO1 mRNA (P<0.01) and protein (P<
0.05).Both miR-142 and miR-144 promoted the differentiation of ovine preadipocytes and accelerated the formation of lipid droplets.In conclusion,miR-142 and miR-144 can down-regulate the expression of FoxO1,and further down-regulate PPARγ expression,thus promote the differentiation of ovine preadipocytes.%旨在预测并验证调节FoxO1基因表达
的关键miRNAs及其调节脂肪分化的机制.本研究利用4个在线软件预测与FoxO1基因具有潜在靶标关系的miRNAs.用双荧光素酶报告系统检测荧光活性.用荧光定量PCR、Western blotting和油红O染色,分别在mRNA和蛋白水平上检测miRNA对FoxO1表达的影响以及对绵羊前体脂肪细胞分化的调节作用.结果表明,miR-142和miR-144与FoxO1具有靶标关系.过表达miR-142和miR-144显著抑制了双荧光素酶报告载体的荧光活性,下调了FoxO1 mRNA(P<0.01)及其编码蛋白的表达(P<0.05).miR-142和miR-144均可促进绵羊前体脂肪细胞分化,加快脂滴形成.由此证明,miR-142和miR-144靶向负调节FoxO1的表达,进而通过FoxO1对PPARγ的负调节促进绵羊前体脂肪细胞的分化.
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2.miR-132-3p靶向UCP2调节绵羊前体脂肪细胞分化的研究 [J], 师涛;闫晓茹;潘
3.miR-33a靶向Lipin1和IRS2调节绵羊前体脂肪细胞分化的研究 [J], 王强; 潘洋洋; 乔利英; 刘建华; 赵弼时; 刘旭莹; 王凤; 梁煜; 刘文忠
4.miR-18b-3p靶向SCD调控绵羊前体脂肪细胞分化的研究 [J], 王家麒;韩福慧;赵乐;贺建宁;周李生;李兰兰;柳楠
5.绵羊前体脂肪细胞分化过程中HOXC8 DNA甲基化的研究 [J], 赵弼时;刘建华;乔利英;刘旭莹;王凤;刘文忠
